Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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lu-jivcrcd liy rarncr to inr pit t uf ti ! ?
ii 1 - 1.1 ' itnMr .J lltn'nen , ' Office. . . . .
1'llONEsf NIlt ( , Edltor < .
N V. Plumblnp Co.
t'ontirll fluffs Lumber Co. .
b. (1. lleoilv wai urrcstcd Imt evening on
the charge of drunKCMie and disturbing
the peaco.
A round ; of iho Commcrcliil Pilgrims of
America Is to bo Instituted nt Waterloo. In. ,
on tba 15th.
Frank \Vllllnm , who itolo four purs of
nhooi from the batiKrunt sioro on Uroudxvny ,
wiw lined $10.70 In police court yeOoniny.
The ca n of Iho Kllpatrlrk-Kock Pry
U 111(14 ( compunv nk-nlnst ItiotctiKv Hro * . wiw
pivon to the Jury yesterday nltcrnoon In tin
OUtrict court ,
ItMs ilnr conclave of Ivanhoe commamlerr
No , IT , ICnUM.ts Tcmiilur. this ovonine. All
S'r Knights urn requested to in full
inform Installation of ofllcora Per order
of eminent uomitmndnr.
Tbo Ladles' Ala society of ttiu Ilercnn
MnntiM , ehutvh will inept this afternoon ut
Iho residence ) of Mr . C. H. Shor.idden , on
Willow uvcnue.
The "hu Klne beo. " itlilrh wo1 * printed
nt tha ( . 'ongrocattonal church lust Friday
mulit. will bo ropc'itoit nt the Woodbur.v
school tiou o tomorrow evening.
Mnrrlano llronscs were Issued jvsterdiv to
J.unos II. Stcrle of Pott-iwaltamlii count v
nnd Kitlo AltiniUKhofi-r nf Mill * county , und
to John HuoliiJonk anil Dora Wolf , both of
A inectlnu of the vounc rcp.iblloani of the
-llv has boon n.illo.l for next Saturday nljjht
nt the republic in hwuln'inrtcr * for tlio pur-
jmsn of tniiltlup nrraiiKumcnth for iffeulivo ,
work durln ? the camnitirn.
\\llliiiin Orlflln , n colored boy , was nr-
ro'.ted yesterday clmrpcd wl'li beina Impli
cated In the tl.cft of n cow from Charles
Kcbrocikr's farm. Y.w llethoi1 * . whoso trial
was to have taken plui'o yostorriay on itio
sumo rbnrac * . wus planted jt contlimanco
un'll this morninp.
Chris Olsen died ycMcrdav mrrnlnR at 7-30
o'cloeic , aired 80 voars , at , his residence , TJo
Washington ifinui ? . The fui eral will talto
ill co undci the nnsplccs of tbu Dbnish
JJrntlir-rhood aim thu Independent. Order of
Odd Follows , of wb oh the do- WHS a mom bar.
The voting laaies of the First Presby
terian church pave a concert lust ovenir.R in
the chuich auditorium. A liirRO nudlnnce
was present , and on excellent program was
rendered bv n number of Chicapo soloists.
At , the close refreshments wrro served in the
parlors , nnd iiuito a sum was realized us the
result of thu venture.
The foilowinr ofllocrs liuvu linen circled by
the .VOUIIK ladies of St. Paul's pmld for Iho
romlnp year : President , Mrs.V. . II. Troy-
nrr ; vleo president , Miss Mury Davenport ;
Ff crotnrv. Miss Mecci loucht.treasurer . ,
Mrs. .Jennio McConncll ; executive comnilt-
tie , Mrs. Charlr-H T. Sloirurt , Miss Bussio
iStcwurl , Miss Nulllo Knbnison.
A Sinnx City ina.i , who reluspd to plvo his
lininn. partook of tlio contents of n ilnwlnp
bowl voMcrdnv until his brain was nviddloa
nnd then went out on the street. whom two
rlmrira relieved him of a handsome dm- ,
inmid stud. At least that was the slorv he
'ol.l at the police station , and r.s ho bad no
i-liiiinond htud when ne made the roinnlaint
Hie pivstimptlon is that he wns robbed. The
j > ollco have beoti unable to pet uny trace of
Iho stone or the feiiows wbo nipped it.
Of the innny millinery openings so fur
this sciison thnt o [ Mrs. Stevenson , nt
7lfl Broadway. has. perhaps nttrnctcd
the most inlorcbt among the ladio- ' .
The display includes over 50 styles , no
two nlik < ) . There nro no pattern hxts : ,
liit nil wcro made in the btoro by Mis
Lo Foverc , the tirtidtlc trimmer.
Tlio north' front of the Ot'don liousct
1)oinp painted with Iloatli & P.'T
paints. Ju-,1 look nt it nnd coinparo it
with other woik. These piinU : , the
i HrArtl nnu chenpubt mixed paints in the
worjd , ' t'O'.d '
nt'o ' exclusively by George
S. DavJb , the upper Broadway druggist.
i. int mi : ] / / / ; .
J F livnnn , T. ,1. lOvans and Horace Evans
left lust uvonliiK for Seattle , Wash.
A. W Johnson loft lust ovctilnp for a four
UCCKS business trip in South D-iuota.
Rov. S. Alexander and wile have returned
from n two weelis visit in southern Kansas ,
J J. Huijbos of Atchison , Kan. , Is vlsititiir
Ins irliMids und relatives in Council R uffs
for few diys.
( ieor ; o Vroman. renreser.iiiir ( the nrotbei--
lirod of Loromotivo Enplnuon , of th Union
J'Ui'ille system , is u ( juostof 1C. U. Fonda on
lilntl strict.
Mr. unit Airs N. M. Pusev bavo returned
from their wrddmif tour and are living ut
their hnmo in Hardin tounshlp. Thov will
bo nt Homo nt tbc Orand hotel after IJecom-
Ucr 1.
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. C. Vandcvncr returned
last from . .
ovcnine Colorado. Airs. Van'lcveer
bus been absent lor the uist three months
nnd she Induced lior husb.ind to sound two
ivoolts In the mountains when he arrived to
tx-company bcr borne.
Never before linvo tiio people of
Council UlulTs and Omahii liau such an
' . .tipurtnnlty to buy aero property suita-
> Io for homo or fruit : is is oll'ered bv
-Oay & Hess.100 acres to picu from.
Only two and iv half miles east of Coun
cil UlulTa postolllec.
.10 do/.ou fjents dark colored outing
llnnnoi shirts good value at oOe , for this
veek while they last for lioc. Boston
Store , Council BlulTs , la.
No bankrupt , llro-smoked. damaced
fiiruituro nt Meyer's , : (0o-l7 ( ; ! ( Broauwav.
