Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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His Self Sought Destruction Finally Comes
to Pass.
Krrtry Kvlilnnrr nt Murder MlM'elleiHiy tlio
i'licts in Ih Iwy Disclosed Thoni
lloUN l.-isl Mglit
Wai "spent.
Mavor Millorof South Omiha , who shot
htmsulf Tuesday nftorno > n ut Eighth nnd
Dodge streets , died nl the Molhodls thospttal
' . nftortioon. The retrain -
ut ! ! ! ) o'olouk yeslcnl.iy
train * were nt once removed lo the morgue.
Juiliro X. l . fledges was xvlth the muyor
when Bo died nml said that no passed peace
fully away. MM. flllllor tind spout tlio nf-
tcrnoon hcsldo tier hii'oand nnd loft for her
homo only nbout llftoon minutes before
Ucnth came.
The deceased did not rcanln consolousncs ?
from tlio tnno ho was found l.vtiiRIn the
wcoas nnd dloil without being alilo 10 utter u
word. During the day and alter tlin ro'sults
of the nlylit's liivo. Uif.Ulons ua'l hcon iniulo
known , the frlnnds of the decoascd K' ' vo
up iholr theory of tnurJer iind were coin-
pclk'J by stntomu'its of the facts In the case
to liollovn , whTlo toinporarllv UorunijoU ,
tlio mayor hnJ llroJ the shot which proved
The Omuhadolootivos worltoJ all day on
the case , but failed to Him uiiy olovof nmr-
tlor. and nftcr the reports from the men were
nil In lust night the chlof said that ho was
siitlsllud that Mr. Millar Intended lo commit
.Simply u CIKO nl Snlplilc.
Thnt It Is n slmulo case of suicide soomt
J. S. U'nlti'rs , prcsidcntof the South Omoun
city council , calloa at tlio hospital Tues
day night , nml notwithstanding the Konorul
order to uuiult no one to the wounduu man's
iipiiflnient ho was allowed to enter owing
to the strong terms of InUnmcy upon which
the two moil had been. Alter looking at the
ilvinu innii , Mr. Walters asked Dr. Uraah to
allow htm to look eVer the olTocts found
on Mr. Miller's person. AIUOHB tliwo ,
written witl > n lead ponell on the hack of an
envelope , ho discovered the following note :
ToMion It May Uonuorii : t Inivo trouhlu
In my liu id and e.innut ut ind it any luiuor.
Although tlu < lines were unsigned Mr.
\VulUr.s poiiUvuly idenlillod the hnndwrll-
ing as that of Mr. Miller. liu said.ho was
very familiar with it uud could not ba nus-
In rorrobnratlon of UiU Mr. Miller's sister
calloil ut the hosdltul .yesterday morning and
nddcd her tuitiinonv to that of Mr. Walters.
Alter carefully scrutinizing tliu chtrogruphy
on thoenvelopo she said positively : -
"TLat is my brother's writing. "
KnitiMl u JCuvolwr.
This Is suDlclenl to do nway with all the
ories of foul play , but. the ovliloaco or the
man's act is imulo still stronger by that of
Lsonold Labowlilch , a nawn broker at 110'J '
Uoilgo street , lie was also si visitor at the
hospital yesterda" and identified tbo ICng-
llsh bulldug revolver as the QUO Mr. Miller
rented of him Tuesday , paying him $2 for it.
\Vliit : tlio Ortcptivcs l.rarnril.
The investigation of IJatoctivos Hnzo and
Dempso.v have convinced the polieo that the
shot was tired by tliu unfortunate man's own
hand after a carousal which his friends and
.icqna'.iiUuiees cannot understand. Mem who
have known him for the last twenty yours
say that they never knew that no was u
UrlnUcr and that the Idea that no would nlono
malic a lound ot tbo burnt district is to them
Unbelievable. But according to the itumues.
of the disreputable houses in that nei liuor-
liood ho not onh did so on the night before
his death , but U u well knmvu visitor thuro
and had a larticula. . ' Irie'iul nt 810 Dodge
street who'livesvith Daisy ( Juminings.
Unto Monclav night Mill'X' -\oiit to the
house kept by .Icnnln Black nl 1U4 Soutn
Eighth street nnd announced that bo was
going to maUo a night of it. Ho stayed there
two hours , bu.ving beer and talking with the
iuniatcs. At , ! l o'eloclc .ve.sterdaV morning ho
was at Birdie Mann's , 10'J North Ninth
street , nnd alter o short stop left , saying ho
would come again At 4 o'clock he was back
nnd bought u couple of bottles of beor.
While tboro ho took down the name ot Ida
Gibson , one of tbo Inmates , ana gavn his
own name ns that of A. B. Small of Helena ,
Mont. Ho left at lu. : :
At 1C'0 : : ! o'clock Tuesday Miller visited
his favorlli' , Uudo Gibson. The girl says ho
was very drunk anil taluod in a rambling
way on all soils of subjects.
llut : Tuo Mi , i With Him.
At 11 oVlock ho was at Lou Seolt's at 10S
Konth ICighlh street , one of the hardest
places in the district. Ho had two com
panions here , ono u tall , rawboncd man In n
light suit of clothes und u straw hat , the
other a short , hcavy-aet man in dark clothes
und wearing a pluck iiius'.uctio. Hu stuyud
there twenty minutes and was not .seen again
until found In iho wncds.
'lliluli Hit \Viit IIISIIIIP.
A good iniinv South OiniUm people were In
Omaha yesterday out of Interest In Mayor
Miller's conillttun. Wnilo tliu majority con
cur ih the belief that it was it case of suinido
u few still cling to the belief that the mayor
wub in in-Jo rod. A phvslrlan who bad been
In the army during ibu war bases his belief
on the fact , that ho has seen hundreds of men
hhpt , in the brain and never know a rube
whcro the victim failed to hold with u death
grip on whatever ho had In bis hand , whllo
Mayor Miller's revolver was found Iving at
U Is really the unanimous opinion of the
mayor's friends that ho has been out of his
head for two or tlireo days. Monday u.orn-
I-ig Mr. Miller went into G. 0. Stanley's '
office on N btrcot In south Om ilia and
talked for u loag tlrua on municipal matters.
