Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1892, Part Two, Page 11, Image 11

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Cooler Weather Welcsrao to Jobbara nnd
Retailers Alike.
Collection * I' y and Money In Uoixl Supply
In Thl * I'urt nf tlio \\r l Hie
l.ircttK nl l.nst Yiiir'n
Crop * Still 1'i'lt ,
The chance to cooler xvcathor during the
last two days of the past week xvas very
KraUfvInc to these Jabbori handling goods
tnat nro In demand during Iho cold weather
only. The dry poods trade especially has
been in need of cooler woixthor that \xlll
crvo to remind buycra that winter Is an-
nroachlnp imil lead thorn to In-
creuso their stocks of Inter poods.
In spite ol the xvnrm xvoather , hoxvox'cr ,
the drr goods trade has been ol very fnir
proportions end no complulnl has been heard
from Jobbers.
What Is true of the dry Roods trade xvill
ripply equally well to similar lines , as cloth
ing , Winter hats , caps , etc.
Tlio groceiy trndo of the past xveck has
been cxcccilliiKly pood. Tor xvcclts Jubbets
have been notmc a stcud.v ilomnnn for coo'ls
nnd It has scorned that there must come n
lot ill ) some day , but it has not
rnatoiializod as yet. Grocery houses hnx'c
hard kcop up xvtth the orders. As si
xvliolo the Jobbltit , ' trade of Omabulslnc
most satisfactory condition and tbo prospect ;
re exceedingly ptomUtnp.
Itrlnll Truilr.
The retail trade In the country Is peed ,
but a Hula cold xvcathcr xvonld start It ur
nnd at the sntno time start toiiiitrv mor
chunts buylnp stoclt . The retal
trudo of Omaha docs nol shoxx
much chanpo cither for the better 01
worse. It Is held by snmo Hint the people o
Oinuhn IIPVO put oT ( buying about ns lonp. ai
they can and that ullli thu comlr.p of uli tn
\\enllior they will bo fotccd to loose ttacii
purse siring ? .
Collections nro easy in thn countiy am
money nppeurs to bo compar.itlvolv plonti
In gcnnial circulation. Tno fuel Is ihal Un
xvarmlh of October opened under ier' '
faxoroblo Llicumslanccs as itigardsmouclarj
supplies. 'ihoNuxv York Bulletin remark :
Ihal xxeslcin murUcis coiilinuo well sun
plied xvlth money and thai repot Us ot col
lections uro ull on the xxholu moro favorabl
In cx'cri part of the country than Is usual u
this season. It xvas icasonabto to cxp c
that Iho demands of the xvest and south fn
money to aid In moving Iho crops would b
much smaller this j oar than usual , becnus
the year's crops aio loxv in piico and comparatively
parativoly small , and because the xxest ha
on hand reserves of money xvhich xxer
pivally increased by the sales of last year'
extraordinary crops.
I'l the long run , thosurplus products xvhlcl
the ncxv agricultural sUlus of the xvest am
sou'h have to sell co to pay for the mnnufac
tured produclsand imported goods xvhich com
from the cast , nnd to Urn extinguishment o
Indebtedness to Iho older stale ) , liut the nc
count is notnhvavs balanced xxlthiii nn > on
year. When gicnt crops come , Iho farmer
have lirst an unusual pressure of xvoik in hat
vesting and bojslugtbom , xvhichdelnxslliiul
aatlons and purchases. Then Iho piopara
lions for the next crop taka rooro time nn
of the producls llrstsoxvn the proceeds oflo
go mainly to liquidation of local or olhc
xvcstern indebtedness. Thus some month
may clap o before the farmers' purchases In
crease In correspondence xxllh Ihe Increas
of their icbourccs. Then for some tin )
longer tbo dctilcis nt the xvest are engagea 1
vtorking off Iho stocks they * iavo laid in , s
that the increased buying from the cast ma ,
bo still fuithor deferred
Last .your the xvest and south xvero sendln
enormous supplies to the cast and there \vn
much complaint that the sales of products o
the east wcro not correspondingly increasoi
This j car the west and south have less t
sell , and prices are lomarkably loxv , und yi
the purchases , ty the xvest at least , are large
than they xvero a year ago. This is parti
occause the effect ot last year's great crof
lust begins to to fully felt. L quidation he
cleared axvny debts , local distribution ho
cleared off old stocks of ccoas and the bu ;
inc from Iho cast , xvhich xvas somouhat r'
larded when Iho oulcomo of this year's ha
voft xvas in doubt , is noxv pushed and sxvellc
nsxxcslcrn dealers discover that the domani
from consumers are greater lhan they e
But It does not folloxv that these purcbasi
ro the result of this year's crops. In gre ;
degree , they spring from the vast Increase
I'bllity lo buy xvhich the crocs of 1891 gate <
to xveslcrn farmers.
Onmlm I'rnduce.
'Tho produce mnrkcls of Omaha have n
thoxvn nnv verv material changes during l
past xveok. The California fruit season
ixbout over , and grapes and pears a
about all that nro left in the market. Hot
groxvn grapes nro about out of tno marki
und Noxv York stock is coming in me
Ireoly to take their place. While Ihoro a
quilo a good many apples In tbo murk
they nro inoitly very poor , and it may
mid that there aio no good xvinter apples i
forcd as yet.
AS ut'.N siis IT.
Omnlia'M Trade Muxxvil liy u Com more
"An enterprising jobber in this city t <
mo the other day that his sales foi Soptc
bcr , 1S9J , averaged $1,000 per day moro th
in the same month last year , " said Mr. K
crson , Omaha's manager of H. O. Dun
CoX mercantile agency , to n Bri : ruoori
yesterday , "anolhar of our most success
nouses , sbovxs an Increase of vl ! per cent ox
lost year. Still another jobber , ongnged
n special line , too , by Iho xvay , sayi sales l
tbia year thus fur nro 100 per cent nhoad
laat year , und ho has $100,000
ordirs alrcudv booked axviiltinp
bo filled. This house xvhi
aid $ MOUOO last year expects conlldon
to reach the f500,00o maik by Dccombcr
Ibii. . A mniiufac'.uring Jobber in furnltt
says his business ihus far this year exccc
the toial for last year , and ho hoi the hi
thrco monlhs for his line to hoar frc
Another In a somotxbat similar orai
of business reports his special !
all sold before they uro mada and orders i
in ? up fust or , than his most sanguine anil
paiions of a year igo led him to hope for.
" .lobbing In Omaha Is all right. Then
no single line overdone. The llrst week
October shoxvs no cessation in Iho dernc
upon our dealers. In many houses the sti
has coon reuoalcu for xvceks : 'Wo bavo I
the best week of our experience. Last xvi
is uo exception nnd the coming weeks
brighl with promise Urocors , dry go
men , boot iinil shoo dealers , hardxvaio u
chants , ( luconsxvnrohouses , furnlturomak
and In fact xvholcsalo ooulors In all Hues
imply buidoned with business. Colloctl
ro good and prices are xxoll maintained.
"Unfortunately retail dealers are not
happy. Except in a foxv lines busju
among the retail houses continues very d
The continued xvnrm xx out her has pi
ponod full sales , und promises to bring
curly winter and fall trauo toccibcr It
In Iho present mouth , Thu u
\xcatbcr will Indirectly benefit re
trade , however , for It has stlmuln
publio xvork and many private buitd
cntorpilscs , ana thus given romunoral
employment to a largernumbur of mochni
ana laboring inou , xx ho mil ba enabled 19 [
chaio moro largely later in the season.
' 'Thero bat boeu but ono heavy fail
this xvcck , and that ts Iho Om
llurb Fence and Nollorks , xxl
gave chattel mortgages for so
thing over fcU.OOO yesterday moru
This fulluro Is something ot a calamlt
our manufacturing liilciesla , but It U to'
hoped the enterprise xvlll not uo abando
"Nothing no xv U reported from uanl
circles. 'luo September 30 statements ol
national banks exhibit heavy deposits at
largo cash loserve. "
llrr .MiilliiT' 1.1 To.
Mr . Stover , xvlfo ofn Chicago travc
man living at riftcnnth ana Vinlon sin
oxves her lifo to her lltile JO-ycai
dauphter Stella. In cleaning house
other morning Mrs. btovcr threxv a pad
of noxvdor In the stove by accident.
The expiation that followed wrcckej
stove and tni-flxv Mrs. Stover across tbo i
and set her clolhluK on tiro. With rem
able prcsonco of mind the llttlo girl throxv n
bucket of XNaier on her mother nnd extin
guished the llnrnev
Hov. J M. Wilson , pastor of tbo Castollnr
street Presbyterian church , xvho was past
ing At the time , rushed into the hnuso nnd
completed the xvork so well commenced by
thn daughter. Mr Stover x\as very badly
burned about the face and head but xvlllro-
Itnielnr * .Mnko u Itlrh Jlnnl nt M .lolm'.i
Cnlli-clati * < linrrti.
Vrom the rear door of Urolghton college to
the rear door of Ht. John's Collegiate church
there Is a covered walk. When the sacrls-
tau ooonrd the college door leading Into this
walkat4iO : yesterday morning ho xvas sur-
pilscd with the smell of cigar tmoko nnd an
Instant later two or three shndoxvy forms
dashed out of the church door and dlsan-
ncaicd In the darkness.
