THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , OCTOBER. 0 , 1892. 8PB01KL NOTICES- TIWKHTIBKMBNTB KOH TIIKHK COLUMNH -/Vwiu bo taken until It.SO ji. m. for tlic Ftrnlnit * nd until 8W : p. m. tor tlio morning or Sunday cdl- J > d ndvprtliomcnt token for lot * IhanJSccnU or the. first In'crtlon. All nd rrll i-mcnli ! in these column * 1l < rpnl n werd for first Infection nnd I cent n word for earn ftibhuiuent Innpriloii. or tl.W ) per line per month. 'Iemu cash In ndvnnco. Inlttnl llftiirm. symbols , etc. . oacli count a * n word. All nrtvi-rtltemrtits muH run coiiM-ciillvply. Advpr- Users , by rrqiictllnt n numbered check , run h vn tlip'ttrr ] d < lrci > ccl to n numbered letter In ctiro of THK ! ! ) : > : Anmpm fo nddtp sed will to dcllv- crcd on the prcsenlntlun of the cheek. SITUATIONS-WANTED. - - . 1IY A WOMAN bV WKLHH AND A--WANTKD. imrrntnirr , n idttmllon to do hniinoTOrk tMrlnit tlin fnll nnd winter months tmtttbjln ciClirlillnn home. Address A. M. Illnni , IMIgpr. Neb. JHH B' A-.WANTI.I ) . IIY AN ll.XI'KHIKNCKD MA N. J po ltlon ns innnnBi-r of lumber yards npeak Her mani refi'rpncc * . Address M HI , Hew. 121 8 * -sir.NnuiiAiMiic' WOHK UK S.MAM. i'iIIM / hy tlin week. Dlctntlon nmt work returned morning iiri'tenlnic. Sallsfacllun Kiiaranteed. Ad dress M ( B , IH1'1. 8l5 ! n * WANTED-MA1.E HELP. 1WANTKD , HALKSMKN ON HALAHYOHCOM Jimlnflon to Imndlo tlio n w patent chemical Ink erailnK pencil. 1hu ( ironies ! selling novelty evi-r ttrnducpil ; era u < Ink thoroughly In two pprond < : iionbrnrlunof paper : IiKMn MM per contprolits on iiKi'tit's sales nmnimtod iOO In MX days , another ft.Zln two liniirni wii wnnl nnu cni'ticollo iicnrrnl niipiit In each ulnto nml territoryKur term * nnd imtllcnlnrsndilrciis Monroe Muter MfK Co.\ i.n I roitp , Win. S'i'J ' i. MAN WITH SOMK 'cnpltnl to take water mill. Aildruts box 65 , Lincoln , Nub " * " _ _ -WANTTiliANJTO : TAKK OlfDKHS IN CITY. J 'address manufacturer , box 2.17 city. 103 Oh "IT WANTKI ) , flA ILHOAD I.AHOIir.HS KOIl J'Wyoming nnd South Dftkatn. WIIUPS , J2.00 nnd $ MS per day. hlendy work. AlbrlKlil Labor Olllrp. HUD Fnrnnm slrpcl. M2t2 OIO ! } WA.VIKI ) . AOKNTS TO 8KI.L FINK TKAS J'coilccs. spices , extract * nnd sundries by snmplo In fnmlllesi nu capltnl required ; exclusive terri tory ! good pay ; net our liberal trial oner. y. W. Lovurlu .1 llriiwno Co. , Chlcnuo. .MHi.i-o-11. ' J Jhelp'niid Bllu'nlluns furnished , 220 N. IfitYi "ilTrN KOH si'l'.HIALTYTllHST IN MAHKKTi quick seller ; prollls large. Apply at once. J Htldo A Co. , llox iMI ) , New York. MH27 II * 15-K1HST CLARK , A 1 TL-CNKll WANTUD KOIl .1 'shop nnd liirnncu work. Nn others need apply. Wni. LyltDlckny .VCo. , I4U1 ItoiiKlnssl I Hi U-2 ) fcr.WEIl MEN. ALSO I1UICKLAYKH8 .Ilnar.lnd. I'ny every Haliirdny. Des Molnoi , la. Metiunnlil. Ml IK ! Oft' WANTF.D-Ar.OODHAHNKSH.MAKKH. . AD- J > dri-Mll Klshwood , Hwnnliin , Neb. Mi7-il' ; i ) LAi'oitKiis i-Ou t ) Io T A t ic ICY co. IN J > sniilhcrn WoniliiK. t'tnh nnd lilnlin : lice pnss Kramer A. O'Hcnrn Labor ARrncy , 103 bntitli lit Bttcct. M86JIJ * WANTKD , KIH8T CLASS K.XI'KHIKNCKI ) n tientH furnlshliiK cuudi snlcsuinn , inn t havu rufcrcncoi. Apply Hostiin blore , Omaha. _ IJ-WAVl'F.I ' ) . A IIOSTLKH. MU8TUNDKHSTAND JgruumliiKhor es and milking COT' , Apply In T. C llrnnner. loom I , Ware bluclc. ! H'-8 S \VAX"T K i > AT ON K/T KN iiiuncYAumi KN. B * , , 'iCtli nnd Fsti. , f-o. Omaha. Krltenbrlnk llror. TEAMS WANTED TO HAUL LLMMF.H. H. B Cnily Lumber Cu.'tli ' uud Douglat. AW I 7 1VANTU1) ) , AN EXPElTlEXCKD DllY ( iOODS J 'clerk for u lowu of 2'UU ; htuto , ngf , oxperli'iice nnd reference. Address S. ( ioldberg .V Co. , llnin- biirir. liiwu. fi' < 3 5 -MAN WANTED TO COLLECT AND SELL IN B counlry. ; Apply nlSlngor olllco. 40Unl -HKLlAllLK MAN AIIOUT W , WHO ISQUICIv J'lo Ipnrn nnd wllllnc to wurk will bo Instructed In our business and snlnry paid while learning. Ap ply 1SIII Donglns. ' 4UOnl 1) WANTKI ) . HHOOM MAKKHH. NONK HUT -I'lirst class need apply. H. K. Cupsun , l.llh nnd I'aclllc street. ! ta77 * T ) WANTKI ) , A C.OODCOATMAKKIt , Al'I'LY TO 1'F. foclior. David City. Nobraska. 40H 13' -WANTKI ) . KIHST CLASH CLOAK SALKSMAN BT , l Hticcrnld I ) , O. Co. , Lincoln , Neb 453 5' T > - WANTED , WOOD-WOHK1NO MACHINIST ; Jul o u few goud bPiich bands nt planning mill. Sf.tb nnrt lluveiiport cts : good wages paid. 40S L * TJ-WANTHD , A YOtJNO MAN , HAPID STENO- J/granhcv. f r oorri'Hpyndenco 3 ( ir 4 bourn n day. balance of tlmo tu keep hooki. Address , stating oxperleuce nod salary expected , .M 02 , llec. - 359 5 - . 5 UPIIOI 8TKHEH8 FOIl PAHLOH B-WANTED. work nud & luungo makers ; high wages nnd toady pnsllluns. Western Pallor Suit M'f'K Co. , Kansas City. .Mo. IU 7 * nVANTKD , AdOODCOOK , E1THEH MAN 011 JJwomun , Innmnnlt lintel ; nrlto. staling salary cxpecleil. Address llox 17 , Mnrsvlllo , Kansas. 412 8 B -I1OY 'WANTEI ) . AIIOUT 17. TO iVOHIC IN store nnd workshop , nt 1400 Dunging st. M427 U B - , HUICKLAYEIIS AT 1IT1I AMI ( Jnieo bts. Stniulnrd I'uvlng Co. JII23 S * T > DUUII CLF.HK WANTED. MUST SPEAK Jii > rman. Positively send rolerences. Stnld ngi nnd lowest salary. Dr. C. II. 1.title , Hloomtleld bloux county , Neb. M4'U 8 * f > WANTKD , A Itr.TAIL SALKSMAN AC -I'qunlnted wltliardckory Inulncss. Address IIIlo Ilee. .M41 ! f -\ANTEDlOOlLFH ( ; ; ! S ALI FAMILY goodwnges. Cull KI3 ( ieorglo uvo. ( S. 2Vtb nl. ) . ' doora north of MIIFUII. 121 -WANTED. A ( HHL TO DO RENEUAL HOUSE work. Apply at IMS North IStli stroel. 1ST -WArTrED. ( HHL TOOVOUK FOU 'noAlii mid go lo school. Apply 3111 N. 50th street Oniuhn. Ml 7ft C WANTKD. A NKAT YOUNC ! ( Hill. TO ASSI8' In Inking euro ufbaby. tf. K. cor Mill nvo. nn < Dodge. 'K3 ti -lilULl'OU I1OUSKWOHK. 040 S. SSTII ST. . S3.1 5 * -WANTKD. NKAT r.Hlt. FOH SMALL KAMILV ( it once. 11211 I'opplcton iivi- . .MXV.l ! ! -WANTKD. A ( ! OOD ( illtl , KOU ( iKNKHAI liouiewiirk , Inqnlrit2115Jones , between Lcnvci worth nnd tit. Miiry'n nvi > . ; io II CWANTED. . AN E.VPEIllEXCF.I ) M1LLINEII' Hiile-daily ; stnte salary and leferences. Addres MOI , Ilee. 3114 -WANTED. WOMAN ( OH H US HAND AN ! wife ) logo to Washington lo du genornl house vrnrl. nnd work In fruit orchard. ( Colored pic ferred ) . Must have good references. CnllnlH. II UunrU'J'rnilu between8 and tu n , m , D. (1. Donnt _ _ 4U.1-T C - WANTED , ( HUT. FOH OBNifilAl'oj work In small family. 1311 V. llth st. 4 IS ll " , . , , , - FAMILY Ol F"omc , N' ' hlldrcu , lliu ti. 113d , betwuc.i I'uellle nn Joipli'ti | > ii S83 . ' > pWANTKI ) . AT ) N'B. llllll , KOH C.KNKIIA V.'liuiiHiiHOrk ' , IIJ N.-Xltli tncct. 8V J 7 * P-WANTID : , A SAI.KHI.ADY ACQUAINTK V Mllh qucenuwnie. Address I'mi , Ilee , M454 7 / WANTKD YOlINiJ I ! I HI , To ASSIST I v-'p'iieral housework , lll.llieoriiln nvo. Mill U % " ' -W ANTKDrA"fOOI'fTi'irMAN ; : 111 HI , TO TAK cnie of child and du coiiuml buuie ork. Farnnm street. M42I B FOU KENT-HOUaES. I Oil 1IK.NT-sirToUTH mil STHIlii . .u. . I.eiivKiiwurlh , only J'Jl.OO. Tluiabuvo Imveclty water ! unit lOinlnntcs nnl from 1'avion. .1121 Fnrimm , S rooms 11 ! . ( ) . : ili i-'uiith 'ir > th street , 3 r om , flOO. 814 Miuth Mill stn-ot. t rooms , JiOJ. y.n % IMi-ntur ntn-iil , u roonm , IT..UO. lila SI .Mary's uvcnuo , f > rooms. 