Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1892, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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DcllTored by c.irrliy lo my purl of th ? Sit ?
K V. I'lumblnp Co.
Council niufts Lumber Co. .
Wanted , girl lo work In mndciy. Moore-
lieu o fi. Co. , Everett block.
The residence of 11. 1 . Kilo's wns run-
nckod by burglars Friday afternoon , but
bottling 6t vnhio wns taken.
Frank Morris \vai arrested yesterday nf
ternoon for creating a disturbance nttbo cor-
norot Ihondwny nnd bcott street.
Mm. I'lill Sheridan tent , Daughters of
Veteran * , will meet In their hall Monday
evcnlrtf. Business of Itr.portnnco.
The Danish Ilrotheraood will moot at 1
o'clock this afternoon nt ttio ball on I'curl
trcot to attend tlio funeral of C. Oloson.
The funeral ofV. . D. Thomas will latto
place thin nltcrnoon at his residence , corner
of Sixth street nml Twenty-fourth avenue ,
llev. Lr. ) 1'heliis officiating.
KoRUliir mrctlne of St. Albnus lodge , No.
17 , Kt.lKhts of 1'vlhliis , ut Castle hall Monday -
day ovonli.K. All vlsliltiK knights Invited.
Hy order of chtincellofcommnnder.
Ira Montclth , wno was arrested a couple of
weeks ngo for conmiltln ; an assault ana bat
tery on Knlph Dennett , was trlod before
Justice Sweiirlngeu ycstoiday nnd dis
The funeral of U. Olcson will occur this
afternoon Irom tlio Danish Baptist church ,
corner of Seventh street and Seventh uvnnuo ,
nt 2 o'clock. The remains will bo Interred in
Folrvlow cemetery.
All inemborn ( if ( Jcncral (1. M. Dodge
cam D , No. 2.VJ , Sons of Veterans , tire re
quested to meet at the Ht 01 oof .1. 13. Dries-
lioch , : )17 ) Hrondtvuy , Monday evening , llus-
inesg of Importance
An evening Bosslon of the federal court
was held lust nlubt at which the motion tor
now trial In the case of tirnnvlllo Jnmcs
ngainst the Union 1'uulllr Hallway company
tvns nrauc'd nnd submitted.
Spoclal communication of Hxcclsior ledge
f " No. U.V.i , Ancient Frco and Aci-eplod Masons ,
l" '
Hits afternoon ut t o'clock. All master
l"f Masons In KOO.l fitnndinc are cntnostly ro-
f | U08t ; d lo nltet.d the funeral of \ \ . D.
Thomas. Hv order of the worshipful mas
if f ii ter. The case of Patterson against the city was
i nrguod nnd given lo the jury yesterday In
district court. The jury w'ns Instructed to
return n sealed vu-dlct , provided limy suc
ceeded In coming to an ugruomorit. .Indgo
JUocy loft on the nfternoon train for his homo
in Ilarlan tospond Sunday.
The Tire department was called to the
liouso of W. II. JotntH , ril.'i Fifth a\onuu ,
yesterday afternoon nt 1 : ! iO o'clock. A tire
imd oaught upstairs from 11 stovepipe that
r n ihrnugh the room , n lot of bedding hav
ing been carelessly left piled npninst it. The
carpet and bedding were scorched , but the
damage was slicht.
The second annual convention of the Cres
cent Township Sunday School association
will bo held nt Dunklo'.s prove on Thursday ,
Ootooor 20. Thcro will bo services In the
morning , afternoon nnd evening , and an in
teresting Diagram of subjects for discubsion
has boon prepared. Among these who will
tnko part nro Hev. C.V. . Brewer , Uev. L , . A.
Hall nnd Joseph Wells of this city.
Charles SchulthoUs , n blacksmith whoso
hop Is on North Main strnct , was nrrostcd
yesterday on an information tiled before
Justice Swearingcn , charging him with coin-
inltlup an assault and battery on n boy
named Fred Snearer. IIo claimed that
Shearer , with n number of other boys , had
boon In the habit of lonling about his shop
nnd n.oking themselves a general nuisance ,
and that ho undertook to run them off , with
the above result. Ho gave bonds for his ap
pearance next Tuesday , when ho will have a
.Tust to hand , nnotlicr case of CO pairs
of wrapper blunkots , thohitost novuHios
for wrappers. Only 7o a pair , Boston
Store , Council 131 tilts , In.
Save your hard coal ; use wood , and
Call on H. A. Cox , 10 South Main street.
Best Missouri wood $ o.UO per cord , do-
risnsox.ii. JMJMMI'J.S. .
Lucius Wells has returned from St. Louis ,
S. Mussolwhlto nnd daughter have re
turned from a visit to Topoltu , Kan.
J. I. Leach , deputy clerlt at the Unltcc
States court , will leave for his home In ICco
auk this ovcnlne.
Mrs. T. A. Clnrk nnd daughter , Misi
Sndie , have returned from n two month !
trio to Idaho Springs and other western
Marshal J. L. Tcmpleioa returned ycstor
day from no eastern trin. Ho visited Nov
York , Jersey Uliy and Louisville , ICy. , dur
lur his abscneo.
Mrs. I. N. Parsons returned last nlph
Irom PoaOody , Kun. , hero she was callc
about a week ngo by the death of her mothci
Mrs. F. W. KellogV.
L. C. IIufT nnd L. Uicdcrman leav
" \Vcdnesdav for Hancock , where a new bn
will bo dedicated by the Odd Fellows. Dot
uro booked for addresses.
S. Faruswortb , H. D. Harlo , H. II. Vn
Brunt , A. Utorshclm , n. S. 'rerwltligor on
A. W. Uteitinnn leave tomorrow for U'oc
Lake , Nob. , for a two weeks duck hunt.
\V. H. Lynclmrd nnd family will nttcn
tbo opening of the World's fair next wool
ana will also tnho In a reunion of tlio Lyncl
nrd family , to bo bold in Chicago ut thi
Mr. .ind Mrs. A. T. Hlce returned yestc
day from Now Orleans , where they wont 1
ntlend the funeral of tboir son-in-law , H. (
IJrooUs. Mrs. JirooHs returned with ttio
and will re i n nln horo.
Captain W. 12. Atchlson has received t
invitation from General W. L. Davis
Cedar Uapids to attend the opening of tl
"World's fnlr ns n nicmbor of his staff. Get
cral DavU will conduct all the Iowa cot
panics to Chicago , starting ou the ISth >
this month.
Oftlcor .T. M. Murphy , who has boon la
oft from tbo police force for several wee !
on account of dangerous Illness , was uble
bo out yesterday. Ho Is suffering from I
Humiliation of 0110 of his eyas and it Is ii
possible to toll yet whotLcr ho wilt bo able
use It again , although his physician h
Among these who have gone to Corning
Attend the convention of t'io ' Young Peopli
Booioty of Christian Endeavor nro the <
lowing : Miss Lillian Hurt , Miss Do
Grass , Miss May Hazard and Miss Dicke
Messrs. W. S. Homer.C. S. Lawson , Hat
Mooruhouso mm Dr. A. II. Carter. The 1 :
tcr gentleman is to deliver an address.
Novcr before Imvo the ncoplo
Council Bhill's and Omaha had such
opportunity to buy aero properly sull
bio for homo or fruit as IB offered
Day & Ucss. 400 acres to pick fro
Only two and a half miles east of Coi
ell IJIiHTa postolllco.
