8 THE OMAT1A DAILY BEE'FRIDAY , OCTOKEU 7 , 1802. FROM SLAVERY TO OPULENCE of n Colored Man Who flgnres in a Damae Oaso. FIGHTING FOR HIS OLD OMAHA HOME Victorious In Ton I.iwr SillU Mo Now Asks D.inntRcs from the JlrnVlm Hnvo Tricil to Oil Ills I DUtrlct Court A lawsuit which boars the marks of anti quity , and on which tbo linger of tlmo has loft Its Imprint Is on trial in Judge Fergu son's court. Owlnr to Its ago and tbo number of times that It h.is booa trloJ , thU caio has furnished many n lawyer wltn a fat fee during the past quarter of a century. Among the members of the legal profession the suit Is known as that of John Flanlean against Jacob niton. While the suit is not of public Importance , thcro are ROUIO Interesting circumstances surrounding It , The plaintiff Is a colored man , over whoso head ninety-throe years have rolled , leaving abundant evidence In the wfty of a fcoblo and faltering step , a furrowed brow and shock of wool almost as will to as snow. Tlu > old gentleman was born and reared n slave Iti the sunny south , remaining In captivity until the surrender of Fort Uonolson , In 1WW. For n number of months bo followed the union nrmv , doing camp duty. In 180. ! , Funlgan wandotod to Omaha ana found em ployment as a Janitor about the ofllco of the old Kopubllcan , which then was under tbo guidance of 1C It. Taylor. Ills lloiiin Is Involved. Not being abundantly supplied with worldly goods , Flanleau and his wlfo lived in n hut on Tujlor's farm In the vicinity of what is now Thirty-second street and the Bolt Line tracks. There ho has resided for thirty years and has seen Omaha grow from nn Indian vllllago Into a metropolitan city. During all of these long weary years the old man has farmed and raised garden truck , thus accumulating B fortune which ho had laid up to bo used on the coming of a lalny day. After living on the forty-acre tract for some ton years Flan- lean's troubles commenced , nno , ho claims that It was then tint the effort to dispos sess him of Ms property vras made. Ho claims that 'Jaylor intended to docd him twenty acres ol the land , but that the deed was never executed. Itwuslhcu that Sotb. Ward , who hold a mortgage on a poitlon of the tract , tried to oust tba old colored man. Thocaso went into the United Slates court and Flnnigau came out victorious. Then the present defendant got possession and law suits were commenced against Klaul- gan but at each trial ho was 0:1 : top. Kallltig to dufruud him of his prop erty through the courts , Flamgan claims that Elton began a series of per secutions , which ho has kept up for years. He claims that Elton has torn down his fences , plowed up his crops and driven his stock upon his growing cropj , trying to in- tlmldato him and force him off tne land. As the outcome of the whole trouble and after the trial of ten suits , each of which ho has won , Flanlgan is in court booking to recover the sum of fl.tiOJ damages. The defendant tells a different story and claims that Flanigan Is the trespasser and that ho has no titlx to the property , being tbera simply as a squuttur. Other District Ojurt Dolngc. Tbo case of Amanaa Garllck against Thomas Murray is on trial again in Judge Doanu's court. In this case the plain tiff seeks to recover the sum of fo.OUO. At a former trial she secured a Judgment of $250 , and instead of paying up Mur ray .succeeded in securing a new trial. The plaintiff avers that during tbo summer and fall of IS'.K ) she was in the employ of the de fendant , serving as a hi usekcepor ; that on the night before Christmas of that year the defendant visited her room , where , when she was wrapped in the soundest of slum bers , ho beat , scratched , wounded end otherwise ill-treated the plaintiff. The de- fcudcnt claims that the suit is a blackmail , am ) is brought for the purpose of filching fiom him his hard earned wealth. I1AYUKN IIKUS. Unriralns on.Siilu Tomorrow. 80-inch Lyons Bcrgo. HlMiich Cochico twills. IC-inch Bedford cords. 80-inch Armenian sorgo. All in dark btylcs , now styles on sale tomorrow 5c ti yurd. Double width half wool bunting Co. French scrjro lie. DaiU styles outing fl.innol Co. Double width Columbia suiting hand some styles 5o n yard. These bar < ruins on silo tomorrow in center aisle now building all uro loss than Imlf their value and should drnw big crowds at 6c per yard for choice of the cntuo lot , don't miss this sale. Itomituints of wash dress goods on sale. llomniuits of table linen and crushes. Remnants of shirting and ticking. Remnants of cotton Ihiniiol. Odd pairs of blankets. Odd comforts , odd towels , odd bed spreads , nil at prices to closo. Tomorrow is going to ho n , lively day for bargains and there will bo lots 61 1 