Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1892, Image 1

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In Love with Two Girls but Con il Not
Make a Choice.
To HU riimnclnl imt : > . imminent 1 * Attrib
uted Illn Sudden ninuiiiirurunoc 12 -
In H I , otter Unit Ho U
Knroiitn to
PIACK , Neb. . Oct 7. ( Special
Telegram toTiiD Ur.i.J : Prof. W. P. Rogers ,
principal of tbo commercial department of
Wesleyan university , bus disappeared , Icav-
Ini ? over $1,000 Indebtedness. A week ago
ho departed , telling Ins friotutn thnt ho was
going to Kansas City to attend n wedding
and rvould bo gene about ton days. Although
a alnglo man ho took along his trunk.
Today a professor received a letter from
him stilting that bo had given up bis position
and was going to Alaska , the note bcltu :
written onrouto on ono of the southern rail
roads. Ho gave as n reason for leaving that
ho was Involved in love affairs
nnd didn't know which ono of
two girls to choose. The young ladies In
question are above roproiiuh and the roa
reason Is that be would not face creditors.
The institution is a victim tn tbo extent of
nearly MOO. Ono man is out on a loan of
$350. A board bill of over $100 Is loft unset
tled and numerous other accounts should
receive his attention. Ho Is well connected
nnd his faintly resides nt Palmyra.
AIllti.STiU : THIS Ol'FlC'IAI.y.
Ile.itrici ! .Stroet Italluay reoiu ] : Iiefy tin )
City AutliorlMex.
BiiATiucn , Nob. , Oct. 7. ISpecial Tele-
Rrum to Tin : Bnn.l The Boiitrico street
"railway war , aflor an arnusticn ot four
months , broke out again last nicbt and today
with renewed vigor. The Hapul I'sansit nnd
Power company , which operates the electric
line and claims to have u franchise over
about all the streets of the city , undertook
last night about 1o'clock lo cross iho
tracks o' the Beatrice Street Kallway
company with n view of connecting with
tbolr section of trncic now paralleling llio
old company' * line on Sixth street. The ob
ject of th now company was to uxtond their
line west on Ella street to Fifth , thcucu
soulh across Court to Market and cast to
Sixth , whore they would intersect tbelrown
electrically equipped line on South Sixth
Ireot. The Unpld Transit company suc
ceeded in eolting part of llio Irack of Iho
old company torn up , but were just
nt this Juncture ordered to stop
work by tbo city authorities. In the
mcantitno they had a big force of
men at work hastily pulling down tholr
track from Ella to (3rant on Sixth street.
The Hapld Transit company's men , refusing
to quit track building , wcro arrested , includ
ing President N N. Brumbnck , Secretnry J. , .
11. Spencer and Paul Horbach , electrician of
thu company , by City Marshal Emery by
order of Mavor Phillips , and were marched
off botoro Pollen Judge Colllnson on a charge
of obstructing the streols. The trio were ic-
leascd on Ihclr own recomilzunces lo appear
tomorrow. This morning Ibo Itapid Transit
workmen resumed the work of laylne track
outSlxth strcetnnd were arrested by the city
authorities on a complaint of obstructing the
streets. They were released on $00 bull
each and promptly went back to work ,
when they were again stopped by iho city
authorities. This afternoon tno linpid
Transit people secured n restraining order
from Judge Babcoclr restraining S. C. Smith ,
the Beatrice slrect railway nnd iho city au
thorities from interfering with tbo Hapid
Transit company In building Its oloctrio
atrcet railway line on North Sixth street.
The Hapld Transit company at once resumed
worn building its line and the succeeding de
velopments nro awaited with interest. Tno
war Is on nnd both factious are determined
to light it to tbo bitter end.
AVllsunvllle Scores u Surcrss In the llcavci
Valley KxnoHltlon.
WII.RONVIM.K , Nob. , Oct , 7. [ Special Tele.
gram toTiu : Bru.l Tbo second dav of the
Beaver Vnltoy exposition was not attendee !
bv ns largo n crowd as yesterday , but tin
exorcises were more Interesting nnd the ex
hlbit much larger. Chancellor Crcigbtoi :
madonnolbornddrosson ihogrouml * , nnd was
followed by Chaplain Howo. Helen M. Goff ,
neorelary of IhoStnlo Woman's Suffrage so
eioty , made n lengthy appeal in fuvor'ol
woman's rights. Sue Is nn excellent spcakoi
aud was listened to with close attention
The band contest in which Lebanon , Cam
brldgo nnd Wilsonvillo contested for tin
prize was easily won by tbo WllsonvllU
band. The exposition this your bus been ai
entire success and tbo peopln of southwest
crn Nebraska have mason to be proud ol the
result of their enterprise.
lliilner'A Veraulty.
BIUTUICI" , Neb. , Oct. 7. [ Special Telegram
gram to'i'iii : liii.J Hon. E. .1. Halnor anil
Hon. William H , Douh , republican uud independent
pendent candidates , "respectively for con
press from the 'Fourth ilistrlot , engaged In i
joint debate hero Ibis ullernoen. Mr
Hulnor had iho opening nnd closing am
did a nice llitlo Job ol mopping wi
the political earth , vith Mr. IJccb. Tin
latter , during Mr , llalnor's closing spoccb
bccamo nervous over the tongue lashing h
was Betting and culled Mr. llalner'.i veraclf
In question , lliilner proved his assort lei
by thu published records and lott tlm quos
lion of veracity lo Iho groul crowd acoumu
lilted to boar them and his position was su.s
tallied bv the uudlcnco with a trcmondou
cheer. The crowd was In hearty sympalb ,
with Mr. Hnlnernnd ul Ibo coni'luHlon of in
speech ho wan given nn ovalion by Ibo aud
euro. Among the auditors was Sonata
P'lddock , who heartily congratulated Ml
llnlnurun hU oiTorts nnd masterly addrusa
W. ' . T , t' . < oiiveutloii
CJiuNi ) Ist. Nl > , Nob. , Out. -fSpoolu
TolBcram to Tun Br.t.J The NeorasK
Woman's Clirlstlun Tumperanco union1
tale couvcntton closed loday. The prlnc
pal business wits tbo rending of reports un
papers. Delegates to tbu convention wer
driven about the city In carriages nnd take
to tjio Grand Inland colloije , Boldlor.homi
uj ar factory nnd railroad snops. A mec
ing was held at tbo shops for iho bonellt c
iho workinemon. Mus Ida Clothiur (
Mr.ultou , Cole , , addressed the coiiveiiiluu ti
nlgbt. _
II , f M. Coiiihicliir Injured ,
Wvvioitt : , Nob. , OoU7. [ SpoolttlToiegrai
to Tin : llci ; . ] Ed Hurloy , a conductor o
mo I ! , it M road running out of this cU.\
was broiiKht homo on iho paisonger trai
this ovuning with belli legs crushed. Jl
tartod with his train for Lincoln ibis ovoi
ing and wbllo switching at Dmvltt foil undi
thu whqosvQoeirls ! ( | brukun at tlm thin
* r 00 hut ween the Unec ai
rovcry U doubtful.
tetoini Sehoiil.
t , 7 , [ Hpoclal Till
-Jihn Ilouaer , a 11-ycai
tbo Kearney r for
jrent to Fairbury lalol ,
tntstuko uu to il
i brought buck ,
Worker * .