An Investigation shoxvod that burglars
xx ho kncxv tholr business had baen at xvork
and had broken open ono ot the heavy Iron
safes In the vestry and rifled It of the sacred
vessels storo.1 there , part ofhlch they car
ried n way and the remainder xvas littered
about the floor broken In places and totally
The work had evidently been done hv ex
perts xvto took plenty of tlmo nnd made no
noise , for thrao of the brother * xvero slo.-p-
Ing In u loom Immediately above. A cnalt
Just outside Iho dojr and the stump of a
ulgnr Indicated the position of n sentry com
manding n vloxv of all approaches to the
The neavy , outside door of the vestry had
been pried open , snlilllng off a pleco of ihc
Uoor This nt milled Iho robberi into r
scnii-circulnr bull in xvhich are the twc
massl\i safes so into Iho xvall. Tin doors
of the safes are cove led by xvooden door
secured by Yala locis. Both of these \xere
opened xvilhout leaving A trace of how it xva <
aono. The doors of both safes xxore drilled ,
but onlv one had ijc n opened by smashing
the lajc This contained the cluiMccs , cl
boriums piticns nnd oihar arllclosujod In
thu ch urch service.
Thomost valuable of Iho jowals xvaro kept
in Iho other snfo Pour v.ilutiblo challuos
were broken to pieces for convenient trans
portatlon nnd the pieces xveio loft lying upon
the Hoor. Some of these chalices xvert
xxoi-th upxvards of00. . T-xo clborlunu
xx ere ulso broken and destroyed.
Among Iho gold and silver frsemenls llu
brolbcrs found txvo or Ihreo heavy carpentel
cniiol.s , n drill and other burglars' tools ,
These xvero tinned over to the police.
The operators htfd porno mcins of cxcrthif
a tremendous foice xvithout making nnj
noise for Iho door leading ftom the hall inU
the cbuich had also been opsncd and lh <
onlx dnmasja aono xvas to tno he.ivv bras :
boll which xvas bent over at right nnploj.
When disturbed the lobbers hnd cvldctitl ;
snatched uu xxbat they could and decamped
The misiinp articles were three gold patten ;
or plates , three oil stocks and n few frag
rat-nts of the other Jewels.
The tolal value of Ibe articles stolen ant
destsoyed xvas $ l'XJ. )
V simitar attempt xvas rnado at the sami
door about six months ago but the burglar ,
wcro llred on nnd ffi.ahteued away.
WIUi n llttlo more time the robbers thn
time would no doubt have ofTectod un un
trinco into the other safe xvhicb contahici
very valuable allnr furniture i'iiey wen
artists ut their business but they did no
count on the catly hours of the brothers.
Tlu-j Are C.ui lit Niiln ; | liy u Clctei
Nexxspapor .Alan.
Mr. n. J. Carpenter , litoraiy editor of thi
Boston Advertiser , recently doliverad alec
turo before the MothoJUt a so ialion on thi
subject ot ' oxvspapora , " and this is xvha
happonoJ at tbo cloio :
Lastly , Mr. Carp3ntcr pictured tno routin
of a nexvspapcr rcpoiter from early Monda1
morning until late Saturday input. Ho fol
loxvod him closely through alt his labor :
hurryinc from ono matter to another xvlt
scarcely a moment's cessation. lie work
an hour or txxo at his uosic in tl < o morning
reports the Methodist mi ulsters' meeting r
Wesleynn ball ; goes to a fire aurt comeback
back oxhaustea ana xvet ; write ; his ' -atory
r-ipidly ; snatches u hasty luncheon ; hurnc
avtay to catch a train to intervioxv u pclit
clan' ; returns nt fl , xvcory and hunprj
xvriles out his Intervioxv ; apain snatches
hasty mcul ; returns to the oftiLO and xvorli
until midnipht , preraring an obituary fc
possible early use , und ut last roaches hi
bed at 1 o'clock. And this hu does six day
In tbo weelr. At , the close of bis doscrlplioi
the speaker asked quietly :
"Dou you not think , gentlemen , that afu
such axvcok of labor , ho has earned , and we
earned , a day of rest ] "
Responses ot "yea , " "xes , " came from a
parts of Iho hall.
"Tner. , tell mp , " said the speaker , vigoi
ouslv , advancing to tuo edpa of the platforn
"tell mo xvhv vou , some of you , RO tn th
noxvspaper olllces Sn'uraay afternoon ut
ask to have a reporter sent the next day '
report your sermon i"
Apulausc , laughter and sensation , In tl
midst of xvhich several questions were aski
and lomonstranccs were heard , folio wed Ui
"It is true , " Insisted fie spsakor , "th
this is done , ana dona often by clergymen
could point out at least ono offender of tli
sort here , it I so ( Joshed. In conclusion , 1
mo say tnat this question of Sunduy uexx
papers is a vexed question , aud ono riot en
of solution. Hut no pnoil can come frc
wholesale denunciations , from making stal
merits easily rotated , or from attempts
force laclslalion , ut'empts ' that must bo abi
live. Nothing is , lo bo rained by mUrepi
senlalion , or oy lighting upon Insccu
ground. If you must uork cheerfully axva
striving lo keep back Iho Atlantic ocean ,
prnv you use the broom of pare truth and
Chilstiau consistency. "
llusliicss ISrlcti ,
A. M. ShuraaUcr , the general merchant
Blair , has sold out.
The Omaha Glass company has boon I
corpornted xvith capital stock at $ I. > , OOU.
A. LaClalr and H T. Unit , gone
merchants ai Atkinson , have consolidated
Dcloss Pheitorplaco of Atkinson has
moved bis lostaurant lo O'Neill , this sta
Simras & Whitman , drj goods and groci
of tilran ; , bavo sola out to Mrs. C. A. C
J. xV. Marshall , tbo general merchand
dealer nt liuido Hack , has boon succeeded
Is the firm of ttoland & Pratt.
in George Raymond , tlio Beatrice Implomi
id dealer xvho gave a chatiol mortgage on stc
and xvarehouso on Tuesday , DAS been si
ceeacd by Thompson tt Sou.
! 1C Morgan L. Krebs , the harness dealer
ro Scotia , has sold out to William Hutchor , xv
formerly xvas employed by him.
W. F. Codv of North I'latte , accornlng
rrs Lincoln county records , has mortgaged
ro lot of blooded horses for (2,500 ,
John ICggort of Mead has cold his r
taurant to A. Fcldhuscn , the grocer o
hardware merchant , xvho xxlll conduct
these lines In tlio future.
II. A. J. Hurdof Bertram ! has sold a half
it- tcrost in his Implement business to U ,
it10 Larsons , the llrm to bo Larsons & Uu
Mr. Hurd continues alone in the bardxx
Till : Ki.VITV \HKET. .
TNSTUUMKNTS placed on record Got.
vo J.
r- J 0 Kennedy and xvlfo to K A IleiiHOn.
lot Ii , blook I,1 , Clifton hill ( ]
ro W V Church to W J Wagoner , n 'i ' lot & ,
ha ralrinuiint I'luro
\V J Wnioner and xvlfo to W V Church ,
lots 4 and a and xv H lot a block t , Slx-
U'untli street add
Chnrlesund Margaret llollnndt to U A
to \\hlti > . no nw SJ-lfl-IO
bo SS Wurl/ and husband to J \VcrtA lots
Ul and Ul , block I. Illiiiohaugh's add. . , . K
Mary Joiisen to W J Wagoner , lot 4 ,
block a , slMeonth street ad
la K II Curtis to S H Curtis , lota * , 0. U and
21 In suhdiv of lots l too. block I.
Washington hill , undlv > 4 of u U sxv nxv
nnd iindlx U of w 151i u so nw l'J-15- '
Uull lot 0. block 1 , liolvcdera , oUI ft
lot'iind s ( , lot N block U.1 , undlv ! i
lot B , block 1117 , ana lot 4 , bloat 3'j ,
Unialiu ,
aid J 11 DleUtjy to I' J Haoket , lotc , block I ,
llolxoJero ndd
.ho IIII Hill lo M 1' Johnson , lol 0 , block 40 }
nnd lot 1. hiooU 481 , Orundvlow
1)11 Hunt to A U Doano , Uonktlns I'luco
.be udd , . , ,
A '
U lluanotoJ
rk- Total amount of transfer * . , . 11
Httivy Receipts of "R Lcat at Northwestsin
Points Lowered Prices.
Corn \V ) nlrt niul l'rlco Kept Very
Steady , tlieYlioln rinctuitloii
Uccn Scarcely Tlirec-lIlRliths
of UMO Cent.
