Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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With 30 lo 1 Against Him , Ho Galloped Off
With the Ooin.
'Inletlt Mnkrs u l-rctty Omul Tiling of the
lnr l.otiinvlllo'n I'ltilii I'roBniin-
IruttliiK nt l.rxliiRlnn llllnrr
C.--Tho atmosphere bore this afternoon wns
decidedly cbllly , rendering heavy wraps and
top coats a necessary adjunct for comfort.
The spnrt was sensational , notably tbo
victory of ( Jreat Hopes in the third race ,
which he won from Canvass with odds of
from 25 to 1 to 10 to 1 ucnlnst him Plorro
Lorillnrd's ' Yemen was llrst choice nt 1 to 2 ,
but bo was beaten ut thn hull milo.
Wnlcott fi , Campbell added Spartan lo tbo
Btnrturi for the Albany stakes. W Ith Tarnl
no ho was mndo a I to 5 favorite. Iltnln Hey
( lOtol ) held Spartan safe nnd boat him
handily In tbo last furlong.
'Jho westerners backed Hlvnl fiom 10 to I
to I to 1 to win thu llrst race , Tnral rode the
inaro to victory. Another western borso ,
Michael , was cut loose for the second rnco ,
and thU time the local plungets got aboard
nnd sent Michael to the post a 0 to 5 favor
ite. Ho won in n gallop with Mr. Sn ( 'JO
to 1) ) second. With Banquet withdrawn
from the filth rnco , Struthmualh ( U to 5) ) galloped -
loped In ahead of Kqultv. scrond choice.
1'oiirtccn venrllng llllies started In the
Inst. The Beechnm lilly (5 ( to B ) led to the
linlsh nnd nuponred to win by u bend , but
the judges dcrldrd in laver of Propriety
( to 1) ) . Sunimnilcs :
1'lrst raci" , live fnrlonsrs : Hhnl ( I to I ) won
Tormentor (7 ( to " ) second , Wall Jim (5 ( to 1) )
third. Tlmo. ( < " { t
Seconil nice , uno mlloi Mlchnol ( fi to M won ,
Mr. HUSH ( ' - ' ) ti ) 1) ) boeond. llefmslllu Ole 1) )
third. Tltno : 1:41.
'Ihlrd raio , scM'ii furloniis : Oront llupcsC.'i
to II won. Canvass (11 ( to 1) ) secoml. I. illali IJO lo
] ) third Tlmo : I W . .
I'nurtli incr. thu Albanv stiUps , six fur
IOIIKH : Kmlii Hey ( IU to I ) won. hpnrtun (4 ( to
r > ) not-null , Cniiiiun , colt. ( U to' ' ) third , lime :
lll'i'f. '
I'ltth race1 , mlle und a furlong : btrathnionth
(1 ( to 'Ji won. Kqnlty ( I to 1) ) second , Adalbert $
lot ) third Tlmo : I'S. :
falxtn raio , flvo fnrloius ! 1'roprloty (4 ( to 1) )
won. llorlha It i"i to 2) ) second , XIuy Lo e (7 ( to . ' )
lliird.Tlmo : 5is5i.
iliurchlll Dnnns l'i ugnun I'roies V ry
'I a nio mill irnliitcrostlng.
LoimviiLF , Ky , Oct. 5--About 8,000
people witnessed seine oidinnry racing nt
Churchill Downs this afternoon. In the
regular third nnd fourth races , nil the horses
were scratched and In order to 1111 out the
program the llrst rare was spilt
nnd nn extra race added. Favorites
won in only two races , the tlrst and
the fourth. The traclt was vorv hoavv in
dust nnd n chilly October wind blow all the
afternoon. It is now almost certain that the
mooting will bo extended live dnvs after
Sulurday , Iho tlmo advertised for closing.
I'lrst , for , 'J-yoai-old's five furlongs :
Ii'idv Juno ( . , to 1) ) won , St Cyr 2 to r > ) second ,
J.onory (10 ( to H third TimeIOI : * ( .
Second raco. solhnj ? , for 1-yu ir-ulds und up-
wnrdH. six fniloiiKSVhltu Nose (1 ( to W won
in llRXt I.mpress I'rtduiluk tU to J ) second ,
Jtml rrlnce(4 ( to 1) ) third.
Third rice , selling , sunn conditions ns
second , six fmlmiiis ; Imp ItecalloU to luon )
In 1:18. I ucUnowlSto 1) ) second , iun'onlo to
J ) third.
I'onrth nice , solllnp , for.l-ycir-old and up
ward which huvo not won slnco Jnlv V , t > uvun
Inrlonna : Ilindcicu < ti ( oven inoiiuy ) won In
I : ) . ' , rirst Ii.ipd tuDbceuml Wnrl'lnt (4 ( to 1) )
I'lftli rice , solllnt-.fora-jiinr-olds n3 np-
Trurds iiillu and u slxtconth : Lake Hreo7O(4 (
-o 1) ) won In l > rlja , Tenny , Jr , (4 ( lo 1) ) second ,
Voudon 14 to 1) ) third.
Consldciriiiilu liitirmc nt a I'uli ot Mingled
HIHH and l'olltlc .
Uusnvil i.c , Neb , Oct. 5 [ Special Tolo-
( jram to Tnu BTE. ] The attendance at the
fair today was good and a lively interest wns
taken in the speed Diagram Ibis afternoon.
Tomorrow is democratic day and Hon. J.
Sterling Morton is booked for u speech at
tbo grounds. Friday will bo republican duy ,
when Hon. J. M. Tate will speak. Tno fol
lowing are Ihis afternoon's races :
Special trotting , best three In live , purse $150 :
MoVura. . " . 321 11
McUlnty 1 1 dis
ht 1'atrli U'sDay J .1 i ! 2 2
Time : 2M : , J.2JU , :2iU. : 2'H. : 2JO'i. :
I'ony running ruco , hull mile and ruueat ,
pnrso ITS :
Itiilly 1 1
Hones 2 2
CoonUan 'J J
The third race was u ttot against tlmo by
Guolnh Senior , owned by A. T. Turnov &
Son of Bciilrlie , in an nitouipl to capluio
the $2r)0 puiso offered oy the assoclalion lo
tbo horse that will boat J : 17 , Guelpn made
a fine efloit , but fulled , making the mlle
The lotiilb rnco wns for Indian ponies ,
mlle dash. It wns very amusing und cioatod
plonlv of merriment. Tnoro wciu fourteen
Blurted and the head pony cot around in 1 : fiu.
At JMIMCJ Hunk * ' Home.
v , Kv. , Oct. 5. The Kentucky
Trotting Iloiso Brooders association opened
Iho trotttiiK moetinir today in bright sun-
bhlno , but n wlntcry wind. The atlondnnco ,
considering ihu woalhor , was rospocta-
bio. The last two beats of the last
race were run after the sun had
got and the moon had risen. Doblc
will have Nancy HanUs hero on Friday , but
abe will only bo shown before the grand
Htund. Pneumatic lira sulkies were used ,
No other kind was to be scon on Iho couiso.
