Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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The Wisdom of National Liberality Toward
Education in the Weat.
Important IrrlRntlon nml llnllroatl Pro-
Jtctii In liluho nnil Jlontium Confmlon
In tln-Nnnic Summitry o lhoUrck'4
KtcnlH In tlio North u t ,
National liberality was never moro wisely
bettowod than in contributing to the educa
tional Interests of the west. The lavish en
dowment of lands and money has already
placed th public school sjstem on a solid
foundation , enabling the now sUtcs to show
n unusually small per ccntof Illiteracy. A
logio Instance will how the expanding
Tafuo of the endowment. In South Dakota
fcit than ono-tblrttoth of the school lands
faavo been told and the amount realized Is
ever 11,200,000. The school hind Income for
J6W amounted torslo3.04 , , derived from the
Interest on purchase money of lauds that have
Been sold and from the rental of lands
loused , mostly the former. While this is u
inunlllconl income , considering Iho a o of
the state. It falls considerably short of what
was expected , owing to thu loot thi.t a very
imall portion of the state's real estate was
leased. Tlio farmers anil stockmen who own
Uiid adjoining school sections are bocomlni ;
foxy , so to speait they won't pay rent , but
use tbo land Just the 6ntr/o. Last year the
Income amounted , in round number * , to
H5.000. ' 1 ho numuoi of school children then
was about bt ,000 and the rate allowed the
counties was 60 cents for each child. This
year the returns , show 90,8-4children and the
ruto allowed Is bO cents for each child of
school ugo in tuo state.
Mlnlnp interests In the Ccour d'Alono
country , in o gradually recovering from the
ravage * of tbo late labor "war. " Ton or fif
teen of tbo men Implicated in tbo destruction
of property nave been tried and convicted
tnd Imprisoned for terms ranging from tbrco
months to tuo years. Tbo bulk of the union
N miners have loll thecountry , being unable to
obtain employment. All persons engaged in
the strike have been blacklisted by the Miuu
Owners association. Everything Is now
quiet and harmony rolgns between tbo Im
ported men nnd their employers. Thu Poor-
mun mlnu turns out ftom 'JOO to USD tons of
010 per day. It runs about , 'i5 per cent lead
mid from twenty-clgbt lo thirty ounces of
tilvcr. The Alice mine uolils no well. All
Iho leading minus are yielding good paying
ere , but thu low price of silver coi.fines oper
ations to the best ores. Prospecting and de
velopment work are at low i > bb.
An English syndlciito. representing n capl-
tnl of &luuo,000 has acquired nu Interest , in
Ilio Hoodoo and LiUto Chiei group of imuiM ,
from James Shcrhun nl Seattle nnd A. H.
Morrison of Snoboiulsh , making it a deal ot
probably gtcaler importance and magnitude
than any previous similar transaction In the
northwest. The Hoodoo and Llttlo Chief
croup Is in the Stlllaguaml-sh district , be
tween the Silver Crock and Monte Crlsto
regions , and Is known to be one of the most
Tuluublo undeveloped districts in the state of
Washington. Tboyero first located by
A. Oordon nnd F. W. Harrington in 1891.
There are estimated to bo 8,000,000 , tons of
ore in sight , aud the purchasers paid at the
ruto of $ L a ton. On the Liltlo Chief claim
i Iho oulciopplng-s run for over TOO feet and
9UO feet in dcptb , and iho vein Is 23 lect
The ladles of Silver Bow county , Mont. ,
protest emphatically against the proposition
to go outsiao of their state for a model fnr
the statue of Montana to bo exhibited at tut )
World's fair. They hold thatth re are unlive
Montana women who would makojuitas
beautiful models in face and liguro as Miss
Ada Helmn , And they do not stretch tbo
truth in claiming equality in feminine
tcauty. But how ninny of them would eiv
110,000 , tbn prlco demanded , for an inanim
ate outline of their figures ? All of whlut :
moves the Now York Sun to exclaim : "Slgl :
no more , Indies of Montana ; sigh no rnoriv
Tbo thing wbeicof you complain is really a
neil buttered compliment. You are all so
fair that tbo sculptor despaired to make a
choice among you , and so took an outsider.
AVas this not welll
Ground on the Buttc , Anaconda & Pncilio
railroad was broken last Thursday. The
rvork between Butte nnd Anaconda will bo
vigorously pushed to n linisb this season.
Vtie road will bo extended next year via
JJhllllpsbuix' and Cranito to Missoula and
the Flatbcad country. Tbo Butte terminus
will bo at tbo Modou mine , the most eastern
claim of the Anaconda company. The rend
will cross Missoula gulch on tbo south sldo of
Big Butte lo Burlington and Silver Bow
Junction , thence parallel tbo Montana Union
through the Silver Bow canon. The Ana
conda company me doing the work with .Hill
of the Great Northern behind the enterprise.
