Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Dtllrered by carrier to any p.trt of the city
lIuslnoM Office , . . < No41
Nlrht K < lltor . . . . . .No 23
fl Y. Plumbing Co.
Council muffs Lumber Co. .
The jury In the case of Patterson nc&lnst
the city bun returned a sealed verdict , which
will t o opened this morning In dUtrlct court.
Albert Trovnor ontorlnlnod twenty ot hli
little friends Saturday nltornoon nt his bomo
on First nvonuo In honor of his 8th birthday.
Arrnngomonts have been partially made
with Congressman lion Hultonvorth of Ohio
for a speech in this city on Tuesday , October
The people's party wlU hold Its township
convention Ibis evening nt the headquarter *
on Mnln street to placu in nomination candi
dates for justices of thnpcnco , constable ) ,
toxvnshlp clcrit nna trustees.
The ofV. . D. The mas occurred yes-
tor day nftornoon from his I no roMdcnco In
the xvcstorn part of the oily. Kov Dr. Phelps
ofllclnUnp. Iho Masonic order ntlondod Ir. n
body nnd accompanied trio remains to the
The tire uttho rosldonco of W. H. .lamos
mt CIA fifth nvonuo Saturday afternoon did
not orlt-inato as xvas reported to Tin ; Hi.V. ,
but wns caused bv n door swlnclni ; back
gulnil a nlovunlpo nnd IKottlni ; from Iho
heat. Il WHS not the tcsuit of anybody's
A meeting of thn city council Is to bo held
thin evening , und It Is s tin oil thit a natltlon
will bo prcKniilad bv Iho lulrrslnic Ualhvny
company asklne forsomo adtlliions to their
charier no ns lo cnnblo inom to connect their
bridge , which they liavu buen building nn
paper for .ho Insl'lxvo ycui i , ixilh tliu differ
ent ro.ids.
Dr. I ) . S. West xvns rettunlnc from n
bunting trip north of Crrscenl lust availing
when his hoi so became frluhlenod nnd
Btattod to run. The liuirtrv was capsi/cd and
thu doctor tipped out , but nns saved thu
trouble of xxnllttiiK to the city bv Iho kindness
of nome of his frioudu wtio happened to bo
following htm In nnolbcr buu't-'v. lie lost
two ctins In the nffalr , und the bue y wheels
were badly smashed.
D.tvK IJUPO ilftijrs. boat p tints.
Just to hnnil , atiotliur cuso of CO priirs
of wrnppor blankets , the lutost novollios
for wrappers. Only 7.r > o it pair , IJoston
Btoro , Council BltilTs , In
Save vour hitr'l coil ; use wood , and
call on II. A. Cox , 1(1 ( South Main street.
Boat Missouri wood $5.00 per cord , de
livered. _
Never before have the people of
Council Bluffs and Oinitha had such an
opportunity to buy aero property suita
ble for homo or fruit as is offered by
Day & IIoss.100 acres to pick from.
Only two and a half miles east of Coun
cil Bluffs postolllce.
If you don't wt nl to buy hard coal you
hnd bettor seeBixby about those oil
burners. They are adapted for use in
hot rtir furnaces , steam and hot water
boilers , with no coal or ashes to hundlo.
The Boston Store closes every oron-
Ing at 0 p. in. except Mondays and
Saturdays. _
Boston store closes every evening itt C
p. m. , unless Mondays mid Saturdays.
Judaon , civil engineer , 32 ? Brovdway
Mrs. B. S. Tcnvllligor is confined 10 bci
bomo bv illness.
V. Fornekes leaves today for Milwaukee
wboro ho will make his homo.
Mrs. Clanp of Now York i& visiting hei
daughter , Mrs. S. P. McConiiell.
C. H. Ogden has accepted a position ai
tenor In the choir of St Paul's church.
Miss Jo slo Farnsworth is vlsltlnr frlondi
in Chicago. Sue will bo absent uovora
Mrs. Klrdondall has returned to her homi
In JJonvcr , accompanied bv Miss Stewart
whoso guest she lias been.
Chief Nicholson , Charles Sanderson am
J. II. Bates of too II ro depattaient huvo re
turned from a trip to Louisville , Ivy.vher
they attended the dromon's national conven
tion. Siindorson nnd JJutcs also attended tb
Grand Army oncampiucnt In Washington.
GOn ill MITKi'llt'K.
Ovo'-gaitci-H for ladies.
If in want of anything in the wtndo\
Bhado line , cui tains , curtain poles , \\U :
paiior , portions , chenille table cover >
etc. , step into the Boston Store , whore i
is a pleasure to show goods , Counci
Bluds , la , _
Something ontiioly new in ( lower po
lands tit Lund Bros. '
No bankrupt , flro-smokcd. damngc
furniture at Moyor'fa , ; )03-I07 ) ! Broiuiwa.v
Clean goods , less than any Omaha prices
Ladies' overgaitors , CO and 75c , a
Sargent'ri. _
When to KcgiKtrr.
The registration of voters which the la'
ays must bo raado before each president ! !
election will be begun this month. It wi
bo necessary for every nno who expects t
vote for presidential candidates to go throug
tdo formality of furnishing hfs name , agi
birthplace , etc , to the rofeMstrnrs , who wl
it in the various wards lor taroo clays , con
monoine October 127 , ho m 8 a. m. to 0 p n
All names must bo registered on tlieao thru
day8 , as no nno will bo alloweu to rcgistc
after thu"Jlti unless ho wns out of the clt
or had not taken out his last naturallzntla
papers before that day.
