THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , OCTOBER 7 , THE OMAHA BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE : - NO. 12 PEA KL STREET Delivered by currier to anr P rt of thf eltf 11. TT. TILTON. - MANAGED J Husltcsi Office. 'j Mpht Editor .U/.NOK t' V. Plumlilng Cc. Council Blufls Lumber Co. . Unity Guild sociable this ovcninp at G. H. 3ftckson' , 517 First street. Tha Woman's Uellcf corps meets this af ternoon at 2.50 o'clock. May Crisp , secre tary. tary.The Northwestern depot will bo ready for occupatcy by the 9Uib , so say the railway oBIrials The v. ult furniture for the tfflces in the cev c 'V bjildlng hn arrived aud is being jut In P.BCC U..I11V Guild will meet in regular session this Attornoon at 2. : * ) with Mrs. Henry Cof- feen , SJ7 Madl on street- Jbo people's party mill hold a convention this evening for tbe purpose of choosing dele- Rales lo the township convention. r . adies of the Broadwav Methodl'i cbj.ih are planning tor a tale ot house p ! IQI duriai ; tbe last week ot October. Tbo jury in the case of Ibe United Slaies ngalnst 1C. A. lU > cd- which wns on irial in vhe feurrai court yesterday afternoon. brought in a vcr.Hct last evening ot guilty Arllcles of ttirorooralloti were Hied last cv nn e by Ihe Pucr i Thomas Abstract un t lean company , with a st clrled cnpiuil oftlsiUO Tbe inoorporators are Frank S Pu.ey W H Thomas and U . ' . MeUridc. Itit regu ar meeting of Golden Hod oamp No. 7 , Hoyal Neighbors of An.crlca , will beheld held tb.s evening In Knirbti. of Pytblos hall. on Muln street , ut 7. l o'clock. A special urogratnof eiitertamtntnt ti as been provided. Jo-cph Young vrns arruUed Wednesday by an t fllier fio.n Harmon county on the chartc of obtaiulnc money under fnlsu pru- leu c . Ho is Hld to h vo bscu mixed up it tbo same < leil with i he lan i-'ls brother , that cf tat vuSbiuq for u nnspnui. feieps .iro beirc laKon to vardtbe orcanira- t , on cfu lui'ltary ' ron pauy ntiinng thu lie > ' < of tti.Hikli rbi ol. Abr.jt llfty o' tbsm have Inuoo togclluTJind will h vo regular urilK L.-'i ctiunt I ) , b Williams of Iha Uodgi Ligb' guards having acree.l to unil them Marriage license * ncr issued ve tcrdav to Sauiiel L' Glover of Toptka , Kan . and Uotue > cal of Council Blurts ; Pcrrv Utter- b ik of Mills counu und L'JZIC Ellis of Cuuncil Bluffs , and to Clark MaiGreu ar.d t.audin Hcam ° . both of Macedonia. The fwo c .uples wciu married by Justice Hammer. Jaiob Sims has commenced suit in the dis trict court ogiiinst tbo county to recover tl,200 on the ai coun's alleged to be duo from tbecouutvon judcmcnts and for anon.i-y fees iu the saloon injunction cases , whicli he prosecuted n Jew years ago. Mention was made i omo lime ago of Iho hill belnc pre- i-cnlcd lo ihe Board of Supervisors ami re- Jccled. In police court yesterday morning James Murpnv nnd John Henncssy , the tx\o bur glars uho entirod the bouse of H. 11. JVtti- bone in the norlbwoMern part of the city Wednesday forenoon , waived examination and vvcro bound over to Ihe grand jurj , their bonds Leinc iiicd nt § 1.0JO each. Tbe evidence is orcrwholmlnuly acait-st them , nnd ibero Is no doubl of their being bunt over Hie road. Bolh are voung tneu under SO yearof acf , ud , according to their i.tory , they boiongcd lo a cnac that started several weeds ago from Pennsylvania. They beat tbeir way tbroupb Ibo count-y inter vening between hero and Pennsylvania , klealirr wherever they could and begging vvbrre they could not steal. C. O. n. ItrownV jn-clal flour ! ! ! < . For one day onl.\ , Saturday , Oct. Slh : Garland ( lour. SI 2-5. Sunshine , $1.15. Hie A , $1.10. Hoffmoyer's Fancy Paten ! , 51.10 -HofTinevcr's Early Hiser , We. Bakor. $1.00. Snow Flnke , 7. > . Wide Awake , ( i-5c. Rctncnaber , this sale ia for Saturday only. Never before h.ivc the people of Council Bluffs and Omaha had such an opportunity to buy acre property feuita- blo for homo or fruit as is offered by Day < k He&s.JOO acres to picK from. Only two and a half miles east of Coun cil Bluffs postotlice. i'jnu..u f n : i < ; it un > . Mrs. W. F. Vicltov leaves today for Deu ver , where she will moot her husband Thev will spend a couple of weeks visiting there betoro returning borne. Mrs. Grace d'Urro nnd her sister. Mis Biorvvlrtb , are attcndioir the earn ivalni'd ex position at St , Louis Thev pronounce tb carnival fnllv equal to the one ut Nice. Mrs. Dr. Green , vvho has been hufleriuf from a fatal disease lor teveral months is much worse than usual nnd her put si cians slalu that her death is ouly a queslioc of a few days. W. H. Thomas , count v recorder , has nur chased the abstract boons of ICimball Churnn nnd will o [ > en an oRlcu In ihi Mcrriam block imtncdlHtely after his tern of oftice expires. Po&tmasler 1. M. Treynor entertained dinner parly ct bis home on First avenui lost evening. Those present were Hon. A B. Cummins nnd Hou W. W. Wilmer o DCS Monies , Judgu J. S. U'oolson of thi United Stales district cuuit , Low is Miles oi Corydon and A. S. of this city. In dress goods our line is complete with the latest novelties , both fron homo and foreign innrlcK Wo show many novcltieb confined to outvelvea Boston Store , Council Bluffe , la. - Genuine Hound Oak , Radiaut Homo P. P. Stovvurt htoves and ranges. , soh eaclusivoly by Cole , V Cole , -11 Main. Gentlemen , the finest line of tall good ; In the city , juat received. Roller. th 10 < tailor , S10 Broadway. i : < ra | > of a liu-j > lit mie. Miss Carrie tlenn cau a narrow oscap from serious injury yesterday aftcrnooi while riding on a bicycle on Byrau Ktrtct. She tried to cross ibo biidp over Indian crock at Ibe same tlm with the palrol we pee and Ibe result was collision. Miss Hcnu VM.S. thrown to it ground und fell directly unacruenth tb noises' heels. Portuoatolir for her ihe horse ; were of a slow , CBSV poing kind nnd dlil nc reuror pluncc , but suomittt-dlo being pulie UDthorl bv Driver Sanaa ! . Tbejnungiad wus rirked up from her perilous po iiin uoiolng tbc worse for ncr exu rionce but Ic [ a few bruises. 