Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Enormous Receipts Proved Poworlots to De
press Wheat Yesterday !
J.ocnl Hecolptsof Wlicnl Wore .Much Latter
Tlinii i : * | rcted nml liuoctor | Were
Compelled to Work Throughout Sun-
iliiy to Handle llio Supply.
CnlCAno , III. . Oct. lO.-r.normoits receipts
Droved powerless today to depress wheat.
' 1 ho ItiiHslnti drouth and Its American counter-
jurt wcro the principal llforaors Corn , lu
the absence of such su tliners , hid u inoilor-
iito break In Nuvuinbor and Docomhor deliv
eries and eompiratlvoly Illtln In Miy. Octo
ber lard Jumped up'Jc , but otherwise provl
slons aru fioin 8 | 0 to 5o lower tli in Huturdiiy
nlitlil. NVho'it shows n Kiln of from He to \ < *
mid corn u l > s of 'ia fur November , siC for
December mil 'i ' for M iy.
Local iocelots wore niuchlar.torlli.iii
fixpected , the Inspectors Imvliu workoiTsun-
ilny , iiii'l ' the del vorles In the northwest wore In addition u > Ibis do-
cldod ttoiknois in corn and tlio Indication- )
were th'il the visible supply would
show mi unexpectedly largo lu-
LIuuo Hut Hit-so bearish factors
were ell ct hv reports lint Iho
( top hlliiiillnu In Russia was : tint
then1 lud hoi n IKI ruin foi four iiionllis anil the
( Mound iiiulil not h j uiowud and Unit tliuiu
wnsdiin-'ei of uMiulltlon of last yours fam
ine : this n.i < p.iillnllv I'linllrmed by a c ilile London. lepoilliiK mi ailviincoon llus-
Muiivvlioat tin ID of HI Thuio us no cliru of
liny lire ik of thu drniitli In tlio wlnlor who it
dlslllclsof th trimutry I hi ) vlsiblo snppy
ns llnully H'piiiicd snowed an Increase In
Mho it of UV..WU hu , or JH. 0) ) MI.
nioio th in Konorallv looked fur I no
Increase a ycui aso was l.riliUilU
hu. Hull news hiMMiui ) nioio plontlful
Into In the ( lav. Mliino.ipolls dlsp itches
ri'portotl haiil.ois us sendln. ! lus niiiuov to
llio countty , and deliver es
falling oil I'hi' l.iulUh crop cstl-
inatedats. ' ' , pet oi'iit In yloiil.conip irr-d vvllh
| i.'per eont n yuu auo I heiu was also t ilu
of thu t'lilti dtalcs goveiiimeiitoioi ) M'purt
allowing tin avoi.uro ylnld below i'hu pur
ncii ! The liiilliin vvhe it sh iiineiils foi the
vvioK vveio niiM to nothliu at Wl.uill ) IMI llio
export rloiu ihcos for tlio iliiv wcro lomaiu i-
hiy good , iiiniiiitillnu to nearly I.elM.iuil hu. In
wheat anil Hour , from tlio fuiu Atiantle pin's
AbUllom in this report w is s..UUJ bills of
Hour ele.ired fiinii lloslon. I'lni openlni ; w is
a sli.nlo better thin -Mturdny's uiO4.ii. , and
Diminutions conllnud within u'ic ran o.
Corn vvis dooldi'dly weak on the line
wunthci , tinMa receipts and on expedition
tnatthe gmuiiiiiiunt tupurl would show an
linprovoniciilovot thu huptunibor condition ,
7115. 'llio Iiunl Inspociloii'W ' ein.
\\heroonlvIWitars had boon looked for. llio
Inoronso was hugely duo to Sunday Inspec
tion on iimny of the toiiiU There was fr
Knlllng. lllllu doiirind and notionl woahne-is.
The Blr.Mijtli In wheat helped corn toward tliu
close. Tlio opening was a trllle under the
llnal llitnrosof Xnturday , ami this was fol
lowed by a ( Icellno of from ' o to * ic , with a
reaction Liter of fioin "nC to 'jc.
Outs followed the lliii'iu.itlons of corn pretty
closely , options bom , ; quoted dually lit from
Kioto 'to lower.
' In piovlsloiisopoiatlons wore mainly con-
llncd to fruitless watching of a few lenders.
The market started wo.ik on account of tlio
heavy receipts of boss Packers and otliors
are bc-'tiiii.n : to talk less conlldciitly of hoivv
future reeolpls of ho s anil lower urlecs for
them , although It Is both their Interest und
their practice to uiofess a belief In u lioi\v
ritu of ho , : * .Most of the day January laid
liolu around $ " .1 > to 7 17'i. whlloUhu Uctoliei ,
without support , vvonion from JS.HI to J7.tT >
At this point Hatch * boijiiii bidding for It , nnd
jumped llio price to JS.lT'ivltliuut gnllln. ;
Kstlwated receipts for tomoi row : Wheat , 010
eais : coin , MM uuis o its , JIU cars ; hogs. 'J..UOO
Irel.'htN weio llriner. with n fair dom.iiid
at a cfoi and 'J'nO for corn to liulTalo
No 2 rod wheat , 74jo ! : No. a rod who it ,
C7c ; No. 'J spiln whoit , 74ju } ; No. 3 sprint :
> v boat , ( j''tlHlc.
No. 2 cash corn , M'-ic ; No 3 cash corn ,
No' 2 cisboits , .ll'ic : No. 2 wblto oats ,
saUc : No. : i whim oats. Ji'ie. '
No. - c ish i ye. 3114(2.
No. 1 Max. il ll'4i DocunUir. tl.11'4. '
.V < Ht iirli VlllliuiU.
NEW YOIIK , Oct. 10 I'Lotin Kecclpts , 01-
BJil pkirs ; u\pot ( s. II.IMP bbls , 42.0 Us icks ; ijnlct ,
fcloady ; Bales , 1U.UU bbls. ; .vllnncsola patents ,
( Jens MEAL Dull , steady.
WIIKATUeeolpls , M-J.IKU bu. : oxporis , 110.-
000 bu. ; miles , UIU.WO bu of luiiires , 4.1.UJJ mi
of spot. i > pols % ery dull , llriuor ; No.
2 rcil , bJ'tO In stoio and elevator : bt
iilloat : SK&S'J'nc ' f o. b ; No l red , 7l'iO , un-
cr.ided icd,7l < 7ic ! ; No. I norlliern , M fflbk : ,
ISo. 2 northern , ilK Ti'ic ' : No. 2 Allivv.mkee ,
7ajii. Opiions vvero vei v dull , opjnlng sic uly
declining V on the vvoiknos-i west , eas 01
cables and local leall/lns , reacted c.and
closed sto ( Iy with Uctibur > tu up ; otliei
nio'iths iincliniued to 'go djvvn No. 2 red
October , b ) l-liiflhJ'if. elosliu BU' c : DOLCIII-
bor. HJ : iHQ8o. . oloslim at 6Jc ! ; May , 8S
U-ltiul S rlli , closing at tti'ec.
KVh Du I , cjbltr ; weslerii.OKQ.OCc.
blocks of grain In store and atlo it October 8 :
Wheat ll.M.s.DIU bu. ; corn l.ajjuVu bu. : outs
1,0..J7U ( ! bu ; r > u 1.VJI4 hu. ; barley 18JJi bu. ;
malt 17,7. > 4 bu , ; IIOIIH.III bu ,
lIAHIiv-Dull : nnd steud/ .
lUlil.KV giiluland stoudv , r o.
COIIN UeeulptH , ' 'UVOUJ bu.j exports , V)0
bu. ; sales , ( ,7r > , U U bn. of fntines , 1U4.UUU hu , of
ipot. hMitn | iiulut. linn : No. v. Mo In
elevator. .V.'o alloit : ungraded mixed. W < jfi ] ' i >
Unisons opened and declined \15'e
on the lingo Inteilor niovenioiit and easier
onblos , nilvinccd 'ait' ' * " on local covering ,
closed steady nl'ito'4o under b.uuiday ; No-
vcmbur.'ilj.l'f'il e , closlnut3I'Bo ; Deeomhoi
6.JMc ! , cloblnt : at52J4 ; Slay , " > JS4i lc , uioshiK
ut Mo ,
( ; ATS Kecelpts. IPU.OOO bu. : sales. M\000 bu.
of futures , i1id OI.UIW bu. of spot , bpolsdull.
Hteany : ( ipilons iliul , wuukoi ; Oclobor X M
Iitio. closlni ; .lo'ic ; loi'oinbor.W18.W,1o. ? , olosmu
: ib'4ei May , ll'i'iJ4 ' He , elosln , ; at 4l'4o ; No. 2
npot wnlte , ,1'ici ' mUed western , ,11 .17'tu ; wiilto
western , IliSdiU'o : No 2 UliluiiKi ) , ililliifi I7c ,
\ llAV-Qulet , stonily ; slilppiur' , ( i- < ! j)7ueood ) ;
to choice. 7AilUc.
lloi'S P rm liutqiilot ; I'acino ooust. 17O7lc.
bUiMiilta , dull and llrm ; rellned , ble idy ,
tali demand
MobAHsKvN Orleans , iiulet , steady.
UK . Active , Him ,
l.ddh yiilut , Ilimer ; woMein prime , 2I34
A22u : leeulplh. 4t.V ) pkirK.
lliiu.s 1'ulr duiiiuml and steady ; Texas
bill I oil , Ml toll ) Ihs. al.Miu7c
I'oiiit I'alily actHo anil firm , Out mo us ,
otnailv but ( lull : middles , dull , Lard opened
wiliik and closed Mmcm ; wi-storn Htoam closed
ut tiMi miles , , 310 tloices at if < ,3 < & 8 'i5 | option
i tjulut but Him ; part hklms. .iii'i.
I'm luos I'ulidomiind ; American
.i ,
( 'oi'1'KltStrong ; 1 ile. lll.7AT&Ooa
l.r.Mi Hull ; domestic ,
TIN I'liiii ; stinliilits.
St. I.IMlli
Hr , I.OUIK. Mo , Oct. 10. ri.ouii-UnclianKcd
\\lltAT Closed 'i < ii ° ( o iibi\o Satuiduyi
1'iish , 7 ' o ; llei'oiubor , ' .I'l .lSu ; Mny , 8) ' a
So bettoi than ftaturdiiy forovory-
May ; cas h , llie ; M iy , 41ti' ! .
UATK l.ouer , slow ; cu > li , 3 ' 40 ; uutouor
UOo ; Mny , 3V
llllAN-DlllUCOC ,
HA Dull and unchanged.
KliAXSbbll ( Jlllllt.
liurrhitl'nchiinieli ( cronmcrv. 20Q14C ;
dnlry. 4lft.'ue
ttiiK-UneluiiRril at l ' 517c.
t'oii.s1 MEAI. tjiilul : J.MUii.l5 (
\VHiHKV-Steaily.atJ.lo. , . . .
riiovi-no.Nri-Qiilisl , iinchaueed ; with only i
Jo i tradu done t pnnlous iiuointiona ; job
11 UK , fl.r.00. Lard. hlKlinr nt * < 20418. AI. lirj
ball iiioals. Ill in ; i > hoiildern , tf.'iJ : lon.-s 11111
l-lhu. r,75 ; HhorlsNOU ,
lli.CKii'fH-riour. HKW ( bblb ; wlioat. ir..oo
bii i corn. t2.oo ( ) bu. : oits , O'.ooo uu. : ryt
18tX ) ) bu , ; bailoy. 4I.CO ) bu ,
ami'MUNrH-rlour , lO.ooi bhU ; wheat , 05,0) )
bu. ; com , 7AOJI bu ; oats , U''JJO uu. ; rye , o ,
Ojo bu.j bin lay , noun. _
Hide * unit Tells.
Kollowlus nro the prices uald by Omnh
4lc.ilor for hides unil iitflt ( juotud siibjuot t without iiotlue ; .No Isrcon hides , Jc
ho I ( Tn-uii Hultud Imli ) * 4 l4o ; No. 2 irroe
Hiiitodhlilu ! ' . Jii Uut.'Nolaroen . sallod lililoi
S. % in 40 Ibf. . tooio : Na 2 irroen siillud hidus. l
to4Mb , Jail4 ( ( . < l NoI veil calf. 8 to 15 ibs.,54
toj Na S TOU uuif. S to 15 Ib * , , J c ; No. 1 dr
blilok. 7ci No. 2 dry llliit.hides. . . 5c
1 Ury i ltoU hhlo , iVsiu. I'urt cure
ildos Mo per II ) . less tlnn fully cured ,
Iheep polls drooti siiltod , oich , ttefttl 3\
: reon saltoil shnarllnss ( short wooled onrly
kins ) each , lv25ci drv shoarllnrs ( short
oolod enrly skins ) No. 1 , oacli. & 2 > 10e : dry
hcarllngs ( short wooc < l early * kln ) Nn. 2.
mcli , 5ci dry Hint Knnsaa and Nobnrskn
iiitchor wool pelts , per 11) ) . , tctu il weight , Itrjt
4 < icdry : Dint Knnsis nnd Nnhrtskn Murrnlii
vool polls , nor I b. , actual weight , sai.'ol dry
lint Colorado hntehor wool polls , uor 11) . .
ictua.1 wnlRlit , lOitlS'ici drr flint Colorado
kturrnln wool polls , per Ib. , noUht ,
JlOc : dry ) ) ) iilnutt. ntn il w iloti , 7
lip. Have foot cut oIT , as It Is useless to Day
'roltish on them.
CofTco .Market.
Nr.w YOIIK. Oct. 10. Options opened firm at
i to li ) points advance , closed Strom ; October
i points ill ) , othi-ti 25 to ,15 points lib ! sales ,
i5,2XhnRfi ) , Including : October , $15.30 : Novom-
> or. $1520 ; December , $14 O iS.IO ; January ,
! I4.00 I500 ; March. 114 lOffftl'iO'S ' ! April , 111.05 :
May. SI4.avl5.oo. ' pol Hlo , flrm , fair demand ;
No. 7 , 1 10,00.
Hlo Oct 8. 1'lrst ordinary , 10,550
rels nor 10 kilos : coed seconds. O.tOO rols : ro-
celpl ( Inilnit the week. O.MKX ) baifs ; pur-
: lnt cs for the United States , ,71.003 hags ; ship-
mnnts to the Tinted Stales , 51,0 0 bats ; 9 too It ,
KOOOOIiiitts . .
SANTO * . Oct. S Oood average , nominal i re-
eidpts during tlioenk. . 78,000 baasi purcluises
for the fnllod state" , H.o 0 hugs : shlpmnnta
lo lliu fulled Mates. 8.003 bags ; stock , 17.OJO
Ull Mnrliot.
Nuv YOIIK. Oct. 10 I'BTitoi.ntni Opened
! , t'ady anil then advanced shirplv ; nubsc-
ijiicnlly llio lmirovcmciit | was lostnnd the
miirket closed us II opened , stoidy , ronii-
ivlvaula oil.pol , siles nero : November op
tion s iles , avijo bbls. at .V.&jJr , closing ut Mo ;
l.lina oil s lies none.
l' ( Jit. I'lim and more nctho ;
crude , 27'/ti ( { . . ' e ; yul ow , .IQiiCMla.
'I'AM.ow Oulet and steady.
HosiN Qulot nn i Htcadv.
Tinii'r.NTiMJ-Qulot but Hrm
Losno.v , Oct. 10. LlNSEKD Oil. 18s Oil per
_ _ _ _ _ _
Units is City xtnrKots.
IANSXCITY. . Mo. Oct. . 10 WIIEIT Ir- weak on lower 'r.idcs ; No. 2 hard , 01O
Hl'iu ; No. 2 red , illttnte
Cons Wo ik to le lower : -No 2 mixed , 37 ®
; wo
OVTS Weik : No 2 mixed , 2rtft'J7e.
HUTTBII I'lrm ; creamery. l21&Uc ; dulr.v ,
I.nns rirms lU'Jc.
Hi"Bii : T3 Wheat , 110,030 bu. ; corn. 0,000 bu. ;
oils , 4HiO
S iit'M'ivrs-U'lioat. 70.000 bu , : corn. 7,000
bu : oils , 1,033.
ItrlllHh ( iriilu 1'iado Itexlow.
LONDON. O t. 10 -1 ho M.irlc I.ano Ciprcss.