The general comment tluU la boln
excited by Ed E. Wright's now worl
"Tho Lightning's Plash , " in Bomewhi
surprising to the oitl/ons lioro , who I !
tlo suspected that ono of their nutnb <
would over create a furore in literal
Do you want iv nobbv co\t olthor i
Indies' , misses' or children's and at tl :
right price ? If so , vlblt the Uoatc
Store ami look over their liito. Counc
BlulTs , la.
Ladies' overgnUcrd , 60 and 75o , i
Now carpets and draperies at tl
Council Ululls Carpet comnany's.
Ii5 do/on gouts' heavy grav undo
BhlrtB during tills wool : for lee ouul
vorth Illlc. Boston Store , Count
IMulTs , la.
.Tardlniors , nicolv decorated , at Liu
Bros.,600110.11 ' Toe. '
. nOnut .Hnriitit' | * <
. Ovorgaltors for Indies.
I'uncrul nl ( i. Oltrn.
The funorul ot C. OUen took pluco yosti
day afteinoon at thu Scandlnuvlan liaptl
oburcn , Uev. n , Uoluhoiibucii oniclatln
After the korvlrns nt tbo church the rouiali
fwero caioriod to Fulrvlow cemetery by
larco number of friends , the Odd I'cllot
ud members of tbo l ) nebo society ntten
\ \ny in a body with lUlby's baud at the be
l of the pructmlon ,
\Vuulril to liny.
Improved p-opertv. Will pay cish
| prleuialo\v , II. G. MeGuo.loMiilimtrec
Carpet weaving , 1)28 ) Avtmtiu P.
Two Men Disappear and Leave Several
Creditors to Mourn.
He Scour * ! Albums nnd Such I.lko from n
Trnnllnc Denier nnd Then Vnnttliei
from the Sconn Uhere li .
1'rnnk llugnrt.
W. A. Mend , a man living near Weston ,
is missing and the question ot his where
abouts is ono that O. b. D ivls , who keeps A
druffntoroon upper Broadway , would liketo
have answered. Several months ngo , ho
claims , Mead came to till store nnd bought
goods who o negiognto value was nbout ? IO
on credit , snUng that ho would pay as soon
as his cropi were marketnd. The goods con
sisted of albums and other things that n man
could got along without.
About a month ago ho left \Veston and
Mr Davis began an invoillgntlon for the
purpose of Undine what the prospects for
crops woro. Ho found that Mr. Mend's
crops had baon mostly In hn oyd , and that
bo had been working for other men at killing
potato bugs und scarlnc un hornet nests in
the bar llcM , Instead of tilling his own soil.
A w arrant has been Issued for Mead's arrest
on the cbnrgo of obtaining money under
falsa pretenses , and nn effort Is being made
to locnla til in In Nebraska wboro ho Is , sup
posed to have gono.
Frank Itonrt , n young man who has boon
ompluvod nt painting the Ogden house , has
nl o disappeared , and n creditor or two are
salil to bo iho worse for having known him.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for chil
dren teething Is the family benefactor. 23
cunts u bottle.
All the Indies who visited Miss
Sprinlc'd uiillliiory opening were tlo-
linlitod , und those who cull this week
will bo still inoro ptoasoil. She has the
llnuat stock aho lias over hud , und the
best trimmer nnd designer.
Spccitil campaign whip .saloon Mon-
d-iy. Your cholco of u wliolo window
full for GOc , former prlco UOo , 75e , OOo
und $1.01) ) ouch , with c.impuign banners.
Charles 1'robstlo , 215 Broadway.
House cleaning time 1ms come und BO
hus the larpest invoice of luco curtains
and drapoi ioa over rucotved at the
Council lilulTs Carpet compuny'a.
Larpo invoice of now lace curtains at
the Council BlulTs Carpet company's.
Ladies , if you want ovorffaiters , 50
and 75c u , pair , at Sargent's.
Gallon Messrs Day & Hess and ask
to be shown the Klein tract of 400 acres
nojv on sale in ilvo tind ton aero tracts.
They will show it frco to all.
Gentlemen , the finest line of tall goods
in the city , juat received. Uoiter , the
tailor , 310 LJroadw.iv.
liiOpoople in this cuy uao sris stoves Co. puts 'cm in at cost
Tlio cold woither : is approacliing , prepare -
pare yourself for the chilly nights , visit
the Boston Stoio and look over their
elegant line of comforts and blankets.
Jlankots and comforts to suit all tastes
nd ut all prices. Our low prices pro-
ail in nil cases , the power of the ready
lollurs bliows itself. Boston Store , Coun
cil Blulls , In.
Prepare for the cold weather. The
mmonso supply of ladios' misses' jronts
ind children's underwaro at the Bostor
xceeds anything in previous yoats ,
Our prices , us is known throughout the
vest , the lowest. Boston Store , Counci'
BlulTs , la.
