8 THE OMAHA "DAILY IJEF. : SATURDAY , OCTOIJHR 8 , LS02. KETCIIAH'S ' BILL ALLOWED City Ooncoil Decides to Pay for the City Hall Furniture. MUCH ORATORY SPENT OVER THE MATTER Meinliprn of HIP ' . < unrll I'nl In jiimn Tlino iiilitlliliii : | ; the Alultrr t < i Hncli Oilier Iroin riiirrnro Prop erly Jtclrrrnl. city council lins voted to squaw up accounts with thu Kfitcham Furniture com pany on the slty hall furniture , by taking the ijoods anil oavllig the prices cnarcoJ. It took Bomotlmo ; anil brought all of the eighteen members of the body out to attend the adjourned meeting , which was hold last night. Mr. Hack started tlio flcht by moving that the vote by which tbo appropriation ordl- nanco was defeated Tuesday night ba recon sidered. This was seconded and Mr. Jacobson naid that bo would go further. 'I ho ordinance contained the Kntohatn Fiirnlturo company's Dill. Ilo would have a soparuto npprouria- Uou shcot for the ICotcham bill and lot the light conic on that. Mr Muiiro thought that exports should go over nnil check up the furnlturo. The city tliould cot pay out (21-iro.CO without u Uioiough ovninlnitlion. Mr. Tuttle urged that the contract old not provide lor an expert. Mr. Chnffuo roinarkod that the prices on thn furniture proved that thuro wun i > o com petition. Ilo did not think booillo had been used In securing the contract , but ho diu think that the city was paying a very lurgo price for Its whistle. Mr. Prince was of the opinion that the question of high prlco should have been been brought u months ago , as every councilman Unnw the prlca bcfote a sluglo nrtlc.o had been delivered. There ware rumors in the nlr , but that was all. After the furnlturo bad boon received , tot up and accepted , thcio was no reason why the city should not pay the bill. ( ItIliiiinil to Pay tin' Kill. Mr. Edwards knew that the agent of tbo company hau used his best Judgment In giv ing the city good furnltuio. The city was In iiuty bound lo pay the bill just the same as > It was to pay the hydrant rental. Mr. Mci.oariu thought that by golne Into tUb courts the city would injure its credit ; itvus no use to litlit tbo bill , for the reason that tbo citv bail mauo the contract , oven if the price was too high. Mr. Spocht bad gone over the furnlturo with oxix-rls and thought tnat everything was in good shape. Mr. Stool hau an idea that if any defects showed in the fiirnituro the citv had a rem edy , as there wab fiJO worth of furnlturo that was on lit war to the city to bo placoJ In the mayor's and other officials oftlccs. Mr. lirunur thought 11 was an insult to the building committco to ask for experts at thH late dny. Mr. Elsasscr , a member of the old council , explained the trips that the councilman made lo the rooms where the furuituro was on exhibition when Iho sovaral agents wcro urgins the sale of their goods , ilo said that Ihcro was uny amount of compotitlon. The motion to strike the amount of the Kotcham i 111 from the ordinance was de feated , only Messrs. liechcl , Cbutfce , .Jacob- ton , Munro and I'rokidunt Davis voting to cirlko out. The appropriation ordlnnnco which con tained the Horn over which tha wnr of woras had waged wus called up and passed , the Tote being as followi : Yeas Hock , Bruiior , Hurdiab , Conway , Klsasscr , Hotvol ] , Lowry , McLoano , Prince , Bprcht , Steel and Tuttle Kt. Navs Oeohol , ChnlTee , Jacobsou , Munro ud ProsUont IJ.wis- . rroicst friini I'Kiienoo llcfurrcil. The protest from the council of the town of Florence against the construction of the cast branch ot the North Omaha sewer was received mid referred to the couimiitco on loworago and the city attorney. By resolution the Fire arid Police com mission uus authorlrou and instructed to place a boso wagon in the engine house at T.vontioth und Sprlngsireats. The chairman of the Hoard of Public \VorUs was authorized to employ an assistant to the secretary for the period of two mouths at a salary of $75 per month. The council decided that the Board of Education could move into the rooms in the city ball or no the next best thing. The committco which had charge of the resolution in which tbo board demanded the return of the $21,000 which it line contributed toward to building of the hall reported thut the city had lived up to its part of the contract ; that it had prepared the rooms , llnlshed them and that they are ready for