THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. TUESDAY , OCTOBER H , Etate Averages us Given Out by the De partment of Agriculture. GOOD SHOWING FOR GENERAL CROPS v Corn Una Mniln n Slight Advance Dunne the .Mnt.lli , Aided by llin Alucnro of l neuron on the Yield nl Ulicnt. WASHINGTON- . ( ' . . Oct. lO.-Tho rcnort for wheat gives the stnto overages of yield per ncro ns ranging from 0 to 22 bushels and averaging lil Diuhols. The hvorneci of the principal wheat growing states nro as follows : Now York , H.8 ; Pennsylvania , ll.-l ; Texas. 12 H ; Ohio , 13.2 ; Mlchtgau , 14.7 ; In diana , 14 ; Illinois , H.7 ; Wisconsin , 11.5 ; Minnesota , 11.7 ; lown , 11.5 ; Missouri , 121 ; Kansas , 17 ; Nebraska , in. : ' , South Dakota , ; N'or'.h OaUoti , 18. ! ! , Washington , 18.4 ; Orcfion , 15.7 ; Cullfotnta , 12.8. The October statistical returns of Iho Da- pnrtmont of Agriculture make the general condition of corn 70.8. against 70.C tor Inst month. The absence of Jrost has boon fuvor- nblo to the ripening Tor late nnd Immature nrciis. The temperature for the last week ITI September was especially beneficial. Durlnp the past ton years there Yorc three yearIbbil , 18S7 and 1800 which reported a woiso condition In October and made a yield of from 20 to 22 buihcls per aero. The rancu ot yields of ton years has been from 00 to 02 bushels. The present condition Indicates a yield below the nvcr.igo. The stntn averages are as follows : Ohio,80 ; Indiana , 77 ; Illinois , 71 ; Colorado , 77 ; Mis- noiirl , b'J ; Kansas. 70 ; NobrasUi , 80. Only tlio Humcs of Ohio and Mlsjourl are Op to the general average. The average yield of oats Is 04.40. The Inst report of condition win the lowest in ten yours , the average belnir 01.4 , against 78.HO this ycnr. Tno average for estimated state yields of rye Is 12.7 bushols. The condition of potatoes has declined dur ing the past month from 74 SO to 07.7. Mora or less rot Is reported In the Atlantic States. In Michigan the tubers nro gener ally small on account of drouth. Low con dition Is in the eastern , middle , cen tral and western stales. It is high tn the HocUv mountain region and the south , where the crop was gathered early In the season. The condition or buckwheat has declined slnro tlin last report from S'J to GO. It Is bll In Npw York and 'M In 1'onnsylvania. The condition of tobncco has improved It or 4 points , now averaging 83. i : < i.\N IN WASIIINOTIIN. JliiTuIkH with thn President About the He- cmt Troubles nlth C'tilll WASIMMITOV , D. O. , Oct. 10. Minister Egon had an hour's conference with the president at tnc white house tins morning In regard to the relations between Chili nnd the United States. The president received him most cordially and oxpiosseu deep gratl ilcatlon at the fair and honorable settlement of the recent illfTetenccs between the two countries. Mr. Hgan deliveiod a personal message from thn prislilort of Chill to the president of the United States , expressing his 1oy and nlisfaction at the cqulublo adjustment of the matters recently In coutroversy. Prosi uent Harrison showed deep Interest iu the minister's work and insisted on hearing nl the details The conversation , however , re lated principally to the riots In Valparaiso in which the sailors of the Ualttmoro were so badly treated. The money paid by Chill In settlement o the affair is In the form of letters of trodt on Paris , and Minister Kuan has endorsed them to the ordnof Secretary Foster. Th distribution of this award has been placed in the hands of the sccictnry of the navy. Tno claims treaty between the United Suites nnd Chili , negotiated by Minlste Egan , hub also been transferred to thi custody of Secretary Foster. 1 is eminently satisfactory to the ad ministration , nnd wilt bo promptly sub milted to the senate for-action. If ralilie by that body it will bo an accomplished fact , ns it has already bscn ratilled by the Chilian congress. It covers n period of forty .vents includes claims arising Irom revolutions IT Chill nnd the war 'betuocn that country Peru nnd Bolivia , it is in such shape tbiv Iho ratlllcatioiiB can bo exchanged in Wash iuglon , A Curn tor Cholera , There is no UBO of any ono suffering with Inn cholera when Chamberlain's Colic , Choloni and Dinrrluiia Homeuv can bo pro cured. It will irlvo relief In a few minutes nnd euro in a short lime. I bavo tried it and know. W. H. Clinton , Helmetfi , N. J. The epidemic at Hclmotta was tit believed to bo cholera , but .subsequent Investigation proved it to bo n violent form of dysentery , nl most , as dangerous ns cholera. This remedy was used there with great success. Forsulo oy ilrugiristG. Wli * Sllljod. | James Tonnv pleaded not guilty to the charge of being drunk nnd disorderly yester day morning. Ills head was enveloped in ban dages and his two eyes were dtcssod in mourning. Ho claimed that ho was as- enulted by throe colored men In the roar of the Merchants hotel Sunday night. Ho was locked up but his assailants nro still missing. Too .Much nl it ItiMc , It Isnot unusual for colds contracted In the full tohnng on all winter. In sucu cases catarrh or chronic bronchltlo nro almost sure to result. A lifty-cont botllo of Charaoer- lain's Cougu Hemedy will euro nny cold. Can vou afford to risic so much for so small nn