thorn ; but the quantity will bo limited do oaoli customer , so na to give all c OUancc. nAYDEN BROS. Boal estate. Bargains only. My word is good. \V. G. Albright 421-2-3 N. Y. Lifo bldg. The latest fads in opera glasses rotai at wholesale prices. Tudor Optical Co. , cor. Parnam and Mth. IT'S BUSINESS IS PAYING. IlumUomn Dnliloiul Dnol.irt'il l > y the Cruvv lord Amimmnnnt Company. Tbo annual meeting of the stockholders o tbo Missouri , Kansas and Nebraska Oper House and Amusement com pony was held 1 Ht. Joseph on Monday and Tuesday lasi Presidout L. M. Crawford was present , a was also every resident manager of the SON cntcen opera houses operated by the con panv. Tito treasurer's report showed tua 01 ganhatlpn to bo in a line financial condttlo and a dividend of S'.f ' per cunt was declare on the f.'iW.lXiJ capital stock. During tbo ye.tr the company has secure several new lenses and bus already adao largely to Its business. It was decided t Increase the capital stock soon in order t obtain fundi for the purpose of oreotin thrco now theaters , the locations of wbio Iho company declines at present to uin'.i public. Wo often near people say there is only on good cough medlolno and that Is Dr. Dull1 .Cough Syrup , tbo specific for cold. Aiilopjy on .Mayor Miller , Yesterday afternoon Jr. J. 1C. Summer performed an nutopiy upon the body i Charles P. Miller. The doctor fouud thi ( bo bullet which had entered tbo head net , iho loft tcniplo had struck the skull ou tl right ldo of Iho head and lodged behind tl L'lKbt eye. Late In the afternoon the hoc wa token to South Oumha. An inquest will bo hold at the morgue ut p. ID. today. _ UoAVltl'fiSumnarlliii ctoansoi the blooi. Will limii The Installation of Hov. K. A. Friodeilc the now unstor ot tbo First ( Jorrnun Preib tcrlan church of this city , will take pin next Sunday afternoon al ! i o'clock at tl church , Eighteenth and Cumlng street Kev. Hullhorit of Lincoln and. several lot ministers will ho prosont. A good prosrra has been arranged and a cordial Invitation extended to all Ucrnmas In the cltj. I'robnlilv l' ril Chloroform. Howe amateur burcUr forced opcu door of G. W. ( Inrlooh's poultry warehouse Wednesday night and got awav with abo'i t flvo dozen chickens. As thcro is a block watchman and a metropolitan uollco officer In the viclnltv It It pro'umwl thnt ftlthor the ofllcors or the chlcKons were chloroformed. Wanted , to buy from 100.000 to 300.- 000 hard brick. Call at or address 001 ! No > 17th' IN THE DEMOCRATIC UAMP. Clmrlrs Onoilrlrh Itrsltftis nsn OnncllclutoUlioVlltSnrrnctl Mini ? The democratic county central committee will meet this evening mid ono of tbo matters that will com j un for adjustment will bo the filling ot a vacancy caused by the resignation of ( Jharloi OooJneu who was nominated for the legislature by the recent democratic countv convention. The serious Illness of the aged mother of the nominee makes It Impossible for him to devote any time to the campaign , as his prosoneo at her bo-Jsldo Is Imperative and ha Is unwilling to coasldcrpolltlc.il matters at this time. His roilgnallon will bo nccaptcd and the mem bers of the committee are already casting about for some iultnblo democrat to take his place ou the tic ct. Fred Motz. jr. , seems to have the call ns Air. Goodrlch's successor , both as a sterling democrat and n representative young Uor- tpan , though Uuorgo Stcrnsdorff Is making a lively hustle for the pliico. Stornsdnrff U nulling three strings to help his cuididacy ho was n member of iho last legislature , ho Is n Gorman , and hu received Ibo highest number of votes In the convention of any of the unsuccessful soelters for the nomination this year. Further than this , tic claims that ho has a majorltv of the conimltico In tils favor , and therefore professor to rosldo on Easy strool just at this tlmo. Although a member of the J.icksoulaus , Sternsdorff Is regarded Htk.mco bv tunny of the member * of that organization just now , because of his action us chairman of the old con gressional committee In trying to postpouo the congressional convention a few wcol < s ago. It was alleged ut the lima that the move was in the interest of the candidacy of Governor Bovd , and a the governor Is not excessively popular with tno rank and lllo ot the Jacksonians Sterns- ( lorff's action was hardly calculated to In tensify his solidity with iho antl-admlnlstra- tlon democrats. Harrison Agittimt tlio I'lolil. While some of the fusion democrats of this state profess to bellovo that the national ticket of the populists will have a walkaway In Nebraska this fall In conion.uoncc of tbolr efforts to throw the democratic vote to iho Weaver and Field electors , it 1 ; evident that this opinion