Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1892, Part Two, Page 13, Image 13

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Old-Timo Onjiital Still the Center of
J Russia's Political and Commercial Life.
( * ? _
J&umlreds of Millions of Dollars Expended
on Exterior and Interior Adornment
fleligion the Life of the Russian Peasant ,
Influencing His Every Act ,
n livening nt tlio J'cojilp' * I'nrk nml the
Ermltngo Onrilcni Tlio lunvttiililo Vii-
rlnty Theater At tlio It.trcs Itni-
ftlniii Imclcratn ( ininlilcm.
Moscow , Sept , 23. [ Special Corrcspond-
/ nee of Tin : Ben. ] Moscow Is still the capi
tal of Hussli. Tbo czar lives Rt St , Pfctora-
burg during a part of the year , but the con-
tar of Russian political und religious thought
U Moscow , and It \ \ now the center of com
mercial Russia as well. The greatest rail-
toads of the emplro como to it , the biggest ot
tbo Russian factories send their smoke into
the blue sky nbovo It and Its business blocks
ro among the largest In the world. It has
the finest churches of Russia , nnd the pnoplo
consider It 10 holy that they make pllgnm-
203 oven from the borders ot the Black sea
Vnd from the edges of Siberia to pray at Its
The mightiest citadel In the world is the
ICrcmlin , which stands in its center , and the
Iroajuroi uf Its churches ore unsurpassed by
( the cathedrals of Homo or the mosques of
Constantinople. Wo hoar but little of the
Greek Catholic church , out It has ono of the
Attest lively rollclons In the world today , nnd
, the holy synod of Russia has a capital of
jt25,000,000 which It can lisa us It pleases , and
'its ' Income is something like t < > ,000,000 a year.
I I visited this morning the Church ot Our
JSavior which was completed onlv a few years
'oEO and which surpasses In beauty any
| ipuurch of modern times. It was built to
jfcommotnorato the deliverance of Moscow
ilrom the French andbas co ? t about $40,000
,000 , , or tbroo times as much all told as wo
mnvo spent on the cupltol at Washington.
.This church stands on the banks of the Mos-
'pow ' river Just outside the Kiemlln and Its
great gold dome may bo scon blazing out
'Under the sun from any part of Moscow.
Jt covers almost two acres and it is built of a
Clear , white stone ic tbo shape of a Greek
Cross. It bus golden cupolas nt its corners
nd n Russian dome in Us center , and these
Cupolas and this dome are covered with
copper and plated with polished gold. It
took UOO pounds ot gold to plato this dome
Ana thcro is moro than f 1,000XX ( ) worth of
( Old upon it. This dome is in tbo shape of
An inverted Bermuda onion atid if you can
imagine an onion of gold the top of which is
Just 100 fnut in diameter you may get some
Idea of tbls million-dollar gulden onion which
crowns this temple of the Savior. The
cupolas cost tSOU.OOO to gild and there are
bolls within this church which have cost
nearly 11,000,000. The biggest ono hero
Dost 100,000 und It weighs just thirteen tons.
Trcuiurus J.iilil Up I" Clnirchen.
I have visited tbo temples of India and the
Interior of this now Russian church reminds
Hie of the wonderful architecture which you
find at Del lit. It is llnishcd llko a Jowotand
It is a b autlful mosaic of marble , gold nud
Wonderful frescoes. Its altar is as delicate
In. Its combination ot precious stones and
marble carvings as a lady's breastpin and
this altar , before it wns enriched by its
golden icons , silver ornaments nnd sacred
pictures , cost nearly f500UOO. Tbo marble
Jn the building cost almost ,000,000 and the
floor and walls are of wonderful marbles of
malachite and ot lapis lazuli. From the lloor ,
running around the entire church , tbero is
first a dude of Jasper. Above this runs a
panel of white alabaster and marbles of dif
ferent colon succeed ono another until they
lose themselves lu a great frle/o of carvings
Hid frescoes by the most noted of tbo Russian
painters. Every where there is gold and gold
carving. CJolden pictures hang upon the
Trails. Twelve hundred golden candelabra
bold ns munv candles under the cupolas , and
ftll the vessels used by the priests are of solid
gold. Unon the walls are golden texts from
the scriptures shining out of tbo white
marble and the church is lighted bv
thirty-six windows of stained glass , each
Of which is ninety feet high.
This church will accommodate 10,000 people
Bnd when 1 entered It this Sunday morning
it was cackcd to bill-stint ; . Upon Its stops
wore the usual number of dirty beggars , and
1 round tbut of the 10.000 worshipers 9,000
were peasants. Tbo priests who conducted
the service were clothes of gold and sllvoi
cloth and tbo chlof priest had on u tiara sot
with diamonds. The service was very im-
prcbslvo and nearly every ono in the church
participated In It , The uricsi droned out
sentence and those 10,000 beads oowod in
unison. He uttered another nud the thou-
ands Unel upon the floor and pressed their
heads against the marble. As tin service
went on 10,000 hands crossed 10u . breasts
ut the Humii limn and of the 10,000 faces I did
not see one that was not kober and reverent.