. . , . 7.- [ Special Tel
400 delegates we
annual convc
tbb ufttruo
for a Ihrco days session. Tbu afternoon
wns devoted lo prayornnd praise and orunnl-
zillot . Tonight an Interesting song nervluo
wns obaorved In whirl ! n chorus of llftv
voices participated. This wns followed by
President C. A. Murch's address and
another Interesting address on Christian
Endeavor worn by Kev. II. O. Sco'.t of
Hastinc ; . Tomorrow's proer m Is ono of
interust with a grand social g-itherlny ; nt
the Paddock opera homo In the evening.
U'lnit Nebriiskii ( . ' ' . < n tin ,
( l XPT. Nob. , Oct. 7. | > p3clal to
TUB BKI : . ] MM. S. B. Ullomof this iLoean )
county , guvo birth to triplets day before
yesterday. The auRre ale wolcht of Iho
irltuiv was ulchioon pounds , nnd all arc
fully developed. _
CliiuiReil UK rnlltlu * .
HUTtxoTox , Nob. , Oct , 7. [ Special toTnr.
Bin : ] E. Bordwell of Randolph has pur
chased the Nonpareil-Democrat of this city
nnd will run nn Independent Instead of demo
cratic paper In tbn future.
Thrown Irniu Her
WVMOHE , Neb , . Oct. 7. [ Special Toleeram
to Tun lic. ) : | Mrs. J. U. Burcb wns thrown
from her carriage iinil considerably bruised
by her loam running nwny wbllo she was
driving lust evening.
.Mm. Annii ( Inllln Kills llersell In Her
l.o\erM I'reM'iier.
DAVr.Ni'OHT , la. , Oct , 7. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bnn.l Last night Mrs. Anna
Grlflln , n lU-yonr-old divorcee , fihot herself
dead In thu room and in tbo presence of A.
W. Billings of Cedar Haplas , with whom
she hud been Intimate.
Oiilnlnc VotiM in Davenport , v
DAVKM-OHT. In , , Oct. 7. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim Unt.j-Tho republicans turned
out the llnesl llambcau pnrodu of Hie cam
paign In this city ibis ovuning and mudo a
parada of iho city , halting in iho Second
watd , previously overwhelmingly democratic
and never before the bceno of such n demon
stration , lo rnUo a monster Hag lo Harrison
and Held. The lorch bearers numbered
several hundred , all handsomely uniformed.
The gathering ubout tbo speakers stand was
a jam. There has been n tremendous growth
of republican sentiment hero within the past
three months. A democratic line recently
raised in the .same ward bas been hauled
down by UmGornuns in frontof whoso place
il was raised mid will not go up again , wbllo
the republicans have several moro to raise.
The Democrat ! Central Flnmbeau club has
gone to pieces. A republican gain of 1,000
votus In the county is predicted.
Stiiiiuiindlllniil pr.ik.
CiMiti.cs CITY , la. , Oct. 7. [ Soecinl Tola-
gram to Tin : Bii : : . I Stone nnd Wlllnrd
npoko to a Inrgo audience at tbo court house
lost evening. Stouo was gruclod with
cheers fiom the delighted lopubllcuns wbtlo
Wlllard was encouraged on the part of the
democrats by dense silence , except when ho
said England was too small to compote with
America , and tbo island could bu put down
ir. Texas and an exploring party would have
to bo sent out lo find it. This brought a per-
lunctory cheer. The democrats are veiy
much discouraged hero and Stone added very
greatly to it lust night. Stone challcncud
Wlllard to nutno ono article which is higher
in price now on account of Ibu Mclvinloy
bill , but no reply was made.
CuiiiiuliiRH Ciiptured the .Meeting.
CncsTox , la. , Oct. 7. [ Special Telegram
toTnr.Bui : . ] Hon. W. W. Winner , demo
crat , nnd lion. A. B. CummliiRs , republican ,
both of DCS Monies , mot in this city tbii
evening in one of Ibo series of debates which
they have been engaged in for several weekSj
Mr. Witmer devoted nn hour in opening lo
nn cxpo.silion of how little he kiiownboutthe
plnlforms , history and intentions of the two
parlies. Mr. CuimmiiKS in his usual bril
liant manner discussed thu issues of the
campaign and won repeated applause from
bis vast audience. Ills happy thoughts , in.
telllgent argument and brilliant oratory cap.
turcd his audience and won bis party man1
KtiihlH'il Ills Opponent.
Cr.iMH Uti'ins , la. , Oct. 7. [ Spacial Toll ! '
gram loTiiu ici.J : Near Jcssup yesterdoj
two young Germans named Frost run
Knopho started to settle n dispute with theli
lists. Knopho drew n Knife audstubbci
Frost in the neck mlllcllng a serious wound
Knopho Hod , but Frost's friends are In pur
suit with a rope anil threaten to Ivuch him
n.t ? > 'lAltlI.V AT'l'I'.MI'l' .IT
D.riiiiinlin Used I . i Kll'url lit AVIi l < )4il : <
Ats.ibSinutlon ol .Nonunion Mull ,
lIoMibTi.M : ) , Pa. , Oct. 7. A dastardly at
tempt was made last night to murder abou
forty nonunion mon in their beds. A dynu
mile bomb was thrown through a window o
a boarding nousu wboru many nonunion moi
lodge about" o'clock this morning. It ax
plodrd with great force , uerlously damapinj
ibu building , but as. iho torcu was downwan
none of the Inmate * , who were sleeping 01
thu upper lloor , suffered anything moro sort
ous than n bad scare.
As n result of the dynamite outrage tbi
morning deputy sheriffs are patrolling Un
btrcots and guarding tbo nonunion boardin
bouses. The strikers1 advisory commlUci
Issued n sUUiUnont.lhls evening condemnlni
Iho dastardly act aud otYorlng 1 100 for Un
arrciit and conviction of the perpetrator *
In the opinion of the committee tbo dyne
unto was thrown by sonio ono whoso mtci
oat it was lo keep tbo troops here.
.Iliul liiilliuiK III .Mexico.
