"I * " " THE OMAHA DAILY HEE : MCTBffUY. OCTOllEU 10. 1WI2. 8PB01BL NOTICES. \ nVKliTISKMKNTS VOIt T1IKSK COLUMNS A will ft ) taken until U TO p m. for the evrnlng nml until 8 JO p m. for Ilia morning or Snnrtfcy edl- } \n nrtvortl'om-nt taken for les than 25 eenli or the first Insertion All < ltiitll emi > nH In llifno rolumn m centu n rorrt for first Insertion find 1 cent a word for encn mibscqnrnt Insf-rtlon. or II 'fl P r line fif muntli Terms cn li In advance , initial tlKiire . ynihol * < etc , each count n * a word All nrtTcril'orflcnta muni run con * . < -cnllvoly. Aorer tl f > m by rpq e tlni n numbered chock , can n vn tlic lottcrn addrcssiMl ton numbered letter In care ofTllFllru Anwc-rii i > o n < ldrc * pd will be deliv ered on the prountntlon of the check. NOTICE. In the future no advortl-oments will he taken for llin evening edition after 15 10 o'clock All notices brought Into the olllcn after that hour will bo flrit Inserted In tlio tollowlnit mornlne edition. SITUATIONS-WANTED. ' IT10V HV l.MiV HrF.NOIlllAIMimi AI'0 two yonra cxpcrlonco licit of references AddriM.V II , Uro. MM7 10 * 10 MIU. OWNKIISs WANTKII I V A I'llAC- A tlcal miller of JO year * , orpi-rlenci- situation in mill ; cnn nlvr-N'0 I rnfr > rinr.Vbraaka or Iowa prclirrcd Adilrcss K , box 4S-i .leOer-on. In . A IIKM'I'C'I Mil. ! ' . MlllDLi-AIKIi : ( LUJY A wlshi-sn ( Miiltlun as housekeeper or IlKhlliOiiao- work 1110 llnvonport street M < Vt 10 * -WANTI.lt , in AN I'M'KIUKNCKI ) MAN poilllon na manager of Itimborynrdi spcnk Her tuan , ; H-fi-ri-nm Aildrms M III. lice 131 8 * WANTED-MALE HELP. TJ-WAM HI ) , MAI.F.HMUN ON SAt < Alli OU COM 13ml-alon to handle the now patent chemical Ink raslni ! pencil 1 tin tin ilrat icUIni ? novelty over liroduicd. ornKei Ink IhiiioiiKlily lu two n-romls , no abrasion of impc-n a < ) to VM per cent profit , ono -Bent's anles amounted t > > .t ) In six day- another IsiJ In two hour * . ; we want one cncrgctlo ( tnnornl KKOnt In each utrtte and li-rrllory. Fnr terms and iiartlcnlara nddresa Mouroo Kraner Mftt CoX * j.a CroioeIs " * * TJ-WAN1KII. A IMUCT1CAL MAM WITH SOME I 'capital to Uko a water mill Address box SB , Lincoln. Neb W 1) W ANT Kit , HAILIIOAD IiAISOUnilS mil IMVyomlnKand Soulh Dakota Wnupa $ ? Oil nnd II25 | > r ilnr Muady work. Albright InhorUfllea , 1120 rnrimm ettc-ot. 1'ZfOU ' | - HI ) AOK.STb TO 8FI.L KINK TIJAS B-WANT splei * PX I rail a anil mimlrloi by sample to famllls ( no capltiil re-'iulred , i-xi-luilvo tcrrl lory ! Kood pa > , not our liberal trial oiler o W. Loverln A. llrowne to riilrauo M4i > fi o 1C * "I > - ( : : xtTir\i. KMPLOVMIINT on-HI : niwt JJhelp and slluntlons furnlshe 1 , 5W N IMji 1-OH SlM.flAI/n HIM' IN M MlKl'.T iliilik seller , prollls larpe Apply nt unco J Hilda A Co , llox MU , New \ork MOT ! II * - r-S A 1 'IINMIU W VM'hD Kl B- nnd furnnco wor't No othurn ucul apply m Lyle l > lckny A.LO , 1103 Donlilasst lib 120II SKWKIl MT.V , AI.-O iminci.YKUS J Iwnrtod Pay every s itnrdiy Des Molnos , la aloDonntd Mtt > JO A * > _ -\AN | WANTKII 10 COLLKCT AND SKI.Ii IN country Apply nt Singer offlco 400n4 Li : MAN AHOUT Jj. WHO IS QUICK to learn and willing to work wilt bo Instructed In our business nnd salary paid nhllo learning Ap lily I5ID DouKlas COnt } -WANlF.D. AOOODCOATMAKI5II , APPLY TO IV. Sochor , llnvld Clly , .Nebraska 40J IV SM IjAROIlKllS AND tc-ninMani nml nil cuntrni tora to wolk on ex ttnalon of Hock UlitnJ at l.lucoln. Neb 'I c-niis II K day : men , ti n itiir 1 r o lrMi < | iortnlloii foi in on unit tennis from nnj iiolnt or , ihu llotk Inland ronil lie-port nt IX nillon KO illi of Lincoln on Hoc-It Idlnndwork W K. rnllahnn M5I3 J l-LOA'I'MAICCIIH WANThD GAIii : > THE > 'lnllor , ISIS I nrnniu ktrcct .M513 10 - . . 1KN FIH8 I' C1.A6S lllllt ICI.AY- B-WA.NTKII. er lit once Ajiilj | to W II Hughc-ii nt < rote Nob. W IS' | ) _ WAM'KIITIIH NAM15S AND ADDHI SHS JJof one-ructlc men nnilTOIIKMI open for permanent nont work Wo Klvo oxelmlvo territory W Iliinrnuten irnod wet ken $ W n week Wo ftirnlul olllce , fnrnlttiro , delivery toum and noHnpnpc-r ncl TcrllilnK Our article Nn monopoly. It will snv 45 per cent of the cnnl tilllfl of orcrytiody. tull pni tlculnrn liy mnll I Illi04riii > lii > , pnmpliloH. olc frc upon recolpt of pottiiko Adarcss Koal " pi > r Co la Olh or tret , lloiton , Misa MWJ n8 * B WA.NTK1) , A MVi : WIDE AWXKi : HKI'HK iieiilntlTU to ruprchent n III every locality , on nlth vim vlkor. pluclc nnil ininli. inn ounlly mak IJ50 00 per month , uo { cddllng goods : HOinuthln , entirely non. ntaplo us Hour bend for full pa tlculnrn todiiy Addrcni " .Mimufactururs " 1 * . Uor/K H. HuHton Mu.15 N8 * BWANTr.l ) . A GOOD U.NflltAVKU AT ONCL1 Apply C. S ItnymoiiJ Joni-ler. i597 ! 10 BB B -WA.STKII 1 , A DIM AN1I GK.NTLKMKN TI solicit and collect. Rood waios. pay twice i week , Call ut 110 N. ICth t , bet eon b and 9 n. m or t , and 7 p m M'j.'l ' 1 BWAMKIIIOh SAL1SMAN. MUST BK nblu to Mil slices and know IIOIT to keep Mock , uiunt bu an oxpe-rlencoil fbocmpii Apply lie ton hloru , Omalm M007 11 WA.MI I ) , A IIOOO TOOK , 1'ITllKH MAN Oil woman , In u small hotnl , nrltn Matlntf salary cxpe-cte-d Address llox 17 , Marysrlllo Kansas 4IJ 8 | > -LAIIOHKIIS Kill UNION I'ACll 1C H'V TO IN JJ HOiitlu-rn WyumlnE , Utah and Idaho fren pass Krnmi-r A O lleurn Labor Agency , )3 ) > > outli lit treet Mbia U' - IOIXI i'iit : \ \ KIK : ANII KM'KNSVS TO MALK BIOIXI and female workers , to ict ai re-sldont Piilcxtnon tor n lompany ninliuliictiirlDK'cuocln wante-d In every household rcmiaiient protltablo work 'Ii run and circulars frvo Address Klectro NOT elly Co . 48 Armory M llo'ton , Mnns . MUl 10 1J WAMKI ) , A YOUKU il.S WHO HAS ItAII Joxporlcncn as ntenOKrnphcr and bookkoeuer Address , ulallnti e-xperlonctt aud aulary txpictcd Addrass N 2j. U ( e- Mi < .U 10 * W AH TED-FEMALE HELP. C-WANTHD , IJIItl , KOI I Kll'CUKN ANII laundry work. Hmull family , good wages , 1130 440 - ' ) . LADII.H AM ) O1IILS 'JO DO OUH C-WAM'KI new work for us at liomo , $ .10010 fs OU n week raslly made' , no pilntlii ) ; or i'iniii aliit' nenil aolf- nddned entolope Kclio Maiiufaciurlnu com | i my , 4 Liberty tKjuaro , lloston , Masa 477 11 * /-l-TAILOUKSSK-t WANTKD OAllKL TIIK V Taller , I5IS Karnani slrceit. .M5I4 10 * -WAM'KI ) , A (1O01) Q1HL I Oil GIINTIIAL houseuork. 