50doznn penis dark colored outin fl muol shirts ; eel value nt 6to ) , for tbi vitkwtulu tbej last for ' _ ' 6c. ISaslu Store , Coun 'il Blulla , Iu No bankruut , liro-sinokcd. dnmatrc furuituro at MeyerV , JtO VS07 lirouuwu ; Clean good * . le tbiin any Omaha prict Trli-il u luiintrrlrltrr. H A Keed , n rosideulof Atlantic , Ic wus on trial In tbe federal court yesf-rdi uf tcrnron on the charge of passing coucte felt in riey ou Ibe 3lsl ot lasl July In Audi ww ecu n iv. Ill * defence iva > that hedid u know \tii aionev was counterfeit. The cti wa given to the jury at tbe hour ol evecli adjourn lenu A'uost ' ibo entire day was devoled to tl trial ol rrumual ca < e . nearly all the defen un-s being accused of lh Violation of tl I internal j-ov'f nue luw. Sentence wus passi ou kevcral of the guilty ones. The Boston Stoie olosiw uvory ovc ing at U jx in. except Mondays ai Saturdays. Boston store closes every evening til xx m. , unlekii Mouuaya uad Saturdays. NEWS FR01I COUNCIL BLUFFS Mr , Eandera of Omaha Breaks Up Er 0 < va Wedding with a B&zr. HIS JEALOUSY GETS' HIM INTO TROUBLE V . Kjc C t bf Hrlilp-Klret nt n I.tglitcr Colored Mnn Marti a Itnir Tlmt Itpnulta In the Groom' * Arroit. J. W. Sander * , n colored man who has beep working nt the Mi.KrJ hotel In Omaha for th < ; last six monthi , wnia to the Bluffs lastevcnlugaccooipanled by adu'ky maiden , wbora he intended lo make his wife Ml ore tbo night was over. The intention was re- otprocatod on tbe part of the girl , but an un- furiunalc train ol circumstances put a quietus on thu proeeeJiiies , and Sanders is in JiUl , while the girl has gone to Omaha or has eloped with another man , or has some how become lott in tbe shuffle. Mr . - > anc1ers and his bride tioppod at the residence of Mrs. Parlor * , which Is the rendezvous for all that is cwuil in darkey- dom , and It vrai ther ; that bis booss found their first dose of blight. A well-dre < sed colored uian was lucre , and although it was the ciil's u-edalng night she forgot her duty to Sanderv so far as lo engace in what looked to Mr. Sinder > ' jeal ous eye , very much like a rlir- tauon with tno well dresicd colored man. Unfortunately SandTi hart brought alouz hi * , "rawer , " and pulling It out of his pockel , ho announced his intention of making hash out ol hu intended wife , her new-found iDver end nnjone clsoho was disposed to try to prevent him from canyitig hi ? bloodthirsty thre-n In'o execution. He'oie ho bad bad time to do hnytbing Ofllccr Weir appeared on the scene In re sponse to Ihe crv of "uiuider" from one of ihtivolorotl vtomeD. At sight of the oollce- iniiii HnnUers broke niid ran nntl Weir lired several bois Into tbo air tielorn the fueivivo would stop. At last , alter a lively chase tbat cx'cuded over aboul six blocks , he stooped and let tbc ofllcer rut him under arrest lie wns taKin to the police station and locaed up on Iho charge of drunkenness and dulurblng the peace. If you don't wntf \ > buy hard coal you had Ix-lter tco Uixb } ' ubjdt the = e oil burner They uro adapted for use iu hot air fiii-tiu'ces , srUmrn and hot water boiler ? , with no coal or ashes to handle. By fur the lurpcst line , the nobbiest btyles , the lowest prices in ladies' . inisres' and children's COATS is at the Boston Store ; o show windows Council Bluffs , la. III.I-.A n.N < ; Tin. CdiKllilntr * Cunoniiis mill Wlttner Tackle I'oliurt < m llnth Nidi- . . The "campaign of education , " which was talked ol so much severnl weeks ago , opened , so far as Council Blurts is concerned , ut the opera bou e last evening. One ol the 1-irgest political mee'iugs over held in Council Bluff- , was held there. Tno audience in cluded mc > n.omeii nnd children , renub- licant. dctnoi-iMts and mugivurnps with now and then a people's partv muej m , and although the or/ura house wa. < > full almost lo kulToc < illon and the e\erci es wore two hours und a linir in lei.gth , hardly a t-ltrr. of fa'.uuo was visible. Itas u joint debate between A. B. Cum- mius and W. W. Witmer of Des Moines , the republican und democratic candidates for elector-al [ urge. Mr. Cummint was mlro- duccd to the audience by Judge J. It. Kued , and in a stieecli of ? .u hour he procpeded to lay down the principles of the republican pany and support them oy arguments uhich were full of convincing power. He treated of the silver question and Ibe protective tariff , ana soeiced to be equally well in formed on both subjects. The different points were well illustrated oy anecdotes , of which ho teemed to have a generous sup ply , and the applause from tbe republicans irf tbe audience was frequent , now and then a democrat who was not afraid to voice his leclings , joining in tbo upnlause. Mr. Witmer followed lu a speech of an hour and a quailei , but bo ivas in no means the equal of bis opponent. Ho failed to answer tbe arguments In n wav tbat viould be even sati-lai-tory to democrats wtio were iu tbe bsbit ol ihinnn.u- . and whci l.e wa throuzn the .sudience heaved a sigh of relief. Cummins , on tne other hand , received an oxation r.s soon as lie stepped to the front of the stare 10 inalrc his closing speech. A few democrat' g were able 10 re-ist the temptation