Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1892, Part One, Page 3, Image 3

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I ' 7
COMPRISING AND " \Vo call special attention to our fctook
Rich Iridescent P.issatnon- ' This department is adding- new attractions every
QLAOB TAFFETA.Vo have now the new effects In chuugeablo taffeta , Ucndgu - of men's underwear.Vo quote u few of
stripes , figured and two-toned. torioiV Rich Cut .Tot Beaded Pnssamentorlcs. the special numbers below. you can find all the latest styles in Box Coats , Russian
CREPE. All the fashionable shades in this exquisite sillc . Hicli Hnnd Crochet and Silk . LOT 1.Vo are showing an all wool
party crepe. Gtilmps.
Coats Half Box and in all the la-
natural pray shirts and dr.uvors , well , Tight Fitting Jackets , -
FAILLE FRANOAISE.Vo have just received a full assortment of party and Rich Irldiscent Headed Girdles , ,
made finished line for
pretty street shadow. Tills superior grnda of dress silk is of the most re Zounvesand . Undiees. . UPERWEBR. cold weather , tit scams Jl. , a garment test materials and popular shades. Also Ulsters in the
nowned manufacture. SI.15. Rich .Jut Girdles und Bodices. .
Rich I'eiMltui Ha.vded irtid Krauroidor- LOT 2. Men's
. - heavy derby ilbbcd cape shapes and pleated backs.
CHANGEABLE VELVETS. ed Bauds. snirts and drawers , steam shrumt , ono
VARIEGATED VELVETS. Rieli Russian Embroidered Bands. of our ppecial numbers , at $1.50. Cheviot jackets in blue and blacli At $0 wo show n Cheviot roe for jacket ,
GROS GRAIN SILK. ANY COLOR , 85o. In fact everything1 Unite now and desirable Our Stock of fall and winter hosiery LOT 3. Is another bargain in natur reefer slupc. 3 ( > inches long , double in black only , full fur facing mid would' '
CRYSTAL BENGALINE , ANY COLOR , $1.6O. sirable- will reasonable bo found in our . stoulc at ex and underwear is now complete and is al wool shirts and drawers , well made , stitched seams and perfect lilting , $ .5.00 bo good value for JS.W. ,
tremely prices. replete with bargains. strongly stayed , a useful ijarniont ,
worth ? 7.00. At$11 wo show a beaxor jacket in
at $1.60.
Children's school hose in fast black See our $0 jacket * . 30 indies long and half box style , colors blue and black1 , '
Dress Goods. New Laces. New Lac cs. 1-1 ribbed rotten , 7 to 10 , at 2oc. made of fine cheviot cloth , bound with : ! ( liichcs long , also a tlnofhoviot jacket
. Boys' ribbed wool hose , double heels , Ilk braid and handsome buttons ; regu US inches long ; these arc bargains nniV ,
Wo have just received a beautiful n - ' . . lar priCTfill. . good value for $13.
knees and 3'
toes , > c , 3 pairs for $1.00.
bortnicnt of now LHCOS. ialf Hose.
POP LIN "Imported superfine poplin , all the new shades , Misses' red wool hose , fl to 8 } , at 'iOc.
inches wide , 85c. Now Veiling New Mm Children's underwear , pray , scarlet ,
white or camel's huir , from 2oc up , Men's hcavv merino and nil wool half
STORM S ERG Endive grades , navy blue storm senje , unsurpassable Liuies' fine undorvcsts and drawers hose _ , all full regular mmlc , double
The very latest novelties in veilings merino heels and toes , at i5c ! , ; ? 'jc and
surpassable value , 85c , 90c , $1 , $1.10. $1.25. will be placed on our counters Monday from 50o up. 50c , nil extra value.
morning , compi-islng the new lace bor Ladies' union suits from $1.50 up.
STORM SERGEizAuy colorjn sHocl ders , the Lottie Collins , the Columbian
" ( very now ) , La Ripa , Odosso , Kronstad , colors , ecru , natural irray and black. Full assortment Necktie ? , etc ,
C H"EVfbTS Xe\v weaves , new colorsL50jnclies wilcj [ > l.35 Venus , Pompadour , Fish and Russian Wo are solo ngents for Omaha and
Meshes , etc. , etc.
" " "
for the celebrated
vicinity Vpislanti
. .
UrcsiS Reform underwear.