817 S , Wli MW1 10 p-WANll 1) . ( illlL 1OU OKN'KIt 11OUSK V Kurk Muntboa uooj cook nnd bilnu rufcr vucos007 M , Mnr'a ariuiuo MSU jfl-WANTKO W GOOII G1IILS > OH till FHIIK.NT v/klnd of work nt thu Workluz Womcn'a lm- ! | ioyiiieiit ) bun nil , 1GI5 Iuil ' 0 tlrt-ut Jll.-'j 10 * /1 WANTK1I , A hlltvr CLA'iH COOK ANII Viniiiidrcnii lliifcrrnce ] required. Apply to ilri .N. II taiconur , isn Doitclas MU.M 11 . . In lailleft' uuilcrwuiir deparliot nt none but en pi ill in ml need apply I o > lon Store. Omaha MIXJ7 II ri-G IIA UANTI.ICII ! TA YioiLAi > Y V./of II ranch parlor. Address wltu stamped oriTul- opu , Mri .Noillu lluirliou , huu l-riiiicliio , Cal MulSlI WANTKII I'OH GKMKIIAI , HOUSK. --7111 at 4.'S 8 * C-WANTKD HI C'D.NIXJIHL , O.NKWIIOSl'M\KS tii rmaii Ml harnani at , 4148 i * C-WANlKD. 1MM Kill A'l I'.LY , ONF. PKllhON recclyt ) InsirnctlDn keep books ; flOUU month J II , Miiiltli , bhvnly block. 45'i t' FOR RRNT-IIOUSES. J 'niiar a.lU and Cms tOrel * 'll , T. CUrke' ail ) llounl of' ) ra-lu , phone 193. < j . ' 31 D.OM. 'l\\l LKFT OF TIIK 0 IIOOM COT- Ian" liisUnmpli-li-d Ham tilth , hot ami cold viaterund modi-rn convonlenoea lieslrahlii linmes for bnaliit-as turn In beautiful ntnnforU circle , ror I artlmiHrs apply to Mar Loau anil Trust Co. Knit > 4. New York Llfa hide tel lKTlt lll'NT , ! l UOO HOUaB. ALL MODFUN coiiMinli-neH < . wild la.ri ! barn , AM 1'onplrlo n vo Impure atoll a. Ittltst. liil 1-V rOU IlKST IIOUSKS'IN ALL l-AUTs'li ? J/olt ) . 'luaU F IMfls company , l5cUtarnam St 41 D15 IIDOM IIOU.SK NKAlt lllllll hCIIOUI. ! ttesm haattnhlu , modern conretilonces TUes 1 llnll. } ) I'm to u block S70 DA l rrtlllAllltMK lOoM > iilnhc-dor unfuriiltliad. 1'arllet uolng to Call' foriila. Apply on prt-iuUoa , UUfiouili I'oath atrcet _ _ _ D Hill IlKNT , 10 UOOM HOUM5. Wli CASS _ tin-J Jleed A tjolby. Hoard of ' 1 rade IW1 D-roit UKNT. I s arm. s HOOM IIOUSK modern aunt nloiuo . tiath , w c.liot und colt water , tc | IWOUa luuiitL to party wtio will take I 1 ea \ ) ' rOH IlKvfToNi : OK t UK MOST COMT'l.Krf . .1 Avnyi-uloul and corafjrlablu nlua room lioussi In Omaha , with batli room , laurxlry nud all modern ronvenleiici-s , also nice ynret at bC oar. Jouea anil THl' .ircou , botitain Ut , Mary a uvu. und Luaven nurlh ktrevl jj . LOOATKI ) furuacoand ull Improvemunta. TiW N. IHtti ht htIV7 _ - i. , } WM.i usui. roTrJumj TiTAW /partaot city , Kilkenny i Co. , toutliioutal blk _ _ _ -TO HUNT It HOOM IIOUSK ; J01U AMI DOPai ttroels All luudvru convtnloncua. l'oss ssloi tUen ImiucdlBlely. Call or addrt-st M. U Itouder Hdool 40J , lUitnii block v 3 ) | wu , ob St. Marr i r . d. V. Uutti , j 9 mil's' ' CfiUV ) FOR HENT-HOUSE3. Oontfuuftl - HOOM VLAT. STKAM 1IT.AT , DHOOM . 816 S. Wnd street , room 0. lufnooM nmcK HOUSK WITH MOORII Improvements , on 9)th s.reot nenr Learenwort Inqulroat M7 So Mth street M73 ? LIST VOUIt PIIOPKHTY. IlKNTAt , Oli-BAI.K D I wlthOeo W. P. loates , 16ll tarn-mi TJ ) TV-FUHXISIIF. ! ) COTTAOK OF" fi IIOOMS TO L'party without children. Inqnlre 1811 Corby SL 416 D -M IIOOMS CIIUAP AT 608 N 1TT11 arT 77" -HJIlSlSItKtt HOUSE , 11 IIOOM ! < D Ins strcot. M I3 13 UKUIIrtlHIIKD IIOUSI5. 19J1 OAl.tnillNI I Ktreet Inqnlro Dr. Jones , ICIli and Dodco ; open 5 to 6 dally Mill 13 - & - UP STAItlSt CITY WATKlt 1113 D--1100MS North I8th street M..43 11 * I1K7 NOIITH 230 ST. D -WIIOtiK * Oil I'AHTOF WKLI , FUIINISIIKD 10 room house for rent. Address N 10 lien MilIf. . * \-1KN noOM HOUMi : AM ) tlAIIN ALIi MOD - ' ( rn. fIJUU 1811 Illnnny , Kountr. Place MCT IS D VOIt HliNT A 7 IIOOM ItOIISK WITH \L1. modern cotiTcnlenccs larfto yard at 144J Houth JtithBt. . liilf taken for a year M'57 _ D-7 UOOM H.AT MOPKIIN CON VCNInSCJ- down town cheap. Wrlcht V Latbury II th 'mil Howard MWi 13 "H-1 L'll.S'lSIiri ) MOIII'.HN 1IOU3H TO KKMPON Isalnlo ' M5'J7 ii * partita SOWM Mary'a avenue DMIOUHK OF II ItOOMS. ALL MODKUS ( OS venlonccs pleasantly locate-il near buslm sirn tcr M'l'ly ' 18W Chicago et , or L S skinner. II11 I-nrnnm MSJ9 D-KH HUNT , 2 COTTAOl OSK H It nlshed f03 South SUth , or unfnrulshed inndcru Improvements .Mill II * Hill HKSr , 7 IIOOM MOIIKHN I-LAT IN 1 UK l.aiiKO block , ( A'o ' 8. 13th street MI > 11& 1 ( D il HOOM C01 TAGH , SJ7 N Sil'II $15 M PKll moptb Enquire 24WHI ( uiiilnn street MG08 11 D-tOll 11KNT 1'LKASANT 7-HOOM 1IO1ISB wltb bath , nrat s cistern and barn at " 719 I'a clllostrcnt onlytl ? J SS Squire , Ural National bank bulldlnc 4JI a * _ D-TO ItnN'FzilN DOUULA8,140. UULowoavH , JJO , 27lfJ Dodee st ll.i 2I. 9 Lakes ! , fU O K IlarrlsDii. 013 N Y life " S38 FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. -HJUsTsillfD"Tloii\I To Him' NV I 111 ALL modern conveniences 012 Douglas strrot 137 E -IMKAANl lvUtEAs svLI. .Nl- furnished rooms on car line I1SS SUlh strec Ml M E-MIHV LMIOI. AMltOMr-Olll'AllLi : HOOMS ( ieutlcmun prufcrrcd I'M I Cupltol iivenuo t'--Old * ? I I ItMSHIII ) HOOM , WIT1I UV1II 6,00 Jmonth , liWI * urnntu US E-.MLIL\ i LUNHiicDiiooMS K * v nth fet MW40.V E -toit OKNIIIMIN : NICIL\ : rooms modern conveniences , prUute family references required UI4 N 31st street MJ47 10 * E-l-Oll IIKNT IN CHICAC.O , rooms In best localities secured In advance for dedication World s fair , Oot 1U to .11. Caldwell It Ilronston , licensed real eatuto and room renting i > irunt , 5IJ Monadnock. bulldlni ; , Chlcnco. MSI3 10 * 171-.NEWLY FUHNIMU'.D UOOM , MODKItN ION- 1-ivcnleniea 1'rlvnto family ; terms moderate .IM Hurt sired Mu74 ii' " E OK IlKNT. NKWLY bUHMhlllSD HO0M8 with or without J 510 N. tilth st M538 15' 1 ? WVM'IM ) HOOM MA'IK , UY A L VIJY A'l -ll.t N Alth street , one employed nt olllco work pri'tcrred , rclcrencea cxi .innkocl Inquire nt above address , or at 111 S. lolli Direct , Mar hall Di-utal MnnufacturlnK company M5'U 10 * 1 -1 Oil HUM' , K. UHMalll.D IIOOMS LA11UU i-'aud small , front , ueutlemc-n , IS17 Jnckson st MIA ) IJ * BOH HUNT , ON13 UNI UllNlSUnl ) HOOM , steam boat , gni and bath Call at 30J So J4th St MOM IS * I71-LA1KJK NhWLY FLHNISIIKD I IIONT 11OO "Jwlth alcove and bay-window modern con \onlincci- private family , tonontlemen with rpfor- enccs iiJ4 Davinporl street. 