Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1892, Part Two, Image 9

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Colored Dress Goods.
Monday is a big bargain dav with us"
Our store is packed with sill the latest
Btyles in foreign and domestic dress
poods. Space Drevcnls us from quoting
but u few in tides of our immense stock.
38 inch all wool b'dford cord , for
mer i > rlco "So. Monday only f > ! ) c
54 Inch nil wool flannel in all colors ,
Mondnj 49e
88 inch part wool chevron fatiipcs ,
former price 25c , Monday 13c
C4 inch heavy rcpcllant , former
l > rico 53e , Monday 40c
40 inch all wool suiting in gray
only , Monday 2Sc
40 inch all wool wide wale Barge , a
bargai n eSc
40 inch all wool Ficnch novelties ,
beautiful pallet ns , worth SI.25 ,
Monmiy 02c
48 inch till wool cheviot in navy
bine OSo
54 inch all wool heavy diagonal
cloth Monday 1 15
C4 inch heavy French serge with
camel's hair border , one of the
latest novelties out this season ,
Monday 1 43
40 inch all wool storm scree SSo
40 inch all wool French honrictta
all colors , only 50c
64 inch English broadcloth , all col
ors , only 1 00
Black Dress Goods ,
This stock is complete in every par
ticular. We have all the new
patterns in plain and fancy weaves- . -
If you want to make over any garment
in black bring us a. sample an-1 wo will
mutch it for you.
40 inch all uool cheviot , former
price _ $1 , hpceiul SCc
38 inch all wooUborgc , regular "oc
goods , Monday 58u
40 inch all wool satin finish Ger-
mun Henrietta , others are selling
for $1 , on sale Monday for 75c
40 inch all wool storm serge , spe
cial for Monday Soc
40 inch all wool camelette cloth ,
only OSe
40 inch all wool heavy French rep ,
Monday . 125
40 inch silk warp Henrietta , former
price 3-1.23 , Monday OSe
40 itich shepard plaids , special. . . . 30c
40 inch all wool extra quality beil-
ford cord , only S3c
64 inch broadcloth , this is one of
the finest finished cloths we e\er
owned , Monday only 1 OS
00 inch crnvcnctto r.iinproof , Mon
day 2 23
r.G inch English cashmere , extra
val ue 25c
8 inch all wool tricot flannel 25c
Silks. Silks. Silks.
Heavy blacjc silks will be one of our
leading attractions for tomorrow's sale.
Kvory item in our immense display will
bo a special bargain. Ramember they
tire direct from n United States bonded
warehouse and that we can sell them
to you for a less price than JCcw York
wholesale houses nsk for them by the
cao. Wo have silks to suit everybody ,
-o that no one need fear but that wo can
please them in price. Oall in and look
them over whether you wish to pur
chase or not and you will then know
where to go for them when you are
roudy to buy.
A heavy double warp black bilk , 24
inches wide , for $1.00 , worth 11.50 , or a
heavy black faille Kruncalso sills for G3e ,
worth 1.00.
Dress Trimmings and
Button Department.
Fancy buttons in all colors , lOc j > er
ii nl.
Jet buttons only lOe per do/.en.
t'Fiincy jet buttons only loc per dozen.
The very finest jet buttons 25e to 33o
per do/cn.
* A beautiful pearl bi'ttou at 19c per
Tlio very fine'tat25L. , fully worth 50o
per ilo/cn ,
We also have pearl buttons at lOo ,
12jc , lee per do/on.
Silk cord * 2Joper yard , worth 5c ,
( Imps in ull colors , fa per yard.
Another line very fine gimps at from
lOo to lee per yard.
A beautiful line of all silk pnsemcn-
turies at 35o or yard.
An elegant line of crochet gimps in
all wldthsnnd prices.
.let trimmings very cheat ) . We offer
th ni for Monday at lOc , 16e , 25c , 35c ,
4'o mid oOV.
Feather trimming at 50o to $2.00 per
Millinery Department.
The latest fall novelties are coming Jn
day after dav.
If jon wish to see the most exquisite
elTcctg In imported and domestic millin
ery lo turo and visit this department.
