Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1892, Part One, Page 5, Image 5

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This week we will offer Ladies' Ready Made suits , complete , for $2.19. Russian Blouse suits at $4.78. Ladies' Broad Clotrf suits for $9.65. Some splendid bar
gains in Jackets. Ladies' Muslin Gowns at 43c each. 40c Dress Goods at 2Sc. A special line of Black Silks at 78c per yard. $5 Blankets will be cut to $3.95 ,
A good Bed Comfort for 55c. Men's Heavy Underwear for 50c a garment Extra quality of English Merino Half Hose 25c per pair , Ladies' Combination Suits
at $1,50 , and a big line of Plain and Fancy Linens at a fraction of their value. Full particulars of this great sale below. N. B. FALCONER.
32 ladies' street costumes ,
plaited waist with belt and bell
skirt , colors gray and brown
mixed , sixes 32 to 40. Think
of it , a suit all ready made
Only , ,
21 ladies' Russian blouse
suits , made of striped cheviot ,
blouse trimniud with big pearl
buttons , V belt , bell skirt , size
32 to < io ,
Monday only $4,7
24 ladies' broadcloth suits ,
navy blue only , nuule in the
Russian style , regular tailor
finish , worth $15 ,
Hay only $9,65
Ladies' storm serge suits ,
navy blue , tan and black made
with Russian blouse , 40 inches
long , either cloth or leather
belt , bell skirt , made of the
best storm serge in the market
regular value $16.50 ,
Monday only $10,95
Ladies' fall jackets , black and
tan , 32 inches long , made of
good quality cheviot , regular
value $5.50 ,
Monday only $3,68
Entertains a Philadelphia Audience with
a Splendid Speech.
Senior Sonntor Makes Unanswerable
Ilopiibllciin Argument * Ho t-xplnln *
II U Tarty' * Position on. nl.1 tlio I.eail-
PiiH.iuEi.ruiA , 1'a. , Oct. 8. Tbo following
It a synopsis of the speech of Senator Sher
man delivered hero tonight :
Senator Sherman said that Inasmuch as
this was n business mnu's nicotine bo would
conflno himself to business questions In-
YOlved in this presidential election. The
whole aspect of the tarlll question , ho said ,
hud been changed by tbo recant action ot the
democratic convention ut Chicago. For the
first time In tha history ol the country hud a
national party dared to proclaim that a
tariff for protection Was unconstitutional and
was a fraud upon the laborer for tno benefit
of the lew. It was a bold declaration , as
bold us the rebellion , and bad been mot by
the American people In tbo same spirit as
they mot the rebellion. There should bo no
trueo or rurley until this issue was deter
mined , not by war , but by tbo voloo of the
American people.
rmrrr to linpoao Dutlei ,
"Tho power to impost ) duties on imnorts , "
continued tlio senator , "originally belonged
to the several sta'os , Tbo right to adjust
thoeo duties , with a vlow to the encourage
ment ot uomostlo brnnobos of Industry , Is BO
completely Identical with the power that it
it dinicult to suppose the existence of the
ODO without the other. The states have del
egated then- whole authority over Imports to
the federal government without limitation or
restriction , saving the very Inconsiderable
restriction relating to thulr Inspection
laws. TbU authority thus having entirely
pasted from the stales , tha right to exorclso
it for the purpose of protection aoos not oxlst
in them and , consequently , U It uo not pos
sessed by iliu general government it must bo
extinct. Our political system would thus
present the anomaly ol a people stripped of
the right to foster their own industry and to
counteract tlio most Bclllbh ant ! destructive
policy which might bo ivloptcd t > y foreign
iiaUous. TiiU Hiirolv cannot bo the case
that Indispensable power thus surrendered
by the status must bo within the scope of
the authority unou the subject , expressly
delegated to congress ,
"Tboy uUn tell us that protection Is n
fraud upon tha labor of thu American people
for the bcnellt of the fow. What right bus
the ilomocrullu party of today to sponk for
the laboring tnon ot this country I What
measure has it adopted or proposed to ud-
vance their inturoHts , ' * to promoio thnlr com
fort or Increase their pay ! Kvcry ono of tlio
great uut of publlu policy adopted by tuo
republican party wblch hnvo distinguished
the last inlity years has tended to promote
the good of the people of the common poo-
Plr , us Mr. Lincoln called them and uona
bss been moio fruitful of good to ( bo people ,
and especially to these who labor , innii tlio re
publican policy of protecting their Industries
f i oiu unuuo foreign competition , ,
J'rolcfllonVI11 ll Miiliilulueil.
