TITE OMATTA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , OCTOBER 10 , 1802 , SERVING TUE PEOPLE fcoxTisunt ) mow nrrn rxos.J a bolter fight might bo tnndo for the do- irmnus of the department. Ho reported from Iho commlttco the bill for the transfer of the wonthor bureau to the Agricultural department , nnd had the natlsfuctlon of booing nn nmondod meas ure become tv law. Secretary Husk pro nounced liis work nt the end of thla congress most onorjjotlc and valuable , nnd'norsonally congratulated him by letter upon his efforts on behalf of the department. 2. Our exports in cattle had boon hampered by retaliatory measures taken by Knplnnd to prevent export of live cattle into the kingdom on the ground of contagious plouro-pnoumonla. Bona'.or PiuldocTc Introduced and passed n bill to provide for olllclal certification of cattle frco from dlacaso and secured increased appropriations through por- ronnl olTor'H ' with appropriation com mittees bv which plflitro-pnoumonln was effectually stamped out in this country. Complaint , was then made by England that live e.nUlo were so injured In ocean transit as to bo made unill for consump tion when slaughtered. Senator Paddock promptly intioducud a bill to provide for the inspection of cattle vessels , passed it in the sotmto , and hud the satisfaction of seeing it become n. law. Ho introduced the first bill for meat Inspec tion , nnil inndo an exhaustive report upon the necessity of microscopic ox- ntninatlon of > nciit products nnd their official certlllcation as sound. The whole nystom now In such sncoesbful operation in western packing houses of tagping beef , mutton and pork Is largely the re sult of Sotiator Paddock's persistent labors. In consequence Franco , Ger many and England have thrown down the barriers to the American hog and ho enters oncu moro into consumption by the people of those nations. Senator I'atldock was a strong supporter of the reciprocity fcn'.uio of the McKinley bill , which the senate inserted in that meas ure after the house hud rejected It. Ho urged it among' his associates aild ad dressed the senate in its behalf , quoting from his speech of February 0 , 1879 , in ndvocaoy of the policy. 3. On February fi , 1890 , Senator Pad dock introduced a resolution ( ullingupon the commUteo on interstate commerce to report the potters of the Interstate Coin- morco commission to regulate excessive freight rales of agricultural products In the west. The matter was at once brought before Iho Inlerstulo Commerce commissioners who made a personal visit to Nebraska and finding the alle gations as recited in Senator Paddock's rcfiolulion sustained , mudo an order re ducing freight rates on food products. This practical legislation was the only national one In six years which had ru- Milted in reduced freight rules and it was due solely to Senator Paddock's initiative. } . It was in tills congress that Sen ator Paddock drafted ami introduced the first bill prohibiting the adultera tion of food producls which over re ceived Iho considoralion of our nalionul K-frliilnturc. The bill at once attracted the attention of the country and became the subject of widespread comment. Its lirat olTocl. was lo call out thousands of notices and articles proving conclusively the great e.xtcnt of the swindling of thin nature which WIIB in operation throughout the country. Medical socle- ties , alliances , grange org.mizutions and trade associations heartily endorsed the inovemcnt. Tho-.o whobo nefarious bus- inoas would have been destroyed by the measure promptly rallied in opposition nnd while at Ilrst not daring to openly attack the principle demanded vital amendment of the bill. During the first session Senator Pa-dock's commit tee hold twenty-six meetings to discuss and perfect the Paddock purp food bill , nnd finally completed it in its present form , in accordance with Senator Taddock's last draft. The Agri cultural department spurred its chemical division to an exhaustive invcstigatiulh and analysis of food pro ducts , the results fully verifying Sena tor Paddock's assertion that 40 per cent of all articles entering into coui' roon consumption were adulterated , Senator Paddock's report accompany' ing his bill nas been quoted and re- quoted so often by these engaged wit ! him in this gigantic fight against frnuc nnd deception that it is not necessary U live lioro any extracts to show the mo lives impelling the senator to his eru fade for the pi election of the stomuchi of the poor ami the pockiits of the pro duccrs. The best equipped and mos active lobby in Washington fought tin measure- lit every stugo and pro Touted its consideration in tin bonato. All the cotton state opposed it , because they feared t would prevent the continued use of cot tonsocd oil in the adulteration of lard Senator Paddock made vigorous effort to have the bill made an amendment t the agricultural appropriation bill ii the closing days of the bcssion , and mud on March U n speech of no.irly tw hours' duiation , discussing the constitu tlonulily of his bill , its character an the pressing demand for its onnctmonl The bill failed at the close of congroE only to bo subsequently brought up nn passed by the senate and favorably rt ported in the house , where It no' ' awaits action on the house calendar. 