Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1892, Image 1

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How the Anniveisuy of tbe Country's Dis
covery Vil. ? Bo Celebrated.
rropoicil KxcreliP * Carrfullr ArmiiRfil In
Ktcry llntHll IntcrmtliiB hpeclal her.
sices In tlin Clinrcliri of tlio
City YcttrnUy.
NEW YOIIK , Oct. 9.-Columbus week hat
coma at lost , a week of pomp and pageantry -
geantry , and It Unds the great city ready for
it. T o streets are swept and garnished ,
the buildings are resplendent. Masslvo
arches and lofty columns have ooon reared
In our proudest avenue and our famous street
and all things made ready for the marching
hosu , whose footsteps will ring out the
name which gave our country Its oravest
title Columma.
You might bavo known it early In the day.
You certainly had no doubt of It If you
mingled in the surging crowds which ran all
day and far into the night , between the
blocks ot red , white and blue , with hero ud
there a streak of Spanish yellow , which
narked the outlines of coming parades.
You know It If you were real good nnd went
to church You knew U If > ou notoo. the
complexions of the crowds upon the streets
and saw how many thcro were who were
strangers within the gates who had come to
tee how well the Empire city could niako a
It was Just the most whimsical pretense of
bad weather which ushori'd In the festal
week. It took the dust out of the air and
toned up your constitutions , and did not do
the decorations a baltueuiiy worth of harm.
After spouting lor awbho in the morning ,
tbo day got suddenly good natured , the sun
came out , and tbcro was u cool ureeie.
Uiip.tlrlntlc N.ibjbu.
How gay the avenue looked , and how pro
The onlv marring feature was the miles of
raw planking , In which the stops and bun
nlsters of rich men's homes bad boon
sheathed. But this , lu u mc.uuro , was a
necessary evil. You would read the char
nclcrs ol the owners in those sbeathlnss.
Borne , llko the VundorUiltE. had inndo plat
forms for the crowd , with guard rails for
protection ugilnst uccidcit Other rich
men had made ridge uotes on their oflices
and boarded up their steps. They seemed to
think their possessions were only for the
rich. Ono prominent clergyman said that
bo would not blnino the people If they tore
dowu tbeso unpatriotic burier .
Bofoto other houses high torts ot nlani :
were roared. 'Jheiowas room on top for
tbe ownci's particular friends , but none I6r
"tho common herd. " Scoie * of other stands
were bullion speculation , with seats ranging
from $3 upward for each day of the parade.
Bomo of the churches engaged in this busi
ness. The proceeds will uo to charity.
But In spltu of the raw carpenter work ,
which will be partially covered with human
ity when the urocosslons go by , the uvenuo
was a cay spectacle , and the thousands and
tens of thousands who turned out upon it ,
found , plenty to do in dod lni ; the medal
tellers and studying the earnest efforts of
the man who decorates.
Prom tbo Battery to Central park there
wai u ceaseless proctssiou all day long.
l'ruUc Iroin tliu 1'ulplts.
Wherever God was worshiped in the city
of Now York , thanksgiving was uttered for
Columbus uud for the vuyngo which led tbe
way to the birth of tbo land of light and lib
erty. From a hundred altars the song of the
"To Doum'1 wont up to huavcn , tbo church's
tong of Joy formally generations. Tne chimes
In tbo uig steeples teen up the glad retrain
and the voices of ether boils which have but
a tinglu noio pealed it as Joyously as they
could. It was tbo tu-imi which groelcJ
Columbus when his caravels had borne him
tafo several hundred years ugo. Many
pupils were taught the pregnant Icssou of
Columbus' life , the lesou of bis faith and
courage and steadfastness of his purpose
which never faltered umld the storms , waves
of dit ippomtment and perplexity.
Cunning bunds have Leon at work the lost
day or two puttlag holiday attire on ruutiv
church edttlces. All tbo loved colors the
. -national flag furnished helped the grcut work
1 of decoration. Thuy were interwoven with
blossoms of autumn. But iho star spangled
banner was tbu chief ornament And so it
has come tbat tbo pulpits wear the evergreen
DtLnrUtmos , the llowers of soring at Master ,
ar.u tbe fruits nnd grains at Thanksgiving
tlmo were decked in red. v. htto and blue.
Wherever the cross of the Roman Cathcllc
church arose tbcro was a scene of festival
aud rejoicing. With tboir cross which he
planted on the island where be first landca ,
the Island to which be give the name of Holy
Savior and the grout eburch united In paying
tribute to the man who bad been so exulted
in name and faith. Wherever the cross of
Homo was raised thcro wus sung the anclont
Gregorian chant , ' -To Ueum Laudutnus , "
thereby following tbo example of the ruat
navigator himself.
NHtlmml Aim In Ilio Catluidrul.
Somewhat ota new sound swent through
tbo vaulted aichcs of tbu great wblto marble
cathedral. The sound of national airs plaxod
by a master touch played on the great'or
gan and by Iho enhancing orchestra und
mng by f > ,000 vokes with all the fervor of
tplrlts hlghwroughl by the splendor of a
tolcrnn high mass and un eloquent nud fer-
\id sermon.
The American colors were draped artist
ically about tbo conductor's box , und over
tbo cover of the pulpit was a solid and mag
nificent muss of ( lowers. Tbo American
khleld found a rcsllnc pluco lu iliu sanctu
ary. It IM a rare thing for Iho Catholic
church to allow national colors upon Its
walls , aud the compliment paid was Intended
to be n very high one. Outside and In front
of tbo cathedral was u rainbow , wbllo the
apostolic residences were also decorated.
High mass was sung ut 11 o'clock. The 1C
o'clock mass was omitted In order to concen
trate all the forces of the cathedral upon the
festival services. As soon is the doors wen
opened the rcoplo poured In floods into the
building , tilling all the nvailaulo pows am
standing la dcnsa masses wherever thori
\ was space to stand. Many offered blgl
| figures for a seat. When tbcro Is u Juulleau
the cathedral thcro Is never a luck of war
shippers. T < ie services opened with tb <
pla > lng of Har.del'a solemn anil beautifu
f Largo by the orchestra. Archbishop Corri
I gau presided ul tbo solemn high mass , whllt
Hev. Father uavello acted as asslstun
priest ,
I Ciilniiilnu' Work I'liloclzi'il.
I Then followed n sermon on Columbus bi
I Iluv. William O'Brleu ' Pardow. Hosald
I "Txvo worlds , once us completely isolatei
I trom the other as if they were ( n dlfferen
I spheres , uro rejoicing today over the Caibo
I lie hero wbo400 jears ugo bridged tbu water
| that separate them , turning the pathless sei
I Into a beaten highway to unite them su <
I mane one world the suburb of the other.