CHICAGO. III. , Oil. 8. Over 1,100 cirs of
wheat rerotxcd ul northwestern points tcxliir
with r. larger quantity In sUht ( or Monday
proved lee much for ttio markets liorc. Tonight -
night xx heat shoxx sa decline of from 8 > eto Vo.
corn 'ic to So. In provisions , similar causes
helped to produce a like effect. Ito ? receipts
for tioM xvcek are csllmalod at 141,0)0. Compared -
pared with last night , pork Is I2' off , lixrd f > o
anG ribs li'ie. ' There xvas not much nUlvlly
In xx heat nnd the general fooling was
easier. Oiblos xvcrcsto idy lo firm and tlio
weather cnndllloirs were uncli ui2i > d. with llt-
tlo Indications of rain anywhere , but tccclpts
nt primary markets were generous , the north-
wtist ulnno gctllng 1.140 cars , with tlio expert -
port b < t lne s r.ithor light iinJ holder * were
generally Inclined to BCI ! . xxhllu the do-
niand slmncil a nmkud f.illlnj oil. Hoy-
ilon iV Co , ICcnnctt-llopkins lirossonu und
tlio crowd general ! v sold freely omo of tliein
supposed to be nctftiB for Citdaliy , I'nrlrtdso
was also a fri'O selltir from the Rtxrl * I > ' ) .iu
, \ . Co. and Mitchell xxere nmniii tin mint no-
llxo buyers. Tin * \lslblo supply Is pxpcclod
tnshoxx an Increase next week of S.V ) , o U
In. flic opening nt full yesterday's clos
ing figure" , dec Incd l c , tlien lie u ste.idy. and
the nlosln ; was 'tcfiom thobnttom.
Corn xx is ( inlet and prices Kept xory steady ,
the whole lliictu.itlon liuvlns boon scarcely
V. The receipts fell fully NiO curs uo'oxv the
estimate and helped to proxent any material
decline. ' 1 he xvnithor xxas cold nil oxer the
west , with Ulllln ; frosts ropnitoil In Kansas.
Ncbr iskn. loxx.i and Illinois , but did not ap
pear to cut much of a lljuri ) In the marhOt nc
H Is generally conceded Iho crop Isoutol
danger noxi ,
Oils xxoro slow nn > t steady. Thcro XXT >
haidly any business o\capt In May nd not
iniu'h In that. A doorosslon of < nC , subse
quently rceoxcred , the only ch.ingo Iti
1'rovlsliiiH ruloJ extremely quiet iliirliis
most of the session. M my of HID promlncnl
opcr itois p isscd the foienoou us uuoclilurt
or xxltno < > cj In jnstlco conit. xvhcro the
Hoiischo L'liauu ujiilnst I'ndahv and WiUlil
fo innnlii ; n i-ornor In October ribs was in ;
for IIMHII.T The market opened o.islortorull
the speenlut \ > J commodities. Armour' !
broki-rs started to sell limitary poik anil rlhs
which helie | < t to cncouiago tha scalpels ti
take the sumo side of the mirkot. At thedU'
cllno Armour's brokers bought. 1'ork w.i'
xveaic at or noir thn opening.
l.ilcu rates were linn , " 'ic bid for wheat ant
"c for corn to ItulTnlo.
estimated recolpts for Monday : \Vhcat. rc > !
cm : coin , 741 caro.its ; , UlO cars ; ho s. "
' 1 ho leading futures ranged as follows :
U.ish qnotatiniis xxuroas folloxxs :
I'l.ouil Steady ; xvlnter p itcnls , $3.70ffil.OO
xxlnlei straights , jj JOtlJ fi.1 : sprlni ; iiatenl >
f | s.TQt.oo | : spr ns slralghts , iJ'JiSJ.5J ; hakeis
$ . ' !
\VllET No. 2 snrlnc. 74'ci ' No. 3 spring
C. < aWto : No 2 tod. 74'B'3.41xC.
( 'OilsNo. . 2 , 41'ic ; .No. J , 4ic.
OATS No. ' . ' . autc : No. 2 xxhllo , f. o. b. , J4S
: ; No. .1 xvhlte. 'M > , ' ' &JUc.
lUG-No. 2.50C.
IlARi.m No. - ' , .ISKOJc : No 3 , f. o b , 43i
C.c ! No. 4. f. o b. . : i3a.l-'c.
! 'I.AHRLII No. 1. J'.ll'.iffU.II'J. '
TIMOTIIV bEhD Prime , tl.b4
1'oiiK Mess. Dorbbl. , * ll.U71/ill.40 : lard , pe
100 Ibs. } 3.1oas.ll : short ribs , sides ( loose
$7.70fMOOOj dry silted hhoulaers ( Doved
J72H67.S3 : hides ( bnxedl. $3.1.1S'J
WiiibKV Distillers' finished Koodb , per K-I
Su'dAn * Cut loaf , 5'5ffloye ; Kranulatcd , 53c
stiindiird "A/M'sC.
liocclpts and shipments loday xvero as fo
On the I'roduco oxchunzo todiiy the huili
market quiet , bill llrm ; creamery. I SB4
dairy. MTSJ.'c E BS. tl'iit ut U > 3l9ic ! fc
strictly frbbli. _
Xuxv \ ork .llurkctg.
Ncxv YOIIIC , Oct. 8. I'louii Itecelpts , M
700pkis : exports. rUXIi bbs. ! . 10.5JO s lol.s : fu
demand , slondv ; sulcs , D.hOO bbls. ; Inxv extra
.Moaa.OOi fulrto funex' . JJ.OO4 00 : Mlnnosot
SIOC4J4.50 : patent * , ! 4.II.75 : str.iishts JJ
® 4 S3.
Cons ME\I. Qu et , steady ; yellow xvesten
J ) COST- .
WHEAT Itecelpts. 100.000 bu. ; exports , 7.C
bu. ; Hales , L8.000 bu. of futures , -Uj Def
of spot , Spots , bteudy und nulut ; N
'J red. 70'4o In store and elox-ator ; 83
afloat : Mi'iftSle f. o. b ; No 3 red , 74e : u
craded red,70a70c ; No 1 northern , Bio ; No.
northern. 7 ! > ti7i)14c ) ; No. S .Mllxv.iukcc , 7s'u
7Uo Options opened llrm on buylns oidc
und better cables , declined ' 40 on small clca
uncos inn ] closed dull nt 'Bo uelow
biiles. Included No 2 rod. Decumbor. 82' .
closln ? ut b.'Se ; May , SS'jQQW.c , closing
C IUE Slendv ; xvestcrn , filQOCc.
HAULM Dull ami steady ; xivst
IIAUI.EV MAI.T Dull but stciuU :
CORN Kecalpts 41,003 bu. * ; exporl" . ,18 , (
hu. ; s.Uud , 17U.O 0 mi. of futures , . ' . ( ' 0 hn
snot HpotB firmer , quint ; No. s ,
oloxator , Ktl&'tllia ! ullott ; nnzradcd nuxc
MXlliC. Ontlons xxrro dull at 'ifii'jc ' d
cllno ns folldxxlnz the xvest. eloslnr stead
Noxomhor.SJ' c. closlns ut W4u ; Ucccmbi
M > t5Jlic. closing at 5J'4e ; May , SlU-1 ! !
closliu nt .14 ' 4- .
lUrs Ucceliits. I.1I.OCO bu. ; exports , nor
silos. : t-i,000 bn. of futures und hl.oo ) bu.
spot , hpotshtcuov but dull ; options dull u
unchaii'cd ; spot No. 2 wnltc , Jic ; mixed xxoi
ern. MUtfc ; whlto western , 3' ' > 2.l8iio ; No
L'hlc.iKO. .I7"JC.
II tv-QuItt ; shlpplnp.eca'JSo ; good to choli
) . 70dls'e.
3i Horn Kirm but ( inlet ; I'acldo coast. \ ' < S , " .
i- Hiixx. dull nut ( inn : fulr rellnlni ; .
contrlfURuls. Id lest , li'iiilO-lOe ' ; rollnod. di
0 nnd steady ; off A. -liy.4'ii ! ) ! ; mould A ,
SJ-lGe : standard A , 4 l.l.ilt.1c | ; confectloni
y A , 4 ll-It > 'ii ! ' < c ; uriished , 55-11/2'iiJc ; gran
I.Ued , 4 13lli5c. .
itk Moi.\sais : loreVn , nominal ; 50 test , 11
k NmvOtluans , iulet ; , steady ; common tof , iu
KICK fiood dcmund , firm ; domestic , fair
extra. 4'SOCc. '
l.iliis ririn. qulot ; xvestern prime , SI1
ueUcrn poor , pui c.ine. t.\OU ® & , 10 ; lecein
5,110 pkcs.
llniis-rulr : domanil ; Texas salted , 50 to
Ills , ut .Vn7o.
Poms ( Julet. stnailv ; old mess , Jll.llSIi
now mess , } r..71QI.U > 0. Cut mu'itu. fir
p'cUeil ' bullies , h eo'gc ; ulckled shoulde
ll'io ; plekled h UIIH , lu'iitllljc ; middle * , mil
bliort ulunr , 1 .4 J for Ootobnr. I.ird. xvui
dull , western htcam closed nt ( noniln
oiiilon sales non- : October , H7o : Novcmb
t&70 ; January. (7.5. b'd ' ; rotlnoil. ts.'JO ,
d. lliirrKit-htuady ; fairly uctlve ; xvcsti dairy. l.Tiji'Je ; xvestrrn croumery. ISQ.'li
ro I4J@172 ! Klgliii ' .
western faetmy , ; , Ul'Je.
1M1E1.8E 1'alr doiuund , llrm ; part skli
I'm 'IIIOK Moro aetlvoi American fl'U
t'oi'i'uii-Diill ; llrm ; lake , Jll.31l.5X
I.IAII Qulett donifsile. Jl.i- " -
Tl.N-Quleii !
03 St. I.ouli Mnrkoti.
ST. I.OUIP , Mo. , Oct.8. FLoUR-rirm and i
K >
\\UEAT Cash , active nnd hlzhcr. 7JSo ; i
tlons opened oil and contlnuod to Uucll
closlnz > , o under yoxirrday : October closet !
150 70 tia70 c ; Uecumbor , WUc ; May , hJ'iO.
CORN 1'ash advanced to 4 ) ' } c : options
XX ) lowed xihoatund finished > 4 < 3o boioxx yest
duy ; October closed at 4l'io ; Novomher l
100 Doceluber , 4lc ; your. JO'.cj May , 4Jti' ? .
OATS hloxv and iibout hloiidy : cash. 3) ) '
October , youc : December , 3IJc : May , Ui'o.
lUiu.Rv-yulet ; saiiiplo lotsof Iowa , O'c.
N ijiilot ; 5'ie at mill ; Wo al east trac
HAV V'uchunired
l.rAD-Dnil at U'i for soft MUsourl ; spol
dull ut * 4.0" > ai.lO.
IIUTTtu-lTuchanged ; creamery. SO ® !
1 dairy. 415l.0e.
1M KiiiiR IJiicha lined at IC'iffil'c.
M ri,4xarhilllKlier at 11.10.
OOIIN MKArr-Qulot. unchuuKeat 12.10412.13
W ) WIIISKVStonily atfi.ia
IlAiiaiM ] I'nclinmrud.
1 IIION TOTTO.N TiES-UnohaiiKt'd ,
SvX ) I I'liovisioss-Qulet , xxlth only u Jobtr ;
done nt previous iiuotfttloiuj johbtnII :
LuriJ. higher m liiaXifcua Dry ualt meuti.U
> > i
she illcr. , SJ.Tit lorfzs trird tlbs , J , TS , nhorls ,
IS.OJ. , r
HKCKIPTS riour. 7,000 KVls. ! whont , 1M.OOO
hn : i-orn 44.000 bu , o-its , 40,000 bn.j rye.
1.00) tin , ; barlcv. l.iOJ bu.
anti'xiBNTs-riour , lo.oo ) bhls ; wheit. W.OM
hu : vein , 11.00)1)11 ) : 041 * . 11,000 bu.i rye. is. *
OM bu s barley 4,003 hiuj
lllilpj nmlil'olts.
roltowlnt : nro llio ntlws inld by Omihn
dcnlortfor hides and pelt quoted Miblcct to
clianjo xxlthout iiDtlco-'Nn 1 creen blues .If !
No I croon suited htileax * l'ic ! N.2 crcpn
Hint hides. Tc ; No. 2 dry Hint hides So ;
No. 1 dry salted hidik. WMii I'nrt cured
bines Me per lb. less thin fully euro I
ehoop pelts Href n suited , oieb. lU'Tjfl.S.'i.
green salted shearlings ( short xvooIoJ early
skins ) each. ixi c ; ilry sheirllnirs < short
xvoolcd o irly sklnsi No t , rneh. MJlOc : drv
shearilnss ( short xvoo cil early skins ) Nn. 2.
each. Set dry ituil Kansas and Nob-irska
butcher xvonl nulls , per Hi.-icni il xvelihu I Ki6
U'ic : ilry ( lint Kansas und Nebr sk i Murrain
xvool prjits. uorlb. . iictuixl xveUht , "C.l.'c : dry
flint Colorado Imlchor xvo il pilN nor lb.
iicuinl xvolght. lorjIS'Jc ! dry Illnl Coiorxdo
Murrain wo il pells , per lb. . ueliml xvoUht.
( iitOct dry inxi ill n ! { . ul i tl * jl { ! * . 7
fl'Je. lluve foot rut off. as It Is useless to u iy
frcllhou Ibom.
Oil Market.
Nr.xv YOIIK. Oci. S-rr.Tiiot.Krxi-Uull nnrt
nujlccted throiiehriul : I'eunsylvuiiln oil spot
N lies Dm e : ISox ember option sxlcs none ,
l.lnmml stlos none Noxombcr options xxcru
afil"4u .
I-IITTO < I | 'HI oii-jitlct ( but stonily ; crude
'ic ; yol oxv. iJOf. .
I'Ai.nnx Unlol ; city < Ji for pVcs i. ISO.
UosiN-jiiiMtit ) ) steady ; strained , common
-Quiet but firm utSO'i'ailc.
Uinsts : rlt ) l.lxo Mork . XlurUet.
OITX. Mo. Oct S CATTl.r. "
eelpts , : iW ) ; shipments. 2.SXI ; niurket slrons
to I ic hUhor ; shltiplnc steers. JJ 75iH.Vcowf ) ;
undhoifors , JI. KCJilO lexusaml Indian steers
JI-M" " ® J OJ.
lion * Itecelpts , 4.S Oi sh'pmcnts. l. ro
m iiKol'ictlxo tinilSfilOe higher : ulnslnit easy
extreme nnze. * l ST1.3) : hulk. Jl JO&l 4 > .
SIIKRP Uoeolpts. l/OOs slilpment" . 403 ; mar'
kulduil , xory xxu-xk ; muttJiis lOo and luuib
VJc loxxer ; miitlons , { I.OJ ® 1.7.1.
St. I. Dills l.lxu stock Xliirltet.
ST Ioui . Mo. Oet. 8. OATTl.c-Uecoljits
1.SIO bend ; shlpmcrits. 11.411 lie id : mivrkn
llrm ncllxc ; natlxo steoi , $150TJ.I.O(1 ( ; fulr ti
coed Tex ins nnd Indian , ! i'JOS.-I.U1 ; Texan am
Indian coxxs. JJ.lOQ..bO
llont-liccoltils , 1.4JO head ; sh'umenti. 2/M' '
heiul ; nnrkut luc loxvor. hoaxy ,
piekine. ji2xa > l.G ) : lleht. i" imtiitJ.
hiicn'-ltoculpts. 2,0 uhu ul i shipments , 1.10
houd ; murliot steidv ; nitlves rau o 5J.U
© 1.50 : 'lexuns.
ICixnsis Cltj MiiKOt * .
demand. tf lily : No - hard , dllMPiC
COIIN Cloudy ; No 2 inlNoil. .IT'ifttSe.
l\rs - to iijv ; So 2 mixed , Mir 'To.
HUTTLU 1'irlu ; creamery. ISa.Mc ; dairy
lllil'J - . ,
Knns Actlvo and firm : it 16iilOlc.
Hnccii'rs Whout , 117,000 bu ; corn , 10,000 bu.
oats. 1.UOO
siui'xiENT Wlioil. CO.OOO bu , ; corn. 4,03
bu : oats , 1,00,1.
I.lxrrpool XlurUels.
I < tvr.nroor Oct. 8. WHE\T 1'irin : demaii' '
filr ; holders olTei spailnsly ; > o 1 all
fornl.i. Cs TdSOs 7'Ja ' ptr cental ; > o. - rei
xvlnler , ( UT'Sil , ,
COH.N Quiet : mixed xxostcrn , 4s C'td pc
( | iilutal.
I'EAs-Cunadlan. ? s fid per cental.
lUi ON LOUT clear 4" ) His. . 41s percwt.
TAM.OXXI'liio American , 2.1s Ud pel cxxl.
nninlit I'ruir MalUrt.
GitAt'ES Now Vork Concords JOe jior 10-11
basket. .
CAi.iraitMGint'zi ror crate. fl. . > 0 inns
catus ; Jl 7i Toknxs
C-\I.KOIINI\ sits ? .T > 0 per box
Ai'i'i.vs-l'cr bbl , M O.'t fancy , ! 4.50 ; live bb
lols.c loss. . j
, -I'er box.03.
Cotlttu Mivruet.
NKXX YOKK. Oct. S Ontlons opened slead
- -
. Mll\\aiilien
MII.XV\UKEL\ . Qot. \\iiEAT-Sleail.x
December. 71\c : No. 2 snrliii. 70c.
COUN Dull ; No 3. 4'ia'tC
OATS-Plnidy ; No S xxhlle. : ! lB'll' ' e ; No.
xxhlle. aPiTirK'.c.
U \nr.EX 64 c.
lire M1 ic.
Omuli.i I'loitiico .Market.
POTATOES Per bush. , 7" > c ; sxveot potaloo
tl.2 >
liUTTkli-I'aektng stock , lJ13'5c ; choli
countiy. in@20" .
I'oi'MHV liens and chickens. S'i'S'H : ; roe ;
lors. .vaco : lurkeys , lOc ; ducks. Do ,
KaiiS sales largely at 1'- ) .
Cotton Murkut.
NKXV Oiti-EAV , La. , Oct 8-rirm : mli
dllnir , 7sA'c ; loxv mUldliiu. 7'ie : Kood ord
nary. G'Uc ' : net lecelpls. fi,4rt ( bales : irross. 7.3
h lies : exports to Grout Itrltiin , ll.'tOJ bile
lot ho continent. 1.513 bales ; coastxvlse. O.'U
sales , OJU hales ; stock. OS,187 b lies.
Ncxx York Dry ( eels Market.
Nr.xx YOHK. Oct. P The div coeds m.irk
\\iibqulut ; colt on goods continued to dlsclo
noxv strcnzth at the Heavy en I and ut an a
xiiucu of Ijloml.xlo AAA broxvn shcetliiRH
5'C. reciprocity AAA 4x4 slieotltus lo 5'
und Glcndaio ( lulls toS'ic.
TniilcrH" Talk.
