Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    JTHEt OMAHA DAILY BEE , JJflURSDAY , 0010BE11 6 , 1802. 5
fcewick and the Btato Board Oonld Not
tnclnfthc InvnUlcntton of the Mnnago-
nivnt at Ilic llonpltnl tor tlie
liifcfitic tt'n * .MereIj
ul Word * ,
LIKCOI.X. Nob. , Oct. 5.-iSpcclal to Tits
Dec.Tho | Investigation ol the charges
rnnao uy Mr H. U. Howlck concerning al
leged mismanagement of the hospital for the
liifcanu at , thU city was commenced by the
Board of 1'ubllo Lands and Buildings nt the
ofllce of th secretary of stale this raornlnp.
Quito it n Jinb-ir of Interested spectators were
on hand to listen to the Interesting develop
ments that wcro promised. Among those
who wcro moro thiiu usually Interested
were J. Dan Lauor. Dr. Knapp ana F. L. .
Hitthaivay Tbeso are the gentlemen whom
Mr. Hewlett has asserted have systematically
robbed the stale of lareo amounts ot money.
Another gentleman scalnst whom n portion
of Mr Ui'Wlik't charges are directed , FrnnK
O Hubunrd. was conspicuously absent , al
though ho tiad oeen summoned to appeir.
Tbo ofllcur Into whose tiatidi the nutnmons
was plnccd reported thut Mi. Hubbard was
col to bu found Mr. Kewu-k was present ,
ncrotnpunlod uv bis tt'tnrni1 } ' , Mr. II .1.
\Vtilt mornOn uohair of tbo Board of Public
Lands and Buildings nppcarod C O.
iturc ul thi' ( liiirce * .
Mr Kcnlck'n chaicen lire pretty well
known to the people of the < < Utc. Ho mode
them flrnt ut public meeting in this city
two weeks niro and has MUCU repeated bu
speech at Omaha and other places in tbo Ho cniirges in suostanco that tb *
Btuto hat been crossly -Dwindled by tbo
oniclnls of the boipital lor the Insane In the
matter of tbo purcha * " of supplies nud
that tbe Board ol Public Lands and
Buldlncs biii bebii can-lfs * nnd derelict
In iho iilchargo of Its duties Ho as
sarts that the favorite mctnod of muU'tnig
tbo slate ns practiced by the olllcials of tbe
instltu'ioii ' is to purchase cattle of country
dealers , pay for thorn with their personal
checks and bavo ttio dealer il 'ii three vouch
ers in blank. Wbon these vo-tuhnrs reach
the Hoard of Public Lands and liuildlncs
Iho number , \\oicut and prii'c of the cattle
nro increased and the tlio raiio
off. Mr Kowicit censurcu tuu joard foi uot
discovering tlu-so facts nod attempted to
fuRtcn tno icspomltillltv for the state ol
nffolrs upon Its aboulders. Tbu board at
once ordered tbo investigation which com
menced tbli rtornltig and whether It Is a fair
and complete investigation seetni 10 depend
entirely upon ho xvilliagncis of witnesses to
tpnear and gUe tbulr tostunonv. The noarcl
evidently doe. not possess the power to
compel tbo attendance of tbo witnesses.
iniiiiicil ul the ii-lmiliiK | >
Thf > invcstlcntlon opened x-.ithout any uti-
necossury lormnlity. Mr. Ilewick was In
vited lolnUoa chair face to lure with the
board nnd convenient to itip slcnoempber ,
who had boeu engnccd to u-nort tbo proceed
ings , Iln was then snorn by Caulrnwn
Humplucy , who adjured him to tell the
trutn , the vvholo truth , nnd nothing but tbo
truth , along the line of the questions that
would bo put to him in the course of the in
vestigation. The answers to some of the
questions put to Mr. Hewick would eocm to
Indicate that he subscribed to the outh with
One or two mental reservations. T
Attorney General Hastings opened the in-
Vcstlcattou by tiring a few questions at the
wlttics1 * In u trnnncr so vigorous that tbx
man on thn bland was somewhat flurried foi
nsx-crs. He asserted afterwards that ths
Bttornev general hnd undertaken to bulldoze
lilm from the very beginning , and that hi
proposed to bo Just as stubooru as ho sow tit
Mow it Miirtt" ! Out.
Attorncv General Hastings opened the in
vestlga'ion in the following manner :
"Mr. IJpulok , you buvo oct-n milting ror
tain ctmriros against the Board of Public
Lands nnd Buildings. Will you please tel
tills bonru what vou know about it ! "
Mr. Hu'VK-k , before replying , duuinndod to
bo informed us to the scope of tbo investiga
tlon und whether witnesses would bo sum
raonud. He was Informed tiint the board do
elrcd 10 probe tbo mutter to the bottom , 01
words to teat effect , n-itl that witnesses
would bo summoned. Mr. Ilewick then
stated :
" 1 buvo thice nftldavits "
The Attorney General--Please produce
Mr Kowick 1 will not furnish the boart
With Ibeso nftldavllK. 1 luivo huto ooples
The Attorney General 1 don't want COP
cs. I want the originals loft hero oa the
Tuo witness refused to allow the affidavit !
to pass from his Lands , although the nttor
ney general insisted in nis most vigoroui
manner. Finally Mr. Hewick , at the udvic. .
of nis attorney , consented to allow the re
porter to n.alto a copy of the afiiuavits fo :
the uio of he board during the investigo
tlon. Tbo agreement WHS not reached with
out un animated vurbul contest , in the cour > i
of xUilL-b the attorney general agreed to re
turn llie alllJiivlts , since tbo witness consld
orod them .so choice and valuable. Mr
Itowlck remurkud that they were at leas' '
valuable to him , wbether tbov were to th <
nttoiney gonoial or uot Thu attorney gen
eral roioitod by asking the witness bov
aiucli the papers were worth to him.
Mill Iliiriilne : on tin1 Allllu\ltn.
Tbo Questioning of the wltno s was agaii
resumed by the attorney general :
"What do jou know about ttio purchase o
beef for the nsymail"
"I have htro three nAIdnclts "
"U'lml no you know about the purchase o
beef for ttio use of the asylum I"
'ibuVltnesb - I have here three aflldavlte
etc."What do you know , " etc.
