Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Tor Activity and Strength Pork Led on the
Tloor Yestordfty ,
Drnln l.ncUcil Activity , lint HM ! Firm
Tone nnil G'loird t tlio llcxt I'rlces
of the liny In Other
l.lnc * .
CIIICAOO. III. , Oct. 0-Tho porK tnsrkot ROl
ft ftront lift toiluy. It was tlio lending nmrkot
on tlio Moor for nctMty and strcnuth Tlio
Blron ? fcultnit was shown by a jump of nootlt
liiontllio opening. ThM \ IIB followed by n
further nilv.ineo of 2 > io o irly , tinil iiftnr seine
r iicltoii. n Intel IwUo put tlio January pilto
npneirlv Moor tlio oloto yostord .y. At
tlio sumo tlnm lituunry ribs were iilvuncoil
li'ie ' oter lust nielli ml l.xnl I2'4c.
( ir.ilnliiclicd iclUlty. liiitlnil ullriiiortonc.
mid t'nxod t ni'iri ) tin ) best prices for the
tiny , thu Hit il Illlvres I'omji irctl with lust nUlil
MionltiK u ( 'ilii of V for wln-nl and
; so for coinVrlJht who his the
niton rib ilo u for Oelo or. boitmi liuvltu
Jiiniinrv pnrk heavily. It WIIB on his pur-
cluiMi of In0in libla thit tut ) llrslfilmrp , ul-
\iinco was iiiiidc. Liter ihcru win biiyni/ ,
niobnbly mi ( .top oruors. by Limni. H.ildwln.
( liiiiiiiilln unil other- * There was buying also
for thu country Uv in w is buying In wli it
was tllntlKlit to bo klinrt pork I ho p.iehnrs
wiiro sellers of pork t dlilon-nt times , but tnc
oirrrlu s wi ru not s illluiont to , k thu m , r- Tin-October slntr was I ir > ! i'ly ni'Kleetod ,
wtli the hi.i i in Inn i I aioiiinl foi .1 iiimiry
I liullgliti rri'culiilsuf lilies unil tlm .liiiui-
nry pur. , low r. liitlvoly. unil u lili ; short Inti-i-
isl wore talked of us tliu chief o.inscs of tlio
timismil lulviticL * . Assui linnsoni not lack-
III.T. huwo\er. that tnu Hlrunetli nf the latter
U.kttnnlt Iniirelv of the Ihtltlons nerve whli'h
wiisboliiK pu upoii into It by iiiiiiiipul.iiois.
j. d Mutui was u fri-u solid of .liiiiu.iry ribs.
\\hlcliii-dthobrokersti ) thu con liislon that
xv bill' Wriitlil win I iilstui In up pork anil mr I
liu wassolllu what bo could of Jnniiary ribs.
Today btntiitlil a onil iiiiinv illsp itches friini
1lu < fonnliy , lonllrmiitoij of the leports us-to mini ! I'lli cts of ill ilrvwoithoi on
tl o f ili mm it who it , iiii'l lln".o it wo the market -
kot n stroii. : upon n ; ,
* iioi il pun. inunt lorul oporntOMwns solid
IniHSiB , anil as tl.uro was liltlo fill s.ilo shorls
BOIMI doomed It pi ndenl to cover. Hut o ts.ei
ci him , illioril iccolpu In the northwest anil
lioo ilollvoues al prlni.ii v points , soon took
tliocduu uir tliu m.rkot. . mil there was sumo
decline , but llio m.iiKol si einod pretty stub
born ami illil not yield much
L'lo minces , while not heavy , were cons dor-
nbly larger limn yesteulay i : irty them worn
pooil buyliiK oidcis from New York , but later
the sumo Interest sold freely. l.Iov.itor men
Kiivo Itout that Kins is Ully shlppeis wore
enilliiK iniieh lissof who it There was less
Inillvliiual trading than for homo days and
nltoKOthot It was a dull market alter the
our.y advanio The oponliu was about the
.inn ) an tlm closing U nres of vostornay mill
prices wore advanced from \o to We , ruled
sto.idv and the elositu was about from KiC to
iu hlchnrth in yestciday.
The corn tl.ido apno irs to bo prottv well
vened up.ind w.ilthu for fresh
Tbo movement to market continues \oiy
licavy , but Is p.utly ollsut by the llhcial
wlthurawnls. Disp.itohos were at hand su
ing farmers win held their old corn av | " ire > uiiD
s. and ( Hlicr ( lisp itchcssay that roeelnts
will ho luriicr when iho railroads can furnish
lliocars. homo authorities call tlio cioo H.ife ,
while others s ly that many sections have soil
corn , needing anotheieoU or two o ( line
weather These cnnllletiiu ula.ins Keep the
Ir.ido In doubt. 1'rlco chainies were llmlttd to
Ju ranges. Upenliu traiios WDIO at aboul the
closing prices of vestetd.iy. were Hrm foi the
ttiiiu , hul olToruiKS bee.imo IM > ; CI , the llbor il
rcci Ints nnd talk of a llcht c'ish deiiian I ere-
ntlns a beiilsb sentiment nn ler which the
market sob ! oil lo Al the decline llio do-
niand lmiio\ed ) , and on the buvln-of
sized line of May by a provision broker the
mnrUot reiotrd , loioverliu tlio bn-ak. eased
on"sll.litlj , rultd llrm and close I with Octo
ber > tc e.ialei und M.iy .1 sh ido better.
Outs were stationary and featureless.
Krolshts "I ho demand for vessel mom was
moderate , mil i.itis were easy ut 2'te lor
nhent and''o for coin to llultalo.
l.stlmated receipts for tomorrow ! Whent ,
600 U.ITH ; corn , C-.i c.irs ; oats , . ! OJ cars ; ho s ,
SO.COJ head.
'iho leadlni ; fntuics ranccd as follows :
Aiinct i s 01'f.S , 111(1 Itt 1 o\v.
Wni'Ai No S
October . . . . t 74 1K 74
Docembor. . . . 7t.S
Coitv No ! k-
December. . . i't < S
AliiT < 7Ji 13 471 , 43
ftovciabcr S 6
Octobor. , . 11 40 11 .10 II 65
January , , . . , 1260 12 M ) li 80
Cclobcr 8 40 860 B 40 SM >
Jnnuaiy. . . . 72 7 30 7 m 727W
BnoiiT Itins-
Octobar 10 60 1060 10371s
Jnniiary 1 , CJ 0iU b IX )
Cash quotations were ns follows :
l'"lotiit yuh-t nnd iiiii'luuu'nil : winter p it-
cnts , Jl.0ia400 ; wlnlPi hlLilclils , $ J.0t.ii.l ( ;
spilng palents. SIH'SIOO : spr ng straU'lits ,
t. ) 2.)4i I'i ' ) ; hnkors' , U7WI-I 0.
WIIUAT No. I'snrlnz. 7 : ! ' ia74c ; No 3 sprlnu.
6134ijio ! : No 2 led. 7.C"ii < a74c.
4 'DUN No 2. 4 HCv No. Jc.ish , imOl.l'jC.
OAib No. . ' , Jl iail'/ie ; No. a wnite , M > , ' c ;
No .1 white. .11 ® . ! ' , ,0.
UlE-No. 2 , f > c.
IIAHI.KY No U' , CMdll' ! No 3 , f. 0 b , 4ia
6Jci No. 4. f. o b..lC&r ! > c.
Kr.Ax SKI D No 1 , $ .I9i1 10.
Tuionn i-UKj ) 1'rlnio , tl.RS.
I 1'oiiK Moss , porbhl. , * i1..iT > ail.40 ; lard , per ,
: 11)0 ) Ilia. i3/iO ; short ribs. Bides ( loose ) ,
I7.70OIO I2'i ' : dry s-ilted shoulders ( boxidl.
17. 1 1417.25 : slioitcleiu sldcHboxodl. ( S lixnsa.l.1) .
Wnihicv Distillers' Unlshod Koods , per Kill. ,
tl IT > .
SunAns TJncliaiiKCd : cul loaf , OiiGS'io ;
granulated , fi\c : stiindiiid "A , " fi'nC.
KucelptH and Bhlpinctits today were as fol-
lous :
On thu I'rodiico oxchunzo tod.iy the buitor
murUcl wns quint iinrt unchniied ( ; creamery ,
JUffi--lo ; dalrr , NniJ.'c , UKKS , llrni ; strictly
Ni'Morl ;
Ntw YOIIK , Oct. 0 rrotiu Receipts , M-
800 likes ; oxportb. 1.200 bbla . 62.000 s loks ; ( lull
Kiul we uk eunur.illy ; Rules , 7.GJO bbls.
CCIHSVIKAI. Dull hut Hteady.