occupancy. Tf.o city electrician ordinance waslroportcd back with some amendments. Tno ordin ance was loterroa to the committee of the whole , to bocoiibidoied at. souio subsequent meeting. The report of the appraisers on the con- trnction of the Fifteenth street viaduct was adopted. The appraiser * had found $1,001) ) damages. The ordinance ordering the paving of Seventeenth street from Jackson to Loavun- worlh street was passed , whllo the OHO ordering the change of Seward street from Twenty-sixth to Twenty-eighth was do- fpatod. The city euclnoer was instructed to report n ordinance providing for the pavinfr ot ( Seventeenth street from Hartley to Howard street. WEEPING WATBII , Men. . Dot. 23 , ' 00. Dr. Moore : My Dear Sir I have Just bought the tbitd battle of your Tree of LIfo. It is indeed a 'Tree of Llfo. " Doctor , when you so kindly gave mo that llrst bottle my right ildo was so lame andsoro and my liver on- larpucl so mflcb that 1 could not lie upon uiv right sldo at all. Thorp was a soronojj over my kidneys all of the time , but now that trouble is all over. I sloop Just at well on onosldo as on the othor. and my leop rests nna refreshes mo , and I fool the best 1'vofoli in flftoon yoar.s.and I know thivt it 1s all duo . to your Tree of Llfo. V'ours very truly , D. F. For sale by all drugRUts. PUOK'S FATHER'S MOUTH. J. lf. llmxoss Itiiliitim mi IntJilnilt of thc.Uli < li'iitl4iiniiii'n Wnr Itrconl , J. F. Hurgess of the Seventh word , ono o the republican nominees for member of th Bnurd of Education , was a near neighbor o tbo Peck family in Livingston county , Nov York , during hU boyhuod days , und was fo years a schoolmate of Chariot F. Pock , th democratic commissioner of the ourcuu o labor statistics , whoso cup of woo is now fu ! 10 the bnm und running over , The notoriot which hlb old fiioud has s > o suddenl acquired caused Mr. Burgess to grow rou InUcont yesterday , ana ho related savor ; JlUlo incidents of his earlv life , among thoi ono in which Iho elder VtcU tleuroa mo : prominently. "Charloj's father , " aaid Mr. Ilurgefci "wus ono of the most hitter copperheads ever saw and sbot olt bis month , as they sa now , with a pertinacity and recttlessues worthy of a bettor cause. Ho took ndvuntap of every occasion to arraign tbo abolitionist and was matt scathing lu bis donuncii tmns. lie was rcpcatcaly advUed togo little blow , but it only Beamed to maUo bli 11 tlio moro savage in hu attacus on it people of tbo north and ouUpokeu in defcn : of tha action of the south. "I rumoruDor ono Instance iu parllcula although lila aiutouentsat that time were i worn diblo.x nl thuu usual. It is Impressed c wy mind bucaubo of tbo attending cirout ataccos. It was when tbo news of Lincoln liHitlon was rocoired in 16UO , news th filled the nouiocrats of our section wi Intense grief. Mr. Peck was particular upaut by it , Una mounted tbo ate Of tbo litllo hotel that tbo tov . upportod and there prpooodod to ea bit tnlnJ. Ho was' ulwey qul dramalin In goucrul hearing and demounc aud on tht occasion it was Intousltieil , wbe turning to address the litllo crowd of e cited uieu at the foot of the tup , no raU ono arm high nbovo his head and proclaimed with great earnestness : ' " 1'horowM born In this country today A king and his nnmo It Mfjgor. My sympa thies are with the south In this cause , and I tell you further Hint when human blood llown , ru it surely will How , , bocausc of this unlawful Interference on the parlof some of the pee pi o of the north , I will bo there. Mark my words. ' "Blood flowed , sure onouBb , " conilnuoil Mr. Burgess , "but POCK didn't go down there to sea what It looked like , dosplto Ills threats to the contrary. I think his ardor for the southern cause was rooted n Illllo by the action of some ot us boy. , for wo look him out ono day and disciplined him and made him hang out tbo Amoriran llfiw. Ho wa.s ifivon to understand that it would not bo uondiiotvo to good health for him to con tinue on the course that ho had boon pursu ing and that ho would have to experience a change of hoiirt , outwardly at least , if ho wanted to stav in Livingston county , it did him a world of good mid ho managed to con ceal his secosb sympathies fairly well after UmU" UAYDIN nuns. Sprrlnl Sulo on tilillilron'n Wool UmloriTcnr. \Vo have purchiisoil the onttro stock of an cnslorn ooiniiiisslon house at aboitl lOo on the dollar ; cominonclng tomorrow you can buy chlldronVi undorwoir for loss money than you have ever bought tlioin before. HANDKEUCIIIRFS. Children's hiindkofohlefs , Ijc osich. L-iiHca' flno hemstitched handker chiefs , 60 ouch. Ladles' fancy corded handkerchiefs , 6c cncli. Ladies' very flno embroidered hand- korchloN , HJc oucn. Ladies' inHliil.oxtrnciiiallty , 12Jc each. MKN1 SH1UTS. Gents' unlaumlorcd shirts , Now York mills iiniHlin , double back and front , sot In bosom , nothing bettor made , today SOc oacli. 