Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    rnrc OMAHA DAILY BISK : SATURDAY , orionEii a 1802
Dellrersfl by carrier to unr P H of the city
rnrtnuirsJ llili'nos.i Office J O4 ?
. . N)8llt ) Enlor Nora
Ml.\01t J//J.VT/O.V.
K y. I'lumblneCo.
Council Uluffs Lumber Co. .
Wo nro wanting n boy to work In the bind-
ery. Morehouie & Co. , Everett bloclt.
A marrlogo llcotiso wns Issued yesterday
to William Vincent and Nnncy Ann Duff ,
both of Otnahn.
Dr , U. A. Holllns was fined $10.10 in p llco
court yoslordnj- for drunkenness. Ills
mother pntd his lino.
All the ovldonco In the case of I'.ittorson
RRninst tbo city was tnkon yestordar , nnd
tlio cnso will bo ( * lvcn to iho Jury this mom-
mi ? .
John Kdwnrd Over died yesterday morn-
Inif nt 7 o'clock of mnlnrlil fever , uiud 'JS , The romiilns will bo taken to blur-
Hue III , this cvunlnc for Interment.
Kegnlar meeting of the llallwnv Umployos
club will bo held In ICniuhli ol V.vtblas ball
tonlBhU All railroad mon are cordially In
Tiled to attend. V. H. Ullltlnml , secretary.
Augustus L. Dallies died Thursday avnn-
nifMilllin residence of his son. ! ! JO I'lainar
street , ntod lit ycnrs. The funernl will take
plnco tomorrow noon , lha ronmlns bi'ltig
nkon to Lnnsliii * , la. , lor Inttrmont.
The report of the superintendent of city
schools for tlm month of September shows
the tofal enrollment of pupils lo bavo been
nSr | > The enrollment for the sumo tnontn
of lust vcnr wns Il.'JK ) , tnnklti ) ; u balance of
li" > Ir. fnvor of this year.
Tim following Jurymen hnvo b'on selected
for the Oetobe.r term of superior court ,
which opens next Monday : John Walls.
\V. II. Koblnson , AURiist Larson , C ) . II.
J.ucai , ,1. W. Urossladd.V. . M. Alcl'rary ,
.Inrrv Ivoliy , 12. 1C. Mayno and II. II. Ober-
A. .1. Crlttnndnn was rldlnir tip Jlroadwnv
Tliur.-iil.iv aflornoon , nceompanled nv n j.i ( ? .
whoa ho fell from Ins hugcy to the pavu-
mcnt. llo was picked up und enrrieil home.
A rumor was circulated to the effect that the
fall had urukon his neon , bnl II turned nut lo
bo a report , his injuries buini ; con lined
to a foil bruise ? .
The Jury in the onso of the Kilnatrli-k-
Koch Dry Good * cuinp.inv airninst Hlotohky
Jros.V.IR unaolo to como to nn n rocmont
and was dl.siiluu'RCil yesterday moming. The
rasu was ono in which thn nliuiitllt-i soi-mhl
for nn accounting lor 130 worth of coodr ,
nllogod lo tiavo been In Ihu hands of a N'oola
man nl tbo time ol the failure of the de
fendant , .
O. < ) . I ) . llrouii'N rimir Mile.
For ono ilnv only , Saturday , Oct. 8th :
Gnrlnnd Hour. $1 1M.
BuiiHhino. $1. lo.
I'illHbin-y's Host$1.25.
Blir A , SI.10.
IIolTtnoyer's Fancy Patent , SI. 10
IIolTinovor's Early Uisor , ! ) oc.
Snow FlnUo , 7 < ii' .
Wide Axx'tikc , ( Wu.
Honioinbor , thiti silo : is for Saturday
Never before hnvo the people of
Council HhtlTri nnd Otnaha htul such un
opportunity to buy aero properly suita-
hio for homo or fruit as is oTorcd ! by
Day it I less.100 ncros to piclc from.
Only two nnd a half miles east of Coun
cil IJlulTs postollice.
i'jitM.ii. . iat
E. L. Shugart is homo from a western
Sir. nnd Mrs. CJ. L. Mirttn lo'ivo Ihl
mnrning for a visit with relative * in Mlssour
Valley. 1
C. Q. Saundcr.s has cone to Manilla , la. . In
response to a tolo ram announcing ihu uoalh
of his brolticr-ln-law.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. S. VnnCleovo bavo returned
turned from tholr bridal lour In the cast and
nro vlsitinp for n few duvs with E. M.
Xiunlier nnd family before leavinc for their
now homo in Wichita , Knn.
John P. Tlnloy and 1) . E , Stuart , the latter
a son of Hav. T. McK. Stuait , huvo been ad
mitted to the bar bv the supreme court.
Twenty-six candidates presented themselves
tor iidmi-slnn , and of those all hut live were
successful In passim ; the required ux.unluii-
tlon. _ _
If you don't wunl to buy bard eoil : you
bad bettor BOO Mlxby about these oil I
burnors. They are ndnptcd for use in i
hot nlr furnncos , steam and hot water
boilers , with no coal or tishos to Irindlo.
I3y far the la- ' est line , tbo nobbiosl
etylcs , the lowest ivlros in ladio- . "
inihscs' nnd obildren's coA'i'd is at th <
IJoston Sloro sue show windows
Council LSlulTs , la.
IMII I'iitroiii/n illnlls 'I'lilliirH.
Now suits wore offered some time ace bj
tbo members of the liio dnpurtinunt , trom i
Chicago clothier , on the strength of sample :
of iroods shown hero bv a representative o :
the ! lrm Yesterday Iho suits arrived , bu
as soon as Ihoy saw ( bom the men bceam
converts lo the theory ot patronizing honn
industries , and uccldcd to send the etui
back whora It came from. Some of the vmt
Intended for man who were wnrlclni ; for $11
per month soonicd to have boon made fo
men who wore In the habit of dininc off 111
fat of tlie land , nnd there was hardly a plcci
in the outfit whoso lit did not resemble ihu
of u shoot hunt ; aver a clnlhos pole. Tin
men are consequently fur from suited , rim
say they will buy their suits ot BlulT :
dealers ,
Gontloinon , the llnusillno of tall floods
In the oily , ju-it ruueivod. Holler , tlu
tailor , 310 Uroiidway.
50 doznn tronts dark colored outlnp
llannol shirts tjood value ut o'Jo , for thli
voolc whllo they last fop Uoo. LJostoi
Store , Couniill HluiTs , la.
