Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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Tilli OMAHA DAILY BEE : CMbxiAY ) , ( KTOttKH 10. 1802 ,
WAGES IN 1858 AND IN 18)2 ( )
Relative Wages Paid to American and Tor-
oign Workmen in Iron and Stool.
The American l r Iron Worker
230 Per Cent More WIIRM Than the
llrltlHli Worker for tlio
Mim hxrtlce.
Mr. David B. Oliver has written the fol
lowing remarkable letter to the 1'ittsburg
Dispatch :
"Ills also true that whllo oJr workingmen -
men and farn ers can the least ot all our people
ple defend thomsolvo * nenlnst the balder
homo lite which such tariff luxation decrees ,
the wotklngman suffering irom the Impor-
titlon and employment uf pauper labor matt-
g-Ucd by bis piolosslonnl ti tend * nnd Boeklnp
security for hta interests in organized cooperation -
operation , still walU for n division of the ad
vantages socnroJ to his omuloyor under
cover of u sonorous solicitude for his wages ,
otc. "
The nbovo extract from Mr. Cleveland1 *
letter of acceptance contains two statements
of alleged fact to which I respectfully take
exception to-wlt !
1. Hint under our present tariff laws our
"funnels und workingmen have n hauler
boraoltfo" than they would huvo with free
trade ; nnd
J. That the worklnginan "still waits for a
division of the advantages secured by his
employer" by our present tariff laws.
1 am tolorablv familiar with the wages
paid , und also with the homo life of the work
men of this country under cotnparativo free
trade , and also under a protective tnrlll in
the Iron und slcol trades , having lived and
worked under bottt systems. I am very cer
tain that tno wnpes are hotter under a low
turlft , und in proof of this 1 append a list of
pi lees taken from the hooks of ono of thu
most reliable Iron manufacturing Ilrms and
paid In PllUburg for the > cais stated :
Tor cent
Dolling , per ton
lnr ! roller pur ilnr
llnr lienlcr per clnjr.r ,
1.n Inch riillar | ordny.
Ten Inclilii'iittr jicr ilnjr
( iulito rulkr. prnliiy .
> iildolnntir. | > or tiny.
Cotii'n Inburor purdny
Tcinnitcr per duj
Currnct J'iKiui'H.
These flgurt's aio corioct and may bo veri
fied at any time ; these given by the day me
nut alter ull nands arc paid. In Ib51 to IbUO
store orders ware Inigcly the rule , und I have
known South Sldo \\oikeistobocom- -
pcllod to talco their pay in orders on stores
more than n mile uwav" and obliged to earn-
all their pin chafes to their homos and ro
oluclrlo cur conveniences. Under our pio-
tcctivo tniin they got bettor \\anes , nrn palil
In cash evury two weeks , and it the "condi
tion" und "home life" of our woiUmon arc
not better under a protective tnrill than
under a low tarilt it is tlicirown fault
Mr. Clc'x eland's ' second proposition that
\\oikinun "still waits for his division of
tlio advantages secured to his employer" lb
equally baseless. 1 nppoiid a statement of
wugos'now paid in Kngluud and in t'ittsburg
for similar job ; , with thu per cent of increase
of ours over the foreicn prices. I huvo Bnp-
Jish prices from nn authoritative source , und
the Pittbburg prices uro tnkon from thu
books ot our company.
atutcment t thu relative wngos paid to
American and loiulKn > vorLmeu In the Iron
and steel Industries :
. '
Slum Inr 'I IlKiiiKi'Ui'd.
Tl < cso llgutes show for themselves. It 1 '
now poillncnt to our inquiry to ascertain tin
iclullvo dltterince between the cost of hibo )
paid by the PllUbuig munulucturer und hi [
Knglibh loinpetitor nn a ton nt bar Iron am
the price they obtain for it respectively , ti
order to nlxnln more fullv tnu facts govern '
inglhi-t "division , " for \\hich Mr. Clovolani
ussuris , ouroikman "stilt units ; "
' . . per tun.
Otlii-r l TH ( .it 1C. 6. VI
tills. . , JJ M ? | | OU
i bnrH JUT ton. ' . .Snin JS
If tuu American wotkman only rocolved t
f His tmro ot tbo "division of the advantage ' ;
j cto."un Inricaseof wogta over tlmt paid t
the lorulynoikmoncuual to thu proportloi
f uie Increase which the American munufai
turor retelves for tils flnlshod product ovt
that n celvert hy the Wimlish munufacjurm1
roiKOt tw rogurdod as u "fair division of tl :
udvunlauus , etc. " Tills would glvo him i
f his bhare 0 ! ) per cent more wacos tha
* his foreign colnborcr iccelvoa fi
the same labor on a ton of bi
iiou ; Innteud of which , however , t
molvosM | > or cent moro wages fi
thu same \\ork. I submit , thoroloio , tlu
Mr. Cleveland's statement that "ourorl Ic
man still \\ults lor a division" is enlliul
unsuppoitod by foots , It U the opinion of f
throiuiical cnlliualast who has no practlc
knowledge ol tDe Kiibjcct , but who hi
uiloutcd bocond bund a b\stom which M
Blulna has aptly described as'-havlug bci
worked out by a past generation to meet II
riqulrt'incnU of u little island In the Nor1
BI-U , alter it had by thu most high hand )
protective law mailoilsulf thnmunufuctur
" " * Tor the world ; " u s > stem -Aliloh ojcperlen
ba * Hliown 10 bo totally at variance with 01
n eds , fopdUastoraud depression ( uue fi
lowed every attempt , at its adoption.
Mv rxpi'rienro or the worklngmun leads i
to know that ho is remaruubly dlroct in ) i
method * of roaionlnu' mid in his conclusion
bo sometimes gets wrong but does not oil- ,
tuy wrong ; ho Itnovvs what works to his u
> u'itaeo nnd what tb his Injury , The hu
dredK ct thousands of workmen of alt soi
and rondtllons who annually leave tree tra
c uutiics nnd Und on our shores , and w >
continue In conn" , bourampla and unuusui
able lesinnony to ttio fact that tbe "com
tlon end home-life" of workmen arc tmine :
Drably better in this country than auyvvbc
el > u ,
Uolutlvo to "home life" I may bo ellorr
to quote from tbe published ttatemont
Mr. Kborhart , the proslrtent of Iho American
Window Ol ! > s assoctntlon , as to What he TO'
contly saw In Uclsiuro , n cot ntr.v which enJoys -
Joys the blessings of free trade. Hesayst
" 1 visited Holglum and was surprised to see
women whooilng coal and doino other heavy
work In glass houses ; they arrived In the
morning cnrrvlng Oabcs in thotr ain" > . The
little ones \vora wrapped in old clothes unrt
loft in f. corner whllo the mother tolled for a
living. " 1 will closu br asking of what
Kinds nro the "conditions and homo life"
which these facts inuic.itet
DAVID IJ. Oi.ivi'ii.
i.\.tMii.ti. nartKir.
DUcdiint Itulcs W re . .MutfrlnlljItiinlcneil
Ourliig I.nst Work's Hiistnr .