"CougtvsH inav not in all cases have fixed
tbo Just rate of duty , for this depends upon
changing condition * of demand und supply ,
but tbeuriuciple adopted N plain and simple ,
that lucolleciinj : our revenues from Imported
goods wo will discriminate. In favor ut homo
production * us against foreign productions
competing with ours. If tbo republican
party nurcccds ut this election tbo protective
policy will ba maintained and thu McKln'oy '
law will only bo changed ni the oxpcdlonov
of tha time dcmoiutratui the necessity of
amoudmeuta. If the domocratio [ urty tuo-
ceoda wo mutt be prepared to vote on the
Black Faille Fran-
caise , worth $1.1B , at
24-in Black Faille
Francaise , wort h
$1.38 , at 98c.
Black Failles , Gros
Grains , Armures.Peau
de Soie , Satin Rhad-
ani'a , Radzimere and
Crystal Bengaline ,
worth from $1.5O to
$1.75 ; all at one price ,
Colored Crepe de
Chene , 2B [ exquisite
shades to select from ,
for ball dresses , recep
tion or evening eos-
turnesofall kinds ; reg
ular price $1.23 t o
$1.33 , on Monday. $1.
Heavy Canton Crepe ,
made out of the very
best Italian spun silk ,
and will not -wear
smooth or stringy , our
price has been $1.73 ,
for Monday $1.3O.
Faille Francaise , a
very soft silk with a
heavy round cord , they
come 21 and 23 inches
wide , in all the latest
evening tints including
crearn , regular price
$1.33 to $1.75 , on Mon
day , $1.15.
changes In our tariff laws , to bo rnndo with
out rogaro to the wagei and interest of the
laborer or of the capital employed in manu
"This threatened destruction of our homo
industries is made bvan unnatural alliance of
the cotton growor" the Bouth , the 'rou
trader in commercial circles aud tbo dlllo-
lanto dudes who now follow tha fashions of
tbo old world because 'It is English , you
Coinage of Silver.
' Tbo second business of national policy
of great importance to which 1 have re
ferred , Is whether the coinage of silver shall
bo free , whether the bolder of 412K grains
of standard silver or U70 > grains of nuro
silver can present it to tbo treasury of the
United Stales and have It coined for him
into a. dollar. That much silver Is worth In
tbo market about 07 cents. If the coinage of
silver Is made free , then all the silver
now In existence , estimated at JI.OOO-
000,000 , and nil the silver hereafter
mined , nmouutlne last year at coinage value
to $185,000,000 and annually mcroaslng , could
bo brought to our mints and coined into dollars
lars nt tlio expense of tbo United States and
lor the benefit of the owner of silver. Tbo In
evitable elToct would bo to reduce the pur
chasing pownr of tbo dollar to OT cents. The
dollar in gold would then disappear from
circulation and bo xvorth in the market
nearly S1.50. I bollovo President Harrison
would veto a free coinagemeasure. . What
Mr. Cleveland would do I cannot say. Ho
docs not lull us. Now. what wo want Is
both gold and silver money , but always
maintained at uar with each other , money
having the same purchasing powor. How
can wo cot It ? The simple answer Is , by
putting enough silver in tbo silver dollar to
make it equal in value to the gold in the gold
dollar. If : < 70 > grains are not enough pnt
Into tha silver dollar 480 grains or 550 grains.
Give tbo people an houost dollar aud thus
settle the silver question.
.Stale Hunk of J xuo.
"A question of gravnr importance than
free triido or a silver standard Is presented
in two lines in the platform of tbo domo-
cralla party recently adopted at Chicago
'Wo recommend that tbo prohibition tax of
10 per cent on state banlcs be > recalled. '
What does tbls moan > The tax referred to
was imposed lu the midst of the civil war ,
after a full debate una consideration , not for
the purpose of revenue , but to cot rid of
tbo mass of paper money issued under the
laws of the-several mates of the denomina
tions from $1 to f 1,000. I am now amazed that
any intelligent man , democrat or repub
lican , who hai lived lung enough to know tbo
truth or read the history of bis country ,
could bo now willing to open the door a iUn
tu-thit kind of money , Tuo otiolco Is now ha-
twcon national money , bucked by tbo power
and credit of the government , nnd the rc-
Jeoiod , prohibited aud unconstitutional bills
uf credit issued by the local banks , under
the uutlioiity of forty-four suites , with
powers us diverse as the animal creation.