JJurlnc It tlio music at a great choir of men
and boys swelled up through the vaulted
ftrohcs , nud I could not but fool the Iinpros-
iveuess of the ceremony nor wonder why
its gorguousncss so appeals to tboso people.
Uollglon Is the Ufa of tbo Russian peasant.
It enters Into his nvery uct , and though it
jniy bo to a larira cxtout a matter of form be
devotes the gieauir part ot liU life to It , nnd
It cannot but have an influence upon bis
the ( li-eiu'n r.tliirn.
Russia is moro a land of tlio orient than of
the Occident , Thcso people lira as fond or
gold und precious stonoj us uro Iho r.ijahs of
India or the priests of fcjl m. There are 400
churches In Moscow , and nearly every ono
of them has u golden dome , Tlio holy
buildings of the Kremlin mo crowned \vith
Bold , and there Is enough gold plating In
liuksla to curpet Broadway or to plld the
nubile building * ! of Washington. The c/ar
has a palnro just outslilo1 of hi. Petersburg
known as Tsarskoe-Solo , which win built by
Catherine the Great. It is of vnst extent
and It was nlatod with nold. It took nearly
a million dollars worth ot bullion to do the
work , aud when owing to the dummies of
the climatu it begun to peel off Cathorlno
ordered it to bo pamtod over. Some Run-
elan speculators wanted to t > ciupo off the old
gold and mell it over uguln , und they offered
Catherine ; VKiCOO for the jou. She sent
them to pn on for insulting her with the
proposition , and covered the piluco with
yellow paint , This paluco lius rooms walled
with amber. U has n parlor covered with
lapis luzull , anil tbo walls uud ceilings of ono
drawing room uro of the Illicit. tortoUesbnll.
There are 5UO apartments lu the paluco , und
tno ball room covers nearly half an aero.
IU lloor is ofoodon mosaic , nnd there are
otber rooms in which the finishing is in
ivory , bamboo und in brouze. Tlio palace
must have cost millions , and it Is only ono
Of a doieii which belong to the ciar.
1 hare written you of the wonderful catho-
flrals of St. Petersburg und of the riches
Stored awnv wltnin them. bt. Isaac's
cathedral coil $1(1,000,000 ( , and there is $300 , .
( XX ) worth ot cold upon it * dome. Single
columns within it cost iilO.OOO , und tlio cheitp-
sl candlesticks lu the cuUiedral of Kif tii
are of koild silver , The rlctiosi cburchoD ,
howoMjr. uro thosi ) of .Moscow , and I liuvu
wandered about through golden ornaments
bore auring Ihu pan week until my eves are
urod of the yellow inatai , uud I long for a
Mntfini' anil Its Hurruumlliii'i.
2 find Moscow oue of tbo most iuteretUug
cities 1 Imvo over visited. U Is built upon
hill nnd hollow alone ; the winding Moscow
river and It U almost circular In shnno. It
Is twonty-fivo miles around It , nnd the
shortest street car line from ono part of It to
the ether tokes you n distance of nine miles.
In the very center of U I * the grout fortress
known ns thu Kremlin , which has n vast wall
( X ) fcot high running nround It and In which
are the oM palace of tbo czar , n halt dozen
churches , the cathedral nnd the tnll
tower built by Ivan the Terrible. Thl
tower Is five stories high and Us iroldon dome
rests In thn air JUKI feet nbovo the trround.
I climbed to the ton this morning nnd took
a look over the city , A vast ocean of green
trees nud green houses seemed to move up
nnd down in blllowv waves below mo , and
out of this sea rose tbo golden iplrcs of hun
dreds of churches. Thcro wcro thousands
upon thousands of trees nnd the roofs of all
the houses wcro painted grenn , I could sea
the vast dome of tbo Chnrchof Our Savior
near the rlvor , and the Moscow dragged Its
sluggish course llko a black snuk ( > In the
form of the letters through the city below
Beyond the city I could sco the smoke
stacks of the factories in the suburbs and
justundor mo wns the triangular walled
space known as the Kremlin. ' 1 his contains
about ' , ' 00 acres. It is paved with cobble
stones , nnd Its massive wall Is entered by
live gales. I'.ach of ihcio gates has a his
tory , nnd ono is known ns the gate of the
Redeemer , or the sacred Bate. It has a
famous picture of the Savior above It , and
over ono , from tbo czar to the peasant , takes
off his hat before passing through It , Uvory
inch ot land about tbls tower Is historic And
In that church there oil the czars of Russia
nvo been crowned , and In the treasury to
.ho loft are the thrones ot nit iho emperors
> f Iho past and the historic jewels and the
holcoit plato now owned by the Russian
rown. There nro tOOO.000,000 worth of gold
, nd silver nnd precious utones In that
roasury and thcro are basins of gold there
ivhicharaas big as n baby's liath tub , and two
ard tables of solid silver which nro worth
> king's ransom. 'Ibcro are in Ihis lower
wo bells ot solid silver and the bells of this
ewer of Ivan the Croat nro among the moat
.voudcrful of the world.
Sumo lllc Hulls.