Los-ov , Oct. -During the wcok past the
ptosonco of the numerous bullion buyers in
the matkot , nil ooltovcd to bo oneratlnR on the
Austrian government , prevented gold from
entering the ilanlc of England and caused u
haidcnlng tandcucy In the discount rates lo
manifest Itsolf. The release of the October
dividends had no appreciable clTcct. A ru
mor nt the withdrawal of il,2Ti0.lMO ! In gold
from the Bank of Unaland for Kussia proved
to bo unfounded. Yet , expectation of call'
for gold tor America. I5usst : > and Egypt still
ruins the tmrkut. The steadv recovery of
Oliver is regarded as n renssuiliig blgu nnd
ns likcU to continue.
The week's stocK cxclmngo record shows
that business again unproved Urokors were
hopeful of inducing Investors to enter the
markets and bioadcn dealings. Stilctly
speaking , however , the week's ncllvltv wns
restricted almost entirely to American uu.l
South American railway securities. British
funds were llrm but dull. British securities
voro listless and depressed There were
small movements among foreign bonds , Ken-
orally In favor of holder * . Brazilians LOU *
tlnucd to advance with the Improved
tone of exchange. Peruvians have
ilscu ! 3 points on the ropoitod
sottlomt'ut between Chill and tlio 1'oruvlan
coipoiatlou. Chilians have also advanced ,
partly in sympathy with I'uiuvians and
puitlv in anticipation of a new loan. The
nanrccnt vie tori' In Voncruolii had no otfeot
on prices. The favorable report Issued hy
the Htionos A.MC3 railways , together with
the B allies siilo ot stocK , combined to cause
advances In Atgontlne securities averaging
" 'j. ' The next settlement Is oaccrly awaited
to uonlh in thn belief that the bu\ln bcro
is in behalf uf the outside pub
lic. It is now lully oxuocled
that Iho Austtiuii currency uouowlngs
\\lll bo cftcclcd hefoio January. Itusslu has
drlliiitely declined the oflcrs ot a Ficuch
svndii'ito to take JL' lllX IXXl balanio ol last
vu.n's i ' 0,000,000 ! t per cent loan. The 10
covoiy in Ainoiliun i illtoads Is attilbutcd to
u moro scciae fi-cllng tu rogatd to silver.
The market Is chielly suppoited ov n few
operators while the general public hold
aloof. Thu advances woru somewhat 11 regu
lar , the U'tidency being to realize at higher
mice" VailatlotiH for the week in prices
ot Ainuriciin railwnv scoutitles include the
following :
inc'oasoa Dmivur & Hio Oii\ndo firsts
fonsolidated inortgHgi. , 2'4 ' per cent ; Head
ing boconds , U ; Lake bhoie , .Louisville &
INashvlllo nnd Union Paclllo shares , 1 ?
iach ; Uondlug thirds and Norfolk it West
ern oiditinry , 114 each ; Onlo & Mississippi
ordinnn and Nuw Yoik , Pennsylvania &
Ohiollrsl moitgnge , lea h : Denver it Kio
Grande tommon and Now York , Ontario &
Western , > . , each ; Atfhlsons , Uontial
Paiilic bh.iros and \Vabash ordinary nnd
mortgage bonds , J < f pur cent oacb. The
securities of thu Gland TtunU of Canada
impiovod , owing to better trallic and the
coming rise in iate > . CSraud Trunk flnt
prolercncos advanced 1' per tent for the
week ; second profi'ired I1. , , nnd third
prefcreuci's 1 per tent. Speculators eon'
tlnufd to dcvolo nticntion to mining sccuri
tics , in ivhicn thoio was a futther uitvanco ,
Coinmoixl.U rabies shaies advanced Jf oor
cont. Tlic decision of the county council to
aciju'ro the London tramways depio scd th
The Statist has published an olaboiatc
nii.ilvais Illustrated bv diagram , intended to
move that out of thirty American join
stock breweries , all but six have been almos
ontiiely promoted Irom two or three quur
tuib , somctimub in ( onibtnntion , sometime !
independently. The Statist contends lha
the capital is ull largely watun-d nnd that th
vendorj of breweries are getting fancy
pi ices. The diagram at a clanro shows that
the individual hgure-i in Iho boards of dittor-
ent companies differ , *
Oil tll < ! 1'llllH UlllUHD.
Oct. ? . The Petite bourse , in spite
of the agitation aeaiust it , continues to as
semble as usual. The cabinet discussed the
question vobtcrdaj , but carne to no decision.
The monthly settlement disclosed a voij
huue bull account , enabling b.icUota to ve- .
tain . ! ucr cent lor ad vain o& , The montnly
receipts of the Suecatvil again show a
largo decrease. The charges ot Iho company
keep \\onilorfull" high , considering the
houdecieaso in lialllc this \ear. The
week's decline include -19 francs in Suez
canal share ; and 10 francs in Uio Tinto
sihiiioh. Portugoubo secunticb were firm.
Other changes were small.
On tint Iturlln iimiiM- .
Bi HMV , Oct. 9 The prospect of a military
loan has had a depressing oilect on tbe mar
a ket horo. Hank shnici are still in a lethargic
ao au condition , the public showing Increasing
o hesitation to Invest. The prospects of dull
ness In business are reported throughout tbo
u HI empire. The closing quotations include :
HI'I I Hungarian gold lente , ' .tj.10 ; Mexican sixes ,
18 81.11) ) ( -aint 7'J.UJ ' last wooit ) ; Austrian
11 5 iTOdlt , 1(1-1.13 ( ; Uoutscho uank , 100.10 ; Har-
'li peuer , 11)4 ) , pi irate discount 2 ; long ex-
ro ch itige on London 20 ! ! l ) .
rt'j Ou tin' rr.inUfurt lliMirnti
M j. , , a , „ . , . , , , , Oct ' , ) . After a ( juiot week ,
17 M prices closed tinner. 'Iho final quotations
17U include : Hungarian gold i cute , 1)5 ) 10 ; Mox-
U ictin sixes , ' , i 40. shott exchange on London ,
SO iUi ; private UUujuui , 2.
MUltMII lUbl'llltttHt'K
q I I'ltluri'rt i > T tliii Mxtj-Viroinl MimUAiinuul
( I Ali'i-tliiK "I tlui Trill } < ! < > oil.
in bAi.r LvKr , U. T. . Oct. 9. [ Special Telegram -
- gram to Tub Upii.J The sixty-second Boml-
* nniual oouforonco of the Mormon church
closed today with 15,1)00 ) in attendance at the
closing bOablon. The president fallen to
come lorwnid with tbo customary now i eve
lution. The reports of the various stakes In
Ulub , Idaho , \Vyommcr , Colorado , Arizona
und Mexico showed u total mombjishlp of
over 200,000 Joseph F , Smith , whose 10-
cent luiurn frum a seven gear's sojourn un
derground murKod the otlgin of national
put it lines , dellvcicd un addiess which was
a pretty good republican speech , being u
strong plea for homo Industries and protec
Ji ! tion. About twu jiuis ago Smith's 11 vo
wives all gave birth 10 uabios within a
as mouth
* , John Honr.v Smith delivered a alrong anti-
tou tobacco uddross. Ho was a prominent llguro
u- at iheaMinnuupolis convention , and tup voiy
icor day ho made a pluu bjforo the poaimlttea declaring -
or claring pel ) gainv dead , his third wife In
it Opden boeamo the mother of a daughter , It
ho was decided to dedicate the new temple on
as April 0 , JbVJ. Tnls building was commenced
an lorly jears ago and con $2,500,000 ,
at I'lent li .Soldli'r * lla > phnv t'nil l.nifiijfrtui'iitii
mil lit' rriMillor .Nriti' Tomiulii.