> ls < Mitury In in l > t < > f mi Ancient Cupj
111 Clltl 1)1(1 Iftnt.'llllt'llt.
A.t the Intornsitional Oriontist Con
; ross hold in London a most intoiesting
'ocument was submitted by Prof
Icchler , chaplain ot the British Eni'
) : it > sy at Viennaa , distinguished orionta
ifat. The document referred to ia ;
; wpyrus munuscript discovered a few
noiiths ago in K ypt , and is supposet
jy some autho itios to ho the oldest cop ;
extant of portions of the old testament
jooks of Xacliariah and Mttlaclii. These
( iftgcs of papyrus , when mtnct , won
ihout lOincliCij high and 7 inches \vidu
cacli containing twonty-oiglit lines foi
writing , both sides of the sheet boiiu
used. Tlie complete line contains frou
[ ourteen to seventeen letters. Tin
sheets are hound together in the form o
n hook , in primitive though carefu
mannop , with cord and strips of ok
liarchmont. The Greek of this docu
incut is written without intervals ho
Lweon the words , a custom obsorxoi
both in old Greek und old Hobrov
manuscripts. The papyrus is in fai
preservation , and is holiovod to dull
[ rotn tlio third or fourth century. 1
thus ranks in age with thu oldest ( Jreel
manuscripts of the Septuagint veraioi
of tlio old tostamet.t in London , Itoun
and St. Petersburg.
The dilluionces in tills papyrus to MIte
to the conclusion that it was copied fron
some original Septuagint bible , whlcl
was first translated about the von
280 B. C. for the us-o of the irollonistt
Jews in Kgypt , who having gruduall ;
forgotten the lluhrow tongue Iniil lo.irn
ed to Hpuak thoGieuk. Tlio first examination
nation IIIIH shown that ; it hits Severn
now roadiiigH which surpass some of th
oilier Soptu igint texts in clearness o
expression and siniliclty | of grammat
It would also appear that it was copic
from another Suptuaglnt hlhlo and wa
not written , as was frequently the cast
from dictation. A second Borihq ha
occasionally corrected HOIIIO mistakes t
orthography made by the origin !
copyist. These are still to b
distinguished by the dliforci :
color of the Ink. This muni
script is doomed of such in
portanco that the London Times 'di
voted thrco-quartors of u full pigo t
printing flic similes of two of tlio ut
ciont sheets und a tr.mslation of thol
contents. Thu p.igos presented wei
from X.achai'lah , .xll , , U-0 , and as prin
& \ in tlio Times read as follows , 111
subject matter becoming divided i
voib < ) j , as dooa not appear in tl :
original :
11 Nations loundubout , and i
Judea there shall ho u solgo again
Joius.ilem ,
3. And-it ehallcomu pass In that di
I will m.iko Jerus ilein a atone troddc
down to all the nations , every 01
tramples on it , mocking , is mocked , ui
there shall bo gathered togotlu
against it all the nations ( if the earth.
I. In that day , miith the Lord A
mighty , I will smile every horse wit
amazement and * his rider with marine *
hut upon the hotibo of Judo.t I will opt
mine Jyus and all the ( the ) horses of tl
nation I will smite with blindness.
/i. / And the captains of thousands
Judea shall any in their hearts : " \ \
bliull Hnd for ourdolvoB the inhuhUin
of Joruoalcm in the Lord Almiglii
their God. "
( In that day I will make the ca
tains of thousands of Judea a lirubnu
among wood and as u torch of tire
Btubblo , and they devour on the rig
hand nnd on the loft nil the nations
roundabout ; and Jerusalem shall dwell
again by herself. )
7. And thd Lord shall save the tents
of Judea as at the beginning , that the
boast nl the House o ( David may not
magnify ItsoH nnd the pride of the in-
hubilanls of Jerusalem ngninst Judoa.
8. And it shall come to pass in that
day the Lord shall defend the
inhabitants of Jerusalem , nnd the weak
ones among them in that day shall bo as
A comparison of these verses with
the versos in the latest version ot the
old testament will show considerable
divergence of language.
Prof. Hechlor , in his remarks upon
'this Invaluable manuscript , said it wns
sincorly to bo hoped that this most
valuable papyrus of the bible , prob.ibly
the oldest now known to exist , would
soon bo published in fao simile for
the careful examination of biblical
scholars Ho added , in conclusion , that
it was the pressing duty ol the British
government to institute nn organized
and scientific search for papyri in Egypt.
It was impossible lo forecast what sur
prises might bo in sloro or what
treasures might bo placed nt the dis
posal of modern scholarship.
A Young \Vlilo\rer unit a Clerk
The census otllco Is the scene of the
latest department romance. The bulk
of the work in connection with Iho
elovontn census wus completed last
winter , and a Inrjro reduction of the
force was necessary. In selecting those
who were to bo retained to finish up tne
work , Supotlntondcnt Porter managed
to choose a gobdly number of bright ,
intelligent , and good-looking young
women to do the light clerical service.
In ono of the divisions now in opera
tion there are a number of attractive
young wom n employed as typewriters.
One day last Juno a good-look
ing widower from Now Jersey had
Bomo lusiness at the census ollice.
nnd it so haponod thai ho wns directed
to the loom In which the attractive type
writers were at work. The chief of the
division was absent at the time , and the
widower was furnished with the in
formation ho desired by one of the
prettiest young ladles In the room. Her
w eel fare , charming manners and gen
eral appearance made n deep impression
upon the widower and ho sought further
opportunities to visit the census ollice.
In duo course of time ho became quite
well acquainted with the fascinatintr
clerk nnd the friendship thus com
menced is about to culminate in a matrimonial
menial alliance during the present
week. Those who are familiar with the
circumstances say it was n clear case of
love at first sight on the part of the
widower , und us ho is young , handsome ,
nnd successful in business the friends of
the young lady are congratulating her.