to siaj until lheclo e of tbe meeting , bui their going out did not inconvenience anj one , for iny republicans were not tbroupt ( clapmnf , ' Ihoir hLiica and jelling until aftc the lasl early-go homo iv..s out of Iho bouse. His clo.iiigsKcrh < marned bv tbe tatni , characteristics as his opening , und when tbi < audience went home it was in good spirits Altogether , Iho denale was an importan tbint ; for politics in Council Blulle. Fron now on mass meetings tro lo be trcquen thing * , und if they nil turu out us well fo republicans as did tbo OTIC last nisht , then can be but little doubt as to the result of tbi election in Council BiutTs. n len For the nonest , nobbiest and Intes styles in ladies' . mi-es' ! and children' : COATS visit the Boston Stare , Counc-1 Blutfs , la. _ Call on Messrs. D.iy & Hes * and asl to be shown the Klein tract of 400 acre noon rale in ( He and ten aero tracts They will show it free to all. Judson , civii engineers Broadw.iy Carpet weaving1 , 'J23 Avenue P. B. B.Id WniiK r l.1,01)0 ) l > .tmnirt. Kll/ibeUi Pauer- Is suins ino cily o Council Bluffs for S15.0DJ daraases for it June ; resulting from a fall which she bad o Fifth avenue last December. Sha ullego that her fall was caused by a lumping o place of heveial Inches ou the sldewal where she was iv.ilUinc , and Ibat tbrout ; pe Ihe necliccbce of Ibe cily be sustained in inni Juries aboui her aniile which will nrevet ni her from u > tnc oneot her limbs dunus it gene lest of her hfa The suit vvcs put on trii no in the district court yesterday mornini Considerable trouble was DM > oriencd in RO u tint : a jury It was a dnuuhler of Ibe plalnli be iu the prcsenl case vvbo was clven n judi be muxt for Injuries sustained wblle ridiui ; ou cs motor train a few months ago. 101 cd Ktnuiii H'-istiind , fnshionabl Jy nu ( lru Einuker. Ooo-J lit puantnteei or Prices re.iaunnbla. ! KIS 5th avenue. \Vuiilcil In liuy. Imiirovotl p-opsrtv. Will | iiy cash 1 ils ' ' v. II G Mu'ej.lO.\lalnstree ; un UOpaoplo In this eiiy use JJH stove 1 lie ( > us Co. pull 'oin in at cost , cd i.v. Davlr , pare dru < rs. } > dst paints. a. , lion , A. 1. linear Kiiirrtula * u l-urge Am layer llcuilmon , la. er- IlexDCitMiN , la. , Oct. ( I [ Special U > Tl lu- Bee. ] Hon. A. I. . Haar , republican c-anc tlOl date for congress from the Ninth dltlrli iSO spoke to a Urue unn attentive uudience Le lug lust night. The audience was compos principally of voters with a few ladies f n Lho unt anil Ibo voters represented principal 11.1. Ibe rcpauucau and democratic parlies wi no a glighl sprinkling of populisu. Tbey wo very attentive ana fcoetuea to come lo lea tbetruth , Mr. llagar referred to tbe "Wlilon-dolla congress , compared the candidates fort nd presidency , reviewed the Aldrleh repoi and concluded by stymg that ne didn't knc bow the drmorraU ure going to get jroui the rcjiorif of tne ' 'three l"s. Peck , P ' 16 and 1'reiloj. " Mr. Ht rv followed by County Supt intrr J > t Pitr rlc Of O.rnwooJ ID n speech , ud tbf ajdictcolcfl well pleased wuu the tlrst rally. lown % ptpi-an Mrct , l'n * iv , ! . , Oct ( ISpscial to THE Bf 1-Tbo annual reunion of the i'olta- wittaiulo County Veterans asfociatbn wa held hero yesterday and today. All the Grand Army ot the Republic posts In the countr were represented , a well as some from Shelby and Mills counties. Tbo pro cession was a mile in length this morning and tirobablv not one-fourlh of tbo people present were In line. There were probably 5.WO people In and about the camp ground. A. L.Htar , republican candidate for con * gress. spoke today. His democratic op ponent. Judge McGee. was advertised to speak alto , bat failed to apotar. : m 111 0.11.1/M. Prrslden ! of ttir Couorll Walters As unips the llutlrs of > lnj-or. President J. S. Waltt-rs has sune oJod to the mavorshlp owlnc to the vacincv caused bv the deplorable death of Mayor Miner. Mayor Walters has taken hold ot the affairs of the citv with a "erv thorough understand ing of m jnlcipil muter * , and his close rela tions with the dean m iyor tnako lighter the task of performing thodutles of that office. Yesterday Mavor Walters signed a largo her of city warrants and attended to tbonum- ' otber affa'lrs of bis ofilce. Ho says that while he holds the position there will bo no devlition trom tbo course and policy of Mavor Miller's administration. Tbo question bai arisen as to when the VRcancv caused by Mavor Miller's death snail be filled. Tbo law provides thst If a vacancv sbail occur in any municipal office wl'.hln thirty days of the UDJO of the holding of any general cMclloa the vacancv may be filled at such election. There nre thoko who contend tbat the vucancv cannot bo filled until the citv election next April , and that Mr. Waiters will hold over until that lime. Legal advice upon this question. Is being se- ruiod , and as sean as the question is settled the necessary action will bo taken. I > r j > rraU' I > < < ( ! ut a Voting Girl. Grace Williams , as she Is known in South Omaha , made un unsuccessful attempt to commit suicide yesterday morning , tatting sulphate of alrnpla. Ihe girl is about 17 years old und is a waitress at Ward's oysler r.arlors at'JWJ N street , whore she has been employed for about one month. 