\VllKAr llccolpts. IM.UOIlni. ; experts , IWOOO
ton , ! sales , WI.MH ) Ini. of futnrcH , fil.OOU nu
f sjiot , hpoliliill ; llrmor with the options ;
viii , , " L\u > , n iu ill * , t iun WIIIIKUU , in4.l" ( 4O , OU-
tlonsseidull ) ) openlnir with Alay ! ( c down
on forelcn siilllni ! ; lower euhlus ; ether months
nni'liiinced ; udviuiccd JBU on freer clearances
uml a bullish west , closed slo idy at ll& ' a up
fi.r the iliiyi No. ' . ' roil. Octibor , 7 J4 < a70lBo ,
clnHlni : nl 7111,11 ; Dei'emhor , 810-IOC8 o , nlos-
tas ntSI'jo ; Muy.87' . < a8S7-lc. ( olosliuat.8S'e
Kvu Dull ana easier ; western , ftfiioio.
HAliLin f-tinidy nnd quiet ; western. CJfftGV.
IIAIU.KV MALI Qnlol and ttoiidy ; western ,
t2"8 " > * rio ,
COIIN Kccolptu , 41,00) liu. ) oxports. 110,001
bil.i sales , 4r > , U 0 bu. of futiiroM , 1H.LV.O bu. of
ipot. Hpots quiet and ( Inn : .No. : ' , ftlo In ele-
vutor. ftlfittVo allo.t ; unirriidod nuxeil , 4' ' > a
61o. Options neullned ! ifO.o ? on largo. 10-
colpts mid freer olferln H , advanced UO' o
with \\henl und the stronntli at the nest.
closed Ih in nnd unclimi oil to hoiiii ; Niivom-
bor , 51 0-IWtllt o , closing at oo | ; Ueconi-
ber. ( i.'f.WiMi1. uloilng at 53o ; Jlay , S3 ( iJ5i4o | ,
closing utSIUv.
OATS Hccelnts. 72.450 bu. ; experts , line *
bu ; sales. 7nno Im of futures mid 7H.003 bu
of spot Spots kss intho. . woikor ; uptlons
dull , lower ; October. .UMTuOc. olusliiK iitM'.e ;
NnM'inber. ao CWre , olosmjt at .iil' o ; Ueponi-
brr , iKw'j Miiy , 4IMo ; No. 2 spot , white. : i"c ;
mixed westet n. , li < iti7u ! whllo western , 37J ! ©
4bo : No. 2 L'lilc.iKO , . ' 7c
HAY Qllll't.
Hot'8 CJulet nnd firm ; slat * , common to
choice. IMC. 4e ; 1'nelllo coist. I7af'c.
hiJdAHHaw. . llrm , quiet ; s ilm , 500 hhds.
iniikcorutlu , b'J ' te t , nt Uu ; rclluod , quiet unit
MDI.AI SK- * Now Orloaus. qulot , steady.
IliCK1'lrni , f iilr dommid.
lo s Hotter doiniuid. llrnii western prime ,
2IUe ; t celpls. 4.M2 pi' s.
I'liOvisiiiNl'orl ( . llrm mid quint ; old mess ,
Ili.Tjaii" " ; now nie s , tl..i.Vi&iai ( > ut extra
prime , tlVJV3Kl.AO Out me.iis. linn ; middles
milet. ljird.liluher.but.dull : western steiini
ut fi' ' > askoil ; Hull's , iiono : outiiin b.iles.
110110 ; October closed at JAM ; Novomhor ,
f''M Pry null hides. J7.I" bid : Jiininry.f7.fiD.
llunKii-Mniii doliu "na stoudler ; wcstcni
dnlry. U'tW I'.V. '
( HIM. SK- I n fair ( loiiiunil nnd firm ; part
- Amorlcan , m < XO15.00. )
corrr.itrirni ; l ko. $ il,
omestic , 8IW ! < : . . .
ttraU'liH. tJO 40 20.45.
anil 1'i'ltH.
re llio prices uald by Omnlm
deulors foi hides nml pelt quotoil BUbloot to
clunso without not co : No lirroeti hides Jo ;
No salted Indus. 4 l'io ; NJ. 3 creen
Jiiiliil liKI. ) * . .I'eJ Uo ; ; No. I creeu suited hides.
15 to 40 ill. , 42 > Jtfo j No. 'J tjroun lalted hides. 25 !
6ci No. a TOR ! unlf. 8 . to 15 UM , , .n4ei No. 1 dry
fllnl hldfls. 7o ; No. 2 dry flint hides. Ret
No. 1 ilrjr % ltcd hides , ia t'nrt otireti
hides " $ c per lit. loss th in fully enrol.
fihocp pelts ( irccn salted , oich , Tioajl.SV
srccn silto'l ' hndrllnss ( short woaloJ enrly
iklns ) onpli , lv nic | ilry sh > trlln ( short
pooled osrly sklnsi No 1 , ench. fiitiOoi dry
shonrlln s ( short won cj\ \ early nKIno Nn. s ,
nnch , r > c : dry Hint Knnsns nnd Nohnrskn
butcher trool DO ts. r > or in. , tetii il weight , linJt
14'ci dry Hint nnd Nebrisk.i Murrain
wool polls , ucr 11) . , nctiial woUht , HOl.'o ; dry
flint Colorado bittehor wool polls , Dor Ih. ,
Bctnnl weight. 10Til2'o ' ; drv flint Ooiorido
Murrain wool polls , per 11) . , notual wol.'ht ,
( Side : dry t IMIin I iumki iota U iviUhts , 7
iiDc. lla\o feclcutoff , as It Is usolcsf to uay
frolUli thorn.
_ _ _ _
Oil Mill-lint.
Nr.w YOMK. Oet 0 I'cTiiof.r.wM Oponad
steidy but siilxcquantly bocmiin dull mid ro-
niiilncd M ) unttl llio elo e I'onnsylvmilii nil
siot | siiles not 0 : November ontlun s.ilos , J.OJO
bhls. ; nimii oil no s ilc . Quote I ut 17o bid
and IiUmiski'd
rorroNsuii ) ) , Steady htnqiilct-
TM.ow - tn uly but qiitol
HdiiN-Diili lint stand v.
TUiii'RN miUului tun firm -OUrf-MlSe
I.OMION. Oct. U OAt.CUrrA litN-iKKP JUS Jl
per quarter ,
Srunrk llri ( iiinili Market ,
NnwYoith. Oct. (1 ( llnslncss In dry Roods
\vsmoderaiemidtendltiitto quiet with the
iitipro leh of tlio festlvaos next weak , Tlio
murkot wis strong , however , with st'indmd
sheetings linn ro Is subject to lucre iscd In-
qnlrv mid to u Imrilonlns price. The iroods
could not bo h id In qu intltles ut the pr ccs ( if
lust month. The jump In cotton Is especially
In that el.iss of cooils which follow moro
uloselv linn llticn Roods the course of the raw
in bprliu articles recohod good order
atlenlion _ _ _ _ §
Olllllll l I'lilit Mill lift.
Gtni'M Now i'otk Conrords. 30o per 10-lb.
4JAt.iri iMA nuu'cs I'or erato. $ I.GO mus-
c.ites , $1.7 1 I'ol.avs
UAi.ti'iiiiM v I'fiACiir ; * 1'er box , 11.01.
LMMPOIIMV l'i\ns : i.5il per box.
Ai'i'i.m-l'cr bbl. , } l UJ ; fancy , J4.3J ; flvo bbl.
lots , 2"ic leis
QUINCKS- Per ho$2 00.
It MT | > llll MlllltlltS.
I.ivnitt'oiii , , Oet. (5 ( WltRTQiilot ; holders
oner moilor itoly ; No. 1 C.illfoinla. CsddCWis
( S'sii per cental ; redwesti-in surln . Us 2SidiSjs (
, ld ; No 2 rod , ulnto . ( NiJC's'iil
cons sio uly , deni ind llrm ; inlved western ,
4sli'iil pet enntnl.
I.AIIII I'rimo uestern , llsnd porowt ,
I'niJiM : An orloan llnest wlillu and colored ,
49s per CHl.
Olllllll I'loilnco MurUot.
I'orATOfs-l'or ' bush. , 7"ic ; sweet potatoes ,
IluiTMi I'ickliii ; stock , MUic ! ; choice
coiintrv , I © ' - ( ] " .
l'oilTiiliens nnd ehlckens. 8'iiic ' ) ; rees
ters. .vaiic tin keys , lOo ; duck" , He.
Cdlli'o Mtirui't ,
New YOIIK. Oct. fl Out loin opened stoidy
and iiiieliuniL'il to 10 points up : clilscu stuuly
at U to 1" > points tip ; s ilos. 21 5Jil bii s , Incliiil-
liu : Octobei , f J.u'iOII 70 : .Imiiiuy. iU" > ©
II w ; March. $14 ir > a > H.b > ; April. $ i4.4lU45 ( ;
May , $14.4IKif > t4.4" > bpot Klo , quiet but llrm ;
No. 7 , $ l.'i.ruii."i ( iJ1 , .