The credit of souio of thuio states U already
Impaired by repudiation , and some have very
limited resources , already crippled by debt.
It Is now tbo tendency of the democratic
party , dominated by inu south , to revive all
tha Usuus of beforti tbo war , oicont slavery
and disunion , and destroy ult ttu achieve
ments of the republican party , except tbo
preservation of the union. The republican
party seeks locomplolo its work by strength-
uniii ! ! the union'that it bus saved ; to deal Im-
punUlly with all sections and classes ; to
maintain ana improve upon the sound na
tional currency wtilch it has cxtabllsboc : ,
and to extend the policy of prot'jaiioa to all
Industries that can bo prolitably conducted
thereby. "
I'ur from lluriuonluui.
New YOKIC , Oct. 8. Tha committee of
anti-snapper democrats uiot last night. W.
U. Grace and W. C. IVbitney ndflsed that
no local ticket bo put up In opposition to
Tammany and that tuo conference committee
to treat wltu the county democracy In its
tlitbt ncaiustTauimauy bo uUbanUoil , This
advice was received with decided disfavor ,
and it was decided by a vole of3 to 4 to
continue the committee.
IVunt u New Cunttmtiou.
I'D the Detonates to the People's party
Congressional Convention of the Second
Congressional District of Nebraska ; Gentle
men Mr. Christian Orff having refused 10
accept the nomination for congress which
was tendered to him at the congressional
Extraordinary special lots in
addition to our regular stock ,
amounting to thousands of del
Great bargains in diagonals.
One lot of 35 pieces rich diag
onal weave , worth in the reg
ular way 4oc per yard , for this
sale 25C.
A wonderful production in
double width.45 pieces
mixed Scotch cheviojts , bought
under very exceptional circum
stances , will be placed on sale
Monday at 37 } 4c >
Anothergreat * lot of about
75 pieces Scotch tweed effects ,
new both in color and design ,
the regular selling price of this
cloth is 68c , to be cleared out
during this sale ac 50C.
A large give away lot of 63
pieces French foule serge , 46
inches wide and strictly all
wool. We have sold miles of
these goods at § i per yard. It
cannot last long at our special
sale price of 75C.
Ask to see the following :
Our $1.00 Henrietta for 85c.
Ouri.oo Jacquards for 89C ,
Our $1.75 Diagonals for $1.25
Our $1.75 Mountain Twills for $1.25
Our $2,25 Itenoaliiies'ior$1.75 :
This is a genuine moneysaving -
saving sale to you ; take ad
vantage of it while you can.
Tlio latest styles irr French Millinery.
French patterns received Wednesday
of each week. Everything now , choice
nnd stylish. Imported huts nnd bon
nets for children.
convention In this city on September 24 , you
are hereby called to meet at 101 ! ) Howard
street. Omaha , Nob. , on Tuesday , October
11 , 1S93 , nt T0 : : ! p. m. , for the purpose of
placing in nomination a candidate for con
gress in the Second congressional district of
Nebraska. JA.MF.S al. TAII.OII ,
Acting Chairman of Congressional Conven
oxi : IU-FKCT or
Ifoir the Itrlcf Scare Sent tlio I'rlce of Sugar
Cllinbliic Upnaril.
One of the effects of the cbolortt sensation
has been to'add another to the arguments In
favor of the republican protective policy.
That is the opinion of ilenry T. Oxnard of
the Oxnard Beet Sugar company of Grand
Island , who was In the city yesterday. In
conversation with n reporter Mr. Oxnard
said that the cholera scare had given the
American peoulo an object lesson on the
value of nrctectlon as applied to industries
which are susceptible of development but
which had not been developed in the.United
"Tabo as an instance , " ho continued ,
"the sugar industry. Ono of the elfecta of
the cholera scare was to ddvanco the price
ot suznr $3,000,000 in about six weeks.
Nearly nil the Imported beet sugar conies
fiom Ham burp and Antwerp. As an embargo
barge was laid upon imports from these ports
for about six weeks American sugar rcllncrs
hud to look elsewhere for their raw material.