5228 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. 1/-HLI.OANTL7 tUKNISUUD UOOM' ' . FIlthT I1 class board , at "Iho ' L'oluu , WJ nud Jll N ISth atreet M W I UUMSIIliK HOOM3 AND UUAHD. 20H Fir DoiiKlaa street MJ9 ! 15 * 17" " IIANDSOMK 8U1TIC SOUTH llOOMb. HUST- i. class board IS. . ' ChlcaKO st. .MMl-10 17 T\\O NICK HOOM * . , BOAHD , ALL IMPHOVK- -L uicnta tt70loolvrortli 41510 * -1V\O PLKAbANT KOOMallll 1IOAIID ; private family. i. > 76 llaruoy. Mill H * " \\irn OK wnuooT IIOAHU F . OiKnrnam JIM 15 * I ? IIOOll AMUOAH1) tOU2 YOU.SO Ml'V 465 1 c J4lh nvi > , (52110 per month 4I < 3 8 FOK KENT-UNFUKNISHED IIOOMS. G ,1 HOOMX , W4 f 171U , Bl.i\\UUN JACIC eon and Leavonworth * > l > < ! 10 * FOK KENT-STORES AND OETICES. T-l-Olt lll'N r. THKI TIIKY IlllICIC 11UILDI.NO J-'li | 1 nrnnm t ' 1 tin bulldlni ! has a Hreproof ce ment biioment , complole stoamhoatlnz tlxturon w HUT on all thu Moors , tias , ntc Aoply at the ollico ofI ho llio V1B f 1011 HKN I' , 3 BTOIIY hlONK 1 IIONT KIIIK Aproof bulldliii ; tlno concrete Imavmont. will rout lower room nnd basement , upper atorles tine for sew IIIK rooms or factory of an } kind Kent to suit If satisfactory John I.Mllls 47411 INI ulluro , 1.1)7 DouElaa.Oninbn stove llepalr works I ariiaiu street. UbJ -WANTFD. A GOOD LA HO 15 WATCH DOO AddrosaNS , Ilee M4'"j 10 * WAN TED -TO BUY. N SOLD , Wells , 1111 Inrnaiu st VM AT WAM'KH WILL PAY SPOT CASH IN 1 > iimoiinta from fJUUix ) to $100.000 for stocks of dry KOods , boots , hardware , clollilu/ cirpets Must have litmo discount IT Invoice price No snide stock * coiiHlderud Address lu confidence , box W4 , Lincoln , Neb CSil VT-WANTLD TO IIUY bOMK 8 Pl'.ll CUNT li Urstmortuaues , Heed Xbelby , J3I Hoard 'Irade 7W N-WA.NTKI ) . A COPY OF TIIK SUNDAY 11KB of May 1 to complete fllos Please leave Ht city public library MIHJ 10 * ' -WA.srKii. 10 ntnsoxui mrjr. VACANT between ICth nnd 24tli nnd CuralnK and Doutlas streets Address N IS , lloo. M571 lu * ' gR SALE-FUKNITRE. , . _ . . . - _ . rOHHALlt /and house for rent , 1816 Jackson street 433 U * O I toil SA Lir t UHNITUlti : OF 7 HOOM H AT" Hoomers pay moro than r ut Address M H M45-J 13 * O-'iitu HJit.smiui : OK A \vm.vr : UOOM house for aale at onie , all convcntenccii lulta bin for b'jardoM C'uuso for > ellliiit , 111 health , 1JIO Da\i-nport atnct .M'-ol 10' FOR BALE-HORSEH , WAQONS , ETC , l7HM HALH , A Hl.M'Y-DOLI.AIt ' 1OI1 1IUGGY 1 fortliW II B. Cole , Coulliientnl blwk JJ'J > -)011 rlALC , A GOOD COLU4I11U3 , J A. M.Conle room 4 , llee bldtr 621-10 FOR SALli MISOELLANEOUS , - - ) AT ' 11 IK I1A110AINS Q--IXOK at Max Meyer A llro Co'a tU5Knabe , I * On small H.i llallel 4 Davis , 1 paymenta fldU Metropolitan , A socoud band IIUohrlnv ) , N > nuare pianos ft < U ccuuiuatker , O one year'a rent ITU llraduury , U uay apply OllGANS , WS.Vcw Hnglnnd.S itops | UOO ' i i hlniball.Sstyp , , . . , ailkj t4J IVIeubot , V rtopa , < 5U1 47.0 Wistorr. ColHii0 slops , , , , , 476U > V ) rarlmlf. Uslops . , . . . . . , , WUU JoU Mason \ llamlln , 10 slops. , , , . . , . . . . inou teObhontnvcr , 13 tops , , lOtW fi4Mionlii , Uatcipa , . . , CiuX t75 Sttrllnk' , 11 stop * 75 U. 4lii i asy payments or rented HI t.'DO per month , Also the tlucat and largest mock of titolnwiiy , Knaba , VOBS & Hens , Ivera A 1'ond , lUihrlnif lllaslus , Mason & llnmlln , Blerlluv. llrlxits and 1'oasd a pianos ever oxUlblted In thu west. We am lieailqui.rlurs for bargalna ; prices the lo e ti aatlslacilontiuaranteed. Max Mujer & Ilro Co , MUlt Utlinnil larnara > t , Ouaba. : Q -HACK 175. rr.lfCllAUD , DOUOLAB UIXICIC , Q-KOHBALK VINB 1-OV HOUND I'Ul'l'lLb Also Scotch collie shepherd puppleu Chas Klaus , Columbus , Nub SM U * -Ioil BAl.B , AT A" IIA 11(1 AIN , L'l'lllf.ll' ) piano , uearly new. Apply or addreis zi-M Itur atreet. WISOKl LANEOUS. 1J-H011SK HANCU NO. I30-IIO1131SS. COLTS -IXand ratlla cared for the year round O. II , Oaus douth Omaha. Kab I'.O. bor I5U. MUGS O7 CLAIRVOYANTS. S MIIS NANMK V WAIIHK . CLAIUVOYANl reliable buslni" . * medlnm.ntlh year at 119 .N If.lh mi S-AHItlVAL KXTIlAOItniNAnYl WOIDKUK ft. revrlntlons Challengei the wotld Mrs Dr. M lx * < rnra , dnad franco clairvoyant , astroloiilst , palmist and llfo re-vlcn tolls your life from the cradle lo cmvo : unites the separated : c ii-o < mi > r- rlaKe with the ono yon lovoi tells wlierc you will succeed And In what nii'lno" belt adapted for ; ha * , thncfllobrated Kwrptlan brca tplat3 for luck and to destroy bad Influence ! , cures fill. Intemni-rnnca and all private complaints with manure , bilhs nnd alcohol treatment , j-on.l HO ) , lock of hnlr , nsme andrtatoof birth and rooMvo accurate life chartl Iccntnlnstimpi for circular ; Rive Inltlnls of one you will marry I also Dholes of fame Offlca 411 J'outh llth street , first floor ; liouri. ti n m to t p raCeme Come one , come all , and bo convinced of thU won * derruloMde. M.127 in * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. 1\ MAMAM SIOWK , MAONKaiC HElMli 29 1'rattnU M4S3 IV rp-MMK LA UUK , MASSAll ) , 416OLTIl 1M1I L street , third floor , Hat I. M5 t t.V 'P-MADAM15 SMITH 1154 CAPITOL AVKNUK , Jlloom 3 , 3d tloor Alcohol , sulpliur ind sea baihs. M l ( > 3 14 * MASSAOK TIIKATMBNT. ULUri iTo Til Lit inn ) baths , icnlp nnd hair trcatuienl manlcuro and chiropodist Mrs l'o til04S llth \ \ tthnell blk Wi PERSONAL. U'OKSTLHM VN DNlM'UMHIJItHt III * IUI.S acqnnlntnnco of lady under 3U , nlth Kood health education , nnd superior musical nbllltf no objec tion to one dauiihtor Address Music Teacher , Jilx * > 2 , Grand Island Neb M.v-1 10 TT-CtlT THIS OUT AMI IMtl bK.N 1T tow" < J n s phklo studio. 