Doiso capitalists have bepun the construc-
Olon of n largo irrigation ditch , whicn wiig
Vrovo of preat value to thn agricultural in
terests ot that bcctlou of Idaho. The ditch
taps the Hoise river above thu city and will
pans Boise on the lilub land above the peni
tentiary for the purpose of taking up unoc
cupied lands at Dry crook , Willow creek nnd
in Iho neighborhood of Middloton. Tuo
ditch , when completed , will bo six miles
o UK and will water something like 100 , OIK )
acres of land. It will have a capaolty of 50-
COli miners' inches , or 800 cubio foot of water
B second. It will cost something like $400-
Tbo name of the state of Washington does
not quite satisfy the Now Yo.-k Sun. It
claims thai , the name is "bothersome at
times , because it Is apt to be confounded
with the national capital. When wo print
pews from Seattle and other places in Wash
ington some people are puzzled by It or got
piixcd. Why not call It George Washington
for tbo sake of convenience ? Mno of the
plates have two words in tnolr names. "
Tbo Washington Star approves Iho sugges
tion of the Sun lint1 says : "Wncn it was
inopojjcd-tfl rj'taio ; ° tuo new state 'Washing-
if ttr"lb > > Star pointed out the confusion thnt
would result. The sentiment that demanded
the honoring of George Washington by nam
ing i state after him wai , properly enough
perhaps , miftlciont to outwolgb considera
tions of convuninnco. It would , however , DO
m Mill better tribute of respect to give the
tale the full name , 'Gcurgu Washington , '
and it would mnko the desired distinction.
U'lio Sun's ' suggestion Is a good one regarded
from any standpoint. "
South Dii lui in.
Tbo Baptist church destroyed by flro in
Peodwood cost $12,000.
Dead wood's ' now hotel will require 1,000-
COO brick for the upper four stories. The
foundation and basement story will bo
A timber fire between Lead City and
I'iodmont destroyed the railroad trauk for
uvcral miles , and a largo tract of timber
and other property.
I Tbo work of excavating for the founda
tion of Iho Masoulo temple In Deadwood
lias commenced. The locution la the corner
at Mama and Pine slroots.
, The sidetracks being built Into the tin dis
trict at Ulll City will DO completed this
wook. The Cowboy lode shows 7 per cent of
lia oxldo and Iho Jnpanioy 8 per cent.
The recent hot winds that prevailed in
South Oakotn ten day * ago were
aevorest In the vicinity of .Alpoun , where
tbo thermometer wont up to 98 ° In the
ihndo. Farmers In many Instances wore
ompolled to leave the fluids on account ot
liie excessive beat ,
Destructive forest fires are raging in the
fcinuiitnliib around Larumle ,
Electric powc * is to ba used extenilvely in
the Hoclt Springs coal mines.
Wool nhiuments from Carbon county thli
yrar reached ! . ' , 178,180 pounds. .
The Denver and Gray Copper leadi In the
| .aplata UUtnct yield 1600 ore.
A casual inspection ol Wyoming paper ;
Creates n suspicion that a political campalgE
fcna broken out In the ttate.
The M. J. Coylo Oil company has beoi
ejrgauiied at Newcastle with a capital of f 1 ,
(00.000 , and will work In the petroleum Heidi
at Western county.
Kd Wlnkly , a desperado who had i
kuud in thu killing of Constable ilyroi
fcmlth by A. C. Moora Ibreo weeka ago a1
* tw Fork , declined t eUvitto till dukei
when requested br an onicer. Well directed
rlllo bullets Induced bltn to turn his boots to
the cloud land.
John P. Irish , Into of Iowa. Is aeltatlnp his
] w for the democracy In Wyoming. Since
John hlej away toward the suiting sun ho
planted a Sin Francisco newspaper mun
under the weeping willows and engineered a
profitable deal In thu location of the now
pontonicc of San Franclico.
The Unoyenno Sun made the startling ( lit-
covory recently that tbo Hnltimoro ft Ohio
rkllroad would bo built to Buffalo in the
early sprlnp , on Us way to the Puoillo const.
As the Dalllmoro & Ohio has not yet ex
tended buvond Chlcnco , It Is evident tl.o
company will sinnsb the railroad building
record If It fullllls the prediction of the
Cboyonao prophet.
Idnho anil Montiim.
Pocatcllo will Indulge in a $10,000 opera
Operations have boon renewed on the I3lg
Creek antltnonv mines In Idaho.
Uurlnc the past three months the Dolso
assay ofllco handled I3TO.Q71 In bullion.
The Hod Cloud Mining company at Halley ,
Idaho , cleared $5,000 during September.
The Chinese of Uolso City dolled the deli
of th six companies and registered Geary-
Ore worth S3.fi30 a ton is the size of a Into
strike in the Union mine , South mountain ,
ICnuto Knutson , a smaltor employe at
Great Falls , became ciiliiuglod in n Itullo of
molten metal and was burned to a crisp.
The monthly pay roll at Wardner , Idaho ,
Is said to b over f , " > 0lWi ) at present. Of Uils
sum the Hunker ilill and Sullivan company
pay Wi.OOO.
According to the report of Wells , Fargo &
Co. , the ) have expressed from Atlanta and
Hooky 13ar ulnco the discovery of those
mlnos $ . ' 7,000,000.
The center of population In Montana Is
fifteen mlles from Helena and that city has
inoro railwav passonpcr trains running In and
out of it than nny otuer city In tbo stuto.
In the croat prnirle flro that raged two
weeks ago on the Dear river vnllar , Idaho ,
more than 1,000 bead of fat dattlo were
burood to death , nine bouses and four
cabins burned aud three herdsmen fatally
James Dougherty has been doing sorao
prospecting on Succor Crook , Owyheo
county , Idaho , and took seine arsenical iron
ore to Do Lamnr a short tlmo since that
assayed ? TO In gold and fifteen ounces silver
lo the ton , Ho has located a ludgo that is
four feet wide.
Uutto City , In an effort to Keep pace with
civilization , seems to havn forged a llttlo
ahead. A prize fight therj is refereed at the
points of revolvers In the hands of tbo ponu-
lace. For men to whom ocath presents no
terrors a Butte Cltv prlzo light is said to
possess wondrous charm.
Another rich strike has boon made In the
Red blcphant mine at Bullion , in the Wood
river country. It is u vein currying four
feet ot ore , ol which eighteen inches on the
foot wall Is solia galena. This strilto was
made at the greatest depth attained In the
mine , and the extent of tbo ere body ubovo
and below tbo strike is not dolurmitiud.
AlOMir till ! C'IMIHt.
I'ulltnan , Wash. , has anchored a * paper
Walla Walla's opera house was leveled Dv
Portland keeps up Its lick in the matter of
bic 11 res. A bluzo on the 2nd destroyed
$50,000 worth of property.
San Jose last week shlpood 259 cursor
fresh and dried fruit to tuo east. Over 5-
000.000 pounds of dried fruit was sent.
Hoppner , Ore. , draws its water supply from
an artesian well , which yields IMO.OOO gallons
a day without exhibiting that tired feeling.
At Ashland , Ore. , a 13-year-old boy who had
not bocn permitted to co to the county fair
looked calmly into the muzzle of an ancient
mtisltot while ho.pressed the trigger with his
toe. The funeral was of regulation longlh.
Few charitable cnterDrlscs in San Fran
cisco have nutted BO much money as iho Ger
man Allenheiui fair , which was open for
seven nights. The costumes and decorations
were very attractive , and nearly $30,000 was
Spokai.o threatens to shako water as a bev
erage unless there is nn early Improvement
in the quality. Too fart ttiut a number of
closets are in operation in the vicinity of the
source of supply tends to chock the appetite
for aqun , even on the side.
'Iho greatest farm loan ever negotiated in
the Palousu country has just been consum
mated between McNaught brothers of
Scattlo and iho Vermont Loan and Trust
company , the latter loaning the money. Tuo
property consists of 4.000 acres of improved
and productive land situated in Whitman
and Spokane counties , worth at a conserva
tive estimate $133,000. Fifty thousand dollars
lars is the umounc loaned.
Parties trying to Introduce now couch
remedies , should know thut tbo people will
have JJr. Bull'b C'ougb Syrup.
A \ XV I/A < JH M ifS ,
In Sol Smith Kujsoll there Is a .stningo
comlnKliug of comedy and pathos , and it is
this mixture which enables him to Uoap hii
audience with him , to move his heurcrs to
laughter or to tears. In "Peaceful Valley"
and "A Poor Isolation" Mr. Kussell has two
pluys which clvo htm ample bcopo for his
peculiar talents. Sol Smith Russell Is ono
of the foremost attraction * in America. Ills
business last season was simply the capacity
of the theater at each , performance at cvorv
oily In which ho playrd and bis trip
to the Pacific coast and return this season
has been one continual series of cached
bouses. Mr. Kussoll plujo'd an enormous
engagement in this city lust year , aud will
no doubt playabtlll greater QUO this time.
Ho will Douln an engagement or three
nigbts nt Boyd's , commencing tonight. Ho
will present "A Poor Uelatlon" Monday
night , and "Peaceful Valley" Tuesday and
Wednesday evenings. Seats and boxes lor
tbls attraction can now bo secured at tbo
box oftleo. Thu demand has been very largo.