amount I This roinedy Is Intended es pecially for bad colds and 'croup nnd can always bo depended upon. For snlo by Uru"- " " Tardy iliirori. The nniiics of the 193 Jurors who were drawn to servo during the second three Weens of t bo September terra of the district .court were called yesterday mornine. Of theontlro number less tlinn sovonty-llvo re- spondcd. The suorllt and n number ot war rants were sent after the delinquents. "Lato to boa ana eany < o mo will shorten the roail to your huina In the slues. But early to boa and "Littln Uirlv UUer."ttie pill that m iiioi lllo lon . .nnnJ bailer ail wiser. \Vnnt to llecimie Saturday xvus the lust day on which tforalgnois who can register for the Novom- 'her election could take out their first papers , tip to Saturday night S applications lor cltUousuip wow lllod , Of the applicants , 000 were republicans and 125 were demo crats , _ \ Disease never successfully attaom thosvs- torn with pure blood. Oowllt's Hars.ipirllU uukes uuro now blooii anil unrlohoy btoaj , llll lllei > 111 lull. J , II , Alden , n dealer In musical Instru ments at Hcatrlcp , is advertising that he will discontinue business. \Villlnma-Hayivard Shoo company ol Omuhu has been Incorporated with a capita ! lock placed at $7f ,000. If you ere bilious , take Uoccham's 1'llsl- Oiiinhii'ii C < mt-ur-\rm . The Ouiaha coat-of-unai has arrived BIU Id being put iu position in the rotuuda of the Hy Unit. It occupies n position mlu ivaV bctwoou thu main cntniuco ur.d the fee jf the Blairs leading to tbo second floor , DeWill'4 Saraaparilia n rouanlo The Dlvurcn Uri > | ' < Ui ) to this data nnd during this term o court 1'jr unhappy couples have applied fo : divorce * . This Is the largest number tha lias over applied during anr one tuna o court Iu thu hlitory of the county , _ - * i- - - ( , ' 4 t of IMiic.iilou in Uuiuha. The itatouiont that Secretary Counoynr 1 pr p nng for the national commlsilouer o duofttlon thovri tU t tue per capita co t o Dducntlnir chlidrot. In Omnhn tvns lots lait ycnr oy JJ..TO than the vonr previous. For tlio year cndlne July , 1801 , tha per capita cost of the Cmnhn schools was WO.70 fnr onch pupil In nctunl attendance , anil for the ycnr ending July , ISO.1 , Itvn M4.4n. Tbo nvlne his been nccompllshod InrRoly by a system of consolidation introduced hv Superintendent Fitzpntrlck. With over 1,000 'noro punlli In school Inst year than iho year before the number of lerichorva > Inuronscd but very slightly. The unrth moves Kvldonce , vou CUD buy a first nlasa llnlmsnt , Snlvntlon Oil , for 2oc. Mllllnrr.v Drimrtmnnt Is now In full dross , showing tlio latest nnd most oxqulsito novelties In French , English nnu domestic stylos. Don't judge the quality by the prices i - asked. This department Is much larger I " and the stock is moro complete limn I * ever before. ! t Fancy feathers , 6c , 7c , lOc , 15c nnil 2. " > c , actual value , Mo to 76c. Ostrich fcalhors 85c , COo , 05c and 75c. Fall and winter trimmed lints $1.50 , $1 (15 ( , $1.75 , $ : > 00 ; worth ? : t 00 to $5.00. The finest imported p.ittorn hats nt surprisingly low prices. Children s school ImU in every style nt nrieos thnt will surely ploiiso. It hnS boon salt ! thnt "Keeping ovofliwtingly at It brines success. " This is what the cloak department is doing. The everlasting and surp.iasing bar gains lire sure to win. Where else can you find the endless variety , the enormous stool : to holoct from and the positive assurance of lowest cash prices. Visitors are welcome to compare prices , styles and quality. The Immense stock is beyond compare. Do you want a jacket , wrap , cloak or any kind ot mndo up garment11 ! It will surely pay you to got our prices before you buy. II AY DEN TIROS. Real ostato. Bargains only. My word Is good. W. G. Albright. -2-3 N. Y. Life bldg , The latest fads in opera glasses retail nt wholesale prices. Tudor Optical Co. . cor. Farnam and Mth. A JUVENILE TRAMP. Ilo .MmIn 111 * Way from Indiana to Oinnlin n > Hnx Cm * . Ono ot the most Intonating characters the pollco linvo hnd to dcml with for some tlmo Is now at the station walling Idontlllcntlon. Ho says that his nnmo U KddloUormnn ana tbnt his homo is m Wabash. Intl. Heuoosuot ap pear to bo moro than six or seven years old , but ho is ns orient ns n newly coined dollar nnd gives u straight account of himself. Germnn'a father is a seclion hand nnd works \Vabush. . The liltlo lullow says ho has made the trip from there to Omaha nlono and without any mnnoy. Ho would rldo as far an ho could on n passenger rnr , " hiding under the seats "or throwing hunsolf on the tnorcy of the con ductor. When put oft ho would hoard n box car nnd so on. At Shonninloah , In. , the box car which ho oc cupied wns sida-tr.ickcd , and ho mr.db for the countiy , stopping ut the most comfortat.lo farm house. lie stayed then ) for about two wcoks , en joying himself and growing fat. This morn ing ho wns brought in by Messrs. Knight nnd Sampson of Hint place and loft with the po'.ico. lie says ho has an undo and aunt named Coughlin soinowhoro In the citv , but cannot glvo tholr address. The undo wonts on n railwuv. A Cliolern senic. A reporled outbreak of cholera at Hoi- mctta , N. J. , crcalod much excilomont in thntvlcinuv. Investigation showed that tbo disease was not unolora but a violent dysen tery , which Is almost as sovuro ana danger ous as cholera. Mr. Walter Willaro , a prominent merchant of Jamcsburg , two miles from Holmottn. says Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera nun Diarrhtu.i llemoJy has given great satisfaction in the most severe cases of uvsontery. It Is certainly one of the host thingb ever made. For sale by druggists. REGISTER TODAY. 