Curuzo , a paqcr , an a trial against tlmo made
a quarter of a mile with a tunning mate in
31 4 seconds. Summaries :
Class SMI ) , trotting , pnrso J-ViOO ; Una
Willies won. Hullo Aitlior bucnnd. ( Jhuvi'unc
third , Allno fourth , Ularu I ) fifth. Myrtlu U
alxth , llra\o scuentli. Time : 2lli : > t. 2:11 :
2H4'i.2in a' , 2n'f : ,
( Muss SiJI , trottliu , purse * ' .0)f > ; Dlrc o won ,
Hn'.t'niio f-i'iond , I'rlnco llurncliel third
WIIUuslu fun i Hi , Waeci Illtli , Twinkle sixth ,
Tlmoi 2:51. : 2ISi' : . S:3l : t , 2W4.
Twn-joar-old 111 ! u , 2:4U : trnt , best two li
throe , uurhu IIOO : .Mndllenn wnn , ( Jurfo second
end , Vised n Ihjrii. Notllu Uhuttorton fonrlli
Kontn liy dlil llftb. Mu > I ) ly Hlxth , .Notn
tiiinu Hcvnnth , Kollno ulghth. 'llmu ; t-.JJ
ItCHllIU lit OIlllllfMtOr.
Gioi'ifsTHi N. J. Oct fi
, , , --\Vontho
cloud v , track fust :
rim r icu , Iho-eluhtlmof u mile , sidllnc :
( ) U won. Dolrolt boeond , I.acluulo third
Tlmo : l-.UL
beciind race' , lUe-elcbtlis of u mile , sollliiu
I.exunuO uun , Itciar Cinard uecoml , NtcHlamli
third , Tlmo ; IH > .14. !
Tlntd raic' . nliui-Hixtounths of n mlle , sell
Inc : I/uero uun. Iliittln Ury aec-oiu ) , iMajolli
third. Time : W.
ronrth riuihcllliic , nno nnd a suteontl
iiitlvs , sulllni : : Fiirnlni won , I.omily seoonc
t-amlstunu tlilr.l. Tlmo : l:5Ui. :
r'lftli race.tlilrteun-alMet'iitlis of a mllo.soll
Ins : Leo llrl.'ol won. Miihluun SULOIIC ! , liar
gnln third. Time : l-J'i' , .
blxlh rucu. buton-ohihtliBof n ml c , sulllnc
Fou KluL-sliury uon , I'udro second , Outrlxh
third , Tlinir I : , a
lips lor Today.
Here BIO tlio horses ibo prophet looks o
as airtight thlugs for today's cards :
1. All Iljuclc J u nil ne.
2. bturllght-Mary
Hn Jiirpl
4. Cliuthuin April I'uol ,
C. lo t .Star- Arthur l > u\i .
C. ToililllCiiuenlmy ,
1. Oorroctlon lto a II.
5. ItlKhtaway I'lilluntliroplat ,
U 1'rvdTar il Tom Honors.
4. Murullo-UhUurluk.
6. Murs Azra.
0 , 1. unuillg liter Uuasell ,
Count ul I'urU Iluja u Stallion.
LKXINQTON , Ky. , Oct. 5. At the sale rlB
this maroinp consIgutnonU of tbo estate i
the , late Colonel H. b. Btrador and M
Rockefeller of Ciovolaqd ware offered. Tt
Klociloueor stallion Clay (3:25) ( : ) was sold I
M. lo compto de Paris , France , nt 15,000.
lEiicmi ; ut Knimu t'ltj.
, Mo. , Oct. fi. SutnuiRflei i
Iho trotting races nt the Kansas City fair
meotn c :
I'lrst r " 0.5:23 : class , trottlns : Kldlo Ilnycs
wnn , No twoixl socund. Host lima : : . * CH
Second rice , 2:10 : cltiss , ptrlne : Uosswiilor
woi. Mlilland Mnld seunn I. lto < t t me : 2ZI'ii :
Third rixccriinnliifT. . IHo furlongs : Angreo
won , Illno \ nil secimd. Tlmo ! Iu3. :
Cnplnln Oninlsk } n \cri t'olil IMJ
nt iit.
CI.K\ IAMI , O. , Octi 5. A bout 100 people
shivered through five innings of today's
game , and , at the request of Caotuin
CotnUky , It was then called on account of
cold. Score :
OlOMslMIll . 1 1 I 2 1 0-0
Cincinnati. . . . . 0 0 0,0 0 0 0
Hits : Clevol.'incl. 7 : Olnclnnitl. fl. Krrors :
Olc\ eland , u ; UltK'ltinntl , 5. Kivinrd runs :
Uluvulnnd , 2. lltttorlcsi Youtirf and /.Imtnori
Cliaiiilicrliiln nnd Mi.rphy.
l. < i < it In , Due Inning.
Gnu ( nn , HI , , Oct.5.- > -Loulsvillo won in the
Blxth nficrHvo mon wcro out , two bnsos on
balls , two errors end three hits doing the
business , bcoro :
Irfilllsvlllo . . . . 7
ClilciiRO . 000110UOO-2
Hits : I.onlsill'o , Ps OhlcnRo. 7. Trror" !
t.oulsvlllc' . 4 : , 2. Karnc'd runs : Mono.
HaUerlev. Btrutton afid Merrill ; llnlchlnson
nnd Klttrcdgo.
lee frigid Tor thn ( llnntn
NrV'otth , Oct. fi It wns blltor cold
today and Hie- Now Yorkers \ iaed \ wrolchod.
Their fumbling guvo Brooklyn iho game.
Scoto :
Now VorK . 100003 00 0
llniaklyii . * U
Illls- Now Vorl. . 7 : HrooUlyn. 8 Errors :
Now Vorl. . f > : Hrocikiyn , .t. l.ui tied runs : .Now
Vorl , . 1 , IliooUyn , .1. llatlisnu * : Km- und
Doyle ; Haddock and ICInsluw
rorfelted unit I'listpiincil.
WAsinsdioN , U. C. , Oct. fi Thcro wns no
game of b iso bull here toduy , owing to the
failure of the Baltimore learn to nrrlvo in
llmu. anil iho gnmu Is inuiofoiu forfclicd to
iho Wiishlngions.
Pmsm no , Pa , Oct. 5 The Plttsburg-St.
Louis gnmo was * postponed on account ot cold
ol thn I uanis.
u i IT t. . P P
riOTCland . . . 49 U 71 U Clnclntmll. . . IS 4'l ' t
Ilonton 41 23 n 1 . ! . 43 r >
I'ltt biiru. . . , - ' ' O 6U R v Ilk ! il JT 45 li
UruoklTii . . . H iO W..l llnltlmoro'I U
Now Vnrk . . . 31 11 M 7 M I.OUI1 . 24 )5 .11 8
t'lilindcltilila. .IS SJ 01.6 Wnsliliiu'toii . . ,1 id O.I.J
DUM.AP , la. , Oct. 5. [ Special Telegram
to Tut : Bi.E.j Tno shooting tournament
eivon here under the management of F. A.
Dean closed this evening , all the visitors
having enjojed nn excellent tlmo. Room-
sontatlvrs attended from all the western
states , the best scores being madp bv Frank
Parmnloo of Omaha , C. W Budd of DCS
Molncs , Ted Aciteininn of Stanton , Nob. , II.
F. Arffnud 11 A. Abbott of Charter Onk ,
nnd the Trotler bovs of Kingslcy , In , over
700 live ulras being used.
.lii < Ic ( ionium's ChulliMigc.
Di s Mni\is , la , Ool. I To the Sporting
Editor ot Tin ; BLC : I.Iack _ Gorman , late of
Hustings , Neb , now of'DM Monies , hoioby
challenge nny l-IO-nound man lu the state of
Nobiuska to light mo to n finish , Marquis of
Quccnsborrv lulos , for $2" U a side and the
gate leceints : llcht to taUoplaco three weeks
after signing of articles ; Blllv Lewis pre
ferred I can ho found or nihhessod care
Billy Wells , 3li ! Third streetDCS Moines. la.
JACK GoitM\v.
TIIK unu
nis.iHtloii-4. anil I'll til I Illn/tt at I'DTVL ! ! .
Mich. Other ( 'null. ignitions.
DI.THOIT. Mich , Oct. 5 A special to the
FieoPioss from Powell , Mich. , says : A
disastrous lire attended with loss of lifo
broke out at 1 o'clock this morning in tbo
dry goods store of Monroe Bros , and be-
foie it wns controlled had consumed an ontlic
block of brick buildings. It is impossible at
present to estimate the loss Thn stores
buiucd weie : iMonioo Bros , drv
goods ; Governor Winans , dry goods ,
clothln ? , etc. ; E. C. McDanlels , saloon ;
Bremor iSc Hcicox , publishers of the Living
ston Hoiuld , and Ilickoy & Goodnow'a hnid-
wnio An explosion occuricd in inc latter
store bofoio the lire readied it , demolishing
the building and burying D. G. Hickev , the
senior member of the firm , and Darwin
Wines , n piominoiit builder , in the ruins ,
Their bodies woio recovered at a late hour
lonighl. Many others wcro moro or less
bonously hurt , airong whom was Ma > or
Hickoy. Oliver Coolt is badlv hurt. A. M.
Isaacs , wbilo helping to pull down walls
after Iho fire was under control , was badly
burned and cannot live.
KiciiMOM ) , Ind , Oct. 5 The Nixon paper
mills weio buiucd Ibis morning. Loss ,
PAII\C.OU.II , Ark , Oct. 5. A flro in the
business part of this clt ) em ly this morning
dostro\ed the opcr.i bouso block nnd dam
aged some adjoining propel ty. Tbo losses
aggregate . ! UOl)0 ) , with insuianco or about
three quartets that amount.
.11,7 , OA . .ICCOf/ Ol'
Tun Neuroes 1 ljht lit li ( iiinrRla Polling it and One ID Killed.
AtoisTV , Ga , Oct. 5. Isaiah Horton ,
colored , was shot and killed by Dan Bo.vles
nt the poor house precinct , six miles from
this place today. A number of democratic
ncirroos led by Bowles were mnirblug to the
polls wbcn eight or ton third party ncgroou
led by Horton rusbod Into the tlomoeratie
line Horton ran up and struck Bowles
twice , knocking him to bis kreos. Ho
had his hand on Bowies' collar uud was pre
paring to stilkd htm u third time , wnun
Bowles dtew a pihtol and shot him thiougb
the heart. A coionor's Jury composed 01
four domociats and two thiid parly men
lenuuiod n verdict of Justifiable homicide.
Richmond county will go democratic by
ovur 4,01)0 ) majority. Governor Northern's
majority In Ihu Tenlh dlslrlct will bo pos
sibly 4,000. Tin i Is Congressman Watson's
district and Is iccognlzod as tbu stiongbolil
of the third party in Gcoigiu
AUOUSIA , Ga , Oct. 5 H. S. Glover , n
third party man , shot Policeman Henry
Head , who is roportcd to bo inoiuillj
i.uv.u. iiitKritiwi ,
The Standard Paving company has com
menced the wouc of paving St. Mary's ave
nue with asphalt. 'Iho district Includes twc
blocks from Twciity-sevouth stioot tc
Twonty-lifih sireot.
The Working Women's union will hold fl
reception at Ibl5 Dodga strict Thursday
evening. Refreshments will bo served froir
8 till 10 p. IP. The entertainment will bo foi
the benotlt of iho home.
Elmer Frank relumed yesterday from t
month's tecreatlon In Wvomlng , Ho kllloi
ono bear and all the deer ho wonted , .luilgc
Duncly is .still In Iho mountain fastnesses u
Wyoming , communing with nuluro in he ;
wilder moods ,
The explosion of u gasoline can in tin
kltuhon of McDonald's ' restaurant , HI
Dcuiglus street , called out tbo tlio depait
ment at 3iO : ! p. in. y osteal ay. A coloiei
employe picked up the burning can am
thiow it Into the alley. There was no loss
The Ninth Ward Republican club wil
hold its regular weekly mealing tonigli
at ibo club headquarters , Twenty-ninth am
Furnnm streets. The following speaker
will discuss thn Issues of Iho campaign ; J
II , Melkle , T. D , Crane , J. M. Glllun and J
H. Joln.sou. The Walnut Hill Hopubllca
club will attend tha mooting in a body and
rousing time Is anticipated.
/ Mr. L. Kristeusep. a prominent bankc
and business man of Don mark , is in the ell' '
today , the guest of Comptroller Olson , Mi
Kruleuiun comes ns iho advance agent of
largo partv of Danish gentlemen who wl
visit iho World's fair nnxt season. His ot
Jeot ut this tlmo is lo map out a lour of elite
which they will visit. After spending th
day In this cltv the gentleman decided the
Omaha should be put upon the list.
Tbo annual sale of unclaimed baggage wa
held by tbo Union Pacific Railway cotnnan
lust evening at Well's auction house , 111
Farnam street , Over 000 packages are pile
upln the warehouse and wilt bo sold to th
highest bidder. Of cour&u Tom Murrnv wa
thora and was ably backed by a lot c
Tenth slrest pawnbrokers. fcvorylhln
was sold dirt cheap. Good satchels full c
clothes btouchl only 25 cents and Murra
bought two good Maxicau saddles for to .M
Buuale * of bedding , evidently loft iu tb
cars by careless emigrants , brought a
average price of Ifl c/it nndweroBlo1
sellers. The sale will \tl \ continued nlgbtl
Df until tbo great mass of/stuff is disposed ot.
fcovmtrn tnoM FIIUT mot4. ! '
was on lime. Ho ropllud that bo uould inquire - I
quire , nnd wa < * about to do so , when oun of
tha hnnd. rearing that the operator had
recognized thorn , shot htm dead unoi
the spot vUtnout u word ol warn-
Inc. When t&o train nriivod it
was hold up after th3 roRulution mannur.
In the t > uri < lltoftho rohbor * which followed
Outlaw Ed Bryant wns captured nt Hold by
Upmity United SUtes Mnrshnl Ed Short ,
known throughout the ontlro territory as n
bravo oflleor. Short placed lilt cnplivo In n
hanBuitc cnr of a Sinta To train to tnKo him
to ( Julhrlo. Uu had dliarmod him , placing
his brnco of revolvers on convonlont trunk ,
and hud placed thn dc-qpornao In Itonv When
thu train reached Aclnlr bhort tlUemlnrked
to send a lulpRiaphio ino s ; o. When hn re-
en tared the car Hrvnnt had ocurod one of
bis uo.inons and holdlnc It In till inanaclod
hands , llred. mortally wounding Short. The
ofllccr , hcmovor , had suciiKih cnouph to
seize liU Winuhctiarnml pumped four bullets
Into Bryant's body , expiring as ho pulled tlio
trlzcer the last time.
There wcro no fatulitlos attending the Uoil
Ilock robbjry , but tha Adalr robbnry re
sulted In the deaths of two men. The express -
press cnr was ruardcd ou that , occasion and
n hut lluht tsok nlnco between the Kturd nnd
the tobunrs. The pUce \vhoro the ttaln wns
bold up was In the midst of tbo town. Ono
stray bullet passed Into the room ot n nhvai
clan and striking the pln&lclnn in the head ,
lulled him InMnntlv , Another phvslclan ,
who hoard the llrltnj , had run In its dtieotlon ,
was nlso shot and killed. The last train
robbcrv bv the punjr was that of thi-Ttlsco ,
near Vlnlta.
rimiod Their Atti nllon to Hunks.
The amounts secured bv the robbers In
tholr vmious raids will probablv nuvcr bo
known It was very Krtnt , however , und
bus boon estimated nt MOO,000
Afior tlio Trisco robbery tlio UnUons
seuin to have dlvoilort their uttantlon to tbo
robbcr.v of banlts. They rode Into HI Uono
ono dnx und uiuckcd tlio only bink In town.
Tlio onlv person In the bank nt the tlmo was
the wlfo of the president , who fainted at the
Hist slRht of ttio Uftly lovolvors. The ban
dits leisuiuly IOOK nil the money In sight and
romountliiK tui'lr horses lode awnv. This
raid noltcd them $10,000. wbioh ns such a
soveio loss to the bank that it wns forced
into liquidation. Today's was the next und
last laid ot the guns , and with It ended the
existence of a band eiiuallod onlv 111 the
desperate diameter of Us undertakings by
the James and Younger bunds.
Kntnintt Million Mill Alive.
Emtnott Dalton is not deiiii. Ho is slowly
< l > lng In a loom at the hotel huro , mid his
death U oxpeotcd ut uny moment. I'lio In
dignation against the robbers became so
Intense this afternoon that the citizens
wanted to lynch the dylnp bntuiit. 'lo pio-
vent this the coioner gave out the statement
that ho was ahcady dead. That allayed the
excitement , and now the ncoplo will wait for
death to do the woik tj.a't they hnd planned
should bo uono by lynch law.
Aillu ORI-O Mill ut r.iirga.
Up to 10 o'clock tonight Alllo Ogee hnd not
been cnptuied , at least It is not known that
ho had bren. Tbo cuisilinff partv urn still
out , and It Is bellovea they aio still follu\\-
inp tbo bandit's trail. Ogee hnd such a
short start that It IB not believed ho will be
able to escape , lie , how over , is well
acquainted with the Hild country south of
here and Indian Tcrrltoty whoro' the ban
dits had their headquarters. It may be that
ho can thus oluuo llio puis > uers.
The capture of OKCO is pnrticulurlv desirable -
sirablo bocnuso he , uelnjr the oulr surviving
moinberol tbo cang , Is ouliovod to bo the
onlj peison wtio knows the hiainir plnco of
the creat treasure which they have"accumu
lated dimntj the yeais of their outlawry.
'ihoj could not have spent nil their ill-gotten
nionov , oven it they had lived among the
luxuries of civilization. As it was
they were hiding during the
greater pun of their criminal career ,
and have had no opportunity to spend money.
The location of the ticabiiro is therefore a
matter of gieat Interest , and it is bolievea
Occo can bo made to reveal it , if ho is
caught. This phase of the case nab only
just now piosonted itself to the people here
ana it doubtless has not "occuriod to Oceo's
pursuers at all. It Is feaiod that m their
excitement and Indlenauon thov will take
summary vengeance uuon aim before ascei-
tainlng from him where the troasuer is
Tiumtrd Into Attempting- liubhcrj.
Eminett Dnlton is bblng closely guarded
by a company of citizens tonisht under com
mand of a deputy city marshal. Only the
newspaper correspondents nio admitted to
him. The Associated press romescntalivo
saw him ut 11 o'clock last night , and pro
cured fiom him a statement of his lifo , par
ticular attention being paid to the last Iwo
jean of it. He confessed that the gan < r was
icsponsiblo for the lied Rock , Wharton and
other trai.i lobberies in the teriltorv , which
Ima been credited to them. The story of a
hidden treasure , ho said , wns nonsense.
"If thoio had been a treasure , " ho said ,
"we would all have been nlivo today. It
was uocauso wo were all broke that wo
planniid thu Coffovvlllo raid.Vo were
being huid pressed by llio olllcpib down in
the toriltory and Bob decided that wo would
have to get out of the country.
"Ho planned the robbery about two weeks
ago while wo woio cam pod In tbo Osasjo
country Ho said ho would out-do the James
bovs1 exploits and would go to ColToyvlllo
unct rr.ld both banks at tno same time. Wo
tried to persuade him not to do It , and then
ho called us cowards , . That settled it. Wo
slutted for the scone of the laid. Wo all
met Monday nicrht atTulsa and proceeded
by casv stages to Timber Hill , twelve mlles
south of here , where wo stopped last night.
Wo started for Uoffovvlllo at ( > :30tlus : room
ing and arrived hero about 9aO. : You know
the rest. "
Cuiuiot I'osHllil } Survive.
It was with Kient difficulty that the bandit
told his stoiy , as ho was suffering terrible
ngony from the wound In his sido. Tno
pbvsiciau attending him anys ho cannot pos
sibly survive.
Uiuhlor Ayies , who is suffering from a
wound lu the groin , is rostlnp easier tonight ,
but his condition Is still critical.
At 11 o'clock notninp has boon hoard of
the paity In pursuit of Allle Qirep.
Howards for the capture of the Daltons ,
or tbo delivery of their bodies to ofllcers of
the law , nro standing to the amount ot 12
000 offered by the Southern Pacific , the Mis
souri I'acillc , the 'Frisco , the Missouri , Kansas -
sas it Texas and the Santa Va. If these rewards -
wards arc collected It Is hoped tliov will bo
turned over to the families of those citbcms
who lost their lives in today's battle.
1lii.iiCnlirorniti Jlccord ,
SAV riiA.NCisco , Gal. , Oct. itTue Unltons
who weio oxtormlnulcd todavwero only too
well known In California. William Dulton
lU'eil near Llvlntrbtone , Moice'd. county
wheio ho married the dauifhtor of n prom
inent fnrmer and was frequently vis
ited by his brothers , Graltafi , Robert
and nnnnott , Grnttnn Dalton Jhat became
notorious by his connection with the rob
bery of a train at Alllu on July ( i , 18SU.
William Dalton wus arrested In connection
ivitti the crime mid taken to Visiilm , where
Information was locolvcd loading totbeur-
rest of Uraltan Dalton a few davs
Inter. Orattau Dullon was trlod at Vlsalln
ana wns found guilty. During the trial be
attempted lo shift ibo responsibility for the
affair upon bis brothers Kotiort and ICuimott ,
Ho was taken to ) : ill to await , sentence and
afterwards escaped , liy soma moans ho be
came possessed of iho keys of iho cnll doors
and on the nlgnt of September 37 ho un
locked tbo door of his cell and hU bimselt u :
a store room. He was accoinpunlcd by twc
other desperadoes.
The throe broke the lock on the wiriunw'ol
the store room and passed out. They stole t
horse and wagon and mada their escape
Thn Soutborn Ppcltlo offered a reuard o
J > ! ,000 for tno captuio of the Daltons. Effort :
were nmde to secure thorn dead or olive , bu
without success.
Siiowatuim * In r 'iiii8jl\nnlii.
FiucKViu. ! ' , Pa , , Oct. 5. A blustoij
anoustorm Dcyan at noon which covered tin
ground , pievalilug along tbu whole broai
mountain from bore to Audondrle. The
Btorm continued unabated for over an liour
but ibe snow disappeared almost as rapiuT
as it fell.
Piiii.Anru'iiiA. Pa. , Oct. 5. The llrst iiiov
of the season fell hero this afternoon.
IIniiunllifH | nt Logan.
Lotus , la. , Oct. 5. [ Special Telegram t' '
Tim Bun. ] The Morrison County Horn
Ul coders association bcld a fair here today
It wus a BUCCOSS. The show of bogs wa
hard to boat. H. Jbhn on nnd C. n Iloilro.
Poland China nunf , } ] tooit the largnr nart of
oroiriums. U , \ . IflCnialnR at DunUn , took
first monn.v in tno li:40 : trot ; tlmo 2M'i. : In
the half mlle roptnt running race the entries
were : Uaklnna , iTnthhouso nnd Petticoat.
OaklMul won mtwn straight heats , Petticoat
second ; tlmofi.V" "
The track linsmot
was too soft fev the mnro. The
balloon nscon&ton " nd parnchuto descent by
Prof. Dnkor wa flm\
Tbo hotter DW Hhlnts reunion is well at
tended. AboutJJU tents arc on the ground.
The lareo tent u picked full at every moot-
Ing. President 'Smith ' nnd ninny of the
head men of thu rhurch arc hero. H will
uuntitiuo until the
"lnIrrlii Ititstlrnim" nt llnjit'v.
"CnViillcrln Uusllcaiw. " or ns l . has been
Englished , "Uusllo Chivalry , " was given Us
first complete ncntlng In Omatm lint oven-
Inp nt Uoyd's theater by tno Duff Opera
company. So much hns ooon suld and \\rlt-
ten of ibis draniutlco lytlo conit'oMtlon und
It composer , Pletro Miikcngnl , Hint intciost
hns been piqued to \\oiKiurful extent to
hour this uiaslei piece \\hleti
lias brought fnmo lo tlio goiilus
thin winto It. Taking the vivid faruo of tno
dramatist's episode nud Iho lutntisity and mo-
locllous churin of the scoie. In eonncoction
wilh the condition ot tnlnps in Musoignl's
land u condition of tiling , woarolold , Ihoi-
oughly understood by but few Ainuilcnns ,
nnd not bv nil Ittillnns the excite'
mont that has prevailed for monlhs
over n pL'rfnimnnce lusting but
savunly mlnulos Is oisllv explained.
VI weu from any standpoint , tlio excitement
which the opera has created Is not to bo won
dered ut , for It poscsscs fooling , slronglh
nnd n lovchillon of eioatlvo power soldoin
BCOII In a composer so j oung at tliU uiodiui
Itulliin. But the \\ouuuiful viullly of
the composition is best shown In thu or-
clieatnilion concerning \\hlclithogiout nmsi-
oil xutlors of Ihu wet Id have gone in lantures
nnd llioy see Ibo beginning ol n caie-er
which U destined lo rank alongside tlitit of
Verdi's ' iho newcomer Is most cleat ly
moduin In n enieful uvoldancu of undrumatlu
measures aueh ns one meets nt every tuin In
Veidl's llrst iichlciomunts nnd nlso In his
occasional vocal pi egressions nnd lu frequent
cunngcs of tempo.
So much tor the man.
The story of ' 'Cavallerta Uustlcann" is
inken fiom u book of talcs by Vergil. Ouo
Turildu , a Slclliun peasant , bus seduced
Santuz ? i nnd cusls her oft for Lola , wife of
Allio. On Castor day Santiizza becomes
oonvinccd of Turridu's porlldy and taxes
him with II. Ho casts her off nnd lo bo
nvonued Iho woman denounces him to Alflo.
A challenge In rustic foun Alflo after ev-
Umnging n few \\ords with Ttiiridu , allow
ing the latter to bite his 0,11
follows , nnd the men ncioo to settle
the nffnir ut once. Before meeting
Allio In tbo garden , thcio is u touching Inter
view between Turiidu und his mother Lucia
and , five luluutos later the villagois lushing
upon the scene proclulm thntTuitidu U
slalt. Upon this single episode the dtnmu
tests , but the episode ; Is so sl.igularly simole
and direct , wltliu local color ullits own , that
makes It stand out as a gem of the purest
Thn score may bo said to include twelve
numbers , u shott , ami melodious pioludo
Doing intciruptod bv " a Slcillenno which the
tenor sings behtftd"the cuitain. Then iho
prolndnis icjiimod nnd changes to tbo princi
pal mollf , nn Ilulianmir of much sweetness.
The Intel mezzo , which has boon heuid In the
conceit lootr , on th * vaiiotv stugo nnd by
barrel orpnns , is h pootio nnd graceful bit of
writing nnd xvilh"\\iJll balanced strinus will
alwavs command nlrfepotluou.
It is with pleMisuro thnt Tun UEI can
teslify lo Iho ' enlito adequacy of Iho
otchcslra on thl Occasion. The members
played with line fooling , with thorough
musical appreciation that a Strauss or
OlTonbnch weio nbt splitting iho oais of the
gioundlings , but tbrtt a crcat master's wont
was before them'requiring imisictanly m-
terpiotation , nnd to""tno band belongs muen
ol the credit of lisfcicnlnc's production.
Of the pcrformnnoo much can oo said in
prulso , nllhough In'tho eatlier numbers of
lUo opera two ol ! thrco members of the cast
scorned lo feel tHe.lf' inublllly tb'sing the
dlflicult music. XMiiK Helen Bertram wns a
beautiful Bantu/ztt , and although she sang
somewhat flat in llio beginning , finished
with great crodlt to hers'olf und the company
vtblch sbo heads. Bu'/Mr. Charles Bassott
made tbo genuine hit of the evening in Iho
character of Turridu. Hi ) sung iho
part maenitlcontly , seemingly with
ease , except In the heavy end
ings of the concerted numbers , when
bis notes were somewhat foi cod. Miss Villa
Knox looked piotty and acted covlv as Lola ,
but the music was aulf ) beyond her range
Mr. William Hamilton , tbo baeso , bad the
barilono toloof Allio and with the transpos
ition made for him wns quite acceptable , al
though very often ho fouud himself harsh nnd
strident ntlompting Ibo impossible In his
voice. Miss Van DoenhofC sane Lucia. The
chorus was entirely ndcqunio and assisted in
making a distinct opoiutia success.
For relief from Ibo dramatic story and Us
wlord music , Gilbert & Sullivan's "Tiiul , by
Juiy" loundod the evening delightfully.
" 1'rlnce Methninlciii" .it the I urn un. "
"Prince Mothusulem , " Strauss' delicious
operatic trille , was given 'a vniy creditable
rendition lust evening by the Winston Opera
company at tbo rnrnnni Street tbeator. Miss
Winston Is iiresistible as Iho dashing
Punconnd won now honors bv nor excellent
work : but then Miss Winston is nn nulsto
and is alwuvs oxnoctcd to do tilings wall.
Miss Alice Jobnson was pretty and very
winning in the role of I'ulcinelln , while Miss
McNeill as Sopbistioi sang with pleasing In-
tclligpnco. Arthur Bell , of couue , was
Slglsmund , nnd very good , too. Charles
Uonwlclc sangtho part of Trombonusnccopt-
anly. Vho chorus was In excellent voice and
materially aided the principals to scoto a
real success. ' 'Pinafore1' ' was only pissablo
ut the malinco performance , allbough iho
bouso wus crowded uy an audlenco th it
would have enjovod Iho play had Iboy be-en
glyon an oppouunily.
DUnKtrmm rtru InVyoillln ) , ' .
Cuuvi.vsr , Wyo. , Oct. 5. [ Special Tele
gram lo Tun BEB. ] Monday .noining Sundance -
dance , the seat of Crook county , narrowly escaped -
capod being destroyed by lire. The water
main burstcd a few days ago nnd the water
was shut off till the main might bo repaucd.
While tbo department , was thus nandl-
capppd a llro broke out In a bain belonging
to a mun named Settle. The flro quickly
sinoaci to bottle's bouso aud thoncuto George
Wudo'a losidonco and barn , and finally lo
Dr. Bauer's barn , ull lueso oolng complnlely
destroyed. Furtuer pi ogress by iho tire wus
stopped by tcailng down neighboring build
ings. Tbo loss cannot bo estimated at pres
ent , but will largely exceed tbo Instiiatico.
Diunk llcer uitb tidtnin.Miin'rt \\lln ,
CHICAGO , III. , Qftt , , 5 , ricd Covell , 10-
ccntly from Boston,0eund ( James Mooney
drinking beer wttbj ; s. Covoll last night.
Covoll cracliod Mopnjvy's suull with a boor
bottle and Hod , MobiTo.v died this morning.
Mrs. Covell is undoi-'nrrest.
N , N. Yoi9Lt. 5 , Northern New
York ox po rlo need 4 Jjgbt lull of snow this
rooming. , , . _
A i : .s ojj MM t nun i Y
Trouble Is nKHn ! ° lrWlnj ) : In the Chootuw
nation between thoMvul political fiictlons.
Hob Insorsoll addressed the real ostnto men
9 ut , lluirulo , N. Y. , tdkijfJE us hit. nubjoct " 1'ro-
Mr. Kdwurds , a > lr.ilavls and n negro wore
found inurduied uwir IMuurds , Jllbs , Tliure
U no clue to their raimlo.-ors ,
The olovvuth ininuul con < untfnu of the Peil-
01 ul Directors association uf tlio United
butcs Is In joislon ul l.ijijl ullcj , Ky ,
A Now York noninn has siucocdcd In sinus-
glim : * 110,000 woi th of p itntln/s Into the conn-
tiy , Tliu p iliitiiif3iiiVHl'nii solved.
William MiRoln , fnnnorly puyliiu teller ol
onu of the 1 11 u'usi niitlonul banks or Now Yorli
city , dlod of hydrophobia at his handsome
rusldenoo In Miirrlaana.
Tlio8al\nc Corpu and Insurance Patron ;
association , with A. 1 * . Hull of Now York ui
president and J. 1' . I'oHlur of. KHIIHUB n , toeto-
tury. has boon formed uV LouUvlllu , Ky ,
y ' Harry llrles , olovutor hey In tlio Now Kng <
land bnlldtni. , Kunaaa City , nnd Wulter Itry-
ant. Janitor In thu sumo bulldlnijunrrolot
IV ovuruglrl. Dries druw u j-otolvor and uhoi
ilryant through tha body , Inlllatluz a fata
wound ,
The Association of Track roromcn will moo1
ut Atlanta , Uo. , nest your. Ultlcers won
elected as follows : grand ohlof , John Q.VI1
hon of fat. Lonlsi vine grand clilof. I' , U
llrldKumuu. t/'untun , JCun. : grand Hocrotarj
aud treasurer , M. Q'fJoucI of Bt. Louis ; gruui
organizer , T. I ) . Moore , Shelby , N , O ,
But One Little How Disturbed the Demo
cratic City Convention Yesterday ,
Nine ( Ipiitlrmrnlin Aspire In Hoiirmr
Tlirlrlnrils In HIP Council ri\o
Others \ Vhonnt to Ilo on the
.School lloiinli
f.TObiiMlT : , nUUYP.A
\ \ C. lUMil.AUD
Tor the Uonnelt
UislHiiid . . . . OIIAUI.l- ' HUANMiS
i-ieond ward . l'iriit : : LI.SA
'Ihliilwud . . . .AMIiCKW McANIIItP.WS
rouitii wind . ui.uwina winri.oL'if
riftii ward . . . . IICNKY UM iiorr
. Mxtli wiird . I.I ) N. lli\O\\N
. " evuntli wnrd . . . . , IAOI < I ) 13VA.NS
ii.hth : nnril . . . . .J. II Hl'MlATi :
Mnth ward .OIlllKHUIIIIjI. l'AltKiu :
It really looked for a tlmo last night as
though nn epoch In political history wns to
bu miuKcd and that a uomocrnllc convenlion
would bu held without n row , but It couldn't
bo done , although llio Third ward hud lo bo
uccrotittcd with the only broaic in the liar-
moil ) that hung In clouds over the meeting
of thu ilelugale * In tlio democratic conven
tion holu In Washington hull lust nls'ht , lo
sclc'et II vo candidates for the iloird of
iwilncation nnd tbo nine waul councllinen ,
Thu convention was slow in getting Into
the hall , tbo delegates having n ll\ely
caucus on the outsldo ns to whether the
convention should endorse the candidates
for tlio coaucll whnweio successful In the
pumary contests , or go on and name n now
set of candidates. Finally , at SIO : ! o'cloclt ,
Chairman Conoyor called the dole-gates lo
oidor. nnd Secrotaiy Mullen read the call.
At Mr. Conoior's slatoment that thn first
wotkof the convention would bu the selec
tion of a totnpoiary chrianinn , Stnlesmen
Dun Hnnin and Adam Snyder exercised
timtr lung power in the icmurk , "Mr.
Chairman. "
Klict < Ml a Chilli ninii *
Mr. Snyder was recogni/od and named
Frank J. Lumro for pioslding ofllcer and the
convention agreed to the selection. Then
somebody named George J. Stornsdoifl for
lompornrv becroto1 : } ' , and lor the tlrst time
in his lifo the Sixth ward statesman rofnsrd
the nonor. Ud P. Mullen , the soorotary ,
seemed lo bo doing quite well and was 10-
quested to keep It up. A coinniitleo was np-
poinlod upon credentials und submitted nlist
ofdolognles. Qn motion of Adam bnyJer
the loading of the list was waUcd and then
the cbalriiiun of the committee i cad thu list
after the convention hud got Into a parlia
mentary tniiclo in an offottto nvoM the rend
Ing. Pat Cord wanted tbo list road so ho
could kno\\ who thu proxies wuio So tno
roadinir went on until iho proxies woio
reached and then the waiving motion bobbed
up again nnd can led , and the delegates weio
ready for the work bofoio them.
Isiearly an hour was consumed in speeches
in placing bofoto the convention the e inch-
dates for Iho nomlnallon for the Boira of
Education. Those were named : George .
Hicks , Lr. ) S. T. Din seaV. . C. Bullard , J.
P. Lund , John M. lUunro , fllarles H III oh ,
J. M. Metcalt , Samuel Leonatd , W. M. Carter -
tor , Dana Lander and John Quinn. The
llrst ballot tosulted :
Durtoa . 71 I , und . . 4(1 (
lllch . - ! >
lllrks . . Ml I c'onnid II
1 undur 6U ( julmi 11
llnlliird 4o i urtcr rj
"Monroe 4J
SUtctud on thu I Irst liillot.
Messis Durjen , Motcalf , Hicks , Lander
nnd Bullard wore declated selected and tlielr
nominations were uiudo unanimous.
Then came the matter of the councllmanlc
nominations. After some difllculty with ttio
parllumuntan rules uirnin , it was decided to
take the wards In order and pass upon the
lesultof the primary elections. The First
ward's selection of Charles Ut uncles was rati
fied , and the convention hall resounded with
cheers when tbo becond ward delegation
presented the numo of Putor C IMsasscr.
But it wasn't so unanimous when it ramo to
the Third. Ed Hothcry presented the name
of Andy McAndiows , nnd Patrick Ford
named bis next best ft lend , llicbardBurdish.
Itotliery told the convention how Me-
Andrews bad mopped the turf in tbo
Third at. the primaries with Mr. Buidisb.
J lion Mr. Ford rclalcd how Ibo primaries
had bucii manipulated so that more than 100
Burdlsh voters bad boon fiwon out at the
polls on the day of the prim iry election
through Ibo machinations onlv lhat isn't
the word Foid used of Iho McAndrows
combination. Ho recounted Ibo history of
the Third and remit.den thu convention Hint
the wurd alwa\s bad n democratic majorliy
on election day. It could have it UKUIII if hi *
man was named , and if ho was not well. If
ho wasn't the dcraocrals of the Thinl would
roll up u mojoritv anyway , nnd Iho Pord
family would bo for the nominee , whether
his name was McAndrows or McMud
The convenlion took u vote on Ihu issue
and indorsed McAndrows bv a vote of 51 to
29. Mr. Ford swallowed his wiuth and
began offering hots that tbo nominee would
bo snowed under on election day.
Tno other candidates for the council were
endorsed by the convention without contester
or comment.
The candidates for tbo Board of Kauca-
lion have the following occupations :
Rev. Dr. J. T. Duryua ! s paslorof Iho Pnst
Congrcgallonnl church.
J. M. Motcalf is a member of tbo llrm of
Lmlngor & Motcalf , jobbers ot agricultural
'Gcorpo N , Hicks Is n real osluto agent nnd
manager ot the Now Yoik Lifo building ,
Danu S. Lander Is an alloinoy und counsel
for the Union Trust company.
W. C. Bullnrd is n largo lumber dealer.
How Hi ) Would Arriiniro for \ \ inking l'm > -
| il VlnltliiK tha J "Ir ,
CIIICAOO , III. , Oct. S , Colonel Kitioit F.
Sbopaid of tbo Jvow Yoik Mull nnd Uxnross
called on thu cily ofticors ibis nftoinoon to
Introduce a plan by which ho hopes to bring
750,000 workingmen to Chicago every
Wednesday during the World's fair Tno
colonel has ilginoJ out that n space two and
a half mlles long and 1,500 feet wide would
be required to handle the cats and care for
thn visitors.
Colonel Shopurd'B plan , as briefly ouillned
to ihu city Officers , contemplates malting
Wednesday of oath week labonngman'B ' day.
Ilu hopes loinduco tbo railroad companies to
make a Hat rate of $1 for the return trip lo
all points within 1,500 macs of Chicago. Tbo
tialns could leave from tbo farthest point
Monday , reach Chicago Wednesday , giving
the visitors that day in the fair and Ibo next
in the city , and lelurning Friday morning
land the passengers homo again Saturday.
An attempt will bo made lo feed the visitors
onrouto on army rations , three meals a day
for 25 cents ,
Mr , Shonard was greatly encouraged by
the cordial reception given bis scheme by tbo
city oQlcors. Ho says the railroad companies
are favorable to tho' plan and ho hopes to see
it reduced to a practical woikluc ; basis.
till , f Kit UN 1'ltK lH'.UllfK.
Doapltu the J'att 'Hint 1'iuv Ollmlng * Are
3lmIuU hit' Kill j- l.omitnliiu. .
NEW YOHK , Oct. C. The bankers nnd
financiers of this city nro In the rather pecu
liar .position of being utiublo to offer a theory
which will account for a condition of ono of
the great markets of Ibo financial world.
They declare it is on enigma that , while the
offerings of silver bavo decreased , the prlco
has declined Offerings to the United States
pioasury huvo steadily irrown loss and the
prlco bat gone down to .BI54 , Instead of In-
cro&sini ; , according to tbo old law of econom
ics that the less the supply the greater iho
prico. Subiroasuror of tbo United Stales
Kills Roberts said :
'Tho bullion market is a mystery to every
body. L'veryDody I have talked with bus a
theory satisfactory to himself , but it be
comes a greater mystery In tbo fact that tbo
receipts are light and that some of the mines
nro stopping. Pcrhflns some reasons aw that
the country will not rontlnno to buy silver ns
It Is doing now , nnd tno provision of the act
of 1S K ) mav bo repealed. That would ac
count for HIP less prlio , but It does not ox
pliiln the failure to odor moro to the govern
ment , "
A prominent unnk ofllolnl said : "Tho rea
son of this si-ito nf ttilnefl may bo the Inico
Inllux of silver from Mexico Two New
\orit concern * nave Intel v Dullt Inrgo
smelters which cnn produce fioooKK ( ) ounces
of Mlvor a vonr. I tton't bcllovo there Is nny
holding of silver for nn ? purpose. Tbo
amount coming Into ilie country Is not , how
ever , enormous. "
H. B. llolllns & Co. . who nro largely in
terested In the silver market , snv ! "Tho
people who thought they Know nil about
silver know nothing , apparently.Vo can
not account for the present cotnso of the
market. "
Henry Clnws holds the most decided opin
ion on the suojcci. Ilo said : ' ! suppoio
Iho ronson ot lhat , since the cvporls of sll-
vci have for n long Uino past aggregated
only n small amount , the onlv customer for
It Is the United States , and Its purchase , to
gether w lib what is needed In the mis , ab
sorbs the American product. Thu pilcoon
tno Stock c'xchnngo should hnvo udvunced ns
the visible supplv decreased , ns indlcitcd bv
Iho qtinnlln- registered , but that It hns not
is nn evidence that llio visible supply is not
all the silver on the mnrkot. "
rij ( ( . ' .IAN nini. i t'.i.vr .IUHKK
lliloniutli | Itcliitlons 1111) llv .rxcroil
Other South Alilerhun NO H.
( fotiyrlshU'cl 1SU by. Inmos ( lunlun lldnnott 1
Vi.i'AH\iso , Chili ( \lu Galvoiton , Tex. ) ,
Oct. ft [ Now York Hernia Cable Special
to Tin : Uiul Pom , having Indulged in
much bluster iiiut ihtcalencd lo sever dlplo-
matlo roluiions with Olnll , has quieted
down. The French goveinmont has con-
soiite-il to allow Petti to numo nrbltiiitors
on the dlstiibiition of thu money lu the Bank
of England. This agreement In no wise
nfTocts the Inrms of the BacouH piotocol ,
wl.lch piomlscs 'JO per cantor tbo money to
llio French crcdllorR.
ogotlulions for icciproclty irentlos bo
tw con the two countries may now proceed.
Before So'.or Uilburn , the late Aigenllno
minister , loft , ho nromlsod the Chilian for-
olgn olllco lhat Iho Argentine government
would not pnbllsh the loners In regaid to the
llmltailon question. The Argentine foioign
minister , bollnltos , has biokou the piomise ,
having presented some of Iho pnnors lo Iho
Argeitlnu congicbs. The commission of
limitation has been unnblu to agree Tbu
present ticaty provides that In case of n
disagreement the matter bo letttouibltra
Hon. Chill is unwilling to Inko ibis course.
She wauls u treaty , nnd so the matter bangs
Pelligrinl sold sovernl ttucts of land to a
Got man named Grumbory lust month. This
land Is said lo bo in the piovlnco of Chnco ,
but is really In a most desirable location in
the piovineo of Santa Ciu ? Giumbery sold
this land foi i'100 a lenguo , making a'prolit
of JUOl ) a league. It is alleged that a pail of
this money went to Polllgilnl nnd otheu
The mailer gnvo rise 10 n dobalo
in congress nnd Pollujrinl's ' notion
wns dclondcd bv Foreign Minister
Xebaltos on Ihogiound that the Aigontino
was in uigcnt need of funds to piovido do
lenses against her nijgresslvo neighbor ;
Pellignlnl sought to tesign and throw
the burdun on Pena , but Iho latter wus
not willing to accept the oftlco under thu
ciroumstancos. When Chill hoard of what
7 ibaltos had said sno ut once sent Ltta to
Brn/il on n diplomatic mission ns nlicndy
has boon cabled to the Herald. Altogether
Foiulgn Mlnlstoi Hrrnzuu ? and the Chilian
cabinet hi\o their hands full to prevent
irouble. Owing lo the peaceable polleof
the government , however , tboio is llllle
doubt , but thnt tbo dllUeulty will bo settled
Four DE FIUNCT , Mnrtiniquo , Oct. fi.
[ Bv Mexican Cablj to the Now York
Herald Special to Tin. Bi i . ( News reaches
Ibis place from Vone/ucla tint Acting Piosi-
oont Vlllegns has invited Gonotnl L'llea ai
Uidanetn to n'ttirn to Uuracus und hns
offered to nlaco hi-n in command of the forces
which nro defending the capital fiom
Crcspo's advance.
Mother and Child Murdm-cd.
Lot isn i r. Kv. , Oct. fi A special to the
Times from Ashland , Ky. , says : Mrs John
Van Motor of Idaho , Kv. , was found by two
children , Monday nicht. lying In a pasluro
noir the house , with her skull crushed to a
pull ) und her 0-months-old baby with Its
throat cut from oir to ear. Her husband ,
with whom she has never lived happily and
who Is now missing , is suspected of Iho
murder , nnd a posse of men that are search
ing for him will hang him without ceremony
If bo bo caught. _ , i1 it. tan ijt//v
Hon. J. W. Love of Fremont wns in the
citv yesterday.
Mr F. is. Campbell of Not folk , stnlo
manager of tbo ISailonnl Traveler , was lu
the city vcsterdav.
Nhw YOIIK , Oct , fi [ Special Toleginm to
TUB Bi r.1 Omnha : M. Ganno , O L
Monroe , Hotel Albeit , A. P Telford ,
Windsor ; Lincoln : i' . Ugan , Hoffman.
Cine u.o , III. , