Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' > WTW | " > - WCT ( * J-T- -
tjr ? OTfl 7 iv-
Eookmnkors Heap n Eich Harvtst Throtigt
the Victories of Ecvoral Ontoidors.
Almodt Any SortofOiliU Were I.nld Acnlnsl
Him , nnil Ho Uon lit n Unlliip
Spn utl i'nl Prittnrp * of
the 1'roRnntii
PMIK RACK TUCK , N. V. . Oct. 0.-
Tbo racing here this afternoon was nonsa
lion In tbo rxlremo. It commenced with i
victory for Chesapeake , who was bsckei
down from 15 to 1 to 10 to 1 , llnnllv closliif
6tol. Correction , Tarul up , looked a ccr
tain wlnnrr.iind the booitmakor * were force.
to send heir to thu post n T to 10 cbanct ) .
The second race wns captured by Fi'/ '
ftlnimoua (10 ( lo 1) ) , ttnd Milt Younir , ut odd1
of from ! ! 0 to 1 to fiJ to 1 , almost caused i
panic by making nil iho running In ino ihln
race nnd winning t > y a length nnd n half
May Win and Fred Tural. the two choices
were second and third respectively. Tbi
owners of Milt Young did not tblnk bo hai
a chance and no one hot on him.
Morcllo put up 1I1J pounds und at I ) to n
f ftcr a duspcrato finish with Italnoow , Gbv
crnor Foraker nnd Eagle Bird , Ajax am
Wortr.stor , landed Ihu stake bv u half lenglh
Hilnbow showed nslartltng reversal In foiui
running Into the place with 100 to 1 ngalns
him. Nomad , first choice , look Iho Illll
men nun Strathmoath ( I to' ! , ) galloped awn ;
Ironi liussell in iho lust iaco. Summaries :
I'lrstracc , sU furlons : ( Jhciitmko III to !
won. Correction (7 ( to 10) ) hucotid. Kosa II. ( II I
II third. Tlmo : till.
Second nice , Iho furloncs : rilirslinmon
0 to I ) won , U nr.i. ro t ( ( I to I ) second , Ai.ei
co l C.H ) to li third. Time'i. .
Third rare , onu mile ; Mlit , V < iun. C0 ! lo 1
won ; Muy Win. < 4 to lipccunu , 1'rcd Taral. (
tol'llh rti. Tlmu : lilaif.
riiuilhrii u thoae.i ml Simnil Htiktx. sl <
furlongs : Morulto U In r won , Kaluhow ( I n
10 IKcuuml. ( lotcriur I'artUar ( l l < I ) third
'Hum : 1:11' : } .
I Kill MCO. I'u'oniiort ' handicap , ml'n iiu.1 i
furlonit : Nmnnil ill lo llliwtm , hllvpr Pox ( i ! ti
Dsucoml , ICI Ui'imy i" to l > third Timu : 1V :
blvlh rui-o inllu nii'i ' a iiiinttur : Stiallinionll
' . ' ( . Tltnu yK , ' .
(1 ( to''nrtin , Iussull(8lufiithlid. ( ; :
TIHM-IOII In 4ui : ; .
Lofisvii.t.R , 1C v. . Oct. 0. Twulvo thousam
people saw iS'anov Hanks go u mlle In S:0fl : n
the fain grounds , Now Albany , Ind.-tbls al
tornoon. 'J ho track was In excellent condl
lion and the lilllo Kunlucky queen was 1
the pnmo ot condition. She ucnt two ox
btbltlon miles early lu thu nfleryonn. an
it was neatly C o'clock when Bud Dobl
nnd the lilllo mnro nimo upon tb
track. The ilrst irial Abe Lincoln
the queen's running mnlo , ran int
the ouior fence , bul at Iho second , Dobl
nodded his head nnd Nancy was elf at ho
world breaking gail. She was lo boat SJ:01
nnd few doubled shu would do it. bhowon
Ibc Hrst quarter in ItJ 3-5 seconds und Ih
half In 1:04. : In ono minulo and .T. U-
seconds after starling she How by the tbrei
quarter llag. never having boon touched b
the whip. In iho stretch Doblo tapped th
lltllo wonder several limes with tbo will
nnd she f.imo under the wire In 2 :0i : ( llal
Three other races were trolled dining Hi
ullcrnoon , but no sensational time was mad
i'lji-i-H at Aiielloii.
LEXIVOTOSKy. . , Oct. 0. Woodard .
Shanklin sold uvoiity-slx horses this mori
Ine for $ J0.05U. The following sold for mor
than 91.000 : Hattlo , b b.m. , by Alcvom
dnm Eleanor , August Sharp of "Louisvilli
? 1-101) ; Glorian b.f. , by lied Wilkos. dai
. Alierau , to August Sharp , Louisvilli
K.-400 ; Nellie , ch.m. , by Blue Bu
Jr. , dnm Kate , Boyd Pantlini
Grand Hapids , Alich. , JI.100 ; Embassy , I
m. , by Embassador James , dam Dcnnli
Charles Burnard , DO.UOII. Mass. , $ il5C
Alny Bud , b. f. , by Electioneer , dai
May , J. II. Williams , Now Yorl
$1,075 ; Elhi-1 Miy , b. m. , by Anlei
dam Lou Milton , Fashion Sum furs
SI , 40Qi Election , b. m. , oy Ambassador , I
1) . Lako. Nnw York , * IIUO ; Miss Graci
b. m. . by Ambassador , dain Grace iJurlini
Cburlos Barnard , Now York , Sl.OOU ; Bat
pie , br. f. , dam mile , Augustus Sharp , Lot
isville , $1.'JOO ; Comnt , b. f. , by Onward , dai
Hulb , Auguslus Sharp , Louisville , SI.4J5.
At Hit ) Krntuvliy lirrrdiirs Strut.
LCMNnios , Ivy. , Oct. t ) . The third Jay (
tbo Trolling tiorau Broeuora ussocialion
fall ineutlng wns well attended todiv
Woatbor cool but clear. Track and boisi
in excellent condition , bummarios :
Tlrst rare , Si III class , pacing , pin 40 fl.OOi
Juipco won , Oloxoland second. I'aul thin
Timu : UlitL'l3 : | all. : al : > ' , , . ilJ'iU':15. : ' 'HU !
2iui. : ?
hecond race , 2l. ! > siass , trattln ; , pursn $ I.r > o
bo i Girl won. blulnhiirj second , t'at .My Ito
third. , Time : L'l : ! , San { , Stin , S\ij. : \ ' 'rllilj.
Third race , ' . ' -vonr-oiu tolls and vo illnz
2li : class , pnrsojlwi : William I'enii won. Ma
gra\o second , Ashby third , Time : ySJ : >
Miles ran against the record : Bartholi
Patchun against record 2:29 ; made 'JdJ3-
Torrlttnn , record S:2HJi : , made tinio 'JJi : | !
Victor Mnmbrlno , record 2:30 : , muda2:17 : > >
Dlvornon , record 2:20 , maao tlmo 27'
Diamond Mark , record 2:31 : , made lin
OutKliliTH Til I ; n tint l.niiUMilo Coin.
Louiirit.i.r. ICv. , Oct. 0. At Churcbl
Downs this aflernoon only 0110 favonto woi
Fannie S , in iho second racu and onosccon
choice , Pal Conloy , lu the fourth.
Klr t race , selling , four and n half furlone :
Ilobmt i ( S to II HUH In M , Foot Kiinner < : t to
bucoml , Oak 1'orcst th rd.
Second r.irn.still itg , sl.fnrlons : Pannlo
ill lorn uon in 1-,17'i. ICIndota ( J to i ) VJCOIK
Ourclu ( in tun thhil.
Tlilr.l race , thu llollu Meade stakes for
your-oldrt , slfuilon.h. . valuu to nliiui'r tl , '
nut : Sum pur l.ux i.'llto II won In ! : ! ( . ' ( , nil/ ;
belli J < ( lto 1) ) second , Afternoon ( I lo SI thlr
lourtli nice , s llini ! . H x fiirloniis : I'at ( Joi
IjiV tSto.M won in Islll'J. ' Whlto NOMI tdto
biconil. .Moss Tony (7 ( to I ) th id.