Clean goods , loss than any Omaha prices.
.liilnl nclMtit Tonight.
One of the most Intcrcslii , entertain-
int-nts nf the campnlin ; is promised lor to-
niKht at thci opera bouse , it will bo u Joint
Uetiatc bctueeu the two candidates for oloc-
tor-at-lnrKo. Concrcssman A. 11. Curamlnn of
DCS Molnes for tbe republicans and W. W.
\Vitmerof PC * Moines for tbo aomocratn.
Uotb sppuliors are said to be very fine , and
between them tbo issues of thu day are likely
to cot bucu u dressluc down as tbev have nol
had bofori' . Tiiero will bo no admission tea
and the opera bouse should bo crowded.
In dross goods our line is complete
with the liitc&l novelties , both from
homo and foreign mnrkoKro show
muny novelties coiilincd to ourhelves.
Boston Store , Council BlulTs , la.
Call on Messrs. Day & Hos and ask
to bo shown the Kluln trnut ofIlK ) aero *
noVoiisaloin tlvo anil ton aero tracln.
They will bliow it frc-o to all.
The Boston Storu closes every even
ing nt tl p. iii. oxi'opt Mondays and
Saturday *
Tliiiriniin- ' .
Mr. KrnestThcrctois aud Miss Klsie Pusov
wore nmrrtud yesterduy at tbo country real-
< l Mire of tbo brldo's father , a f < jw milu * oa t
f I lie city. Tln wedding was u ijulet affair . .
inly u few Invited bflng present. At
tie iot clntlon or itio rprt'Oiony the happy
cupL li-ft forlv.unio . whurn Mr , TLOHI-
' on u in IIUMIIUSS und bui u home ulruudv
fin nubcd ,
fur Iho larjrest. line , the nobblcb !
, thu lowest p-icos In ladius'
miscob and uhildron's COATS ia at the
Boston Sloro eo show irlndoub
t'outicil Jllulltf , la.
If you don't whni to buy hard coal you
ind iK-ttsr tee Ilixby about thW oil
burnors. They are iidaited ] for uo ir
hot atr furnaces , steam and hot wntet
ooilors , with no txial or ashes to handle.
Carpet weaving , IKS Avenue P.
\'T itTi > i nnAt / nun/Mi ni ITPPJ I
Burglars Make a Daylight Raid and Are
DtEcovarad at Their Work.
Alrn. Pl-Mllmne'n Unique ) KtiFrlcncn | with
tlin llcinsclirpiiltcrn I'liry liner to Divide
thr riniiilpr with llor Tlio l.nilj' *
CniiuiKC CuiKrs Tliclr Capture.
H. II. Pottlbaao's hoao at the corner of
Eleventh street and Avenue G was entered
bv burgU-s yoitcrday nojn. Tbo house wns
deserted during tbo murnlns , all the fatally
bolniraway from home. Mrs. Pcttlbono was
tholitslto return. As she reached the house
shu met a. cauplo of men coming out , wbo
bad a baslcut loaded with provisions of dif
ferent'kinds. She HinncJlately Jumped at
the conclusion that they had bojn r. tis.icklng
the bouse during her absence , aud ordered
them to lay tha bailcat down. They re
fused to do so , but tried to cITect
n compromise by handing her n oiko of
soap , rt'iont of broad nnd n pair of gloves.
Aoouttbat time Mrs , Peltlbononoticed that
ono ot the fellows' shirt front bulged out
suspiciously In front ana sha ordered him to
Klvo up her Jewel case , which she suspected
bad gotten tho-o in some way. The two men
haw they were In for Hand startcil to run.
Mrs. Po'tlibono called for boln , and her cries
were heard by an engineer who happened to
bo passing and who started In pursuit.
While running the two men throw away
what jewelrv they Ind taken , but they were
llnully caught unit ( arnica in the c.ty Jail ,
where they pare their names as .latnoi Mur
phy and Jotin Uenne-sy. When tbcv were
pj't behind the bars they weru immediately
n-eniimzort by Krnnlc Williams xvuo was ar
rested for stealniK four pairs of shoes.
An invesilcation showed that , u necklacn
vnlued nt tti. ) and n cl.aln valued at $15 were
tiiKtin , besides a iiuinuer of small articles , In
olmlinr 11 lot of provisions. Mr. Puttibono
called at the poliro station last evening uml
after cxaminp the shoes worn bv one of tbo
burglar ? , li-i pioiioiinrod them bis. lie made
the burglar pull them off , and as the latter ! ho bad left LU own at thu housa bo
btokulnto , the prospects are coed lor his
going barefooted lor tome'.line lu tbo future ,
Ml = a Kinnm IloUlaml , fiishionablo
dressniiikor. Ooo'J lit , < ju-tnintooJ.
1'rifcs rciibuniiblc. DOS oth tivunuc.
( Jentlcmcn. the finest line of t ill goods
in the city , just rccetvoJ. Uoitor , the
tuilor , 310 Uroudwity.
I'lni'il Itira ' 1 cclinlralll.v-
Have Tboiius , a former member of the
HlufTa police force , was triad yosterJav In
the federal court for bootlenciuir. Ho stated
in his defense that bo bought out a saloon at
Missouri Valley a few days before the lit of
last , Iuly and iinmediutelv sent off u postof-
llce money order fur $ J. > to whom he sup
posed was the revenue collector In uavmont
of his annual fee. Ho then opened UD his
pluro and ran it for live days. A day or two
latter tbo letter ho had sent nwav was re
turned to him with the moiiov , und he then
loarncii ho bad scut it to the ex-rcvvnuo
collector. In the meantime ho had installed
Jmnos Mb he i" . also formerly of this city , us
bartender Mnbor decided to close out the
business , .ind got tbo inrmev order cashed.
It wab mainly u technical offence , and the
judcn only fined him $ , O.70. Manor was also
indicted bv the urand Jury aud flued
$ HK ) and given u J ill sentence of thirty tlays ,
u part of which was remitted on condition
that ho pay the rest.
The casu ot the United States against H.
D. Marker , also of Hamburg , was iried In
federal court yesicrday , and the result of
Iho trial is. being quoted bv Frank Trimble
us a ttimplo ot the justice that follows mon
who do not pay their attornev fees. Marker
wus tried or. tbo same charge at the last
term of court , but was freed , nil of the wit
nesses for the covernment being aftlicted
\\ithnweakiiLssofvislonthatmudo it im-
I pos'lblo to tell whothtr the man wbo cave
them the llijuor looKcd us tbouuh bis name
might , ha Murker or not. Ills discharge was
principally duo to the efforts of
Trl'iible ' , who appeared as bis attor
ney , but ho was not tilled with
as much fraternal iiraliludo toward his bene
factor as might have been expected , bat an
nounced H'tit ' , lie would not pay Trimble any
thing whatever for his trouble. He was
arrested asjuin , out when he was tried yes
terday Trimbio with his sure curn for coed
eyesight was not tnero. The casu was clven
to the jury , and after along iib-ence they
returned , bnnelng In a verdict of guiltv.