ily J1Aiii"JOct. 9. Loiters vocohcd here from
a Touiiulu contain the [ ntoraiatlon that sov <
01 ill battles * recently took place between the
Ir. 'blank btags1' ' und the Frouch force on the
Ir.on fiontler whllo the Pi ouch soldiers were ro
hoHi coiinoiterlng for a niuslui : dQlachinoot. Th (
Hi tlghtlug was lldrco end determined on botl
alucb and In ono of the engagements tai
French sustained a loss of six killed aiu
thirteen wounded , The commander ot tbi
ol. Trench Inrco asku for r infol-potnonta li order to suppress thu frontier lalds , whlcl
me ho declares are instigated by mandarins.
uis 'Iho French press speak in an alarmci
' . tone of the serious condition of affair * exist
e J Ing ou tbofiontier and urge the COVOIT.IIIOU
to demand un vxp laiiution from China.
rts lima CathiilU-t IhleroMril.
idt hoer ) Four Douar , ! . , Oet.JSpoclal [ Tele
er- gram to Tin. Bur. l-r-Collcctious xvoro take
idl- up ia all tbo Catholic etiurohps in thin die
ias- coso today for a fund to bo Ubod by tn
ere Catholia schools ot Iowa la mukiiii ; an ox
hlblt at tha Columbian exposition. Tli
red Catholics ot the state will do their butt t
lot ffiblco a creditablu sbowlutr.
Dick Parker Dies fr < m the Effects of a
Prize Tight at Memphis.
Sullivan" * Pnvorlto lllow Tut Him to Merit
and lie MiliM'CiumitlJDied All Hie
itln In th
Unilar Arrest.
Mnti'im , Tenn. , OcU 0. A luttllnp eight-
round mill took pldro last night nt the Ama
teur Atblotlu club in tnls city bclucon .luck
Davis , a professional pmu lighter from
'J 0X119. nnil Ulclt Barker , who hails flora
Lbuisflllo , Ky. , and at present nt woil : In
Memphis as a moulder , whlth iciuUcd In
the death of the latter nt noon today.
Davis wns seconded bv ftllko Oonnellv , the
"Ithaca plant , " and Hob Leo , a local sport ,
liariter had behind him Tom Mntthqws and
Jim Ryan.
Up to the cluhlh round the umutour had
theUr-btof the light , .Unvis bcliiK wuiik and
groggy. At the end of the eighth Davis
landed a swinging right hatiilcr on IJnrkoi's
chin , which knocked him out.
Nothing serious was apprehended until
today , \\hon IJarkor took to his bed. Medi
cal old was called in , but to uo purpose.
Barker died and the doctors decline to state
until after the autopsy , which iv 111 bo held
tomorrow , whether death losultod fiom the
force ot tbo blow or from congestion.
Davis Is in jail pending Investigation The
noconds nro being arrested and placed under
bond. Tha ofllUals of tbo Athlotlo club , It
Is likely , will bo arrested tomorrow , anil con
siderable excitement prevails. Lawyers say
the ciijinc , If crlmo It proves to bo , wilt bo
Involuntary manslaughter , punlshnblo in this
state bv a bhoit tonn of imprisonment.
wii.i. rivv I'oi ; 'iiu : i r. Diiin-im n VMII HIM nil Yin III Unlit to
C'onlKNt Inr lli < > Ainetlc ' .i Ilopli .
[ CopjrrlKlitpit 1SU by Jnmc1' ( iorrton llcniiutt.1
Vihss * , Oct 1) ) [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to Tin , Bm.l I had an Interview
yostoiday with Lord Uunravotf on the sub
ject of the A'nuricA's CUD challenge. His
lordship slntos that u few dayn ago hu sent ° n challenge to the sccieturv ot the
Nuw York club and on Thnisduy ho lecolvod
the following reply : "Your loiter will bo
considered at a special meeting ot the
club on October IS. " Deflating that
the match was still in thu embryo-
tic stnto tils lordship absolutely
refused to explain the exact conditions he
proposed on tUo ground that it would not bo
judicious at the present juncture to do so Ho
said tlio mutch will take place in American
wntcis , a now yacht will bo built , Iho builder
being Watson of Glasgow of Valleyilo-
Thlstlo lenown. The construction of Iho
vnoht will bo loft onthely In Watson's hands.
Duuravon's ioal intention Is to do everything
in his pcmor to wrostthocup fiom the Amor
icons. Ho considers next year will bo sult-
ublo to stir up intornatloual livuliy , it being
the peiiod of tko Chicago exhibition.
I.iinlHTillo nnil Cincinnati fr.r lor TITO at
the IttiiuielB * Home.
LOUISVII.U , ICy. , Oct. fl. Louisville and
Cincinnati played two games loduy , Louis
ville winning the first by hitting Sullivan at
the right time. The batting of Taylor and.
Merritt was a feature. The second came
uas called on account of darknobs at the und
of the ilfth inning with the score u tie.
Wonthor fair. Attendance 2,500. Score :
Louisville 0 9
Cincinnati 1 5
liltsCincinnati. . 0 ; Louisville. 14 Mirers :
Cliiclnn ill , - : Louisville , a. 1.1 tileries : C'lau-
son .ind Merritt ; Sullivan and Vaiiihu. ;
Second game :
Loulsvlllo 3
Cincinnati 1 0 1 1 0 J
lilts : Louis\lllo. 4 : Cincinnati , 2 Krrors :
J onlsIllo , 1. Clnclnna'l , 1. Jlutterios : ( 'luu-
hcn and Murrlit ; Mil'l\in ; and Vmubn.
the Teams.
V ry Til mo G nines.
ST. Louis , Mo. , Oct. 9. Only about 600
people woio at Sportsman's park this after
noon to witness the annual field champion
ship of the Western Association of Amateur
Athletes. The weather was clear and cool ,
propitious for these taking purt , but
slightly uncomfortable for the uudlouco.
The association is composed of the follow
ing clubs : Missouri Amateur Athletic
club , Olympic Amateur Athletic club ,
Si. Louis ; Hibernian I'ooiball and
Athletic association , St. Louis ; Shamrock
Football and Athletic .club , St. l ouis ;
Olympic Athletic club , East St. LouU , III. ;
Belleville Athlutio club , Bill-svillo , III. ;
Missouri Gymnasium and Athlotlo club , St.
Louis ; Scottish Athletic club. Chicago ; Col
umbia Atulutic club , St. Louis.
The Scottish Athletic club ot Chicago and
the Olympic Amateur Athletio club of St.
Lojils carried olt nearly all tno honors , each
securing six of the events. Six of the Chicago
team also won tbo tug-of-war. Qeonro
Riddle of tbo Scottish Atulotlc club cairios
off the moil medals for llrst place , bis number -
bor being ttuoo.