4101 toll MilrUi't.
Niw : Om.EAV-i , Ii . Oct. 0 l inn ; mld-
low mid llln. . 7'ie : good ordi
nary , u-ic ; net receipts.3,1111) lies ; cross , J.870
b.tlcs : evports to Trance. 0,1'Ji bales ; to the
continent. 1'JJJ bales ; sales , .1.103 b.iles ; stock ,
85,101 bales.
Tiiulcrs' lull : .
CiiiCAiio , III. , Oct. 0. Counsolman i Bay to
Coekrell llros Commlss on company ; The
leading fcatiues In thu niiiUec for cereals
toduv wore tbo pers stout pressure by thosj in
closest 10 iimtinlcaUou with the producers to
force sales fastoi 111 in usual , und the slii.'it-
lurniannoi Inhloh these ollcrln s wore ub-
sotbod by u confessedly dull m.irhct. which ,
novel theless. stronir at top price- . This
soon.sto mil c ito tbat a consliler.iblo aggre
gate of iiiU'-.liuent money Is btln withdrawn
finin hlJh priced slocUs and real ostito
und bclnir nl iced In food r > tufTs at ,
the f piesont low pilccs Wheaiiiiled dull
andsovci il modi sired lines wcro old by
lee il spoon ntois on account of iho lur u re
ceipts In the northwest. I ho btiylnziis not
of the showy suit , but when shot I scalpers
trio.l to COM ) ] they found sjllers scarce , ex
cept al u piollt , C'orn was suiiecto ) < l to .1 se
vere alt id > by roceh ITS mil bblnuers , hui the
continued buying by provision doilors ah-
Mirbud tully I.WJ.uuO bushels dm In-'tho scs-
Hlon. giving the m irkot a Him undcrtouo nnd
a strong BOSIIU Oals reinalned very dull
and featureless lint wllh an improved de
mand foi May futures. 1'iovislons opened
sympathetically bullish , wllh Wrlghl foiclng
an advance , probibly to divert attention
from his Oi tober deals and brlu , * the latter
futures nener line line. At tbo olosu the
bulge loolced n , little overdone , and wo bc-
l.ovo thai loldors will bo free sellers on a
further udv moo.
CHICAGO. III. Ojt 0 IConnott , Hopkins &
Co. to S. A. MeWhortor : There boon
nothing lit the whcatsllu.itlon localise nppro-
heitslon foi either lou-'s oi shorts , U iblcs
were suiuowhit lower , bill this was ox-
peotnd In lonsriiuenco of our dec.lues
yesterday. Clearance ! show up satis
factorily , nnd lecclpts haidly as laruo
as expected , though conslilorably moro
thin the tr.ilo would HUe to soo. The
English buvers , ire evidently surprised .il llio
Inciciisc of American stocks ami some of their
tr.ide public itlons ire advising the withhold-
In ) ; of orders until \alues shall liuxo
touched a loner level. Anothei largo
Inciouso In the visible supply will
pmb iliiy bo posted ni'-U week.
Uoin and outs were unaccountably heavy
unlll neni the tloso of thn 'ch HUP , when a
bettor deni'iiic ) set In. As to the Immediate
future of prices H is simply a question of re
ceipts ' 1 hu demand for corn Is good , and
falily so of oils , but unless receipts
diminish sumo It Is not Improbable
that price's m.iy loma n about where thev aru
foi bciinu tlmo l'io\lsluns wcro strong , with
.liiniinry prouucl louilng thn ndv.inoe.
I'.icUcis mo talUiu rather bullish and would
prob.ibly like to see bljihor inlets on which lo
sell for fiituio delivery.
OniUAOO , 111 , Ojt , 0 P. 0. I.ocan & , Oo.
to IJiiiicnn , IlollltiKcr & . Co. : Tlio wbuai
niarknt has inlpii stonily and llrni , trading
being rather free and the Iniyliiir prlnclpullr
of the .May option by iho southwest , where
the coiitlnued dry weather is beginning to lu-
lluonco sontliiient. Cables wore a Ullle easier
and o inscd NOIIIO soiling , but Invustmenl buy
ing absorbs tlinnlTurliijs on the weak spots
The l.irio roc elpls continue the only
weak spol In iho situ iilou These heavy
receipts h.ivo made It possible to buy
wheat urotind 7 > c. When they cc.iso
pilccs will bo higher. options o
corn weio depressed by oftiirlints from the ro
culvers hut the buying of May wasofafil
ebaraolor. The eloso was llrm. Condition :
w n rani a Rood re ictlon finin the rec'cnl severe
voro decline and heavy liquidation In corn
Oats hold vi-ry sto idy. As do fiom model iti
selling of November and Mnv by receiver ; !
iho trading was of a BIHIIII scilplng order
The provision niaiKot fnniisbol the elite
interest today und liailliu- was mneh largo
than for son o tlmo. The buying of Jmiiaiy sealo principally for ontsld
account. The bull clique was a
Holler of January illis. The olosu
WIIH HtionK at top prices. Whllo still frltiiiill.
to thn loin : side , we nru Inclined to look for a
reaction finm iho murKod udvaneo of the
pit > l Iwo iluvH Charleis of who it , 3IO.OOJ ;
corn , IIOO.OCO ; oattf , 140.iuu ; ( lux , 0\0)0. I'rlmo
Hajs : I'ooldry weatbor eiintlnnos , and i tins
aru bii liiniiito bo ni'i ded bully no irly
oieiywheici Northern ICannis ropoits lu-
Hcctsatwoik on early sown wheat , also that
It N too dry for Into coin , wh ch will bo
chally. The crop Is nol moio IhanO ) porconl
of la-it year , southern 1Cins is lee dry
for uho'ii in conm up , runners waul
to sell and hare no faith In hiiihi't prices ,
rvorthorn AlUsoiirl reports 75 pei com of corn
now Hifo from frost ; about throe-fourths
of the winter wheal IKIS bei n sccile.l ;
no Indle.illiniM of Insccl life , bonlh-
orn Michigan renorts bouillnKill done
ana wheal comlne up vuiy wall , neon
rain > oiy soon 1'ioin olov.itors on the line of
the tire il Northern r illroad In Minnesota and
U.iUota 40 loflj per tout of ino
jot to thresh ; inert ) lias not been much
threshed of Into , us farmers have stopped to
uo to plonliiKNo Inoroaho In tlio mo umont
U looked for until the Kioiind la frozen up.
Ground is now In Koo',1 condition for fall
plowing , nosovero frosts yet.
Securities Wcro Aotlvu lint tlio To IIP
\VllH ( illtlll.
NKW YOUK , Oot. . The stock market was
less aotlvo today , hill the temper of Bpccmla-
tlon wus strong during thu greater part of the
day with the trend of prices upward. After a
decline of 'iOJi pur cent at tlio opening. Con-
oral Elecirlo rose rauUlly from H7'i to 110U ,
OliloaKoQas from SJVi to 85 , mul Now Kniclund
from 4Ji ( to 15 ? ; , The confident buying of
these etneks Impurtod strontth to the re *
mulmlorof the list and uu udvunco of from Ute
to H was recorded with Union I'uulllo and
Qrungorsand Itoadlng In the lead * The last
n lined was In brls < borrowing demand ,
Durliij ; tbo nftornoon Iho mtirkot fell the effect
fect of tbo nmlzing sales and reacted U to i I
percent , bill the decline bronchi In u fresh
butch of buying orders shortly before tbo
close and a partial recovery ensue I. Chicago
( las and Qonorul Uluotrla were notlcoubly
btroint , leaving otf within ' ® ! of the highest.
Various repoita were ulronluted In regard
the ulloimt i\uu Knglaud dual , but nothing ol
uu olllolul nuturo developed , Ho.iiiinK
\TIIS udvaneod on rumors that favorable1
now8 In regard to iho property would
bo forthcoming In n day or two , They could bon
traced to no niithcntlo source und thu stock
lo'eded lofn $ | , There weru soiiio wldu tliictu.
atlon hi the speobilllus I'olor.ido I'uol TOM
Oi I'ltlbburt' , Cluuluuall , Chicago i St. l.uuli
preforrcil , t'tt ' Nitllonal Slnndant , 3V { Atnerl-
onnTobiecoootmnOii , V | Kdlton Illninlniitlnit ,
2 ; Ht Paul it Unliith. ,1 per ccnu The markoi
clnicd llrm.