Mr. Stiiuluv Is curtain ttiat ho was demented
at tliu tune. Ho would bogln to talk on ono
subject mid suddenly seem to forgot nil nbout
It and break oil abruptly and t a IK of homo-
tiling ontlroly different. When Mr. Stanley
nskcd Him ono or two trilling que.itions ho
seemed entirely unable to comprehend what
ho was saving.
It Is well known thnl. the mnvor has wor
ried constantly over some of the vexations
of liU nllico and his peculiar notions have
been noticed by ethers , Ho was not u man
who could ba intimidated , but vow anxious
for fear liu might nlTenii souiu of his friends.
The possibility In connection with the clos-
Ini : of the gambling homes constantly \voiv
rled Mm nnd ho bus olten spoken about It tc
Mr. Stanley und othori.
M lien l.list Soon , \lm > .
Clmrlcs .inhnson , n ilrlver for taio Soulli
Oinulm Uolivory coiiiiiiiny , says that ho saw
Miller about 4 o'ctoek Tuuidiiy aftcriiooi
milling with two men nt the corner o
Twullth and Farnum btrouts. This la tin
hitest hour nt which unyono claims to huvc
s.nen lilmnliva .lohnson snys that ho oonlil
unt bo nilstnkan oahora * to the Identity ol
the nioti or thu hour of seeing him. 'i'lili
doos.nwav with tliu in-copied opli.lnn thai
HID shooting look plui'u noitr the noon hour
Ar.llni : Coroner \Velsli took uliArgo of the
rouiuius iinmedlntoly alter death ana con
Biderlnir uio many dltTorent theories w [
vuurcd dt'cldeu to Invooilgatn for hlmsnlf
, The movements ot the mayor were follo'vot
closely by Mr. Welsh mm ut Inalnftor look
ing Into the matter thoroughly tie decide !
JUKI night Hint no imjuust was necessary.
Lily division No. 6 , Knights of I'.vthms
will lake charge of the remains and hold tli
funeral Sunday , ut 1 p. m. , at South Omaha
An & delicate' flavor , delicious and refresh
lug. Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Ctmmpiigii
tukoi the loud. Millions of bottles are soli
The following marriage license * wera li
aued by County Judge Kller yesterday :
Name und uddrois. Age
I Frank U , K&1U , 1'ort f.ouvonworth , Kan , ,
I Kloru Ktantnn , Unmlm , , . . . . , . . . , 1
I Wllllnni II. Dlthiiiun , O muh a. . , . 1
I Carrie lleiidormn , Umuliit . , . 'J
"Late to Doa atia eariy to risa will shorter :
Mio road lo your home in ttiu skloj , Uul
turly to boa and "LUtla Early tU er."tue
pill thai inuKoi lite lousfor uud bailer mil
wiser. _
Ourmcn Day Ololirutlon ,
0 raiau Uay wtll ba celebrated in this clt
this ovonltiK nt Exposition hall , by n
grand vocal nnd Instrumental concert com
mencing nt 8 o'clock , followed by n bnll.
During the ovomntr speeches will bo dellv *
crcd lit Mavor Uomii , O. W. Hitchcock nnd
Jacob Hnuclt.
Sfilvcrlrk'n Auction.
Kiirnlltiro , carpets nml clrnparioa nt
litliiHc unction today nt 10:00 : , nnd
12 oVloeic. Seine wonderful bar
KittiiH loft from our fire sale. Every
nrtlolo must , RO ut oiico to make room
for now jjoods.
Auction tulcos pluco In our cast room ,
1201 Karniim struot.
1201 , 1WJ ! , li-'OSnnd lill ) St.
Ili'rUtnii nl Ilin Siipri'inn Rinirt In 1111 Inter.
rstlng Oiiialin ( 'iisrt.
LISCOI.SXcb. . , Ocl. n. [ Special Telogrnm
to Tin : llni : . ] The supreme courl today
handed down Its opinion In tin ease of iho
State ex rcl , Clark llanon ngftlnst Sotnur.s , In
whlcn Dr. Gapon applied for n writ of ouster
upnlnst Or. So'iiers , who had been nnpoltitod
to the oflleo of cntnml'islonerof health for the
cltv of Omahn by Mayor Uomls. The writ Is
tlenleu by the supreme court , Chief Justice
Maxwell reading tlio opinion.
The syllabus o ( the opinion I ns follows :
"A commissioner of health foiyi city of Iho
nntropolitan class is to bo appointed by the
nmvor nnd approved by the council and shall
hold olllfo font term of two joars unless
sooner removed. In ISM ) the statute wns
nmondod so tut to read , 'All officers appointed
bv 'ho mayor nnd continued by the council
shall bold thu olllcj to which thov maybe
bo appointed until the enU of' the
mayor's term of olllco nnd until tholrsuc-
cotfiors are appointed nnd iiunliilod unless
sooner removed or the uidinnnco creating
the ofllco shall bo repealed , except
as otherwise provided in .section 101 ,
ind In lb',11 tbo statute wns amended
to provide that the mayor on
the second Tuesday In Jmiunrv nftcr tils
election is required tonppolntcortaln ofllcers ,
wtilch provision scorns to Includes tbo com
missioner of honlth. Held construing these
provisions together that thu mayor had
authority nt tbo time stated to reinovo the
commissioner without having made charges
and nppnliil ono in hU place.
"U'hero the statute authorizing the ap
pointment contains n reservation of thn
rlghl pi removal without preferring chnrifes
nnd this power Is exercised by the removal
of the incumbent nnd thu appointment oC
another In his stead , the right of the loriuor
to the olllee will coaso.