On the whole it was a veiy tame affair , not
belnc near the avorugo ot these annual con
I.airoHxo for
Tbo Lacrosse ulub has made ariangemeats
to pluy Kearney at the fair grounds on
Thanksgiving day , and are practicing ecu
ivoly ; for the match. The came will be for
the state championship , and will bo the first
opportunity thu oitizens of Omaha will bave
of Bceing this urcat game. Club uniform has
been adopted as white sbirt and blade pants
and stoclr.ncs.
Practice was hold yesterday on the fair
grounds.Tlio club is increasing rapidly in
membership and already numbers lift/
The You tic Men's ' Christian association
club which is being organ Ued will liven the
earne uri and a keen rivalry is expected
between the two clubs. Of the Omaha mem
bers about four-fifths are Canadians and old
'nluyors ami a first class tuum wll | be in the
Hold < next year with the determination tc
bring the championship of the states tc
Omaha. Lacrosse is easy to undcrbtand nc !
any ono visiting the practice : ) will soot
understand the play.
Ciipple Aftur I'lilluy ,
Bsciton , Nob. , Oct. 8. To the Sporting
KOItor of THE BIKI I hereby challenge Mr
Pat Pulley for a 100-yard foot raw , 1100 i
tilde , to bo i un in Omaha between Oetoboi
15 and IS , pistol shot start , Shotlleld rule :
to govern ; plutol Ilier to be cbobou tbo dai
of race : Mr , Pulley to t > elout one Judge and
or.o and thu tuo Judges to kelect third 01
referee. I enclose toou 5 5 as i
forfeit , the balance , | 75 , to bi
noitcd with the sporting editor o
Till. OMAHA IUc the day of raco. Now , !
Mr , Pulley wants a race on the square will
mo ho can got It by covering my forfeit am
notifying me at once. W. H. Com E.
Mr. Copploaddsi "I am itudy with th
money to run anv man who U a resident o
Nebraska for * , ' 50 a side , 100 } arris , piste
ihulatart , Bhcflleld rules to ifo\ urn , race to b
run In Omaha about October 15 or 'JO. 'Now
Mr , Jumob Kjlo , if you want a race , corras
pond with mo or place a forfeit with Til
em . I'l nt ; llrookiiur'n Cluince ,
m Ono of tha recent events in local araateu
o10 athletic circles bas been tbc retirement frof
10 tbo Omaha Athtutlo club bouse of Prof. L'
1C10 Crilrooknoi- who hud charge of the gymni
to slum for tbo club from its blurt up to th
tirst ot the present month , t'rof. Brookni
is now with the Youni Mbn's Christian av
soclikllon ! cymna lum although bo li consid
ering Rovarnl very enfttirtiglnir offer from
Chlcairoami St. Louts. HeM formerly
\\IthUioMls5ourlKymuailum at St Louti
whcro ho won nn cnvit > bla reputation a a
poi'formor on the horizontal bur. Ho h ono
of the most skillful p.vnmnsts in this line In
the country , but hiw a Ronoral Knoxvlodgo of
athletics and gymnastics snob RH to malro
htm a most doilrablo iran ; us nn instructor.
If Prof. Urookncr decides to leave Omaha
ho will take with him tbo peed will ot a host
of pupils. '
Tips tot Toilny.
Hero nro the horses , tbo propbot hni picked
for winner * today , lie hit 'om pretty hard
last Saturday , ono of bis hones going to the
post at 8 to 1 and winning cisily :
1. l < eng Island A % nrv.
- ' . iislnurc : fllly Oharooal.
II S-ilrpltis Tlotfii.
4. Vocillto-\\hlto \ WliiRd.
5. ( lionudlnr 1'iulro.
0 Maid of llhunoy Hatt'o Cry.
1. Totinontor Oorroctlon
2. Uaniiict | Hiisscll.
: i lluuto IlirdlliiKli Tunny.
4 Sir t'lnnols Kunvon.
i" . ICIns Ur.ih I icilTaral.
0 Dolnmr KuckuU
l.i y Tlma for KVHIK ,
KANSAS CITT , Mo. , Oct. -Prof. . Jem
livans , a local pucltlstof some note , and
Pcto BJWOII , n brother of Andv Bowen ,
whom Myors tonquorod nt Now Orleans ,
fojglil to a llnlsh hero this altornoon ,
Queonsberry lulos. The purse was f , " > 00 ,
and it took only throe rounds for the professor
ser to send Bowen to sloop. Bowen wns
badly punished , particularly about the face
and head , while Kvatis received scarcely a
Si iHii't/uiivnrclii hi'ore * .
The following scores Were mndo at the
rlflo range at Uusor's Friday afternoon :
The most remarkable score of tbrco shots
on the 2.Vrlnc ; target was made by Captain L < \
n. Heft , 7" points out of a possible 75.
Will Train Mill LuU William * .
Danny Daly , Omaha's clover llttlo feather
weight , leaves for Salt Lnuo next \N cducs-
day to assist In the training of Jimmy
Williams for his flght with Chailoy Turner ,
before the California Atblottc club in No
vember. Danny is all right again and mav
bo matched for another go at Lolly Smith
ore Ins return oast.
vn Indian -run J.IXK.
Iteming of nn Intortintlonul Itouiulury
Virtey In the South.
Nr.w OHU.VNS , La , , Oct. O.-Tho Times
Democrat's San Antonio , Tex. , special says :
l'1 1 ? . Carrolo , n merchant of Fronteras ,
Mox , who is located on tbo line between
the United States and Mexico , arrived hero
today. Ho states that the international
boundarvsurvey bos boon completed , and the
Old boundary line lias been grontlv changed.
The custom house at Frontcras was found
to bo nearly four .imloa south of the line ,
and Its removal to the line has been ordered.
Several rich mining properties which , for
the past seven yours have boon worked
under the United States mining laws , are in
Mexico under the now surveys , and the
owners are very much exorcised on account
of the duties on ore that is smultod in the
United States. Those , tmgauod in making
the survey have suffered many huidshlps ,
owing to lack of water , and many desertions
fiom tho. laboring corps hnvo occurred.
2USHMinima yakfit r.iMii.ius.
Itelutlons of tlio nnltons' Victims to Ho
. Cured Jtor.
CotPRYViiLif , Kan-Oct. 0. Emmett Ual-
ton's coudition is aogroatly imnrovod that it
is 'motaolo be will" rojiovor. An oflicml
ot \Vcjs-J''avgqipRross ( ' { company ar
rived hero today to ; make arrangements to
; pay a reward for thb/Daltons. Ho says the
company will bo pay to the families
of the men killed in tl(6 ( raid a sum of money
sufllclent to show its appreciation of their
bravery , though there was no reward out
standing at the time of the battla. A committee -
mitteo of oitizens will send out circulars to
tbo banks throughout tbo country soliciting
subscriptions for the aid of the families of
the dead man.
DKNVUU , Cole , Oct. 9. The Denver Clear
ing House association has forwarded to the
mayor of Coffoyvllle , Kan. , the sum of $250 ,
to bo distributed among the familfes of the
men who were killed In the aght with the
Daltou Kane.
IMllII 3Ji.YAiat A'A tUXCHA.'Z. '
I'rlncu of U'uli'n Will Itcjirnsont thu Onecn
at the liitennont.