1'llices Where tlin lU > j.-Utnir Will Meet to rrepure ihe Votlnc l.iHtu , The work of ptopnrlrg the voters' list for the coming general election will bo com incncod tod.iy when the registrars of election will meet at the various polling places at 3 o'clock this morning and bo in session until U o'clock in the even ing to record the names of the voters in Iho various district * . Each volcr must register if ho wants to vote nt iho coining election. Last year's registration n void. The olher dates for registration for the ensuing election are Wednesday , October 19 , Thursday , October ! 2U , Friday , November 4 , aud Saturday , November 3. \Vhcn .Niituru Needs assistance it may bo best to render it promptly , but ono should romomnor to use even the most perlect remedies only whoa needed. The best nnd most simple and gen- tlommedy is thoSvrup of Pitrs , manufact ured by Iho California 1 < ig Syrup Co. * A ROTTENOAR ROOF. Yurilimifttiir IviiiineilyVnut Through It mid Will hoMirely Injured. J. J. Kennedy , Missouri Pacific yardmas- ter.who lives at 12'iO South Tenth stroetr-was seriously Injured by a fall from a caryostor- ihiy morning. The train bad Just boon cut and Kennedy Jumped across to the oml of the receding sec tion when the roof gave way and ho was thrown lo the ground. His right wrist was brolten , his nnlUo spralnod and the Hash torn from ono foot , tie was taken to his homo and will be laid up for some time. DoWltt'sbaraaparllla cionnioi tuo blooa , Increases the uppotlto nnd tones up the sys tem. It has bonolltod nuny people who havosulTerod from blood disorders. It will help you. Illiln for Ciiiryhii. Troopi. Bids weio opened yeslordav for carrying troops from Iho various posts In NebrdiUu to Chicago and return to participate m the dudicatorlal ceromonles of the World's fair on IhoUlst ol this month. Following urotho amounts niked by the railroad companies uompnllng : From Fort Omaha to Chicago nnd return : Chicago & Northwestern , f'l.OS : Hoclc Island. $10.10 ; MilwauUee.JJ.bO. From Fort Hoblnsou , providing the Fort Nlobrarn troops are also sent ever the same line all the way , by the Fremont. ICIUhorn & Missouri Volley , fJUaO ; from Valentino to Chicago and return , Joint bid , S18.KS ; from Fort Koblnsou to Chicago and return via Mil- waulioo and Ilurllngton , Joint hid , U nor sol- tile r. The Chicago & Northwestern put in tbo lowest bid on transportation of horsoj and , vlll probably got the contract. Mrs. U H. 1'atton , KocKlord , III , , writoi : 1 From personal experience I caa rocoinmond DoWlttl.-.SarsaparilIa , a euro for linpura blood and coneral uobillty > ' roncii ON THE PURCHASERS Norfolk's ' Water Works Bonds Causing Trouble Among the Holders. REPUDIATED AFTER THEY WERE ISSUED i\n Omalm Contractor Illil llofrctlvo Work and tin ) Tonn U'on't I'uy the llumlt A\ hit : Omiilm Hunker * Siiy of thn Urnl. There appears to bo discordant musio In Iho nlr for people who have had anything toile ilo with the Norfolit water works company. Mr. A. L. Strong , formerly of Omaha , was Iho builder of the stand pipe , nnd it was found after the works had boon completed n short tlmo that the foundation of too stand plpo was defective. On this account , tno city of Norfolk refused to pay the Interest on the bonds , which had been guaranteed by the cltv , and the bondholders were obliged to have n ro- colvor appointed and then o into their ponk- nts and furulsn money to rebuild the founda tion for thu stundplpo. And right hnre Is wiiaro the trouble began ttlth tliosu who haa handled tbo bonds nud who still hold them. The following1 , tukou from the Now York World , sets forth ono phase of the Olfllctilty : Ouu Suit Marled. Mrs. Mary Painter , a resident of this cltv , has brought nn action In the supreme court against the Globe Lean nnd Trust company of Omaha , Nob.which formerly had nn ofilco at No. 45 Hroadway , to recover f4,7l.5S : ) damngns , representing the sum ot bar in vestment. At the request of the company's ' agents she invested the amount mentioned In bonds In the Norfolk water works of Nor folk , Neb. She now claims that the state ments made to her concerning the bonds wuro false. Mrs. I'aintor Is a widow , and has five chil dren dependent upon her. Previous to June , 1800 , she had $5,000 which she desired to in vest. She mndo Inquiries about the Ulobo nnd Trust company , nnd was told that It was perfectly safe. ChnrlosII. Taylor , nn agent of the concern , called upon her. and a ho took what she supposed to be Iho mortgaga in bonds issued bv the Norfolk Water Works company. Mrs. Painter claims that Taylor told her that the water works were not en cumbered. In her complaint she states that she was given to understand that the city of Norfolk guaranteed the pajmont of Interest on tno bonds when It became due. She tailed to get but six months Interest. Mrs. Painter was told that the Chemical