1HE Is TWENTY-SECOND YEAH. OMA1JA , WEDNESDAY MOHNJNG , OCTOBER 12 , 1802. NUMBER 115. LITTLE PROGRESS Much Trouble in Eolecting a Jury in tlio Irvine Case. HOW FISHER REGARDS THE SHOOTING Ono 1'rrp'irnl .Inrvmaa UnlicnltntliiRl ) ' Declares 'Hint Montgomery' * Miiycr ' 'niilil itpect : No .Merey from Him UctallHol tha Day. LtxtoiANeb. . , Oct. 11. fSpcclal pr.im toTiir. HP.C.J The Interest lu the lr vine trial Is growing Intense nnd from to moriow on iho court room will doubllcss be crowded , especially when It Is known ttal Irvine himself will Inko iho sinml In his own defense. Ho will bo examined by Juuco l > owor. < of Salt Lake Clti unct will glvo in detail the whole history ot his movement ! from the time ho left Salt Lake City lu ibt moment oi tbo iragedy. Mr. Irvine todaj has several times given evidence of lh < menial dlsircss lhai wns so noticeable for t few days nuccccdlng Ibo Iracedy , and ho ba ; been noticed to frequently shade his oyci with bis hands aud several tlmou there wa ; n suspicious gleam of moisture nbout hi : eyes. This feeling Is not Induced by nn.\ nervousness or apprehension as to the prob able outcome of tba trial , but caused in on by the painful recollection of the past. The public will hardly know until It read : these lines how near both sides catno ti being .satisfied . with a Jury this afternoon When thoslalo waived llssccond peremptory challenge shortly before 4 o'clock there wai n hurrlud consulliillon among the attorney : for the defense. The question as to Iho cc coptanco of the Jury as It stood \vnaserlousl ; discussed and wns almost so decided. 1 will occasion no surprise It the Jury Is a copied bcloru cither side have oxhaustei their peremptory cuallcnccs. As soon ns th Jury is secured the stnlemont of the cas will bo made by Attorney Snell. Ho will b followed by Attorney Abbotl , who will prc scut tbo line of the defense. Mrs. Irvine will not bo n witness unlcs summoned by the prosecution. Proci-cd lilts oftlio Day. When court wns called County Attorney Snell rccnll U the Juryman , Solomon Grim who wa passed for cause Instoveulng. Mr Grim was asked by the county nttorno ; whether or nut bo would require gronte proof when the accused set up the plea o itiBinlty. Tbo state challenged Mr. Grin for cnuso , but thn dcfonso resisted nnd th court ovci ruled thu challenge. H A. llendricka and J. AI. Armstron ) passed a very searching examination us t lliulr knowludi-o of Iho cuso. Ono of th questions put to Iho latter by tha ilcfons was : "If the weight of lLo testimony oi both sides is equal , which way will you dij cldc ns to the guilt or innocence of Ihe nc cusei" The court promptly overruled th question. Cnarlei Genucbl was n very sat isliictory Juryman and wus passed for cause W. D. Kastmnn , a young burnossmukor , wa tlio Ilrst slnglo man called to the. Jury. H wns passed for cause , and the pant wns full. Mr. C. B. Cumpbull wa recalled by the defense for fur thcr examination. Oil his cxamlnalio yesterday ho testified that he had alrcad formed and expressed an opinion us to th guilt or innocence of the ucuusod. Ho wu challenged for cnuso bv the state , out thodc fcnso resisted und tub challenge was wilt drawn. This morning , nflcr repcutinc : sov crul questions , the defense challenged nil for cause and ho was excused. James Hello wus called , but after answering a row ques lions ho was excused for cause. K M. Goo convinced Iho court that bo was too HICK mnn to servo , and bo was permitted to relln A. FrcdricKion would nave been a good vtli ness in Denmark , but ho could't unucrstm , Knglish well nnoucu to pass muster. A. I llialt had an opinion runt ho was challenge for cause by the defense. Allen Stoworse : cnpod for the sumo icnson. So did W. I Collln. A. A. licemor was accepted and tl panel again tilled. Another I'olut Tor the DoOnso. When the panel was llllod for the first tin the court niinouticed Hint peremptory c.Ui : leifgcs would be made made In the followin manner : Defense 4 , stnto , dcfcn.su stale U , dcfonau , state 1 , uofcnso , state The dcfciibu objected und thu court teethe the matter under consideration. The dismissal of C. B. Campbell ncccsa tatcd the examination of the other jury mci AVhon tbo panel wus again lilted llio court si usldo bis former ruling and announced ihi the peremptory challcngoa would oo made : follows : State 1 , dofoiiao ! ) , stnto 1 , dnfun ) ! l , stnlo 1 , dofcns' ) ! l , Etnto 1 , aafcneu U , stnl 1. defcnso ' , ' , Htato 1 nnd UofcmsoS. Th wns looked upon as n decided advanlago i Ibo defense , iind It wns Iho second llmo I the trial that iho defense gained by Iho rn incs of the court , Iho Ilrst time being whe Mr. Lambcrtson was barred from the prosi cutlon. ' Solomon Grim wns iho first violim of tl < j state's peremptory challenge , nnd the d ( Icnsu tniirkcd oft W. D. Kastmnn. The d < fcnsp used its second peremptory chailonc / on Clark Shocucy , nnd Its third upon I O'llallorcn. from this point the cxumn ullon ol Jurymen proceeded rapldlv , nn twelve men weto culled rapidly. With 11 exception of two men , who were excused f ( Ignorance , all of the Jurymen staled Un they had moil positive opinions us to tl guilt or innocence of the accused , Oi Juryman , L. K , Fisher , n farmer , crentt qulto n stir in iho court room , when nskcd I Uio defense upon what bisnplnion was base by answering that Uio prisoner had no nc ] to shoot Montgomery. The Judge ordcn thu man to step nsldo. At : ii4r > , nftcr the defense hnd made 1 Ihlrd peremptory Rballunce , the state wutvi its righl lo challenge. Thornupon Iho d fopHU dismissed Alfred ilomlreo , QUO of U Jurymen passed yesterday afternoon. Win tba court adjourned at fi o'clock llfty-thr Juryman had been examined. The sinio hi challenged two and waived one , while t dcfonso bad challenged six. Just prior adjournment Mr , Birdsnll , one of the Jut mun who hud been passed , asked to bo F. uusod en the ground of poor boaltb. II permission was grantor. Shortly before tuldnlgtil Monday evening ' M. Lambcrlson applied to the supreme cou for a mandamus to compel Uio district cou to permit him to upponr in the cnsu. Tc loprc.seiitutlvu of Tun BUB Mr , Lamberts stntcd this morning llmt ho did not expccl decision nt once , in fact ho felt conlldo that iho wupromo court' uouhl not intorfu during the progress of this trial , but wou decide It us a mere matter of law later. Sioux