7I.M fuming street and you lll bticntlllod to 13 cabinet photos otjoursclf satin finish Kilt oducd cards , and one BilO for framing , $1 41 , without this f4 For ono i eek lonner o RS to Klto over > body n clmiicc MlilO 11 * MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. \r < 1 F ( IKLl.KNIinCK , BANJO IKAllIM i with lluspo.or N W cor. loth and Hiirni-y V42 \T iSslltUCllOS niVI'N HY A IADY TO Pill ' rate pnplla 111 any branches evening ! and Sat urdayn Addrpsa N ID , Dee M59I > 1(1 ( * atONEY TO LOAN-KEAL ESTATE. \\r-MOinOAOK LOANS LK8S IIHN'7 l-UltCT ' ' InclndlnKall chnrKei Charles W Kalnoy Omaha Vat bank bhU ' " * \ \ rlONSON IMI'lflvnit AND LMMlMtOVKU ' city property , $ IOOU nnd uownrdsb to 7 per cent NodclayaS I-nruamSmith &Co ,151h und llarney \T I'UIVATK MONUY , 1ST AND9D MOI11O ART * loan * low rales Alex Moore Uco blilir 10 \\r-OMAHA SAVINOS HANK -\IAKK- * LOANS i on real citato ul lonost market nitoa Loans made In small or largo sums for short 01 lonv time No commission Is churned and the loam are nut sold In the east , but can always be found nt the bank on tin comer of Uth and Iiouclns streets 10.1 W 1-MOST.Y TO LOAN ON IM " " D C1T\ propertylow rate A. C. trost , ouglas blk 101 \ VAND2 ' YUAHLOV9 ON CITY AM ) KAIIM ' mortsaBCs Heed Xi-olby , 3U Uourd of Trade \\r-Ct 1'Y AND FAKM ItKAL KSTVl'H IXJANS 'I at lowest rates ; consult us bcfoto borrowlni ; 1 ! C Oarvln \ Co , JUS Sheeley block 10j ir-MONKY Til LOAN AT LOWF.bT HATCd ' 'IheO I1 Darla company , l&Oj rarunm slrcet 410 \\T I'lill CBNT MOVKY-NBT 1O IIOHHOW- ' era on Omaha city property. No extra charges of any kind Why pay hliili rates ? Monrr Is cheap oucanuet full benefit of low rates fioui dlobo Loan and I rust Co , loth and DodRe UU4 W AN'lllONYIOAN A.NDTKUS'l CO 318 N Y Life , lends nt low rates for cliolca security o u Nebraska or lonn farms or Omaha city * property UW \V tr-c r , iiAiiuibON , ui2 N. y. 037 r-CbNTHAI. LOAN iTHUSVCO lltllS I1LDO KIS J C11KAP MONKY , SUB G W P. COAT1IS. li,14 Hnrnnra. W -\\r-'lHK KIDnLllY 'IHOST CO. nfCRMLT ' remorcd to S I ! corner lies bnllclluu , Is prepared pared to close loans on city real pstatu promptly nnd at low ( it rates Sub nit noullcaUoa 491 OU MOM'.Y 'tO LOAN ON IMIMtOVhU IIKAI W estate , lowottt rntoi , building loau a apec laity Thomas lliei.n-in X Co , Karbach block WItKAl , I5bT\Ti ! UANS , 0 1O7 1'F R CKNT noAddllloDiil chnrties for comml Blon or attor ney's fees W. U Mulkle , I Irst Matlonn ) Uaak bldtt W MONKV TO LOAN , J20 000 1O LOAN It Omalm on bnlhllnR and loan plan $ IiS4 paid monthly will payoff 9100303 In 73 inouthd No commission Unto la less than U per cent I'oor man a chance ! Do jon lined money ? Can ) Oii use mone ) 1 If ao , cull or adilrcit room Ztl , % e bulldlni , Onmhn , .Nob 402 n i W A .S TISD , Al'l' I.ICATIOtJ lOilDOO LOANS , 1 , 3 or 6 years llobort Kerr , lltni 8 block M57J 10- MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. 1 O\V MONKY ON ANvhl.ND Or SIC XV1LL cnrlt ) , still llyi onlliluntlnl A K Uurrls room 1 , toiitlne-ntul block 106 X "T'llllCHAltll , 51 DOUGLAS BLK 10 i. UOUU1 ! 10 ; XX X IOAN40N UIIATIKLS ItKASONAIILK IN ( crest , partial pa ) mental to U mouths W II Lay's , 1120 , Continental block. Kleratoi 15th at 109 X MOM Y AT LOW HATIJ8 ON ANY KIND Of security. Keystone Mtuo Co , OSbliveley block IQl V -DO YOU NIMH ) MONUYI A. TUB 1 IDKLl'l Y LOAN OUARANf KK CO , Itoom 4 , Wbltnall block , cor. Itith and llurnuir ats . WILL LUND YOU ANY HUM. Fl'.OM fclU IO $10000 ON TII K DAY YOU ASK I Olt t r We make loans Of any site , larga or email , on household tfoods , pianos , horses , wngons warehouse receipts and porsonu ! property of all kinds , In nny amount , without d luy , pub licity or removal of property ; cbpipe t rates nnd easiest payments. BKK Uri I ItWf 33 } X-1100,00000 10 LOAN IN AMOU.Ma from f 10 up on HOUSKUOI.il 1 UUM1UUI3 AND PIANOS .tlJS. . WAltON i AND CAUIIIAI WAHKI1OUSK HKCKlfli * . Oil PKH-50NAL PHOPKUl Y OF ANY KIND without publicity or removal of property toucan KIIVO time nnd money by callliiK oa OMAHA MOHIIiAl.H MIAN < O lloom II , Creliiblon I'.loi L. 15th and Doimla * . nutttol' iNCoiU'oiiArni ) X MONKY LOANbD CIllIAl' A'l VOUIl time- Nebraska Loan Co , UIU Douglas st 403 X-MOSF.Y1OLOAN ON FUHNl'l UKH PIANO3. liorsca , waxons and collateral f orurlty llual nesacourldentlul 1 red te-rry , room iij tluuiuelilk MIStf -LOW HATES ON FUKNITeTnb I.IVLC SIOCK etc. J , W'laylor , Pioneer bIL , toiilu Omaha M X-MONUY-30 , U ) , M BAYS. CtlrAI' HA1KS and easy payments on furniture , pianos , live stock , etc , without delay or publicity , cash on xCHA'ITKL IX3ANS , 02J N. Y.I.ll'K llOltlllH 4W No- X -KM UOO TO LOAN 0V CIIATTKL brCL'HITl , bii8lnc s conllilonilal H S5J hoard ' 1 rade M4J7 N7 * BUSINESSCHANCES 1 In tbuleadliiKaash and door lulii In the north- went ; dolnic an linraunsa Lunlncja ; over (9000000 worlhofnowworknowln tbo mill ; a trout bargain to the rluht party Call on or address I U Mason , rooms ) - and % ) , Darker block , Omaha , NebC',14 C',14 OX ) ' -FOll SALH , GOOD KbTAIlLIEIIKD MKAT market , Cumlnit alreet. Inqulio room 410 Tax * ton block. 37110 * -IF YOU AHK HKr F.lNtJ A HUbl.ShhS OPPOIl tunlty requiring small captlal. In a i irlaiu and exceedingly proniablu nnd Kroitlnbuilnoss , and always cash , wrlto to the iinderalEnprl , Incloslnn f lamp , when full particulars will bo glton U K Kta \ L street , Lincoln , Neb L3T FOll SALK , AT A VKUY LOW inVl\K,1HK entire state Interest In ono of the lieavlcat pay Ing monopolies now before thu public. It will aavo U tier rent of the coal bills of everybody and pro * dute belter results. Everybody wants It und will liavolt when neon , A lario business csu be done at once In every county , > ull particulars by mall. Address el. K. K , ll.M L at. , Lincoln. Neb Mb7d ) X once. For sale , the leaoo , fi-rnitiiro ami fixtures of the Merrlttiu hotel , Omaha , contilnlne CO rooms , elegantly furnished , alt rented , eighty permanent KUt-sta. Host private family hotel In Iho west \\lll sell because at poor lieallh. For terms apply on premises , Jilh and lodie ) , Mrs. L M , 'I nttlo. , MC5I OU' Y'FOIt BALK. Al-llOOM 1IOTKL UOOD UKI'AIlt , only tioteimtown. Address hranV. Ilotliwel ! bterllnif. Neb MSeJ 15 _ OF \ \ ELli IIHHII h ICCIC CA1TI.K and 1 .000 acres of choice , olear Ncbratka laud to exchange for Kood , clean raurclianclisa at market value. Addresa llOliith aveaue , Ueatney , Keb 11 _ Y II1KUF.8T HAYING CI.OTUIM1 , UOO -AM shoe liuilness In tha northwest , BIOUE with gootl will and U-nstt , lur alu cheap. 