The gratia jury uiiide its final report yes-
tcidav afternoon und was discharged , six
indictments were returned , but none ot tbo
nurtlcs are in custody and ti.u names are
theiefore withheld from tha public. Twouty-
tnioo persons who hud been bound over to
the gntr.d juiy were uUclMigcd for lack of co.
A motion fora new trial was Tiled by the
defendant in the caio ol ( ii-anvilld jnines
UL'auicl the Union 1'acillo HailWiiy companj' ,
in wliich a verdict forr.VJJas rendered a
few days ago in favor of the plamiliT.
For the nowcBt. nobbiest und latest
styles in Indies' , misses' nnd ohildrun'H
COATS visit the Boston Sure , Council
LMulTs , la.
U'lllilfil 10 ISuy.
Improved ti-operty. Wi'l ' pay cnsh it
pricuislow. II G. MoGoa.lU.\luinstro .
Solillrrit ItiMinion.
L. C. Huff ami L > . B. Cousins returned last
ovcnlnr from Carson , where ' .hoy went to
attend the reunion of thu Pottawattatnlo
County Veterans ussoclution. Tho.v reported
tin excellent time , the citizens of Carson
Bparlcg DO effort to nmlco tlioir stay a pious-
nnt ono. The town was given up to the old
soldiers , nnd they in.iilo use of It accord I-
ingly. Ycstrrday tnoriiins at 'J:30 : o'clock
Iho' whole camp was routed out
of bed and formed In line itn
tlio street. They marched up ont
Bide of the btrcct aud Oown ttio other with
their drums , hculiufr , their tlfes tquoulliiK
and themselves yellini ? , und yet so far as
onuld bu lonrnod tbero was not a resident of
Curson but endured it all with Christian lor-
Misa Edith Thomas , daughter of Dr. P. S.
Tnotn&s of this city , capturad tbo town 'y
her rccltslioua 'J'uesilav nlcht. Kbo was
grocted with ciieoro alter cneore , and eaeli :
lime she responded the enthusiasm \vas
creator than ocfore.
Huston storu closes every oveniii ut (1 (
p. in. , unless MoucUiyu und Saturdays.
„ .
.Iiulson , oh'il engineer , . ! .H Uroidiv.ty
Mnin * l.miir Tvrin.
Frank Carroll , whoso uumarous oscapitles
at ii house on Vine strait have kept tha
uollaion thoiiul vivo for several months
past , bus been put under lionds ot fl.dOJ to
keep the poacu und assessed with u tine of
- ! . " > , which ho Is obliged to wor > c out on the
street. Ha can burdlj bo sutd to bo worlc-
Inp , hortovtfr , lor hU baoiu are nol of lint
Ulnd. When bo was Urn taken out with
tbe other members of tbo jail panfcho re
fused to ccrr.v a bhovnl , and so bo staudj
abctit Iho streets oruamouted about the
nnltlrs ulth a ball and chiiu. Ho says thnt
- his tlaancos arc very low and his frleudt
very ii-arco. to that tlio prospect of his fur
nishing the IIIKK ) bond for koepiup the
pfacu uru bomonbat blight.
! Op3ijlo in this city IHJ yvs stovu *
a Co. nuts 'oni in ut cost.
> , put'o drtifrs , best piinis.
, i I'riitrrtluu In IIU On n Slutr.
K\O\\H.I u , Tcun. , Oct. S. Uovernrr Jobi
1' , llucbunun , the third party c.uidldtilu erin
pnvcrnor , spoke hero tonlcht to several bun
died ntTjOns. A body uuard of stale troop
protected him Irum possible assault.
I' nltli tint llUpluy.
SorTitVniTi.Ki , Ind. , Oct. fi. [ Buocla
Telegram to Tliu Uii ; . ] Nebraska ou Wheel
U' started on ls norther ludlaiu toui
this luortiinv , exhibiting at North . iurm
chaster intl South Whltloy Parmors and
mill men were very much Interested In the
irico ot land and wares In Nebraska. Ono
( inner after critically oximlnlne the ex-
iltilt , remarhod , "If Nebraska can crow such
product * ns you folks have on board wny
lon't you catch those calamity howlers In.
Nobr.isha and hang them ! "
I'iirtD Abunt tlio llrlic < Ci > o.
"Tho question Is not one of dcfendlnc Dr.
lrit'R < , " s.uu n crnaunte of Ui.ton seminary
today , "but It is simply thU' 'Is there lib
erty within the I'raabytorinn church for
reoaom of thought1 ! If Dr. " llrlges Is
n mod out of tbo 1'resbvtcrmn church it
will 1)0 sltrnlv on the question of verbal In
spiration ot the bible , and those who do not
bollevo in tht.l form of Inspiration will have
to po out too , If they ara honest men. The
xvholo movumont is un attempt , to commit
iho Presbyterian church to the Princeton
On tha other hand , those who favor tbo
trial of tbe Union professor atsort that it is
not n quo.nlon of Princeton nsalnst Union
at alt , but the matter is narrowed down to
this : "Aro the views which Dr. Orlcgs
holds repardlnp the proat questions tunda-
tnentnl to the Prcsbvtorlan svstom ot doc-
tntiB nnd in hnraiony with the stauuards of
the church and tue scriptures \ " The question
whether he is a safe toacner Is wbollv an
other matter , for no nr.tu can uo tried lor
heresy because he has the unfortunate fac
ulty of boini ; misunderstood by his f rlotids.
That queitlon inlcbi. determine whetaer or
ubt the somlnary directors would retain him
In the faculty but not whether ho Is a
Tbo two men who llguro most prominently
in the trial tire Ur. HrlR-rs ana his cliiut pros
ecutor or 'persecutor' us ho is culled , Lr. CJ.
\V. V. Ulrch. IJr. ilrlgns wus born in this
city filty yuar aco. When he was 111 years
old ho entered tbo University of Virciula.nnd
Union seminary three josrs later. He was a
member of the'famous Seventh rccimentof
New York and man-bed to the front. Ho
way etigaKod in tnercantl o life after the re
bellion lor some time1 , and thun wont to Gar-
many , whore he had the privilege of studv-
mif under Dorncr und Hodiger. After n brief
ji.istorute ut Uosellc. N. J. , ho was called to
u profussorshlt ) in Union seminary eighteen
rcar ago. occupvlnp the Hebrew chair until
List voar , when Churlt Ilutler , the president
of the bo.ird of diroctoi .ijnvo $100,000
found n chair of bibllcil thcolopy and re
quested that his Irlend. Dr. Briggs , should
be traubforred to that chair.