I "No wonder then that church and stati
I Join bauds in this centennial celebration am
| IhPt the sovereign pontiff , L.CO XJU , unltut
I with the president of the United States li
calling on too people of tuls. our native land
to thank God for guiding the oowor of th
m Bantu Maria to tbo ( bores of tbe newx orld
m Christopher ( Joiumbas hat not always mo
-with Justice at tba hands of blttorlaiis am
even some of iboie who have praised him t
tbeskles baveullod | ( to fathom , ! ba deeper tne
tires that actuated him tba living faith i :
God ana in tbe church-lnst of his life. "
fcctilcctm Old Trlnll ) ,
I .Old Trinity church wa Jrogrant with th
perfume of flowers and packed wllb woi
shlDl'ort tbli morning , Hov. J , Deviu Slot
* the pnttor. Uo talai
"I bavo been asLed why we should bav
rvk Of iptcial cUftrMUr lu Old Trlul'.j
My answer Is that our object Is to render n
nervlce , the best wo can offer to Almlgbtv
God , thanking Him for all His rruclous mer
cies to us for the discoverv of this , our coun
try , 400 years oeo. We all do honor to the
memory of Christopher Columbus , a man of
Mcillng worth and Integrity of character
with a strong will , a determined faith , a
buoyant hope a man who exalted not him
self , but stood oven In the presence of a
human monarch bound In chains. We honor
his memory , not because of hlm cif , but be-
c&uso of what he was , underGod , the Instru
ment of doing.
" 1 feel tbat I am not going outof my way
to sound n nolo of wurnlne to the press. I
am speaking now of the dally press the
ni-wsDBpcrs. I would warn the press ot Its
decadence In its hold upon tbu people and
the weakening of lu power to mould and
gu < do public opinion. I do not say this
power bus been lost , but most surely there
Is ereat danger of It. How can It he other
wise when the press panders to vicious
tastes and Is recognized as u partisan lu
national matters.
"I trust that what I have said may not be
deemed an allacK upon tbo press. 1 onlv
sound this note of warning because I do not
want the press to lese power ever iho na
tional conscience. I want It to be fair , honest ,
true , Just , clean and unsensatlonal.1
Otliur l liibrirato her * I CPU.
In the German Roman Catholic church of
the Most Holy KsJoomer the services were
elaborate. Thu altars and choir loft were
decorated as for the grandest festivities of
the church. Flags and bunting , artistically
festoonrd , completely covered tbo altar ,
while the sides of the odinto xvoro orilllant
xvlth Hags. This xvus done in accordance
with the command of his holiness Pope Lee
Xtll. , xvhlch directed that special services
should bo bold In every Homan Catholic
church In Amerlci.
The memorial xvas prencbed by Uov.
Father William Kessol. The text xvas "Great
and wonderful are the worm of God in His
saints , but at the same time tbe power of
Almtphtj God Is visible In man of gieat
genius. "
High mass xvns celebrated in the French
Catholic church of St Vincent do Paul and
vespers In English. The .big plain church
xvas decorated xvlth flags American , Span
ish , Italian and Fr nrh. Floxvors xvore
atound tbo altar. Hev. Wucher preached on
Columbus as n great man and a great Chris
Special services xvoro hold at every ohurch
In Brooklyn.
' ettlmr the CiiltunliiM Untue.
For many hours today Italian xvorkmen
xveio busy at the .iie of the Columbus
slatue. Fifty-ninth street and Eighth ave-
nun. They slrenp-hencd the lep of the
mighty spars that towered ninety feet irto
the nir , they remfurcnd the tacicle , put in big
triple pullov blocks and drove H stout cable
through them. They xvound the cable around
and about the shall of the monument , lying
prone on tha ground , and Inch
by inch , foot by foot raised It
until It husc perwendlcularly In the air A
little more work and it stood on its destined
place on the base of Ihu statue. Then there
arose n shout of satisfaction from all sides
from the hundreds gathered to see the xxork
progress. This shaft Is a single stono. It
Is twenty-seven feet in height , nnd four feet
in diumeter at the base. The weight Is
thirty-six tons. It stands on a base that Is
built up txxcntv feet from the ground. The
heroic statue of Columbus u to surmount it.
The total height of the monument will bo
The base Is xvorthv of close attention in
itself. On oppasitosidos of It are panels of
bronze representing In bas relief txvo impor
tant periods of the successful X'ovugo of Go- !
umbu1. . Ono shows the rapt attitude and at
tention of Iho-iO on board the xessels as they
become convinced that land is close at band
The othec represents the landing of Colum
bus. mmjdf kneeling devoutly on the and ,
xxbilo overhead .floats the banner of Spain
and around him are grouped his follower * .
Above these on tbo sou them Jace of the bas
Is a heroic figure representing the
nonius of eeo-rinpby a clear featured ,
youthful bflnij xvlth xvings and xvith tangled
curls of hair tbat hang ever the face and al
most conceal it. In iront is u globs upon
xvhicli Ihu attention of tbo figure is centered.
His hands are upon It and ho is gazing as
steadfastly as tbouch Just comprehending a
ncxx * gtcat idea. Tbat is the pose that sug
gested itself to the sculptor Gauno Uou so.
Ho wanted to portray tbo genius of
geography at the lima xvbon Columbus xvas
preaching his astounJlnc doctrine that the
earth xvas round. The lines of this figure
are graceful.
I'lcusunt Pro | iect , Indeed.
A bland smile broadens on the faces of
hotel men In these days. Tbo beauty of it is
that tbe pilgrims come xvith their purses
xvrll tilled , ready lo pay any price for accom
modations. Ono xvealtby Grower xx-as per-
fectlj xvilllng to civo up u fT > 00 roll for a
siucle suite of rooms facing on Fiftn avenue ,
and that for only a cay Wednesday.
" \V"fc-L'et from ? .iOJ to J500 for a room per
daxxvith windows fronting on Fifth ave
nue,1' said "MIC hotel keener , "and tbo poopla
are glad to pay that price. "
Altogether , the bat vest Is plentiful , al
though it voula bo a mtslaiie to suppose that
all the hotels increased rates. Tbe best ones
bavo not.
"How manv strangers do you estimate are
in New York at present I" ono hotel man xvas
"A hundred thousand at least. By Wed
nesday there will bo half a million people
from out of town In Nexv York if wo bax-o
unv kind of weather. "
Most of the big railroads around Noxv
York are supplied with extra equipment
that they don't need to give much thought
as to how they shall handle tbe croxvds that
arc expectedto coma to toxvu this week.
Whoio special trains are a necossltv they
xx 111 bo run as second sections to regular
rif't lmiil In llnril l.uck.
U rover Cleveland telegraphed today to tbo
Hotel Victoria from Greenxvlcb , Conn. , to
secure a window on the Fifth avenue side or
tbo building , iroin xvblcb ho aud bis wife
could xvitness the parade tomorrow. The
hotel Is Just now overcrowded with guests ,
and there are no rooms on that sldo of tbo
bouse vacant. At u late hour lonlgbt tba
hotel people xvero still looking for some one
who would givn up I.U room for Mr. Clove-
land's benefit , but xvitboul success.
Some ol tlm Decuriitluii .
The Nexv York Llfo Insurance company Is
striving for the Hist prize ell red for the b-st
dccoraltitt building. Between U)0 and 1,000
incandescent electric lights xvill cover the
front of the building lu globe * of roa , xvhlto
uud blue. An electric star ten feet high xvlll
surmount these decorations und beneath It
"H9J-lb'JB" ' will appear in electric lighted
numbers , Besides tbe illuminations , tbe
front and tides of tbe building xvill ba cov
ered xvlth .103 Amerjcan flags of various sizes ,
and a big portrait of Columbus , fretted in
the national colors und surmounted by the
American eagle xvlll bang on thn front door.
In addition to ihe big stands at tbo city
ball nnd Union square , MiiJbon square and
Wasbinctou park , many smaller ones have
been put up. Seats on all of tbo stands will
Uo free for the school and college parade
tomorrow , xvith tno exception ot a few hun
dred seats already sold. Nothing die xvill
be reserved.
hontK Will lln In Oemanil.
slanns In Madison square , City Hall
parK and Union square uro tree only Co wo.
men und children , und the flr > l xvbo come
xx 111 bo the Jlrst served. There xvlll bo an
axxlul rusn for these seats , but Superintend-
out Bvruos bas arranged excellent police
protection. All along the line and near all
the big stands temporary wooden patrol
boxes bavo been placed ,
As tbe celebration draws near , thieves ,
pickpockets und cronies of every description
are beginning to come out from their nidiuij
plaet. They arc walling for the big crowds ,
Superintendent Byrnes xvill do as he dm dur
ing tba Washington celebration , when his
drag net pull "l n a big load of profesiioca ]
thieves , Orders were- Issued today to arren
all u pldous character ! and lock them uc
until tbe celebration Is over , The superm
tondent bag Instructed Inspector McLuugh
lln to make the raid.
Tomorrow the secular part of the celcbra
lion xvill bn opened xvitb a school and collect
pirude , with over20UOO In line. The paradi
hat occupied th * tttentlou of lu promoter
for neeict.
Slayer of Montgomery Will Facs the Judce ;
nnd Plead Today.
One Tragic F.rnt I hat Marred the Nrtiras
SiMrrnnl f r iry Crtrbratlon Morj
of ; Wife * * I'nll nntl the Terrible
Ttriult * KnUllcil.
LINCOLNNeb. . , Oou 9. [ Speciil lo THE
BEE.J The trial of William H. Irvlno for
the murder of Cbarle * H. Montgomery ,
xvhlch begins in the district court in tbls city
tomorrow moruini ; , gives promise of being
one ot the mast noted trials In the criminal
annuls of the slate. The prominence of the
parties , Iho wealth of the victim , the high
character of the prisoner , Ihe causes which
lad up to Ihe shooting , and finally the sensa
tional circumstances of the f-footing itself ,
all combine to make th : case mult Interest
ing and Important.
The crime for which Irvine xvill tomorrow
bo placed on trial for his life xvas committed
al Iho Hotel Lincoln In Ibis city on tbo
20th of lust May. The day xxas Ihe silver
anniversary of tbo admission of the sluto of
Nebraska , and In : citizens of Lincoln had
arranged an elaborate celebration of Ibe Im
portant event. The city ivas croxvded wltu
visitors , the streets xvero In gala attire and
everything betokened a holldax- . The shooting
occurred a foxv minutes before 3 o'clock In
the dining room of the hotel. The room xvas
crowded xvith guests of both sexes , and some
of the most prominent people of Nebraska
xvero quietly enjoying their mornlne repast ,
all unconscious of the fearful tragedy about
to be enacted In their presence. Suddenly ,
xvlthout a xvord of xvarume , tbo report of a
pistol shot rcug through tbo room and then
another. A gentleman sluing al the table
nearest the dojr xvas sean to arise from his
cbalr. stagger blindly around the table out
Into the corndor and fall at the foot of a
divan , xvbero be xvas picked up a few
moment * later In a dj ing condition. The
man xvho tired the shots xx'as W li Irvine
aud bis victim was C E Montgomery ,
Del.ills iI thu rr.iimly.
Mr. Irvine xvas seen to walk up the stair
way loading from the oRlce in the dining
room on Ihe ssoond floor and pause at the
entrance. Ho glanced hastily around the
room , evidently In sbarch of so-ne one. Mr.
Montgomery xvus seated at the tirsl lable al
Ihu right of" und half facing the door , quietly
cuatune wilh B. S Smith Ho looked up-
xxard and bis eyes rested upon Irvine as tbo
latter IOOK a step toxxard him Moutgomerv
half laisod from bis chair and extended his
right hand , either in greeting or fear.
As ho did so , Mr. trvina cxcluimcd. "D n
youl You've ruined my xvifel" and in-
slant ly fued two shots at his victim , x-ho
stood but a few feet away. Montgomery
siuRpered around tbe table toward his mur
derer , out of the dining room anor , and fell
xvith a gasp to the lloor at the foot of a cir
cular divan several fuel from Iho entrance
He was at once picked up and curried into
pa-lor C near by , but life xvas already ex
tlnct. Ho aid not utter mora than u gasp
after Ihe bullet had entered bis heart
Irvine took Montgomery's llfo because he
believed thai Ihe taller bad debauched his
wile. Al Ihe time of ihosboollug Declaimed
to hs.vo positive proof of Iho fuel. The
papers be held In hi& hand when the guests
of the hotel crowded around blm ou tbo
morning ot the treaedy xxheu his victim l y
dead almost at his feel , contained a confes
sion sisnod by Mrs. Irvine , In which she ad-
milled her cullty connection with the mur
dered man. At least Irviuo bad claimed lhal
the papers contained such a confession , The
tragedy xvas enacted ou Thursday morning
and the Sunday before Irvine bad arrived
from Salt Lake City on his xvay to Join his
wife , xvbo was then visiting at her olu home
at Marion , Ind.
Mhcu Inlnr Heart ! the Story.
When Irvine started eait from Suit Lake
City to Join bis wife bo had Iho mosl Implicit
faith In her. He arrived In Lincoln Sunday
afternoon at 2:15 o'clock , inlenoing lo stop
over with a friend until the next day. As
be lettlbe depot to wait to His friend's home
be met an acquaintance on tbe street xvno
thoughtlessly , und xvlth no Idea of the ter
rible consequences of bis words , poured into
his ears tno first inUmn'ion no bad over
beard against bis xvife's honor. Without
xvailing to see lh& friend he went al once lo
tbo telegraph office and sent n message to
hlswlfo asking her whore sue had stopped
xx ben al Chicago Tbo unsxver came bucit
"At the Grand Pacific. " Another telegram
flashed over the wires , this time lo Ihe man
agement of ibe Grand Pacific. Again ihe
answer came t > ack Ibal no such lady baa
slopped at that hotel ou the day named.
