THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , OCTOBER 8 , 1802 , IHR SPECULATIVE MARKETS Strong Feeling Pervaded the Wheat Pit Eiirly In the Day , LATER THLRE WAS GENEROUS SELLING 'Victor of SticnthVni the Irj -.VenUiir In tlio N Inter -VlierU Hccl < " > CnlitmVrro Mtith Iliioiiislioiit tlm liny. ClHCAno. Ill. Oct. 7.-A strnns fccllns per- j Tftdcd the whmt mtiikot iHirlnir the early purl of the session toduy and prlcis for the first hour 01 so were about He above j ( stor- dny's oloic. Later thnio was generous sclllnif. under whl'h all llm advance w us gradually lost. Tin i.rliii-liiul . fnolor of strotii-lh was the dry wonll.crln tlic Wntcr wheat sections nml I'Uicnlliiiiiiinry lepoMs of dnmaso to thotrop As this was supolrinontcil liy itrons nnil hlj-hi n iblrsand sumo Improvement In llioMMilouid nnrUiMs Iho local fecllns was for a time .inllo bullish. Hlmrli woio coed buyers for thn purpose of inverliU Iholr out- Miindlni , ( ii.tia.-ts . and there w is alsoa talr Invcstmi nt ilemniid. whllu tlm so'nng ' was fern n t nic rulliurliiulluil and e.ittllous. t'oarancis from the .cpbourd "cro ul o larjicr thin iiiiinl , the icorted | movement In wheut and Hour footliu' up overS'O.W ' ) ) bu. tlioilKh thole vioro not n few who queMlonod Iho accuracy of the icport from iltlmore. A hluh Hhowod uAimilH of S7.0M bbln of llouri ( diiiil to neuly HO.OJ ) bu of whc-il. lint Jlnally I'-irlrlniro lieiMti to soil connrously and was Mioi < Jolnod by olliuit. and the most iirncnt orders liuvliirf boon niled prlcoi wu ik- rnol mil the early ml v mice was lost. ho Miillm : wasattrllitilu'l ' to the cloudy woalhei Later there was wood buvlni ; atthoicdnc- tlon nml a nillv of ahont > jt ; , olosliu llrm near the ton Perpinliur stmul it "H'lO nttu list 7o it tineo e yesti.t.liy.Hldiiplo77 ! „ ( ' . Inoke In T'l'a' ' an\uncoil to Ti'iO and fksod at " ' \MIH unlct. but strom-ci cat y in the rcsslon. lulliiiiHcd ehielly I y Iho nrinne-s in -Aho it mid ptovlslons , but as boLh of tlieso noiiketled lalei. < oin also lstsomo stroiiKth Theio w IB nothln of espeolul Inleresi In Iho in-irkot mid thu Hillisli tentlinent was not \iirv Kent-mi , as there i. . " fiuo t-oilliu on , ' " ' tliohnid Hiiol . lleeemler opciuu at 4 > 'ii' , vcauened to41 ' , e. r.illlc Isllh I toward the t ese .in I c used llrm at 4 . ' < . an adv anco of ' , c ovoi jflirdny'slliiiii ll-nr''s ( ( iitsweioslo dj llnetu illons foi Ihoiiftlvp opt ons IIMIU iniillned to a II.IIKO ofc. . with tliooiose at top lUures , ao abu\o yosttrilav s ° "hi" in oil itcts started higher on Rood hnyliiR hv the local ' nils and HOIIIO iidanco In live * ioeb ' nt thoyaiilo , billon thu advance a good iimny loius bi'ir.ui to ronll c. unit the early ail vnnuo In \ \ ofnwny \ \ lost tlic-io wns n. consnlor- nblodrop In llio product. Haldwln. buiwartz ft : Diltieo , fcteovi'r , Lo nn. Ansrlo and otlii'r loaillriK operators- old on the advanco. Ibis curried pi Itos bulow llm oponlnir. I.ntor llu-ru WHS a slight reaction in svinpnthv wltli the Btrcnuth In Rriilns , and the c osis shows an .id- vnncoof 7'-n In Noxombot poik. but u. loss of n. llko iiinoiint In Januury l.ird and ribs aio 'Mko'frutKlit rates arc sto.idy on a bnsls ot 2e for corn to UutTnlo. , . Lbtlniatfd iccolpts for tomorrow ; \\noit , 6 u ours ; corn , 77" > cart. ; oats , JJJ cars ; hops , 3.I.OOJ bond. t nsh quotations wore ns follows : I'MjHii Mr uly and nnchancdd ; wlnfr p it- enls , J.l-'Otti.OO : wlnior hti.ilphts , W.iXil.i ( Ki : print * natcnls , tlSlljil.OO : spr us straights , * M 2J ® Ifi i : bakers' . * l.7.iiOl ( 0. WIIHAT .No. y sprint' . 74'4c ' ; No. 3 sprlns. K < itW < i : No S tod. Tt'ic. L'OIIN NO ' . ' . 4tj ; Jso. a cash. 13' c. OAT.S No. ; , .IUo ; No. a white , no aalos : Ko. .1 wiilto. li'ili.1 c. ItYK No. " ' . , fn'tC. lUnt.m-No ' - ' , CSJlfule : No 3 , f . o b , Ma Wo : Nn. I. f. o b..l , ' < fti7c. n.Ax Hceii-No. I , I.IOJ { . Tuinriir SEbii I'lline. $ l.nW41 07. I'OHK Mii'.s. pt'i hbl. , | l.4ill.4"i : lard , per 100 Ibs. Its ( ) ; ihotl ribs , sides ( loose ) , I7.704JHUO ; ( liy Milted shoulders ( uoxi il > , I720t67. ' , ' " > : sl.oit . i-leiii Hides ( lidMidl. $3. IWJJS.'J . WuibKi'-Dlstlllcis' lluishcd Roods , per sal. . tl 15 is-l'nclKiimed ' : cut loaf , 5S } < 2V.ic ; tcd.SHUilandiird "A. " f > ' i ! . Koiclpts and shliiiiiimtB today \voro as fol- lous : AIIIH I r'l tl'IH Sill I'JU M 1'loiir. lurrul . . . U 1)011 ) nn \Micnt , bust.In . ) JO Corn Initil.c'la . . . EUIKJO OlttB , btlblll-lH . . . bl OUO 1B7 tWI 42 nil 1 lluiloy , UunlieN IIHUUI' 101 nilMl ) tin Iho I'loiiuco oxthtui 'o toduy the huitor pinrki.t witsMu.i ly am : iiiKOiiiitruil : oieamcry , Fo3J4e : dairy , uAblle. l' Kt > . itKjBiUite. Nciulc * lari < uts. Nbw Yomt , Oct 7. I't-ouii Itceolpts. : ! 4- SOO pltcH ; oxporlK tUOV bbls , U4. & o sacks : moro ctivo and h toady ; sales , 14,700 bbls. ( JOHN Mi'Ai. btoady. moderate demand. WHEAT Heeolpts. .Hi UOi bu. ; exports , b8.000 bu. ; salcH , ) liu , of futures , ICO.OJO ou of poU spot fairly actl vo for experts , firmer : I e , T'Jo. ' Options woin moro aotlvo and fittlohlclinr on forolun buvlnj ; . Into oablos , liUhoi bullish wiNtuml free roverlni- . closing llrm : No. " rod. Ootabor. 'U'jta ' O'io. oloslnt ; at 8'i'covombnr. ; . Bl'itQ Puf. olonlniat Kliu ! ; Uiieombor , SlQB.-'jC , closing at UJ'jo ; liny , SS'iJtsi c. closlnsat8J'to. HM : 1 irinor lint ( inlet ; \\oitern. CIQMe. IlAiiijUV ( Julet mid Hloudy ; weslui n. 0'jJO'n' . lUitLEV JlAl.rHtoailv : western , ( ! Ja > 7jo. COII.N It ( ( olpt ( < , -OOJ bu.t exports , 11,000 bu. ; nalos , Wl4,0l0bu. of fntnrcH. 7B.dO bu. of ' pot , bj/ots llrmpr. nmdcratiily active : No. I - ' , \'i&rrt'a \ In olotator. 'i-liW.u'iu alloit ; un- RraOod mi\od. MliiiV.'o. OIIIIOIIH were dull 1 1. ( ipi'nlii--it : ' .al.'jO up wllh , doollnoil * t(3' ( { ( ! on o\iecteil | liiiL'o iceolpls. ruaclcd * \ & } io on loeoMirtiu ; oloied llrm at "nO'lc ever yesterdiiy , Oetnber , 5I"j"i ( ( "ic. olos n. ' 5lao ; Isovt'inlier , Ti 7t < it' ° e. uioslmr at fiiSu ; Decoin- ucr.Ii , " ® "il'ii. ' ' oxllii ; at M',0 ' ; .May , S4 > 4@ BIJ4f. ( 'lOHllll-Ilt nl'4" . OA1H Keeeliith. I7J.OOO bu : exports , fiO.100 ' bn : tmo . 'JO'.iMi Im of futures and IH4.POO bu. of spot. Spoti liimor , qulot : options llrmiir i , fairly netlso : Uetoher , tiilJiUe. oloaliiK UdUt" November , ; iiit , > c , olnsmtat : i'\c ; Depot - combor. ! IS'jfiJS"tt > , tlos iiJutlM'io ; No. ! ! upot , rvnlto , WUtofiyc ; mixed wostorn. auiiltfu whltn vrchtoin. 'lvOl7'o : No ! UhlcaRO , J7'i MAV Quiet , easy. Hoi's Quint and firm , huii - ltaviiilel | , llrm ; refined , quiet nnd toady , ius Now Orleans , dull , steady , Uiou 1'iilrly active.steady. Kui8 I'u 11 duinanil ; ftiiey llrm ; wc&toru prime. 21'H' : receipts , 7Wl pkus. HIDES Acthu. Wooi.