115.00. Hugh U. Clark , l.'lb Hurney tireet. M3I7B IV - Wll HUNT. A S-HOO.M AND C-HOOM COTTAfS aJncar Siilli and Cas streets. H. T. Clarke. J llonrd uf Trade , phone lltt. 23t ) | l.KKT OK THE fi-UOOM CO' lukiisluttcniiipleted. Hare bnlh , hot nnd col wall r nud modern conveniences. Desirable liomi for buoluvis mon In beautiful Stanford circle. Fi particulars apply lo Star Lnnii nnd Truit C oti-nts , < , New \ oik Life bldit , tis D-Mll ) IIENT , I42J S. 2UT1I , B-HOOM HOUri moderncaiivcnloiKiut , bath , w. c. , hot niut co water , etui IM.OU a uiomli to party who will take X Iho year. tug TV FOIl HE.NT , ONE OFTI1B MOST COMI'LKf -t'cunvi > ulonlnr d comfortable nine-room liousi In Omaha , with biuu room , laundry and all modvi coni < Mdenct | also iilco yard nt BK. cor. Joues at SStr itrti ti. bolwoeu til , Mnry's ato. und Leave worth slii'Sl J5 ( B 10 IIOOM HOUSE , CKNTUALLY IXJOATKI furnic * uua all Improvciui-ats , ; W jj. I9tu St. St.W TA-.H.ATs , iWKLLlNI39. roTTAOKS IN At .a piiitiuf city , KUknany A. Co. , Conlluedul bl D-TO KKNT.U-UOOM HOUSE. MTU AND DODC troets All mojornconv nluncc . I'oimnU ilveu Immediately. Call or * ddr n M. L. HOedi llooui 40J , 1'uxtoo block , Vi : D-FOH HBNT , I10U8KS. fl AND 8 HOOMB , NK4 Mcb acbool. luijulro Mil ! C pllol are. 130-7' ' -AN K-XCKI'TIONAIILY - KESIHAULH HOUi o(14rouui ( Q arpo > t omc i mudern rr nj fcientiuorupletB Kuumrii lbOOClito go it. or J * lliiatr , rulal nieat , ftu > ' rm M it. FOR RENT-1IOU8ES. _ Cnntdiii'il. -FOII lin.NT. IIOL'SKS IN AM , I'AHTH OK D ( city. TheO. K Datls company , 1505 Karnnm 9L 419 - 1IOKSK NKAII I1U11I SCIIOOI , ! D-1V11OOM ; ntnblp ; modern conveniences. Tlirx. K. llnllrtii'nilnn block. ! I7I ! _ . STKAM It K1UST-CI.AR3. -4-ltUOM KI.AT. RAT. - llntcrcpccs. 810 S. nd utrect , room fi. 4W -KoTiTiKNT , ( MiwMumsBA. . MODKHN conTenlencoK. with largo burn , tool 1'oppleton nre. Inquire aUlTB. ISlh at. 1M lKSIllAlIU : ItOMK OK 9 ItOOMS , nlnhedor unfnrnliiliod. rortlos ttolng to Onll * tornln. Apply on promlsct , 1112 SoulliTcntb street I ) - . HOOdK. IIOOMii , t.AltflK Innn , 01 , St. Mnrr SRTI(1. . K. Ilutts. VS > 3 IHIi t CllS OSO D-t'b-iUHW UKH'K IICU3 K WITH MODKH. ImutOTPmi-nts.onMlh sreotnoar : I.cnTonwnrth Inquire * nl83 ? Ho. KJtti xtrvct. M7.U fl-KOUM COUNKIt H.AT , Al.ti MODBU.V CON- Dv onli-nro. 401 l.o.iTcnwortli t. M7CS 7 * U-KOH HKNT , lO-HOOM IIOL'SK ' , SOIS CAS3 , I40.W. Heed .V Selby. Hoard of Trade. W2 a MSTYOUIlT'itOl'KllTV. HKNTAt , OU SAU3 ith ( ieo. W. I' . < oatoi , ir.H Knrnum. 30) D-M ) IlilST , 3 1IIUMIM H KA 'lt.t UOO.M8 , clly , clBtcrn nalur , cor. lilh nnd I'ltcltlc M. ' - CHTTAUH OK fi IIUOMS TO 1) wltliout children , Inquire 1315 Corhr i't-a 410 _ -KOH Hrt.NT , a.MAI.I.COTTAdl' WITH l.AHHV. hnrn nnd urnuncn ncnr Uuacr's tiolul In Wcsl Omnlm. Oco. N. lllrkn. .i | V vi-tju i KNT. icn-uoM FLAT ONvsr I- " 'timing t. , onlyflOOOpor inonlli. ( loo. X. lllol < , W3 .V. V. l.lfc. KU1 li D -SKVKItAI , MCKllOUyiW KOH HUNT Ni : All llnntcom park. Illcks , n unt,30j N. V. l.lfc.M M 0 V-A NICK C , UUO.M HOl'Si : 11)11 HUNT AT 811 'S. 21 si street. .M4IU H' FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. E-KIMlXIHttKIl 11OOM TO UKNT WITH At.I. inoilcrncoiivcnluiu'cn. lil'j Donulni nlroot. ' .i7 i T'i.KASANT I.AHII "ANI > SMAU , NIHKIA * t Jfurnl. hud rooms on car Una , 1158. 'Mill flrrc. I ? VKUY IAHCH ANM ) COMKOUTAItl.K ItoO.MS. l-lunllemun prefer rod. IWI I Capital iivcnuo. 472-01 B 17-KUilNIMlKI ) HOOMS , 810 H. 18TI1 ST. Ill SI 172 fl | 7-KiilNISttKI ; ) IIOOM , WITH ItATli. M.OO t Jiuonth. I90U Knrnnm. 4S E-MCKLY FUHNIslII-i : > HOO.M8. tt ! N. 17Ui St. MllIlo'Jo' E-I.AltUi : NKWl.V KUIINISIIKIJ HAST KltONT room. 1'rlcn reasonable. 210 N. lUUi. XI278 3 E-KUUNISHKl ) AND UNKUUNISIIKI ) HOUMS. down town locntljn.VrlKHl & l.imbiiry. Itith nnd IHMTunl streal ! ! . MTO : ' .I -NICICLY FUIINISHHDHOOM FOIl LADY Oil E gentleman. Euquliu at 3.M smith 28th street. 17 6 III room * : modern cimvonloncn : prlvalo family ; rufurrnit" ! r ( > < | iilruil. till N ! il t siruot. M347-10' | 7i LAKCE 1IOO.M ON riltST KLOOIl. WILL I Jfundsli to suit rrnlcr. .No objection to llgbt housekoeplni ; . 022 N. llltli Ktreot. 40IJ-CI * FURNISHED ROUMS AND BOARD. I/-KLEOANTLY KniNlSHED ItOOMS , FIHST I olniis , 'JOard , ut "Tliu" Uoliin , 20'J and JI1 N. ISth street. M WJ I -FOlt KENT , NJCE FRONT IIOOM , WITH L1 buard , steam lieat.'Utopla , ITlU-IT.'l Davenport st. Ill J' I ? FOKSISHKD HOOMS AND 110A11D. 2013 II Douglas streut. AI31D li' l3 WANTED. TWO YOtINj ( MEN' TO IIOOM AND 1 board with young married cuuplo. Strictly tlrat clns . No other roomers or boarders. Addresi M' 67 , llco. Mi ; : > l C -HANDSOMi : SUITE SOUTH IIOOMS. H KST- JL' cl nss board. 132. Chicago st. M3 7 FOR KENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS. G-FOIl KENT , THHEE UNFUHNISHED IIOOMS with nil modern convcnlrures for light bousu- ki'Oplng , J12 per iDonth nnd nu iiueslluna nultoil. Address M K ) . ilee olUco. UIO U P--KOU HKNT. THHKM UNFUUNISHKD HOOMS VJfnr light housekeeping , modern conveniences. Cull 1515 Hurt street , third Moor. 340 V G : i HOOMS , 034 S. 17T1I , HUTWKKN JACK son nud Lonvcnnorth. FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. I-FOH lllINT , THE 4-S-TOHY llllicic HUILDINTl , Ol'i Fnrnam st. Tlio building has a fireproof ce * tnont basemuiit , complete stcunibeatlug llxtures ; water on nil the tloortt , gas , etc. Auply at the otllca ofTliolleo , VIB FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. I FOU HUNT , 10-ACHE TllACT WITH SMALL ' cuttago Just outslilo of city. Hicks , agent , OJ N. Y. Life. _ 3'JI < J WANTED--TO RENT. K WANTED TO HKNT , HOUSE OF 5 OH 6 rooms , not too far out ; ono with burn preferred. Cull or address E. H. Terrlll , 2IOU llouglus et. 107 5 * STORAGE. M-DHY , CLEAN Jt I'HIVATELY STOHED FlH- ! nltuie.1207 DouglasOmabu Stovu Hepulr works. 1183 " " " M --STOUAU"K" CHEAP , CLEAN , WELLS , 1111 Farnam struct. 1'S'J WANTED-TO BUY. J--KUUNITUUK 1IOUOHT , bOLD , STOHED. Wells. III ! rariiiiui st. WO _ _ XT WANTED WILL PAY SPOT CASH IN i > muoimts from $ . ' 0,000 to S100.000 for stocks of dry goods , boots , hnrdnnio. clothing or carpets. Must have largo dUcuunt ulT Invoice price. No snldo slocks considered. Address In cuulldence , box 291 , Lincoln. Neb. _ U8i > 7 WANTED TO 1IUY SO.MB 8 PEH CENT i > flrM murtuagos , Heed Si Selby , 331 Hoard Trade. FOR -FURNITURE " KOH S.UJE , FUHNITt'HE ' OF "T.ltOOM Vf.AT. Houiners pay moru than rent. Address M 21 , Hoc. lit ! > FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC , . SIXTY-DOLLAU 'IO1 > HUIHIV D-KOll HA1.K , A - L furMSOO. H K. Cole , Cuutlnoutiil bluck. 2.W } - . ( ( , ' SALK. f75.00 Will biiyn fine black lady or h'cnlloman'n drlv Ing mare , n le-ilher top , nldn bar. ulanubox biu'ey linrnens , etc1. , llml ono with the cnan takes It Omahn .MortgaKu l.uan'Cu. , llnoni II. Cri'lghtoii block , 16th and llonulus. no\t to puiitotllco. MIKII > -KOH SAI.r. Oil K.VCIIANOK. I HAVK TWt . tlno youngJncks and wnnl tu sell or u.xclinnzc one forguud lantl orwork lior e * * or guudlmpurteil btnlllon. both of tbu jacks are sure foul Kettera und quick performers. Address box ol , Hnrlnn , In.8C4 8C4 M I ) -A tlOOD TEAM , HAUNESS AND WAOON I huvo stonily hauling ; will tell cheap tor cash 01 trade ; uddreis M HO , lieu. SJl 0 * I-KOUSALK , LADY'S UIDINIi llOHSi : , SlNfll.l L fouler. W8Niiw York Llfu building , a'Jd ' ( i 1J-FOH HALE , PHAETON , NEW. JUST Till I- thing lor hid ) ; harness und porlablo burn. A lint gulu. 1511 N , 21st. M420 b > FOR SALri-MISCELLANEOUS. Q-HACK $75. I'lUTCHAlll ) , DOUGLAS HLOUK Q - KOH SALK , STOCK UK ( JLASS MKLOW COST iWC'umlnit l , FlHALr. MKXIOA.N Y15LI.OW IlKAI ) , ALW African unty parrot ; good fnlkers. 