6. The fifth subject of national r veil as of local importance to whle Senator Piuldocir devoted himself wn th'nt of the protection of timber on th public lands from lire and from di midntion by the axe of tli marauder. Several bills wcro bofoi Ills committee and were freely dl cussed. In .luno , 1890 , ho reported us measure of temporary relief a , bil iiL'compunylng the bill with n wrlttc report providing penalties for the so ting on lire of woods , underbrush or pru . rio on the public domain. The bill wi debated vigorously in the senate , ar its passage opposed by Senator Tollo who denied the authority ofo \ \ govori inunt to enforce penalties within tl states. It finally passed the penal Meantime Senator Paddock was Tni : studying the history of forestry , wil the view of formulating a general to cstry law which would place all fores on the publiu domain under rigid m tlonal Buporvislon , prevent doprod tlons and wiihto and protect the tlmlx mpply , and In Iho next congioss pr unlod his bill , which is now on tl calendar. U. At nn oirly : Btngo in the sossli fuvornl bill * providing for the oncou itgomonl of the cultivation of the ug licet and the temporary exemption fid duty of machinery for the manufaotu of bcot .sugar wore tlcen : up in the coi mlttoo on agriculture. The subject w thoroughly dihcu sod and the lltorntu on the question studied , As the rosu a bill wus formulated and presented * Iho senate , with an elaborate wrltt tcport by .Senator Paddock , In , eon ; ' quenco the sunato'nlacod an amondmu ia the tariff bill admitting boot sug aAachinury free until January 1 , Ibi Uho thorough exploitation of Iho qu tlou assisted in having the sugar bouii cluubo added to the tarilT bill. Spnu ! 1'addook assisted in debate in light ! ' the amendment through the sonata. 1 Hosidoa lliuHu most important subjo nctod upon by the coinmittoo , his co jnitteo look up , discussed and made ; ports on the Conger lard bill , amei menu to the oleomargarine law. mlc iconic invobtlgatlon of animal disoii fjju the extension of thobu.ouuof u mal Industry. The work of this congress - gross on the part of the agricultural committee oxcccds the total work of the committee In the ton voara previous , and was encoded by that of no other commlttco in the sonato. Public l.itml. . An senator from the state whore the first homestead patent was issued. Sen ator Paddock naturally was familiar with the public land system. Much of his most useful work in the Bonato was done on the public lands committee. In this congress ho was particularly active. Ho made thirteen reports from the committee nnd attended every session. Ho reported the bill providing for appropriations for irrigation experiments , the bill creating the Broken How nnd the Alllnnco dis tricts , the bill adjusting salaries In the land olllco by which Judiro GrolT's salary was increased , the bill for the relief of ontrytnen on the Otoo and Missouri lands , the bill ( or the ealo o ( military reservations In Nebraska , for the crea tion of the Wyoming land district , to amend the timber culture act and to allow settler * to prove up before county olllclals. Seven of these bills became laws. I'cmlmm. Ills work in the coinmittoo on pen sions was indefatigable and enormous nnd represented a largo part of the six teen hours a day which the senator has boon in the habit of devoting to his work. Ho made no less than J03 re ports on private pension bills , among them a bill granting a pension to Mrs. Gonural Crook. Of those the remarka ble number of 147 became laws , many of the boncllciurics of whirih had boon vainly besieging the pension ollico for years for relief. The hundreds of letters of grateful acknowledgment from pen- Bionorn relieved from distress by his ef forts are ono of the most carefully preserved - served and cherished mementoes of Sen ator Paddock's senatorial term.Vhon | the labor of investigating llio enormous muss of papers nccompaning such claims is considered Iho industry and patience requisite to accomplish such results wilt bo apparent. Iliillnu DCpimhttKitiH , Sonalor Paddock was a member of the committee on Indian depredation claims , and was largely instrumental in the formulation nnd the passage of the measure which became a law provid ing for the udjudicutlot of th is class of claims , so linuorlant to many citizens of Nebraska. Owing to the absence of the chairman of the commitleo , Sonalor Moody of South Dakota , it foil to Senator Paddock's lot , as acting chair1 man , to tnko charge of the bill on the floor of the senate , and lo load the forces of its advocates. This ho did with great shrewdness and ability , passed the bill , and afterwards snt on the commitleo of conference , whoso report was finally adopted by the house. The passatro of the bill closed nearly eleven years of hard work on the part of Senator Paddock in advocacy of jus tice to settlers on this line. ( . ( net-ill Legislation. Senator Paddock took an active in terest in the formulation nnd passage of the measutes which became laws in the Fifty-first congress. A glance over the list will show that ho either introduced or reported a Inrgo number in this gal- ax , } ' , which forms the achievement of a congress republican in both branches. In every ono which came before the committees on pensions , npriculture , public lands and Indian depredations ho had a guiding and directing hand. His sfugglo for modifications in the tariff bill had much to do with Iho 'amendment of that measure on lines of western demands. Among the laws enacted - acted during this congress wora the following : The act providing for the monthly purchase of 4,500,000 ounces of silver and the issuance of treasury notes for the full value of the same , thus increas ing the volume of the currency nearly $00,000,000 per annum. The customs