'Ibo name of Urace Williams is an as sumed one , tno girl's name beinir Nellie Slater , ana her parents reside at Beatrice , bhe is an attrncuve brunette. Tbe poison was taUcn at nn earlv hour vesterday morn ing and came near causing dcnth. Tbe prompt attendance of u physician und tno admiuistering of an antidote saved the girl's lila All dav she hovered between life and dealh , but in the evening she was pro nounced out of danger. \V. G. Ward , in wnose employ the girl ha * been , savs the has threatened several limes to take her own life , and because of un happy relations at home. Ho savs she was an Inmate of tbe slate reformatory tor girls , and some time ace was taken from theie by bcr falberand given emplojment in the homo ot an Omaha atlorney. where she remained unlil coming to Souih Omaha about four weens ago. Sbo did not inform her parents of the change , and tenet not arouse suspicion assumed the name of Grace Williams. The fatner learned of Iho daughter being in South Omaha , and by mail informed her thai she must erh r return lolbeOmaba attornev'b house or she would be relurned lethe the state reformatory. Tnls preyed beavily upon Ihe girl's mind and she slaled several times that death would be prelerable to com plying with the orders of her father In this respict. Wednesday the police matron of Omaha cslled upon Miss Slater and informed her of the Instructions received from her father , and they must be complied with , \\nen the kindly matron departed ihe girl staled aain that she pro- onsed to commit suicide , but as ber talk was considered ialp , no watch was kept upon her movements. She had rooms upstairs over Ihe oysler parlors and there teen the poison. About S o'clock yesterday morning she came doxvu btairs and was completely out of her head , tno poison causing temporary aberra tion of the Drain. She was immediately placed under a obysiclan's care and her life savd The girl's parent's at Boatrloo were noti fied. Itopert tor the Lute -Mayor. Mayor Walters last evening Issued the following proclamation : Tbo sudden dealh and Ihe mystery sur- roundinz Hie end of Mayor C'lnrles 1' Miller make ? the occurrence mo ts d and nffeclmir , touching not only his rel itivcs and frleods. but all our citizens. Iniewof the fact tlmt he not only was the chief m-isiEtrale of llio city out was like" i e a uma. popular and re- SDPcteJ cit.zen. urlnss a Brief mo t profound arid feLould be sliarert lu by the community. Therefore all cit.zens are firnestly requested to unitIn show in : on the dav of his inter- ; .cut then lespeet ff > r our lute lamented lunvor J. s WALTEHS , Maror. . Tae funeral will be beid Sunday Ulernoon at 1 o'clock at the First Presb ; tenan church. Canon Wbilmarsh of the Episcopal church mil oreach the funeral 5-Prmon. Tbe ' rcinmns will b luiU to rest in Prospect Hill cemeterv. Lilv Division No. S. Uniformed IJank. Knizbts of Pythias , will have charge of the funeral and services. ( .i-i -iun k\ > Damages. . GOD s > iup , the celeslial who conducted a 10 launarv in tbe basement of Hex man's build ingat Tw ntv-sixth ana N streets , has filed a claim with Clerk Ditzen for damages in Ihe sum ol f400 , and tbe council will act on the claim. The heavy rain of Tuesday even ing , September 27 , flooded the celestial's quarters , dome great damage. The watei came from Tvvenly-siMh street. H. Hevmau. the owner of tbe building will also lilc a claim tor damages. st Notes mid I'eraoutU. 's Miles M. Mitchell is in Plattsmouth ot 11 business. Rev. rather Mugan has gone to bchuylei to remain for t-ome time. Mr * . S J. Douclass of Fremont is visiting : her daucbler , Mrs O. E. Strong. The new Baptist church nt Twenty-fiftl aud H streets will be dedicated Sundav. Mrs. Nora Hammond of Atlantic , la , , 1 visiting Miss Alice E. Havens , Twenty fourth end I streets. Yesterday occurred the funeral of tbe in fanl ol Mr. and Mrs. lieorge E. Westcott The child died \Vednesdiy. ofn The feeder market at the Union Stocl non yards continues good. Tbe shipments ye on terday numbered 1,540 bead. OS The republicans of Ibo Third ward wil aff meet Tucsdav evening in Evacs' hall Twcnly-elgblh and U slrcets. ilk r N. Mervin , editor of the Beaver Valloi Tribune , published at Beaver City , Neb ! nt was in South Omaba yesterday. be K. O Witchcraft will erect a f I.ODD cot lal tage at Twenty-fourth and H streets and ha IB. taken out a permit for tbat purpose. Dl.Iff George Bover was attacked by a steer a .Iff the Union Stock yard * yesterday and earn near being cored lo ueath. He escaped will having the bridge of bis nose laid open am a lew brulso on the breast. Prof W T Collings , the noted hors ilod. trainer of Philadelphia. Is In tbe city. Prol d. Collings recently purchased the man-eallo ktalltou "Nero , " from the Union Sloe Yards company , and will endeavor to cor quer the vicious animal at a public exhlb K lion. TIIKIIt Tft.tCK / > Uir.V AT LAbT. 03 Hock ItUud OrtlciaU finally Kntrr Lincoln. LIKCOLX , Keo. , Oct. C. [ Special Telegrai toTiiE Bcr.J The leas standing oontrc very over tbo Ilock Island's entrance Inl > the city was ended tonight and that COD ill- pany's trade's at raianlebt extended near ) 10 O blreot. Vice President Parker an 'uc General Solicitor Low held a confe dl- enco with tbe oniciaU of the strci let , railway today nnd t .o differences belvvee Ibe I'.vo cornpaules were satisfactorily ai ere justed. At T o'clock this evening a lart sed . gang of vvorkmrn rommeoced lavini ; tract : es. and befoie mldmput had crossed Vine nc illy H tlrceu. O street U yet to be crossed , ac lib 11 remains .o be keen whether unknown pi ore ties ouuido of tbe Street railway compio arn will interfere. " Mr Hcnr.r E. L.ouU , a riromlcent banki ir" of this cily , has filed a petition in tbo dUtri me court 'c. permission to intervene in the ca > " , but acllun on the petition has been defer n ovv until some time in November , ind 'eel LOOK to your interest. You can buy S : er- ration Oil , the creat jiaiu cure , for 25 