ThU xvus enough lo confirm Ihe suspicions
that bad already been raised in the mind of
tin husband and , armed xvitn tbo telegrams ,
ho look ibe first train for Chicago. He bad
telegraphed his rrlfo to meet him at Chicago
and she did so. He at once questioned her
closely concerning her relations with Monl-
comery. LIule by little tbo unhappy woman
related the story , reluctantly admitting the
facts in answer lo her husband's questions ,
until al last tbu xvhole terrible truth lay
She admitrad that she had come to Chicago
on tbe same train with Montgomery , that
they occupied u suite of rooms at the Hotel
Grace and that on February U Montgomery
had accomplished her ruin. Tbo story xvas
reduced to xvi Iting , the xvlfo's inotb r sign-
Inc tbo confession as a xvtlness to tne un
happy daughter's signature.
Toe xvronccd husband lost no time in re
turning to Lincoln. He gave up a pleasure
trip , xxnlch bis xvifo xvas to have xbaicd
xvlth him , ana , xrltb the written and attested
proofs of her infidelity in his pontcet , he teen
tbo first train bick lo the home of h r be
trayer. He arrived at Lincoln at 5.20 on
Thursday morning , and at ( t o'clock hid
xvrcakea bis veuganco.
rnpllIinii'H New Kntarpriir.
PAMLLION , Nob. , Oct. 0 [ Special to THE
BBE.J--A ttouk company has been quietly
organized under the name of Tbe Alliance
Manufacturing company , tbo purpose ol
xvhlch U to put In an extensive plant for the ,
manufacture of agricultural implements and i
machinery , nnd tbe tile selected Is In tbe 9
west end of Harpy c"unty * beloxv what is 1
known as the "Santce Liskes , " The xvater
right filed in the county clerk's ofllco pro.
vldes for a canal 1W ) feet xvlde , six feet aocj :
and seven miles long , lapping tbo Clkhorn
river ntar its mouth That such a canal
would glvo an immense wa'.or power there h
no doubt. Tbo preparations ot tbo company
hayo been kept very q ilet , only txvo or three
capitalists of this county being interested in
the matter , und they are very reticent aboul
tbe Plan of the company. Tbe company al
ready has (250,000 in stock , and tbo nlanl
will be established xvitbout any delay. Thej
have already purchased a newspaper al
Grotna , u few miles from their scone ol
operation" , and seem to be In earnest aboul
the matler. The establishment of such i
factory here xvlll create considerable Inter
est when it Is generally known.
.Inulatu 1'erxmeU.
Ji'XUTt , Neb. , Oet 9. [ Special to Tin
Utz. 1 Oliver Tuttle and daughter , MU :
Ora Tuttle , 01 Yorkvllle , 111. , arrived on tb <
harvest excursion Wodnoidiy ana are visit
log Mr. ana Mrs. H. Van BusklrK.
Mr. Joba Kveretl of Hicusville. O. , is vis-
llliiS here xvltb his daugblar , Mrs , Gllber
Jfri. Sd A. Duzzell of Chicago , xvlth hei
two uhildren , are visiting xvlth O. A. Buz
toll's family.
< 'nilnil < in hpurt * Under Arrent.
UIKOTA ClTV , Neb. , Oct.It. [ Special Tele
pram to TUB BEB.J ICeefc , O'Donnell , Lytli
and Cabill , xvbo xvero Implicated in tbe pnz
at CovlUk'tou latt Suudayt iutilc !
George Duffy , alia * Billy the Kid , xvas
killed , xvero broacht oefoiv Justice Williams
of CovInRton yesterday to unsxver to tl.o
charge of murder. Xoofis. O'Donncll nnd
Lytle xviilvod preliminary oxamltallon and
gave bands for their 'appearance al dtslnct
court , tbe former f 1..VJO nnd the txvo latter
$ MX ) each , Cnuill , xvho xvas charged xvtth
being second for Duffy , st od trial and was
discharged , and Immediately left for Iowa to
escape rcarrcn for abetting a prize fight.
Ncxv from Went riilnt.
Wear POINT , Keb. , Oct. 0. [ Special to
Tun BEE. ] Thursday morning Kev. G. P.
Mueller ot the Gorman Lutheran church ,
married Gcarno N. Adarus aud Miss Louisa
Gelsln , al the residence of tbo bride's sister ,
Mrs. Frank Kloke. The bndo xvas reared
and educated In this city and has a hosl of
friends. The crnom Is BU estimable young
mnu xvho during his foxv years residence in
Wc t Point made himself extremely popular.
Sergeant nt-Arms E. 1C. Valentino arrived
In We t Polnl Thursday from Washington.
He xvlll remain In the state until after elec
tion. His wlfo xx ill coinn to Nibr.islca in n
fcxv xvceks.
The Creamery company of this city ro-
oslved during this xvcok about a dozen loads
of pulp from the Norfolk sugar factory for
feeding purposes.
I > \lit City NUXTH Nntrs.
Divm CITV , Neb. , Ocl. l . [ Special to
TOE BEI : . ! Tbo adjourned term of Iho dls-
trlct court , held by .lui'go ' Bates , closed Fri
day Onlv motions , confirmations and
divorce cases xvero heard.
The baud wagon of Iho Ladles'Band of
Ulvsics broke down xxhlle coming to the
alliance meeting xvhere tbe band xvas lo
play. Allhoueh the ladles received a serious
sbnking up , none xvero seriously Injured.
While on the road to David City the horse
of Mrs. A. C. Fondtrton Look fritrht and
overturned the cart , throwing both out ,
breaking Mrs. Fenderion's arm.
Nehrnnka Klre Iterorcl.
BLUE Sl'iuvos , Nob. , Oct. 9. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEK , ] Fire broke oul lust
evening In the residence ot Davis Fouts ,
xvblch xvas burned tn Iho ground. None of
Iho family wore at homo. Part of the furni
ture tvas saved No Insurance.
NEiinvsKA CITT , Neb. , Oct. 9 [ Special
Telegram to THE BET. ] A house oxvned by
J. K. Blckel on Third -avenue and Fourth
street burned lo the ground this afternoon.
Mr. Tbac'ier occupied the house and saved a
majority of bis household goods. Loss , about
$500 ; no insutann' .
Cfimlnutur llm-le > V Driitli.
WTMOIIE , Nob. , Oct. 9. [ Special * Tele
gram to TIIU Ben. ] Ed Hurley , the con
ductor xvho xvas hurt al DiWlll Friday
evening , died al his homo last night. The
funeral services xvoro held al 3 o'clocic this
afternoon in the Motbodisl church , xvhich
xvas not largo enough-to accommodate all
who came. A larco niimbor followed tbo re
mains to the cemutorv , xvhcro tbe cert-monies
xvero conaucted by the Order of Rallxvay
Conductois lodge.
I'rost In Nelmiski.
DUMIAR , Neb. , Oat. 9. [ Special lo THE
BEE.J A very heavy frost visited tbls sec
tion Friday evening.The damage xvill bo
slight as most of the corn was matured.
Corn xvill go from fifty to seventy-five
but hols to the acre.