administrative provision to prevent frauds in the entries of im ported goods , which will make a saving of many millions of dollars to the treas ury annually without increasing the cost of such goods to the consumer. The act reorganizing in part the fed eral judiciary system , for the relief of the supreme court , ono of the most im portant and useful acts passed by any congress for many years. The disability and dependent pension net , which gives a pension to every ox- soldier who has suffered the least im pairment of his ability to maintain him self and family ny his own labor , provid ing pensions also for widows and minor children , or without the requirement to prove the incurrence of disease by the soldier in the service and in the line ol duty. In this connection the fact nlsc may bo properly stated that the last congress passed and the president ap proved several hundred special acts granting pensions to ox-soldiors and the widows nnd children of ox-soldiers , where the required technical proofi were impossible to obtain/ The ant foi the relief of soldiers who served during the late war under assumed names. The act to provide certificates of honorable orablo discharge to ox-soldiors wholuv < lost tlioir certificates of discharge. The act providing that no person ii time of po.tco shall bo tried for descr tion nftor the lapse of two years. The resolution of the senate dlrcetinf the Interstate Commerce commission t < investigate as to oxccsslvo transporta tion rates on the agricultural product of the trnnhinlhsourl country to ouslon 11 markets , and lo apply a remedy there I , for , under which the tnoht useful result 111 were reached. Thio was Senator Pad t- dock's resolution. t.1 - The act enlarging the powers of th .118 Interstate Oommotoo commission in sc id curing testimony , enforcing attendanc > ' , of witnesses for better enforcement t 11- law and punishment of the violators i its provisions. The anti-trust and the anti lottery , y acts , .h The acts for the admission of Idah and Wyoming and Montana , North nn is South Dakota and Washington , whicl n- under acts previously p isscd , wor na - also , by proclamation of the president aJl1 declared to bo states in the union. eli - The act providing for the colubratio li u of the HHIth anniversary of thudiscover of America in 180- uii Thn land grant forfeiture net , I ir- which the government has rocovurv irar over 8,000,000 ucrua of unearned lam mire under grunt * to certain railroads. rein The nut oxtendinu' the provisions i in- an act for the relief of railroad land so tiers and of persons who have been c rote railroad IUIIUH live years , but whoso o trios have not bcon recorded. teen The uot to repeal the timber cultui en and pro-umntlon laws. jo The provision repealing the act int 18S8 unuor which all public lands wei u r required to bo withdrawn from Bottl J- . ment between the 10U0 meridian JJS - longitude and the Cascade mountains ity California. The of the Fort Sod ior act to dispose ) wiclv military reservation to actual st tiers under the homestead law. DlS The act extending the time of pa of Omaha rosorv lure moat to purchasers reid - tion land. id- Tin ) joint resolution allowing oxto ro- sion of time of payments on account failure of . BOH crops. ui- The act providing for the compulso attendance of witnesses In land cases be fore registers and receivers of land offices. The provision requiring suit to vacate nn existing patent to bo brought insldo five years , llic snrno not to bo permitted to bo sold at public sale. The act ninondatory of the law author izing settlors' affidavits in pro-omptlon and commutation of homestead entries to no taken before county judges and other local ofllcor ? . The provision authorizing correction of clerical errors In land entries ; also a provision authorizing confirmation of entries and in-tunnco of patents where final proof and payment have bcon made and certificate issued , there bolng no advorao claims originating prior to such final entry , and where the land wus solder or encumbered prior to the 1st day of March , 188S , and nftor such final entry , to bona fide purchasers or encumbrances for a valuable consideration. ( This Is the provision which has saved maViy of the original ontrymon of the Otoo reser vation lands. ) Roporlod by Paddock. The act authorizing the taking nnd filing-of final proofs when the day of hoarinr came , during the vacancy In either the olllco of receiver or register of a land olllco , by the remaining olllcor , otc. otc.Tho ncl croaling the Broken Bow and Alliance land dislrlols in Nebraska. The act to apply the proceeds of the sales of nubile lands to the support of agricultural and Industrial colleges. The act providing for the selection of lands for educational purposes , in lieu of these appropriated for other pur poses , in abandoned military and other rcsorvallons. The ael for Iho establishment of a na tional park on the battlefield of Chiclm- inauga ; two nets setting apart the tract of land containing the mammoth trees of California fora national park. The appropriation for the Oalvcston , Sablnc nnd Aransas Pass deep water piojecls , all in Iho inlorosl of cheaper Iran spoliation for the agricultural pro ducts of Iho west to the seaboard and to foreign markets. The provision malting appropriation for transforming the Hennepln canal into a ship canal between the Missis sippi river and Lake Michigan at Chi cago. Two appropriations amounting to about $ GOUUfJ for Invostigalion and ex perimentation poparatory to the com mencement of preliminary