1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , FRIDAY , 0010BER 7 , 1892 MUST EXPlAlMIlEiR ACTS | Hiiolro-k County Officials Cited to App&ar Before tbe Snjireme Court , WILL BE SETTLED EARLY NEXT WEEK rcr W. llnjn "ln mill \V. V. I'llbsrt M y lie I'lihlxlif U fur Ounlrttiil | K m Ill- null at llirlr IlHurln to o.-'c , Nob. , Out , f. jSpedal to Tnn BEE. J The supreme court this morning took a hand in tbe county seat trouble at Culbert- son It will bo remembered that last week Chief Justice Max well Issued & restraining order requiring Uoorge W. Benjamin and \V. F ubert , the treasurer and county clerK of Hitchcock county rehpnctivcily , r.ot to re- niovo the records and papers from Culbert- scn to Trentou until the nr ument upon a petition In error could be board by tbe su preme court ou November IT. The Ute dis turbance at Culbertson xvai occasioned by the attempt of parties to mane a forcible re moval of the records. Tuesday ultrrnoon Attorney Cole of Culbortson appeared before tbo supreme court and tiled nn in formation in contempt ngainsi Messrs. Benjamin und Filbert. ThR court this morning issued tbe following orjer : "And now , t. xV. Cole , having Died xvith the cli-rlt of this court certain written charges against Oeorcu \ \ . Brnjamln nndV P. Fil bert , alleging tbe nKolxxliotics of suid Uoargo W. Benjamin nnd W P. Ki.oprt to nn order mudn by Hon. Siimucl Mrixxvcll , chief Justice of this court , on the ! IOth dnv of September , IMtt , upon tbe petition of the plainlifTfi in error herein , restraining ana enjoining the sula Ueorce W Benjitmln ana W. P. Filbert , from removing or attempting to icmovo their respective otllccs. Jurnlture , fixtures , files , tHiok pupPi-M c.r county propeny liom the villnpo of Cnlbertson , Hitchcoclt county , Nob. , to Trenton , in s > nid county , until the 17th day ot November , und said charges having bnen subm tied to this couri , a rule Is allowed herein against tbo said Uocrce XV * . Benjamin and W. P. Filbert directing them to appu.ir before this court ou Tuesday , October 11 , IS'.U , to show CHUEO why they should not bs punUbed ns for contempt for their disobedience. " Suprrinc Court rrocrrdlti * . William D. BecUetU osq. , of Omaha ad- mlttfed to practice. Omnha Loan uud Trust company vs Overall. Motion to dismiss over ruled , Venger vs Lemp. Motion to dismiss overruled , Lowe vs HOPS Printing company. Motion to advance ovcrrulnd Hofeck vs State. Motion to dismiss sustained. Crews vs Cofftnan Rule on defendants to show cause October 11 xvhy thi-y should nut be punished for contempt. Flacg vt. Flacp. Leave gix-on plaintiff to file additional trcn- f.cript. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime com pany vs Fay Leave given plaintiff to file Hflliiavits. 'RichHrds vs County Commission- eis of CBV | ooutnv. Submitted on inottou. Englebert v * Troxoll. Motion to dismiss ovorrulei ) ; appellant givi-n ten days to hlo briefs ; appellees txventv dnys thureaftor. State ex rcl Attorney Geiifrnl x's bir.ith. Dismissed. The lolloiving can-sos 'verc con tinued : Bobn Sasb and Unoi company vs Chase , Roberts vs Fisher , Cooper vs"State. The following cnuses xxeie argu"d nnd sub milled1 Yncer vs Lemp , bti-nwood x-s Onmba , Faruuhar vs Ilitiben , Karll vs Kvhn , StatH ex rcl CamDb'll vs Ferguson Henry VR Vliot , Liiny vs Nelson , Mvers vs McGavrock. Bank nf Commerce vs Gees , Omaha Street Haslxx-nv company vs Clalr , Omaha Strcol Ruilxvav company v Elkinn. \VHiitn Allot tier Arrituiitln ? . The case of Ht-nry Oliver apainst.Tames F. Lansing is likely to become famous in tbo annuls of the "district court In uud for tbe countv of Lancaster. Some months ago Mr. Oliver commenced a i-IU.OOO aatnagt suit against Mr Lansing but afterxvards xvilh- drexv lu Still later no commenced a suit to compel an accounting between Ihe uvo , xvho are joint oxvncrs of the Lansjng Iheater in thl city. Today Mr. Oliver commences a i.hird suit. He sets lorth in a petition tiled xvitn tbe clerk of the district court tnis tnoru- luir that tbo piopertx' in question is encum bered to Ibo extenl of fjd.OOO ; tlial Mr. Lun- tiiig bus bad chiinro of ttm building and nas collected n large amounl of rants foi xvhich he has refused to malm an accounting. The court is requested to order n partition of the property , or If that cannot be done order it told and the proceeds paid into court , an ac counting had and tbe plaintiff be paia h's ' just share of the amount. Lincoln In Itrlcf. D. R. LilUbrirtee xvill commence at once the erection of a throe-storv brick block ut the corner of Eighteenth uud O streets. City Treasurer Stevenson xvas married last evening to Miss Kale Damroxv Tbe iiewlv wedded couple are already at home at 14U3 Q street. Judge Tutlla und a Jury are engaged today in the oa e of Colina B. Blake against J. H. McMurtry in xvhlch the plaintiff sues for $3,000 damages. She alleges that tbe de fendant threw , cloud upon her title to five acres of laud xvhich she had bought for in vestment. Tbe uumes of a large number of additional \xitnesses were placed on tbe information ngulnst W. H. Irx-ine , xvbose trial for the murder of C. E. Montgomery commences f next Monday. AMU&KMKA'IS. Mane" nt Hey d'n. An English low comedian of txverity years' successful stupe experience , a past mastei in the uit of milking points nnd in kno'.vl' 1 edge of just what tbo average thentor-gooi most fully appreciates , and a "litlurury fel' lor" of French extraction get together one "Jane" is produced. "Jane1' is brimful of points nnd to every one of them is attached u laugh exlraclor Tuey are Irresistible. Tbo story of the threo-aci luruo U supremely ridiculous , but not a man or xvoumn of the audience thai crowded the Boyd last evening out fellas much interest lu its dovelopmeut as if it hud boon a xvoru of suriouv genius , and all , laughed till tears eamo. it xvas " .lauo'i' first vitit to Omaha and all that can be said between laugh-enceuderod hiccoughs , it Come again June. True , there are bpou on the suu , and tbe authors of "Jane' ' have burdened denod the work xvith a too lingering dpnouo inent for the sake of makiuc u point that ii I haraly worth Ibo price ot un null-climax All of Charles Fiuhman'fi companies an coed , and the one m whoso euro "Jane" uni been plaued is not less than cooa. 