Tbe investigation continued tn this strait
for several minutes , after which Mr. Uowic :
ogaiu consulted his ultorney.uho was seatei
conveniuutlv at his elbow. He then ttlgnl
lieu u wllliiicnuss to divulge a part of hi
linowlndtro concerning tno purchase of bee
for the use of the asylum. Ho said that h
lied held conversations uith Novcral partie
with reference to the matter and named th
following : H , A. Smith , G. P. Loose nil
3. P. Hit-Kill's. lu u convolution Mr. Stnlt
bad told bun that he had sold a heifer to th
asylum folks for i > nnd taxon a persout
check for Iho Hiiiouul. Mr. Lun > o bad tel
him that iho ( arm POJS hud purchased a Jei
tey cow of him for 2'a cents u pound and r <
celvod a poroonal ubecK for ? 20. Mrs. Lee ?
would corroborate ttiu Hlatemont ana tb
wllnt.84 fUi-'etlously suige > ttd thut the boar
summon Mrs. Lee e. Ho nad mot J. P , Hit
gins and hud got u stiktouiout of a siuiilt
nature fioio him.
Told All Thut ll Kninr.
Mr. Ketvlck was roquestoj to inform tti
board what hu knew about the above Irani
net in i ) . Ho declined to do so , slating that I
WUB willing to give his testimony to u propc
court , but not to u board like tbu ouo wtiic
confroutcd him. He hud churgi-d , be sail
ihut tuu Hoard of Public LauUs aud Jlulli
Ings bud bucn derelict in tlm performance <
It * duties und he did not think that tbe men
bera of tbo board wore tbo proper parlies 1
fclt la judgment upon their own sbortcoti
MrVheedoa then Rttompled to abstrai
the mucii wuutea information from Ihe ui
willing witness. He llrst uslteu him tt
n tines of the parties ho bad charged wit
crane hi tils The vvituo :
RUVO the nauiusof Luuer and Hubbara , li
udmltted tlmt nu hud uo diroul oviaoui
ugamst tbo parties , but hud charged ttie
upon tbo strength of uniduvlts furulshed I
other parties. He denied that he hud bet
puiu ( uyibing for luakiiig the charges , i
that hu bud ua agrocmuut \ % uh any person i
cotnmittru. Ho refused to slate wuoltjcr i
uot he hud any knowlodce of anything co
corning ttio luiemanageineni of the asylut
Ho bad consulted Countv Attorney Hnell
rufc'uid to uiukiug a formal rouipluiat , hi
when pressed Uy Mr. Wheedon he tut (
that hu would not sivcur to itie iuformatli
aguliikt tbo parlies xvtioin hu has chargi
% > > lh the criuiBs , but laid that ho woulu pr
duce parties who \\ould , -
I tiruuini ; .More CoiiiiitunlvutUc.
When Mr. Wlieodon asued him If he h
I. any personal knowledge thai any vouch
I hud been raUra or olhurwire fraudulent
I ti-cattd , the witness frevv moro comtnu"ic
ire and i&td that bo would ntms ono
voucher It the board would produos It
within two minutes. Ho said thnt It wns m
voucher ngnfd by John It Hoscoo. on
Sff iombor 2,1S91. Ho know that this lcna-
ore was n forgery because Mr. Ilosooo had
told htm that he bftd not tlgncd It ,
When nsKod In regard to the deal tn which
ilnibaway & Co. had fed cattle at * tbo state
exponto and afterwards sold them to the
state , the witness told tbo board how ho had
pained bis Information. He bad , be said , ns-
turned the role of a cattle buyer ana had
pone to different parties and agreed to pur-
: base cattle at tbo same price paid by the
asylum. Ho found that the asylum hsd been
la'ylne 2 cents B pound , but found that one
nan had sold cuttle at34' coats a pound , lie
read statement made in his presence by a
Mr. Scbetnerhora. In which th t party bad
told him that the asylum had paid < for flvo
cattle , but that ono had afterward ! gotten
iniiilntlnc : tbe Clnin Again ,
Mr , Whcodon then brought up thtf oat
deal with Hathaway ft Co. , In which it Is
charged that forty ucros of oats were planted
and cultivated by the help at tbo asylum , the
oats harvested and cround Into feed und fed
10 lUttuiwny's cattle , which were after
wards sold to the state. Mr. liuwtck said
be Know nothing nbout tbo matter except
nbat tie bad been told. He was certain bo
could produce the man who told him , but ho
refused to give bis name. He said that tbo
man would refuse to come , and admitted
Hint bn would not give his tiinid oven If ho
Itncxv the man would coma or his own nc-
cord. Ho believed un know wbcro tbo laud
In question was located , for ho hud soon it
once.t this point of the nxamlnatioa Mr
Wheudon asKed Mr. HOWICK a number of
questions concerning mutters which were in
no way or manner connected with tbo
limner under Investigation , and the witness
very properly refused to answer. Ho re
fused to give the names of any other parties
who \\ouitl fcubMuntlato bis charges , Hu
said ho had ghnu some of them
ana kept back the names of
others simply because ho choosed. lie
refused to state whether or not ho had any
other afUdnvlts than the ones ho proooiod to
pluco in evidence. Ho had no afllduvlts from
H. A. Smith , 0. P. Loose uud J. P. Hlgglus.
He had an uflidavit from T. G. Pants and
would try to llnd it. Ho hnd ullldavits from
Fruuk Ab'iott , G. A. Southwell , ind J. E.
Reynolds , but refused to allow them to puss
f > om bis possession.
.Miulv rut Politic-Ill Kltctt.
Secretary Allen nt this point asked the
witness what importance bo attached to the
ciinrgo that Ibu superintendent baa pur-
cbiiHud circus tickets nnd paid for street car
tares to tbo sta'e fair ground. Tbu witness
replied thut ho attached no siguilicanco
to the charge , whatever He did not know
whether there was any fraud in tbo nvattor
or not. He hnd slinplv used iho statement
for political effect. In reply to another
question from Secretary Allen the witness
stitioa that n man had told lilm that in iho
period of two months the stale had been
charged wltb f'.M for corn and oats , which
wore iiovor delivered. Ho refused , however ,
to give the name of thii man who hud fur-
nistied him \\tth tbo Information.
to a question from the attorney
tbo wlt'10'.b said that ho had made
thrso charges in tbo Interests of the dear
people , but , thai ho did not feel obliged lo
glvu ibo names of his witnesses , oven for the
tieiiellt of tha people. The ltoird of Public
Lands and Bulldmirs was 1101 competent to
nmottigala his charges. SecieUry Allun
n lrcii * bira nbout the horses which he hnd
dunned had boon siolen Irotn tbo state oy
Dr Knapp. Mr. Hewick again refused to
give the name of his informant and when
pressed staled tbat Uu had gamed a part of
the information over the telephone and that
bu did not know who xvas ut the other end of
tbu lino.