In Its weeKly ruvluw of Iho llrllisb arnln trade
snvs The ii\i < riKU prleo of now wheat
tliroii.'houl llio Ulniidoiii Is 23s , but It brines
: is ( ) Id In London \\hcro a hi 'her qiAillty and
belter woluht Is ollered th in In the provincial
markets Itarlev 15 stroua. Oats are llrm.
Corn Is weak. A"t today's market uooil fins-
llshhoil hroiiRht leidlly from .Its lo : i4i.
Indliin w is Is de trer ; other forulcn who its
were in ! liTJhor. Plour was Ilimer : barley and
corn were du uer. Oats were ( id dearer.
' ) l \l trki'ts.
ivnni'ooi , . Ojt. -WiiiUT-Steady : de-
in mil pooi ; holdorsolTur mo lerntelv ; No. 1
Cnllfornli , Gs 7dKJs ( 7'in per cental ; No. 2
red winter , Gs7'-t'l. '
COIIN Steady : demand poor , mixed western ,
4s l > > 4il peniulnlil.
I'RAS Can ul I in. PsG'fd per conlal.
lliei.i' K-ti.i India mess. Gls'l'id ' ' par tlorco.
I'ouiv Prime moss western , Hue , 7la3d pur
LAUD 1'riino western , 41srd per cwt.
Om ilrt fruit Mm let t.
( iiurr.s Now \'or < Conoord9 , 3)c ) per 10-lb.
OM.KOIINIA ( JuvpES I'or cralo , 11.50 mua-
c lies ; ifl 7 > ToUavs.
OAI.IIOKMA I'IACKF. 1'er box , JI.G5.
OMIKOIIMA l'i\us t'.fii per box
Ai'i'i.hS I'er bbl. , } l OJ ; fancy , J4.5) ; five bbl.
lots."ip less.
bI'er box. J03. !
Omaliii I'loilueo UurUnt.
ioiii ( ) . .
I'otll.l ill ' 1 hero Is a Kro it simenoss In thn
in irkel ; chickens , old hens and ducus all soil
at aliout lie
Iltirrnt I'.icUliiK slock , UttlJ c ; choice
dairy , 1 ffiJJ- .
Cut tun Market.
NI.W Oiii.Ktv , La. , Oct 10 Irregular ; mld-
(111 us. 73ic ; low mid Illiu. 7'4u : Rood ordi
nary. C3ic ; nolieeolpts. 10,201 b iles ; itross. 1I.8JJ
bales ; ales , 2.SVbales ; stockUS.ObO biles.
IIKIH : llnttur Mm net.
KT.OIN , III. Oct. 10 , Mai Ket active ; sales ,
. sit2 c.
Trmlorn' Talk.
ClliCAdO , III. . Oct , 10. L'ou'nselman & Day to
Cockrell llros Oommlss on company : The
loading Rraln markets were dull and all
elnsbcs of ir'iders Inclined to suspend opera
tions until utter tlio eoxcrnmont report wns
iccolvcd. Except foi this feature wlioat would
prohibly ha\o advanced on higher cables and
Hchloxpoits from India , As It was the mar
ket was more directly Influenced by liberal
receipts and u largely Increased vlslblo supply ,
which operated slightly In fa\or of buyeth ,
The troncral condition of the market Is 1m-
urovlu ? and we continue lo aiUlso buying on
breiUs. Corn was very quiet , and business
mostly donu by local lecoUeis and blilnpers
who eontlniio lo bo persistent boars on ac
count of inerenslni ; supplies and a slack demand -
mand from consumers the wonderful weather
lias taken the snap out of speculation. Oats
weioiiulet. 'llio prmelp il fo itures wcro October
tobor sales lyieeelvers and elevator people
and model , ito buylnK of Mny futures In 1111-
tlclpillon of a 1'iillisli uoverntiienl. report.
The in iiilpulatlon in provisions irlcd tiiL'ul-
vnnl/e the mnrket. hut It L'HVD no appear ineo
of IITo Jiothsliles ire obstlnnlu and the do id-
lock imiv not oo bioken until the monih goes
( ilie\i.o 111 Od 10 , r O 1 o/iui , \ Co I3liiu
ran HnllliiMir A Co We ) III\H luiil u fnlrly'uil }
wlioul luiirki I todm , II opsneil Htroni ; nt 77 Kc for
IK ( urn her. hold ni 77lH' ' 77'4e ' , cloniM ) at ihu lnciuiib i
of Ue llio Inn jus j In Ilialslblo mipilly of
.lljiXK ( ) lnithoU luul % ory Illtln Inlliiuiica on prlcox
'Ihu ilrj Huulhcr lliruiiL'liniU fie winter wheat belt
la Hill n Inill fm'tir Tillsltli thu
liciv > oipoitH muru III in cuuntorbalaiicett
Hie htiiv ) riHelplit In Ihu norlhuent Cablun tire
rnthcr \\o-looklorlliuni lo lnipro\u unln
In tlm hli < irl nnpiilleH trora India Advloi'n from
thenorthwi'iil piilnt In ninth lltfhlnr recelpti ere
llio iiioiith i U > MS \\llh a let-up In them prlcuii
will KII lilKlii'r Thorehus bcjn vury llttlu llfo to
tliu cum market May opened at 47fic aolil at 47 ( < c
anil tlorcil at 47He bin 'Ihu K0 > ornnient report
iluu today "III limu mimu Intlnencu on valnex ,
\\u fuel friendly to torn and liolluvu pnr-
hiiMCH on all neak npotrt nlll inuko
mines' \\utlilnk oatB mfo to liny In IIOK pro-
Uitt hunlr.osB was llKhl , llio inarkel , however , wan
very llrm .Imiimry pork opu.ieit ill ill M mid tlosed
IU65 All liullcallona aru for lighter hoi ; rt'telpls
nnil liUhur prlies
ClIlt'Ai.o III , Oct -Kennott , Hopkins i Co
toH A MoWhorterhcat wan very dull ullb
plunty of novrs lint eunlllctlnu KorulKii condl
llona nerodctldcdl ) bnlllnh , lint tlio Imniunxo do
oHtlc rut ° lpt * have u ti'iidene ) to paruly/e trudo
nil prevent any iniilerlal Hilvnncu It In do
( lured on nhnt M'OMIS need nnthorlly that til
drouth in poiillifin IUib lu llinutim an untlie
failure of thu next winter wheat eiop and a repetl
lion of Ian ! > i-ar's famine 'Ihu India ahlpniontf
liavo dwindled down to Imrelyiinu mnderate cnrxn
n wi'ok 'ihu dr > wciiilier hero It throutonlnx Uu
next crop. Millers nay Hut there li
n good duiiiund for Hour and many are nold weekt
ahead 'llioie It apimrcntly nuthliiR to pro
\ent n Mibnt.intlal ad > anca but lilk' ru
celpta nnil our I irjiulslhle mipply Is
purta nro at the rule ol nioru than 2UUUOOOU ) pel
year II IM etldenlthat we ha\onotthu Mtrp nx
to provldu fur HIM li a ilinii mil and If U eontlniiua r
ni'iutlly at the oiherend of the ttmann l H siirol
'I hat It "III tonllnuu and oven Incruaat
toi'nia muru Hull prnbnblo ns Inilln
la no longer nn oxnortliiK fatter um
It loukn na if Itii'nln nonld noon ho on llio BIIIIK
list Corn and oatH weru easier , Corn ns e pee
tally depruntioil by lari ) olTerlnuH of tar pro
purty aim near br optlona. 'Ihu expor
triidn on lhu o uralna la > ory dliaupolntliiK
In prii\lnlon lliureivaa u Binafl biulneai am
llttlu tlnuiku I ' ( Holier Inn ! sold down , butnhun i
packer trl.'d lo bay hu a Jraneod tlio prlcu no.irl ?
15u wlthoill vultlnu an ) .