'i ho lines bit of obnracler acting that could be seuu ii tbe Mr. Kersbaxv of Mr. Al. Harris ; It is ar that has much of the French periucliot about il and such as is rarely seen on tbi English-speaking vtuge , Mr. Harris ueve ininitpB a point and never seems to make one the art that conceals art is perfectly exuia pllticd lu his strikingly artistic performance Misi Grace Sherwood bus a thorough 0011 ropllon of the part , of Jane and Its ext-outloi proves bur u fcotibrette of conbldcrable newer er * ; now and ugaln eho shoxxs gloum's o higher comedy attainments , Claude is a bov Buttons is the goncri name pf his class in England a sort of boot and door boy , and a character comparative ) ; cexv to the Amorifan stage. It is "ixmtid erablo of a part , " und Arthur Boylan pluv it. Master lioylau has much to do xvith tb success ot "June , " and deserves tbo bivnus praise for bis xvork , ji ] axing xvith all tbeeat of a volerau in licht comedy. The elbe ohurootcrs in tha nlne-iiart cad are adr qualelr roprrsentcd , The Boyd lilda fair t break lu business record M lib ' ' .Tuno " There's a curUtu-ruUer cullnd ' Churns , " c which the title u the most attractive feature It is oneof the New York Herald prire pluyi ana txere it 10 lie lakou as a sample prodiic of the dormant dramatic genius Hut Is ktnv Ing to axvuke , us it ! ) of us hope , tad indue * vould be the outlook lor the great America drama ail of u > ure yearning to ball. y CuurrrU A taiall but entbusiattio und withal a vcf well outertamed audience gruatud the Bei ger-Daintv t'onoert company at the Youu Men' * Christian association ball Uit evoi lug. The entertainment was of cxoeplioui merit aud not a number ou the program failc to nnd favor xxith tbo audience. Eachuumbi -was uutrUly encored , ana tbe listeners d vidoa thulr Juvom impsrlially among It artistB. One of the most pluaftinc feature ii u * tbe iHTformance of Leon Marx , the be viollnut who is a marvel for bit ago. H cicuution of tut ) moil alftlouH w& almost beyond cr. ! .r'um , &ca tccmsfl bnrdlr Inferior to thnt of lhobestma ersoftbe.n ranionl. Hoplaxod txvo telections and responded to a many * i oiire * . A contralto voice of r msrkabie lower ar.d gvcotness wa displayed bv Kale 310-sie Uunohue In scrsral selection * , which , xrere onthnsiasUcally received. No lets i Pleasing were the pluno selections of Ueerg- etta Lov and the cornet ole by Anna Terona Berger. Laura Daintr recited a number of Rejections in the inimitable man ner that has made her a papular favorite lurlnp tliB past twenty vars. Her read- ! Ion of three of James Whltcomb Rlley's ( hort poems was especially pleaslcc. Tm Ulnvnlo" t thn 1'nrninn. "Fra Diavolo" was very creditably glvea ast evening by the Winston Opera company , Mls Jeannlo Winston playing the titular > art , y. hich she invested with a sxx-aggcr and banter that xvas Irresistible. She looked the gay , \ oung bricand aud acted xvith excellent adgraenu Miss Johnson wa a particularly uxentand winninp 7.erllna , while Miss Mac- Nclll played Larty All Cash in an excellent uomodv vein Mr Arthur Bell xvas a very ulld-mnnnerod , unoffendln' ' Lord All Cash. Charles Renxvick xva Lorenzo , xvith Charles A. Tyrreil nnd Harry Rattenbury as Iho two brigands , xxbo are ready lo sleal anything from a pin to an elephant. The chorus nang txell and the opera WHS tireltlly costumed. TO MR. AND MRS. JAKES. JMi-nimit nprrjitlun Trnilrrrd to tlip Kx uppriiitcnilrnt ol Omnlm'o clionln The reception tendered Mr. and Mrs. Honrv M. James last evening at tbo Paxton by some ol Omaha's leading men and xvomen brought together In pleasing association the intulleclual life of Ihe melropolls. It was clearly a symposium nf Drains , for it seemed as If nil the tchoalma'ums of tbe cltv , xrlth male friends in coodlv numbers , crowded about the honored guest of tbo ovcnlnr and by pleasantly spoken xvords told him boxv delighted they xvore at his return from n xeai's tour of the old world. It xvas n thor oughly charmlnc tribute to n xvell kuoxvn ed ucator , and it must have ivarmed Mr. James' heart to find that BO tnanv people xvere really glad to see him back again. Ais ling Mr. and Mrs. Jnmos in receiving the guests xvure Dr. Miller , Miss Bripg , Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Duryeu. Prof ar > d Mrs. Glilosulo , Dr. and Mm. Spuldlng , Mr. and Mrs. Kilpatrick und Mr. and Mrs Hoxvard Kcntiudy , xvhose guesls Mr. and Mrs James have bneii since Ihelr relurn. The parlors of the hotel xvore quite prettily decorated xx'ilb palms and ferns , grouped lu masses here and tbere to add lo Ibo beauty of the scene , xvhile tbo Sutorlus Manoolln club pliut'cl soft , droarav uirs ihrnucboul the evening Irom its post off the main salon. Refreshments were served in Ihe cafe , at a number of small utblos , xvhich