work for ir rigating the semi-humid lands in the western D.ikotus , Nebraska and Kansas by meaus of a general syslom of arlosian and other wells and reservoirs. The provision granting rights of way over the public lands for irrigation pur poses. The net to prevent the introduction of contagious diseases from ono stale into another. The act transferring the weather bureau roau from the War department to the Agricultural department. The act to provide u torrilorinl form of government for the territory of Okla homa. The act to amend the act constituting Lincoln u port of dolivoiy. The nets for the construction of a rail road bridge across the Missouri river opposite Manona , In. Two acls for the construction of bridges over the Missouri river opposite Omaha , Douglas county. The act for the inspection of live ani mals and the products thereof at slaughter houses , rendering cstablish- monls , salting , canning and packing es tablishments the subjects of interstate commerce. By Paddock. The provision for the inspection of live animals at ports from which the sarao are to tie oxporled to foreign mar kets. kets.The The act providing for the inspection , under the direction of the secretary of agriculture , of salted meats for export , also for the inspection of all imported food products , drinks and drugs , with a retaliatory provision against countries discriminating against our hogsbeeves , the products thereof , etc. By Pad dock. The net authorizing the secretary of agriculture to require suitable accom modations , to make rules and regula tions as to space , food and water supply , and such other requirements as may bo necessary for the safe and proper trans portation nnd humane treatment of beeves exported from this to other countries , with inspection ns to these shipping arrangements both at the ports in this country from which they are ex ported and the ports in other countries through which they are imported for sale and distribution to the consumers in these countries. The provision making appropriation for microscopical investigation nnd chemical analyses to detect adultera tions of food imported into this country. The provision making an appropria tion for producing sugar from boots and sorghum. The provision authorizing the presi dent to suspi/nd imports from countries making unjust discriminations against our domestic products exported to those countries. The provision prohibiting steamship companies from soliciting immigration , The act authorizing contracts to be made with American ships for carrying foreign mails. Acts to encourage the shipping tc South American and other countries o : our agricultural and other product ! from this country in American ships. The act to prevent the employment o convict labor upon the construction 01 repair of any building , house or othoi structure belonging to the United States. The act amendatory to an act to pro hibit the importation'of foreigners am aliens under contract or agreement t perfoim labor in the United Stales ' etc. etc.Tho not to reimburse settlers fron losses from Indian depredations. The copyright act , for the protoctloi of American authors , publishers an printori. Nitxnlitt | unil Dulmton. Sonalor Pnddocic spoke sixty-eigh times In the Fifty-first congress. H addressed Iho senate at length twlc during the progress ot the tariff debute besides engaging in the discussion many times during the progress of th bill through that body. He protosto against the use which had been made ( the appropriations for boot &ugar oxpoi imnntal stations , with the eubecquor result of securing the station i Schuyior. Ho spoke against th present consideration of the bunli ruptey bill , expressing npohonsior ) that the alauso permitting orodltoi to throw debtors into involuntar bankruptcy would not moot the wlslu of his constituency. Ho denounced i infamous slanders the charges on th . floor of the onato that the farmers i of Nebraska wore paupers , assorting tin I'O povon-oightha of the mortgage indobtei I'Oo ness represented deferred payments e oof land or block. He advocated Omaha i in the location of the now court of appca and Nebraska ns Iho place for the coi tor of a now division for pension pa ; it- men is ; urged the admission of Wyon ity ing ; attacked the geological survey i y- an ornamental appoadugo of the I ya - torior department ; spoke twelve tlmi an in currying the Indian depredation bl n- through the senate and four times nof . advocacy of his bill to prevent fo < adulteration , ry | Among other subjects which Sonnti Pnddpch discussed in dobnto In the Fifty-first coin/boss were the inspection of cattle , the MonVor lard bill , irriga tion , the Infbfost of the west in deep water harbors on the gulf , the pension bill for Mrs. General Crook , in eulogy of James Laird , and upon the Sioux troubles on th < 5"Nobrn ka frontier. The struggle which Senator Paddock with soyoral ether western senators made for tariff reduction in the Fifty-second congress attracted the attention of the country and thd approval of the repub lican press nnd republicans of the wost. It was maintained from the entrance of the tarilT bill into the sonalo to the vote upon accepting the cnnfcronco report , nnd was a steady protest against in creased duties'tint ! In favor of reductions where such scorned advisable. Senator Paddock's position on the tnrllT was in accordance with the Bontl- mont of his constituency , on the lines of republican profession and promise , nnd In full consistency with his life-long views upon the application of nn econo