100 dozen cents' 01111115 : lluiinol shirts , good quality , only -jo each , worth fiOc. 1 case of gouts' British cotton half hose , como In black , tan , modes and brown , at lUc } per pair , worth 113c. KIO GLOVH SALU ON SATURDAY. 100 do/on ladles'kid plovos , Biarritz and hooks , como In all shades , also the now ox blood color , your choice of any pair $1.00 , every pair warranted. 1 case of ladles' fist black cotton hose only 15o per pair , worth 2oc. Children's lioso 8u. lOc , -i25c and 15c a pair , good value and every pair war- wanted. Special sale of gents' handkerchiefs and scarfs. 100 do/on penis' flno silk and satin scarfs worth oOc each , your choice today 2oc. 1,000 pounds best quality standard knitting yarn only 19c per skein. Good quality Saxony yarn Gc per skein. lee wool Ulc per box. Imiuotibo bargains in boys' shirt waits for Saturday. xSl.OO corset reduced to 75c. 75c corsets reduced to SOc. . MILLINERY 1)EIJARTMKNT. Grand Special S'lles All the latest novelties of imported and domestic makes. The space devoted to millinery is larger and the stock is larger and more comnleto than over before. The prices are beyond competition. ULOAIC DEPARTMENT. Positively the largest and most com plete stock of ladies' garments over dis played in Omaha. It includes all the Intent and most ar tistic novelties as well as every con ceivable style in popular jackets , cloaks , wraps and made-up dresses. These goods must bo sold and prices are made accordingly. HAYDEN BROS. VIH Tiiininiiny 1'ixiilliUltlKH Cuiiiussoil Itcputa liln Krpiilihciui CHI7CH3 N.imril. YQIIK , Oct. 7. Tammany hall seems to have found a diflioult task in the work of seeking for a candidate for the mayoralty of Now York. Mr. Crolcer , It Is said , does not desire tbo nomination of n candidate who might cost the democratic national ticket a single vote. Mayor Grant could have the nomination if ho wanted it , but bo seems to have made up his rnlud not to accept tbo nomination. Congressman Fitch is looked upon favora bly by several lulluontial Tammany loaders as'a candidate for the ofllcc. Another name mentioned is that of F. Henry Dugo of the superior court , but friends of the judge say ho would decline the nomination if it woru offered him. Humor has it that Judge Leonard A. Gioc- nch of the court ot common pleas is on too Tammany hlato for major , but persons who ought lo know say bo will be renominalod for ] uOgo as the place ho Is lining on the bench is a "vacancy" ono aud his successor is to bo elected In November. Commissioner of Public Works Thomas K Uilroy says. " 1 am not a candidate ; so that Celtics It.- ' Among the other names mentioned for the 'J am many nomination for mayor are ox-As semblyman Charles . Diiyton , John V. Ar nold , president of the Board of Aldermen ; HermiMi Uldtierodltorof IhoStuats-ZeituiiK ; ox-Complroller iCcnvurd V. Lowu , William Steinway anu cx-.Iudgo Toppon. As for the republican nomination for the mayoralty friends of Banker Henry Clews say bo might bo Induced to accept the nomi nation. The name of Banker Jesse Scllg- man Is also mentioned. Cornelius N. Hliss and William Urookou could either have a nomination. I'aUo Kcumimy Isnraotica d by people who buy Inferior articles of food because cheaper thoirstand- ard goods. Infants nio entitled to tbo host food obtainable. It Is a fact that the Gull Borden "Kau'lo" Brand Condensed Milk is the best infant food. Your grocer and drug gist kcop it. it.A A Nr livening ; .School. For the small sum of fH , which pays for a llmltod membership in the Young Men's CbristluTi association , this course of ten edu cational classes is ottered In addition to all the other privileges of the association ox copt.lng the gymnasium and baths , 1'ho a& < sociatlon cducallonai committee , of which Dean UurJner Is chairman , has arranged foi this llr.st class series of classes with the beM instructors 10 bo secured In the city. The classes open Monday , October IT , and will continue until April , They are arithmetic , penmanship , correspondence and bookkeop lug , taught by Prof. M. U , Kobrbaugh ; stuuography and typewriting , taught bv Prof. L. . Bluka ot the High school ; mo cbanicttl and free hand drawing , bv Mr Urnnt'W. Lllllo , drauKnUman for ( he Unlor Pacific railroad ; ( Jerman , by Mr. Hudolpt Kgo ; vocal music , Mr. L. A. Torrens. Eug lieu grammar and Kugllsh composition wil also bo taught If a numdent number de mand It. 