Illlllillll on u VUII , KMUIISUV , Nub. , Oct. 11 , ( Special to T BUB. , Three hundred Santee Sioux India uro vUiilng their reu brethren , the Wlnt bagocs , nl the ngeney. A few months ngot AVinnebnKo Indians paid the Sintco Slo Indians n visit and received u goodly iiuml of presents. In return the Wlnuobagc will make presents lo their visiting bretbr and the great slauahtor of dogs , beeves n bogs to supply ttio douintida of their ci ulvorous appetites Is a sight worth steiug. Ili-ulrli'o I'lirut-iK ( 'upliiri'd. itui' , Nob. , Oct. II , [ Special Tc gram to Tin : BiiSheriff : : ] Kya rsturn Ibis afternoon from Falls City , bringing w him Guy Carroll , ono ot Iho negro furgi who recently forced the name of their fern employer , C. It. lieiiueiu Stewart xvas refctcd nt Lincoln a dny or two nco , aad b ( culprits will bo arruiijncd before Jucl Hrowu tomorrow on thu charge of forgery ruiorctl uu Onuiliit ii , KIICMONT , Neb. , Oct. 11. [ Special to T HrE.i Judge Wlllluta Marshall yestord roudurcd u Jjdcment against James Bhr T fur tOi& < Ul In the cute at I Omnhu National bank against Shrcve , Jnrvis , "c Co , and adjourned court until next Friday , when Judge Sullivan will hold n two days' session hero. Olinnri'llor Ciinllrlil at Pom , I'Eitf. Nob. , Oct. 11. [ Special to Tnr Ilr.ii.J Chancellor Can Held of the Slate unl' verslty spoke to n largo nudlenco In ' .be normal chapel last nlht , subjict , "ICduo.i1 tloti and iho Slaio. " Ho Inlroduced his ro maiUs by speaking of Iho friendliness ihul existed bctvccn Iho normal nnO tbo uiilvcr Elty. Tbo lecture lasted for an hour anil onn-hnlf. utter which n Mcopllon was I.eld It honor of Iho chancellor. rro sod O .Street In S.irrty. LINCOLN , Nob. , Oct. 11 , [ bpoclal Tele pram to TIIR Bic.J ; The KocH Island pcoph crossed O street tonight. At 7 o'clock n larg < force of men began tearing un pavement , run by midnight the crossing was effected. N < opposition wus offorcd , although the motion of BaiiKct Ilinry 1C. Lewis for permission tc tnterveuo U still pending in the dlalrlc court. BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. Sensational Trstlnioiiy at tlio .Miller In quest Secretly Tul.'vn. The coroner's Itiqacst on Ibe doatb of thi lUo ( Mayor Miller was continued In Corone : Maul's undertaking rooms at 'J o'clock yes tcrdnv afternoon. Oftlcer Yimous detailed a con vocation hi hnd held with n man named Bob LiUikina ot the Friday after the tragedy , In which thi latter stated that ho could put his bands oi one ot the men who was with the Into mayoi on Tuouluy morning. Ho gnvo tha name o ono of the mon and suld that both ot lh < men lived In South Omaha. The Jury hero began all talking at once nnd out of the chaos It finally evolved tha' ' tbo Jury wanted those two moa found am brought bcloro them. Witness denied Hint ho had said that li tiad stated on Saturday nltrht that he conk cut his bund on the murderer of Mayo : Miller. Oniccr Duhols was called , but know uoth ne ; about the case except from hearsay. II icnrd Officer Vnnous SUV ho coulu lay hi land on "tho man. " Witness also wus nc qtuuntcil with ono ot the men who was will Mavor Miller on thu dny of bis ( tenth nui could glvo u description of ono of them. An attorney named Miller asuod that th 'ooin ' bo cleared with tbo exception of stenographer and himself and tbo rcqucs , vas compiled with. x ix .1 itr.iis MILL. Two .Menro Killed und Mt Itadly III .jurrd by tlm Acnldimt. OitoNO , Mo. , Oct. 11. Two largo digester n Iho Baker Pulp and Paper company' mill exploded this morning , cuuslnir ttc los of two liven and iho injury of six persons One of the mammoth digesters was throw : WU feet into tbo nlr , and hugo Iron beam : imtjers and bricks were scattered hundred of feel from the site of tbo buildings { Ichard iCain , u Gorman , was killed out right , William Kddy of Orouo was terrlbl ; Injured , and died soon after being talpn ou of the ruins. Walter Smith , Austin White more and William Buchanan were taken ou with Rcilous Injuries , nnd William Crosby II. Fan-ell and .1 nines McQueen wew badl , bruised. 1'ho total los will roach eve fliOU.OUO , and over 150 persons ore deprive of employment. Will Treat with Mm Commissioners. Gi'riiuii : , O. T. , Oct. 11. The Cboroke commission has received from the Klow : Comanche and Apache Indians , ofllclal It 'ormatioii that those Irlbes are prepared ! treat with the commission for tlu sale c their liind.1 , Tlio commission has olterc to pay the Indians S'J.oOO.OOO for the rosidu of their lauds , ; 1. < MO.OOO acres , left after a | portioning to cnnh male meitiber of tn tribes lli'J ' acres. The land Is sltuuted in tli southern part of the territory. A larco poi tiou of it Is of a Uno ti''ricullural charade and much of it is rich in minerals. Dodge. Cciuity rolltics. Fiir.Moxr , Nob. , Oct. 11. [ Special to Tn Her. I A. U. Brlggs declines to nllow hi name to bo used for county attorney on U republican licket. Next Smurdav in this city will bo heUl tb joint dnbato between Crounso and Va Wycl : in tbo afternoon , and in the cvcnlii the democrats will have their lirst "bio out , " which will consist of music , torch li.-l parade and speaking In the opera house b the lion. J. Sterling Morton , N. S. Wulbac nnd others. .MovcmcntM of Ocean Steamers. At Moville Arrived Anchorin , from Ne Vorlt. At. Bremer Haven Arrived Saalc , fro : Now York. At Fastnct Slgbled Teutonic , from No York. At Philadelphia Arrived British Pnt cess , from Liverpool. At Now York Arrived WuoMnnd , fro Antwerp. At Southampton Arrived--Lahn , fro Now York. They Were all Drowned. IV.itT lit itox. Mich. , Oct. 11. There cc now bo no question as lo Iho fate of tl steamer Nashua , ns this morning iho boil of a woman was picked up ubout tun miles below Godcrlcb , Out. It was Idptu lied ns that of Mrs. Captain Shcpurd i Brockway Center. Mich. , who win aecot : paiiymghcr husband on Iho lust Irip of U Nashua. H wns the Ilrst tidings received : to llio f.itu ot tbo crew nnd two women. Are Hack trom Hnrlug Sea. Ks ruvM.S'-o ' , C.il. , Oct. 11. Tlio Unite States revenue cutter Hlchnrd Kusu nrrlvt this morning from Boring so.i , which st has patrolled during the sealing season. Tl Hanger IH expected to return hero In a fo ilay , hut the Af.nms nnd Boar will remaIn In Hcrini ; s'-u until Docombcr 1 , Naval . lo\enieiiin. Kr.posnCsl. : . , Oct. 11. Tbo cruise Chnrloston uud Baltimore , which have bc < lying in the hurbor tlnco Friday , were Jolin by Iho San Francisco this morning , and noon tbo three vcssuU sailed for Mazatlan Mex. , bound for the Atlantic. In ( . 