If you don't want to buy hard coal j
had "better sco Hlxby about those"
burners. They are adapted for use
hot ail" furnaces , steam and hot \va
boilers , with no coal or ashes to liund
Uropprtl Dead.
Fred Poland , a lad about 14 year * of n
who lives with his parents at II in SI
avenue , dropped dead yesterday morn
vrbllo ut breakfast. Ua had not been 111 i
Ins sudden death was a great shock to
members of his family It I * though
have resulted from heart disease ,
nouncoincnt of the funeral will Lo in
The Boston Store closes every ov '
lag nt U ) i in. except Mondays i
{ Saturdays. _
Boston store cloaes every evening i
p. in. , unless Mondays and Saturdays ,
Judson , civil orifinoor , S23 Broadw
Carpet"woaviujr , U2S Aveuuo F.
To Sell or Not lo Sell is the Question Confronting -
fronting the Union Depot Company.
OMirri SCP In tlic 1'inpniril Snlo n Scheme
to Control I > cptil-Fnrllltlcs Ollcri
Mmlo lor thr I'nrclinio nf
tlio J"roicrly. |
Whether to soil out the union depot prop
erty or not is the question that Is now agi
tating the minds Of the stocKholdcr * In Iho
depot company , A good many of them , and
they are mostly among the heaviest stock
holders , have already made up tholr minds on
the subject , and at the lust meeting placed
themselves on record by voting to sell out to
any railroad thai would pay them for Iho
property , all contract ! ) that hud becu made to
bo rescinded. The majority of the stock
holders present nt the mooting voted for the
sale , nud If tholr action is not changed the
knell of the union depot schema has been
Hut thcro are sorao of the stockholders
who do not feel this way , nnd they propose
to contest the Idea of soiling out. The
notices of the meeting at which this course
of notion was decided upon contained no
stntoipcnts as to the object of tha mooting ,
so thut uono of them , they cTnitn , had any
Idea that so radical n moyo was to bo modo.
'Ih-y accordingly claim that the action wns
illegal and another mooting will probably
have to bo hold In the near future for the
purpose of doing over nentn what has
ulroadv been done , or something clso.
The Union 1'nclllc , It is said , has agreed to
take iho depot site off the hands of the com
pany und take the risk of inducing the other
companies to go in with thorn In tbo work of
building a depot. At llrst Bight this appears
to ho n very maRnanlnous thing for llm
Union Pnollle lo do , especially as this com
pany has done most of the objectinc In the
past , nut , it tlio clnlm of Iho dissatisfied
pin's is well founded , the Union Pacific is not.
altogether a model of unsclllshness in this
"Tbo Union I'aclllo routs its passenger
depot lo the oilier roads for about $03,000 per
year , " unlit one of Ihom yestordav ; "if they
can kill the union depot si'lu'ino forever by
nn outlay of $ J0UUO ! , mid so keep tlio other
roads it's tenants for the next twenty-five
years or so. It won't bo n hoi * had Invest
ment. Wo follows that nro klcklnc thlnic
moro Is u nlgpcr In iho fonro somewhere ,
nnd that iho purchase is tallied of by the
railway ofllclals for the mere purpose of tak
ing advantage of our anxiaty lo get our
money back so as to pet out ot a contract
that they know is binding. "
That iho contract Is blnainpr Is the belief
of many of the members of the Depot asso
ciation , und iho fact that some of the rail
ways at itnstbcliovo it to bo binding is Indi
cated by a rcmaik of President Hugbltt of
thoNorliiwestern to some of the ofllclals of
the Depot association wnen they wcro nt
Chicago recently. He slated that his com
pany would liil:6 the property off Iho hands
of the association , provided Iho association
would release the company from nil its con-
Iracls. A meeting ot Iho nssoclalion is lo
bo bcid soon , nnd these who are opposed to
selling out nro making vigorous efforts to
haven full representation of the stoclthold-
crs , in order thai the strangulation of the
depot enterprise may bo prevented , it possi
All llio Indies who visited Miss
SprinK's ) millinery opening were de
lighted , nnd these who call this weclc
will bo still moro pletisod. She has the
finest stoulc she has over had , nnd the
bcfal trimmer nnd designer.
Spccinl campaign whip snlo on Mon
day. Your choice of n , whole window
full for oOc , former price u'Oc , 75e , OOo
and $1.00 each , with campaign banners.
Charles 1'robatlo , 21oJ3roadway.
.Social Notes.
The marriage of Miss Elsie Pusoy to
Ernest E. Thornton was solemnized last
Wednesday afternoon nt the residence of the
bride's father , N. M. Pusev , la Iliudln
township. The bride was attired In a dainty
costume of mouselaiuo do soio nud whlto
silk nnd was accompanied by her sister , Miss
Gertla Pusey , as bridesmaid. Rev. Mr.
Blue of Kearney , Nob. , acted as best man ,
and the ceremony was performed by Uov. E.
J. Habcock of St. Paul's church of this city.
The house was beautifully decorated with
whlto roses and marguerites. At the con
clusion Air. and Mrs. Thornton loft for their
now homo in Kearney , Neb. Among those
present to witness the marriage were the
following from Council UlulTs : Mr. Thomas
Ofllcer and family , .ludgo and Mrs. McGee ,
\V. II , M. Pusoy and family , Dr. C. H. Pin-
noy and family , Charles T. Oftlcor and wife ,
Mrs. Portorllcld , Mrs. E. A. Sooonor , Mr.
and Mrs. Alford , Mr. nnd Mrs. Damon ,
Misses Stewart , DoJgo , SncKott , Key ,
Damon , Howe , Davenport , Hoynolds and
Xurmuehlln ; Mossrs. Sapp , Paxton unO
II o i ' ' 'no Oltvotte club gnvo ono of Its sorar1
f monthly dunces last Wednesday evening ni
1 the Arcanum parlors. The lollowins
were present : Misses S die Mudgo. Faiinj
Hcecroll , Altco Bonham. Lillto Davis , Dottli
Davis , Klommlng1 , Lonu Fonda. Hello Hark
ness , Lou simtr , May Scaly , Eva Kason
Minnie Ouron. Elhol Colclough , Nettii
Wells , Maud Cousins , Lou Harknes : , Belli
Sn.vder , Currlo Wells , Lilllo Suephnrd , Kyi
Kirkland , Viola Burgess , Bertio Keller , Net
McDermott , Lou French and Kiiincbau o
Council Bluffs : Misses Moncll. Pylte , Hone-la
ford , Lulu Bell , Ada Yule , Kittle Powers
Katlo Hood , Eva Combo of Omaha. Messrs
Froil Dobbins , O. L. Murtin , O. A. Kirk
in W. F. Martin , Earl Kenyan , Curtis Stod
dard , Mr. Colliding , K. Koblnson , Harr.
Warren , Albert Faul , C. ColTeon. J. O'Kool
inof J. M. Bono , jr. . Harry Nasou , E. S. Mr
Crsry , Mr. Bloombcre , John Huutlngtor
Ciiiy Shepard , George Patterson , C Ourci :
in E. B. Crandall. Fred Westncr , S. Barkei
nof William Colclougb , S. Smith , Horbet
Brown , J.V. . Carse. John Mudg < > , J. Glen
nnd .1. tirotzcr of Council Bluffs i
Id Will Mac , .1. Fowler , II. ICudy. U. I.