Next Saturday nnd cyonlng will bo
the regular fall opening for mllUnorv
and >
i'ho special sales all this week prev
ious to the regular opening will bo very
interesting to buyers.
Our rnllincry department occupys a
larger biwo nnd carries u more com
plete block than over Ix-fore.
The urL'tsb arc beyond competition.
We will eivo our customers the bene
fit of our 23c leader in Maple notions for
one more dny , viz :
S packages good hair pins for lo
1 do/.en need nursery pins _ for lc
1 paper No. 3adamantine pins for. . lc
1 card hooks and eyes for lo
20d j ards peed cotton thread for. . . . lu
1 roll black tape for lo
1 good thimble for lc
2 good black corset laces for lc
1 skein darning cotton for lc
1 spool turkey red floss for lc
100 yards spool linen thread for. . . . 2c
1 foo.l rubber fine comb for 2c
1 good gents' pocket comb for 2c
1 package hair crimpers for 2c
1 yard good clastic , full width 3e
] good dressing comb for 4o
Thii lot of 24 good useful articles for
only 23c. These prices arc good for
eacli article as well as for the full as-
( ortment. Wo would also like to call
your attention to a few other articles in
the notion line , viz :
( 'orscl steels.
Collar buttons
Dress shields.
Shoo buttons.
Fancy horn hair pins etc. , etc. ,
all of which wo will offer at special sale
for half their usual price.
Wo have an immense stock of brushes
including hair brushes , tooth brushes ,
cloth brushes lather brushes , shoe
brushes , nail brushes , flesh brushesetc ,
etc. These goods have been purchased
in such large quantities by us , that wo
are able to oiler them at exceedingly
low prices , for example :
Clothes brushes V , 20c "Oc up
Tooth brushes 4c. So , 13c up
This 15e tooth brush is one of the finest
brushes in the market and is the equal
to any 25c brush ever offered. We also
Luther brushes only 4c , Cc and lOc
Flesh brushes . only Oc
Kaby brushes only Oc
Ntiil brushes only 23e
If jou neeil u brush of any description
\ou-cau iuvc money by buying from us.
Veilings. Veilings.
We have just received a very line us-
forlmeut of fancy veilings. They are
the very latest ip style and colors , and
the prices we offer them at will surprise
you. You can buy a very nice veil for
So , and for lOc you can buy a
veil that usually sells for ISc to 20c.
Laces. Laces.
Unheard-of prices in laces. We offer
to the public for a few davs ' only , : i line
line of black chantilly lace's ut luV. 12k ,
15e and ISc , their actual . -hlue being
from 25c to 7oc pur yard.
We also have a complete line chillim
lacr , ranging in price from ISc up.
P.laek and colored wool lace only 5e
per yard. This is a special price on
this lace and will not be offered again
for this price.
Torchon lace at lc , Oc , 8c , lOc and 12jc
per yard.
Pillow case lace only 5c per j ard.
Black bilk domi-flouncing ut 13c. lOc ,
25c. 3 ; > c , 35c and 43e per yard.
Wo are expecting a lot ol new laces
tins week , nnd are bound to close out
those t'.lready in stock if prices v\\ \ ] \ do
1 IM
Stationery Dept.
' 1 his is one of the finest departments
in our establishment. The assortment
in this department i& complete in every
detail as far as having ucomplote line fs
concerned. The gooclfc are of the best
quality and the prices of the very lux\-
t/f > t order.
Whtiro else in the city can you
liny a package of good whito'en-
\ elopes for 3c
Or a quarter ream of bix pound
letter pacer for llio
Wo offer
1,000 copies of very fine booli = ,
each)0 ]
Any of M p. ROO'B worku for. . . 50o
Webster's Unabridged Diction
ary 7-c
Hanil-McXttlly Athib of the
world jj.flo
We have a complete new line of paper
covered novels , including UertlmClay'i , ,
Marian Hnriand'e , Mary J. Holmes' ,
May Agnes Fleming' * and Georgio
.Sheldon's works.
Toy Department.
The grandest display of dollon
record. Baby dolls at 6c , 7e and lOc ,
worth lOe to loc.
Bisque nnd kid boilv dolls at lOc , 12c ,
lee and y > c , worth 2jCto 60e.