110 Norll 16th , room W. 31V 7 > MISOEiiLANEOUS. \ \ VANS ANT WILL STAIIT ANOTHKIl OLAS ; In shorlband nnd typewriting October 1st Thuso who would like to bcirln lliu present wool can do no , liitlructlun by nprnrtlcal reporter. Uo uUsmrlaln. ItoomMJ N. v. Life. .M375 i liduHH iANc NO. ISO-JIOHSKS. COI.TI JVund cutllo cared for tlio year rouud. U. U IJam Houth Omaba , Neb. 1' . O. box ISO. MH03 OJ7 OLAIKVOYANTS. 5 MKP. NANNIK V. WAUUEN , CIiAIIlVOYANI reliable builneit luedlum.uftb year at 11UN , Illtl Wl S-AU1UVAL liXVUAOUDINAHYl WOVDliltKU revclatloni. ClmllciiKM Hie worliL Mrs. Dr. M LoKrnvu , dead trancu clalrvoyaut , nilrologlsi paliultt and llfu reudori t ll > your life from Ih crndlolo yrnre : unites the loparatodt causes mar rlBKewllU tbo ono yuu love ; tells wbera you wll succeed ami In what builuesi beit adapted for ; ha tuu celebrated Ktijrptlun breastplala fur luck anctt' ' destroy bud Intluencoi ; cures tin , lutemperuuc und nit prlvalo complaints with wantage , bstbs an utcobul treatment , tonl IS.OO , lock of hair , nam andduteof blrlh and receive acounto llfu chart Vcenlslnntampi for circular ; Klvu Initials of un you will murryi alsa phoios of s mo. Ollloo 41 fro nth llth street , drit dour : hours , V u.m. to U p-m Come one , como all , nail be convinced of tld wun derful oracle. M 427 1C > rp-MMK. LA HUB , MASSAOK , ill ) bOUTU 1ST ! A ilrcot , third floor , flat 4. M 507 U * riv-MADAM STOWK , UAC1NKT1U IIKALK J. 80B ) I'rall street. M2M S' SMITH 1SJ4 OAl'llWIi AYKNU1 Uuom I , 34 Door. AUohol , sulpuur mil MASSAOK , BATHS , ETO. _ Conlnii ( J. _ -MASSAIIK THKATMKNT. icLKCTUO-THKIl- mat bsttncalp and bnlr treatment , mnnlcnro nniJ chlropodlil. .Mrs l'oit , ! > 19SSIMtiWltlinoll hlk. K lANJO i TKACIIKH , with Hofipp.or N. W. cor. IJth nnd Ilnrncy . IMJ MONEY TO LOAN-KEAIj ESTATE. \V-MOUTAHK LOANS 1.K33 THAN 7 1'Kll CT. ' * IncludliiK nllchnriies. t'hatlo < W. Halney Omalm Nat , bnnk blilg. ! OT \\r-l/AN80N IMI'lllVKI ) AND UNIMI'IIOVKD clly property , H.POO nnd unward'.n lo 7 per cent Nodclnys.V. . Karnam Smith , Vfo.,15tli nnd llnrnoy. \V-PH1VATK MONRY. 1ST AND2D MOUTUAMK I loans , low rntpi. Alex .Mourp , Heo bldg , 102 ' \\r-OM AIIA SAVINtlSI HANK MAKKS LOANS ' on rpatpttatn nt lowest market rnlcs. Lonns made In riimll or large sunn for short nr longllmi' Ix'oromnilislun Is charged and Ihe loans nn < nut sold In the east , but rnn always bo found nt the bank on iho corner uf 18th nnd Dotiglni streets. streets.IOJ IOJ \v r-MONKV TO LOAN O.N IMPUOVKt ) CITY nroncrtr , low rnto A. C. 1'rorl , Duuiilht blk. 101 \7-l AND5 VKAn LOANS OS ( MTV AND KAHM i mortgnge. i. Heed ,1 Solby , 3.11 Hoard of Trail ? . 112 \\r-ClTV AND FAIIM UKAI. KSTATK LOANS * nl lowol rntcsi consult us bcfuro burrowing. K. C. ( Inrvln A. Co. , wt Slipeloy block. lu.'i \\r-MONKY To LOAN AT LOXVK8T 11ATKS ' ThoO. K. Davis company , I50i Fnriinui strepl. . . H _ \\r-7 I'KIl CI'.NT MONKY-NKT TO 110HHOW- ' erson Omaha city properly. No nxlrn charges nf any kind. Why pay iiluh rnte ? Miinoy U cheap. Yuucnngut full bonetlt nf low rales frutii ( llubo Loan and Trust Co. , 1Mb nnd Dodge. U-U - ANTHONY LOAN AND TIltlST CO. , 313 N. V. Life , lends at low rale * for cholco souurlty on kn or Iowa farms or Omaha clly property.lilt lilt \V Ir-C. F , HAUIUSON , 912 N. Y. LIKK. 107 AY r-CKNTUAL LOAN A. TltUSTCO. , HCl ! IILIM1. r-CHKAl' MONKY , SKISV. . 1' . COATKS , lull Fnriiim. W v IT-LOANS. LOW UATKd. xiTriiiiwnvNin.K l > 0) U'l \\r-THK I'lDnlilTY TlltJdT CO. . HKCKNT1A * rcmovcit lo S. K. corner lloo liulluln ! ; , 1 pro- pnred tu clo u loins on city real c tnto promptly und nllowost rales. Submit amtllcathm. 4JI Oil \\T MONK V TO LOAN ON 1MIMIOVHI ) HHAI. < > enlule. lowe t rnles ; liullillnz loans n npuo- lullTbuuias llroi.imii X Co , Kurl > : icli block. " \ \ r-HKAli KhTATB LO VNS. 8 TO 7 1MJII CUNT ; noudilllliinal chnrxcs for commMslon or nttor- ner'n fees. W. 11. Melkle , First National Hank bblK. t > 77 \V-MONKY TO LOAN , TO LOAN IN v * Otniilm on building nnil loan plnn. JIS.BI | mlil monthly " 111 pay on 1 1 , 000.00 In 78 inunllis. Nu commission Iliitii IK h" " Ui u n ti per cent. I'oor itinn's cbnncu : tlo you lu-oil inunoy ? Can you use money ? If HO , call or mlilrcss room 841 , Dee birildlliR , Oniiilin , Neb. . 40i n-l MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. y WILL LO.X"sio.SEY 7)N ANV KINII OK Si : Vpurlty ; ntrluilycoiitlilBnllnl , A. K. Harris , room 1 , Contliuintal block. _ 1UO X -I'lufcllAlll ) , 51 DOUGLAS 1ILK , 111 i 1 > OI(1I3 ) ( 107 -LOANS ON CHATTELS. UKASONAllLK IN- tt > rc t , partlnl piiynu'iits I to I ! months. VV. It , Davis , H''U , Coiilliivnlnl block. Klerutorlilh t. 10) _ V MONKV AT LOW UATiS : ON ANY KINK OK -uVsecurlty , Keystone SltKo. Co. , 203 bheeley block 1)5" YOU NKKII MONKV THU FIDELITY LOAN HUA11ANTEK CO. , Ituoni 4 , Wldtnell block , cor. ISth and llurncy ts. , WILL LKN1) YOU ANY SUM , FHOM $ IOTOJ10,000 ON TUB HAY YOU A ! > K FOU IT. Vfo make loans of any Bin ) , largo or small , on liouschulil uoods , pianos , hor.spn , WIIKOIIH , wart > houo roc-clptiiand persunal property of nil kinds , In any nmuunt , without dulay , pub licity or removal of property : cliiMpesit rates und easiest pnymoats. SKU US FlllSr. 325 " \r $100,000.00 TO LOAN IN AMOUNTS -A- from S10 up enD HOUSEHOLD FUUNlTUHi : AND PIANOS , , WAGONS AND CAHItl AC.KS , WAIIKIIOUSIC UliCKllTS. Oil 1'KHSONAL I'UOl'KltTY . OP ANY KIND without publicity or removal of property. Yon can nave tlmo and money by calling on OMAHA MOHTRAHK LOAN CO. , lloom 11 , CrelKbton Illock. 15tli und DouKlua. nuxt tu L'Oslolllce. INCOItl'OllATKD. mH > 3 X-MONEY LOANED CHEAIAT YOUII OWN time. NubrasknLonu Co. , 1310 Douglas t. 403 CHATTEL LOANS : ANY AMOUNT ! LOW rate. .1. ti : Van Ulldor , room 207 , Omahn Nil' tloiml bank. .MIOJ-n7 MON15YTO LOAN ON FUKN1TUUK , PIANOS , liorsi-.i. wagons nnd collateral security , llusl- ncBscoulldentlul. Fred Terry , room IJ3 Itamiteblk MU2IJ X -LOW UATiS ON KUIlSITiniK l.IVH STOCK etc. J , W. Taylor , Pioneer blk. , south Omaba M'J ' X MONEY-30 , DO , 00 DAYS. CHEAP HATE : and easy payments , on furniture , pianos , llv < stuck , etc. , wlthuut delay or publicity ; cash 01 band. Dull , ( ireen , room B , llurkor block. M.i32 BUSINESS CHANCES. Y-FOll SALE , THE CON'I HOI.I.IMI INTEHES1 In the leading sash and door mill In tbo nurtb- wet > t ; dulng nn Immense business ; over $ ) , OOJ.O ( uurtb of new wurknuw In the mill , a great bnrgulr to the right party. Call on or uiIilresH J. II , Mason rooms U2 and 3i , Murker block , Oiuubu , Neb.IWI IWI OIO' -IF YOU AUK SEEKtNd A HUSINESS OPPOlt tiinlty requiring small capital. In u certain am exceedingly prulltublu and growing business , nni always cash , write to the undersigned. Inoloslm tamp , when full particulars will bo glvon. (1. K K. , 142V L street , Lincoln. Neb. 1,37 FOIl HALE , AT A VKIlVLOW FKJUIIE , Till entire ntntu Interest In onu of Ibo heaviest pny Ing monopolies now before the publlo. It will savi 25 ocr cent of thucuul bills of ururybody and pro ducu better results. Everybody wants It and wll have It when seen , A lurgo bu lno9s nnn bo duni at once In every county. Full particulars by mull Address { , ' . E. K. , H2'J L St. . Lincoln. Nob. MS7J -TlNE lilSINESS ) CHANCE IF SOLD A'l once. For sale , tbu lease , furtdturo uud fixture of the Alorrlnm holc'l , Omahn. containingIV ) rooms elegantly furnished , all rented , eighty permanen guests. ll st private fuinlly hotel In Iho west. Wll sell becnuso of poor health. For terms apply 01 premises , 21th and Dodge , .Mrs , L. .M. Tuttle. MliJI QI2 V-KOH SALE , THE HAILWAY NEWS Hi Iporter. . Seventh year ; line subicrlptlon Hi nnd ndvertlnlng putrunnge. Ono-thlrd cash , bal mice 1,11 one und two years'feeciinut notes. For In formation apply or address Dun H , llonln. 