'The National Load company report tha their pure while load tinting colors buy proved to ha a decided success. The tlntini colors worn only brought out at the begin nlng of ttilt. year , and they met wltb sucl prompt and ready sulo mat the company bu boon taxed to the utmost to supply the de maud , Tboy appear to have como in vor good tune and nil a long felt want.1 ' Oil 1'ttint bud Drug Uoporter. SIGNED ANOTHER MAN'S ' NAME John tullivan Gets a Stall Warrant Be longing to John O'Sullivan. WAS HAVING A GOOD TIME WITH THE CASH Arrmlo4l In Mont City by the rmlornl An- tlKirllli-i IloVim In uVlil ky Cure Inttltitto but llroko Over I'vnltcutlory Ahonil. John \V , bulllvan Is In trouble. Ho Is also in the Douglas uountv Jail. Mr. Sullivan ul to rap toil to palm himself off on Iho world at InntJ as John O'Sullivan ' of Omuha , and the uctnn ? iJrouglu him to grief , On the tilth of Soptdmbir n letter was re ceived at thn Omaha postoftlco addressed to Mr. John 11. Sullivan , Omaha. The only man known to the postoRloo authorities by ttiat name appeared to bo a patient at n liquor euro institute and the letter was delivered to him. It wai Afterwards learned that his name was John W. Sullivan , but by some mistuko tbo poslofllco bad been informed that his nntno w\s John II. Sullivan. The particular letter which neces sarily bccomus a very important part of this narrative was from the ofllco of the auditor of state and on the envelope there was n cut of the state house. Soon after Mr. John W. Sullivan received the letter nud opened it ho wont to Mr. Miles , the mmagor of thn institute , and showed him the loiter and exhibited a state warrant for ? 2'J ' , which the letter contained. Mr. Miles at once suspected that thuro must have been a mistake in the address of the letter , but said nolhlng until the next day , when Mr. Sullivan appeared In n new suit of clothes and a state of Intoxication. This was not a very sure way to obtain a euro for drunkenness and tha superintendent re monstrated with Sullivan about his conduct and then wont to thp pouofUca und Informed Postmaster Clarkson'of the nffulr. In tbo mcantlma Sullivan visited the citv jail and told some of the ofllccrj that ho had received a state warrant belonging to John .O'Sullivuu and did not know what to do with it. The oQlccrs advised him to taUo it to the postoflleo nt once , which ho promised to do , but as n matter of fact ho had already cashed it Suinuwhero aud had spent most of the monoy. Ho disappeared from Omaha and did not return until ho came in thU morning accompanied by Inspector Brown. As soon as Mr. Miles had made Known the facts Postmaster Clurksou wrote at once to the state auditor Informing him that a nnstaico hud evidently baon made iu address ing the letter containing the warrant. The dissimilarity of the address and the nnmo written on the warrant \ as explained. The auditorronllodthai thelettorin question had been properly addressed and that it had prob ably reached the person for whom it was in tended. This , however , aid not provo lo bo the case , lor u few days later Mr. John O'Sullivan , to whom tbo warrant belonged , called at the postoWco to make inquiry about the delay lu receiving bis remuner ation for having brought a prisoner from St. Paul to Lincoln and for whicn the state owed him ? > 0. The state of uffulrs then became as plain ns a book , but whcro was Mr. John W. Sulli van ? The nolico linally succeeded In tracing him to Sioux City and ho was ar rested at. the instance of the United States marshal and hold until Inspector iirown could roach Sioux City and olnlui him as a prisoner wanted by the government. Sullivan has confessed onshiug the war rant and spanning the money , and ho is now in jail awaiting trial. The warrant has bcon found and as