MIlllll'M llCilth ,
W. L. Thomas died yostordnv foronooi
under strange clrcnmst.incus. llo h ul haci
ailing aomewhat for about a weak , but wn
not thouu'ht to bo sorloualv 111 , Ho wa
working about hU place , near tlio corner c
Seventh street and ' avontii
yosturdav morning and wont into the ho < ii
nnd lay down upon tno sofa to rest. A la <
iniiiutos later Ins wife nutcroil tbo room an
ut once noticing the p.tllor of his face , mail
u remark about It , Uufaro she could reaii
Ills alito his head droppnil and ho was deui
A ntiyslclan pronounced his do.uh Iho rosti
of hourt fullure. Thu deceased was 00 ycin
of ngi ] ami u uionihcr of the .Musnnle onit
mid the Prosbyti'rlni , itmrcli. : Anaounc
ment of the funeral will bo iiuido later.
Ill dross goods our line ia coinplot
with the InluBi novolllos , both froi
liotno niuljoroljii { ni'irkoK Wo whoi
many novoHios oonllnod to otirsulvu :
Doston Store , ( . 'ounull UhilTs , In.
Gallon Messrs. I ) iv floss and ns
to bo ninny n the Kloln tract ofKM ) acn
nojr on snlo hi llvo und ton uoro tract
They will show It frc-o to all.
I'oiinil tli ilottulrr .
Kvor since llio daylight burglary at K. I
Poutoono'a house the muinuorsof the faml
bnvo been hurd ut work searching for tl
piecoj ol Jewelry that were laUcn und throw
away by the thlovca when tuuv were caugl
The crass was over n foot liU-li all at out
Where the Jewelry was suppoind to hu
been dropped , und the hunt linn to be mm
on hand * mm Uncoj , but In tultn of tlio tro
ble nl | tlm niUsiiig proiertv | was found ye
terday excepting a fine pair of earring * .
IVllllllMl (0 Illl ) ' ,
Improved proportv. Will jny cash
prleo is low. U. G , MoGoo.lOM.iinstroo
UO people in thin citv use 13 stove
IhoGaa Co. mils 'oin fn nt'oosU
lh , pure drugs , boat paluU.
Charges Made Against Mr. Sohurz , Candl-
date for Justice of the Poaco.
While Juillce or tlio I aae It U Alleged
That llo I'rc cit tlio I.linlt on
n U'lint Mr. Cone * Hat
to Snj.
The trial of the case otV. . W. Cones
tiRnlnst N Shurz Is set for next Thursday
In the district court and tt will btf ot consld- (
crnblo intoroit to the public from the fact j I
that the defendant is running as a candidate
for ] u tlco of too pence on tlio democratic
ticket , and the present cas u intended to
throw some llfitil on hlvnv of doln busi
ness two yoar-i npo , WQCH ho hold the olllco
to which he uialti aspires.
Tlis case is the outgrowth of n fortnor ono
In which the Council Hluffs SarliiRs bank
wns plalnlllT and ( Jonus was defendant. A
petition wns Illcd In Schurz's court and the
next day Cons ? wont to the ofllco of the Jus-
tlcu and nnid the amount claimed without al
lowing tlio CASO to como to trial. A bill of
cost * was churned up ainlnst ? him which ho
was compelled to liny , but soon after ho com
menced ft suit to recover portion ot the
nmuunt , claiming the foes weio taxed up II-
locally. A juUittiiont of SI'J was rendcrod In
( Jonut * fnvor in Justice Swcarlnctn' * court ,
but bcbui'2 appealed the e.iso to the district
court , wticro tt Is now pcndtnir.
AinotiK the Itcun chareed up by Conci
was ono of ta ! W lor nltorauy foi'a , L ) . A I.
West bollix raprmcnieu to bo iho attornov.
Allhouch the petition was slencd by Weal's
imino West , di'iiiud hnvlnr ? placed It thcru.
Anotherlteni ol ? lvns l etmrKCil up for trial
fco liut ( Jones cl'iimo 1lio L-.SO was never
tnt'd but wiv < M'ttlei ) Itnmud lately. Another
feu ol SI was ctr.insou up tor mailing out two
nilglnnl notiuo > , while Cones chtinvi the law
stipulates that only ono feu of .Ml cents
shall uuoharijeu. Thu last particular wa-
ono in wlileh Soliuiv. on-ended n many
limeIn cnso tlio court dolormlnus Hint It
was mi oiTe.tie."i lor him to maUo out ana
i-liiirao Inr more1 than onn notlco , as It wns
his ii'stiLir prautlt'o us shown by his Uoolcs
to nhnrifn up u feu of Till cents for each do-
fotitmnl nuiiu'd In the petition.
Poi1 tlio ncwosl. nobbiest and latest
stylus in l-uliuV , missus' iititl ohililron's
COA'i'M visit the Duatcm ytjro , Council
s , Ja.
< -OII III ITlcitlTH Sl'llt IICCll.
Two men , who wore found RU"I.Y of pass-
liH' countcrk'it inonov , were sontcncod In the
federal court yesterday aftirnoon. i-'rank
Murph.V of Crcaton xvas lined J. > 93 and BOJ-
loticea 10 spend four month * In the county
Jail nt Kunluilt , Leo county. Frank Owynno
was Ilnod $1,0.10 and sent to tuo penltontlary
at Fort , Madison ior two years. Gwynno
was arrested a yrnr ace nt KooUuk on the
churpcof bciiii ! impllfatcd In tin1 robbery of
the noslonire .it awoeilburKh. Leo county.
llo managed to provu an iillbl and was dls-
clurRcd , ultbounh circnmstantinl cvldonca
was htronclv him. It A Kood , who
wns 'J'liuridiiv nlyht , was Rr.intod
a contiiaiiitn'o until next term o far as sen-
icnco was uoncorned. on condition ol his
Kood behavior.H Is thought thai If ho ue-
havr-s hiinsolf between now and the no\t
term ho will bo let off with u nominal pun
Sentences wote passed on ft small army of
bootlosKord. nhout twenty-live in mimbor ,
and the lest case ol this kind vas dhposed
of just before court adjourned in the evon-
inj' . The rust o ( the term will bo taken up
with the trial of cuaos on the civil calendar.