' 'Harvest Moon , " presented by Martin &
Booker's company , will ue the attraction at
Boyd's thoatur the latter part of the wook.
MUa Loulbo Rial will take tbo loading part.
"Tbo Octoroon , " a thrilling melodrama ,
vrltb the scenes laid In Louisiana during the
old slave davs , commences the week at tbo
Bijou this afternoon and evening. The
vnudcvillo performance intorsperuing tbo
play la of an improved order , embracing
many now aud novel features , conspicuous
among which nro the funny character
sketches by Ecldlo Fox and Dot Fisher ,
Barton nnd Miller aud Bonnlugton and
LEAVEXWUIITII , Kan , , Juno 15 , ' 03.
Mr. J. U , Mooru : My Dear Sir 1 hare
been sutjeotto sick headache all my life.
Over two years ago I began using "Mooro's
Tree of Life" for it and never had a case of
sick boaaacbo since , except when the
modicluo was at ono end of thu road aud I at
the other. HU worth more than money to
mo. I heartily recommend It to all sufferers
of hoaUaclio. Very truly vours ,
W. B. LII.E.
PastorFirst B * ptlst Church.
Wanted , 8 parties to call after 3 p. m.
this day at the Mfg'rs & Consumers
Asbn. rooms , 001 Bee bldg. , to examine
the lixcolsior machine. Also to take
$2,000 each , in a stock company for the
purpose of manufacture of Excelsior in
Omaha. $5,000.00 already sold.
A. D. Bruolly , Secy ,
The latest fads in opera glasses retail
at wholesale prices. Tudor Optical Co. ,
cor. Furtium and 14th ,
Ono Very Serious Handicap at the Big Fire
Sunday Morning ,
Too .Much rrcMUroJIUMt 11 Main StnrtllltK
llapldlly with \VhlrU tlio
Ueioiiri-d livnrj tiling til Itench
-Tlio Totul Lot * .
About 2 o'clock yesterday tnornlnR lire
broke out In the small stable bolonplnp to
Dr. J. B. Union , 117 North Twenty-sixth
street , nnd had almost entirely destroyed
the structure before It was discovered.
When the dootor was nwakonsd by the
smell ot burnltm wood nnd h y bo found
that hU own house and the earn In the
roar was on flro. Tlio neighborhood was
aroused and some one tolopbonod the flro
department headquarters , out OMcorUyau
pot ahead of the .mes-mBO by turning In an
alarm from box 25 , at the corner ot Twenty-
111th aim Farnam streets.
Chief Sailor was the llrst to arrive. As
ho jurapoJ froin his buircy No. ti Hose com
pany nulled up and laid In a line of hose
from the nearest uydiant. Hy this time
tbrco barns and the roofs of two houses
were ablazn. Cnocitcal 2 came In from
the north at tlie same tlmo , and went to
work on the house at 2543 Capitol avouuo ,
owned by B , H. Uobinsou , and occupied by
A. L.lglou. .
As the otBer nose companies came up they
laid tbolr lines and the signal for water was
plven. Whrn the hydrants were opened
the plpomen stood 'boforo the fiercely burn-
IIIB buildings with limp pipes In their hands ,
for no water came. Four out of the seven
lines of hose were useless. Clilof
Suitor took In the situation at .1
glance and seeing1 that ho could not pot water
near by , ordered his driver to turn In a second -
end alarm from tun nearest box. This was
dona and tnoro hose companies came up.
Iloso was then laid from hydrants down the
hill anil In a few moments afterward the
fire , which threatened to bo a great confla-
cratlou , was unilor control.
How iho liullilliiKH I turned.
Dr. Halph's barn was burned to the ground
and his horse burned to a crisp. Tne doctor's
residence was . 'ompletol.v Rutted , and will bo
a total loss. The barn In the roar of Robin-
sou's house was r. pood-sized structure ana
the upper story was full of grain nnd hay.
Two horses were stabled bolow. Tbeso ani
mals were burned before anyone could enter
the stable to release them.
Fiomthoblg stable the tlamss leaped to
tuo adjoining one , owned and occupied by
W. J. Mount. Tben it was that the resi
dents began to fear a lire which would clear
the whole block.
The houses of Messrs.Vlgton and Mount
burned with great rauiaity and little could
be done to save the butldlnui.
Willing hands did everything possible to
save the contents on the "lower floors of Iho
three houses and considerable furniture was
carried to a safe place.
The three barns nro a total loss as are also
the residences of Dr. Halph nnd Mr. Mount.
Only the roar part of the Wigton residence
Is destroyed and it can bo repaired. W. J.