were crowded during the hours of the reception , showing that xxbile tboieacbers vri-re quite Inclined to intellectual fare they xvere also quite in accord xvith the ruling feature tf the hour , n x'isit lo Ihe ctile xvhere Ihe intel- lictual quite gave xvny lo the material in themselves. .losUlim the tfachers of the city schools xvho xvorn quite in tbo mcjorlty , were judges , lavvvcrs , business men , puy.sluianbbll classes ot the higher cducatioual life being repre sented benl on assisting tbe prime movers iu the reception , glvinc Mr. James and his wife n tacartx , loyal xxelcomo back to the city xxhich owes to much to the ability of the uiun xvho placed the free schools of Omaha upon so excellent u plane. And to empha size the compliment intended there xvas i delltrbtlul atmosphere of good fellowship , un absence of formality and stiffness xvhich placed the guests immediately at their ease Among the nuctlreos xvho availed them- elvcs of vudenng congrutululions tipon the nfe return of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jamo * xvere : dr. aud Mrs. P. L. Perine , Mr. and Mrs. jeavltl Burubain , Mr. und Mrs. W. A. L. i bbon , Prof , and Mrs. HomorLexvls , Mr. and Mrs. Edxvard Rosewaier , Suponnlen- deut and Mrs. Frank Fllzpalrick , Dr. and vlrs. Harold Gifford , Judge and Mrs. Key- or. Mr. and Mrs Mclulosh. Dr ana Mrs. A B. homers , Mr and Mrs. C. K. Coulixnt , \"r. aun Mrs. A. P. Tukey , Mr. and Mrs. Bradley , Dr. nnd Mrs. Sxx-artzlanfler. Mr. imd Mr * . Fred McConnell. Mlsb Briccs , Miss McShane , Miss Hamilton , Miss Poxvell , \li-s. McCarthy , Mrs ICean , Miss Winnie Ccan , Miss Lnre.tr. Miss Butter- Held , MUs McDonald , Miss Wycofl , Miss Schlesieicer , Miss Marble. Misf. Gtiodxvin , Miss Huilidny , Mrs. Trulnnd , Mrs. Fitch , Sirs. McMurpby. Mrs. Parrotle , MIFR Rued , Sllss Margaiot Reed , Mrs. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Dixou. Mrs. Meredith , Miss Whitman. Mr. and Mrs. E , A Perry , Mr. Cauifield , Mr. Darroxv , Mr. Silas Cobb. Mr. Charles H. Broxvn. Mr. Henry Livesey , Mr. Bruner , Miss Penelope Smith , Miss Goss , Miss Keudle , Mr Charles A. Goss. Dr. Rose- xvuler. Dr. und Mrs. Crummer. Dr. nnd Mrs. Van Gilson , Dr. and Mrs. Gllroy , Dr. and Mrs. Toxvne , Miss Crummer. ' . w.4z > o.v JA itrrxa. Deatli's XVIlinnrlncVtuc llov r Orer the XX'htte II on " .p Tlie l're llenfs Condition. NEW YOHK. Oct. C. A Washington dis patch to a morning paper says : A cloud of despondency bangs over the executive man sion , tor tbe president , his family ana his intimate friends DOXT roallzs that Mrs. Harrison is bsyonu recovery. They have fought against that belief for many vrcoks , ana tbe physicians have sought to holdout hope , but the truth has at last been faced and tbey feel convinced noxv that no eartbly skill cau brine the sufferer baatc tb health. The mental and physical strain on tbe president during the past txvo months bas ' bueu great uud hat left its mark upon him. Mr. Harrison ii a most downcast man , and ' bis devotion to hi. family to one of tae beau tiful features of his life. ' Since the day be flrt realized that bis tvife xvas critically ill tbo president has baon a constant tvatuher at her bedbide After lie returned from Loon Luke there xvas an up- , parent change for the better , but tbe presi dent xvas utnonc tbe first to discover that ttae imtirox'eineut xvas only tetnporury. Yesterdaj at u cabinet meeting Mr. Harri son for tbe first time ( .poke of tbe great . uflliction xvbiuh is huuiriiig over him. Hit i advisers considerately xvltbdrexv beeing thut he xvas too aueply moved to di-ouss the attain , of state under such trying circum , stances. WAbUiNOTOX , D. C. , Oct. 0. Mrs. Harn- bou passed u fairly good night , resting easy - this morning. There WHS no change iu her condition. K < ttrln Ituoth'H Condition. e LAKEXNOOP , K. J. , Oct , 0. Numflrous uies- saces are being received at the Laurel house here from friends of Edwin Booth , inquir ing after bis health. He kept his room this morning , but his daughter , Mrs. Grossman , kaid mere voro no grounds for serious ap prehension us to her father's condition. HU health bad improved since bis arrival herb and she expected that ho xvould recover bU btfullh completely. It is said by persons who have seen Mr. Booth during the past tow dnyb that he up- psars to be u very ticu man. Kiiyul XX'elcdlne to Auatriun UlUert. Losnos , OoU 0. The News' Berlin cor- ro.ponduut eays : Emperor William arrived toduv and at ouoe sent his uldes , Count \Vodel and Moltke lo give je Major von , special si xvblcome to the Austnans. German oOlcers , sio high uud low. vieavitbeaoU other in the er xvurmth of tbeir rerepliou and ueluped then p- guetu xvilb champusne. The emperor has pto ordered boats for them at the rovul tlioutera ana xvill give them a banquet. He rume ovei today to congratulate Prince Leopold' * vvUo , o Ibe empress' sltUir , upon her husband's ot V- Ancithrr Sunpi ctcd Chulrra Cam. VBd New YoitK , Oel. 0. The Board of Healtt ill liar been nollfied lhal James Kurly U suffer Inir from supposed case of cholera. It wll be investigated. ry Chief Inspector Roberts this forenoot said lhal Ibe case of James Farler , xxho xvai r- rug found sick at bin home , ii-'lt East Eighiy-nfit ug street last night , nu not cbclera. in- Itelurn tu XVork. od \ \ViiEeuNO . Va. , Oct. C. The strito o the miner * in the Bope * Run mines at thl bee place , xvhlch bat lasted for months , endei e today , the men returulng at tbe old. scale tr This xvill end tbu strike prevailing In tb < its entire