Ei. PASO , Tex. . Oct. 7. Four hundrc
soldiers from tbu City of Mexico arrived a
Cblbiiuhua lust evening nnd took up tb
march for Guerre this morniuL' . They ni
sent as reinforcements to the troops nlruad
in tbo Hold against the .small band of It
dlatib who captured General Itegul and sia
and killed forty-ouo federal soldiers sou :
weeks since. Tbo Indians do not numb (
over bovinity-flvo and have retreated into tli
mountains mm taken a position from whlc
Ibo government bus failed to dislodge then
The 1'mi Ueeorii ,
( fHivrnx , N. D. , Oct. 7. Grnfton was vli
Hod Insl iilijlit by u StU.OJO llro , sot by son
tramp. The buildings burned Hue tinder an
not an article in Baudngni'sstoro was save
Ho carried a SW.OUp stock. This was
farmers' oo-oporativo store. The hurdwai
htoroof Bjormby ft Shupii-il was burned
Ibo ground. Tbo next building , a barne
store , was partially destroyed , but tbo stui
onved. Other buildings nanowly escape
uiiut ner\uMr ,
HAN Fiusciseo , Cul , , Oct. 7. An Exam
nor reporter has visited and mtorvlowed ll
fugitive ti ain robbers i'viiim nud Konlag
In their almost InaccosBlblo fas
nc ? es in llu\ \ Sierra Nevada , non
tains in Fresno county. They told hi
of wanderings and adventures sin
UI their tYMltMUItt > Hill * w v t i-'lt I 14 I
their fatal light with tlio otllcerd of the la
nt Jim Young'b on August 7 , They uru nc
comfortubly bttuutoil with R full wintoi
sujipl ) of provisions.
Wreekeil on Ituelnn ItfiT.
lUcisi' , WIs. , Oct. 7.A schooner strni
Itacino roof at 9 o'clock this morning , TI
tug Hall of Chicago and the lifo saving or
have goun to her rescue.
il K.I < nnu toitt-.v i.s/ ' . * ,
\Vliut tliuVritliir : Sliurpit nt Wufiilli t.
I'reillct ID iToday. .
WAsuisurox , I ) . C. , Oct. 7 Forecast 1
Saturday. For Nnbrnska Fair ; nortbwi
winds , shifting tdsoutb ; warmer tu nort
nest portion.
For Iowa Fair ; north wimU , shifting
u- louthuasl ; warmer in extreme iurth poruc
Jr For Iho Dauuluj - ! ' . i ; winds ahlftlut ;
) u I south ; warmer.
JJLui 1/nLlUit > 1MY > IL \ ) lill
Ho TS atclies with Patient Attention at His
Djinu ; Brother's ' Bedside.
ltd MimxliiK Mrinhrrs Are Sorry but Not
Angr.v , mill lie Nut Illume IbnCltl-
/ensnl Collr ) vlllo for Their
Corraviu.H , Kan. , Oct , 7. Excitement
over the terriulo tragedy of Wednesday ,
which resulted In the'dcaths of four oi the
Oaltoii gang and four citizens , defenders of
the city against the Oaltons' raid , still con
tinues. Hundreds of visitor * arrive on every
tram to visit thu scene ot the IMItons1 last
raid , and the city Is ctowded with stranccrs.
Trouble was narrowly averted this inoru-
ihe ivhen ShorKT C'allahan wanted to move
Emmclt Oallon to Independence , and , bad
ho carried out the plan , there would have
buou war , for , although Iho citizens are will
ing thnt lie should receive all tbo caru neces
sary , they will notsn limit to bis being moved.
It u , however , only n question of Inno wllti
bun. Ills hours aru numbered. Ills mother ,
brothers Hen and Simon nnd their sister ,
Mrs. Whlpplc , arrived this morning from
Kinclhher. Ben D.ilton is the oldest ton
nnd is in hlK-Hstycar.
Mill , but .Not Angry ,
In convocation with a reporter today lion
said : " 1 was sick In bed at our homo on
the farm , four miles nortti of Kingfisher ,
when 1 received tbo news of this awful af
fair , but managed to come with mother nud
the others.Vo bud not seen the boys for two
yours and had uo Idea where they were or
what they were clolncr. 1 never had much
in co'mmon with the ones who I ID nero omul
nnd dying , at I am a farmer and try to bo a
good citizen. I wish you would state that
mother and I bavo no 111 feeling against the
people of Coltbyvillo and no words of cen
sure. They hluiply did their duty , and while
wo naturally deplore tliu loss ot boys , wo
also sorrow for llio citizens who gave UP ,
their lives in defense of the town. Emraolt
lulls mo he has bean treated hotter than ho
Hoped lor by our people , and wo are feeling
bad , bul not angry. "
Identity of Tovis .liirk.
Oeorgo nrondwcll nnd 12. 13. Wilcox ,
brother and brotlicr-ln-lbw ol Dick Broad-
well , called "Tox.T. .luck , " arrived from
Hutchinson today. The former Is traveling
salesman for the Uostou Tea company of
Chicago , tbo lattnra grocer at Hutchinson.
U ilcox bald : "Wo were as ( . .realty shocked
by this occurrence aa you , and entirely Ig-
nornnt of Dick's being with this gang. Wo
had not heard of him since May. lie wns
never wild or a drinker or gambler , and al
though a cowboy , wo always thought him to
bo straicht and law abiding. Ills mother
and sister Jennie , George and my wife com
pose tbo family , and all livu in Hutcblnson. "
liroadv\oll's ' bodv was taken up and placed
In a coflin his faintly purcbased for him and
then placed hack In the gravo. The funeral
of Marshal Connelly took place this morning
and was lurcely attnUed. The body was
taken to Independence , tlio Missouri Pacific
railway furnishing frou of charge two
couches for friends.
A meeting was held loniRhtut the wigwam ,
nnd trustees for n contribution fuud for the
relief of the widows and children of tbo nuir-
durad citurn.s wore appointed. The express
companies will douatollbcrul sums.
Casnler Ayrcs is still improving.
Hello hunters took everything they could
lay bands on , even hair from tbo tails of tbo
robbers' horses.
OucfVii > Not \\illi the Cam , ' .
WICHITA , Kan , , Oct. 7. Alllo Ogee , who ,
It was supposed , was the only mombnr of thu
Dalton biindit gung tocsct ; > e. is hero nnd
has been hero lor nine mouths. He works
in the packing house , and llio foreman ot
Hold's plant says bo has not missed a day's
work in the last thrcoVOOKS , so It Is impos
sible for him to bavo been with the Coffoy-
villo robbertr. ] . \Vood of Coffoyvlllb ,
Ogee's foster father , U hero todav , and.say *
ho cannot understand how Ogee's name became -
came connected with that of the Ualtons. A
dispatch from ColToyvillo states that the
identity of the escaped bandit is unknown.
< ; n\ tii OIIU-UI-H thu .Slip.