Two cases of line all wool cheviot on s.ile Mr-iiay at 50 c- Now Ribbons New Ribbons LIEN DEPT.
.EPINGLE VELOUR Hie correct dress fabric. All the
Now Moires. "Rich Failles , " Sntin
new effects now in stock. and Failles. Double Faced Satins , Vel Special Prices for Monday
vets with Sutin Buck , etc. , etc. , in all ,
SCOTCH SUiTlNGSziServiceablc and pretty suiting , tno now shades , also black and cream.
inches wide , 85c. 3 Sl'IiCLYL BARGAINS IN Bleached Table Linen SOc.
WHIPCORD Our-10 inch French whipcord , any shade , on Ladles' Embroidered , Scolloped , Swiss Monday wo olTcr throe pieces of line
sale Monday at 75c. and Irish Handkerchiefs AND satin damask , our regular SI quality , nt
SOo per yard. They are beautiful new
At J5c , 25c and 30c Each. patterns , o-napkins to match , at il.75
L-uiies' Hand Embroidered Scolloped UAMELS Bed Spreads 11.50
Japanese Silk Handkerchiefs (10 ( different
black 46
Superfine dye
A Great Bargain--Henrietta ,
ent styles ) , 25 elegant largo bed spreads at ? 1.50.
inch 85c Don't miss getting one.
, ,
At 25c Eacli. worth 40c.
WHIPCORD 10 inch French whipcord , regular price $1 , -IN-
sale price , . Moirlay , 75c. Latest Novelties in , " w : Hemmed Hock Towels 20c. Our line of Infants cloaks is the largest we have ever car
Silk Warp Henrietta Regular price $1.50. This extra Ladies' Coin Purses. Portmonies , Card . ried and the assortment the best that can be procured , ranging1
Cases , and Combination Pocketbooks at GREATVARIETY 20 dozen fine liuelc towels , hommcd ,
fine grade , best French dye , at $1.25. special prices. worth 25c , Monday 20e each. ; n price from $3 up to $25 ; sizes r , 2 , 3 and 4 years.
: lgo |
o !
' for ]
for !
; c J
VanWjck Given a Number of SuVjscts to
15unHIo County Cltlzeim Kntortalncd ulth
All rumen or'tlie Political Situation
. IHU ofNelirnsKii HUtoiy Notes
of the Cainrialcn.
KKARNET- . Neb , Oct. 8. [ Special Telepram
toTim Buu.J Ttu < > was an Important day
lor all political parties In Buffalo county , tUo
occasion being the CrounseVuuVyck dc-
bale , with Sterling Morton on the program
for a single-handed discussion this evening.
About 1,000 persons collected 111 the High
school grounds this afternoon to hear the
debate. The oocnlng speech of one hour was
Klvcn to General Van \Vyck. and ho sUrted
out by repeating the sior'.es of the disastrous
condition oi affairs nmone the fanning
clasi. Ho said that he , along with Judge
( Jrounso and others , Degnn to howl thirty
years ago und that ho was silll Howling for
reform In political measures which affect tno
xvelforoof the people.
first no wanted silver restored and plenty
of It. ( Cheers from the Independents. | The
bpcalccr did not hint at any way which would
cnahlo ono to cot a dollar without earning It
or putting up collateral. * A reduction in rail
road ratrs was demanded and the justice of
this demand was urged by the statement
that Iowa roads netted the owners flOO per
year for each ijiile. Kansas roads JOOJ and
Nebraska roads t'J.GOO. Ho suggested that
iho Indepciidcutparty would tauo everything
peed within ri-acli. The old parties were
abused aud accused of robbing the people.
As t th Tnrlir.
The tariff as applied to sugnr was used as
on Illustration lo show the evils of protec
tion. Ho forgot to mention that rctlnod sugar - '
gar tins a high duty imposed on U and that
iinno hut raw sugar is on tno free list and
tnat American workmen receive the bonclits
of Increased wages paid in refineries , Rock-
ofollur and other wcallliy men uamo in for a
thuro of condemnation. The low priio of
wheat anil calllo was ultilbuU'il to olu piirty
He suid lha ! the government only paid tbo
old soldiers Jl.'l a month for services in de
preciated currency and refused to malm up
the acllclency in times of prosperity. Ho
cave the republican party credit for only
stealing half ilia soldiers' wages while the
democrats would tiavo stolen all of it bad
they boon in power. About the only way to
correct existing evils , ho thought , wai to
fall In line with tno independents. The
great dcmuid was for moro money but the
drill of Mr. Van \Vyck' remarks iudicatoj
that ha wanted votes worse than dolKus.