Russia Is tbo land of bells. Every vll-
aito church has Its sacred bell and there
ire more than S.OOO bells In the city of Mos
cow. The biggest boll In the world lies nt
the foot ot this lower , and. though It Is
acalnst the laws. I took a photocrapb of It
llus morntug while the guards were not
booking. I posed a young Russian noon it
while I snapped my camera and 1 had
another photograph taKen with myself
landing bcsido it.
This boll was cast In the fourteenth con
.ury , but tbo tower in which it was hung
wns burned again and again , and when it
fell about two hundred years ago It was
broken into pieces. It wa's caslln alarger
size nnd it is said that the ladles of Mos
cow In a frenzy of religious enthusiasm
threw their jewels into the metal and this
rendered it so imperfect that when It was
rung a great piece broke out of its side.
It fell to the ground during a flro which
occurred about "n hundred and fifty years
ago , and it bus never been restored. It now
stands on a granite podoDtnl aud It Is a > big
as a good sl/ed two story house. It Is fifty-
live feet In circumference , is two feet thick
and the piece which has been broken out
of Its side is taller than a man aud you can
walk into the hole where the piece was and
you IInd yourself In a sort of a bronze tout.
Tuo ploco Uos on the ground beside the po-
destul nnd though the bell itsjlf is of dark
green , this piece has been so polished by the
people leaning acalust it that its edges are
ns bright as a brass breastpin. This boll
weighs moro than ' . ' 00 tons , and It would take
IOJ good horses to pull it If U could be loaded
on a wagon ,
Thu biggest bellthatstrlk-os is In the tower
of St. Ivan. It is only half as largo In size
as iho boll at the foot of the tower , and It is ,
1 Judge , about twenty feet high and llfteen
feet in diameter. You could hardly DUt it in
the average cottage parlor , and it has a
tongue which weighs hundreds upon hun
dreds of pounds. It takes about six men
to make this tongue strike the bell , and I
tried lo push it from ono side of the bell
lo tbo other , bul I found that i was not
all-one enough to move it.
In tlio I'eoplo'a Park *
The city of Moscow has about 800,000
people. It is a growing city and it will bo
the biggest city In Russia in the futuro. St.
Petersburg relies entirely upon Its oHlclal
classes to keep It ulivo , nnd if the capital
should over be changed it will RO back to
the marshy waste that It was before ljotor
iho Great founded it.
The Muscovites uro among the most en
terprising people in Russia , and they have
many Institutions here worth notice. They
have Sunday schools for Ibo teaching of tbo
worKing classes and there are night schools
for the saino purpose.
The Mpscow uuiversiiv is ono of the
largest in Russia , and It has from time to
time bcou the hotbed of nihilism. It was
founded by ljoter the Great , uud it has 2,700
students , which Is more. I think , than any
college iu the United States.
Muny of iho merchants of Russia are very
wealthy and some of them have very curious
tastes. One of the merchant princes hero
has a palace wblub is painted dead black ,
und ills the most funeral looking bouso I
Imvo over soon. It Uos within a stone's
throw of the Kremlin , lu Ibc heart of the
I went out ono night to Ihe People's park
to see how the Russians amused themselves
in the evening 1 found , perhaps , 10,000
pcoplo movluffauoat under the trees iu
couples or In groups , and u quieter crowd I
hnvo never seen. There \vera all sorts of
amusements going on , from the ' 'American
Hill , " us the teller coaster is called heru , to
the dance under the tiecs and tbo shooting
gallery , bul there was no nolso and no loud
talking. Young girls , as well dressed us our
plrls ot America , moved about without their
hats on , in lU'ht summer costumes , chatting
together , and tbcro wcro family parties and
parlies of frlonus enjoying iho evening.
There were thousands ot children , nnd n
curious feature of thclllo was Ibo leu parlies
which were given iu little bowers of green.
These bowers were cut out of a bubhy thicket
nnd in each bower there were n table and
seats. l > ach parly paid u few coppeis for
iho use of ibis a teapot and n bamovar of
hot water. Many families brought their tea
with them and made it themselves , and , by
buying u roll or u piuco of cake of the numer
ous vendors of these articles about tbo
grounds , ihoy could hnvo usuppor in Ibo open
ulr for a very small price.
Aimi'M'iiiPiitH of tlio Moicuvmus.
Leaving Ibo People's park I drove to tbo
KrmlUs0 gardens. This is ono of Ihu in
stitutions which you find connected with
every largo city of Russia. It is u sort of
open air concert and garden combined. You
pay n certain amount for the privlloze of thu
garden nud thu concerl Is frea There U a
restaurant connected with tbo garden und
bilwecn the acts you may got vour dinner ,
a cup ot lea or coffee or a bottle of wino.
A curious Ihliig about the concert U that
It Is ; i sort of a mixed variety show , und Ibe
young ladies who take p.irl in tbo perform-
aiico * nro by no moans of the highest churac-
ter ami they are known not to bo so. Thov
dress very modestly in black , nud the night
thai I was nl tbo Enullugo gardens ttiero
were nt least lirty or luoao girls runglng in
ngo from 10 to - ' . " > , and of all the various
shades of Russian bjaulv. They were all
dressed ntlku and they snug from tinio to
tlmoon this open air stage to 11 crowd of
about TOO mon und woman. Hot\\eon the
nets they moved aboul among Iho people ,
talking lo every ono und ready to tuko u glass
of wino or a CUD of coffee from any comer
without an introduction. There was nothing
Immodest about their uu'.lons , and ihoy worj
apparently well treated by all claasoi. I
found n similar garden nl Nijnl-Novgoroa
and thov exist everywhere in Russia.