X tii co/ro.v ctiui' snout.
Stutn Krpjrt of Season Is the Situa
tion un Very Merlout.
GALVESTOV , Tex. , Oct. 9. T The Dallas
Noxvs xvill tomorrow publish tbe fast state
crop reporl of thp teason Tbe trop sboxving
Is not good , but xvlll surprise no ono xvho bus
kept in touch with farmers of the slate for
the past six months. There is a shortage in
cotton , brought about by many causes , not
the least being a reduction in acreage nnd
ravages of boll worms in certain portions of
the state Ono hundred and twenty-six cotton
prowmc counties In Texas und f out teen neigh
borhoods in the Inolan territory are xvitbout
exception unfavorable , foreshadowing a fall-
in ? oft In yield of 25 and 30 per cenl com
pared xvilh the yield last year Causes given
are decreased acreage , lone drouth in spiing
ana summer in western aud souinxxcsloru
Texas , lavages of boll and cotton worms in
central and caslern Texas and Injury done
Iho crowing plant elsexvhere by rust , iho
full extent of the damage it Just coming to
light and now it is apparent Texas' cotton
crop xvill fall far short of 2,400,000 bales ,
the crop last year.
Warm , dry weather greatly facilitated
picking , and from 40 to 5'J per cent of the
crop has been fathered and ihe greater part
Is belnc marketed as rapidly as picked. He-
ports are almost unanimous that little or no
top crop xvill bo made this year , and tbe cjt-
loii now being picked icprcsen's ibo full
yield of the s'ate. The importance of this
itatemant xvill be ssia when it iictnem -
bcred lhal considerably more ihan .VJJ.OOO
bales xvere made aflur uctober 1 from the
top crop last year. Il seems impossible , after
Ihe experience last year , that tbe Texas
crop will be so small ihis jcar , and vet an
analysis of the crop shown ibal all indica
tions now point to u crop of scarcely 1,700-
000 bales.
.v.s cu.\nrrwx.
No Cliauc1 of Note Itopnrtrd by tlio Physi
cian Ve lcrilny.
WASHINGTON' , D. U , , Oct. -There xvas no
change of note todftj In Mrs. Harrison's con
dition and her physician said afler making
bis last call for luo dav thai she xvas resting
easily. She took Iho usual amount of nour
ishment today. Therehas been a slight re
laxation in the nervojs affections since Mrs.
Harrison's return from Loon Lake and her
sufferings from that cause arc less severe.
Her nlshls nro moderately comfot table. She
sleeps for an hour Of raSro at a time and
then awakens and remains so for some llttlo
lime Dcfoio she again falls asleep 'Ihe
treatment by inussine with oil. xvbicn is ap
plied aboul U o'clock in Ibe erenmtr , Is of
inuieriol assistance tn producing rest ,
K.\r ui tin : roinun u.tiii.iiv.
Sercfant Hughes ofJ _ Troop Wing the
Manors at Ihu Tort Shoot ,
CnicAGo. III. , Oct , 8. Sergonol Hughes ,
troop G , Fourth cavalry , took llrst cavalry
honor : easily , leading 111 tbe competition that
ended with today'ji shooting at Fort Shor-
Theconlesl for secern ] place xvas morn ex-
citing. Tbore were tbrea favorites for the
honor. Sanreauts Henry , Second ca\-alry ;
Price , Ninth cavalry , and Hour , Firit cax'-
airy , xvbosescorfts xvore resnucllrely , 400
and 405. Sergeant Hohr won the cioveteil
Tin : run : Jti'.coi/t ,
' 1 no riiciiieu llurlrd Hrnrulli liumlug- -
hi U at vv OrleuiK ,
NEW OIU.EO-P , La. , Oct. 9. Al 2:30 : o'clock '
this morning tire xvaa discovered In the gro
cery stern , corner SU Anthony tnd Cacal
streets. When tha firemen arrived they en
tered the building but had hardly commenced I
their xvork xvheu there x > 'js a terrible explo
sion. Tbo building xvas partially recked I
and fell In , bur ) W txvo hromou John Cavanaugh -
anaugh and B , F. Perreto-'b'iiieath Iho burnIng -
Ing aabris. 'Ibulr comrades rutbcd gallantly
lo their rescue and Cuvaaaugh xvas brought
out dead , xvbile Perroto xvas fatally Injured.
CINCINNATI , O. , Oct. 9. Tno Fhlrmouui
a distillery , located atFairmount , in the xvest-
ern part of ibe city , xxas destroyed by ( Ire
tbli ulteraoon. The property xvas owned by
tbo whliky trust. Total loss tl'.M.OOJ. fully
t insured.
r Unit-Trouble JJurly.
ViNCLiXD , N. J. , Oct. 9.-The Viuelancl
green glass works , which -went into blast Issl
week , bas a strike ou Its bands already
Yesterday the proprietors undertook to re <
auc tbe xvagttt of tbe tending boys , xvhlcl
cauted a revolt , and uutil they return t >
xvorn all department ! xvlll have to sutpoiu
operation ! .
Passenger Vessel of the Canadian Pacific
Navigation Company Wrecked.
Struck l > y n-Mcrunrr l.omlcit xrlth Coal UfT
XXhldliv IsliitiU-Hiitli Vcs rl I'lrmly
I.udu'il Toqclhrr l.lst
or the Victims.
SCITTU : , Wash. , Oct. 9 , The Canadian
Paclllo Navigation company's tloamcr
Premier xx-as structby Ibo sleam collier
Wlllamoito in n dense foit oft Whidby
island , about len miles south of Port Town-
Bend , yesterJny afternoon. Four xvoro
killed , ono drowned , and seventeen badly
The dead nro :
JOHANNAfc MOH , of Tacoma.
PIIANK C. WYXCOOP , 13-yoir-old son of
I ) . J. Wyncoop. Tacoma.
JOHN ItAMvIN , Seattle.
UNKNOWN I'ASSKNOKIl , man about 40 ,
still In wreck.
UNKNOWN 1'ASSENOEIt.Jumped overboard
c.nd il row tied. ,
Tbe injured are :
Gus DAVIS , watchman.
THOMAS Fotux , Seattle.
W. H. Pmi.ui'3 , HoloLO
D \Vv.Ncool1 , Tacoma.
Mits. WVNCOOI- .
C. L. GiutniiT , traveling man , St. Paul ,
Minn. n
Mus. WILCOX , Qullcine , Wash.
E. W. VEST , St. Louis , Mo.
Jonv LISLE , freight clerk of the Premier.
JACK Lew , of ihe Premier ; badly cul and
Mits. Inx. Sl-TTt.n , Sturgis , S. D.
Mus. GBOKOK W. MII.LCR , Tacoma.
E. T. LEC , Ponlittc , Wash.
A. T. LfNDBEno. Tacomx
ALUOV LEiniior.r , xvalter.
FitAXCis HfoiiEitT , Tacoma.
Jxcon NCI.SOV , Port Toxvnson .