Mount's house and contents cost $5,000 and
was insured for about $3,000. A. L. Wigton
had $500 insurance on the contents of his
residence nnd Mr. Robinson bud the building
fully insured. Dr. Ralph carried 51,200 in
surance but this amount will nut cover hi *
liurstlng Water.lining and Hose.
Besides being handicapped by the lack of
water , four sections of hose burst after the
low pressure hydrant had bocn oponed. It ,
Is understood that the lack of water was duo
to the actions of thu engineer at the Walnut
kHill high pressure pumping station. When
the alarm was turned in the engineer turned
I on too much pressure and burst tbo mam
supplying that portion of the city with
water. If this unfortunate accident had noi
have occurred the flro woulu have been
extinguished with only the loss of two barn
and the roofs of the three houses.
Yesterday hundreds ol people visited th
ruined houses and looked at the work of the
flames. The residents in that part of the
city will make an application tonight to the
lire and police commissioners for a fire box
In their immediate vicinity.
It is estimated that luo 'total los > s will be
about fS,000.
When weak , weary and worn out , Hood's
Saraaparllla is just the medicine to restore
your strength and give you it good apuotilo
> > 111 You tie iusl Till * F.iH ?
If so , it will bo to your interest to
fully acquaint .youiself with the excellent -
lent train service now in effect between
Chicago , IBuirulo , Now York. Boston
find intermediate points , via the ' 'L-xIco
Shore Route. " Through trains lonvo
Chicufjo ut 8:00 : and 10tO : : a.m. , HMO ,
C0 : ; ! , 7:45 : and 11.80 p. m. The "Chicago
and Boston Special" (10:30 ( : a. ) the
only complete train through from Chicago
cage to New England. It has dining
car serving meals the entire distance ,
in itself an exclusive feature , and the
equipment of the train throughout is of
thu very highest standard. The Chicago
cage and Now York Limited { 5:30 : p. m. )
embodies all that is modern and novel
in railway transportation and has very
appropriately been called a "perfect
train. "
B. P. HusfPJlRKV , T. P. A. ,
727 Main street , Kansas City.
C. K. WIUIBK , W , P. A. , Chicago.
Real estate.
Bargains only.
My word is good.
\V. G. Albright
C21-2-3 N. Y. Lifo bldg.
A Orniul Old Hoinilll.
Detroit Tribune : It was September
22right in the midst of the fail plowing ,
that Cinclnnr.tus was called from hib
farm to become dictator of Rome. Cin-
cimmtua had boon health ofllcor , and in
that way had acquired a taste for ab
solute power , lie was tickled half to
death to bo asked to become dictator ,
but thought it advisable to evince a cer
tain amount pf reluctance , "Do I have
to wear socks ? ho inquired , displaying
an anxiety to preserve the traditions of
the Farmers' alliance , of which ho was a
member. "Not tit all , " rejoined the
notification committee. "Then I'll go
you."Whereat Cinclnnatusalighted from
his Bulky plow and became dictator.
Mrg. ! _ . . R. I'alton , KocictorJ , 111. , writes :
* From personal oxporiouco 1 can recommend
DoWltt's SariapurilU , u curd for linpuro
blood anil conoral debility "
Fleet Klt'citiciii Mei > nio .
Carrier pigeons played interesting
parts in the newspaper work of the recent
elections in Great Britain. Irnportunt
candidates in out of the way country dis
tricts , poorly provided with toiographio
facilities , as Mr. Gladstone's Midlothian
district , were accompanied in their tours
by newspaper men provided with carrier
pigeons , 'i'ho ' reporters who wont with
Powder :
Ueed in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
Mr. Glntlstono hud tv regular "plfjoon
man" with ibam. When Mr. Glttd-
utono tlollvonoa spcochos from his c.arrl-
n 'O the ropoctdrs wrote tholr reports on
thin tissue shoots " " nnd
, "flimsy , ptvssotl
them to the pi u con num. The shoots
were nttnchod to the pigeons' logs by
rubber hands and the birds sot freo. The
birds porforvned oxuollont aorvlco in
citrrylnp the malt or to neighboring cities
or toloprnph coiitors , IIH they hnd boon
trnlncd. OiUBOVornloccasions , honruvor ,
on fine , \vurm tlnya , the birds iillpMcd
on roofs nntl siinucil tht'iusolvus for nn
hour or sovhllo the plueon mnn tried
to coax them in so as to 111 o his copy , nnd
the matter they out-rlud had to lie loft
out of the latest editions.
O never Micccsstutiv nttacicj ttto srs-
loin wllh pure blood. Uowllt's Sat-sitptrllla
tnukos euro now blood und onrlclics bb3-l.