The heroine of this romance is well
known in social circles In Washington ,
as she comes from an excellent southern
family und is a welcome guest in the best
society. To assist her widowed mother
she accepted an nppointment in the cen
sus ollice , and her skill as a stenographer
nnd typewriter , together with her lady
like deportment in the olllco , won for
Her rapid advancement nnd au assign
ment for duty in the room of the chief of
the division.
Every nennv tolls. You can get Salvation
Oil for 2. > cants. Best liniment In the market.
Ltlshop Potter , as a broad-minded , Intelli
gent citizen , argues iu fuvor of opening the
World's fair on Sundays.
X m one the congresses to be hold In con-
r.ectlon with the Columbian exposition will
bo the "Congress of Missions , " which will
occupy eight days , September 10-17 , 1893.
Dr. Hultz , mo&iilont of
seminar. , who has bren chosen editor of tha
Methodist Review , Is n Pitncoton eraduuto ,
a line proacbor and a gentleman of wide cul
Prof. Henry Preserved Smith of the Lane
Theological seminary Is to bo tried for
herosv by tbo Cincinnati presbytery next
month. The vote stood 42 to" 10 in favor of
Next > car will occur the episcopal jubitco
of tbo pope , and u Is said that there xvill bo n
largo pilgrimage ot priests from North ar.U
South America , including 700 from the
United States.
The late Bishop Medlev of New Bruns
wick ivas an ardent beliuveriufniacburenes.
It was once said of him that ho bcliovod
churcncs should bo dedicated to God rather
than to pawholdors.
Since the nrchbishop of Canterbury ap
proved of openrig museums nnd picture pal-
lories on Sunday , part of the religious press
ot England only stons short of calling him
worse tbiui u burglar.
Uov. P. M. Ilitchcouk , Method 1st ralnistoi
at Glens Palls , N. Y. , celebrated the olhtv
fifth nmiivcrMUy of h'.s birth nnd Iho sixtieth
of his pastorule Sunday nlcht Uy preaching
a aennon entirely in vorsdT , '
The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society
of the Methodist Episcopal Church ( United
Stutcs ) loceivcd for their xvork last year
? ; ( JJUUO , , only $12,000 of which oamo by dona
tion. It supports 1120 missionaries.
Thctoaro . ' 1,000 npokou languages. The
bible has been translated Into nbout 203 of
them , but Is accessible to fully two-thl rds ot
ibo human race , 1,000,030,000 pooplo. The
Mandurm Chinese affords communication lo
200,000OOJ souls ithoKuclish to 120,000,000 ; the
Hindustani to 8i.000.000 ; the German to 51-
OOD.O''O ' ; the Arabic to50,000,000. It appears ,
however , that there are still liOO.000,000
souls who have no bible In their own
The parishioners of St. Bartholomew's
Episcopal church , Noxv York , amoug whom
ara Cornelius Vanderbilt and other vorv
wealthy men , are soon to oract a now church
edillco to cost , It IB naid , over 81,500.000.
Tbo ilto of the present church is wauled bv
tbo Now York Central nilltoad.
The into Aichblshop Smith of Edinburgh
has bequeathed his splendid library lo the
Scots college at Homo , and It was shipped
recently for Italy , Thu Roman Catholic * ot
too north lament the lots of the collection ,
which wus regarded as the finest library ol
ecclesiastical lit erniuro in Scotland.
Young men bindod lo ether it thirtyflvi
nations and Isles of thn sea , upoaklng fiftcei
languages , possessed of permanent property
amounting to f 13,000OJi ) , oxpnndliic annual
it. their worlc over f.uOOOuO and xvlth this
money keeping open hospitable buildings am
rooms In snmo Jl,000 cities and towns am
looking nflor iho physical , mental , social anc
spiritual of young wen thU If
Iho Young Men's Christian association of to
The seventh annual convention of Christ
Ian Worxois in tbo United States and Can
ndii xv til bo aeld In Tromont temple , HosUu :
November lO-ltl , The inomborHbio has e
tuudod during the tlrst xenr 10 Unglanu an
Scotland and U U expocien that this will b
tha lurcost , most useful nnd practical c
3 ihuio annual nicotines ; thutu nuniooro
delegates xvill be present fcom Europe , (
that iho coHvenilon xvill bo m tha trues
sense onn of unlvoriiil interest. The pro
ccodiugs of the Washington convention o
last year ha/o Just been published , includlui
ttfo atfferent addressee au J roparts.
Mayor 11111678 Pftieiftl Draws Out a Largo
' _ inillli , .
Conooj\T pot People.
it. M
He Rerutei tlin , Anperdoiu C it On the
Character of th "ltcen pil Knights
of I'j-tlilR 'rtfjil Other Soolo.
ties "tn Line.
The funeral of JJlU/or Clmrlos P. Miller oo-
currod yesterday 'nftirnoon. The ontlro pop-
uldco turnoa out to'pay the last tribute to
his memory , and thb streets were crowded
.with thoiisnnas of people. Many business
houses and residences were draped and dur-
IbK the funeral hour the doors of each busi
ness house within the city wore closed.
At U o'clock the-star11 was made from the
deceased's'M Twenty-fourth nnd N
streets and a few nilhulos later the proces
sion reached the First Presbyterian church
ot Twenty llfth and J streets , where the ser
vices were to bo hold , Lily division No. 8
uniformed rank Knights of Pythias had the
fuuorul in charce. The church was crowded
to its utmost capacity nnd hundreds were
turned nwur , whllo thousands real
ized the u'selessnoss of alternating to
gain entrance and remained upouthostrcots.
The floral offerings were profuse , and ot
nn elaborate nature. '
The services at the church wore short nnd
Impressive. Canon Whltmnrsh of St.