mic policy. As long ago as 1878 , in ad dressing the State Agricultural society at Lincoln , Senator Paddock snld lu speaking for reciprocity with the South American republics : " 1 myself was , aa many of you nro un doubtedly aware , educated In Iho polit ical school of Henry Clay , and , while I think that in some cases and under sotno circumstances protection through pro hibiting tariffs may answer a gooa pur pose , I am forced to bollovo that for an agricultural stale like ours It may bo on the whole an Injurious policy. " And referring again to an unstable financial policy nnd unnecessarily high Import dutios. ho added : "I think It Is susceptible of proof that this and pro tection through unnossarlly heavy im port , duties have cost this state since 1802 a larger aggregate sum than the entire crops of three years. The time has como when , without bias or preju dice , wo should advocate a radical change in our fiscal policy. " Senator Paddock has always bcon a protectionist , and avowed himself ns such. Ho has believed In and advo cated n protective tariff as distinguished from a tariff for revenue only. Hut ho has stundily insisted with Secretary Blalno that protection is a policy , not a principle , to bo increased or diminished nccoroing to the necessity for revenue and the equalizing of labor conditions. Ho has steadily insisted that the de mands of manufacturers should not betaken taken us the republican standard of pro tection , and that the wishes of Pennsyl vania and- Ohio should not determine the tariff which should bo imposed on products consuired by the west. Sena tor Paddock for nearly twenty years has been an advocate of tariff reduction. In this ho has represented the views of western republicans on the tariff ques tion , and ho did not falter in their ex pression In the Fifty-first congress when the tariff bill was under discussion. riflj-Socoinl ConercMS. The record of the present congress is still incomplete. The second and clos ing session , in which much legislation now , either In the committee stage or on the calendar , remains to bo disposed of , has yet to bo held. The work of Senator Paddock in this congress is therefore perforce princi pally in the stage of transition. Sum marized , it hab consisted of the intro duction of fifty-seven bills and resolu tions , the making of sevonty-sovon reports from committees on which ho has served , nnd the presentation of 18-3 petitions nnd papers. In addition ho has made remarks on forty-five subjects in the sonalo. Of 'the ' bills which ho introduced seventeen have already passed the Senate and four have already become laws , , t'vbiity-fivo ( are still in committee , nnd throe are on the senate calendar. An amendment , that making an apuroprlation of nearly half a million dollars for the payment of Indian depredation dation claims , was also fought through congress to the great relief of many worthy and long sutloring western set tlers. Also ho secured the enactment into law of an amendment providing funds for the investigation and settle ment of Indian depredation claims. He also passed through the senate a joint resolution extending the time for pay ment for lands on the Pawnee res ervation. Of the reports made by Senator Paddock thirty-eight were from the committee on pensions , twelve of which were on bills which have become laws , and eleven of which are wailing action by the house , lie made ole ven ronorts from the agricul tural committee , two of which were on bills which have become laws. Ho also roporiod fifteen measures from the pub lic lands committee , seven of which passed the somite. Those with two re ports from the committee on Indian alTuira , seven from the committee on contingent expenses and two from con ference committees , make up Senator Paddock's record of hard work on com mittees during the first session of the present congress. Senator Paddock introduced nnd passed through the senate a number of measures of interest , among thorn his "Pure food bill , " for which ho had to struggle at every stage from the intro duction to its passage ; the Hastings > public building bill ; the bill to provide [ for the disposal of Fort HartsutY , 5 Sheridan and Fort MePhorson , military reservations in Nebraska ; an amond- f | ment providing funds to enable the secretary of agriculture to continue investigations concerning the feasi 1 bility of extending the demands of for eign markets for agricultural products of the United Slates ; an amendment 1 providing funds for the continuance of 1'i 1o timber tests under the direction of 'i the secretary of agriculture , an amend ment increasing the limit of cost of the n Beatrice public building to $05,000 ; the bill for a public building ; at Salt Lake n City ; bills for the relief of Frank Rather d and Wesley Montgomery ; the bill for tiio adjustment of the Otoo reservation land sales ; the bill lor a public building at Grand Island ; a bill to readjust the t salaries of land otllcors ; to pension Gran- o vlllo Turner ; to provide for the survey 0 and transfer of tho.Fort Randall reser vation to the stato.'of Nebraska ; for the ) , relief of Orson Putnam ; granting a pen so sion to Marion O : Gurney , and granting sd an increase of * pension to George W. d Clark. ) f Senator Padd.pck's participation in ' thb debates oftlio senate during the I'll past session covered , a wldo variety of ll subjects of general as well as of special it interest to the wast. Indian depredation 0 tion claims and the demand for their prompt payment , the irrigation of arid IS lands , the necessity for forestry laws , 8y pensions for disabled soldiers , an up- 8s peal for the passage of the anti-option ; s law , silver coinage , the general condi is tion of agriculture , the Hustings and .03f Grand Island public buildings , the Oloc 3f and Pawnee reservations , Missouri It river improvements , Nebraska mllitar.v iin reservation lands , food adulteration in postollico buildings for the 'smalloi isU cities and towns , and the Grand Armj U encampment , were a few of the subject ! 