"U'lu-io a person Is appointed to nn oflico
for a dollnlto period am ! there is n provision
that to obtain tils removal charges must be
preferred against him , he cannot bo removed
unions such charges are made , but this rule
dncs not apply to u case whcro Iho power of
removal Is letninod and no charges are ro-
( mlicd. Section li'J of the act in relation to
metropolitan cities does not apply to the
ofllcets of the class last mimed. "
Attorney Wnlter Leoso lilcd with the clori'
ot the .supremo court this afternoon an appli
cation lor a writ of habeas corpus in tlio case
of Thomns Jones. He alleges that Jones was
sent to the reform school from Otoo county
on AiirM lIb'JJ , on tno charge of burglary ,
and that ho was then IS years of
ngo. On May 15 , 1S90. the sheriff
trnk Jones from tlin reform school , the court
having set usldo the sentence. Jones wns
then rcsentenccd to the penitentiary for four
years on his former plea of guilty nnu with
out ulca or trial. The attorney raised the
point thai there can ho bul ono sentence ns
the result of ono judgment of conviction , and
that wher. an action is taken to carry out a
sentence it cannot bu inodilicd.
fnMIH I ///.I 1is 1 lit : J
Tina ! tint Hitchcock County Scut
LINIOI.V , Nob. , Oct. 5. [ Special Telegram *
to TilK BIK. : | Adjutant General Vlfqualn
today made an ofilclal report to Acting Gov
ernor Majors of his action iu the recent war
in Hitchcock county. Upon receipt of the
report , which Is simply a corroboratlon of
the account of the settlement of the trouble
alroadv printed in Tin : BKI : , Acting
crnor Majors issued thu tallowing :
( ir.MiPLINCOLN. . Oct. . " > . IS ! ) . ' . order
No. HI The iindarslgiicd netliv4 irovernor of
NeliusK'i mid comm.'indei'-ln-ehlef of tbo
nillltiiry forees of the stnto taKes uleasnre in
collaritulalhik' the Nebraska National guards
over tin'o it nnd fidelity In answering to our
c.i 11 fur dniy in delcnsu ot tin ; laws of tlio
< ! le. INpodally doa enmmunJ their
ullli'.pni'y considering that within two hours
tlnif tliny wi'ii ; tnnbill/ed and nn lor arms In
thru.iiinorles icudy for duty. Wo do not recall -
call any -lite inllUiry or anlitlun In the
run n try that over leeoinpllsned such u 'oatand
llieitifiiin tlin iillleers nnd men u ! the Ne
braska N ttlon it guards arcdes < rvin ; ut the
hbh"st pial-o. T. .1. .MA.ioiim.
Ai-tlrj IJuveinor and Coi nvinder-ln-Uhlef.
Vnion Yirgu.u.v. Adjutant lienerai.
I. Ittlr 1 iupniinu'iit in thci Alovcincnt nl
UIIKH In the \Vrst.
INSMI , O , Oct. S. [ Special Telegram
to Tin. HEI : . ] Tomorrow's Price Currenl
will .s.t'Iho western packing for the week
pa-a bus hcen ioOUU hogs , ngniusl liui)00 , )
the iirccoding weilc , l.V UOO Inst year and
i''i.UUO two years ngo , making u total of
( i..iiU.UUO since Mnrch last your.
1'roniineul places operating compare as
follow.- , :
I'ln.i nrlnl Itfilcir ,
TopyiliiUtPd 13' ! . ' by .laniui Cordon llonnett.'l
LOMION. Oct. 5. ( Now York Henna
Uublo Suociiil to THIS lui : . ] The Stoulc
inarltets wcru atjnin ( julot , Uut there \vaa
SOIH3 buying toward tlio ttio close. The
Aniiu'lcuu innrUut * vas bot'o- , prices eonilnp
hiulinr Iroin Now York , ( yj'iotatlons lott off
linn at jn advanoo ranging from 'y to U4 in
St. I'.iul. Krloiuul Loulsvlllo. Trunk
und Mc.NltMti uillwny proforenues left off
bettor , hut homo lines nliowou weakness nn
r.ilin'f poor trnfllu roturus. In the foreiirn
in.irnnt tlu : Inlurnatlonur stocks declined for
the want of support , from the continent.
Cull loans woi'ovor.v o.isilvohtainotl at > g per
rent Thu rate tor tlireo months bank bills
wua " , per cent.
Ilist mi I..11 , n Out.iriii. i
I'oiti III IION , Mich. , Oct. fl , The steam
o > itsliim U UjlloveJ to bo foundered oil
Uotloncli anil it U fcurou her crow of a doion
ini'ii I us ueon lost. The Nashua wns owned
by thu Siurlcvatit Lutnb''r conip.iiiv of Clnvo-
l.ind , Shi > was built in Cleveland. In ISltS anil
w.i valucil alflir > , ( l09.
ii ; ; i/111:1 : nuib
MiniliViniUiiiici ru I \\VntlitT Will I'rVv.ill
in VnbriikU i Toilay ,
\V iiii\iiov ( , O. U. , ( Jot. 5 forecast foi
Thur 0aj' ( For Kobritsku Fair ; continued
\\urin ; Sriutliwest wluils Ttiuratlay , prouulih
coiner on Friday.
For Jowu Fair ; south winds ; wanner In
ueitern portions.
l-'or North Dakota-Falrj colder ; north
west wind * .
For fSouth Dakota Fair ; west winds ;
colder liv Friday morning.
l.uuiil ilunoril.
Out fi. Omaha record of temperature-
rainfall compared wild corresponding dav ol
past four year ] :
IbM. 1831. J89J. 1860
.Maxlmuni tuniucrnturo. . , . U3 63 ° 0) ° ou =
.Vlnlnium tumuoraturo & 53 41 = at3 < 'J-
AvorautMoniuuratura , . , , . . ( W3 40 = ffl3 ft'j =
1'reclpltailOQ uo ° js ° 10 ° oo <
Htatomoilt showluc tbo condition of Uai <
paraturo und precipitation at Omaha tor ttic
day and t > moe Murch I , Ib'Ji. ' at compareu
with tuo general aroragb :
Norinul temuorHtiiru. , f > 7 =
U\en < > 4 for tliu nny. , , , , , ll < -
Dniiutouuy tnee Mnroti 1 , 'if
oriiml proolultatlon 10 Incl
Jii'Ui'letuy for tlio Uuy .IDliuO
y ulnco Murch 1 V.W Inrl
U. E. LAwro.s , Ubjuryor
Question Which the People Up There Pro-
peso to Have Tested.
Cnutrnrti > r < Onfrrril to Stop Itnt They
vlliln'l Stop , anil th riorciitlncn Now
I'ropiMo to tint Out an
Tlioro 1 ? nvtir clouil lianij'.nu ' ever Uio
towns of Omaha nnd Florence nnd \agal
bnttlo hatwnon the two1 inunlclpilltloi Is
oven moro than n mcro posslullit.v. Uoth
townt ara up In nrms and tlio trotiblo till
Broxv.i out of tlio coti tructlot. ot n sownr.
Last sprinp tlio city of Omalm iloculoil to
tlrnlti Uio north bottoiiM , tb\t , iho p.'oplo ro-
sltlliig thorcoti inluhl not bo coinpolluil to waclu
to nml from their proinUos. After rovolvltifj
the proportion for a lone iiorloJ of Ihno
CHy Knglnoor Koiovvatoiconchiilca that
open illtclics would do ns ponil orvlco ns
sewers and would bn much cho.ipnr. Ills
Ideas were plvon to tlio council , nnd noting
upon his ndvino ordttmncc.svcro passed
ordering the construction of a couple
of open ditches souio "slxtcun feet
wldoandtwolvofoat duop. Ono of thosu
ditches here oil to the nortbweat and was
Intcniicd. to liavo the North Omiilm brick sewer
for a southern outlol. Tno othbr ditch Is
located on the bottom ? , wen of Kortr-OiniUm ,
nnd was Intoniloil to ba doou onouch to carry
the water ever the divide nnd ( Ificliurgo It ,
Into HriKhan Yotitif ! creek , which llows
throtish tin ) southern portion ot the town of
Pluronuo mid In to , the Missouri rlvor , u short
distunvo below the pumping station ,
I'Mmtcri'd tlin I lorriitinn.
Ill duo ttnio the Board of Public \Vorks
lot the contracts , which n few days later
were approved by the council and xsorlt commenced -
moncod upon ttio east ditch , or the ono ox-
toiulliiK to Urlch.ini Young creels. Dirt How
at n rapid rate , while the Florentines viewed
the situation wl'.h nUmn , In fact they nro-
dlctcd nil manner of calamities , such ns
choler.i , smallpux and a visitation of urass-
hoppcrj , which would bo brought on bv tlio
Oinnhn sowora o llowlnc throuch the aouth-
orn nartof their town. Thay talked it over
while they wlutttlod tlio dry ROOUS boxes
and whllo tho.y attended the cvenltiff devo
tional services at the little white church
which nestles among the trees on tlio hlll-
siue , overlooking the townslto. vvhoro nearly
half n century ace the followers of .losonli
Smith hold forth in all of iholr glory.
Time Kept rolling rl ht along and the ditch
kept , Ki-owlng In width , Uoptn nnd length.
As the residents of the town observed this ,
they nt last came to the realization that If
they hesitated tdoyvould bo lost , nnd not
having a desire to Iind themselves in that
condition , tboy concluded to nut. TTiov in-
uucod the common council of Iho town to
call n special meeting that thosltuittion could
bo discussed by thu wise men who bolil the
future destines of the town in the palms of
their hands.
The council mot and after deliberating the
manifesto went forth to the people. H waste
to the effect that Omaha must stop digging
that ditch , or the aid of the court would bo
Invoked to compel ttio metropolis of Xcbr.isUn
to keep its innnlcimil improvements \vithln
Its corporate limits , or its sewers , nt least.
This decision received umid much en-
thuamsm by the ontlro pooulatlon of the
town , as the inhabitants Mud an idea that
the contractors would at once null ott their
forces , but In this they were sadly mistaken ,
nnd uiiy after day the ditch continued to
grow longer , doenor and wider.
Itnt tliu Work lliisn'l Stoppi-il.
This disregard of law , as laid down by the
irdtnanco builaors of the htllo lown.arousod
ho ira of their constituents and they con
cluded to net for themselves in the promises.
iVnothcr mooting was hula miJ the riot act
.vast end to the council. The members of
hat body pleaded that they hud Issued their
ardors , but ihut the Omaha contractors uad
not only rofuso.1 to obey the orders coming
from the ordcrors , but had to l thorn to go
to a country that ivas hotter than this.
Tnu ( was the straw that made the back of
.ho camel sway and bond beneath its load.
Then the people took the matter In their own
hands and yesterday they visited the city ,
called upon the Hoard of 1'ublio Works ,
where they served notice that unless work
was stopped upon tLo ditch , they would go
to the courts for an injunction. The chair
man of iho board could glvo them no satis
faction , though ho told thorn tnat ho would
lay the matter before the city attorney and
the council.
To > M iiih or u ICIsk.
It Is not unusunl for colds contracted in the
fall to hang on all winter. In sucti cases
atarrh or chronic bronchitle tire nlmost sure
to result. A llfty-cont Dottlo of Uhumoor-
lain's Cougu Itomody will cure nny cold.
Can vou allord to ristc so muoh for so sni.tll
nn amount ! This remedy is intended 'es-
poclally for bad colds and croup and can
always be depended upon. Forsnlo by drus-
; < ) ! . .oitix colD.
Don't III ) I'our All Vnur l.llV.
I want u piirtnoi1 with $400. Think wo
uiin tniiku & 2U,000 Bui'o in bix inontliH.
ljcrfectly lofjitliuiito nnd requires none
of youi1 titno. I'or pttrtiouUir.s iiU'lross
Ilunford Stott , Ounitiffo , Colo.
htnurnl Tlilncs TiilKrd Over by tliu Cnin-
iiiUslonurH In5C liin.
The Board of Park Commlsstonnrs held a
mealing yesterday afternoon and discussed
iho Bemis park mailer and .Mr. Cleveland's
plans for the linprovomontof Elmwood park.
Mr. Mlllnrd staled that , ho had scon Mayor
Uomls shortly Doforo the hour of tno board
nice tinir mi d learned Irani the mayor that ho
wns not disposed to mnko any fnrtlior con-
cossioii- ! with regard to his altitude touch
ing iho improvement of BunAs park. The
subject was dlscusseu at some lonjjin , and
lilinlly a comtniUou was appoinleu lo wait on
the mayor once moro , and if possible L'et him
to accompany thu comuiittou 10 the disputed
grounds , there lo reach sumo plan of udjusl-
ing tbo dllTcreucp between tlui donor und iho
commissioners in tliu plan lor improving iho
Mi.'fsrs. Uintngor , Ktlpatilck anil l.nko
were npnoiuiod , as iio | commlitse to wuit on
Mayor Uomls. \
The new plans prepared by Mr. Ulnvsland
for the improvoinoiit ot lOlinwoou park were
taken up. Tliu plans proviao for u leu ucru
lake on iho level ground wbora Loavenworili
biroel runs throuu'h the paric. Thu street
will bo turned to the south halt a mlle leav
ing that land free 10 oo used lor lawn
purposes. The plans also show pie location
of iho drives and paths thai are lo bo con-
ulruclou In the park , Conoldrrable discus
sion aro-o over the proposition to maUo the
lake on the level ground , OXU-UPCOUH from
the ravine or crook that naluro has ulruudy
provided ill iho park. Mr. Lmlnu'er Juvorod
Iho idea of throwing a strong dam across iho
creek ut ttio lower end of the park and by
widening the banks of the luila biroam , ihus
providing a good suea lake.
Mr. Kllpairick , ' Mr. Mlllard 'and Or.
Miller opposed ihis plan on Hie ground tnat
11 would kill much of iho line nhrubbery
alone the bank of thu ruvlno to till it with
wntor nml Hint IVAVnuld ho n dlfllcult nnd expensive -
pensive utilcrt ( lilne to build n dnm ncrots
the rnvlno tlmt xvnnld not wash away with
every freshet th utnio I * Thov thought
thnt n moro bdtuuful lake could DO
provided nt Idsi fixpoiiMj on the
Invol land north nnu west oC the cre > ) k. The
question of securing nsuniciont water sup
ply lor n ton or twelve acre lake wn dls-
cussed cnrnc , tlyi mid the whole question of
making n Inko In.'Klmwood was laid over for
fiituto notion , Mf < ( Jlcvclnnu'.s plan for tuo
romiwnvs nnd rtthnr itnprovomonts In the
purK were ticenptcd , and Superintendent
Adams wns Instructed to proceed with ttio
necc < siiry niowluji , so ns to got the ground
In shapii for plactinp tioxt s\irlntr. \
Or. .Miller cnlloa.iutontlon lo the fact that
Iho property o.vnors along the { .vonosod
Florence boulevard were anxious to luivo
the park comiiilsslonori proceed with thn
work of sinking out the lines where Uio
irround had licon deeded so that they might
Imurovo their nrnportv nccordlncly. Ho said
that- these gnntlotnon were deserving of
rocosnitlon hccau&u thov had been the llril
lo offer propsriy Irco to the city of Omaha
for boulevard purpose * . Ho thought that
Iho board .should begin work on that portion
of the bonlovard which had boon freely do-
tinted by the properly owners.
Mr. Llnlngcr thought , that It would bo wall
to simply atako out the lines and not do any
ox pensive work until Iho balnruv of Iho
lilies had boon secured by condemnation or
othorwlso for the balance'of the proposed
route. Ho lltmlly agreed , however , that It
might be well to proceed with some ot the
preliminary work of improving the north
end of the boulevard , and a motion wns
inado by Mr , Mlllard and passed by thu
unanimous vote of Iho board to instruct Mr.
Adams to begin ihn work of slaking out nnd
doing the lough grnding at once along that
portion of tha route where deeds have nl-
ro.idy been firnlshcd.
The committee appointed to consider the
matter of purchasing furniture for the board
rooms reported that the Downy & Stone
company hud offcrodto lurnlsh chairs , tables
and dcsIts as good or bettor than Iho
KclRhatn i-'urniture company hud furnished
ata muoh lower llgurc. The goods recom
mended by the committee footed up f''iS.
The atr.o pieces of furniture furnished by
the Kulcliam company would cost $ li'Ji ' ! .
Mrs. Wlnsiow's Soo'hitig Syrup Is nn un
excelled mcdiclno for chlldrau wbllo tooth-
in ? . - . " ) cents a Dottlo.
Heal cstato.
Utii'iitiitis only.
My wotd is pood.
\V. O. Alhritjht.
6 1- -3 N. V. Life
The lutcst fails in opera glasses retail
at wholcsit'o ' pt-icos. TudoiOptluaHJo .
cor. Pariiiini titul 1 Ith.
rrcsh Itiiltliiiori ! Ojslrrs nt llajdrns ,
Wo nro now propureil to sell fresh
oysters at 20o per quart. Hotnombur wo
su-ll solid oysters and no water. Call in
as yon } jo homo and take a quart with
you. They will bo received twice a day
direct from litiltimoro so you tire sure to
get them fresh all the time.
fOKEItlX .U/.SS/U.V.S.
.Meetlnjj of thn Itomril of CommlHsloncrs nt
Cutcxno , III. , O.U 5. The American Board
of Coratnissloiiers for Foreign Missions of
Iho general Congregational missionary fcody
reassembled this morning. This board is
solf-consiituting and solf-porpaluating. At
present it is composed of two elements , lib
eral and conservative. These have many
points of difference. One of these diflor-
encos , having to do with thq body ilsolf ,
came un this morning. The liberals bollovo
that the churches which furnish alt the
funds should have representation. This
inattor came un in u naper by Dr. E. 1C.
Aldoti. defending the couservutlvo policy.
Il was moved , that tho. paper bo referred to a
spenlat'uornmlueo to report next jour.
On bohalfof the liberals irsubstiiuio was
proposcdj lo refer it to tno business com-
mittco with instructions to report at this
soislon. The conservatives carried the day ,
defeating the substitute by a vote of UU toI' . ' .
Tno conservatives finally consented lo a
reference lo Iho cornmitleo wilh insiruc-
lion : to report ns soon as possible. The con
servatives bnve appointed the committee.
I'rohti ISiiltiinoK ! OtHtor.s at Iliiyilcm ,
We are no\v prepared to sell fresh
ovbtors utic ) per quart. Remember wo
sell solid oysters and no water. Call in
as you tro liomo nnd take a quart with
you. They will bo received twice a day
direct from Baltimore so you are sure to
pet them ftcsh all the lime.
.4.V ii'IHKMlV OltbUIClUK.
IIimouiiiK Tales of * > rll-l > cslrn < 'llim fid in
IJntorl mmtn Chill.
I'AN'A > IOct. . . " . Chilian advices say van
dalism , inlluou/.i , hlnhwdv robbers , and rail
way dibastors now have suleido as a ] iowor-
ful aid in theirworkof deslruution. Scarce
ly a day passes that eases of sulcido are not
reporiod ellhi'r In Santlufjo or Valparaiso ,
nnd reports are constantly reaching the city
of likooccurrences in the country.
At Lumaquinn robbers utlnuKud n parly
arrivlnt ! In n cart und killed three of thorn In
perfectly cold blood.
Tno influenza is making fearful ravages In
Limn , Poru. Deaths number Ihirty par day.
Over UU.OUO peonlo have boon attacked.
DeWill's Sarsap.mlia u rouunlQ
HiHlnrHS Itrlels.
Otto Laneo. in iho hardware ouslnoss nt
York , has sold out.
CicorgoV. . Condon of Sprlugvlow has sold
oul his drug business.
The Fiirmora Lumber company of Mtndcn
have ulvon n bill of sale for J 1.0.10.
May , Orr & Co. of Cody have been suc
ceeded by Ued & Co , In the general sloro
rniti : tunt K.ilHaiip.ilH.
nu.ll.Mom : , Md. , Oct. S. Tlio Protestant
Episcopal general convention assembled here
this morning , every scat in linmunuel church
being tilled and many obliged to stand , The
opening bcrtnon was by liishop U'llmer ut
Alabama. IHsliop Williams of Connecticut
celebrated holj' ' communion ,
ii ; lit . Million Dollars \\Yrn Inml\c'cl
N.w YOIIK , OcUiti , In tlio suit of con
gressman .fumes Hidden against Judge
Stevenson liurketJund others und Iho Col
umbus , Toledo & I lucking Valley Railroad
company , iuvolriDtr t.SOOJlU , ( ( ) , .Itisilco In-
graham this moiuiing gave Judgment for
( lefoudunts.
Ilaihitd KiiAii . \roli-\liliott ,
PniMiiMin , 1' * , O.'t , B. llov. Father
Lcandar SuheurfAVus Installed and consecrated -
crated us urcn-ubboit of iho Henodlclino
order In iho Unllud States this morntnt' . A
lurgo inimbor of priests and monks wuru
present from ull over the United Sluice.
UoWitl'sSurdapurliiu cioansei iho
Xutiecf ii/ /ire liwjiiir Iw unilfr thin ltCMlftJtu
cent * ; each iiMtlotutlJIiui , tticrutn. .
Ik I ! Mil A IJ. Maryf Honors. Infant daughter of
ItU-haid It mm l.uvlnlii I. , Klnibull , Ocinboi'
A. I'nnoral will tuko place ut . ' p. m , l'nui > -
iluy , ( lutobor II , from I hu rusldonco pf
'I'liomus li. Klmliill , UJJrf. 7th avonuu
Used Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
Olit .1 co Cirriling on Shown Itarir In I.iirk
I.ustrn l'fn unit Tri-mlillug HnniU
Mitnylio nrn Old Inonrs uri- Vigorous
mill llrallliy How Surli n Condition .M y
lie KnrnmpnMril by All.
How m\nf plilcrljr men nn.l million wo co nlin
li'Mnlr Mum tlicf nro " "ln Oown tlio lull. " The
trnnilillng linmt , tlio iiiifctnln stpp. ( lie * luck of
tirlKlitno" In'liPnj-i'.tlio * 1irlnkn.i fiMturm. nil In
itlriito Unit llfol not nt lilith ( Ho. thnt tlio tn < niitli
nn I vital force nro not uhnt tlipy tmco were , ml
In tact. Hint thcrnraitiiliu down tlin Mil. TliK ( if
conrv' , IMo l > o e.ti'ecii'.l , for ttlion ono ronohoi InU-r
Jcnr * . | ilir lcnl troubles nra sum to come , but how
ninny I'Mcrljr liMiplawp . co ntc liviiltlir , mid com-
Imrntlvcljr vlKiirou * . Tliejr nlnnj doom ( lii-i-rful ,
brlclit , ciHiti'titoil. Why liouM tint nil lie oiunlly
fort n file ? ItcfrHlnly l < purlin * , livrry clilorly
nnri iiinl nnmnn no ild to Krnlly n lt nn'iin1 , nil
tlin nlillnnrpiUti ) Inko Kimu pure Mlmuhnl roiiu-
liirly. i\vryilociiirlnthulnni1 : mlmUs IliK mil II'
common on o mint liu nnnlfm In nil. It KlinuM
not l > nim1rr tfUHl , linvrpvvr. Hint nny or II inry Mini-
iilnnt wouM bo recommend d. It lnut In * Miinnltiln. !
pure , tionrrful , lii'idtUElvllitf anil Mranatli Itupnrt-
1111 ; . Midi n MlnniliuH cnn bo foiiiilonly In DnlTy >
I'tiro Mult Whiskey. U l tbc oiny tiicllclnil whis
key In tlio Us nomlertul pop'ilnrlty Is iliio
I'lillrclj to Us ( tuner niul wh-il It bm n wupllstieil.
Any elderly limn < ir Moinnn tlinunih ltsu c niny PIT-
tnlnly prp < orru tbc licnlt'i , mm limy rpiiMiiiiibly ex
pect to iirnlonit tlio life. lj nut bu Iniliiruil , liow-
pvpr , lo try nny Interior nrlbli or nny which tliu
ilriik'Bl t or icrocor niny eek lo put In IU lilnco
There h nnttlnK vliltb cnn iircomplHi tlio MIIIU
Wi'll. collie nmt liuvo tln'in etninlnod bj niir nitt- |
clnn Pri'uof riinrco , nml. If ni'rrn nrr , titled with n
p.ilr of mir I'lIltKI'.l'TION' SI'KCTACI.KS or K VK
\HSHS-tlic ) Irani In tlio unrlil If Mm do not
need Kln' p i ! will toll > on ii nml nilvlvMou wlmt
to ilu ( ! l > fl ) SI'I'I'A ( I.KS nr KVi ; ( It.ASsKH
( llAs > jl-4 : KltOM fl t I * I'lidn. MiHiko. lilnn or
white pldMsoi , for iirott'cllny the ejes. from 5Uc u
pair up ,
Jewelers and Opticians.
Parnain an I 15th Streets. Omaha
KI50 ,1
Wt.kncss ,
Catarrh or
Kliciiinatssni ,
! Chronic , >
Nervous or
Disease ? ,
IP SO , CAL-t , ON
) r. Searles 6 Searlss
Consultation Free.
AcknowlodBOd to ! > o the most tuiccojf ill speel illit In
ill I'liivAtr , HI.OUU , NERVOUS , &MX ASU UIIIN-
( ionorrliipi In from 1 to (1 ( ilays. yphllM curjl
without .Mercury. All MiiKiid for life
bTUK TL'Ilt : permanently curul. rDinori1 eo-n-
.Icto , without cutting cinitti or illUtitlon I'urj
itlecteil at homo by p.ilitint wltli ) iU u muinjnt'i
I'lMIS. t'ISTL'I.A ANI > HUCTAI. Ul.CUIti euro I
vlthuut pain or di-U'iillon fiom buslno
llVDHUCr.ljU AN'J VAIlU'OIMJ'jK ' pornnnuntlr
anil ivKci'sitnllv cur jil. .Method nuw nml unfalltiu.
l5K7"CiA'W VV ivlJtilM "
( VITAI.ITV WKAIC ) , Miiilasoliy too cloj nppll-
cntlon to business or utility ; saverj me.nil traln
or Briofi SKXUAI , H\IMSSIU : l.i mlilJtJ llfu , Of
rom the elluols of youtlifu follioi.
YOU.Nd iinJ MIUDLK AOr.D : lau ot vliu. vlKOr.
unit HtrenKlh. wlih soviril orpins linpnlroil and
iTonkonoiieilpraimliirely In npproichliuolil nva.
All yloltl ru.idlly to our naw Iruntuictit for lost of
vltnl power. Cull on or addru s with bUunp ( or
clrcinnrs , freubooknnd roei'lpts.
tlr.Searles&SCarles.Ul ;
Next to PoitOfllce.
For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics ,
Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns ,
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hatd Woter
Anon ani ( Minnlofi Trcafiisnt , conilitlnz ot
Bupposllorlai , Otiunicnt In ilnpinloi , nljio In llot
andl'llUs a 1'jiltUu Cure for Internal , lntui'
blludor UloadliiKltohliu I'nronlo , Hoctvitor Hurj II-
taryl'llei. Tali HumuJy Im never b en known to
lull. H par iJoi'U furi , aoiuby \VliymiiTurfroia
tillsturrlbln dliuttd wlun arilttui uunrintoj l <
DOBltlrolyKlvan with C IJVH or rufiiii I iliainonaylf
noiciiruci Su-i.l Bt.ini , ) for IrJB Nunplu. liuiniiilu )
Isiuod by Ivulm , tCo. Dru.'k'litt , Solo Aiva'.i.eornor
IStli und Duinrini troot. is.tii. Nut >
" SANA'l'IVO , "
till ) Wonderful
.Spaiiliili remedy
l > rfMcrlbud ( or
over BO ycuri * ,
on row ull Nor-
VO1IM DIllOllH Oil ,
Lack ol' memo
„ , , , _ . . . . „ , * „ , , „ , , . * „ „ „ , „ * \ViiUu ry , llriidavlio I'n Inonut ,
Beforo&AftorllsQ , ICIUISI.IOIIH , i.o t
I'boloRraphod from life. ni ail liu oil , or
diminution of tlioUonurutlvo Orcaiii ,
etc. , iiiul ull ctluctH caused by punt
nlnifti'M. I'nt uji conveniently to curry
In tlio vent poclcot. I'rlro PI u luifliaiie ,
or O for ? 5vllti \vrlltcn cuuruiitco
to cure or refund tlie Mioiiry. Jf nilruvKlsl
IrlcH to eel ! you nomn WOKTIIl'l'.HS I.MI'I'A-
TIOX In pluco of KANAT1 VO , enclono prlcu In euro-
lope und wn will rend by mall. I'amplilct lit
lilalii aoulud ciivclopu lrec > Addrcm ,
MADRID CHEMICAL CO , , Branch Office lor U.S.A.
358 Dearborn Htrcet. CHIOAOO , ILL ,
Kiihn > V Co. , Unionists , Cor islh \ Uouclas bis.
) . A. fuller \ Co. , Iniuiisl3 ; Cor ith | i. UounUs
Hu . and di uggitts ijcncTdlly.
" "
isia the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul Railway , as repre
sented on this map.
Steam Heated
Jilcfltcic Lighted ,
ed Vestibulcd trains lea e
Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago 319:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Office , 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A , NASH , Gen'l Agenti
Of clothes all sacks all made of the same
kind of goods .all one color all cut alike all
trimmed alike all lined alike all made alike
go on sale in our mammoth men's suit depart
ment today all at the ono uniform price of ten
dollars and fifty cents a suit which we believe
to be the best value ever given by any clothing
concern in this country. These suits are all
wool. They are made of as hxjnest a piece oT
cassimere as ever came from a loom. They
are cut to fit to perfection. They are
m a d e Ui oiroi ug hi y - - e v e n "Th e linings being
triple sutcried. The color is a dressy
dark gi ay. The sizes are from 34 lo 44. "These7
suits are worth fifteen dollars. They are worth
it in our store. They are worth it on your
back in your office in your workshop in
the street. They arc worth it every day in the
week and Sunday too and have never been
sold for less. We had them made for a purpose
and that purpose was to start Octob"e7r > bu"sP
ness with a rush to start a thousand men
talking about us to advertise to emphasize
still more the Nebraska's wonderful prices. TP
you're a farmer in the "shocking" business of
"cultivating corn or "cultivating votes" for
governor if you're a lawyer in good standing
| _ or "lie"-ing either ] if you're a banker clip
ping coupons or a cashier with a longing for
Canadian society if you're a man , and wear
clothes these are the v e ry s uj ts fo" your b u s i -
ness , and you never had a n""op jpb r t n h i t y to try
as good a suit in all your life for the , money aa
these suits which we offer today at the re
markable price of
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
TU eminent uperl llit In Dertuui , chronic , private , blooil , ktn and nnnnrj OliPiiiei. A recm'.lr Una
PKlnlercd grtdualu In ineilclne. ns 'llplomni anil ccnltlciitp' ohow. u itnl trenlln/ with tlio greatest succci
utarrh , Bpurmutorrhoi'l. lun manlino.l.iomlnsl wenkini'S. night loiies , Impntunpy , lyphllis. stricture , itou-
jrrlmoa , Kleet. Tiirlcorelc.ctc No mercury use.t. Nun treitliuunt tor loss of vttnl puwi-r , Parties unnblo to
7lili rue may bo troate 1 at homu by eorroMioutlenco. MedUtna or InitruraAnts ent b/ mull or e pro-s s
curuly packed , no ma'ka to lnllnnto routenta or sender. Ono pprsonaJ Inlurvlow prctBiroil. CouiuMat on
freu. ( orrjsjoniUMiro strictly private , nook ( MjslarlM of Ufe ) i nt ttita. Utlloo boun'a. m. toll . ow
Hundiiji Wu. ui.toilm bend sunup Jor rom/ .