Is not very generally shared by men oulstdo the stiite who have money to bet on the election. No bettor proof ot this fact could bo furnished than thair action in sending money hero to bo but on Harrison carrying the stato. Agents of Kansas City parties received f , " > 00 trotn that place Tues day morning , and MHO of that amount Is still untakon. Air. J. A. Connor of iho Hoard ot Tradd was offering 2 to 1 on Ue.ivcr botoro U arrived , but when ibis outsldo money was offered nt oven terms to changed his mind , and would take only $ 100 of il * oven on that basis. The r malndur is vet watting n Inker , and may bo found in the Hoard ot Trade building. It says that Harrison will carry Nebraska , and gees oven against the Held. I'lltrlcl ; O'Hiinimu'3 Ainliltlun. The vaulting ambition ot Colonel Pat O. Hawos continues lo play leapfrog wltb the obstacles that have thus far been placed in the war of his dcsiroto represent this dis trict in the next congress , and ho is still fig uring ou galling into the r.ico. Ho has made overtures to the populists , representing to them that their nominee , Christian Orff , stands no show whatever of election , but that If they will Induce Orft to withdraw and name him to fill the vacancy he will go out through the district on the slump wilb any populist speaker the ; , ' may care to send with him , and heat Doth Doano and Mercer so badly Hint they won't know they were running. Mr. Orff Is in St. Louis at tba present lime , and his opinion of this rather novel proposition can not bo ascertained until bis return homo , Sooonil XVtirtl ICrpubllcans. There will be a meeting of the Second Ward Republican rlub at ICasper's hall. South Thirteenth street , on Friday ovomug. All republicans welcome. A. C. HAUTE , Secretary. V.lllt Jtbt'KESEXTAXirJS. Mr * . Ktlict Gordon Komvlck of tlio Itnyul CiiiniiilsHluii Talks ul tlio Ft lr. CHICAGO , 111. , Oct. 0. The lady member of thn British royal commission to the World's fair , Mr * . Klhol Gordon Fonwlck , wife of a notca English physician , who is hero In iho interests of all departments of the com mission , especially her own part of tbo work , that of trained nurses , said today : "I believe that Iho congresses of the World's fair will bo much more bonoticial than the exhibits , espoclnlly as regards edu cation , philanthropy and hygiene. I wish to open the way for a grout congress of trained nurses , the lirat nno of its kind over held. " While upholding the advantages of the EngMsh three years course of study Mrs. Fenwlck thinlta American nurses are su perior to English , being more ofllclont In the art of elck-cookory ; are very much bettor paid and are much more justly Ireatoa. A great blot , she says , on tbo English system Is that ibo nurses receive a small , s'otllod salary from tbo institution lo which Ihoy are attached and the middlemen derive great profits from tbolr foes. Tbo lower nurses suffer from the "sweat ! ng. " No Monry for Decoration. CniCAfio , III. , Oct. 0. The Treasury de partment has refused to make any appropri ation for decorating the Chicago government building , where the reviewing stand for the World's fair civic parade will bo built. In e letter recelvod by Custodian Hltabcock , F , A. Stoctt , tbo chief olerk of the treasury , > aya thai thcro is no money at bis dlsposa for decorating purposes. Ho suggested thai Ibo clerks in the building bo called upon tc subscribe to u fund to be used in building t stand , thn seals on which could bo sold atic the receipts used to buy decorations. Cus todlan Hitchcock sent nu answer saving thai it would bo Impossible , us iho couimilleo or ceremonies had already been ( 'lven the space in front of lie building , along which tin parade will go. Ho requested that an extn elTort bo made to obiam tbo money , as il would attract most unfavorable comment i the building were bare of decorations. Wearied ( if I.ire. i 11 Pnii.Aiiui.rnu , Pa. , Oct. 0. W. M. Runl of the uxleiibive dry goods firm of Darling ton , Hunk & Co. , committed luioido tbu nio ruing , Mr. Uunk was prominent in the Sunday „ School association of tbo dloceso of I'onn syivaula , being ouo of tbu original mom ben and a member of the board of managers o the Amnrlcun Church Sunday School Instl tuto , and of thn joint diocesan committee 01 Sunday school lessons for the Eplscopa church , which , In annual cession in Nan Yorit , compiled iho lessons for the use of thi church throughout the United Statoi. As t member of lUo Hroiheriiood of St. Andrew booxhlDltcd great , activity in furthering thi growih of iho fcocintv. Ho was also a mom her of the southwest convocation of the lasi ulocesan convention , and on Tuesday was ti have goao lo JlaUiuiore to represent