The t est s'ivs ! Roforoncn ln nlroady been
inailo to iho MrciiRthcntna of the United
States troisury's jolil rcsorvo. Today' * treas
ury slate cut reflected the ouuo for the
OLtobor Interest pixymonts from whlolincon-
Idor.iblo dccrci : n In specie hud been looked
for. Iho re uit Is encournRltig ns It shows
tint In this direct on , too. tlm reserve -
serve against tlio United Stitos note *
Is ntn | > ly protected I'raotlcallv , the payment
of Interest xvas wholly made In United Ptutcs
notc . u tusk douhtlots rendered easier by tbo
bank dommid for ciirroncr nt Now York. The
cold rosorxo , on iho ether linnd. Is larger
than II wns before the arrival nf the Oolouor
quarter day nnd has Incronsad In nil since Ita
minimum flRtiro of Atizim by $ IOf > . ' > 7 , > ir > .
Mountlmo ItsliouKI bo ob cr\oil iiftaln that
the Austrl'in buyers of Rold , no-.v that our
mnrkot IsBhul to thorn , clearly bare been
dr.uvln , ' for heavy ninounts on Itorlln. the
totni loss of spoolo lust week by tbo Gorman
liiink be I nu no loss th in JH.Oiio ooo. the other
Kuroponn banks loslns Rold ulonR with It.
The following are tlio closing quotations for
tlio lending stocrfs on the Now York Stock ox-
chance today :
Alchlinn .N ,1 ( .ontrnl Ml
AilninB Kinross 14U Noriolk & W piJ MlS91
Alton , ' ! ' ll . . . .13 N Amcrlrnn ( o 13
do prefprruil , . , 1W Northern 1'iiclllo.
Atncrlcnu Ittproo 111) ilo | iM . . . . . .
llnlllinurn , V Ohio I ) I' . Den A Otilf
Camilla 1'nclllc
t'nniila iouthi-rn tin i > n 111
Contrnl I'ncinc 5S N , V Contrnl 1UJVS
UhOd A Ohio " N \ * N. line . . 4IH
CldcflKO Alton , ? ! Onta-lo ft West . . I8H
( hi llur .vgulncjr Urotfon lint. . . . . . . 11
CldcnRo ( Ins p t > I. \ U. N
Conaollilnli'il ( Ins llftH icltlo Mull
0. c , I & St I , I'lH Vorln , Dec .V li .
Cole , foal. Iron tl < < I'ltlibnrR
Cotton OH Corll fa 4 % 'ullninn 1'nlnco . . . I'JO
Del lluilson . . . . nr IIC.IillHK
II U AV . . . . l i Itlcliinnnil 'lor . . . .
II .V II (1 pfil . . . iWi ( ilo pfil
I ) A C I' Co . SUM llio ( irnmto West. , ill
Hast Tcnn do pfil
lirlo Hock Islnnil
ilo pfil . M 1 , A.S. K. IstpW ,
Kort Wnyno . . . . IM SI I'n u I T8' <
Orenl .Sorthernnfil 135 do pM 1224
C. A K. I iifil . . St 1'ntll \ O Wi
llnrklne Viilloy. . ilo i.rcfcrrcit . . . . . . KB
Illinois i cntrnl . Southern I'nclllo. : ms
St I' . Atliiliith . . . Sugar lleHneiy . IIOH
Knit. A , 'lor pfil . . . Sii I'nnn Cnnl , V Iron. , ar
l.nko Krlo A \ \ ust loini I'liclllo arnu
do pfd. . . . P .V.I ) fen iifil. . . , 7i
l.nkoShoro Union 1'nclllc 40
Lend Irmt . , , I ) . H IStiiross , to
l.onlBV. , v Nnsh . . W S U.V. ! toUK
1. A N A. do | . [ il i 201
Miintinttnn fun. . . Wells I'tirco Uxp. . 141lull
Mciuplili , VU M ) \Ni9torn Union . . lull ,
Mllll I I'llt lOS'i ' \\heolliiK.V U 10. . .
Missouri I'no . , . . do i.lil
MnbltnA Ohio . . . M , V bl 1 ,
NiKliMllo ( liiitl. . , , I ) A It. ti
Nntlonnl Loiilniu lien I bx
ilo nfil . . . . .Snllonal Iln < < cail 44
Thototnl s ilos of stocks today wore 231.703
slimes , Ineliidlni ; ; Atchlson. 4ii70 ; Chic IRO
a is. ; UockliiR Valley. .I.IWO ; l.oulsvlllo .V
Nashville. Ju.-i ; .Missouri1 iclllc , tM > ; North-
urn I'liclllc pieforrod , 0,4.P > 1 : Now Knijliind.
filr > an ; Ito.idlni : . : i.l ! U ; Hlclimond A , West
Point , AIIOJ ; bt , Paul , 14,470 ; Union I'.ielllo ,
Vow iotlc . .UoniijMmlti'l. .
NEW YOIIK , Oct. 0 , MOMV : os CAM , Kusv
nl3iV > percent ; lust loun , 44 percent ; olosed
ut 4'J ' per cent.
I'uiMK MEur\NTlt. ; I'Ai'Kit Hifflfl percent.
bTniti.iNn lxuiNai3 Quiet mid llrm at
W MI < for sl\tv-diiy bills und $4 fcij'i for de
The olosliiR quotations on bonds :
U. M 48 rPtf MuttiHl Union i ) * 110
U.S. 4s coup N J. C. Int f crt . . .
UJ S m tea . . . IOJ'1 .North. IMclllc Isls .
trncllluiis nf "Jo ior .Northern I Me 2ds
ll.oulslinn nt'p"il n in W ( onsiilt H7
'Icnu non set LI . , 1UI t.VV Con Deb 5n IOS
Ttnn now setui . . . 101 bl. I. XI M ( < en lit tu *
TIMIII now sot Js . . 75 S. JJ..VS. K. Ocn M . 103
Cnnllda o Suits . 10. ! St I'mil I'oninls . 15 !
tContrnl I'ncltlu Ists lUli St. I'.C A I" . UU . 11U
tl ) .V It. ( i Ista . . . . lex ! 1 > ( ! 'Ir Itcti 84
DIMI , V It ( i. 4a . . . lex I1 II ( ! Tr Itctn
irln Snils 101 ! Union I'flcllio Ists.
M 1C. AT. ( lou la . . 7 M. . \\OBt8hore
M. K A.T. ( Jen 63 . 47 > S ! U U. XAf
t till ! nskcil
ISoston tncic V > iuir ittons.
HOSTON , Muss , Oct. 0 'llio following
the closing stock qiiot.itlons :
AtctT 51 i7p".7 TTT 11 rnnklbi
Uosti.n X Albitny .
do Miitno
C. It A. nnta I c Copper
ill ) tin 'iamarnck liS
Fltcbbiit-K It. U * * Annlston l.iiiul Co 22
ilo 7n „ Hilton 1 nml ( Yo . 22r
Mox Con com bin l > li > * .o I. mil Co r.
N V. ft N Unxlnnil \\esl 1 nil l/inil Co r.i i
Old I olonj Hull 'Iclciiliuno . . . . .02
\\ls Con com 15 H r.nniionlioro h. . . .
Allouuz VI. Lo. ( non 7a \\nter I'owtr
AtlHIltll ) II Cunt. M
Hoston.V Mont . . . . IIH5 H A U O
Cnluuiut & lluchi 235
Sin l rnnclsco Ilnili OiuHiillons.
SAN KIIANCISCO. Oul. , Oct. 0. The ollloial
closing ( imitations for mining stocks toj.iy
ere us follows :
Alia , i : > Muno . ) u
llulnrcr BO Niiriijo . II )
Host & Uelcher. . . . . 2J5 Ophlr , . 320
lluillaCun 3 < ) I'otosl . 1(0
Cuoltar 100
Con Cnl A Va i.5 blurra .Ncvnda . 2-0
Crown 1'olnt UJ Union Con . HiO
ICurckaCon 1V > Utnli . J.VI
Gould A Curry. . . . 1 0 \ollow Jiickct . . . . 14) )
Hnle.t Norcross . . 1HJ N. Q . 10
Muxlcan ' . ' . ' 0 il. I . 10
Nc - York .Hilling liiu.
NEW YOIIK , Oct. (1 ( Tlm following nro the
oloslni ; inliiln , , ' ( | iiolitlons ; :
Choler M ' ptilr , AIU
Crown I'olnt . . . . 100 1'i ) month . .
( on Cut X Va 40J blcrrn .NovuiU
Duiulwood I'll htuinlard nj
rjoulil & Curry . . . I2" IJiilnii i on
lliilo.1..Norcros . . . . 2K ) Sellow lucket ,
llumebtikc I40J In.11 . hllvoi
MiIcnn V.W 1,11.Ick blhur . 30J
.North U'lj do preferred IbUl
Ontnrlo < H)0 ) Il'ilner 'J" >
London i.i'iioiv.