II If ih raco. hollln. . ono mile : Kvcolstor ( T I
1) ) won In lI.Vj , Happy D.iy iSto li .second. Oi
ofSl liti ( toAi third.
llCHIIItx lit ( illMI < --st.r.
QLOUCEDTRK , N. ,1. , Oct. 0.Yonthor clcai
truck fa t ,
. Pint r ion. onu mile , selllns : All Illaok woi
KnnnliiK Ilirl Hncond. Daxo thltd. Tlmi
Sotoiid race , flvo-olchllHof a mlle , so.llni
Htarl Kht won. West S. do bocond. Slury h tlijr
Time : IW4 : ,
Ihlrd MOO. onu mile , selllia : I'estllcni
von , Amos sucornl , John IlluUoy third. I'lim
I'ourlli rncn. nlno-sUtet'iitlm of n mile , SD
clnl : Jnd o 1'osl vion. Oatu tin llrownt > econ
Uli'iiliiim third. Tlnui : MV.
l-'ifth ruin1 , thn'o-iinarlorsof a mlle , solllii !
Mam t U II unit. I , oil Hecond , Arthii
Jlivls ihlnl. Timni his' . ; .
Sixth race , llvo-elghths of u mile , solllni
AlrtUht t\im , Heilhun sucoml , On thu ho
third. Tlmo : lJ.n. : ( ;
( iarllnlil ( iolnc tn liidluini ,
Cnictnn. III. , Oct , II. The G\rl ( < ild par
people will probably relinquish further o
foris to keep their track onan. Allen'
thev urn in'iking rapid progress with tlio :
Indiana Uncle. Thn laltcr Is nearly con
pluied now und U is the intention of the inn
npointml to ihiow open Iho culos for the 1
nuuural day October 20 Thu mananonioi
Will civa oiilv ono month's racing this ao
eon , Colonel M. Lewis Clark will act i
pruslillnr Judpn and Starter ( ' . H , Pcllinc
\\lllhiindlottio llag. A Handicap , to whli
Iruin JiWO 10 $700 will bo uddud , will bo
fu.Hturo. The dftllv purs OB Mil 1
TiMitllni ; at lOiiiKit * City.
V. Mo. , Oct. U. Tbo racing
tbo fair grounds today was iho bast ot ti
mooting and tuo lime , for a half mlle irac
was very fast.
Viral rice , trotting , for n-yonr-olds , pur
8.UJ ! Allmlto won , ( . 'lay drum &ecuud , lie
tlmo ; 'JiajH.
hocnnd ruci2:10 class , paclntc , purt > c t'A
HiUiurd won. Dr. J bocond , Minnie A Dili
llfkt lloiu ; 1':1U4 ,
Third race , f rco-fur-all tnittunf. pur u Jl.a
uu tin slmdt ( Xiniblii'itlou und JDS&U Oa.n
011 ch uon tuo hints , Mint MoJlum third , Ik
time : :18 : .
Clillllrotlut 8ummnrli > .
Cnn MCO r UK , O. , Oct. 0 Summaries ;
SS3 : trut. ( l.fiUOi Nlchtlniriilu won , I.UI
Albert boronil , Kynluiid third , fliarlrsl
fourth. Time : -'illJi.-'ir.'U , . ; ! . , ' 'sK' , i'Ui
Thme-yoar-old trot , fl,500 | Volta we
Tyrnnus second , llonry third , Jessie 0 fourth ,
Star Prince fifth. Time : Ui24 > f. 2:2:1. : : 2iZ ( ,
2.JIH. 3-K : > < .
Kor.ilnrd wont lu 2:13 : to break his 3it4J >
record. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Lively ( lolnc on thn Sllln Track In Cevcrnl
( Inod lUrrn.
DAVESPOUT , la. , OoL 0. ( Special Tele
gram to TUB BKE.J The Davenport mlle
track was In line shape- today , the attendance
batter and tbo weather good , The race ?
were tnoro Interesting that nny previous
day. In tha first beat of thu third race Sena-
torConkllnc clotted down and fell , Jamming
his nose nnd straining his driver's ' log. Tha
fourth nnd fifth tiontsol Iho second race wore
given by Wheeler V to Eliza Benson. Sum
maries :
V rst raeo. trotlltu , I'M clasi , : i-yonrc > 1ds ,
purse i40"i
Aley Mfdlum S : i S
iidiiMM'i : s : i s : i
lilack Vluk 4 l 4
AddioO 6 S 3
Lump's .Mack dls
TIIMO : 2:2J. : Sl : ,2:57 : ! { .
Second racu. pai'itu. 'Ji.)5 class , purse St)0 :
Kllr.i H-tunn I : i 4 I 1
WhuiiiurK 4 , 2 I I S : i
1'iioiH ; : i a 2 4 2
Moscow 44 ! l ! l I , Hiatoia , Doe ( 'nrlsty nml Iiadv Dm-
nan distanced 'lime : 8ls : > 4. SHU , 'Ji-M , 2lS\i. :
Third race , trotting , frce-for-.ill , pnisT } . OO :
Trunk ijnlrk 'J " S
bon itor t'rmklliii U dr
Time : Si W , . S:2J. 2:21. :
Knclni ; ut Hiishxlllc.
Ki'snviLt.E , Nco. , Oct. 0. ( Special Tele
gram to Tun Uii.J : : There was a largely In
creased attendance at Iho ground * today anil
nn oaicr Intcron was taken In tbo races ,
Thn only drawback was Iho duilvhlcu was
very disagreeable. The track win several
seconds slow In consequence. Starter Noble
called tha lirst racn promptly at 2:30 : p. in.
LMI'trnU three In llvo , purse $135 :
KltlluVnrii 2 1 1 I
uueiphrr. i 2 a :
KdMarsh II 3 2 :
Time : SilK'J , 2.ll. : ' 'ttSJi , 2V4. :
Spuclal trot , three In live. pur < o $ .V > 0 :
Itnshvillo Jo , I"3 2 :
IMwIu I ) ; i 2 3 :
Tlmo : ! : : > ( . ! ; < ( ! , 2IIV. 242n.
.M lo nnil repeat , ruiinliiH' , for $ . ' 00 :
I'loklt-s ' 1 i
Wide Aw alto 2 ' .
Chubb ill !
Sixty Nino. ill-
Tlmu : i- : , , 1:40 : ! , .
I'onv runiuni : I.ICP , half mlle and repeat
' "
HilnOs 2 !
1.It , . . . , ; i I
M mil i -
Tunis ; ill' ' } , fl'i
Diirkmm closed the racing nud provontec
Demonstrator from Irolllncr against limn foi
a mnt k , as was the Intention. Thofi aluroof to
moriow's program will be thu ireo lor all foi
Tips lur Tudiiy.
Hero are the horses which the propuo
has picked for the winners today.
( U.OUCLhTllll.
1. Kln.r Idlo-ltenlv.
2. Wilson Taylor-Lady Hollo.
II. KlinsinmSlleiiio. .
4 Hum-Ill Arllona.
T > . Siirpm--A O II
ti. r.iHblein Whlto Wings.
1. Wall Jlin Livonia.
2. lly ly ) Vorsullo.
a. St. I'rolxtparlc. .
4 Aioliu Slelpnur.
ft. The lrnniiiHsti > r Vestibule.
0. QnuenloTron bridge Julian.
> L-IHOII till Truttlnc.
Titcxrov , N. J. , Oct. ( i. The stallion Nelson
son was sent ever the track at the Inter
slalo fair grounds this afternoon lo bant hi
record of 2:1:1' : : ' { . Ho succeeded , trotlmR lu
mlle In 2lljf. : The iracK is a half-mile
old stylo.
" , iiiiiluli.H l ( 4ton lu llor Anxlet ;
to Catcli Up.