Thu Russians are fond ot amusements and
thuv have excellent theaters , Ono of Ibo
largest theaters In tno world U hero ut Mos
cow. It is beautifully lint&hcd and It will
scat 7,000 people. Ils six galleries urodrapcd
In scarlet velvet and Its stage machinery is
of Iho bust. St. I'etnrsburg baa a theater
that will seal il.UOO , and 1 beard Matornaslng
ut the Aquarium there to ut least 4,000 pee
ple. There are live regular locators in St.
Peterjbunr , and during the summer tboro
are a number of onan air theaters and tUu
parks are tilled wltn people every night.
detain Moscow I bave speul somfl very
uloasaal days at the races , und Iho Russians
run good borios and bet high. Pools are sold
just as they uro ut o < ir rauiis and both men
und women bet Ircely. There scorned to bo
no restriction ! ui lo belting at tba race
course , and thesn people luke very naturally
to gambling. Kvery ono plays cards , aud
oven ut Iho family games no ono thlalti of
nlayiu without stakes. Lotteries are pro
hibited by the government , and the only
ones which have been permitted for years
\\ere those for the bonetlt of iho famine suf
ferers through which millions of dollara were
What May Bo Seen From Ilia Uppar Dtok of
n London Omnibus.
MnrroU nl Itaynl Knnr'A Miiiruini HciK
llrfrrpiire nml Advisory llnrrait on
Itiititnlct for nil the Nation * An
I n vii tun bin Scientific Alii.
LONDON , SopL 'JO. | Corrcspoiidrnco of
TUB BGK.J ' 'Hus Is downttod , the Lord
knows , but bus 'as our rcs'lar hontlncs ,
cbcap cnoufjh to not * , o , and wurlouscr than
can bo named In a JIITy. "
Thusspoico a hearty London itoner , bo
sat bosldo mo on top of a fourponny Hum-
mcrimltu 'bus. Aloof ; with blnvcrc bis
buxom wlfo and four rod cboakcd children.
It was early of n Saturday afternoon , and
thcro was not a bapptcr family , "downtrod"
or otherwise , In all London.
' .My missus 'ore , " proudly clapping hU
upo hand on his wife's abundant knee , ,
'an * 111 an * the voting uns bo goln' o'orto
ow. ' Missus loikcs w'oro slio can plunk
orsolf nat t' grass , tho' 111 nllus savs , 'Poll ,
ra an1 rhoamatlz grows t'gothor , ' an' the
ounp uns romps an1 gallops like mad. HI
ays , 'Poll , them younR uns'll waste thalr-
el's to bono from 'oppln' un1 steamtn' round
[ vow. But Poll says back to mo , 'Scat , Han-
drew , hit makes 'om sloop llko haldonnon an'
heat llko paupers , ' an * so Kow bit Is If It
, akos my last bob for hour boutlng. Been to
ivew , sir ? "
No , I had not , but I should bo glad to sco
.ho cordons , I told him.
"W'y , Lord bless bus I coma right 'long
ivl bus. Hlt'll do ye Rood , nlrl"
And so It did , for I keot In tbo delightful
company of the "downtrod" all the way out
on the pleasant journey , returned to the city
with tbom , and never lost sight of thorn until
tie blazing ovonlng lights of the winding
Slrmid shone on the tired family safely en-
sconscod on tno deck of a Whltoohapol 'bus ,
, vhloh whirled them away to their" lowly
homo In that world's foulest slavcpoa the
east end of rahbty London.
Knroute to Itojul Kmr.
Ills an Intorcstln ? little Journey by under
ground railway , by nvor or by road to roynl
Kow. Interesting below ground for the
glitspsos of the folk who live down there In
tbo bowels of Ihu onrtti station mastora ,
porters , news clerics ana barmaids out of
wnose faces , llko the Cornish minors , the
light mill color hnvo { one. and who move
about In a desolate , discouraged
way , as though bopcloss prisoners
thero. You road pathos and hoait-
nctio all along these foul under
ground ways ; breathe a prayer that our
cities shall nuvor know thorn ; and wisb you
could whisk all thcso white-faced tellers
with "liandrew" and t&o "young uns" for a
lomp about the lovely gardens uf Kow.
A thousand historic places and lordly
structures are passed should you go by boat
upon tbo Tuames. It is not only tlie o and
the vast throng of craft you see from your
steamer's side , but you recall tbo royal pro
cessions of boat and tjargo of ether day.s
passing and repassmc from London to won
drous Hampton Court , and these boar you
wrallhful company. The whole stream' is
sounded with music. German bands , Italian
bauds , Swiss band * , Hungarian bands and
Gynsy bands crowd those boats and givoeood
music , too. Swift are tbo steamers , and a
mighty wash Is loft behind them , wbllo all
the tiny boats afloat seem to dance and cur
vet in your walto to tlio endless musio ot the
Seen from a Mini Itoof.