I'ro.porlty of tint 1'imner.
JudgeCrotiuso apncarcd cool and dignified ,
Mnrtlug out In reply to Van Wyck , suyincr
that ho WOH gratified to sco so many well
Orcsied und apparently well fed farmers
coming into town driving good horses aud
riding in beautiful carriages. This did not
look Ilka calamity haa overtaken the Ne
braska people. H-J said that his fnend Van
\\yck had uoen nominated in a circus tent
and that ho had Uucn the part of a clown in
tbo campaign , Crounso could not amuse' ho
peoulo , but could give them something to
think about. Ho was not hern to play upon
the prejudices of any ignorant person und
deplored the idea of auybody following a
false cod like Van Wyck. He und been an
uniMiumopolUl when It was unpopular In
NebrasKa aud voted to compel the
Uulon I'uclllc to pay taxes on tbo lund
which Van Wyck voted to praut the Union
J'aclllc. General Van V.'yck's roconl In i-on.
Bit-is wu ulrod to tbo satisfaction of nil ex.
cent his followers ,
Jurlgj Crtunso said the demand and supnlv
of prouucts regulates prices und not political
parties. Hu showed that any eco who Is In
jured In any wav by n corporation tnav sue
ID uy court aud 10 over tbMo'ld dannu > .
Van Wyck seeks to hit tue soldier by saving
that tno government paid him $13 in de
preciated currency and refused tomako it up
to him. 1 waul to say tbat no patriot went
out to bo shot at for the money that was in
it. No man was a patriot who demanded
moro than the poor government could give
him. Hisses came from a few independents ,
to which Judco Crounso said ! "You never
fired a gun or cUe you were a bounty
Jumper. "
\Vltli Jtcfrreiico to the Lumber Turin" .
The free lumber bugbear wus drawn out
of Its lair. "I am in favor of the lumber tar
iff us It is now , " said the speaker.You
can rail acres of logs from Canada free , but.
a tariff is imposed on manufactured lumber.
I nm In favor of American workmen getting
tbo bcnotlt ,
"I don't see by what authority Van Wyck
abuses the rich man. Ho speaks of
tramps. A number of years ago sev
eral persons tramped into Otoo county
and pre-empted hundreds of acres of land
and after swearing to this and that the titio
to the land was vested in C. H. Van Wyck.
Ho don't say nnytbing about that matter
because his party platform provides that all
lands belong lo the people , etc. Tbo Idea
that all publjc men aru scoundrels is a fabri
cation. I wonder what kind of associates my
iriend bas had. "
The alllanua record In the last session of
tl.o legislature wa ? criticized. The bills in
troduced in the llgislaturo for which the
state prayed were not parsed , bo assorted.
The applause was loud and came from a
great majority of the crowd at the conclu
sion. Juugo Croucso , by his gentlemanly
and scholarly arguments , carried weight
with the audience , and the only interruptions
during tbo aebato came troui a lew Inde
General Van Wyck In closing said tbat
tludgo Urounso had gene over a long record
and had misquoted him. Ho would rattier
have it read Irom the record. Ho sold the
mil road bill ho voted for was the best bill
over introduced , and concluded with a gen
eral reference to railroad legislation.
MI ; sits. IIAIMJK AM > iiun. :
Wulioo Citizens Kxprcn * Their Confidence
In Jti'iiilllciin Doctrine.
W\uoo , Nob. , Oct. 8. [ Special Tolograra
to TUB BEE. ] The Joint debate botwccn
Hairier and Decii , republican aud tndppcna-
ent candidates for congress from the Fourth
district , occurred at tbo opera house this
afternoon , and was lislennd to by 1'JO people
ple , nearly all of whom weto voters.
Halner opened t tie debate In an hour's speech ,
und discussed tbo Independent platform
and tbo Independent pauper howl , repub
lican legislation , the money question and
Ueeh's record while in the legislaluto , and
bhowod that all ho did wus to Introduce
two bills , which were both to trans ,
fcr from special muds certain tmrns
to the gonenil fund , and nothing
more. His tain was slrong and clear
nnd ho was applauded frequently und gen
erously. Mr. IJech followed In u Ulk of ono
hour und a quarter. Ho was greeted with
applause as bo came to the staga and wus
frequently applauded during the course of
the delivery of his address , but It was no
ticeable tbat it became weaker and weaker
as his friends recognized bis inability to copa
with bis opponent.