Martin's Episcopal church pioachcd too
funeral sermon. Ho paid a touching trlbuto
to the memory of the late mayor , and re
futed in language forcible and eloquent the
calumnies beeped upon his name , suyinit
that name washonoiod and loved by the
whole community. The death of Mayor
Miller was a great toss to the city , nnd ho
hoped the coutcll would continue the ( root !
work started by the mayor In purging the
cltv from the many evils existing.
The remains were taken outside the
church ard viewed by y,000 people. They
were then placed within the hoarse , and the
urotosslon stalled tor L > aurel Hill cemetery.
Tbo funeral cortopo was the largest and
most ImnrosElve ever scon In South Omaha.
Fully 0,000 people lined rr\roniy-fouith
street au the procession fiassed by. Chief
liockett and the police force led , followed by
the fire department. The Seventh Ward
Military band came next , followed by fully
SOU citizens on foot , 100 members of the
Junior Order of American Mechanics , I'J.'i
Odd Follows , the ofllcors of the regiment of
ICnights of Pvtniiis , Lily Division No 8 of
South Omaha , Division No. 12 nnd Black
Baglo Division of Omaha. Enterprise lodpo
of bouth Omaha and Myrtle- lodge of Omaha.
Tboro was 175 knigbts in line. Then came
the funeral carriage , Mrs. Miller nnd other
relatives of the deceased , the city officials
and l ° i other carriages bearing friends.
At tbo grove the services of the Knights of
Pythias were carried out.
Dedicated n Church.
The new First Baptist church at Twenty-
flfkb and II streets was dedicated yesterday ,
services being held both morning and even
ing. Hev. Thomas Stephenson , the pastor ,
was assisted at the mpr'ning services by Hev.
W. P. Helltngs , D.U , ? Kov. J. W. Harris ,
Rev. E. A. Russell and Rev. J. J. Keolor.
The dedicatory sermon was preached by
Rev. W. P. Helllngs , D.D. , and iT was a
masterly pulpit effort. The musical part of
the p/ogrum was oxc6ptlonably lino. Miss
Sue Dates of Red OhU , In. , and J. K. COOK
of Omaha lending their talents.
The evening soi'vicos ' , as at the morning ,
wore well attoiidctl/'ana the interior of the
handsoma little hbuse of worship looked very
orotty under the bright glare or many oleo-
trio lamps. RevvE. A. Russell , J. VV. Har
ris and E. E. Wdmerslov each made a short
address , and the musical partof tbo program
was curried out. , , „ . ,
The new ediQce Is a two-story frame struc
ture and cost { 5,50(3. ( . "Its dimensions arc not
so large , having a ( eating capacltv for about
400 people. From vestibule on H
street , entrance is na'ado either to the large
Budlenoo room or to the small class room.
The walls and ceilings are frescoed m colors
dcllcato und pleasing. The seats are of the
Intost pattern and Incline from the pulpit.
Tbo other furnishings of the church are
good and the Baptist people DOW have one of
tbo handsomest and cosiest houses of wor
ship in the city. A. pleasing feature is that
all indebtedness has been wiped out and
there was no encumbrance nn the property
when dedicated.
Oier u nirl'H Wagea.
P. Powololt , who lives at Twenty-first ai.d
L stieety , was ariouod Saturday nleht upon
complaint of Rud Hartz , who resides at
Twenty-fourth and K streets , and Is chaigod
with disturbing the peace. Mr. Ilurtz em
ploys as a steward a ( iorman girl , who re-
ccntlv came fiom the falborland. Pouclelt
Induced the ir.rl to come to this country , and
considers that gives him the right to draw
her salary for herIntbeiolo of a self ap
pointed guardian ho called on Hartz and dr-
mandoJ that the Wageh duo the girl bo paid
to him. Hartz was of u different mind , aud
told Powelait to leave the pluco. Ho did so ,
but not until bo bad applied vile epithets
and heaped ubuso upon tbo head of tbo em
ployer or the elrl. For this Judge Fowler
will bo asked to punish Paweleit.
liojr IJiiilly Hurt.
A distressing accident occurred at A1 bright
yesterday afternoon1 wbile the funeral rnr-
tego of Mayor Miller was passing. A boy 10
years ot ago named John Kratky wus stand
ing in the street observing the dazzling uni
forms of the Knights of Pythias. A horse
driven by J. Kane of Omaha knocked the
boy down and tno light vehicle passed over
his body as bo lay outstretched upon tbc
grOiind , Tno scalp on tbo buck of the boy's
bead for several inches was torn loose uud he
was otherwise bruised about tbo body. His
parents reside at Twenty-first and Milroy
Work fur the Council.
Several Important city contracts will bo
awarded at the mooting of the city council
this evening. One' will bo the grading of the
alloy botwedn Twentieth and Twenty-11 rat
treats-from L to M streets. The engineer's
estimate is the removal of 80,000 cubic ynrda
of earth , which will c'oit W.OOO.
The conn act will also oo awarded forgrad'
ing O street , from Twenty-second tc
Twenty-fourth streets , and the alley between
Twenty-third an Twenty-fourth streets ,
Irom N to O streets. This work will require
tbo removal of U.OOO ail bio yards ot dirt and
tbo estimated cost is f 1,850.