Tbo Cubans soUod the opuortunity and
raised the price nf their sugar over one-half
cent per pound to American roliuers. Tboy
In turn ralsoa the price of rollncd sugar to
the cor.sumcis and as a direct consequence
of tbo increased prlco paid by the consumers
? : t,000,000 was transferred from tha pooucts
ot tbo American people to tncso Spaniards
Inside of six weeks. Tbo sumo rule applies
to any Industry In which we place ourselves
at the meicy of foreign nations who will not
hesitate to tax us to the utmost limit In our
misfortune , and lu the event of a .European
war , which is not only possible but prob
able , there Is no doubt"that tbo cane sugar
producing countries will raise- the price to
huch an extent that in a single year wo
would have to pay moro in the increased
prlco of sugar than It would cost u * to develop
velop this industry under the protective
system as It oxlsu today , to cay nothing _ of
the great ad van tago which our farming classes
would derive from the introduction of a now
crop which promises so much for the futuro.
"Am wo going to yield our industrial su
premacy ny Iistonlnito the voice of free
traders whoso judgment is under tbo
sway of foreign theorists , instigated
as they are by foreign nations
whose jealousy and hatred of our unparall
eled advancement knows no bounds. What
is true of beet sugar will apply equally to
any Industry that Is capable of development
under our government. Our an test on * pro
tected this"country aud made it what it Is
by the sword , und it is tbo duty ot every
American i Itueu who loves bis country to
protect and still further advance its develop
ment by the agonoy of the ballot. Facts as
they exist should not bo abandoned for the
doubtful theories of free traders who are
allies of foreigners ana foreign nations. "
Itcpubllojii Central Committee.
The republican county central committee
root yesterday afternoon aud ratlllod the
chairman's selection of an executive com
mittee. The following are the members who
will constitute that committee for the on-
sulugyour : First ward , not filled ; Second
ward , Gcorpo Strykor ; Third ward , Seth
Cole ; Fourth ward , E. Dunn ; Fifth ward ,
M. F. Soars ; Sixth ward , li , K. Wilson ;
Seventh ward. II. K. Cocbran ; Eighth
ward , M. F. Singleton ; Ninth ward , Charles
Unlit ; bouth Omaha , Druco McCullougb :
country precincts , It. L > , Livingston und
.George Hedmao.
Tbo executive committee held a abort
meeting after tbo adjournment of tbo COD-
inlttco proper and appointed a subcommittee
to outline a plan of notion for the campaiirn
aud report at a mooting to bo held tomorrow
ftlith Wuril Itepubllcani.
A meeting of Sixth ward republicans was
held at Twenty-sixth and Lake streets lastt
night. A oommlttoo was appointed to ar
range a grand rally at an early date , a
which candidates for state oftlces ana speak.
Drapery Department.
Brussels Rugs , fringed on
both ends , 75c each.
China goat skin fur rugs ,
Oriental rugs , 31x54 inches ,
only $4.65 each.
Irish Point lace curtains
$3.15 pair.
32 inch figured China silk
6C yard.
New patterns cretonne 25c
,6-4 satin derby table covers ,
$2.5O each.
Tray cloths 8x8 , 6c.
Tray cloths 10x10 , IOC.
Tray cloths 12x12 , 12c.
Tray cloths 14x14 , 20c.
Tray cloths 20x30 , 25c.
Splashers 20x30 , 23c. scarfs 16x50 , 33c.
Dresser scarfs 16x50,480.
Dresser scarfs 16x70 , 58c.
Dresser scarfs 16x70 , 73c.
4 pcs black novelty catele
diagonal always sold for $1.25 ,
our special sale price 79c.
All wool ottoman , 40 inches ,
in good shade of black and in
every way a bargain for Sgc ;
our special price 50C.
We are giving away our 46
inch dollar Henrietta during
this great cut price sale for
Also making special prices
on our finer grades of Priest
ley's icy weaves. To quote
, prices would be no criterion.
Come in and see the goods and
and you will be satisfied that
the prices are right.
ors under direction of the state central com-
mtttoo will bo heard.
The Mercer Guards wore ronortod lully
organized , and would bo In full trim in the
next few days.
An attempt to commit the club on the le
gality of ono or tbo other city central coin-
nlttees was frustrated , believing it should
ae settled by themselves.
An enthusiastic reception was civon Hon.
Charles J. Grceno as v > o stopped forward and
delivered a speech. In which a clear cnuncia-
ion of the protection theory WHS given.
Honest currency and the bugaboo being
made by the democracy over the ferro bill
were handled as only Mr. Greene can handle
Sivorn btntetnenti Jtogardlncr an Klectlon
Plat In Pennsylvania.