.More Animation \\IIH nliu n In-heciirltiti
Tlianu * Kxpeuiiul ,
NEW VOIIK. Oct. 10. The stook jnarKo
shoAcd inoro animation today than oxpoetei
in vluw of tlio Columbus colouration nnd ih
approaching holiday 'Iho undertone u
bpceulatlon ilrm throuzhimt and a lilj-hu
ransio of ijiiot.illoas generally pievnllod , bu
thb roully Import ml movoniciit of thu da ;
was In the ludiiHtrl il Kroup , Nouny all u
of thu hharos scoreJ maip advances Tli
only IMIUS that declined wore American Huxa
and Cunenl r.loulrlu and lliuso closed will
net losses ol only'i a point. The inmost ac
llvlly win , in liistlllin- and Uulllefeodlii am
UhUiuo tins , both of whleli were taken i
round a-noiintH for local and \\esturu iiccoun
Oo'orado ' Coil rose ! i to 4Ji4 , and
I'uol Jumped 8 Dolnts to pur on udviees thut
inulyr'tv of Iho huliinra had assented to th
proposed consolidation , mid that tlio con
punios nro nlio uly holiu worked In h rmoiij
1 ho railroad list Improved ' 4 lo I1 , pur cun
Diitbtilu of llendlii ) ; . which llrst foil oil froi
WJ4 , anil then ro-e lo 50on advlco tliuttli
I'onnsylMuilii coinpany hud in
vaneud to lUurus tocorruspund with those i
Ituadiiiir. Tlio Htorlcs were biibuemienlly di
[ lied , nnd ItcadniR fell baok lo.VS' . . Tnu ID.II
kut WIIH Iniluuncud to homo extent by H n
ductlonof a full cent In thu posted rut ox (
forelRii uxcliaiik'o and by thu fruo ollurliiK-i i
money by tliu trust uuiipiiiilosnflor thu lute
c i cot up to 0 per cent , The supply of fuiu
from thu nuuriiu named led to iidoellnul
money ratin to 'Jliii'i per cent. In Uio lul
traiikAetloni Dbtllilnu and Caltlufeedini ; re
uelod v porcunt , an I Amorluau Tobuuio l
per cent , but other stooUn hod up wo I uu
thu miiruft c oiud ( inlet und llrm.
'Ihol'oitKHy * : Of Uhiouicu Has It U on )
fair tu my tnalduap to all thut U objoalloi :
able , both lu lu pirn hlilory uuJ Its
form of Incorporation , It Is apparently bolnu
hon'july in.muitod and Ims tn unfiucstlnn-
iblo Uold of profit In Its business. The roc nt
legal attacks upon It have bcnn bcnenth con-
lonipt It Is. howovur verv far from bolnu n
ttock for outsldu Investors to meddle with nnd
Itsspoculxllvo status InVall strcol Is oven
yetottromoiy dubious.
Tlio following are Iho closing nuolallons ( or
the leading sloe * * on the Now York Stock cx-
ehantto toclav : *
.VUO ; Union Pacific. 6200.
Neu York .Money .Murltcl.
NEW yoilK , Oct. 10. MOMIV ON AC-
tlvu at2'41i9 ner cent. Last loiin f , percent ,
closlna ollored per cent
I'liiMB Mi'.noiMll.ii I'Al'Cii IfiO per cent , HtriiNOEtl 8lJ4t 8\U for bank
ers'slMj-day Mils and Jl.MJ'.i < 3lSU' for ne-
ni i lid.
The closing quotations on bonds :
St. l.ouls .IlliiliiiStoeks. .
ST. Louis. Mo. , Oct. 10 The mining tnar-
Uot was dull
block lllil iked I Mock. Hid. Asked.
Am'n Nettle. , 60 35 iilznbolll. : . . 40 45
Put Mnrpliy. H . . | Mnall llOn-3 | vm tl.05
1 III lllL'l-ll .lOtOS.
KANSAS Oirv , Mo , Oct. 10 , Clearings , $2-
NEW VOHK. Oct. 10. Clearings , 113,370,161 ;
Dalancos , $ JOJWJ :
I'Aius , Oct. II ) . Three per cent rentes , 9Df
52'/ic for the account.
llAt.TlMOHP , Mil. , Oct. 10 Clearings , ! 2,320OG4 ;
balances. $ .01.121. Money , G per emit.
I'ini.Aiii r.i'iiiA , 1'a. . Oct. ID. OloTrlni s , 811-
481.018 : bal.incii3 , Il.GU'J.T.'iU. Money , 4 per cont.
OJNCIVVATI. O , Oju 10. Money , : i0 par
cent. Now VorU exchan-e , nar. Oloarlima
$ Jyi.O-)0. (
MRMIMII" . Tenn , Oat. 10. Now Yorl : ox-
chanso sol'inj ' aUl.jO.oloarlnss , $ JJJ , 8J ; bal
ances , $ % , ! CJ.
LONDON. Oct. 10 Amount of bullion with
drawn f mm the 11 mlv of l'iiLuil on balance
today , X'lT.OOU.
r.Biir.i.N , Ocl 10. The st itemont of the Im
perial buiK of Oermaiiv Miows n. decrease In
apecloof 18 , > -0'UU ' marks
NBW OKI hAN-f. La.Oct. Ill Uloailnss $1.800-
' > ' > . Now \ oili ) 81.M per
I.'J'IO ' dls ounl ; b ink " ) Jo to p ir.
liOSTON , Muss. . Oct. 10. OleiirlnTS , tlri0,9T8 ! :
lalancet , } 1 , jV > . ( i'J7. Money , 4'i per cent.
LAolmiiKO on New York f > © | 0o discount.
ST. Louis. Mo. . Oo' . . 10. Clo irlniss. $ "i.03" > . -
12 ; bali.ncos. f ll'J . Money quiet tit ( * t $ *
roent. nxchan o on Now York , OUc dls-
T < ( in , 111 , , Oct. laOloivrliiRi.$10,570,3.ri9. .
Sew York 0x0)1,11170 ) , 2"o discount , Money
tcudy , 5 to U per cent. Slorllni ; exehaiiKO
lull : sixty day bills , ? l H5l 8ji { ; demand ,
4.811 .
, ' : Utle I'lontyvllh 1'riees SllKlitly Lower
IliiKHSoarro nnil l"lrin.
OMAHA , Oct. 10. The week opens with u ble
run of uatt o and fair or ralbur lU'ht receipts
if ho s and Nhuop.
The supply of cattle camu within 7J head of
: hu previous ho iviesl run , 0,781 head , which
ivas the number received October III last year.
1'liero was hardly it UAd of ootn-fed uattlo In
Iboyiuds , the supply helm ; almost ontlrulv
raiiKcrs , and outsldu of hiilf a ( lozon loads Uio
inallty was nothing extra. Trade whs
neuessirlly u llttlu slow and ledlous.
Jooil to uliolco btcf Hteurs weru
In uood demand and Hold rouUlly nt
protly close to stuady prices but vvlion It
eumn to the ordinary grades prices Runoinlly
shaded down ami the movement wax rather
t/'onslilerliu the very huuvy re
ceipts the market waa inxory fair shape and
noarlv evorythiiiB doslrablo lud oliungod
hands before Ihu close.
The cow tradu wis tolerably brisk with
prices very uneven bul as a rule not far from
uloadv. root to very L-ool cows ami bolfers
fiull nl from * UXtniiO. : the bulkoftho fair to
Kood siullatJl.ljO tol'iV Hulls. OXUIIH and staja
wuru slow at from t.2 ) > to JJ.d'i. Oalves1 ana
yuailln H nnc'lmii'-ed at tiom $1.75 to Jl.uO.
Tliorownsa ( rood lively trade In stocKers
and feeders anil prices woio well maintained
on ail desirable holdings C'oinmoiilsh iindur-
WDlghlbluir wtis no easier lo soil than lust
wuuUaml prices were rut her low. ltei > ie on-
lalivo sales :
No. Av. 1'r. Na Av. I'r.
S.1030 1 GO 25 . 03J 2 OJ
10 , . 73S 1 110 14 , , U7i : 2115
10. 8IU 1 03 2 U85 2 ID
] , . ( Hi ) 1 61 17..1102 215
2. . BID 1 7) 2. . 030 215
10 , . 811 1 75 2U. . 078 Sir.