-l'.ilr ( lumand ; domestlu lloocc , 85T B.'o : pulled , 2 Ctl-'o ; Tex is , iVit t1. I'noviMoNI'orK , dull but at end v : old tnrss. f li.7Mil'J.Ki ( ; now inebs. jr. ' wailuiO ; extra jirline. tria.Vitl3.fiU Cut meatu. tlrn , : wiintud lilcklpil bollluh , S4ln'io ; mlilillus , nulot , l/'ird eiiHlcr Imt ( lullt wesiurn hte un olohed at t , ( ' asked ; suit's , . ' 'U tier cs on pilvato terms option Hiilos 500 llnrcus ; Oelobor , < N7 > iisl.eil ] N'ovi < mlirI7A1I ) , i loslnunt IT.ltti.l.inuarv. t7.V Hli'iTKit I'alr iluinand and stoaily ; vvestern flu try. lKfl'io ; Kleins , aiiti * . I IIFI M , I'lriii and fairly nctlve ; part skims ; I'm liiiiN-Qulut and steady ) Amerlcau Inke. Jl uniKstli * . * l. 0( > . TIN Dull ; straight ! . < M.40aUf . 1'I.AiiH ijnlot anC atuady , Illiltiit unil 1'rlli. \ nz are the prlfos paid by Omithi for Indt'i ami poll quoted miblool ti without notice : No 1 ureeii hlilos 'Jo ( ) I en-en HiiltcMl hliles. 4iHlii ! : No. a creel eiutrd hlilec.t'i : 'it" V > . urct'ii salted hldrs Si to 40 Ibv. 4 I'S ' : No. . ' yreen salleu h'dos. S to 41 Un . viSC l' o ; No I voul ualf. n to 15 Ibs.i Be ; No. 2 viml calf , n to 1" > HIS , , .mo ; No. Idry flint hides. 7fj No. ' - rtry Hint , hides. f.c l . 1 dry salted hldos , lOAt. I'art nirud lilacs So pur IU le s than fully euro cheep polls Uroon fc.ilteil , onrli , IlicQ.fl.r cieeu hiiltc'l HhoarlliiKs ( short woolud oiirly ) eklnsi each. IHti'ci dry shenrllntfs ( short pooled mrh hkliiki No 1 , ouch. nOlOo i : drv .liLMirilnvB ( hhort woo'ed tmrly sklnsi N" ' cui'li. * > c ; dry Hint KBIUUS and Nobarsk liiittbortTiHil milts , per in. , notuitl wt'liilit t. 1"45 l 'iui < lry Hint UHIISIH and NVbrnxka Murral wool polls , nor in. , uutual woUht , KtftVc : dry Tfllnt Colorado bulehor wool putts , ner 11) flitunlveluhl. . HUtll'ic ' : ilrj Illnt Colorml Murrain wool pblU , par IU , actual wel.lil ( SlOc ! dry it-ai an 1 hte -ftuil welihU , 7 tic. Have feat cutoff , a * H Is unoless to pay f re I tch on thnn. St. Louis ST. I/ouis. Mo. Dot. 7. r-.otm-KIrin. .VnitAT Ono-hnlf abrno Wednesday ! flash , 70 4Ct October 7lo : Dceambar. T.ilos May.BD'lo. ( JoilH- Half cent lilghor than Wednesday ; 4iSo ; October , < ? c | December , 4t * < o { Mny.Kc. October , 30 ! < oi hovcrn- bcr. 3loi May , .IJ',0. ' ' ' IlAfit.v Meuly ; Iowa , GOfiiOSc , HitAX-rirni-TOo. IIUTIEI * 1'lrtni creamery 20OJ ol dairy. 14 & 20C. C WlllfiKV- Stonily ntJi.ia . , , . I'liovisios * 1'orU bottort Jobbtm , 112.00. I.nrd. : lilRhorattJ2 < xa' < . , a Dry Hilt tnonts.nrni ; hhoiildors , l".75i lonaa nnd ribs J..5 : shorts Kc l HEcntl'lR-rinnr. 10,000 bbls. ! whont , 504,000 bn : corn. loi.wo bu.t oats , M.OOO bii. ; ryo. 1,1.00) ) bu. ; barmy. SO.fiOJ bn. . . . Slltf i'.NT8-Twi > dais : Hour. 4.000 Bbls : Wlioat , W,0)J tm : coin. Y4Whn ) ) ! oat - , ll'.UOO bu.T'i'ycru.cbo'b'u ! ; ImVicyi'i.OOO btu Oil .Market. Ni.w YOIIK. Oct. 7-l'ETiioi.tUM-Opciicd dull nnd unnllnilod so tliriniu'liont tlm day. I'UIIMSJ Ivimla nil sjiol s lies not o : November option snlLs , iiOJJ bbls atMfic ; l.lma oil , no i On. Quiet but steady. . TAM ow i'ulj. ' Tt'ltl'l.STiM.-rirtntr but quiet atCrtMffWc. LONDON. Oct. 7. LiNRi.-si * onIbs 7 d per cwt , Ttiii'i\NTiM1 ] i1iuiTS-SlBl porewt. Aincrluuii straliud. 4n Hid tier owl LlVlitll'Oilt. , Oct 7. ltIllPl.NTI.NtS fcl'HUTb Sis IK ! pel owl. KinmiN Cltj "ilurKot * . KtVRACity. . Mo. Out. 7.-\VnE4.T-Ono- hnlfccnl hi j lift than Wednesday ; .No. 2 bald , Uimx-triocular ; No a inlxud. 37Vi'ISo. o\T-i-In bettor ( Iciuand and ilrmor "NO. i mixed 8i > U27f. , , HtiTTi u btcatly ; croamory. U"S'8o ; dairy , " ' - riii . . ( * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . riiiWheat „ „ „ „ . -Wheat , 110,0)0 ) bu.jcorn. S.OOO bu. ; n" Smi"Mi- < .vis- Who it , 14.000 bu. : corn. 10,000 bu : o its , mine. Liverpool Mnrl ! ts. Livciii'ooi , . Oct. -WiiKAT-l'trin ; doiiinnd Rood ; holders oiler p u Inu'ly ; No. 1 Oall- furnbi , ( isii'idiiis7ii ' ( ( per contal ; rod weslurn sorln. . t.s .iilW s Il'Jd ; receipts wboat t ) ist Hit ce d tys weio'-Sj.oUjconliils , Inelndlnif 1W- UOO Ainoiicui , COII.N tjiilut : mhed western , 4s O'id per conl ill receipts American torn past three ( lays , | KI > IU cent iN. l.AUD I'riino wustcin. 4Js Ld per OWt , ' Oinali i I'liitl Miuhrt. Olui'Ls Now i'otlc Concords , UOc per 10-lb. basket. . * OM.IIOIINM ( UAi'KS 1'or crate , 11.50 mus- c.itos : * 1.7. > Tokavs. UAl/itii'iM v I'isACiins 1'or box. tl.6j. I'isAiis tiSi ) pcrbox. .hs 1'cr bbl , . * 4.oi ; funoy , ll.Sl ; five bbl. lots. 210 loss. S- Per box , UOO. A nit man Kofnijcr.itor Iteof. I.OXIION. Oct. 7. Amorlein rofrlcentor hoof , forequnrters. Is bdm.'s ! M ; bliulquarturs , 2s lid.bsd ) perfe Ibs. by tlio carcass. Mutton , 2osJbs per cw t. l.m.urcioi , . Oct. 7. Atnurlcan live cattle slnUIn : tlio .Id nor Ib. American refriKer- ntor beef , foiciiunUeiB , Il'-jd per Ib. ; hlnU- ijunrtcis , rd porlb. Oiiinhii I'lodiu-n .M.irl.ot. I'oTAiOLs I'cr bush. , 7. > c ; sweet potatoes ''ioklni ; stock , ® ! ' ; oholco country , t'D" . I'OUI.TIIY lions and chickens. 8i ! < 3c ! ) : roos- tcis , &Suu ; tin Keys , lOc ; dut'lcs lie. 'Mliiiii'iipiills \ \ Mlirl.ot. MINNEAPOLIS , Minn .Oct. 7. WHEAT Active and stioiu , tlosod blchur : cash moro llrm : re- conils , 511 cars : close : May , ? 8 , " o ; Octobor. 7l * u ; DtcomberopfiioJ at 7ii ( ! and ulosod at 7J'.c : on ir.ick : No. 1 har.l. W c : No. 1 north ern , T''o ; No. a mirtorn , Cotton Muliet. : NhW OtitF N3. La. , Oct. 7. Quiet ; mld- dllii'794o ; Ion mldillln7l4o ! : good ordi nary. t34C ! ; not iecoipts.7)0. ) bales ; Kross. 8,840 bales : exports lo Gieat llrltain , 4.2J8 biles ; to Kiante , 408 bales ; halos , 8C. > 0 bales ; stook , 'JJ,8 5 bales. J'liiliulrlplim ( .nun Market. I'HII.AUKI.IMIM , ( i-t. 7. WlllHT Qtllot ! No. rod , October. 7u'i ( 7'auc ' , Coit.s Options Hi in ; local car lots quiet ; No. 2 mlxoil , tietol or , "lUySTle , OATS ririu. o a wnitu. 40'io. ' I'oorlu ( jralnMiirUrt. . ProniA , III , Oct. 7. Ooit.x Steady ; No. 2. 