'oniieetleut. NKW JUvix : , Conn. , Oct. 11. The ICnigli of Columbus of Connecticut are celobrntli the Columbus anniversary hcto today. n i.i7 mn 1'uitt.v.mm , It Will lln Slnmrry mill Colder Today Nclmiikii. W.\IIINOTOX , I ) . C. , Oct. ll.--Foivcast 1 Wednesday ; For Nebraska and the Djkot Increasing eloiuliuoss , with Khowci tirlhlt und high south winds , shifting northwest ; much colder by Thursday mot I ni. ' . For Iowa--Showers In west portion ; fa followed by showers during the afternoon ulcht in east itortlons ; brisk nnd cleh soul weal winds , binding to west ; much colder 'i'ljursday morulnp. l.oeal itvroril. OrTlfK OK THU WCATIICK BuilEAf , O\t.\l Oct. 11. Oinuhu record of tcmporaturu a rainfall compared with corresponding day pasi four years : . , . IfM. 1S01. ISM. IS . . = = = ' Maximum temperature. . . TS cu Ttf Mliiliniini teiuiior.ituio. . . W3 l = 'ija & Aturairu tuitipcraturo ni = > 57 = ( JP G I'rc'c-lpliution CK ) , co . ' . ' 5 ; Statcinciit showing the condition ot tc pcruturu utid procipltntlon at Omaha for I day aud slnco March 1 , IbW , as compai with the ( ictierul average : Normal tfiuucraturo fi K\u < s fur lliuday ' ) Uoiloioiuy siiu'u Marcli I , . . , , jy Norniiil picrinltatlnii oflln DelleU'iK-y for tlio duv ojju Deaclvncy ulnru March I s.c" Incl G. K. L.HVTO.S , Observer , WAR SHIPS OF THE NATIONS Magnificent Naval P.cvlow in Now York Harbor in Honor of Columbus. COUNTLESS THOUSANDS CHEER THE SIGHT Star * mid Stripe * In ( Jlnrlomly AjjgrcMlvc i : liloiicc.-VcsiirU that I'rutirt tlir 1'iiD- plr.'N Honor and Ships Hint deartho rrodiictaota I'cuploVi Industry. Nnw YOIIK , Oct. II. Toda Now Vorkors nrc seeking pleasure , ns vigorously ns they usually seek ttio almighty dollar. Kvory- body lius given lilmsclt over to the delights ol the Columbian celebration. Tbo nuviil parade today wns a grand sight but nothing eomp.irod to tbo picture presented by tbc countless thousands of the people who us gambled along the shores nnd the bay to sec It , It was simply sublime. The most ooii' scrvntlvo boar on U'ull street woula have said a million people at the very lo.vost call' mate saw .ho p.mido. Everything in tbo town scorned to nnvo n MAR attached to it. Even thostori ) , hard-vis aged old manipulator of stocks onu bond ! throw off his c\ld \ ) dignity nnd stuck n little banner of rod , \vliKo and liluo in the lapel ol Ins coat. The hnlf-slnrvod creatures froti : the ran shops of Hosier street , Mulberrj Uoud and Five Points forgot their pains txtul hardships and wont down to see the parade nnd nearly every mother's son of them hud the emblem of American freedom nbout him in some slmpo or other. Star Spangled llanncr.Supreme. Stars nnd stripes rule the town. Flags of ovary nation under the sun arc to bo scan , but the beautiful banner of the union out numbers them all put together a thousand tc one. There was an exodus from thn easl side of New York toJny and from Brooklyn too. It began bright nnd early , and by noon the streets seemed deserted. 13very human bein ; : scorned to have sought some point ol vantage on the west side where it coulu sec the great monarch's of the oeoan come up tbc bay In ono grand llset. No ouo was disap pointed. It was aslant never to bo forgotten ton , and probably not to bo soon again bj this generaltou. The start , was made nt 1:30 : o'clock Iron Graveser.d buy. Tuero were three column ; in the parade and thu diUauco between end column was ! ! 00 yurcls. The foreign ship- occupied tin center , the United States vessels sols on oilber side as an escort. As the lint rcaened the Narrows H salute of twenty-otic cuns was llrcd from oithur shore. First In thu line came ttio patrolling flotlllt manned by the naval militia of New York The United States torpouo boat Cushiiif with O. Nicholson Kane , director of tlu naval parade , on board catno noxt. Thi ; was a sort oi bkirmUh line to clear the waj for the majestic llce.t that slowly , craudlj moved across the bay. ( itiardlans of Columbia's lliiuiir. The United States flag ship , Philadelphia proudly loci the way of ttio visiting men-of ivur. She had on board Gommodoro Hunrji KrUen. United Suites navy , the commitlci on naval parade , the ofllcial guests , Captati A. S. Barker , Lioutonunt-commanuer Frank ; ln llnnford , Lieutenant-commander H. li Mansllold and Lieutenant Scuililer Prime. Following came tbo men-of-war or nnvu division , the vessels advancing in thu position : United States steamer Miantonoman , Cap tain Montgomery bicaro. United States flagship Philadelphia , Cap tiiln Alberts. Barker. French llapship iVArclhuso , Hoar Ad miral do Lobriant. United States steamer Atlanta , Captaii F. K. HigKinson. United States steamer Dolphin , Com inandorV. . h. Hrownson. French gunboat Hussard. Coast survey steamer Blake , Lioutenan C. S. Vecland. United States steamer Vesuvius , Lioutcu ant Soaton Shrodcr. Italian cruiser iiausau. United States shin St. .Mary's , Commando Jolin McUowan. _ Havenue steamer Grant. Cantuln Thoma Smith. Suaulsh cruiser Infanta Isabel. Lighthouse steamer Amunla. Uavenuo steamer Jaxtor , Captain J. A. S Lamb. United States steamer Cushinp , Lleuten ant C. M. 1C. Wlnslow. There was a special licet following in government \cssels. It composed the firs division. In it were the llro and dock dc partmont boats nnd fifteen saohts. The second division contained serontcoi municipal boats. TUo third division wa made up of twelve steamboats. In th fourth division were fifteen steamboat and fertv boats. The tifth divisio : was made up of f.ventv-llve steamboats an iaa.i. The sixth division had twcnty-tw tugs In lino. In the seventh division tbo. were twenty-flight propellers , steamboat and UIKS. The eighth division was made u of Iweniy-livo lugi nnd propellers. Th ninth division wai made up of ci bt mci chnnlinon. TUo tenth division coutalno fourtcnn merchant vessels. Snl M I u < if duns nnd ( Ulcer * ol Cltl/.cn < i , Ono of thn sights of the parade wasn serlo of cigautle lloats illustratinp the romarknbl progress In the art of shipbuilding oliico th time Columbus discovered America. The licet of the naval reserve , conslstin of sixteen tus : divided into four squadron ! brought up the rear. As the