Makes Dullnlto Mutrmrnts.
Mr. Whitmoro then stated that he desired
to cross-examine Mr. Kewick and ho was.
of course , nlloued to proceed. His questions
1) ) roue hi out tne following statement :
J. P. Higglns bad .sold to the state ten
head of cattla for $370.15. The voucher
called for $4.75.15. G. P. Loose bud sold two
beeves and the sta .e was mulcted in n simi
lar manner. G A. Southwell received a
fursonal checlt for $72.75 , aud the slate was
charged with $11)5. ) J. E Ruvnolds loceived
$11)2 ) and tno state paid $147. Krank Abbott
received $ .JS , nnd again the Mate was over
charged , the voucher calling for ? 13.7J. lu
ail of itieso eases the parties had signed
bliinic vouchers and teen personal checks in
payment. ,
Postponed tint InicstlKUtlon
The afternoon session was brief but more
to the point. Frank U. Morrlssoy took the
slant ! long enough lo request the board not
to close the itivcslleution until Governor
Boj d hail returned from iho east , slailng that
ibo governor possessed evidence which bore
tronclv upon the question a * , issue. Tbo
oucbors referred to ny Mr. Itewick as hav-
ni- been tampered with were produced by
ecrelary AJlon ana placed in evidence. Tne
> ot rd then decided to take u recess until Oc-
oberl2 , pending tbo return of Governor
Jovci ,
Mr Hewick then pave the board n list ol
he parties from whom bo bad gleaned the
ntormatton upon which ho had based bis
charges. Tbo list is as follows : The B. As M.
switchman ut the nsvlum , G. F Belts , Wil-
iani H. Weaver , John Dorgtin , Mr. Haas , the
eumster who delivered the coal. Williaui
tundall of Ord , Superintendent Bowman ,
* ir. Campbell , the cook ut toe asylum , Fred
lace , Frank Jones , O. H. Mullan , wltt
ecords of tbo case of the state uiainstFrunu
Abbott , F. C. Haas , J3. G. SaHord and
ngineer Henry Mohler.
-iiilistuiH'ii ol the Anidl\lts. ;
The affidavits which Mr. Uowiclt so per
sistently declined to turn over to the board
were as follotvs : "G. A. Southwell boinf
Irstdulv ? uora deposes andsivs , thut on 01
about ILe 13th dav ol July , IS'.U , he sold tc
the asylum three head of cattle , that they
weighed 2,010 pounds , aud tbat tbe price wa ;
cents per pound ; that ho received
S7J 75 "
"J. E. Reynolds , being duly sworn , do
[ loses and snvs that on or about iho 17th dn\
jf July , 1W11 , ho delivered to the insane
usylum four ncad of beeves ; thul the weight
of'sald beuvos was 4,030 pounas ; that th <
i rice paid was 'J'c , ' cent : per pound , aud lh <
imount paid f 10- . "
"Frank Abbott , being duly sworn , UPOT
nis oath deposes and savs : run
on or about the Oth of Julv , 1691 , hesoldnnc
c delivered to tbe insanonsylum one beef row
I that the check civen him for said cow wasTer
Tor $28 , iho sumo being drawn ou the Capita
N'utlonul bank of Lincoln , Tbo above de
scribed cow was the ono loft in bis pastun
by ono E. C. Uowlck on July .Itu , 1891 , "
The vouchers for the above transaction !
were certified to the board lu the followini
.amounts. South well , $105 ; Reynolds , $147
Abboll , f43 75.
Chronio cougher * are stupid bores am
should be forced to use Dr , Bull's Cougl
Syrup , tbo only Infallible remedy.
A I.ltllo Clrl'K Close Cull ,
The pretty elchu.vear-old daughter of Mot
orneer Charles Johlnson of the \Valnut Hil
line came uuar losing her life under th
wheels of a motor ear at Thirtieth aud Cum
ing streets at teu minutes before 1-J o'cloci
yesterday. Tbo little girl had been playln
en the Rtroot with some companions and , i
running from another lilllo girl , attumple
to cross the tracl : when he was struck b
r tun motor of au eastbound trulu aud throw :
lo tbe ground , She escaped unhurt bu
would doubtless have been killed had t > h
taken one more stop before tbe motor strut :
he.r ,
Mrs. L. It. Palton , Itocmord , 111. , writes
1 From personal ovperlonco I can rocommoai
DeWllt's Sarsaparilla , a euro for impun
blood and canorai aubillty "
if lrlilituiied AM ay.
Burglars made an unsuccessful attempt t
enter the residence of Mr. M. Free , nea
Fortieth and Faruain streets , Monuav nlghl
Mr. Free , jr. , heard tha noise of shutter
o | > enlug in u room which adjoins bis tie
chamber. He entered tbo room lo see wha
was going on and saw two men making o
through tbe ' "rkncss.
Salvation OH , tbe people's llniinont , i
guaranteed tbu best. It will cure you ,
Hull Another Sjirll.
The pumps la tbo clly hall basemei
started out on another ( tantrum ycslerdc
morning and for u time threatened to toi
down tbo buildlnc. It was tbe same ol
story and tbe same old noi e. This continue
during tbe foreuoou , when the engineer su
cuedcd In gettlug the things in running orde
Boochatn's Pills sell well beoiuso tbe
CUlt ) .
Northwest Corner of the Square Destroyed
by lire ,
for rtglitlnc tlio name * Very
Limited SnltVn Utril with Good
Kflect-Mut of Thoie Who
l.oso Property.
Cur CEXTEU , Nob. , Oct. 5 [ Special Tolo-
pram to TUB lice. ] About 3 o'clock thi
morning flro was discovered In Ibo rear of
Harrison's barber shop , near the northwest
corner of tbo square. At thin hour every
body was asleep and It was * omo
tlmo before help could bo secured
nnd tbo flames had got beyond con
trol. Efforts were mode to tear OHt
building' ahead of ibo flro , but Us progress
was too rapid , nnd the cntlro north side of
.ho square was consumed , except the brick
bank building and Martin's grocery nnjoin-
ng. The loss at present cannot bo estimated
I'cry accurately , but will probably reach J15-
000 , most of the Roods being saved lu fair
Tbo buildings destroyed were : William
[ lodce , offlcu building , insurance $100 ; Wil-
lains' restaurant , Roods cmlro loss , Insur
ance 500 ; llarrison's barber shop , entire
loss. Insurance fo5'J ; Stanton , hardware ,
almost total loss , insurance 1000 on building ,
fl.OOO on stork ; Commercial State bank
Building , destroyed , no Insurance ; Peter
Crulckshsulc , postofllco building , on insur
ance , contents saved ; C. J. Martin , Commer
clal hotel , no Insurance , furniture saved ;
William Seolog , grocery , insuted S30J on
building , $1'AIO ' on stock , tbo Roods wcro
mostly saved ; Mrs. A. 13. Wallace , drug
store , $400 insurance on building , tbo drugs
belonged to L. W. Uobiusou and wore mostly
saved ; D. C. Hugcr , jeweler , tn post-
office building , f.200 imuranco on stock , all
suved except what was in the oafc , which
has not yet boon opened ; Dr. Shoemaker ,
building , no insurance.