Immuiiso show dolls and drcfsjod uolls
of every description from 23u up ' to
J23.l)0eaeh ) ,
Doll buggies lOc , j jc , 25c , SOc , 33c and
ik' ( .
Baby buggies at ICES than half price
to make room for toy ? .
* 1.50 fora 38.00 buggy. * 7.00fora.
* 10.HO buggy. 8 ! > .00 for a $12.50 , and
higher cost buggies at lees than half
former price.
The toy dopaatment is assuming amore
moro gorgeous style ol dress parade
than over before. Lot the little ones
come and sto what is going on in the
toy department ,
Lace Curtains.
Wo have an immense btook of them ,
and will give special prices this week.
A good curtain for SOc per pair ,
A J'no ' curtain for 7c to * 1 ,
Some extra values .it SI 50 to ? 2.
Windsor Ties , i
Hero is something for the ladies
gonls , boys nrd girls , and also for tho-
little folks. They all wear them and if
prices , styles ami colors are an object , ,
they will all buy them at Haydcn Bros.
Ao ofler our entire line of 33c lies , in .
plaid and plain colors , at 23c. These
goods are riirht from the factory and
strictly all silk.
We have a job lot of the 23c article
that we will clo-e out at lc ! ) , anoth cr lot
that rill be sold at loc , and to give the
youngstcis a chance wo will furnish
them a bargain in a neat Windsor tie
for Sc.
Hare bargains in handkerchief ? .
ChildV handkerchiefs . lie each.
Ladies fine hemstitched hdkfs. . .Oe each
Ladies' fancy coloied hdlcfs . oc each
Ladies' line embroidered hdkfs. Sic each
Ladies' initial hdkfs , e.Ura
quality . 12iccach
Bed Comforters.
Over 2.000 comfots : to pick from. Our
stock never nus so la rgo or so well as-
tortcd. Nor were the prices so low
as at present.
Comforts 23c. 50c. 73e , S3c , 9Sc , J1.23 ,
Sl.oO , * 1.76 , J2 , $223 , $2.30 , 2.75 and J3
Silk covered comforts.cach . 5 00
Down comforts that are worth $7.30
each , you can buy at Haydens' at .4 75
nnd so on. All we ask is to look over
our stock and compare prices , styles and
quality , and you wi'l ' go no furt'her for
we guarantee to sa\c you money.
flS-inch silver blenched damask , oOc
oG-inch cream damask . tloo
( jG-inch bleached damasi : . 73c
( iS-5nch bleached damask . 1 00
12-4 Marseilles bed spreads . 1 00
8-4 dinner napkins , special . o Ofl
German twilled toweliugbleachccl
only . lOcuud 12Jc :
Unbleached Stevens crash . . . . oc *
Uayden Bros , crash . 10u'
42-inch bleached pillow casing . . . J > 5o
45-inch bleached pillow casing. . . . ilOe
Kxtra heavy bleached or brown
cotton llannel . Klo
W bite Shaker flannel . 3c }
( 'lean nice cotton batts . 0c toll
Best dress lining cambric . ojc vd
Best lOe selicia in Omaha. A full
line of dress Hniiig .
lOc'challis reduced lo . 3c yd -
10 outing flannel reduced to . oc yd
lOc straw ticking , in remnants . .rie yd
French flannelette . lOc yd
Navy blue flunnel . 25c yd
All wool llannel skirt patterns SI ,
C SI. 23. $1.60 and & 1.7o each.
Special bargain tomorrow in yard
wide soft finish bleached , muslin
at . Gtcyd
Rod , white and blue bunting for
decorating . oc yd
Fine cheese cloth for comforts , all
colors , only . lOc vd
3000 yards remnant * of fine print
ed sateen , onty . lOc yd ,
All wool extra super carpets for OCc.
.Some line ones at G5c.
Also a full stock of the celebrated
Lqwell IJ-ply and extra super cotton and
wool carpets 40c and 45c.
We have several patterns of ingrain
carpels nl 17c per yaid.
Brussclls , new patterns , good quality ,
at fiOc , bettor ones at Goc and 70c.