In hU closing Mr. Halner was brilliant ,
and willy and took tbo wind out of Dech's
calamity howl. He showed lhat the misera
ble condition pictured by Doch only existed
lu hU morbid imagination. Ho was so
rapturously cheered that ho was compelled
to ask tbo vast audlonco to desist tbat ho
might occupy the tuna in talking. The do.
bate has given a strong impetus 10 repub
licanism here.
I.lttlo Kiilliiulutm Pi'fvullecl.
VOKK , Neb. , Oct. S. [ Special 'lolograra to
THE DEE. | Tuls bas been Independent day
In York. For thu pan two months the Inde
pendents have boon making preparations for
their rally. 1'caters had been sent out , und a
prize orteicd to tbo township brinclug the
lamest delegation , A couut was made by
several parties and tbero were but
about 275 voleri In the procession ,
tonio being present from other
counties. Tno republicans after seeing
Iho crowd Una Harrison badges struck , and
by tbo time thenpoaliiug popan there were
moro republicans badges on exhibition than
oilier kinds. Tbern was a largo procession
ot bueglok and wagons , filled mostly with
worcen and children. This makes the rs
publicans feel very Jubilant , and there is no
doubt that Yorlc county will go republican
this fall. Hon. W. A. Mclvetebun. W. L.
Green and W. II. Deoh made their argu
ments , but the old time enthusiasm wus not
TlioiiAjiult Clutlirr at Fnllrrton to Hear
the True Faith.
FfLi.nitTONNob. . , Oct. S. ( Special Toc- :
gram to TUB liEU.J The republicans of
Nance county held a second rally In this city
today and tonight. I3v noon 1.003 pconlo
bad congregated on Main street and at 4
o'clock when Lieutenant Governor Majors
und W. L. Summers nrrivoi in carriages
from Genoa , Main street for near half a
nnlo was blocked with teams and pcoplo.
A delegation headed by the Fullerton cornet
bank started for the courthouse block where
the pooulo were congregated , lllling the
lariru yard to its utmost capacity. W. Ij.
Summers being Introduced 'took up the
tariff nnd monetary questions , showing by
facts and figures tbo great benoilu the
Muivinlcy bill bus been to the farmer and
laborer and that thn present monetary sys
tem was far superior to that of any other
country. *
Lieutenant Governor Majors was Intro
duced amid a roar of applauso. After con
gratulating tbo peonlo of Nunco county on
their prosperous condition ho pioceodcd to
give u comulcta history of republicanism in
Nebraska , showing tboarious bonclhs derived -
rived from leghlatlvo acts , comparing the
action of former legislature * with that of
two years ago when the independent leaders
far exceeded any lormsr Icgislatuio lu their
unwarranted ) expenditures und failures to
pass any laws benoliciul to tbo musses.
At"0p. ! in. a crand and imposing torch
light procession ot over -JJ torches and
transparencies , with bands nnd umrtial
music , paraded the principal streets of tbo
city , halting at ibo court bouso yard , where
Hon. Hen S. Haker was introduced to the
Hundreds of people who bad fathered to lis
ten to republican aoctrino. For over an
hour the people lUtoncd to him with respect
ful silence , except an occasional outburst of
applause waeu bo hold up to public view the
gauzy platform of tbo independent party ,
showing ttio people the acts not on the bills
performed by iho independent political
barnacles behind thn scon03. Mr. Baker's
argument on the sllvor question was
a masterly plcco of eloquence in favor of
1UO cents for a dollar , sboivlnp tbo fallacy of
frco coinage aud hotv it would only enrich
the few at the expense of the many.
Todav republicanism has received a boom
that will bo answered on November b by a
rousing majority for Harrison and the entire
Ioilo | C'oiinly Itepulillciliis.
Fitr.iioxT , Nob. , Oct. S. [ Special Toletrram
to Tnr HUE. ] The Uodgo county republican
convention convened iu.tlio courttiojio hi
ihls cliy this afternoon. W. U. Holbrook
was olcctcd chairman and George HicKok of
IhU city secretary. T. W. Lyman , T. C.