PiTrsiiuitn , Pa , Oct. tl. Tno Plttsbure :
had no Iroublo In laking ivvo games from In
Si. Louis Browns loday. Attendance 1'Joll
Score :
I'lttshnr ;
St. l.o n Is. 001000020
Hlls : I'lttsbmv , 8 ; St. Louis , 5. Errors
IMttshnrs , - ' : St. a Earned runs
IMltsliurK , 2 : St. Louis , t. Hatierles : Torn
an i Mack : Itriillo/iatoln / and HrlBj ; * .
Second game :
I'lllsburs 3 0 2 S : i 0 0 0 0 1
St. Lou 14. 020001002
lilts : I'ittshur , ' . 10 : St. Louis. 9. Errors
I'ittsliurj , 4 : St Louis 8. Earned runs : I'ltts '
Imru. . . : St. Louis. I. llattcrlos : Ilaldwln am
Maok ; Hun toy and UucUley.
Cmc\ao , III , . Oct. ( i. Today's ( , amo ondei
Iho season In Chiuaeo and was won by the
uolts In Uio sixih inning. Up lo that , Urn
Clausen had been nn onignm , but Ihen won
to pieces , wns wild and hit hard. Tlio gum
wa- > called on account ot darkness. Allen
Jnncoyoi. Score :
Lonlsvlllo 210000
UlilutiKii 000014
liltLouNvll'e. . 7 : Chicago. 8. Krrors
LouNvIlli- I : Olilc.uo , o. Karned runs : Louis
\llli- . I. Hatteilos : tJIauson und Mcrrltt
Miller and Suhrlvur.
Clo\uluii4l Sllpn Ai.iln.
Ci.Bvni.ixi\ \ . , Oct. ( ) . The splendid won
of Iho Cincinnati i-ill old prevented the horn
team from winning. Attendance , 700. bcoro
Cleveland 0 0 0 0 a 2 0 0 0 i
Cincinnati *
lllls : Uluvolnnrt , 0 ; Cincinnati. 12. Kirors
Olc\eland , lit I'lnelnn-ttl , 4. Uniietl ruiib
Uluvuland , J : Cincinnati , i. Hitlurlus : Havle
and /.Inimor ; l ) yorand Vaughn.
haintiiK l.ilat ScaHiin.
BOSTON. Mass , Oct. -Uoslon played tw
cnnms with 1'blladelphm today and won boll
easily. Allonuanco , 010. Sco'ro :
lloston II 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 2
l'lillaj | | | > hli : 000020200
Hits : IJnslnn , l" > : 1'hl'adolplihi ' , 7 , ICrror-
Iloston , 8 ; I'll ' ! iiilolnlilu.a. Km nod runs : lloa
ton. 4 ; I'hilailt-Iiihfii , 2. Ilatterlus : Nluhol
and llcnnetl. Koi > fu and Olomeiils.
Second game :
Huston 4 . ' 2
riiilndulphla 2
Hits ; lioslon , ii : ; I'hlladulphla , in. Error *
llolon , 4 ; I'lilliidiilphla , ft. Harnod tuns
Huston. C ; I'hlladuliihla. I. llatteilea : Stuio
anil lian/ul ; Woi,111.5 and Oloiiients.
llroiikljn IHii-hii't Car , ) No\v.
Nuw YOIIK , Oct. 0. The Oianis won a
oaiy vlclor.v from Drooklyn loduy. Score :
Now York 00200022
linioklyn. . . . . .
Hits : New Von , 12 ; llrnoklyn. 5. Krrora
Now Vork. ft. : llronkiyn , 2. li.iitorloj : Uusi
nnd D.iylu ; Keniiudr and Ivlnslow.
CiihbVllH u .Murk.
WAhiuxoTov , U. C. , Oot. 0. Loss than 2C
pconlo saw VVushlnglon defeat llhlti-noru 1
a fix-inning game. 'Cobt > was puundod u
will. Darkless stopped the game. Score ;
Waslilnito 5 1
II illlmun 102200
tills ; Wutihlimtnii , 17 ; HaHlinore , 0. Krron
U'asliliiKtiiii , 2 ; Ilnltlmure , 5. ICurncd run <
\VanhinKton , 8 ; llaltlniori ) . I. llallurloi ; Ink
and McUulru ; L'obband liiiuaon.
Muiidini ; ui tlio Tu
< V , l. I'.c. ' '
Cluthuintl iu'aV
' " ' '
Uo loii. . . . , , . . ! < 1' Ij's Clilcairo. . , . . . . . : ! ! 35 19 ,
1'ittaiiurK 41 ao ir.T Ixiulkvlllu . . . . . .m 43 4'J ,
Now Vork . . . , . . ! .11 M.i : Itnltlmore 24 41 itt ,
HrookUn.ui : Jl 65.1 \VaililiiKluu.1 4U 31 ,
I'lilmdulplihi , . M Jl W.u it , Ixiuii . . . ' . ' 4 47 Zi ,
miin < t l.xrollchl Mioiillni ; ,
Yestoruay the regular weekly shoot (
the Hcinls 1'nrl ; ( Jun club wus held nt tb
grounds across iho rlvor , Llvo birds woi
used and some very uortc vtaa don
uipccially by Smoad , who came out at
with a clean score , nnd Dlckov. from wbos
aim only ono victim escaped. The condition
wcio lifteen birds from Jive unknown trap
thirty yards rise , olfhiy yards boundar ;
Thu scores aio :
lllako . . . . . . . 11121 OM12 11231-
Hlokuy . 11212 I122J Htlll-
Towlu . 10120 L'lUIJ 20111
Haw.s . 21 22 2UUJ1 1UIX1I
I.oomls . 01011 IOJ01 L'll''l '
Jlrovyn . , . , . . . , . , IBJ23 01121 Oll.'l-
Kaad.J.O . nr.'i 10113 20oit
Itomharl . , „ 'l.k.'l OJlUI L jo 1-
lieud , 11 . 2-.VJ OIUM Illll
Hmead . 11112 12121 11211
I'utom . . , . . , . . 2U20I 12111 1112.-
A hprlnlor' * Astt-iuhly.
SIOCKVILI.E , Non. , Oct , 5. [ Special
Tins UEE.J There will bo a tO-yai
fcot race on Saturday at Indtauol
Nub. between Chris Van Donburg of th
place , nnd Johnny Uussei of ludlanol
Al > o u lX-yard ( race botwnon James Kyle
.NUCooli , iiud Fred Wicictvira of Oiborne I
I ( IUO a sldo. All iprlnlers XYautlnK a ra
J can get action ou thai day by helu ; proien
Two Hundred and Ninth Anmvtftsiry o
Tliolf Landing Celebrated ,
Mnjrnr HnnUTnlk * oftlio I.nndlni ; of < Jer
mini Million * , John lltuck : r Thrlr
anil IMItor Itltelivook
of Thrlr liillnoncc.
Imposition hull was boautltully decoratci
last night for the concert and hall will
which Iho Germans nontmamoralod Iho land
Inc o ! their forefather * iu 103'J. Messrs
Chris ItcUol nnd Mlchol Lois had ohnrgti o
iho decorations , and the appgaranco of tin
hall testified to thu wls loin of the commllloi
of arrangements In making Its selection ,
Stolnhauscr's band sal in a semicircle upoi
the sUgo. linclt of It towered n magnlllcoti
pyramid of potted plants , over which rose i
lofty arch composed of iho American nui
German color , tastefully ontomviiiod. It
the center of Iho tirnh appeared Ihp moUe
"Wolcomo to the 'JOUth Anniversar ;
of iho Landing of the Got
mans in America under Wllllnti
Pcnn. " On cither sldo of this , stirroundoi
by wreaths of oak leaves , were iho dales
"October 0 , lii < vV' and "Ootobor 0IStU. " Al
around Iho hall oxlcndcd festoons of Ih
American and German colors Intertwined
sot off with drnplngs of oak Icixvos , and fron
all Ihe pillars were suspended thu Ila A o
the various Gorman soolutles of the cities.
The whole effect wai extremely pi cms In
and relluctod great credit upon tha decor
tor * .
Every seal in the body of the hall wa
tilled at S o'clock nnd u lilngo of bright face
looked down from iho gallery.
iMuvor llmnis bnoke.