11y upon wiiloh his voice was hoard. i- iJS Senator Paddock's moatatriklncr char n- acteristlo is his energy. HU industrj nus is unvarying and unwearied. No Bonn ill tor has boon more regular in his attendance In anco upon the sessions of committee ? o occupied his seat so steadily in th eonato. An examination of the rol Both the method nnd results when Syrup of Fip is taken ; it is pleasant nnd refreshing to the tnsto , and nets gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver nnd Bowels , cleanses the sys tem efiectunlly , dispels colds , head aches nnd fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of ita kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptahle to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly hcnclicial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its mnnvcxccllentqualitics commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 7Go bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. , SAN 101 AN CISCO , OAL. V. NEW VOKK. y. _ _ . . Alien nn.l Comntoto TreM/nonl. conMitltiir ot Supponltorloi. OUUmont la C.nnilloi , alio In Hot unai'llls : * 1'oiUlvo Cure for i\trn : l. latarntl bllndor UteedliiRltchUu. Chronic , UuiL-ntor lloroll- Urrl'llei. Ttili llomoJr ha never bJun known to full.tl per boi li forfi ; suntbf mill. : Wlir > ullorfrom thla larrlbla dlsoua nlien a wrlltin uuanintoj Is DOiltlroIr given nltliGbJtoi or rofiuiJ thumunar If not cured nun 1 stup for frou Sample , ( linrantoa liiuoil bjlvutm , tCo. , Dru/Klsti , Solo AienU.cor.ioc lill > uud Douk'lni > iroe U : = . .hu. Noli calls during his oflieinl career will find him present as often if not oftener than any of his colleagues. And when record ed as "absent" under the rules of the senate , his name will bo found with but few exceptions among these announcing1 themselves as "paired , " and therefore precluded from voting. On all the great issues which pre sented themselves during his two terms of olllco Senator Paddock placed him self on record , and will bo found re corded. He has never been found among Iho dodgers and absentees when debata ble questions came un for final determin ation. On most such issues lie lias spoken on the lloor of the t > onnlo , and on many which others avoided ho has freely given his opinions lo tfio press. No stronger proof of his senatorial on- eriry can bo found than in the numerous written reports he has prepared Irom the comuiitlees of public liuuls , pensions and agriculluro , reports which number nearly 400 many requiring long prep aration and the arduous labor of digest ing thousands of papers and consulting innumerable authorities. Caring noth ing for social functions , Senalor Pad dock has porsislcd in carrying his legis lative work with him homo lo his lodg ings and in extending1 his day's labor far Inlo the night , early discovering that in no other way was it possible for him to dispose of his work day by day accord ing to his invariable rule , to keep up with the mass of correspondence , and lo prepare himselt for his work on Iho iloor of the sonato. Ilia success in expediting business before the departments was < luo to close attention to every case in which a Ne braska constituent was interested and in the indefatigable onorgj with which ho presented it to the various govern ment ollicials. Hundreds of seniors on the public lands in Nebraska and many more worthy old soluiors and their widows owe the prompt adjudication of their cases to tlia fact tluil Senalor Paddock would not take "No" tor an answer while urging their claims in the land and pension oillces. Senator Paddock never posed as a professional reformer , seeking to make capital for himself by assailing the motives of those1 of hU .colleagues who ventured tc disagree with him. Differing often from his associates , his courtesy in debate bate was noticeable and initurullj brought reciprocal courtesy in exchange. His relations with the 'sonato have always boon of the most friendly nature and the existence of this feeling hat boon very often of great value when r single objection would have proven lei' Iho consideration of some moiihuro o interest to the btalc. The same may hi Buid of the chlof executive and holds o deparlmonls with whom Iho bonalor ha : always boon on terms of kindlj intimacy , which have smoothed the waj for rapid and olVoolivo work. Senator Paddock's success in dispos ing ol publiu business is largely duo tc methodical turn of mind whiul causes him lo slid ; lo every Horn Ir turn until It is out of the way and ti take up each day's work and finish i so far as possible before the day closes lie has made it n rule to aeknowlodgi on the .day of receipt every lotto which came inlo ills hnndx , and to kuoi bolh originals and nnswnr indexed am accessible for prompt reference in uan < of future inquiries. Ills mail for th last six years is bald at the Wabhlngtoi poatoluco to have been ono of the llirc largest of all Iho members of congros- There has not boon a year when liih bll for postage has not boon live limes tli amount allowed by congress. Tills