Wheeling district , nffocUuc about 1UJ siO icon. TUB kirik'c wk for su lavjuice. \V.CTUSTA1ECONVEN110N \ . , , , Eighteenth Atiuual Keeling in L'eftsion ' at Grand Islajd. ENCOURAGING CONDITION OF THE ORDER IntrrrRtlni ; Address ot the I'ri-Milrnt Ollirr IVatnrm of the \Vork Orfl- cr Ki-rlrclrcl for I lie llntu- luc \p r State * ORAXD ISLAND , Nob. , Oct. 6. JSpoclal to Tin ; HEE. ] The eighteenth annual couvon- . lion of the Nebraska Woman's Cnrislln I | Temperance union Is now In session in VhU I city. The convention opened Tuesday night , ' thouch the executive commlttoa met previous to that time. This committee consists of all the stuto oMccrs , nsvontuon vice presidents , one from racn alstrlct and the superintend ents of the Uvontr-flve various departments ol work. Tbo Union \Voruer , tLe oniclal orpati ot the union , edited by Mrs. O. H. Jones and published nt HabUnns. was cn- Urccd Irom a four-paced to n iiipbUpared paper , aud the pnos wits raised to5Hcent per annum. The executive commltt. . also made other recommendations to the convention. About 150 delrtrates nro present. A larpe number of visitors were present Tues day nieht , when the opsnltiK ot the couvehnon took place. Hev. Dr.V. . H. U. Pills burr led in prayer. Mayor Bpydeu extended the freedom of tbo city to the visitors on bahalf of the citizens. Kev. H. S. House addressed the dclopatek with vrords ol xvelcomc on behalf of the local churches and Mrs. Lyditi Boehm xvplcomed the cuests on tbo pirt < , thp local \Voman's Christian Temperance Union. Mr * . O. M. Uoodwurdof feeward responded on behalf of the state union. The president of the Union , MM. Mar.v A. Hitchcock of VYemont , de livered tbo annual address , which was a comnloto review of the work done In tne past year. It abounded in whole some suggestions. Tba address was received xvitn applause and was referred to tne reso lution committee. President \ \ ilson of the Baptist college was introduced aud made a few remarks. Ycstcrdar morning the convention reas sembled and the entire forenoon wus taken up by the appointment o ! committees , rout ing delegates and reading of unuulot. Election ot Utllcers. The regular program In the ufteruoon waster tor reports of state officers. This was post- ponea ana miscellaneous business matters were broucht up for discussion und consid eration. This evening's session was very largely attended. The D per * read were In- tereitluc and convincing- tne fact that the Woman's ChnMinn Temperance union has earnest find intelligent members. At the annual election of officers of the Ne braska U omen's Christian Temperance union today all the old officers wore re-elected for tbo er.suinc vcar. The pincers ore us follow- ; : President , Mrs. Mary A. Hitch cock. Fremont. ; vice president , Mrs. Caroline line M. Woodward. Seward : corresponding necretury , Mra. Outavlu Jonws , Httstlncs ; re cording secretary , Miss Ella M Wutson , Bell wood ; treasurer , Mrs. Mary M. l antry , Omaha. . N.CUUAMCA COU.MT FAIKH. Hearer Vnlley'R Kxpogttion at XVlUolirllle the Itrst In lt > Ilntor.v. WI-SOXVILLE. Neb. , Oct. 0. ( Special TeJeerara to THE HUE. ] That which bias fair to be one of the most successful meet ings the Beaver Valley Exposition society ever hold is now in progress. Today's crowd exceeded the ezpectat'on of the management and it muoh larger crowd is looked for tomorrow. The exhibits in all the departments ar large. The business men of Wilsonville made a tplendia exhibit of tneir goods in a long hall permanently built for the purpose. Hev. Mr. Boyce of BaaverUity made n , short talk 011 education. lie was followed bv Chancellor Crclchton. Kev. Mr. Hoxve. chnplHluot tne state penitentiary , Is present und will make an address tomorrow on prison life. Helen N (5off will also lecture on woman's rights. Tomorrow occurs the much talk of oand contest between the Wil son villa. Beaver City , Lebanon and Cain- bridge organizations , which is causing much speculation , O'NniLL. Neb. , Oct. Sp'clalTelecram [ to THE BKE. j Thin Is a big week for O'Neill. The countv lair is the chief attraction. Hon. .1 M. Devme , people's partv speaker of Grand Island , advertised for O'Neill yester day , did not appear. The county lair is good. Fifteen hundred people attended todnv. The special feature was the riding by young la lies. The first prize was won by Mit > s Boeman of Atkinson , second by Miss Brown , same place , third or Miss Thomas of O'Neill. Foot race for 5100 a side wus won by Smith of Ewing. KfRUlIrd in a General Fight. OA.KLA.NI > , Neb. , Oct 0. ( Special to TUB Bnc. I Nels A. Renstrom and Tills Lund 1 were arrested yesterday for breaking into the house of Oscar Lincoln , assaulting Mrs. Ilenstrom , wife of Nels A. Ilenstrom , and Oscar Lincoln. Mrs. Renstrom left her hus band about five xveelts ape on account of crueltv. Yesterdav morning nt ! i o'clock Renstrom , in company with Till * Lund , went to Mr. Lincoln's house , where Ren- si rom's wife xvai stopping. Renstrom de manded that the aoor DO opened , which wus refused. He then broke it'in und a general kght tooir plaoe , Mrs. ] { e istrom being hurt tiuit beverely. The trial took plnce before Justice Arthur. A lanro crowd assemolod. The prisoners were bound over to the district court Mr. Lund gave bonds , cut Renstrom was taken to the county jail. Ciole. CncTB. Neb. , Oct. 0. [ Special to THE BKE.J Tne barn attached to the fine resi dence of er-Governor J. W. Diwes ourned ut un early hour tnls morning. The kitchen part of the dwelling house also burned. The timely arrivul of the fire department saved tun balance oi tne douse. Damage about fl.fi'JJ ; small insurance. * * A bricklayer from Lincoln , whoso name could not be ascertained , working on tbo res- idpuce which Fred Meyer , in the eastern part , fell oft the scaffold today , a distance ol foot. The man received severe iu < ternal injuries , but the result cannot now bt stated. fhrlktlnn Knilrmor Contention. BcATitit'E , Nob. , Oct. 0. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB Bcc.J The city is ulreadj thronged xvith a host of delegates to tbt Nebraska slate convention of the Societiei of Chrletuu Endeavor which moots here lo morrow for a three davs1 sess-iou. Tbe pro gram is an elaborate one and coulemplate ! numerous ititurwting addresses by leaaini Endeavor meraoors ot the ktuto and raut.li by a special chorus of filly voices , Tbe fir * meeting oocurrs ut" p m , lotnorroxv. Il > tirl < ' > ' . Al. C. A. BciTitiCR , Neb. , Oct. G. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEE. ] The uew Youug Men'i Christian association rooms on North Slxtl street xx ere formally dedicated tonight by i grand reception whir a xvas pleasantly inter spertod tvith vocal aud. instrumental music Tl iflalr xvas largely attended and was i ui li.unt tuocoss , xX UlUiifOu ( ilven Aiore Trouble. DAKOTA Cm' , Neb. , Oct. C. [ Special Tele gram to Til E BEE. I County Attorney Me Aluitcr retterday began Itvo civil suits la thB district ooort nMnrt ex Twmjror Wilkinson ana his bonqsmrn lor $13411 3i . claimed to bfi due the county for htwo term * of ofTico eurijnlj January b. IV.V Simon Fntriuti , who XVHA lure luxj'uvnts parties to matte nn ltiveslicUon ol the trcasorer's office , reported inis amount due. although the ex-treasurer se'lled In full with the countv on a ret'OrtewbmlHed prior totliatby T J. Welly , AU .expert , who xvm blrod by the ouanty. Wilkinson and hit bondsmen will make & bntcr ItnUicI tln-.t liiTH . Neb. , Oct. 6. jStional Tele- cram to THE BEE. ] Two check for 1 1 and $3 , issued by Charles U , Boutielt to Wed Stewart and Guy Connors , two colored om- ploro * , recentlv , wrrc .todnv found to have tiee'n raised to $18 aud 1 10 respectively. A man ansxxerlnglhc description of ono of the alleged forgers was todby1arrested Bt Lin- coin. _ stirf 13 tni ; tlie 1'jRttt * SIIJVKT , Nob. , Oct. 0 [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] F. H. Newell , United States government topographer and survey ing party have rsached hero on their survey of the Platte river. They are tnaklutr n pro- llmluary survey , which -will prove oi vast utility and interest to settlers of western Nebraska. _ Kr.vw I'M tm Comity Tropn. KontiF.x , NOD. , Oct. 0. ( Special to THE Btc. i Threshing is about done here. Small grain is as cool as last year , but not as plentiful. The average yield is about eight bushels of wheat per iicra. Corn is out of tbo way of frost. Tbo crop if from very good to medium and some below medium. The play "New Edcowood Polks" Is a comedy of American life , making no proton- s'ions to elaborateness or high finish but pleasant and entertaining and iroe from the extravagance , coarseness , nna utter absurd ity xvhlch make up tbo stock-in-tnidB of so much that is called modern comedy. Mr. Heyxvood's specialties are strong on the thread of the story , xvith a good deal moro consistency nnd naturalness thnri is com mon xvhere anything of the kind is at tempted. They nro mhdo to boar a part in the unfolding of the plot , aud so have some excuse for their existence , There Is nobody ou the stare xvho can slug a comic tone xvlth quite such facile neatness , nnd cortalnly nobodv xvho so unmistakably enters into the spirit and meaning of his work so heartily as Mr. Heyxvood One xveek commencing Suudav matinee , October P , at Ihe Farnam Street theater. Mr Sol Smith Kussoll is a peculiarly hnppy genius. For hii popularity he can depend xvbolly upon bis individuality , xvhioh is a combination of such numerous felicities that one can hardly enumoratu them. His humor Is essentially of tbe best and most prrsuasivo order : it commands xvith equal facility our laughter and our tears ; it is enlirsly free from grossaesn ; it is spontane ous , natural , exquisite. One reason of this man's success is the fact that coupled xxitb bis remarkable ar tistic cowers is a distinct purity and nobility ol nature an intelligent , honest manhood rarely met xx-ith tn other walks of life and still more rarely met , xvith in the theatrical profession. This moral integrity is to ap parent in this professional xvorlt that not to speak of il xx-ould bo tn slight an influence that has distinctly emphasized his art. His genius runs the gamut of emotions human ity is hi theme , the human heart his audi ence ; whatsoever the mood , be is tbe master. * \Ve can wish our stage no hnppier fortune than this bright , cordial , kindlv man may long live to adorn it and to delight and bet ter its patrons xvith tha .purity , the versa tility , and the cordiality ol his art. Mr. lluscell and bis excellent company xvill open a three xvoeits' engagement nt Boyd's belter on Monday evening next , presenting 'A Poor HsIaUon. " on Monday evening , and 'Peaceful Valley" ou Tuesday nnd Wednes day evenings. Seats go on sale tomorroxv morning. Tbf sale of seats for Shilling's minstrels xvill open at the box office ol Boyd's theater tomorrow morning. ThS engagement is for Sunday night , for one night only. Iliimbnri ; Officials Make a Statemrut. HAMIICHO , Oct , 0. Tne chancellor of the Hamburg senate has made an official state ment in reply to the cuarge of tbo American vice consul here to the effect that Hamburg authorities granted clean bills of health , o steamers bound for the United States after tbe cholera xvas inoxvn to be epidemic in the city. The statement savs bills of health were given Doth tbe Morax-ia and Norman- nia , on xvhlch the cholera broke out on the voyage across tne ocean belore it xvas knov that cholera xvas in Hamburg. 