131 Dudgustruut.Oniuba , NebraskB , MJiiil 8 VFOH.HALE.20UOOM HOTEL , ( iOOD HKI'AIII ionly holul In town. Addrusi Frank Ilolhwoll SterllDK , Neb MM U V-S < XII15AD ) OF WELL HHED STOCK CATTlTi -1 and l.'JiW acres of chulcu , clear Nebraska land ti iixcbungu for good , clean mercbaudlse atmarku vulue. Adilrean lOOtlSth nvoiim1 , Keurnoy , Nub , -WILL BELL MY IIKSTAIHIANT Al7 bakery , or trade It olT , for property In low , country ' town or small farm , Address , M 61 , Ilee. 343 a y-FOU SALK. ( ! OOI ) HSTAHLISHKD MKA' ' 1 inHrket , Cuidliik' street. Inqul e room III ) I'm tun block , ' , ' 371-IO' Y' DOCTOH WANTS ( iOOD LOCATION. AI dross. Doctor , WashingtonNeb , SM b * Y-A LINK OK KIIIST CLASS CONFKCT1ONKH\ it good milk cows , 110 N , 21th street , Sout Ouinliu. A , II , Slucum , Mils H * VWANTKD , TO HULL HALF INTKHKST IN J. boot and ihoe store In Des Molnos , Doing uuod custi tiuilness. One of the very best locntlot In the city. Address I' , O , llox 833 , DCS llolii-B , 1 FOU EXOHANQE. y-Cl.KAH OMAHA HEAL 158TATU FOU MDS1 factual valuation , Money to loan , llox tdS.Omnli 110 Z-I OWN 100 KAHMS IN NKII. AND DAKOT. \VII1 tell or exchange , lloi 7U , Kraokfort , lud. -CHOICK KAUMB IN IIAYKS COUMTY , Nl braaku , to trade for horses , cattle or ceiieri iiidio. Address C. II. ttubunk , Huj os Center. Ne 15318 _ r/-WANTKD. ONK ACHK NKAH CITY LIMIT : A/neit , In excbunao fur clear lot to Albright. unuei- Address , M VO HBO. Hi r/-VKHY FINK B5IOOTTl ( ! OAT HT. HKUNAIl /-/doa , 2 yean old , for nnouuiutlo or cushlu safety. Address li IT , Uoo olUce. MSiOS' TOKXCIIANUi : , LOT IN 1IANSCOM 1'L-AC and land In Kansas for merchandise. 0 , K. lla rlion , Wl N , Y. Lite. ! 13 $ 6 V-TO KXCllANCU. FAll.M NKAII NKH , CIT ' /for houto and lot In Ouiaba ana caib. O. Harrison , B13 N. Y. Life. 3a 5 KXCHANQK WK 1IAVK > > .0l S'fOO Inmunufaclurlnie concern dolnit Rood buslue : In Omaba that wo will trada In whole or part fi goodwork burses , American Kuol Co. MJi'J y-Fou KxriiANOK. KM TO nsoou OLBA SJweitern lutseasy ( terms ) for persoaul or r property In or near Omaha. Live trader acqualnti here can makuvne totbree .tbuusuuvi dollars ! ruHI'iiK ' a traUo , 1' . O. box ttil , clly. SMI' IOWA FA KM KOU SALB OU TU.\DK.A1 dreia M CU , lie * . M'JTH V * FoilSALK. 9. HT COTBkHK Yl.MK , W.OOOOO. llccdA Selby , noarrt of Tttde. Wl _ KAlTKSTATB ! , ' ' ll rerilni > only. . My word l good."v W. O. Albrleht , ' hSI 7-J New York Life. > ; . Mil GliOltllK N. HICKS , lco. ! potato nnil InTo tmpnl agent , oflcrs tha fAllnwInit barmitnit In rntl rstniit : New modern built hnurdriear Ilanrcom park , all conveniences , If fold quiet , JT.3W. IClOBsnt double rfldencrv'.lnrse tarn , ticantlfut Kronnils , on ono of finest rvslilencn streets , can tnko enod land ni part imtuMit. IIS.OUO. fottsRp nnd lot onfy'fBiir blocks from High school , dirt cheap , nt M..VT1. . . , iick' nt tutu In West Klfil , 'npar Thlrty-nrst nnd DoilKo street" , nt $3,1)00 ) to H.yjO , Ton acrun cliise lo clly , with Bmnll cottane , n biff bnranln If sold quick. 390 Kcres Howard county , llireo tnllej from iiba : , only f 10 per ncro , M.ttK ) . HO ncn > s In Hot Untie county , Neb , , splendid piece of land , only II.V.V ) . ItUnrtcs In Knot county , clulit miles f rom Cri-lnh- ton , county spat , cheap nt JI.XW. IfiU ncrcs In ( iospcr county , ituod Innil , If sold quick only $1,800. licoriio N. Illcks , room 30o N. Y. Life. 3)1 9 " " " ) , TUTTLtttS"HUII , 5 ACHKS WITH 7-HOOM house , nil Improvement ! , Inquire R3)l Hnyd tlrei-t. M7.15 ? l. OH S.\LK ON MONTHLY t'AYMI'.NT.TIIOOM 1 ! In Ortlmzo addition on CumluR street. .Acotyhumo. W. I * Selby,3.11 UhnmberCommerce , 7W 1OH8ALKOUKXIIIANI1H-2JLOT8 IN HAI'tl ) J- City , D k. , for city suburban property or Im proved properly In small town , or laud. Lot * 23x121 and bc.iiilllul twu mllni from t * . O. 1'rlco flU. IPVO ! Kncli liicumbrancBfW Wnnch. Will pay on Incum- brnncc nud Iradeclear If desired. Miutlnr lots lu enslprn IDITIIS sanio slia cn't J . ! ) OJ. Addn- Mrs. l.lllloM. MooreW. Dnvcupurt street , Omaha , Neb. MWM 10 AOitKs.irsrsuiti > iYiiKi ) > INTO ACHK LOTS I nt special sale fornno week frum MetidayOctober 8. The tlnest ncro ptuperty ffl platted , on motor llnp. I'rli-u of city kits adjoining from tro.U ) lo JWXl.lX ) . I am otlerlnx whole acres nt fruni Kouuu to fSMUO. in : y terms , 7 per cent. Warranty deed nnd abstract with each ncre. Only fer oho week. Apply at mr olllce for full particulars. , ) . A Lov- cri-ii.rooiu NI7. .1. .1. llrown block. S. K. cor. Ifith nnd llontln . onit-n open unlll II o'clock. 41111 1OH SAL12. TWO OU THIIKK IIAIU1AIN3. HO . ncre farm three mlp | < south of Waterloo , this county , tlr t cln- ' , partly under cultivation , bat- aiu-u hay and pasture , $ ! J.OJ per ncre. It will par yon In look Ml thin. 41) iicri'i on Doden street , six nillc * frum poMutllcp , la > s wells will be solu > . Nice culliiLM1. full lol. ou Decatur street , lot and street prailnd. only $ Ir OJ.OO. on teniMlosiilt. ThU IH n chalice tu KPt a home only n shurl dlititnco out. lliiKhli. rlark. 12IS llnrnny street. M3lr ( i IL'LL LOT AND2I1OOD COTTATTKS UKlNniNO * tlO'lpcryocr each , room fur 2 mnro bulges. 1'rlce SIJ.OOJ. C. K. llnrrlsoii , 812 N. Y. l.lfo. ! U8 5 _ lOll BALK : SIX IIOOM 1IOUSK : I'Ol'l'LKI'ON I nrcniie. Modern convcnlcncos ; model home ; il.UO'J.OO. Heed * rfolby , Chamber Commerce MI78 , _ " rpo noMi : SKKKIUSIN"AVONDALK : TAHIC -L ) nu can have an elegant hume nrrunuod lo suit you. with bullillni ! limit , tri'iM , wnlks , spwcr , water , and tas , within walking ; ilhtHiicn of business , schools nnil clinrclii's. unit nil fur about $ I.UW. Cer tain tu be the prettlc-tt lusldu rcslilunctT'nddltlon In Ihe city. Over line-third of It nlready sold. See us for particular' ) before the price li raised. I'ldel- Ity Trust company , 170. ! Karnam it. WHI p HKATI'ALL5 * . MON , , CITY OK WONDHUI-'UL V-Jresotirees. Water power , coal , Irun. KOld. silver , copper , wool , lumber , stock , tiKrlcnUuro , etc. .Mis souri river fulls , ril2 feet In seven miles. For sale. KlKhty acres , choice for residence and business lots , near the dam nud cupper works , only $ IOi > 00 , term cay. Address , J. O. Crew , nuent. ( Irent Kails , Mon. 411 12' ITUHtSALK IIYTI1B OWNKH IO.OJO ACHISS OK Ni'brniku'H Hnest farmlnu land at a croal siicrl- llco. U. H. I'etersun , 14l2d.lth ! nt.Oinnlia. 18 $ o'J ' I7OHSALK , HKAUTIKULLOT. 0 I'KffV KllONT , 21lhil. , outli Oniuhn , iilinf C , SI.OJJ. Apply to owner , Itooin II , llusbman 10 * . Omitha. 