In tliu tiealincntnf all forms of
nnd nil WeaUinss nnd Dlsiinli'i nl
T\/r"T7XT wtl | l ( ' 't of cnur.iac. unililtlon
IVl ill1 > J anil vitality. Illsliluen years of
Ilio moit ' ( 'iimrUiibln success In
tlui trcatinont of this elii'-s of illsunses , whleh
Is uruvnu by tliu iinixuriiil to-.tlniony of tliou-
Hunda who biivu lii-on ciued Wrltu forelieu-
lius and ijimstluii list , lltli iin-l riiriiiini
MH , , Onuiliii , Nul ) .
EiasticStocking s ,
Cru tcfics ,
Batteries ,
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplies ,
114 S. 15th St. ,
Next to I'oslof ' ! fee ,
1 liojftnoall tlietliiiatleiitlnnof tlui piilillo
to thu aliovo inuiiilur hranil of nuni lye wills-
l , yiiiiilrosiuetfnlly | lisU a - - will
any oilier liruwl of iiiiro ryu ollornJ In tun
iiuirkut. It U fur superior to anv olliop whia-
Koy. anil 1 Kiinrnnlcii ltBaliMliitotixeellonco In
' "
01O N. lOth Street ,
Family Wine and Liquor House.
Esmond Hotel Block.
National Bank ,
Cniiltul . .7. . . . if 100,01)3
Surplus . $ ( (5,001) ( )
Officers nnd Dlri'elors Iliinry VV Vatei , president
II. f. Cusldiu. vli-u prv litun | , ' . H. MaurlcaV V.
Mortu. Joliiii , Culllot J. N. U. Patrick , lMli A ,
I JaorplinuIlnblt Cnrpti In IO
to UUdn.v > . ft , , | my nn i-nnril.
. J. . ' < li'i > lif u . Jjcbiiuuu. O.
I.curcs tuicAoo iiimuNdros' , t y.
( Jmnhn D pot lilt I 11 I.It 111 1 Jtl
l.lj p m Cli'ca ' ( u V'oitlnalj . ,
V.lf > n in Ch.uio rfTpron. .
11 .VI p in Chlc.iX'J I'.xprmi ' . ,
C.'iO p in . . . . .Ctilrnuo \ loiv.t Locit
lcivo : IliUllU.S'OTUN A. 510 IllVICIl I Arrives
Oninlm. I Depitt 10th nnd Mninn M I Oumlin
111. ' , . ' ] n m . . Donvcr VoitlUulu Kxpruai
1U.1. ' , n m . . . Doidvrood l xpruiti .
< VI p m . Oonvur Kxpruu.
( . 'Op m . Denvur l.liultu.l
KMp m Iliinlln/s l.ocil .
16.1J n in . .l.lncoln
I envoi I " "k7t . SV X\t 07
Uinnlm 1 llppot IJtli ml M nvin S li
H.51 iTTn * . , .Kaunas City IMy
H.4S p in K. C. Nluiit K\v via U. I' . Trntii i I5 nm
ll.4.'i p in ht. lonli II.IU nui
(5o"lni : I CIIU/'ACO. ItI. I. * I'Ai-'Ir'IO. I From
Knit. | Union Depot IQlli p Marcy bis. | ICnnt.
10 Ul u iu All.mllo KVPMSI I 0.J p iu
Mi p m VuitluiiloKxiiiou 1.10 P rn
P.3. ' ) p Ul NlKlitKxprass H. ' ' ) n in
2 UJ n iu Knst Krprosi I 1.0J n m
( iohu " | I'TllCAOO , It. I , ft I'AI'IKK1. I From
I Union Dnpiit 10th anil .MareyHH. I \Vo t.
. .liuuvur l.liulliU it.VS p
l.U'iaiu . Fast Kxprim , 2.11) )
iiUDaiu . .KnnsaKl'ltrdixuaiit Siiniluy ) . . | tl..M p m
J.UIIV31 I UNION r.\CIKU' . I Arrlvui
Umalw _ | U n I o n llupuUDtli and Miircy ata , I Onuliv
7/i'i n m . . . .llontrlco Uxpruil 11.10 p m
! i.M a in . . . .Danvur Kxprma 4 0) p in
J.15 p in . . . . .OvorliindKlyijri 7.0) ) p m
4.l.i p m „ . 'KHA-itr njiu K.xoiHniY ( )
0.10 p in I'.idllo Kritr
) x > nvi' IC'IHOAUI ) , MIU A ST.
70' , nil
II.W . 111 ] . . . . . . Clilf imo Hxnrms.
Oinulml Iliipoujptti unit Mnrrr Mti
i. .n ml. 7. . BlonxtJlty 1'nMUiiiw'
tM P i | . St. I'nul HJtpruni
) .envi4 I"HIOD.X lll'V \ I'Al'IKlL
Onmlinl IliiDOt. liitli ami Wiiliinr <
6.W .M I'md I.lull toil
_ _
l.nvu < MlssoTwi I'AI.'JFIO. lArrlrei
Woliitiir Hti.
O. , ST. I' , . M. * O. lArrlfet
Omabal Dopot. 1Mb nj WitbiUr Oil I Oiuali *
K 10 n m .T&lcux City AecoioiuodiktToii . gui v u
I.IS P in mouiCUy Kxprmi ( Kx SuoJ'jl u.t ) ' v *
G.WI p m Ht. 1'aul , l.liultad. Vi'lA Ul
k li I" Ul SIV * il