1 % O box I , Chadron , Neb 47S 13 * -Km BALK , A MKAT UAIIKKT. GOOD 1.0- cntlon lluanous for solllue , 01 , ncr must uo tc Kurope Address UW Dovglas street. MIIU ! ! 'O-OlTbALlsr MISAT AM ) I'Xh'iTolibck'lll business test location on a loading huslnesi street with store bul'dlDiCOttaya n ll barn Ad dr si A I , Use. Mlrt I0 BUSINESS Cnnllrili \ ' Foit svt.r : fitw wiWf ntbY AN KSTAII IMmil bii lnoM In Dndwo d S | i . will clear MOO l r monlli low rpnt , Innc tpvxfioo J rcn < on < for selling Adilro < Alton ! lock bnx .118 ! U7 III * KOH s > tKJ rj an ) w * vronr lhponlyonn within 19 tntlol > Salon tlOOl to fl&UUpcrilay llpat part uf-atatc. I'oor health ronjon for srlllne Address HOT I'.i. Eaitlp , Ncri W 10 * j _ _ YA HllvrCliASS OllOf.S'fl KLOOIt IM1OTO studio , with doo.l lm lni > for sale ! prlcn rea sonaMf Aildrc-si N a , c nHw _ MM1 It * V'-lOlt SAI.K , Ol.t > KSTAtlMSIIKII ttt : .L KsT J tale and loan business In Omaha llfivrbnsl nesalnt-ast. Address N JJ MSJ1 II * _ Y tlOCTOIt WAM8 HOOD LOCATION AD drens Doctor Wnshlnitton Nel > . " < < fl S * FOnEXCHANUE. ( /-ri.KAU OMMtA IlKLiSTTKKOItMDSK : /Jnctusl rilunllon Mnnvy to loan Hot uls Omthk IIU _ _ _ V-I 0\VV IW I AHMS IN Nlilt AM ) DAKOTA * J\\I1I soil or oxclmnito Hot 70 , Krnulcfott Ind 111 y riiuifK vuiMs is HAM- : * coif sir. MC Jbrn ka to trade for her e < riltlo or ucnoril luii > e AiUlresi L 11 Kubniik llivcs Center .Seb IM it r/- \ - ju i\niANt.d-u : K IUVK MHJJ ' -Jn | m inufnrtiirliu concern Oolnn KOOI ! lnntiioM In Uninhn Hint we will trid' In whole or part for eood work liorio American Fuel Co M1 y WILL i\ciUMii : : JISOMSHX ic ui.onusn /Jand pints rurnHlilMi : iinoit ! for lniproruiMnldu and iim-ni mnlierpd residence property tll o namr exact locitloti and prlcu of property Addrot , V M Ike MilSl ) IN IOWA , Nl".ltllHICAND KANSAS -Ifor sale or eirlmnco for desirable Omaha or South Omaha property U J Kendall III I Drown building MMI 10 y-1 Oil SALtVoUKbnANHH 0 HOOvT loTncTtS 'Jre ldinco cellar < on pr\nturr , ba ) window. poicbcs. nlccl ) ducorated Innn. shade trees , brick wnlks fancy barn well \cryplensiiithomo north ( I " 1 > J. In totrn of 4 * > J population In southeast part of .Scbrnkn Harden spot of Iho state \\lll oxclmni.e for clear Omnlin or Council llluns prop urt ) of equal \nlue Address Nil , lloo M57T II * _ _ Z A 1I10U IIItKII MAHK TO IC.\CUANrK toll lot or tqulty In South Orunha Itoom 401 llrown bulldhiH MIQt , 1U _ V TO KXCHA.NOK , CLKAU LOT KOH O 1 ' -iplinaton Address O , Ilex i.tllce Mflfl 11 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. 1 > K\I. J-V Harcnln ? only My word li uool \ \ ( ! Albricut , Ml l\ow lork l.lfo Mil LOT J1" 1'L 11 Li : s suit 5 ACHES' ' WITH ? IIOOM house , all Iiupro\otncnt9 inquire 11 lloyd street M715 ? J- fro HOMI : sinciiii.N : A\O.ND\LK Xon cnn lime an clucint home arrniiKOd to suit ) ou , with bulldlni ; limit tree ) \rjilk i n\i > r water , and ( ins. within walking detuned of liiiMiu' " < cliuols nnd cliun lies inil nil for itbuiit tlUtl Cer tain to bo thu prtttlc < < t Inilde re liliice iiddltlonln thoiltr Oror ono third of It ulrondy Hold ee us for particulars butoro thu price Is ralsod L Idel- ItyTriK company 1703 ! nrnnm it > " * " > I OH SALh SI \ K.N Xt llh * Ol'l'O1h ! III * hll S hotel nnd scbutzen park \Vc < t Omaha If sold quick only } < MHJ. Uro N. llliks JJJ N. \ Lite bldg. Mt.a U GHKAl AJ. > 1 MON , LtTV or WOXDKIUI fi resources \\ntcrponor , coal , Iron Hold Mlver copper wool , lumber stoik uKrkulture. , etc Mis sourl rlTcrfalii 61. foot In seven miles 1-or sale KlKht > ncros choice for resldunci * and business lots , near luadnm and copper works , only tlUuOO. terms easr Addriss , J It. GrcKK , aiient. ( Iroat lulls , Mon 411 U' IJ'Oll SAU. . KIOHTY AC HKCLOSK'1O OMAHA -L rlvht In thu wny of the futtiro xrowth of thu elty 1'rlco f I1 * W ) Can take kood tnrm land as part payuiont Oco. N. lllcks.JU&N I. l.lfu T70U S Vl.t : , IIUAUIU ULLpl.40 1KEI' HIOVT A 24tlnt. Soutlt Omaha , near (1 $1 UOJ Apply to owner , lloom II , Iliishman blk. Omaha 4jo ol l01l SAI.K IMlMtUVKD S1OCIC HANOK 75 * - norei under cultivation z $ of the land can be cultivated Kood sollt for particulars wrlto to M i , care lleo Tub Co , . Omaha , Sbj 10 * 17-1 Oil SALK , MV KKMMISNCK AT 111 ! 8 2'iTII ' -L st.,10rooms rndbath hotand cfihl nnter.olcttrlc bells anil bnrtclnr alarm , ptnklng tube furnnco and bnrn , al o tine vacant caat front rcsldenco lot. H \Miltner 401 Murclulntj National bankliMg , , , 4J7 NS EVKHY OM.'OKTHK FOLLOWING NICBItASICA Improved farms are barijalnii IM acres lu Lancaster Co 5 ; WOW ire ncrts \\cb9ter Co , IM.VHX , M ) ncriis In llnrlnn Co , il SUU IK ) lCUacrc , with buildings In Mefrlck Co . S3 SOI 00 U A Starr Uoo Uultdltiif , Omaha .MIS4 11 T70U BALK-I1U 1N1 > S I.OTJ5.1x140 COUMSlt je 22d and 1 oavenworth partly Improved , prlco HI UUU , wl'l ' take Kood farm land as part pn > ment ( oo .N Hicks , fOj.N. Y Llfoblili : M8W OW ACltHb DODQK COUMV.f IS 00 Ou40 acren Dodiio county. S OJ per aero . .ilOncronrpy county , $73 UJ pi-r acre lie1 acres Sarpy county , flr > UO per Hire WJacrei barp ) county. * > 0 OU per aero 80 aercit Sarp ) county &X)03 ) per ticro bOOiu'ieH Nnnceroiintr $15 UU per acre 40 ncres .Nniice- county lU'JV porncra dlJ ncroa Clay count ) $2o IU per acto 147 ticres near Omaha 5 ; > 5 0) ) per acru C P HariUon 'JU ; * Y life 453-3 Cm PHOPKIirV 1O1U.XKM Wanted house for vacant lotH and cash Wnnlefl house for tholco clc ir lul Vi anled , roalilenio lor cxielli nt tenant \ \ unted purchaser for i per ci nl mortgage \ \ Him il. honit' lor llnntcom pluco lot \ \ anlod purchaser S per cent stock \Vantod buatnoNs proptrt ) for residence \\nnted . ' ( ICacii-i land iic.ir Om ih.