From tbo roof ot n 'bus you see rallos upon
miles of thu wealthiest part of West London.
Hero is 1'icoadilly , with its aristocratic club-
lund on the right ; Green Park and lordly
Buckingham Palace are on tbocorner ,
Knightsbridgo , Albert Memorial , Kensing
ton gardens , Kensington , Holland Park ,
Olympia and Hammersmith follow , and then
you como to wncro the hedges , axonuos und
villas hint of the rrstful rural scenes of Eng
land. Bright Indeed is this road to Kow ,
through buiy Hammersmith and drowsy
Cbiswick , with its nursery Grounds and glass
houses by the wayside and line market gar
dens crowded close by now houses , and
dreamful Gunnorsbury , where tbo ancient
forests show in dark masses against the
horizon. There are lush orchards , toowhero
the rich ftuit dapples tbo fadinc loaves , and
mcadow.s wavy and rich , where the lata but
tercups ana daisies star the tender green.
And then tbo mossy bridges , with steep
old fashioned pitch and broad , crumbling
parapets , where rosy cheeked lasses still
linger and marvel as your 'bus goes rum
bling by ; gray turnstiles leading to
brown deep footpaths that wind througn
gardens and fields , whore some ono , as In the
nla days , always tarries and turns to trazo at
passers , cozing In tuoir turn , as though the
two were the only ones soon in a whole day's
journov ; the gay out Btolld-looking barges
lying bore ard tbero in the backwater
against the shore , and tin ally , quaint old
Kew Green , wberu the years bring no change
und where cvurvthing Is so littio , oud and
antiquated that you could leul no surprise if
Farmer George and Queen Charlotte with
lumbering calocho and six horses came dash
ing through the gates of royal Kow.
Olil mill .Now Kow.
About 200 years ago Lord Capel laid out
tbn garden which has since become not only
ono of London's most beautiful pleasure
grounds , but a sclentllic Institution whoso
influence und benollts roach to all quaiters
of the globo. On tbo death of L < ord Capol in
JI590 , the estate passed into the hands of his
son iu-law , who made the place still more
famous as the headquarters of English
astronomers. Under the ad vice ot the carl
of Buto tbo dowagrr Princess Augusta madu
It a scienttllc establishment , and It was called
tbo "Physio Garden. " As early as 1703
Sir John Hill published n catalogue of the
plants of Kow. Them were then lltty feriu.
( MO trees and shrub * aim several thousand
herbaceous plants. In 17sl ) the oqtaio was
bought by George 111. Ho devoted much
money and attention to its Improve
ment. "Farmer George" he was called , in
praise uy scientists und in derision by tax
payers , for his pains. Porn long tlmo'after
this moimrcn'b death thogatdens sank into
negloct. It was then proposed to disestab
lish and disendow tbom. A protest was
raised und tbo wliolo kingdom opposed ,
wbtroupou the gardens were surrendered
by the crown and became a national estab
lishment lu IblO.
Then royul Kow In name became royal Kew
in fact under the directorships of KirV. . J.
Hooker , who remained in charge until bis
duatti in I ! > < M , mm his sou , Sir .Tosepb
Hooker , the renowned traveler and botanist ,
who succeeded him Tbo latter is ln xvn to
every student of botany In the world from
his "Flora Antarctica , " "Himalayan Jour
nal * " und bis great work , "Genera Plant-
arum , " and the tremendous importance of
Kow us un intornutionul sulontlllc educator
hat been aliuoil wholly duo to his genius for
compelling Its work to cover u vast and prac
tically llinttlesk Uold.
Suli'iitllUi Kevr.
To faintly illustrate this extraordinary
comprehensiveness it may bo truly said that
wherever in thu world oiussllicatlon of new
plants is required ICow stands ready to at
tend to the matter. Wherever now plants
are wanted for cultivation these roval
gurdcua will supply them , ncd this
readiness of supply is not nt all
limited to British subjects op colonies.
Wuera plant disease threatens or peals
approach , Kow will consult and advise , For
eign Institutions co-operato in all those bine-
ticial relations. Lists of now plants are con
stantly being published. Lists of seeds ma
tured hero are also printed , and the institu
tion wiselv goes so far as to exchange these
seeds with regulurcorrospondeutsalloverthu
This magazine of seeds Is nominally col.
locled for the bonctlt ot similar associations
which may sometime in pun return Jlku
favors. But any one in any part of theglobii
applying with a serious puriKua for seeds or
plauta is uot refused. Atthotlmeof my visit
applications lay upon tbo curator's dosKfrom
Oregon , Texas und BiilUh Columbia 4n
America ; from Knulisb shires , Irom South
Africa , Ceylon , India and Guatemala. Alt
woru to be served with equal attention. This
chnructorlitlcot Kow RlvMlho whoto world
nn Intnroit in It * rosotinjOi. , proficiency anil
lnc"cn * > eil powers for In'erafljnngo of botnnlo
knowledge und ntd
How the rapidly Incrflfainp population ot
thn glebe nmy bo provldftt with food nnd
clothing Is regarded rts a. problem falling
wlthio the province of ivew'.s authorities.