In n Iru\y I'ocr.
Some of these are seriously Injured Inter
nally and a number bad legs and arms
The Premier left Porl Toxvn send at 11:30 :
for Seattle in a hea\\y fog , blowing her
xvblstlo" constantly. When off Pomt-no-
Polnt anotncr whistle sounded close by , and
almost immediately afterwards a terrific
crash ,
The fore-cabin of Ihe Premier xvas smashed
to splinters and the proxv of the Willamette
xvas Jammed right into the Premier's DOXV.
"Tho Willamette xvas laden with coal and
on the xvay from Seattle lo San Francisco.
The lug Goilah xvas loxving out a schooner
and was hailed and IOOK off Ihe passengers ,
conveying Ihom to Seatlie xvhere ihey ar
rived aboul midnight. The receding lide
left bot1 ! damaged vessels stranded aud still
interlocked. All efforts to get tbo body of
the unknown man from Ihe xvreckage of iho
cabin xvere unavailing yeslerday and iho
tug had to leave xvithoul gelling it.
The Injured were all taken lo the hospital
hero and their \xounds xvero dressed , xvhilo
friends took care of the dead.
Today txx'o powerful tuessucceoded in pullIng -
Ing IhoVllliamel free from Iho Premier.
The body of William Richardson xvns recov
ered today. The Premier then tank in
txventy-four feel of xvaler. It will cost
fJO.OOO to raise her.
\Vrrck of a NorxTocian Ship on the l.unc.i-
H hi re Coast.
Lovnov , Oct. 9 A furious calo Is pre
vailing on tbe Lai casblre ooast and it is
feared Ibal much damaeo to shipping and
possibly loss of llfo may result. The Nor-
xveglun ship Siren which sailed from
Stesxvood for Stitnelo in ballast on Saturday
cncountereu the storm m all its fury and xvas
lerriblv buffeted by Ibo high xvlnd an3
tremendous seas. The vessel strained aud
labored through the waves and her sails were
split and lorn axxav , until finally she became
entirely unmanngablo and 10 Ibo dismay of
Ibo officers and crew , ibey found lhat the
ship xvas at the mercy of Ibe xvind and tea
and lhal she xvus in imminent danger of
being bloxvn ashore and smashed lo pieces
on Ibe rocks.
Those on ooard slrugclod heroclallv to
head the vessel oul to sea , but try as they
would , they could not prevail against the
elements , and Ibo ship drifted ashore this
morning. Tbe people In the vicinity bad be-
corao axvare of the Siren's perilous position ,
and largo croxvds anxiously watched tbo
.vessel as she xvas loosed about. She went
ashore in full sight of tbou-iunus of people ,
who dad collected along tbe beach and on the
pier ul Ibo place where she bad slruclc.
Those on the plor fled xvith rreat precipl-
lallon as the vessel sailed b > them , threaten
ing to smash into the structure xvith terrible
fores. The ship finally became jammed into
the pier and a stone breakwater , breaking
away tbo supports of tbe pier ov the terrific
force of tbe contact and destroying four
shops xvblch xvcio situated at Ihe entrance lo
tbo structure. Tbo croxvds rushed to tbo
spot and efforts xvere at once made to rescue
the croxv of eleven men The storm xvas still
raging and the scene , as tbo volunteer set
out lo the assistance of Ibe impeilled sailors ,
was one of Intense excitement.
At ibe rlsK of their lives a number of boil-
men nut off Irotn he pier and after a desper *
ate battle xvltn tbe xvaves succeeded" In
prlngiag all the crew safely to dry land
umld the plaudits of tbe xvaltiug thousands ,
The vessel xvas wrecked und tbo loss to ibo
mer Is eslimatod al 5OX ) .
\VrecHed by n Wild Train ,
Ci.ini.FiiL'iio , W. Va. , Oct. 9 , A train on
tbe ncxv West Virginia As Pittsburg rallroail
pocame unmanageable on a heavy grade near
Wesion last night and ran axvay. Rounding
a sharp curve tbo xvild train suddenly ran
into a xx'ork cur , ot which were nix'men. .
stitking It xvltb such force tbat tbo mer.
xvere hurled sixty Icet and tba most o ! them
xvere shockingly Injured. Fourxxero killed.
Ciiui ] ) l.o I'urinuiitMit Station.
CAJIILoxx - , N. J. , Oct. 9. The quoition of
making Camp La.v u permanent federa
quarantine station has oeeu practically
settled by the announcement , here today thai
ou the reoommenaution ot Surgeon Genera
Wyraan , permanent buildings are to ba
erected of audit-lent strength and luttablu
capacity lo contain u complete steam disln
feuilug plant.
At r.irin-ll'i To lull
DUIUN- , Oct , 9 The people who look
part In today's demonstration In honor o
the late Charles S. Parnell cqualled'm
number tcose xvho attended bis funeral a
year ago. Thousands of visitors came lo
thu city fioiu Coru , Ganxay and lue uortb
of Ireland. Floral trlbdtos In the form of
uroalbn , harps and other deslcnn xvcro ro
celved from political bodies throughonl tbe
country , and completely filled the material
car and ixvo cart * .
Tne procession to Parncll's tomb xvns ac
companied bv bands playing tbo dead
march , und the corporations of Dublin nnd
Cork , xvho attended Instate. J. J. Kelly
delivered an oration ut the grave.
VltKlil'U CIIOAB.V l'liillXXT ,
Vcnrzo.rl.Vi > sntltir U III Unto Till Concrrss
Cut i l.i'C.lllj Tnkn Arlliin ,
( Copjrlubted IS'.U fr J tines OoMon Hcnnrtt >
I A Groin , VcnoiueU ( via Galvcston ,
Tex ) , Oct , ft flly Mcxtoin Cable to the
Noxv York Herald. Special to Tin : BEK.J
General Jotquln Crcspo xvas ncoordoil n most
enthusiastic reception upon his triumphal
onlry into C.sracat todav , and the city to
night is brilliantly Illuminated In his honor ,
xvhilo the streets aio croxvdod xvllu xvlldly
cheering multitudes.
The gallnnl old x\-arrlor rode into the cnol-
Inl this morning at the bond of the remain
der of his company , 3,000 men having token
possession of the cliy jestcrdiv. As soon as
Crespo had reached the congress building
bo summoned bis chief military nnd polit
ical leaders about him. The re-
suit of Iheir confercnco xvns iho
proclainnllon ot Crespo as provisional presl-
donloflbo republic. Us is lo hold office
only until the rotrularlv oloctcd congressmen
shall have had time to meet again nnd pro
ceed to the election of a constitutional suc
cessor to ex-President Haluiundo Andueza
Caraca * shouted Itself hearse over Iho
choice of Crespo. The veteran promptly it-
sued n pronunclamunto naming Iho members
ot hit provisional cabinet. They are RS fol-
loxvs : Minister of foreign affairs , Pedro
Ezequlel Ilojas ; mlnislor of the Interior ,
Leon Colina ; minister ot finance , Sfanor
Piotrl ; minister of xvar , Guzman Alvaiez ;
chief of police , General Victor Kodrigue ? ;
cnlef of tolccraphs. Lcopoldo Baptlita ;
minister of public works , Munoz Tebar ;
minister of instruction , SlvaGauuolphv ! ;
general of chief , Hamon Guerrn ; governor
of Caracas , Senor Andrade.