4lc ; o .I. 4.'c. OATS l'inn ; No. 2 white , aaB'Jlc ; No. a white * , lti ( t'c. llVB .VlSSiC. Ir.iuurV IIIIK. j. III. . Oct. 7. C'ouiibOlman A , Day lent Cockiell Itios Commlss on company : \\heat \ opened slightly liimeron lUhtei receipts than expected , nnd wns subjected to continuous hainiiicrlii ) ; bv local hours for three bouts without bioaUInc bo'ow j cstorday'H clobin ISU prices riiiinly thosborts took aliirin nt thu tonllnmd dioiith , siioiu- cables and l _ : 10o Atlantic cluaiaiicus. and oh iseil pi'cui lip'.u In tno.t ollnits to cover , with a further tut- vanttfof'ic Did by soalpurs aflcr Iho close. The veiy iiiaippoiiit n leturns from thicsh Ilo Ina In the northwest biis-ests a ro- diiellon In Iho tsliinalo of the yield In the Washington icport next Jlomluy. Corn was qutctei and llriier on contlniifd biiylm ; iiytrulern fiom the urovlslon and sli corn. I'-wolvors and shippers , wishing to do- press tlm miirkot , wcro heavy nollcM , but uore poivorlcsH to prevent a ' 0 adviinco at tbo closo. Outs continued very dull and fo itutclcss and other ( jialn Blluhtly onaHinall business. Provision bulls opcncij ' [ tbo market iiHlil-lias | possible , plue od the crowd \\lth all tboy woiud tiko. pumped prices up from Iho declines and repealed the uroccss tlironshout Iho session In order to ul\o the market a il\oly appeal anco and un load on the public. Outsidots soein cnntcut : to let the manipulators keep their load of old product n ml will only buy January stuff on peed breaks. CHICAGO. Ill . Ojt 7. IConnott , Hopkins " Co. to B. A. MuWhortur : 'Iho Impressio Is oni'i il that most of the wheat Bold this week has KOIIH Into slron n mils. The wooic opened with free loallsliu by lario holders , and as tlm locolpts vvoro heavy at m mary - ary markuts with a blvisible ( supply It was expected that the maruo * . oasooll. Snob IIHS not been the ease Inslead the iloinuml has been coed , oll'orln.'s ll lit and the teudcnoy upnard un til the mai not now looks mnro lllcu advaiiuliiK th in at any tlmo for a month , liongs have huon onconraKfd today by loiu cublux and liir o uxporis lloavy deliveries Dv f.irmuM Is sllll the wnak fuature , but It Ix hoped that this siilcldul nolloy will not pruvall much longer. Coin and oiita I. . mo shown no Inde pendent HtioiiKth but rather woik- nos4. AfloroiioniiiK llrm they sold off In Npltu of tliostroiiKth In The lioavy roculpts of corn nro holdlm : down jnlcos. It Is belay - Moved that tbo uovuriimcnt loponon Monday will bo qullo bullish and show conditions worsn than ovpcoto.l by the majorliv of the tradors. 1'ackors seem to hiuoMild provisions quite ticely. They do not bollovo this boom III ba siHliiln oil , at least they are so quoted w the nowiipupors OiitrAno , III , Oct. 7 , V. 0. I-osnn & , Co. to Duncan , llolllnsor k Co. ; The hlglior cables Mid continued dry wonthocnvo wheat > u sll.'lit ailvunco at the ononliiK which was siistalnoil by moderato buying orders durliic the forenoon. Tovraid the o.oso houses roiire's'entririt tiitt-iioiitriwost oiimo Is us llboral ; buvcrs , Klvlng tbo strong closo. The , part of the trndnri In hnat are holding the t > liberal stools rl ht up close to tholr eye. pay- ; ing Hutu roKiud to the estimate : that fill per cent and ever of > . wheat I ax missed from farmers' hands In the northwest at so ouriy n Onto , also little attention to thu continued drouth and lot-up ; , . In u inter wheat rocolptu , Tli.i clearances were liberal. Hour especially. Wo bollovo i the , , sl.ort Intoiost U llboral nnd a iiiuoli further advaneo lll rlnu Ilium In as well us the out side publlu who ) l It ) roisonablo to expect will take wheat on a show of advancing from thin low price . It In roporlod tlmt the movement from Brut bands In the northwest shows IiUilnir on * . Corn oponnd llrm and thn undertone WHS Konurally steady until the osilinuted repoluta ot 753 cars mused break on which the lloor trailerrt Bold. Wo ibo- to jlu o rucolpts will noon show a fiilllni-olT , but ; not within n week , Oats wuio llrm from stint to llniHh , Wo think they Bhould bo boiiKlit. . I'rnviKlons onvnod stromr , bntfrouollii- | ' * the Wright patty iiaused u docllno , The clos- 'A Ine Is nt nidldo prlcvs. Thu Into ad- ; viinoo I.IIH . been liberal and this reaction : action U In order. On much turtbei branka wo would buy January product. [ I I , I'rlmo lays : First sharp froat b ro lutt nllit KxervthliiKdry oiiHtot the MlsiUslinil. Seed : ruin for lull plowing nnd pimuros. Kron tin iiows iirotlrylni up Movemt'iit of corn In tin fur west tr.ued vurr lar.'o y to the fact that I1 , farmori ( In not euro to build or I us. Tbo nuarei homo movement largely arisen from tlm fact of shortness of other croiia , and farmers are ohlUeil lo soil to pay dotitB. 'I | m kulon . did country roads huvu n tendonoy to mnuo . . free nun emeu t of uraluof all kinds. Krou 7fl tow per cent of the corn cron of thocoun , try it uoiaf from frost. MloUlgau , Ohk ml Indiana ( lo not seem to be suffering for f Wfinlofriiln , but Illinois , Knruus. Missouri , Tcnnosiro. Kentucky tovnrlnit tbo winter I whom stales do need rnln. Dry In lowu. NcI I braskn , Mlnncinta and llikotns. Additional reports from Knnsas show tint the newly 1 iccdcd wheat te crowln. % but begins to suffer from WAiitof r < ln , some coinpla'nt of chinch buns ami RtiKihopporsYlthrnlnlnthonoar fuliirn the licrcfiitp. wilt bo IncrcatcJ ever lint roar , If the dryiilh continues U w III bo less. STOCKS AMI HOMS. Sccurltlm \\'ftn l.c Actuc Ycitrriluy Thnn Tor So rnl lnft , NEW VOHK , Oct. 7. The stock market wn less Jictho today and the falllns off In the volume of business Is conornlly attributed to the near approach of the Columbus celebra tion. Tlicru were , nevertheless , BOX oral n c- ments of Importance , p.irtlculnily In the In dustrial ! croup In which \Vnll street U now tnkliic an iieti o Interest. Chlcaeo Una nil- \ftiiccd to SI'i , the hlshest prlco over 10- cordeil , nnd the shorts found dlnlculty In cov- crlti-their ' ) lines. Distilling and Oattlcfecd- InR wns also prominent , rlslns to U'J'4. ' the best prlco slnco the prcsrnt upward movement BCI In , , In oxplaiiatlon of the cont'nucd ' advance In tin stock nn olllclal of tbo compiuiy staK s that tli ( .ompnny bad o or < ,0,1100 ( -'li on hnnd after Iho p lyment of the lust dlMdcmt and In addition tno VHrlnusdistlllnrlc' owned .by the comnany had In cash and products fAM ) > .WX ) . that Ihocompimy , in.low of thcso ina'teis and tlio promising outlook for busi nc ness , will r.ilso . Iho noxtquartorly il ldend to i or 1U per cent. Uent-ral IMcctrlo was another sioolt that old at the hi a- cst prlco It ovtr ro.icliod , It ad vanced to US" , on aiilmatod doalln s for thai Block. IMIson Illumlnatlnu ad vanced 14 to I07i and later dropped to vnHi * . The Kunural rullroid list Improved to the cMont of V4 to % pur ocnluiiriy in the tradmi * . but latci > lolded < 4 lo l"i per tent , tlm lattt-r feIn Now l.titfland and hoailliu' . ' 1 hero was more or lc s io.itl7liiK , but the onoet upon prices was slight until montiv burdened. On the stroiiKth of this the boars made nn attack upon the list , but the losses are small and in the llnal tiniisncllnns n rally of ! n to ' , on- sued. Tob\oco Jumped from ll.l'i to l\\ \ TO ictoil to 11(1 ( and closed at 11 V. 1 ho } pioferred , ] w s ono point hli-hor , National Cordaso slmrcs declined ' . for tlio common nnd " for the preferred , but subse quently rose ' ® ! * , when It became known til.t the directors had declared the ro ulur qutirieny dividend of 2 per cent on the pro- fo stool , and hud ra sed tlm into on Iho CI to .1 per conl. or to the b isls of IS pur cent per iiiininn. The market loft olV qnlot and weak for the i illways and llrm for the Industrials. The 1'ost says : An effort was made largely as u ruanll of the dullness oery-whuro else to calVinlo ! llfo Into the maikot for silver bu.