[ Cop ) righted 18'JJ liy liimos I. onion Dennett.l
Losii , Oct. 4 I Now YoiU Herald U.iblo
bpcolnl to TUB Iiic.l : ' 1 hcru was nnclmnxu
In the hunk rate. lliisliie-.3 on the block ox-
chiitiRi ) today hns beuii loss active , with a
more general disposition tosoetire prollts , so
timt the in irkets with toniu CYeoptlons huvo
not heen so fnxorubly Inclined as they \\aro
yostonliiv. Consols , ho\vo\or. \ Improved 'jd ,
nnd liidl.iii riipco p iper L4 < l1'oiolKn govern
ment. seeutltles ulosoil rather irregular. A
relapse of 'i per cent occnired In Arxontlnu
IB-O. Vt per eontln ArKontlno funded ; i ut Ilrn-
/lll in nnd Clnlliin bonds 1110 better. Amorl-
oan nllw iys experienced fcomo ro.iotlon. the
ons ur tendency In Now York causing sinull
bulls to tike ] ) milts. Although the utidor-
lone Is good , most descriptions oxporluncod u
relupsa of fiom 'a to ' $ per cont. whiln In the
c.iso of oithnrn I'licillo preference the fall Is
1 > 4 percent. Union I'aelllc mil I.Tiilsv Hi ) &
Nashville mo the oxoonllons and 1110 from >
to " pur cent higher. Monev hus becniiulto r
driiK. blunt loins ha\u leen easily obtnlned
In siinio cases us low as U per cunt. The ills
I'omit nmrket has been iinlot. iwo tind three
months 1)111belli ) ! quoted ut IJ-10 per conU
I'lniincnii .Noun.
NEwOuiiAN : ( < , Ia. , Oct. 0 Ulonnnss , $1,811) ) ,
NKW YOIIK , Oc-t. 5. ClourliiKS , $128.283,813.
bulunces , $3.H7'IS.
HAVANA , Oct. U. Spanish Rold. $ . ' .MU2.M'i.
Exchange , quiet. .Snuiii ijinot ,
JIAITIMOIIK. Mil. , Out ( i OlonrlnSB , ! JC07,10I ;
balances. Mil , 'Til. Money , n potemit. .
I'liiiiADi.MMiiA , I1. i. . Oct. fl. Olo.irlnats , 31- :
STU.8J5 ; bulnncus , H , > .I.1J'J. Money 4 pi > r eont.
lii' * . Tonn . Oct. n. Now York oxrhanzo
ul $ l.r > 0. OloarlnpB , { > | { JOOJj Laliincos ,
o , , oc-t. . Monov. : tao per
co ill. New Vnrlt oxehaiigo , > o dlbcoiint to
par. Olc.irlnu's , Mu5',4iO ,
IIDSIOK , Muss , Oct , . OlearltiES , $17,030 , ! ! Il ;
balances , SOII.W7. Money , S per cent. C\-
olmiiKoon , Now York .V3U'/io discount ,
1'AHlH , Oct. U. Three per cent rnntos , ODf
63c for iho neconnt. The weekly htatemont of
Iho of franco shows u decroaBO of i'.U'O-
UOOf In olil aim : iw.000f In silver.
CIIICAOO , III , , Oot. fl Olourlncs , tlu.riii8T37 ,
Now York oxclnmco sold ut H.e ( llsconnt.
bturlliu ujich inao nulot. but firm ; sixty-day
uills. tl.WU : ilomnnd , ti.SO1Monoy sto.uly
at & 3'J per cunt ,
LONDON , Oct. - ' . The bullion In tlio HixtiKof
KiiKliind docroaseil i.TJ7uXI ( ilurlni the [ ust
week. 'Iho proportion of the Hank of liu-
Imiu'a rcsor > u to liability , which lust , week
wns 40 U ( > or cent. Is now 41. .10 per cent ,
Amount of bullion withdrawn from the Uuuk
of KiiKluud on balances to lay , JL'IW.OOJ.
Cuttle allow u btroncur Tone Hugii Clug > od
\Venk ,
OMAHA , Oct. 6. Hccotuts for tlio pR t four
days fool up II. I . us. I cuttle , o lie s and 'diW
sheep lie ilnst 14.711 cuttlo. 10 071 ho-s nnU -,5)J
sheep the E.IIIIO four days of last vrcok.
\ \ hllo there was no radical uliunxo to the
general cattle i uret ! ; , the triulo liud a de
cidedly linnor tone , at least so far us
concerned the moro doslrulilo Rradu of steers.
Hecolptsworo rather llihtor than untlolputcd
and whllo nuido up liinoly ofu3torns In-
cliided n fair sprlnklliM "t very decent corn-
foil stock , Acouploof buiiohm of lL'4l uml
1'ajO-lb. steer * sold roudlly at $4 35 unil $4.10 ,
Total l ur of CITIES.
Corn-spondtnco eollcitcU.
H.W.HftnniS acOMPAHY.Banhers ,
- 103-109 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
U Wall Street. NEW YORK.
10 61010 fit. . tlOSTOM.
Oond wn ttrns nlso sold neil , ffilr tn Rood
1,1M to I.avMo. stoeti eillnj nt from MOO to
M. < a The tnedltuif And common crudes were
n trlflo slow nlthninh not iiitotHbly lower
Tlio clo o of btislncM found Iho receipts
. . . . . . .
OfTorlnm of cowx nnd mired stock
nero not very liberal nnd with n fnlr
dotnnnd trntlo wns fairly brNk nt
stt'iidy to stronff pi'loo'i. ' poor lo ijood cows nnd
heifer * tolllni ! ill fHinvJi.OJ to fi2\ with the
tils bulk of , the 'fnir to coed sttilT soiling nt
from fl.fto to SMS IlulU , oxen nnd stnes uoro
fully s'ondy , solliiijt freely nt from t\M \ to
* iM. VOH ! enlvcs , wpro llrm nl from U.OO lo
81.00 , bill common vo'irllt.KS were very luird to
The fcodor trnde'X snnlto lirMk and ntty-
thlnz that hnd lh welRhl nnd llcsli was oniy
to soil nl n Kooil ll.'iiro. U.iltlo timt wclehnd
from S. * > a Ibi. downnroiiol wanted , nspnsinrrs
uro too dry In thobittmlry to tnnko them pro 111-
nlio ntiirnoont. Satpi were liirtfely nl ftom
l. ' . , < OloWOI , wltlijpxft'pmos of fl.TJ to U15.
Uoprcscntnttvo sales :
No. Av. I'r. N"6. A.V. I'r. No. Av. 1'r.n
a'iaMioo ' ; IT
24 127 ? 3 45 ' ' 3 SJ 20 13.IG 4 GO
1 . OV1 1 05 is. i ) a 14 Os7 200
2 1IGO 1 10 2 .1015 1 03 O.'H SCO
t 810 t n i iota 1 GO 24 1017 200
1 . MO 1 25 25 OJ ) 1 00 Dl OGJ 2J- .
1..10JO 1 2T 17 801 i ro 1040 2 10
11 DOU 1 40 20. K5.I I 05 1103 210
7 025 i r > 11 701 1 03 .11 1017 210
1 1051 1 SJ 6 8)7 ) I TO DO 1CI51 2 15
0 77M 1 M 31. 8J3 t 70 10 OOJ 2 n
1 f.O 11 091 1 75 4 DV > 211
15 kSj I 60 1..105J 1 80 M ) 10VI 2 15
' i ro 8 01J 1 80 22 874 2 25
2 . 055 i M ' 2 UO 275
1 . 020 1 CO 3i.'l040 2 00
" 1 25 i. . 470 i 35 1 . 410 1 75
y" D75 1 . " 7. . 5V ) 1 : ii 2 405 200
7 . 613 i : 13. . 7S3 1 55 2. . D50 210
I . 270 3 00 1. . 100 4 00 1. . 150 425
1. . 220 4 00 1. . 140 4 00
i .iv > o i : n 1. . 050 1 81 3 1013 200
1..108) ) I D1 1 .1409 1 85 1 1021 2 CO
1 .1150 1 70 2..1J70 1 OJ 1 I17J 200
1..I10J 1 75 1..I4UO 1 P ) ; 1..1210 2 10
2..1105 1 75 ! . . 1.110 1 05 1 .178J 250
2. . 1150 1 73
L.COO 175 ' . ' 3. . 010 22" 48. .1047 280
2 . IMS 2(10 ( II. . 785 225 40.1071) ) 285
2 . 810 2 1)0 ) 20. IDO'I ' 230 ! 1 I ISO 2 OJ
0. . 4ll ! 'J II ) IB . 'Ml 2 ( W 'U .I27J II 10
4. . 895 215 15.1010 2 KO 20..IJ7 : ) 315
20 684 2 20 ,11 . MS 2 75
MIL units AMI
1 sprlnsur $1800 1 cow und calf. . . J0 ! 00
1 siirlnitur. . . .200 1 cow and calf . .1J (0 (
1 cow nnd unit U ) CO l con and calf. . . J5 00
1 cow and calf "i * > 1)0 )
No. Av. I'r. No. AT. I'r.