'Ibe only facility for lighting firn was
plenty of water , but no means of using It ex-
c pt with with buckets , nnd n largo sup.My
ot suit , which wis spread thicklv over thereof
roof of Martin's grocery. The lire slopped
Before the blaze was under control the
fira population of the town was out , includ
ing men , women and children , and overvono
worked with a will doth ID Hunting lire nnd
removing goods. This is Clav Center's flrbt
tho. H is tboucht nearly ml tbo burned dis
trict will bo rebuilt with brick within a year.
Harris Commuted ulrltli * .
TAI.MAOH , Neb. , Oct. 5. ( Special to THE
BBK.J The coroner's verdict was suicide in
Iho case of young Harris , who killed himself
In a cemetery near hero yesterday Ho had
said he would kill him sell some Juys ago to
several intimate with hlo Tha act was en
tirely premeditated , as ho borrowed a revolver
ver of a friend. When found it was thought
ho bad snot himself through the uead , but a
close examination shoned ho hud placed the
revolver acnlnst his loft breast , the shot
passing throuRu the heart , killing him In
stantly. He was subject lo melancholy spells
and of a verv nervous temDor-imeiit , which
was the probable cause of tbo act ,
WINSIDE , Neb , Oct 5 [ Special Tele
gram to Tni. Ban. ] Joseph Farran , a farmer
living three miles west of Winside , at
tempted suicide this forenoon by takine an
ounce and a half of laudanum. Tbe size of
the dose WPS all that saved him. He assigns
no cause for the n/-t. but declares bo will
yet accomolish his purpose.
I'alliiro < > fHii Implumeiit lloiur.
BriTiticE.Neb , , Oct. 5. [ Special Telegram
to THE Btn.J Thn agricultural implement
establishment of George Raymond , which has
been in operation nero about two years ,
failed today. The Nooruska Natlont.1'banlt
of this clly took possession at noon today
uuder a chattel mortgage cluim of f J.S50.
The bank will undertake to close out Iho
stock. The failure is attribulcd to slow col
lections and loose business management.
Itonml Oierut Oakland.
OAKt.tND , Neb , Oct.5. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Ben. ) Nels Keuutrom was bound
over here this afternoon to appear in the dis
trict court to answer to the charge of housebreaking -
breaking and assault with deadly weapons ,
lu default of bail he was romaudod to jail.
I. ivan. , June 15 , ' 90.
Mr. J. a. Moore : My Dear Sir 1 bove
been * utjectto sick tioAdacbo all mv life.
Over two years ago I began using "Moore's
Tree of Life" for it and never had n case of
sick headache since , except when the
medicine was at one end of the road and I at
tbe other. Ills worth marc than money to
mo. I heartily recommend It to all sufferers
of head ache. Very truly " vours ,
PastorFirst Baptist Church.
\ > iii-7iitlH Again Disturbed.
WA.SUISGTO.N , D. C. . Oct , 5. It is rumored
about tbo State department this afternoon
that news hnd been rtttlfod from Venezuela
to tbo effect that the disturbances ; which
bnd quieted down hud aculn broken out ,
nnd that the statfl of affairs In that country
U so serious as to require tha continuance
on the coast ot Admiral , Walker's fleet.
.4 ihlntr can bo learned ftt present from
iX. oRlclals of the department , and tne newt
received indlatos o sodden cbancoln the
situation , as a cablegram received yesterday
from Admiral Walker stated that every
thing was quiet.
ui.v >
Compnrntlte rroductltmi \VMitrrn llraln
rirlrt * Compiled by CPIHUH Ollico.
WASHINGTON' , t ) . C. , Oct. C , The census
bureau has issued n bulletin on cereal pro
duction tn 1SSO of Michigan , Ohio , Kentucky ,
\Ylsconiln , Minnesota , North and South
In Michigan the total area devoted to ce
reals was SMltObO acret , of which ° < J.305
acres were devoted to barlev. 70,010 to buck
wheat , 091,577 to corn , 1,05,759 to oats , 140-
704 to rye and lroi,522 to wheat. Tno product -
duct was 2,522,370 bushels of barley , 811,077
bushels of buckwheat , 2S,7b5,679 bushels of
corn , 30.1101,101 bushels of oats , 2,11)1,713 )
bushels of rye and S4,771,171 bushels of
wheat , There was an increase of nbout
823,000 acres for the decade In the area de
voted to cereals.
lu Ohio the total area aovotcd to cereals
was G,7b5,25 > 0 acres , producing 1,509.1)14 )
bushels of barley , 1GJ.S33 bushels of buck
wheat , 11,392,312 bushels of corn , 40.lBO.7a2
bushels of oats , 1,007,170 bushels of rye and
8,5Mt'US bushels ol wheat. Since 187U there
has been an Incroas'o of 835,000 acres in the
area devoted to oats aud rye and u decrease
of 307,000 acres in the urea devoted to barley ,
buckwheat , corn ana wheat ,
lu Ibb9 Kentucky had 4,5.10,093 acres do-
volod to cereals , as compared with 4,093,230
In 1879. The product for tbo year Ibb9 Is
given us 105,959 bushels of barley , 2OGO,3s3
of corn , i3.775.S14 of oats , 423,547 of rye und
1,707,745 of wheat. There was an increase of
241,000 acres lu tbe urea of oats aud u de
crease of 331,000 in tbo other cereals.