cent PITCH DIGGERS IN COQT Scott Will -Deil With Them for Contempt , ' 6fis Order. ARREST OF THE MO& WHILE AT WORK Dcpnty * Iierlir Vlr pArty Having Lois of I'ou With the Sttjiinp AncelMio ArcTrjInc t < Cltnnge tlir Ml - nourl HivcM Conr r. Depaty Sheriff Vlctnr McCarty of Sarpr county , who arrested Hne ditch dlpscr < nt Bellevue \VednesUaypljJnt , came up yes'.cr- day morning to report lo .tudgts Scott , who isiurd the injunction [ or violating which the nrrcM * were made. Tbc deojty found txro men in the ditch ID tSo nfit > ruoon and was told that tbo foreman , who had cons to Council Ulufft for mono raflD. would bs back in the evenine. The deputv Inr In wait Ic the brush from 0 until i o'cioctf , when a boat approached trom the Iowa shore. The oars were mufllod and McCarly did not hear them or see them until tbey vver < s close to the shore , ana a sonn as they started for the ditch with stiorels over their shoulders he placed them under arrestTbo three were AbacrVrlnht , the contractor , Thomas 11 ctfuy , the ( oreman , and n young man earned Albion from Councill BlufTi. In Mlckej's Dockets were found n bic six shooter , tape lite ana a limn book showing that about thirty men had bcn at work on tbo ditch since September 2 ? , the dav bcfora the injunction was served. Wrigat pro tested that this n as not the gang that the In junction had ocen served oa. bat offered no resistance to the oQicor All of them were taken to Papilllon and plnren in Jail. Mcf .illy says that the ditch nas ow been due about 70J yaras , which is n llttlo over half the distance necessary to effect the chance dcnlred. It has alreatlv been dug throiich one man's potato patch and is bended through a corn Held. Held.The The settlers were up in arms and were onlv restrained from killing tno land thieves by the knowledge that this court had already Interfered. When the deputy appeared on the scene last nlgot twentv-flvo men with hhoteuns volunteered to assUt him , but ho aid not need their uid. Ho left two armed men watching the ditch , witb instructions to arrest all new comers from the Iowa side. Judce Scott sturted for Papillon at 2:30 : o'clock Yesterday alternoon to near the contempt - tempt casts against the prisoners. iKKD I'eoplc Ouvvn Tlicr * cein to Understand the Move -Now. BEU.EVDC , Neb. . Oct. 0. ISpecial to THE BEE.J The scheme of ttui Wngnt and Jenkins oulStof Iowa ditch diggers is not so small uscheme as it has heretofore seemed. Certain facts have recently leaked out which lead to tbo astonishing discovery that the 2 SOO acres of sand bar lying just east of when 'he ditch Is being constructed is a very trivial matter catnparea with the thousands of acres of valuable farm and bay land further south , -which these platters hoped to remove to the Iowa shore by the changing of too river's course at the point northeast of Bellevue. Tha' , large tract of land Known as Bellovne island , which lies about three miles southeast of this place , has foryears been looue-J upon with covet ous by man ? ot the inhabitants of the low a > shore whose land has In years past been cut in en by tbe many changes and winnings of tbo Missouri river. In fact , many of tbe lowans have tried to reclaim their lost pos sessions by invokftjp the aid of Neorasua courts to assist them in establishing titles to land on this tide of tno river , but in nearly every case' they nave failed to es- tablub the indetUily of the land once owned by them in Iowa , " "Duriup the last ten years parts of this vast tract of made land has been settled on , and many goad farms now adorn the places where years ago notbiuc but wild pea vines and gray willo.vs grew in rank profusion. Nearly thirtv families now have com fortable homes upon this island , with fine fields of earn and other pro ducts of the soil crowing uoon this Und , which has cost them years of hard labor acd many privations to acquire , end all of which would bs swept away and Ihete people deprived of their property and homes if the bold move of the lowans Is suc cessfully earned out. Several hundred acres of fine nay land on the Bottoms ueiwsen hero niid the island , which me owned by Nebraska parties , would ba greatly endan gered , and the B. and M. company would also be preatly damaged , as the current would oo thrown chains ! Nebraska oanlc at a place where tbeir tracks are now ouly a few rojs from the river , and thousands of dollars would have lo ba expended by tbo company to protect its tracts and depot grounds. 1'eopln Are Waking Up. No estimate can be made of the amount of damages which Nebraska land owners would sustain by such a chuce. Tbo people in this vicinity are Just beginning to lealtze tbe marmlude of the bold undertaking and It , will not be at all surorising if further attempts on tbe part of Wright and Jenkins lo complete ibcir ditch should end in vie lence. It is reported that Wright and Jen kins have declared that tbe injunction viill cut no figure with Ihem , tor prcvcal the completion of tne ditch as thev intend tc siav on the Iowa sloe of Ibe river out of it : reach but continue the work of completing the ditch by sending now men across to work as fast as the old ones are arrested and taken avvay by the sheriff. However. Iho five arrests made by Deputy : Sheriff Vic McCsrlv last nicht seem to havt put a quietus upon the movements of the gang. THE BEE | correspondent visiled lb ( ditch at 3 o'clock today , but saw nolbinj sure the huce nile ol freshly Ibrovvnuptand a couple ol shovels and one of Ibo workmen * dinner palls , which were lefl by ihe met who were arrested last At tbo nvei near the moutn of tbe ditch the two row ooats ID which the men cano across thi river last night still remain cbainci to a log wbere tbey were cbalnei tIS IS It 36 Lh id se ; ck ckm m- brim HATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla .Of perfect purity Lemon Of great strength- imo Orange Economy In their use. Rosetie. oto Flavor as delicately tom and delicious/ ! the fresh fruit m- nd er- ero. o. id. DB.E.C WE-'i NKUVBANH , id.go WE.NT. i sU : for llfi.jrlv. uuilnju , fiU N M go wino , Nerroji I'raiiraloa ciutaJ or lf.nd uoior loUicoa. Wa aalai > it. MoaUl nd locuio totuoj ta Brjla. ciuiia.'laiaaitr , iniior nd oeeij.d'atu. I'rea itura Oil AID. Uirr.