Pow writers of the proient dav have been
able to accomplish moro than Dr.
lie Is an indefatigable ivorUur. He became
one ol the founders and maimuinp editor of
tbe Projuvtorian Uovlew nnd bus written
numerous articles for periodicals besides
several boolts. Ineludine "Uiblical Study , "
"Messlnmc Prophecy , " "American Presby-
teriunlsiri , " " \VMtliorl" and n now one Just
issued , "Tho Hiole , the Church and the Hea-
son " It \Vhithorl"that tilled special
attention to his advanced views in regard to
the bible. From the tlrst ho was bitterly
opposed to the revised version of thq bible
and has taken trequent occasion to speau
against it ,
From a college annual this bKeteb of Dr.
Jilrch. . is lalcon : "The llrst luklinc we have
of Birch was when , 'JJO years nco , the
Protestant , William III. , moved on the works
of tha Catholic James , nt tbo battle of the
Uoyuo. Birch was Iberu. 1 ce his charac
teristics. He crossed the channel , tirst , a
derided Protestaut ; second , toconauer ; and , | i
third , to stay. In this spirit he e.une to colI I I
le e. Ho stayed with ovnry lesson until he 1
mastered it and led the class. Past ins over <
a century and a naif , wo meet him agilii , on | I
Hie : norniiiK of the idtli of March , 1S3T , in
Clayvilte , Pa. , dulightlni : the hearts ot nis
Umu parents , John and Harriet Heed Birch.
Think of n conn that sprang ur > bcsido
ths drnidtcal altars of Unglund , trans
planted toLondonderry , and then to America ,
recelvlnc a Scotch craft , and you have the
family tree ill it produced the Birch over be-
for us 10 tbo classroom. Like all the rest
ot us bo made no history in bis early
life. Ho entered the prepaiatory depart
ment of Washington college in November ,
ISol , and in February , 1S55 , the freshman
class. Oeorsc came with a quiet out fixed
determination to stand at the head ol tbe
class , and hrs did iu The reason why he took
tbe llrst honor was simply Unit bo forgot
nothing , answered every question and solved
every problem tUat wns given to him during
Lho whole course. Entering tbo Western
Theological seminary on Brnduation. ho con
tinued therr , as much as his health would
allow , until January. IhOl. On the 10th of
April , lbW ( , he wns llci'csea to preach. In
Februnry , li > : ! l , he was called to the Third
Presbyterian church of Springfield , 111.
Alter several other pastorates ho , lu April ,
ISTS , accepted a call to the Bethany church ,
New York city , where he was installed pas
tor. February 5 , IST'J , ana where ho still re-
I'KOMIXK * T 1'KUl'l.K ,
Tbo late Francis Kernan was the only
rinniocrat whQ.represcnted New York in the
United States senate between 1S4S atid the
election of David B. Hill.
tf Lord Hougbto'i. tno oe\v lord Houtenant ,
of Ireland should wear eyeglasses tu < would
pass readily in Now York for U'illlam C.
Whiti.ey. 'Lord lioughton , by the way , is a
line looking man.
Tbo czar's aersonal expenses ore $0.000,000
ajear , which Isfti. " 10,000moro thmi Kussla's
iiunuai appropriation for comroou schools. It
is little wonder that the cream of our immi
gration is not from Kussio.
Governor Flower socirs destined to win
innnorta ity t.y hl remark , " 1 don't care a
d u for votes ! " The expression , however ,
will imvo to oc softened and trimmed bsfore
it can pass into our classics.
Ignatius Donnelly's declaration tbat the
people's party will carry Minnesota by IS''J ' '
majority shows how familiarity broods con
tempt. A few cipher * morj or less do not
affect him in the slightest degree.
William F. Comly. of the Dayton , O. ,
Journal , at&i still holds the position as night
editor and is as sprv and cueix'tilic as much
younger mon on tuo staff. What a book ho
otild write on "Fights 1 nave hud with the
foio'iiau. "
Ulshnp Newman of the Methodist Episco
pal church has procured from Mrs. A. J.
Hazt'lion of Warren , Pa. , a full nlpht bloo m
incr ccreus blossom preserved in spirits , and
tent , itns n gift to .Mrs. Grunt , wife of tbo
late President U. S. ( Jrant.
George William Cuitis siifforcd proatly
from stiiu-e frlpbton Iho occasion of nis IIrs
lecture , and bcpiin by sayinp : ' 'Ladles an
( ieutlemen : The plttoinlctL bott , " with
KOIcrnmiy which was changed to confusio
when ho perceived bis error. Of course h
had meant to muko an alluUon to the bottom
less pit ,
llripadlor ( icncral Alexander M. McCook ,
wbo is in command of tbo Department of
Arizona , belong * to the famous family of
iiphtinp McCooks. He commanded the First
army corps in the fiphl at Perryville , and
lor bis bervlces there was made u brevet
hnpadlcr pcnoral in tbo ropular army. ( Jon-
i-ralMcCool : had several brothers who were
snuliers und nil were killed while In service.
The only burvivinp brother Is Jonn J. Me-
Cook , vlio is counsel for the Bantu Fo mil-
roid. ; General McCook was c graduate from
West Paint and itfterwurds un instructor
thuro. lie was stationed in Trxas about
I'iL'ht years and about two years ape was
transferred to tbo Department of Arizona.
Although 1)2 ) yours of aeo be dojs not look to
be over M ) . Ills fueo is round and red and
Ins appearance Is that of a robust , active
uiau in thu prime of Hie.
The annual report of the Wesleyan Meth
odist Sunday Scbool union snows 7U.4 Sunday -
day anhools , au iucieaso afl'J ; ; rJS..a , ' ) oftteers
and teachers , a decrease ol U'J. ] ; Ui'.l/.US ; pu
pils , an Increase ol 1,011 , There uro 3'ilW ,
Bands of Hope connected with the Sunday
school with uu carolled mumbershlp of 75 * .
( T2t , on Increase of 'Jl.SW.
Highest of all in Leavening Po '
* *
German Rider ? Wera Hni lly in the Qrcnt
Long Diatnaco Race.
llr Miulp ( lie IisniticTlirro Itoiirn
Tlinn lilt Mnrr t 'Chtiipctltor IJin-
pcrorVlllluin rtU'nril * One ot
thu ( Icrinan Itucor * .
Dsui ix , Oct , 5 Count SUirhomberg , Aus
trian long alstanco rhlcr , arrived hero at 7
o'clock this morning , making the distance In
seventy-one hours , thirty-four tnluutes , or
three hour ! bolter time than that of Lion-
tenant Mlklos , tbo first rider to finish. Hn
llnlshcd in u gallop. Both her o and 'rider
are In wonderfully good condition.