National bank of Now Yolk had purchased a portion of tno bonds nnd it was only a question of n few weeks when the remainder would be sold , t'ho consulted Lawyer Townsend - send and learned lhat the statements made lo her were fulso and the latter brought the action. When the papers In the case wore served the company hail an oflice at No. 45 Broad way , but soon after loft the city. \Vlmt ( liniiliii is.uiktirs buy. Mr. Cadet Taylor , with reference to the above statement , said : "Wo sold some of the Norfolk water works bonds to a man named \V. II. Weeks of Mow York about thrco years ago. Wo nnver guaranteed the payment of interest or auythtnc of the Kind. Wo sold those bouds" Just as wo sell nny other bonds. The bonds showed for themselves what tnoy were nnd any man who knows' how bonds nro handled knows that people who bell bonds on commission do not guarantee them. It seams that this man Weeks solTl the bonds to Mrs. Painter , or t least ho claims to have done so , and he probably misrepresented the securities to her. Ho has been trying a sort , of blackmailing schom" on this company for several months but wo have paid vorv Httle attention to him. The mailer has finally got into court nnd when wo got nn opportunity we shall bhow Mr. Weeks up in n light that will not bo very complimentary to his busi ness methods. "At the time we sold the bonds we asked Mr. Millard , of the Omaha National bank , about thorn and ho said ho believed they were good security and n very fair Invest ment. The Omaha & Grant Smelting Works company bought some of the bonds and we had every reason to believe that they were all right. Ail statements to the effect that wo misrepresented the matter in solline the bonds are utterly without foundation. " Mr. Joseph Millard was Boon with regard to the piesent , condition of the water works company at Norfolk and Iho value of the bonds. Ho said that it was unfortunate for the bondholders that the work on tbo .stand plpo had proved to bo defective and the whclo deal had been in unfortunate ouo. The bondnolders had been obllfrod to spend money In eider to make the stand plpo of any service and to fulllll the contract with the city ol .Norfolk. "Wo have had several letters from this man Wcons , " said .Mr. Millurd , "about thu block of bonds tbnt he bnucht. lie refused , as 1 remember it , to pay unythintr toward the now foundation for the standplpo nnd claims that he was deceived by Mr. Taylor. I do not believe that there was any effort on the part of Mr. Taylor to deceive when hn sold the bonds. Wo all thought that the bonds were good , but when Mr , Strauc got into trouble wo discovered that the work ho did on the water works plant wa : dtifoctivo and ono of the firms that had furnished some ot the material for the worKs applied for a receiver. Tno receiver was appointed and ho is still in charge of the works. What I would like to see done would bo to got tbo plant out of the bands of the receiver anil reorganize the company so as to rnalto the pioporty worth something. As it stands at present I don't bellovo the bonds arc worth 50 cents on tbo dollar. " Every season brings a now crop of cough remedies , but thov cannot compote witn teat grand , old Dr. Bull's Cough Svrup. STILL IN JAIL. rurumiin of the llclluviiu Ditch < iiin ; ; Uimlilu to Furnish Hull , Deputy Sheriff Vlo McCarty of Sarpy county was in the city yesterday , and said that Foreman Thomas Illckey of the Bellevue dllchlng gang Is still in Jail ot Papilllon , hav ing thus fur failed 10 raise the necessary money to pay the flno of $100 nnd cosu im posed by Judge Scott and to furnish the re quired bond of $ "tUO to obov the order of the court relative to thu nonproBccutloii of further work. The ofllcor said lhat ho had heard indi rectly that tbo sum of $700 baa boon raised by the friends of the prisoner on the other side of the river , nnd that they would bo over yesterday to secure his release. Gtmlura When properly tronlod as soon as the first symptoms appear , oholora can nearly always bo cured. The patient should go immodinloiy to bed and remain as quiet as possible. Send for a physician , but wlulo awaiting his arrival take Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrheas Komody in doubto dosoa after ouch operation of the bowels moro than natural. If there is severe pain or cramps take itiu double doses every liftoon mlputos until relieved. This remedy has boon used with great success in seven epidemics ol dysentery that were almost as severe anil danirerous us cholera , aud if used as directed n euro Is almost certain. Kvorv family should havoa50-cont bottle at hand ready forln slant use. After the dlsuaso is under control castor oil must bo taken to cleanse the system. No other physio or substitute will do Iu place of castor oil. For sale by drug gists. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard Sin * Ikicli A Voice of POWOT mid Swjetaesa Impilrod by Oatatrhnl Sere Throat. PROPER METHODS GIVE QUICK RELIEF. After Test Inif llielTrcutinrnt of Dm. Copeland - land mill shrpaM tlm Utnngcllftt frcrly Comiiiemli It In thn 1'ubllr. For Iho past four weeks Evangelists noyav nnd McCluslty liuvo boon con- diluting revival mcotlnpH at the First Christian church in this city. The ability and fruno of 'those gifted inon attracted throngs of nconlo to tholr meetings , and the o who hoiird Iho rich volco of Evangelist McUlusKy In the melody of sue ed song will rend with In terest the subjoined bi-lof , but expres sive statement which the noted gospel singer gives over Ills autograph signa ture : B. n McCljUSKY. Sinking Evangelist. " 1 bi'Kiin tnkliiK treatment of lira Copelaml nnil Shcpnnl , n aliorttlmo n o. forcntnrrlial nore thront : nnd uottvlthstnnilliiK tlin fuel Hint I aaiie every dny nnil uvunhiK ilurlni ; the lime , they linvo entirely reMoved - Moved the soreness and nlao slraimtbcncil my vucul powers I commend the treatment fortlio benefit I linvo ( ibtnliniil. 1 linvo found It most benollclnl. It tins nmuomy alniilni : easier nud left mo much bet tor nfturwnril I do not liesluto to recommend the trontment us liolnu' helpful to nose , thront nnd chest. " Mr. McClusky trees from Omaha to Chillicotho , Mo' , for revival work. His homo is Atlantic , la. , and ho will gladly answer any inquiries that may bo ad- drcssod. to'him. as to the merits of Drs. Copelnnd and SUepurd's methods. "MAIL Comes from the East. West , North and SoutK boirlnc testimony of the successful mcntof Drs. Oopolnnd and Shop irJ by mull' Ulank Stnt to All . . $5 A MONTH. CATAltKIl TlinATRI ) ATTlin UNIFOHM UATi : OF ti A MONL'll-MEDIOINRd KUIt- NisiiEi ) PKII : : . POU ALL oriiKit DisEASES - EASES TUB HATES WILL HE LOW AND UNirOllMAND In PROI'OIITION TO THE ACTUAL COST OF MEDICINE HEQUIHEI ) . (1 ( 1 ROOMS JllnndniVNn'V YORK Iji 1NG. OMAHA , ft Ell. W. II. COLM31..AND , M. D. C. H. HH12PAHD : . O. SVKCIAI.TIE * Ont-irrh. Astlima , Hronclil- tls. Nervous Olso iscs , Illood OIsujsos , Itlieu- matlEin. Consumption , ami all fhronlo afTcc- tlous ot the Throat , Luu s , Stomaob , Liver and Kidneys Ofllio hours : 0 to II n m. . 2 to 5 p. m. , 7 to 8 p. in. Sunday. 1'J ' a. m. tol2m. " SANA'l'IVO , " tlio AVoiutcrrul Simiilnli remedy prcNcrlbod Tor over 5O yenrw , ctiro * nil Ner- : , , VOHH DlnenncH , ii'vl > nclc of ITIeiuo- ry , ICend uc Uo , MX W XK. ' / / / , tiirr , trsis fftVlllCO I II 1 D 6 H Bf Before &Aftor Use. icinisoloim , i.ost I'liotORroplifd from life. M mill oo ll , or dlmliuitloii of the Generative Or aiiH , etc. , uiid ull cU'ectn cuiiNCd b- pant iibiiMCM. Flit tip coiivciilontly to curry In tlio vest pocket. 1'rleo SI u piickiiue , or for IPS , with n ivrlttcii Kiiaraiileo to euro or refund tlio money , if n drucKlsl trios toBCll you noino AVOKTIIL.E8H IMITA TION In placeot SAKAT1VO , enclose price In enve lope and wo will send b ; mall. I'uinplilct 111 iilulii Bculcd envelope free. Aildresw , MADRID CHEMICAL CO. , Branch Olllcofor U.S.A. 868 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO. ILL , SANATIVO Is sold la OMAHA. NEI1 , by Kulin & Co , Druggists , Cor. 151)1 ) & Douglas bts. ] . A. Fuller & Co. , Druggists , Cor. | tt Douglas Sts. , and dmcgists Rcnerally. ARE YOU SUFFERING ? FROM Female Weakness , Catarrh ort _ | t Hliciimatssm , Chronic , " " " Nervous or Private Diseases , IP BO , Dr. Searles & Searles Consultation Free. Acknowledged to ! o Ibu moat nuccosful Bpaclnllat In nil I'lllVATlt , lll.OOU , NEIlVIIUd , BMN ANIJ Ulll.V- A1IV DlHEAHt'X ( ioiiorrluii.i III from 1 to 6 itnjri. Syphilis enrol without.Mercury , All SUIKOJ fur life bTIlK" ! UltlJ | iernmnentl7 curol. roraoral com- iileUi. wllhoutoutline. iMiutlj nr illlatulon. I'IIM aductuil ul homo liy/mUiaC | wltlijut u momonl'j . ? ? . ' . TU A-AN. . > IlKCTAI. U1.CKU3 cure ! uod uci.o8if idlr curiil. Mttliml no niul uiifullln. WEAK MEN ( V1TAI.ITVVHAK ) , Jlaila 10 by too cloij nppll. cntlon to ua liuj or stinly : 8foro itr.iln ur nrlofi HKXUAb K.XCICdiISS la miajlo llfu. or Irom tlio uffccU of youthful folhm. WKAK MK.S' AUK- VICTIMS 'IO N'BHVOOrt DR. DIUTVorKXIIAUMTlOV , WAbTlNR WHAKNKsS INVOI.UNTAIIV I.OStJKS wllli IJAIU.V I1BOAV la VOIJ.NO nnd MIDUm AHB t Inok of Tim. vlitor. nod ilronutli , Hltb tuiunl ortiuni Impaired iiml weBkoneuedpramntiiruIr In uppronuhlntfold iua All rlttld roadllr to our now treatment tar lo t ot Tltnliionur. Call on or aililrito with etainp > ur rlrcu urs. free liuolt mill roculiilt , lir ! Searles & Softies , " * " Noxtui rostonice. Save four Evesisfiit Eyes toiled free toy nn EXPERT OITIOIAN I'erfeotaUjnatmonU Superior Icnuoi. Nerv- ouHlioaOucIio curud by uslrr ; our SDoatuolej and Uyoilussoj 1'rlcei low for Um clun goods. THE ALOE & PENFOLD GO , 114S , ICtUSt.Cretghtoa Dlook. WHO WILL FIND OUR LOST HOY ? A brokon-henrlod mother wishes In formation of her lost boy , who disap peared May Hist , 180:2. : .lolin F. Oohorty , ago 14 , height foot 8 Indies , light complexion , brown hair , blue eyes , si tin bnlln ; had on when last seen dark striped coat , gray p.mK shaker llannol shirt , line calf booK dark brown soft felt hut ; J50 reward for information that will lead lo finding him. CHAS. noIIKHTY. 112 N. Uth St. OMAHA. Etas ticStockmgs , Trusses. Crutches , Batteries , Syringes , Atonvzers , Mec/icaf Supp/isg. ALOE&PENFilLD , 1 US. 15th St. , Next to Poslollfei. DR , W , R , BAILEY Inonllon. IIITII nxTiiAcrni ) winioui1 r.vix ou 1)\NJEH ( A PUM , SHTOK Ti.nm ON ut'iinnu rou v.II ) . I'orfcct fit RiinrnntPiMl ' 1'i-otli oxtr.