4Sj elli J OIl SALK \irUOVl I $ ' .STOCIv HANH ! , 75 . ni-ros under ciiltlvnllon | of Iho land can.hH rultlvaicd : iinoil eoll : forj particulars write tu M 5'J ' , care lice 1'ub. Co , , Omniii. | _ 305 10 * \\rANTKO , HANSCOM 1'L. 1'UOl'hllTY KOH land. Wanted , Texas land for Omahn business property Wnuted , Omnlm property nnd cash for Innd. Wanted , purchaser ior8 percent mortuaKe. Wanted , purcluiscr fur ( i per cent mortgage. Wanted , choice OH per ceit loan. Wanted , section of Innd nt 12.1 per acre. Wanted , LIM acres of laud for fU.OOO 5 1140 acres tanton cuunty. 519 per acre. 1140 acres Clay county , JM per ncre. ZlSnorcs Otoe county. ? 4ii'per ' ncre. 1110 ncres Snrpy county , f ll per acre. l.'iO acres nenr Omahn , $ ; ; .VXK HIO ncrus Dudco cuunty , i' & per ncre. liWncrca Snrpy county , ? UW. line Improvements. HO ncres nenr houtb Omnbiii J.-O an ncre. C. ! ' . lLirrlsuuljli N. Y. | jlp. _ 372 C 850 ACHKS NANCK COU lT. JI2.000. nio nncs rolfux-counlyv K8 per ncrp.f . ' AVnnted , one -half soctloirllnu land reasonable. Wanted , mercbanilNefnr lla'iscum pi. lot. Wanted , quarlerpecllonTliaycr or .1e Hers on Co. Wanted , huunn for clear Ipts and cash. \Vanted , choice Investment of any kind. C. K. Harrison , till ! N. Y. Life. IW1 0 I7IILL LOT , COHNHH 1GTI1 AND 11UHDKTTE , -I J'.i.OOO C. V. Harrison. 1138 6 IJ'AUM OF RIO ACHKS IN NANCK COUNTY , SOO ncres cultivated , fcood house and tenant houses , bam , granary and llvlnc water. Soil productive ; 60 bushels corn lids year to ncro. 1'rlce , 115 per ncro. C. P. Harrison , U12 N. Y. Life. r.ttt.7 LOST A HLAOK COLT , MIXKI ) WITH OUAY , 2 while fore feel , white spot In forehead. Notify Omaha I'roirross , UI7 Kiirnam Htreot. M'.UO OST , LADY'S WATCH. iTp/rWKKN ICTU AND DodKo and 1Mb and Harney , dluinund In ease , chain vtlth 2.riJ ( piece attached. Heward fur re turn to licit olllce. 307 C * LO3THKACLi : IIOUNDHITCH , I1LACIC. WH1TK and tan. When luht wearlm ; collar bearing name J. C. Wblnncry. Kinder will return tu U022 Furnam und receive reward. 401 b * LOST-CHILD'S NICCKLACK. HAMILTON. HKT. i7lb and 2ith. : Finder please leave at Dwyers' druustorei'Jlh and llandltun. 401 fi * DANCINfJr SCHOOL. MH. i MUS. MOUANICa SCHOOL FOH DANC1NO Armory Capital Ave. , will ro-upon for the Hcason on Salurduy , October lit fur children , nud Tucsdny.October lib for adults. Circular. * lit .Snow , Lund & CU.'H drug ( store. Utli and Farnnm. Private lessons can bo taken now at their resi dence , ZiOil DodEO St. IS'J 07 DRESSMAKING. ALADYOFIOYKAHS KXIMIHllINCK DUSIHKS children and misses dresses to make nt borne. . Trices modcrnte Call at Vfi N. IStli street. 405-D * TAKEN UP. rpAKliN UI'-A HAY I10IISK , AIIOUT A MILK -L from Mlllnrd , Nob. Owner can have same by ciillllm ill Onus Sump , Mllluril , .Neb. , and puylni ; all expenies. SOO I ! * ITANTHD , $16000 KOIl U MON'IHS ; ( KOI ) " security. Rddrcss M 35 lleo. { nil | J TYPEWRITERS For Sale , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLD ! MEGEATH STATIONERY CO. , laoi Faruain Street. Onmlia. Y , At. U. A. DolnirH , The foot unll pluyors y/itl taUo up tbo In dlnn game of Incrosio eoon , and nro now uujj dlscusumc tlio rcspeotiyd merits of racUota and ooactiliig up on .tie' ( , goino , They wit begin practice soon at-tho association tonni : " ' Brouncls. ; Mr. Roborsoii , tbo as ; tant secretary , wbf lias been confined to .Ills bouso for povora weeks past , Is now out and expected at 111 ; post In n foiv days , not Mr. Carnbau , who > y leader in collogi athletics at BoHovuo , j pd. . Is now In tbo tbeo logical somhmry in tlaplty | | , will speak ti young men Friday ovojl | . In tbo past four days 'twelve membership : have ueen issued. ; ' . Tnooutinj ; club , wltu'Mr. E. B. Tbomai as leader , is laylnp''Out ' an attraotlvi program for tbo rodntb and on tholltl tboy visit tbo riprap 'on-.tho Missouri. Or the 15tb they take an a\crnoon out on tbi open and go for uazol..fiuts at 1'rles'a lauo Tbey reckon ou Iota ot fun that day. Tin 18tU tbo wlilto lead wprks at JCast Oinabi will bo explored ; UOtli. a second trio will bi madoto the smelter. In November a serlo : of bare aud bounds will bo run , altornuiint witb the tramp trjps to tUo points of Inter ost. Tbo junior members take tbcir outlui Saturday morning , Friday evcniUR tbo board of directors hold their regular mooting , Next Monday ovonlti ? the Currant Topli club will discuss tbo ailvlsibllity ol a rjuur antiao for ono year agaiuitt linmlgratloi from cholera mfoctod. countries. Or. Horn ors , tbo city physician , , \vl\\ \ \ open tbo dis cussion. Last Monday evonlog Mr , llelssonbuttel and a number of young men from tbo associ ation , conducted a sorvlco for the soldiers o Omaba. Tbo Camera club meets Saturday ovonlni for an informal "quiz" on photography. F M. Klcuurdsou , will occupy tbo chair Amateur photographers are invited to atteni and take part in ( bo discussion * . WANFS ITS BUSINESS BACK Earnest Efforts of the Union Pno'fio ' to Re cover Its Pnget Sonnd Traffic. IT ASKED FOR A BOARD OF ARBITRATION Not SntMlrit with Its l/clrnt tty tlir North ern 1'nclllrVlll Try < littliiVr < torii Itonil * Itnvn I'lpiljfnil Them- elves to Mnlntnlii Knlos. CiiiCAao , III. , Oct. 5. ThoUntoii Pacific Is making n hard ilulit to recover Its Pusot Sound business. It refuses to accept qiletly ttiu defeat It suffered tu tbo Ions and blttor contest between It nhd tha Northern Pueltle , and lins nskod a board of arbitrators to help U out of 1th diniculty. Itio Northern Pacific held that the Union Paeillo und no rlchr. to make tbrough rates to PiiKot Sound points nud use tlio lines of the Northern Pa- elllo in ticketing passengers from Porllunil to their destination. Tbo United States court decided tbnt the Northern Piicldo could not bo compelled to nccept tbeso lurouRU tlcltoM , nnd It Immediately pro ceeded to shut tbo Union Pueltlc out of the disputed territory. The lutter com- puny transferred its light to the Chleuizo Hallrond nssoolntlon , wbluh Is now tu ses sion here , for Iho purpose of checking pas senger rules. Tbo Northern Pncitlo insisted Hint tbo Union Paclllo had no rlpht to tnivo it ihrodL'h rate to Pupot Sound tiolnts , shown In tbo Chicago rnto shoot. Tlio Union 1'a- clllo nuido n fitrotig llRbt to have the rate put In him the question was submitted to a vote of the association. Only the ( Ihlcaijo & Alton nnd the Chlcaco .t Northwestern supported the claims of the Union I'acllle. All the rust voted In favor of the Norlhoru Paclllc , und as tlio majority rules Ibo Union Paclllc was once morn ilo- foaloj. U Is not satlsllod , however , and will npnual to nrbltration In iho hops of having the decision of the Chicago Hnllroud associa tion reversed. Under the rules of tlio as sociation any member has tuo right of np- penl under such circumstances. .Mulnliilii the Hairs. Chairman Ualdwoll bas potttioncd nil the roads in the territory of the Western Pns- aenser association , both incmocrs ana nonmembers - members , to sign an BRroamont to maintain ibiolutely the authotlzt'd rates on imssor.frer .rafllo , after October Id , and thus choclc .ho demoralization caused bv tbo largo num ber ot excursion tickets ttmt have Hooded the narltot of late. The niajoritv of tbo roads , .Deluding . this Chicago & Alton , bavo complied with the request and pledged themselves to maintain the rates. This is positively the only foundation that exists "or the rather .sensational story that lias been icntoutlrom Chicago to the offoet that the Western Passoncor association has adopted a now agreement to take the plaeo of Iho old one and tnat the Chicago A : Alton bas ro- uuiud its membership In that organization. DlscusHiMl IlntallH. No plan has boon perfected as yet by the committco of general managers appointed to formulate a revised agremnont for the Western Freight association. A long ses sion today was devoted to a discussion of details , and it was found that n difference of opinion existed us to just how much of tbo comnctltivo trafllc should bo embraced In the proposed tonungo pool. Some thought that local tralllc should bo included , wbilo others wcro of a contrary opinion. There seems to boa determination on the part of all the managere , howovor. to slick to the work hoforo them until an agree ment of sonio kind is reached , Tlioy will moot again Friday. President Caldwell of the Nlukol Plato ha withdrawn the charge preferred against the Wubash two weeks ace to the effect that tbp latter road was the lirst to make an excur sion rate of $7.30 to Buffalo and roturn. In n letter to Chairman Blancbard of the Cen tral Trafllc association bo says : "Itogard- ing the Niagara Falls excursion. I return the aflldavits received and regret the mis take of our fVront In naming the Wnbasb as tbo road offering a i'.ISO rate instead of the Chicago & Erie. " COUNCIL Itl.UWV DEl'OT. fVnxlouf ) i'oopto from Io\vn Consult with I'rcslilcnt Cliiru , Mr. F. L. Amos , one of the chief stock holders of tbo Union Pacific arrived Tuesday via tbo Missouri Pacific , nnd yesterday was busy with President Clark' nud General Leighton in discussing the Council Bluffs union depot muddle with a number of ropra aoulnllvc mon irom tbo city across the river. The depot fiituatioa there is quito as in volved as Omaha's , and the solid men of the Bluffs are at n loss to know just wbat to dc to got a union depot upon the grounds they have purchased for that purpose nearer ttu city than the present transfer station. A1 ono tin jo nearly all the Iowa roads had agreed to use ono common depot , but the Council Bluffs people could not got notion fast enough and tba Northwestern broke away and commenced a very prettv and substantial .suburban station of its own , Some of the interested ones in the scheme wont on a tour ot inquiry to St. Louis and Chicago and returned broUon-heartod that the railroads waited upon could glvo there no Information as to their probable course in Iho depot matter. At the meeting hold last week the situation was discussed at length and the little life loft In tbo scheme wa ; pounded out of it by the loaders in the movement , who saw no hope of building i depot at this time. Yesterday the representatives of the dcpol company called at headquarters to sea i : something could not ho done 10 infuse nov life into the scheme , with ubat success wa ; not given out. Mr. Olnric , Mr. Ames , General LoiclHoi and Mr. K. Dickinson leave today on an extended " tended tour of tbo Union Pauillo "system , thi president's car being attached to No. 1. I'ho Christian Endeavor people will usi the Burlington route on the 7th to attend tin state convention ot Kndcuvorors which moot ut Boatricn on Friday. J , S. Knox , tralllo manager of the Cudabj Packing company , wont east last night. Mr , Bon Barrows has returned fron Cuicago. _ l.oiiUvlltii & NiiHlivillu Klort OlruclorH. L.OUI8VH.U ! , Ky. , Oot. 5. The stockholder of the Louisville Nashville road held thoi annual mooting today. The mooting was very brief ono and tbo Htockholdors proson approved the annual report. Tno stock roj resonlod was :100SU1 : atmrcs out of 52t > ,000. The uoimL of directors for the ensuln voar is as foil own : August Belmont , J. A Carter , C. A. Horsey , A. Marcus , WIHIui Mortons , K. I ) . Norton , J. B. Thorhol Thomas Uuttor , O. U. Hogers , K. Smith , M 11. Smith , J. H. Schitr and J. 1) . Taguart. No ottior business came hoforo the start holders , and they adjourned at once. Chnli man Auguat Belmont was the only utoct bolder from the cast prosonl at the meutln and the other stock not in the koeplne of Mi Belmont was represented by President bruit aod a half dozen lonal stockholders who wor present. Chairman Belmont , reprosonio European stock. At their mooting tbo directors , who or the same as for last year , reorganized wit Mr. August Belmont of Now Yoru an ctinii man. No other business bciflp before th meeting , the election of ofliccrs was hold an resulted In but one change. The position of third vice president , not held by Mr , W. J. Wood of Nashville , wa loft vacant , to bo filled nt onothor ineotliif The other o dicers were ro-olectud as follows Milton 11. Smith , president ; Stuart U.ICnoti first vice president ; A. M. Quarrier , secon vlio presldont ; J It. Kills , secretary ; \V W. Thompsou , treasurer. Mr. Wood's resignation was In at onct Mr. Wood resigned ot his own volition , -Muui tiio cut. BT. PAUL , Minn. , Oct. 5. As anticipate : tbo See will moot tbo Northern Steamsbi company's cut on westbouud freight froi Now York. The cut of tbo latter cotnpan will co into effect today nnd Saturday will u mot by tbo See road in connection with tb Canadian Atlantic railroad. lloucht u blviiimhlp Mno. ST. PAUL , Minn. , Oct. C. The nnnounci ment was made thU morning through th medium of anoftlcial circular that the Nortl ern Pacific Railroad company bas acquire the ownership ot the Puget Bound an Alnsltn Stonnuhip company , and Ihnt here- nftor It will bo operated ns tbo Puget Sound fi Alnskn division of the Northern I'acttlo rnllronil nnd that It it under the Jurisdiction of the Intior company's gonornl ofllcoa , Mr. Walter Onkrs Is nppolntott suuorlntcnilont of the now division , \vlth of.lco at Tacomn , Wash. . _ _ _ Three Tlilni ; in Itcinrinlicr. Hood's Snraaparllln hni the moat merit , Hood's Sarsuparllln hni won unequalcd IUOCOSS. Hood's S.irsnpnrilln accomplishes the groatcU euros. Is it not Iho mcdlclno for you I Constipation is caused by lo of thc > tnlllc ncllon of the lioivols. Hooil's pills restore - store this notion nnd Invlgornto tbo llvor. THK COUNTY HOSPITAL AGAIN. Arulittrrt Alpj-rr * 1'lliM Sun for rill Old Oliilm I'linrt Noli-s. \Vhon Architect B. K. Moyors of Detroit , Mich. , the tntiti wno planned tbo county hospital , Drought hU suit aealnil tbo county to recover n balance ot fJOO , It Is evident that bo did not know County Attorney Mahoney - honey was loaded. Ho was , however , nnd the charge that ho fired Into tbo district court yesterday was the proof of the fact. The Moyors potltlon , which recited that there was duo from Iho county the amount of raonoy claimed , was filed sninu tlmo nco , and It was thought tba' , the county would not make any tight o > the claim , out that it would simply nllnvv the case U > go bv default nnd confess Judgment for the full nnoiint. Those Ideas were dispelled when County At torney Mahoney tiled n counter claim for tbo county , In which ho sot up a chnrRO that Moyors was indebted to the uounlr of Doug- la1 } in the sum of f Tli.OOl ) on nccount , of the faulty construction nt the hospital. The countcliiliii. . Mr. Mahoney states that ho expects to prove by export'testimony. . He- Ides thl , ho expects to provn that Mnyors new that the p'ans ' were faulty ; that ho now that tbo hospital was not constructed roporly an o that the faulty conilrucUon cut on with his full knowledge and con- out. out.Tho The filing ol the counter claim will un- oubtedly throw the ease over until the ext term of court unless the intorosU'd par ies should all nprco la have it lakon up and .rled out ot Us regular onlor. The case of the Cuwlcor Stnto ban it of awkor , ICrui. , against Wilson Jennings is n trial in .ludgo loano's court. The plain- .iff is sulnc to recover on n ? 