In Wisconsin the total area devoted to the
cultivation of cereals iu ISM ) was 4,319,002
acres , as compared witn 4,327,294 acres m
Ib79. There was an increase of 270,571) ) ncros
in the area In barlov , 43,341 in buckwheat ,
104.49S Iu corn , 071,554 la oata und 105,3.)4 in
rye , a total Increase of 1,195,748 ucres. This
was , however , more than offset by n de
crease of 1.21)1,000 acres , or per cent ,
iu the nroa in wnoat. The product lu ISiU
was 15.2J5.S72 bushels of wheat , 1.1)04,178 ) ot
buckwheat , 84,021,210 of corn , 00,739,052 of
oats , 4,250,5s2 of rye and-llGJ3.922 of uheat.
lu Minnesota tbo total area in cereals in
18b9 was 0,297,044 acres , as compared with
4,234,187 acres In 1879. There \vus mi in
crease of 242.49J acres In the area lu barley ,
15,413 in buckxNbeat , 402.953 ucrcs iu corn ,
i)51,7ti'J acres in oats , 49,255 lu rye and 327,557
ncios iu wheat. Iu twenty counties , princi
pally In the southeast part ot the state , Ihero
was n total decrease of I,305.o9l > acres In the
area in uheat , Tno pioduct In IbM ) is riven
as follows in bushels. Barley , ' .1,100,053 ;
huckwhcat , 251,705 ; corn. 24.050.004 ; oals ,
49,955,751 ; rye , 1,252,003 ; wheal , 52.30J.247.
In Norih D.ikotii the an-a in cereals in 1SS9
was 3,823.993 ucres , as compared with 100,51)5 )
acres iu the coiresponding"period of Dakota
teiritory in Ib79. There \\usan increase of
107.0U1 acres In the area In barley , 114 in
buckwheat , 11,051 In corn , 354,409 in oats ,
1,5Gb in rye aud 2,023,84T. in wheat. The
product in 1SS9 In bushels Is given os follows :
Burlev , l,50yl-07 ; bucUwhcat , 9')9 ) ; corn ,
183,92'j ' ; oats , 5,709,504 ; rye , 2.703,10J ; wheat ,
In South Dakota the total area in cereals
In 1SS9-was 3.101,004 acres , as compared with
310 , ! 3 acres iu the corresponding portion of
Dakota in 1879. There was on increase of
83.772 acres in barley. 1273 in buckwheat ,
fiC-J,3sOiu corn , 520.414 lu oats , 0,844 in rye
and 2,079,402 In wheat. As In the case of
North Dakota the production of cereals in
this state in 1SS9 was considerably reduced
by drouth. The product In bushels in 1839 Is
stated to be as follows : Barley , 902,005 :
buckwheat , 11,423 ; corn , 13.152,003 : oats ,
7.459.S40 ; rye , 05,183 ; wheat , 10,541,133.
A Lure tor Cholera.
There is no use of any ono suffering with
thn cholera when Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Diarrhoia Roraoay can bo pro
cured. It will give relief Iu a few minutes
nud cure In a short time. I have tried it and
know. W. H. Clinton , Helmetta , N. J. Thn
epidemic at Holmotta was at first believed to
bo cholera , but subsequent investigation
proved it to bo a violent form of dysentery ,
almost as dangerous as cholera. This
remedy was used there with gieat success.
For sale oy drugirlsts.
Th I'n-sidcnt Cannot Attend.
WASHINGTON- . C. , Oct. D. Tbe Pott
today says : There is np loncer any doubt
tbat the president will be compelled to aban
don all pious for his participation in the
Columbian exercises in New York next week
and at Chicago later. The condition of Mrs.
Harrison is buch that ho will not be able to
leave her bedside , and at tbe cabinet meeting
yesterday he notified his ministers that ho
would uot leave Washington.
DeWllt'sbaraaparilla cleanses the blooa ,
increases the appetite and tones up thesys-
tem. It has benetltod many people who
have suffered from blood disorders , It wil
help you.
Sept. 15,1893
Durham , N. C
Gentlemen :
We have Smoked up
all the Tobacco at the World's
Fair , and have unanimously
awarded the Gold Medal
for SmoUinR TuLacco to
Bull Durham
Congratulating you on your success ,
we remain Yours truly ,
Blackwell's Bull Durham
Has been the recognized standard of Smoking Tobacco
for'over 2 ; years. Uniformly good and uniformly
first. Brighf sweet and ftagant we invite the
most fastidious to test Its peculiar excellence.
Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co. , Durham , N. C.
fiirc.g all illsorilcrs of the Stomach , Liver. Itowels , KUonys , lllattihr , Nerroiu
| ) lRpn C , Loss of Appetite. Hrnilarhc , Const I pall uii , t'ostireiis ; . In llgjitl HI , Hil-
oiiiiicss , 1'ocr , riles , Etc , , nnil rouJors the Hyslfiiu Ies Iliibln to contract
RADWAY'S PILLS lire oure for tbU oornplulnt. They tone up the Internal nocretloni to
lieulthy nntlon. restore atronitth to tba moniHoh , und onnblo tt tn perform lu function * .
I'rleH'ixjjt box. Sold by ull drugglils , or mailed by HAIMVAV & OCX , U2 Warren Street
Now Vork , ou receipt of prico.
Every MAN can he
S'/KONQ aud VIQ-
_ , OUOUS m all reipccu
Nl'.UVINIS , theKreat Spunleh Itetneily. YOUNG MUN
OK OLD MitJrnni ; from NUKVOUS nBDIHTY , TOST ot
FAILING MANHOODmclitlyei.iltsioi.i.cunvuUioru , , netvoui
proitrauon , CKuiid by tbcute of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wake-
luliitii , mvnul drprektion , lo of power in either i" , speiuiaior *
f AMD * > TtK u t , rhaa cauted br telfabu and oier indulnencr or any personal rak'
nets can be trtlcrcd lo perfect health and the NOBLIJ VITALITY OP STRONG MEN.
Wocnoa written nuaramee wnb6ho > rs lo cure any cate or refund tlie money , fi a boi , 6 boiej | j
Fop Sail In Omaha by Snow , Lund & Co.
.A Friend
Wishes to upe.ik through the licgiftcr c4
the results ho lm received
from a regular itso o ( Aycr's Pills ,
Ilos.iys : "I\vns feeling sick nntl tired
nml my stomach seemed all out of order.
I tried a number of remedies , but none
pecined to Rive me relict until I wan induced -
duced to try the old rellablo Ayer's
PllU. I have tnkin only one box , but I
feel like a new man. I think they nro
the most ] tlcnsant nnd easy to take ot
nnjtiling I ever used , beinp so finely
Bupar-con'tcd that even n , child \ \ ill take
them. I urge upon nil \rlio nro
Gn Need
of a laxative to try Ayer's Pills. "
Boothbny ( Me. ) , Ilegiitcr.