Pnir.ADEi.riiM , Pa. , Oct. 8. A Kevins
Poraeroy , editor of the Chambersburjr Re
porter , made an affidavit here last night bo-
Tore a notary public that , tbo democratic
party will endeavor to cast the electoral vote
of Pennsylvania for Cleveland by wltnoold-
ng the ballots from republican counties
until too late to be printed for election.
Mr. Pomeroy alleges that such a scheme
was unfolded to him by State Superinten
dent of Printing Urior , through mistaking.
: iim ono nlghton the streets of Harrlsburg
for a democratic clerk.
PuiLiiiKwiiu , Pa. , Oct. 8. General
Hc-cdcr , chairman of the state lopublican
committee , had many callers today. In nn In
terview General Rooder said : "Our people
will all vote and the votes will bo counted.
[ have three clerks at worlc at Harrisburg ,
going over the names so that 1 can furnish
the county committees such information as
will enable them to go oa with the work of
having ticuett printed for their counties.
Chairman Ilarrlty of Pennsylvania , chair
man of tbo democratic national committee ,
declares there is no truth in the charge made
by Chairman Uoodor of tbo Pennsylvania
republican oommlttoo. that the democratic
state oflluors nro scheming to delay the Issu
ance of onicial ballots. lie says tbo law pro
vides that certificates of nomination may bo
filed up to September 13. and nomination
papers up to September 10 , and that objec
tions to those mar bo lilod within thirty
days thereafter , BO that no exact form uf
the onicial ballot con bo ninda up until after
October 20. ?
"I have had the nomination napors filed
with the secretary ofho _ . committee of
Wealth's ' odico. 1 um having them t-ono over
thoroughly. , ,
' Uy Monday I will hovpa ticket prepared ,
rogularlv set up out bbortor than the one de
cided on at HarrlsburfT , ' to show that a
smaller ballot can bo printed und bo in form ,
Hlzo nnd malio-up with provisions of the law ,
I will have enough of thdm printed for dis
tribution. " i )
* Jfl
Ho U .Iccarilfli ! n Kliul Itrcejitlon and lilt
UUeri4iii' < > 9 Are \Vlllly | Clircreil.
PUHSKI , Tonn. , Oct , tj. General Weaver
and Mrs. Lcato arrived . , this morning aud
were met ut the depot by'yOO farmers , mostly
in wugons and on boroeuack , who escorted
thorn into the town ,
Mr , Weaver spoke this afternoon to a largo
crowd on tbo public square. His address ,
touting thirty minutes , was u summlntr up
and answer to the charges made against
him. General Weaver said : "As God is
mv Judge , i never did in Pulaskt one single
thing mat is charged , except levying money ,
and I pronounce the charges unqualified
falsehoods. The war is over. 1 come hereon
on a mission of fraternity. They said I dared
not come. 1 uuew I dared como and I
would have come had tno threats been a thou
sand times stronger. " Too tpaaker was
wildly cheered. Mrs. Lease then spoke ,
ruilon ( IfT In South Dnkotn.
Iluitox , S. D. , Oct. S. No action looking
to fuslou with the independents was takca
by the executive committee of the democratic
state committee assembled bore yesterday ,
Tbo independents would make no concessions
and thu democrats would not entertain a
Special Sale of Muslin
Lot i. A good muslin gown ,
Mother Huhbard style , with
yoke , trimmed in finishing
braid , at 43o.
Lot 2. A muslin gown ,
double back , V shape , trimmed
with embroidery , at 63c.
Lot 3. A good muslin gown ,
Mother Hubbarcl style , with
insertion and tucks , at 69c.
Lot 4. Muslin gown with
tucked yoke , embroidery
trimmed , at 79C.
L ot 5. Muslin gown with
yoke of insertion and tucks , at
Muslin drawers with cluster
of three tucks , with cambric
ruffle , at 23c.
Muslin drawers with cluster
of three tucks and embroidery ,
at 29c.
Winter Unthrwaar and Hose , .
Ladies' heavy jersey ribbed
balbriggan underwear , in gray
and unbleached , at 5Oc , all
Extra fine quality , onyx dye ,
silk fleeced hose , for 25C a
pair , worth 4oc.
50 doxen ladies' soft finish
balbriggan combination suits ,
for $1.5O eachworth , $2.
100 dozen men's fine French
merino underwear in gray , blue
and tan mixed , at 5OC each ,
special value.
100 dozen men's extra fine
quality English merino i hose ,
in tan , slate and black , at
25c. See them.