LONDON , Oct. 9. The prince of Wales
will represent the quean at the funeral of
Lord Tennyson. Lord Salisbury is expected
to bo among these present at the poet's In
terment. According to promises the lord and
bishop of Winchester preached the funeral
sermon In the Hazlomere church today. Ho
referred to the dead laureate in ouloglstlo
and fooling teims , and his remarks made a
deep impression upon the large crowd that
attended tha services.
In the course of his sermon tbo bishop
said : "I would call the deceased poet an
Ethocnticus rather than a Virgil. In his
completeness ho seems to me to for surpass
Wordsworth and to almost match Shuke-
npoaic. Ho was as strong as Byron without
anv of Byroo'a cynical and arrogant dis
dain. "
DISASTHOUa 1'ltAlltlK flJlES.
hoiith Dakota Citizens Ilara a Terrible Ui-
porlenoo InTlila I.lne.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Oct. 9. A special to the
Pioneer Press fiom Huron , S. D. , savs : A
terrible pralrio fire started seven miles
northwest ot this city ana has been burning
over a stretch of nearly ten miles wide by
twenty long. The towns of Broadland and
Hitchcock narrowly escaped destruction.
Cltizons turned out aad fought the flro until i
dark , aided by a large forwi of men from this
The countrv burned over is thickly settled
by prosperous farmers , many of whom have
lost everything. Up to 8 o'clock tonight the
flro was still raging though less florcoly. The
wind blow at a velocity of seventy miles an
hour , driving tbo flames before It at frightful 1
speed. The heavens are ablaze with light to <
I'KltSOAAI , rAltA.ail.ll'IIS.
D , A. Jones \Vftgaor is at the Arcade ,
S. J. Wooker of 9'Noyi Is at the Mlllard.
\V. L. Butler of ftpppo , la. , Is at the Del
f 4 ;
Robert Keys of Beatrice is a guest at the
Arcado. 'CM
H. O. Williams oMfortb Platte is at th
Paxton. . .v I .
W J Howard ot Chicago Is a guest at the
H. D. Skolton ofl'Stromsbertr ' at the
Morcor. , * Ifl
FJ , Phillips of Nebraska City Is at the
° 1J'V
D. H. Lott of YorWas at the Brunswlol
' '
yesterday .
E. P. Nichols or , lb.Jgn Is a puoit at tU
Brunswick. j ,
Ira Nichols of Uotyojjburg is a guest ai
the Paxton. A 0" ,
F. E. AlcKeoby ofJEled Cloud is a guest a (
the Murray.
W , C. Bldwoll of Broken Bow was at the
Paxton yesterday ,
J. M. Evans of Beatrice was a Sutidaj
guest at the Morcer.
C. B. Breech of HoUJwgo is among thi
gnu-its at the Arcado.f
S. C , Blrcbnra of i&vonport , la , wa
Sunday guest at the Dalian " u.
JoUn C. Watson of" Nebraska City i is :
aiuoug the guet > ts at tha Murray.
M , Woodward of Dea Moines , U , , wa
a guest at the Mlllard yosierday.
Cilicuoo , 111. , Ooti9t / fSpeolal Toleprni
to TUB BBE. ] Nobrosk ns regUterod at th
hotels here : Urand Pacific A. E. Hutct :
Inson. E. V. Lowii , U. 13. Palmor. T. H. hJ
Jonea , OmahaShermansArt J , Htuckpoln
ar Omaha. Palmer DC. P. Grommau an
arm wife , b. A. Yoerbuclr , Mri. A. Klngwult , H 1.c
' S. Nannllle , Omaha , Wellington J. H. M <
. Counoll and wife , J , O. Huodes and wife co
a30 Omaha. 1 .Gland O. B. McClelland , Omahc
30 Victoria Theo BUrk * , Hjr H. Mcduj
r Clinaha ,
Hon , J. E , Trick Eulortnins the Citizen
of Oumlng County.
of Alllnnro Apostles ICaslly An-
ueroil Frm Coinage Cllvcii n Mule
Attrntloii Uthnr Ni'ltruskn
1'ottllcnl > < > oto ,
Wtsvrm , Nob. , Oct. 9. ( gpeoml to Tnr.
BI.I : . | The llrst republican spaooli of Iho
campaign was delivered here last night by
Hon. J. K. Priou of Fnunont.Vognor's
hall was filled .vlth an nudlcnoo that fol
lowed very closely the speaker's clear state
ment of tbo ovcral nets of the republican
pirty on Iho questions of flnince which con
fronted tbo administration of Lincoln and
his successors. Ho ronclusivoly showed
t hut the charge made by the people's pirty
orators that such legislation was
a conspiracy against any class Is tiiitruo ,
hut on the contrary that It was wise and
nci-o-.snry under the exigencies ot Iho times
Ills discussion of the tariff Issue was mnstor-
ful nnd elicited frequent anu hearty ap
plause. Ho proved conclusively that free
coinage of silver could boncllt no ono but the
silver mine owners , nnd denounced tlio
dccl trillion of the demociatlo party for state
bank circulation , ending with iv eulogy of
Judge Crounso. Thn speech was calculated
to Induce thoiightfulliion to stand true to the
record of tba republican party for honest
money and American industry.
iiitMCs NHW voitic TIM : KKV.
Senator Miurmnn l > ocUro Tlmt tlio Kleo-
tinn IIIngeA on That Slum.
Pnt.iAiici.rniA , I'u. , Oct. 9. Senator Sher
man , who nddrosBcd n largo meeting lu this
city last night , was asked by a reporter what
ho thought of the political situation.
"I take a hopeful view a very hopeful
view of thn sltuattou."snld the senator , "and
I uellevo the result of the contest depends
on iMow York.
"The general idea is that there is u won-
doi fill apathy in the cnnvnss. This may bo
so , so for as the speech inahine1 Is concerned ,
but the icsultof my obscivatlon bus hoeu
that , this feeling does not exist to the pee
ple. The punllcis taking a great put in
this eunvasH , and they nre anything nut
apathetic. Their Interest scorns to bo in
"Thocuiront , lltoialuio fuuiished by our
committees is in great demand. It is 'good ,
and It presents the iiiguments in a way
whioh will be moro weighty because Ihov
aio load and heard.1
H\sTi\ns , Neb. , Oct 9. [ Special to Tim
BHC.I The democratic central commlttoos
of Adams aad Webster counties will bo
obliged to nauio the candidate lor rep-
rasentullvc , the convonilon oallod for the
purpose having failed to make such uoiuina-
tion. Adams countv was to uavo a delega
tion nearly double In si/o to that of Webster" .
but the delegates choaen didn't , care onougn
about saving the country to go to
Blue Hill , where the convention waste
to bo bold. Only one loprOsentatlvo
from Adamscnt down , but ho
controlled eiovon votes Tha Webster
Countv delegation was prosont. Naturallv
the two counties each wished to name the
candidate , although both the republican and
indopedoni nominees woie from Adarus.
The Adams county man had the votes , but
ho could never secure a second to any mo
tion ho made , while the Webstnr county
delegates , could make motion but could not
carry them against the "solid" delegation
from Adams. Tttls interesting state uf af
fairs continued until the matter was com
promised oy referring the whole matter to
the two coutial committees.