Aflor a slirring selection from the oroho
irn und n chorus by the Arlon and Concord !
singing soclnlloj Mayor Bomls wns inlrc
ducod by Ivjsldont Peter Pen or in a nen
speech , in the coin's o ot n pica-sing speed
thu mayor said :
"Germ in Pay" What Is It ? Some 200 voar
a"o Iho old world and Us nooplu won- will
llroilof u.icli other , but nuwliuro on thn con
llnenlot Etirapovts this fooling more maul
fosi than oxer the beautiful v.illevs of th
lihliioand Its Ir binaries. Thaioeio man
causes which tended lo the Get
mm from his country. Thousinds < i
them wore forced to escape religion
Dorseciillon bv Hit-lit , but the orljlmi
hicu of emigration , thu lirst netting In motto
ot thu hall of exp itilallon. was duo to tlm
fiiundallnn ut all Germany's snl-scqucn
mlseilcs. the thirty voirs war : and hud It mi
been for Hint prolonged conlllct , which s
woaKeiiod thu country as to render the pcu
plo tin iblo to withstand their future trial !
oiirnitlon would todny bu without , million
of citizens who now honor It and make 11 111
ere net bee.iusu of lliulr Intelligence , In
dustrv. frugality and virtue.
There Is no.icciiratu record of thu oarllos
Teuton einlKrallnii to Aniurlo.i. Ulllirent stu
dciila . hlstorv cl > lin that GUI man
cnmo with the co'nnlsisof Massachusetts bnj
and. wlt'aout clou Lit. some of thu to-callc
Hutch of the New Netherlands note Ills
Duteli. or Germans , from thu Hhttio hovon
the Holland borJur. lleroro the uloiu of th
thirty years' war the vast moveineiafroni Ih
Kliluu country may bo aald to have com
munccd. nnd the year Hill found Gurm.msset
tied on Iho luli\xniu ) : In tlm bwoilNh colon
plained by the Lutheran Ulna , Guslavu
It Is to the credit of the Germans Hint. Ihe
wera thu ilr-a to publicly urol-jst titfalnst Hi
eur oof slavery , a meetini ; helm ; held b
tlioin In ItM In Goimniitowii at which rcsolu
lions weio passed condemning slavery and dc
clailni ; It u > 1)0 contrary to the rclluloii of th
Quaker. AlthoiiKii others dm not follow 1
llielr wike. It i-st ibllnlio I the precedent.
Tlio Germans who uanio to America were o
the UPtter class , j > iylne their fares and hrliiR
lug surplus inonoy with them to
land In the now world , and becoming thol
own musters.
Uorman Immigration has creitly coulrll )
ulud to the wonderful development of ou
c'nuntry. Dr. I'oesche , a former ofllclal of Ih
Washington Statistical department , estl
matcb the number of Germans In the Unite
Slates alT.OuD.OJO. or 14 pur cent of the whol
ponulalloii. Above all , Geimans are con
sldeted as bclonxlii. : to thu best colonist'
The foreign bora Gorman h us had every ad
vaiiliiito of excellent schooling In hlsnatlv
country , with common schools In most of th
states and twenty-one universities , beside
Hymn isln. lycunms , academies , learned sn
clellis and rlohly furnished libraries. Th
universities have a tolal of ao.OUO students po
annum. Tlio four most frequented ar
thosu of Itotllu , Lclpslc , Munich an
Halle , the lirst having r > , ' 00 an
the hitter l.S'Ohtuilouts. Germuns stand IIIK
In ovcrv branch of lltoruluro and s-clonco an
have attained renown in nrohllci-tnre , pi int
Ing und In the prep nation of astronomlc-i
mill optical Instiniiients We also Had ( in
German citizens foremost lu mnnnf.u
lutes ot nil U lads and they are noli'
the world over for their line beers an
wlnos. We find them also at the hoa
In I'n limcrln- , hild.'i ) biillUlni , ulc. Albei
G illalln and C'arl sehnrz were mumbcrs t
the national cahlnut , and such muni's us Vo
Kiuuhoii , DuICnlb , Muhlunberi ; , IIoiMiner Jin
l'iilas.\l were itssoclalcd with thtil of Georg
Waslilii lnn In levoliillonnry
A \\ord about the Germans of Umalm an
Nebraska. The Nebraska Germans weru th
Hrst toduularo thoniaelvcHopposed to prohl
billon , and lo them wo must gl\o vruat criull
for standing uu for personal freedom who
others seemed to despair.
As to Omaha's lirst German citizen there's
question , t-omo say John ( Irucn und sum
l otunsun. I bulluvo ) that It was Karhiioi
Then comes Julius Kudowskl. Colonul Wllllai
llaiimer. and Dr. and John II.minor ; the
A > ron Kuhii , Iho Metros , the ICruu-a , th
Kuuiil/UB , ICarbiichs , felieolys. I'nndt , Kocnk
Aurford , Goodman , Kutli , llolndorf. Lelimui
Ilurkluy , I'r , Kouilur. then later Aluyvr an
KiapKu , Or. Gioosinan , Allen Ivocii , llritn
T/d'-huu , llonry liolln , the Doll brothels uu
many othuis.
John lluumanand 1'hlllpMet/.noroOmaha'
first browuiiJ , they having commencud inakln
buur mawash tub. Ttioy wuin hilccoud b
Met/ Urns , who now turn out WMK.u l > , u nils i.
Mj.dua Less of beer anmiutly , 1ICrtiR , Hat
man'h und others keeping pace. 1 bellove , wit
The doron or moru cf Germans who wet
hero In Is.Mi had Increased In IhGO to about 00
InlbTU there ucru about -J.t'jJ ' ; In ibSo , iiui ;
5.000 ; In 1S-C > aUonl IO.UUU , and in I8DJ there woi
about -Il0j German oillzens In Uniaha.
I w.Hh yononoaiid all many haiipy return
of tliU , your Gorman day , " and I extend i
you ukliiiu u cordial icreetlng.
Jaciib llutick'R Uratinn ,
At the conclusion of Mayor Boinis' upoccl
which was heartily applauded , the orcnesti
furnished another selection nnd tlm Ario
una Concordla sinclng sociotlos ttaug , aflc
which Mr , Jacob lluuclt , who Uopt thu uud
atico interested in an eloquent llftcoii
mlnuto speech. Ho said that ti :
German nation in America hn
no reason to stand bade and malca wny fc
any other nation. They could point to the hi :
lory of their adopted land , and woula fin
written there In letters of gold the ueeds <
their ancestors. TonlKbt , bo said , they wei
the "O'Jih
coluhruung anniversary (
the Ilr > t InnuliiK of tholr ancoaloi
Jn Uornmntown with Dr. Passtorlui
the schoolmaster and preacher , I ]
referred to tbo history of early days , the Ii
ditin troubles and tbo colonial wars , and tt
great German nainus connected thorowill
la the civil war ho said there wore 1BU,0 (
( .ioniums led b ; generals wbodo names wl
llvo forever.
In conclusion no urged that Gcrmar
should learn in America to ha
Hrst , aud so teach their children , Tbuyyhoul
uuver forgot the star spangled banner , uudi
whoso folds they had been received wit
with open urins ,
Thu Schuouoruvoroin san | ! a selectionat :
nn curort ) and then tbo Apollo Zitticr clt
tilled the hall with the sweetest molojy ai
responded to an encore wtnch fairly shoo
the bulldlnt ; .
( ! 'rinany' Infltionvu uu Aiuurlcn.
Mr. U , M , Hitchcock was next inlr
ducod. Ho referred to tbo fa
that the preceding apeauor bud dl
cuasea tbo froat facts of tbo entrau
of tbo Gorinaus into America and went on
the effect upon tbo American people of. tb
vast German Influx. The nations of the o
world nil had a distinct personality. TI
Germans stood forth a distinct typo of ma
Iq America It cannot yet bo said that v
have n distinct type. Tbo American is
ceurso of formation , Ho is yet the i
faut , undeveloped aud only part
formed. What are the Influences wbl (
are to mane tbo American of tbo futur
They are climate. Institutions and races , I
is to bo the perfect man , and la thl * work tl
German 1ms a glorious part. Tuo cliumto
almost au Intoxication. All tends to ma
him blgb strung , nervous and excitable. '
temper him tbo German Inlhiauca U uec <
ary. Biz lal'.litn Uarraaui hav come
America In the last three score
years nnd ton. f What art cnnrmom
influence this I * . Woido not renllfo it. Wo
are too much alvcn tor * fleet on the udvnn-
tncoj to the OcrmniuVu forpct the bonoflta
to in. Ho brines a heritage , rich In culture
and development , Ktbk a thousand yean
of music to make \Vanor. . The nuisi'
clans nnd phlKXoptters and scien
tists of OerniBujv jvpro not accidents.