A fc\v loft of those bhort length body
Brussels , Axminster and Wilton at 73o ,
per yard. - , -
100 nairs line chenille curtains just
received , special price S4."iO per pair.
Floor oil cloth from 20c to 40o square
Linoleums from 42c } to 73e.
Table oil cloth , carpet sweepers , cur
tain poles and trimmings , drapery
fujnges at reduced prices.
A few pieces of China mutlings to
close out at 12c a yard.
Blarfket Department. \
Wo are headquarters on blttnUala. j
Our block and prices will convince vou' \
of this fact. About 03 air of that \
sample line loft. Single blankets ns , '
low as 25e each. Double blankets from'
50c a pair up , 10-4 white blanlccts U5o
a pair ; 10-4 grav blanket ( I5o it pair ;
10-4.ull wool red blankets J'J.50 pair.
A'big assortroeutof gray blniuccts at
U25 , * 1.5d , ? 1.70 , $1.05 , J2.35 , ? 2.50 anil
$2.85 a pair and upwards.
Largest and best assorted line of
white blankets over displayed by any
Fine mott'eil nnd fancy Pa'.ifornla
blunkots J10.00 , $11.08,512.00 , JlaOO y and
Ilorso blankets of every description.
Hose Supporters. ,
Wo have u complete line of each of
hcso articles and are prepared to quote
prices that will surprise vou , viz :
1 good leather Dolt , worth 25c , only 15o
1 line eolid leather belt , wltn sllvor
buckle , only , . . 2.50
This belt comes in tans and blacks and
i ; > equal to any 60c belt in the market.
Ladies' hose supporters with susnond-
ers only 15c per pair. " " , '
Ladies' fine bilk garters , with tllvcr
buckles , only 23c , worth 50 < : . <
Wohavothe largest and finest * took
of silit garters in' the city , and we defy
competilion either in price or quality.
Wo are having a continuous bale on
ix > ckotbook ? , purees , wallets and ladies'
chalclutno bags. They are all new
goods , aud if you need anj thing in this
line yea should not fall to examine ours.
Underwear , etc.
We have purchased the entire Mock
of an eastern commission house at about
40c on the dollar ; commencing tomorrow
you cun buy children's underwear for
less money than you have over bought
them before.
Gents unlaundcrcd shirts , New \ ork
mills muslin , double back and front , sot
in bosom , nothing better made , today
oOc each.
100 dozen gents' outing flannel shitt .
good quality , only 23e each , worth 60c.
1 case of gents' British cotton half
hose , come in black , tan , modes and
brown , at 12jc per pair , worth 23e.
100 dozen ladies' kid gloves , Biarritz
nnd hooks , como in all shades , also the
new ox blood color , your choice of any
pair $1.00 , every pair warranted.
1 case of ladies' fust black cotton hose
only loc per pair , worth 23c.
Children's hose Sc. lOc , ] 2Jc and 13c a
pair , good value and every pair war-
Special sale of gents' handkerchiefs
and scarfs.
100 dozen gents' fine silk and MUm
scarfs worth 30c each , your choice to
morrow 25c.
1.000 pounds best quality standard
knitting yarn only lOo per skein.
Good quality Saxony yarn Gc per skein.
Ice wool 21c per box.
Immense bargains in boys' shirt
waits for tomorrow.
SI.00 corset reduced to 73c ,
75c corsets redupcd to 50c.
Grand Special Sales.
All the latest novelties of imported
and domes-tic makes.
The space devoted 1o millinery is
larger and the stock is larger and more
complete than ever before.
' The prices are beyond competition.
Positively the largest and mobt com
plete stock of ladies' garments over dis
played in Omaha.
It includes all the latest and most ar
tistic novelties as well as every con
ceivable style in nopulnr jackets , cloaks ,
wraps and made-up dresses.
These goods must bo sold and prices
are made accordingly.
Jewelry Dept.
Solid silver souvenir spoons , war
ranted sterling , with gold bowls , en
graved Omaha , 9Sc ; jewelers' price , ? 2
to $2.50.
Ladies' separable button sets 33c ,
worth 5-1.
Beautiful solid gold band rings , COc ,
worth $2.