1 .1050 1 75 10 , lUUd 223
22 10-1) ) I 73 45 , . UJH 23J
7. Ml 1 85 15 .1015 2JJ
10 Ml 0 IWO 2J1
0. MM 1 IM 0 .1111 2iiJ
1 UO L.UbU 259
2. 215 2 25 1. . 100 : IAO
1. . W ) 2 25 2. . 17J 41)0 )
2 . 7"il I 111 1..1190 200
2..1IIU 1 U ) 1..1WJ 205
I 10H ) 2 0) 3. 1HM 210
1..1U70 2 00 1. 14)0 ) 215
2. IM ) 2
.1112 20) ) 4 HU 2 25 4..101.5 205
tVM 2 no 5. C.M 2 25 11..1U1U 271)
. 41) 2 10 13 012 2 40 10. , Ull 275
471 2 n 10. Pit 2 41 4 1140 2811
ro 2 20 [ > ( , .11110 2 45 CO IOOJ J0.5
2 25 ' 2 Ml 110 114'J ' U 10
2 25 44' 2 bO
1 nillUor. . . , . . . , * 15 00 i eo ana calf .W (
1 milker 20 ou l springer. . . . . J5 i
1 cow and calf. , - " - 00 l yurlil--or 411
1 cow and calf 2-5 uo
No. Av. IT. No. Av , I1
h'J cows . . . . Ull (1 0) ) 20 feeders irn tJ75
12 ullb'lo\.llU 240 la CJWS , . . . OJJ 135
2 cows 10S5 ISO 4 cows 07J 1 6Q
U7 steers. .1124 3 10
20stocrs. .1011 30) 25 eows I02J 5.10
LH cows 811 231 1 bull . . . .1VKI 171
Ulstueis 121 ; i 21 0 cows 1UIU 221
'J feeders 12.M 2 40
10 feeders 1100 2 7.1
lions Ueeolpts wore ns usual on Monday
light and the iinaltly nothing extra The shlp-
Itig and sponnluttv o dcmutid was limited , nnd
theroworo hardly enough hero to Interest
p ickuta Nearly ovetythlnK went to thn fresh
moat trade ul prices fie lower at the start and
fie lo lOc lower at the closu tmm Salurday. It
WMS piaetlcally a 85.UO market for fair to aood
stulTof all wolKhts with choice ll.'ht hogs as
hlchas tl.n und poor to fair heavy nnd mlxod J.111 to * 5.1 , 'Iho eloso was weak
with a few loads unsold. Hales were inritaly
nt'i25 to $5 , W iiKiilnstJI ' )0 ) to * " > , l > bnHudiiy ,
the cenernl avur.isu of prices p ild beliin } 1 27'
iiKiilnstti.l4 > 4&.it ttlny and * j2l' last Mon
ti ay. Hepresentallvo sales.
SHEEP The two double docks of westerns
received were billed direct to a locul slaugh
terer. Hcslrablo muttons In active demand
aiid linn , 1'nlr to Rood unlives $ J.5U@I 50 ; f.ilr
to Kood wostsrns , f I23S4.lrieoinnion ; and stock
sheep , JJ.2V3l-"i ; good to choice 40 to WMb.
lambs , J1.0 ® l,7 > .
Itucelpt * and Disposition of Stock.
OfDclal receipts and disposition of stock as
shonn by the books of the Union block Yards
company for the forty-elRht hoius eudlns at
5 o'clock p. m. , October 10 , 1S02 :
I'ackcrn' J'urchiii/i'M Ilist AVt-ck.
l.ltu ! > toolv M nrket.
CIUCAOO. III. , Oct. 10. [ Special Teloaram to
TUB HEE.I Tlio soneral catth ) market was
weaker , lluti-bers' and cannors" stock , both
native and range , showed more stability th in
dlu the butter Kiades of nall\a cattlo. Tlio
supply consisted of about 12.0U ) nallves , fl.000
Tax , ins and 1,000 westerns. Common to oxtr.i
shipping steers were quoted at from { J.B" lo
$5.70 , and poor to choice tows were s liable at
from tl.lo to J27 > ; stoeUers nnd feeders v\oro
lu fair request at from JI.Ml to it ' . " > . The rnn o
of prices for Texas eittlo w is from 31.25 to
} ! OU , and foi wcstuins Jl.'i ) to $4 'K > .
'I hero was an average reduction of 5o per IOJ
pounds , comparison beliiR Hindu wltli MUUI-
diiy'shalf sales. Thosupply wnselobcly boiih'lit
at from J.'iW ( o $ "iGi foi common to ur mo
llKht wolKhts and fronijio'i to { > .75 for'tom-
mon to strictly choleo heavy. Thuro woio not
many trades at o\er ? > fl ) , and the ho a for
which less than $ i.2"i had lo bo ntecptcdeio
MJiy comiLidn. Thu bulk of the busi
ness was done at from $12" > to JilA
Culls and llttlo pUb sold at fiom
J.1 50 to } 4.7'i. ( JooJ to best qualities of nalUes
sold about as well us at the closu of lust week ,
but for woiterns ( and ihoy comprised ibo
L'ro.iter purl of the supply ) lower prices had lo
ie accepted , ihu doeilne aniounllnn to from
> u to lOu t > nr 100 Ibs. Quotations for natives
'aliped from $100 to Jo'.Ti und for westerns
rom $1 Z : > toJI.flO
Kccolpts : jUuttlc , 2.l,0"0 head ; liogs , 30,000 ;
lioeo , 12.01.0. , 111 , Oct. 10. The KvcnliM Journal
onorts :
OATTI.U Itoeolpts , 22,000 head ; shipments ,
, ) Murkot weak on natives : Toxnns
iindwesleins nluady ; beat nalUes. i\00 < % ilj"i :
ithor * . , ' 00(24 ( M ; Toxans. * i 00'J.8l ) ; westerns ,
' ' .OJiai.Mj feeilois , U to ® 1 25 ; cows , $1.0Ja.,40.
HOGS Itucelpts , ' > ,010 lioad ; slilpnionf , l..uuo
.lead : maikol opened lower : closed strong ;
roiuh and coiiinion , JMU'iJ.'i.'J' ) ; jiucUInu' and
! iiUcdJ.'i iJfi'U'i : prime ho ivy and bntuhois'
nclKhts. W5''S.75 : ussnrtcd llKht , t.'i.50i3" > ,55i
skips and plus. * 4 riOV21.
SdLiU' Kueolpls. l..OJOhoad ; slilpmonls , 2.300
io < id : market sUiiuly on n itivcs ; westerns ,
UHtl'c lower ; nitl\us.I..V ; > a3.0U ; wcsturustl.3j ,
Ol.CO ; lambs , f.1.75 ® ' ' 75.
X w Voile l.tvn StoeK .Market ,
Nr.w YOIIK. Oct. 10 IlKKVKS-Kooolpts. C.4'S
10 id. Includlii ; : 71 cars for silo ; market
.to.idy ; nallvu steers , * l4Jit5 ( 10 per IOJ Ibs. :
Tuxans and Uolorados. ITiTiltU ; Ijiill.s and
eouh. $1,2.1(0 ( , 1.UO : dressed beet btoudy atiQDVic
pur Ib ; shipments tomorrow , ? > s4 beeves and
1,500 quuitcrs of beef.
OAl.vr.s Itucolpta. l.GJ'i head : market active ,
shade ( Inner ; voali' , H21 per 100 Ibs , ; grabsors ,
00 ; western calves , $ .1 10-Sl.U .
AM > L\MIH Uecolntb , 2.1,340 hoiul ;
shuupstoiuly , liunlH > 4e per Ib. lower ; shuop ,
f..OJii5 ) ( 5J per 100 Ibs. ; iambs. Jo.2' > 'l ' 5)drnbseil ;
mutton Btuady at VQ.lo pur Ib. ; dressed lamb ;
Hods Ueeuipts. lO.IMihmul , IncludlnR 2 cars
for sale ; market wouk at * . " > GJ4ll 2) per 100 Ibs.
St. I.onU I.lMonk Market.
HT Louis. Mo , OoU 10. OAITI.E Ueeolpts
ft.irJO hoiid ; slilpinuptx , I.HJJ head ; marko
lower ; fair to uhoico natlvn steer * , f.LOK
4.hJ ; ordlnnry to Rood Texas and liidl.u
Btours. < J.20lti.2) ; cows. * l.4i < aV.VJ
llona UecolDlB , litNlhoad ; Hhlpments , 2r > )
bond ; markut lOaTawoi ; heavy. 3u04i155
picklliB. * 5lOttX4-i ) ! ll la. * " .2iKttV40.