Its Koinpor , E. M. Woodward , S. N. Nundali
ton C. B. Patrick , .1. E. Strut man , L. U. Bridi
n- hum , Oicorgo Klolu , A. E. Kishol , Wllllai
into Koachford , Jr. , Harry Eaior , E. U , llompn
teas Hunt. J. E. MoDormot , Will King and H. 1
as Harper of Omaha ,
to House cleaning time has come and s
) 's has the largest invoice of lace curtail
olru and draperies ever received at tl :
y ru ; Council IHulIs Carpet company's.
U- Large invoice of new lace curtains i
the Council JUulTa Carpet company's.
of Ladles , if you want ovorgaltors , .
an and 75c a pair , at Sargent's.
Laby Uliiintiiuiiuii C'lrclo Orgiuilzril.
bym. A Chautauqua clrclo has been organized t
in- 1S'J2-M ' , the 11 rat meeting being hold nt t
Young Men's Christian association roon
Colonel L. W. Tulloys was elected conduct
on for iho year. The llrst ragular mooting
oil held last Monday evening. The program I
inter next Monday evening will bo as follou
tor Roll call , responded to by each one glvi
lo. Greek quotation and author ; "Grecian H
lory , " Mr . Jumos McCubo ; "United Sta <
and Foreign Powers , " F. E. Booth ; "Int
national Institutions , " Mrs. Robert M
xth Bride ; " .Municipal Gas Works , " Mrs. A.
Mooro. An Invitation is given to all rosidi
Ing Chautauquans and any others who woi
and enjoy rending the course to meat each M
the day uvumng at 7:1)0 : ) In the Young Mo
t to Christian association room.
An *
ado Call on Messrs. Day & ITess and n
to bo bhown the Klein tract of 400 act
no Af on aalo in 11 vo and ten aero trac
und 'on- They will show It free to all.
Gentlemen , the llnoatltno of fall goc
itO in the city , juat received. RoltOr , t
tailor , 1110 Broadway.
Itvpulillcnn Mulching Club.
ay The young republicans ol Council Bli
root last evening ut the headquarters of
Republican club for the purpose of crga
Ing a marching club. Dr. V. L. Troynor
elcetod captain nnd proitdont and Wallace
Bhopard secretary , About fifty signatures
wcro secured to tuo mombcrihip roll , und It
was decided to taxa Immediate steps to In
crease the list , A committee on membership
wns appointed , consisting ot F. Compton ,
bhcrman Goss , U , .1 , WIlKlns , K. C. Ilnldy.
W. S. Wllkms , Dr. Cbamoorlain , J. U.
BaKer , E. E. Cook find O. U. Hat-dins. An
other meeting will bo bold next. Wednesday
evening nt S o'clock , Uniforms nro to be
secured , and nrrangomcnts will bo made for
torchlight paraOcH during tbo rest of the
campaign ,
The cold wcnlhor is nppronchlng , pre
pare yoiirsolf for the chilly nights , visit
the Boston Store nnd look over tholr
olcgnnt line of comforts nnd blnnUots.
Blnnkots nnd comforts to suit nil tastes
nnd nt nil prices. Our low prices prevail -
vail in nil wises , the power of the ready
dollars shows Itself. Uoston Store , Coun
cil UlulTs , In.
fiOc nt Snrsont'i.
fU'crgnltcrs for Indies.
The Louis , Mnsonlc block , nro now
rendy to show and sell goods and they
know they can plenso the most mstidious.
If in want of anything In the window
nhndo Hue , curtains , curtain poles , wall
tinner , porticrs , chcnillo table covers ,
etc. , step Into the Boston Store , where it
is n pleasure to show goods. Council
BlulTs , In. _
Something ontlroly new In flower pot
stands nt Lund Bros. '
No bankrupt , Hro-Bmokcd. dnmaced
furiilturo nt Mo.vor's , 905-807 Broadway.
Clean goods , less than any Omaha pricts.
Ladles' ovorgnltcrs , CO nnd Too , nt
_ v
AVIino to Worship.
Congregational Church Kov. K. W. Sharp
will preach at 10:30 : n. m. nnd 7:110 : p. in.
First Presbyterian Kov. Stephen Phelps ,
pns'or. Preaching nt 10l0 : ! a. m. nnd 7:30 : p.
m. ; Sabbath school at 12 m. ; young people's
meeting at (1:80 ( p. m.
Second Presbyterian Harmony and Loean
streets , S. Alexander pastor. Preaching nt
10tt : ! ) a. in. and 7I'J : ! p. ir. . ; Sunday school at
It ! in. ; young people'.s meeting utOl. : > p. m.
Trinity Methodist Episcopal Fourth
street nnd Ninth avrnilt > . Preaching 10:110 :
a. m. nnd 7tO ; : p. m by the pastor ; class
mooting0:110 : n , in. : Sunday school 12 m. ;
Epworth lencuo 0:1. : ) p , m.
All mon are Invited lo attend the meeting
ut 4 o'clock to bo conducted bv Key. II. U.
Barton. Topic , "Who Shall Glean ? "
Union Christian Mission , 2113 Broadway
Snhbnth school. 9:33 : n. m. Preaching by
Kov. G. L. Springer , 70 : ! ! p. m Special revival -
vival service on Mondnv evening. Gospel
temperance meeting on Tuesday evening. II.
Delonp , manager.
Tcinplu Baptist Preaching In Hughes'
hall , corner Broadway nnd Park street , ut
10:110 : n. in. und 7:1(0 : ( p. in. L. B. Hall , pas
tor. Morninc theme : "Christian Courage. "
Evening : "Opportunity. " Sunday school
nt 12 m.
Bethany Baptist Sixteenth nvctnio and
High street Preaching by the pastor nt 11
a. m. and 7:31) : ) p. m. Sunday echoo ! at 10 a.
m. Youncr People's union ut 7 p. m.
Berean Baptist Preaching by the pastor
In the morning. The Young Peoplo's union
\\ill conduct the services In the ovcninc.
Sunday school at , 11 : ! , " > i. m.
Broadway Methodist Episcopal-Preach
ing ntlO:3J : n. in. nnd 7-30 p. m. Sabbath
school nt 12 m. Class moetlngnt'J:30 : u. m.
Epworth leazuo dovotiounl mooting at 0:30 :
p. m. H. P. Dudley , pastor.
Prepare for the cold weather. The
immense supply of ladins' ' missus' gents'
and children's underwaro ut the Boston
exceeds anything in previous yours.
Our prices , as is known throughout the
west , the lowest. Boston Store , Council
BUlITp , lU !
The general comment .that 5s being
excited by Ed K Wright's now work.
"Tho Lightning's Flash , " is somewhat
surprising to the citizens bore , who little
tlo suspected that ono of tholr number
would over create a furore in literary
Do you want a nobby either in
ladies' , misses' or children's and at the
right prlcoV If so , visit the Boston
Store and look ever their line. Council
BlulTs , in.
Ladies' overgaitcra , 50 and 75c , at
Now carpets mm draperies at the
Council BlufTs Carpet corauany's.
Tmra Wns Oil Top.
J. J. Stoadmau , department commander foe
Iowa , returned yesterday from his trip to
tbo national Grand Army encampment hi
Washington full of enthusiasm and pride on
account of the magnificent showing made by
tbo troops under his command. "There ha ;
never been nn oncampmnnt , " said he , "where
the Iownbqys made such a splendid appear-
unco. VYo had ono ot Iho best bands in the
entire parade , the loiva Stale band , and UK
novel idea of having cornstalks for muskets
and gicantic cars of corn for canteens at
traded universal attention. The Iowa iroops
were talked of moro than they ever have
been before , and with good.reason. "
Mr. Stcadman has another cause for prldo
Whllo In Washington ho was presented will
a mat'hillcontdepartment commander's badei
by Iho members of his staff. It consists of i
heavy gold star with a raised croup in tbt
copter and a line diamond at each of the tlvi
points , and with two larger diamonds on tin
bur from which Ihc siar Is suspended. Then
( s another smaller pendant In tbo form of ai
ear of corn , und the whole makes a badg
that tbo owner may well bo proud to wear.