- Mlnn. The oortlficatos boimlit and sold un the block oxuhutuo today o\coi-dc.l In amount thu totil s ilos In any full week since Aiitfiist. The niovoiiiuiit was ot no pront sitiiilllcunco , houovor. niiJ Inlurnstln chlolly as It to- culled the .niiifnio.lllies . of Iho recent and peculiar m ukut blsloiv. ( lovcrnmunt bonds strong ; state bonus Thu following ire the closliiR onotatlons for the loadlm ; stoorfson the Now \otlc fclock ex- chnnu'O toiluv : Atclilson. .Nortolk A W piJ 8' " Artnins lixii 147 N. Ainerlonn ( o . . . IV Alton , ' ! ' 11 . 31 Northern 1'ncltlc. . . IS do tirefcrreil 150 do pfil W American Kxiircsi 110 tl. 1' . lcn , V Oulf. . . Hi llnltliuoro.V Ulilo Nortu csttrn 11 ( Cnnnilit Pnclllc . . do pfd Ill CnnnitaSoulhurn . . 7L ! | N. V. l entrnl 10JW Coutrnl I'ttclllc. . 29 v N V A. Is Knc . . . . 44H Clics & Ohio . . . . .MX Ontario ft Went . . . UH CIltCORO AltOll . . . I4J Oregon Imp 22 Chi Hur "vQiilncy. t > 8 Oicuon .Nnv 75 ChlcnRO ( las . O S It \ V. M Mi Consollilatcd Gas . Pacific Mull J1H C. C. I. A ; bt It . . I'l'Orln , Dec .V 1C. . . lt > H Colo. CouKt Iron. . 4\ \ ' $ I'lttsliurK 157 Cotlon Oil CertU'a. 1'ulliunn 1'nlucc . . . lMi Del Hudson . licndliu ( B D.I , . & W . 151 Itltlimonil 'Icr 9 I ) AH ( ! ] > ! M . tdo ii fit ti I ) A.C. V. Co . Itlo Ornndo West. . 34 ICnst Tumi . do pill IW Krlo . Itock Island M'i do pfil . bt U.Vb. 1' Utpfd. 75 > u Fort Wnyno . 1M St 1'iiul 7SH ( Ireat.Nortliornpfil U5 do pfd 1W IX A. I ! . I pfil . t'TK ' St I'UIll A.O. lleickliiKVulloj .U'l do prafericd no Illinois rcatrul . . t > 74 ! Southern I'nclllo. . ,17 ft I * , V Dulu tli . . Kutinr llellncry. . . . Him , V 'lux pfil . . . i'Jetin t enl i Iron. , Ij.kol'rlo A.vsl levin 1'iiclllc . . . . ilo pfil . . . 1 .VO Cen | .Id . 74 I.nkesliuro . l.ll' Union I'ncltlo 74JU Load rriiHt . . . . 44)0 II l.unlsv , V .Naeli . . \V H I. . v 1' . 11 UA..N.A. . . do 11 Til 121 M.uilmttnn ( on. . . . \\elli hureu Kxp. . 144 .Meuiplils.tO . f.O Wentorn Union. . . . Mich , ii-nt . Wheeling .I U K. . . Missouri Pac . . ( .IK do pfd Mobile A. Ohio . . . 31 , 't M. A St Ii lh Nnslivlllu Cliutt. . . . tT i ) A u. Nntlonnl Conliuu 4 Hi Con. Kbs 118J4 do nfil . 120 Nutloiml Unseoil. . 3J , N. J. Centra ! 1.11. , .bid tusked The total sales of stocks todav wore 23G.400 shares , luolndiim : Atclilson. U''iO ) : Chluaco Gus. 21.000 ; Hrle. I5.COO : Loiilsvl lo i. NaRlnlllu , 6.801 ; N'ortliorn I'ai-lllo preferroJ , II.JUO ; Now Kn-'laml. IH.'KJU ; Itoadln/ , : i U ; lilohniond & West I'olnt , 7bO ; &t. 1'aiil , t'.OCO ' ; Union I'aclfic , U'-'OU. , Now Vork .Money Miirket. NKW Yoiut , Got. 7. MONBV ON CAIA , Strons at 40 per cunt ; Inst loan , 0 percent ; closing offered atli per cent. I'lllMI ! MCIIOAM II.B I'APEIl 415(20 ( per COIlt. bxcuuMi K\cu\Nai * Stroni ! at SI H"i5 ! for bunkors' slsty-dav bills and MbC1 * for 110- iii nid. Thoclosiii ! " quotations on bonds : Mulinil Dillon ( > i . . . 110 ll. S 49 COUP 1141) ) , v .1. C. lut Lurt . . U S JMi8 re , ' . lOiSi .Nurth. Paclllc Ula . I'ntltloia of " . > ' > 107 Sortlicrn Pac. 2ds. . . Ill I oiilsliiun Nt ped H IM NV I ( insiils. . . l.l'.l ' .Missouri In . . V W Con Deb fis IDS leiin non net ( > s llli st I , A I M ( icn fia. HJ7 lunn now et.rn M I. . A.P ) Oen M . 107 1'enn now sut Is SI Paul CoimolH. 128 Cniiinlni'O 2nds. . 101 St P.O. A P. lets. . 110 Centra ! Pnclllo l ts lO'i ' lex P l < d 'Ir Ittli I ) , < c It ( i Istn 1\ I * II ( i 'Ir. Hcla Dun A , It C 49 84 lnlon 1'iicltlo lulu 84Hi I'rlo 2nd Hi Went Mioro . SI 1C. A. 1\ ( , un i 7"M U ( ! \V . 41 K. , V T. ( Jen . ' > s ' bid Huston Stock onotiillnns. HOSTOV , Mass , Oct. 7 1'ho followiu ; nro llmulotlnt ; stock quotations : a 2I'M han Francisco .MlnlnK ; f > iiot.itloii9. SAN FIIANCIFCO , Oal , , Oct , 7 , The ofllclal closing quotations for mining stocks today were us follow H : Altn ,0 Mono . . . . , 10 Miilwcr ro .Nnviijo 10 llcnt.'v llcjchcr. . . 241 Ophlr 8 < 10 llodlu Con . 41 1'iiliixl 110 ( hoPnr 105 v.iun 15 , ' ' Con fnl X Vn . , 410 Mem .NcMida 2J5 Crown I'olnt 170 I'nlon Con U > 0 l.i.rckal . oil , IV ) Utnli 15 Could .1 Cnrr ) 15J \ulluwJutUot 105 llnlu X Norciots SiU N. Q 10 Moxlcnn. , 515 \ < i\v Yolk -ilinliiK OoiitalloiiH. NEW YOIIK , Oct. 7 , The following are the closing mining quotations ! Cliolor iun plilr 315 Crown I'ulnt . . IK . 'jyiuoilH. 61 Con. I'll & Vn , 4.0 bltrrn Nuvncla 215 Dvndwood 200 Mnndiird IAI ( ionId A Curry. . l.iu Union ton 100 003J Halo . " . NortroR. . 810 Yellow Jacket I3J " " 1401) Quick Silver . 3JOJ Meiitan. ri" . . . 210 do preferred OJso Norlli blur. . . . BSD llulwur SO Ontario KUOO naked. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ London 1'limncl il ICntloir. [ CopjrUlileil 16W by Jamo * ( iordon llonnott. ' LOSDON , Ool. 7.-1 Now York Herald Cable Bpeolal to TUB IlKE.1 A fair amount of business him been tranaclod In Iho Block o\- chaicu today. While few special soourltlos have been dealt In , consols Improved 1-1GU for tli" nrcoiint. Indian rupee i , pauer Improved 'id owlnp to a further nso In the pncu of silver. A feature ninone for- olKn stocks Is an advance of Iiito21n 1'orii- vlaii corporation stocks on a telegram to the ellect that the Uhlllan Kovornment corpora tion had arrived at a satisfactory settlement and thit : the new protocol h id been binned. American railways after havlim boon generally - ally tirm show a llttlo irregularity ut Uio a close , duo to realizations bv weaker or timid operators. However , the under tone continues good , New york bolus- u qii'tu ' prepared to tnko up all stock offered - IJnlon I'aclllo been frt'uly bid for durlni the lust hour nnd resulted Inn rise of 4. Loulsvlllo & Nushvllle Is ? i hotter , vihllo . chaiucs In other * do notoxeeod ) i to " 4 ell her way. Money has been llttlo want d. With - the superabundant of lloiulug capital nhort - loans huvo been obtulncd nt 11 per oont .dls- - count. The market has been rather flrm. two and three.-imi.iths bills cuing quoted al from . 15-10 to I percent. . I'limiienu > oti > . KANSAS Oirv , Mo. , Oct. 7.--Clearlns , 12.-\ NBVV YOIIK. Oot. 7. Clearing * , 1113.038,709 , balances , * d.B)0.7B3 1'Aiu * . Oct , 7. Three per coot roiitoi. i 09f - OOcfor tbo uecoiint. u i HAI.TIUOHI- . , Get 7-Cle rlniis. I2,5b0,7.r > 0 - balances. IJO\trjii Money , 0 per cent. I'llli.-utM'HU , I'u. , Oct. 7-Olourlns > , , 111- 3I7.7P5 , balance ! , 11,531,414 Money , f < M I'rr ' cent , i < MRMPHI * . TonnwfOo * . 7. Now . . . .r. - - nailing nt 11.50. Clcarlnj-s , $ .C > ' , Mli lalanco' , t.Ort lY'Miox. Oct. 7 Amount of bullion -vlth- drawn IMhl- - balnnco r' from the IMhlof Kn-lund on ted , a v , i'lO.noo. " L MOSTON , Mii < iit , Oct 7. Olojxrlnj-s , } r > , C7fi,7 i ! balances. 