-osiii. Lai cf > * o < ier la eliner ai. Impotenor l < 9uearraei 3 aUFcm&la Wdaiaeitit. laroluutirr t > a mtlorrimit cental of orormortua at tai Drii belf-atu eorer-lu4ulEncs. A maalti'i trittjita mill. Wegairantejiit Ujisi u ojr er t ctjord forxDoui , wuu ( > tll tail irrlto let rn r nu-tto ratanllf notcar li Gairiat > li onlr If Tbe dore. K. I/e l dru itit , ula a a oclbd it corner lulaand K in 'u-.ti , um a ial- Sim & Saaoilers-AJiorKy't&u ' fttder 1 courts. Koo n 1 i und & ; bcuro bloci ; . Council Ulutf > , la. by their O ICR > Tb > rest of the g ns is ctnf d in the IOWA tide ot the river , about a mils an J abuT cast Of whfro tbe ditch is being made , but so far to- duv has made no Attempi. o laud on tbo Ne braska side. If tbo meg attempt to romn over and resume wonc-toniirht tbor will meet with the tame recept-on that their companions received last night. Over thirty-five rods of ditch have been completed siuco the restraining was served last TnurjdH.v. A part of the posse that as sisted Deputy McCarty to make tbo arrests last r.ieht l < In readiness to roctlvo any of the Iowa rliltorsxvho tnay make tbclr np- pcarance on this < lde of the river tonight. farmer Ben Marks , who owns a fine farm on the Iowa sldo Just opooMto Ucllcvue. and straight < onth of ibc moulb of the ditch , is very strong In his denunciation * of the scheme to change the c"ur o of the river and doss not hoMlat'e to brand it ai a nloce of outlawry on tbo put or Wright and Jenkins. ii nn c.i.v.i/i i. l.lrntvnniit Mncifbunltl nt Toronto Ontllnii 111 * rinn to ilotton Mrn. Bonov , Mas < , Oct. 0. The new move ment looKlng to tbe political union ot tbe United State and Canada , represrnlod bv Lieutenant E. A. MacDonald of Toronto , \vbo Is nt the present oa u visit to this elt > , received u subtlunlial endorsement at u meeting of representative Boston business men held here today. Hon. Jonaihan A Lane , president of the BoMon Merchant * a - rmllon , presided , and 1'rosldent Jerome Jones , of the Associated Board of Trade ; l > rpsldent L O Burnham of the Boston Chamber ot Commerce ; Collector A.V. . Beard. Hon. P. A. Collins and other promi nent men were present. Lieutenant Mar- donald mndo an address and outlined his plan of campaign , ttatlng that the political union was not only poi lble. but .inevitable , and the people ol Canada were ripe for tbo great change The subject wus generally discussed and all the speakers expressed themselves us in favor ol the movement. Improved Safely Ehvatjrs , * - i * : KIM BALL BROS. Cor StliS-trcet and llth Aie Oounril IL W .C. ESTEP. Funeral Director , tmbam3r ! 114 Main Street , Coudoil Bluffs. CURH Anrw iaj Cosipleta TreatDCTIL conil > Un ; ut Soppoillorles. Olntmeni In I'apiUiai nl o In lias andl'illa ; a I'oiluve lure lor U tprniL InternM bllnflor UleedmiUciun ; ' Jromc. Keeeator ilerjJl- ttrjlllei Tale Kemelr ba < never b-en knowa to iilL ! I per box Oforjj , sent Of mull VVujeugerfrooi tills Uirnblo dlioi.3 wti a u wrlttn auar.ntjs lj DOBlliTcljrcrlren with fi t > jr * > * or ref anl iheuon-tf tf not cured * e * 1 ptaup for fr s sanjp e Oc r&algs Itsued brKoba AOo Dru.-clni , yole Ajea'.s corasr IHI1 and Uoucios biroou i. ii. > eti. ARE YOU SUFFERING ? Female Weakness , Catarrh or Uheamatssa , Chronic , Nervous or Private Disease ] , IP SO , CALTj ON Dr. Searies & Searlss Consultation Free. Acknowlfdrod to 'jt tbp-inoi tuccc ful specialist In nil I'HIV ATK. I1LOOI1 , NEUVOUs BK1AM ) UltlN- Gonorrbu-aln from S lo ( i < laj Syphilis cars ! wUticiutilercurj- ttasi > far Ufa 5-rKlilLllK iiermanentlj coral remoral co n- pk'te , witbuut i-attln ; ciuitl'or Jlutilloa iirj BOoctea at home Ly patient wan < ut u iiiJ-usati tmln or & .Dnorance- IMl.ii. KlsTLLA ASU HET\L UI.CEtlS cursl itHbuut pain or detention from buMiiei" * I1YDHUCKLK AN' ' * VAHHXoKi-IC perminentlr &od tuccenlullr cur 1 Method new aud unfailing. \VEAK MEN ( VITALITY WEAK ) , Marts o bj too clou appli cation to bu lnpM orrtudj , ne'ere mental ( train orprlef. t-h-XLAL RXCKsSfcIn mlddla life or Irom Ibe eflectH of youthful fnlhei WKAK MBN AHI ! VICTIMS TO XBIIVOL'S DB- BILITYor BXIlAUsTIUY VVA'-TINS WKAKS'K S I.SVULUNTAIIV 1/JSsCS witnUAHLV DIE 'AY In YOUNG nod MIDDLE AGKU. lacic of rloj TlRur and rtrenctli. Un fccrual organs Impaired und veakenened prematurely In approaching old ae All yield reaflUr to our new treilment for lo > of Tltal power. Call on or a.1dres with fctamp tor circular * , fres bonk and receipts. Dr. Searies & Seirles."r J Neittn Post Office. : COUNCIL BLUFFS STEitf DYfi WOHU All kin Is nf Dyeln ? anl rio-tnln'done in la 3 lil. hnstfcly loof the art. 1'iUeJ nni stalnul fabrics niaJe to leak as coed us no * Work proinptlv done nnd < lelirereJ ia all parts of iho country Send for urlca list. U A. MAOHAN. - - PHOPKIETOa Q Broadway , Near Sortb' e t ra Iap > 5 Cucscic. IluUKfi. lot * . SEC TIIS5 PHICF.S roil MEAT : Tney are for CA II O.M.V ut SlKscnexpoiir's Marlot'J33 IlroidHay , Council iilufls. Oloomarzarme and