These are t.11 xvell kt.oxvn Venezuelans xvho
have aldod the cause of Ihe lecnlisls by ac-
llve service in Ihn field or by financial conlri-
builous. Tbe nrovuional cabinet gives rcn-
eral salisfactlou. It Is believed that as
quickly as is possible under the circum
stances it xvill restore order throughout Iho
distracted republic.
General Kimon Guerra is Iho oxvner o n
larco coffee plantation. Ho led Cresoo's
fierce llanos , or men of the plains , in the Into
xvar. General Leon Colinn al Iho bead
of Ihe artillery , and General Victoi Koorlguez
also rendered eftlcienl aid In bringing about
the triumph of the Crespisls.
The rumors concerning ihe escapa of Ihe
do fjclo president , Villeeas Pulido , and lus
ministers are conlirmed. They managed to
get on u vessel bound for Xartiniquo.
S . \Ktr.t
Vatilo Mlsj , rrcktclcnt of the Itevolu-
tloimry .Iiintii , Very III.
teil 1S1J li > JII-UBJ UDrJja Ue.i-ult 1
. Chili ( via Gal''cstaa , Tex. ) ,
Oct. 9. [ By Mexican Cable to tha Nexv
York Herald Special to TUB BEK.J
iVuldo Silva , xho xvas president of the
rcxolutlcrary junla xvhich waged Its. suc
cessful xx-cr against tbe late President
Jalmaceda , is veiy ill , aud It is feared that
ie may die.
Th ro was a marked rise in exchange yes
lorday and belter commercial conditions pro-
all throughout Chill. This xvas largely
caused by tbe decision ot tbo Peruvian cor
> oralion lo accept the agreement in regard
o the scttlomenl of claims. The agrecmenl
tat been ofticiallx parsed upon by the
British charge d'affaires.
I am told that the xvorK of raising the
cruiser Blu-ico Uncalada , xxbich xvas sunk
during tbo revolution bv a torpedo , is pro-
pressing favorably und that too task xvlll
soon bo accomplished. An official notice
las been issued at Santiago relative to
.ho placing of n loan xvith Iho Rolbs-
chllds to bear interest at the rate of
per cent. The appolulment by the
British government ot Consul General Joel
; o be charge d'affaires , to succeed Mr.
Maude , xvho died last xxeek , gl\'o general
satisfaction to tbe Biillsh community. Wilh
Senor Enazurlz , Mr. Joel xvill negollate a
treatv lor the appointment of a commission
to settle claims of Englishmen against the
Chilian government.
Ttcre is croat excitement in Valparaiso
ever the reported discovery of henx'y placers
of cold on an island in Terra del Fuego. A
f learner xvill soon slurt to the island carry
ing a large number of miners
Toe Herald coriespondentut Buenos Ayres
telegraphs that an uneasy feeling still pre
vails , especially among Iho troops at Santa
Cntalina. The city is being closely guarded.
Tbe courl martial xvhlch investigated iho
disaster to the torpedo cruiser itosales bas
made a report In xvhlch tbe loss of the ship
Is atlriouied lo her faulty construction. Tbe
responsibility Is put upon the builders of tbe
i > oii > uMn HI
Uenth or u XXcKtiTll MHII In u riillulKiIjihla
llnux' of 111 I'aiur.
Piiil < * ni'i.rJin. Pa. , Oct. 9. Chester
Grlosscmer , a real estate broker of Tacoma ,
Wash. , dic'l today at the Philadelphia hos
pital from the supposed effects of opium
poisoning that is believed xvas adminis
tered lo blm in a low lodging house al U25
bpruco slreel yesterday morning. Griesse-
mcr had been stopping at ono of the leading
hotels here for the past eigbl or uii.o months.
Ho told those HI Ibe holol that bo xvas a real
estate bioker from Tacoma and lhal bo xvns
here on bunmois mailers.
Griessemer alxvayn seemed to bavo plenty
of monej aud made frequent ttlpj to adja
cent cities. According to the story told by
himself ul tbu hospital before ho died , ho
came baci ; here on Fnnuy ulteruoon aftr
one of bis frequent trips and landed at the
Eighth street wharf. He says that be xvas
mel by two men and Induced to enter u cab
and xxas taken to n bouse of ill lame ou
Spruc-j street , xvhere bo xvts found dying last
night by the police ,
inu .i/
Stall * UKI XXfiilt ulth a Cuujile
ol KlllliiKi ,
Me. , Oct. 9. Txvo homi
cides occurred hero last night. Harry
Coombs , a clerk fur tbo ( fas works shot and
killed Mat Con way , a young mechanic. Tbe
Killing resulted from alleged sinlomenls
mcdo by Coonibs concerning Conxxav's lister
and threatening letters sent by Couxvay to
Coombs ,
Hob Spencer , colored , and an unknown
xvhito man became cnguu < 'd in a quarrel
xvith kirives and tbe body ot the fornvr xx-as
found In tbe stieet ibis morning. Tne latter
XVBS severely hurt.
MuimiiPiit * ol ( > Sli > ; iineri.
At Queensloxvn Arrived Servia , from
New York.
Al iClnsale Slgtiied Adnalic , trora Nexv
At Southampton Arrived Saule , from
Nexv York ,
At Liverpool Arrived-Bostoniao and
Kansas , from Boston.
At Philadelphia Arrived Neitorianfrom
Glaffruxx * .
At Bostos Arrived Slrltbia , from Liver
pool ,
At Nexv York Arrived Alasna. from
Liverpool ; Li Champagne , from Cher
bourg ; Ptolmy , from Klo Janeiro ; Auranla ,
from Llvr lool ; Capua , from Klo Janeiro ;
Fulda , frun Uouoa.
Indians at Pine BUlje Acenoy Are Mores. )
and Decidedly Rasentful.
ix\Rrnt Trlls of tttint Ilo
Urnrnrct llurliiB Vlult to tlin Agrncj
l.nstVrrU Olltlnok for
J o t Spring.
Dt. V. T McGlllx-cuddv ot lixpid City , S
D. . well known as OHO ofia \ belt pouted
men In the world when tbo character of ttso
Sioux Italians Is concerned , U In Oraaba ,
having Just come from Pine Uldgo Indian
atrency. | { o xvas teen yesterday by n BEB
reporter and gave some rattier startling
infonnatlon on the subject of the Indian
lenttmoiit ul present.