They were the rosiJIU of culture , cultiva
tion and n lolo for fhtt' boautlfui , the rlpht
nnd the Just. Thosein,00fl,000 bavo broueht
with them the ilch products of centuries of
cultivation In Germany.Vo can see the
cffccU , in busmoss , In schools. In our ma
chinery , in every \valK of Hfo , In
Roclatv , In tovo "for music , the best
of nil dtfts i.Ormiaay Is clvlnp
toJAmorica. Ono family In ovrry three In
America can boast oT'Cbc rich , pure blood ol
old Oornmny , the speaker hoped. Old EOR-
I-I ml is Ihn mother , but wo are almost Justi
fied In calling Germany the fatherland.
Aflor u couplu of othur musical selections
the lloor was cleared and danclne to the
music of Stolnhausur's orchestra was kept
up until motnlng.
AI'l'llOPItlATKLY UIt.iUUAl 1JI ) .
Gormnit CltlriMis roiiiiniMitoriito Thrlr An-
rrstnrit * l.iiiidtni ; In AinrrlcH.
NEmtisKA CITY , Nob. , Oct. 0. ISpcclal
Telegram to TUB Unit. ] German day wns
appropriately celebrated in this cltv today ,
the Germans making of ltn , K ueral holiday ,
In thoovanlni ; at the Standard theater ad
dresses were delivered by Hon. Anton Zlnv
merer nnd Charles Brandt , editor of the
Stunts /.01 tuner. The sponklne was followed
by a ball.
CIIKSTOX , In. , Oct , . [ Special to TIIH
Hr.B.l This was the preat folo day of the
German citizens In commemoration of the
first landing of their people in America ,
Koch year the Gorman hosts of southeast
Iowa gather here In lareo numbers to cole ,
bralo this important mid roveroa event.
Thousands arrived by trains end wagons
today nnd the city is It ) coin attire , wltb
Gurman flatjs nnd Gorman ombtctns ill'
tornnxod ; with the patriotic star * and
stripes. Hrass bands nnd noisy cannon
have echoed aud reechoed the sonp of loyal
rovorenro of the Fathsrland nnd uatriolic
love of America. Prominent speakers from
nbrotid have tilled the air wl h patriotic civ
thuslasm ntid talked of the future of the Oer-
maii-Amoiican ; told slorios of his prowess
in oltlaii times and his Konlus and skill in
later days.
Colonel Kiuoeck , the popular German orator
tor and editor of the Slaats Anzoluor , of Dos
Molnes , delivered a brilliant address in
the park this afternoon , tils speech was received
coived with lonp , continued and tnpturous
apiilauso. "Lor ) Wacht am Hhuln" was the
onu thintr necessary to nrouio the sloepint
embers of pitriotism In the breasts of thosi
ruKgod German ploncurs , and when the bam !
nlavod the Hrst strains of that national all
wild ntul prolonRod cheers rent the at
mosphere. Fully U.OJO people joined in the
parade , which was a splendid exhibition ol
pleasing variety. The day's fesllvltlo <
closed tonight with a craud ball.
Hoard of 1'nrclcii MUslims llmlnt ; Ito <
Hot Tl mo at Chicago.
CIIIOAOO , III. , Got. 0. At today's scssiot
of the American Board of Foreign Ml'slon :
the report of the commitlco on church rep
rcscntation on the board was made a spocla
order for thn afternoon , i
Joseph Cook of Boston introduced t
World's ' fair Sunday closing resolution
which was ndoplod.
The treasurer's report 6f tbo various mis
sions occupied most of tlio forenoon session
At the nftornoon tncotit ir Hov. Mr. Urad
ford presented a respjullqn that all younp
men ana women of approved Christian char
nctor , who accupt th6lr creeds of the Con <
Brogationnl church shall bo accepted as suit
able candidates for missionary service , ami
that all missionaries shall have the same
freedom of thougut and speech , enjoyed b.\
ministers ut homo. I'bis provoked a red bcil
discussion and the matter , was tlnally postponed
ponod indollnltolv. , , a , x
Uev. Dr. Dickinson , in a.lettor , refused tc
accept a uoiiilaationlotbg presidential com
nilttce. on which ha&as .served for six years
His letter caused rnuyh surprise by its at
tacks ou tbo conservative element.
Tbo following ticKet was tiominnted , and
although no vote was taken today , its elec
tion is practically assured : Hicba'rd Stokes
president ; D. W. Blatchford , vice prol
dent ; Honrv A. Stirason , D.D. , rocordint
secretary ; Langdon S , Ward , treasurer ; E.
H. Baker , ! . H. Stevens and Samuel W
Johnson , auditors.
Kplnunpiil < 3i-iii-nil Convention.
BAI.TIMOKIC , Md. , Oct. C. The opening ser
vices of the Episcopal rouvention this morn
Ing were conducted by Bishop Butcess ; o
Quincy , 111. Tbo hou o of buhops decided ti
make the ( iiicstlon of tbo revision of tin
prayer book the order of the day until com
ploled. A delegation from the church Ir
Canada was received and accorded seats
At the second session ot the bouso of ilopu
ties thu time was occupied lu the considers
lion of various resolJtions.
President Dix was directed to communl
cnto to President Harrison on expression o
the sincere sympathy nf tlm house with bin
in the presence of the sickness of Mrs. liar
Cnnnlnslni ) of n hiinmttlonnl Case.
UKADWOOD , S. D. , Oct. 0. [ Special Tcln
gram to THE Biss.j The Trent murder case
which has boon on trial in tbo circuit cour
since last Thursday , ended late last night it
a verdict of acquittal. Tlio result was i
surprise. The killing occurred at Uumont
in Lawrence county , on July 18 , Ib91 , th <
victim bolng Adalbert Myers. It was one o
the most sensational tracodics that has ovci
taitcn place In the Black Hills ,
Tlio 1'iro Itmiord.
NE.V YOIIK , Oct. C. Klnnoy Bros.1 bl (
cigarotvo factory on Twenty-second streo
between Tenth and Eleventh avenues burncc
this morning. Loss , f ; , " > 0,000 , fully Insured
NKWAHK , O. , Oct. 0. Tbo business portloi
ot tbo town ot Johnstown in this ( Licking
county was almost destroyed by fire yester
day. Loss SIO.OUO ; fully insured.
SCOTCH of tlm hhariitliontor * .
CiiicAao , III. , Oct. 0. Tbo cavalry sUlr
mlsb practice was not completed today it
the Fort Sheridan competition and will b
continued Saturday. Sorgoapt UriQltb o
tbo Kiphth cavalry now loaus tbo contos
with 435 points against -113 maJa by Ser
goantJ. U. llonry of company F , Sacom
II. George Fost , the murderer of Laun
Day , was nrraicnod \ police court yesterday
day nftornoon , but his case was continual
until October Kl.