the state has not cashed it the loss will fall upon Norrls & WllcDx. who cashed it first. After leaving Nortis & Wiicox the warrant wont to the Omaha National bank and ther.co to the First National bank of Lincoln. It was presented for payment , but was simplv rneistered as there were no fundi in the treasury at that time from which it could bo paid. County Attorney Mnhonov informed the First Rational bank of Lincoln that the signature 011 the warrant was a forgery and the warrant was promptly returned to the Omaha National bank , wuoro it is at present , Suillvan will bo hold for the double offense of forgery nud extracting a letter from the mails , both of which are penitentiary of fenses. TryCook's Extra Dry Imperial Champagne. There is no foreign wino thct has its coquet or any that is as pure , AUOriON-FUKNirUKi : AUCTION. Furniture , Carpets anil Draperies. I will sell the balance of the Shiver- ick furnituto at 1204 Parnam street Sat urday at 10 a , m. , and continue the sale Saturday oveninp at 7:30 : o'clock. The entire lot must and will bo Bold , carpets , furniture , draperies , etc. This is a bona fide sale , and purchas ers will do well to pay attention to it. Special values in line parlor furniture uid bed room suits. ROOT. WELLS , Auctioneer. DROWNED IN CUT-OFF. II. SI. Comlron , un luwu School Tcuolier , I.UHog Ills IIlo nil the Lake. Tl. M. Condron , a school teacher living nt Adair , la. , was drowned in Cut-Off lake about aai : ) o'clock yesterday afternoon. The deceased borrowed a boat from Murnby , superintendent of the bridge work out there , and started to paddle around with one oar.Vhon near the Hammond ice bouse the boat upset and Condren went undor. Ho came to the surface in a moment , however , and climbed up on the bottom of tuo boat and commenced tak ing off bis clothes. Slices , coat and vest were removed , an I then nn attempt to swim to the shore was made. Two or tbrco times the ncoplo on the shore saw the man's bead above water , but ho soon disappeared and did not rlso again. The coroner was sent for and tsok posses- tlon of the clothing and directed that a lookout - out for the oody be kept. Deputy Coroner Welsh also telegraphed the young rnan'a re latives at Adulr. Mrs. L. It. Pattop , KocKtord , III. , writes : 1 From personal oxporlonco I can recommend DoWitt's Sarsap-irilli , a euro for Impura blood aud canoral debility " liullillni ; I'urmiu. The following permits were issued by the lupcrlntcndcnt of buildings yesterday ; NobnsUa Telephone company , throo- storv aud b.iauinunt brick loleuhuno exchange building , Klghteonth and Douglas slrtiois 05,00 ( 8. Allsuhullor , ono and one-half story frame dwelling , Twonty-olgbih und Uiiinlnp streets j 531 Throe minor uertnlu yj. Total , W3,8J. DeWltt'sbarsaparllla cleanses the blood , increases the appetite and tones up the sys tem. It has DonotUod many people who have suffered from blood disorders. It will help you. The residents along Lowe avenue , froir m tie so no Oil ni l's iat th rly Baking ips .vn Ito tse or BU , , Powder IOU Used in Millions of Homes 40 Year.the Standard tlnmllton loC bting klrcelc , have reasons for feel in i ? suprotulv < hnnpy toiUy , ThAt streol wilt bo PAVOI ! this o. bn. The work was oriloroil two yaira npo. but win Jelayod by Dr. b. L > . Morcxr , who suoJ out nn Injunc tion on tlio RTimnili tlmt the sewer , water nnil pas conncmloiiK hud not boon made. These conneuttous have now bcou tnnrto. Thursdnytho court rnso wan dlsmtstfd and j'cstorday the Bnrb r Asphalt Pnvlnc com pany coiumuncod Inylne the pavement. Tnoopa ron CHICAQO. Ocncnil llrcioke Innucii Ills Orilrra to HIP llrpitrtnicnt of tin * I'lultt. Oonornl .lolint U. Drooko returned jostcr- day from Washli.glon. Ho will attend the dodlcatory cxorolsos at tlio opening of the Columbian exposition on the 'JUt of this month attopdod by his biaff. 