parade passed Haltcry parli seco.id salute of twonty-ono guns was llroil The runililliiu' of the cannon had scarce ! died nway when Ihn mlchty host on th shores began to cheer. It began at the Bat lory mm swept along slowly but mlgluil like the roar of cloud reunions n thundurbo ! has severed , IJoloro It reached the en of the line , It was again taken up by th assembled throng on the Mattery , nnd ngai the roar rolled along the shores of Nort river until the very foundations of Manhal tan island scorned to tromblo. Thu Ihroo columns of vcssju moved on ui Interrupted until oppuMto Una Hundred an Twonty'-llfth street , where the ships cai unchor. Then Mayor Grant with the mi nlcipal cuosts , passed uloug Iho line in h boat , and as they p.ised a saiuto of twonf ' ono guns was llrod. This ended the parnd' Amonc the guests of trie parade commiitt were Vice President Morton , Sccrutat Uusk , ox-Secretary Whitney , Govnriu Flower , Mrs. U. S. Grant , Minister Kgn on ! cx-Prosidont Cleveland. The day wi perfect , with not u cloud in the slty. r.Mt.un ; or o.vrnoi.iu surnrrir.s 'J'iifiilj'-ri\n Thousand In Line A Cr.ui Program l'nr Today. NKW Yoitu , Oct. 11. At S o'clock In tl ovcnlnt : the parade of the united Cathol societies was started at Fifty-ninth sire nnd Klgtith avenue. They inarched to Fif avenue and Sevcntoonth street , to Unit Square , to ICnst Fourteenth stroct , to Ut veralty place , \Vaverly place , \\asuin ton tquuro and Droadway and Four btrcct , where the parade was disbanded. There were 'J3,000 IComnn Catholics in Hi under the command of Father Keefo an Victor Dowllug. ArcbuUhop Corrlean reviewed the parai as It passed the Koman Cathol orphan asylum. The order of the parai was as follows : Platoon of mounted pollc Urand Marshal John A. Sullivan , lioi Much J. ( Jrant , mayor of the city of No York : Ilr.t envision , tioaaed by Canpa Seventh Kcglment band , nnd mada up c .twenty-sovfcn unions of Holy.N'amosopictlc commanded by Kiifeno.\larslnilana mount ( aides ; in the second division were thin Catholic sccloilc ; , tlireo marshal bands at two llfo and drum corps ; the third dlvivi was led by Hayno's Sixty-ninth Uogimoi Band. Klchard J , nutcbinson. marshal ; the fourth division were ihlrty-llvo branch of thu C'utholio Ilonctlt associutlou , K United Catholics of Aiuorica kijgcs. A ( .arse L'lumu. The big parades started at 8 o'clock ai lundrcds were njserabled .it that tioio in the seventh ro lmonl ncmory to hoar the Gcr- nan sltiRlni : socjeto ! . H was ono of the nest successful singing festivals thn city has vcr had. Some limb euro a prize xvas offered or thu best cantaln.j Tbls VMS won by Dr. iloaiannott of Haltlmoro. There were over ,000 voices In thb cboruscs. The llroworks display on the Brooklyn brlilpo bcRiin ntlOjJ : ; nnd lasted until uild- night , Ttio ( llsplny was qoreoous. There vuro IllutnlimUpns from the towers in tl.o shape of Chinese nuns , six foot In circumference enceiiti'l of nh llluinlnutlng power which enabled them to bo aeon nt n distance of twenty.flvo intlc ) , showing the American nnd Italian colors. There xvcro Rroups of bouquets nnd thou sands of rocUotd llrcd simultaneously from ho towers , cro.-ulni : and it.lntsectlntr lu thclt light. Millions : of magno lan stars of the spreading variety and of the largest calibre were Urea skyward from mortars lo a d'.s ' * tancaof buO foot. . As n wind-up lo Iho evening thcra was n iccond fait of Niagara , which occupied the encth of the bridge from lower lo tower. Tlioro were tooror than 600 square foot ol water falllnc In the shnnoof liquid tiro. Inv medintelv ntlcr this display f > ,000 rockets were flrod off simultaneously tn the form o : > bouquet From the start to the end nl > lnds of llroworks wore discharged unit tin most fastidious individual was satisfied , Todny'n I'arndo. The military parade whtuh will occur to norrow will bo n gigantic affair nnd posslblj the largest of Its kind over bold.Vednes lay ir t no anniversary day proper. Hist cgal holiday nnrt "otto which will bn long rc > nomborod. With the rinlng of the nun men will bo gun firing at tbo battery nnd olhoi parts of the city. Flags will also bj holstcil at Iho battery nnd.at tbo old fort at CoL-trn iark. Church bells will ring and the daj , vlll approach Iho Fourth of July as near n : t ciin. Perhaps there may bo oven more celebration. The military parade Is scheduled to starl at 1 o'clock. ( Jflnoral Martin Mc.MahJn will w granu marshal ) The line of march will 10 from the batlory , up Broadway t ( K'oiirth streei , nrouuaVashtngtcn Square , o Fifth avenue , theiucn tojFourtconth strool o Fourth iivcnuo to Seventeenth street tc Ifth avenue and nt Fifty-ninth street the signal will bo given to disband. Soldiers ol ill sorts will take part , There will bo rogU' nr militia , private militia organizations , nni ] .housands of mounted men. At least ti.UOU militiamen from nciRbhormi ; states arc Jxpccted to participate. It Is lmpos l- jlo tn say how many men will bo In Ine , or how long the parade will be. Tborc will bo nt least 10,000 men from other states , and ovcry available United States armj regular , including n regiment , of cavalry , will bo In lino. General Schollcld and his staff will participate. The flro department and the police depart merit will bo represented , while the Grain Army of tbo lc,6iubnc | will send thousand ! of sr.on. in ttio afternoon the Columbus monument nt Fifty-ninth street nnd Eight ! avnmia will be dedicated with tlttinii core nomes. Hundreds ol civlo bodies will par Llclpato. Atnonc them will bo ICnlp.bti Templars acil ICuigbts of Pythias. -M.vivi ; A < : K.\ND AISUAY. H UiI r Trooin That Will Attpnil tin Closlin , ' Ccruiiionle * ! ' tlu ; Wnrld' * lair. CHIC.UIO , III. . Oct. U. The dcdicatioi ceremonies of tho'World'a Columbian expo sition , ns announced this evening , will bi [ larticipatcd in by a , larger assembly of rczu lar arinv troops than-bas been mustered to getuor ut any cmo.timo since tbo war of thi robellion. Every nfui of the service wil t ko part in the military parade , which is t Include a street parade in column nnd a gram review of the troopifa Waibir.ston.parlf. . Geuoral Miles , cointriancliug the inllitar ; Department oftbtl Missouri , with head quarters in this cUy , will have command o the troops. Desicus a brilliant and numcr ons stall to assist in marshalling tbo troops General Miles will bo aided in the com m ant by Brigadier Gondral Eugene A. 