Up to 'J o'clock this afternoon twentv-llvo
Austrlans have arrived. Soaie of the Ger
mans who started on the second d y are
makintr bo tor tune than these who started
on the tlrst day. Up to li o'clock this morn
ing nine Uennnns had arrived nt Vienna ,
their time ranging from olghty-fourto ninety-
three hours.
VIBNN * . Oct. S.-Captaln Topperlacki , one
of the Herman riders In the longdistance
race , arrived hero at SW : this morning , cov
ering the distance in b'J hours ami U3 minute. * ,
1 hour nnd o'J minutes better than Prince
Leopold's tlnio.
Durini : the mornlne and afternoon Iho
Austrian riders arrived in quiets succession.
All wore In first-class condition. 1'bo vi
cinity of thu custom house lu tbo TcmDlobofl
Held was crowded all day with ortlcors ana
civilians , aud as each rider reached thu goal
he was heurttly cheered bv thu thousands of
people. The Inter arrivals traversed the
road In Jrora seventy-seven to ninety-six
The emperor nas taken the utmost Interest
in the ride and has kept thoroughly well In
formed as to the progress made by the
rldcra. The first ot the Cicrmun olllcers to
derive any material benefit front the race is
Ptluco Leopold , the llrst of the starters to
arrive nt Fiorisilorf. As a rowara lor the
feat he accomplished the emperor has promoted
meted hiii to be a lieutenant colonel.
Tblrtnme Austilan rldois arrived hereon
on the fourth dav. Lieutenant Muzvak cov
ered the distance In ? T hour * , 'Jii minutes :
Lieutenant HiiiKin In 77 hours , : t5 mlnutoe ,
and Lieutenant Szolnok in 8 hours , 12 min
utes. Tbo horae of the last named was M >
fresh on nrrivinc that he received tbo cheers
of the assembled thrones and tried to bolt ,
Ills riijslcliir.n Stnto Th t tlio 1'c et Cull
Klin lur Hut u lYw Hour * .
LONDON' , Oct , 5. Lord Tennyson filled to
rally during the night. A dispatch from
Haslomcro at 2 p. m. says the pool li in the
last stage of bis illness und is passing slowly
away , nnd It would Miot occasion sur
prise if the next announcement brouchl
ncv.-s of bis death. So many people call lor
news of his condition that special prac.iu-
tinus nave been taken to prevent Intrusion.
Hopes aru stretched across the gates and
only members of the lamily ere admitted.
At : i:30 : this afternoon the poet's phvsicians
report that ho is dying , passing away quietly ,
slowly , and miv linger for soms hours.
LONDON , Oct , 5. In an Interview at Haz"l-
mere > I 4 p. m. Dr. Uanbs said bo had Jjst
lelt Dr. Clark at the bedwdc ol Lord Tenny
son , who wns then quite conscious and wbo
did tot seem to sutler in tlio least. Through
out tbo afternoon the patient's intellect was
quite clear , bu said , uud occasionally he con
versed with his son , Uullam , and others who
were near him. Sovorul times he inouired
as to the time of day , nnd bo niado frequent
allusions to bis illness.
Hoing usked whether tbero was not a
slight chunco of tnq poet's recoverv Dr.
IJubbs replied decisively ; "Tbora is abso
lutely no hope. Lord Tennyson has always
enjoyed a vigorous * constitution , which
enables him to make n prolonged strugglr
with death. Ha has sleptagood dual ilurini ;
tbesu Uniil hours , but only for short periods.
He is nourished witb beef tea , Brand v und
milk. "
On being questioned as to whether Lord
Tennyson appeared to know that his end
was near , Uabbs replied : " 1 cannot say for
certain , but I think hodojj. " -
At U o'clock the peat still showed signs of
life , but he was unconscious.
Lady rcnnvson is nearly heartbroken over
her husband's dangerous condition. Silo
visited bis hodsido at u late hour last night ,
She bears her deep sorrow witn admirable
fortitude. Sir Andrew Clarke intended to
leave , but the patient's condition prew so
critical , that the doctor finally decided to re
main in attendance on him all night.
Bulletin Lord Tennyson died ut 1:35 : this
ISUDA-I'KSIII IN A It.VU - > T.lTi : .
MmiK-ipil liri ! | > . < cltv , : if tlio lltiii :
CHpltiil Ihimlturc'K lt TC > rd.
LOXDOV , Oct 5. According to the Stand-
aril's correspondent Hamburg's cholera lig-
ures for Tuesday are : Now cases , W ;
ocuths , 11 ; burials , Kll ; patients in hos
pital , 813.
A dispatch to the same paper from Buda-
1'esth says ; "All papers hero concede the
incapacity of thu authorities In
preparing for cholera. A royal comimlteo is
demanded. "
Tno StandarJ's correspondent nt Vienna
says : "The subjection of persons arriving
from Pesth to live days' medical inspection
commenced with vlpor todiv. The number
of cases or cholera In Pestb is larger than is
ofllrially admitted. In most other rtspects
it is unfortunuto that thu example of Ham
burg seems to bo imitated hero. "
Priibsluii 1'iilltlc * .
[ fopyrlulitpil 1KU 117 JamuH Cunloii llt'unutt.l
Uiiiu.isOct. . 5.-Nsw [ York Herald C.iblo
Special to Tin : Ur.n. ) Count Kublen-
berg , premier of Prussia , hesitates to sup
port tbo new military bill bee-aunt ho is ex
tremely alspleuscd at the strange conduct of
Count Caprlvi , who , although no longer
premier , had moved in that natno in Prussia
without consulting him. Cinrlvi's Inlti-
utlvo oeforo tbo federal council Is therefore
In dangar of bing disavowed by ICuhlun-
berg. Several other member ? of thu Prus
sian cabinet uro opposed to the modus pro-
ccdendl , and notwllhstundlng the warm
protection offered to tbo chancellor bv
the ompetor , it is feared a good deal of
unpleasant friction may arise. The oin-
peror Is striving to paralyze the bostilo cur
rent , and hopes to succaod. Kuhlenberg's
recent departure for ' bis country estate is
not unconnected u It'll ' a disagreement arnon
the governing authorities. Tbo minister of
war has declared tliat nothing Is to bu ex
pected from tbit. action of L'uprivL
A teleuram was "faceived from Kama at
th imperial chancellor's ofllco on Saturday !
saying that the pope was not well , and that
Dr. Ceccarelll nail been called In several
times , U appears that his holiness Is suffcr-
ing froni physical ' pil ( mental prostration ,
It In believed hero that thu Illness of Leo U
more serious tban ivttated In the dispatch ,
IUHE , Oct. 5. Three new cases and five
deaths were reported yesterday.