Ladies' and misses'solid gold sot rings
uOc , worth 51.
Lace pins , 49c , worth $1.
Gents' gold plated watch chain ? , war
ranted , 45e , worth $1 to $1.30.
Gents' best rolled plated watch chains ,
warranted to wear five years , 9Sc. worth
100 styles in ladies' Victoria chains ,
warranted for five years , 41.25 , worth $3.
Solid sterling silver thimbles , 19c ,
worth oOc.
Gents' gold stiffened hunting ruse
watches , stem wind nnd set with 7 jew
els. American movement , $3.75.
Gents' gold filled huntingca. o watches ,
warranted to wear 20 years , with Elgin ,
Springfield or Waltham movements ,
Ladies' solid gold stem wind watches ,
J9.50 up.
Ladies' gold filled watches , Elgin ,
Springfield or Walthnm movements ,
SS.75 up.
Watch and clock repairing at half
jewelers' prices. All work guaranteed.
Rogers' 12 dwt knives or aorks
$1.25 per tot ,
Drug Department ,
Great special sale of perfumes , soaps
and toilet articles Monday. Elegant
handkerchief extracts at ICu and 25c
per ounce. Toilet soaps from lc pet-
rake up.
Oriental Cretun 1 13
Hind's Honey and Almond Cream. 40c
Hagan's Magnolia Balm CMC
Blush of Roses ( ioc
Mulvina or Viola Cream H3e
Espy's Fragrnnt Cream liflc
1 'aimer's Almond Meal 21c
Aycr's Reeamler Cream 1 05
Ayer's Hair Vigor f.5v5
.Seven Sisters' Hair Grower. . . . . " . . . 75c
Hoofior Culling Fluid J9e
Xozodont , GOc
Rubifoam L OC
Hood's , Brown's , Cnlder'sor Lynn's
Tooth Powder. 20c
Oriental Tooth Pasta 45c
Eau do Quinine Hair Tonic S9c and C9c
Rare Bargains in
Smokers' Articles.
A good cob pipe , worih oc , only. . . . 2e
A nice imitation meerschaumwor , h
23conlv iQc
A line imitation meerschaum , worth
60c , only 25o
The finest of its kind , in an elegant
case , worth 75o 470
The real article in raseworth $1.25. 75o
Extra qualities , worth $3 to } 5
- . . & 1.60 to * 2.oO
Wood pipes. 3c , lOc , lee and 23e
The best bargain of the lot and one that
every lover of a choice pipe will admlro
is our French br'ars. ' They are a spe
cial importation of our own , are put up
in elegant plush lined cases and wo
ofler them for the exceedingly low price
of OSo each. Call nnd lo < " 'k ' at them.
House Furnishing
Goods ,
Glassware , woodcnware , crockery ,
tinware , graritowarc , enamelware.
hardware , lamjs , brass , copper and
nickelware , stoneware , willowwarc ,
iron , steel nnd sheet iron ware , and
Japan ware.
The above lines ot goods occupy a
floor = pncc ! of over 70,01)0 ) square feet.
All of the above line arc complete in
every detail. We have gone over this
entire line of goods , and wo have cut
the prices in half. By looking over the
prices you can sec for you self.
A lOc wash basin , lie ,
A lOc dippor. 2c.
A 25c tin pail. lie.
A 70c porcelain kettle , 29c.
A 30c dish pan , Ifio.
A loc flour sio1. e , ot :
A loc wire toaster , Sc.
A 20c wooden bowl , oc ,
A SOc. cotleo pot , loc.
A loc cuspidore , Sc.
A 20c wash board , Sc.
A $1.23 copper bottom wash boiler ,
A Sc flower pot , lo ,
A 5c flower pot , 25c.
A 7e flower pot , . " 2c.
A Ue flower pot , Oc.
A 12c ilower pot , "c.
A loc flower pot , lOc.
Mason fruit jars , G ; > C per dozen for
Tin top jelly glasses , 2c } each.
Dinner plates , 2ooacn.
Cups and saucers 2e each.
1 quart blue enamel preserve kettles ,
2c , worth oOc.
2 quart blue enamel preserve kettle5 ,
33c , worth 70c.