4,003 note , oxc- utod February 2i. ; ISU1. There are chnraos I fraud , bribery ana all kinds of corruption , The case against Henry May , the young nan who Jumped his ball and was brought lack from Council Bluff * by Sheriff Bomiott ast nielli , was called in criminal court this nornlng anil continued on nccount of the bsunco of some material witnesses. May ins u clerk in Hayoon's store and approprl- ted a large quantity of goods. Cholera When properly treated as soon as the first lymptoms appear , cholera can nearly always 10 cured. The patient should KO Itmnodintuiy o bed and remain us quiet ns passible. Sender or a physician , but. wlnlo awaiting Ills irrlval take Cliainborlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhtua Uomeiiy in double doses after iach operation of the bowels more than inturnl. If there Is severe pain or crumps ako it in double doses ovcry lUtcon minutes .intil relieved. This remedy has boon used ivith great success in seven epidemics of dysentery that were almost ns severe and danccrous us cholera , and if used as dirnctod a cure is almost certain. ICvory family should mvo nfiU-cont bottle at hand ready for in- itnnt uso. After the disease is under control castor oil must bo taken to clean SD tbo .ystem. . No other physio or substitute will do in place of castor oil. For sale by drug gists. _ A XXO UA CUM K.f-fS. Ill addition to the production of Charles Frohman's' "Jane , " xvhich will open a tureo lights' engagement ut Boyd's Now theater onlght , the much talked of Now York Hnr- ald comodlottn "Chums " will prize , , precede : Ue comedy , and as It will be handled by Mr. Frohman's comedians this in itself will guarantee u repetition of its onornious suc cess in other cities. Too much cannot bo said of the excellence of the tnreo act comedy "June. " It comes to us fresh from Now York whore it has bad an unprecedented run of more than 'MO nights. The plot of this very successful comedy has already been told in those columns. It has been Iho social success of both London and New York for two seasons. At tbo Furnam Strcot theater ono week , commencing Sunday matinee , October 0 , ' "Tom Dillowny" will ho presented. Edge- wood IB tno name of a Now Knglund village , and the " /oiks" are some of Its inhabitants. The action concerns itself with the expe rience of a younK clergyman nettled In Kdirowood whom certain wicked schemers seek to despoil of a mugnlllcent inherit ance , and whoso fortunes are defended n-.d saved through the counterplot of a devoted friend. The latter character , Tom Uillowav , being performed by Mr. Hoyivood , who assumus several disguises and cxnibfts in genuity uud zeal , together with a. clover talent for impersonating. The qualities Unit Impress mid uttractin this gentleman's acting tire sincerity , amiability , tenderness and playful humor. Mr. Hey wood's "Tom Dllloway" Is u creation , and is full enough of rapid changes to satisfy a lover of panto mime , nnd bas manliness enough about it to please a bishop. The more ono sees of Sol Smith Kussoll the more does ono become enamored with bis art. It is true , HO frco from conventionality and clap trap of any kind. Ho never strlKe * ono false no to to mar the harmony of his embodi ments. Mr. Russell's impersonation of Noah Vnln In "A Poor Halation , " is ono of the best things to bp seen on the American stage today. H is aomothing unique * nnd im presses the spectator with the idea ot pntiro conucalltv. There nrc also .movements of pathos such < is nre made known In .lofTor- uon's "Itip Vim Winltlo. " Over all there U the stoadv radiance of a bright and sunny r.uturo. The tvholo picture ho presents Is ono of dainty humor lluckcd with strands ot tender pathos. Mr. Utisscll makes tils an nual visit to Omaha on the first threa uvcn- liiKsof next weeit. On Monday evening ho will present "A Poor Kclutiou" and on Tuesday nnd Wcdueaduy evenings , "I'oaco. tut Valley. " Something now nud novel in the way ol minstrelsy Is promised by Charles K. Schill ing's > ninslrols , wno appear In Boyd's thoiUoi on next Sunday evening for ono night only. The lirst part , Instead of the old style mill' 'strcl lirst part , is something entirely now uud is lakon from Gllhnrc. & Sullivan's popu < larcomlo oponi , "Tho Pirates of Ponzauce. " A Ohultini ncurr , A reported outbreak of cholera nt Hoi- motlo , N. J. , created much excitement In tbatvlclmty. Investigation showed that the disease was not cholera but u violent dysen tery , which Is almost as anvoro mm danger ous as cholera. Mr , Walter Willara , a prominent merchant of Jamosburg , twc miles from Helmotta , snys Chaniborlaln'e Colic , Cholera and IJlarrluua Kemody hna given great satisfaction In tbo most sever- : cases of dysentery. It Is certainly one ol tbo host things over made. For siilo b > druggists. _ Iliillilluc I'oriult * . The following permits were Issued by the superintendent of buildings yonorday ; James McConl. two-story and biisotnont brluK wiirulioiiBivTwoinh and l < eavuu- worth streets , , .57,00i Wlllluin Kldrudire , two-story frame ad dition to losldonoo , Thlrty-fclxth and Mitsun streets S.OCX 1'our rilnor pormlts , , 1,301 Total , U,30i When -\iitiiro Needs asnistance It may bo best to render i' ' promptly , but one should rememnor to un even the most perfect remedies only whor needed. The best and most simple and gen lie remedy is Iba Syrup of Fiui , muuufact tired by the California I'lg Syrup Co , Ci > iulriiiiiiil Uuvuyuil I'utatuci , Satlltary Ofilcor Graves yesterday dls covered a car loaa of docayine ( > otatoo3 which wore being sorted for sale by peddler and ordered them thrown into Iho river They had ueen shipped to Riddle & Co. , whi refused them. Agent Flannlgau then soli them to poddlcrs for 11. Dlsoaio never successfully attaotj tuosys loin wth | pure blood. Do Witt's Saraiiparllli pure new blood nnd enriches blooit. WILL REMEMBER COLUMBUS Omaba Schools Will Oolobnto the Anui- varsary of Anierioi's Discovery. EACH SCHOOL WILL HAVE EXERCISES Nitprrlntrmlnit I'ltrp.itrlt-k Tiilk * of the Wurlil'M Till .MiiMiicriiicia's IMnnafnr tiio Srliiiol i\lill.lU-\Vlll : N < it Accept the Limited Spuop. If tbu shade of Uio Immortal Columbui should happen to tnnKo Omaha a visit on tha UOlli or Ulst of the present month It will doublloss hear many complimentary thlngi skid about tno Ufa and accomplishments of the real , ItoMi und tilood Columbus away bade In tba Illtuenth century. Tno ecl.ools ot Omaha are going to celebrate Columbus day In line shape , but ttiuro will bs no gen eral celaur.itton or mass mootliiR unless ar rangements dln'orent from those now under contemplation nro utidortakon. Superintendent Fllzpatrlck U of the opin ion Hint it would not uo expedient to under- tnko a gdiiornl mvotlng for the ColumbtU day celebration urogr.un tor the ration that it would bo IntposM bio to got the uhlldron all into ono building , even It they could all attend at ono central point , and because ho believes that a program of up | > | orol os nt each building will bo of much ( renter benelit lo the children and will innko It possible for a larger number of ihotu to tiike nn active and Interested tmrt than to lutvo a general meeting and attempt to gather llib chlhlrtiii all together In ono placo. The toucher * nnd principals * of tlio varl6us schools are now busy preparing programs of anproprlale exorcise * lor thu occasion and in addition to this there will probably bo .somo speaker * invited to the school Imlldtngs to address tiio pupils on the events with which the lire of Chrlstoouur Columbus is Inseparably connected. Alioiit tlio World' * l-'ulr Kvlillilt. Stipcrlntondont Fitzpatrlck rotutnod Tues day night from Chtcnco , wliero ho attended a niuotlnr of roprusijiitatlv'u educators from all parts ot the Umtod Stntos , who mot to oou- sidcr Uio oduc.itlonal exhibit at the World's Columbian cxuasltion. There has boon con- nidoraulo dissatisfaction on the Drift of nearly nil the prominent educators Interested in the World's fair exhibit over the way the edu cational Interests were bolng alighted uy tno board of dtroctort nnd Iho matter cama to a climax at the mooting day bofora yesterday. "lit tlio first place , " said Mr. Fitzpatrlclc today , 4lwo were given lo understand that the educational , or school and college , ox- ilbit stiotild hnvo tiOJ.OOO foot of spnco. 'ho directors cut this to400,000 nna then to OO.OJO , and Inter lo'AW.OOu , Klvlng us 100'OGO n iho gallery und 100,01)0 ) on tno nmlii floor if tlio machinery building. Now they say hat the school and college oxlublt must bo 2onllncd to 00,000 font , nnd as n matter ot act there is no absolute assurance tuut ovcu hat amount of space will bo ulloltod to nli Important purpose. The matter had cached a point where it was nocos- iary lo do Homotuini " ; radical and pasl- ive , so wo sent "tho directors our ittimaliun. Wo passed n resolution , which had the Honor of In.reducing , apuointlng n cotninittco to wait on the directors of ttio World's fair und dcimmu that the educa tional exhibit bo allotted not less than 'JOO.OOO 'oct ' of space und rc'qiitfatltig u building for this exhibit. "If this demand is not compiled with there will bo no educational exhibit at tbo World's : nlr. The directors can now sea the situation ind tnhothelrcholcoiu the matter. Some of .lio board tire In fuvorof puttiugupabuildlncr 'or the educational exhibit and others ara not. Tbo ultimatum decided upon by the juucators present ut the mooting this wnoK n Chicago will bo presented to the Hoard ot Directors at once nnd lu all probability the situation will bo more clourlv dotlnod lu the icar , Iutdre. Thpro would bo no use of try- mi ; to have an exhibition in Uio 00,000 foot of space. Wo want a creditable exhibit or none. My opinion Is that tno directors will [ iut up a separata building for the educa tional exhibit. " Aiiiuni ; Clillitron. Especially Infants , is prevalent nt all times but la largely avoided by giving proper nour Ishment and wholesome food. The most sue cessful nnd reliable Is the Ual" " Borden "Eaglo" Brand Condensed Milk. Your grocer - cor and druggist keep it. THU KHAIVIV AIAKItlCT. rNSTUUMBNTS placed on record Oot. 5 , 1 J81) ) . ' : WAIIHANTV DIIKDS. Arthur Anderson unit wife toJHMu- Klniili ! , lot. 7 , blouk I , I'rnyn's tuibdlv In Hyilo park 4 2oO N U Holme nnd wife to Swim Olscii. lot 111. bloulc 111 , llrown Park & 50 \ \ K ( iordon to Arthur Amlurbon , Iols7 nnd B. block 1 , I'riiyn's subdlv in Hyde purl ; . . . . ' . 000 Aiinihiim Hosunbery and wlfoioK A llunson , lot 7 , bloc I ; ID , K V Smith's add nnd nit > , block 4 , Konnt/.o I'laeu . . . . 15,00 } It liTlioinuH and vuta to .M H llonnor,51x III-- , ft-ln lot III. hloi'k I. 1'arlc I'liioe , commune-In ; ; at point M ft a of nu ; cor . : i , . " > OJ K A llenson , triiHteuT to .lames bklrv- Inx. v'.l ft lots , hliii'k 7i , llensim y.V ) Diuilol Ijlnithiin ot nl to John Mnahaii , iindlv 4-i ot w 41 ft lot 4 , block iui : , Uinahii 1 diaries harm mul wife to U M Haul ; , lot 10 , hlouk 4SO. nrnndvlow 259 Pldollty Trust conipnny to Vubu 1C C'ouiiHinaii , lot.-J and w V lot -M , blouk 'J , Avon lulo park 1.03U Surah Uiinnur and husband to ICinll Tlioinpson,4)xliW funt coniinunolnt ; at point I'M fuut n and luJ"J fi.'ot o of HW t-ornor nw mliirl.l ) . . . . 8'J5 lltillliiis .lutiur and wife tdt.'M Hopkins , n - ' > fent oC s ' | J fool of n 100 fuul lots b and U. block I , Juiior'u add 1 K A llunson mid wife to Abraham lo. ( ° - nnhery , so nw nnil w ! 4 nw no SU-15-tB. 15.C03 Kd I'anlHunut ul , exuuutord , to elty of Uinahii , a tract In sw corner nu nw H- iri-ii. : for park nnd Ijoulovitid ) iur- posus I J .M l.uwu and husband lo Haine , e < 1 feet of lot I , block H , and a Htrlp in lot , II , liiock B , 1'airlok's 2nd Snnitoiru udci , saino , 1 J K t'onklliiB'ot nl to sJiiic , u traut In sw nw : il-Hi-lil , same 1 a W I'nruuH and wlfn to H-UIIO. nnd } of a tiact In tot ! . " > , ( J l.'urlm's . Biilvsumo , . 1 Itohcrt I'rless anil wife to name , a traut In MW inv .l-l.'i-l I. sanio , 1 It Keys nnil wlfo to unino. n tract Inlet lot III. In Uoorgo Korbn'SHiili , sanio. . . , . 1 AJfro.l lionitKiiiie and wlfo to uunu , n tract In lot II1 , sanio. anne 1 J 7 , Korbf.sund liiitlmndii tract In lot H , Hume , muuo 1 Janius UhrUtlu and wife lo saiini , a traut In lotli , Bikini1 , Hiinio 1 U li McCoy ana wlfu to uiimo , a tract In n part of Iot8 , saiau , aiinio . 1 Manrarut Mct.'oy to uuinu. a traut In H part of lot 8. Hitiiit * , s'lino , 1 J V'ralK ( and wife to same , u tract In u part lot U , siinin , Hiuni ) 1 Martin Andortion and wlfo to saiuti. u tract in n pirt lot.ri , baine , same . . . . 1 Beth I1' Winch and wlfo ID s.imo , a tract In n part lot.4 , HIIIIIO , HIIIIIO . . , . . . , . . , , 1 J J Hiiiltli. uiiarillnn , to Hitmo. a tract ] n lots 4 and.'i , hlouk I , 1'atrick's UJ Hara- town add , bimo 1 1 < * ( H'atrlck and wlfu to same , n ' . ' 0 fuut lot' ' , lilook H , nud a traut adjoining u Hide lot li , Uliiok b , I'uldcli'-t I'd Sura- toiu add , smile 1 Sarah O I'alnok lo biiinc , lot. ) , blouk 1 , put lot" , hlojk 1 anil part lot3 , liloulc h. Hiiiiit ! . a a cut ) . , , „ , . . . * . 1 K ti I'atrluk and wife In n line , part lot 1 , hliick 1 and pvirl lot 1 , hlouk t , saint' , Haniu , 1 0 W .Smith to iiiino. o 0 feet lotx I , " and J , block 1 , .HmltliHold .lUd.samn. . , . , 1 M I/Jlttlillcll ( to n.iinu , oaj fuui. lot I , blouk 4 and e "M fool lot 'J , hlouk { 't ) , HUMID. Hamo , . . . . . . . 1 I'hllo I'arsons und wife to saino , a tract , In tot lu , Uuoigo r'orhvb' snbdlv , wamu , . 1 Illnlr , ho ra of lohiiine , n triici In aw cor nunw.i5il . : | | sania . , , , . 1 K llhlarrall and wlfu to K W I iiieiiian , lot' ' , block UU.Pouth Omaha , , , , , , . /i ,100 QVIT CLAIM DIIKIIH. Chicago , Hock Island & I'uclflo Hallway company to Oscar Quick , fractl ECU 1S-7.V-I4 U90 J W Taylor and wlfu to Itoborl Uruin- rnond , loH , iJliM'U I. Wontuldu . . . . . . . 250 1 K Andrews and wlfo to Juy Nlirlliruii , lot n. It inn'smil ) 1 Miirltt liulliiian to City of Uinaha , a tract , lot 15. Uoorgo 1'orbu'nnub , for lionlovurd and park piirposcs 1 Same tu samu , u tract In lot 10 , auuiu vmnu . . . , , , . . 1 Ooor.-o I'orUes and wlfu to name , a tract In lot 10 , suinu , Biiino. . . . , , , . . . . , . 1 IIKKI.3. JFIloyd ( horim ted V llrown , und K lots ID nnil lKllocl < 4H , loin 1 to&bloulc 44.-1. lot-M , hlouU 4ld ( Inindvluw 3W Dodluatloii of e > i Merion uvo und uxt ofMurludast. , , , . , . , , , . / Total amount of transfurs , . ,140,119