GfTiiniK , Okl. , Oct. -Fred Dodse , chiol
of thu WolU-Furiro detectives , nnd a deputy
United States marshal arrived bore today
from tbo Osneo reservation , wbcro they
havu been for six weeks hunting for the
Daltons. They bad located their heud.
quarters , got full information nbout tbcli
movements and wcro nbout ready to loud
a lo Inko thorn when the gaii
buddeuly pulled out for Coffoyvillc
and wcru lost sight of. They bavo u mine ol
information about this and other gangs who
are remUv.vousing in that country wtiiet )
they will put into use in the near future.
Ills learned hero toduy that when William
Uiilton arrived hero yesterday ho carne overland -
) land from the direction of the country whore
his brothers had been for some thnt ) ant
that ho were a full beard which bo bat
shaved off at once. His actions were sjispi
> cious nnd are being closely investigated bj
jn.ii iuoi >
OIK ; ol the Diluent Transactions ul the
Slutr rending.
DEADWOOP , S. O. , Oct. 7. [ Special Telegram -
, gram to Tun BcK.J Ono of thu biggest mln
ing deals In tbo history ofthe Uluck Hills i :
pending , and will bo closed upon tbo lltl
lust. , when tbo Dendwood and Dolawnri
Smelting company of this city Is to male
; f llnni payment of the sum , for which It wil
a get a controlling Interest In the capital steel
, . of lour corporations. Tlio companic
affected are tbo Carthage , Calumut , Mik
ado and Koss Hannibal , onch having i
capitalization of * lWlOUO ! Thu companic
own an agcrugato ul 110 acres of mmcrii
bearing ground in the llnld Mountain minim
dlstilct. Much of the property has beei
well developed , and a number of largo vein
of cold ore aru oxposed. .What the actuu
price agreed upon is has not been madepublli
but it ib not less than . > : > 0,000 , and bus ecu
stated tu bo as much as ? "iOO.OOO cash.
I.J-OMK \\if Not .Mulemuil ,
UIIUII.VNI : : , Wyo. , Oct. 7. [ Special Teh
gram to TUB UEB.J T. F. Lyons lecture
tonight In the opera House on "Home , ih
Murderess , " Three hundred were preset !
All listened quietly. No hostile demot
htriuiou was made. Ho will lucturo tonloi
row night oa "The Iniquities of the Con
fessional. " Jt is probublo that Ibis loctun
lo whlcn objection bus clnclly been madi
will puss oil quietly.
i\cludeil : Irom Iho .Mulls.
Dr.AimooP , S , U , , Oct. 7. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKK.J The Democrat , n dull
paper published at Lead City , four mill
south of hero , was excluded from iho mul
today for publishing an Indecent piuco <
doggerel about Graver Cleveland. The art
clu has caused indignation among people i
all political complexions.
u.ii\i.\ti J-'it/ ; > / / / , i t/y,1// . * .
Nehiu Un AUvi-rlUIni ; Train Ooiitluuiit I
hiirirUe | the llimsleiM.
AimuN , Mich. , Oct. 7 , | Si > ccial Tel
pram to Tins lice.Each | day adds fros
laurels to Nebratkii' on Wheels as II pi
or grasses through northern Indiana. Colui
st bla City and Auburn were vislteu at
h- although a district fair'and a great politic
dUcussIon were in the ImmoJiatu vicinity tl
u. exhibit train was umiblo to entertain tl
u.lo crowds thai came to sco Nubrabka product
Al Butler tno farmer ; wcro ureictu tb
morning and as a result ttvo or Ihrcn ilonls
were coiisumniAtcd whoretiv Nabrnskn farms
are ownen by Hooslor.o. The tram entered
Ohio toduy at noon nnd nt once surprised
Iho liucknyo residents bv the display fiotu
the "Amnrlcsn Uoiurtk" The following Is
tbo scodtilo for the train next wock : To
ledo. O. , October H nnd 10 ; Napoleon and
Dollnnco October 11 and 1'J ; Fort Wayne ,
Ind. , October 1'j ; Hiinllnelon , Waonsh nnd
Peru , Ind. , October 111 * 14 and 15 ; Chicago
October 115.
DlHiMKslDii liv tbninrrlein Ilintril of Com-
mUMmiprs of It * lt < Miilr < > iiii > iil < i
Cnicuio , HI , , Oct , 7. The American
Hoard ot Commissioners of Foreign Mis
sions reconvened this morning. Tellers re
ported the election nf too entire llckel for
ofllccrs voted on last night. Tbon the batllo
between the conservatives and liberals
began. Uov. IJr. Storrs , who has
been elected president , arose nnd said
ho wns unwilling to accept Iho po-
siilon until iho board had defined
Its position on the tern.s under which mis
sionaries will be sent abroad. Acting under
the rulo- made nt meeting at Now Yurit and
Minneapolis Iho board has felt it was not
jtisllllod in sending out young men to tench
tbo hsnthcn the doctrine nf probation niter
death , Ho wns willing to inlnrprot Ibu rules
liberally and commission meii who * would
say ihey know nothing us lo the post mot tutu
salvation , leaving the question to God ; but
bo could not accept the presidency If the
bontd was to allow Us missionaries' tenon
that kind nf salvation allirmativoly.
A resolution wnsiutrodllcoi roafllmlng thu
Now York and Minneapolis rules , liberally
Prof. Smith of Andover , leader of tlio lib
erals , declared tlio rules bad not been liber
ally lulerprctud , nnd sttld Ihnl n liberal man
who had been lilted tortho ministry had been
excluded from missionary work nnd thnt the
standnrii of work bad boon steadily lo.vercd
for years.
Tno matter was furtbordlscussed at length
by Joseph Cook and Dr. Webb of the con
servatives and Dr. ( uint and Dr. Washing
ton Gladden of the liberals and olhorn.
The resolution was tin ally adopted and Dr.
Storrs accepted the presidency.
After some further unimportant business
the board adjourned.
I'rotoitiint i : ; > lM'OpalK.
BAI.TIMOIII : , Md. , Oct. 7. Tao Protestant
Episcopal convention today rcsiimen its
revision of tbo prayer boon nnd after n short
tlnio laid tbo mailer aside to listen to tbo
report of the general missionary board.
By unanimous consent of the bouse , tno
bishop of ICentuckv ottered n resolution to
plvo bovcral missionaries supreme power in
their dioceses. Carried.
In a missionary address by Bishop Garrolt ,
he requested voung meji to leave tholr homos
end go with him to ptoach the word ot God
in Texas. " ,
Bishop Tulbot of Idaho nnd Wyoming also
At tbo afternoon ccssion missionary ad
dresses wcro resumed. , Ulshop Whipplo of
Minnesota spoke at length of his work among
the Indians. BishopYhitakcr of Pennsyl
vania gave his vlewbion iho worn among Iho
blacks Hud the importance- enlisting more
missionaries In the conduct of tbo work so
well organized. Ho concluded by reading a
note from an African Indian chiot to Iho
archbishop of Canterbury. It wasMr. : .