The Into ( Jonornl Alfred H. Toiry's ' sister ,
MUs Harriet Terry , hn uoucht an ola man
sion in Portland , Conn. , which she Is to lit
up as n homo \vhoro con llnnort InvnlHs mny
go for chniiRO and outing. The benetlelnrloi
of this beautiful chanty will bo rco'lvod nnd
cared for free of cburso for two months ,
\vhon ItU expected ihut they will give way
to others who wish to enjoy iho chnnirc nnd
rest nt this bonullful spot. The formica
lurpo nno nnd iho homo nmplo nnd roomy.
It overlooks the Connecticut rlvor.
In addition to her other accomplishments
Snrah Uornhnrdt U nn enthusiastic nnd suc-
cosirul iinfricr. A nowspnpur man who
wont to see her recently at the village of
Bonodct , Capu Kintstorre , found her out nn
the river In a boat plying her auglo In n
pouring rain.
Dr. Price lias been for years
perfecting his Delicious Fla
voring Extracts , and they are
now winning their way to
universal favor from their
No housekeeper who has once
flavored a cake , pudding or
cream with DR. PRICE'S FLAVORS
ETC. , will ever return to the
use of any other flavoring ex
and satisfy yourself of their
superiority. The Price Fla
voring Extract Company are
the only exclusive manufac
turers of Flavoring Extracts
upon the continent.
The only uniformly
Consultation free.
Call upon or address
with , stamp.
k Ms &
I cor , I4ii | and Douglas
* .
X1KNT.aipoclHo for Uj-uorli. DUiliun , fill , Nn
ralirla. UeadaoUe , Nerrous 1'roilratou cautad br
alcohol or tobaoooVakorulneu , Mental Uaorai *
lonSoatueiiof Ihollriiln. cullingliuanltr , uil.arr
decar.d nth. I'ruroatura Ola AKO , llsrronuii. Jxiii
vll'uworln eltliariex , liupotonoy , Lauoorrhuaaaj
allKomuleVuakae M. Inroluntarr Laitat , bpof
mntorrUoiciusuJ Vf orer-uiurtlon of tli9 brain
belf-abuiearur-lndulireace. A laontb't traatmant
11,0 for | jb/ mail , Wotcuarantoailz baioi to cjrj
Kachordo forubotoi. trltli'll will eoid wrltlaii
Ruaranteeta rafuadlt notoarod. Uuaruntaa luuol
onlr br Theodore. V , Lowli ilrugulst , tola ngout.
outhuait corner lOtli and Kurnaiu eu. Umaba
Teeth Filled With.
out I'alu uj
the Latest
In entlon.
Ferfeot fit guaranteed. Teeth extracted In
the mornluk' . Mew ones Inserted In ereulng
of lame day *
Be * ( peolrneni of Removable Bridge.
Bee specimens of flexible Elastic Plat *
All work warranUd as represented.
Office , Iblrd Floor , i'axtoa Illoolc
Telephone 1083. 10th aud Farnam Sti.
TaUe Elerator or Stairway from lOtti
Bittet Entrance ,
The UiMn nf.Mr. Pnliiirr { itpiiinnntn Cnr *
rlcil Him OIT Suddenly ISvcrymm llmtilil
KIKUT tlie SyinptoiiM mid lin on ( Innriii
Mr , Wilton H. 1'nlnicr , of Now York Oily , left n
circle of trteml * one nfternoon recently i nd ro-
celved their conenttul.itlonii upon Ills bright Mid
Timorous nopc.irniicp. Hint oyenlnu he ( clt n
tickling In tlio tlironl , it Might pnln ncrnn the
che t , Rclilllj pernntton uml ho coughed once or
Inlce. The next < lsy hH nostrils were Inrlnineil. Ills
throitt "tiro hit clioU | > alnM Mm , liM bonr * nclicit
nnil lie colt solo nil of or. 'Ilio ilny following ho HI
In bed with phjslcl.itu hiulniz tli3lr lieniK nnil the
third dnj IIP n.ii ilo\il from pnoumonln , which lie
fnllrd to take In tlmo
There nro ton llioiininil men nnl women In
Amorlcn today In the i\me condition ni Mr. I'nlmer
when leivlnit lil friend * , hut they do not know It
The Mltiht'st a | > poir.iiico Tlf llu symptonn nhove
nnmod should strike terror to nny nun or trotnnn.