1 cow 840 $1 DO iUcnivs . . . $1 70
1 'steer . . .U'70 2 10 21'fleers l ,0 ' . ' 00
6 steers. . .1.UJ 2 75 17.1 feeders 1002 2 f,0
21 cows. . . . 012 1 J5 4 bulls 1.117 1 7. )
2 town. . . . . 1075 07 cows SHI 2 OJ
72 tows 8SO 2 00 7 cows lull ) 2 ' . ' 0
4 'steels II."U 2 ID 3 10
12 SUITS . . 1201) f > t leers 1101 .1 40
1 * Hli'ei . IT'iO " 4 ' .
H ' ' cows . U'7i 2 r.
2 feeders .124 % - 11 slcors. UMH 2 00
. IOKS IS' ! 1 steer I5PO 2 50
4 feeds is UK , 2 00 27 feeders 1117 2 00
10 cows . . . . ! < JJ 1 OJ 18 'steers l-'dJ 2 00
1 steer . . . . .1310 2 SO 117 slcors . 1014 2 DO
2 stcois . 14I > > 8 cows HIS 1 45
30 cows . . . . bill lOJ 13.J.I ; i 25
2,1 cows . . . , Oi' ( ' ) 2 11 I4JO 2 50
2-'stcers. . . . r.'o2 J JO DJ cows . . , 105) 2 15
.1700 2 CO 1" . steers UOJ 3 21
2 steers . . . 745 2 75 Scows . . .loao 1 00
0 COWS . . . . . Mis 1 40 2 heifers. . D05 1 OJ
1 cow , 70) ) 1 00 15 cows . . OJ" > 1 00
2 cows. . . . 1115 2 15 1 cow 870 2 15
2 calvns. 2.W 2 25 1 feeder. C20 2 : io
3 feeders , . 070 2 40 1 feeder 070 2 40
1 feeder. . .1400 2 80 loulf . U'O 3 25
24 feeders .1111 , 2 feodeis 1J05 2,8) )
0 feeders llfij 2 SO 27 steers. 1125 2 70
4 feeders OO'i 2 dO
U COWS 1071 2 10 1 feeder 5SO 2 50
11 feeders 747 27 feeders 878 2 70
1'steei O.'d 2 'steers 1210 2 25
8'steers Iu7J 2 21 2 feeders 0.5 2 CO
II foodois 010 2. W feeders It 83 2 40
HORS I'ho xiinply nns hirdly up toexpee-
tatlois but llio wceU's receipts so fat have
been \ery llttlo different from llioso of lust
wiicU. In iii | illiv , loo. theru liaxu been no
oh inzcs worth nouiu. ,
\\ith loci-lpts not too hoi\y. coed competi
tion from shippers and an aetho flesh meat the nunliut opened aetlvo and all of
5a to luu higher , und the bulk of the
hos sold thill wiiy. ' 'Iho advance was
mostly on the 'cotninoiioi hogs and fui
this reason the 1.1111:0vns narrow , the big
bulk of the s.llet bOllU al $3.25 nnU JJ 33. Uood
to choice bnlchormil he ivy nor's , moro or
less suited. bjuu.ilit fxU5 and $5 40 , and com
mon light tnl\cil nndiiinderwoiKht stuff sold
all the wav ftom ? i. t > ( lu\\u lo f I b * > . The inar-
kol closed we lU , nearly Do lower than tlm
opening , with ono or Iwo lo.uls unsold , b.ilcs
were largely ill from J..2to $5 30 , against ? 5 15
to I521 Wednesday , the gnner il average of
prices paid bolus * , ' . -7'f , agilti'-r $5.1 < ) Wednes
day and SI 1'1'i last Thursday. Koprosentatlvo
s nos :
No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. SI ) . I'r.
J. . . .150 $4 hO oa.7C . 70 2sO f5 25
CJ . IM 040 4 b5 7C . 80 525
GO. 1S8 800 74 . 300 525
1 . .220 D 10 D7 . 80 5 2i
' . .21H 80 ft 0) 81. . 20. . ) 525
7' . 2UO 40 r.oo 62. .2IO IM 525
0. . . .211 UO fi 00 00 . 2iJ 240
ft . . .20S 4J D OJ 7CO. . . .240 81) D 15
tl 4J D 00 CO. . . .2 4 120 D 2D
3 ( .00 f. 10 107. . . . . ' - 401 28) D 23
.1 . J10 40 f > 10 f.4 . . 211 IGO
70 . r. r. . . 278 40
o. 251 fl 11 74 , ' . ' .1 ino
' 280 f. 20 7J " J2. . 200
02 . - 240 520 GQ . .Ill 200UO
DO . 271. 210 5 20 70 ' " 120
7J. . 2.10 440 fi 2l ) 71 . 'Hi .110
OJ . . . 2IS 200 : . 211 h ! , . . ' 511 2 0 n .ID
7,1 . . 24J f.2.5 I' ' ) 1 JO
70. . 230 l.'ll r , 21 O'l 12J r > .w
SI . 101. 210 r. - ' - . 71 24) D JO
55 . . .2 HI hO ft i'.i 41) ) i > 10
. . . .107 200 ft 2. bJ D Jl
. . . .JIO r , 25 70 . -l. SJ r. .0
. 21 i 40 r. 25 7.1 . . 247 20J 5 JO
8.1 . . . . 220 UJ r. 21 DO ICO D30
. . . . 2iO 200 C 25 0) . I ISO D30
2C'J 240 5 21 02 . . . 21. ) ISOHJ 535
204 440 f , 25 ' ' . .SII 6,15
2.U 80 ft 25 04. . . . .20. ! 5 J5
M ) 0 21 " ' 12D f > .i5
5 25 Ol" . 10J D.1D
. . . . 2T > 40 021 70 . . 20U 63)
. . . . 2.8 Lao D 25 43. . . . -41 SO 6 .17'
10/ ire D 2.1 01. . . . .277 10U 640
247 120 r. 25 41. . . DUO T.40
so r. 25 ftl . . .2(1 640
20J 5 21 51 . . . .3)3 510
20 J ' . ' 40 5 25
1'ICiS AND riOUfill.
. . . : mo ; i oo 2 . . . . : no 375
. . . .25J1 3 00 0 . 2JO 200 40J
' liecolpts cons'sted ' of n small bunch
of n.itHo Iambs und four doiihlu decks of
Mexican * The lambs sod roudlly for J4 ( W ,
and a pail of the westerns bronchi $ J f > 0. lc- )
sliablo iniittoiiB cnntlniio Inactive demand
lit Cully stonily prices. Knlr to K' > od natives ,
StDIDO ; fair to Rood wostarnH , il.2 > ® 4.r > ;
common and stock sheep , SJ.25 ® IS5 ; Rood tn
cboleo 4' ) lo l'0-lb. lambs , * IOJti.7i. ! Hopro-
HOII tilth u Bales :
No ' Av. I'r.
DOnatlvo lambs . Dl ) ? l M ) wottiers . 77 3 DJ
City l.lxo .Stock jMaikot.
Our. Mo , Oet 0. OATII.B Ho-
celpls , 0,000 ; Hhlpments. r.aOO ; murket au-
llvoj steers htiontr , ' < Ti\"ia \ hi nor. bhlppliiK
Bteers. not uuotod ; 'ioxus and Indian steers ,
fl.TVtt..Bi ; htoulairs and feoUcrk , { 1,40 .1.1 1.
lionlleceipts , 7.0 0 ; Hlilpmonu , 3D'iO ;
ni.irkel aolho , mo hialior , loaiiii : Do at Iho
clo o ! all srados f 1.00 ® . .45 ! hulk , J520O5J5.
biii'.Ki' Uocolpls , 4/.UO ; shlment3 | , MJ : in.xr-
kot was ai'thu and hlo.idy ; muttons , JJ.uuffi
4.'J5j Inmba. * 5 OJ 5 50. _
M. l.o ills l.lvu htork MurUi't.
Pr Lot is. " * i ) Qpt li. ( 'Airi.E Hpi'olptu
and BI ! pinciitfl nut icportod ; niulel : stiun/or.
A bunch of bpicaly | | heavy ntitlvi ) steoib
A troubleswnehkin disease caused
me to scratch for ten months , and was
cured by a few-days' use of R5KJh5SI
Mtfir.iwoi.Fi' , icsssai
Upper Marlboro , Sid.
I was cured fomocari aconf Wlilto Swelling
IniiiyleBliynsinBlrtliraKafiaiiil lia o liaU im
symptoms of ros2C3IS3B | ttlrn of tll ° tlla'
ease. Jlany jiroiliiimiit iiliflclati3 attended
jno and failed , bulS. 8:8. illil the work.
I'AUL W. KIRKrATJUCK , Johnson Clly , Term.