< iuio till ) Irle tii > n u Jtxception.
NBIHUSK * CiTi' , Oct. 9. [ Special to Tun
BEE.J dolotratcs to the float conven
tion , which nominated John C. Watson at
Weening Water yojtorday vvore tonduied a
prand reception upon their arrival at this
cltv nt middigns last night. Nearly 100 citi
zens , bonded by the baud , assembled at the
depot , and headed by the band , marched to
ICatzentiue's restaurant , where a magnificent
soroad bad been piopared. Mr. Watson wns
hustled out of bed and partook of the festivi
ties. He thnnkcd the delegates for the nomi
nation , niiu the cltizons who had assembled
for the honor shown and confidence dis
placed. In one of bisoharacteiistio speeches
ho sjld ho would ao nis best , and prophesied
lepublican success , i.atioti < il , state and con
3Ir. Tlmrrtton'9 ICastcm DutcH.
The following telegraphic correspondence
is self-explanatory .
Nuw YOIIK. Oct. 7 Hon. John M. Thurston ,
Omaha : L'livru will ho hold In Mow York city ,
Uclobci 2" . l'hlliidollila | , October , and Now
O'Jiui , , UctuhcrJ , mass nicotines.
Tlio o incut nprs ivjll ho national In thnlr
chaiautcr , and the only large meetings out-
sliluof Clile.igo tclvcn unner the auspices of
the national ana college loa nea. and the
unUcisltlcsof I'eniHylvanla , Uolninhlii , New
York. Vulo and iiiiljliltorln. universities will
lie Invited to nartlolpnte. You can hoof In-
flnlto service hy addressing thosu moctlngb
and I tiustyou can find It possible to do so
OSIAIIA , Out , 7. lion. J. S. Cl irkson , SUKKth
ANOIIIIQ. ow York : You can rely on mo
without fall for Ootobor2. " > , 27 and " 8assUtecl.
.llad i I'rlnnils uml Vatos.
DAKOTA CITV , Neb. , Oct. 9. [ Special
to TUB IJuK.J One of tha largest po
litical meetings over hold in the county
passed off pleasantly at South Sioux City
last availing. Hon. Moll O. Joy was chair
man of the moating and explained the rea
sons why ho left the independent party and
returned to tlio republican ranks. Judge K.
n. laluv. ) aspirant for county attorney , and
Hon. George 1) . Moikoljohn made speeches
that mot with rounds of applausd. Both
made friends and votes.
( Irniiil iHlnuil'Kppnmrliiiiir Kully.
' GIUND ISIAND , Neb , Oot. 0 , ( Spooial to
THE BKB J A score ot workmen will boglu
opeiations tomorrow mornlni ; to change the
old sugar pulaco building into a temporary
auditorium , and the lint event which wil
. . . . . . ' & NBW ( THE PEOPLE'S
- Tonight , Tomorrow Niqht and
Wednesday Night
ont of Ibu Kmlnont Coruuillan ,
Tire ot til * QroHt I'lnfs
Monday Evening , October 10 ,
k Tuesday and Wednesday , Oet II and 12 ,
I'rli ns-1' initial and llrst ll\o rows In circle
JI.Ml ! Inn ! llu > IOIVH In circle , til Kunural ml-
nihMmi , flrnt IIoor.7 o ; llrst four rottHlnlml-
cony. ? , " > ut last IIvo rowa In haluny , Wo ; gal'
Jery. ' o.
_ rORTHI _
Iia lafe and iclu.
tile remedy for 1'al-
uUlon of Heart ,
{ > itiinSideAsth-
pia. Short Dicalll ,
HUltertng.Rropjy ,
Oppression , \Vind
ro In Stomach , Irreg
10 ular 1'ulu. Chok
h- ing Sensation in
, 'lliroai. Uneasy
bensauoainLhctt ,
o. SlnothcriDg bpellc ,
1. marc. Ac. ( ict Dr.
c- '
, . . ' FREH ATAU
DR. MILE3 MEDIOAI aO.KllthartJna. ,
ori l br Kuhn A Oo iorI3i. HougUi
tnk place In tbo same will ba the Mo-
KciRlmn-Androivs debate tioxt Tuo dav
U'hon nrrangomonH hnvo been oom-
plotod ttih inilldliiff will hold "i.000 poonlo ,
There will be a rnp-ibllcati and an "anll-ro-
publican" < ldo of thu homo A railing \vlll
bo put clown too center of the lar o InoloMiro
and each side mil hive Its own ontratico.
There Is to bo no crowding of Rixllortoi , anil
thodobato will bo onoot the largest a * well
as ono ot the hottoM political rallies thai 1ms
o\or stltrcd central Nebraska.
Wll.I. TI.SI TillliVW. .
Comtllutldimlltr of the linker llntlot of
l'niiii\Vlxnnla Ourntlotioil.
PiTTsnuiio , Pn , , Oct. 9 Tlio constitution
ality of the Hakor ballot law Is to bo tested
In court. Kx-Doputy Attorney General San-
iloison of the law linn of Lvnn , McUeo s
Saiulorionof this city U procArlti ? the pv
DOM and If llnhhed the matter will bo
brnupht before the supreme court , now in
lesilon hero , tomorrow. It Is not definitely
known what particular points In thu law the
sunrotno court will bo niKod to piss unoii ,
'this nctloii was dccldod nt a conference of
local ronubllcnns yestortlay. An otTort will
bo made to have Chairman Rrenniin ot the
dmnorratlo county couvontton Join In the
proceed i n RS , but It was stated tonlcht that
ho would i of use , as ho icgarilod It as putely
u republican mo wnro.
Ulll llrlp Hurt Ciiiinty. Neb , Oot. y fSnoolal 1'ologram to
'J UK Iiii.J : About , 100 moinbors of the Harrison
risen mid llela club witti unilorms and
tort'lioi expect to Rote 1'pltumati Monday tea
a republican rally. The boys u HI take the
HUilr band nlonit and help Burl comity
whoop it ill ) for tbo republican
which tune Senator Mandonon will spcuic.
rmliinUiH In I'nuiMyUanhi ,
I'lTTsnt'iio , ! ' . , , Oot. 9 - A contercnoo of
the state chaiiiucmof the '
people's , prohibi
tion and socialist-labor parties will bo held
hero early thin WOOK to arrange a fusion
electoral tlcnot so that the three parties will
secure the ! 1 nor pent ot tno vote necessniy
for the printing of their full tlukot.
Iti-pnlilliMM Clllln iiiln : tulniMl.
JustVTNob. . . Oct. 9 | Speclal to Tin :
Ilii.J : Mr 15 K. Toiris of llastlues gave
Ilia two lopuulluan clutis of Juniuta a tine
talit last Monday ovcnlni ; I'ho attendance
was cooil and the youni ? man HtirprHoii his
nudiunco with Iho manv Inpnv hits .in 1 good
points made. *
I'.lplllloil'H . IMniiiMiid Kill } .
Pvi'ii.i.tos , Neb , Ojt. -Spjciul [ to Tun
Her. | 'Iho ropnulluan countv oonvonlion
will ho held Imro neit baturdav .ind the d.iy
\lll bo the occ ision of a big rallv Mundor-
son and othenvlll bo the lealturs. The republicans -
publicans aio pilntnt ; ground i-ipidly in this
di iiMir'n t'iiiiii | ; ; I uml.