The lint case to bo talio-i up Is that of Ora
Haley aijainst S.uni.el Haas of this eltv ,
wnich urow out of a dispute over a stock
deal in the west. The work of tlio term will
probably not bo completed until soinn lime
during thu latter part of next week.
No Innki'iint , lire-smoked , dunmsrod
furniture- Mo.yorV , ! ! 03-307 IJrosuiw.ay.
Uleiin goods , loss than any Omuhit prlcts.
Tlio Koijton Store uloscs every evenIng -
Ing at U p. m. except Mondays and
Saturday ? . , _ _
( ) llt\\ltli'il HID Onicori.
A whisky joint in the sacred rotro.its of
the city jail is u thing that not m.uiy citi' : ;
In prohibition Iowa can bonst of , but thai
was ivhat wns dif covered by tlio men of th <
nmrshal's ' dcp.irtmeiit' last evening. Uurluc
the afternoon half a itoznn or muro of tin
men who wcin conviutud anil sentenced fo :
breaches of Uncle Hum's ruloof otiiiuetti
WITO taken to tlio olt.\ jail for kcopiim unti
t they could bo taken away to si-rvo Hieii
of cniiliiiemont. In the nvouim ; tint
3 otllco- > noticed that tvui or tuieoof lliu fel
low.s WHO bad beni stiul un in HID culls \ven
somcuhat more liiluiiouh than mlgh
have been oxpcrtod , mid as tlieli
hilarity IsicTfascd an Invt-ititriitioii was
nuule. Who > ; thu J.iil door was opened oin
of the prisoners was itlscovored lyiut ; at lul
luiintli on the llonr of tlio corridor , with hi
lips unclrcliiif ; ono end of n plow of rubbe
ho'.o that had been commonly used by tin
prisoners In oxocuttnc the sentences of the !
"kaiiRurod court. " A glance into the steu
cell showed that the man who was locked U ] 1
there was industriously omutyme the con
tents of a laivu bottle into iho other end o
the hnso. The cause ot tuo hilarity that ha <
lenkod out throuKb the rrovices was ut one
mauu iniiiillo.t. The man in the cell was o
course immediately slopped IniiU uilsilonar.
work by bavin ? the bottlu unceremonious ) ,
taken awny from him.
Boston store closes every ovonliijj ut I
p. in. , lining Mondays and Saturdays.
Judson , civil on < jinoor , IJ23 Uroidway
IVOplo'H 1'lirlj' ClIIHMK ,
The people's uartyltes mot in tholr root
on Main street last. evening to select dclt
Kales to attJMd iho township convonllon t
bu Held uoxt Monday evening for Iho pui
posu of pbicmg In nomination cauilldatcs fo
JiiBttcos of the pence , conetnble * , township
clerk nnd trustcot. Five delcpMoi wore
choien from nuchi wnnl i nd ono ( row Knne
township , outildo the clt/ .
" * %
Curpot weaving , 023 Avenue P.
Ilnllrontl ImproTomcntu to llo Mnde In tlie
MHRIC City Shortly.
For some time past n change In the track
age privileges In the railroad yards nt South
Omaha baa been contemplated. The deal
hits bcon consummated and $05.000 will bo
expended In making the changes proposed ,
The wont Is to bo done this fall and will bo
completed before the 1st of January.
The agreement has boon slpnod by the
Union block Yards Hallway company , the
Union Pacific , 1J. it M. nnd Missouri I'nclllo
companies. The scheme U to put In a tiirco-
tracu crossltiR over the Union Stocrf Ynrds
tracks , west of the Union Pacific depot , to-
Bother with n complete intor-locklne plant.
Two of the tracks will 'bo used for switch-
Intr and the third for main line purposes.
This improvement is of a great deal of Im
portance to South Omaha. It will enable
the Missouri 1'aclfio to run trains over the
union cut-off Olroct to the tracks of the
Union Stock Yards company , a privilege not
now onjoycil. The U & M. will also then
have the same prlvlloKos and trains will
come in over the cut-on" , the same us the
Missouri Pacific. The stock trains brought
In by these two companies at the present
time como over the circuitous routes , onus-
InK delay and inconvoniouco. It Is under
stood that tbo Missouri Paclllc will also run
passenger trains over the cut-off as soon as
the change Is made.
Another project nmone the railroads is
under consideration , which If carried out
will bo of vast benefit to South Omaha. Tlio
companies Interested are the Union Paclllc ,
Uoclt Island , II. & M. and tlio Missouri Pa- *
ullic , and tt Is the Intention to erect u union
depot for passeneer and freight business.
All of tuo companies have Hues throimh the
city. The Union Paclllc and the Missouri
Pacific use the same depot , Iho B. & M. has
Its own depot a mile distant , and the Hock
Island's depot Is located west of Albricbt.
A union depot is b.dly ; needed , and the rail
way companies rcall/.o the fact and some-
" thlhp will undoubtedly bo done t > y them bo-
I fore the 1st of January , so that the ueiot
I may be erected nextyoar.
Ciriiilln ? 'I'u'i'iily-l'iiiii Hi Slri'rt.
City Engineer King has completed the esti
mate of tlio cost of cutting down Vha
Twenty fourth street hill between N and Q
streets. The1 work is tu bo done with private * -
vato capital If iho necessary sum can bo so-
currd and tlu > permission of the council
( ranted.
The profile prepared by thoeneinocr shows
that the lowering of the nr.ulu will bo com
menced nt the center ot the block between N
and O streets and nni to Iho center of the
block butwecn P nnd ( J streets. There will
be a seven foot cut at Q strcot and also at P
street. The cost ot doing Iho grading is
planed at S'.O O.nO ; the lakln ? up of the
pavement , fjHI.tjr ! > : relnyltiR tbo pavement
with vltrlllcd brick , $14,150.00 , uiakluu n
total cost of Si-J.Sir.a.1) . This is rather a lur e
sum lo bo raised by subscription , but tba
Twenty-fourth street owners ot property ,
soulh of N street , nro determined to have
Iho woilr done nud are enthusiastic In the
belief that it will.
Mayor Mlllnr's Fimnral.
Mayor Walters and the members of the
council met last evening for tbo purpose of
arratiKiiif ; to attend the funeral of the late
Mayor CUurlcs I' . Miller. A memorial com-
mlllco coiisistlnp of Councilman Wymau ,
Wood and iJulla was nppolntod. committee -
mitteo on carrlu ci consists of Counollmun
ticnnli ! , Hnipo ami llaluv.