-i SN anled 1,40 neron tli per acre \ \ anted , 80 acres near Omnhn I Ihirrlson U12 N t Lite- (5u a 17OII SALLO1I ' 1IIAIIE 1111IK OWNKIl 10.000 Jacrus of Nebraska a tlni-st faiin'ni ' ; land at a Kruat sacrlflie O II. l' < ter on 141 ; SlUli at Oinnlii. . MO.I1 Nt ) LOST. LOW HPAUIiK HOUND UITI fi HLAtlC WltlTK aud tan When lost woarlnc collar bearing name J C Whlnnery. 1 Inder ivlll ruturn to 20V3 tarnain and receive reward 404 8' DRESSMAKING. DtrSsMAKKII. 'IHOIIOL'OIILY ' COMI'KTKNT wishes work In family , chartfoaronsonable Ad dress N . ' 4 lle-e onici- Mb.10 10 * DANCING SCHOOL. \VANnai-'iiib I.ADII : * 'io KNOW THAT > they can ( , c-t a 1160t'O conrso of sclcntlllo dress cutting lesions free at 1'rot DoLnmorton 0 acndoni ) JUI N \ l.lfo Ladles couiu and Inii'tll lintu and learn to mnku ( Irenes with or without seunjs Mmu Abcrly , repiutcntatlve A gouts wanted MM ] 10' TON RE1V1 IN C TYPEWRITERS For Sale , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLD ! MEGEATH STATIONERY CO. , 1304 fr'immm Strcot , Omnha. T1IK SHOWIEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map. Electric Lighted"Steam Heat ed Vestibuled tr'ains leave ( Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar riving at ChicagfOi 3 9:30 : a. m City Ticket Offi ei5oi { ! ' Far nam St. , Omaha. > ( | ' F. A. NASH , Gen'l ' Agent To tie oivners of nil iota pf. parts of lots cm Hii en.iort between IWih anil JStU Btreuts- YIIII uru liori'bv notllled Hint the uuilur- slKtictl. tlirt-o ilislntoreitoil fri-ulioluurs of tlie olty of UuinriB. Jiu > o Leon Uuly uppolntod by tlio mayor , with tlio approval of the olty counoll of aalii city , to asueas the damairo to the ownon rcspectholy of the property atTectcd bv gratlliiKof Davenport street from IM.tli to hbth atruolB , declnrncl nrruksary l > y orcllnutioe .r'S7 , pushed ( > c'obor 1st , 1 sir. ' , ap proved Ui-toboritli. ihO * . \ on nro further notllloil.tlint bnlitv nccoptod h.ud upiiolniminit. and Uiily < iuiilllloa a * ru- qiiirnQ Dy i l.iw. HO iMll , on the -Mill day of Uotolier. A. 11. 1HW. nt the hour of 2 o'clock In the iiflttrnoon , at the ollle-n of Gfo. J. 1'aul , luU'il urimin street , wtliln | the corporate limit * of B till cllv. tncul for the ptirpoau uf coiuliior- liiK und iiiuUtic thu ussofsMont of dnmago to the oivnera nspei-thely pf bold property , B Meet ml by Hakl icrudlntiiUloi Intoconila- cnitloiuiicclii ! licnellts. If any. \ wnro \ noilllpil to bo present at the tlmo and pure afoimnld , and make any object loin to or Btiili'ine'iit ! ronterulng ald atsfs of dauiucei its ion muy consider propur. or.o. j. PAUU W. Q. HIIKIVEK , Jr\9. B100KUALE. , Oct. StU , Mi o-JOd-lOt OWES ITS REPUTATION ANC > SUCCESS TO ITS OWN /MERITS. IT IS PURE , UNADULTERATED.ANDFOR RAPID CLEANSING POWER HAS NOEQUAL. IT IS INVALUABLE , IN I ITCHEN & LAUNDRY. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. CHICAGO , FMM5 * THE CHEAPEST AND BEST MEDICINE FOR FAMILY USE IN THE WORLD Instnntlr stop * tlio moil cT-nicl itinc ( iilns ; never f.ills to sl\o o IM ) to the sulVoror. u few tMMilic.itlous .ict Uko iiinJili' L-niMlnj ! thu p tin to InU uitly A CURE FOR ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS. If only tnkon In iln os of from thirty ti > sixty tlropi In li ilf t tinnliloror w itor will I'lirp rt fmr mliiiitnil'rituns , sn vstin bnur sto'ii xcli ( olio rinlillpiifo lloirlbiliii li injiKir. I il Uunoss OHOLEIIA MORBUS , DIAUHHOKA. DYSaNTKRY , sick llo i liielip. Xuiis' ' v NervDilsnuMs lOLMilosiiir-ss , Mili\rln , ( mil nil iiiturn il t ) itns arislui ; from oil uuo uf wc.itliororollioriiuso ! > 80 CENTS A BOTTLE. HOLD BV WELL BRED , SOON WED"GIRLSWHO USE Are Quickly Married Try it on your next House-Cleaning. WHO WILL FIND OUR LOST BOY ? A brokon-benrted mother wUbos in- formution of her lost boy , who di np pc-uied May Ulat , 1S9 . John F. Dohertv , age 14 , hoifjht 4 feet 8 inches , liRht complexion , btown hair , blue ojos , slim builu ; had on when last = cen durl ; striod [ ) co.it , pray pants , shaker lliuuiol shirt , fine calf booth , d.trk brown soft felt bat ; $ oO towitrd foritifornintion th.it will load to finding htm. ASSOCIATED CHARITIES. linn t IKI Work Ilia I'lmpei cil Duriil ; thti I'M it \ > i-e-lc f Intrc h Matters. OMUIA , Oct. T. To the IMitorof Tun Bhi : : Vour III nil uordi on bfh.iH ot tbo nssoulntlou : mvo inodneou very good reiults , liuviug Krcittlv nssistocl us In our uiuuiss for now mombc's. Duritij ( tlio ccl : \\cti.i\u sccurotl lO'i names for motnuerslilii. Ono busintus mat ) son t us a donation of flOUoish. lit nJ- ditloa to this tis sitrtioU for hiiiisult und three other members of bU ( until v us nionibut 3 of the association. Tbo annual fuo for inombot- ahlr ) isonly $ > Manv 'Hlicrj , no doubt , will contribute ) in the saino tiunnof tuwai'J our dltoet rellof work. Our urfisont tioc-jibily is to bocuro l.UJU nnmuor-t. A ROOU boclnnin g Una been msulo and no'.v let us ooinulota It Uo not wait to bo called upon but acne ) Iti your names tit once. Some itunn , occurring u v by duv in tlio xvorU , are now presented in tins 1 % eekly report : An attorney made in- iUiry eoncernini ; u Ounuan xvommi ulioup- noaioil to bis family for ussUtancc ; Infor- iimUon furnlsboa A poor uomnn XVIIH y\\oi\ \ inucl. tibcdoct clolblncr. A poor mail citllcLl to ropav n small loan mudo him bv the associ ation thruocoks before l our fatnilios In uued of elolblni ; were supplied. Tuo uoinen ube had recently boon deisaitod by drunken husbands , upnoatod for msis- lancu Hucclvcd donations ot clothlnir from SOY on purionaboso iiamus aic on recoid in our otlico. but nre not to bo pub lished , l > y speeiiilroiilio.t. U'o lutvo intolvutl so many requests ot tnls kind that norcafler thu namoi ot donors will bo plieed on our boons , but \vill not bo published Itj out weekly reports. Ono iiiun sent to uuait- quaitPfa twoiuj-four lo.ues ol lioad vvlilcb uetosoondistiiLii.led uiiionf , ' tlio noc'dx. A jouncoin in anpliod for uosition in diniiiL ; room of a irood botiso ; 1,0 piueo coulcl hu found for her. A pniite-r uho hud Just anivcd from Chicago etimc to our ollko late in th day wantlnir suiiper , led lnt , ' and breakfast and piouiblng to uork in iho \\ood.