'J ho following order has boon Issued touching the mobiliz ing of troons at Clilcago during the dedica tion exorcises : Under Instructions from the imijor pcncnil cniiiiiiiiiKllns tbo army , duiutl Soiituinbcr''T , IS'J' ' ' . tliu followlnir nientlnncil troops will | iro- oeotl by rn 11 to Ohlcituo. III. , to t.iko nurt In thocnroMimilcs connuctcit with the clcdlcaltnn of tlin Wo/lil'a raliiinblnn c.xuos lion on Oc tober 21 n ml m. | J2 : KIOIII Kort Oinubii : llonilninirlcr.a , colonel nnil uno fioid olllcor. tiiinil uml coinpunles A. C , 1) and I' , bucond Infantry , with tins sonlor inoilluiil ollk-or , aollnsr hospital stuwitnl niul t\\o enllsio.l men of tliu hospital corps , to start OotuLor IE. I'roin I'oit Nlobrnrn : Tlio adjiit.int and blind. Sixth cavalry , and troops K , (1 ami I/ . , Sixth uuvalry , with the sonlor medical ollloor mid 4)iio ) on I la t ( > < 1 nmn of tbo hospital corps ; to start Uctobur l. > Knini Port Koblinon ! Troops A and 1' , Ninth cavalry ; lost.m October IA. Tbo troons and compan es ( oxcout tioop 1 , . alvth cavalry ) must huvo the authorl/ud stroimth of sixty men. anil ti > tliHt end. In CIIRCB where u troop or company fulls short of this number , rullablo men fro u othur troops mm com pa n Ins of tholr rou'linents , at the same post , will ho attiiclicil for tumnorary duly. Kucli troiiTVf | ouva ry unit compuiyof in- fnnirv sliould , as far as pnicllu.ib.o , bo fully olllcurod. The enlisted men will bo supplied with sulll- olent travel rations onrouto to Uhlcauo and roliirnlmt to tholr stations , mid necessiry funds for Ihn purolmso of iKpilil ciiHeo ulll be prnvliled. While In Chicago they will bo fur- nlshod with coinpleto cookuil rations by the chief commissary of subsistence , Dopartmunt of the .Missouri. The troops will take with thorn tholr un dress and lull dress uniforms , ovoreoats. mat tresses anil woolen blankcls , and those fiom 1'ortH Niobrara and Coblnson will , < u atldllloii. takooanvus covered blankets , nose bags and plekot ropes for their horses. 1'orago will bo taken only for the journey Roliii ; to and retnrnhm from Chicago , as for- iiRii will bo htipplled whtlo In Uhlea o by Iho chief qnartoimaster Uouartmont of the Mis souri. The HDVoral battalion and squadron com manders will ropurt on iirrlvul nt ( . 'li.caco to the coiiini Hiding Rcnoral Uopartment of Iho Missouri. The chief qunrtcriiiHstcr of Ibo deparlmont will urraiiHo for Iho ueeohB.iry rail transpor- lallon. Ohiiluni \Vhon properly treated as soon ns the llrst symptoms appear , cholera can nenrly always bo cured. The patient should RO immediately to lied and remain as quiet as possible. Send for a phv.sician , b'U wlulo awaiting bis arrival tak > ) Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Dmrrhcca Ilemoily in double doses after each operation of tbo bowels moro than natural. If there ib severe pain or cramns take It in double doses every fifteen minutUK until roliovea. This remedy has boon used with great success in seven epidemics of dysentery that were almost as severe aud danccrous as cholera , anu if used as directed a euro is almost certain. ICvorv family should have a SJ-ccnt bottle at band ready for In stant use. After the disease is under control castor oil must be taken to cleanse tbo system. No other physio or substiluto will do in place of castor oil. For sale Dy drug gists. Wanted , to buy from 100,000 to 300- 000 hnrd brick. Call lit or address 002 No. 17th. Ron ! estate. Barcuins only. My word is good. \V. G. Albright - 521-2-3 N. Y. iifeblds. The latest fads in opera glasses retail at wholesale prices. Tudor Optical Co. , cor. Farnain and 11th. Oysters , flutter , Uliroso anil Cranberries. Hayden Bros , is the only firm in Omahu'who are selling1 solid bulk Bal timore oysters at a price that was never hoard of before , 20c per quart for solid moat oysters. Remember wo receive ' them tw'ico a day direct from Baltimore , BO you can alwas Rot them fresh. Now , as always , wo have the best butter tor at lowest prices. Country butter , lOo and 18c. Creamery , 2c ( ) and 22o. Dodijo creamery , 24c and 2Cc. CH-EESE DEPARTMENT. Finest Wisconsin full cream lOc and 12ic. 12ic.Bockford Bockford pure cream cheese 14c and lOc. Young America full cream lOc per pound. Swiss chceso 15o and 17jc. Limburger 12ic and 15c. Brick cheoEO 12c , Mo and lOc. Capo Cod cranberries lOo per quart. HAYDEN BROS. , Promoters of homo industry. Hold to tlio District Court. Haley , the sewing machine agent wbo ap propriated a team of nornos belonging to a South Omaha express man , waived examin ation nnd was hold to the district court under $100 bonus. A Cure tor Chalorn. Tnoro is no use of any ono suffering with thn cholera when Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Dmrrbrea Remedy can bo pro cured. It will pivo relief in n few minutes and cure in a short time. I have tried u and