-u'tcil In llio tnornlny ; . > uu onei In citcil In uvciiln ; of s.nno dnv- Sco spoclnionsof Iletnoviililn ItrlOso. Sou specimens of Klexlblu I'l istltI'lulo All wink warranted .is ri'iirctentuil. OOlcc , 'Ihlid Kioor. I'axton Illo3t. Telephone 10S * > . Kith an 1 I'.ir.i i n S' i Ulovjitor or > ti'rwiy : fioin IClh Snout Kiitrjmci1. NOTICE OF ASriKSSMKXT OF DAM- AGUSFOUC.KAD1NO. To ihoownoisof all lots , units of lols and cslulu nloiiK'Hlli street from I > OUK < - lo Ia\- uniioit sliuut. You lire licrebv nnlllluil Ihnl the uiiilir- siKiiccl. tliicoillslnturrslcil f rinilioldcrs of the city ot Unialiu , lii\ : o ln-oii ilnly nipolntoil | bv the iniiyorlththo upplo\il : of tin- city council of i.ilil cttv. lo assess the diinias" to thu owner * ro-pcuthuly of lh propuity nf- focled by gnidlns of snlrt iticoUilculnrud ncc- ossirv by oriilnaiieo miniliur 'liMl. passed Oc- tolior 1 , IV ) , ' , npuruvuil OololJi-r 4 , IS'- ' ) . Von nto fiutlior notilicd Unit lri\lusnc- ceplud sild niniotntinunt. nnd dnlv qiiiillfluil us. reiinlrod liy law.e nlll , on Hie iJlli < lay Of October , A. I ) . Ih'J. ' , ut the hour of ' : o'clock- In thu foiuiiuon , at the olHco of MirUer .V U'Donohoc , liOl 1'ui n.i MI ill out , ullhln liiecor- por.itu llinlls of s.ild fltv. meet for the pur pose of considering and imtl.lnt : tlio II NCSS- mcntuf dainnRo to Iho owners icspuutlvuly of siiln property -inuctud liy said RI ailing , tnklng Into eonsldcratlon spuolal bonellts. If any. You aru notllli'd to bo picsunt at Iho tlmo and place aforus.iid and inaUo anv objcullons to or statements coneurnini said a'sessincni. of dainu es us you iniiv ooiislilei proper. \i I * . Slllvl * I'll. onoituiM. PAiir/ , JAMi-STOOKIAlji : : . Conimltlcu of Appraisers Omnhn , Neb , Oct. b , 18U Olod 101 To the ownuis of all lots or | > ills of lots front- In on Grand nvi'tiiii * . Thlrly--OMiiitli to Korty-second Ml cuts ; rovvluravi'iiuc.Tlilrtv- uljlitli to Koitlcth slrenl ; Thlrly-nlnlh struot. Grand avcnuu to Amus a\unnu ; Fortititb htn.'L-l , and I'oitlutli avonilu , from GrHnd avenue to Spr.izuu Hticol. Yon are hereby nutlllcil lhat the undcr- slcnoil , tlirco dlslnturuatcd freeholders of the city of Omaha , h ivo lu'on duly apnulntud liy iho mayor , with the approval of the city council of said city , to it.-.oss the damage to thn owners lespoctlvolv of the jnopcrty ulTcvtud by Rradluu ot above described sticuls and avunui'i , ilcclnrutl nuoossary by orillnanco No. : i8p ' issed October I , 160. , approved Oe- tober4 , Ib9i You are further nntlflo'l that , ImvIiiR nc- coptucl said nppolntnii'nl , nnd duly qualified as K'i ( ul rod by law , wo nlll on HID Juih day of OoloDur , A. I ) . IS1) ) . ! , at thn hour of It o'clock In thu iifturnoun. at the olllcu of Ueor o .1. I'liul , Ni < Karnani stioot. within the corporate limits nfsild : city , meet for the purpnsu of coiisldorlnK nnd inaltlns thu assessment of dn m 11 no to the OVMIOIS respectively of said proportv , allucted by said Kr.ulln ; , taking Intoconaldcratlon apuclal beiiullls , If am. You are notified to bo piojunt at the llmo and place aforesaid , and miiUo any objiicllons toorhlatomunts coiic'iirniiiu hild iisiussincnt of damuse , as yon - .1011 N u. IIUTUK. : 11. 1'AYMi Omnhn. OctohnrS. ISui OlOdlOt Wo will Bond ) nil tlio murvc loin French Preparation CALTHOS I rvt % unit u Ittfal cuamiitre Dint I M/I1IUA Mill Hi-Morn .lour airiillli , Mrenillli uud t lyi > r. I \f it anil fa ) i/iatujirrt , Addroso VON MOHL CO. . hllr Amiriru iiruU , llurlmiill , Olilo. DR. C GEE WO Tlieonlr loi'lllr ' gt 1uat > t Clilnon p'lXilalii Elutit yo r ' stair Toi jroir * practical oxpar'- cncewltliull IIQII cilnjuin Truitt luooixfullr HllclironlooisjJUlvon u.i liy other doclorj l.ilt ! nnd io3 lilinor "run fur ( luustluu tiluulc. Do no : thlnkuurn-nu huiDluii bjjuii ) jrnur doctorUIU you o but try tlio I'hliuid ilo.aor irlth liH na * 'il \roiiJurfiilruiiuJI04 nnlruoilro nunr boiullttuiiil t pBriuanoulouro-wli'it otnjr ilooton omnot ulrj Herbs ltoot < "ml I'l nits -r.atiirj'i rumudlai-lili medicine" . Tliu world lilt wltnu i Una ttiouta 11 testimonial" l tlirJu ' or ictlo No Injurlo i j decoctloni. no nurcotlui , no polion lUUunil trealiiicnt fi1 ! pornmnunl ourj Followln cn oi u"oimfully Iroatai anl curJI KUcn up liy ntlior doctors. Tlior C'eOKlilln. Illi lUrnoy tront. c'lronlarloa * mulliiu t ) roan , kldiiuy mid liver troublei , Thos. Culvert , Utli itnU Kiirnuu ( trjuu uonori ! ileblllty In lUiXtlun , Ion of ttraiiilli nnd rltillty Took uiudlclna for yoarj but am nu rollof .M. K Andorton. Mil Cunlu ulna : , otfl nilUtuannd brunctiltUul dfluuii lau llru UK for mlo tlio folio wine iirepirat remedltti nl II.OU a bottle , ill botllm lor l > iu. for tb-j ruia > j | Aiihrau , Ctttarrh. blc Uoatliclia. IndUattloj llloodi'oUonlni : , IlUoumatUm. IVruiloVeUii3i Kidney and Liter ( omplalnt. .No aronu iolJ only by Chliiu > n Medlelnu Co i up.ul , II'JJ Jli Offiw , IGlh aoJ THOSE SUITS The past week has demonstrated beyond a doubt the fact that the male portion of Omaha appreciate the difference between "tweedledee and tweedledum. " They appreciate the fact that -when the Nebraska advertises to sell a fifteen dollar s u it" " i o r ie rTa. n d a half , they don't sell a teti dollar one they sell a fifteen dollar one. To call our last week's sale a success would be "drawing it mild. " "We never sold so many suits the first