OniCAao , 111. Oct. 6 P. U Losan V C
to Diincnn. llolllnser Co. : homo of t
ho'.dersof xxhout who bought It vosterdu
coupled With men xvho are bulls at heart , b
xvero caught short on the : idvuncu. xxero actl
sellers at the opcnlnz. baslnz their action i rcceluts at Mlnnoiipolls and Dnlut
homo of Iho bcsl unxlcos from Iho nortlini
say the mnxumcnt from Hr't bands Is d
crcaslni ; . This should bo felt the lallcr pu
of next week. If such Is the case , conpl
xvlth xxeokly clearances from both coasts
4.0JO.OOO bu und ( liy xxoather niudlctloiis f
the next txxontx'-four houn , It lojks to
moro faxorablo for u good advance thnn
moderate decline , ThoshortURO hero is lar ,
Mindav's Inspection xxlll eixo us about I
tar * of xvhcat , 1,203 cot a and 510 oils for Mo
d iy. Corn xvus steady and ( inlet , xvlth ilti
of Intercut. In the. ni.iikol. Iho cash dcmu
xvas llsht. Inoals there was some liuylni ;
lnno local traders The undertone xv
fclranir. Aimour A. Co. selllnK Jnnuary Ji
and libs xxas Ihe only htroni fc.iliue. T
clostnc Is xory xxeaii. Prime's report slio
xxhout see Iliu ut .1 standstill. A hoaxy pi
portion of tlio corn crop maimed during t
lust xvook. although there Issomodanzer fn
a klllln ; frost. Tanners are forced to fc
bccuuso of the scant tmsturngc. There Is 4J
53 per cent of the sprint wheat yet to tnrci
No Increased moxemont looked for.
OniCAdO. 111. , Oct. 8. founsolmun & . Day
Cuckroll Ilios. Commlss-on company : I'
general posit on of xxhcut continues tn I
proxo und over since tlio completion
liquidation caused by thn cholera sa
prices litixo ateiioliy adVHiicod In the face
Ihe Influcnci ) of enormoiH receipts , oxcoedl
even these of lust year , and against shaip '
posiilun by local iirofesulonal bears ' 1
xscck cloius xvlth prices lUu to P4e hlgl
than lust Saturday , duo chlelly lo n hot
( lomnnd for export. Corn Ins quieted do
blnco the frost HCUIO hut tlio advance Is xv
iiialntatnod.oxx ingi \ > tlio now certain proapn
of considerably .Jess uf un aver.i
yield In Iho grnat born producing ot.i
and t ho lucre isctl ilomand for faun feedl
oxvini ; to drouth. Outs xxero dull und xve :
uncd sllglitly oxxlng to silos ot 253.000
by a locil liolder , but concrally are U
oxxlurf to the llslit nrop talsod. Provlsh
xxoio lower today xxlth tones nrcssliu sal
They seem iiiiuole Uxlraw the outside pill
Into their iiiaiilpulutuit deals and lire ton
to mauo reduced prices to ihoronsiimcrs ,
no faith In nour futuioj ut any picnili
over Junuury prlccxnnd think tlmt the
tempt tounloud tlio ilia product xvlll cai
Iho market down .i/uln.
CuicAno. 111. Ojt.ff. Konnott. Hopklm
Co , to S. A. MoWhhrtur : I.ooul traders Ken
on considerable xxhdat on the closing sp
yesterday expootliu to , luiloud tlio ninoiint
untronx openln. . 'rhp outsldo demand be
los : than unt clpateil most of them sold oul
u lots. Offerings xxcra , lioxvovor.xvell absorl
and the niurKct showed a zood deal
strength most of thu , HCSjIon , Closing oat
xvero rather strong ana reports fortho I
und vreek iiullo ( in to expoctullon , l
primary market receipts uro etlll large. ' .
Koxqriimout report should be Inilllsl
reports from Iho northwest uro ti
Corn and oats xvere dull und Inactive all n
I'urtles xvho have Inspected the corn in dill
Pe - ont parts of Iho country ure almost uiianlm
e , In sayliu that the outcome xvlll
ut meet expectations aud thut it
dried nn Instead ot crlspot
ilid ' 1 ho receipts 'still Hold down prl
In provisions there xvas u lUht trade i
id slight pricechungos. Ills slid that hujul
mudo by pucker * show ihal there uro un
e ; poctodly light stocks of hogs In tlio xxiist.
Volume of lliulnrx on tlin Kxrhnnge \
Onllo .Small.
NKXV VOIIK , Oct 8. The volume of bush
on the block exchange was imall and the i
stock that fluctuated as much as 1 per i
xvus American Sugar , whlch declined to 1
ni against 110'i ut the close yesterday ,
general list yielded from one-eighth to f
lo oblithsof I per cent and closed at u frac
10. below. Chlcaxo lias and Distillers v
u ; a'.bo uollco uly llrm. With a fox > exccpll
final flauro * did not vary U per cent The
approaching hoMdms n-xt irilly h ixo a tMin *
cney to w ko opcrulors lioul o'T. an I IT omo
quarters llttlo activity Is pTpcctJd tititit afler
the close of the coinli. , ' weal. Itallwxv tnort-
cages wcrn lu'l and firm. The immMlons
xvo ro ! . 8.0,0. 1'hr bank slxtciiiruMnlextof
tlio licnxxslilpmcnt nf cntrcney to ll.o xxcst
nnd south , cro ited no surpr IP. 'Iho loss in
cash Is atmou entirely In Icaal tenders fho
loss In surplus reserve xv.u $ J.4V . < iJl , rediiclns
thi > excess held hv the b inks above Icsnl re-
qnlrcmcnls to flUW,17.1 Th'.s camp ires xxlth
ttsfl.Ki,47.l n your nta.
The folloxvlnj are the rloslna quotations' for
tholoadlnghlocitson thu Now York stock cx-
chanzcloilav :
Atclil on . .it'i .Nnriiim , v n | , , . "
AIBMI ! repress . , | 4T' N Aiuprlrnn I o . HH
Alton T U . . > s .Northern 1'aclllc is
Oo preferred . . . IV ) ' ilo iiM W <
Aini'rlCMiKxprcM 115 | P I * lle-i A CUlf 15'J
llnlllmorpA Ohio l < 2'4 ' Norlliwpslcrn . Ill1 *
Canada 1'aclllc t.r > l do | il I Ill
' ' southern s5' { N , V Central. . Wi
I'Vlnc 2 < ' v. \ n X. hns 414
dies. A Olilo , . IlxjilOiiluMO .VXc l \
I'liicKEO Alton > . Ill .Orpuon Imp JJ
Ull llur * Quliicy ( * , ftlDimon .Nnr . . . 7
( 'lilrairi ) ( las . M' < 'O * 1 , All N . . . . W <
Consollilatpil tin * . I If I'ncltlc Mnll. . . . SI1 *
C r I' A l I , CX ivorli. Dec & K IMi ,
Cole Coal A Iron III * rmtbur * IK
Cotton Oil Ccrtlf I.V < 1'iillnnn I'alafo ' l ! *
Del llmlHin Itiij Itpiilln * t'i
l > I , A \ \ . . . . U4'i Illclimnml Icr . I'
D All I ) pfil . . ro'i ilo iifil II
l > AC K lo . . .ViitUio | Unman \X'c t . 31
' ' " " ' ' ' ' '
'ilo iiM. . . . . III" , . . . . " <
KorlWnynn. . I.VI M U \ S I Istpfil. 7.Vj
( Urn ! Northern | iM I1X f t. I'nul "s
C..VK 1 nfil. . . t'Ji ' , | ilo pf.l 173
mirklnc X'allpjr S'.i ( Paul , V O . - , " ' (
Illinois rpiitrnl . . ' .i7' ' < ilo urcforrpil . US
M I' Aliuluth . . . . ! Isoiitliprii t'aclllc
Ivnn \ 1v < f pfil. . SV ( - „ ) . . .
l.nkot-rki A\Xo t 21 Icnn toil A Iron . < "
ilo iiM . , . . ; iX ( lotns IMi-Inc . . . . UH
I.nkc lioro Hl ( T AO Cpn pfil . 75
l.pnil trust . . . . jij tTnlon I'ntinc . ? "l
Lniilsr A } < as' ) . I.-I ,
I. A. N. A . . . . iiH XV i u .v I' H
Manhattan Cim . . 113 iln pfil '
xioniplili AC . . . . W \ \ | | | | l-nrso Kxp 111
Mleh ( pnt . . . . 107 XVpotorn t'nloti 'I
Missouri I'nc . ( , | U xxhppiimt A u i : . . . vi ; <
MiiMloA Ohio ilo i
Nn hxlllo Cliiilt. . . . „ . xi \ s-t i i ;
Nnllonil ( . ( inline . ' IV ; I ) A It II li.'i
iln nfil . . l'i" < ( jyn rb USX ,
. 1 IViilini . . Ill jNnilnnnl I ln > " 'l I" *
The tolil silos of sto-ls tod-xv xvoro M 100
shares Incliidlnz : Atchlsoii 42 > 0 : Chleugo
( MS n/ioa ; Ncxv ing : un J , 2.J03 : I nlon I'iclUc.
J , ,00.