know. W. . Clinton , HeJmeits , N. J. The epidemic at Holmetta was at , first believed to bo cholera , but subsequent Investigation proved it to bo a violent form of ayientery , almofit as dangerous as onolora. This remedy was used there with great success. For sale Dy drugidsts. Falling Into a Good Thing if you'll fall into our wny of thinking. If you oat hearty , your sloJiiach distresses you. It ends1-wilh n chronic case of heartburn , sour'stomach ' , indigestion , or dyspepsia. This means you cannot enjoy - joy the good things of life. This is where wo como in : Try Jolmnn HofT'u Malt Extract and you can eat ao hearty as a ten-year old uchoolboy , with no bail after-effect , but bo euro to buy tl-o ' < Genuine , " and no substitute , liio "Gonuino" must hava the nignatureof , "Jolmnn IIoflF'l on the neck of every bottlo. Eisner'xS : Mendelson Co. , Now York , Soln AiT DEFORiUIITY BRACES Elas ticStockings , i. Trusses , / Crutches , Batteries , WatorBottlB3 , Syringes , Atomizers , Medical Suppfiet. ALOE & PENFOLD , 114 S. 15th SL , iNext to Postofltce. Will euro You , is n true stntrmcntof tlio action of AVER'S Sursapiullln , wlicn taken for diseases originating In Impure blood ; but , wlillo this assertion \ true ot AYKH'S Sarsnparllln , as thousands can attest , it cannot bo truthfully applied to other prop.irntlotis , which I'.r.j.'liiclpli.'il dealers will ic.roimnrnd , and try to Im * pose upon you , as "Just as gomi as Ayci's. " Tnko Ajor's SniN.ipaillln and Aj'cr's only , If you need a lilond-purlllcr nnil would be licuclltcd prinmiionlly. This iiicdlclno , for nefirly llfty yean , 1ms cnjojcd a reputation , und matin a. record for I'tires , that has never boon equaled by other pi pp.uatlons. AYKK'S Sahs.ipaiilla vradlnitrs tbo taint of he reditary sciofula and other blood dis eases from tlioisystem , and It 1ms , deser vedly , the I'onlldonco of the people. "I rannot forbear to express my j.y nt tbo relief I ha\c obtalnrd from the imo of AYKirSS.irsapaillln. I was nllllctid with kidney ImuliU'S for about six months , Mirfuiinj ; gieatly with pains in the .small of my burl ; . In addition to this , my body was cinrifdith pimply eruptions. The jcini'dies prrsnibcd failed to liclp mo , I then licnn to tnko AYICH'S Sarsnpaiilla , and , in a short time , the pains censed and the pimples disappeared , I advlno every young nun or woman , in case of sickness icsiill- ing from impure blood , no matter how long .standing the case may bo , to take AYKK'SSnrsap.irilln.-H LTnrniaun , 33 William st. , Now York City. Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ajcr ScCo. , Lunvll , Moss. The only uniformly successful SPECIALISTS IN AMERICA IN THE TREATMENT AND CURE OF SYPHILIS , GONOR RHOEA , GLEET. SPER- MATORRHOEA , SEMINAL WEAK- NESS. LOST . MANHOOD , EF FECTS OF EAR LY VICE OR EXCESSI V E INDULGENCES IN MATURER YEARS , FEMALE WEAKNESS. SEX UAL DISORDERS , HYDROCELE , VARICO- CELE , PILES , FISTULA , RECTAL ULCERS. Consultation Jrcc. Call upon or address with stamp. cor , 14th and Douglas. Unlike the Dutch Process No Alkalies OK Otter Chemicals are vaed in tha preparation of Breakfast Cocoa , which is absolutely pure and soluble , It has more than three times thettrength of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar ! and is far moro economical , totting less than one cent a cup. It U delicious , nourishing , aud KABILT DIGESTED. Sold by Crooora everywhere. W , Baker &Go , , Dorchester , Mass , Cll.knt.r'j Kxlltli Ulamvi Jjr Genulae. uriciaBi mme w lArii iivty * ttilibU. t Die , r- i > r if flit CM r t/Ai * ' r * Jmsti * * Jj. _ , tRWt/Jr nd lo 1UJ * nd &VU so ulUo\ Today Saturday We will plocs on sale in OUP mons' fur nishing goods department three lines of shirts and drawers at special prices. These goods are in medium and heavy weight btilbriggan. They are the product of the leading makers , and are just the thing to wear at the time of year when you don't Know whether to buy ice or coal. We will offer four cases of medium \\viijlit 14 * thread bnlbriggan shirts and drawers. The shirt- * have full French neck , silk stitching , silk binding , rind four eyed pearl buttons ( .especially recom mended for unmarried . who me.i sew on their own buttons ) . The drawers , although it's pretty la'o ' for "flics , " have full three-parl button "llys , " fancy silk stitched. These snoods were never be fore sold for less than threo-quarter.s of a dollar. We will offer three cases of regular do'lar ' balbriggan - gan shirts and drawers today , at seventy-five cents a garment. These goods are good and solid. The shirts have full French necks , silk binding , silk stitching , silk cuffs , pearl buttons , and a two and a half inch ribbed bottom. Tin- drawers have a full six inch fly , jersey ribbed ends , lace back and a double thickness where they usually rip first ( you know ) . We will offer for the first time today. 