Another iiistallmont < eQfI20 jurors lias boot
drawn for the Soutcrubfer jerm of the dlstric
court. Tbeso man wilt report for duty ot
Tuesday , October 31 , and ttorvo three wcoks
The city clerk ( Stltrdny coromencci
the equipment of the , elMlloa booths , pre
paratory to the ho ! nt ; | of the Novembe
election. Thoequlpinonfr'conslsts of chairs
tables , lamps and stQjTSj |
Jim O'Donnell was arrested last ovonini
for stoulliiKfl from < -jebrgo Brandt , Fourtl
und Hickory street ' bo prisoner gave ii |
Kof tbo money , but Yfio balance bad beo.
spout before ho was offttttircd ,
Jo mi M. Hazoltou.UijvtaHartQiiand Charlo
H. Clarka are al the head of a movement fo
the organization ot fffel.iis In political ooonc
my. 'Iho tlmo and. placo-qf the moating ha
not yet boon agreed iijiijn.-i
The lecture anrajitbbd by Mmo. Ilyt
cmtn Loysou at thu l'lt-bt Congropatlono
church this 'evening lias btion indoll
nltoly postponed on account of tbo inabillt
of Mice. Loyson to ruapb tbo city In time t
keep the engagement ,
William Nelson of Dlxon , Neb. , turned 01
the gas at thu Merchants hotel Wodnosda ;
night while tryliig to turn it oft und the
Wont to bed and was soon In sight of the pearl
gates. Tbo night clorlf. dotooted tbo odor o
escaping gas aud broke into thp room in tlm
to save the youuir tnau's lire ,
Mr. Edward Kosewator returned yastoi
day from Milwaukee. lu an interview wit
Hon. llonry O. Paine of Wisconsin , mnmbc
of tbo executive committee of the nation !
republican committee , the latter said the
Wisconsin is sure to go republican. Tbl
will elect Spooner , ronubltcan tiouimes fn
governor , as against Governor Peck , derac
crat. Mr. Hosewater also met otners not 1
politics , w bo said that there Is no double
republican success in Wisconsin.
Oouncilmnn Lnwry's Oommlttoo Rcsnmcs It
. Investigation of Architect BoindorfT.
City Knclncor Itoscwitcr , Cnntrnrtor Cool
nnil thn Architect Tnlk About tlio
nrcotlon or the City Hull
AVImt Wn l.onrnrd.
The members of the invnstlpatlng commit
tea of the city council got together again las
night , to continue ) tholr Investigation Int
the alleged blunders of Architect Uclndorl
in his connection with the city hall. Po
some reason nnly n tmv spectators kept com
puny and heard Iho evidence.
Chairman Lowry started the meeting ol
by Informing the committee that there bai
been no provisions umdo for furnlshln
funds with which to pay witnesses , who do
in nn ( led their fcos before going upon th
stand. Outsldo of tbo mayor there was uo
a witness who bad not asked for the pay
moot of bis fees lu advance.
Mr. Prince thought tbnt tbo commlttc
should coudi.a its investigation to ' .ho allege
blunders of the architect first , nnd later 01
if there were persons who could glvo Infot
motion which was true of tholr own know !
edge , the commit too would listen. The co n
mittoo had but ono object , which was t <
puni < h all persons found guilty and oxhouor
ate tbo Innocent.
From thn City Engliioor.
City Engineer Uosowator wont upon th
witness stand , whore bo said that ho had no
looked ever the plans and details of tb
buiUIInc , but in looking through tbo build
ing ha thought there were some things sut
Joot to criticism. The placing ol the elcctn
light wires under tbo plnitor bo did no
think the proper thing. Uocosscs shouli
buvo been provided for reaching tbo wlrci
uould they irul out of ropilr. Ho hail tie
ticeu n largo number of wires passing througl
a wiudow , but ho did not kno.v as that plai
was permanent. Another bad f oat uro about th
wall wiring was that should the wirus bo tt
a moist place uud a wire of high voitagi
should como in contact wltb u tolophon
wire , n fatal shock might occur to n persoi
operating the low vo'.tngo wire
Upon Iho subject of accous'lcs , Mr. Uoso
water thought tboro was some trouble In th
council chamber. This could bo attribute
to n number of causes.
Regarding tbo height of tbo tower , Mi
Knsaivulur was present when the measurement
mont was made. Ho had not soon thn plans
but understood that It corresponded substnu
tlal .T wltb them. As far as the elevator
and tbolr speed was concerned , in tbo at
sunco of the detailed drawings ho could no
say what was wrong. In the baanmon
the machinery looked ciowdod. but bo though
there might have been reasous for sue !
machinery having boon placed In Us presen
position. Had ho 'been planning the pipe
lor conducting off storm water , Mr. Uosc
water said , instead of running tbo water nit
the streets , he would have taken the wato
through the bulldinc and discharged It Int
the sewer in the ulloy. The cost would hav
uccu a litlla moro.
What tlio Contractor Know.
Contractor Coots testified that bo wa
always furnished with full sized drawing
and complete plans from Architect Beindorft
Ho had never found any defeats in the plan
and had always received them in good shape
About that stone cornlco that Mr. Specb
tostitlod to as having boon nut and paid fo
by the city , Mr. Coots said that there wo
stouo that wns extra , but the fault was vitl
thu stone cutter and was due to the chang
from stone to galvanized iron. The cost o
the stone was about ? -5 to SID , but it novo
cost the city a cont.
In the plans tbcro wora no provisions mad
for putting wooden sheeting between ill
copper and the llroproohng. It was not necessary
essary , but Specht wanted it und the chang
was made , costing- the city $100 or $ oOt
The shcetitig wt > s proposed bv Spccht am
opposed by Beindorff. Spccht was a muni
ber ut the committee on public property am
buildings when the change wns made. Mi
Coots handed the estimate Into tno counci
at the request of Air. Specht.
Tbo change in the steps , Mr. Cools said
wns through no fault of the architect , bu
was brougbt about by n chnngo of grad
that was adopted after the building hn
been commenced. Ho bad found no nils
takes in any of the plans ; in fact tbev wor
as good as any plans wbcro tbcro were s
many figures. The rlso and run of the Fur
nnm street entrance were tbo standard.
lu going after Iho plans , Mr. Cools wen
to Mr. Bolndorff'H olllco. All of tbo plan
were drawn DV Mr. Uolndorff , or under hi
supervision. The iron work was stroni
enough and of n treed quality. Tlio witr.cs
bad furnished Spechtwltb working plan ;
but they have never been returned , thoug
Spccbt bad been requested to return tbnir
Witness bad always looked to Mr. Bclndor :
for the suporinlendcDcy of tbo building
and ho did not tblnk tbo work bad bee
noglocted. Tbo only changes that bad bee
uiado were authorized and ordered by th
council. As a matter of fact , said Mi
Coots , Mr. Beindorff gave the building mor
attention than architects usually dlu
Spacbt had a bill of $ , IOU ( ) In ono'of tb
first estimates on the building , and it wn
cut aoxvu $1'JOO for the reason that ho ba <
lumped , instead ot itemizing thohill.
( iot tlio Architect on the Stand.
City Attorney Connell said that he wn
propiuod lo show up some defects xvbon tb
logiil representative of the city was given ai
opportunity to do so. He remarked that h
had a list of defects for his own use , whlcl
ho could produce when he put his witnosse
upon the stand. Ho claimed that ho bai
Iho riuht to put Mr. Biondorff on the stain
aed resume tbo examination where it wa
dropped on that eventful night when tbi
police- were called.
Attorney Pairlck said that there was m
objection to Mr. BoindortT going upon tin
stand. The trouble with Mr. Connell wai
that ho xvas trying the case for tbo benefit o
tbo newspapers.
Mr. Uolndorff wont to tbo witness stani
and was placed under Uro by Mr. Conucll
lie could not say whether or not tboro wa
sutllcicnt power to run the elevators. HI
had not ficurod it out because different firm
differed as to the size of pipe , the loads tlm
elevators should carry and tue amount o
water consumed. None of the elevator ox
perls agreed upon this point. A six incl
pipe was sporltled and that was Buflloiont t
furnish the power ami spued , A ten Inc ]
plpo was auflluiont to distribute to two si :
Inoti pipes. Witness could not say who
ailed the elevators ai ho wus not an dlovntn
expert. Ho had an opinion , but lu bis Judy
mont bo could not say.