11.179. Ht. Money , f l 1 per cent. Ktcluuiftc on Now York 6 < aiOo dlscounU 8r. I,6tl ) . Mo. , Oct. 7. Clo irlnRS , t-V77.- ! 757 ; balRncos. ! I04,702. Money qulol. MJ'per cent. KxclmtipoonsN'ow Tiork. 7"ie dl'count. Nr.vvOnt.iiANP. f/l , Oot 7. CIoirmis , flifS'i * 7W. New Vork oxchnnno ! Comtnorclal , JI.W por$1,000'Hat-omit ! bum , 63c discount to pir CmrAOo , III. , Oct. 7 CloarliiBs. frl 'H--1'- ' Now York oxchan " 7ifo discount. Money llrm nnd linolian ud atti"i per cent. Storlltu ox- cliMiittoMowiitJIMU JTor siuy-diiy bills and fUCHi forsUhtdtjHfts1 1.1VK MOOli Sl Cattle and UCIRR lloth Slnnt n Stronstf Toutwltli slluhtiy llctlcr rrlcr * . OMAIM. Oct 7 Receipts for tlio flxo r.ais foot up S , < licatlie.US.VJ boss and 4 , " > ? sheep , iiKulnst is.i'i.'ealtln. llUMMio ntid 4 , „ > filitep the coriOHpoiidiiiK Iho days lust AUOK. v utt e locolpls wcio quite lIDciuli but as UMiul the big bulk of the ollerlti s were not of the most desirable character. The iluinaiiil , as far as good tluo bucxessnsconcorncd. . was all that could ho wished and mivtli UK ' this line nolil fteely nt a j.ood Hnuro A tonpiit of biinclios of piotty isuod corn-led Biters , welchluK iiroutid I , .SO nnd l..lU lu"i - vent to the dressed buef inon nt from 14 0 > lo 14.75. In wcstorns ilea't-rs woio all quotlnit a substanllal advance on itcstralilo beef grades. A hi.1 siring of I'oloindo eatlio wolKliIni1 under ! , & ! ) pounds luoutlil $ .1.60 and the bulk ot the tradiiiK was at aiimud J.IOO to } J 2) . On Iho coiiiinon and Inforlor grades Iho inarkot was rather Inclined to dullness alihoii.h Iherow s no nolteoabto doollnoln values About uvcrytliln at ail useful purchasor. OIluiinu'H of butoliers' stock and canners were by no inutnsu-cci'sslvu and with a fair demand Iho movement us fieo atstoidyju stroti , ; puces. Tno extreme tuiii-o on poor to prlmo LOUS nnd heifers was fioi i II.HU to t. > with llltli ) of uil < conseqnelieo above $ . .li" > or under II40 , Hull's o\cn nnd tings were Runoially about tteady at iiuni ll.uu to J- ' . . " > J. Vuil ou.veswt'io . in brisk ilu- mand and llrm ut from JJ (0 ( lo JI.25 , but the bitppiy of common Html and yu mines was excessive and prices ruled lower at from ? 1 J to ? . ' .7f > . 'I hero was nutlilnc pulkularly now or nuunvorthy about Iho trade in stockora and feeders Anvil.iir.- . with the Hush nnd quality sold roiulllv at food llj-iucs fiom J2.iO ioil.U. wliliu on account of the diled up condition ot pastures Ilitht stot'kors and je.uilnss nro veiy poor uioperty , Irlni ; hnrd to movoatprlces IKIIKIIIB fiom 92..J do\vn to ti.73 and uuik-r. ItcnrcnoiiUtlvo Hales : No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. I'r. lUMlilUO U llllll > 5 NVJ J UO 20 I.U7 4 Oi 41. IMI 475 2j 1077 J 40 20US 1UUJ 4 2. ) COWS. 3. . 707 1 00 16 bOJ 1 40 030 Iho ' 1 UO 1 ll&O 1 40 1 L''i ' " 10. 7'o ( 1 10 27 . W4 1 5 * ) 1110 1 b70 1 'X It ) bit ) 1 LO . b.4 1UO 7. . ( AI5 1 'X b bll 1 M ) 1 101x1 J1W b.'O 1 IT ) 2J 8u8 ] CO 14..1012 11)0 ) 2JO 1UJO 1 5 O bIJ i no IU. 1114 S 0 * . bb.1 1 i.5 7JJ i u > 51. 10.11 , Jl'5 ' 1 30 4 IOJ I 1 KJ IW3 1 00 10 1 > ,5 U. SOI 0 > 5 1 dJ 27 777 1 70 1ISJ 1 8J ! ) 1 J ) 10. . UJt 1 70 1 000 1)40 ) i a ] U 810 1 70 1 U'OJ 205 0 .10.11 i ; to 12. flM 1 75 41) ) .10)9 ) 20'i I" . . 81s i in VI 1 75 1..1000 am ' 1 40 5. 1 73 1. . L9J 2 JO di'lllU 1 40 Hi , ! 1 SI 5 . LOG 2.10 ' , ) .10J3 1 40 22 . Ulb 1 bl ) tl fiUl 2M )1 . 782 1 40 50. Ull 1 h. ) 1. . 121)0 ) a r > o 1 40 10. . Oot. 1 K * . 1. . 4 U 250 700 1 40 'J. 1110 1 65 U..11UO 275 418 1 2S l.i 05J 1 5) fIO 50 t 1 3J i. : iyo i 5J 44J 1 40 I. I.JJ 1 60 50J 1 40 11 , . bi'J 1 60 'CAI.VLS. ' 203 1 5 2 10 1. 243 350 D77 1 J5 2 15 : 1.i. 1.i i IU1 a5J 'JO 1 4J 25) i. UJ ar > j 1 53 2 60 : i.i i 15.1 : iM 1 &J 2 ll'i : IKI uio 2 00 ST. 34 J a 111 .1 ar > ) S 00 7. , UI .1 oo i. . 400 J 05 1. . 210 3LO i. . 15J iitn.t.s. 1 03 ii 14 > ( > 1 B"i 100 1MK ) 1 00 i. 027 1 0) .1101 200 into 1 85 1. . KM 1 Ii ) .1410 200 15 iU 1 DJ 1..1I5J 1 ( K * ) MOO 200 1WJJ 1 M 1..1340 1 M 200 1000 1 CO 1. 1110 1 DO ! l400 200 . 770 1 50 OXEN , 2. 1550 1 00 -8TAG8. 1 . ' 3. 1090 2 00 Ju SrOCKElia ANIt FEKDUIIfl. 5. . CSS 20) 1G. . 8.11 2 40 33..1002 2M 1 . 881 2 00 4. . HIT 2 40 7..1018 20J 17. MIJ 2 10 41. 1U-U 243 2 . U45 dOO ' 2 20 8. . 072 2 GO 2. 1050 3UO ' ? S45 2 2 > 11. . 81) 2 03 40. .1015 JOO ' 2 2. ) M 074 270 -2..1133 J 10 ! ! BIO 2 'M \VVOMI > O CATTLE. No. A v. 1'r. No. Av. I'r. Ibull BIO $1 75 B bulls . 11G3 } 1 75 2 bulls . . 1.110 1 75 0 bulls . . fcU 1 OJ 2.)7 ) cows 81) J 85 2 fcoders 7.10 2 .ft 20 feeders . , 1U8 260 27fee.lerb.1050 2 70 4 cows . . . . ti 2 1 85 7 cov\s . . . 8il 1 5) 1 bull. . . ,11)0 ) 1 'K ) 18tows . 7lU 2 10 lUcows 877 1 85 JeoiVb. . . 7W 200 10 cows . . . . h'JO ' 1 40 Bcows . . Va 2 20 5 fouuers 818 2 W 1 stour 1010 2 75 25 cowl . )7 1 yj 1 feeder 105) 2 SO 1 feeder. . 1070 2 8J 4J feeder , l.'M 2 SO 1 helfor. . 1 . ] . - > 2 hulls . . .IJU'i 1 75 OCOWb ! UdO 2 ! - ' ! 12 steers .11-7 2 10 iOonlves I'llVJ .1 00 lo > cons . . . Nt ) 1 ! f > 1.4 I'OVVh ( -VJ I .15 81 coUK II. ' . ) 2 15 50 tows . . t- ) ) ' J U" ) lib C.I v es . . , i.4 J 01 bhca.vt'H . . .1.1 Idbteuis I-ill .i Oi ) 55eows . , . , Sto I 2" > 4 cowb H12 1 5) 2Jcovvs . . . , HIT , 1 IK ) 1 cow UJi ) 2 OJ 11 holfors. .u : 1 81 2 feeders .Vji ) 2 15 I feeder. . . .IWl h feodurs. . 7UJ 2 2j 10 fco.iors. . , 111J7 2 50 la calves . bl > ! 2 05 Ucaives. . . , 15.r J 50 COIiOltAllO CATTLE. 90 steers. . . .1118 .125 2cowt. 1065 215 b feeders . 1 01) 21W lOObtonrs. I Id ) 350 Ueows . . . .107J 2 M 77 COWS . . . UB8 215 51 fcodcra. . .I'78 ' 2 7i lOSeows . UflS 215 J 00 1 Ht IK l.liO 1 W 28) 1 COW . . 6W 2 OJ 77steors . , 1170 325 I cow . Ilb3 210 105 steurs . 117'i 3 f > 0 1 feoiler .lO U 280 24 calves . , 272 2 10 17 feedets. 85' ) 2 G > 11 calves. . , . 3J2 28) 10 Calves. . 171 300 20 steers. . 1071 3 2J 4 tows . & 9V 60 21 cow- > . . 9VJ 211 II bn'ls. . 1251 1 80 U fe-jdcrs. 1010 2 50 51 fetdors UM 2 50 < feeders. 01 2 75 1 bull . . . 1431) 1 5 ! ) , . W ) 1 70 J t'OWs . . . W ) 1.10 : io leodors , . 801 J 33 1 COW . 8JO 2 00 J cow. . , IbOO 2 00 I''Ofoudots.lJIO 215 5 feeders. , . 1170 2 OJ 2 Imlls . . .11HJ 1 ft 10 bulls . 1247 105 Jbl.l-3 .11. ' .I 1 1)5 ) IOJ rows. 00) 185 2.'feeuors .100) 275 20 feeders. I0b2 2 85 5t lions The supply wascnmp.iratlvuly lib t ! oral and thu qualliyof the onVriius abuui , up to the averiuo. lluslnuij opuiicd out brisk under Ilia Inlliiunco of vljjoioti-i coiupolillon fiom all sources nnd at sto.xlv to strom : prices. The fooling ralhor Impioved as llm inornlnadvnnced nnd the cuiso ua. struiu at a full mckt'l's ndvinco over ly'tf prices. Woljiht eutlittlo llrfiiro. oiiallty bufiu the main toiisldiTatlim. Thu fall lo good hossi > f all wolKhtsbold lately $ : to tl.W whllo the uood to choice liiados , all moro i or loss Borteil , won tat from tulli up to 5i. Oem ' inun mlxo I and undorwoU'lit stuir and tlirnvr- outsbolil from . down to W.di ) . Tr.ido was acllvo ih oiiKhout. and the pens were prac- tlt-allv oloaiod uoforo II o'clouk , the bis milk of thu silos bnln ? at from W.