dll forenco ho has of course had to meet on of his own moans. Sonulor Paddoulc is essentially a dc mqstic man and has missed greatlj while at Washington , hisplcnr > nnt lioin at Licatrlco , for which rented i coins a the national capital have proved a pee substitute. Continued IllncbS in hi fatuity r/rovontod Iho senator from or toi-tninlng or from accepting invitation to ontortainiiiontHin Washington durin the greater part of his sonalorlal son Ico. Whatever locreation ho has til lowed himself has bcon Indulged i whllii in Nobranka among his own puc plo and at his own homo. A third characteristic of Senator P.u docK is his tendency to'work Hist of u for homo inloraati * . The opening < Major Molvinloy'a Beatrice speech , I which ho referred to Senator 1'addook well known constant advocacv of Nc bruHkn'a intoresU in Wabhlngton , wi fairly earned. In all his varied bom lorial work ho has steadily inaintainc an eve bingle lo the intercuts of h Btalo. " Ho has advocalod or opposed i proposition of legislation . without luv inir firfat carefully considered Its boai ings upon homo interest * . Ho liu struggled with appropriation eoinini 11 toei > for greater recognition of Iho bin OMAHA i mum TOR and Jotters' ' Directory AWNINGS AND TKNT3. BAGSJfcTWINKS. | BIOYPU3S. _ BoinisOmaliaBagCo fll , 0 , Daxon , Importer' nml mfr , Hour lllcfclo nM on monthly n -k ! < , btirmi | , twine. i jnipnt * . IUN lllli St BOOTS ANlfSHOKS. Morss-Coc Shoe ! ! > ! > HnwnrlMrcol. Knrtor ) cninrr lltli nml Pouitln * Mrool * . rpmaklturi | < i < i"lciMtit rn + t > li\ii'i , uml ore clllni ; n cla < * urirn.i.l' . nhlilt H very Mucnb.o null mrr hMitv and wrcslled in Iho departments and at the while house lo make that recog nition more olfertivo. Senator Paddock's theory of the double responsibility of a representative in congress is that his first duty is to his constituents and his second to homo ono olso's constiluency. This may not bo ' broud statesmanship , but it is 'business. An examination of his senatorial record will show it filled with defenses of his htato and its people , with appeals for recognilion of their demands for legisla tion particularly allocling their in- loresls and with speeches and voles made and cast with a view of increasing the material prosperity of Nob-nska. Ho has stead fastly endeavored to Iccop his fingers on the pulse of his people and to honestly voice their wishes. The nssorlion can bo made with a confidence borne out by an analysis of the Congressional Record that no state has received in Iho senate more careful watchfulness in respect to all its intoresls than has the stale of Nebraska during Senalor Paddock's in- cutnboncy of ollico. Sonalor Paddock has boon grcally aided in his work by several personal characteristics , namely , his evenness of temper , his distaslo for display , his ac cessibility and his courtesy of manner. As ono of his colleagues once said of him , "Senatorial dignity does not dis turb his sleep. " At the btuno time ho is neither llippant nor eccentric. Helms made no ollcnsivo displays ol oratorical gymnastics for the benefit , of the galleries - lories or endeavored to gain iiotoriely oy olTensivo attacks on these who hon estly differed from him. Ilo has bcon willing in tocislativo mailers to yield as well as to seek acquiescence from olhors and has gained in consequence. Wilh no pretentious to eloquence , Senator Paddock is an carnnsl and olleolivo speaker , largely so because ho has always had something to say when ho rose lo address the honr.to. HU re marks 'n ' debate have iibually been short but 10 the point. His more ambitious ollorts have never boon wenrjsomo. While ho has spoken on many topics , ho lias not felt il his duty to consume Iho time of Iho senate merely to got his name into the Record or secure an ephemeral notice in the public press. Ho has had no ambilion to destroy his inlhicnco in Iho senalo by becoming known as a "wind bag , " ovou if by to doing ho could gain a passing notoriety. And yet on all questions o ( national importance alTocling the west Sonalor Paddock lists spoken and spoken well and spoken straight to the point , and no senator has boon loft in doubt , aa to Iho reasons for his vote when given. Fidelity lo duty , unwearied devotion lo Iho trust committed to his charge. loyalty lo his htiilo and Us people , and intelligent devotion to republican prin ciples arc the salient characteristics of Sonalor Paddock's sonalorial caroor. No buipioion ff external influences directing his action attaches lo his rec ord. Ills sUirth are free from Intima- UOIIH of ulterior motives in position * : taken , avoided or opposed. In hit t-pueeh upon the McKlnloy bill ho boldlv declined that every dollar ho hod in the world was Invested In Nebraska , and he added that ho did not nor would ho per mit hinihclf to own a stock or bom which might bo allectod by logiblatior in which ho might bo called upon U narllcipilo. Hu lias not , therefore been impelled lo nltack corporations foi the solo purpoio of depressing thnii stocks In Iho market or lo dufond liion lo bolbtor up nricos of hlb own holding No corporation can nccubo him of black mail any moro than any const Huont cai charge him with having wockod foi corpurato inlurobts. Senator P.iddook , whatever his futtin may bo , can confidently I.idttlgo in tin roll'cotlon that during liltf public i-arco ho bun given honest , faithful and tin sparing net-vice ; Unit lie has put hi abilities to thnir best IIBO foe his stall and his section , and ih.it ho will loavi Wahhlngton at least with the esteem c his associated and tltu admiration c these who have witnessed his endeavor lo bo an able , enorgollc and cotuoior liously useful representative of the pet plo of the wudt , PKltitY S JlKATH. Ntml llmr fur hmiiKjclmlVliuli ; Lowlston Journal : A well-know Lowibton business man haa been in Moi Ireal rccenlly , and coming homo Ii rode In the car near Noul Uuw of Porl land. On approaching Ihu Slaloslho car wi boarded , as usual , by the oiiKtom hotu ollicur , aud IIP Iho olliclal wont throng Ihu Kowiston man's baggage , Iho latti whlsporod in Iho oilicor's car. "I kno il's mean to loll on n man , but 1 halo ' BUO anybody ohoaling the ( jovorninoi or anyone olbo. lo "That old gentleman , " pointing t HARWVAKM Rector & Wilticlmy Co. Lobeek & Linn. Corner 10th ml Jackson itroeti. tnoolimiton' tooli. 