Ann l.lo i chill metns the hcthlnhu of pneumonia ;
nchosnml | > nlna throughout the boly nro tliaflrit
dyuiDtoan. H li nocc'nixrr lo brlnj nliont n reaction
nt oncj Itotr , then. In tlio I'osl way of hilnglhR
noout n toictlon' Aik nny iihyslclnn nnrt ho will
tell you to mo pure whlikoy No mutter how
prejudiced nny ona may ho , imro whl ltoy nt
nuchnllmo Uniicip'"ltylmt forlunnluly thi-io nro
few pure nrltl kU ln the world , nnd. In : ict , thuio Is
but ono thnthm rocolvo.l the unqiinllllod ondorsn-
mcnt of phyalclnn' , chemist nml the high-
cst nuthorltln , nml li Unity's Pure
MnlU 'IIlls tiiin.irk.iblp whisky , nhlch Is sold
by nil first dim drutful'ts nml itrm'CM , will
nlnohitoly check tlio IIMI Miircmch | | of pneumonln ,
while nl the stui'u time It 1 certnln to build up the
wnttvd system. It Uo'urvm to tic kept In o\rry
household , not only to bo used In c.i csot cmor-
Konuyi but to mMst In prolonging llfoand tirlnitlne
benllh ntid Impplnes .
V/hy is it that.
Pure White Lead *
is the best paint ?
Because it will outlast all
other Paints , make a hand
somer finish , give better pro
tection to the wood , and the
first cost of painting will be
If a color other than white
is wanted , tint the Lead with
the National Lead Co.'s
Pure White Lead
Tinting Colors
These colors are sold in
small cans , one pound being
sufficient to tint twenty-five
pounds of pure White Lead
the desired shade.
Be Careful
to use only old and well-
known brands of white lead.
The market is flooded with
adulterated Paints , and "so-
called" white leads. The fol
lowing are strictly pure "Old
Dutch" process brands , and are
established by a lifetime of use :
For sale fay nil first class dealers in Paints.
If you arc going to paint , it will ptj
you to ccnd to us for a book containing in
formation that may save you many a dollar ;
H will only cost you a postal card to do so.
St. Louis Branch ,
Clark Avenue and Tenth Street.
* St. Lou ! ? . Mo.
In the troatmcntof all forms of
ana all Wqaunoss and Disorder ot
T\/rTnTVT with loss ot couruiSL1. ambition
IVi H IN and vlullty. Klshtpon years of
thu most remarkable success In
the treatment of this class of dlsousca , which
Is provun by the univoisiil t. ttlniony of thou-
iandy who huvo tieun cured Write for circu
lars and ( ] iiustlon list. 1 Itli .mil Fiiriniiii
8 > t . , Oiniiliu , Neb.
I6th and Howard Streets ,
BOUoninH forl'atlnnts. OMAHA ) NEB ,
* S8L
-ffi i '
1'ur the treatment of
Chronic , Private 1 Nervous Diseases ,
Piles , Fistula , Fissure and Stric
ture ol'tho Ituotiun permanent
ly cured without the use of Knife ,
Ligature or Caustic.
Enolnso 4c , In stamp * nnd our 107 pnco HOOK
on D1SKAKKH nml Question lllank ! . ,
will bo J1A1I.KU ntr.E.
10th and Hunuril Sis. , Oninlm , Neb.
TV. 0. MAXWKI.I- , n. , I'reb , foii n ui > pn r.
Elast/cStocktngs ,
li < 5 }
Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
WaterBotth ) ,
Syringes ,
Atomizer 3 ,
Medical Supplies.
114S. 15tliSL ,
fiext lo 1'osbfKoi. '
The past week has demonstrated beyond a
doubt the fact that the male portion of Omaha
appreciate the difference between "tweedledeo
and tweedledum. " They appreciate the fact
that when the Nebraska advertises to sell a
fifteen dollar s u iTtoF" fell a n d a half , they don't
sell a ten _ dollar one they sell a fifteen doTTar
one. To call our last we'ek's stile a success
would be "drawing it mild. " We never sold
so many suits the first week in October as we
did this year. We're going to beat it this week
going to give you still bigger values give you
more suits and more kinds of suits to pick
from. Today you can choose from over two
thousand suits all at one price. You can pTcTc
You can choose cassimeres or cheviots.
You can take plain or fancy , You can buy
browns or grays. You can get the heavy , old-
fashioned pepper and salt cassimere that' never
wears out or the very best all wool heavy
indigo blue suit with double or single breasted
sack coats. You can buy suits of us this week
that have never been offered for less than
fi ftee iTd o s a n y ° u ca n buy them for ten
doll a rs alidTTTTty cents.
Four of the largest manufacturers of cloth
ing in the world who make nothing but fine
goods who hire as good "cuTte"rs and as
good tailors as are to be had sell all the goods
they sell in Nebraska to the Nebraska Clothing
Company. No house on earth , no matter who
nor where , can show you suits that are any
better , or are made better in any particular
than the suits we show as our strictly fine suits ,
and we haven't the gall to "a sk yeTi to pay
twenty-eight or thirty dollars for them either
but offer them at $16 to $22. 6O.