Treatlu on Illon. ! nJ Skin ulttatts malltil lite ,
AlUnu , f
i-onlnd iirono iilb will liuioi-olvoil by thotiii-
( luralznuil until li ! n'ulouk p in. Oulobor
ilbl ! , IhJ. . 101 till ) IMIlhlllllUlUU Of BUWOrS III
BoworillBtrluts Nos. 1WJ , 10S .mil 10' ) , In thu
rlty of Oin.ih.i. nu per Drdlniiiii'ui NOB , Il.bJ ,
a.'bi nnil : il. rcwpo llvoiy. aceoi-Jli. i to pluim
nnd hppollli'iitlnnt on Ulu In the olllvu of thu
Ilo ml of I'ubllo Works.
I'aeh proposal to Im mniloon printed blanks
fiiruUliuil lir Iho bounl , and to bo uccunipnu-
Intl i.v n ourllllod uhouk In tlio mini of $ > uu ,
1 > lyaulo to iho oily of Uniiihii , us uu ovluunuu
of teen faltti ,
Thu hoard reinrvpg the rlaht to reject uny
or iil ! DldH. and to . , fo
Clialrinun Itu.inl of I'ubllo WorUi.
. , UclohorTlh , Iti' ' . O.-a-H-15
fnlr to choice rninol ; from .
Sll.TM fnlr to peed Tojni nnd Indian stcori ,
.s iis\ :
lloni Hpcnltitiiviiil hlni | } nt not ronnrtodi
mnrkot ( Inn nnil hlRhort lionvy , IV6o < 35.75 !
liiPKIiiiiT. J.3afiOj light , { .VLViDik ) .
SllKRi1 UoPDlpls uiul Rhlpinontn not ro-
noriod ! nuirlict flrmi nitlvo nltitton * . 11.00
< 34. ? j Toxns iniltlong$3.MX3ilOO.
UpcclptK nnil llUpntltlnu of Stock.
Oniolal receipt * nnd disposition of stock n *
shown by the book * of tlio Rnlon Htook V.irdu
ooiiin my for tlio twenty-four hours oiullnj at
fto'olook p. in. , October 0 , 1WI
ClitriiKO I.Ho stork MiirKot ,
CntOAno , III. , Oct , 0.-Fpcolal [ Teloeram to
Tltu HK& ] 'riiotleinand for oattlo was not as
sharp as on the dav before , and tialdo from
oholco dry fed stuurs the tone of the market
wns less llrm , Thcro was a full supply about
18.0JO head an.I It kept silosnon busy
to nniko a oieaninco without sacrificing
prices. AHIniu.'h llio total nrrluils for the last
four diiya foot up some > )0 haul less tli in
for tbo Hiinio time last vck. Noordert had tope
po ttulllled , tbo xtipplv belnv rather tnoro tlmn
of nvorato ; iiroportlons NiitUes. of whleh
AboutOimn nrrhed , sold on n basis of from
tl.'o to $ . ' .T for poor to cholco cows nnd bulls.
Jl.uU to tl 15 for stockurs and fcodCM , and
from ? MX ) toii.T5 for dressed boot andsblp-
plniKtcers The 0,0 0 Texnns on siloworoln
demand at from il. ° > to JJ. U for eo s , and at
froml..01to f ion for steers. Westoins weto
llrm at Wednosiluy'H aiUaneo. or at from } l..riJ
tot4.a. ) . There was a llrm inuikot for calves
nt from $1,7. ) to $3 M.
The 1.04 market lacked the business tbat
charaetorlod lion the Drcccdlns daj s of tbo
weoU nnd llmro w is an uiuloicurrent of weak
ness Unit thieatciied to dux olop into .1 doellno
but din not The supply \MisabouilhnKanio
as foi Wednes l'iy , both as tt-Kiirils nil intlty
and ( ] iiullty and tlm ran e of sales \\as the
samo.Tho choicest of the oil ell n s fetched ft am
M si to JiST , fiom which Urines > lies i in down
to from $ > > ( ) to $ i ! . " > for pent st.ill . nnd lo fiom
J. ' 50 lo J ) . 0 for i Mils nnd eholer i-talnted piKS.
Tlieiuiis not much tiadinc nliovo t .7(1 (
bales of sheep eio on i 1) iss | of f lorn $12"i
to.l. > for luitixos nnd from f.l' > to $1 10 for
westerns , The create ! put of the supply con
sisted of the latter nnd theie was
but little business at better than Jl.n :
I , imbsero salable at fiom $ ) . " > U to
? j 00. These ( pint it Ions are an adanco on
those out rent at the close of last week of from
I5o to 'Joe , tiioueli tlio tendency today was
sll'htly downward , salesmen llndltn ; nomu
( lllllcnlty lit closing out at yestei.lay's pi loos.
liecel ts. Cattle , 1T.O U head ; IIO H , 1,000 ;
BheiM ) , IMiuO
The Hvunlni ; .lournal ronotts :
OATTi.t ! Itocelpts , id/iOO head ; Flilpmonts ,
r , ; tuO head ; market xtcadx to strong : best na
tives. * " > no ® " ) 00 : fair to choice , iMnuttl.75 :
common. S.'bUifiUO ; TOVIIHS , * OOa2.S5j westerns -
orns , fJ.SOnJ " , "i : stocKeis and fctuois , $1 Wii
: iOU : cows Jl. ( ) ® -bU.
Iloos Uccelpts'J.ODO head ; Rhlpmcntt. .
H.OOJ liuiul , mnikot uncxen : avorazod steady :
rough and common , $3'Mt. ' ) . , > ; paukeis and
shlpuers , K > jril'i.T'i : prlmo hoaxv and
hutulioiV wclchts , $ )03it.'i8"i : assorted llnht ,
J . iJlSr'.TU : skips and i > lss. J4 .WliJJ. .
Hiintii1 Uccoluts li.OOO be id : shipments ,
2,700 ; maikot steady ; natives. $440'iOO ;
westerns. 11.10(31.00 ( ; Mexicans , Jl.lwa3.5d ;
lambs , Jl.T.Vitt ! 00.
Nou York I.tio Stuck .Miirkct.
NEW YOIIK. Oct 0 I > CR\IS llooolat , S.ion
heid : no trido , feellns llrm : ilru .scil . beef
steady at 7S'ic ; slnumeuts today MObeoxes
and K"hheep
O\i.vri liccolpts , ninhcad : nrirkot stead v ;
veals $ " > 0007..V ) ; cra'-seia , fi'JISi. " 50 ; western
calxcs , $ . ' OOfoJlTi.
Snrii1 ! AMI IAMn3 lccolnt ! = , 7 , . " > 00 bond :
sheep firm at $1 OilftVJJ ; lambs- Itlsher at
} V. ' > < ii3.r > ) , drnssed muttons ste lily atTftH'jo
pei Ib. ; dressed lambs llrm at S' ' iSldc.
lions Iteeeipts , : I.T'O hold , ine iidlmt two
cars for silo : in uket atoady at $ j.7Ufiib MO per
lee ibs.
Kiilldlni ; I'oiiults.
The followlnij ponmts wcro Issued by the
supeiintcndcnt of buildlnss yeitorday :
A J. Wniddon. ono-story frame eotlaRO ,
Fortv-tlist and lliiiney streets $1,500
A. J. Whldden , one-story frame cnltiRO ,
1'orty-flrst and Ilinnoy stret-ts 1,500
A. \Vlilddcn , onn nnd ono-hilf story
frame cottage , 1'orty-fltst and Itlnney
strocts l.COO
7j. T. Llnd < uv. tixo-storv frame dwoll-
Imr , roitloth and II irnoy streets . . . 5,000
'A. T. Mnd-ioy , o-io and ono-h ilf story
frame barn , 1'ortleth and Ilarney
streets 1.000
Six minor permits I.IUO
Total $11,600
Mrs. ] j. H. Patton , Uoolctord , 111. , xvrltos :
1 From oxpenouco 1 can rocotr.raenJ
DoWitt's Sariiipirilla , a curs for Impure
blood nnd conorai uelnlitv "
M.irrl it ; * ' laiMniT .
The following mirriaijo licenses were Is
sued by County .ludgo Cllor yesterday :
Name and address. AJC.
J Hobert K illun. pm ih i . . 20
I Marjuerllo < ! r.ou Om ill i . -I
j Herman G. I mKerHoiith Om ih i. . . . ' 'I
I Annie .lobus m , South Um ilia . .
Uoill's btrsipinlia aosirovs sued poi
sons us scrofula , skin disujsn-i , oczomi , ihou-
inutlsm. Its timely use s.ivji tniny liyos
One Finn In Ruffnln Spencln ] TInro
nionoy nt llio ISnftulo E'oht-ofrii.-o
than all Iho Iluiikn ami NOUH-
A "U'nshington ( ! > . C. ) letter fays , ( hat the
post-ofllco authorities nt Wn iiiiRton report
tbntono firm in Htiiralo tlio World's Dispoii-
Bary Medical Assoomt ion spends nnuunlly
ono liumlied thousand dollars ( ? IOOiK , ( [ ) ) for
stumps nlono , in carrying on llieir cxtensivo
iiropiictury liusincss. This is mom than all
the lianKs nnd nexxsp.i ] > er.-i of Uullalo i.oin-
blneil siioiut for posture-
Hero's a firm xvbich lias grown , step by
step , through ninny years to The
reason for this wonderful pioxUh lias been
that they liavo faith inxliat they sell , so
much fttilh that if they can't Ijcnellt or
cuio , they r/onY tmiU j/oiir / iiionc/ ; .