DntallM nf tlio ICIiivutor Trouble ,
"I will toll you. if I must , " said Mr. floln
dorlT , "I don't think the Crdne company un
demands how to put up upright cylinders.1
Witness was told that the pipes were no
of sulllclcnt si/e. He was frequently tot
that thlugi were not right , especially b ,
contractors who wonted to get tlio sam
extras. The cages , doors and fastenings o
the elevators ho considered safe and propoi
The openings in tbo doors and cages wer
not such as would cause ace
dents. The guards on tbo stal
raillpgscro In accordance wit
tbo original specifications und no subscquon
changes bad been made. Wllhoui roferouc
to speed nnd currying capacity tuo oluvator
were perfect. Tnoro was a dropping of th
cars , which was caused by trio impcrfec
packing. In reply to Mr , Prince the witnos
thought thai a nix inch distributing pipe wa
of sulllclent size The company ought t
huvo known tf the plpo would furnish th
contract speed , II was tno duty of tb
Crane Elevator company to have notified Biker
kor , Smith & Co. , wno would have put in
larger pipe.
This disposed of the elevator question ui
til and after City Attorney Connell had at
nouncod that al tnu next session ho woul
take Mr. Holndorll from the top of tue tovu
to the basement of tbo building. Tbo con
mittea adjourned to bold uuoiuor rnoolln
Saturday nlcht ,
Want * Samples nt American Coroali ,
WASIUXOTOX , D. C. , Oct , 0 , In view <
the failure of gram crops tbo United Stale
consul al Cadlt , Spain , ur eutl
recommends that samples of America
grain with export prices bo
him to bo exhibited at the Hoarc
of Tradn rooms. Ho asks that the nddrasxo !
of American corn exporters bo furnisher
those wno wish lo Import direct from tin
United States.
in Kit of tn'hiun-iiotiiA.
S. It. Sturdy < if IVIchltn , Kim , , .Stirriimli * tt
thn llrrnd llsrn r.
WICHITA , Knn. , Oct. 0 , S. 11. Shlvoly , republican
publican candidate for the legislature troir
tbo Sixty-ninth district , died at n hospiu
hero from hydrophobia. Ho was bitten bj
bis own dog bore about n month ago , and in
iiloadot going to a Pustour Institute , ai h <
wns advised by physicians , no wont to Great
Bond nnd bud a madstono applied to the
wound. The stone adhered to tbo wound foi
Mxtoon hours , but shortlv afterwards the
dreaded symptoms of hydrophobia maul
fcsted themselves , Shlvolv rapidly grow
worse and bo died this evening In the most
tarrlblo agony.
Another Cro Mnu Horror.
E\CKt. io Sruixns , Mo. , Oct. 0. George
S. McUulloHKh , ugod 71) , nnd bis grandson ,
James MoCullough. were killed on the
tirossliigof iho Chicago , Milwaukee & St ,
Paul railway near here today. They wort
crovslnp the tracks In n buggv In front of
freight train , when the horses became
frlghloncd nnd balked. The bugiry was de
molished. Goorno McCullough was draggoJ
200 feet , nnd < vhod tlio tralunieii gathered
up tbo remains , they fouml that ho bad been
ducapltatud. His grandson's body wns nlsc
horribly mutilated.
Only One Mnnn Hurt. , Ky. , Oct , 0. The rumored
tunnel disaster on the Loulsvllto & Nash
villa uus much exaggerated. A train pass
ing through the tunuol at Zion , forty-five
miles nbovo this city , on the Short Line ill-
vision , about li o'clock voslcrday ovoning.
knocked some props awav. Considerable
earth fell mid tuo arm of John Crowlo.\ .
negro workman , was so badlv crushed tbat
amputation will bo nccojsary.
Killed lii n llallroail U'ri-ck.
BIVOIIAMTON- . Y. , Oct. 0. Ono man wai
killed and six others were seriously Injuroi !
in thu wreck which occurred on iho Eric
about a mlto wesl ot this city this morning
Cities Jnmnhitpd.
P\iil" , Oct.0. A hurricane prevailed todnj
in Vulcnco and Nlinus. burious Hoods wore
ronoitcd at both places.
GiN04 : , Oct. 0. The Blsngno , which passes
tbo eastern walls of the city , ovotllowi-d its
bunks today , owing lo the rcccntheavy rains
having greatly swollen tbo stream. The
Tbo w.itor spread ever n considerable nren
in the vicinity of Iho river und Invaded two
courts of tbn Columbian exhibition severely
datnnclng the exhibits. The lower part o' (
the cilv was completely Hooded nud It Is
feared the loss resulting from the tnuudation
will bo heavy.
round riimting Itottom Up.
POUT Huiio.v , Mich. , Oct. 0. The steam
bnrgo Nashua was discovered Ibis morning
driflmir uptldo down near Uaylield , a large
hole in her boltom indicating thai ber boiler
and onsrine bad gene through Iho bottom.
All bauds are probable lost.
The only names of the missing people
known hero are Captain Ulchurd Miles and
ivifo , Arcbio Muoy of Port Huron , pilot ;
Charles Brockway , mate , of Urockwav ,
Mich. , nnd John Putnam , lirst engineer , bt
Detroit. Captain nnd Mrs. Miller left nc
family. Cap'lain Miller owned a Ihird of Ibe
uniorlunalo boat *
South Dakota's .Siiiiimur Kusort Slinlccn I'p ,
HOT Sriiixos. S. D. , Oct. 0. [ Special Tel
egram to Tin : BKI : . ] This city was greatly
startled last night at fifteen minutes of nine
by n heavy oarluquako shock lasting ilUeon
seconds. Slone blocks were juried , windows
rallied and people who had rolired wart
awakened by the noise. Nothing of iho kind
had been experienced hero since the setllo-
mont of the country nnd it created quito f
commotion for a few moments. Parties
claim other shocks were lull during the
H. A. Greenwood of Wymore was at the
Paxton yesterday.
Mr. ana Mrs. J.-B. Kenny of Lincoln nri
guests nt the Murray.
J. H. Armstrong of lioatrica Is among lb (
guests at the Millard.
A. L. Vloltory of Broken Bow wns al lh <
Brunswick yo&lerday.
John I. Jackson , sheriff of Furnas counly
is in the city on professional business.
W. II. Corinnck of Galvostnn. brolhor o
Police Captain Cormack , is visiting in tbi
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lolhrop of Koarnoj
were among Iho nrrivals ut Iho Paxlot
t'1. N. Merwln , edllor of Ibo Beaver Valloj
Tribune , published ntBoavor City , Nob. , Ii
in the citv on business.
Prof. W. T. Collinirs of Philadelphia will
privo an exhibition of bis accomplishment
as a horse irainor nt tno Coliseum al m
early dale.
Mrs. L. E. Cummlngs and duuchior of In
dependence. la. , nro ihe guests of Mr. ant
Mrs. W. B. Ostraudur of Soulh Twonly
second sireet.
CmcMno , III. , Oct. 0. ( Special Tologran
lo TIIK Bnu.J The following ftobraskan :
reglslered bore loday : Tiomont II. D
Brown , Omaha. Palmer house E. O. Die
and wife , W. Lvle Dickey , Omaha. Well
ington S. B. Hnyden and wife , Omaha
Auditorium J. H. Dumont and "other
O in nil a. Great Northern J. S. ICnox
Omaha. Grand Pacilio S. D. . Nlorcor , D
N. Mercer and wlfu , George C. Banner am
wife , H. C. Cusbing , Omaha.
Laughing Hit of the Nineteenth
Century ,
I'rommteil bjr
] - : - . KIUI
llrllllant Conipaujr ,
U iiM prices.
Sunflay Ecning , Oct , 9 , One Night Only ,
The moil romploto oritAtiliiitloii hoforo tlio imbllo ,
Inlroduclnir fur ilia lint tlmo tlio now
grind | > etUde Hr > t part ,
The Pirates of Penzanoe
luctlnn nf lumlnrn mln-
Tlic'inost ninBiilflrcnt | ire >
ntr4l / Kventlilnif tiiitlrely miw N" " "ml
uurKuOiiH btunory NUH mid lM'utitK.,1 cua *
tuiuu Su unit MoiiUi'rml n | > ulnllU-i
A Grand Company of Comedians ,
l' uul prices of dinl > lun.
0 n V n 5 0 N K W ( THE PEOPLE'S
Mont/ay , Tuesday end Wednesday , Oclobet
10 , 11 and 12.