1'uiicml I > irrrtor . LOCISVILLE , Ky. . Oct. 0. At the meeting of the Funeral Directors association this af ternoon Detroit , Mich. , xvas selected as tbe place for the next convention and officers \vere elected EB follows : J. Laube. presi dent ; Jumei-Sharer , secretary ; C. A. Miller , treasurer. \VI11 j-t Hold Thrlr Annual Show. CHICAGO , 111. . Oct. 0. The State Board of Agriculture hat. abandoned tbe idea of hold ing tbo usual fat stock show next month , it has been found imposslole to erect a suitable bullaiug because of the increase in value ol structural iron , caused by the Carnegie btrike. Oun ol the McCoy < ; IIIIJT S < ntrned. . Lorisvii.LU , Ky. . Oct. g A special to the Times from Bristol , Tonn. , Bays : Ploatant McCoy , a tiiemuer of the McCoy faction of the famous Hatfiold-McOov feud , xvus today convicted of murJer In PiUe county , Ken tucky , und sentenced to life imprisonment. Troubles if Ono iif > Voili'h 4OO. Ncwj-oiiT , R. 1. , Oct. 0. A local grocei lias-sent the sheriff to the residence of Mrs Puran Stevens of isexv tfork , the manj times millionaire , and seized her horses and carriages for debt. lor Twenty-Tour Hour * in tin XVliiU mud buukhlne. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Oct. C ForNebraski Generally fair ; cooler ; winds shifting ti north. For North Dakota Fair ; warmei ; vnria Die winds. For South Dakota Fair ; north winds ; cooler in southeast ; warmer in uorthwes portion. For Iowa Fair , except possible loca showers in eastern portion ; cooler ; north xvust winds. Local lltuiorrt. OrriCE or THE WEITUKR BOHDAU , OMAHA , Ool U. Omaha record of temperature auc rainfall compared xvitn corresponding day o past four years : ' - - J1J21R91. . ] fi03. 16R8 Maximum tmnperaturo..r. ' W3 t" = G. ° w- Mlntmuin tmuperuture. . ! W3 a. > = IW = ! M- Averaze temperature . .aJiiS5 * 41s &U3 40 = 1'rfolpltui.on . , ,00 ° l s ° 00 ° till' Statement showing tiie condition of tern peraturo uud precipitation at Omaha tor the day aud since March l.plbW , at oouiparec with tbe pencrol averagbj Normalteniupratura , . , _ f > 7 = Kxi-fbh fortliuauv. „ 17 = Deuelency smcn Marcli ! . . . „ 2I8 : . xormn.1 prcciultutlon. _ „ . . . . 1U lucl Deliciuncy for the duy. , mine ! Dtsuciuncy blui-u March ! . „ < . . . , , . , " , II ) incl G , E. lii.wm. Observer Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. - R. w wwi r ABSOU/TEDt PURE Soap Agreeable soap for the hands is one that dis solves quickly , washes quickly rinses , quickly , and leaves the skin soft and comfortable. It , is Pears' . Wholesome soap is one that attacks the dirt but not the living skin. It is Pears' . Economical soap is one that a touch of cleanses. And this is Pears' . All sorts of stores sell it , especially druggists ; all sorts of people use it HEALTHFUL , AGREEABLE , CLEANSING. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics. A PERFECT SOAP FOB ALKALI WATER. Cures Chrmc , Chipped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP , Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water Keep cool The i > lrfftie can't reacti } on If you do Iberlpht thine at the rlelit time LOOK AT THE SECRETIONS 1 ep that they arc hcultlir nnd pcrfert. Tut the lUerto natural wort This Mteure * dlcc ti'in und nutrition Avoid unripe frulvn und unwholesome CH'iitt. CookoTerjlhlut even wntor Cletn on the uitmbruneB of stomach and bonjl al oa - . waa DrStaci's ' Manage Pills- They enrry nway nil dlscuxo ppnna uud ull rtolpon- oua mutter. They juro iierfeotlr heullhy and nir. urn I necretlont Tliej turn the liver lo the no- uouut ol dteei-tluD and initrltlun. quickly , nufcly thurouclily Keep liend cool , Iff ! wurui , hUlu clean SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. luive boon letted tn many u Cholera epidemic. They do far the STO2IACH , LIVES. AND EOWELS do wlmt nunltary Belence Rays fhould tie flouewith pahiH. rlonetfi , rooms und the outer person Tney dean una uurlfy the Inner houne und put the ali mentary rhiunuelj In iierfect order Avoid ctlmulnhtu Clear tliclr etlects out of the ty.item at once with the Mniidraku I'llls. 1'ut the nlluientnr ) channelB lu ' rdor auu bid denaneo to eliolerK. In cholera epidemics and nil other ! ) Inmlvlni : tbe tlver , blonmeh aud boweln iiif.ro cinen of nrcven tlon and cure stand to the credit of Itr Pehonelt's Mhndroke Tills than ans oilier uceney or remedy For Sjrffering Women. DR , MILES' ' Restorative NERVINE , crr.Es : Sle plftEBue6S , Nervous J'rohtrh- tlon , [ , jck und iicr- \ oils hcuducbe , fileetc. After four yeure treatroeut by tbe \K-el dodou la the lend , but without any rellel , huvo used yoni NwrliiH for on > el. and uave not had au utlacl ; pinoe Htrici ) C ni.rrp. UcaUivlUe , Pu Your > 'er- vine hue cuied inetomultttelyJorDervonstroulilCB. 3.M TiTixiu. Lottv.O Trial hottle free drnprifto , JCEDIOAIj Co. . EIki.srt , Tad- Kuliti & Co. Carl5& liiu'luH ( Act pently yet prompt ; ly on Uie I.lVif : : , Kill- DR , HOB8S > X.S anO llOMtl.S , dis- peillni ! Headaches , TOT- ci'S aud Colds , thorough LITTLE ly cleansing tbe byptem of disease , and curest VegBtaWe uaU'ual constipation Tbey are tugsr contud , do nut prljid. very PintU. easy to tale , ULd pun If ' vi ifi'tilile. 