Notes unil l'6iotiilH. :
Miss Ada HudsoVof Gothenburg arrlvoc
In the city yesterday and is visiting will
friends , * *
Mrs , Josephine Miller , living at Nine
teontu and M 8tr < ibtslf intoJ away yesterday
day atiqruoon at Twenty-fourth und I >
btroets , whllo tue-Mtiler funeral procosslor
was passing.
The Third wnrddropublicans will meet t
morrow evenir.c at Evans' hall , Twenty
eighth and R hlreglpj/or the purpose of con :
ploting the organisation of the ward club.
Tbo council will , inop this evening. Th
members huvo before them tbo ncaumult
tlon of two weeks'buslie > s. They will or
deavor to bnog oraor'bul ot tbo cbaoa cause
by Mayor Miller's douto. '
The suits for'tbo1'Young Republican
Marching clubunvo. arrived and the clu
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
wilt present a fine ftpparnO.A when regaled
With thorn. Colonel Lott Trill begin drilling
the members of the club thli n Blf.
Mrs. K. O. Mujnelu Is quite 111 and has
been for sereral dayi.
W. D. Dale of Columbui , Kislstant inspec
tor general ot the Knights of t'ythlai of
Nebraska and several others from that city
attended the funeral ot Mayor Miller in this
city yesterday.
De Witt's Sarsaparllla ts reliable
At 4:50 : o'clock yesterdnv morning flredam-
tfcd n little , unoccupied cottngo vt Tnolfth
and Capitol avenue about (50 north.
We perspire a pint a
day without knowing it ;
ought to. If not , there's
trouble ahead. The ob
structed skin becomes
sallow or breaks out in
pimples. The trouble
goes deeper , but this is
trouble enough.
If you use Pears' Soap ,
no matter how often , the
skin is clean and soft and
open and clear.
All sorts of stores sell
it , especially druggists ;
all sorts of people use it.
For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics.
Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns ,
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water
KEEP at your husband , dear mndntn ,
ON forgone of Utoso Art Garland
Heaters. You know a good
dUlIUt thing when you have hnd It
hummed In your onrs , nnd it your hits-
bnnd cannot find tlmo to como around
and tnko n look nt the
Art Garland Heaters
.why , don't lot the poor man frcozo his
toes this winter , but tnko it into your
own hands und fix the thing up yourself.
How Is your range ? Worn out ? Cal
and see our stock. Wo hnvo plenty tope
po around and everyone n perfect stove.
Como NOW. lodny this morning.
Wo nro rondv to show you our good
604 BuoAmvAY und lOXoiiTU
Improved Safety Elevators ,
Cor. Oth btroot and 11th Ave , Ooiinelt
All klnilsof Dyolns nnJ riomiln : clone 'n ' tin
hlnhost style of the art. Titled nnil itiliiol
fabrics nmile to lontt as cootl in now
Worlc prcrniitly done und ilcllvuioil In .ill
parts of the country , Pond for urlco llsL
C. A. MACHAN , - - I'KOPlilCl'Oll
13 Broulvriy. Wear North \nUnra Ioji
OOUMOlr. Itl.L'fbM. 1 ( ) V * .
Sim &
federnl fmirts. Koo us I. 4 and ft blui
Hen ro block , Council lllnll.-i. 1 1.
Funeral Director , Emlnlnw
114 Main Street ,
Coudt-il muffs.
Tlio autumn Is the tinio to paint , nnd one cout brightens and preserves houses
and buildings und adds much to the value und beauty of your property.
Would You Like to Buy Paint at WholesaleS
Wo want to sell you punts und overythintr used in painting at wholesale anil
less. The lest boiled oil j oti bouglityou probably paid 7c ( ) a pillion for it. Wo will
sell you ono gallon or 100,0(10 ( gallons of any brands r.t 40t\ Now wo have caiiphl
your attention , read the real of this and compare these ( straight cash prices.
St. Louis load , 7c per Ib. Berry Bros. , hard oil , C gal can ,
Omaha lead , OSc per Ib. $1.00 per criil.
Joplin lend , Gc per Ib. Berry Bros , hard oil. 1 g.xl. can , $1.73.
Cheap load 6c per Ib. . Other hard oils , from $1.00 to $1.6 (
Iiinsoed oil , boiled , 49c per gal.
Linseed ol1. raw , 4Gc per gal. per gal.
Paint oil , 85c per Mineral paints , dry , from Ijc to 3c.
Barrel pi ice , 2c per yal loss. Mineral paints , ground in 011,40 to Gc
The Acme Mixed Paint
Wo guarantee to bo as good as any mixed paint. Wo will sell you at $1.2/ /
per gallon. Has never boon sold for los's than SI. 50 per gallon.
As good a paint as other dealers soil you for $1.50. Wo will soil you at 4-1.Ol
per gallon.
Our Barn and Roof Paint
Wo will soil you at Too per gallon.
On oil other goods our prices arc equally low.
1 and 3 , 4th St , MasonicxTemple.
Twin City Steam Dye Work *
i. A. HononnsAoif , PHOIMUKTOH.
Omaha Olllco , 1521 F.trniun St. ; Telephone 1.521. Council JMulTo Ollioo and
Cor. Avc. A and -Oth St. ; Telephone 310. Bond ( or circulars und prlco list ,
The rrtntaHvartlnuments nppsulnt to V ]
newupjpor Are often the mo t Intareittntf
part of Iti content * . They oxprrM the urRiDkJ
needs , the dally wMioi of the people whrf
wnnt something and who are nllllnjc to fl < >
. . . . . . . . .l Competcnt ftlrl for general
housework. 112 South Sox onth street.