Ttiu tinui ol thu Holdiim nf Iho funeral has
been cli.nmod from 1 o'clock Sunday ntter-
noan until " o'uloci : . The former Intention
of buryinij tbo remains in 1'rospoct Hill
cemetery bcn altered , and Liural Hill
cemetery has been arcen upon.
Yuitoular th > ) city ofllces , wolice station
nnd lire hulls wore ilnipej , nnd each police
olllcer's star is covered with crape.
Xellli ) stuki > r Jllssinjj.
Tim mother of Nellie Slakor , the young
woman who allompted to take her life by
poisoning Thursday morning , arrived in iho
city yesterday from Hontrioo. Her daughter
was not lo bo found , having left the city
about two hours before tbo arrival of Mrs.
S taker. Thu uitl left the deployment ol
Ward's oyster house unil started tor Oinuha
nl 'J o'clock yesterday afternoon , suyinif she
would probably go on to Council Bliills , and
eho seams detor'iiincd to uscapo bor parents ,
win are causing a thoiougu search lo be
made for her.
i null I'm tn
s 1C. Truliaft \ in Chicago on business.
C. .1. Colliijs loft ycstorday for Chicago on
a business trip.
K.V. . Carey , the commission man , is borne
from his trip through the wrst.
Hov. C. N. Uav.'fnn and family rctiirnoc
homo yesterday fiom their viiil at Ucud
'voou. S. 0.
Or A. K. Dickinson of the Cudaby PackIng -
Ing company has returned from Newark , N .
. ) . , accompanied by Mrs. Dlc'unson. ' Martin , employed "at [ Idiutuoad' :
pacltmtr hoiiso , had 1m rn.'bt foot b.idl }
crushed yostorilny hy a falling limour.
The members of K. IT. Wells camp , Sense ;
Votcr.ui ! . , will give .i select social dance ut
Ifnlfrtits of Pvthias h.ill Tuesday cvcnlnir.
Tno pplioamon'H ball , wnleh was to liavt
been bold October 1M , has boon postpone !
until November 10 , owing to tne death o
Mayor Miller.
_ The younp son of O. L. Tompleton re
moved nn cyo from n wax doll nnd uolced i
up his own noso. The services of u physl
elnn were required to remove it.
o Georso Condon , the i-year-ola : ; son of .loin
if Condon , was Uudly burl yesterday aftornoot
y by boliiR llirnwn from u Imrso al Twenty-
fourth and N streets. No bones were broken
> . \H Yon l.lkii It , " Itrnil liy Itirlnirilfiuii.
It was a positive delight to hoar Mr. LocUi
lilchiirdson rend the best comedy written b.
the maiiy-slilcd Shakespeare , "As You I.Ik
It , " last evening at the Llmnger gallery
The melancholy Jacques in a uross sul
would naturally seem most Incongruous , bu
llio iiudlcnro quite forgot tbo urb of th
rciulnr In Ills ability and versatility to portra1
all thi ) varied phases In tbo immorta
IfJ ,
lah 1. iY llic makers of the second-class baking
It 3 powders to induce tlie dealer to push
them off on Royal consumers is that
o they cost less thaji Royal and afford
n i. v the dealer much more profit.
But you , madam , are charged the same price
( k i for them as for the absolutely pure Royal , which
t. is perfectly combined from the most highly refined
and expensive materials. The lower cost of the
I.t.v ie others is caused by the cheap , impure materials 'n used in them , and the haphazard way in which
fa 10 they arc thrown together.
u- Do you'wish to pay the price of the Royal
for an inferior baking powder , made from im
L [ f pure goods , of 27 per cent , less strength ? If
you buy the other powders , insist.upon having
a corresponding reduction ii | price.
pastorale. Wlthnrunuluc comraanlary Upon
the locslo of the piny nnd the personages
thnt figure In the storyMr. Klchardson won
n munificent tuccoss by the natural and
acquired forces of Which ho l so excellent
matter. Ttw < v < ' * * sj * ' 'ibn ' ! Hlin ( ! , tbc
Rood nniurcti , loyni i ctffij 'touchstone , ho ot
the motlov ; Jacques , \\\o \ \ pronounced c.vnlo
find mlsonthropa ; UflaHdo , bravo nnd leal
In his devotion to'tbo ' light ot uls lifu ;
Adnm , the fnlthful ° old'servitor , all found
perfect interpretation "at the hands of
Air. Richardson , ivh6 showed n broa.l
intelligence and n clbsd 'Ubscrvcr ' ot human
nature , Itore Is no narrow bookman , but n
cultured pontlotnau whblias brought to the
stiulv ot Shakcspcnr'o enthusiasm that U
delicately line , In the wnich ho has been able
to rlso to the helcbts. following the tradi
tions of the Knglisn "stage nnd Mr. Mac-
roadjM manner of' WflUtiiK tno text , the
rending last nlht u'as full of Information , as
well ns genuine cnb ] mont. There are
mighty tow nctor.i Who 'can read "all the
world's n stago" half ns well nsMr. Kicbanl-
sonwho showed an analytical study of the fa
mous lines that was us clear out as n c.itneo.
It wns a perfect exposition Of the text and
was easily one ot the best things ho has clone ,
To ndil his mlto to the rtenoral Interest
xvhtch has been aroused over the death of
Alfred Tennyson , tno last of the \Vords-
worthian school ot pools , Mr. Hlchnrdson
will ou Tuesday evening reaii from the lau
reate's works his recital of Knoch Ardcn's
woos. bclim thought ono of the best things In
his repertory.
"lliiccaccut"it tlin rnrimtii
"Dorcacclo , " Suppo's bright and tuneful
opera , was Riven last cvcnlncr at the Parnam
Street theater by the Winston Opera com
pany , nno right acceptably , too. Miss Win
ston , of course , played Hoccacclo , but hardly
up to Iho standard of her other Impersona
tion * which she has given during the week.
She looked the part nnd DClod it ,
but trom n vocal ntandpoint she
wns not ut her Uo-tt. M iss Johnson
made a passable Fiamotta , while Miss
McNeil ! Kcomod til at case in tbo role
of Peronolln. The men MiowoJ tobuttor nd-
vnntncn than In any of the other operas ,
Artur Hell , Charles ! > troll and henry Hat-
tonbury bcltir ( quite judiciously cast. Mr.
Ucnwick sniiR well us Piotro , but was as
stiff as n pok < ! r when it cnmo to ncllnc.