Itultorlnr. ir.c , Atthffco prices It will p iv you lolmy foi cash only utME > CHKNIyl E' .Moat Market vvlipre you can always get Hie best of me it. r PROPOSALS FOR GRADING. Fcau-cl proposals will be received by tlie un- afr.lL-iieU until ir ju'cloul. p. in , , October'1st IbJi for Kradais : Vmion strt-til from S4lh fctrpol to tlie wen Unu of tbe adey in block JL Wllcox'sSnd addi tion , In ttiecit ) of Onialia. In ucuordutiue with li piaui and kpvclflcallons on llleln the oiuce ol the board of public vrorKs. > lilds ui U > made on printed ulnnk < furulslied liy ihe board nud Ui buaccomoanloii b > H certified uhock Intliubiiin of f" > 9 , pay able lo the oily of Umahu , as un evidence ol PCX HI fault. Tlie board reserves the rlht to re Joel an ; or all bld , and to wnlv M defacifc. nd P W. UlItKllAUSKIl. at Chnlrman lioarl of Public A\urks Omaha , Neb , October < tb , ItfXi oT > b-H-U She is afraid to use Pearline. She admits that it will do just what is claimed for it , that it will save her time , take away the drudgery , and do the work bet ter ; hut she argues that , if it does all this , it must ruin the clothes. It's a poor argument. Because the dirt is loosened and separated and brought out , why need harm come to the fabric that holds x/\ it ? It's a. delicate matter to \ arrange but Pearline does it. All its imitators would like to know how. Hundreds of millions of packages of Pearline have been ircd by millions of women. If it had been dangerous to anything it would have died long ago. Peddlers and some unscrupulous proccrs v * ill tell yoa. "this it as good as" or "the tame as 1'cathnc " IT'S _ _ _ FA1 SE Pearline never j .Jdlrd , if j our sends you an Sm.tatioti. be huncst imJ is fact. 5 JAMES l Yl.i , New Yotk. WELL BRED , SOON WED"GI RLSWHO USE Are Quickly Married Try it on year next House-Cleaning. Twin City Steam Dye Works \ IMi > n > PIU ron DYSING , CLEAN1STG- AND RSFINISKING OF GOODS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. Omaha Office , 13-1 r.-irnain St ; Telentiono 1VJ1. f'OUQCI ! 13iu'fs ' Offio and 'Work Cor. Ave. A and 2'ith ' St. . Tulo-ihono 310. . Soad for v-ircuiais and pnoo list. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS. The w int al vertisa ne n * .ippMnn ; In 11 new piper are often tlie IUD-.I Inere = iin2 part of its contents. Tn y u\prc s the nr ent needs , the dally wihoot the people who want so i ethius and who arc nilun : to do tomcthlnz. WANTEfl. coocl slrl for general lie rework : il n i Glen avenun. \ \ ; ANTCU Coinpelent crl for housework. li2 Soulb ? uventli street. WANTED A thonmililv co ijieleut sirl : most be n coo J cook Inqulrou * Mrs W. A. Maurer. Ml Seconi nvvnur T\TAMED I'lacn us nurse pin : can : he 'i tool relercni'es. Augusta llaiiianu , "Dl Harrison ttrect. HOUSES AND GUKEN HinLUS. XKM10I.SON i CO. are alwivreadv and yver ulillns tohow oropcrlj ; ries alVTajs on hind. Uo and M-O llicin. FAHM atiJ citv loins. MOIK'J loani'J on tocU nid criln. Itpii fsntc for TB. Dnellln. ind business rtnlals. Munev lo.inol for lee il Investois. tiouee .C Toanp.'JJi foil I Fult " "M. Desirable re-idniK'9 iiionertv on Park a vc. All modern Itnuruvenjents. 14 rooms , one liloct from motor ; t bargain if takeral once , easy iuymt.-n : < or tra lu E 11. Sheafe. If" von cnnl to rent n house c-e Urceinhields. Niehci'ona FOR TKADE-L-itids In Grcely WIUHIV uid Cuitci counlj' . .Nell. , for sto W of jetto.ry. orsans. furniture or bu lnes property in Council lilufls. E.H.Sheife. p KEEXSH1EI.D5. NICHOLSON .V CO. h vo vTtlie largest llsl of properly of any firm in Hie city FOK "ALU Choi"cst farm In 1'oitairatti- meOo. . < U acre ? , wall lo - iled an 1 Im proved I'rkc 113 an acre. 1111 bliuafc. II YOU have mylliln for silo or trade sos E. II. She fe , ItroaJwayand Muri streot. FOit PAI.E On smi 1 payinenis. fruit ana garden iau I neir Uouncil UliiiTs 11 H. fcheafe. Hroidwiy and ( lain street - IP Yiit" nsnt to lie ir lutiiutlilnsr nc' reir.inl- ms iejl esiulo see Uiccnsliulds. N 4. t'o. ' ' POR'nXc'HANGn Hotel atnl icsliunnl l at sbuberu Neb , , and Hi lot : In Denver. Colo. : mil excnin o for clear No- br § .ia l-.nJ K. H Slie.ife. ITyou want to buy a nouso see Clrfc Ni liolsun & Lo. VC\ \ ACHE T irtn ' lth Imurovonicnt * . five OUn.ilo north of On in ! ! llliilfi ; itjun : .cro : u pna [ > o trzalri H. n snetfe. VV'ANTh.D Xu raskalanl In cx n.uise for ' i eooJ wor'.v linr.B * IZ. II Sliejfa rjRE'KVMELDJ. Niciioi-toN A. co nnvj V- * many bir Kiii ! lu iiiproved Jnd v.caut properv vvn ch they would bo pleased to } uu. OALi : UK iXOHANGKiaer : ruii-ii In > 'Wbi'oltiri'oiiniy. Nab \Vllltako mcrelian- dlsa H. II. bno < ilu. \\T AMJOD 4. UO. have somoof tin. lines t 'I ifnrini la koulbuaclern Iowa for jlc. Call und tee u > 62j M.ilu stieft- 11" you have a IKIU&O lo rcnt.eo tircon lilold . Mclior.on & . Oo. AHAItGA1N. 1 i-aere fruit and gnidcn trad 2'i miles from puswnice. ' . " , ncres in srapcs H acre In lilU'-UOeriJei. liij apple \ rec5 plum trees . /iclitrry trees. d n.llni , stable , etj. I'rlce t iOOAW No trade. 1II. . r-hcufe. TP Yol' want ui buy a lot itee Ureonshlclds , ' jlsuniCo $ ' 00 IT.K MONTH rents u = < u i A-rnuin dwelilus on A enueC near -Slti ttrtoi i : . 11. fcheafe. - | CJ acre improved farm In Mills countfa. . -LI.1 ? . * < per ut'rti ; ftlkMl'0 at pi'ij h.'iucrbb Im proved in 1'nituwuMcuile county. t-J ; biia.s , Van Pattun. / 1UICN IUKU > S. NICHOLSON A. ( O. at. \J w jys have snaps oa hand for conserv atlvt loretiois. _ DOVT liuy propiTly ill ) you Imve kvuu OrfuiulilulJt. .Nioljolhon A. Co. KKRVaillKLUS. NICHOLSON A. CO loul t.luto and ruutal agealk. Oil llw.iy.O , l. L1T your property wllh men who ru > l e K it ; 1 1 It tsje OreamhlBldt. Mc.'luii un A Oa GREEXs'HELO ? , MOUOUfON A.turetlii leading ro il eil.ito Uua.or. uf I'ounul liluITs. , - 'U tbuui when ; ou want any thin ; . DON'T force * , that ( irtfnililoidr A Meliot son urp rinK 111 the middlu of tl.c line luri'tkt llsi of properly of any d dlir Ip ihi / 1OMC and lake one of ( ircentliiuldh. Nl Uol WM > u' rl s.