\aul for tbo same. Contrury lo our rules wo consented to lot him do iho work iiftorwards , tlio ttmo Doing till end } 'i o'clock p. m. Ho eot his metiU and lodginj , ' , but bus notbhown up in the woodyaru , nor has ho been board of since. Ooo of our orphan boys was lauen to u peed homo on u farm near Irvinj'ton , A tclupbono nicssuguuas retoivod thnt a small baby 4 months old was bi'lnt ; terriblj abused bv Iho woman who WIIB boarding tbo child. The mo'hot of Iho child was notillcd and uy the tuiiitaneo of ladies who rusido in tnu .loiphborhood of the above woman , and tti rough the efforts of our association the i-mthor was enabled to takoher child und provide for It. A man wanted to suw wood ; man sum. Man wanted for two or tnt oo months wotlc : ono roLOtr.rnnndcd for the place , Man to do liftht uork called for ; man wno ua-t ] uit anplyint' for work taken direct from our ofllco. A widow , diinBorously inrone , was reported to us ; the case was loferiod to iiroimr au thorities and her tuo children piovt lot ) for. A Kood carpenter wnnlcu in Council muff's to build n patronage , f J to f J ? j per dai of- feted ; no ono to send. A friend donates $ ' 2 for charity \voik , ulso a PUCUURO or clothing. A COOK u anted ; noneto send. Society re quested to lind u homo on u larm for a llttlo boy , 11 yours of ap.o. Thruo pordons donated clothing. Tbo case of % sick uonmnvas re ported ; niran omcnts made to pluco her In ono of the hojpituls. Man wanted to attend horse and cow nnd do general uork. Two mon wanted for day labor ; the men were Hcut , Jiloven persons toper ted thutclothlng , boxes , ootcles and other at tides could bo had by calllnc for thorn. A poor woman re siding nl il.'I'J rinltnev Client U In poor health and unable to work Her daughter , houuvor , U anxious to pet washing nud plain f > ewln which she may do nt homo and thus support her mother. Application was made for a little tilrl 0 to lloiis ! . of ace to adapt During tilt' greatt'r portion of tlio day the secretary u not to bo found at hU ofllco , as bv dll cello. i of Ibo board ho Is dovo'.lnt : bis lima to the securing of now mom bow until uo roach the necossarv number 1.000. Yourn truly , A. W. OLA inc. ( Jonoral .ScereUty , DoWttfabarsaparilltt nennso ? tno blooa , Increases thouppatito and tonoi up ttiesys- tern. It has bonolltoil many puoplo who havosulTorud from blood disordorU will help you. _ IIU Dili ; Id'tiltufld the lloinli , Lewiston Jouriuil : A lather rculdoea Biddcford mini , with no roaneot for law or gospel , ID oiild to luivo tlovised n butiuuio for ciiU'hinr ; trout by tliu wliolo- Bale , which dd { not woik us uoll an lie thought. Ho thoiiBlit Hint ft bomb exploded ii the brook uould brlii ( , ' ll the llah in it to the surface , so Unit ho would enl > IIIVYO to pick thorn up. Ho p.-ovldet himself with n bombpowoiful onouh { to blnst : t Bchoonur out uf witter itna \ > on to ft local Mrook in uhicli there were Biild to be lots of tioiit. fla fixed iho fuse , ignited it , nnd throw the bomb into the brook. As lie did BO his ilof , jumped in after it , faol/od it in hid mouth got buck to shore nud blurted after his muster , who was lofffrltitr it IVUIOBS the field us fust its ho could in thu reull/u ( Ion of his clnngor. The nmii bnd the k'ood lunlc to yet o\or u fence , whk'l bothered the dotf. nnd it moinont inter lionrliir ( mi explosion , lie looked arouui to aoo hla do ' ifoln * ukyward , Do\VUt' Sar parllmcioaajei ttto uiood. RHAPSODY ON HISTRIONICS. Hopes of n L'nrrptponilrnt for n llctiirn l Ohl-rimc Mrtlunl * . CnrsTov , la. Oou Q. To the Kdttor of THE Urr. ! I was privllogeil to visit the fnlri ofsovornl countl-s In touthwostorn Iowa lately. 1 cannot ilwoll upon Clarlnda's queenly bonuty , MlthiR * o cosily upon nn tin- dulnlhig eminence and gazing out upon the rlcnost coutitrr on this pendent i lobo. Nor can I dccsant upon Iho bustllntr , business , rnllt out clt.v of Ore * ton , and I may not tnrr.v ulth lo\oly Und Oaltj nor abitlo with her jounror nml lesser but not loss beautiful sister , Corning. rtio Rnthorlnc of town vud country peopln once 41ear at count v fain Is n social reunion - union of olil trie-nils m il nrlRhbors lltto n great plcnlci or campmeotltiir. The church lunch staml Is llict-f , mosldud over by fair parish Ion or . i'bo huby In thnro. Thoyoune KlrH nntl tlin lovers ro then * . Tlio cooA Inillps of Iho Wom-iii's nil Islliiu Tempi-ration Union ( God love them ) nro there with trnuta ami ossavs > iioii moral nuii progicsslia questio-is. bo .iro the iliuj and ciuio and whcol Mends nnei the fellow \\itli the loilttor IUIIRS who soils lomormdo. The ponnut mnii , tlio snneixxlull nntt popc-orn nu-ii arc thorn nloui ; \ \ llh nil ollior kinds ol mon At iiU'lit the theatnr.s. 1 nin n lover of thn old ill tni.1 unit commoni-ad my studut tlin hlstrionlo lit the loot of Uihvln l-'ortcst nntt rntvo seen npitrlv ox cry noted player ittu-o. I'ho sttiiM is Iho subject of sarlous thanpltt In IOLCIU jeuri. , whether hlRh tlrniuUtlu art 1 to Uo toloij.uoil to llio pauor to llvo nntl ( loutish nicaln In iho nenr future. In this uav of fareo i-iiniedy anil scor.io effects , thu .irtlit \ \ ho rotiiitlns ti uo to tlio Iceltimnto di-serves tlio th.inks ( if all lovers of ttuo nit. In the list semi1 ofonis lollmvlnp tbo tin port nt ion nt npetii boullo nnd the Introduction of tlio "Ulwclc C'roo't" the decudonco of thu Amoil- can siu o uti * InuuKUnitod Anterior to thU uep.ulnio the boss of tlin strcot "spoutod" ShaUcspeiuu nnd the "OU Dow er } " nnd Nlblo'n ( inrdon" went the classic Htenes of Iho hlphost intoiprotutlon uf the illvlno tboucht of thn cretit pools Forrest nnd Mi orourty. tbo Hooths nnil Dnrretts and tlio scores of olhori had thoio Inipcrsotmtud