10 THE OMAHA. DAILY BKH : SUNJIAY , ori'OHEll i ) , 1802-SIXTEEN PAGES. teU ESii"i i * VERY purchaser of § 5 worth of goods or more , from . . * ' " r JHR -.Mi.Hiill ? " Iliimii now until December 3ist , will be entitled tea 5gu"ii" " " jini" ; " " | aniS . " " 1 a privilege in this Great Gold Distribution. / Only the'customcrs of the People's Mammoth Installment House will be entitled to all the privileges of the distribution , and one guess for every livc Dollars worth of goods purchased , A is allowed. i he customer who will guess the nearest number between Oct. 10 and Dec. 31 , 1892. u r$100ingoll | | iliiiH ! Jinn i Tilmiii The customer \vho will guess the next nearest - ! | ' est number between Oct. 1O and Dec. 31 , 1S92. j be en -11 i 1 imii titled to in gold. g customers vhoill guess the next nearest number , between October 1O and December 31 , 1892. Ten will be to entitled $25 each in gold. Illll Mill- Furniture The ten customers who will guess the next nearest number , between , tween October 1O and December 31 , 1892. Carpets , Ten ' be entitled to $10 each in gold.jurei Stoi/es / , We will sell TEN Draperies , DOLLARS Bedding , HOW TO WIN WORTH CATALOGUE COUPON. Mirrors , , Guess the nearest number of beans contained , Send for our Mammoth Portfolio 103 sheets 1U of goods from by 18 Inches , showing the best thinphin cich : dop't. TWO CONDITIONS. tained in a large jar , now displayed in our any of our Ghinaware 1st. N.imo some ono who is building , 1ms built or show window. , , . . will buildnil. Cut out and BCIKI us tills coupon. departments tlio Roods I'aclflu. on our Sumiilos partial oarpiits iKiyiuont bout : plan htato nnyuhcro Iclnil null this Drier. slilo For each and every five dollars worth of ! mm Crockery \Vu pny lOUnillos frulRlit , iMuoiit on Ko ° lls nilvi'rliscil at " , spculnl prlcot. Onu prlcu to : ill. utn , : : < ! . ituo goods purchased you are entitled to one guess. for one On December 31 , lS92in the presence of those dollar cash , Baby Carriages , holding tickets , the beans will be counted and and Pictures , the prizes will be awa'rded and-distributed. All the departments of the People's Mammoth one dollar ' Bric-a-Brac , OUR MOTTO : moth Installment House are fully stocked with a week. everything for home comfort and decoration. , "Jf the goods arenot satisfactory and as represen Lamps , ted , conic to its and we will allow all reasonable Easy Weekly or Monthly Payments Silverware- claims" P. M. f. / / with a Guarantee to the Pur Clocks. chaser is the Bulwark of Our Success. PEOPLE'S ' MAMMOTH INSTALLMENT HOUS H 1315-131Y Parnam St : OPEN MONDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS ONLY. liM S ! lIiaiJ * * l * * * * * * * * * " * " " < * * * * < * | tKffl iffil yp * l mi bUllji ( * K * si5u r * ' i i * * " * ' * * * * " * iiiiiiilitiuiiiiiiiii \