1101 DoiiKl.n ttrpet. LUMUKK. _ Ches. II U& Io .nValelleliJ. PAPKK. | _ " Carpenter Paper Co. Standard OiTco. Carrr n foil ttopk of printing , wrupplns Uml Hctlm-it niul Inbrtratlni trrltlnit pnpcr , card | m oil * , nxlo Kreisi ; , etc. per vie. OVKUAI.LS.KTC. OYSTHUS. Kinz & Smcai w Mfc of "K A S" pixnti \ Vlio1clpOMi : > rii fancy hlrt nnd ovornlU , plo. cplprr ,119 S KHlvMreot fll la South llth st. tulppliuno < ll CCM MISSION _ " " Branch & Co" Whitney & Co , I'roiliiop. friilt of M Hutter , PKKI ami poultry. klnib. orators. . . . .Ill ) South l.llhxt. | Jas A. Clark &GJ. I lliiitpr. ehi Mj , oin poultry anil m9 I JIT Souf.i Utlut STOVK HKPAIUS. FtovcrppalM nml wntor atturhuipnt * for an ) klnil of Htoru nmito. I.M ? Diiut'lax SASH I TOYS. Jl.A.Disbrow&Co. II. Hardy & Co. Urxnufrvctarorn of laiti , ] Toyn , dotU. at' u ra doom , bUrn's nn 1 unny goodhomo fur inouldtnKa llrnnch of ilwhliitf uooili , ob 11 fice , 12th Mid I uml Bta tu'n'pcurrlnbfos 1.SIU lurnninSt OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. Tieit cnttlo. hoi ; and shocp nmrKot In the wont COMMISSION HOUSES. CEO. BURKE & FRAZIER L1VI2 bTOUIC COMMISSION' . Till : LKADKIld. OflMlHllWr'te ' * o this lie 39 for cc . UJljUlrtri0t | , M lr hot Kuports. Wood Brothers , l-outh Omulia Toluphono 11)7. - Uhlc.iio JOHN I ) . DAIMSMAN. I WA1.TUK 1C. WOOl ) . f alan ger . Market reports by mull auJ wlro cheerfully furulhhuil iipoii application. THE i- Campbell Commission Co. Chic u EO , EnstSt. I.ouls , ICiinsasOlty , South Umiih.i. Sioux Oltv. Vot\i \ Worth. A. D. Boycr & Company , 58 and M Rxchnnzo Hullilln , South Omahv CorrcspoHrtenco aollcltud nnd promptly anawarJd bpcelnl attention to orilorj for otucKura ! i foeden. Ketnbllslicd , I8h < ) . . . . incorporated , 13JJ Cupltnl fully paid , S4U.UJJ. Waggoner Birney C.ompany Write or wlro us for prompt ami reliable mirkul rcporti. Perry Brothers & Company , Live .Stock CommKilon. Hoom Cl LxuhiuiKo llnlldlti , bouth Oinalin. Tuluuhoiiu 1707. Gonot'iil Dow" , "hiis a vuliso lull of Cuintdiitn liquoi- . You look for It. " The olliuitil lee ] < urt at the Lowlslon man for tin instant , fiiiid. 'Thnnlc you , " ntul turnutl his iittonlion to Gonornl Dow , whom ho did not know. " Then followed quito a circus. lie pulled-Mr. Dow's Vmirpngo out nnd KIIVO it a very thorough ovorlinuling : Then hotiblccd him if that was nil thobagsaKO ho had. Then ho looked It over apuln. Of courfio ho didn't find any liquor , and ho looked his cuirpriso us holiirnud back to Iho Lowlston man , who was havlnfj ono of the boat times of IIH ! 11 fo , and Raid , "What did you say ho had liquor in hia BiUchol for1 "Don't you know thai old uontlomanV" said the Liiiwiston man , ua hu hold on to his hltlo.s with lauchtor. "No , sir. " "You don't ? Honest , don't you ? " "No , Hir , I do not , " mild the Government - mont oltlclal. "Who is it ? " That said the Lowlston man , with a burbt of laughter. "Thatwhy ( U'B too good ) That , sir , IB Neal Dow of Maine. ' This being a family piper , wo are unable to register jint what Iho olllulal s.ild. An UllKriitrlul Voiini ; t < ir. St. Louis Glebe Doinourut : "Tho most retnarkablo adventure 1 know of was that of a ten-year-old boy In Colorado rado , " said Hion/.l I3eainhainp. : "A party of us tiad gene from Pnoblo for a week's hunting and fishing along the Ai'lcniiiua Hlvor. Wo carried tents and camped out , "A man named Ri-ltton hud hla young MID with him , a nmnly litllu follow who could land a trout and bring down an mitolopo with the best of us. Ono ilny ho got Hopitratod from the party , lost Ills way , and apont the night In Iho mountains. Ho had with him a short itH-ciilibru sporting rillo , a good weapon for small gamn , but In the section where wo were camncd mountain lions wuro plentiful. Ills father wns well-nigh dls- trncUitl , and wu Hoarcliucl all night long for the adventurous youngster without avail , .lust lit sun-up wo started to re turn to camp. As wo descended a ravine wo discovered the object of our oourch Bound ablenp , with his hoiul pillowed on nn enormous mountain lion which was juried up as though enjoying n nap. Three of us approached cautiously to within fifty yards , drew a bead on the nniinul , and at a given signal firod. "Tho brute never slirrod. The boy y. whom wo supposed dead , half rose , rubbed y.n y.i bed his eyes , and Imiulrod peevishly i- "What in li l are you fellers tryin't'do'i1 i10 I killed this yore lion four hours ago. " I- IB WANTED 10h . ToUl l ui < vf CI1IEB , h 1 COUNTIES , SCHOOL jr bv w . . , J DIBTRICTb , : WATER jrv COMPANIES , BT.R.R.COMPAHIEB.ttc. \v CorrPtpondenco ollclti'U. lit to N.W.HAnRIS&COMPAHY.Bankers , I03-I6S Dearborn Htreet. CHICAGO. 10 Wall Street , NEW YORK. LO 'a State nt. . UQUTOM.