th Sunday schools of ibis dlocose at the Amor lean Cburcb School triennial institute. MR , MIDDLEION'S ' METHODS Ho Usjd a Proxy to Pns ? a Oivil Sorvio ) Elimination. RUSE EMPLOYED BY AN AMBITIOUS BOY Another Mini In Carrying Mult on Kin Uouto > < > \v nml tlio 1'oiMniiKtnr \Voinlcr- - Inc What Will Turn Up .Next In the Olllrc. ' Thn Omaha postofllco has brought to light another cusoot Dr. Jokyl anil Mr. llyilo. The story Is a unique oao but has very llttlo ot the romantiocounoctod witulL In August , 1S90 , a young nun who said hi * name was Otto MIddlotou presented hlmsolf along with about thirty other applicants to tuko the civil sorvlco uxainlnatton necessary to sccura tbo position of mall carrier. Mr. Mid- dloton's papers were considered very cred- ititblu and ho was soon pin cod on the eligible HsU A tow months later no was npn/mited as a mall carrier. When ho aunoarod at the ofllce to begin worlc Mr , Mohlc , ono of the local board of oxandnors , was Impressed With the lUea that this was not the Otto Middlalon who hau passed the examination several mouths tirovlous , but thinking tnat ho might posstblu bo mistaken ho lot the matter rosiutiii waluhoil for developments. TUo mental pleluro which Mr. Mohto carried In bis oyoot Ilia Air. Middlaton who pHssocl the examination ropnisonlcd him to bo a rather slU'ht , young man of medium holght , whereas thn Mr. Mlddluton xvno appeared to take the position was a much taller man and were a mustachu , which the fernier hnd not. MMdleton Couldn't Sprit. In a few months It was noticed that Mr. MidUloton , the carrier , was a very poor BL-ller. ( "Whon ho begun to send hann letters - tors and papers with 'not Known' written across thorn , spolllu ? the word known , 'nono.111 said Mr. Mohlo , "I bo an to woudor how that man ever passed the examination and my suspicion grow stronger from day to day that ho was not the man wo had recom mended to the donartment and whoso papers wo had forwarded to Washington. " A few woohs ago Mr. Moblo told Post master Clarksou of his doubts about the Middlaton cuse and the postraaslor , after examining Mlddtolon's handwriting , called him into the ofllcu and questioned him about tbo matter. Mlddlolon put on a bold front and declared Unit ho was the sumo man who toolt the examination. The postmaster had Mlddloton cony ono of the examination pa pers and his penmanship urovod beyond a tlouotthatha rould not hava boon the man who tnuilo out the pa pew In ISO1) ) . Mtddloton was asked to rnnko oath to th o statiMiiorit Unit ho was the person who passed the examination , and lucre ho stuctc. "If my word isn't good enough you can talto vour position ana give mo mv tlmo , " said Mlddlcton , pretending to bo greatly of fended. HI * .Sumo Is Voting. The postmaster told Middlolon that he did not wish to do any man an injustice , but bo would not keen a man in bis employ who would Ho to him , and ho stood suspended until his ease could bo Investigated. Mld dloton has not appeared at Clarkson's ofllco smco. Ho xvas suspended two weeks ago , and was dismissed from the service last week , as ho had not put. in an appearance , and the postmaster had become thoroughly convinced that Mlddluton had boon plavingadoublo game. Tbo matter has boon investigated far enough to prove beyond a doubt that the you tin man wbo lee it tbo examination was an intimate friend of Mlddlcton. Ills name is Young. Ho is a bright and well educated young follow wbo has a more lucrative position than that of mall carrier , bui be undertook the Dr. Jokyl and Mr. Hyde business for the special bene fit of his friend Middlaton. Them appears to bo no penalty for the offence , and Mlddloton Is doubtless looking for employment clsovvbnro. Mrs. Wlnsiow's Soothing Syrup U an un excelled medicine for childran wcilo tooth- in ? . - . " > cents a bottlo. riannxd Cronpo'o Crownlnu IlntttnVoii Will Oc cupy Uiir.xrns Totlnjr. NEW YOHK , Oct. 0. A World La Guoyra , Vonozuelu , cable dated October 5 , says : A desperate battle has Jjst taken place at Los Tcquos , c small town on the railroad line to Valencia at a point about equally distant between that place and Caracas ; QUO are allied and many high govurnmcmiofllcerB captured. Crespo has struck another decisive blow which , following on his previous successes , , menus victory for the Crospists. ' Caracas is more than ox cited , for Crospo has announced his determination to enter the capital tomorrow. Ho has rnadona formal demand Ijr tbosurrenderof tbo city. From news received hero , the flchl was a most bloody oao. Considering the size of the contending armies , the number killed in dicates serious lighting on both aider. But stubborn as was the resistance of the gov ernment troops