-J to J5.W , the same as on Thu rail ny. ' 1 ho onoral avorauo of prices paid vvub * )3 < i , aRalnst * i.27'4 Thuibday and 15.17 last rnday. Keprosonta- tlvo sales. No. Ay. fill. 1'r. > o. Av. Sh. 1'r. 5. ' 40 4'lH ' ruU 248 . .24J. . . . i 30 18 . ! 2'.i8 . 5 W U ) , .2SO . .28) ) . 5 .10 J..25J. , . . l..0'05 ' 70. . IW ! . .200. 5 M . . .SM 5,15 71. , 22(1 ( . .120. ill ) . ,220.100..5 15 4. 530 10. 27.J 6 10 fiU . .1.19 . 8J. /i JO 5. , .214 5IJ5 6 844. , E0..5M5e ul..2 > 8..1CO. . . . 4.1 . iVi . . . .231 ll'J. - ' .2J5 , .410. . , .VW * ' 78 . , . ! b7 530 7 , . -J5. ' CO . .245 . .240. . 5 HO 7U. . 6.1 . . .20-i 40. . . 2.1. ,201 , , .5 VO M . , : no a 3) ID. .8JO 10) . . .620 b5 . 2.1 ! , . .ICO. , .5 JO 07 200. .5,3) , ) W. . . 23J . .120. . . 5 3) DO .210 .O.V5 l/i..2.V > . . . hU..53) 01 .10) . . . . .r.fl . CO,2J-J..28),5 JO 5. . .274 fl : ! 5 ! . . . .250. . . 100. . . ' 30 3. . . 28J. W,222. . .210. . ' 01 .240 . . 'CO . . .fti to .5 U . 7J. . . . _ 2)0 6 25 55 201 120 fiJ ) M 2Wt 120 625 , U 274 BdO 71 222 200 ' VI 8U ) 120 5-.I.1 i Gi 120 n rU 2,14 5J5 I > 'J IOJ 525 837 SO 535 - 40 . . .r.7 . 10) 5 Sli M . 535 , 40M . .228 2JO r. 2'ii 75 . . 81) ) 635 ; I. ) 200 5 27)i ) 61) ) . . . 2.VJ 241 510 . 70 bO 6 27ti r > 4 . 25 J 40 04J 1,8 . . .8Jt 200 5 271i 70 . .247 200 543 71 . . .a o 200 6 87' ' , . .IW 40 54) 71j.1 . . .27J 8) 5 27'.i (8 ( . 2fl7 123 540 j.1W 81 5 a ; 11 67 . 2UJ r,4 * > - M 1U7 - 120 5:10 : M ! ! ! .si 80 515 68 24. 5 a ) CJ. , . .21,0 , bO 5 i 4 I 71 , . . .231 til 5.10 ) 61 2J ) , MM 7J . . . 220 8J 5.1) W . . . .271) M.W . .252 120 031 J . . . .VOi - 659 . . .2i)0 lt > 0 530 - I'I ( IB ANI > ItOUOII. 6 850 1C ) 400 1 . . . . < ' ' ' 485 ; ! SllBBl'-Uocolpts wore lluurul unouKh. but Iho quality haruiy sultoil the. kllluiy Ideas. Afow odfor ! fucdorn nt very irood prices. Tlio demand continues KOOU for UeHlrnble ; imitiont at steady to utroiu prlcon. talrlo itliod natives $15 ® 4 60 ; fair to oed westerns. - U5j eouiuioii und block nhcop , l.'jy 3i-Korvl ! to cliolco 4' to W-lh. Inmb' , UOO 4 Representative sales ! No. Av I'r. W Stock OWC5 , 08 * IM Itrcclptft null Imposition ot StocK. Ofllclftl receipts nnd disposition of stock nft shown by the books of the Union Stock \ arils conip uiy for Iho twontvfniir hours cndlnn ut Bo'clook p. m. , October 7 , It'Jlt nscrii'Ts rim iiii l.lvo stoi k Murltot. i. 111. . Oct. 7.-lSpoolal Tolozram to Tlltl Hut-l "Micro vv i u tlnn tnnrkot today fornll ir ulcs of eittlc. A b ists of from $1.25 lo $ . ' .75 foi poor to chnlec cons and liuifuis , $ .1.1) ) Mo J"i "ft for o minimi to cvtri stccta , il " ' $4 . 'for westcins and from } t.5 toSU.UJ tor Toxans. 11 oils took another jump Host of tlio olTei- Incs wont toSV'v ' which Is Ilk above the hlch- cblllguto Hindu ychtctilny. There was a cor- rc pondiiiK gain In Iho louur grades and the uvctai-u iidvaiiou was close to 100 per IOJ Ibs The close was is coo I as the opening. S lies worn at fiom 85. SO totth ) for poor to rhol.o Unlit nml at fioin M 21 to Si DO rot ho.iv v weights. The aided stronzth was alti ibiitahlo to the fallli u ol , In receipts and to vestorduy's ad vain o In prov Nlons Sl.eep . vvotc qnolcd at fiom il'iil lo $4 fill ac cording to qunllty , with sales ni iuly at fiom JlOito $1 w. Natives are snlab o at from $ JVI't , ll.ou . h few of the list week's ollctliiKsrnt nbovc * l 75 To\ ins < ire no . Inal at from Jf)25 ) tol.\ l.ambsso d at fiom $ , i , * > 0 tofoiHi , ptlnrlpilly at fto u Jl 1J to i'i 75 Koccljtsi Cattle , l..O'O ' head ; heirs , 21,000 ; shoou , U , 'I ho iv : cn'ns ' .Tout mil ronorts : OTTl.rlietclpls , 1 ' .I'tlOho ' uli innrkctstc nlv to strong ; tintlvi'x , t\w \ < t' < U ) ; TOMUIS $1 50ji tt.Ul ! StOUkt'f , l00fIO ! ) ! t'OHS Jl l.-iffrj.'l Hods I'eoulpts , 2U,0)0 ) hnnd , nrnkut . "i'HI'0 ' ' hlu'liDi ; coiiiinon pickets , i'J > < J."i. . ! ' > : good p ickers , $ 'i4 Ci'i.winlniu \ shjppIiiL' , ? 5riV"Jsij butchers' wclKht1- > 70if ( " > ,75 ; sorted Hsht , } 5. O Siir.lit' 1'ci'olpts (1,0)1 ( ) head ; inarUol weaU to lower ; natives fl' " > © 'iOi ; westerns , Jl J'ltil.50 : lambs , ! Ninoil < l.lMIX Ic .Murlicl. Nr.w YollK. < > i t 7 HlTiM.s-Uueohits. 2,07.1 ho id. Including .IS cars foi salu ; market slow but steady ; natlvo stouis , $ .ifiiii"i l"i per luj Ills ; I'oxas and Color uloi ? ' kOSii l > J ; Imlls and cows. $ l."i ® L'.lri ; du * soil beef steady nt 7 fiWio uoi Ib ; slilpinonts tomoirow , 1,008 Ijcuves and 4,7l > > qualms nf hi of O\i.via Kuuolpts 4i lioadt markel a sliiulo flrmoi ; veiil" . * > 0-3.'i per 1UO lb < . .j uusturn calves , M AO&J Tfi. hlltEl' AM ) 1.Mlia Kcceliits , 1,810 bold ; market Hun ; shuup. t > ( WiTO per 100 llji ; lambs , fA" > JG..VI ( ; nnssotl innttonq Moicly at 7iilH'jo ' pci Ib. ; dros cd lambs llrm at f-'iitluc. lions KccoipK 'I lib head , consigned direct ; maikct nominally linn nt * * > ( .o . O''j per 100 Ibs. limit is rltv l.lto * .toek KANSAS OITV. Mo. Oct 7 rvrn.B Uo- colpls , lihJi ) ; slilpnifiits , 4.70U ; m.irkot ao- tUo ; treed cittlo Mo lilrlior ; otliuis stionp. Shipping steers. S. WS. ) S'i ; IOMIS niul Indian steers , Sl.'j.1 J * > ; stookcrs and fcoilcrs , $ J.lO HOOT llccolpti. C.8 0 : shipments. 4'HO ; mnrkoltiotUe. 5c bt hoi , nil cranes J".00J.5i ; bulk , W..VB'i ) * > . SllEKl1 Uecelpts. 1,800 ; shlniints. | ( I.OOJ ; the maiket was sleadv ; mutton-- . ? 4.UO , lambs. 15.50. St. I.oillh l.lvu Still I ; .Mm Icrt. PT Loui , Mi ) . Ocl 7. CVIT-.F Hoeclptb , B,700 head ; shlpmcpt0.70) ) he id : market active , stion _ ; mtlvo steci- , . " ® , ; Tois and Indian. } J J ( ! / ! 1 > Hods liecelnts , ( i.4JO head : shipments , f "vM head ; market bottet ; heavy. $ , .oJSr5w ) ; pacUIni ; . ! " > 2lffi'.bO ; light. i > ( ( Sin cp Uocolpls. 1'lOboad : shipments , .1.000 hiMil ; maiket sload ; uitivo nuilloiib , il.'W ' (3l4.7 ( , * > : ' 1 o\as muttons , J. 6 To ) OH UoWiU'sbarbaoaiilii cieatisos the UloaJ. ci. I.MH.MI ro nor i : . . Mrs. Ilnrrlsnn'H CimiUlioii Is ( Inn til i\lroin : < i 1'rostr.itinii I'llcct nt Her 1 1 Incus. WASHINGTON- . O. , Oct. 7. Asldo from the usual .changes cnnraotorlstiu in con- 5Utnptivo cases there has boon no particular nltoration In tbo conilition of Mrs. Harrison since sbo wns bi-ouelit to Washington from Loon Lake about two v.-coks nqo. Although critically ill and in a condition wbora a now complication mlKht speedily prove fatal , her case is nol absolutely hopeless , and instanro1 ! are known \\hero persons in a simllnrly ox- treuiely dangerous condition have so far te- covered ns to enjoy fair health for years. Such instances iiro rare , however. 