For 5Oc we sell a stylish
dark colored heayy flannelette
waist for boys , 50c , all sizes ,
4 to 13.
proposition to fuse on lieutenant governor ,
auditor , superintendent of public irmritctlon
nnd commissioner of schools ana public
anils as proposed by tbo independents.
HIMIOK , S. D. , Oct. 8. The democratic
state committee today formally decldnd not
to fuse with the people's party. I twos loft
with each candidate to docldo whether ho
withdraw , and it Is stated that each , candi
date Is now trying to got his snecial oppo-
icnt on the other ticket to drop out.
Mnliono l''n\om I'lislon.
NEW Yonic , Oct. 8. General Mahono of
Virginia is here In consultation with Chair
man L'artor of the ropu oilcan national com
mittee , lie wauts the party to make u deal
with the people's party , by which they will
support the republican electoral ticket in re
turn for the republicans' support to the pee
ple's party congressional candidates.
Nomlimtoft furOongrcsii.
NEW OUI.HASS , La. , Oct. 8. Democrats
lave made the following nominations forcnn-
ross : First district. General AdolphMoyer ;
Second district , by acclamation.
New York City Only UpuonitPil Oponlnc
of tlio Ciilumbin Celebration.
Nnw VOIIK , Oct. 8. The week ot colobra-
tlon In honor ot the 400th anniversary of the
discovery of America by Columbus bean lioio
today. In anticipation of events connected
with It thu city has bocn decorated : r > never
boforo. Along Broadway , from the Battery
to Harlem , and on most of the minor streets ,
.lioro is scarcely a break In stretches of
bunting. The services of today mid tomor
row will bo of a religious nature. Today
religious exorcises will bo held lu commemo
ration of tbo event in all the Jewish
churches , many of them very impressive und
bouutlfut. Tomorrow ( JDristiau churches will
comuiemoratotheovont. On Monday there will
bo a parade -JO.OJO school children , public ,
parochial and private , and Indian boys from
tbo government school. In the evening the
Brooklyn bridge will be Illuminated. Tuesday -
day will ocur the naval parade , with warships
ships from all the' great naval powon , fol
lowed by swift , transatlantic llnora , mer
chantman and steam yachts. In the evening
tlicro will uo a stupendous display of lire-
worus from the Brooklyn bridco , Wednesday -
day , anniversary dav , will bo inaugurated
with the booming of cannon , followed by a
military and civic parade , in wbluh it u ex
pected 10U.OOO persons will talio part. Then
the Columbus monument will bo dedlcatod.
In the evening there vtlll bo u gorgeous
pageant. _
Ormnifiil In I iko Winnipeg ,
ST. PAW , Minn. , Oct. 8. A Pioneer
Press special from Winnipeg bays : Three
men were drowned in Lake Winnipeg
yesterday. The steamer Hod Ilivor got
ugrouud off PlunUott island. Four inon were
sent out with a small boat to throw the
anchor , and when u short dlstnuco away tbo
boat unset , throwing the men in to the water.
William Williams swam back to the Und
Hlver , but Benjamin Anderson , Kollx
Btuvcnson und John Stevenson clung to the
boat for a time nnd then were forced to lot
go uud nil three were drownod.
Toiofruililrul | Kurvcy ,
John IL Ilenshawo and Henry Garnottof
tlio United States geological survey are
among tbo guests nt the Paxton. Tticv
leave this morning for the Interior of the
tUo state , wliero they will make a detailed
topographical survey of a considerable terri
tory lying between Or ant Island and North
Platte , The survey was ordered by tbo last
congress and contemplates a survey of parts
ot North and Houtb Dakota , Kansas and Ne
braska lying in the tuna longitude.
Will .Muku the Opening Aildrrn.
Ky. , Oct. 8 Hon. W. O. Ilrcck-
iurtdgo spoke hero toady to a largo crowd
and , as usual , bis speech was well received.
Ho was asked by n reporter If it was true
that ho bad , owing to tbo attitude of tbo
Chicago press ana other rcasoni , declined to
deliver tbo opening address at tbo Colum
bian exposition In Chicago on October 21.
Ho suld bo bad declined , but st tbo request
NAPKINS for Monday
3-4 size , $1.98 , $2,19 , $2.45 ,
$2.75 , $2.98 , $3.50 , $3.75 , $4
and $5 ,
26x50 at 480 , regular 6oc.
28x56 at 580 , regular 750.
34x60 at $ i , regular $1.25.