The chorus was adequate nnd paiiK well ;
the band , however , was not up to tno stand
ard of excellence which Supno requires ,
bovcral of tbo concerted numbers nnd par
ticularly the ulsslnc song in tbo second act
being entirely too slow as to tempo.
N'IMV Viiik Dry ( iiinils .Mnrlccl.
YOKK , Oct. 7. The dry goods market
disclosed further quietness , which condition
is expected to continue throughout tbo com
ing week because of tlie oxcitnmont and
diversions of the Columbus
"Given up to Die" by the
He Thanks Coil for Sagua and Trays
for Its Success.
I.iuvf.Nwonni , KANSAS , Aug. ! . " > , 1SK.
T ilccin It my duly to tenilcr this inyte tl-
inonliil us an offer of gratitude for what
"Klckiipoo IniUitn Sn wn" has ilonu for mo.
I I'limu out of tlio uriny In the fall of'ii" > , uio-
iscii down by chronic ilyspepsia In Itswoist
'onn , niul ul-o enliiiKUini'iit "i "I0
limit. I fon-nltcd the be-t pb } > U'iitn- .
mill vlilti'il iii'lltullnnt in Hie Ku-l , mi'l mo
mill all told mo the -nine tbliiK. ' iie1'
could i't \\i-\\ \ \ .
-uwc-tlon of : m old ronundo ' ' " ? ' '
KuKiiixtn linllnii Sin/imi , unil IliitnL < ! nrf for it.
s.istw.i linI'liuiiKi'd my lifttioni inls'-iy
unit pnln tonnuof lienlth and tiliulness , and
1 i-ui : ni. eat niiyUniu ; wltlinut di-trci- . * ' > '
In ait id all ri 'lit mid my frlemls arc a-ton-
Tlm plivslrian whoknew of mv en o and
bi'iinl of my cure -aid that n mvdlrlno that
N eapilili : > of imiUlnir oiivh a euro , be not only
cndor-LM but eheci fully iceoiiiiiiuiuls to any
If tliN tpstlmonlul coini'M under the notice
of nny Mildier who Is Hiufeilnjf , let him lakii
this \uinl of mi did coimade , ) mv a bottle ot
Indian Suijwaat once , and imiylJod jumper
you with the 9iiruoi4 of this lenu'ilylM tha
Sold by all
$1 per bottle. 6 bottles for $5.
Send three 2-cont
stamps to pay postage -
ago , nnd wo will mall you free a
thrilling and Intensely Interesting
book of 173 pages , entitled " LIFE
Tolls all about the Indians.
Address ,
321 Grand Avenue ,
Now Haven , Conn.
You an : Imroby notified that the under-
hliinud. tbriui uisintoiubted freeholders of tin
ulty nfOinuliii huvo bi'imdnlv appointed bj
the mayor , with the approval of thu elty vouii
ell of eald city , lo IISM-S the danui.'o lo Hu
ouiiim i > ajii'i-il\ely' > uPllii > prouuiiy decline ,
by ordlniiui'O iifn'cfeiury to bu aniitoprlatui
for tlio U-.1 * nf h.iid cM' > 'iLfur ihu pnrjioio nf n\
tondlnu Klfty-llist . roul from thu i.orth Urn
of lllinnli'iiiiili > ' I'll J-uJ icon's addition Ii
] .o-ivi > n iiith droiil. ' '
Von nni fiiitlii'r'nol ' fii'd Hi it , hiiviii
cepleil 1'itd apcolnlnfOill and duly iinailtlci
us i L'iii | md by l.ixv. wit \\UI , on tbu IDtb d iv o
( Ji'toUir , A. D. > hf. , at kbu Jiour of 10 o'ulocli It
Iho foiciioon at tliopflipof ) ; 'linvor.tu'Iioiia
bou , IIO'l rarnam htiroi , 'ultliin ' tin ) cnrpor.ili
IlinlU nfalii clly , r'necl for llm pnrpcisu o
' ( ) - ! ! Inu and mukliu' the nsnutsmiml o
Unmauu to lliu owners n > sioethi | > ly nff.aU
piopcrty by luason nf tuli | lalum : nnd appro
pilailon thuri'Df , liKlm | lui.i i-inslileniloi
bpnelut bonollls. If any ; '
Tlio inopurty bolimgliiU to you. proposed K
l.uapiuiit | lined its nfoicHHld. and which hu
beiiii len mod iie.eo firy ! < liy ibo u'liincll. by or
fllnaiii'i' , to uppioiirlatq to tlio u e of the elty
being till IIM to In satiUiltyof Om.ilin , In tin
couniv of Duii''lns und t-tnlu of Nebraska , I
described as rollout , to- lt : The rant twun
ty-tlvo feet of lot one , blok ilucc. in Illnio
biiuKir aililitioii
Von nrc notllled to bo prisont at the linn
and pl-ien afoii"uld anil miiko any objoution
to or hUiioinonts uimi'iirnbii : .salu pioiio-.ud up
pioprlutlnn or as > ussiiiihl ) of damau'cn us yoi
nny consider proper W ( i. sllltl VI' It ,
It. W. (1IIISDN.
.IA * . s > TUt.'Kl Al.K.
Omahu , , ' 'Illi , . K.'U-d'.Mt
, KIPAN6 TABULEG lypujau-
Pv tbo ftomcrh , } tirmid ! * * I * , inm-
l njTTt Hffftfjf ( t'1 * * ' f'UtKJ. B mfe a ii1 ftln tualj
A > rcr3420 { Jth bcxt jiiKlKinekuutturorMlloui * :
ure bloc * r ,
itlaes topcrfuiiu tneiri'itiirfupctlom. '
vm too\i Ohmiriir l > rnhlxl' ' > jt > kiiiyuiivacr
uiinie/l. piirelTmall. ttrn.M.4ti wrai-Io.lii- .
HUM ) 5 C'lU'.MICAl. CO..I0burucvbt..hi > w York. !
Is In tlio dry cool wonthor of the ntitumn. The paint has limo to hnrdon thot-
oughly before the hot summer sun strikes it tuul It docs not crnok or bllstor.