2o do/on gents' heavy gray under
shirts during this week for lee each
worth Me. Boston Store , Councl
BlulTs , In. _
.Tardiniors , nicely decorated , at Lun
Bros. ' , SOc and 75c.
r 0o ut SurKonl'g.
Ovorgaiters for ladies.
Wanted to Ituy.
Improved property. Will pay cash i
price is low. II. G. McGee , 10 Main strool
30 loOpooplo in this city use gva stove
IS Die , Gas Co. puts 'em in at cost.
10 Davits pure drugs , boai paints.
at IJU'lKllKN.
Chicago Journal : During n Sunday scho
i service iho minister was explaining the uoi
rn ' of joining a church la order to obtain nil tl
blessings of a religious life. "Supposing
ho said , "that mv bouso was tilled wl
water pipes nnd faucets nnd yet 1 had
for wutcr | n"i tho.lioufio. What should you si
hens was the matter ! " Ho expected the childri
ns , to sco that n connection with the wat
main would bo necessary before the wat
tor would How into tuo bouso , but only ono lit !
ras boy held his liana up. "Well , " said t
fortes minister , "what is the reason them Is i
v/aterln my bouse ! " "I guess it's'cau '
you don't pay up , " replied the child
tes Yankee Blade : Minister I sea yc
erne father Is reading the tnblo.
neB. - Tommy Yes , sir.
B. Minister Ho Is setting you a good cxa
ent pie , Tommy. IIo reads It quite frequoiitlj
on- Tommy Vos , sir. whenever ho thinks
n's has hid any money tn U.
Now York Herald : Elder Berry Jobl
isk proposes to till the church by giving tbi
res who attend a pulley covering auy accid (
its. durliik. the service.
Dr. Thirdly How could ono moot with
accident tn church !
ids Elder Berry Ono ought fall off the s
the whllo asleep.
k *
All Indiana olergymuu nas ued tbo fan
of u deceased parishioner for $10 us the pi
uffs of the funeral sermon. This Is a reiuonu
rlcuro when It is considered that the spea
the , probably had to make up his I entire euli
Dl * ' 1 with the facts against him.
nil e
A School Teaobcr's Obssrvationa on tha
Question9/ ,1 Would I Mnrrj ? "
rfi s
Uriel Skctclicii AYj'-ynlcd Women An Amer
ican llcroliio. indiic the Allllrtril In
1'crsln TH6 IVmlnliin Slinlllo
Nptca nnd ( lonslp.
"Would I marry ! " laughed a lovely young
lady of 23 , depending on her own income ns
teacher for support. "Well , no. When I
consider the lot of roy married friends I nr.i
thankful for common sense enough lo ro-
mnln single. 1 thoroughly enjomy frco ,
unfettered llfa. To DO sure , I po to my work
In the school room each day , but my married
friends hiiTQ household caret as imperative
ns mlno with far greater chances of falling
to give satisfaction. I have no husband to
llnd fault with the coffee or the stnto of my
wnrdrobo , no children to worry my peaceful
hours , no servants to cater to. 1 have not to
plan for three times 'iM meals each year , nnd
no luinzry family comes In to devour In one
brief hoiir-tho results of my hardmorning's '
toll in the kitchen.
"No Morn tyrant of n husband deals out
with grudging hand small bank bills to sup
ply my needs nnd thoio of his children. If I
run Ingulfed In n whirlwind ol cxlriivnganco
and purchase a lovely pown , n pair ot do-
loctnblo ovonlnir boots , or n morsel of n
French bonnet , 1 can endure the reproaches
ot my own cnnscionco with somocqunnlmlty ,
but the scowls ot an angry opousa would
wither my very soul. When the heated sum
mer vacation comes around , there is n wtiolo
contincntjit my disposal , nnd according ns I
hnvo beep economical nr luxurious 1 may
chooeo my summer outing. Old ngo ! Yes ,
it nmy coma to mo.
"It will como to my married friends , nnd
mnv linn them widows with n hnlf-dor.on
children to work for. But It the worst comes ,
nnd 1 cannot work or llnd n snug corner In
nn old Indv's homu , I fancy I could win some
erny-halrod lover who would offer mo a
homo. Thcio Is generally some ono around ,
you know. " And the cold-ncnrtod little
beauty whisked oft around the corner , leav
ing her married friend to redact that per
haps nil the advantages wcro not with the
matrimonial stuto , u she had been taught to
believe. There is nothing like bolng satisfied
with one's lot ; hut It docs not follow that
every husband is a stern tyrant , and the
very girl who finds so many reasons nnd
apologias for not being married must admit
that there are times when u good man is
handy to hnvo ubout the house.
The nights will soon Do frosty nnd the daytime -
time breezes piercing in spite of brilliant nu-
tumu sunshine , nnd wraps of ull descriptions
begin to bo thn all-Important question. But
most lovinely aoos tbo female m'.nd revolve
the dollchtful possibilities to bo expected ot
the dcmi-saison capes , savs the Now York
Sun. '
Hero Is a velvet cloak lit for the quoen. It
Is of the beautiful new shade known ns
"amethyst , " a deep rich tonoof ; violnt , which
must bs seen to bo appreciated. Around the
lower part of the carinent nro thrao rows of
mink , the color of the fur contrasting do-
lightlully with the plowing shade ot the vel-
vit. The capo'isi ' bordered around the shoul
ders by n fringe of mink tails. Ltncd with a
delicate peach bioisom silk it is n mantle
truly royal in fehade , shape nnd ir.ntoml.
One of the most important of the very bril
liant nnd vivid new colors which nro so much
the rage In 1'oris now is the deep amethyst
of which this doaK Is made. Another Is the
deep pinkish red familiar to us Irom its
birthplace In u well known variety of large
nnd strongly fragrant roses , and which is
most enticingly christened ' 'damask rose. "
A very smart capnia this rolor is of a soft ,
heavy silk , trimmed with full ruchlngs of
blade lace round tbo neck , yoke and on each
sidoof the exquisitely embroidered Jot bor
Equally smart but much more sober in
color and effect Is a mautlo of nut-brown
cloth with yoke and high rolling collar ol
Persian lamb , the softest fur obtainable.
From the shoulders bang the low and lone
ends of orown satin ribbon , and that is lined
with amethyst slllc. There is then , a som
berly quaint , but very becoming Henri If I
cape , in rich black Lyons velvet , trimmed
with a beautiful passementerie of silk and
jot and n most effective bordering of blacli
ccquo feathers , closely curled and ratbci
short. The shoulder capo , which is charac
teristic of tbo mantle , is trimmed witt
feathers to correspond , thn cloak being lined
with green silk shut with bronzo.