-ind laktju rJUeomr Uie elty ; 1 fo > t you nothing. 1 I1 you waul Ui liuy Und see tirvuuahitililc Mtboitou & . Cj. SP COUNCILNOTICES COUNCIL BLUrFS. MISCELLANEOUS. rriOItl.rllote. . witn furniture antf iix- . -L1 ture > . ii rojiu-s u tru. of. 1'rlov l&'iH. i ' Located In Douglas fi-mtx. I ) illy rccelpta. ffl , Itive-ilguto at 0111.0. _ H jjfchMfe. | I f \IMl.\liK remoiod. rcm-prxils. vaults nnd . * ( liliniit' ) olu in l. 1II. . Huritu. City Itldg. I71OK FM.K Clean stoci : hiri : ire , well es- 1 InbllsliP I lrr.1e. Invoice about f 1.QJ1. Good eat-on for-'illnj. T.Ttn < c < sii E. . Sliu&fe. FOR SAIjK Furniture. flMnres andleHHOot tlie tartrt'st aim finest hotel Iu southern Nebraska. All modern linproveinonts ele- sniit furniture. Net profits ilOOJOO per an- mini : liullaiiu uenlj built : no competition. J'r.o- . .oo n , , balf ca > li. K. 11. Sheafe , Council Ilu2 . Iu. "IT'Ol ! M.E Creamery o itOteomprls'lns 23- JIi p ( Kit or. in-h p. engine , i Do Lavello scpirator-2croarn v it > , Jfi .tiloiis nch : nsh cliurn.uJ > ; a'Uns ; uowei tmtior worKer. batui Bcilt-s. vvi-'clit cm. v iter tinK aod otuer futures. Will tell clieip for cash or trade for I m ' . K. H lle ife. iroltAl.E -A coed miloli con Prlca J- Will t ike iJij lorsamuln carpenter vtork. l. < ; oii , irt Everett. "IAH5 AI.i-A food I > onv ; HI"--IH | about 603 iponndR. . for 3-4'J IHI \Vi i taUc- pay for sauio in carjU'iiH'i AtorK. I. ' 'on irJ Ev 'ittt. Lon -\I.J-A : svi. . . . Inns" ai.d pharlou. -L W A. \\.od \ Co , . ' . .I' M.I n street. DANCtNO SCHODL. Af'NDA\ It A pjrois. cli. ( lien 4p l' m alii'ls. ' 7'J'p m --o-'uis ' second aud fimiili M ind'iy- p. iu Muskfu rnlslied oar- ties and clnhi Addles * al R A Parlors , Coiiiu-il IJhifls. 01 itiSI 1 urnam st. Oicalia. W. K. I'liamuors. Insiriiclur. I TO THE OWNERS OP ALL LOTS AND PARTS OF LOTS OX DECA- TUn STRKETPROM27TH STREET TO 2ml STIsr.ET AND INTER SECTING STKKPJTS : VDII are bcrcby notilkMl tlmt Die under- sl.nrd. thieodUintrested frretio ders of tbo i-IH of OnuliH , Imve bucii duly appiinlt < d by the major nli ihe appruva ot thu olty couiifli of tild oily , to asi-i < the damairo lo ihe owners respvcilvo'y ' of llio pmpcrtjr utto ted u > the chun.'o of crude of Docalur htreel. from 'Ji'lti to . ' .HI , stnxiw nnd intcrsBct- 1114 stit'Cts. ill rlare.1 nei-ussrfrv uj orillnanca .NiiiiiLur 11K. pascdepl. . ' 'ith. IbJJ. iind ap- provcil M-pi isrd I ri You art- funnel not finJ. th it Iriviu ? ae- ri'iiled i ilil uupolutinent. anu iluly < | iiniltlcil ui > iccinlrpdbj law we will , ou Uio Iblh il ty of O.tober. A. It. lh9A at Iho hour of Ilirco o'clock In llio uf mi inon , at lliootllcoof ( loo. ,1. Paul. 1 ( > 'i" ) riiiiiin street , Ituin Ilia c-orporme liinllnt siid city , moot for llio puriio-e of consider ni an I making the asimeiilof ( liuiii.-c : 10 ilia t > u tiers rospeci- v < -lj of f.ild ptopcrty. airoot' " ! U > - K.I Id rluu u of uradc. t > k us Into tvtibldi ration ( .pcclal Li-nellls If any. Yon .ire notille.1 to bu pres'su * nt the tlmn and plaoti uni" ld. and nuilto IIJIJT o jectlon * lo ur titiiiuntcuncernln , ' bifU nsAU i of damage * us v on may cuni-ldt-r pruptr. UBJ. J PA I I. . \VM. 0 hlllCIVKR. JA.SrotlCDALE. . Omulia. Xcb . October Cm , ivji O'uUt. lh lor IJi tni Mrct-i linjiriiioiiirnt llnniU. bids markel "propo il for dlstr ct urc'tM improve iifnt bonds ' will bv received ut IbcodlLeof diutity treasurer. Uimiba. Neb. upUi U o'clofi ; noon of I Hi < l iv of O tobcr. l .rj , for llio ; ) jr.-lm > u of { iil.XlilU illsulcl btrcm improvumeul ltrjud uf llio city ot Umalia. .Neb. hal i IKJII Ji. siitill ha d-itol Outohcr si , Wi ; , ana shall bu payable In fnjinonu touluoyuari nflcr Die duto thereof , uith Inlcrcst nl Urn rule of j prr cent p r unnuin p lyaUlu annually ly- Princtpil nml Interast pnyabluiit Kounwu Ilro . . Next Vor' . Hald bouJs hliall IHJ of tlio ilenomlnatlon ot l. > i.U' ' . i 4) nd Euoh bid mui > l ki4io pr cc and aino nit M > ulit ; for n n i Ineludj u uruccl lntori > t lu tlalu of ilt-llvory at U.nalia. Nuo. The uxlil 1 > re rteJ tuitilusl an ; and all blus. inidfr cliarter power of fillefc of llrj lielrojio Han c. a. Jan. I or.lluinca Na JJJI , ap > provcxl Efptoiuuer luiu. , fji llKNin' HOLLV. h"lal7t City treasurer , | -r. > ji iul < lur Dutricl lirnliiii ; MiiniU , .ct.ilud bids m.irltod propoiil * lcirdl irU-t crad utf Iwidh" ue i cj vo.l uv thccltr lie uri-rK < lll . .iiinuliii , .Nul ) . , up to l.'o'clwk noon of tuu lull dity of ui-to ur. itJi. for llio j'ureiiaM ! uf $ * s IMUJdutrlct pridln , ' uondk of tliDflty of um ilia , .Nun. Saul uoadbbhail l > u dalud O-tober Ut , Mi , unu b ill l > u ] iity biu < n fr mono to nine j furs after iliu dale theriHjf with nu-ri-.t ut Iho rail ) nl pur ii'Ul per annum piyablu ann - n u al y. Prluclpal tud Intern. l payable nt Kountta llrov. Nevt VorU. aU lioaili iball booflha dimoiuiu itlou of t.uAiU'J , ixHiOJ auJ ilW.UJ uaeli. I'.icli bid inukt htito pr co unJ amount fcp-jvhl for und IIICKIIU nut rue 1 interest to date old wi very at Unialu , .Niu Die rl lil U r Mirvo < l to r j Jl any and all liMs. Uiueil uiavreliuir : poAertif o tie of ihumelr pul- itaii ui M and urd nanco .NO JAu , approve ! s IIKNUV IIOLLN. city Tnu utt > c.