45pUlKincacu x-ial. I'erT ut dleestloa follows their uce. They f ulisulntolr rnre tick hrad- cclio. aud urererimiiufnd * tt liy leading ; -'ji.irlins. ! For t > ulo by JeudlnR drupirifata ort-eut byiiiu.1. ; icU. o tln.1. AdrtriEJ KDBE'3 fOlCIHE CO. , Props , Saii Fran s-.o n Chbjo. fOR SALE IK OMAHA. KEB EV I can & Co. , Cu.i 15Ui d Duuclm Su 1 .A Fuller & Co , Cm , ] 4th & iKrjclttV SUi. i-\\ r < MX r ti Civ Couucll Ulufli In PSYCIIO'ME TRY ! DR. EMMA HAZEN , Tlie I'lienonienul I'lorlclun leunher und Authur- ou , will teach pijcliuinelry lo pli ) blclutnund ollien tu enable tliem to dtHiinuilk dl > ( iUBB fcnd Klve the eurutlro kirisut wltliuul uhklnc ijui < tUink Coiuo ui kend 11 lock of bulr with H.IXJ ixnd Imru lhl ileiuon- utrnu-a Till : UJ'.Al.Tll OlTlCi : , 4Ib N. JHu atroetOuiahB . Dr John biitlli ) I'rt Dnlleu Mine * ] Muri > liur Niilr. IntliBKlrcult uouit of thu TJsitod Stutos foi tbe tlUtrlctof Nobnikku. lidwln 11. Wultvrk Hiid John V , McDowell x- , Anclo-Auiorlcun Mortsuje A Truit Co. No , Oil' . J'ubllu notluo U bcniby siren tbat In pursu- unc'u unfl oy v rlucof u xxrltof oxuoutioa Is- buedoutot tbu ubuivu-nunied court In ubovt LMitlliud oaubn und bear.us dutu of AtiKUkl li-d. Isirj. J bavolevlbd upon and tal.un all tin riElit. tltlt * aud Interest of ibo ubovu-uiiiuu'1 uliiiutlllb , EJxtln II.Vuit rk and Jobn V Mule lo ell. In und to tbu followlu dccntiotJ ruul Oitu e. to-wli ; Lot it lu block I ! ! , In llansuoni 1'lacu audition , nnd tiio oust 41 fuel of lot lu ti III nubuucu 1'iuoo additloti to tbu city o : Uinubii. DouKiiib county. .Nelira kiL ull ol wlii-b | 1 wllexpnsb to kulu utid bull tbo buiut to the lil beit und IHISI bidder ul public auu- tlon , u * Iboluxv dlrocts. on DID eighth dnv o : Oriobfr , A I ) . Ifut tbu hour of olevoi o'clock lu tbe foieuoon of mid day. at tin uorth uoor of tbu I'uitsd bUir.k' oourt tioiui i.nd puiiiolucu ' 'Ut dlnz , lu the cltv of Omaha IKmxiuk county. Nebrnbuu. -.ltd baa U to kututy u Judguiontof sild court obtniuod utltt Muy tt > iu , Ib'i. ' . in fuvo of : lin Aniflo-Aiuerliiiiii MorlKuiiu und Trui , Oompmiv nnd uKulnkl 1 be mid Cdwlu 11.Vul < turb uud Jobn V. MuUoue.ll. IIIIAI ) U SLAl'OIlTEn. V. H. MurkhaL > , Iiitti : > , Attomuy ( or Dtifcuduut ' ' - - - - IT IT TAKE CUSTOMER. WHAT WE ASK Is that you spare only five or ten minutes oi your time'andlct us show you over our stock of clothing , and we know we can sell you some thing. . Our styles , prices and variety cannot but fail to please you. Come , whether you buyer or not , and look at our goods just the same. You cannot afford to miss our immense assort ment this fall , bought to sell at lowest prices. IT CONSISTS OF OVERCOATS , Suirs , PANTS , For YOUNG MEN'S the AND BOYS' CLOTHING , Million Gents' Furnishings J Successors to M. Hellraan & Co. V Corner 13th and Farnam Streets. * u triinrajce to rote all nnrvoa1 * rti tiaMS. sutb ur ntnk Mnmorr , , Los ? ol . iSi-uin row i Hhuuhrrj \ \ aLufulnoss li-ist Mtntuiim. Alpfailr Krui > binnKrrvniihnvnB Lutuflt . alldmlnc nncl Inssc * v wror tboGuntTaii u Orcans in ottlior . B T cr.ahLi T r vei fsprtion. vouthlul f rr K. -xcpilrr ' use nf tnbnrco. opium' r ntimulo"ti' T\titA tt * > nn ipafi tc Jnrrmilv. Consnmtt- . . . L on ant. li iinlir .i'ni.upc'un fuien. u rnrrj ia % 'cu.i Mtckti. Jl itt3rr ct- . , Apt f T * ? 1 t * To * * So'i \ L h . < * * > * rv . P irnt r v * * * rri f ft * > * * * if f n pu fT3TiJrp to nit 8 . . . * rolu.A D\FTTRr : ro CirL'ili.riieH. , . or fiuut Lt > t inmifi' luoruss : Nsrv N.eU u. Cltlcnirt * * 111. For Bile in Omaha by Sherman & MOontie'l , 1513 Doil ostreut. THE SHORTEST USE TO CHICAGO s via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre- ented on this map. Electnc Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago 319:30 : a. m. lity Ticket Office , 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. PROPOSALS FOR GRADING AJ\D SLOPJ\G BANKS OP EA1STH AND FILLING LOT , OP REAL ESTATE. bt'ii1o < J prcipos ilfc wlil I o rceolx-od bv tbo 1111- dersiznuu uulil 1.U o'c'io.K p in. . Of toll IT 14th. IMi'i for ciadlii' nu'J & oping bun I : * of out ill ii nil Ulillim iot lit real eslutu. tliu condi tion of 111 Ii liu < < t in ( IcciuioJ : i nuisiiiuo uy or .inuncoa Nos. aiOT. Ji'Iii. IJJ.'l ui.cl 2l f ( Jr iJInj of Ii tills dnwu toubotit tlicli'X'c ) tit the buiiouiidlnz btreuiN iir ullb n , us fullouh : LotB.i rti.d 4 , liloc-l. 110 city. Mopln ? mil urjdln ? down tliu front portlou of tin followiiiR li.mkRof uuiti so us to pru- xeut tbo fa'llr.K. xxHuiliu oi win-bins of uartli on tbe bldew.iiKs uUjiiieiit tlieioto : Hanl.bof tiurtl ) oil lulh 1 : ind S. btouU fit. city. ilunli ( if uarili otilliu wfstlfO foul of blo/k ' / " : -limu'h Third Audition , on tliu houth bldu of Diurlukblirut btilnuun "t-Ui MiuetuoJ ' "Jtb Huul.fi of eurtli ou lota 1 , 2 , 4 and B , A. II. fcui.nUeiiAdriltlon , liaiiKb uf eurllt uu lota S uud G. block lli , hliin'b Addition. U.ini , ot o.utli ou lot it : and the noitli hull ot lot 14 euiinysldu Addition. Ilunkbof ouilli on loUh. Ii , 10 atirl 12. Cherry Out Jim. tioulliiB ou lluiron btruot , now culled rilllliK of lot U' , ulocU II. llui ; > com I'lucn lu theelty o ( Uinulia. Michwoiktu txi dune lu IM coid.uiiHi with tliu liiktruulioiib of tlio IlouiU of I'ulillo Worl sand Uity Luclnuvr Hidb tu lie iiiudo ou prlntod blanks fur- nlhhliiL'by DIB tioartl. nnd to \ > a uuiioiuu mind with u certified i IIUCK iitli suiii of l > ni. nuy- nlilti to tun city ol