* *
Wrinkles are , of course , thospccial detesta
lion of every woman , says u writer in ( Jooc
Housekeeping , and when they begin to make
their appearance ono of the most perplexing
questions is as to how they can bo removed ,
or at least tbo evil hour of their coming b (
put off for n tlmo. There has recently beer
n good deal ot nonsense printed in various
channels as to this subject and ono o !
the most cherished fads is that the
istcamloi : of the face will remove
them. This is ono of tboso halt-truth'
which are siranly deceit nnd disappointment
Wrinkles appear because the line muscles o
the face lose their tone , the tissue shrinks
nnd Iho skin fits itself to the depression :
which are thus left. . It is a mistuko to sup
pose that wrinkles can bo wholly eradicated
especially these which are duo to advancini
years. Let us "grow old gracefully , " um
accept tlio inevitable with the best prac
possible. A cheerful disposition will d
wonders toward lighting up tbo face am
malting one's friends torect or overlook en
tlrolv the signs of advancing years. Bu
wrinkles frequently corao on prematurely
und nrovo extremely vexatious.
It Is unquestionably true that a propct
thorough and careful course of face mnssac
will do a good deul to help things , where th
skin has bncomo dull nnd lifeless , asvi
especially huppon in cases of general declm
or ill health. From two to four limes durin
each twenty-four hours the face should b
gently out systematically rubbed , the bos
method being to employ u line towel or a b
of red , The linger ends answer vor
well , but It is moro difllcult to use thei
without weariness. It will be noticed aftt
a few days that the skin 'Is gaining in ton
and vigor , when tho' degree of vigor or
ployed may properly bo increased.
Bad air is ono of the most potent causes i
wrinkles , and the remedy , of course , is tl
gottinp of good air. Excel lenccof the hlgl
cst degree may not bo attainable ; If not , Ii
us got the best wo ran. With good a
bhould como gdoil llvimr and plenty of nun
tlous food , especially that which has fat-pr
duclng qualities. Mussago of the face
well recommended , uslni ; n light , genii
circular motion of the liujrors , whllo mm
may bo done by cultivating flexibility nt
voluntary motion ot the muscles of the fa"
especially these affecting the wrinkled po
old tlons. And Ikinluy not bo amiss , though
: d boa delicate matter , to suggest that nn ovc
JOi worked , thanklus , ( hopeless Ufa will Ine
ih itably wrinkle the fairest faro with furrov
that no agency this sldo of the gruvo can i
no move till the cliiso shall have been lifted.
- * . *
: u i > * * *
er Marv MapestOpdeo , editor of St. Nlcholt
er wns twonty-nvb 'years ago or moro a pe
lo ploxed widow with two hearty boys dopon
bo Ing upon her.1 .She had been reading Me
10 loy's histories and was carried Into tha la
so of dlkos and windmills until she felt that s
know Holland nearly us well as Amerl (
The outlines of a story cuino Into her mlr
but she was determined that they should
of no faint tracings. She seized upon eve
book bouring upon the customs of the Dut
aim tbo appearance of their country whi
m- she could llnd nnd devoured U. This w
' ,1 productive of a llosb and blood tale "Hu
Brlnuor , or the Silver Skates" which ma
ma her famous , it being not only translated ii
Dutch , but other languages.
ThU would have been n rotnarkablo t
DtS ' umph for a bright , hardworking , console
) n'o tlous youne widow without previous tralul
: nt or natural talent. But ns u girl she had i
cclvcd the most thorough educnllon fri
an private tutors , and was u musician , a I
Juilst and thoroughly grounded in Kngli
oa literature. From girlhood she had been
the habit of meeting ut her father's and 1
husband's houses authors , lawyers , artist
dly men and women of culture- and Informal !
Ice She had already written a number of chai
bio lug sketches , having , in fact , tried her wli
tier enough to know that she could My.
jgy Before Mrs. Dodge was appointed cdltoi
St , Nicholas she served na apprentice *
with .Mrs. titowo ns nn nssoclMo on tbo force
of Heart and Home , Todny the vtvncloiu ,
retiring lady of middle Ufa gees to her oftlco
In the Century bulldlnp , and , In UM sunor-
vision of the IntHc.ito machinery of the grent
Juvcnllo periodical ho Inbor.s ns many hours
mid moro intensely than some of her sub
f Ono of the noble deeds the doing of which
ROCS t" mnKO life lolor.ibio Is that reported ot
nvoung American woman now in T bm.
Persia. She Is n nnsslonnry there , nnd has
been valiantly aiding the natives In lighting
Tabriz Is described ns n town typically
Persian. H is overcrowded. Filth nnd pov
erty nro abundant , nnd these cucourogo the
progress of the epidemic. .It Is a place to
Avoid In n year when It is comparatively
healthful. Inn tlmo of pest It Is revolting.
Miss Bradford , the young missionary , has
remalni-d In tha pest place s'.nco the
uncooftno cholera , relieving pain , lighting
Infection nnd , according to iho reports of a
London merchant now In Tabriz , saving the
lives of hundreds.
The spectacle ot this steadfast , quiet ,
beneficence U heroic. 1' iiicatis , says t\io \
Chicago News , heroism where heroism is
most difllcult heroism without applause nnd
without romance. Thcro Is nothing to lire
the blood or kindle thocoitrnco In nn environ
ment of thii 111th , squalor nnd the vilest ot
epidemic disouscs.
It has bcon hiinounccd that Miss Bradford
Is a daughter of Illinois , her homo being not
far from Lexington , Wo nro glad to repeat
the announcement , for , franldv , wo are
pioud of her. She has demonstrated that
the Unys of .subllmo self-sacrlllcn und of
Florence Nightingales nro not without their
parallels In the present.
* *
Mrs. Michael Davlll Is nn American with
a largo circle of ncquaintnncos on this sldo
of the water. As wlfo of thn great Irish
agitator she has scared n great success In
London , wheio she Is known ns ono of the charming of hostesses. Five years ngo
Mrs. Davltt went lo Biillybrack nnd wns in
stalled In the "Land League CotlURo" us
mistress. This rharmlnp house Is in ono of
the most delightful situations nbout Dublin.
H lies close lo IlallyhracU , while n little
farther away is Dalhey , famous during the
summer for bauds , fashion nnd llirtatlon.
This Is the spot of which Mr. L-\bouchero
wrote so enthusiastically some limu ngo in
Truth , saying that moro hearts were perma
nently disabled during the season at
Iho promenade kio\vn ns sorcnto Car- !