The Best Paint
Is nlwnys the cheapest , nnd wo ilofy con trad lotion of the deliberate atntomoui that
there nro no rminls in the woral the oquul ot
In point of eliennness , duralillity , brilllatify nnd permminncy of polor. U will
son reel y bo 'lonioil Hint when piMparoil pnlnt Is c-oinuo-i-d of innlorinls whk'h Invo
boon proved by Uinjr u n o to bo llio b'st known , and that when UIP < I ? nro com-
] ) outiil d accord Itij , ' to rules of proportion proscribed by tbo best pivinters nnd
cstnblished by oxpcrlonoo , nnd that when tnp < o tn raillotiu nro ground toK 'thin'
nnd itUlmntcly blended by processes fnrmipot'ior to tlio laborious uiul old-fashlonod
inothodsi , tbo paint must be if perfect as it Is possible to niiiko. Thus iho UKATIt
& MILLUiAN PAINT Is nude , and it l-t fttr sup'u-ior to band-intulo paint ns thu
best maohtno-tmidu Atncricnn w.ttchos tire superior to the cheap luiml-nwdo limo
rrnclicnl pnlntors nil ever the country rocommoiul It nbovo nil others. I.oolc
nrouiid you nnd you can pielt out every bulldtiij ; In this city nnd Oinuha that bus
been painted with It ; tboy are brighter nnd boltor than tholr
It Costs No More Than Other Paints and
Lasts Twice as Long.
These paints are for sale in Council Blufi's by
The largest stock of drugs and paints ut lowest
prices in western Iowa.
Are Quickly Married Try it on your nsxt
Tbo autumn N tbo time to paint , and ono eout brightens and preserves houses
and buildings and adds much to the value an 1 beauty of your property.
We want to sell you paints and everything used in painting at wholesale an 1
le is. The lest boiled oil you bouglityou probably paid 70o a pallon finit. . Wo will
soil you OHO gallon or 100,001) ) gallons of any brands r.t lOir. No\v wo bavo cmitfhl
your attention , read the rest of this anil oomparo these htraiirht cash pt-ioos.
St. Louis load , 70 per 11) .
Omaha lead , ( > 5o per Ib.
iloplin lead , OAc jtor Ib.
Cheap lend < rC per Ib.
Linseed oil , boiled , 40c per ga
Linseed oi1. taw , llic per pal.
Paint oil , : $ ) C per gal.
Uarrcl price , iio per gal. loss.
Wo guarantee to bo as good us any mixed paint. We will soil you at $ l.i5 !
per gallo'n. lias never boon solilfor lobs than $1.30 per gallon.
TUC cvrrs cine
As good a paint a ? other ilo.ilcrs soil you for 81.50. Wo wiil soil you at $1.00
per fftilion.
Our Barn and Roof Paint
Wo will soil yon at " . "ic per gallon.
On till other jjootls our prices are equally low.
LIJ.11 A j7JUL4 j a.i.J.XiyJt JMiAV fk \ JJ i a
1 an4 3 , 4lh St. Masonic Temple.
Omaha Medical anl ; Snivel
F01i 'rum
licet facllltlfis , niipir.ittn nn 1 ro-na lun for -i m n it
treiliiiuiitol ( irrr/ form -irill.aii ) rui ilr-
Inn niiulli. il ur Hiir luul tru it nunt.
trl'-l ' lH foriMlli'nu. . noirl un 1 u > u 11 HIM Unit i
vuiiiuiliillonoln tin , noil.
, . . . .
U II lull Ull I I II BlIIKli. .f l-l > tvl
WIUIKMI HtKI' . rt'u li.ivu Uuily ml lu 1 a lyliii-ln .lo-
imrtineiit ( ur Wiiniun clurliu voiitlniMiiout , i-lrljcl/
iirvido. Only llullublo Mo llo.i liui.tutu
ticcliill0f |
All Illoo DnemiiH HacajufuUjr Iru itu I. Syp'illltl-j
I'oiioni remove I from tliu xyauun vriuiuul niorjir/ .
Now Koilorallvo Tioitiuuul Inr l/m nC VITAIi
roWUll. I'onons unable lo visit in may lie troital
at liuiiu liy rnrreHiiiiii loiu'c. All cu inniuili ; illi ) n
riiiillUentlnl. Mu llclinxiirlnitra iicnt-i Mini lit in ill or
oxiirtn.HUCiiruly iiiolal , no in.irki to Inllcitj ua >
lenmor sunJur. ( > no | iir < omd Intorvlu v iirolurnil.
< inlutul ciirnnlt ui or sun. I lilitory of > our rtiu , uil
wuwillKuiul In plain wripjur. our
mwupnni ruaio H.-IO
nnnif Tn MFN -
uuun tu incn
, clll , or Scml , ii1Jlu ) ,
] liiio'oncySphllU | , ( lloulun I Vnrlu i : ulo , wllj qjji
Unite' , ' A | > i > llttticos fur Hcfnr.nlUai un I Tru HOI
Only lU'iiuifui-lury In lliu wcilut
IUO IIA'i'l'Kltll ; AM ) IIIIhTd.
Omaha Medical and Sur icjl Institute
26th and Broadway , Ojunell Bluff j.
TonmlntiiesrUa from center of On ill i on O.mii
mi 1 Uuunll Jiluffi uluclrlu inouir II. u.
l'roio | U for DUtrlot ( IriiilliilluniU. .
rio-ilcd bids , marlied I'roposals for district
Rrudlne bonds , will bo receive I at tbo ollluu of
tboUty Tru miror , Cmaba , Nub. , up to 1-
o'clou. n-joii. ot thu lOtli day nt Ucto'iur. IHJ. ' ,
for tbo nurclmso of f.'I.UJU.oi District , Ui.idliii
llomUiif theulty of Uniahii , Nub.
hald bonUn ntodated boplumbcr 1st. 18' ) . ' , and
uio p.iyjblti In from one to nine yean aflur
UiiMlato thereof , In doiiomlimtlonii of fl.UjUU )
undi w.w ) uai'li , with Interest ul thu ratucif ( i
per cunt per annum pityablo suml-aiinually.
I'rlnulpal and Interest payabio ut Konntzo
Ilios. , Now York.
T,5uo.oo of District NO. ar.
( XliOU.iO of District No. 47.
( I'.OOJ.OO of District No. 1'J.
iicb ; bid iiiuat state price and amount
bought for una Include acaruod interest to
diitnof dulivury atOuuhit. Nub. 'I'hurUla Is
reserved Uirujcot-unv and all bids. lB nod
undurobartor power of eltluaol the motroiiol-
ltuiiulani und ordinance No. : iTJ. ' . AnprovuJ
AU.'UBt''Ull , IBVJ. llKNIlV IIOI.I.N.
ti.ldlTt , City Troasurcr.