Pjtiti' , Oct. 5. Yesterday twenty-lour
now cases ana twelve deaths ivcro reported
lu the city and its suburb ] ,
Oct. 5. There have bean ro-
'owcr. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
ported In all ilohand ton nsiv cases nnd
seven duntbs ,
Ciut-ow , Oct. X Two new cn os wcro reported -
ported here yesterday. The deaths num
oored three ,
AMWKIIP. Oct , 5 , Clean bills of health
are Issued to vessels leaving this port. A
QUttrantlno of \vcaK Is maintained ncalntt
arrivals from French ports on the Atlantic.
Hutu-PrsTii , Oct. B. Hctweon mldnlcbt
last nleht nnd noon ted y sixteen cholera
patients bavo been taken' to tbc hospital.
Since last night nlno deaths have occurred.
Mairinrnts of Ocpnn struinrr < .
At Lizard PassedICneland , from Xcw
At Sctllv Pawed Wcalnnd , from Now
At Kltifale Passed Wisconsin , fiotn Now
At Now York Arrived City of New
York , from Liverpool.
* .lllUrtii In South ll.ikolii
MlTciint.i , H. 11 , Oct , ft. Senator Allison
of Iowa delivered the only spo ch holll
malic In the state during the present cam-
pal en today in this city to one of the larpcjt
political Catherines of this section. He dl -
cusscd tbu currcnov and tariff.
rnpnllsts A l < lor Miiiicy.
Ntw YOIIK. Oct. 5 'Iho managers of the
people's party In New York bavo appealed
to the free colnacc silver men for JUW.'lOO to
use in the 1,10. ) election ulstnnts of the city.
Mr * . llurrl tiiift * roiulltItMi.
WinsoTON , U. C. , Oct. fi. Mrs.
son passed a comforlnblo dav , though Her
condition l < practically tbo same as during
the past few days.
Ail Indian Trader Tells His
Story of Kickapoo Indian
Cured of n Distressing Stomnch
Trouble by Kickapoo Snjjwa
First lonrnod of the Modiclno
through a Souix Indian.
Hcie 1 nnnlhcr > , \ fmni tin1 fiontlov ot
Ihc wonileifiil ruiiitlM' piopcillinf tlis
KIcKiipoo liiillun lii'iinMllvv , niul proof of
their hl li legal.1 tliu tiontlei incii
mid liulliin > . .
C S \\V Itull'inT.nilrr
The fiUo lnK l.ttn fioin C \-ny , tlio
Iinllnn tinilvr niul tnli'rjiu'tci of ln ! livlllc ,
Nubiii lvii , ji\t , " iUUe i IIIOD ! ol the cura
tive , tonic , niul iilooil iiiiilfjlnij : iiinillticsor
Klul.npoo Iinllnn UKUU.
Ill nIM.I : , XKIIIIA--K \ , .Itino s.
Potnt'tlinc IIKII ufternfffiliitf -ox t-it'lv A\ lib
fstOllllll'll tlOlllllf , SIIHl llVtlVP'lll Wllll'll llllll
l ' < -n Kicntly ! i'fjri\ilL'il | : : by tlio nlknll tt.itcr
of tlif wi Iriii coiintiy , uml Axhon 1 luul
icni'lioil tlmt tiij'wlicic I I'citilil fK-qnently
liolit iiotliini ; on my htnimirli. anitoulil
c\cn tlmnv up ivnt'r usoou us ilinnlc , 1
leiiinfl fioin u NJOMV Iinlliinlio been
on a \ i"-it to Klckiipoo ti lln of n oiuler-
fnl n-ini-dy cnlloil " > .IS M. " I < > t lilni to
] ) rocnro SOIIH- for HIP. Tin- effect was it1-
inniable. ! 1 tri"l to uel more fioin tlie
InilniM , lint lie wmilil not let me bavo more of
hi" , lie im/i'il It > nun Ii he noulil not jU'p
it nil. I then leiiine 1 tiiat lleuly A. Illi ; < Mv ,
of Sew 11nvcn , I onn , timl nil iirriniKeincnt
with tbo KifKnpoo titbe. ami wa * ptiltin
their icuicilltM on ttie market. I MMI ! a'ut Kot
n bottle anil fnun.l . it to be Hie same .is that I
bail pmciiioit fiom tlie loux liuliaii. 1 sot
inoie , niul nftei the n-e "if a few liotlle-
AMI" not only relieved but eulutly fitrtJ , ttml
liui'c stt\if \ < l fin til ererc. .
I run eat iiiiytbini ; et before me. * : iU
lineoii , wliich u eil to imvo a iiui till-tie--liif ;
etfeel , I eau now eat au.l H'li-h lili" an
liuliaii. 1 ba\c nl-o ii-ril Ihc Kleliipoo
Iinllnn MtHe for in > hoi-e- , when thej have
been etit * ecieln11 barbeiliie fence * , anil
II heals them light ii ) > .
I eniinotjruk | too highly of tbp KleUunoo
rc'ini'illi'x. I Keep tli 'in all in niv tnvliii-j
] i'i-t , ami fheeifiil ! > iccoiumiul It to any
ii A-\Y.
Imllaii'li nler .iml inH ijiu ler
'Sold by all
$1 per bottle. 6 bottles for $5.
CTD tSiBi CT C1 T . nerml throe 'J-r. > t.iniii In paj | nt-
tlirlllhrami IiitrfiM'li Inti'ri".IIii ; li'iok of 17:1 :
iiaacs , entitle. . ! " IJKII 1MI M'KMISMOfJ
'lilt : KICKM'III ) IMIUNS. " Ti'lU nil Hlmut
tinInillant. . Aildri'sn , IIKVM i IIIiiIl ( : \ , ! iil
( iranJ Vrrmir , Ne UKTI'II , IUMII.
. W. PANSLE , 1. D.
TheCood Samaritan. 20 YtaiV Eipwicnce.
I treat the following Diseases :
Catarrh of the Head , Throat , and Lungs : Dit.
CMOS of the K > e and Knr. llta a id A poplex j Heart
DiKeu < m , Hver Uoniiilalnt. l.idney Complaint ,
Nervous Debility , Mental Doprcs-
pJort , Loss of Manhood , Seminal
Weakness. Dlubete'.UrighfB Dl-ease.&t Vltus'
iance , Itbeuiiiatlf m , 1'flralyflJ , White STelling ,
Bcrofula , Fever Sores , Cancers , Tumors
and Fit-tula In ano removed without
the knife or drawing a drop of
blood. Woman with bin- delicate oriT.ns restored -
stored to health. Droy ) cured wlihout tanning.