'arr. It has happened but once suico the clvi wnr that two general oftlcers of the arm ; Imva been aliened togctbor for the dis charge of n single duty. General Carr. re cently promoted , aftoryenrs of distingulshci service , has been retained from asslgnmon to command o.a department , and has bcui especially detailed by the War dopartmen to assist at the grand paraue und ccromonic of dedicating the World's fall' . I.Ut ortlioKcx'ilnr * . This afternoon General Miles , having ro cnlved full authority from the secretary o wnr , listed tbo , following troopi nnd con ; panics for service lu this city on October 2C 21 and 23 , and ordered them hero for dut. from their respectiVe stations : Fort Leaven worth' , Kan. H , Seventh in fnntry ; F , Tontjh infantry 1C , Twelfth in fanlry ; F , Tlilrtoonth infantry ; Colonc Townscnd , headqxtarlcrs and band , Twcllt infantry. Fort Mackinaw , Mich. Major Coo am company D , Nineteenth infantry. Fort ICouo , Old. Colonel Wade , head quarters band , Fifth cavalry and Troop C Fifth cavalry. Fort Hlley , Klin. Major Kaiidolph , Thlr artillery ; light batteries A and F , Second ai tillery ; llsnt battery F , Fourth artillery. Fort Sheridan Troops H aud D , Sovontl cavalrv ; light battery 1C , First nrtlller ) The Fifteenth infantry. Fort Sill , 1. T. Troop D , Fifth cavalry. Fort Wayne , Mien. Band and companlc A. B aud G , Nineteenth iufantry. Fort MoaiJc , S. U. Troop L , Third m\ Urv. Urv.Fort Snelllnp , Mluu. Headquarters ban aid four co > npuuics Third infaniry. Fort NlObraraBand and six troops , Sixt cavalry ; troop L , Sixth cavalry. From Ton. Oinalin , Fort Omaha , Neb.--Hcadjuartcrj ( ban and four companies Second liifuntrv. Fort Hnbltisuu , Jsob.--Two troops Nlut cavalry. . Those troopj will arrive nbout October li so us to bavo two days in which to burnl ? up arms and cccobtromcnts , und Iho mo will bo ilicfsed lu their full dress uniforint The cavalry will appear resplendent I gold tvimmcd lielmots , surmounted by yo low hor.tuhalr plumes. The distinctive ) cbu of tbo artillery ' .yill bo red and the Infantt will bo known by white lacings and pli n ' ' The navy will , UD represented in tUo pr cession by n batulllon ot the tnarino corp Thl ! detachment- bo commanded Dy ' major , assisted bv fourteen oftlccrs of 'tl corps , The famous .Marino burnt of Was I Ington will lead the muster. The com man of marines will JcaYuJxew York October 1 The Seventh cavalry , Cmter's regimen which Iluuredconspicuously us victors I tno battle \Ybuudod Knee a llttlo over vour ago , wlll"bo reprosontcd by two troop comniuuded by Cnptaln Cbatlcs A. Varnu and Captain Luther IS. llano. There will bo nvo cotnnanloi of colorc troops In the cotntnnnd. Tney belong to tt Ninth cavalry , ouo of the two colored ros ments in the nrmy The artillery will ha\ lour light battnriei , consisting each of HI guns and n caisson to each gun , the gut und caissons .beliic each drawn by lot horses , The oost of transportlna the troops tn th city nnd rcturnlng thom to inch ; proper st lions , as well atheir subsistence wnl here , will be defrayed by luo quartorroasti and commUsnry 'departments of the arm The fair fund williot bj enrropclicd upon I uny way Less than a wecli remains tor the nation guard of the. . states to decide what part , imv , it will take in the dedication. Goner Miles said hp expected that Ohio would sou 2.000 men ; Indiana , 1000 * ; Michigan , ft * Mlunesoia , 1,000 ; Iowa , l.'OO ; Missouri , GOi Texas , 500 ; Wisconsin , 1,200. Injured liy n I'ri'inutitru nxplimloii , NEW YOHK Oct. U.-Oaocajualty U r ported us attendant on thu nuvul parad Ourfnp tbo llrlngof thn salute off the battci today a 'gun on ouo of the will mm coats wont off prematurely an Injured a cuuncr , wbo > c hand snemod huvo bep'i blown of ! as viewed from ' .t rear admiral' * , steamy aeht , Utowaua. Tl parly oil lUa Uluwnnu had n narrow oscap ax Iho ratr.mer and waudlug from the gi came on baard , ii.issluf lulu Iho cnuliio roe skyllirht , and narrowly ruUslng torno those ou L-card. EMPEROR WILLIAM'S IIEALTI Statement of a Consarvativo Paper in Sup port of Rnmors Concerning It. VORRIED BY GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIR of ttio < 'rl M.lilcli ltp < pt < th Ministry or .htulcr Dctotuilniitliiii of tilt ) Ailll-Srumr * ABlll\'t ! the Clcvos JadKi's and l.ii.M'H. . . tCopyrliitilcil 1333 by Jnmc Gordon llnnctt.1 HIIIUN : , Oct. ll.Now | York Moral Cable Special to Titu BrR.J The conscrvi ivo Deutseh Xullung ot Lcltulg confirms r 'allows the intotmallou concerning the un p.-ror's health , which t have already sei fou : ' 'The Cologne Gazette docs not conlli tsclf strictly to truth when It ussorU thi the only llmo the emperor has been utr.ve was when ho went to Homln'.cn. " Tbo a scrtion thru tbo emperor has not consulted specialist for his ear since ISsO Is also d nlod. nlod.SInco SInce his return his majesty's health lu boon good , although of late his physical co : dltlon has not boon up to the mark , bccuii ! of the cares of government , which ha\ caused him considerable worry. The folloivlnc details will give some Idc of the crisis nt the ministry of Justlci Baron Scholltug Is rightly or wrongly coi slocred to bo of .lowisti extraction , and I bo devotedly attached to tbo Jewish mill of which ho has alwavs been an nrdct protector. It is nisurtcd that bo has flllc all the highest posts under bis control wit fewlsh Judges , and that It it had been poss : ilo ho would bavo appointed Jewish lawyei o the posts of public proiCCtitoH. Thl lowcvor , It is not In his power to do , ns not but Christians can hold these olllccs. lllltril I ) } ' I \Htl-SlMllltC4. . This has brought him Into conflict wit the nnti-somltic party. The famous trlul i Cloves for the tailing ot n Catholic child : Xunten also drew down upon him the hatrc of the center nnd extreme right , and dopi tics of tlioso parlies accuse him of ha ing wrought a pqrvorsiom of crlt nnl Justlca In that case. Dcpiilli Stoecker , Kriiemor , Fritzen and others Imi attacked htm several times In Iho Diet at it appeared as If bis fall was determttH upon , when Caprlvl took him uudor hts pr tcctton by muinlaming him as koercr i seals. The niiU-sciuitlo newspapers th < commenced an attack ou him tit published a quantity of incroi iblo details of his ptist life Lcchlngcn , where ho