40x68 at $1.35 , regular $1.75.
44x72 at $1.50 , regular $2.
A few of those 8x12 damask
cloths left , at $2.85.
Another new lot of finc cream
damask cloths , Sxio , $2.48.
8x12 , $2.98 , worth 20 per
cent more.
Quilted table pads and mat
tress covers , in the following
sizes and at very low prices :
84x72 , $1.88.
63x72 , $2.OO.
68x72 , $2 25.
6Ox76 , $2.2S.
63x9O , $2.BO.
84x9O , $2.2S.
esxios , $
A 101vhlto all wool blanket , worth
35 , for S. ' ) . ! > 5.
A llxl white all wool blnnkot , worth
5G.CO , for $5.25.
A 10-1 pray nil wool b'tui'cot , worth
85 , for $1.2o.
A 11-4 gray all wool blanket , worth
$0 , forSl.'Jj.
A 10-1 Bcnrlct all wool blanket , worth
$3.75 , fori)5. ! ) r
Wrapper blankets , 72x81 , worth Sty
for $1.75.
Crib blankets , J2x ! 12 , worth S.'i.OO , for
Wo atari a good comfort , worth Too ,
for 55c.
Larfjor and bettor quality , worth
$1.25 , for 85c.
Shirting , skirting' , cloaking , etc. , ( in
embroidered , plain , btrinoor check. )
The largest selection in the city.
of the council of administration bad sus-
ponaed the declination.
ItC.tmo Too l.uto to Iltivo Any I'fl'cct on
Ilio Corn Crop.
POUT DOIIOE , In. , Oct. 8. | SpecIal Tolo-
pratn to Tun Bii.j : The first severe frost
this fall carao this morning , freezing water
and destroying the last vestige of late vege
tables. Every ear of corn in Webster county
was far out of danger ; much of It is already
in sbapa tor husking.
MU.VRUNla. . , Oct. 8. [ Special to TDK
± 5nE. I The first Hard froatof the season
was visible this morning. Thin sculcs of Ice
worn scon in water troughs. Corn is almost
entirely out ot danger of frost now. It is
estimated there will bo the largest ylold of
corn known in southwest Iowa. Private
cMspatches from tit. Louis indicate that J.
W. Murphy of Mills county carried off six
flrat and ono second premium on apples
snoivn. Ho had six entries. Mills county's
reputation as u fruit growing county is sus
tained , dcsplto the short crop.
IOHII Cliiistluii > . < > ijccrj.
CIIBSTOV , la. , Oct. 3. [ Special Telegram
to THE BII : . | The sixth annual convention
of the Young People's Society of Christian
Kndoavor of southwest Iowa bold a. conven
tion In this city today. It was attended by
delegates from almost every church In tbls
district. The address ofHov. . Dr. Hill of
Atlantic was a masterly offoit and showed
much Btudv and thought. The worlc of the
convention throughout wai highly satisfac
tory. The address ot Dr. A. 11. Carter of
Council Bluffs was a brilliant and Interest-
In ? one. The oflicora for tbo ensuing year
wore elected as follows ! President , II. B.
Larrabeo , Creston ; vlco president , Miss
Kmma Moulton. Hod Oak ; executive com
mittee. Mrs. L. M. Cm-win , Mrs. W. H.
Close , Miss Km ma Morse and Miss Uttn
Neeaham. The next convention will DO
bold at Clarinda.
Hugcr'uViirin Cmutlng.
ATIAXTIC , Ja. , Oct. 8. [ Suocial Telegram
to Tin ; BEB. | The appearance of Senator
linger , candidate for congress , here tonight ,
brought an outpouring of republicans such
OB has not been soon this reason. The oporn
house was crowded and hundreds were
turned away. It is evident boy o rid
question that Senator Hagor is cn-
sbrincd In the hearts of the peopln
of this district and will represent them in the
next congress. Ills speech wa a niastorly
one and was received with great applause
and enthusiasm. Ho spoke of ttio fact that
thu Atlantic Canning company , which uses
from ' . ' .OOO.OUO to U.COO.OOO cans evcrv season ,
was now Ginning pumpkins In cans made
from American tin.
bKX rr.n inrn A JIADUK.
( iinnil Army -Mini Call on the I'rnslileiit
unit 1'icnPiil Jllin ullli u Siiuiunlr.