I3o-ry 13f03. , httril oil , o gal onn ,
$ l.i ( ( ) pelsral. .
JUerry Bros , liat-d oil. 1 oii$1.7" : > .
Other hard oils , from SI.00 to $1.50
per O'iil.
Mineral paints , dry , from He to lie.
Mineral paints , fjrottnil in oil , le to Oc.
S. W. PiNKLE , M. D.
Tlid CooJ Saiuu iUn. 20 Years' Experience.
/treat tbo following Diseases :
Catarrh of the Head , Throat , nnd T.unns : Di. !
enncsoftlio K > ennd luir. Kltaaid Apoplexy , Uourt
Disease , l.ivor Uoiiiplalnt , Kidney Ccinjilulnt ,
Narvous Dobllity , Montnl Doprcs-
elon , Loss of Manhood , Seminal
Weakness , Diabetes.llnght 8 ni ensfil Vltus1
fcBiieo , llTicinimtism , 1'aralysh , White Swelling ,
Bcrotuia , Fever Bores , Cancers , Tumors
and Fistula In ano removed without
the knlfo or drawine a drop of
blood. Woiiion v.Itb lur dellcato or nna re
stored to health. Droiisy \vltliuuttnpplng ,
Special Attention given to private
and Venereal Diseases of all kinds.
85O to 8t5OO forfeit fur nny Venereal Dlo-
case I cannot euro without mercury.
Tnpo Worms removed In two or three hours , or na
pay. H ninrrliolils or I'llcs cured
TIIOSH wuo AIU : AFrr.iornn
Wlllfavo lift ] und hundreds of dollars by calling
on or luliij ;
Tlio only I'lljnlclan bo can toll \vliat alia
u jir < \\ltliout lulling n ( jiienllon.
All rorrciponileiicostrictlycontldcntlal. Medicine
wilt liy cipresi. Addrcu alt letters to
G , W , Pangle , MD ,
BBS Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , lows
Funeral Director , Embalnier
114 Main Street ,
The w nl ftilvoHUnmotiU nnpotrlnv In
newspaper Ate oflon tlio ii-.o't Interesting
putt of IH contonK They oxprr-sj tlio urgent
needs , tlio drvlly wfehot ot tlio people wh
Hunt something niul who are willing to fl <
. . . . . girl for unnernl
' housework. 112 South Seventh strort ,
WANTTO A Ilinrouuhlv ro npolont Rlrli
must bo n eooil nook. Inquire ot MM.V. .
A. Mnuror , 8II Second iivenun.
vlnhtiiys remit * nnd cvi r willing to show
property ! rUs uiwiys on blind. Uo nnd
17 > AHM nnd cllv 101114. MOIIIM * loined on
. * - ' stock niul cr.ilii. Koil ostuto for snip ,
llui'llln j nnd huslmiM ri'tttiils. Money loiinuil
forloiMl Investors. l.onuoo A.'rowlcMH'o.irl :
tn ot. . _
lipillt SAM' Dcslriblo rosldono.i property
-L on I'urk'ivi . AH modern IIIIIIMV oinonti.
14 loomi. oiio hlootc from motor : n hir iilnll
tnlii'i' nt otit'Oi uiisy p lymontsor Ir.i lo I ! II ,
CT von want lo rent nhonsosi'oliroenshleliK
Nlt'liolson .V t'a
'UAluT-ltiii'nis In lln-olv i-onntv nnd"
cuotor rininty. Nub. , for st.i ! of | o lry.
oruuns. furnltiiio nr business property In
Council HIiilM. K. II. Shu .to.
V I tlm Impost llslof properly of any llrm In
1/Dlt SAliK I'lioti-ust tiinn 111 I'ottiiwivluT
1 in u I'o , 41.1 ticnis , o.l In.Mtud nn I lin-
pro\uil l'rlcolo un iicro. U II lii'ifo ,
IrVtHJ h.ivo 1'ivtliliiij forsilo or tr.ulo sao
Utll. Slioifo. Droi Iwiiviin I M u > i stront
"ij'OH HALT. On sun I p.iynimils , frilil unil
L Riirdon unit ntnr Council IHultj U , II.
Mioafi' . llroAilw ly ,1111 > ! ; iln stn > ot.
JV YDl' Hunt to bo ir somutldn J ni"y
UK ostutc sou iliounshuliN , N u1
_ _ _ _
irolt KXCIlANliil' loti-l nnd > ! '
liHMU'ii at biiliurt. Null. , un I lit lots in
Denver. Colo.lll ; nvcliinui for iiinu.Nu
ll r ihU.i l.-in.l ! < : . 11. Sinifo. .
' \v ml tolnw n IIOIISH sou tiit'i'iishltdd" ,
Nirliolvoil \ t'o.
' firm with ' 'iiprovi'mun's. ' Ihu
urtli of L'.i . in ! ! Illnir-i ; Ulan uoiu ;
n : i-Ni ) > ' r.i > . - - ' In cvli nigo fof
\\orU litir-ti- ! . l II. She if o.
, \ co. nav
V I nitiiiy bir.'ains In I npnivod nn I \ 'Oiino '
litoportv wn.cli thuy ucmUl bo plu.isu I lo
show you.
VJ M < t' ' " 11 UXOIIAXnKiiloniTn ranun In
i 'Wlii'olorrcMinty , Nuu. Will t.ilcn nieivhaii-
illse. R II. Sboafi ) .
\\T A \\lilAs ( ( . ! . > . hmoso.iiimf Ih llnos6
' ' . farms soiilhwintrrn low.i for sulo.
L'.kll nnd HOC ns. " > -i M.iln strcou
II' von Irivo n lionso to rt'iitsi'o CrounsliloliN ,
NleholMin & Uo.
AIIAIUIiMN. Iticio fruit un I uurdtm trnct
' "t mill's from posUiHloii.v"i tii'tos in irapis.
'i ' aero In llu ) > ; liwril > > . ' . ' i unplo trcos 7.1
pliini trees Il'irboiry trt-os. < lwn Unit , stubln ,
otI'rlco J,00'.0i. ! No ir.ule. 1' . II. Shoafo.
I ! ' VOU want to tiny u lot sou
S'leho lUon .V Co.
d'\'ii ' ( l > Klt MDNL'fl rents a sornl ; i-iooiu
M'llwnlllii'i on Avenue ( . ' near ilth street. 1' .