I.oiiilnn I'ln-liiel ll Urxlrxx.
ffopjrrlslitcil H ii by .Inmos ilonlon Uon-xc'tt 1
I.ONDOV. Oct. 8.-INixx York lleiuld Cubic
ffliuelal to TUB llr.r.l This IMS proxoil u
vrry nulPt duy on the Mock exihansu xxllli
| > itnrdiy's usual sm ill .itten'lnn ' o of mom-
hois xvhllo the iniirkels doxolopol xciy fo\x
feutiircs of special Interest. I'mids und
Indliin goxornment bonds ute nnobuiued
tbonzh riinou piperopuncd 'id hotter. Tor-
plsn ciixciiiincnt socin-lt es coso ! xxlth a oiiio-
xxhut unsettled nppc.ii .nice In thomajoilty
of cases they mat k a substtn'lal iidxnneo
American rallxxiiys line shoxxn SOUK
degree of depression Al Iho same
tlmo Iheio has boon llttlo or m.
disposition to soil , lenitln. ? operators ic-runl-
In t the reaction as only temporary , exen ill-
lowing for bud b ink statement I'hlladulphl i
Uo idln. . Northern I'nclflo preforoiuo bixi
clxonxiuv Duriont ; I.onisxi Ie , V Nishxllle
f percent and most otliois ' to 'f per CCMI
x\ fib regaid toCanudliin lines C.uiadl.iul'acifii
closed we.ilc und , i decline of'3 lir.ind I'liinl ,
Issues have met \xlth support nnd urirk u rl , c
of 't to * , . Money has hctn lltt'e xx.inlci
xxlth iihundant supply of lloitln . cash Slier
lo.ins h ix o been olit line I ut ' per cent Tin
discount nmt Kut has been quiet xx Ith u llrme
fee I n i , Txvo niid three months bills haxi
been qnoled ut I per cent.
Ncxxoilc Xluiipy .Xl.iikpt.
Nnxx VOIIK , Oct. 8. MOSLX os Cur , Hasj
at per cent
1'lliMC MtiirANTli.r rsi-nt I'jSlfl ' per cent
t-Tf-iu.ivo i\uiVMir--3ISl foi binkors
slxtx'-duv bills und } | siji , for auinind.
The closing qimt.UIons on bonds.
ll < ii rcit . liii < xtuiTi Ti FTTiuii i , . TIT
H. fc Is coup . lllis S J. C. Int Cert . ,11'
C b ms leu ! < ' { North. 1'acltlc l ts 111'
I'nclllelu of V' ) 107 Sortlicrn I'ac 5 Is 111
l.oulalnnn t pcil U ' .U \ XX I unsijln . Ho
Missouri IIH . 10Hv .N XV Con Deb 61 108
Tcnn non sells . 101 M h AI M Oen Is 8. ! '
leim now et5 . IQ1U < : j , \ s l ( Jon M . 107
Icnn lien n't it 7i , -t IMul Consols US
Cnniitn'-u 'Jnits 101 bl I' C A I1 lnl 11' ' )
Cenlr.ll I'ncltlc Ms I0 > l I' I , ( i 1r llcti 'T
I ) A It ( J Ittn . 13)lux ) 1' It C Tr Itcts II
Den Alt ( i. Is . . 81 Ijiilon 1'iii.lllc 1st ? . luri
llrlo Jiul Il > , i XVe t shore . 102' '
XI K. AT. Con ti . 7'Uf'll ' O W 7b !
M. K AT ( Jen ! " > n'tl
' bid.
Huston M nc It IOIIH.
HosTOV , Muss , Out. S The folloxxins
the doting slock quotation , :
Mm rranc'isco .tllnliiK Oiiutatlons.
SAN rittNrixco , C'.il. . Oct. e The oRicli
closing ( lunations for mining &tocl.s tod.i
xxeio as follOxts :
Noxx York JMtiling Oont.llIIIIM.
NEXT VOIIK , Oct. S The folloxxln uio
closing mining 'luolutlons :
St. t.onU .Minini ; xturk > ,
? T. f.OUlS , Mo , Oct. -.Milling ( | IIOtUtlo
xveie :
Muck. lllil A ktMloik llhi
American > : > ; tt i : run He M .JJ.'JI
iil7alCtli ; . : i7li 4JJJ SHUT Hell . 10
1'nt Murphy 2 * < ; mall llnpt' jin
s I l inani'i.ii Notes.
. . „ - UMNS , lii. Oct s - Lloaringn : ,
nd no Ciry. "NIo. Oct. S. C'loailn s , J
o 287.43'J.
l. . Oct. P. Tluco percent icntos , 1
l.o COcfor the account.
o llAi.TlMOiiK. Mil. . Oet S Clcarlnss , t.l l , | !
0 ) ulunccs , iU'i.H.'v. . Money , d pot cent.
MIMI'IU , Tonn . Oct. 8. Nuxv York exchun
tiling at tl.W. Ulearlncs , t.7 : > , : ( /j ; I alanci
J74.UJ. .
. .OMION , Out. R. Amount of bulltnn xvlt
dtuxxn from the Hank of Kn lund on balan
today. 1-O.OOJ.
NEXV VOIIK. Out. B. Clearings. } l o.Ril.O'
balin-cs , tfiWH:8. Tor the xxcul , , clearinj
f771,118.459 ; balances , JU.IJVIL' . ' .
CINCINNATI. O. . Oct. 8. dealings l.0 )
mi ; forlho .xi'ok IIS.ll'.GV ) : last yoai , Jii.C7 :
40 Money UQC uciccnt , Nen Vork eM'hun
jao to par ,
I'llll.ADKI.I'IIU , I'll. . Oet P. ClOlllllKS ? l
18S.001 ; liixlaneo ? , ai.liill.'ijii ; cloutInss fort
xxcok , HS.slbH.74J , balances , ill-stj'i : Mom
4 percent ,
CIIICAHO. III. . Ost. 8 Cleirlngs JiaTin l
Noxv York oxohaiirfofiic. discount. Money II
at 3 per cent on call. ! i wit cent for III
htorlln ? oxchiiir.'u tlyady , tlxly-day ui
} I.S' ) ' , ; doiniind tl.bG'4 ,
ST. LpliIH. Ma. Oa1 K-CIoarinza.
tllU XXlli
< ' ; ir > ll'JS.I bilauccs. JJ.21 ! , ; ' ! Uluunnxa Ii
xvcok.'JI..M. . ' , balances. i..U.12Ui ; . Kvclmi
on Now 1otl > . nulct alSoSJio discount.
UDSTO.V , Masx. , Ocl , S. Olc.irlnzt , , (17,440,1
balunccs , t.'O'.MiUO. .Monoy , l' : per ce
KxchaiiKo on Noxv York .vftilo dlscounl. I
the xxeeu. elenrlnvx , JIl.l.OJ'J.SIGbnlancos , } |
UJU.74.1. I'or the sumo xvuek last jo.u. clu.
IIUB , WU.W)3 ) ; balances ,
1,1 VK STOCK .XI. '
If Cuttle anil IIoc > Still MKIXX htreiiylli xx
. If.e Ifettfr 1'rlcfi.
yr - OMAHA. Oct. 8. The xxeek's receipts shov
ru - vary crcdltablo Incroasu bolh compared xx
u * last xveok und n } eur upo. The recoia Is
ot follOXVh !
as Cnlt'e. HOCK. She
id. Itccolpts thlsxvotk . i'lAll 24.MI fi
3S. Htcolpts iirox lous week lU'ioO " . ' ,0.15 C
ad bamo xvuuk lust lour. . . Ib.OOl 10,0.11) l
cs The outllo market durliiK the entire xve
X' xvhllo not oxorlv iictlvo , hus had u decide
tinner tendency on all decent crudes. 'J
applies to both beuf ttiur and buteh
stock , Orferliici huxobeen iiiltn | liberal :
coiulltlons much tliosuini ; ai > a xvookixvo. IJ
bhlers do not ilnd a piotltnnlu mnrtfln ,
locixl houses hxo ull uet-u very good buj
all week
Actlx Ity continues to characterize the u
, iy In slock und feeding catlle. und prices h
, advanced on all stock of good xxolht i
' . iiuallly , On the other liana on account
' - dried up uasluriiEO under elpht Hull' i
he yoarllnH have bfun neglcclcd. They are h
rn. lo ni'jvo uven at comparatively low prices.
The xxoek clotcsxxitha modurulo run
u" cattle , the general quality ot thuorTcrl
ire biting very fair , A good general dcm
ui made u strong ucttxn market
the forenoons trading about clouted
the pens of dcs rnbio hoi lln.
There were some cornfcd rittlo
hero Rood 0110113)1 ) tn hrln : SI.4J ixndl\ > .
Coininoii to fair hnlf fut stuff s jid at from
f 1.93ilonn toilOO. The trade In vfcstcrns was
nlo .iptlxo nnd s-xlps xvoro rxrsely nt frmn
M.0tol. o. A xcrv line cloaranro xvas ef
rows sold all of n tllino hlclirr thin TrliUv
nnd with coed , free luiylns It did not take the
thirty odd In ids xerv lout to chnnijp ImniK
t-nles of poor toorv cmi 1 cox"s and hMfer-s
xxcro nt from'to ? , ' . ,1\ mostly within
41 r.uiKo of JI.50 to ! ! 0l. Hull * . OTOII
tiinl xtais xxcro ucnorally llrm ni
from ) l a.l tn $13.1 , Vo.M onlvos xvero In peed
ilpm mil and strong rxt fnim f IfO to SI.I'l ' com-
inon and yoarllius ilnll at front tl .Vtoi7\ )
Tin- sleeker and fcoilor tr ido xxas r ilhor
slow , but ihoro wis no nntlconbio xvoikiicss
any where In prleesj Ucprcscnlalwo sales ; _
No. Ax Pr No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 . CM ) f I ID 41 r.'W tl t ) } 3 * . IU'7 ' } IOO
c nej ; i oo
coxv .