dcns than in nny olhor spot of iho sumo the British empire. Before tuo trent
windows of Davltt's house the well wooded
vulo of Shangaunnuh stretches uwny no far
as Bray Head. Through the trees"on the
left can bo scon irlliniiscs of the sea , whllo
Irom the head Inland the horiron is bounded
by the blue Wicklow mountains , with the
Orent nnd Little .Sugar Loaf. The vale of
Shangnunngh has a reputation for boiug as
mild us the south of Franco In the middle of
winter. It as to this plnco that the founder
of the Land league Brought his young Ameri
can wlfo nnd In such surroundings id roared
the infiint phenomenon , who , ut Iho ago of 0
weeks , would crow xvlth delight on hearing
ho air of "God Save Ireland.1
" 'You cannot always tnko your own medicine -
cine or even bo measured by your own stand
ards , " said n woman recently who prided
herself upon being exact nnd systematic in
all Ihlncs , nnd who could enjoy n Joke oven
nt her own expense. "I wns nt a reception
not so very many years npo , " she said rather
demurely , "nnd was playing upon the piano
to entertain a small group of friends when a
man who bad Bhown mo considerable atten
tion suddenly interrupted mo by nsitinij :
'If you wcro very much interested in u
young woman what considerations would
prevent you from asking her to marry you ! '
"Well , of course , I was somewhat tawon
n-back , and not being in iho mood for a scene
right then nnd there turned around and
nnswered. "Well , I never should propose to
n woman I hnvo met only at receptions nnd
In company. I should niake It u point to call
upon her ot all sorts of unexpected times , to
sco how she looiccd at homo In iho morning ,
whether she vrcnt about In un old wrapper
with dishevelled hair and slipshod , whether
sho'holpod ' her mother or lollodnboulreading
novois until noon. A man makes a great
mistake when ho takes it for granted that
the womau ho admires possesses all tbo
domestic. ' virtues in the calender and is
nlwnys attractive nnd amiable. ' 1H fact , " she
added , "I pave nim n long lecture on the sub
ject , for which ho thanked me. 1 may add
that 1 never met the man again. Next mornIng -
Ing , contrary to my usual custom , I slept
until nearly noon , coining down to a 12 o'clock
breakfast. Mr. H. had already called three
times. "
As a rule , says the Philadelphia Times ,
women strido.shufllo.amble or hobble nlonir in
any way regardless of how they look so long
ns they pet there , nnd thotich they may bo
possessed of the beauty of Venus or the wit
of Mmo. do Stael U is all spoiled by their
ungainly walk. Any woman can learn tc
walk well If she will only tnko pains nnd
practice daily in her own room , throwing the
shoulders back nnd holding the body linn
nbovo the bios , but giving tbo sinuous glid
ing motion lo the lower limbs , or tbo more
every-dny graceful walk of the nthlotio girl
by uvoldlnir too long or too short stop ? and
keeping the urms hanging loosely at the
sides. Do not thrust the head forward , yel
bo sure that you do not acquire the habit of
holding it back so far that an equally un
gainly appearance Is obtained. Practice be
fore your own mirror nnd you will seer
notice n great change if you only keep ii
mind these little hints that form the details
of a perfect wulU.
The surprise of tlio season is found n
plaidcd velvets ibutnra gay beyond doscrip
tion. Groundworks of dark grcon , brown
blue , heliotrope or black ate brilliantly illu
mined by quarter-Inch silken lines In yellow
red , bright grcon or occasionally , palo blue
which , forming squares sometime :
reach n dimension of six or more Inchc
across , become extravagantly offcetivo.wblli
others show squares and center-squares com
posed of narrower silken lines sot in gn ;
combinations of colors.
* *
A muslurd footbath will frequently war
oft an itpproarhlncold. . A tablcspoonful o
mustard to two quarts of not , water is ih
proportion for an adult ; for n very youn
child double the quantily of water may o
used. A bucket , on account of its deptl
makes n teller receptacle than 11 tub , nn
while the feet are being soaked a won
blanket should bo thrown over the knee ;
covering bucket and all.
A camera obscura is nn nmusinc plnythln
for an invalid child nnd helps to pa-is th
wearv weeks of convalescence after an II
ness. " This litllo instrument , If pliieoil In
darkened room , with the Ions pointed ot
> t ( -through the window , will rolled every thin
10 1 that passes iho house on tbo ground glas
0. making a sort ot moving , colored puppi
I show.
Irl I.ulOKl Fashion * .
lo l- Shadow or mirror velvets nro used fi
o1s dress bonnets for afternoon rocoptloas an
1so tbo theater.
: h Wool velours Is a fabric In high favor fi
id visiting , t ravelin ? and handsome tailor mat
" street costumes.
ir- Mink fur Is to bo used for trlmmlnir i
irIt much ibis year as last and broadcloth is nl
irv - to bo again n favorite.
vvs A new BKirt-trlmmlntf has luco arranged
vso festoons , butlerlly bows appearing where 11
o- flouncing Is caught up.
Double Jacket fronts , tlio outer ones of tl
dress material , thu inner of silk , conttnuli
13 , to form a nigh collar , are popular.
rd - There Is no longer any doubt that mo
dt - pawns , for tllu carl-v autumn at least , w
tnd have the fan breadth In the bucic uweop t
nd ground ,
ho Bluck velvet capo ? , with most of tbo fu
ness massed atbo back by pleats or t > h
< the fashionable wraps f
ho rlncs , nro among
the autumn.
ca Very handsome and artlstio buttons n
ch eold both tor coats and for fastening t
us Bides of the front brnadihs cf silrtsof Hi
ns slau pnncesso gowns.
do Long ostrich tins of half feathers ore s
ito crosswise , velvet and satin ribbon , velvet
iho bias , fell. Jot and feathers , all uro put i
rl- In the Alsatian * bow style ,
AUatlan bows with a full cluster of Jl
llowora or feathers standing up from i
re middle of the bow , are a ntvllih and bccoi
am mu trimming for young ladles.
ish Bomo of the cloaks are Indescribable , n
rich irimmlugi und differs
Inter are a mass oi
materials combined , Tbo effect is uoai
s always handsome and satisfactory.
on. The "umbrella snako" is a little artlllc
article which promises to wind Its wav Ii
our favor , for Ua purpose is to encircle i
umbrella In jiluco of the ordinary olas
: of band , which bos a pernicious hublt of gotll
hip 10 worn aud stretched that one' * ' 'flit u
Skins ; Evangelist Mel
A Voice of Power nutl Swectioss Impaired
by Oatarrhnl Sere Throat.
Aflor Tcsllui ; Iho Trciitmnnt of Dr . rope-
Inml nml Slirpinl tlio K\niRPtUt : I rrrly
C'omuiOMiU II to iho I'nlillr.
For the past four weeks Evangelists
Hoyor nnd McCltisU.y have boon con
ducting revival inootlnpn nt the First
Ulirtstlnn church in this city.
' Tlio ability nnd fame of these u'lftod
men attrnctod llitongs of ncoplo to tholr
meetings , nnd tho-u who heard the rich
voice of Kvangolist MrClusKy in the
melody of sue cd sonjj will read with in
terest the fuibjoined brief , but oxprop-
she statement which the jiotod gospel
slngor gives ever his autograph signa
ture :
S. H McCl.rsKV. PlinhiK r.vanpol'st ' ,
"I bi-cnn Inkinn irrntnit-'iil of Drs Coiivliuul nml
Slii'imnl. nholt tlmo nan , forrnturrluit orelhroU ; ,
nml iiutttltlmtnmlltu thu fict ; tlml I inim cuTy dny
nml I'vcMilni ; chirltu llio lime , they Imvo etitlieU re
lieved llio : orcno' 9 anil nNo j-trt'imtlicm'il myocnl
'jiowun I commc'tiil the treitnifiit fur thu liotu'lll 1
Imvo < > blnliuit I Imo fnuml It most liunotlolil. It
h\smmiuiuyMiiKlni : : e.i-ler ami luft tnomucli la't-
tor titturuartl. 1 < ti > not liuiltutu to rouormnuml tliu
trentmcMit in liulni ; helpful to nuso , lliroat nml
cliuat. "
Mr. MuClusky goes from Omnhn to
ChlllieotliP , Mo' , for ru\ival work. His
homo is Atlantic , In. , and ho will gladly
answer any inquiries that nuiy bo ad
dressed to'him. as to the merits of Drs.
Copolaiul and Shopard's methods.
Comes from the Kast. West , North nn I SoutK
bonrlnu testimony ol the successful tiii'xt-
mcutof Drs. O > palind ; anil Slie | > ir.l by mall'
A'Uiiijilu'U niunl : Soil to .I
) In t'ROl'OllTION TO TltK
uooMsau nndar : , Nn\v YOH'K UKE UUILD-
w. n. COPEI-AND , * r. r > .