Look at them they'll do your eyes good.
Do you use Whisky ?
Leads all others in Sold only at High-class
Places and
Purity , Quality , Bouquet , Drinking .
Age and Smoothness. Drug
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
m. . _ < . , . . , > .nurtniiit in narvoni clironlc. private. LlonJ , ikln and unnnrr ilticfiiei A reirmlar n
. li m Soml > Uuni > tor rcDUr.
Nerve Goods , "
i the wonderful rcmoily
is sold with iv wrlt-
cn Biiiirnntoe to euro all nervous lUiu'iii-cH. null an Wi'uk Memory . ,
IJI'F ol 1 lu n 1'owtr. llPailutlia. Wukofuln < . Io t Manhuiid. . NIB itlv KuiU.
Slon Nerve snuB , l-ii ltudeiilldr-ilti'ionilIoi80f ! p.i erof th ( icnerut 10
In" overcxprtlon. youthful irrorn.or i-icotilvr
orrani thnrsexcius-jd liy
; " '
iilu of t"ir.a'o oiilum or MlrmiliintK which cnnn load Hi Innrinlty. ConeniiiiH
tliiiiiini.IiAanlty. 1'iit tiiconvrnli'ri-tofnrry | In v t tmckvl Wl porpnil"
DceliyrJiiiljiifii'fi. . With ( ivory $ icml r wn nlrt a ti'rilttn yunranltf ' < " ' " [ '
vroniii < nmriiii.iMJ. arrJ\n < tlhtmontll. Circular frcu t . . . . Ltalc milll.
Fop s.vlo In Omtihi by Hhonnan & MUonnoll , 1515 Dodsostrool.
C/-\t = > V/-1I IMO rlor 'lTaiitafiM/ornliic ' lni
§ rOr\T _ OUlSO B | , , | | t , t..ur . eofrtudy tlor-
oTuli. Musical amiMili' | > Mii 'iili > liiili : t ilir to.uhu.f llml-m American
. „ -mi , I Enroth culm c , liw ami l.i.iiitlful . now hnll.llnit" . room , will
tCT vcritHM. . , ! IlLhtrcl tv B "I" n t > iipmlinr | | 7lh r or catnloeuf iitijieti
S" ll"iiliii" , .yu.y T ! > y. IIAIIIIK1 I , 1'irn. < OLtMllllA , HID ,
Save Your Evesiofiit
Eyi't luite I f roe by nn RXPK'IP OI'l'IOKN
rcrftctailjiiHtniuiit- Superior luiiHOi. Nur-
ouHlmiiJui--iio cuicd by iishi't our Siinotiolci
and Kyojl.ib ui 1 ricui low fur UNI , cU j
S I'jtUSt. CrolcrhtOT
Or Ilio I.liiumllnlill I'o.llljrl.v t'tirtU
by wluiliil'lrrliiir l r. lluliie * '
' Ni.fHIl" .
It can b alien In cup of oolt' or tea , or in feod.
rlthoutliieknowl dci > ollli pal. M. Itlnatiiolutelr
barmleta. and will etfrot a p ruani nt and petdy
eure. whether the patient U a moderate drinker or
aTeoliolln r ok. Him beeugueo ID tUou anda
ol oaio.andlnerery instance a perfect curt uai fol
lowed , ( t iirvrr Kail * . TboyilrnjoDrelmprrKUiited
vlfh tb * Cptotflc. Jt become * au ulter iDpoaalblllt/
for the liquor appetite lo e Ut.
Ulll.ltRN kl'KCiriU to. , Prop'rs , CUflniiatl , .
la-pace book of nartlculara free. J'o t > bad of
Kithu&Oo. . 15th and DouUi . ti. . 16th and
t uuilng i-l . Wholesale , IlluUe. llnut ; ) & t'o.
nuU UkUifCtsou
it is easy lo tlcnl or ring walchet from ( lie
pocket. The Iliicf ( , 'ch the watch in one
hand , the chain in the other nnd ( jives a
shoil , quick jerl : the inij ; sliji off the
watch tlcin , nnd nwny jj'ics the watch , lca\-
inj ! the \iiiun only the chain ,
This Idea stopped
that little game ;
The bow has a Groove
on cacti end A colUr
runs down Inside the
pendant ( stem ) and
hta Into the grooves ,
firmly locking the
bow to Hie pendant ,
ao that It cannot be
pulled or twisted oft ,
Sold by nil tvatch (1 raters , without ,
cost , on Jas , Iios Filled and other
caics containing this trade mark
Ask your jeweler for pamphlet ,
Keystone Watch Case Co. ,