held the post of publ prosecutor , not only charging him wl crimes committed by himself nnd by mei bers of hts family , but also of Intlmai with a well known member of the den inonclc. All this was backed up by the nam of numerous witnesses , who are said to able to confirm the charges. Ilorr Chcrlot Paosch , the well linov Gorman political writer , published all ttio accusations In the lorm of pamphlets ai ofilcos with them. rrnsociitlons r btpnncd. Baron Soliciting ut first dciuandcl th Paaseh and others who arc malting the charges against him should bo punisbc Ho has , however , withdrawn the complaint Some say ho was afraid the charges cou bo proved , while others say a compromi was made. This crisis is intensified by the Obc winder suit , an nppimdico of thoClcvcs trii It was lo have been heard on Saturd : last in Berlin nnd numerous witness arrived hero from X-inton , Clove ? , Crofc and other i laces , to prove that the minist and Judges at Cloves hud come to an unde band understanding with Hie rabbis. C arriving hero Iho wilncises were inform' ' that tbo case bad been adjourned. 1 ho re son given for tbo adjournment is that t Judges wore too fatigued by the Loov trial to undertake , without a resting spo another cause celobro. This has caused : immense sensation , nnd the liberal pro strongly protest , claiming the govurnmcir pojitiou is untenable , and thut n fall w certainly take place before tbo opening parliament. _ MUI.T/KII , HKSTINK IN WIST.MINSTII : : . Lord Tcnnj son's KciiKilns Itrninvrd to t Aljl > ry mid Will 1S Hurled Tod.iy. LONDON , Oct. 11. Lord Salisbury will ono of the pall bearers at Lord Tennysoi funeral in Wcstmiiislcr abbey tomorro The olllnlnl list of pall bcarcra is head with Iho name of Hon. Robert T. Llnco American minister , with Iho cxplnnati that Mr. Henry Wlnto , secretary of I A-morican legation , will represent him. T list includes , bosldos Lord Salisbury , Vc Kav. Henry Montague Butler uud b'r Jam Pagot. Wneti living Lord Tennyson often o pressed aversion for hearses and todav wh his body was removed from Aldworlti t coflln was carried from the house by e servants and placed In a small carl wuiti ' .o receive it. ( Us rolallvos ibcn formed procession behind the curt and started I liiulumcro suulon. Owing to the ignorapca of tbo public n' , the time the train would arrive in Lend ( only n few pewons were gathered in tt'at loa'Htution whoti the iraln rolled In , and th a crush was avoided , TUo oollln was nt once removed from I car Mid , without ostoutution of any kit placed in an ordinary van , and In this hnir.i conveyance quietly berne to Wcstmlnbi abbey. A largo number of persons gathered abe the entrance to the abbey and It was wl diniculty that policemen detailed for t duty succeeded In forming a passage : those selected to curry tho'cnnin from t van to St. Faith's cr.npol , where Iho bo will remain until the funeral takes pli tomorrow- Cunon Duckworth and olhers received I mourners und cave directions for the raiu'cmcnt of the eollln. M'ra. Hallam Tennyson placed abandso floral wreath uu tbo eollln , Cunon Oui worth offered a brief prayer , and tbo ciin ceremony ended , AiiKlrlan Itldcrs lliiiiiietcd. ! | BKIU.IN , Oct. 11. A reception liv honor tbo Austrian oftlccrs who took part in i long distance rldo was given at the pal : atPottsdam last evening , The Austrl ofllccrs were presented ono by one to lv peror\Vllliam who complimented Iho winn * and -banded them pri/.es. The Austrl.- vitro afterwards entertained ut a banqu at which tbo ompui'or had Count Starkc burg nnd Ltuutcniuit Miklos ou bis right n loft respectively. The order of Iho fourth class of the re mcut was conferred on Count Starkninbu Iho Austrian who won the lone ; race botwe Vienna and Berlin. _ Jlu iniiVlient Will lli > Short , Loxpos , Oci. 11 , The Odessa corrcspi dent of tba Mows says that copious ra have broken Iho clroulh in South Russia , 1 the winter crop * cannot-tro eaveu. llrnrd tlio Itnur nf J'nciiiiiiitlo ( inns. Ntw : YOIIK , Oct. II.For the Ilrst ti la history a pmvjmatio irun was tired a salute today. This was when dynaralvo cruiser Vesuvius , follow ho signal from aluto Forts Wndsworth and Hamilton , 'Ost'ouOed with her pneumatic guns and stir- rlscd thowholo llcet--nol the - - only visiting varships. but American men-of-war as well. 1'ho saluto. from the Vcsuvlui were a * rapid ind 114 Hiiro lu ihclr action as the secondary batteries of the cruNcrs and belcl.cd forth oars which mndj the rapid lire guns sound Ike pistols. r.iTV/ . ' initf. . of HID l'riito < tnnt BVUIMOUI : , Md. , Oct. 11.lu the hou o ot leputlos today Hov. Or. Huutlngtou of Now York rcporlcd favorably Iho rotolullon to ot apart woitcru Colorado in a misstouary urlsdlction. Adopted. The roculur order of the day being talton IP changes in the prayer bool : the fr'l.mv. ' up resolutions were adopted among oth'iST : 'rovldlne for the Inslllutlon ol the Niccno reed in the ordaining of priests ; substltut- IIK shorter phrases tor lone oncn in Iho scr- ice for Iho consecration of bishop * ; muKIng .uch chnugcs In the litany anil order for the administration of the Lord's supper ns have Jcon made anj used elsewhere ; providing for the printing of. Gloria Patrln at the end of psalm xxlv. ; omitting the words "per- nanoncoof" in the ornycr at the consecra tion of n church ; omitting the rubrics after the gospel in the ccnsccrailon of churches. Ur. Huntlngton , chairman of the joint com- nlttceo on Iho standard prayer boon , pro- sonto.t the report of the committee und offered n resolution that the texts .submitted jo accepted ns the booic of common prnver , ho housa ot bishops concurring. Dr. Halburgwut ofTercd a resolution pro- . idinc for iv ivarrangomunt of the nrtlclos and olllccs of the prayer book. After n spirited debate tbo resolution was put to a ote and lost. Dr. Ilunttngton's resolution was still be- lore tbo house when Iho midday recess was : akon. At Iho afternoon session Ur. Huntington'a ' resolution was adoptod. l'iilvtfsilUt ! : VOIIIIK I cciilc. | KciniNn , Pa. , Oct. 11.Tho national con- ontion ot Univorsullst Young People con ened in this city today. In the absence of National President Lee H. Joslyu of Bay Jlty. Mirli. , National Secretary J.