WASH iso ros , D. C. , Oct. 8. Messrs. Gib.
son , McElroy and Warner of the local com
mittee , Army of the Uopubllo , called
at the while bouso this morning and pro-
cntcd to the president a handsome badge
commemorative nf the rccont encampment in
tbls city. It is an exact fac simile of the
badge isiuod to all other members of the
Grand Army of tbo Kopubllo except that it
was specially made from captured cannon
metal. Tbo president gave tbo committee a
cordial greeting and thanked thorn heartily
for tbo souvenir. Ha toolc occasion to
allude to the perfect picture represented
upon tbo badpa of the review of the army In
lbC5 and spoke of the great pride bo tooK in
marching' through Washington at ttio bend
of hU troops on that occasion. Ho also ex
pressed his very great regret at not being
able to be in the city at tbo time ot tbls en-
cainpmont and to rovlow tbo parade , which
ho pronounced to have been tbo iinost ever
t > een In tbls country , excepting onlv the re
view of lfJ5. ( Ho also coiuplimuntcd tbo
peoulo of 'Washington on their magnificent
undertaking , and tbo Grand Army men
themselves for tbo quiet and gentlemanly
manner in which they ucmoanod themselves
during the \\eok ,
Wounded Two 'Menrlcli < un Hullot.
NEW VOHK , Oct. 8. Private George Mil
ler , company A. Sixth United States In
fantry , „ stationed at Fort Wood , Bodloos
island , tbls morning waviild and shot ,
and probably fatally wounded. . Sergeant
Van , against whom ho had 91 grudge on
account of ttio fact that Doth were plying
attention to the same ivomau. The bullet ,
which pissed thronel ; Van's body , also
wounded Private King in the arm.
AmrrlrniiaVrlcoinril In himlii.
Iluri.VA , Oct. 8. The congress of Amori-
casmotat the Larlba monastery yesterday ,
the members being carried from Huolva in a
steam launch. Tbo river was crowded with
gay craft. Premier Canovas do Castile ,
who opened tbo congress , announced that
Queen Kogent Christina would preside- a
future sluing. Tbo bishop of Bndnjoso la
an address related that Spain nltvayH wel
comed Americans as her most beloved chil
The municipal authorities gave a ball this
evening In honor of tbo members of the con-
riftliVurcl Doimicrats.
The Fifth ward democrats hold n well at-
tonuod mcoiing at their hall last evening.
Arrangements were made for the Joint moot
ing of the Fiftn , Slxtn ami Eighth wards on
Monday evening next at Erlllng's hall , Shor-
mnn avonno and Corby street. A general
invitation was extended to nil democrat * to
attend. lion Ed I' . Smith addressed tlio
mooting In n sound and logical argument on
the tariff issue. The club holds its meetings
on every Friday evening. All Fifth ward
democrats arc earnestly requested to attend.
Yc'Hou , Fii-U Vlrnlunt In Urn/ll.
iniAiirci.riiiA , Pa , Oct. B. The Hecord of
this morning says : Hoports from Santos ,
Brazil , to Philadelphia merchant verify the
report * of yellow fever at that important sea
port In South America. An epidemic tins
uoen raging there for mouths and the dead
have boon nlled In trenches of greijt length.
It Is stated that moro victims have been
swept awav In and around Santos than bavu
died in central iCuropo from tbo plague thcro.
Itrrrlveil a Contmlfiilon on Appointment * .
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Oct , 8. Calvin Chase ,
the well known negro politician who twica
successfully contested Perry Carson's title
to a seat In the national republican couven-
lion , has been charged with malfeasance la
ofllco as food Inspector. It U alleged Unit bu
demanded and received compensation for se
curing places for bis countrymen.
HII'H r < iiular.
Alex Wygant , 'vho has during the past
year occ-jpiod the position of night clerk ut
the Murray , has been promoted to the day
desk. Mr. Wygant tm.t made many friends *
during bis stay in OniJhu , who will Do
pleased to hoar of his advancement.
Declared thu Tent Oiitli lIiiconnlHulliiiiiil
HAII.KV , Idaho , Oct. 8. The Fourth dis
trict court has rendered a decision declaring
the Idaho Mormon test oath unconstitu
tional. i
Ilnngt'il lor Jlurdrr.
PiCKESf , S. C. , Oct. 8. Tom Crock , col
ored , was lianecd hero today for tbo murder
of Jerry Iluphes , town marshal ot Fastlor.
Of perfect -
Vanilla purity-
Lemon Of great strength-
Ornnnre Economy In their use.
Flavor as delicately
and delicloutly as the fresh fruit *