1'ho president's fnmily and ftiends clint ? to the bopo tbat "ills. Hnrilson's case m.i.v nrovo ono of Iho oxcopl tons to tbo rule. 'J'ho reat dancer to bo feared is tbo ropiodnttlon of lluld in the chest cavity which ml ht yailior in twouty-lourboui1' . and piove fatal , especi ally if Iho patient could not hear the opera tion necessary lo remove it. .Mrs. Hamsun's ncht luiiIs ( entirely Lonsoiid.ucd so she has no uio of it whatever. The loft lunir Is not involved Although an\iou'i lor ir-olon etl life , the patient docs not exhibit trial cheoifiiluess and hopofultiess that nro iis-ually so nppatcnt in the case of consumptives Tins is duo to the oxti eiue nervous exhaustion from which sue sulfora. IZvcr slnca tbo cotnmouconiont of her illness she has been nlTected wita ox- tiemo nervous pioslnition , unit this lias doubtlos hau very much to do with lior pres ent condition. This extreme prostration has been ono meat cnuso which has oporntua against her rail } int * . .Mrs. Harrison's ininil is perfect ! v * clear and she talies a cot tuln amount of nouiislunont each day , principally raw OURS in n little wino and pcosln. U is not from n aesiru to oat , however , that t > ho talics the noutish- ment but mtroli from a sense of duty nnd as a medicine. Jer ] cougnnif ! s > pell mo not violent iitui uo not worry tiio invalid very much excnpt on raio occasions. Sleep ilur- ing the uigiil uonics to her in periods of from ono to two hours tit n time , and this without the aid of opiates , iaho has vorv fiur niL-tils , beiug roitloss only ill tunos. Two or tbroo hours of sleep arc obtained In the dajtimo , bill 11 is not of u lofroshitiK olininctnr. 1'robablv the most notable it-sull of lls Harrison's illness is preat omaclution. Her npponrfinee last year was that of a 6'roiif. , honlthv anil vlKoroui poison who did not knov/ what it wus to bo ill and tbo thai baa come over her is n'lid ' to be most percfotiblo. lloforo H'JO wns ill , MM. Harri son weighed 107 pounds , and it is said tliat she has loslduritiK her prostration between. lorty-llvo and Jifty pounds. Mrs. Harrison slop ! fainy well last ni-jlit. nua was comp.uotlvely comforlnblo this morniiif. "Lato to boa ana oany 10 nso will shortaa the road to your homo In the sklos. But carl v to bed and "Littlo Uarlv Klier.'Uue pill thomiaioi llto lougar and wiser. Cereal 1'roiliK tlo.i . of the Coiinli ) . WASin.Norov , D. 0 , , Oct. " . Superintmi- ( Join of the Census Porter h-ia just lasuou prollmlnary statistius ot the ccroal produo- Uon of the United .States , propaicd mulct the direction of .1. Hyde , special agent. o - . , „ , . . . . - busbols-lotal , Hl,17H.1Sr ) > . nuroi , a,51ktt T,551 buslieis. In IbSt ) the Ocuroj vvero ; Harley , , ly r.77 - " ' " " bushels ; bushels ; busbels bushels busbels bushels bushels. The "No , 0" Wheeler & Wilson with i is rotary movement Is. the liuhtct lunnlns maLBlnointbo murUot , and is unequalled for speed , durability and quality of work , hold by GoorKO W I.uiicatter & Co. . fill b st. smith Mum I'.i ) IIU Dulit" . Tiir.siov , N. .1. . Oct. 7.--Vlco Chancellor Pluioy in roiiaerlnR an opinion in tno case ol Adumsou K. McCanloss , ussljiieu lor ho benolU of ciedllois of Heath it Tlernov of Now York , oealuBi HoniyN. builth , form erly Jay Uould's partner , for recovery of ( property to satisfy ti Judgment for neaily , f 1 ' OUO ( MX ) , ( jiunts tbo praver of tbo romplBln- and Iho trutuler Ib nut asldo mid tbo OMAHA and 1 J I \VNINCJSj\NIJ THNTS. _ _ " " " EciTfint-Awiiiiig "Wolf Bros ! &Co , Coniunny. Klng . Inm- Tcnnl , nwnlnii , innrk' , oil nml rubber llm , ciivemit nil ktnil'i rlotlil.iK . mm CMUO. HIJ ltn tmimcr * , etc. Snail ( nriinm Mrucl , torriunlnano TO. ) 8. HA.GS & T\viNTi's. : iHOYOLi-s : " " BeinlsOicaliaBasCo "M , 0 , Daxon , Importi'M ' ntxl mfr * . Hour Illoyplc * oM on ninnthljr tft k , buriHp" , iwliu1 PHJ input' ' 111 > 15th St HOOTS AND SllOKS. MoTrto Slioe , i Initur ) n HUT littuvtHl | icuiili : sro | , . | . \\c nrc ni ikiiii ; il p | irl < c In ui li bui ( > r . HII I iiro ncl.ln. inl'i'i df ui iii nlilili HMT > Milcnb c vllli im n Itimt * proportv i everts bncic to Smith and can bo Bolzed to satisfy tbo Judgment , which is for $00li47.10. ! : DoWitt's Saisap.mlis is rcuanlo t.\i > mr. notiut'i > run. ( ) i- Mlil/ril l.ibur Ulll I Inc : i 1'nr.ulo nl ItA < > u n on Ortohor ' 2O. Cute ioo , 111. , Oct. 7. A. doinonstralion liy worltingmon tlifdny precr > din-- that set for the Woilil's fair dcdlcntory oxetcises is among the prouibllitics. This is said lo bo in roinoquonco of the decision to close the Kates on OcioticrI to all who do not hold Invitalioiis , nnd charge admission. Sovcial of the labor org.inliuions liavo received in- vitalions to paiticiuuto in the parade , but have ( tecltnt-il them. This declination , so the labor men say , is not to bo loolcod uoon in' the llpht of an mauit to the commitleo that londoi oil them , but rather as eonvoylntr the feeling of ClnciiBo'a vast army of orr-an- ized worltmon toward the Columbian exposi tion. Tin latest move to have n sonarato parade -11111 to hold U ono dav eailior than tbo i affair has boon acitntnl for the last tlneo or four days , and the proposition , it is said , has mot witn favor on every band. A powerful imency , It is assoited. has been atork to keep these men fiom lioinff anythinc that \\oulit place orcani/oU laoor In 'an antagonistic light on the day of the dedication , insUlo and outside Iho orenuua- tions , but the ulToris have proved ttitilo and tbosolit - ate lesponsiblo for the separate paiude airitatto-i assert that when tbo matter - tor is once inotiuht onicinllv ucfoio the laoor oi'Rnnl/atious of the city they will bo only lee willing to lend their assistance. U I. IMI N it ill n Needs assistance it may " " nest to render it piomptlv , but one sliouli ! lomomier to nso oven thn most pcrled lomeilics only when roeded. The best and most s'.mplo niul KOII- tlo loineiU is thnovrup of Ki-'s , minufact- urcd bv the California Mir Syiup Co. I'l.Kill. < > l tillt-lttllUl'I'lltti K.nisis .mil llissuiui liM.nlKl I'i Mjrml III till ) I'l'St" . ICtNsis Om , Mo , Oct. 7 Mvniids of ( lasshopoors have appoarua in Uuchanuti and nilJomltiB counties and iiro rapidly do- stroyiiiftbo wlntor wheat. The hoppers aio not of the vniioty that appeared in 1B7U , but the common Hold prasshopner that stnvs In ono loc.ililv an entire season. The warm , dry weather has hatched them out by the million ? , anil unless a cold ram or frost comes , Imtncnso damage will be done. Tlio tei-ortsof the nnpcarnnco of swarms of f-rassliopppii in vuilous n.irts of the coun- irv uio gottiiiK so nuinproiis thai thoynio bcglnnitip to cause some nnxlotr roeardms Iho tender winter ivhoat plant that is just ntipenilni * noovo the gioutul. Fouiuon counties in Misfiouii ropoit to the state sec retary of tl.olloaid of Ah'ilculiuin thai Iho ItisectR nro so numproiis that they are caus- lii r alarm to lue fiirnuiif. In many parts ot Ivans is they are said to bo ibrcalonlii- ( dc- stroj many UCIOH of wlioat. | IKI Mm Ii ol altislc. It Isnot unusual for colds contracted In the full tohiuiK on all winter. In sucti cast's catarrh or chronic broncnltio tire almost sura to result. A llflv-i-ont iiotllo of Cliamocr- lain's Couijii Itciiiuily will ouio nnv told. Can vou affotii in ilsit so ni.iuh . for HO small an amount ! This ronoily is inlondeil oa- poclnlly for bad polils and croup nnd caner always he depended upon. F or solo by drus- riid ('Uliiirn. | . Lot isvn i r , Ky. , Oct. 7Tho annual ron- vontlon of the National AosocUtlon of Tire Chiefs closoii todiiv after olortitiB ofllcais , Major Hdwaiil Huclios of Louisvlllo was chosen president. Amouir Iho vlro piosj- dcnls olcctPd ate M. M. ICuno of Missouri. A O.Viildou of Kniifias , S. C Kollo-rir of Iowa , J. J ( lalllirnn of Nobrasltit , . ullus rcaiceof Coloiado.ind lion Mi'iiill ' of l * "w. It. A. Hills was tQioson ( .ociotury anil IJ. U Liu Id ii troaituor. Uoetliain'h I'llls are aithful filonds. ' 1 he 'I < * Hii Iliillilil.t. . dm uio Hi. , Out. 7.-WorIc on the first Diiildlnu' over constructed unUer .lapaiioso direction and of the producls of .lapanoio Islands by uallvo worlimcn in the IJnllod States will bocommunioJ toinoriow n ornitip al .laeLson putlf. The Inborers arrived ID ChtcaKO today. THERE is HOPE I'orei try one who IIJH blood tioiihk1 , no matter In what bhai.ii or how lenis MainllUK. P'1' ' ' ' ' Itil one.f . tl. 01 * " " ha o bu 11 , fur Im- laired u to lender a euro linpot-lhle b. h H. . - the - . niini > * _ WH .toihei-ootdl ( llfai-u.aiiil KIM Winlllni \ ; tlm i i ton from tlio li d ) , and I ? ' - f h I * a lAilo to ' ' ' * " ! ' ! ' . . ; ? . " - * Honour bad j our uuo may lie , thuo is hope FOR YOU. \ Cured inoof amost ina1liiiaiit j > | "I ( hroiildl'hH'd ' troiihle. for wlili h U1 , ,0 , , , otliir 1 without elfeet M > wd ht ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 !\tdlHtM'i.\w. . ' > . 1 coiihldtrH. , 1 iin , u st tonio i ( vi r IIMI | , . . TicatHe on blood , kln and | ! "V.1fil.VJ oi oii niailtd fito. bII i' W IA HAUnWAUK. Ileclor & Williclmj Co. l-obfck & Una. Corner 10th nml Jackson Blrrcts si1 tooli. KJI Doimlas tr et. Clias. It. inihor irond InumtiolniprlPnnPatt carpi linn 1 pirnuit I in loom it Mllnniikni lloiirlni : hMlrtnlip pfnmnl nt Mil nnd VJiil.iLr wnito llmo LtQUOUS. Frick & llnbcrL ' II i inr inixirirrx nn I joblmM of 1U01 K.i mi Hiiory tioMoni Mull t F lor * prompt -ih I3"outlilllli nt PAIT.H. I OIL- , . Carpenter IMpcr Co. | siand-ud Oil Co. Cnrry n ( all ktopk of prlnllnit wr | | | Hint wrlllim pifur v.inl | ni ( llli , UMKKIOISO UlO PIT t'lu OSTKUS. . Kins & Sinea. . ! Dati'l Cole U'o , Mfnof K .x s1 pnuti \ \ liult'Miltun utofj * fini'r olilrt niiil rprnll rlr. | rolorv ( His luth street ril H plinth lltli t I'ltODPOl' t OM MISSION KstnlilUhvil Is- ; ) IllMllCll & CO Whitney & Co. I'ruiliipn fruit ? ot nil Mutter , PKIH imilptinltir Vliiils or tor lUiMiiiih lllh < ! , Jas A. CLirli & C-j' - Itiuti'r alu'nii ) 01 j poiillr ) ami Knma III s0lltll UlllSt srovr it HI-A i us Omaha Sto\clpuii'lV'iS \ ! | ' ( hlmeri'pilr < unit witer nttiiol.iniuilH . fur uti ) Mini ot Ur ) * ' itntilo I.MT llniuli ! " SASIL TOYS. M.A.Dlsbrow&Co. 'FlIdrdyTCo. " Mi infncturi > rs of giili TOJH dullx , n 1 b uni * iloon bllinln mil fancy Ktuttt * tiouso ( ur moulitliiKii llrinch of iiNliliti ; Kooili , olitl nco , 121)1 ) unit Iznnl its Mr on n t arrlutfos Ul'J ' tarnam 31 jSOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAII v. , llest cnttlc. ho : and sliucp maruot in the west COMMISSION HOUSES. CCO. BURKC & UtAZIER L1VK bTOUIC COMMISSION. TIII : I.KADI.US HI 11Writ" to tni house for OflM - cor- . U.UUl.loct | Mxrlnr. Rtports. Wood Brothers , uth Om ih i Telephone. II iT. - C/hlcago JOHN 1) DAIilSM VN I . , \VAl.liil : I * WOOD fM n B ra. MarUot r"ports bv mall nn 1 wlro ehoor'ully furnished ujion .ippllc ulon -Tl-1 U Campbell Commission Co. Chlc.iBO. fXstSI. I.onls , ICiinsm City , South Omah i , taloil" UilV , 1 ui t Worth. i A. D. Boyer & Company , Wand o ) llxoh mo llullilln.South OniiiH b Correspondoncosolltlfil ntnl urn npllr nn wor3J. bpttlul nl'ontU.n to orilor * foi Hluck'rs A foedors. KstnblUlicd , l w ! . . . IneorporatoJ , 133J \ mpltnl fiillir jiilJ , J.'U.OJJ Wag-goner Birney Company Write or ivlro us for prompt niul rulUblo market TCJIOItH Perry Brothers & Company , Room M l.xchaiiKO Kiilldiiu' , ! ? oiitli Omaha. , Tolephom 1711 ' ARE YOU SUFFERING ? rcmalc WcJincss , Caliirrti or Rliciunalss'ii ' , Chronic , Nervous or * Privdlc Disease ; , IP SO , . Searles & Searles Consultation Free. . . from 1 to B ilny. Hyphllls ciiroJ without Mprcury All utijni fur Illo hi'llli'lUHK noriiiniiuiitljr ciiral romoral com ph to , irlllioit cutting. in ill > - > r ulUUtlun Cura h . > \ > 1 liallonwltlDiil u momonl'i " "J1.Ir-i"1K'l'yi"mA ? ? ' ? AND IIK-TAI , mama cur i ut .1 uwtH.r iillv < ni "I M' ' 'I'O ' I m > w nnd V-7EAK MEJST ur hKM'AI , Irdiutlioilluclsof yoiiiliful tnillui WI-Alf MKN AUK VICTIMS III N'BHVOUS IIIC tin i I'V , , ; I'VlIADSI IM ( ' \1TIM1 WISAKNKSa I I vrAll" ' < > < * " wltli I MII.V DIWAV In nil Mil II.IS ) . lni ' * ' 'S'1 ' / . ni tnmilli l"li " < ii > l onj un Impn rod nJ SL.K- i CURB ne an I coiniilotD ' 1 runt limit , cunilitlnf or Buppoillorle. . Olntiuunl In < iip ul i. ' " o1' "y andl'llUi I'u.UUo Cure for liUfrnil. Internal , iJurou.o. lloswtor llerolN larrl'llot raliiluiuul/liniuver u u , , known to iar box i.for J , niti y m i WliyiulfBrfroin tn l mulu ilhoiti liJi w " tm nuHr.nlou I. , Miiirriiraiil lliemonoylf noluuruif i'il ' nt-nip l r fM Bniiil'lo < Juaraut 3 iiuud brKulm ACe , DruuHlSolo AB ni .oorn r ltitl nnJ liouifiiu ttront * tiis. lu llb _ SUWKU PHO1JOHALS. f-eilod pioposilHWlll bo received by thoiin- iloihlenuii u nil l.'H d'olook p in. October "i i iwu. or llm cimnliucilon of siiwors In SmvuriiUliltlH Sos. ! ( . ' ! , Kit mid lU'J. In the city of Om ilia , an pur ordlnnnoj Nos. .r.W. al'hi and . ! respu tlvu y. accor-Jli. t to plaim Hiid uilliMlloiiboii Illo In the ollluo of tin ) of I'llbllo Works. I'ach ntonosil to ho m uloon pi luted blniHiS fiirnlshoil ' ' Pv the boaid , and lo bo iieconipaiiT ( cheek In Iho sum of tM ) . p iy titilu lo I ho oty of Omahu , as un ovlrtontii ' ' 'iVio'lioard romrvHH the rl'jht to reject any . and ' " ' " ' " " " ui all bid. * , . Chairman lloiird of I'llbllo Workt Oir.iiha. Nub . October 7lh , Icbl Of-S-14-n _ VON & HEAi.Y , Urn 164lolOOeint Bt. . Cl Ulll M ll > r llttir l.cHljr tnltriiil ( ulu u * ut Iliii ) IfiUruintiili , Uiii fern * mil l iu'l ' n-nU. 4'JU ' in II nl I'ruw