Archbishop : Send us more gospel and le. s
rum. "
The bishop of Sou tir Dakota delivered nn
address tonight upon ; bis visit .to Chinu and
Japan. - 1
Six I'rople l'u 1 1 i'oiir. stories In n Cleve-
Iiind , ( > 4 lintel.
CLKvnr.AS'.i , O , , Out. " 7i The elevator
cable at the Uoane Drone this afternoon and
the cnco , containing six ladies and tbo ele
vator boy , was brokec into fragments in the
oascmeui , four stories below. , , Those In
jured are :
Mib * liiu : < irNuiiGi : , internal injuries ,
none serious ,
Miss EMMA Pra-Ei-s , bruised and injured
nbout her right lag and arm.
Mibs WAHSKII , KUghtly bruised about the
Mns. Wn.i. HciiMAX , injured about tbo
head andlef t arm broken.
Mns. UAIIUIK VOKIIWKIICK , injured about
the bead and leg.
WII.UK KHM.UV , tbo olevetor boy , seri
ously injured internally.
Smothered in n Tunnel.
PiTTsitruc , Pa , Oct. 7. An incident caus
ing the denih of Iwo inen occurred yesterday
at tbo mines of tbo Now York and Cleveland
Gas and Coal company , located at Sandy
Creek. One car of a train thai was running
through a long tunnel jumped the Irani ; .
The miners on Ibu train at , once got nut and through tbu lunnul to tbo open air
leaving the ongincur , Georpo Schafler , and
bU llrem > an , Richard Johnson , trylnir to
right iho cars , The bliirm was given and n
rescuing party woijt in but whou thov
ruacbcd the place both tbo men wcra dead ,
having been smothered by the smoke and
foul nir. _
Two \Vutllvn Klllrcl.
ST. Loui , Mo. , Oct. 7. Mury Mecklott50i1
25 , and Mrs. Elizabeth Melilc , aged 5l ! , were
killed tonight by an explosion at their rcsl
dcnco on Howard strrot. The women placed
a mixture of camphor nnd benzine In a closcl
to kill some roaches. Tonight they went U
iho closet to too If the mixture had bad an.v
effect. It belnc dark , they lit n match , The
generated gus caught fire , the flames com
munlcailng to the women's clothing. The
younger ono died in fifteen minutes , tin
other lingering some tlnio. The side of tbi
bouso wns blown out by lao force of iho explosion
plosion , _
Went Trough a TreMlr.
NKW OIIMIANS , La , , Oct. 7. The south
bound passenger train on iho Mlsaisslpp
Vallov railroad , which left Memphis nt i
o'clock yesterday evening , went through i
trcstlu at " o'clock this morning 1'Jl mile :
above New Orleans , near llavos station
Joseph Gottlroinnn , was killed and En
glnoer Collar was slightly injured. Tin
passengers Miraculously escaped with only i
severe slinking up. Two conches , am
slecpor and tno ba eago cur caught tire tint
were destroyed.
.Smothered In ; \Vlieiit Klrv.ilor.
OiiArrox , N. 1) . , Oct. 7. Word reochei
hero this morning that \Villium Fairly wn
Binothorfld In an ulo'valor at Langiion las
nluhl. He U highly , connected in England
being tbo nephew olun : earl.
Alotuiiuiiil * ut > Ouf.ili Meuuierit ,
At Break water Arrlvod Nestorlan froi
Glasgow for Philadelphia.
At Scilly bightmlii-Norraannla Irom Nut
' '
Al Klnsule i'asscd Kansas from Ilostoi
Al Liverpool ArrjyertTaurlcofrom Nut
At PhlladclptuaArrlveiJ Swlt/orlaui
from Autworp ; Missouri from London ,
At Now York Arrived Urlttontc froi
Llvcrjiool , ' _
lrelur ul uDividend.
Nr.w Yum ; , Oct. 7 , The Nationnl Cordof
company bas declared regular quarter !
dividends of ii par cent on Its preferred an
-'j * P r cent on its common. An extra ill
idend ot one-half of 11 per ceut was also il
clu red on common , all payable Novcmocr
New ViuU Kxeluume ( Jut lilt KIMS.
Nr.w YOHKOct. , . V. [ Special Tolcgrn
to Tliu liBK.l Exch'ango was quoted us fo
lows : Chicago , 70 cents discount ; lie
ton , 6 cenu dtsfoupl ; St , Louis , 75 con
discount. ,
Called on ktin rrt'liltinl.
WASHINGTON , DQ. , Oct.7. Thupresldei
( f&vo a special reception to tbo colored Od
. Fellows conclave now la aosslon la this tit ,
Nbw VOUK , Out. 7 , The steamship Klb
tailing tor Kuropo tomorrow , will take o
UJ.UUO Mexican dollars.
General Orespo Corquers Villegns Fulido's
Army in a 1'itobccl Battle.
Vlctnrliinii KctoliitliinUtfl Turn tlin Oovcrn-
incnt'H Itiiiit Into u .MmsniTo Cro pn
Is Now Solo .MiMtrr of tiio
i In Vviivznula.
[ Copyrlclitcil 1 59.1 tif , mnuionton llcimctt. ]
Cuiut'OA , W. I. , Oct. 7. [ Uy Mexican
Cable to the Now York Herald Special to
THU Bii.1 : News has been received horn of
thu complete overthrow of the do facto
Kovernmont of Venezuela In tno per
sons ot Vlllesas Pulldo and his min
istry. This was anticipated as , accord
ing to what I previously cabled you , the pov-
crinnoni troops that bed taken tholr position
near Lo < Tcques to protect the capital from
the Insurgent armv were engaged In bottle
by the forces of General Crespo , some 14,000
or IC.l'OO ' strong , and wore utterly routed.
The plaro whore tlio battle occurred was
at San I'odro , nn out of tbo way village. It
was n hot and bloody battle , but of short
duration. The ilttcontontod soldiers of the
rovcrnmotit armv were uo match for the
trained civilians of the gallant warrior Crcsyo.
Tlio wholesale desertions to Iho ranks
of the revolutionists added to the disco n-
llturoof Villosas I'ulluo's followers. Ills
generals made desperate efforts to rally
their mon , but It was a hopeless task. Dis
mayed by iho torrlbloonslaughtof the enemy
they wavered and Hod , after the battle bad
been raging only n short time.
AIiiSKKi'i'cil the Vaiuimslu'cl IMIC.
Tno' CrospUts followed up tholr advan
tage , using Runs and machottos to wreak
vengeance on tbo demoralized fugitives.
Many wore killed in the combat , the large
majority of losses , of course , being on the
government bide , and the slaughter which
characterized the pursuit of the unlucky
aoldleri of the administration was terrible.
In ttii ? way tbo number of killed and
wounded among the government troops
were far greater than those which thov sus
tained in the battle itself.