C' . SS. HIIKPAKD . n.
bl'KVlAl.TIKS ! C.'il-irrh. AMhma. llrnnelit-
tls. Nervous 1) so.isiis , lliooil Discuses , Itliiiu-
niallsiu. Consumption. ; unl all chronic affec
tions of tlui Thro it , Ijiiii a , Stomach , Liver
and Olllco ICldiioys. liouis : 0 lo II n in. . 2 to . " > p. in. , T to 8
p. in. Sunday. 10 a. in. tol'Jm.
hrclla rivals In shape the ninchmn of Mrs.
Croain , bclRO and pink felt bonnois nro
trimmed with pleco velvet , In dahlia , violet ,
green und pinkish Inn , with uddod Kurniiuros
of glittering Hhlncstone buckles ana ostrich
Duttorlly bows are n popular trlmmine.
of these are seen
As many as seven or eight
on ono bleevo of n now costume. There are
very nearly or quite four dozoa ou the entire
Oracofjl princosso dresses of auburn-
brown , violet and niyrlle-crocn uro exhib
ited , trimmed with narrow bands of brown
fur , nnd sill ; crochet buttons the shade of
the fur.
Navy blue nnd black look well always in
conjunction and never better lhau in a gown
of heavy navy blue cloth with rich olaclt
braiding. The jacket opens over a vest of
rich black bonqalluq.
Ulack satin blouse waists with closely
lilted linings nro also very fashionable ,
They are plentod , and bricr-Mltchod in
blade , and tiio collars und en IT A tire decorated
wilh rich cut-jot pnssomenlcrlo Hands.
An attractive drcss-trlmminc IK made of a
row of shell-shaped puffs. Below this is n
band of ribbon with bws tied at intervals ol
about .six inches , und below tins is a box-
plaited rufllo of the inntcrial which Is snt
under the edge of the skirt.
Cloth covered bonnets nro to bo much worn ,
the frnnio buinp smoothly covered with the
cloth In place of bclcctini ; n felt shape ,
Hound plateau shapes of thick felt cloth are
shown In thu niililnci's supplies , und these
nro twisted into all sorts ot coquettish bon-
natbhupos to suit the head ,
A stntoly hoiiso gown of much moro ImpoS'
ing effect Iban ihcso slmplo costumes ib an
elegant combination of ccq-dc-bruyuro reel
pcau do solo bordered with feather iriimninp
of the saino bhudo , und China blue corduroy
velvet. The whole ot the left Mdo und tin
sicovos nro mudo of Iho velvet , whllo the
front is of the poau do sole.
In lieu of the corset cover proper , with Hi
in any seams , many woman will wourdurlnt
Iho autumn what is called the slip-bodice ,
which is n half high , sleeveless waist o
Swiss ribbed silk , lisle or cotton. ThU pro
loots the corset , conies well down over tin
hips , and is seamless. It buttons down tin
front , and hits bin little irimmlng.
L.nppcd skirt panels , buttoned at the tor
simulated buttonholes on th
oi- with real or
leas panel Haps , are a feature of vary many of tii
now autumn gowns. The waists of many a
these have u round , bias , Brainless baefc'vlt
as , noichoi
wluo tlchullko velvet rovers
so vary Ilka Ibo collar of a man's coat. Tlio sleeve
are In close coat shape , with bias folil.i form
In Ing u full , dcop puff from the shoulders.
hoISt Among the handsome wraps to no won
tills winter aio very distinguished look in
1'Vcnnh rc-dingotos , made of ciimci's hair every
line ladies'clolli , willi collar and cuff
very of seal , sable , black fox or heaver , Tnoe
ISt garments lit the figure closely , bolng line
III with surnh. Bomo uro nearly seamless , bu
bo having ull the smooth , wrmklcloss effect of
rudliigoto cut with many durts und seams.
II- Tlio corselot-toppod skirt to bo worn wit'
Ir- sort of fancy shirtwaist wll
- a blouse or any
Iror continue to bo favored this full and wlntn
for pretty house costumes. liengullno , cam
TO ol'if hair , India cashmeres In fact , nil th
ho countless list of light wools uro useu fo
thU skirt. For the moment ttio making c
islet -
these waists ut homo Is qulw a fusblonabl
wilhvomon deft with the ncodlc
let pastime Pattern * of any of the models are easily ol
on ttiolo maUo ut hum
tamed , and the cost of
on Is about one-fourth of t'io ' prlco of the jackc
nQ , ready made.
ho Nottft AliiMitViiincii. .
ra A woman ban boon admitted to Iho Londo
rand Hocioty of Compojltors as u working men
nd her. Hho is tuo llrst woman to break Into tt
mt close combination.
rlv Hospital nurses and their friends will I
interested In BOKO statistics which lid\
ilal bocn compiled by Prof. Tyndall.ccordin
to these , hospital nurses only attain , on u
.ho overucp the ago of U5 years , whllo the noi
tic nursing women reach the ( julto mature at
of.VJ. This is a startling assertion ovi
tn- which nurses will do well to ponder.
The winla Ivortlionn us appsirlns In n
nowspipcr arc often the most Interesting
part of Its content ? , They oppress the urgent
needs , the dally \vlsho < ot the pcopla who
want something and who are Tvllltn. : to do
romothln : .
\V AN'tT.ll-Comnotuut * lrl for
housework. llJSoilth Seventh stroot.
WANTED A thoroughly eo'iipetonf ' ( Tlrli
must bo a uooil cook. Inquire ot MM. W.
A. Mnuror , Kll Soconrt IIVIMUIC.
HKIIN si i i "iTis. ) N u-Ti oTIsoN . * "VorMo
ulwiiyi rondy nnd o\or nlillmc to how
pioperty ; rljs nlw.iys on hd'td. Uo and ! -co
nnd cltjr * . Mnnny loaned nn
- htock nnd er.iln. lUvil i-t ; 1o for s.ilo.
Dwclltn r nnd business rentals. Money lOMiod
for lnvcstoM. Lougco , t Towli'.Sli I'o.irl
I7IOII SALE Icslr : blti rosUU > iu > o property
-I on t'urk nvo. Modrru IniproViMiiunlii , U
rooms , ono block from motor : u tmranln If
till ; on at once ; easy payments nr tr.t'lo ' 1C II ,
IP you want to rout a house sco Ureenshlolds ,
Nicholson ft Co.
17UMI TUAPK-l.anTirTiToreotv county nnd
-L L'ustor county. Neb. , f < ir tirk of jo olry.
nreiiiK. furniture or business property In
Council in n rr-i. i : . n. shu ito.
KLD N K'TfoT.soN \ ro h.un
I tliu Inr est list of property of liny llrni In
the city.
_ _ _ _
: SAIiE Ohou-cst farm In '
IfOi l'oita\ratti- :
tii ol'o. 41,1 aero , vvnll liicnti'iltill Ilil-
| iro\od. Prk'ollO an aero. Ull lioifc.
IK YOU have nnytliln ; 'or ' sih > or Ir.ido son
IX II , Sliotfo. Itnii'lxvnr mi.l M nn slroot.
Tj'Oll HALE On smid payments , fruit und
JL ' carilon Ian I noir Cdimcll lllulT-t. K. II ,
t'heafe , llro.idvrty an. I Mnln street
IT VOU want to liotr so'iii-thlna iu"v rosnrd-
J-liiS fcal oitnto SUQ tltcciuhulds , Nluliobon
> V Co.
WANTED No' raslui Ian 1 In oM'lwngo for
peed work liorsu . Ii II. Shn'ifo.
uVi"xsiTKiT : > s1NfrTior < ! oN X co. IitTvo
iniiiiy b ir-'ains In improved anil vicunt
jiropurlv they \\oulil bo iile.ise.l ti >
show you.