they hud to My before tbo Crorpists and were utterly routed. Crespo had at his disposal homo 14,000 men , includ ing 0,01)0 ) brought to him by Uonoral Colino , who joined him some days ago at Valencia. Under Crespo were Generals Vegas and Quintana , who started some days ago by dif ferent roads on too way to Caracas , their ob jective point. The revolutionist ganoral possessed twelve pieces of artillery and had iho assistance of Kovoral Americans , besides that of General Wldener , a Gorman , and General Betalll , an Italian. General Pulido , an undo of tbo acting president , was In command of tbo troveru- raont forces , numbering 6,000 , and wont to Los Teques to tuko up a position in order to repnl Crespo's advance on the capital , which was thus douuded ot troops. This defeat robs President Pulido of his army. All tbo government oOlclals at Los Toques and those accompanying the presidential p&rty are reported to be prisoners at Crespo's camp. La ( Juayra Is itlll in tbo hands of tbo government , but It cannot bold out against Crespo. Foreigners out hero uro now in Jeopardy. It may be Impossible to control the murder ously'inclined populaoo and ibo rufllanly clement of the soldiery. Americans may , however , feel somewhat secure as the Chicago cage Is close in port with bur guns headed and ready to protect Unolo Sam's subjects. It mav bo locked upon as certain that Car acas williujinit to Cruspo , as U now r.deuis inevitable. Acting President Pulido was anxious to bavo ( Jonoral hleasar Uudanota roturu to the cotutnana of the troops , which bo In tended should Crospo onlur Caracas , but Undaneta is a fugitive and Is between two Ili-os , as on his return here ho would bavo to deal not only with CrospD , but with Admiral Walker , and he Is practically ao outlaw. Tobo'd In Town , Tobias Castor of Lincoln , Nebraska's chln-wblsltered member of the democratic national committee , I * in the olty con ferring with the antl-IJoyd democrats a : to the safnst and surest plan to pursue to kill tbo governor's pull with the national committee , and to secure for himself end his confreres tbo handling of that portion of too national campaign tund that Is designed for distribution in this state. III ! liy n Vicious \ay , Etta Mitchell , a little colored clrl , Is the complaining witness in a case against T. 1C. Budborougb of 510 South Twenty-Birth ir- ir1C 10 s. al alm it Powder Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard _ . j > - iite-lE. avenue lor Ucootei : a vicious dog. She dls- tilarod n incorntod arm arm claim * that the dofondunt ho * tuDUtnber ot canlnoa about bis nlsco which m Uo the neighborhood danpcr- ous for pcdcstnnn * . I'Klltl. tftintirKAVKIt I.V J'1/fi.lAICf. irtlie Ornrral Aiipriir * nnrt Ittton One lin- prttiliTit Wiiril DrnthVlll Kiillntr. NAMIVIM.C , Tonn. , Oot , 0. The news from Puluskt l it nlpht Is of an nlatmlnp na- turo. General Weaver says ho will cer tainly co to PuUsld and B peak thcro Satur * day anil that ha ho no Intention ot cancel- Inp his appointments , Lettprs from the trore conservative pco- plo In I'ulaakl nd Olios county ursostrongly that \Voavor bo dissuaded from cornluc as thorc are grave fears ot n serious Imltlo If ho appears thore. Kvery utterance will bo criticised and ono l.nurudent word Diay load to his death , Uonoral Weaver's course during the war made him oxtromolv onnoxious to the noo- pic , and his olttar lanaiiaco about hh nc- uitsors hits crcitod liilcnso oxcltcmont. Ho asserts that hu will hurl acllnnco tu the face ot his onrinicj. It is said ho will'hn Ullled If ho usot Insult- IIIR ImiKunijp , hut the third t > arty man from all over tha country , incliidliiR inanv cx- canfoderato soldiers , are arming and propnr- Ini ; to RO to 1'ulasiti , saying tlioy will protect htm In spoaUiiiK and dufond him iiRainst as sault. Doth sides are determined and a hlondy Hilit may result. General Weaver may use such tcinperato lanutmco as to forestall any trouble , but of en the tension and the sirong feeling would In till likelihood load to trouble. Every effort ! s belli ) ; made by tlio stnto democratic committee to secure a quiet liearlnR for Weaver and to prevent any violence , bill letters - tors received this moruiiur sav that no argu ment will avuil ; tnat if Geni-rn ! Weaver littoH an Imprudent word hu will bo killed , antl that all iho consul vnllva people In Pit- lasld onr.not prevent It. They urpo ihnt the onlv safety UPS In successfully ttruhiR Weaver not to illl his nppumtmont. The slate domouratlc commlttao are niuoh uls- turbod over the siiuutlon. ( WlLTf Or E3lUEXXtK3lKXr , Knd of tlui runiiiiiH U limator Trial nt Mciidvlllc , IM. MCAUVIM.U , Pa. , Oot. (5. 