Vlllceas Pulldo's ' soldiers in their lllcht
throw their arm * away and scattered in all
directions , tholr solo idea being to escape
from the fury of their purjuors.
Besides the capture of an immense amount
of ammunition and arms the Crcspisls made
hundreds of prisoner.- ! . Among tlio latter
were many prominent loaders. Tbo moat
important capture was that of the govern
ment commandor-ln-chiof.
I'lTssliiR Hit AdxantiiRi * .
While these particulars of the Cresplst
victory bavo boon oolulnod hero through re
liable sources , nothing like a complete list of
tbo casualties can bo bad.
Without waiting to rest his tired but en
thusiastic men , General Urcspo Is re
ported to have given the order to ad
vance at once upon tbo capital. It
is quito probable that ho is now
in Caracas. There is nothing now to step
tils entry into that city except llio wretched
condition of tbo roads. It is tbo rainy
season In Vone/uela and the traveling is
very bad ,
General Crespo , I am informed , has no ono
left to oppojo him. His foes are dispersed
and Caracas Is ready for occupancy by the
revolutionary chieftain whenever he sect fit
to LeUo it.
The latest do facto president , Vllllpas
Pulido , has reinstated Palacio and quitted
the lopublic. lie took with him all bis cabi
net. As soon as the nowa of their dofoat-ut
San I'odro was received they held a hurried
consultation , and , in pursuance of apparently
Hilly prepared plans , left Caracas by a special
train. Upon their arrival at La Guoyra , which
was still in possession of their representa
tives , Villocas Pulido and hi * ministers
went aboard a vessel in the harbor.
It is rumored that they have sailed al
ready for Europe , but this is not confirmed.
1'iillilii'it l.nsl IIiKli-lliimltMl .lit. :
The last order of the do facto government
before It * ( light , was quito in keeping with
its other high-handed acts. Vlllcgas Pulido
cancelled the exequators of both the Ameri
can and lirltlsh vice consuls.
Of court.o it is dilllcult to got full dotaili :
of all that is now transpiring in the dis
turbed republic , but it eeoms certain that
Crespo's triumph Is now absolute ; that the
capital Is at hiu mercy , aud that tno revolu
tion which bas been so prolonged is now at
an end. _
\Viiinoii of Itnnk unit l < 'ualilnu Openly Ac-
nisei ! i > l l > riiiilit-iiiii > s.
[ CoivrlKlitod | IS'JJ bjr Now York Axaoclnted 1'rcsa , ]
LONDON , Oct. 7. A sharp and probably
salutary shock has been given to higb socia ;
circles by the startling exposure In regarii
to the prevalence of drunkonncs !
among aristocratic ladles made by Lad }
Frederick Cavendish nud the ( Inches :
of Hertford , at the church congress. Hitlieric
allugntloiib ot widespread drinking practice :
among women of rank and fashion liavo boci
voted prejudiced gossip , but nothing thu
the rumor suggested equals iho ontspokei
revelations mudo by these highly placci
leaders of society.
l > 'uHliloiiiililu I'mnuld Tippler * .
Lndy Frederick Cavendish atild that iln
had been recently staying at a country man
eloii whcro roomy dining loom chairs wen
still used , the scats of which were deeply
curved to save the cuntlomon from falilii )
out after dinner ; that although heavy drink
nig had been abandoned by the mon , the wo
men oucouilng Inveterate tipplers
that many laulos have rccouruo to "plcl
mu-ups , " and 11 a. m. urandy and soda dui
Ing tno day , wlno at dinner and fiomotblm
liot at bed tlnio. Stio said she Know u youn ,
lady who would not got through tbo cxor
tious of A London season without taking
"cordUl , " u pretty name for u dram , kpp
huudy at lea , and that after a certain morn
Ing concert a lady beside her had culie
lor a "white cup , " a deceptive nuin
for a champagne cup. Lady Cavendish pro
lusted and especially against the new fas ) ;
ion ol young ladles , and old ones , too , ac
comoan.ving gontlcinvn to the smoKiug root
after diniiiir and sharing not only the cigar :
but also the spirits. Who snld thut a distil
gulsbud pnj-bician had assured iicrtbat mun
ladies who wcro leading eucb lives ha
contullod him for nervous symptoms , wbic
reveal In perfect unconsciousness 011 thol
part , a condition of ulcuhollsm bordurlng o
delirium tremciii , but that alcohol was nc
the only lasblonublu fulling , as chloral an
morphia were tukcn In bucicuy i > i boudoii
and "wcro adding to ihe mala'Jloi of moiler
lift ) .
TfktliiKiny of a Duchrkt ,
The duchess n ( nodfoid , taklne up tti
thcmi' , put the blaine for these evils on tli
btrnintnp of nurvo power , through thu ui
posed exigent demands of of noddy , nut
the iiorvuD required a illllp. Thu argumci
of tbo necessity of stimulation , she sitld , u
fordud but the very slluntcat protectin
against ibu teuiptutlon. The real romed.i
wera avol janco of the mischievous forms '
uxcltomciK , together with total abttineni1
The duchesH innintulnod that "moderation
wan u wry clastli ; 'crto uud would not nu *
the evils like abstinence. It was n serious
thing , said she , for Christian workers ,
plrdk'Ctl lo llzht the drinking practices or
society , lo rfjoct the prncllco of aosMncnco ,
nnd she besought ovuiybody ImcrusiOil to
avoid the banter nnd jesting too commonly
used In reference tot o greatest evil of mod"-
crnllfo ,
The wife of Archillsop ) Benson , Sir
William llersebcl , ito dcnn ot Rochester nnd
others continued In u slu'llar strain. Tbo
whole toulo Is doeplv stirring iho social
Mr. Morley'a ovlcllon commission will
liavo n balanced representation of landlords
nnd tenants , two delegates lor onch Interest ,
with four Irish lawyers , headed by a Judge. rrUiiiici-H.
Homo Secretary Asqulth Is visiting Dublin
In ord r to discus. * wlin Mr. Morley the gov
ernment's policy with reference to political
prisoner * . . The government Is reluctant lo
treat with dynamiter prisoners as political
prisoners. Mr. Asiinitb wants to detain
ihem , wbllo Mr. Morlev wants to release
them. Probably Mr. Morlov , who -now en
tirely dominates Irish allalrs , will have bl
wnv.Mr. . Gladstone will lakeup his residence In
Downlngstono October ai , when Iho cabinet
will actively rcsumo its councils. Thu com
pleted dratt ol the homo rule bill will bo
considered at a cabinet council at about Iho
27th tnst. Mr. Gladstone insists that every
detail should bo discussed by bis colleagues
before the nicnsuro Is inlroducud In Parlia
The sensational reports current of the pro-
vnlence of a severe depression in the com
mercial nnd agricultural interests of Great
Britain bavo caused the Associated Press
rcprosuuintlvu hero to in nit a special Inquiries
nt the labor bureau and In other quarters.