-imcs D. Til- inghurst of Tutts college , Massachusetts , . ailed the convention to order and Kov. Her- iert Brlpgs of Cleveland , O. , was chosen chairman. By tomorrow .ViO dolocates are ex- > cctcd. Tonight n social gnthcrinir wr.s ticld. Two Hundred Members ol llio Improved Order at tlin Cr.iiut Council. BOOM : , In. , Oct. 11. - [ Special Telegram to run BII : . ] The annual meeting or great council of the Improved Order of Ked Mop of loiva convened in tills citv Ltiis morning with 200 delegates present from nil parts of the state. An ' nd- Iress of welcome wns made bv Kov. Han- dnll of this city and rospondcd'to bv Great baehom James Moorehead of Cedar K-iplds. The reports of thu various ollicor.s were road , showinir Ibo order to bo in excellent condi tion. Light nuiv tribes bavo boon instituted durlnc the year , and a net increase of sixty- six in mcmbur.-hip. A code of revised laws was reported by the committee , which will bo ncted upon tomorrow. A state orcnni/a- lion o the Pocauontns degree will be organ ized by the Indies tomorrow. Itntihcil Wlillo llnuilt. Four DOPOI ; , la. , Oct. 11. [ Special Tele gram to Tins BKB.J Thomas O'Dowd , claim Ing , to bp tbo owner of .1 ttubmiue saloon , died horo'laM clehcat Uio Hotel Murphv nt the close of a drunken spree. A roll ol money amounting to $ r03 which he cnrrlotl is missing , nnd tbo supposition is ihul O'Dowd wus robbed while drunk. Io\rn Kiirmern Alliance. CIMUontli'ii. Dis : MOINI : * , In. , Oct. II. Iowa state tnrmers nillitnca met today In annual convoiv lion. Tlia nnnual address was delivered by President Beardshoar of tbo Slate Agricul tural collogo. The old oflli-ors were all re- elected. Only abour , thirty delegate ; , were In ulioiidauco. SLOAN , la. , Oct. 11. [ Special Telegram tc Tin : DEIS.--Loo ] , youngest son of Kov. J. K , McNnmnrn , fell from n wagon today am ! brouo his rishl arm between tbo sboitldei and elbow. iriUj / ; / ; -riiii i..titinv u.v i.iitrn. C' . T. Yrrkas Will llnvu an I iniiicMitit Tut- etcopr Itullt for I hi ? Clilcu o ( UU i'l--.lt.v. CiucAoo , 111. , Oct. 11. Clilc'iso is to have the largest and most powerful toe ! = cope IE the world. H is the gift of Charles T , Ye flics , the street railway magnate , to th < Chicago university. Prof. George F . Hall and Prof. S.V Burnham , recently of Lick observatory , Call fornin , the present greatest nstronomlca establishment on the western coast , were thi first to agitate the matter. Mr , Yorkes became came Interested In ttio matter , nnd ho llnalli authorized them to build for the university the finest tolescopaon earth , equipped witli everything to muio : It tno bast. Tiiov wen explicitly told not to mind the queulon o ! cost. AlvinG. Clark , the famous tolcscopf mutter , wtis tulocruphod for , und has ulreiun ' unaiirtakcn to cast the glass , which will b' ( forty-fivo inches in diameter , just clovci Inches greater than the glass at Liclf , If nl goes wol ! it wlllprobauly bo turned on ih ( skloi for the Ur t time from the Chicago uni vorhity In Iho autumn of IblKi. The outlay which Mr. Yorltos will moot , is cstlmalcd'iv a round half million dollars , ixiiinu i.\n i on Wliurls Atlractlni ; Iliiiidrcd at ICvcry Stopplti ) ; I'olut. rn , O. , Oct. II. [ Special Telogran to TUB Biu.JNebraska on wheels No. J on teretl upon Its Onto missionary work earl ; this morning , exhibiting at Toledo ani Maumoo. Hundreds visited Iho train am expressed wonder ut the productiveness o Nebraska. At Man nice no nollco or dat was given of theiratn yot'OO passed tbrouch The inlorest was BO great that the exhli > I was kept open until li p. in , Toduy Napolooi und Defiance were visited nnd from iiiornlin until 0 p. m. the exhibit was crowded , Th Dcllnnco public school children to the nuin bcr o ! -r 0. ) marched lu a body nnd viowci the wonders. Tlio passenger agent at Tolcd sent word llmt BOVLMI tlckeiu were sold I different points in Nebraska sliicu the up poaranco of Nebraska on wheels In that , city ft U .W 11 Jilt I.I I. Vll.t . \ 111 ! , .Mrs. Ilr.rrliiin'H Condition Ccniiili H Aliou llic. S.mui No liiinu'illatii I > .IIIK" | ' < WAsm.NdTON , D. C. , Oct. 11. A rumo was current this afternoon thai Mrs , llarr : sou was much worjs. loqulry nl the whit house , however , showed llmt there was n foundation for tbo rumor. Private Secretor , Ilulfurd snld that the prudldetit hnd nbur doncd the trip tn Now York , not alone o account of uu unfavorable uhiiimo In Mrc Harrison's condition , but nlmply because b did not feel Ilka leaving her whlla she Is 1 her present critic-ill state of hctalth. Ho a * . sorted lhat there bad been no material uhang in tbo case for several dny , und thai no Irr incdloto cbauho was apprehended , n In Nu\v Vork , NEW YOIIK , Oct. II.An uuJiunco ihq filled Cooper Union ball to the utmoj greeted John Sherman last evonini ; . Th senator from Ohio was cnUuislusUcatlv n celvud and bis nloar and ilUVimu tnanucr e placing his ideas before hh huai'crs won bli the closest attontlon , HU t > pccch was ultv the aatno Hun of arguaiont presented bv hit before the Mutiufauturcrs club of PhilaOo phia lab * . Saturday night , Another Clioliirii * iii pr t on .Slilplmanl , Nuw YOIIB , O t , 11. Tb < ] Chicago ht been held nl ( [ uarantino ou account of suspicious death on boara during ibc NAME I ) REV.ROBERT WHEELER Allen Root Agniu Dcfcatcilin His Dcslro for Cougressioual Honors. GO-AS-YOU-PLEASE RULES ON ARITHMETH ) SrrrotiujWIM Not a l.lBliliiIiiR t'nlculntor , but llo i\ruHiiill.v : iot Tlu-ro ! lo\v l.ltllit Word Hud sonio fun Strlrhtcr'n rroiuMp . There's n preacher In tbo political after nit , notwithstanding the eligibility pi Kov. J , G. Tale , und his withdrawn ! from the race for ofllce. Ills name Is Kav. Kobsrt L.Vuculor , nnU 10 wns nominated last evertiiK by Iho popu- ists for the olllco of congressman from Iho Second Nebraska dlslriet to (111 the vacancy cnuscil by the declination of Christian OrfT , who was nominated three weeks ago by th same convention , but who supposed that Dr. a. D. Mercer instead of D. 11. Mercer WM aiming for the same oftleo on the republican tlciset , and promptly concluded thai ihs doctor's bar'l would carry a lllllo moro weight ihan ho could swing. At toast , th t was Iho explanation offered the convention nst ovouliig by ona of the members of tha ; ougro sloual commltt o , In briefly rovlow- ng the ovouts of the p\st : three weeks. But little moro than half the original dolo- eatos to the convention were present , and afior a rather tedious process ot nscorta'ln- ng Just