1 fro into l M ! KM ins
1 l n > . or , i : > > i row i ui
II i in .toon i M I I1SJ 1 <
i 5.1 i ro
21C i r. TVS I ( . . " 4 16 Teen ins
C , an i si 17 riT n nn 201
1 81) i . ' > 1.1 l 14 M . urn 200
4'M i 2i Iflfl i ; n 1 T\0 200
i. ) nn I 71 Sfl toil 50)
2 . mo i 2i nn3J 1 71 n. ? ; 201
! ) . 1 7-1 11 IPfl SOS
1 'Vil l 71
11 s : i t M 1 UV1 2 I"
771 1 4) ) on 1 M SI UM 220
1 Ull 1 4U II on I M
2 : > 1 4(1 ( IIII . Vix l 1 1TO 22i
l'i 7H I M IIs .11) ) lx I in 1 . Wl 260
so 72.i 1 50 17 1 IIS
1 2J a. . ci7 i ns 1. 7M 173
i : i )
141 I 7' . 1 : i7o I.
: ivi 2 o i : i .no 2 1 IM ; i r > o
an 2 no s isi 1 UJ 1 111) ) 401
2u 2 01 : i . 247 1 201 4(0
2M 2 oo 2 . 20J Is * ) 42.-
210 2 ' ( ) 1 2,0 2 175 4W
11UI.I. ' .
.1 ( IT , 1 4) ; 1120 i si see
1 ! . ' I 7i 1 1410 200 I.M70 2 in
2 . fiio i 75 1 .1.100 2 00 HW 21i
I 1 DO 1 SJ
1 2i SVi v i 21 S7S 2:11 :
14 2 21 4 ( i'7 240
2 in 4 2 21 1 S'l )
2 00 IIH 2 .IS 01 ll-S
nn 2 II H ll'l ' 'I 1002 27t
CtH 2 2) ) 10 till 20 .R'JJ ' , IOJ
MH.KKIH AM ) SI'lllSdr.H- '
t springer . . . IS CO 1 cow and oiilf ' ! ) 01
1 sprlnzcr . . . . 2101 1 co and e.ilf ,15 00
1 cow and cu f 2S UO
No. Ax | 'r No AxPr
1 bull . . . . 1781 $ J W ) 27 coxvs inv > $ i ) )
94 cows 1001 2 11 S feed CM 711 2.1)
1 feuler IIHI 2 11 fi feeders 2 .Ii
1 feeder IIJO 2I > ) 2 feeders 2 fi )
7 feeders IIM 2 OJ 4 feeders uu 2 CO
souru D\KOT\
101 steers .110 i oo 41 holfors 2fll
1 steer . , 1700 4 xteors.
I stcci. .170(1 ( I steer . IbOJ
1 steer 1.-7.1 ( i 'steer- , nn 2 23
1 stoer. 1MO 2 ss 2co s 101.1 2 01
54 coxxs . . S Oi : ixteer . 111,1 : i 21
I steer. . HiO : i si 1 steer. . I2x I ; i23
1 steer. IVW II 0) ) 7 steers 12IH .1 01
U4 steers 11)0 J 00 4S fucders Kb I 201
U coxxs . . . 12I 2uO IB steers 12j7 II 41
* UlllllL
xv xo xi t NO CXTTM : .
1 cow 710 1.11 l.U'oxxs . . . 1000 2 II
8 steers . IIOJ : i m fn-oxxs U7ii 1 W
M coxxs . HTi 210 1 c.ilf . . Ol U 71
hcowx . Si I 211 fi steers * . 1 MX 241
2tl lei-rs . .10)7'S3 Ixteers IIIIS : iO >
Ilxteers . IJOI .101 1.'steerIIM . .1(0 (
1 cow . IIRM 210 IxtoM ? I U ) . ' 1.1
20.'steers * 10)2 ) PTi 1st cor .US ) .120
,14 sliiers . IJ41 .12) .1 feeders. Tl Jin
2 feeders ; > M 210 2 mixes . Ibl II 7'i
2.1 steers . Uli ,121 71 cows fcij 1 41
871-oxxs . 'IJ2 211 2 steers ll.ti 22-1
2Sc.ilxes . .Ill , 221 lste.01 ! l0 | 171
20 steers * . . l4s ! 2.1.1 I'l ' feudeis null 201
13 coxxs . U 0 2 11 7stccis * . l.tll 221
h steers . 1J-.M 2 10 5 coxxs. . . IMS 201
I ion * . . lO''O 201 ficoxxs . . . 101,1 201
47 cows . 10.11 201 Ilstoeia * 12UT , 201
HsteeisT. . 101) ) 2 ( il 1 cow . . . . IUO ) 225
1 cow . . irM 22.1 1 LOW lOjfl J 21
4eo\x . . 'ill ' 2.'L1 2 coxxs . 1001 22.1
1 cou . . IIUJ 223 1 0\ 100) 22.1
21 feeders. HOJ : iOl 1 steei 11 in 'I 2i
U steers . : i 25 7stenrs 1JI7 II 21
1 fomlcr . 711) ) 2 'iJ 1 stcur 000 J 23
U steers . 1 lil .1 2.1
M'.illliiKs , , tTevans , Tox.ins.
1IOO' With receipts beloxx o\pi < ct.itlons f <
this tlmo of the , continued fieo liujln
by shippers und no lol-ni | in the fresh me.
dciuiinii. the inuiket refuses to lespond I
the fruqiiont und xlzorous nouirlli
of the packers Prices , contiury I
the on , h.ivo bet
on the up\xirl turn all xxei
and an advunzo of fully 2 c has been score
Quullty Isthothlni ; buyers nro loolJnj f <
and xxclcht Is not conslucicd ulthonuli tl
seed nicdlum .md heaxy ho s sell tn tlio be
ml v.i in ice xvhl o ron .ill. hciixj , iml ll ht ho ;
brlii4 around bottom prices.
The supply not cAce'slxp for
Saturday and the qua liy about up toll
uxuraKO. Ilastcrn .ulx Ices xxoro rather be.i
Isb. but with both local .ind untslilu buyc
xxiintliu the IIOKS prices rnlol about .lo huh
early on all smles. The fair to zood line- ,
all xxelshts went Iwrjuly at from J > . lu to Jit
with KOO 1 to cholcu sorted butcher m
hciivv lo.uliscattorlnK up 1 ° il.50 mid eoinnu
mixed stuff us loxv : is J.1'25. The cloao xx
xvutikxxith th ndxunco all losi , at c
p.xckliu cratlc * . nut oxcivtlilni ; xxas out
first hands some time bufoiu noon , the bu
beliin/ f.l JO to $ > 111 as.ilnst 1.121 to Jl , ! J I i
djynnd J5.IO toll n lust > itnrd.iv The
Chicago l.lxu Mock Market ,
n CillOAno. III. , Oct. 8-ISpcolal Tclugram
h TIIK HUE. ] So far us tlio market for nui
catllo is concerned it xvas llttlo belter t
nominal today , scarcely moro tliiin " > W It
P , bclns otfoicd. They xrero most ot the ci
' > inou to fulr sorts and xxuio bought ats
r'l Htantlally I'rlday'H iiiiotattonii. Of
W : i.5M ) cullle rocoixcd , li.u.o were crtdl
k , toTe\iu Tliero was a good dcm ind for 11
Iy aim al full prices Quotations fur nail
Is lanzo from tl 2ft lolluj for coxxs. ht-lferx
- > ' bulls , Jl.7.1 lo IJ2o for mockers und feed
m and at from t LOU to M.U for common loej
t- d resold beef and shipping slcein. West"
ut xvero In demand ul. from (1W lo ! I Ui and ' 1
ra un ut from il,2 > to J.l.uu ,
The lie market vuu nnllKo that for the :
ilo cedln ; ilnya of the xveok. It xxuv lower f ;
vo thu start , but xvhllo thn oponliu union did
id show a decline of moro I him fie tlio oloso
pf at least IQc lowur. The wonknn wan
id caused by excessive reculpu , b.iruly i :
rd head arriving , h ile wcro slim nnd cloi
quotations were from Ii to ti.70 for I
of xxulghtttiind from 15.15 to ! ibO for hoaxy ,
E t-ales of the few loiids of thcop mid la
nd xvero nt Rboui 1'rliluy's prices ; iiuolatlonsx
nd from 18-25 to t5.l'5 for poor to extra ihvup
frmn IT.75 to tXCM for laml > s of corrcspomllnc
nmllty Weitcrn shtcp were snlixb.e at from
' .
ItccclptsOattlp , 3J.050 hoadi liop , 13,000 !