The ofllcmls of the labor bureau stated
thai while tbo prevailing depression Is con
siderable It Is not unprecedented. Toning
tbo returns for the whole of the trades
unions reporting during Snptombar. fi per
com of the number of workmen nro shown
to bo oul of employment. The reports em
brace ly. > 0,000 union wonunoii. Tno
shipbuilding trade Is the worst affected.
Next come the collnn , iron and slcel
Industrie * . No signs of Improvement In
the shipbuilding trade nro llkoly to
be soon In the near future. It seems prob
able that not loss than from " 0 lo " 5 per
cent ot Ihe workmen will soon ha idle. As
is usual during recurrent periods of depres
sion , the building trades uru the last to
suffer. Masons and carpenter. * will bo fully
employed during thu winter , nnd their pros
pects ura good nt an increased ralo for over
time , with n reduction of their hours of
labor from lilty-tivo to llfty-two hours
weekly. The sum of information resulted
from oilier Inquiries is as follows :
Coiitonipliitcil Ilc'diirtlon olVuces. .
On iho Clyde Iho wages of engineer. * and
iron founders nnd all snip builders will bo
reduced 10 per cent on Monday , while in
Belfast and on theTyno and Wear the ship
builders will bo subjected to a simi
lar reduction on November ! ! u. Amonir
the vVclsh tin pluto makers 15,000
inon are idle nnd working only pro
ceeds on day contracts only. Several of
the largest works in Swansea partially
stopped operations on Monday lastand a num
ber ul others havu iivun their men notice ol n
suspension. In Ibu iron and stcol trade in
the north of England n full of Us Id per ion
in ibu price of bars and plalus and a grow
ing acarcily of orders bavo compelled n re
duction in waeos of l-.l. < per cent. Tbo
Scotch stool makers propose lo icilriet their
production. The Scotch mineral oil com
panies have given their workmen notion
of a reduction of 10 per cent. In the cotton
tracie the federation of master spin-
iiors has decided on a 5 per cent
reduction in wages on the 1st of
November. The operatives maku a counter
proposal for Bhort time and chullongo the
masters to a striKe , which will involve 15-
OOO.OJO spmdlos.
Itcgardliiff agriculture , the position of Uio
farm laborers in the midland counties will
Hlustrito Iho ( situation In all the counties.
The farmers ihoro have roducbd wages
0 pence per day , the men now gelling 12
shillings weekly instead of 15. Many
tanners have paid off their laborers for the
winter. The low prices of .wheat are re
ducing the cultivator * to oogirary and
Iho agncullural depression is llkoly lo croalo
n great public clamor as the various interests
of Iho landlords , farmers and laborers each
uuvo iho power to sound the political trump.
Tno farmers project a national agricultural
conference nt which reduced rents nnd the
creallon of a laud court for fixing rents will
bo advocated.
Denounced IIH Cruel *
Great interest bas been takou hero In tho.
German-Austrian riding contest , but it is
generally announced as unsportsmanlike ,
cruel to the horses , and as having no good
purpose. Tbo Chronicle has had un inter
view with Colonel Cody , "Buffalo Bill , " in
which ho said the riders of the United States
cavalry in tbo west eclipsed nny.blng of tbo
kind in horsemanship over done In Europe.
He instanced tliu ride of llio Fourlh and
Fiflh cuvulry in 1879 , when they rode to Ibo
rcllol of Payno.
Mr. Lincoln , Unlled States minister , will
sail on Iho Etruna tomorrow for America.
When asked about this trip Mr. Lincoln
saidI am simply taking advantage of thu
usual annual leave nnd am going to tpQud It
at home , because I bavo not been there In
nearly two years. I wish lo see something
of the presidential campaign and nlso to at
tend the dedicatory cerumomoa at Chicago. "
The matrimonial Intentions of Prince
George are still lurnl.shlnsr teed
lor gossip for tbo society papur.i. The ladies
In question are Princess Victoria Marie of
Tetk and Princess Victoria of Scnlniwlg-
HoUtclu ,
Are l-'riumlH Oneo .More.
[ CouyimlitP't 1392 by Jntnot ( .urrtuii lloaiou.l
Biiiu.iN' , Oct. 7. [ New York Herald Cable
-Spocial lo TUB Bun. | Tbo emperor baa
insisted that tbo ministers shall put an end
to their disagreements , Count Eublenborg
haslo-t no tlnio In yioldlnc , nnd for tbu
present peace has been ro-establishod , The
organs of the chancellor nro now insisting
that Ibis conflict Is tbo pure invention of the
opposition journals , but Ihoy aru like the
voice cryiup in thu wlUlornobi , for everyone
in unicial circles knows the details of thU
crisis , and evorvono a ays that time is th <
only thing that lias been gutnud by tbo rccun
filiation effected by the omperor' order.
Mr.i.i/.n : .
KrucHl lieiniifii Funeral.
PAIII" , Oct. 7.The funeral of Eruojt Ke
nan was bold this morning in iho College o
Franco. Muny people attended. Of coursi
no religion * bervlces wcro hold at tin
funeral. An oration wns delivered h ;
M , Bourgeois , minister of publio instruction
Ho exmvskod tbo hope thut Iho ronums
would bo finally buried in tha Patiiboon ,
Tbo body will bo buried for the time bolng
in the comolory at Monlinurlru.
l .Mill. It ,
LONDON , Oct. 7. The llrilish stcamc
Isorso Kins , from London , reported yostot
day ashora near Flushing , bas neon towoi
off and taken to un anchorage in Flushlrii
No rniillilitnrc III "
WASHINGTON , 1) , U. , Oct. . - - % loons a
thouL'b people wcro losing iiautlduiiRo m Bil
ver , " naid Mr. Leech , thu director of * h
mint today , "Tbo visible supply in No ;
'x qrU h small and a laree p.irtof It la hoi
by persons who bought whan the prlco wn
blub uud aru holding un to It. Our offer
berc scorn to bo decreasing , which would g
to bbow n reduced supply and ought to sbov
u hlghor price. Thu prlcn toduy , howovoi
Is as low as HU cents and a low days u-o wo
a sbudo lower. Thucauiuof thli dcnlino I
iho lack of confidence lu silver and thud
uiinUlioU use of silver abroad.1
Private. MtiliiFluirl Will * Ihn Icicle , .
Cuio .00 , III. , Oct. 7. Private V. H. Swim
hurt ot Fourth lufautry won tbo cold cagl
toilav. His score wni 5S'J. Kurircai
( J'Hourkuof ' company G , Fit thin fan try wz
bccond with Ml and Corporal Davidson (
it I tie Slx'ecntn Infantry ihlrd , with 554 polul
Revenue Officers Ambushed by Moonshiners
in Middle Tennessee.
Two Riddled with Bullets and Others Des
perately Wounded.
Datiils of the Murdorou.3 Plot Were Onre-
fully Arranged.