"HeUvceii the ngcs of flvo and fifteen ,
IVM troubled \vllli n kind ot salt *
rheum , or eruption , chielly confined to
the It-RS and especially to the bend of
the knee above the calf. Here , running
sores fohnedlilcli \MUilil scab over ,
but would break Immediately on mov-
inc the leg. My mother tried every
thing the could think of , but all was
without avail. Although n child , I read
In the papers about the beneficial effects
of Aycr's 1'ills , nnd persuaded my moth
er to let mo try them. With no great
faith in the result , she piocurcd
Ayer's ' Pills
nnd I began to tiso them , and soon
noticed nil improvement. Encouraged
by this , I kept on till I took l\\o boxes ,
when the sores disappeared nnd have
never troubled me since. " II. C'lupmnn ,
Heal Estate Agent , Itoatmke , Va.
"I suffered for years from stomach
and kidney troubles , cauiliig very severe
pains in various parts of the body. None
of the remedies I tried afforded me any
rsl'et until I began taking Aer' . Pills ,
and was cured. " Wm. Goddaul , Notary
Public , Five Lakes , Mich.
Treparcd byIr..T.C AjerJjfo , lonetlMait ,
So'd ' l > j I'niRgitU Everj where
Every Dose Effective
Taking butter from milk
was known in the earliest
times. It was left for our
time to make a milk of cod-
liver oil.
Milk , the emulsion of but
ter , is an easier food than
butter. Scott's Emulsion of
cod-liver oil is an easier food
than cod-liver oil. It is rest
for digestion. It stimulates ,
helps , restores , digestion ;
and , at the same time , sup
plies the body a kind of
nourishment it can get in no
other way.
Scorr R Bow KB. ChemisU , 13 * South 5ih Avenue ,
New York.
Your druggist keeps Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver
oil alt dnigguts evcrywbtm do. $ t *
NT.aauesltlc for Uysiurlv llninj ) j , Kilt , .V < u
nlcio , lleadactiu , Nervous 1'ronraloa ciuiel or
ilcoooior louauco.Vaktfulnos < . .MentU Ueuroi- tneusof tha llr-iln ctuiltu Im.iaitr , uilsarr
loc r.d ° utU. I'm n iture Old Aio llarriiuex , Ijoss
) f 1'owcr In cltur ox , Impotency I.aucorrhaa and
ill Female \VuiWt."js'j Invomntarr LOMOI , Spar
natorrhpacausut by over uxurtun o li3tir.Ua
ell-atiusoarer ludulceaca. A montu'4 trjitajjnt
UGforJihy , XVoKuiranloemx boxes to car.
Kucti orile lor u u3 YQI , with ti wilt Bail written
ruaranteeto rofuudlf notcurjl Guaranty Issual
Jnlj by Tlitioilure. K. Lewis drUk'Klat. sole agtmt.
boutheaal curnur Ibllianil t'arnnru si * ijmuha
Hint jxopliwill know jntir linlr 1 iljcd if
jou uho Unit perfect iinitutloii of imttirc ,
\t impartH n clo1 * * * * * color nml fronli life to the
Vr. J'ritcSI. . Ufllcv , ail I'arl ; 1'Iuto , N. Y.
Snaled propose AI > ! tn > received by tlie uti
ilorilcnod until 1 , \ > < / clock p in October IHh ,
IB'JJ. for the following Kinds of During ma
terial , v z-
Mieel iiM'hiiltum.
Sioux I'.ilN or other granite.
Colorado sandstone
WooclrulT. Kinsis. : : stone , nnd
Vltrllied brk'K" , nil uecodlne to specifica
tions. far pavlnj Dmcnpoit htrool from --'tul
slrool to-Uh street , comprised In stieet im-
nrrviinient district Na 4bl , In iho c-lty or
Uinuhu , ordered Improved by ordinancu No.
SAO.Kacb bid to specify u price per square yard
for the pnvliu coinplolo In tlio street ,
Work to hu clonu In accordance with nlnns
mid bpcctfic itloiib on file in the olllco of the
bourn of nubile uoiUs.
I2uci ) piopusul to bo inncleon printed blanks
furnished by thubo ird mid to ho accompanied
by u certified cheelc In the Hum of J.YW. pay-
nb'o ' to the city of Unmhu , us tin evidoncoof
good faith.
Trie liourd reserves the ilslit to reject any
or all bids and to waive defects.
] ' . \V. ItlKKHAUSliK ,
Obalriniinof Uioltonri of I'ulillcorlis
O i n iijm. SeiitoniOBr ffl-tli. Iftiil t. 'V-.IQ'I- ' ( . .
l'ri > Ii. > > tlK lor IMxtrifiL ( i rHilini ; ItiincU.
Beiili'd bids , murUud I'ropns.ils for district
grudlne bondb , wilt lxi rccoho ; ! at thcvotllco of
the O.ty TroiBtiior , C'lnuhu , Nub. , up to U
o'clock noun , of the lUHi day of October. IHW ,
for the piirchH > .oof t.M.OJOOJ District Uradlni
Itunds of tliu city of Omaha. NuU
Mild boiidtiarodutodMiptuiiiliHrlst. IKl. , and
are payahlu In f rom ouu to nlno years aflnr
ttioiluto thnreof , In danoiiilniitlous of { 1.U.JU01
and t"iUuO ) euch , with liitfrcst ul ihor.uoofS
pi r cent puritniuini puyublo Bdnil-untiujlly .
I'rlnclpul and Interest jiayablu ut Kounlzo
Ilros. , Nu York.
f7riX.0i ( ) ( of District No. . ' 17.
JXUUU.iO of District No 47
SI'J,103.00 of District .No 40.
K.ich hid imi t btuto prloo nnd itiiiount
Boir.'ht for and incliulu iiccrnod Intnrcst to
( Into of dull very at Omaha. Null. ThurlzhtU
lusurved torujuctunv und all bids , la > iml
undur chuilor power of cltlo * of the motropol-
Itun oliissnnd nriiln.inco So ' ( - - Anprovod
Auirnst " 4th , l 'Ji ' llr.Miv llm.i.v
B KII7I. _ _ Olty Truiuurur.
Seiilod proposals will bo rocoivoJ by tbo
iindnrslenod until ! : : o'clock p , in. October
Uth , Ift'.rJ.forcu ' rblnc with while Colorado suud-
stone , rcu Colorado sjinlsfmo nnd lleroa
bundstonc. uccordniK to spoclllouthi'is :
Umenjiurt street from -'nd street to 24th
street , comprised in blreot imimnoniunt dis
trict No. M.
Knob bid t < i specify a price per llnoal foot
for thu curbing couipletuon tliuntruulM
Work to be done In uccordnmie lth Diana
und Hpecllloitlotison Illo In the ofllco nf lliu
Jiourdof 1'ubllo Worltb.
1'roposnlh to be inudn on print ( id blnnka
furnlsliud by tbo board , and thusu nccuin-
lianlod with i cortltlou check In tliu sum ol
tVK ) , payable to the city of Omabiu us an evi
dence of peed f filth.
Tbo botrd reserves tbo rlzbt to rojocl uuy
or all bids und to waive defects.
Clialrmau Itourd of 1'ublo Worki. I
Omaha. Neb. . HonU _ ! Mth. WJi. s' > - ' .1to'U. .
rnipi uU lur l.ilirury
Pealed Dnposu1 will bu received bv l.owlsS
Iteud , president of the Hoard of Director * ol
the Oinuhu public library , at tbo Noliraiku
National bunk. In tbo city of Omabu , unllH
o'clock p. in. TburkdHV , October 1J. IB- ! ' , forth )
erection und completion of utbroe-storir anil
basement tire proof library building ut tut
Boutheivfct cjrner of IDtb and llarnoy streets
Omahu , In accordance with pliins und bpt < cltl <
cations on file in tbo otllce of Walkur & . Kim-
bull , nroliltect& . room r > iu McOuEue bulldlu : .
Karh bid must be accompanied by a certlOcc
check for I .OX ) , payable la tbu order of tin
p ireshlcut of tbu board ot ttio Omubu publli
'tirarv . ,
Tbo board reserves tbe rlebt to reject any 01
all bids.
Ily order of tlie lloaid of IHrnctorR of tin
Omabapubllcllbrury.VlLLlAMti CUKTIB ,
In Time of Peace ( Summer )
Prepare for War ( Winter. )
Appropos of this mild weather , there certainly
will be war on prices of
Overcoats ,
Just as soon as the weather permits. So we
wish to give our patrons the tip , "Buy now ,
before the chilly blasts of winter" and have
your pick out of a new , clean stock , at prices
that challenge competition.
A few of our Storm Ulsters and Overcoats are
displayed in our window , all the conceivable
styles in the market.
Suits ,
We are in the s-wini with the .best arid latest
styles of goods , made up in double bi'easted ,
single breasted , square cut , round cut , cuta
way , Prince Alberts , for dress , etc. Prices
ranging from $6.25 , $7.5O , $8.76 , $1O , $12.BO.
These prices are of superior workmanship
and style. They are the highest grade of
goods and are equal to the merchant tailor's
"work in style of make , but notice the differ
ence in price.
That's What Talks.
We have them in all sizes and colors at $1.SO ,
up to $12.
Successors to M. Hell man & Co.
Corner 13th and Farnam Streets.
Theonlr leiillr graJualal riilnesa p'l
lKljt ynurs' Btudr Ten yoar' practical
oucewltb nil Known dlieisoi Treats sacc
nil chronic cuts ! Klren up lir ] nthor doctors Unll
mid see him or write ( or quotlun blitnli Do not
llilnkyourcaio hon lun liucauia yojr iloctor tulH
TOUMO. buttrr tlie Ohlnuse doctor with liM now util
wonderful ro'nudlcs. audreoolve new bQitofltf nnil a
permanent euro whnt otuer doctors cinnal clra.
Herbs Hoot < nnd Plants r.nturc's remodlus-hls
medlclni' Tbo world bis wltucii. Ona tliousanl
testimonials lutbrL-B years' pracllco No Injurious
decoctions no narcotics , no poUoo. Uatlonil
Ireatmcut ami perrunnont cure.
Followlnc cases supcBsstully troatoa Una curjL
lvcn up br oilier doctors :
ThOF Couclilln. 4f llarnoy streol chronic rheu-
mntlom ( < jreurv klduor nnil liver troublus.
Thou. Culvert , Ulu nnd Karnim utresn ccnont
debllll7 Inilleestlun. lots of Klronth nn1 rltilltjr.
Took mudlcliiD for yearn but uot no rellof.
M L Aniliir-on , l.i Cu ulni striot. oiHrri
astbuiiv nud bronchitis ut flftucu jruars tandln2
lias for sale Iho following preparad romeilloi at
llUUabotlle Mir botllus for f j 00 for tin cure or
Asthma , Catarrh , Mck Ho.idaclie Indlcostlu i
llloodl'oUoiiltnr llhoiimutltni. M'railo Wsikness
Kidney und l.lvcr Complaint No nfents. sold
unit by CLliivst ) Mudlclne Cu , Capital , ilOJ.'Jl )
Oifce , 1Mb and Californh SU , Oinihi , Neb
Mo vlll ppnd you tbnmnrTclntis
Vri'nrh I'lrparutluu CALTHOS
frt-c. Kiid u Itcul EUnrantK lliai
Mill IlrMur . > our
I'tnland i/sattijird.
Address VON MOHL CO. .
Bolt JtnriulirnU , llmlnnnll , Ohl %
rrnpomiU lor Dlblrlct hlri-cl Iinirii\uiiicnt
Seulfd bids ranrlted "proposals for district
btreo ( liiiproTcmt'iit bondi" 111 bo received ut
tbo ollico ( if the clly treasurer. Uiniibu. Nt > b ,
up to o'clook noon of 1 lib ( luy of Outouer ,
IbJJ. for tbu piircbuso of } i'iliUi.W : ( dlsiriel
street Improvement bond * of tliu city of
Uiniibu. Nub ,
Suld bondH snail bo dated October Ut , 1892 ,
und sliull l o jmyuble In from ono to nine yours
lifter the cliil-o tboroof , wltb lntnre-,1 ut tlio
rule of a per cunt per iiuniim payublo annual
ly ,
Principal nnd Interest payable at Kounuo
Ilros. . Ne York. .
buld bonds slinll bo of tbo denomination of
Sl.lUU.uO , J JlJ.JOund { HK.UUuaub. )
Kuch I ) Id must biuttt pnuo und ninoiint
RQUKlil for ami Inolndo uccriiod Interest to
duto of dullvery ut Omubu , Neo.
Tbo rlKbt Is losenod to reject any und all
1 ( .sued under charter power of olllus of tbo
metropolitan clnss und ordluuiioo No. MOI , up-
s2lal"t ( Jltv 'i'rousuror.