'Iho jury hi the embezzlement charges against the Dclamators this raorniup returacd a verdict of guilty as to lion. Ucorga W. Dolamatcr ; not Bulky ns to the others. A now trial will Do applied for und the legality of Iho aot of 183'J ' will be ques tioned. Defendant was state senator nmuy > cnrs ago , and republican vandlujilo for governor In Ib'JO ' , when Pattlson was elected. The oinbu-.zionicnt uliar us were iho outgrowth of Iho failure of the Lcla- malor bRDlc In December , 1S9J. 't'he churu'o upon xvhlcn ox-Senator Dola- tnalci1 was convlclod was staiutory oinbei- zlcinont ; that Is. the linn roucivcd deposits , knowing themselves lo bo insolvent. Since the election of Governor Paulson nnd the Moadvillo Oiink failure , Mr , OeorpoW. Oela- tnaler has been practicing law nt Seattle , in the stale of Uashlnston. ana II is said ho was likely to become prominent in politics on iho Pacilic coast. Ho has boon talked offer for concrrcss. Tbo penalty as llxcd IB not less than iho sum of money cmbcz7led and imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than ono year nor nioro than six yours in solitary contiiioniunt und at hard labor. Kuwait's .so.V Ho Meetn Ills Doiitll In n Wreck < in tlio MU- Houri I'ltvillo Itnllroail. COUNCIL GIIOVB , Kan. , Oct. 0. Charles Peffor , the oldest 3on of United States Sen ator Paftor , was killed In a freight wreck at an early hour ibis morning ou the Missouri Pacific railroad near Gypsum CltyilJty milfs west of this iplaco. The train , a heavily loaded freight , ran through a bridge which bad been burned. The locomotive dashed through the opening and eleven freight cars piled on top of It. PulTor was tha engineer. lls fireman also perished iu the wreck. offer wus : H years old. He lived at Coun cil Grove und leaves il wlfo and three chil dren. Senator Peffor'was in Kansas City 10 sneak at iho fair this afternoon but can celed the data upon hearing of his son's death mid came licre'iinmodi.ilely. rK'x Smuitu Mirnlllr.intly Sllfiit. LONDON' , OclO. The Berlin correspondent of Ihe Cuioniclo says : The Hamburij senate has potyot replied lo the grnvo charco made against It D.v Mr. Burite , the Uniiod States vice consul at Hamburg , ot issuing clean bills of health to steamers bound for Ameri can ports aflor the city had boon ofllciall ; declared to bo Infected with cholera. More ) Minors' lloillci Kct'nvcrrd. IUOSWOOP , Mich. , Oct. 0. The bodies of .hroe moro of the mctn entombed in Iho Nor- rie mine were recovered early luis morning. They have been identified as Asalk Densham , Adolpb Blutuqulst and Herman Erickson. Two more lie buried under the debris , the search for which stilt goes on. Kobbed nil Ernnsellst Boyer is in a position to testify that there Is no tlmo , place nor thing too sacred for the Omaha sneak thief. Ho had his silk umbrella with htm at the revival .services at thu First Christian church last night and It disappeared. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste , and acta ently yet promptly on the Kidneys , ? jiver and Bowels , cleanses tlio sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevcra and cures hahitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of ita kind ever proi duced , pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptahlo to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly heneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeahlosuhstances , its manyexccllentqualitiescommendit to ail and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75o "bottles , hy nil leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one wno wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP GO , , BAN FRAMOI800 , OAI * . Y. NEW YORK. 7 * 7T I'roposula fur Mhrury minding. Scaled proposals will bo received bv Lewis 8 Ileud , president of the Hoard of Directors o the Omaha public library , at the .N'ebraBki National bank , In the city or Omaha , until' o'olock p. m. Tlmridny , Outobor 13. lb' ) ' . ' , for tin eroctlon and coinuletlon of athree-storr uac basoroeut Uro proof library bulldlnic it thi louthenst coruor of lUth and llarney utrouts Omahn , In accordance witu pUus and spcolll cations on fllo In the ofllce of Wallior & Kimball - ball , arahltoctt. room W3 McOaeuo buUdlui. Each bid must be accompanied br a cortlflec check for 81,000 , payable to the order of thi president of the board ot tbo Omaha publli library. The board reierrei the right to reject anj o : all bldi. By order of the Board of Director * of thi Omaha uubllollhrary , Witxuu B. UUHTIS. A Friend Wishes to speak through the ltyister < \ the beneficial results he lias received from ft regular use of Ayer's IMIls , He says ; "I was feeling sick and tlreil and my stomach seemed all out of order. I tried a mimbrr of remedies , hut none sccmc'd to give mo relict until I Mas In- dticcd to try the old reliable A > cr'.s 1'ills. I have taken only one box , but I feel llko a nu\v man , I think thuy am the most pleasant and easy to take of anything I over used , Irclng so finely sugar-coated that even n child will tak < i them. 1 urge upon nil who are of n laxattvo to try Ayor's Pills. " Uonthbay ( Mo. ) ( llcgifter. "Hetwron the IIROS of llvo and fifteen , I was troubled with B kind of salt , rheum , or eruption , cliiclly confined to the legs , and especially to the bend of the knee above the calf. Here , intmliif ; sores formed which would scab over , but Mould break Initui'dlatel.v on mov ing the ICR. My mother tiled every' thing she could think of , but nil was \\lthoitt avail. Although a child , 1 lead in the impels about thobcnollcinl effects of Aycr'H Pills , mid persuaded in > moth er to let mi > try them. With no great faith in the result , she ptocuicd and I began to use them , and soon noticed nn improvement. ICncouragcd by this , 1 kept on till t took two boxes , wlioh the sores disappeared and have never troubled me since. " II.liiptnan , Heal Estate. Agent , Hoaiioke , Va. "I suffered for ycais fiom stomach and kidney troubles- , causing very severe pains in various parts of the body. None of the remedies I tried afforded mo any re''ef ' until I began taking Ayer's Pills , and waa cured. " Win. Ooildaid , Notary Public , Flvo Lakes , Mich. 1'rcjiarcd by Dr. .1,0. Ayer&fo. , Lowell , Man. Bo'd ' by UrnggUlH llAcryuhnc. Effectiva The only uniformly successful SPECIALISTS IN AMERICA. IN THE TREATMENT AND CURE OF AND SYPHILIS , GONOR RHOEA. GLEET , SPER- MATORRHOEA , SEMINAL WEAK- NESS. LOST MANHOOD. EF FECTS OF EAR LY VICE OR EXCESSI V E INDULGENCES IN MATURER YEARS , FEMALE WEAKNESS , SEX UAL DISORDERS , HYDROCELE. VARICO- CELE. PILES. FISTULA. RECTAL ULCERS. Consultation free. Call upon or address witli stamp. cor , 14th and Douglas. TO HANNAH JAMHS : You are hereby notified that the nnilor- slKUOd , tlireo Ujsliitornstod fiooliolclcirs of the city of Oinalm. bavo boon duly appointed by the mayor , with Iho approval of tlio city coun cil of uald nlty. to usbusi tlio ilaniu''n to iho owners ruspeutlvoly of the piouurly duuliiroil by orilltr.nii'o nocussarv tohu aunroprlatnd for thu Hie of sain olty , for the puriioio of ox- tamllim I'lfty-llrsl sln-ot from tlio i.nrtb line of lllnieliuiiKh A , I'atlL'rbon'B uilUltlon to Lonvonworth struct , You are further notified that , having ao- copied nald appointment , ami duly iiiuillllud nareqmiod by law , HO will , on tbu 1'JHi d iy of October , A , I ) . lb'r _ > , ul tlio hour of 10 o'ulnulc In the forenoon ut thoollluo of Hhnvor&o'jjona- ' lioo , I40i Karnain Ntruut. within thn corporate lliiutii of said city , inont for the iiurio.so ] of considering and inuklrm the iisscssniont of dtiiimuo to Iho ownerfl rcspoctlvcily of sulu Iirojiorty by lonson ot snub taking and appro priation thuruof , talLuK Into coiislilera\loii spoolal bonoflu , If any. The property belotiKlnu to you , proposed to be appropriated ns uforcsald , and which liuu boon dee uicd nocossiiry by the council , byor- illiiaiiec. to apliroprluto to the use of the city , boliiK altiiutu In said olty ol Oinuim , In the county ot Doiiulna and stnto of Neliraslfa , U described as follow , to-wll ! Thu oust twen- ty-llvo foot of lot ono , block three , In Illmo- biuuh't ! addition You tire notlllod tobo jircsent nt the time and place nfornsald nnd iniiko any olijectloii'5 to or BlulumentH concerning unld prone > od up- prourlutlon or assessniont of ( IniiinKcs us you may consider proper. \ \ . U. hi I. Ul \ I' ' It , H. \ . ( 'I llbt'Iii JAS. faTUUKDAI'E. Oui'ii. 1il ) il 'I ' . hid'JOt lor llUtrlcl ( iiadlnj ; lloniU. Sonlod bids , mar I ; ( id I'rojiosala for ( llntrlol KradliiK bonds , will to received ut the oflluo ol tlieUity Truiauror. Oroiiha , NoU , up to 13 o'clock noon , of the lOth day of October. It/- * ' ' , for the uurclmnoof JM.OiKJ.OJ District Uradliu Jlondsof thoclty of Oinuhu , NoU. rtalU bonds arodated biiptumborlet \ , liiiu are payable In from ono to nine yuarj after thednto tluueof , In donomlnationu of il.OjOO : and tiiO.tOeauh , with Interest nt the rule of 5 pur cent per annum payable luml-iiniiually. I'rlnolpal and Interest payable at KounUe Iro8. ) , Now York. t7,500.oa of District No. 37. i5.000.uOof District No. IT. irj.OW.OOof JJlstrlotNo. 19. Kach bid rauBl. ttute prloo and amount BOtieht for and Include aocruod Interest to date of delivery M Om bu. Nob. ' 1 ho rl ht Is reserved to reject nnr and all bids. Isiued underohttrterpoHdrofottluiof the motropol- Ituu class and urdloancu No. 