MiYolih , Oct ' . ) . Grover Ulevolund has
contributed ? 10,000 to the doinocr.Hio oiiin-
p.iltru tund. Cloveland's petbonal fiicnds ,
Henediut , Whitney and Dickinson , oacn con-
tiibutod $10,000.
"idi' : " i > d lnll.s"iit llir r.iriiuin.
"Edgowood Polks , " gio-Mi more kindly ,
moro coiisldcrato of the feelings ot others
since the dasvhen they vvoio Intioduccd
to a vast multitude of thi'atcr-coois by that
quaint genius , Sol Smith Hussell , rama
hack to the IT.iruaiu btroot thc.Uur List
uluht , but thu chiot spokesman for
tbo folksvns not Hussell , but
Alvn Hojuod , an actor who ib
bomowhnt now to the line of pails made
famous bv his raoio noted contemporary ,
Sol Smith Hussell. Yet ttio young actor
won un oinlnulo success last night und puvo
abundant promibo of icallv excellent ability.
The new "Cdgowood FolUs" hxs the merit
of a capable east , with one or two excop- '
lions , and Mr. Hoyuood is to bo con
gratulated upon the plavershosLpporthim. .
Cdwiu Lawionco , Krod \Vildra.ui , Harry
Sloddard have all been soon bore in times
past and they all have paits suited to their
several abilities in character lolos. The
ladies are not as strong as the other "sec
tion. " "Edgewood folks" was tbo lirst ot
a class of plavs which bas grown upon the
public since its production and Mr. Hey wood
seems to bo taking the tide at Us Hood lu
giving the present generition of thoator-
gOPts an opportunity to witness a very de
lightful comedy.
SciililliiK'H MlnMri'ls.
Charles E. Schilling's Minstit-Is played tea
a big house last ovenmg at Uoyil's , the per
formance , however , not being nbovo tbo
uvurago minstrel show of the picsont dav.
UMIOUIK it > nrr.i.i'A.
( Jiit'cn ltcoiit .mil Iliir C'linrt . clcomml at
( mil/ .
CAI > IZ , Oot. 9. The queen regent and the
roval party , enioulo for liuelv.i to attend the
Columbus colobidtion there , uoio welcomed
ou arriving bore with thunderous salutoa
from the forts and fror . the bpitiish and
foreign men-of-war lying In the harbor. The
queen regent and the parly attended mass
lu the cathedral this morning , and then em
barked on the Condo Vnleda , \ \ hlch will
start for Huelva tomorrow mornintr , escorted
by Spanish and foreign ves : > els. Tonight
the city and harbor were illuminated , pre
senting a brilliant spectacle , und a grand
ball was givnn at the town hull , at which the
queen tec1 c was loprcsonted by Admiral
Beranger , the minister of marine.
Several > u CISKHCI | C liolrni.
Oct. ! ) . Twenty fresh cases of
cholera and live deaths tiom itiodibf.iso woiu
rcpoitod in this city and suburbs yester
Si. PrTHiMinin , Oct. (1 ( In this city yes-
tcrduv thirteen frcsli cases of cholon woio re
ported to the authorities , I'lvo deaths duo
to tbo plague occurred during the same
Ciucow , Oct. 9. The fieih cases of
cholera hero today numbered thieo. Only
ono deatli was reported. Several cases of
the disease occuirod in several places in
Austrian Poland.
I'rimlilcnt IlitrrlionVIII .N H Atlond ,
WARIIINOTOV , D. C. , Oct. 9. Owing to the
condition of Mrs. Harrison's health the
president has concluded that it will bo out
of his power to participate in the social
FAUN AM ST. TIIEATBH roiiilar | 1'ncis. '
Ono Week. Sunday Matlnrto. Uut. Oth
1 III ) VuiHIllll ) C'UIlllMllllll ,
Will present hy pormlss'oii of hoi finlth Itns-
bull , the hnst and funnlust of all
hU suucos-its
NBW EdflBWOocl Folks-
National Bank.
Cni.Hal . . . . . ,
Surplus $03,001) )
Offlconnnd Dlritctori-Hourr W. Vntei. preildant
oiin'raswi" ? 1 rr-w
An Invention-thai ladies 'Appreciate
uy they vill ut r fjo Oilier Shot.
Wear Dili Shoe during the Summer Monthi.
Till ! hi > EXPANDH with l.VJ IIV HOI ION of
ll , loot Alwiijtriliiiii ill ixrlnt lnp . Hit
AUJUbl Alllil. liuluru innkci u | iuitil > lc to wtir
a nirrtj er liur.
Costa no more. looUa bettor , tteura leD ar ,
( iiilEiicilOU llmea more comfort
ll'tn luy Hhtr laiko
Frieet , $3.00 , $2 CO. S3 00 $3 60.
lor tale at thalloslon bltiru.lOlh and Uougl
events to whloh bo has bonn asslpned In thn
Columbus colobrntlon In New York th i
proiont week. Vice I'rosldont Morton wilt
tnko his pluco ,
Slip \\niiird to lln Ilitripil ,
A tvoninn of the town , who fee by th
name of Mntnto Leo r.nd who rooms In thn
Cunningham block , Thirteenth and Jacksoa
streets , attempted sulcldo last ntRht. Ho
coming tired ot life she took ton grains of
morphine anil the fact that she contemplated
suicidn wa evident from the nuto found
on her drosMnt ? caso. It was ad-
itressoa to J. O Hell , Hmvton.
la , nnd said , "Hury me beside'my
baby. I die for j oil. " It U understood tlmt
the womnn had been mariM rvnd that liar
husband loft her , then she loft Uravtou ,
cnmo to Omaha anil commenced n life ot
The police surgeon and Or Ton no cared
for the woman aim after two or thtvn bours
ot hard work pronounced her out of danger
IIIM < Opcniil n Minion
The passionlst fathers' mission was be utt
at St. I'hllomcna's cathedral vostorday
morning and will continue during tlio wook.
The soiviccs nre of thj same character ai
"revival" meetings In churche * of otter de
nominations. Mass \\lllbosnldntii Wand
Ti0 ! ! n in. each day nnd followed bv i
Pinion , and the sumo program will ho con
tinued In the evonlntf \Vednojdav
morning the pontifictal high mass will b.i
celourated , ltli Itisuoi ) bcannell ns thrt
celebrant. The oorvicos will probably onil
next Sunday evening.
Hail Climti ItllU ( if Iliiiiltli.
A pnitv of ( jorninn immigrants from
Hiemon arilvod in Onviha over the Itook
Island yesterday afternoon Dr. Tow no of
the health dopiutmonl was nt the dupot to
lecoivo them. Their certificates stated th it
oofor * sailing from Uroinou thov had ueen
dlslnfeotbd nnd nho that at Capo Henry both
baggage and pas oiifrors had boon subjected
to iiiiarantlno. blx of the niiu ) no arrivals
loll for Platte Center during the afternoon ,
and this morninc the other three will loava
for Norfolk.