week in Octob.eras we did this year. We're going to beat it this week going to give you sti 11 bigg er v Tues g i ve "you more suits and more kinds of suits to pick from. Today you can choose from over two thousand suits all at one price. You can pTcfk SACKS or CUTAWAYS You can choose cassimeres or cheviots. You can take plain or fancy , You can buy browns or grnys. You can get the heavy , old- fashioned pepper and salt cassimere that never wears out or the very best all wool heavy indigo blue suit with double or single breasted sack coats. You can buy suits of us this week that have never been offered for less than fifieen d o 11 a r s a n d you can buy them for ten dollars and lilty cents. STRICTLY FINE SUITS Four of the largest manufacturers of cloth ing in the world who make nothing but fine goods who hire as good cutters and , as good tailors as are to be had sell all the goods they sell in Nebraska to the Nebraska Clothing Company. No house on earth , no matter who nor where , can show you suits that are any better , or are made better in any particular than the suits we show as our strictly fine suits , and we haven't the gall to "ask yoTTTo pay twenty-eight or thirty "cToTlars for them either but offer them at $16 to $22.SO. JLook at them they'll do your eyes good. SPF.C I VL , OUDlXANC'i : NO. 1720. \n oiillniitu 1 \ vlnit .1 spe lal tax sin 1 aiioss- ineat ou ei'italn iots nnl real ostnte In tlioeitv oCOinnha , to cover tlio cost 'it Kt'.idlim eivaul stieet f.-oiii 'I'M.'iity-llflli stuetto'IliIity-slMli s'leet in Kracllnn distrn t : so. 'CI Whereas. It liiirini ; bean ami being hoiuby injiulKOil.iIuterinlnjii anil establish that ilio iDVei.illotH anil pieces of leal est ito nereiualter efeiriiil to , liiue eaeji lieouHpeclnlly benullttcil o the tu 1 niiioiml liotoiu lovlcil niul nsit" > < eil against uncli ofaid lots anil pieces of i .il es- ato. respectively , by 10,1011 of tluigr.iilliiKnl lint p.utor r-iiwanl Htieol fiom UJth Mreetlo Ullihlreel ilimo itu ler contract vlth Uuno- 'eaiiK ' llros X KtlliiK Tlieietoro. for tin * purpose of paying tile tall cost or siieh Broiling. Ie It orilaiiiuil l > > tie ! eity rouncll of the i-Uy of Oiiiulm : beUionl That the full oo-t ot gtailin' , ' lint ) iut or ' euard silent , 111 tlio city of O nnlia , : roiu Silli slieut to .Mill Htiuot. snlil irnidina loiint clone iniilui coiilinetvllli Lniuoruiux llros. \ r.ltlnger. s-ild full eoht being the Kiuii of Jl.liiil 1' . , bo and the s.ime is ami usiesied , uccoiding to special benellts bv rea-oii of sxi : < l uni'lliii. , upon the lo liiK Ints anil ustalons HIIO\\H by the Konerally n > ciKiil/.uil ) ma | > of tup eltv of oinulm , lltliociaiihcil niul publislieil by Mali it ( iHvlonl , In IS II. said cost bolut , so 1 \ tea ou suld lots ami leal estate , mipecthcly. as lol- s , to wli : r.llca Itocltl Ooilfiev'-siib < lo It iJ iu : ss ao ni : K : io t'oler Ilntisun II 4 : e : ii Ainell.i K IJIuultc1 , Hr > . .lohnV llliieltv'i ' US Id ITi ' ' : rj ; n TheilaVllliain lift , . , , , , „ , add : .s : u W 11 Alexander It T blU N I.OHCS'I do 1th bile N " : : n Alir.iluiii Itiiienbuiy It'J blk N " iw no ItlUblUN " : no ll 11 blk N " : K : io Itl'iblkN " ; : m co\Vnddoll It 7 blk O : no C Wnlcoluy It HlillvO : au do 11U hi UO , u no do UlOlilkO " us : io MlL'liiiel Ilainiisuy n't It " hllf O . 4 h.ri it A MeKalhroiis'i ' n'i It II JilKO ; 4 85 U 1 Stonoy n't ' s'i It II blkO 8 Ul do s'4 II llblliO H oa Mlcliaul Duiiipsoy n'i It 13 U If O 4 W K A Mel.'athioii 'i ii4 It W Ulk U _ _ 4 8 Ki ni do'1 ' ' ' l'-'lilU ) 14 UU Tlioii.iisOMil.ranolt.7blk - I' II'J III i : C ill It N "Hi 1 I ! ' . ' ' Ill ir.'iiu li M Siott II ll IilU r .Mary It lu\lilioii ) It in blk I' ir"1 iii do H H ' 'Ik I ) ( let ) Wallaiell IS bll. I' . i.1 no : rj in Kllsllllls JllWI'bOII It I Dili Y Jnslln Van Orinnii It'- lillj ' . ' < . t , iii To OuoW I'livnun" It 4lilli J 'I in ' Halt e .V Win Mowiilt w' It 4 uli ni i'i John C.nrlt 'i b.K O : u mi . ' in Anilreu Itlley U OblcQ n. I'lllll I'llOIIIIIMMl It I lilU It : w no llnllollaswll/lf.'bli It II ! IM Jane limns It.llilU II n.1.10 do H4bikit ; ; ? ' ! iiu ilo It 5 ItlK 1 ir in do It < > I)1U ) 1C ; : ' i10 IILJ tv - . * in do It.I bll , h no .Iiieub I'ranl. II I'l' ' . * ; ' ii „ u s'i ) I'M Mil her ola .1 . ; ilk H ilo ItilblUb : a n i _ li l Hi-mis It hlilk A l'io lic l I jii nl Ho ltd blk A do IIIU blk A , ! „ U | | lilU A . . . , I' ' ! Ouslav A NeSoiioli I 12 } > { . \ . . 1,1 . I'hailea A WlUoa w's It I'i I > U A 1.1 HI II M Alboitll Slarkoj ' < . } } . IMst owun l.ilii.fioi Cell II "I'- ' A" 4J l ( j 1' llemlDllOblk W ! do ItlObll. I ' I W II- do II II b ( ' ' ,11 . inali.kll mi ! III IU iiriiuihtiinii u ' laj'i J.V , IU Mary I rlon 'I ' 1 ' ' . ' , , It . bll < Siuiiii Iliilioy If. WJMuKatliiimltllblk 11 iifl IU i IK " i3 < ; ill " ! - " " ' .I VO Ai.lvI.orensen . ( .iMUi4bll. 0 ; ; 17 luiilio I'nnihon It S blU U Jli 1 OfNiil-.onelalll.l.bll ; < U r1 ! ' ' "I It W Audi ison ll . bill U ff , lo'w'i ( leoV'Tliini hll I lilU I ) til 17 IMnin. i l.i'llllli ' 112 I'lk D Ji Oi ' M IU lU'llom lt.lUjU . . jo uv lll4lilU I ) M Uyiliisi | < Ulniriu" W Whllo 11 S blU I ) jo v ; ii I' ilunil ! . Ufil'lJ ' * I * ' i 1C ! do It'IilU H I'll KHOM-rallitliblkf. Km l midi Ji UJ , lo H juhlUS i'i W Kmllylllanehaidill lilk [ . j w i. ir < It isiiiiinauii o' , It u mi. a IJ 10 10 ' II ' JJ reloi-on rt'i -Jblk OluO - ; I'll 0. ' ' AlbertMcuhtawn do II14 blU , ; > I'll W NclUJen-,011 It O V'i ! ' ; i'OUJ 01 Mi ll.ilinuli l.iHllar , ! U 4'l ' Dll AnilroHS wijlt i 1 I'll,2 ; , . G I'i ' Miiry K Jimum')1. ) U rJ'IK- 1505 " h DUiburn nilil'i It S bll. S 13 U" r.llluh K Conilnuy It a blU . ns in 1)11 Aiiliown\v'3lflka ( 15 0 ' ? 