Special Attention given to private
and Venereal Diseases of all kinds.
S5O to SBOO forfeit fur any Venereal Dis
ease I cannot euro without mercury.
Tape Worms removed In two or three houre , ot no
pay. Hi morrholdi or Piles cured.
Will rave life and hundreds of dollars by
en or using
The only I'll } .Man wlio can tell wliat alia
a pcTniiii without uniting a
All romi > ondenco strictly confidential. Medlcma
cent by eijiresi Addrt-taali letUn to
G , W , Pangle , MD ,
555 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
thank me for calling
your attention to ilu
Are You
Going to Paint ?
Tito iuittiinn i < the titno to paint , nnd
ono coat brigliltMts and pi-p-scrves lieu os
nnd buildings nnd ndds tnucli to the
value and beauty of your property.
Would You Like to BUij
Wo want to bell you p-iints and every
thinir ttsod in painting at wholesale an 1
loss. The l.n-t boiled nil you boujjlityou
probably paid 70e a unllon for itVo
will sell you ono pillion or 100,000 gallons
lens of any brands i.tHc. ) . Now wo huvo
untight your attention , rend tbe icst of
this anil compare these straight cash
St. Louis lend , 7c per Ib.
Omaha , lead , GSe per Ib.
Joplin lend , ( Uo jior Ib.
Cheap lead 5c per Ib.
Ijin ecd oil , boiludI0o per g \ \ .
Litisued oi' ' . taw , -llio per jial.
Paint oil , I'v'o per gal.
Barrel p ice , lie nor unl less.
Uetry Liios. , hard oil , 5 nl cm : ,
Sl.GO nor sral.
JSorrv Bros , hard oil. 1 cM'i-1.7.1. :
OthcV hud : oils , from SI.00 to $1.50
uor til.
Mineral paints , dry , from HI % to , 'tc.
Mineral paints , ground in oil-c ! to tie.
The Rome Mixed
Paint ,
\Ve 7uaranteo to be as frond ns nny
mixed paint. We will sell you at & 1.U5
per gallon. Has never been sola for le s
than SI. 30 per jjallon.
The Excelsior
Mixed Paint
As peed a paint tin other do'ilersell I
you for i-1.50. Wo will tell you at $1.00
per callon.
OUr Barn and
Roof Paint.
Wo will si-11 you at 7cc ] cr gallon.
Lowest Prices on all
Kinds of Glass.
Oil all other } , 'ooJs our pi-ices are
equally low.
Gome and See Us and
Bring the Gash ,
C. II Paint , Oil anil te Co.
1 an 13.-I'll ' St. Masonic Tfinplc
llcHf.iclllll ( ! < . nnjnr.itm nn I ro nctioi f > r 1 1 < n , f
Ireiluiento uvir/lorai iftluuio
liu int'JIC-il or Kiir.'lnl ire u uent.
il ln' k furiJUIK-iiH. im.irl mi I nun ilunj. 113,1 Ul
( UmOllllllOMI III II3 UU.
Write rorrlrfulum on < lfl-'n uii' juiil liracoi , Iruv
c.ilul > tfut , cjrr.ituieinf n : > ln , pllui , luinurj. i.'in-
cr. caUrrli , lironc illl > , InliuluUiiii , iilDCtrlcltr , iur.
uly l . opIliMnjr , klilnujr , Mailer , ii/e , r , ' < m imJ
hliMHl andull biiuUal oiierttloiii
Wumrii HllvK. iVn litloliil ly art Join b'lilHn ila
imrtniont ltT wjiunn ilurliiK tifiinnumbiil * ntrlil/
i.r.rale. Only llcllnblo ile licit Iiin.iulo mul.u a
All Illiiol lliieu t icon , full- Irene ) , -rii'illii' :
1'olt.uuiruiDovuJ fmtu Hie ym u wliii'j'jt uit-riir/
Noir itenturallru Trout cent f > > r Imt of N'll'M.
I'oWKil. rur > uii > iuiuj' l < i vuli uinujr Ijj iioitjl
ill Im uo l > y ciirriH.Kin Ifiidi. All ou nmuiilcil ! 1 1 ,
. .
coiiilJoiiliul. vlulleliiet.irliixrn uealonn ! ,
. Iti mill >
eiiir. nr. ciirelf | iiL'l > u 1 , mi niriri. ID lirlii'.ito a 1 1-
U'Di or MII lur. mm paroinl liiiernu-r iirjtarr.H
iHllaiKlronvuit ui ur IHIII ] lilt orrofyour ea j. ail
w < ! Ki'l "ii I In iilHlu irrinper. < ur
TO MEN ' "KK- "i"1 IVUHUI s..j
iu men , , , , , . ;
( U Of xirMi „ , , ,
, -ji'jill | , ( jlct-luil Vurtjjwle , nltiiiun
liraci5.i > | illan ! < for l > epnultioi HI I Trimet
lialjr luanulucior/ tiie we.i it
liKKOlllllTV , AITLIANTK' , THUSd * * . KI.B .T
Ulf lUTl'fclUKS AMI IlKLTa.
Omalia JIcJlwl an3 Surgical Institute
26th and Broadway , O-unoil Blaffj.
Ton mlntuoirllo from center of O mill on
nirj vouull iilutfi clvctrlc tujlur liu j.
; Tn ? iv nil alvort'-o iintsipnoniu In n
nowspippr nro oftun Iho nnwt intoriMtliu
part nf Its contents. Tlu-y f\pi , ss thu urgent
niM-ils. the dally nlsho * or the pmiplo who
want mi i rlli'.n ' ? and who iiro lllni to da
\\7A T > . itood slrl tor l 'iovi ' owork
' sit 41 1 iJlen ; ivtMiiu\
AAN rrii-UoniiGtPiit | ij rl fur
i' iunisewoik. ll'JSoiltli Suvonlh I'rool.
\\TANTK1I A thnnmshlv en npulonl slrl :
ii must lie a cK ( > iI vook. Iniiilro | ot Mrs.V.
A. Mniiler , VII Soeonrt uveniia.
\\r.\NTKD l'lnc < us nursn girl ; cnn clva
'T ton1) ) refeiuiiuus. August.i lluiniinn , 1.11 *
N , v co. uro
rondv and tivur ullilnc to show
ptopiTty ; riis ; niw.iys on bund , 'lio und see
FAHM nnd eity loins. Money < > ineJ on
-took und craln. Koil estuto for sain.
I\\ellln : ind busliu'ss runtuls. Money lonnod
for lee il Investors. Lougco & Towleaji l'oirl :
ITIOlt ? . \ 1. 1C Iuslriblo : rusldi-neo proporlr
JL on 'I'.irk live. All modern iiiiprnvoiiionts.