Darns , J. B. Lambcraoa , William Frlca and
George Knoell , tbecommltteoon credential } ,
reported all townships represented except
Union , Kldgolv , Klkhorn and Logan. A. H.
lirigcs of Scrlbner was nominated for county
attorney uud G. L. K. Kllngbcrt and \V. M.
Klledgo were lor representatives. The two
latter staled tbat tney would do all they
could lo bo elected and if oloctou would do'
Ibolr best for Dodgn county und tbU slate ,
Tbo convention endorsed thu resolutions
adopted by the state and nutibnal conven
Wllher'i llnrrlaon Club ,
WIUIEII , Nob. , Oct. 8. ( Special Telegram -
gram to THE BEE.NVilber's ] Hurrlson club
was orgonlzea at tbo court house this oven *
Ing with litj voters of Wllbor proclnct on
the list. Dr. W. H. Love was elected presi
dent , with a full complement of ofllcersund
committees. Thu prospects are favorable
for n larger republican vote nero this year
Iban was over cast before.
John C , VVaUon Nominated.
WEIU-IXG WATEII , Nob. , Oct. 8. ( Special
Telegram to THE BEE. ] Tbo republican
delegates of Cass and Otoo counties to nouil-
uatoa float representative met hw ( > dav
and nominated John U , Watson of Nebraska
.City. . The republican central committee of
rCas county mot and Chairman Tefft resigned
and Judge Navell of Plaitsmouth was elected.
Facts Concerning the Political Situation
in the Fifth District.
I'ccullar Feature * of the Present Contest
Independents ; Miliiirc3t I.lttlu Kntlmsl-
iMiu FlKiiret That Apparently Settle
the Oiiestlon III I'uvnr ol Anitrcus.
MINPEX , Neb , Oct. S. [ Special lo THE
BEE. ] A few weeks ago It was generally
conceded tbat McICelghan bed a walk-away
for congress in lha Fifth district , but us the
campaign progresses it is evident his oppo
nent , Mr. Andrews , is passing him
on the road to congress , The series of
joint donates between Iho two candidates
bas forced McICotgban's followers IT turn
out and hear bata sides of thn question ,
which Is decidedly against tbo independent
candidate. Tbo change 01 sentiment and of
conditions bolween Iho present campaign
ana that of two years ego when McICoighau
procured his seat in congress Is very marked
and furnishes n theme far conversation
among all classes of voters in the district.
Two years ago tbo district which sent Me-
Keigban to congress comprised twenty-seven
counties , casting a total of fi'J.NW voles , 3(5,104 (
of whlcn wont lo McKclghan. The now
Fifin , m which the contest is pow going on ,
consisis of cigbteen counties , with a total
vote two years ngo of : ii,7Sl > , of which Me-
ICcighan pot 1SCU ( In sixteen counties. Hall
and 1'erklps being nowcountles in iho Fifin ,
not included in iho old Second. It the latter
two counties In IS'JO the vote stood :
For HIchards , 1.273 ; Hoyd , 1,72" ; pro
hibition , 1,09.1. U will be seen that
in the old district the rnajorliy
for McIColgnun was nfi.17 , or about one-
ninth of the toial vole cast for concrosstnun
in tbo district , as it then slooJ. In the
district as at present comprised , McKeiirban
polled a majority in IS'JJ of 3,703 , which is
just about the same per cent ha get in the
old district. So he has trained nothing by
the changnof dlurlui lines , taking the 1690
vole as a basis.
Not Sunporinl ' ) ' Democrat * .
Two years ago ha had the endorsement , not
only in name but. in fact , of the democrats of
his district , who rccocnlzed In him n Mmon
pure democrat sailing under un alias , and
tnoy gavu him their undivided support. In
his present cnnoldaoy , bo received
the nominal endorsement of a democratic
convention , after a light which has never
bean lost sight of1 for a moment since lha
campaign began. Indeed it U so bitter and
has been waged so relentlessly thai demo
cratic Andrcwsi clubs have been or
ganized In various towns in the
district , notably in Hastings , where
a club of soventy-flvo members n
doing aotlvo work , McICeiehUn , having
been driven oy his opponent in ftmt do'jato
to dotlno uls position , seeing tbat his former
democratic friends were deserllutr him , has
of late taken every occasion to Might the
democrats ana moke himself moro solid
with ibo populisu. His attitude on this
point has caused leadlotr democrats In every
county In tbo district to openly dcnounco
him and declare ( heir ialeuilon lo support
and vole for Andrews.