They Were I'lomUrcl n Itlolt I'lnil Hut It
I'rinril to Hu Their Deulli How llio
AlV.llr Will KiiKlnet < reil by iliu
DiKliiu-i ,
NASHVILLE , Tciin. . Oct. 7. [ Special Tole-
Brain to Tun llc.i.J -.Moonsliinirs" ! led it
party of revenue ofllec into ambu li near
Fllnivlllo lodny. S. D. Mnilier , a deputy
collector who-jjvod ni IJelvldcro , was Ulllud.
U. S. Cardwoll , general ilcputv eollotftur ,
who lived In this city , wns fatally wounded
niul _ dlod soon lifter. .1. I. , . Spur
rier , general deputy collector of Nashville ,
wns wounded so tUut It Is hardly possible
Hint ho can recover. Even If Uo should , ho
mav never bo able to walk again , as ho was
shot between the shoulder blades aud Is par-
tlally paralyzed.
Some days ago Mr. Snurilcr , who 1ms been
connected with tlio liitcnuil ruvoiuio service
in the middle Tennessee district for twulvo
years nud whoso territory rovers the onllto
district , received nn "loiter con
cerning bomo "crooked" brandy which , tlm
letter stated , was concealed near Fllnt-
villo. Spurrier , who showed the let
ter to btlior rcvcuuo olllcor.s. said
Hint there wcro aliout twenty barrels of
llin bramlv , and that U was located ten mile- *
from Plint illi > , Lincoln county. The letter
lie received not only stated thu point , of con
cealment , but also told how the ofllccr
should go in order to find it.
I'c'll ' Into the Trip.
Mr. Spurrier wont to Lincoln county ,
accompanied by Messrs. Mather anil Card-
well and 13. S. Kobltibou , J. K. Pulvcr nnu
Mr. Harris , all connected with the revenue
survico , started early this morning in Search
of iho branay anit also an illicit distillery.
They rode along unconscious of danger
and had reached and passed some
bushes at a point four mlles Irom
Flintvlllo when tlio reports of sovhral gun ,
rang out and Mr. 'Mathor foil lifeless.
Twclvu buckshot huil entered tiio back of
his head. Mr. Card well was shot In the
back under the right arm. Air. Spurrier Mr-
colvcd a bullet wound In the back. The
other member of Uio party o'capca nntiuru
They at once returned tlio llro and n ballot
from Mr. Uobinsou'scun Iclllcd a man named
Patrick , tbo leader ol tbo moonshiner. * .
The names of the other men in the party
who lied liavo not Uecu ascertained. 'Messrs.
Hjulnsoii , Pnlver and Harris at onuo turuod
their utlonlion to their fallen comrades. Mr.
Mathnr was beyond all aid. Messrs. Card *
well and Spurrier were suffering greatly ,
but wcro conscious.
Cirliuf-loi- : Victim * .
A courier was quickly sent to Flintvlllo
with thu news and boon a party of officers
and citizens loft for the suono of the assassi
nation. Gardwetl and Spurrier mid the
body of Mr. Mather were removed to Fltnt-
villo , that place being reached about ! J10 !
o'clock. Mr. Cardwcll died half an hour
Inter , lie was conscious to the last and
gave jewelry and other articles to a friend
ta bo taken to his family , lie UBO gave
tender messages to bo convoyed to lusJovoit
ones at homo and with almost hU last brcatli
prated that Con would forgive his slayer.
Mr. Cardwell'ti ' body arrived hero tonight.
It wns laken to an unUortulicr'j for proparn-
tion for burlul , nnd subsequently removed to
his late home. Mr. tipiirrlor was removed
to his homo in I''fist Nashville. Ho Is almost
completely paralyzed. Mr. Mathor leaves
a wife and duuirhtur and Mr. Cardwoll a wifa
and Hovcritl children. Mr. Spurrier has A
wife nnd .several children living in this city.
Mr. Mather was -IS yo.irs old. Mr. Cardwoll
was 117 , and a brothor-Iu-law of Joseph
Thompson , cougrosntnun from Kentucky.
Mr. Spurrier is MO year * old.
( iriicHome Dlseinrry of it ( inn ; ; ol London
l.ul > orrrn.
LoMioN' , Oct. 7.--A startling discovery
was mudo 'today in a section of this city
noted for the ninny heinous crimes willed
have bean committed within Its precincts.
The Eceno of iho affair is on Deal
street , in the WhltchupRi district ,
when : n number of men have beau em
ployed for the last few day.s In llio
work of oxcavallng for a now building
which Is 10 bo erected on a long unutcil
Hlto. This pluco wns well known to tbo po-
licu by reason of iho many offjnses against
Ibu law which had been brought to inuir co-
tleo. Tbo'rcsoi t gained gruntor pronilnoncu
by being thu sccnu of thu horrible Diilclicrln-i
of fnllon women aitribnuid to the diabolical
nnd mysterious porbonnco Icnown as "Jujlc
the Kipper. " It was In this place that onu
of his poor victims was found with her body
mutilated In tbo usual sickening manner
which iniirkod the work of the ammssin.
The workers were busily ongaiictl at their
Inborn today , when , In turning ovur a quan
tity oT ilobrla a rough box was roveiiloil
wlilch at once nxcllud curiosity as to what Its
contents might ho. It was quickly opened ,
and , to the astonishment ol oil , It
was found to contain the dry
bones of ihrco adults and everything
pointed lo a lorrlblo oilmo committed at a
remote period. J'ho discovery created u
great dculof cxcltomont nnd many parson *
visited tbo place 10 vlow iho skeletons.
ll.tXUKIf Pfllt MUJtlHHl.
ivi-mill ; < iii ofn Colored Olrl In South Ciiro-
Iin.iOtherliohiilliiruil for Crime ,
SrAivMNsnnto , S. ( ' . , Oct. 7 , John Wll-
Hams , colored , who killed Mayor llunnoraim
of this city In September 1S01 , nnd Mllbry
Brown , colored , 15 years old , who killed bur
infant child ai Uulfney City , in Juno , tw ra
hanged noru on Ibu amo bcutfold toduy.
ATI.INTA , Gu. , Oct. 7 , Uoicoo Maraplo
was banged at Lufoyolto , ( Ja. , for thouiur-
dor of Nojiemiah Kvltto. lie pio'.ottoJ bit
Inuoccnco on the scaffold.
ANPKiibov , B. O. , Oct. 7 , William AVIlaon
was buoped hero for iho murder of his wl (
on May 10 last , Wilson broke down wbllo
the warrant was bolng read , but recovered
himself , HU nccU wu broken by the fall.
Ihu Ill'Utli Hull.
Dirruoir , Mich. , Oct. 7. L. F. Uand , tb
veteran actor , dlod hero loduv after a abort
illness. The body will ba ec > t to Boiton f *