The splendid success of tlio cinchona plantix *
lions In India also llluilr.ftes ' .ha scope of the
work nt the royal gardens. The 1'oruvlan
supply was showing exhaustion , ( julnlna
was becoming Rlr > rmlngjA ) expensive. Cin
chona seeds and voung turLtJworo socurea in
i'cru , brought here to KtAvimd nur cil , nnd
finally given successful culture In Jamaica ,
Co.vIon and Bengal , until the annual output
from these sources amounts to nearly 100-
000 poundi. That was a 'direct bonollt to nil
mankind ,
llntrtnlo Workshop ofthriV rlil.
It will thus bo scon that royal Kcw is not
only n fnvorlto resort for holidav visitors ,
but It Is the great central botanic workshop
of the world ; not n ( lower show nor n pretty
park n.oroly , for serious and vast work is
accomplished hero every voar. And nothing
is too trilling to receive ( vow's candid atten
tion. It is a matter of record that "debate
has been gravely held , opinions even Imvo
icon formed nnd reported upon such mattrtrs
s a South African enno , which some gen-
omen in those , distant parts thought
daptod to fishing rods ; upon the values of
Vest Africa palm kernels ns material for
oat buttons , and upon a pithy stem which
Bo government of n West Indies Island bo-
ievcd suitable for razor strop * . "
Kow I ? now training young mon to fill
otanlc situations in Iho colonies. In-
tructlon Is given in principles of selen
itic botany , and the general conditions
ovorulng horticulture under differing
ondltlons and circumstances. In tbo
nd Kew is rop.Md. Nearly all these men ,
becoming emigrants , remain enthusiastic
'orrespondents ' wltti nnd contributors to
ho stores of iho royal gardens. Mr.
ilselton Dyer , who Dscaino director ot
Cow in 185(5 ( , Is only the tifth lu n period
if IHO years , nud Is broadening ruthcr than
ostrlctlng Iho Hold of scieullllc Invostlgn-
Ion so nouly opened nud developed by Sir
William Hooker nnd his son , Sir Joseph.
Arhornt nml Hrrlial Treasure * .
The gardens and grounds are extensive.
Chose portions known as the Botanic gar
dens comprise noarlv thirty acres , nnd the
Pleasure grounds and arboretum have nn area
of "TO acres. Beyond , stretching lo Richmond
mend , Is Iho old Doer park of about , -100 acres ,
though only n small portion of the latter is
accessible to tbo public. In ( rent of the gar-
Ions stretches a broad smooth walk , and doled
ed about the lawns nro noble specimens of
Italian , Spanish and Corslcan pines. At thu
end of these ono noes the old rod brick house
n which Queen Charlotte died. To iho left
s Iho principal uvcuuo , wlthllowor parterres
on either side. In Iho distance tbo mag-
nltlccnt palm house rlsos like n fairy palace ,
and bcsida It are liny lakes wuh Hocks of
aquatic birds
The herbarium al Kow is undoubtedly Ibo
finest in existence. The number of speci
mens now exceeds 1,500,000 , duplicates not
included. The ? 1111 a larce structure In the
northwest corner of the green , including a
great hall added in 1370 , tilted with two
Li era of lighl Iron callcrios. Beginning with
the rununculaccic on tbo ground lloor they
conclude with the grasses up aloft. There
is no red tape hero lo oppose iho student.
A table slunds In each uornor for his con
venience. All specimens nro arranged after
the system or Sir Joseph Hooker's great
work , the "Genera Plantarum , " so thai the
visitor only has to glvo the. ' number attached
to a particular conus nnd , the portfolio con
taining tno corrojpandlug specimen is befono
him In an instant.
Ko 'a Iinalitalin | Museums.
In tbo garden proper the smaller plauls
are found in almost endless variety. Alto
gether there are nearly 1)0,000 ) species. Small
as is this proportion to the total sum of
nature's wealth , the knowledge , patience
nnd labor in forming sucu a vast collection
are in themselves alraptt inconceivable.
Think of 3,000 species nl trees and shrubs.
3,000 greenhouse plants , 2,500 "stove plants , "
1'JJO ferns , 1,000 succuUnts and 1,500
orchids among Ibis bewildering collection in
ono compact garden 1 '
The Museum of Economic Botany was cs-
lablished In 1S4T. Its influence upon Irado
has undoubtedly since been increasingly felt ,
in the Iwo hemispheres. Every tree nnd
plant known lo servo a useful purpose is
represented here , < with illustrations of the
manner of its employment und most valuable
use ; while Ihe Museum of Timoer is a per
manent world's exposition of woods. The
showing in this from Ihe Iwo Americas and
Ibo \Vest Indies exceeds that of the rest of
Iho world in extent nnd variety ; and every
great American oily should duplicate Ibis Urn-
bar oxhioit. The economic suggestiveness
and hints to woodworkers , from the most
ordinarv necessities of oulldiiig timbers to
the higbost possibilities in art woods and
woodworking art , would provo invaluable.