"I do not wish to pose as an alarmist , "
Mia tbo doctor , "for I would not sny any
thing thai would cause unnecessary worry
to anvboay , oat the situation at Pine Hldgo
Is not at all satisfactory Just at present , ana
there Is no Immediate prospect of Its Improv
ing. The Indian * nro sullen , and In many
ways show their rcsonlfill feeling , and unless
something is done to counteract this there la
danger of trouble nest sprint : .
"One thing tbat gives mo reason for saylnc
tbls Is tbo fact tbat Indians \vltb whom I am
well acquainted were extremely reticent
wbcn I tnoJ to converse- with thorn , nnp
ratbei1 exhibited a desire to avoid talking.
Still I. mKniK for the MnitlHh.
"The messlab kiilrlt is not dead , and the
whites must not depend on the statement
that , the Indian * are no loncer considering
the promises made by old Silting Hull anil
the other medicine men who led the troublti
two years ago. While thcro Is no opou
dancing , there is quiet discussion of tbu
topic , and the fact tbul the promise wus that
tbo messlah would coma after two springs ,
which would bring the tlmo In the sprint ; of
113 , is being careiully kept in mind by tiiti
"Tbo government has recently paid lha
Indians , ut Pine Kidgo & 5KK ( > , and tbls In
used as an utguiuenl that the great father
fe.irs his red sons , else why should bo soelc
to buy them off ? Then the return from
Camp Sheridan "of Short Bull and Kicking
Uc r has added anolbor disturbing olcment
to tbo already deeply stirred state of affairs
at Pine Jlidge. These feliouB are Dig mru
among-tho Brul' . " > , who are a turbnleut lot.
bard to keep In bounds , nnd xvbo really do
not oclong at IMno Uldgo , where they sctc'oit
after the trouble up there in 1V.U. Tbcsu
elloxvs ii : : ure that , ino concession which re-
iulted in their being allowed to remain at
he Uldgc instead ol ueinp sent back to lioso
bud is : i sign that they can secure cicuter
'avors demanding tbotn. and they bavo
oadcrs nho carefully foster this idea.
J'nilcd on K.ich Other's .Xlutcmruti.
'But thii most significant tiling of all IB
the faul that thorc buvo boon communica
tions bctxvccu the various tribes of a secret
nnd apparently important , nature during tbu
iunimor. Noxvuter WAS on u secret mission
o the Crows , nnd old lied Cloud had just , rc-
urnod from Caspar , Wyo. , xxhero he xxent
n hopes of mooting u delegation of tbo Dies ,
although bib osUnsibla object xxas lo hunt.
Ho was disappointed , for tbo Utos did not ,
put In Hpncnranco. But ttinro is u line or
commuiiicuiion xxcll established and ccu-
staatly used between Indian Territory and
Uliliah Atnerica.andtho Indians all along the
Ino understand each other , ai.d ono band is
kept ported on the movements of the other.
I had along talk with old American Horse ,
who scorns to think the , situation is serious
enough to warrant careful consideration.
'Ono trouble at present , and ono of the
most , serious complications ot tne situation ,
" the fact that the agent at Pine KUge ,
Japtam Brown of the Eleventh Infantry , i
lot the permanent agent , and the IbdiauH
nro Inclined lo build a Hula on the posilomty
of bU being taken uxvay at any liuii ; .
Ciiiitnln Itrnnn'k Str\ ! < < .
' Captain Brown has the affairs of the
agency in excellent shape and U thoroughly
posted on the reliable and untrustworthy In
dians in lact he bus gathered a wonderful
amount of information concerning the cuur-
aclor of the men no has to deal with in Ihu
short loncih ol time he has been iccro , and
if hi : appointment was made permanent or
for the term of four years it would go u
great way toward settling the difficulty.
Bui the urmy represents force to the Indian
and as long as there is HII urmy officer tem
porarily in control the Indian will be suspi
cious and hold aloof from tbo government. .
'It U dinicult to got a civilian who has had
cufiicient experience to control the turbulent
chaiacters he Nas to deal with utPinu Hidgo ,
and that is probably tbo reason there has
been no appointment made at that agency.
But tbo government owes It to the to til era
to adjust this matter spcedilv , before next
hirliig | In till ! Ir.illan'it Tlinr ,
"It may bo that no trouble at all will oo-
cur , but it will not take much , if u mlutako
U made , to start a worse outbreak next
spring than the one of two years aco. Spring
tlmo , when tbo grass is green and outdoor
llfo u not a hardship , Is tha Indian's time for
war , and he will seize on a slight pretext us
an excuse to go out. The battle of Wounded
Knee and Its horrors IK still a topic for ear
nest conversation among the bioux at and
around Pine Hldge , and they wool want
much coaxing to give the soldiers plenty of
work next summer.
"But the Indian is like a steer ; ho Is vary
easily stampeded il not handled properly ,
but If you work him gently you can sootuu
him to quietness without much trouble.
What is absolutely needed atl'Inu Kldgonnw
Is a permanent agent with as much stamina
and cool Judgment as Captain hi own , "
Aiinuul JCi'port of 1,11 Chief of the llnru.ui
of Kngr.itIng.
WAMIIXOTON- C. , Oct. 9. Tbo annual
ropoft of Captain William f. Mor.'dilb ,
chief of the bureau of ongraviaR and print
ing , for the fiscal year onoed June 30. law ,
eays that the bureau accomplished another
very successful rear's work. There were
completed and delivered during the year
ly.T-S bhceli of United Slatoa notes , treasury
notes , gold cerUacales , silver corUflcaies ,
bonds and national bank notes , having tbo
enormous face valueof tTO'J.TftO.SOO ; 30,400,100
sheets of internal revenue stamps containing
l,042bOCi,2J4 stamps and having a value of
over * 154,000OOUj SSWS.G25 sheets of oiutom
stamps , containing 8,053,25' ) stamps , and
2,0ir > , r 3 shoots of drafts , checks , certificates ,
etc. , together with miscellaneous work for
the various departments of the government ,
costing t.'i.J.57y,12.
The number ol securities , stamps , etc. , do.
livcrcd during the lUcal jcar Ib'Jl was tba
largest during a period of fourteen yean
prior thereto. The number delivered during
ino year Ib'JJ , however , exceeds that nuinDcr
0,1115,057 sheets , or slightly more than 13 pur
cent , wbito tbo expenditures for Is'JJ exceed
tUcije of Ib'Jl only 4 per cent. Tbli largo
amount of work , representing In the aggie-
gaio a value of over 203,000,000 , was handled
throughout the various processes uecesiury
to It * completion without lo s to the irovern-
mont of a sinclo dollar. The estimated
amount of work to bo executed during tba
fiscal i ear 1604 Is Ci.004,047 sheets , an in.
crease of S,41H'J07 ) sheets as compirod with
IbW , or pearly fi per cent.
Tbo lota ) expenditures during tb year
were tl.30,5S5 ! , leaving an avallublo balance
at lbe.doie of tbo Hical your of iS.OOO. Ot
tbe money expended { T.&l'J wus on account
of compeoiatlon of employ * * and l'J03lW3 OB
account Of plate printluy.