HiiP.m' Kootlpts.-tUiW head : shlpmonlb , 01
head ; market woMfl rfTerliik's mostly com
inon : natives ranjt jjKUOQJ M ; Toxuns , fj,5
Human City I.ltn muck Alnrkot ,
eelpts , ll.OJtl ; blilpinoiits. 3.NM ; best steady
others lOu loxvor ; ihlpprni ; sleors. M ( > . ) i .l.7\
Texas and Indian steers , i\il \ ilO ; stouker
and feeders , * > tfcl-5
lions Heuoipts , 3.7vO : slilpmonts. SCO
opened 5o lower , closed lOo lower , weak ; al
Krados. 14 wai.4"i ; bulk , i.iuoasax
tiiiKKl1 Hecolptsi4WKJ ; slilpinnuts. 1,000 ; mai
kot dull nnd unchanged ; muttons , it u
lambs. tiOj < it52J. \
lime Hiuliioib In tliu Oiiuntry ,
The members ol tlio Hoard of County Con
missloners huvo all cone to the country
whora they will remain several days , lool
Inc after mailers which interest their our
stlluonts. Yesterday they appralecj fan ;
school lands near Vnlluy and through whic
the Klkhorn railioad desires to run a tracl
After doing that they will K ° over to III
Plaiio river aud see what is needed to pr <
vein ttio river from waihlnc awny tuo lain !
of the farmers who reside name six iniU
south of Valley.
( inoil Cuuklu ?
U ono of the chief Dlos&iugs of every Uomi
To always lusuro KOOI ! custards , puiidlac
sttucos , ota , usotlall Horuon "ICaglo" lirau
Condeubod Milk. Directions on the lubu
bold by your groce
llurlliiKton Trttllc .luspcnAed liy A 1'lre-
Itnllwny Notes unit Trrsonnl * .
Sunday trnfllo on the Uurllncton DO-
.wccn 1'acinc Junction nnd Plntlsmouth wns
it a standstill , duo to the burning of thlr-
: con bents ' , of n brldRfc bntwccn the points
mentioned. The flro was discovered bv a
irr.Bll boy , who reported the tact to the section
men In tlmo to nrrost the freight and the fast
ninll , then overdue. The mishap necessitated
iv transfer of business by way of Council
IMufCs nnd Omnhn , nil the passenger nnd
freight trains going throuph this city during
the day nnd night. At 8130 yoitorday n\ot-
nlng the brldROn npnlti open for tradlc.
Td tlnnil o thn drain.
Already the railroads nro beginning to feel
I ho movement o'f praln toward the centers
o ( trade nun the cry for cars rivals that his *
torln rrv that came out of Macedonia. The
Milwaukee Is already negotiating for the
building of n couple of hundred ears in time
for iho movoniciit of corn. The Hock Island
would like to borrow 1,000 car * from
souio rnllroad company thnt lias a surplus of
that commodity \\hllu the Uurllnuton and
Union Pflcillo hnvo sent out tracers for mi
nvnllnblo rolllni ; stock Still the situation U
by no moans ns strained as it will bo xvttliln
u month , and It looks now ns If Nebraska
would feel to u greater extent than ever the
shortage of cars on nil the railroads In lha
About llnllwuv Men.
Kx-tJovornor Uufua H. Hullock of Cleorgln ,
now govcriiinont ditector of the Union
Pacific , Is In the dty , nnd with SupeiIntend-
enl Nichols ol llio Overland , was arranging
n suhodulo whereby ho could inspect the
system by dnvtlght. Governor Uullock will
lenvoVednesdov on his special car nnd will
probably bo nceonumui'jd by Stiperlntoiiaont
Nichols ,
Mr. A. n. llutchlnson , stationer of the
Union Pncillc , loft Sunday lor St. Thomas ,
Con , , whuro ho will bo married onVcdnos *
day to n well known young lady ol Unit citv.
Twenty-seven delegates from Onmlia to
the annual niceling of the grand lodge ,
Knights of Pythlus , which moots in Ootiovn
todnv , left yesterday mornlni ? at 0 o'clock
over the Fremont , Hlkhoni it Missoutl
Valley railway.
E. J. Foster , formerly assistant freight
agent of Iho Northwoitoin , ts in town.
General Manager G.V. . lloldrepo of the
Uuilliictou is expected homo today fiom tits
inspecllon ut the svs'otn.
Mr. A , I ) . Siiillh , assistant croncral pas
senger and ticket ncetit , urrlveil home tailn-
day after a montli's visit with Irlends in
Uosllne nnd tlui cast.Vliilo absent h.e nt-
Icndod llio annual mooting of gcncinl pisson-
Rcrogonts at Lnlto ( Jbnmplaln and of course
had n high old tlmo
Mr. Abe Faulkner , n mighty u'ood fellow
by llio way , bus been appointed
general passenger and ticket agent
of the "ICaty" Missouri , Kansas nnd Texas
system with headquarters nt St. Louis , the
apnolntinont to toke effect October 1.
General ,1. K. Buchanan of the Elkhorn
system has returned from Chicago whore ho
wont to nticiid n mooting of Ibo Trnnsmis-
sourl association. No business of any
moment wns transacted.
nina or inr. i.\nitriinun ,
William Coburn Got homo yesterday from
Kentucky , the country where they don't nato \ o
to benavo. I saw Nancy Hanks do nn easy
milo in 2:00 : nt Now Albany , nnd Doblo didn't
oven try to drive fust. Stto is a very ordin
ary looKincr litllo imp , but her head ain't
swelled nt all , and she didn't , pay any atten
tion lolho inuMeof Ibo bands or tlio cheers
of the pooplo. At tuo end of-tno fast mile
mon crowded onto the track bv the thou
sands nnd fauly climbed over each oilier for
a chaucn to caress her. I'll bet over 20u of
thorn Ulsssed her ; actually kissed her , nnj-
where they could get their uglv mugs against
her , and hundreds nioio roarnod over tnoao
in front of them in order to barely touch ner.
Idiots ! Of course they were , but while vou
nro miking about that , what do you think of
her owner , who roiuhed $170,000 lor that llt
tlo chunk ct nnrscllcsh last weak ! Ho will
bavo to send her a good many exhibition
miles at $ . " > ,000 per oxhlbisli before ho gets
that amount out of her on the truclr.
Major John B. Furay--It does niv heart
oed to ECO tbo rollicking youngsters on their
vay to school , for that Is where I had some
if tbo best times of mv life. Then ) wcro
'ilcndly , healthy rivalries , but they never
; ot tbo bettor of our sport. Wo used to wnit
ivery morning for these who livea farther
, way and who had to start first , and tbcro
vas always a good bizod company recruited
icfoio wo reached the school house ,
'bo girls could Ihnnv a ball just
s well as tbo boys , and wo used to keep
t hot all along the load. Thou llioio was
.bo foot log aciosa the cioek , Just below tbo
mill pond datn. Sometimes wo used to "coon
t" across , on our bands and knees , and about
nco n year somebody would go in heels over
icad. Great duvs were those , and they will
over como again ,
Citv Attorney Connell I guess St is true
bat Iho oily is haying moro Irouolo ingoting -
ing loglstrars of election this tlmo than
ver bofoio. Tiioio uio a lot of fellows ho
com lo initilc that they do not bavo to
orvo if they aio appointed , but thov uo and
vo propose to fool some of them , i'hn Inw is
: lear upon Ibis point , and It piovidos for a
ino of nol less Ihtui ? V ) , nor moro man $200 ,
: o bo collected from nnv reglstiar , who after
bolng appointed , lails lo uuullfy und serve.
There are some of Iboso people who tblnlc
lhat thov know moro than the law manors ,
but alter n few of them arc lined In tbo
courts they may olnngo their minds.
Dr. Tonne ! of tbo Health Ofllco The opin-
on beonis to have gene ubroaa thai Ibis is n
general mlclliganca olllco and that wo huvo
kept cases on tbo human faiiulv blnco Nonu
: ook that noted boat ridu. Ileic's n man
ivho lias wrirton to us to Und out the nnmn
of tbo parents of n ulrl who was born in
Omaha in 18150. Wo know several things ,
but wo cannot plead to knowing anything
about tub. In ISii'J ' Omaha bad loks than
10,001) ) people nnd there was no record leeot
of the 1'irths nnd deaths. Right hero I want
to say that tbeio are now some doclorslio
do not socm to know Unit Ibo city ordinances
require them to tocord ttiadealh * and births.
It if only bv continually punching them that
wo can got them lo do their duty.