Even members of democratic commltoet are
out at work against McKeichan , At Mc-
Cook , lloldrogo and Hastiucs tbo straight
democrats are making special efforts to encompass -
compass his defeat.
TUB BEE correspondent bos also Inter
viewed a number of tbo leading "third
party , " or prohibition adherents , who have
heretofore thrown their votes , away for a
principle , and , without a sluelo ex
ception , tbey tay I hey will fall
into line for Audiows tnis year.
Thu ministers , especially , are outspoken on
this point and are usiug their Influence to
induce their congregations to drop prohibi
tion , so fur as congressman Is concerned , and
vote for Andrews. Should Andrews secure
the prohibition vote it alone would overcome
Mcltclxban's majority. Hut that Is not l II.
There is a little army of real eslaio deal
ers la ibo towns of the district , many of
thorn formerly independents , who now see
tno mischief this calamity howl has worked
to their business in discouraging Im
migration , and lo the pcoplo gener
ally in retarding the Development of
tlio coountry. Ono independent real
estate man told THE Den correspondent
that bo would like to got aflldavtts of farmers
in his county , selling forth under oath what
they have accomplished and send circulars
cast ; "but , " Bald be , "it would civotbo Hole
Iho parly wilh which I have iueulificd my
self and It would raise a bowl1
Merits of the Cane.
Ho also said that in sptto of Ibo natural
results of a calamity doctrine as preacncd
by the populist candidates , iho hotels of all
tno towns in Iho western part of the states
are so tilled with lund hunters as to almost
crowd out the regular commercial
men wno , as rccular customers ,
usually have tbo preference. This clew
was folio wed up aud it proved to bo true.
In such lowns _ ai McCook , with good hotel
facilities , men and women coming in on lalo
trains have been obliged to sit in Iho stationer
or in iho parlors of the hotels , because all
Ihe rooms were taken by land hunters. They
are , as a rule , men with money who have
sold their farms further east and have como
west to buy cheaper land. In most cases
tnoy como in response to toilers from friends
bore who have told them the true state of
affairs. The best uf It is they are nearly all
Thaso facts are opening the eyes of moro
Intelligent independents so that they can see
tbo Injustice done them by iho acmogogic
loaders of tnolr party who , while howling
calamity for votes , are aamaping the stale
and pulling a blight on its future. Were
it not for the falsa reports sonl broadcast
by the populist oflico teekors tbo counties
of Iho Fifth congressional district would
now bo experiencing a boom such as was
never known In western NebrasKU. Sensi
ble farmers know IhU and will quietly vote
for Mr. Andrews when the time comes.
At iho joint debate at Mlnucu lasl
Wednesday evening an even Jo/en men
stood up In a body und pulled off their Mc
ICelghan badges In the presence of a crowd
and declared their intention of supporting n
young American , educated In American
schools , imbued with American ideas In the
matter of education , protection to American
labor and a sound financial policy , Instead ol
voting for KcIColgban tbo demagogue , who
has no settled convictions.
At tbo Mlnden meeting many farmers were
disgusted when McKelghan declared ho rep
resented tbo muscle aud brawn of the Ne
braska workltiKiuun and farmer. Knowing as
they did that ha never was guilty of doing a
day's work en tbo farm but Instead allowed
his wlfo to raise and harvest iho polaiocs for
the family while her husband lay around
itcd Cloud , drunk.
Leading citizens of all the senatorial and
UgUlaltve districts in the Fifih congres
sional have been visited by Tun Hr.u correspondent
pendent and with but two or ihreo excep
tions the same conditions obtain with refer
ence to the senatorial and legislative tlckois.
1'reclncts In certain strong Independent
counties , which two years ago did not cast n
eluglo republican vote , or only two or tbreu
nt most , now have republican clubs with
twenty , fifty and In one case In particular
sixty members.
Two years ago , when .lohn 1'owera was
advertised to speak at towns In the Fifth
district , farmers drove for thirty miles
through dust and heat to hear him , bringing
ihelr families and dinners with them. Where
Is tno enthusiasm now ) Were It not for tbo
Joint debates the Independent candidates
would not bs hoard as It is u notorious fact
that tuny cannot get a crowd together. All
this indicates something Some of tbo
strongest independent counties have been
polled and while many will not openly say
whore they stand , u sufficient number have
done so to show n republican majority. The
opinloa Is freelyox pressed by democrats , re-
publicaus ana conservative independents
that MclColgban's chance for re-election bas
gene glimmering.