1'rolU leliuie ! > IU bll , a iU 'M J.t > miHil K Illou ail uVi t 5 I'll. * III 15 Hi in T Ilium.'i lt' l lk- 10 IU Wlhluui Turutti ll u UU U I alvniy llniitNt Oh u't ' It I blUIl 0 OS l.N HI lUUiiinn t < > , \ \ ' - It 1 blu.l 4 HI C ( ' lloiiM-l ' . it 1 I ) Ml 4M C.ihiiry ll'ipllst CMio't ' UL'lilL.1 L'J d'J i : N | in 4 u-4 ILL' blL.I 11 .11 C ( llousul w1 , ItL' lilk J " 't : U do I til 1)1 Ml 1C * ItJ Wm \Vri-init4 i ii'U i : , : o 1) II AiitiB s ii fi blMi : r > no Win Mi-Arthur ! t ( i hll , II U'J U ) lal U.inisl. It.init DM It 7 bllcn IIW ! ! Itobort Iliinilln It 1 lill , 4 " 45 U.I ilo ll'JIlit4 ) ID IS do it n iii u 4 : i ; ni l.n < Indii Monell ut nl It4 bill 4 " : ii IO I ) II llowniuii H.MHK4 " 1C .Iu no It ( j blk 1 " : i ! HO do oJJ It7l > ! k4 HI 15 n I , Iloinedleii w'It7bllc4 " 10 I. 5 losoDh He my It 1 lilUA 4' > ' "J Alliurt Killio in ll'J lilU r > ' 10 .IS On-t iv A Jolinson It II bll ; r > [ r > .10 Idhn ( irol/ln-'or H I hlk f , IU ID IMC Donnelly II T , blk.r > II. Ill Hliiuini.iiiUniitlnl I'll n'S ' It Ob."i 'JJ n : Iiiilsou Hauls i't II li bin A ' II d'J ' Ml 1 1 \\yiiiiin 'i lei : IK ! Ul Mhxoiiri llrnun o'iv"j ' blk H " IU II .Iiiiues.l llrown u 'i w'lnl. ' I ) ' til l > 0 AilJii > ti : VIIIIIIK It I blK V Mi I tin's .In1 ad III .18 .lames WrUhl et O ft It i blU V 110 15 Hlilliiiliiink ! It If ' bll , V " ' " m Uaiinns Mosoiuid o's It n li.k V 10 K ! II I' I'.illnriim 'i It .Ibllv V " 10 13 ( Jli uli < > ( iirilniir 114 blk Vr .i'J .11 'I lionius I'rootoi-u's ll 'ib k V " 10 l" > Win t-trlbllii'- ' it "i lilk \ ' 1(115 ( uniiel .1 III- < 0 n't ItO hll. V ! l liS JusllsTTlmliills'J ItllblU V " 2. ' ( M Siliiion llolliiiiin U I lilk W " 111 IIH ilo itablUW " ' 'l Itlcliil M I'listlt. ! nllc W " Il'J 110 ll.irli.iiiil'eterMin It 4bll > W " .IJ DO II M Moore I ! . ' . b'U W " IIJ 110 .Ilicob lie lull I ! lilk W IIJ .U .InlinTreneli 117 blk W II. ' 110 i : St inley elOft It I lilkX 15 OS Uiist.u Iliiiniin niUHu ft It 1 b X " 1507 .luuies A linn wlO ft ll 1 lilU X ' 13 08 Aitlinr I'otlur it . ' bll. X 10 .W Kilek l-'rostit niiin x n. yj - n-'m ) do Itibii.-x - I'oohiineunrt itMiik x SUM Swan Wleliuinili wlifl ltr > blU X 8 Ii7 do O'A a ii nlk x 10 n riniil' : : IMiliiiini w'iltdblUX IU 15 Iliitsy Is.incson It 7blN X IU 'M Win N .lobiiMin It 1 lilk V " 45 2 ( i I , A i : K Ili-uilley If. ' blk Y " 10 'M WTii.ili.un Itll bll. Y " IIJ 110 J oil n llliiolUl I bile V " IU.TJ ( Juo T WllUlns 115 blk Y I node do It li blk Y " II. .11 Olirlsilnii AnderEon II I bll , H l'roiicclPliiuo | 4U 117 do It 'J blk i : ' VOW .InsT Itoblnson It .link IJ ' M W .Miiry A I ) AllUon It I bin I' " VO IS do It 5 blk I' " ! ! il IU li l > lUiinN II H lilk i : VII IU O.ileCiiy l/iinii L'-j It7blk K " i.'il ' OJ Tiilul amount . . . . ill'ii ' ! l" > Hei tion y Thill H ilil Rpoelii ! tii-.ea lotjinl nfori'suiil. on Hilil lols IUHIJI'VI | | | ly , li ill Im- uomu il IIniiiunt | no loll j\vn ; line-l ntli of tlm totiil idnoiini MI I'tvli'd on em li ( if HJ | I loin Hliull lioio'iin ilill.ninenl In Illtyiinys fro n tliuMH | n uiiuil uppruvnl of tills iir.Imiino , onu taiilli- In one yuiir , ono Innlli In twojent.s. oiio-tenlli In tin DO > oirn , onu tjitli In tmit your * , niio- lenlli In ll u jeji'-i , onn lentil In six yn tr , one- tunth in Kouin yo rs. out -ntn In lniit yo.irs. ono lent h In nlnujeurn lifter H.I | < | loiy. nn I Im- liiKfiiini thu pissnm < ioii | nf tlili or illiliiilK ) , IIiicliotNiilil luit illimmlH xeeil ] Iliu llrsl , Hhull uraw Interest ut Hie i.tie i > r it p r i nt per unniiin fiinn thu tlmo oftioltvy llfnrenilld , until tliu MIIIIU Hhull Ill'iOIIIU ll'Hlll iii"iit | Inttinint nt tliu lain of I per rent p r month , jiuyaiiluln mlriuiiu , hluiil hu puld on euoli duiliuim nt Instnllniuiit. Sfiilo.i i. Unit thu until n atinnnl nf lux HO luviuil Mini HM < enaoJ on unv of H.ilil loti HID" hn pulit hv iliu ottiiurof mi } lot , 01 tboiiiillru ciiiial pro lutuiu'oporllon of sulil I. IN on nny oC hiilil lot * , may be. p.ilil ny any puntcm on iii.y luit of H.ilil IIIIH within lltiyd.iy * from hiia levy , and lliereiiiiiiiiHHLli lotHor pirtu of IOM , hbidl bo oxompl fivia nny lien or o nifK'i tlioro bw'tlem I. That ibis ordlnnnef hhill Ink > of- fed and belli foivii fiom an. I aflurili p.iin i ) _ ( Jliy ( 'lurk 15 I' . IIAVIH , I'lVnjiU'MI of I tly Coutl' ' II AniilDUMleplulnbui "lid , IK'.1. : ( il. < ) . I1. JI1JMJ. * . .Mayor TJioitbovo t tx lunovvdiui nii'l ' p ty.ible at tlm nillce of thu city troatiuror an I \\lll heeomu du limjui'iit and boar luluri'dt , u HCCII In huollun 'i ofab.vuordln.inca I t liy Treasurer. NEBRASKA National Bank. , U. S. DEFOSITOaY - OMAHA , NED . _ CapHsiJ . 7. . . . 100,01)3 ) i OfDccri and llr > clori HfiirrV \uton , pruilileul II f ( utlilnif , Tlio prcKldunl , i1 H. Hiiurloo JV V , Mono.Jului i , Culllu * J. M II 1'iilrkk , l.exli A , " " " 'Tim IRON BANK.