IX D. Walker There Is no question but
that the Lord Is with tbo pec uio this year
and that this coming winter will bo u very
mild ono. Thorn aio several icasons why
this prognostication can bo made with
accurucy In the Hrst nlnco thn htibks on
tb < 3 eais of corn mo unusually thin ; Uic
inuBluuU uio building their bouses low
In tbontor nnd are not lay
ing In their usual supply of Win
I'.T food ; tbo coveilng of the
fur bearing nnlinnU Is the lightest that it ha'
been for years , and last but not least the
weather bone In tbo domestic fowl .shows ur
well This \\catlior bono Is the Ulangulin
bono lu tbo uriiisl. If it Is clear and Dili
you nmy dopand upon having any amount o !
unow and lots of cold weather , but If ill1
ihlck and dark Ihon you may bet upon ai
open winter wlib bul llttlo snow. This ycui
thu bono Indicates a very pleasant winter ,
Frank K. Mooies Thorn nro some pcopli
who scoin to wonder why I do not go onto tin
stump and help nmko n few veins for Uu
republican tmrtv this full. This is nnout tin
easiest thing in iho world lo oxpUin. I un
not too proud to go out and labor will
iho masses , but 1 can do moro gooier
or the cause DV b lay ing rich
in mv ofllco. The ic I am In toucl
with all of thu voters nnd can very frequent
Iv put In a few words which do moro goo (
than a dozen long winded speeches di llverni
from the top of a dry goods box. While I'n
talking 1 want to sav that I have raudo several
oral hundred republican voters during Hi
past month nnd 1 think that that Is moi
than the most enthusiastic stump orator cai
say for himself ,
A. K. Walkup Ono year of expoiloncol
tbo marriat.0 department of iho county com
fully convinces mo lhat them ara Iblng
which uro boynd tbo power of human con
prehension and understanding. It U a fac
that as winter draws ioar u noticeable nctlv
ily prevails In the wedding murkei
Tbo members of the human fun
ily Boom disposed to pair off i
the fall , which U something that I huv
never hud explained to my ontlro satlsfai
lion. In olbor classes of animal llfo Hi
mating season is In ibo spring , I have n
desire lo discourage matrimony , but wit
coal at tbo present prloo I think that it Is
netidluis outlay of money to commit. loair
mouv ul this season of the your.
1'anieil Coimterlell .Money.
John 1'ndicott of Omaha wns arrested > c
terday upon a charge of pasblng oounlarfa
money. He shoved a dollar tliutrculd ni
nn (
Omclia Tent-Awning Wolf Bros , &Go ,
Comixuif , Klnn , hummock - Tomil , nnnlns' . Inn An-
mock * , oil an i rubber lln , rotef i > t nil klod .
elothlitK inln'oniie , 111.1 llnu , tiitnnpr * . rte enit
tn nnm strool. rorentalomio 70J3 , It Hi
BciinsOnialiaBaEGfl M , 0 , Daxon ,
liiiporicM nnil nifr > . Hour lllcycli' < ! wld on nionllily
k , tiirap mini ! piTiaento UiN bill si
lK)01'ri AND SllOKS.
Morss-Coc Slios G nr.ny . ,
II U llnnnrlMroet
rurtoryiiirner lltlinml l > niuln < > > lrp ( > tii.
'iiinkliK.i . i''rlce | ii > oi h Inner * , nn
HnitndiM i.rinimKnlilih Her ; mV-u
with im-r , limits
JoncfS , Amcr , Hand-Suwoi
"Into eonipiiir. hint" ,
AHMIII lll ( tllll ItllhlMT | KHM ami ru hiior mo I' .
I",1,1" ; ' " ! " " ' } " < e iw- Uu nnd 1IIU llainoT
llnrnp ) Riro't.
Blotckr & Colici
notion , fur ,1 , .
In-f Oliu n * n trlnl.
bnmple tro mid li > o -
J'ro ' < lUlllnrneyM.
OinahaCoal.CoLf.Lime'Co Eagle Cji'iim Worltj
llrnl nml oftcnnL v K Mfrs Knlrnnlri'd Iron
cor. irih nnd Iouinl cornice , winlow enin ,
trect , inptnllc "Vyiiaim etc
1110 , im liik-o-jt ) ,
M. E. Siiiitli i"Co , " Kiljulriei Kocli
J > rTcooil notion * fur- Dry Oooili Co Notion *
Jilslilnir ituiMlt Corner n : BJO U
Ilia nnd Howard sH Cor 11th mi I
Onialia Upholsbrinj ; Co , liccbc i llunjan
Pln1it rel fnrnlt irj riirnlluroCo. . Uracaan
IKi.'lluiMc'ioUi ilrjjl IStlistroci
D. M. Slcclc&Co. Bliikc , Bruce & Co
1201-UOI.Iones street , lOth nnil llarn/ sir cct
Omalia Onnili i
boar close inspection nnd was tupped for tlio
not. Ho will bo tried lor the otTcnso at the
.November term of ttio United Stales court.
UoWitt's bnrsapirilm oestroys suoa poi
sons as scrofula , skin dlsnasos , oczonn , rhou-
matlsm. Its timclv use savoi many Uvrtja.
Cash lor Some V.ilitihle Deaduood Prop *
erty Cluuiirs Hands in Oiii.ilin
Or. Franiclin 11. Carpenter , into Ooan of
the South DiiKoUi School of Mines , is in
Omaha. The doctor's visit to the city Is for
the purposi ; of closliiR up n mining deal of
more lliiin uuul importnnco to Doaduood
pcoole. The deal involves the Irunsfor of
ho , Mlknao nnd Carthage
rroup of mines , situated about six miles u c : > t
Df Ueaclwoou , in the Kliuy Basin mining dis-
rlct , and thu monev to bo p.ud for the prop-
rty , $120,000 , will be paid out for the pur-
liusors , Chicago parties , by the First Na-
lonal ban It of tLis citv.
The mines included in the transfer nrc
among thu richest in that district , and most
A them have been bullion pioducers for sov-
ral years. Their oroa carry gold and silver
astnall perccntaKo of the vvhlto metal andre
ro of a rofiactory character , ntcessltatine
heir being worked by either the chlorinatloii
r pyritiu smclthip process. The contlomoii
lurchasini ; thn properties have ono of the
incst rcdur.tmn ) ) lints of this acscilpllon m
ho world , under the supervision of Dr. Cur-
lonter , nt Dead wood , and the ores trom their
LOW purchases will bo tioatcd there.
Ur. Carpeiilor had a gieat deal to sny
: oncuruliig tUo mineral resources of
the Blneic lulls , nnd declares that
t is the most wonderful r-ountr.v in the wotld
nnd tnat llio continual working of llio mines
and oxplot.illoiis In the wnv of pioMiecling
Aovlc will ( that its richness
und vniictv of mineral rosouieo * bavo novcr
boon even njip oxiinated liv the wildest guess
C lib most sanguine tricnds.
Cook's Hxlra Dry Clinnipagnc is ono of the
n-iL delicious beverages m llio maikot.
Oneo tiled It will ahva\s bo on your table.
Oil III 1 ftClHIOh
Mrs. Hods0 uai tno hfth-iirado room at
IMISS Trulnnd's homo was coiibumod in
Saturday night's blazo.
Mrs. Kclboy lakes tlio room at St. Barna
bas , loft xnca'nt by Miss Wood's resignation.
It has been suggested by many that an an
num teachers' loceptlon would bo u happy
Mrs. IContof Torostis seriously ill. It Is
feared she will never bo able to loturn Ic
the school room.
The reception of welcome gave to Mr. nnil
Mrs. . .lamopioved u most cnjoyablo occas-
on to all piesent.
It is rninoiod that n number of tcachora
from the interior of the bluto will visit the
schools on Tiiuisiluv.
Miss Ijiltloliold of Park and Misses Balan-
tynonnd Woleottof Huncioft ivunt to Heat-
Ice Krldtiy ovoiung to atlcnd the mooting ol
Young I'ebnlo's Cuiisthm Endouvor society.
The school for deaf inutos , under the
supervision of Mr. Oiccsspio , hns this fall In
troduced a kindergarten dopaitmtmt. Miss
Viitl , fonuoily ol Marshalltown , has charge
of the work.
Mrs , U'lnslow's Soothing Svrup for chil-
dion teething is the family benefactor , i ! . "
contb a botlle.