YATANTKD A thoroughly competent alrlil
' mint bo ix coed cook. Inquire ot Mrs. W
A. Mnuror. Ml Second nvcniia. .t
. .t--- . rondx' und oxer xvllllng to short *
property ; rigs MWHJS on hand Oo and soil
thorn >
FAIIM 'and Pity loins. Money loxiuui on
stock nnd eriiln. lloil estate for snlfi.
liwelllnj ind business rentals. Monox * lonneiv
for lee il Investor * . IAIUKCO A , Tow le.Sn I'o irl
street ,
1 i i m
171011 SAM : Desirable resldnnoa proportr
* on 1'ixrk ax p. Moilern Inumixptnonts , 14
rooms. OMO block from motor : , i bargain If.
tnkni'it onroi euy : payments or trade K II. '
TpOUTKAPi-tinils : In ( In-oly eonntv mil
JCtistci county. Noli , foi noIc of lowolry.
organ- * , furniture or Imslnrht propurty In
OoiinolllllulN. K. II.
G.IMINSIIUII : : : | > S. Mfiioi.sov A ro mva
tlio larsoit list of properly of any llrm In
tlio elty
17 ( 11 SALII Choicest fi\rm In 1'ottvatti -
inol'o.4IJ uorc < , \\a\l \ loa itoil TII I 1m.
i aero. U II luufo
II YOtl hive tnythliii ; for silonr tr-xilo see
I II. Shu ifo. Urn ithray anil M il'i stront
Ii'OIl SAI.K On simll ptyinoiits. fruit iiiul
K.irdon Ian I noir Cimnull llliitTi 1 ! , II.
fchtiiifc. llrovlw ly .in I Main street
IP YOlnnt to ho IP so'iiethlnj ut"rosnrd -
IIIK roiil oslatu sou ( ! iu nslmli | , Nieliol < oii
A. I'D.
WANTt'D No1 rnslta tnnl In OM-II IIIRO for
cooilworU horsi" > . P. II Slio ifu
jur.rxsiiKijns. xiuUoi.&oN . co tuivj
vTinnin b ipjulus In 1'nprovud an 1 v eant1
properlvncli they \\ould bo nlc.isu I to
WA \ \ ODD X 0 ) , h ic MI no of ttio"lln s '
fui mi In siMithnt'Mcru lowi for silo.
C.tll and M'o us KJ Muln stiuut.
I ryouliixo i hcnis > c to rontseo Oreenshloltls ,
-L Nk-lui < ou .S. Oo.
AHAHOAIN. luncrn fruit and Harden trncti
2'4 ' miles from luHtolHeo..i'f ' acres in ur.ipea ,
Ji aero In lla"Mi ) ) > rrles. m nnnlu trees 7J
plum trees lAuhurrv trees , ilwii line , stable ,
ete. _ Prlco $ ! .OOJ. No triulo P. II. hho tfo - VIP
IP YOl' mt to liny a lot sue. Orconshluld * ,
Xk'hn ilsou X Co
$ \ < n I'P.U MONTH rents a .rood 5-rnont
dwolllnjoii AU nenpiMitli st. K II bhoafe.
IPyon vi mt to tmy u house see Uteoiishlolds ,
Nii'liolson & Co.
Iflil aere unprnroil f urn In Mills county. In ,
t&Alpor iieru ; also 1 10 at $ Ji ; Kincros lm > '
proved In I'ott iw ittumlo county. ti'Bti.ips. \ .
Johnston A. Vim I'.itten.
/-iKWN.sinni.ns , NMOIIOLSON .v ro. ni.j
\vi iys lm\o siiapson h mil for consorvutlra
DOVT Iniv property till you haxo seen' '
( roiMishlol 1 . Muholson & . Co.
G.IMtsSiIIP.IitS. : NKMU ) [ > ( ) N ft I'O roili
( " t.uo und rentil : i t'iits. b.'l Il\xaO. '
Llbl'x-ourpiiiperty xvitli muii xxlio rust o to' '
.ell it SJD ( lioenshleUK Muholsim V Oo. I
leiuliiu ru il ost.ito duili'rs of Coun.-Il
IIIulK. tiethumheiiyou u.lot any thin ; .
DON'T forcut th it Hicensblold . & . Nlohol- . .
on .ire ilsl't m the mlddlo of the
larnust list of pioperty of any dealer In tlio
elly. s
/ 1OM R nnd tnko ono of GrePiishloldR , Nlohol- ,
vy oii's rhs and tauo u ride over tlio city ; 16
costs you nothing.
1ryou xx ant to buy Und see Greensblolds , i
Nicholson A. Oo _ 1
POU unxr 7 rooms on Plr-a Axe , J25. E.
II. She ife. I
GAHIIACIR romoxod. cesspools , vuults nnil
ohlmiiuyqolo.iiiod. H. 1) . Itnrlio , Olty Uldg.
FOU PAI U Purnltnic , llxtiirciund loiajof
the largest ami llnojt hotel In Boutliera
Nohru4' < ii. All iiinilcrii linprovomenls , olo-
Rant f iirnlt uro. Not pro Ills Jli'Ojuo ' pur un-
numj biilldlnt ; nei\ly built : no comiidtltlon.
I'rlci-f t.OO l.i ) > > . half e.isli. 1 II Sho.ifo. Oounoll
Illuffs. la.