tlio inaudt-st Ideals of honor und nobilltv nt etcitcil b ; iho liriiln of KL-nlns On thcsn ooards unto oxetnpllllod tlio sttotiLtli of Chailolto Cushmun , the ten * tier t-inotion of thp bu.iutlful Liicillo Wostoin nd tlio u at in Ui ot the iiuiuli loxcd and tlio lost ln\el > Adelaide ! Ne-llson. Those two , o lilirhiv ulfluii , "o oulvlostill cvor ra mill n sin-rod inouu.iv , unit tlioir HU60l at.es , li lemoned UIhu Hiucolu of genlui rill illunilno the dim vist.i of the fiiirimuh- t\g \ past Tlio .tJhluvumutilH in those TUos- iluu temples In the line of ilntcout.i o , da- otlon utid the posslblllllos ol liumiin lifo m\o c\ui been an IncenUvu and on insulra- ion lo mutt nnd uunuui touching out , for toliloi" thlnps. Will these jnlmy days of the stai-o roturnl Vos , thoio Is u giouuip iloiiund for n hlshur ounof nrt , n mote intellectualuntcrlalutnanU Jim "loijltlmato" \\hlh poilrnjs the grand tid the boautlful of our bolter nature can- iot ale so IOIIK u nobio nsplt.mons are In- lorent in the souls of men. Nations , like ) ndivluunls , two tholr opoohsof glory nnd oc w. Poiloltclty is the law of lifo. Tli act of sin stiinuliit.cs \ Irtuo. A fior & scnaon f inoritl Uxitv the sntcd revelers lonp for reform und sliut on the upuatd path of good indc.ivor. It is now llino to IOOK for tbo to- urn of tbo ulouous davs of the Amurleua Tno logkal reason for the inotlein liulIITor- once to hlin art on the tittcro is tloubtloss tha iitcnsIU of American lllo In tocont years , Llio inciLlloabcotnimtition for business BUO leas h.is i-anluteil tlio nation iu the toils ot o called lOiiHsm nnd clilven tbo boautlful dual to the wall. 'J ho lesions of the tuaatoff > eels are for otto'i in Iho in id , hoartlnu su-.iuicili ) lor mateilal cutii. Th lich Miiuivr nervous tousioti of ted a 7 ould noi bear llio uassion and ntu.islllccl feellne ; of the gient cJraruus , hcnco biawn. tipt brain , Heels vouus head , with ull thu decorated .u-ccssorlos. aniin no anil lunn- mnio. uro pu-ssod In'o sciv.e-o to soothe the rustless Iculing anil banUh the thoughts of clav. " Lot m hop" the liino is at hand \\lion the iitolliii'Jiit people will cease itsItisano itriiKKln fcr iho cannnoii towatdsof business effotl and laaU/a Ibo value of JoUuro for tu- iixatinn nnd luinroiuniont accutcd t > y foivor muis 01 lubot. Then the halcyon days of the Jr.tmi will coino nguin nnd its friondi uill icjolto in the ft union of their long de- citi'il Hopes In thU LOiinoctlon I wish to speak of the .ulunu'ii jouni ; actor .lobn d'Otniond , uliom [ saw teeenllv in tliostollm roles of Ingotiiar , Damon nnd Pycinallon. This actoi's line liiy-tiijuo .uul uoblo brow anet bearing , hap- > iU joined with high purnoso ana ruio ncnlal endowments , lit him especially well 'or iho hcioic ch.iraLtms of the romanti chool , as uoll as for the llorco oneountors of the hiqhlv tVaslu plajs. Thn imntle" of Poiiest and MuCullouirh seem to ia\o fallen upon his ample shoulders , and lis ili.umiliu iuniloiIntr is faithful to churac- .01 anJ hiitoritIneult'iit. . 1 lo.-niil him ai thocouilnn mini in the liciolc loles. Ilo is a nan of coed liubits and a ( onsclonttous stu dent. UK success is not only nssurod along ha higher walks of histiionic art , but I vcn- tuto thu opinion that the name of d'Ormonii v.Ill cllMPii uniontj the btollnr luminuiles of the future. Notlni ; iho oxccllenco of thu cast , Miss Allies Puller us Parthuniu , with icr largo pitlictio o\es , nor sweet nrinsomo inannor , nor i ocular feature's and white , . luiRliilf drapoi-y , boomoil a veritable Orcok maldini. llur womanly Lfraco.tho bravely of her vontiiio , lici omnlional tondornosv , combined ultli a leadv pflrceptlon and versa- ultty , lit nor well for the true intorprotalloa of the lushest and most lovnblo tjpe of wo- nanbood. She Is tbo uhitacter. taho Uioa tliopait. O'N. Late to boa unit eany 10 mo ivUl shot-lot the 10,11 ! to vour homo In the skloi. Out. early to bed and "Jjittlo IJarlv flnjr."tno' pill that mat.ji ilia U > uor an I tistlur an I wiser. _ r.iiini-i lliudrKtV' " llnnl I.in K. Iiiliiiuitolis : Journal : Trustee Brotlior tlin ( lusty , how much nrc iyou , rolnjj to ti\o for tlio mipport of'the ) chin uli thirt joti-y : F.irinor Tliirdobty Nothin' . "IIii\oc.'t jou lintl food mops this HQU- bonV" ' VIIH. 1'ni'tj * < ood. ' ' Ilitil any biulviiuss iii yout fuinlly ? " "No. " ' Lost liny ofoiir live sloeUV" "No. " "IIiiH niythln : diHiialioi'H hnppoiictl to your huriiB or Cut mint. ' imnlomoiitsV" "Nothtii1. " uThon it atrilcou mo , H'othor Ilnrd- nsty , you uro not showing it proper Hplrit of tliiinlcfuliiobs for iho piosporltv thnt hiia " "PiojorJtyV | ) Snv , uu'vu hnil u cholera - era BOAIO , linin't \\or" ' "Yoit , hut , t.lia pu-tiluti''o IIIIH not coino , itiid thnt in nil Iho inoio IUIIMOII why jou bliould " "llusn't coinoV I'm not tulkiiii , ' about the oholorn , I'm tulklti' uhuut thu HL-itio. See thnt fourteen-iioro Held ever ynndorV" "Yes. " " \Voll. I iilentud It In couciiinhotH for the Nuw Yorlc iniirltot. Fourlnoii ncios o' cowcumijoral An thny uin't wtith pit'Uiii'I ' Tliut'uvli.it nil-"in ) \i\p \ \ yonr , Iliolhor Aslicrad , I li.iin't ' K'U\ no ui'tiilf o , hut 1 don't fuel under no ahllir'UioiiH , by l1y ! for a box of Doocti tm't J'lIU ivortH n coiviu In ilcli red nnd liluo nnd and blocK colors , worl.cd up In ululor ale Persian nufo-ni. nr > midouii of tuft Angora wools and worn with a K'lrdlc. lam scvent-sevcn jearsold , and have li.'ul my age icnewrd at least twenty \earibytlmuse of S wifl's Siwcilic. My foot _ and leu to my knee was a runninrr sore for two \ears , and prosiclans .wi < ; t could not be cured. After taklnif liftrca small bottles b.h.S. there Is not a bora on my limb ] , and I have a new lease on VKMBO AI ft life. Von ought to IrBDlA U1U let all sufferers know * * umuv * of jour vtundeiful remedy , IKA J" . bill i s. Palm.r , Katun City. IS A WONDKKI'UI' ItliMKDY eswcUHy for old l > eole. It buidi | up the general health 1 KJ.V ie oh tha blood nulled free. SWIFT BPCJPIO COMPANY , AtUrjUGi * ,