2 cases extra heavy balbriggan shirts and drawers. These goods arc made up plain and solid. The shirts have wide silk binding , pearl buttons and a double ribbed bottom three inches wide. The drawers hive fine sateen fly , 28-line pearl buttons , heivv ribbed ends and lace baclc. These goods are usually sold for $1.50 to 51.75. UK SHORTEST LINK TO CHICAGO s via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago 319:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gcn'l Agent. _ INTERNATIONAL SANITARIUM 16th and Howard Streets , BOllooinsforl'allonls. , OMAHA ( NEB , Tor tlio treatmciit of Chronic , Private 1 Nervous Diseases , JIALK AND KKMALK. Piles , Fistula , Fihsiirc and Stric ture of Oio Keelum perniniKiiit- ly cured witliout the use of Knife , Ligature or Caustic. Enoloso 4iIn stumps and our 107 PIIRO HOOK on UIBIAKI.S : : aiui Qufhtiim uiunitB , win ho .MAU.II : ) Kitii.\ : INTKItNATKISAt S ANITA ICIUM , llilli Mini Howard ? \s \ , , Oiikuliu , Neb W. 0. MAXVH.I.I , , M. ! > . , i'rcs. aniiou iiiii i | i r. \Ve nil ) nonil ) nu the mitrnlout Ffiicli riiruriillnn CALTHO8 ttrv , ami u I'-Kul Kimraiitrv llmt ( Al.niU.S Mill Ili > lur. < .iuiir Icnllli , Mrciiulll aud Vigor. I'itilandfa ) > /itilii/ifil , Address VON MOHL CO. . Knit iotrlcu ijruU , ( liicliuall , 4lklo. JTioriililiip Hnltll Ciirr < i In ) U l < > Uu < lin. .Nitiui 4111 cuix-il. I > r. ,1. M < * | tlu < u . Lftiuaiia. ti DOCTOR TUB 6r"EOlAtilBT. In the troatmcntof nil forms ot PRIVATE DISEASES. und \Ve.iUiies3 anil Disorder of T\/TT7'NT vllh Io * of courage , ambition IVLlliJN unilvlullty. Klgliteou y M pi ivxa-jit ( llo IIUU rinlar(1io | , | SIICOMS In thetreaimontof tlilt * olns of dlieattm. which U proven by the umvura il t-ttlnioiiy ot Uiou- ouroil Write for olrou- itndu who h&rn been Uri nnd qiie.tlon Hit. Ulli "U ri.ri.4iu bti. | UtuuuUi S RHILWHY TIME GRRD { IClUOAliO A NOIlTIl WKSTI'JUN I Arrival ( ) malmll. | 1 * ilopnt. lUlh anil Mnror Hti I Omaha 7.VU n in nuu'rl i.'arrull IMsiuuifur , ; i ) 01 a > u . . . . riileaKO Kxprun COJ u ni 4 05 p in Wbllliulu I.lmltiitl 9S > i , in 7 UJ n lu Kuilern Klyor ] Ii p m C.40 p m ( Ki SmO iilo . Ilix Mon. ) BUill III I.eaTes "it'llItl7u. . MIITlTWICH ArrlfKi Trnnsforl Union Hupot , I ounfll lllull < ' 1'ranifiir 11.80 u in tta t i" VontlUule I.linllod i ( i r m I'.aiturn Tlror KXJ p in im ) AtlnntloilnlKKx Mnnl f,40 u 111 I r.x h ) I'arrull l'a , oiut r iKi H ) I.BVO I MISXOllltl \CJKIO Onmliiil fi.iit IStli ami WulMlur Kti . " .M. i."Tuli UA1AIIA & .11' TranaTc'l Union l > oiul | , Cuiincll Ilium 4 ( U m "Ti-t f niU I'anun Hull OlIUAHU. U I A I'Al'H It' Tinnafnr Unluu Dupnt ( oiiiKll IIIull ( 6 Vi p in NUlit ivrnn | 10 VO H in . . . . . . . Atlnnllo lixprifiii . Ixiaroi K. I' . , Ml' JIIK .V I1 II. Union Hopot , < 'oiinull HluITi joTiOn . . . . ( * < L'Uy iMyTTiiiruii" 10 15 p in ! . K n ai 4'ltv S'lallt Kipruti 1015pm ) HI J.iiuls BxM | n _ fAfrlmi" Union O nol , 'iiuiiclMlluTii ! ITrnuira bluux rii/"Accoinmi7antlou I 111 00 p n7 I 'J 4MH . n. , . . -r- - - JW. . . . . ' ' * * ' ' - Trntufiirl L'lilon Dopol , Coiiuell illilll Yavtnm\r. ! \ . . . I'lilua o Hxprun 6.IU ] > ni 1016 pin I Clilfiiuu K | irim . I y ? i & if\ jdjp iu | jL'ryalon l inil JIO 40 a m ii ri7r"T OMAH'A \ HI.Mit \ lArrlroi OinalijiltM' rtup olJOlli uml MrerHU _ lomaha TTTi " "liTj hi. l.ouli ( 'JTiinuii Hall Tl2. * P m" IiuT T -i 'vfTl1. . M"A O Oinnha ! Dupot. IStli nnilyy8li lar8l _ _ 8 10 ft ml Mem Ilir AoouiiimuilV.lon . 1,16 p m.BluuxCltr Kxpro ( Kr HunU'y ) 4100 p m . ' I'HUl l.liulluil . . Mi p m Il ntrolir iiuntfur(15x ( SuiiU r ) Save Your Evesislit KycsteJtevlfroa by an KXl'KHT OITIOIAN rorffCladjintinont. Huporlnr lonsei. Nerv- oubliuuilucliu curoJ by u lir [ our Spoctiolei and Eyelit * uj 1'ilcui luw ( or tlrtt i-laif goods. THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO , 1H3.