17WK fJ \ 1,7 : - Cnimory oittlit , comprlsln 'O'l
-L li p. In ) I c r. 10-li p. mi-Ine. 3 lluhaVoIln'
t > ep vats. .IHR | illon < u.ieh : nsh
churn , :1JI : r.'i'lons ' ; newer butter worlier. boniiil
scales , wiileht am. w iter tank and other
( Ktiircs Will soil chciiii for u ish ortruls
for ! in l. K. II. Shoifo.
"I7IOK HA LiA : Kood nilleh coxv Prlco MO.Ui ) . J
* Will tao Dly for same In uaipcnUT xvorU. '
I.cou ml Kxerutl.
FOUSA1.U A Koud pony ; wolalia : ibout8i' ) [
poiinds , for $10 IM will tnko pny forsamo'
In earpentur xxorlc. I.cnnirU Kvorott.
I71OU SALH A irentlo horse nnd pliueton ,
J3 W. A. Wood A. Co , f..1i Muln Htieut.
FOU SAI.n Hiirdwarj Htocks In Town nnil
Nubrnska. Inxolues , IH.UUU to SH..OOJ. E. II.
EXOHAMiH TwomnroB nnd two colts for
a KOOI ) lot In Council IllulTs. II II , Shcafo.
MONDAYS In U. A. purlois , ohlldron. 4 p
m ; adults , 7'llp : m Socials hucund and
fun i Hi Mondays , 0 p. m. Music furnished wir-
tles und ulnlis Address at 1C. A. 1'arloru ,
Council lllulls. or lii.'l Parium St. . Oinalm.V. .
'L rimmbers , Instructor.
To the ownois of nil loin , parts ot lots nnd rent
ostnto alou illtli street from Doilgu to Uiv- :
enpoit htii'iil.
You nru liiMcby notlllud tiint tliu und > r-
Niuncd , tin cu dUlnteresled frenholders of thu
city of Omaha , haxobi'oti duly umiolntol
by ilio mayor , xvitli iho npiiroviil nf thn city
council of H.ild ollv. lo iihstsi the dnmiiRo to
the owner * rospccltxnly of the pronurty af
fected by grading of said htreot. declined IIBO- <
tssary by oriiln.inro niimber JI.'WI , missed Oo-
tobor 1 , IS'l.1 ' , approved October \ , Ifc'i- .
Vou aru furllici notified that Imvlnic uc-
eeptud mild Hpiioliilmunt. and duly iiuiillUed
us by lau , woxlll , on Iho Sotli dny ot
Octoboi , A. I ) Ih'J. ' , at the hour of U'M : o'clock
In thu forenoon , at tbo olllco of Hlirlver . * c
O'Donohoe , UOl li'ainnmHlrect , txlthln thoror-
poratii limits of Hald eltv. meet for the juir-
ixmn of I'onsldeiliiK nnd mikliK the unsui.3-
mi'tit of damuKo to the o\x nuis lospcetlvuly ot
H il i pioperty alfuetoJ by said crudlnK , taking
Into uoiHldcritilon Hpuulal buuellta. If any.
Vim are iiotllled lo ho prpuont lit Ihu lima
and plnco aforoHald and miikviiiiv objoctlona
lo or hliitomeutN concuriiliu Kalil ussus
ordanniRDS iihyou muv loimldoi inniiur ,
\V C. SIIHIVlllt.
JAMi : < HI'OUKl > AIiK.
foini ilttooof AppralnerN
Oiiuiha , Nub. , Out. h , I8J1 Of < < 1 O
To the ownois of all lots or imriH of lots front-
In1.on ( iriind axuniie , Tlih ly-mniuitli to
Piirtv-hiicimil Hti | > ulb ; Puwlornvi-iiue.Thlrty-
uliiluh to Portlmh blri'uti Thirty-ninth
Mreot , Ur.ind uvuniiu to Amos , nvuunui
I'oilU.tli btreet "nil Poitluth avciuiu , from
llriind axeiiuu loriprnuno atrcut.
i on nro hereby notllleil tlmt the under-
slirnud , tliri'ii ( llslnteri ! ted frcelioldum of thu
elly of Omulia , IMXU boon duly iipDiilulod by
the miiyor , nltb the npprovul of the chy
' oiincll ot mill oily , to HHSCSS the dnmairo to
thu on HITS ussiiectlvely of thu property
utteutcd by iradlii' ' < it ulinvo described striuMs
and a vi lines , duulaiuil nucossuiy uy oidlnanuu
No U.'rts pissed October I , Ib'J. ' , nppioxuU Oc
tober 4 , ! ( ! > ! .
You uio further notiflo'l that , Inn Ing uo >
copied H.ilil ii ppolntiiHMil. nnd duly iii illHed
in reiinlnd by law , xvo will on 4 ho 'Jib day
of October A. l > . IK1ut Ihu hour of ! l o'olo'k
In thu afternoon , ut the ollluu nf ( ieor o J ,
r.iul. idti'i Purnniii stitot , within the torpor. no
limits of suld city , mtut for tbo purpoxo of
eousidorliiK mid milking the muutmiieni ot
(1 11 m j we lo tbo owners rcsnuctlx cily of H ild
iiroiiorty. ntreetod by Bald r.alln.tuUluz
Into consider. itlon special bcncllli , If any ,
You uru notlllcd to ho pro. cut nt thu time
nnd p auo nforoitnld , und muuu imy obje.ctlona
toor blatemenU coiiftnniii bald ii sus iiicn (
of (1 iinugiij us you muy eoniUior uiopur
< jioitui : u. IV.VNP
Omaha , Octobers. Ibyi OludlH