1-1 rooms one block frum inotor ; n Iviwiln It
t'lljoiat iincu ; easy payments or trade IX 11.
IT von wint : to rent n house see tireeiishlohK
Nlcholxtin Jk t'o.
IT'Oit Tit \ Ii-Litid ) : In ( lively enmity and
JJnstur i-oiiiily. ol ) . , for sto-k ot jewelry.
organs fiiiiilturo or bni-liiess property inV
Uonni-ll lllulK K. H. She iff.
V Ftiif largest list of piniierty of unv linn In
the city
irOlt X\ljK Climrost firiii : 111 I'otfxwatta-
in o Co. . 41. ) nero > , wo.I lu.-ilu'l niU Im-
pitno.l 1'rkoSU un aeio. I- IIiluufc. .
II YUU have invthliu for s ilu or tr.ido SUB
L K. II. lie ife. ) < r i an I M IIM stront.
"Ij'Oil PAI.n On sin id payments , fruit mid
J-1 ciirtli'ii tun i noir Council ill UTj Ii. 11.
blieafe. ISroadw.ny .in I M.iln struct.
JP YOU wnnt to boir sonietlilni no < v rosnrd-
niK ieil otntu see liiueu-hulds , Nlebolbon
FO1 ! nXCHANHE-Holi'l and rbifinr.itit
livj.-itcil : il .SlinliorU Nob. , an 1 10 Ints In
DenvcT , I'ola ; lll e\uban e for elear No-
br. < hki : lan.l IX U. Sbc.ifii.
"T I'yim ! iiiljnbny a bouse bee ( jioensblolds.
liolson & Co.
_ llvo
snartli of Ck"inII Uliitts ; SB an aerot
ii-ntip Ii.ii7.ilii , M II. Sliu.Co ,
U7ASTKl-Xe' rnaUa 1 m I In cM-lringo for
peed \\ur\t \ lioru-i. K. II Mits.ife.
, \ CO. Imvo
many In I'nprovoil ami v leant
pinpartv wn uli they would Ijo uluasoci to
hhow yuu.
C Al-K iU ) iXCIIAMiI'-MO..icrn runuu In
Wliculuri-uiiiiiy , Jn. Will take merchan
dise. K. 11. Slieafu.
\\T A WOOD , V CO. Imvo somu of tlio flnost
.r.iims in soittbnoituin Imva for sale.
( ' .ill u nil seu is 'iUl Mnln street.
IK yon h i vo a hou se to irntbeo ( liornsbloUli ,
Ntvlio ion it ( Jo.
AIIAUUAIN. n-iien-fruit nnd Burden tract
' . " mill s from nostolllco. " ' , iien-s in crapes.
! t : IITO In blai'lclinrrli's. ' ' . ' . "iJ npnlo tiee-i. TJ
Ilium tici'R : fl I'herry trees , dun lln-j , stubln ,
ef. I'rleuJ'.OO'.OJ. ' No trade. P. II. Micafo.
TP VllIT want to buy u lot s.-o Uioonsblelds ,
Nlelio ilatin , V Co.
$ I'iit : MONTH rents a soort 5-room
ilwclllni : on A\uiiuo t' near 2btli street , U
II. Miunfu.
1 01 nern ' impiovud f.iim In Mills county. Ia. .
f.S.'ii per aeie ; alhi ) | iHJ til K'r b.'i acres Jm -
pinvt'd In I'ottawattiiinlo county , * 'i ; SIKU.S.
.lolim-um& Vim I'atteu.
/-jiu.i\siinii.s. : MLMIUI UN .t co. ni-
v * \vnjs liuve Biiupson h mil Tor consoi vutlvo
DOS'T buy nioporly till yon ba\o boeu
OrcenshfeUs. Nicholson A. I'o.
x & C0. ronl
and roulal iiKents. ( l.'l Hnay , , O.
ISTyour property willi men who riiht'o ' to
; I'll It S."o ( JroonslilelilB. Nluholson & Oo.
. . , . . nrotho
.i | uiin | usiiiiH ilii.ri'rs of Cnunell
Illnlls. Sen tliuin when yon want iiiiytliln ; .
DON'T foraotth-t ( - . ' . . .Nlcliol-
0ll nrp iUI-t in tlio mlddlu of tlio rliic ;
Inrcektliht of proiioriy of any dealer In the
COM- ! , and lal < o ono of Urc'r-iishielilH. Nloliol-
( on'h n.saiid taito u rjdo over thu city ; It
costs you nothlni ; .
"I I1" you want to buy hind heu
-I Nk-lujlsnii .1 Co ,
[ Ttolt HAI.HHotel with furnltiiro and IU-
-L1 lures"i ; rojms , | > irn , i-t- . I'rlou , < : i,31X
Located In Douglas , count v. I ) illy receipt * . lnve tlgntu at oiK'U. li'll. i heafo. _
( 'JAItllAOKreiiuived , ec-iiponls , vaults and
'eiliminyneliajifil. | , E. I ) . Hnrjp. t"ly llldg.
"I7ttlt 8AMC Uloaii'fclooK liurlwiiro , well u -
J.1 t ibllsho 1 trr.lo , liivoli'uiiiuut i.iOJ ) . Hoo-l
em-oil furtiOlU/iT. Toriiii e mil K. U. Sliuufo.
SA1/K I'lfrnlturc , fixtures nnd lease ot
the UIHI lines ! Imtnl In southern
a. All modern Improvements -
Kiint furniture. Nut prollis fOOJ.pur | ( ) an-
iinnii liullulni ? ni'uly built : no uiimpjiltlou ,
I'r cn.OUJ.O' . half ca h. li 11. blieufe , fonnell
Illrtrla. .
anil ohiiln , . 'i-J Washington
ry o it'lt. rnninrlOn ? 2J-
Ii ] i. bol er , 1'J-h. p , enirlne. - lie I/'ivello
fep irjtors. ' . ' cream v.its. iiMKaUont o.iehi usli
churn , yjj ita'tons ' ; uower hutlor woiUur , boain
tuiik'N xri'lzhl uxii , w.itor tjnlc and other
fixture * . Will Bnll i-huup for u Hh or trudu
for Inn . 1C. II. Hbe.ifo.
ON l\VHin ' \l. \ . .oi-iMwn\ \ >
in i adu ts , 7:1' : p ni Hot-In s H 'conil nnd
foui ih Mondiiyt. , U p. m , Muhle fnrnlsliDil par-
llos and clubs. Addrehi nl H. A. I'urlorK.
Council ItlulTii. or Id.'J I'uniaiii 81. , Omulia. W.
K. Climalier.-i , Instructor.
Funeral Director , E
114 Main Streut ,
Coudril Dluffe ,