Vou uro hereby nollOod that the under-
slKDud , tliruo < iislnteni tel ( freeholder * of tbe
uliy of Oinuhu. huvu been duly appointed by
Ihe nmyor , nllh thoupprovul of the city eoun-
cllof biild oily , to iiEsusti the damutro to the
owners respectively of tliu property declared
by orcl I ini IK u necessary to bo iioproprlatod
for the use of said eitv , for tlie purjiosu of ux-
tenilliiiI'lftyUrbt tlreet from the i.orlh line
of lllmebuugh k 1'mtert.on'i. addition to
l.uavutiHorlh htreet.
Vou uro further notified that , Imviiin ac
cepted bald uppointinunt und duly ( luallllud
usreiiuliod by law , wo will , on tliu IDlh day of
October. A. U , IB'Ki ' , ut Ibo hour of 10 o'elouk lu
thofoienoon ut thenlllco of nlinvcrA.O'Iiona >
boo , I1UJ I'urnuin Htrueu ullbiti thn corporuto
IlinlU of Euld city , moet fur Ihu purpose of
considering and maklni ; thu ussebaintmt of
duuiBXe U ) thu ownorb retpectUely of nula
property by reason of nucb taking and appro
priation thereof , tuUliiu iuw eonslderaUon
Bpoclal bcnedlb. if any.
The property belouclne lo you. proposed to
bo upproprlatvd n * aforesaid , and which link
been dec ured necessary by tbe council , by or-
dlnauee. to upproprlalu to iho us.e of tie | city ,
being hlliiHtb In Hiild city ot Ouiiilm , In thu
county of Douclim und hiuUi of .Nebraska , U
deacrUJfd u follow * , twlt : Tbu east tweti-
ly-fl\u feat of iotoue , blocU llireo. In Jllino-
baiiKh'tibddilioii .
Vou lire no tilled to bo present ut tbo time
and pluee uforebald und make uuy objections
lo or btnlemeiitt coiivornlnv mlu prouo.ed up-
proprlutlon or atsebsiuent of daiuitecu M you
may consider proper. W. O. HHICIVI'IC ,
It.V. . ( JlllsON.
OraaUa , JjpU iltlt , . ti.'C-d'.m
ave Your Eve si alt t
rvestostocl free by nn EKI'EIIT O1TIOIAN
I'erfvctndluslment. superior lonsos. Narv-
oushua lurhu cured ny usln'j our Spoctiolei
mid Kyoglsissos 1'ricui low far Unt cUn
114S. lotliSt.CrBlglitua Qloj'c
DR , f , R , BAILEY
Tooth Filled With
out I'atn UY
Ihe Latest
lu cull on.
I'crfoot fit cunraiitced. Tunth extracted In
tbe imiriilni ; . Nan onus Insurtod In uveuluf
of suiMii day.
> eo spuclinons of Romovulilo Ilrldcu.
Bco iiecliiiunt. of 1 lexlblu EliiKtlu 1'lato
All work uiirriintod as ruprtiiiL-iitud.
Olllcu , 1 bird Viuur , I'aMou Itlooc.
IVlcphonp 10S5. Kith iiiij I'linmi St < .
Tuko nierutor or Stairway from 10th
ilioct Enlriiiice.
lots on ; mli siroet from Ames uvuniie to
Vou are buroiiy nollOod tlmt the uudor-
sl nod. Hired [ liHlnterHtCl ( fruutioldum of Mie
cltyot Oinulm. buvo licen duly appointed by
tbe muvor , with ibo approval of tbu clly coun
cil of bu d cllv. lo dHSdss tlio ( laniiU'o to tbo
owners rohjierjtlvuly of tbo inoitiiy | alfuotud
by thochuiiKoof crude of .IStli slruut , deulurod
nucuhsary by ordlimticu No. UU. tiis ii Hon-
tomliurOib , ihirj , miprnvtiil htuiitonibcrUth , Ib'Ji
1 on nro fiiitlicr notified , Hint b ivIriK no-
ccptedHiId itiiiiolnlinuMU and dti y nuallllnd
iih required tiy law. wu will , on tlui dtli dav of
October , A I ) . INC. ut tb boiir oft : o'clock In
tbo iificinoon , aUtlui ollluu o ( ljua J. I'uiii. IIXI'
I tirnain btriiutillhin the uorinirato II nits of
said cltv. mud : , for tbu puriiOMi of considering
und inakliu tbu assessment of duin uu to tbo
owniirs roipoctlvolv of H ild property affofteJ
by suld eta I In/ , taking inlo ooribldur.itlon
fcpoclal liuncillts. If nny
Vou are noi.lled U > lie prudent nt tbu tlmo
and place nforenuld anil any o ijoctlon
to or ht iieiuoniH eonccrnliu bald ukHusi
of duniuscB us you MM v eons dor pi oner.
( iEO. .T. I'AI'U
W.(3.BlIHIViit. ;
_ , _ Coiiiinlttetuif Ajipriilmirs.
Omaha , September lillli , ih'j. Hilill
Niillto of Akhoninifliit ill DiiiiuiKcii lordrud-
To thn owners of Ul loU. parts of lutu und
real uuiutu ulong alley lu bloulc U , from 17tU
to 16lb htrueU.
Vou uie hereby notified tlmt the under-
HlKnud. tbrre dislntereHed fioe uoltlcr * of tbu
oily of Omuba , IIHVO been duly appointed by
tbo mayor , nllb tlio approval of tliu city
council of aulil city , to UM-.CSH thn duniiice to
tbaounurs io pcutl\eiy of tbu property nf-
foctcd by praiilnx of biild alloy. ( iiieliiii-J nec
essary by ordinance numt'Or ' : rJ07 , piibHud hep-
tuinburWlb , IBU upjiiored -ptutnUur liJrd ,
You are furtlier notified tlmt having neoep-
ted bald uppolntmenl und duly ouulllled u.s
reiiuicnd liy luw. no will , on tbo lltlli diiy of
October. A. I ) , , IH'JJ ' , ut Ibu bourof IOtO o'clock
In tbe forenoon , at the ollico of hbrivur &
O'Doiiuliot ) , HO i l''iirinn i treeu wltbln tbooor-
nornie llmtu of bald city , inttft for tbu pur-
liosoof eonblder ns unu miKInc the abbubi-
nit'iit of dunmvrus lo tbu owners ruipuctlvely
of nald property ulToutud by buld ur.idm . .
luhliiillutouoiiblduratloa apucml bentfUts , If
uny ,
ou uro notified to bo prehent at tbu time
uud pluou iifoniBuld and inuku any objections
to or blulunitmlb coneuriiliiv Ntid iibvutg
of dumugey an you inuy eoiiii'ler ' piopur ,
> W. O. bllKIVKH
Commltloe Appra'aurt
Neb. , October itb , IM/i OCJlUt.