KngUKerucntof tliolluil
ApH' rlng hi Two ot hit Great I'lnyi
Monday Evonlng , Ooiober 10 ,
Tuesday and WudncBday , Ocl II aud 13 ,
11V KDU'-Mtl ) K , ICIDIIKU.
Note-Mr lluiiell Lrlng nil liU ( | < ocl > I und rum.
uletu tceuory and t im uttecli and tbu ptuducllun
will beput on tli ma ui la all bit city ugajt <
IUfllt .
bc ti oa i le
Ho Fcols IHa Position in Politics h Becom
ing Very Insecure.
Uoiint Von Ktihlcnlicrir nnil Ihn 1'rmiOnn
Cut.hint Olien n TiriiinR | Over lor Their
Opposition to tlm Cnprlvl Mlll >
tarjr Srr\lce Hill.
( Copyrighted IJ9J i > jr Jumn ConUin ItonnttU ]
UBHM.V , OoU 0.-Now | York HornM
Cable-Special to TIIK IJiiE.J-Count Uaprlvl
tins wiitton n letter ilntetl the 2d lust , to
the umporor In winch ho bitterly coinoliuni
of the clandestine opposition of von
Ethlonburg anil nearly nil olhor
member * of the I'russinu cabinet.
The chancellor Ihrontcns to rmiKii nnd
nsks the cinporor to Intorrono ixnil put nn
end to thU underhand opposition. In this
letter Count von Kutileiiburit nnd Hcrr
Mlquolnra spoclally accused of subsidizing
n part of tbo pnm In order to oontust the
uillttHry bill , on which the chancellor intends -
tends to move vote of conlUlonco ,
Too emperor has not TOI ropllod to I bo
letter , and Chancellor Cuprlvi Is doliiR his
bo t to Uoop the correspondence secret ,
which fiint dourly proves tils political \\oak *
1 learn tlmt Count von Uuhlonberg wont
ImmcUlntoly on his return to Ilorlln to Count
von Caprivl nnd shnrply relinked him for
his want of consideration In tbo mutter of
the military bill.
Caprivi Is on every hand buttluu agnlnRl
stoao wall- , , even tlm moil dovoled of
his aonemletits abandoning him. Ho U ,
In fact , passing through n crisis similar
to tlmt cxponcncctl by HismnrcK bcforo his
fall. Uuiuori of nH resignation nro circu
lating , but this U premature. Ho bus too
strong n hUtim for pownr. Nothing Mioit of
the nonnilonniont of his military bill , how
ever , cnn snvo him.
The National Zalluni * ferociously attacks
Stanhope , repeating all tlio Infamous articles
Rlvon In the Aboiul. Min.T/.hit.
rircil on tlmmrriniii Vine.
( Copyrighted 18 : > S by .latnon Uordun llcnnett 1
Cuucov , W.I. , ( vlnUnlvostou , Tex.Oct ) ,
fl.--Hy | Mexican Caulo to tbo Now York
llorald Special to Tins Uii-Now8 |
reached hcio from thorouelilv rcllub'.o
sources to the ofleot that the Venezuela
government forces bavo recaptured Mncuto ,
the watering place near La Ciuayra. The
government gunboats steamed over to the
town , which has boon occupied by the
IcRnlistas for some time , mid opcnud lire with
their heaviest ordnnnco. The legallslm
could notstund Iho shelling , nnd soon ovno-
unlcd the town , which wns lalion possession
of by the government troops.
During tha bombardment United States
Consul Hnuna wont to the sccno of the llithl
In his napttin lauuch , and shots were tired at
him from the government ships.Vhethor
It was an intontlonnl Insult to the American
ilap Is not known at present.
A K 1 1 A \KttlKKO.lY. .
A cnmbinatlan of typo foundries was ef
fected In Now York. It will fob a trust.
semi-annual coiifcrcnco
The sixty-second -
( it the I.itttur Day balms Is In session lit Halt
Luke. U. T.
At the session of the Tire Chluti cnnvontlnn
In Louisville , Milwaukee was selected us the
noxlplacu of meet Ing.
The State department has boon Informed
that the liarhorof Colon ha.s l > eun opened con
ditionally to Ainor'CBiis.
John Good of Trenton , N. .1. , hns nonpltul
of J7.UOO.O..O with which ho " 111 start * a cordnpo
factory In opposition to the trust.
The steamer llutchor Hey run Into n. sna | ? In
Coos river. In Oiegnu. Tno pnssonuors and
crow minowly cscaucd with tliulr lives.
At Kvansvllle. Inil. . In the bicycle tourna
ment I.uinsdeii brolco the wet Id's coiiipuUtlou
rucunl , livu inllu handlcim. Time , :2iui-f : : : : > ,
In Chicago Itudoluh Krwle , who Is wiintod In
Dussolilotf , Coi-niany , for the lummy of OI.Ouu
murks from his relatives. Hrwtg llroa. . dealers
In leather , was anosted.
At Qnlnov. III. , the jury In the cuso tiKiiInst .1. .laiuhoti. the imuro < iu ck doctitr.
charged ullli the miiidor of ox-SiiporvUur
AIUOII. convicted the prisoner.
The United States stunner Newark has ar-
rl\ oil nt Cadi ; en route 10 Uncivil , vvhuro she
will take i > . .rt In the ceieiiiiiincs attending
tin * iinvoillnir of a statute to Columoua.
At DulCalb , 'IV x . while tmnporarllv Insanu
V ! .1 Mois. : i'HU , nuilod lilsuunt , Airs. 1-uuy
Sinllh , need 00 , out of lied anil slumped and
Kicked her lodii ith. Ho was at once placed
In an asylum , lie IH worth JIOJ.COO.
The reported battle In Ycncruolu between
the sovorniiicnt troops mid revolutionists li
denied ,
M. Saint Saons , tbo distinguished Pron'Mi
composur , has accojted | Mr. Theodore Thomas'
Invitation to aol on the Jury for music. ileom-
nositloiiB of the Chlu.iKO oxlilbltlon.
A rumor was euirunt on the 1'arls hourso
yesterday to the nITt'ct tlintthu I'rench forces
In Oahomey hud cautnrod Altoniey , the capi
tal of the country , and that Kinn Huh in/In ,
the native ruler , ha < l hecn inadu a prisoner ,
Winston opera Co.
40 ARTISTS. 40
Tliurndiiy Nielli . 1PUA DIAVAI.O
hatiiriliir .Miitliiuu . ltOlliill\N : ilIKI.
hiitiiiduy Nlglil. . .1'ltl.NCi ; A
FARNAM ST. THEATER Popular Piicos.
One Wouk. Kiiniliiy Matlnno , Oct. Uth.
Tlm VnrHitilu Coiiii'illiin ,
Will present by permlss'on ' of Hoi hiiilth Kui-
hctl , the best and funniest of nil
NBW EclgBwood Polks-
Now Olio of Hjiuolaltloi
Backus' Dad's Girl Co.
20c aBNB1VioIiiiftjoIS3ION ? 20c
"I'll I'm 11 Olrdli < 'Hound About thn I'.artli , "
Locke Hiiclirbrclsou.
' ' of
In blmkuiiiuiirn'R t'oiuody
"As You Like It. "
The Limiitfor Art GuUory ,
Friday Evening , October 7th.
Tickets Wo , al Oluibo > V Kihly's.
ICntrli'H ' fi : * u Octubcr liilli.
HiiKlstor your doz now , nlJ , O , Whlnnerjr'i ,
llrown block , cnrnur IGth und Douglas , or
J. H , Hhorl'u. bup't , .Oil Kurnuiii )
Or with K. L. Marbton , t-norotiiry , so4 South
Hlh htrtiut ; at lluiidlo'a ulgur btoru , from lil'M
lo l:30 : uueh da/ ,
P. O , Addroes , Box 023 ,
Dr. Sargent's Normal School.
Of I'liyaioul TrulnliiK torOIIIKII. .
ttUA > l lUlUB. MAKB. , will oueu III TireHlli 8 t-
iluii ou Uolabvr anh luitvaii el N r u b f \ , M
liorviofor * .