Kor many 3 ears they hax-o been selling Dr.
Pioiro's rcinoiliob one , Dr. I'leioo's Golden
lledical Discovery , for lOKiilr'uiK ' nnd in
vigorating the liver and puiifyiiiK the blood ;
thoothoi , Dr I'IPUU'H Kavonto I'toviiptioti ,
thohooof | ) weakly xxomanhoixl , and thoy'vo
been sold for jcurb , loW by the million lint-
tics ; sold under u positim f/iiMtnfcc ( of
benefiting or curing , or your money will bo
Union Stock Yards Company
Besl cnttlo. hog and slit-op marUot In the wen
Till : J.HADKIl' ) .
Wrltrt to thin houia Jor cor-
llltV r0oi Mnr Uel Koporis.
Wood Brothers ,
touth Omaha Telephone Ili7. - Chicago
JOHN I ) DAIIISMAN. ! , , . .
„ „
WAl/l'KH ti. WOOD f Manager *
SInrkot reports by mull nuJ wlru cheerfully
furnished upon applliiatlon.
Campbell Commission Co.
Ohlcazo , nibtKI. IxHila. Kansas Oily. Soulh
Omaha , bloux ( Jlty , I'ort Worth.
A. D. Boyer & Company ,
t,8aiulM Kxoluin-'O Hull Jin : , South Oniili : i.
Correspondentonulltltcl and urumptly niiiwvri
l attention tu urdert lot biucnon \ luoilun.
I 1691. incorporate ! , IJJI
Capital full ? pall , J.MUJJ.
Waggoner Birney Company
Wrltoor wire u > fur prompt unil rullublu markjt
report ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Perry 13rothers & Company ,
I.lvo btooU OommlHulon.
Hoom M l.xuhungu Iliilldln. , tfoulli Omubu.
Toiephuiiti 17J7.
rops1 and
Moras-Coo Shoe C mp-ny ,
11 0 lloiinr.l'.iroot
Jnrtory corner lull nml lintiKln * Slrool .
vv c nro in ikbnr cloo prki1 * to t uli Intvi * . nnd nro
with mm lmnt
KirWall Jones &Aincr , Hand-Sowei
cornpnnr.y hnlowlo mf'i Shoo mniiinnjr , boot ,
AjiaMt llmtiin Itiilil r i > lie s nml ru Mil r cno !
Miwc"mpniillttiioi. ! UIO
lllXi llnrnur street ,
Blolcky & Colic'i '
Clolblng. notlonc fnr < li-
Inm litvo tn n irlnl
hnniilc | < nrrnnlil b > e\ .
pw. Illlllnrncy vt.
D. M.Stcclc&Co. , Brace & Co
Omiihan ntrool , 10th unil Ilnrnir Rtr ooti
Omiiha Uuialia
Ufdop vt Williclmj I'o. ' Lobeck & Linn.
Corner lOtli ami Jnckson l > fi\lcr In hirdirurs Bi
trccl > I mciliMitcx'tool\
1401 HouirUs ntfect.
"Have you tasted
America's finest Whisky ?
Richest Quality ,
Absolutely Pure ,
Doubly Aged , Sold at all High-class
Delicate Bouquet , Drinking Places and
Best 1 Very Best ! I Drug Stores.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Tti oralnont uppitillit In nervous , chronlr , prlviito Line I , skin and annirr illioniei A rural a r not
Dil'lcrcd litaiJunU ) In nu-ilclno , us dip onmtnnd corilti me' iihnvr. li fttlll trcntlntr < nih UiHgrratuit nioruii
ntirrli. tperniHtorrlioi'a. losi m inhno l. mln l Wi-nknuis. nlwht loisej , linpiiiuncy syphllli. utrlclnro , noil-
JrrluoR , Kloet. fiirkoiclr.ctc .No men urjr like I. Nun tronlinent tor loss ofliui p wi r. I'lirlloi umU'o ' ta
vlsli mo inny bo tru-iitol at lioniu I > J oorrispon > lunci > . Mull. Inn or Initruim-nf n'nt lu "mil orerpross :
curnly picked , no mn-ks loliullr-iitB cuntcnU omenili-r. Una ntrBonal Intortltw prtieirod. Gontallatlon
[ n.j Correiponileiuo atilcily nriviitc. lioni ( Mulerlii of Ufa ) lent trail. Uillou ! iou U . u. toll f. m.
HunilaiilUi. iii.iollm bwitl sunup lot noir.
igh , Musinxl indrt tlrpitrti rnt hifilust unki tputhfrnof tin. ) cttt American
und Kiirniuan cultnir , largo AIM ! -uitifiil 1 < croundb , DC \ \ biuhtinQn. rtinniwwcU
? eiitilnt'l , H htiJ by j- ( t Oppnn N pi r in her 7th Foi CKtnlofUf mlilicBH
Unv T. \ \ \ IlAUUfr/l 1 , Vrv * . C1Oi4lJ51XIIAf MO ,
: BlcGRSW.
Ill the tic.itmcntof all forms of
and all Wuukniiss uml Disorder of
/TTTXT wt'i | ' 'Osl ' * " ' oitiriso. ambition
1V1. ly IN und vitillly. iUlitc-un : yours of
the most remiirkablo success In
the troiimontof IhlH elussof dlsuasuK. which
lHiovun ] ) by Ihu iinuiusil io.-tiinonv of thou-
saudH who huvo boon umod Wrllo forolrau-
1ms mid ( iiiestloii list , 4 UU ami I'umitiu
hit , , Oiiiiilin , N' lJ _
TliuuiBiidi y they vill vrar No Other Shoe.
Wear this Shoe during the Summer Months.
Thu Shoe EXPANDS with l.VMIV MOTION of
ilt loot AU > nlllin Iti | rliil l > l'r , Iho
DJDhl'Alil.i ; Kulure nioku II fumble lo wilt
narrower ttiue.
Coiti no more , looki better , we r looter ,
( nil givci 100 tlmra moro comfort
thtiu any uthtr niuke
Frlcci , $2.00 , $3 CO , $3 00 $3.00 ,
ITo'sulo ul thollo-iton Bturu.lUli mid liuuglu
Or llio I.l iiior 1'unlljtrly Cured
by uilniliiUH'Hnir Dr. llulue * *
Uolitcii f.pi'rinc.
It cim be given IB a cup oi cofico or tea. or In food ,
without the knot i dce of the patient. it IP absolutely
barinleiB. and will litect u i > ermajciit ; and ipeedy
cure , whclher the pailuut l a moderate drinker or
In alaobollP wreok. It hot been ( tiveu n tbeusandi
of ositfniidln every tnetance a perfect cure lia rol.
lowed linrrrr l'ull - Tb > yitrmoncaltnprrimat < rii
with tba Cpooiflc. * l becoroca an utter ImpniulUllty
for ihi > liquor opnetlte lo l t. _ _
' ' '
book of uartloulari free , 'lo bv bad of
. . . 13th and Doujlui St . 16tb and
OuniiiiKati WhulusiUIlliiko. . llrneoi ( Jo.
und Uivharabuti DruUa.Ouialia , Nub.
Why is it that some
houses always need re
painting ?
The owner has them painted
in the Springby ; the Fall they
have a dingy , rusty , faded look.
A neighbor's always looks
fresh , clean , and newly painted ,
and yet is not re-painted oftener
than every four or five years.
The first "economises" by
using "CHEAP" paint ; the
second using nothing but
Strictly Pure
/ * flv
"Dutch Process"
White Lead.
The first spends three times as
much for paint in five years ,
and his buildings never look _ .
as well. t I f
'Almost everybody knows
that good paint can only be had
by using1 strictly pure White
Lead. The difficulty is lack of
care in selecting it. The fol
lowing brands are strictly pure
White Lead , "Old Dutch"
process ; they are standard and
well known established by
the test of years :
Get the National Lead Co.'s
Pure While Lead
Tinting Colors.
Mix them ( for color only )
with strictly pure white lead ,
and you will have the best
paint that is possible to put on
a building.
For sale by the beat dealers In paints every *
II you are eolnc to paint. It will nay you
to tend to ut for n book containing Inlormu-
lion that may savr you many a dollar ; It
will only con you a postal card to do to.
St. Louis Branch , t
Clark Avenue and Tenth Strcetc ,
St. Louis , Mo.