Anything to Defeat tlitrjlc ) > iihllcani.
GKVMI ISLAND , Neb. , Oct. 8. [ Special
Telegram to TUB DEE. | Democrats of the
Seventeenth senatorial district root in this
city toduy und endorsed tbo candidacy of T.
J , McCarthy , nominated by the Independents
two weeks ago. Several speeches on any
thing to down the enemy were made.
lloiklnt' Knlliuilatllii Me UiL' .
WAYNE , Nob. , Oct. 8. [ Special Telegram
to TUB DEE. | An Intereiting republican
rneellng was held at Iloskins last evening
which was addressed by Frank Fuller , tbo
republican nominee for countv attorney of
\\ayne county , and A. A. Welsh ot Wayne.
For an hour the audience listened to an able
discus'.on of the plalforms of the different
parties. Tbo meeting resulted in much good
for tbo republican 'cnubo hero ana at the
close an enthusiastic republican club was
Indication * of SnerrfH 111 Tlmt I'.irt of
N linishi.
Ai.niov , Nob. . Oct. S. | to Tun
DEI.I : One of the greatest political demon
strations over witnessed in Aloion was tbo
rally hero last night. Larco delegations
were present from St. Edwards and otber
polnls. Farmers came from all over Ihe
county and showed the greatest Interest In
the meollnp' . The largo opera house , scaling
CM people , was packed , and a lar o crowd
was unable lo gel inside. A torchlight
procession was formed and marched
through the principal streets ot Albion
nnd was greeted in every place by the
enthusiastic pcoplo along the line of march.
Hon. W. S. Summers was introduced us llrst
speaker. Ho teen up Ihe tariff ana made tin
cleoqucnt appeal lor ItiQ American system of
protection und was loudly applauded at
every point. Ho discussed the currency
question and then look up Iho subject of iho
"forco bill'1 in n forcible manner. Hu re
ferred to Iho disgraceful reception ot Mrs.
Lease In Georgia and appealed to the men tIng -
Ing lo stand by the party of Injo ballot and
fair count.
Lleuteuanl Governor Majors was next In
troduced. Hu wai greeted warnny. Ilo
referred to the financial plank of the people's
party and exposed tne fallacy of Hat money.
Taking up the record ot the last lucislaturo
he showed up the Junketing trio to Texas to
hunt dcop water at the expense ot the
people. The revelations the ofllcial record
showed of expenditures of lha last legis
lature were n surprise to tbo pcoplo.
He showed that ilia senate , a
body of iblrly-lhrco men , employed
111 servants and wnilo ibo leuishiluro lusted
sixty days n number of.ho employes drew
pay for 170 uoys. He paid a gloivinc tribute
to Hon. George D. Molklujohn unil thn mighty
cheer that went up fmin the crowd showed
how the people In 1'oynter'ii homo county
ftand by MelKlejohu. Ho closed with an
eloquent eulogy of .luilgo Crounse.
In IloiiKlan County.
El.Kiionv , Nob. , Oct , 8. [ Spacial Tele
gram to Tnr. Bcr. J The republicans of Klit-
horn nnd the west end of Douglas county as
sembled at Goodhard's halt tonight and
listened to campaign thunder as expounded
bv iho following candidates : Dave Mercer ,
Isaac Noy :3 , Charles Clariio , J , L. Kalov ,
James Kynur , A. L. Sutlon , Churles Sloven1 * ,
G. W. Williams , Mr. Slanipy nnd Mr. Look-
ner. The local republicans motlhocandidates
at tno depot nnd escorted them lo Iho hull at
the head of H torchlight procession. From n
republican standpoint u was a great night ,
and if tbo enthusiasm manifested is u til
standard lo incusuro iho republican party's
liKollhood of success victory is theirs ,
rioiiBfxlulli thonpruc'h.
Doi-oi.tR , Neb. , Oci. 8. [ SpecialTelegram
to Tin : DEE. ] Judge Field , republican can-
didalefor congress In the First district , and
I , M. Raymond of Lincoln addressed u largo
and enthusiastic audience at this place ihls
afternoon. Judge Field's speech especially
was grand. Ho succeeded in raUlntr tbo
temper of a number of Uoinocriu.H , which is
a sure sign in this locality inui every point
bo made went , slraigbt bom ? , Tbo republi
cans were more than pleased with his speech
and ho no doubt will carry iho full strength
of bis parly lu this end of tbo county ,
I'nvor the Itepulillran Parly.