who were tboro , Iho call of wards and precincts wns ordered for the presenta tion ot candidates , mid the names ot Allen Koot. the orU-imil Adam of tliu Douglas county braucu of the populist Kdou , and. Kov. Kobort L. Wheeler of South Omaha , wore Iho only ones thut were olVorcd. Hut Allen Couldn't Win. Hoot wasn't lu It , : iot oven to the bottom of his rolled up trou cr.i , nnd ins disappoint * mentwus tbickor'n lust .vent's Jolly , but U couldn't bo helped. ' 1 lie political children ol bis own creation had soured on hlm.as U wore , mid Colonel Koot couldn't have traded a stack of buy for the nomination , no matter liow hungry the delegates might havo-beon. Ho had the support of the Second nnd Fourth wnrds , htilf the Third and n little slice of tbo Eighth. Washington county cave him two nn.d one-third votes mid Sarpy spillnd htm ouo , while the country precincts ot Douglas considerately dropped him llvo more , n totnl of sixteen tinil live-slxtconlbs. The secretary , However , didn't nnnounco it that way. llo was qulto n pretty younjr man , nnd ho meant r.ll rlht , but ho had never learned how to apply his uHU.mctlo lo political I'pnventloni , and when ho nrosn with the llcurcs on thu paoor before him , ha remarked that It was a rather dilllcult vote to announce. He said that ho could figure U out it' ho had time , but ho didn't propose to stay Ihoro nil night , and then declared : "Iho vole Is like Ibis : Keel sixteen voles nnd u half a vote , nnd u third of n veto ; VVhcolor forty-four votes nnd u unit n vela nnd two-thirds of a vote. " Just ut ibis Juneturo Mr. Koot's face would bavo been a study ; "or un entomologist. His ruddy ctioeks piled until they were but n u few shades darker than his wblskcrj , nnd his Inward perturbation seemed ubout'to shake tno tuitions from his clothes , still ha wns net ready to abandon all hope , and ris ing to his feet , ho moved to mnlto the nomin ation of Mr. Wheeler unanimous "provided * ho will accept. " The nomlnoo was in South Omnhu , ns Kir. Koot was well aware , but if bo counted on not boincr able to hear fro-n that cenllcmnn ho was a trillo short on information. JumptMl on Nouli AVulxtcr. "You see , " said Mr. Koot , "wo haven't any time to spare , nnd the ccrtlllcato of nomina tion must bo in Lincoln in u coiinlo of days , and if wo fail to tiuiko a nomination tonight that will stick , wo will bo completely up n stump. U this mai : won't talto it , wo will bavo"to nominate fomcbody else , and it will liavo to bit done rlsiht hero a'nd now. 1 guess I will move to hold my previous motion In nboynnco [ pronounced ao'iyanco , accent on the Ilrst syllable , ! for awhile , so us to sea whether wo nro going to bear anything from him " "Mr. Koot moves to hold tlio motion in abeyance for nwhilo , " said Chairman Wil liams , pronouncing the ticklish word with due regard lor the preferences of Iho lute Mr. Webster. "I'm opposed lo holding it in obcyanco , " Interjected a delegate trom the Second ward , ringing In another twist. But even that wus not nil , fur another delegate , without u homo so far us could bo ascertained , but with a visible supply of good Intentions , discoursed mou interest ingly until called down bv tha chairman on the Inadvlslblllty ou general principles of holding things in "obul.sancu" until a man could como from South Omaha. The discussion was still going on , when a dologalc cnmo rushing in from a neighbor * ing telephone with the announcement lhai Iho iiomlnea would accept , and would coma up to tell tha convention so Just us can * tlio motor would bring him. That Rattled Mr. Koot. for as soon as ha rcall/.od that thu jig wus up and that llicra was nothing to bo gained by dulny ho ro- nowou his motion to nrilo tlio nomination unanimous , and It carried with a uhoop aud wns duly announced. The sccrotary , who hud creiwhilo orated In behalf of Koot , de claring llmt ho had boon .slmmolullv abused nnd maligned by Iho ofllciul paper of his own party , and deprecating personal Journalism until called down by Ed Morcarty , once Known to strout rumor und llio cily council , now ynllod so loudly for Iho notninco ns to put the original supporters ot that gentleman lo aluimo. Htrlukli'r'n Appeal for Volrn. Pending the arrival of the nominee , speeches were called for , und Hon V. O. StricKlor. llio nopulisl aspirant for Attorney ( . ( inoral Hastings' Jub , could not resist the temptation totbrusl himself into the itching "old. Ho said thai the convention had mntlo n good nomination , and then passed to the subject that wns nearest bis heartbis own candidacy. Ho Ilrst picked up T. J. Mahoney - honey , who , ho suld , had udvlscu people not to vote for him Ucrauso of his connection witli ibe pioniorabln L'ubcrnalorlul contest cases ol iwo ycar.i ago , and alleging Ibat ha bad sought tn discredit the returns of Doug las county at that time. Ho thought thnt Mr. Mahoney should bo the last man In tlio world to moko &uch a charge agalnsi him , us ho could remember a few mouths back when this aamo Mr , Mu- honey represented a contesting delegation In a state convention , und wont before tbo' contest committed and made charge * against Ibis sarao Governor Ilo.vd of having pncircd caucuses nnd stolen prl * matics ( or iho purpose of clouting dele * gutca fuvorablu to ins own candidacy , charges that the speaker would not bav dared lo bring. "I oolcd professionally as a duly employed attorney in Ihuconlost tn which I took part , " ho continued , "whllo Mr. Mahoney was actu ated solely by his Interest an ono of the dele * gates to thnt convention defeated for thi chairmanship , und as such made nDldavits and preferred charges ugalnU his brother democrats. Toward Governor Boyd I enter tain ibo most friendly feelings. Ho ha * made us a good governor and In going to push thut liivoslignliou at Lincoln so th&t Ihero will bo some startling development * there within tbo next few days. Ho ha * c I vcn UH a more economical administration than any republican governor wlio ever occu pied ' .ho scat. " Mury Ncvlus Illuinu Itomomltureil ] PillLAliBUMHA , Pa. , Oct. 11. The will of Klizabctb Lothrop who died October U was offered lor probalo toJay , By Us term * tier nlcco , Mary Kevins , Iho divorced wlfoof James G. UlnineJr. . , receives a legaoj ot $100 and her mother , LouUa Novmn , U bin riauaihod a Urcu portion of ibe (30.000 eitatfi led by the testatrix ,