UoWllt's barsupinilu uuitroys stioti poi
sons us scrofula , skin dlsnases oczonii , rhou
niutlsin. Its tlniolv use savn mnuy
72.17 II LV. ltHtl'
nnil U minor _ tu Viutlicrm
M-lll.lSK I.
D. C. , Oct. 0 Per No-
brnslca Genciallr foir , south winds )
vnrinor in southeast poitiou.
For North and bouth Dakota Fair , fol-
pvvad by showois Mondnv ; cooler oy Tuov
iv mornlnc ; smith , shitting \\estxvituU. .
Tor Iowa Warmer ; cohcrallv fair ; south
l.iunl itKtiiril ,
Oi rice or in i' Ubvrim : IKiiBtu , O kiu ,
Oct ' . ! . Omaha record of tumucratuio and
lainfnll comparoa v/itn coi responding dav ot foui years :
t-t'U. ' ISfll. | S < H. IMJ
M iMiiiuin t mper.iUiro. ? l = , vi = 59 ° 77 °
Minimum toinuei.tturo. . . ,1"3 . .1 = fill3 4I3
Ax or itso toinuuraUite 5" > ° Jd = r > l ° W3
I'rei'lpltat on. . . . ( XI ou 19 .00
Statement shouitiK the condition ot tem
perature and [ irocipit.iliou at Omaha lor ton
dav and since March I , Ib'.ii. ' ai coin pa red
with ttio ponoinl avoraito :
Normal toutui'iutare M3
Dclluicney for Tin uu\ 1 °
Duiioluncy HIIILO Mnrcli I SJ )
-Nnriiial precinltutlon 10 Inoh
Dollclcnuy fnrtho day 10 Inch
Delioiency since Murch 1 . . 2.41) Inohoi
G L Lvros . Obsorvor.
Mrs. Annie W. J
Of 105 Ticmont St. , Boston , was Inery pool
health , from bad eiicul.itlon of the blood ,
having rush of blood to the head , numb spells ,
nnd chills , and Ihe phjsiclin said tlio vcini
weio almost bin sting alt out lu-i boilj. A col
lision wltliiailonblc riiiiner hioiight on neiiial-
gla of the liver , causing gieat siiirering. She
could not take the doctor's medicine , so took
nnd soon fully rccouled , and no\y injo\s per-
feet health. Sliiia > s Klioioulil pliilie Hood's
fjai snpaillla nil day and then not .say enough.
HOOD'S PlLLQ ire lianit inailo , ami are por.
( eel In comiiosltlon , iiroportlon nnil npne iraucf.
'Iho I'htHiiiMHiuil I'livitlcliin , 'li'rtrlicr nnd Author-
USH , "III Ifiii li | > Hjliniuctrj tiiilinlclnniiiiu | < l uthurj
tn t > nnlip | them In illnunoalii illiciiHos nnil Klvo tlin
cinntho imunt Mltliout riHltlnv'ini tlonti Coitttfor
xiinil H li" k of Imlr with * I IIU nnil linvo tliln ilonion-
vtiatiii mi UIM.I : n ornn : ,
IIS N Kill tni'lOiinilia l > r .liilm fluHil'r
ft r l Mllo. 1 Aau
Ilm I iiiisi ! l i icmili
I1M11 , C IHllh tlOII. ll7 | > l | ll * , /Utllj
Sreitii liuitijulie , liiiuilliurnI < 'f uf t
/ ii tltc nit ntnl tit | n cwl jn i > ntnfilM
v * VSV ? < W ' .sitl i. I'lti'l" ' * millo * ' Mit.lfJ >
J & ! &r , ii.nnii.vtrfillsCDK'rcauHlnK/r m >
'Upurclloc'c > fulliin-ljyllestoiimdi llnrnri 7
'tthlluca loiicifoim liii-iriirtpurfnn-Uoim lerwiui *
RV | < M ! to \i minian lMiiehli l'iyliil.iuijtoie ' rur
< la , n mil' ) . 1'ilcr liy lnnll.1 ' Bn ) Ml umipli , ! > r ' i
I IIII'A/S CllhMtCAI t'OTJUBnruteSUJifw V'orlc \
_ _
To the nwiiurH ot all loin , ji uUofluU anil
rnul estate nloci-1 alloy In lilock I , Uoilnt/u i
fourth addition , from 10th in llth Htreots
Von n ro hiiniljy initllhd tlmt tliu under
glunixl , thiiio ilislnlmostml frLOluildi'iitof tin
city of Omaha , limn huun duly aniiulnlud liy
thii tnayiir. with th uiironl | | of Hiui'lly i onii
ull of tmld ullv. IniiHsu'.H tlio damiuo to tlij
owuniR poi'tholvof the piojii'ity nniicioo
bv KriullHK of wild allnj , dvularud necusiary
by itrilliinnrn ho. 'l.'Mi. naMiul Oolobor Ul
IWUi nuprovrd Ocloh r4lh. IH'ii '
Von 'no furtlur notlllnil Hint ha < ln uu ;
ccnlnd H.ilil unpniiitiiiitiit , and duly iiiialllluil
iiu n.iiilrrd | bylaw wo will on Iho Mill day of
October , A. I ) , lf.91. at the ho . f 10. . 0 o'clock
In ilm forenoon , at Iho olllcn 'I Hirlver &
O'JtonoliDu. I4M I'liriiiiin htrtnt , within thu
coruoratu llmlls of said i II v , incut fur the pur-
non'i of uoiihldirlni ; mid innkuiK tlm a < > iiii ;
mini t of ilainacii to thu owners iiinp otl\iily o (
siild iiiopuriy itlli'cti'd bv snlil Kiadlna. ink
inu into ( .oimdiirul Ion hunollts. If any
Vou arenntllliil to be pioiunt at thu Hum
und iilucii uforobuld and nmlio any objuutloni
to or HtntoinunU tuiaoniliu said ussossmenl
of duumgCB aw jou miiv "oiislUi r iirouoi.
\V it n 1 1 1 1 1 \ I < I Ci
oi.oitiii : ) . i'Aiiu
T , II Ml 01)1,1,0011.
Ooiniiilttoitof AupritUar * .
OmulM , Nell . OctoDi'i Hill , 16W. UlOdlOt
nr l.llintry llulldlnir.
( oalod proposal * will hv rucolved bv l.
Hoed , iiruslduntof the Hoard ot Dlructur * ol
thu Omuliii puhllo library , at thu Noliriinku
National bank , In thuclly of Oinahrf , until t
o'clook p. m. Thursday , Outnhur U IV- ) . forth *
creation and comnlittion uf a tlircsu-ntory anil
haboincnt II ro proof llhrarr bnllilliu nt th
GouthOHHt cornur ot 19th and llarnuy ulroou
Ouiulin , In aicordiiiu'O with iilum and uiioolll-
catloimou ilia In thoollluuot Wnlkur A. Ivlm
ball , urchltootv. room.VU McOaituo hulldln ,
Knoll bid mint hourcotniiunliid Dv a aertlnoil
ohook lor tl.OOO , piyuhlo lo the or lor of tbu
prusldont of the botird ot tlio Onulin puhllu
illiriii'V ,
The board retorven the rlKht to rojacl mif 01
all bid * .
Hy order of the Hourd of Dlrnotora of tui
mcrourr ,