3-quaitbluo enamel preserve kettles ,
47c , worth 94c ,
l-quart blue enamel preserve kettles ,
SOc , worth Jl.IS.
0-quart blue enamel preserve kettles ,
71c , worth * ! .4 $ .
S-quart blue enamel preserve kettles ,
87c , worth $1.71.
10-quart blue enamel preserve kettles ,
IKic , worth $1.92.
12-quart blue enamel preserve kettles ,
$1.03 , worth $2.10.
Wo have a fine dccoratsd vase lamn
with shade to match. This lamp sells
regular for S4.50 or $3 , our price in this
cut sale $1.45.
V\'e have a line of hanging lamps that
is simply immense.
A $7 automatic spring extension lamp
forS2.J5. :
We have a $10 decorated tea set for
$3.23 , nnd dinner tot for SS.50 that sells
everywhere for $15.
Eclipse earthenware cooking pots 23u
r.ud So'c. worth 50c and 75e.
Fine decorated cuspldores 23c , worth
Large scrubbing brush 5c , worth 25c.
Lnmj ) shades at oc that are advertised
bv ' other dealers as a bargain at 23c.
A Sc lid lifter lc
A lOc nutmeg grater lo.
Closing Out in our Fur
niture Dept.
From time to time we have Bold parts
of parlor suits , thereby leaving odd
piece ? on our hands Divans , pofnsiirm
chairs , lockers and parlor chairs , in
plush und tapestry and rug. Those wo
shall now cloo out to those coming In
time to secure a genuine bargain. Note
prices and call and examine the goods ,
i'hoso who have priced these goods bo-
foie can ee it is a genuine mark down
sale. Bring your paper and look over
the following 17 articles :
1 mohair crush plus-h sofa , red ,
price JlO.oO , solo price s > 8 00
1 divan , plush , like above , blue ,
price $7.50 , sale price G 03
1 arm chair , like above , plush ,
olive , price $5.00 , sale price. . . . 400
1 parlor chair , old gold , price $ ; > ,
Ealo price 250
1 sofa , silk jute , price $10 , f-alo
price S 00
1 hlcepy hollow chair , tapestrv ,
price $10.50 , sale price . . 850
1 largo rocker , silk jute , price $12 ,
pale price 050
1 rocker , silk tapestry , $14 50 , sale .
price 12 50
1 silk plush reclining chair , price
413 , Bale price 13 00
1 fine rug arm chair , blue , pricn
$ | o , sale price 1250
1 silk plush divan , blue , prlco
$11.50. sale price 950
1 Bilk pluoh arm chair to match ,
pnco $10.50 , sale price 650
1 chair to match , red , price $ o & ' ) ,
tale price 460
1 bilk plush arm chalr.'bluo , price
$7.5u , bale price GOO
1 bilk plush divan , corral , price
J12.50 , sale price 9 00
1 Ellk tapestry diyan , brown , price
SJ5 , sale price 12 .00
1 wool plush divan , green , price
$9.60 , Falo price 7 50
We cannot cut 100 per cent or 60 per
cent , iit'T WIIUH AVU err , those who
buy , buy cheap. Como and &ee.
A Big Bargain.
Wo place on sale tomorrow 230 pieces
of JM-lnch wide printed Honriotta ,
They como in dark shades only. Some
thing o 11U rely new , not bhown bv ' any
other house in Omaha. Ilnydon 'Bros ,
is the only place whore you will find
them in the west They are the best
diess goods for the money over otlerod
by us. They are worth 23e yard , but
we will &lart them tomorrow at lOe yard.
To & < o them means to buy them. You
can't resist the temptation. No such
valve over oflered by any ho-se at lOc
Letting Down Prices ,
Minneapolis best Superlative flour
( warranted ) . OOo
A good flour ( Snoxvlinko ) . GCo
llayden flro- . best Superlative
flour . $
No. 1 hams . lie
Picnic hams . $ c
Fancy English breakfast bacon . . . . 15c
Sugar cured bacon . Oo
N. Y. hams . 7jo
Dried beef . 7c
t'orncdbcef . 5e
Deviled ham . oo
1 'ottcd ham . 5c
Potted ox tongue . 5o
Pickled pigs feet .