II. Slieafo.
j 'llneru ' improved f.irm In .Mills county la ,
MSI . "i i pur iK-ru : , ils > 1 1'J at tit ; H. " > aeru-i Im-
provcil in I'nttavvattaiiilo eunnly. fJi ; snapi.
.lnhii'.t < m& V.i ii I'litten.
/ 1 KKisSIHI-iIH : ) , MUllOhSON , S : CO. nl-
V x w I.VH liaxo sniiio | i b mil Tor
IllVUStdi1 , .
D ON'T Imv piniieity till you ha\o seen Nieliolson \ . l'o.
and rental agents , llway. , 0.
LIST vonr proprtity vvltli men who rust o tu
, ( . ' 11 it. SIMS lirei'iislilulils. Nloholson & Co.
GltKnNSIlIM.DH , MOIIOI.-ON&CO. nrotha
lending roil estate do.ilurs of Council
lllnlTs. Sou thum ivhuii yon want anything.
DON'T foreo * that ( ircunslilnid .t NIoliol-
> on are i lul't in tlio nnddlo of the rlnu ;
laruust list of property or any doalur In tlm
COMK and talco onn of Cirei'iisliiolds. N'fchol-
Mii'.sil s nnd luuu a i lilu ovur tlio city ; It
cots you l
I' ' you want to liny laid sue ( JSruensbloldu ,
Nieliolson AiOo
fjl.fK SALT-llotdl with fiirnllnro and llv-
JL1 tniu ! , ; i" > roomx. liirn. of. I'rluu , * ! l.r > ) ) .
Located In Douglas eoiintv D.illy receipts ,
| .l.\lnvisiliiito _ nt oiiL'o. _ K. ll hoafo. _ _
( JAItliAlir. roinovoil , i'os pocils. vinlla and
< h I m 11 i"vs _ i' l o.n i oil. C. J ) . Jl iJ ito. O ' _ tyU _ I 'Ig.
1AOK S Ul3-rC nan stocic Ii irhv-no. well us-
L' l ill ishol trr lij , Involco I'umtil.OlJ ( ion' ' !
I'a-on foi'sul In ; l 'riiu u iSii B. H , Hlio.ifo.
l Olt KAIil"rnnilliiit * . llxinriM and lousoof
Jllio impost , mi i Uncut liotul In sontliurn
NI''IIIH ' ; > -i. All iiioilorn I'liprovninimlx ' , ulo-
jiant fiinillnrj. Ni't prollls jliiill.U'l ' per un-
niini ; Ini.Idlii ! ; newly bu Hi no ooiiip.'UUon.
I'r ci > > . ( H ) iti > , half cash. Ii II. Sliuafo. Oonncll
Hli'lfs. la.
[ iK ( Jrouinory o it lit. eomprlslm -
H p. Inil or. lU-h. p. um : lnu. U ln ) Lavollo
hepir.itorrf , 'Jeroarn vat- , . .liUK.illons each : nib
clinrn.llJ ) u'li'lons ; uoivur iintlor woiUnr , huam
Kuuk" ' , wnlelit e. in. w itor t.inlc and oilier
llYlnies. Will Fidl ehuip for D INI | or tr.ulo
for I in i. i : . II. Hlicifo.
l/Olt riAI.HA souil milch cow. I'nco 1 . .
-L Will t.iku pay for same In eurpentcr work.
I.connd Kverett.
ij Olt HAIjH A Rood lionv ; wclirhs nbiint 8IMI
iIitiiindN , for IU.IM. wl.l laUo pay for .sumo
In tarpi'iitor work , l.oon ird Hvoiutt.
| ] Ult SA1.I' A uontlo hoibi ) nnd phaeton
JV. . A. Uood . \ ; Co , Mam htiout.
M ON I ) \ V.i In It. A. pir.ii-i ; , ublldron. I p
m. ; ml in I b. ; , | p m Soela s hiicond anil
font Hi Mondays , U p. m. Music fiirnUliod par
ties und u I n In it K A. I'.irlorH ,
( 'oniiell llliilfs , or lU. ; ! l-'urniuu t. . Omaha. W.
'C. t'lmmliers. instrnutor.
wi jsa-ijjji'
A Golden
fni limo iSHO ID full to
tlm lot of ih honsolcuopur
who uses perfect lUl.iliiiiuiMl ,
Ilko "lame s./.L'il" talk but It
does not taUu a he.ul to llunro It out tbo Oar anil r.inu'O'i are tlm best , llun-
diT'lMiif Coanull Illnirs poopto will attest tills
f net. an I llm way In which Iliesn womlui-fiil
Hloves iiro "oiling orilv provui that the bust
lei what is wanted
Dnn'l w.iltiinlll tomorrow , eomn ted ty and
bee. ilie bl ; , ' bluulf wo Ii we. . U'o 11:111 : i > liuw lliu
Largest Stock ol'Tln warn and . . tovoa
yon 1'iin llml In Council lilulN and tin1 lo\\ust
prleuij In lliu world.
501 Hrc.ul\vay \ aiul 10 Sorlh Main Street
I'roimialH lor Library llulldiiii ; .
bulled iir > ) | m ? us w i ou ruLttiinil bv I.nwUS.
llct'ii. | ) roldunlof luo lloaid of D.roctotV of
Ihi ) Omaha publlu I lir.iry at lliu Molii-ahliu bank , in thi ) idly of Oinab i. nnllU
o'clock p. m. Thuml iy. Ojlobui I.I. IN'U. forthb
ureellon und conn ) nilon of a Iliioe-slory nnd
bu.enient tire proof nbr.iry Imliilln at tbu
Boiithuasi uirnor ot I'.itli nnd llarnuy sireetH ,
Oiniili i. In iiecorJ nou wall nlmis nn I bpcelll-
cations on Illn In thn olllco of Walker A : Kimball -
ball , iircu tects. room ' > < : > .Mi'l'-'uim ' bulldln/ .
Kaeb bid must , liuau'O'iipiiiu'd ' ny a curilllud
ohuuk rori .U'O ' , p.i > ub u to llm or Inr of tliu
n/t'hlilunt of tbu bo rJ of tlu < Omaha publlu
- Tbu board rcsurven thu rK-lit ID reject any 01
all bids.
llyordurof thu Ho.ufl of IMruutoM of tin
OmiihiiDnlillellUrury. WIL.I.UU H OUHTIH.