To the casual visitor the show places of
royal Kew are Iho grcal palmbouso and Iho
structure bousing the bugo water maize of
Central America , named Victoria rosina by
ils discoverers in compliment to Queen Vic
Itotnnlc Marvels.
The palmhouso is a veritable crystal pal-
nco. It is 3(52 ( feet long and 100 feet wide. It
stands near the cenler of Iho gardens , with
a broad terrace and the lakes with their
aquatic Hocks in front. Nearly 23,000 font of
bet water piping nro required for ils healing.
Though sixty-six teat iu height , ils most pi-
pantlo habitat the ilnost specimen In
Europe ot the pandauncca.- continually
being lopped aim pruned to keep it within
Bounds. Thcro are besides magnificent
specimens of the betel , the wax palm , the
bread tree , the orange , the coral plant , the
coffee shrub , the cocoauut and the tamarind.
A few yards distant Is tbo homo of the
tremendous water lily , tno Victoria regiua.
Ils gignnlio loaves and flowers spread com
pletely over iti allotted water space of 15,000
squani feet in Ibo summer mouths , while ut
Ibis season of the year its wide oval loaves ,
yards la surface dlumoter , with beautifully
ourlod edges , suggest the fabled shell * in
which Aphrodite is wafted upon obcdlenl
soas.Ono never tires of these matchless roval
gardens. If I should confess to my abiding- ,
overwhelming fooling while within them , it
would bo that they or their double were
ours. As tbo setting sun warned mo with
all ether visitors away , and "hearty Han-
drew , Poll and tbo young 'uns" joined mo
for tbo rolurn journey on Ibo roof ot tbo
Hammersmllh'bus , my stoker friend brought
mo to a clump of American oaks.
"Thorn oro'll do your furrln heyes good , "
ho remarked with a roar that had'a gentle
ana kindly undertone ringing through it.
How foolish for a wanderer hero to embrace -
brace these hard old trees IHco suddenly met
friends from homo across the sea ! But I
did. And then we returned qnilo comforta
ble and cheery lo Ibo great city.
Bixuit L. WAUKJUN.
Ton .Much ot u
It 1 snot unusual for col contriictodln the
fall tobung on all wliuer.ivlu such casu *
catarrh or chronic broictiitlo uro utmost .sura
to result. A 11 fly-cent _ Dotllo of Chamber-
Iain's Cougu Uemedy xyJH euro any cold.
Can vou aiTord to risit so .much for bo .small
an aniountl This roinouj' Is Intended es
pecially for bad colds Mid croup and can
always bo depended upon ? For sole by drug
gists ,
u j
Voitr 18 ) n of s
YIIUI need not par ono
cont.ii.Wo w 111 Bend Jt to
' ' - . J'roryfolcycio
d , and equal to
( -old -wLcront
Any txiy or Klrl under
IS j cure of ago , wuo
vaiita u Unt-clnei
tlrjclo can net ono
free. We mil giro
any boy or nirlnbl.
eclo un very c y
cuiidltloni. WtiecH
nro 25 IncliPD. wllli
rrcwent eltul rims
nnd oiulded rubber
llrei.unj run oa Imr-
drnnl Bled oono
IicarlriRS , edjnstabla
to wear ; gea red to 4ii
iuclibi ) delaitmblo
craiikii 4 to & Indies
throw ) frame Unol/
enameled , vrltb nick ,
cl trimmings. Kucli
maclituo U oupplltx *
rltlitoolbae.Hn. ndi
end oiler. U o tiaro
tlll-.iT l.oyi'or Klrla *
oljle. Ifyounant5
odr , out and vend to
. uato-Oay. AddrvM
f A. Curtis ACu.
Mention Omaha Deo.
/A /
What is ? wanted of
soap for the skin is to
wash it clean and not
hurt it. Pure soap docs
that. This is why we
want pure soap ; and ,
when we say pure , we
mean without alkali.
Pears' is pure ; no al
kali in it ; no free alkali.
There are a thousand
virtues of soap ; this one
is enough. You can trust
a soap that has no biting
alkali in it.
All sorts of stores sell
t , especially druggists ;
ill sorts of people use it
The only uniformly
Consultation free.
Ccill upon or adclross
with , stamp.
cor , 14th and Douglas.
Well , como ami limp thriii cxainlnuil l > r our opti
cian Tree of Clinrji- , unit If m'l'i'uMiry , Httoil nltli u
pair nf our "rKliriirTION bl'KCTAChKSj ur KV13
Ul-ASfHS-tliobculntlie world If } ou do not
npeil ulu iC3 wo nlll loll you anil iilvl itnu "lint
to ilo. GOLD SI'ELTAC'I'K- UVK tl.AS < KH
KKOM II t'l' , TKii. : 81'iTACIKH OK KVK
( iliAStii : * KUOM II I I' 1'liiln , Brooke. Line or
while Rlns cs , for luutccUni : tlio cjri-s , from MJc n
Max Meyer & Bro. Co. ,
Jewelers and Opticians.
Farnam and 15th Streets , Omaha
FitEDKuuoBiti\v : OMAHA Bun\\i * a
ma Co. AfiSOCIATIO.V ,
Our bottled cabinet Der OuiranteBil to equal out >
delivered to anjr pitit Ida braudi Vleniit
of thoeltjr , Kxporl buHlul tie- ,
lWJ ck oa Strest. dallrorol ft faiullle : .