\\T A.tKin A IX ) . have siviio nf HIP tlnost
farms In BiMithnesleru Io\vi for salt1.
Call and Ben us KM Main street.
II'you h-ivo a limiso to rent see Uroenshlolds ,
MelioNm A , Un ,
AltAKOAIN , ll-aeio fruit and guidon tract
2'i miles from postotllee.'t at-res in grnut" < ,
' 4 aeru In blael < benle . ' . ' 31 apple ttoos. T3
plnui trees. ' & elierry trees , dunlin- , stable ,
i-tir. I'rk'uJ 1.001. No trado. P. II. Mioafo. . il
Tl' YOU mint to buy u lot sjo lirosif , ! ]
-1 Nlclioiil'oii & Co.
IJ.'i.OO I'KIl MONTH rents u cnnd r.-room
Pdwollliiiron AvoC iiear''ilth st I II Mioafo.
TPyou want to buy a tioiisoseoLiieenslilolds ,
Nicholson & Co.
Iflt ) aero unproved farm In Mills eoiiuty Iiu ,
? 3 ! A ) nor aero : also 119 at. JJ" > ; 8 > aeres Im-
Siroved In I'ottiiwatKinilo cuimty. il'i ' snap * .
ohiit-tnn& Van fallen.
/ iKr.rNsunu > s , NMCIIOLSOX & co. nil -
l Jwiiyq have snaps oa hind i'or eoiiseivutlyo
DON'T buy propeily till you lia\e seen , Nlebolson & Co.
irTnN7s'riTi7iTsr3ciTrijT1b6x : ; ; ( & . co roM
vJc-itato and rental usurits , 0:1 Itway , O.
LIST your prnparty with inun who rilst'c ' lo
selllt. HJO Gruaiishlulds , Mcliohon .V Co.
GUnilNSIIKMNIUIlOLSON.tCO. ) . are the
leading mil estate detlor : ) of Counoll
llluirs. Sco thorn when ynn want anything.
DON'T forgot Unit ( iieenshleld ! ' & Nlohol-
-orftiro ilsl-t in Iho mlddlo of llio ring :
larsustllst of properly ot any dealer In the
COMB and lake one of Giomishlelds Nlcbol-
-on's rlis and taue a rldu over thu city ; it
costs you nothing.
IK you want to buy land see OrcenslileldB ,
Nleholson . "i Co.
OH Itn.Vi' 7 rooms on Ave , K5. Ii
II. iilioafc.
G AUHAGn removed , ons'iifiK | vaults nnd
Tuhliiinoys eluaiiod. Ii U. llnrltc. City Uldg.
SALE Kurnllurc. Hxtures and loasool
the largest uiui llnosl. hotel In southern
Ni-liiasliu. All modern Improvements olo-
Kiuil fiiriillnrc. Net prolits II.OOO.UO pur unT
mini ; building newly built : no eonipetltlon ,
I'rico tl.TOJ.O. ' , half cash. E. 11. Shoafo , Council
llluffs. In.
FOUSALE Creamery o itllt. eomprlslnt ; 20-
b. p. bollor. 10-h. p. on-ilne. - Iu ) r/aveilo
sep-irator 2 cream y.tts , niOgallons eaeht ash
cluirn.iW ) uaMons ; power butter woiUer , beam
scales , wnlEht eiin. w.itcr lank and otbor
IIxtnres. Will Roll cheat ) for u.ish or trade
forl-urJ. K. II. Hlienfo.
ORSAl.n A good nilloh eow. 1'rleo $ ' . ! 0.00.
Will tiike pay for samu In earponter work.
I.eonaid Kverclt.
171OH KA I.K A cond pony : weluhs about 800
ipntinds , for iHU.uu. will take pay for same
In carpenter ork. I.connr.1 Ilvi-rett.
'U ' SM/IC A L'cntlo horse and phaeton ,
f. A. Wood & Co , .VSi Main street.
BALK IlnrdwaiM Htoeks In low * und
- Nobraska. Involois , fwo ) loSi'.OO'J. II IJ.
\ > fE ! Twopiiiips inn ! twoc-oltsfot
E.\OllA lot in Council lllnlTH. IX 11. Hhcufc.
In H. A. parlors , children. 4 p
MONDAYS : . 7:111 : p in Socials sceond mid
fonith Moml.iys I ) p. m. Mnsle fuinlshoil par
ties and ulnbs Aildi-t-ss at U. A. I'.irlom ,
Counull HI nil's , or ! . ' ! Purimni St. . Omaha , W ,
K. Chambers , Instructor.
Funerai Director , Embalmar
114 Main Street ,
Coudoil UlufTs.
Omaha , Nab. , Hoiiienibor l.'illi , IbU. .
Hu.ilod | irnosay | ) , In ti-lplleali > , will borreolviid
at thlnollk-e I'tiill two c' TOOK p. ni.JlrlMT ( ) ,
on ai'lilloatlon liern , or lo Iho I'oit or Deputi
( iiiarlonnabtori. I'JUO.OIJIH eonl jinlnp pro-
posaU t < i bo marked" I'roimsals lor - -
at - , " and uddros ol toVM. . 11 ,
. Llnutrirint- Colonel nnd , U. H. A. , Clilpf
terniastor. I.VHtO3-y.
rropusalu for Iliilltviy 1 r.\n fer \anlicou
Miilth aoa.
Healed proposih will bo rnoelvoil for tha
pnriiluiBO or rental of a tMiiifor lu.u , suita
ble for eurrylnu1 thu rjllw iy rolling slouU of
llio Yunldon. Norfolk & Boulliuuatorn lall-
1'inposala should liocliiBslllcd ns follows ;
1 , l' | to null irniHfvr boat.
L' , I'roposalB for taklim eonlrael to do entlr *
tranbfur business of r.ilhv.iv.
: i. I'ropotalnlor runV-il uf liausfor bout.
Requirements nnd HprclllratlonH run be oh *
talin'd from tlxi eblef engineer , Yuultton ,
Norfolk fi Boiilhwestcrii railway , Yankton ,
* Al'l bda ! tthould bo addressed to ;
Yankton , Norfolk Sonibwestdni Hallway.
YiinUlon , H. [ > .
Tlio board of directors reserves iho rltilit to
rejeet uny und all Lids. OJH1UM
. rruiiimnl * fur Library Hull
Sealed proposals will tie received bv I.ewUH.
Itcud , president of ilu-Ito-ird of Directors ot *
the ( Jmaliu publlu library , at the -Nebraska
National bank. In thoiiltynf Oniab.i , until 4
o'clock p , in. TlmrMluy. Oulobur | : i , IH'r. ' ' , fortho
uruutlon und coinulelluii of it tliruu-uloi f unit
n basumuiit llro proof library building ut the
il- iniitlioast oiruor of luih ami llarney strceu ,
il10 Omuhn , In accordinco witb jilnns mill 8ioelll- |
cutlunson lilo In tli ollh-u of Walker ft Kimball -
ball , aroliltneU , room ! > < ! ! McCa nu biilldlnz.
)0 IJicb bid inuatboueconipuiilinl by a certified
ro chouk forl'.OX ' ) , pixyablu lo the order of Ihu
IK preHldent of the buarJ ot tlio Omuliu publlo
in library.
inn The board rpsorves the rljht to reject uny ol
ull bids.
lly order of the Hoard nf Director * of th
er Oinuhuiiiibliullbrary , WILLIAM 8.CUKTIS ,
- " " " " " * ' tJowutary. '