Bt'Tio.v , Nob. , Oct , 8. [ Special Telegram
to Tun DEE. ] Hon. FrankSchualoof Oinuha
made a republican speech to the Germans of
Suiton this evening. Ho was iiavcrtiscd lo
speak at Kustis , but missing connection ut
Hold retro could not reaca tbcro and so
dropped off hero unexpectedly. In nn hour
ttu band was got out ana n good sized audl-
enco gathered at the opera bouse. Ills greet
ing was enthusiastic. Suiton Germans will
frlvo their votes to tbo republican notrlnces
almost to a mau.
Thousands of Republicics and Independ
ents Assemble at Broken Bow.
While the Alllancn Cmigrenmitiin Thought
JliH Opponent's I'arly Itc'spaimlhle
for Alt i\lstlii8T KvllH , No
Argument Win Mailu.
BUOKEX HOIY , Nob. , Oct. S [ Special Tele *
gram to TIIK ItnE.JHroken Dow today
witnessed tbo largest political Catherine
inal over assembled in theclty , lo listen to
tbo joint dobaio between Hon. James Whitehead -
head nnd Congressman Kem. The largo
Grand Army of the Republic tent tf&
erected in Iho public square , but it would
not shelter moro than half of those assem
bled und all sides of the tent for twenly to
thirty feet diop worn packed with anxious
llslcners and enthusiastic- supporters of their
respective favorites.
Doth Iho republicans and independents
bad como in procession from their rcspcctivo
neighborhoods with living banners and mot-
toes. This is iho hcmn of bolli Ihe speakers ,
and tlio personal following of each nad much
lo do with creating iho great enthusiasm of
both parties. It was the lastof a series of
debates in Iho district between the iwo com
batants , and they were both on ihelr moltlo
and were determined to inaku tbo best show *
ing possible before thsir friends.
Mr. Whltohoad was tbo llrst to reach the
platform , and his prosunco was nrooted with
prolonged chews. Mr. Kem waited until
llio cheering was over , xvith tno evident In
tention of having bis appauranco In liio
manner hailed , but his supporters had not
caught on , and nu attempt by ono or two to
greet him was a complete failure , and bo
look his scat amid great embarrassment.
Itliiinnil the Iti-piiliIlcaiiB ,
After Introductory romarki by both lha
cbainncn , Dougherty and ildrnlster , Mr.
Kem was Introduced n < | ho llrst speaker ,
and Ins presence wa heartily applauded.
Ho spoke for sixtv minutes In the upcnlnif.
He began by stales ibat ho was nnt feeling
well and tnun procooaed to build his argument
In favor of the Independent party upon the
theory that thorn was something radically
wrong and that iho republican party was to
blamoforlt. Ho conceded that the republi
can puny had accomplished u great work ,
but declared the party had done much ovll.
At Iho close ot hU remarks \Vhitoheud
was Introduced and onihuilusticnlly cheered
by the crowd , Ha spoito at some Innglh ot
the Independent platform on the iillc'Ka-
lion lhat Nebraska is ontbuvcrgoof ma
terial , financial and moral ruin , Ho then
took up ihu several Issues discussed by Kom
In detail mid mot each mlog < tlan with
ability ana convincing argument. lUiehowod
that prosperity during the republican ad
ministration for tbo past thirty years not
only existed in the northern and eastern
slates , bjt la the soul born ami west as well.
That the laws haa boon favorable to tba
laboring class was shown by iho Increase of
wages as well as th ? croutlo'n of demand for
labor as well as additional demand for Iho
pioducls of labor. When he read from tba
Congressional Kecord , which showed that
Kom was absent whan the pension appropri
ation was passed aud lhat ho did not vote
for It us ho had stulcd , it wus dilllcult to
control thotumtultuous applause.
His speech throughout was ublound made
a favorable impression on ills aualonce.
ICom's reply of fifteen minutes wus taken up
In un attempt to explain Ills record In con
gress , His romarlis mot the approval of hit
enthusiastic followers aud iheu the crowd
cheered for both uiou. They were both car
ried from thu stage upon the shoulders ot
tbo men amid great demons.trailons. ODO
independent remarked us ho loft Ibo grounds
tbat he marchoa with the Kern parade but
Uu would vote \Vbltchcad. .