SllOPO. ' . ' . 'Kll. '
The KvcnlnilonrniO rooorts
( 'ATTI-K-Hecolpts , 1 00licnil ( shpmcnt | , ISOfl
hc.tdt tuarkpt mo.idv : prl io ax-xirts. tlJ ;
slojkcM niul fecdi-rs , ! ' 7M5 1,00 ; Texan * . I1S3
W143 ! coxvs JI.101H..ID.
llnns-ltccpliits l.NOOO head , hlpincnt . 7.530
head ! tnnrkot opened .Vo lower : closed l.v
Inner ! rough nnd common , ! llk > it5.Mi paekluc
nnd mixed , JuuitiM : prlmo lunvy ixnl liiitoh-
crs' xvetahts. 11.5 5.701 sorted light , fMnxWiOt
plus. l 4MU.&V
. 2,030 * hlpmont ,
hoid ) market slovly ; n illvn notlmr * . * 450a
4.21 ; native owns. tl.Witl 01 | fed Toxnns , JI.104S
4.11 ; vxostcrnJI.'Jlitl.M ) ! Iambs stron ; ut H5J
All Xpprnl Tor ( Irc-xlor liitt-roU In World' *
Tulr Work
It Iho Nebraska xvotnsn expjct to got up ,
for the space allotted to their. , n crcdltnhlo
shewing , H ls tlmo that thoynxvoUo from
their Hip Van Wlnklo slop nnd bostlrreJ
themselves. The design Is to have this
spacn filled xvltaorU done entirely by
Nebraska xvoraen ; Iho work to bo ot a su
perior style and finish xvhich xxlll In n meas
ure shoxv their ability in the lines rcpror
scntod. Circulars have been sent llvingovo
the state In all directions urging the xvonicn
to exert theituolvcs 10 nnko Ihls dcpirlniact
a success , but thus far Iho tespouse has been
anything but encouraging. Kvcrj thine that
has been secured tins been done by the per
sonal effort of the members ot the board. It
Is impossible for the woman on the bawl to
ktioxv ot the different tmoplo xvho could do
something for the exhibit , or 'Knoxxint ; thorn
to see them personally. If these
these xx ho can help oy no material aid would
only fcot enough Interest to sonu aJvlco or
suggosilon n stop forward would bo taken ;
but. as it is , everything is lott to the Hoard
\Vomon Managers , und xxllh Iho limited
funds at theircomnnml the task Is assuming
lloiciilcan propoitlons.
This Is all xvrong. If the women of No-
brn ku\\lll only took Ihe inattersqnaro in Iho
f.uc there xxlll soon bon noxv aim moro hope
ful phase lo chronicle :
What shall you dot An.uhlup , so that It
Is xx ell dono.
The teem is to ba furnished ; and , ns the
union nt ol money for Hint put peso is vcrp
small , it xvill bo impossible to tarnish It In
the I'onvonilonul manner , xxith ijood results.
Oilier states , older and richer than Ne
braska , have nn ample appropriation , nnd
can invest In carpets und o.iivod furniture ,
etc. , but the Nebrasku commission nro moro
modest !
The design is to furnish tha roam com-
nlolcly xvlth oorn and nnpurtonaiii'as thereof.
I'liosoxxholiavo visited tbo Sioux City corn
palace xxlll romcinbcr the \\ondcrfiil , varied ,
and nrllstlo product ) .vhluh xvero fushionod
ftoin the grain. Corn i ; king in Nebraska
and it xvlll ba qulto Iho thing lo show our
eastern neighbors in what estimation ho is
held. Corn palaces arc qullo common in
this section , but three-fourths of the people
xx hu xvill coruo to tbo Chicago exposition
haxo uoxcrsenii Iho wanders xvhich can bo
done in thu xvorklnir up of ibis grain.
The board of managers xvlll usk each
county 10 cor.lrlbulc ono ptoib of furniture.
In this xvay Iho burden upon each county
xvill be very light and tbo oulcomo xvill bo
allthat is'desltod. rorinnaiico Washing
ton county has piomised u portiero.
un ensol nnd fraaio ; Stxvatd county
n hut rack with hooks made of Buf
falo horn In viexv of the fuel that Iho last ,
of thn buffalo aio corrall'd xvlt bin our city
limits , this urliclo may bjcomo u historic
Xoiv , if Ilia women xvill gut to wcrlc with
out being besought on bended Knee , xvo xvlll
haxo something that Nebraska can bo proud
of and that xxlll attract the uUrntion of nil
Omaha will furnish a muslo rack. Thai's
our suilus nt present. The Omaha women
shcfxv less intoiost in the subject thnn these
of th ? small towus. Wo have enough latent ,
cupucilv and money mut hero In Omaha to
do Ihc whole thing and yet the. president of
of the board , Mr M Allen IJoclr. has had to
urge pafeonally attonlion lo her cltculars In
order lo get "an answer to the questions
Smd in your suggestions ; send in the
names of your soceitles and an account of
their x-.ork' ; dosomathinp.
Tuo xvomcn ot Hebron have formed a
society of forty members and decided to em
broider a linen tablecloth for the exposition.
Ono of Iho members composed a design ,
xvhluh tcprcsontcd lha piouuclions of tuo
slalo , showing Kroxxinir corn and wheat ;
this xvas sent to Iho Art school in Philadel
phia xvhoro the design xxas nut in color.
I'ach ono of the forty members xvill put her
xvorlt upon this , and none but expert and
pot feet xvotl : xvill bo permitted to co In. So ,
ono xvill put in ono icin t of a loaf , another
n different Kind nud so on till it is finished.
Mrs. liocU makes a timely aud excellent
suggestion icgardms the matsnal used In
decorating tbo chuichcs for the harvest
bbme celebration. It is that It bo donated
to the commission to bo used in manufactur
ing some things tor the exhibit , Another
and very good Idea of her ; is ihal tbo Omaha
xx omen should piesont ti flag as
their contribution. A beautiful silk
Irtig could ba made and xvould
cost each OPO xcry little , providing
enough xxonien came fouvard. If uny ono
can thlui : of anything moro appropriate tbo
board xvould bo onlv to glad to consider
it. The Hag , nttho end of lha exposition ,
roiild bo given to the ptiblii ! library and.
xvould thus nlxvays bo n mamento to the pa
triotism ana good laslo of our xvomcn.
Homo xvamcn of Nubrasita City proposed to
write u composite novel , but there are
enough novels ou earth alteady.
Whatever joudo , don't send In patch
xvorlf , cra/v o-lilts , or xx'oolen sampler xvork ;
they have bud their day nt the counly fairs.
One of the xvorkors of Ihe board of mana
gers xvas to form auxiliary branches m
each county , In this wuj a greaior numocr
of pcoplo can bo ronenod , und the xvork
greully simplified. Already success has at
tended their labors , and Ihosu nt present
organi/od promise to become efildont ,
The board waut stallsIrs ! i awarding tbo
xvomcn xvago earners of Nebraska , tlio quan
tity and quality of xvotk done bv Ihom ; tbo
number employed , and an account of any
advantageous features belonging to the
Ot interest to the women , will bo the
scheme for a doimltorv. By paying 110 a
xvoman becomes a stockholder in this build-
in f , ana Is nnlllled to have n loom in ll for
ono month duilng the exposition > car , at
xvhich time , she may occupy It horjelf or
rent U. It also enables her to get
txvo meals , bicaUfast and din
ner , nt W ) cents n day. If
Iho sellomo pays Iho stockholders will
roalbo on the Investment. Another plan
has been proposed for Iho benefit of the
teachcri. Txventy of the largest school
buildings In Chicago xvill be furnished with
cols nnd iheso rontcu lo teuubcrs ot a
merely nominal sum. The Chicago lioard of
Education will land the looms grails and
Iho desks xxill bo removed
Of course such accommodations may not
seem just the thing , hut if the hopes for the
exposition nto rcallrcd the sclioolma'ms maybe
bo glad to Ilnd tesi for Ibcir tired spirits
xv hero ihoj xvlll bo checiud by ibo familiar
eights of blackboards and oilier Irremovable
02 signs of Iheir profession ,
If you can do anythlnc or say anything
xvrlto to Mrs. M. Allen DOCK , Omaha , or
Mrs , K. C. l.tincxvortby , Lincoln , or Mist
ntlzabolh Irxvln , Lincoln.
IJjj A Cholera m-nrr.
A reported outbreak of cholera at Hoi-
mettu , N. J. , created much excitement In
Ihalvlcinily. Investigation showed that tbo
disease xvas not cnolora but a violent dysen
tery , which U almost as icvoro and danger
ous us cholera. Mr. Walter Wlllara , a
I/J prominent merchant of Jamosburg , two
nulos from Helmolta. says Chamberlain's
Colic , Cholera ana DUrrhdii Hcmody has
satis faction In the most
to given great severe
xu cases of dvsonlory. It Ie certainly one of
in the bast things over mudo. For sale by
id druggists ,
bhe nb hiilllxunVunt In Settle.
ud John W. Sullivan , xvho was arrested
inon for forging tbo nauio of John D'Hulll-
nd on van on a stale xvarrint , noxv claims that ho
rt. xvas persuaded to do the illegal act by a
ru chum who borroxxcd a good shnro of the
ns money wbon thu warrant was cashed and
then disappeared.
c- Sullivan is anxious to effect a compromise
im and says ' .hat bo will gladly pay back tbo
ol money If ho can theioby secure hi * liberty ,
'IIS He mudo such a proposition to County At
iKrt 101 torney Muhouoy but xvus promptly Informed
112 that ho would bo charged before the bar of
hire justice with forgery and would bavo to tabs
the consequences.
; ro
ud Do Witt's Sanaparllia cioansei the blood.