Uiualiu , ua un ovMuuuu of good fultli. TUB ImcitU ifbcrvcs ilia rlslit to reboot any or nil bias uud to trull o ( lufwih. I' . W. IIIHIvHAUSKU. Chulnuun Hoitril of I'ulillo Works. Oiuuha. Neb. , seinuir-ber UUtti , tBJi i 1-7-B. > otlir ol .V i fcin ul uf Uuuiucek lor Grad- To tlioowncm of &U lolt > , inirtu of lots und ii-ul tiktute ulous ullvy In bluulc 05 , fiom ltd to Iblb n recto. You ui-u liutuby untlllod thut tbo undcr- hlcutd. tbrf * Uisinterti < tiiil frou holduru of tliti < Ity of UiuutiH , h ixe been duly uimuiuttxl by tbu niuyor. ullli the niiruvul ) of tlitt city f kald city , to utmost tbn duniucu lo ibo ownnrii nikiiHciiixeiy of tint properly uf- focti-illiy gtunlus of ( .am ullcy. uiu-liiit-u net- ctsury b > ordlnunco iminburlL'OT , jiik > iid ftuji- tunibur-Jth , 1&JA upproved fafpHjinbur 2Jrd , JWtt You uic furtbor notlBod that buvlns uceop- t < idt > uld uppnlutiiiunt urid duly iiuullflud at , by law. xve xvill. on the I'.Mh ' duy ol Uutotur. A. ] > . . lEiU , bt Ibe bom ol IO.W o'clock In the forenoon , al thy ollicb t bbrifur i U'DoiiHbou , HOil'urnu" > MrocU Itlnn tbu ooi- noriilo lliinfiof bald city , uiuet for the purpose - pose of i-onelder ng unu in.iklni : tbe iihKe . inunt of cluuiu : b to iliu o uur < ru. of bald propuny udoutiul by bald tai-lii IntuudhkfdBrutloii Bpotlul bmnUtu , 1 ; tiny. tiny.You lire notlOud to be present ut tbu time uud pluoo uforttbuld mid nmLt uiiy objootlous to or ktutauicuti uonuertiliis mid of dumuKtk ub you inuy eon ldui tiropur , \ \ . O. blllUVrU. GuUltUK J. I'AUU JAMCabTOOKI > AI < C. CouiinltU'e 'f A jiiiru'wurk. O in ub u. Nub , , Ootoburith , IbUi , O3JIUI. RRILWHYT1MEOKRD j CUVHirAco ; ( itrui.1 I Arrlrj "inKlin i _ Ii ii lu.i i i l ' Oni i " ' ' ' h.JJ it m i11 * n HI I . . HI'IM/I rtiprVi' . . .ili y.s.i \ m 4.-'i m ' " - p -LI ? " ' " tP g \ liiwn i.H'nl" . . I..UJ p m I.fsvpi 'llUlll.lNUroS ' 4 MO UIV1CIM Arrlrei Omaha | l > , - | it llnti aim Maim Mv | Omaha. lu'6 n in I . Oonvvr Vtnt. .iao ' Kxpres ! ! * i.tti p m IU l u iu . M Deaairod Uxiiruns. . . . . . . 4.0 } p m .Denver ftvpr ! ii . . . . . . 11.35 a m - 01 Uentur DiDli ( l. . . . . . . 11.40i | m 1 to p ni Husilnirs l/oi-il . fi.'iT p m b l. > 11 'tl lAuoln l.ociliKxeeptSnn ) . 11.1 ] a m 1 eii < - | K i r J 4 T' Arrive Oinultn. I llcpot l.1-li ' i Oma'ia. H.&J am. .Ivantaii Oily Day KxprnM . .I iiUU p I'l.'ip nil ILL' Mirht lisp rla U I * . Tram | I ! IJ a tuft p in . st Louis Kxiren . . . , 1 6 40 am Gulnc CIIILAUO It. 1 * I'Ai'inc I Krom Union Depot lurli ft Murcy bt I Unit. ll.'ij p m 4.35 p in ! Vuillbula Uspimi. LID p m ( wift p ru Ntcbt u.rprtm K..M a m Z 01 am' ' l.UJ a m ( lotni : I I'lll-'AlJO , It. 1. \ I'A'TH' ' i'roji XVcst. I Unlun Hgpol luth and Mnrcy u \Vejt . . . . . .ueuvor l.luiliu'J < > & p m 1 OiH . . 2.11 J a m ' 12T ! . U'1J ' ' -P * J.ei.vjj 1 D.vlus I'All I Arriru , Omnha [ Cn'nn ' DejiulllUli un 1 W Si . I Om % n 7.S > ft m | . U.IU | i m 1I.0 n in I .Odnrer Bxpntxi. . J.Uj p m .15 p m . . . Oruilrindl'iy ir. . . . . . . 7'JJ p j > < .lo p in Illui - > ; > r VMr UK u Kioi auni IS 8J p m . . . . . . . . i. - - - 40 p in I'a-Mic : Cxurdn. IB W a m B.IJ n ni' ' . 4.'J p m UUAliU , MIL. A'I. . > 'AUl.Alll | o V 1' . d.ipm ur.itMbrcr frt > . I Omalu > i > r ' . .IM.Hi u m .U.Stl p m "rtlOUA Ul V .t 1'A' I PI i I Arrlrui 1 i pot H"1' ' im < ' Mai-cy St < J ( imilii KJ it ml stoux 0117 . llO''Jpm ( SO p n.l . .M. i'aui l.i-ire | i , luM ; ( m < nux i ITV , v I'AI nan- OiiiHhn Iipoul luth nnl Wplmtir t > in . . -it I'nul 1/Hullea . | K4 n DUO it iu . . . tX ) p m tiUl H ru ( ii Hut ) W > o Kip ( Ux. Man ) t.Wp iu .rl J'J ' p IU . . Norfolt ( lit. . . rJunday. ) . . . - mates ( U'J p tu . . 9f I'uul Kxnraii mm * ates t'JUCANU * Ill : IVlSa'lJUt.NI Arrival Omaha U I' rtepol Itnh undj\tarcy 1ti | Ointha MIII yi * , arroil fuiMttu V.M p in W 40 B ID t , Ui p IU 4 OS | i III . . . VeltlliglI.lmltiid t ) 'a t m Ml 11 lu . .Kaiturn Klyer 2 lip iu ti.JUp III ICi t < iin I rims IMm ( Ti M n. ) b.'Jiii m l.ciiTeii IClili AOOX NOitI'll Wl. 1 Kil.N . ArriTdti Trr.ailurl Union Uepnt ' omifll Ululti ITrnnifur H.'KI H iu t JO p m IM t iu . VuBtllmle Winllod. . t lO U ID 7.U | in Kulcrn l'l > er 1.311 p m t UJ p m < Ki Mil. ) Atlantto Mull iKx Mon T.W u m 40 u m ( l.i hi I'ltrrlill 1'uxutiLiir ( ICx B V 45 p m IjlTtll MlaSUUUI J'ACIHU ' Omaha lici.ot IDtn uud Wobnuir Hti. Uriiklll JU-U1. U ( , -aj BUI I'.X' p Ul Ht. l xprtiiv klu p ra l.eme. I uMAUA 4. sf 1.HU1S. lArrlre , fr n fe'I I'r.lnii IJup'jt. Council -Hunt | Trun ror U ml i-t l.ouTt Canoe } 1MI . Ill It p ru dill AUU U 1. I'Aumu Arr vil" Tramfor Union le.ol.Council | Uluni Tr u < f r C.ii p ui J'lKbt Itiprni , . . . . , , . „ feJU IP 10 so D in Atleotlc Kiprom. t.Oi p m 4.Mi p ui ii- V'-'UfaujP UtulleJ : : .w n m l-entet K ISI1 JOh C Ii. Arrlmi Union U put. Council Ululti. Truukfur 1UUO a in I . . . .IvuQtiaii I'lly iJay i xpru , . I a it p m Hi'.Sum1 Kauiat i it .Vlelit Kipron. , I H3J i. m lU.li | i DJ ! . . . . . . t _ l.ouU Biiigui t.'JO a m IxJaVr * I Tll'L ' A 1'ITV * J'TTciricT Arrl el Tiniitfnr ! KIIIOII Depot , founeil llluT , 7.IJ a ui' .bl'jui illy ACHUiuiuoaatiuu. IH-UUp w t.aiji _ > nl . . . . Stj'aul Krpr.n I v tit m l * : vvtilll'jtit \ < > , liUilL.N A yUlV 'V.IArr ru I'raiinfiTl I'm.111 llep'it fuumil' ' ilium iTrjii'i 1U01 u in . . . < nicazo Kvprux . . . . t.i'jlTui 1(1 IS p ui tnliuk'O KXJJ BK l''i a m 7Ujp m . . . . tVbtton Ixicitl IU to a m vi. I u VI All A 4. bl 1,01.1- . Arnrj < DinahttjU I' depot lUlli mil Murcy Mi lOm.lt n ml n l.oul , < onncin Hall. . . T t