'JffAuprovud AUtU ( t ' 'ItB , 1691 , HKMIlVllOLLN. Tr iur r , 1 SUITS Df clothes all sacks all made of the * same cind of goods all ono color all cut alike all trimmed alike all lined alike all made alike go on sale in our mammoth men's suit clopart- nent today all at the one uniform price of ten dollars and fifty cents a suit which we believe to be the best value ever given by any clothing concern in this country. These" suits are all wool They are made of as honest a piece "oT cassimere as ever came from a loom. They are cut to fit to perfection. They are made thoroughly-- the linings being triple stitched. The color is a dressy dajrj gray. The sizes are from 34 to 44. These1 suits are wovth fifteen dollars. They are worth t in our store. They are worth it on your sack in your office in your workshop in , he street. They are worth it every day in the week and Sunday too and have never been sold for loss. We had them made for a purpose and that purpose .was to start October"busT less with a- rush to start a thousand men Balking about us to advertise to emphasize still more the NebraskaTs woi\derfur prices FT you're a farmer in the "shocking" business of 'cultivating corn or "cultivating votes" for governor if you're a lawyer in good standing or "lie"-ing either ] if you're a banker clip ping coupons or a cashier with a longing for Canadian society if you're a man , and wear clothes these are the very suits for your busi ness , and you never had an opportnnity to try as good a suit in all your life for the money as these suits which , we offer today at the re markable price of Yon can rerttioo your ivdKht from ten to tvi'dtilypounilH a month , iillioitic , with out Btnivlug , at iCR'onublo coit by the USD ol Dr. Clarke's Horns Treatment , perfected In many jcurs practice , causes no HlcliiicHsnr injiiry to the licnKli , Is highly indorsed. Send for proofs and tcEtlmonlals. DR. F. B. CLARKE , P. O. Drawer l : t. Chicago , III WAXTED. INTERNATIONAL SANITARIUM 16th and Howard Streets , BOltoomsfor IMUrnls. OMAHA , tIEB , I'or tlio treatment of Chronic , Private ! Nervous Diseases , MALE AND FEMALE. LMIcs , Fistula , Fissure and Stric ture of tlio Kcctum permanent ly cured without the tisc of Knife , Ligature or Caubtic. Enclose ( . In stamps nnd nur 107 page TIOOIC on D1SKAHES nnd UiuMInn lllunks , will bo UAllTKIl KKEK. IKTKHNATIOXAT , SANITAIUOH , Kth and Howard Sts. , Omaha , Nob. W. 0. MAXwr.i.i , , M , I ) . , 1'ri's , a > iuu ai. i.ip.r. Save Your Evesteht Eyes tested free tiyan n.SI'CIlT OlMMOIVN 1'orfect adJuHtinent. hiiporlor lomnj. Norv- ouslinailaclu ) cured by usln ; our Spool loiei and lCydjl b ! > Oj 1'ilcui low for llr-il , clan goods. THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO , IMS. ICthSt.GYolsrlitoa HlUjJjc _ NEBRASKA National Bank. U , B. DEPOSITORY - - OMAHA , NEB Capitol . T..7. . . . $100,001) ) Surnlus . Officers nnrt Dlroclors IU > nrj W. Valoi , president i'roV . 'i'clil ' .l LTl'ii1..1 ' . , ' ta , . ! J.rioii.8 X The Latest CHICAGO STATIONERY Nothing Better. Our Writing-paper and Envelopes ; Wedding Invitations ; Keceplion Cards are sent , nt reasonable prices , anywhere in the United States. Send for samples. KETOALF STATIONERY COMPANY , lUte Cnlib's IJIirkrr Co. ) lj6 Wdt.uh A\e. , Chlcajju. 11 - * * - Thoabovo brands ot irlovos lor sale by The Boston Store N. W. Cor. 1 th an I DourlassSt [ Omihi EiasticStockings , Trusses , Crutches , Batteries , WatcrSott/sj. | | | | Syringes , Atomizers , Medical Supptiev , ALOE & PBNFiILD , 1 US. 15th St. , Kcxl to Postoflfcc. ARE TROUBLING YOU ! U'oil riiino Mini luitii tlifin ( ixiiriilni'il br uiir untl- rliin I iiwiif I InirJi' iinil ir iii < i < i > imury , IIIIH.I . nllh n pulrof nnr riiinri : : ll'.N HI'Kl'TAC l.HSur KVM ( Jl.AhHKtt Iho bfxl in tliu urnl If you iln not IILUI ! ulit H no Hill lollmi no iinil uilvUaruu lul In Ho IIIU.II XI'RITACI.KS or I3VIJ ( II.AHSKH KIIO.M H 1)1 * h'I'KI.'l. SI'WJI'ACI.Iil OH KVH OI.Al-M.S rilll.M II l-'T I'lulii , miiiikililuu ut lilto nlusn > lur inulvutliiK tliu ) U'irom Ulo p.'tlr up Co. . , J jwelers and Opticians. Farnam an I I5tli Streets , 0 mail a Dtt W , R , BAILEY TcctliKlllod With out 1'uln D/ tlio I.iitcst In cut ! on , TKCTH I.XTKAOTKH Wtl'lIOlH' I'AIS Oil n\Mnu ; AIM11binor ? TKCPII ON HIJJIUKII KOU > n ou , 1'crfcct fit smraiitepil. Tooth uxtractod la thn iniirnlni ; . uu onus Inserted ID ovuiilng of sitiiio duy. Hco biii'dinona ( if Hoiiiovuhln llrldico. Boo Bpuclinon'i of l''loxlbln Kliiutlo 1'luta All winl > wurr.tnt'id a ruprujDntud , ( ; illce , llilid Kicnir , I'.ixton Hloc'c. UW > , Kltli sin I I'anmi SU Tuko Kloviitor or Hftlrway ( rum lOtli Hlruut l.ntranco. 0SEPH GILLOTfS" STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889 , THE M08T PERFECT OF PEH3- ,