Pickled tripe .
Bologna sans ago .
Frankforts . 7Je
-Smoked Halibut . fie
Cod fish . ] jc
California evaporated peaches. . . . 15o
California dried grapes . 165
California pitted plums . lee
California white nccture . loc
i 'alifornia red nccture . K > o
California evaporated apricots. . . . ojc
Imported English currants . 83o
Just imported from Seville , Spain ,
the finest olives you ever saw , all
packed fresh for'us. per quart. . . 35
Imported chow-chow .
Imported mixed pickles . 16i (
Wo s-oll a Rood b'iking powder at. . oo
Dried blackberries .
Evaporated raspberries ( now ) . 23o
New California raisin - cured
prunes 121o
3-pound pail pure fruit jolly - . 20o
20-pound pixil ] iuro fruit jell y 76c
Largo bottle blue oc
Corn starch fie
Laundry starch oo
Rolled wheatfsoine call it Breakfast
food ) oe
All kinds ot washing powder 3c
Bird seed ( very fine } 60
3-pound can clam chowder. ( This is
the finest you ever ate ) 5c
2-poundcau early June peas , 17Jc. If
you buy a can and you do not say they
are the finest and most delicious pea
you ever did cat , we will pay you back
your money.
Wo have peas for Sic , lOJc , 12c } and
15e per can.
Condensed milk lOo
2 pound can preserved raspberries
in pure sugar syrup 17i < J
2-ppund can p-oerved strawber
ries , in euro sugar syrup 17io
This is the finest fruit packed. Try
one can and you will be convinced.
Imported macaroni 12o
Imported egg noodles 12jo
Imported vermicelli . * . . } 2 o
imported spaghetti 12o
These goods a'.l came from Nnpoll ,
Italy , and are the most delicious you
over usea. On ouch picisago is a recipe
telling all the digerent ways ot prepar *
ing for use.
3-pound bar importnJ. castile soar ) . . 25 < j
Tea and Coffee Dep't ,
On account of the quarantine coffee
has advanced from 2c to 3c per jiound ,
but having a large quantity on hand w'o
continue to give jou the following low
prices :
Crushed Java 16o and Iflo
Crushed Java and Mocha 2Qo' '
Choice Rio 23i ; nnd 2Cd
Golden Rio 25eand 28o
Combination Java flee
Peaberry Santos
Charm Java , .
Old Government Java and Mocha ,
33c' , or 3 pounciH for $1.00
( 'ocoa Shells jo ) pound
Japan sittings 12cnnd } IW
Japan green 19c , 25c , 35c. 505
Basket fired Japan SOe , 35c , 436
Uncolored Japan 40c , 48o
Choice siider ] log Japan 60c , GOc
Gun powder : j.5c , 60c , GOc
English breakfast 38c , 48c , 55c , OOo
B utter and Cheese.
At Hnyden's. You can buy country but
ter for 14c and IGc. , and host country butter -
tor 18c.
Dodge creamery 20c and 22c.
Our Dodge separator creamery butter
for 24c.
Wo cull special attention to the very
fine qualities ol chocno wo handle at low
est prices.
Wisconsin full cream choose , 7 } nnd
Eastern process full cream , lie and
The Roekford pure cream cficeso , ICc ,
This is the finest made.
Swiss cheese , loc nnd 17jc.
Llmberger cheese , 12c $ and lie.
IJrick cheese , 12jc , 14c and IGc
Young America full cream , 13o.
Wo htindlo the finest Capo Cod ci-an-
berries for lOo per quart.
Remember our goods are the very besl
and prices the lowest.
Trunks and Valises ,
Any one who Is a judge of goods and
> \ ho takes the trouble to look over our
line can BOO at a glance that for quality
nnd v.cur wo have the host trunks anil
valises on the market and that tna
price is lower than what Is usaally
asked for such goods. There is no
trunk no matter how cheap but wo can
undersell it. No valises , whether faplit
leather or eolU grain but our priro is
lew f r.
Before jr > i ' > , < 'o At at our line. No
trouble to 6 .v j. This last baU
COM jou coining.