Criminal ( 'mill .Mites ,
Charley Mitchell , llio young man who was
charged wllii having broken Into tlio dwell
ing of Muggio Mcl'hersoii und stolen a lo
of clothing , pleaded guilty to the crime o :
petit latreny yesterday aftoinoon , llo wai
lined $1UO and costs and sentenced to thirty
Java in the jail.
The irial of llnnry Mav will bo on in Judge
Davis' rouit today Mny is acruhod of li'W' ' '
Ing stolen u quantity of goods from Hay
dun's nloro wlnlo ho was thcio us n tihipplni.
clorlf. Ho was tried IMI wouk , bul thu Jurj
fulled lo auroo.
.Indyes Doauo nnd Iivino have changiu
court looms , llorjaftor Judge Doano tvll
hear equity C.ISOH In room No. U nnil Jo.due
Irvine will prostdo over Iho Jury cases ii
room No. I , both lu Tin : Iliu building.
UoWltl'sbursaparllla ciemisoi the Oloil.
Delegate' to the .Niitlnnitl Meet Inc.
The Uoatdof IViuto held a very brief ses
slon Ustuvonluy. The only buslnoss trans
aotod was tl.o appointment of 1 } . U , DavlH
H T DAVIS and \V. N Nuson us delegate !
to u meeting ol the National Board ol Trud
to bo held ut Chicago. Octobur 10 , to tak
action IN togard to the linprovemont of couti
tryjoads ,
ItnlliliiiK > < < rmU * .
TUo following permits were Istuod by lh <
Buperintendent of buildings yonorda.v :
James O. Uh two-btory and batenient.
brick ttiiiuhon o. I3J7 Jones street I1H.03
A. II. Hnrr. ono and ( inu-haif biory
frame duollliiK , 27.15 UlilriiKo htiuot 1W
Ki > o minor penults lj
The following iiwrriaKO llconsoi.wero is
sued by County Judge Kllcr yostcrday i
Nainnand addresH. AKI
IdUbthonberOmull i ;
1 iiliv PelerHOU , Omaha . . . , . .
JJohnO bailor. Illalr. Neb .
IMiniiloA. Miller , lllalr , Nub. . . . I
lltclop & Wilhelny Co. Ulicck & Lino.
Corner 10th and JacVion lp lor lnlia
Mrceli inerhniilctt toolt.
1UI DouuUn street.
Clias. II Uo. Jolin \VaMtlil \
dfiil lumber wooil limumclniprlriii1Mrt. .
pd nndpArnujt lad ti'iiui'tit MllwniUa *
noorlnir hlriuPc roniunt nnl
l unit DouiiUi | LJnlnoy wliiu | i n
Carpenter Pipcr Co. Oil Co.
lrincli ! & Co
Whiincy & Co.
Tioilnoi * fniili of all
lluttcr. CKK nndpoiiltrt Kind * oy tor
: iUi ( iulh lltli ! .
JiiYA. ClirkS Cj"
lluuer ch. > ' > ( (
ptuiltry and immt )
N JIT ' ouiii nuist
Etiuerepnlrs nnd wnter
nttni'liuiHiit * for mi )
kind cil .love iniido
l.MT DouuliK
SASll I TOS. .
Jl.A.Dlsbrow&Co. H. ILirily & Co.
Unnnfncturcir * of siih , Ton dolln. nl b i m
door * , blinds nn t fiuipr Kioiil * house ( ar
luouldlnKK llrnnch of nUlilHK k'oodi , ohll
Hcc , 12th and linrd tit dren rt iiirrln on
1 Illi 1 uriiniiibt
Union Stock Yards Company
Host entile , hoi ; and sheep m iri < ol In the west
: STOt-IC COM \lItjS > lOX.
\Vrite ta thii houii for cor-
0. ra3t Marltot Report ! .
Wood Brothers ,
fcouth Omah i Telephone Hi ? - Chicago
\\Al.rKll K. WOOD ) Miinaijari.
Mnrkot reports hv in.ill an 1 wlro cheerfully
fnrnlbhed upon applic itlon.
Campbell Commission Co.
Chlcaso , F.astSt , T.oiils , ICuisasPltjSouth
Um.ili.i. fcloux ( Jltv. Tort Worth.
A. D. Boycr & Company ,
DSand .VJ i\eh.iii20 : llulldlnSouthOniahi.
CorrcuponilonTOxolliltijl nnl promptly answer ! 1.
tliuclul nllentlontoorilcrs forslockors ifcuilors
Kitnbllibcd , 161. . . . IncorporatoJ 13 1
Cnpltul fully jinlil , fWUJJ
Waggoner Birney Company
\Vrlloor4wlriS us for prompt Hint rclUblo unrkul
Perry Brothers & Company ,
I.IMS Stoe.i Cominission.
Itoom M l.xeh.uuo Ituildnu , Soulli Oniah u
'lulupbunu 1707
ntuw > in > u\i ) mo/// f/.s.
Vcrdoii's now mill Is upiiioiiching com
The Morna Uoportor has been sold by A.
Laiciiby to P. A. Gatchel' ' .
An Ancient Order of United Workmen
hall Is being built at Aluxiindila
Atlor twonlvcais of wedded life , Mr. and
Mis. Lallor of Vurdon hnvo separated.
J. C. Sloan of Sarny county \\nnts to husk
corn with nny other boas huskar for the
championship of the urn Id.
The YoiU Iailv Press has ceased to exist.
YorK county didn't ' hnvo the piopcr sail to ,
suppoit adcmoRi'ntlcdally.
A klekint ; cow ii ) < et t luntcin in ller's '
barn ut Mayweed , dostioylng the structure ,
but Ibo fustlvo bovlno escaped.
Fred Darnell of Seward county Is In a
very critical condition us tbo result of u cut ,
on tbo knee , mulcted by n corn knife.
A litllo child of N L. Tlpton , near Seward
ard , was billon by a iiiUleMiuko nnd Its llfo
wiis only saved by'llio most vigorous truul-
The Fremont Frail has been losurrootoil
after having been buried for about Iho
months. The paper was icnuscltatod bv C. W.
llvait ami ho will demonstrate ilml Iv is a
very llvsly corpse.
As llcnrv lloppen was returning to his
homo , ulna miles southwest ol Harvard , Im
was thrown or fell from his wagon , wlilcb
was loaded with Mono and lumber , sustain
Ing fatal Injuiios from which bu died , AH
ho never rufiiilmid consciousness , and being
nlono , It Is not Known bow the accident oc-
cunod , llo was found mid curried to his
bom ? by bomonf his neighbors ,
A farmer living near LibJiiy owns a blnd !
mule , sa.vs the Himtrico Tlmus , During tlm
anlmul's' oxlsteneo ho bus Horvod u long nnd
faithful apprenticeship on tbo borso poworof
tbreshing machlnos , corn shullorH , olc. , but
fincn the advent nl Btoam thioshers this mule
has had a rest trom suub labors , bul that his
memory bus not fulled with declining years
was illustrated a low duvs sliao , A ulonin
thresher was In operation nour a pnsluro In
which said mule wns con lined , and whllo the
innclilno was in motion this mule would
travel around a cliclo ns of vorc , when Im
wns faithfullv performing bu duties on ibo
bprso pover , stopping when ttio miirblno
ktonped and Btarling again failbfully when
iho bum of tbo iiuoslior was noard. This
porfoi inntico was continued until ibo machine
was removed.
Whldi nature U ( onutantly u'vlnt ' ; In the Rhapo
nf bolls , pimples , eruptloiiH , nlrern , ete , 'flieno III" blond it ( ontamliiuled , and ROIIIII
iniiHt ho Kivcn to relieve the trouble ,
In the remedy to forte out these l ) l-
bonn , and unablu you tn
"I have had for ) < arn a humor In my Mood ,
which made mo dread to fchavc , IIH Kinall bolU ( ir
pimpled would hoc nt , thuscansin thoHlmvlncto
IMI unreal iinnojance. After taking thrto Imtth
fPfV3& my f.uti iiall andmnixith an It
JT jJ ri uliould Ixi apjietlto fplrnilld , sliep
| fc liiMi < ll wdi , and fiel Ilku running a foot
ah from the use of H , H , H.
CIIAS , HEATON , 71 Laurel t. I'liila.
Trcatlee on lilixnl andHkin dlM.II > CH mailed frt
Vf 81'J.UriU COuAUauta.aa.