NallM nnd dOTDtallal
baitff. Capaoltr f'.UJJ
dar. f.rxsl umalia Tel
41 j , I' U box 611.
* Jou PuiNr
KArra-IsKvm.s Co.
I NO CO. ,
202-1 Uouxlai Streitt De llulldtai
Against what others may say that we are
selling the Best and Handsomest Clothing and
at lowest prices ever offered in this market.
Come in and see us and we will demon
strate to you what we mean and that we are
able to make our claim good.
Our Garments arc the Finest ,
the Best Made ,
' * the Neatest Trimmed ,
the Best Fitting , and
The Most Ropular in Styles
to be found in the city.
We prefer that these goods speak for themselves
We will offer for this week a limited quantity of Child's Suits ,
strong and durable , at 650. Child's Cape Overcoats from $ i up.
J. BAMBERGER. Proprietor.
Bo sure of the street nnd number Mail orders are solicited
1317 and 1319 Douglas St. , and will receive prompt
Omaha. Neb. attention.
16th and Howard Streets ,
00 Itooms for railptitn. OMAHA , NEB ,
Tor tbo treatment of
Chronic , Private l Nervous Diseases ,
Piles , Fistula , Fissure nnd Stric
ture of the liectum pprinanoiit-
ly cured without the use of Knife ,
Ligature or Caustic.
Enclose 4c. in stamps nnd our 107 puze HOOK
oil DISKASr.S und Question Illunks ,
will te MAILED ntin.
IGtli nnd Howard ? l.s. , Onmlm , Neb ,
W. C. MA.iiJ , , 51 I ) . , Pll'.s. Slmllo. Ilili poptr.
Cotton Mops ,
Line 11 Mops ,
Floor Brooms ,
Sponges ,
Chamois Skills ,
Etc. , Etc.
Jas- Morton $ Son Go ,
1511 Dcdge Street.
iTWT4"S i § oiit' I'nln oy"
lJLrrVY-V VT the Latest
iu ontluii.
Perfect ( It guaranteed. TVetli cttr.ictod In
the inoriiliiu' . Now ones Inserted In evening
of ( .iiino day.
Pee spci'lmunsof IJeinov.iblo Hrlnpo.
See apoelinrtiH of Kluxlblo Clnslle 1'lnto
All work warranted us reprof-enteu.
Ollice , ' 1 bird 1'loor , I'.ixtoni Illoac.
TclcplioiiB 108. ) . Kllll an I Tannm Sti.
Take Klovator or sHnlrw.iy from lOlb
Street T ntrancc.
A line Ilk tcold | ilat Svratd )
to every reader of thlsptprr.
CutlhlBoutniKltenUlt tu Ul
Ith > our full naino and ad *
dn-fes , and we willgcnd you
one of thcfto elccant , rlclitjr
cwtledod ] tlnljiti dwatcle4 )
> } upruia for oinmlnntlon ,
ftndlf jou tlilnUltls equal In
appearance to any l& DO ( fold
vrntrh.poT our tampla price.
I3VS.unJItlJloiirn. Wosrnd
that yon rnn return It nt any
time vrlthlu one yrnr If noC
pAtltfuftriry , nnd If yon icll
or rnuxo ttio * Mn of elr wo
nt once na vr thai I > cndout
camriln for nlny dnjn only.
334 Dearborn Streetf
. „ , CHICAGO , ILL.
at Low Prices.
Stock and Design
The Latest and Best.
Send us 81.2O and we'llscml jou ice cnjravefl
caids from a new copper plate.
Sent ! us ! > O cts. anil j our present plate ( to be held
and rcgiotered ) anil we'll send you 100 co-
gra\cJ c.uils.
We pay express chorees.
( Lute CotiU'i Library Co )
136 Wnbasli Ave. , Chicago.
nrn HOME
I3y Purchasing Goods Made at the Following Nebraska Factories. If you
cannot find what you want , communicate with the mainfacturars ai
to what dealers handle their goods.
runts Go.
Mattroiici , fottliar pit.
Ion a uud rumforlun Corro lo And Button.
To Undo unljr. Mrlct ( i uro wliHn latl
Knit Omaha ,
OifAHA Kumii'.uC'o MAitics Bitos'
Manufacturlfix aiul Job-
UT § of nil kItull of Block iscldlej uml
rubuur "H U HMUII" huriiexHipucla r. IMF
Hoods. ] 5JK rnoiuHl. llarnor tlreoL
svnup. SOAP.
FAUltKLh&CO. PA an SOAICo. . .
lllai. I'reiervoi. Mlnej Manufactureri of Unloa
Meal and Ajiplo llutter , houp.
hfrupi. Jklolanut. 217 Hi Illckorjr "treat
boutubavvutU HI ,
All Undiof ttoro repair * II. H. MAIUIOKK.
on uaod , ( jMollne
lore * rupalrfid and UT > trunkt ,
IOTA9 BtOrUll. JUU1VI l > ag > aud imiuplo cam *
U UliUii IU6 b. 131U Ut.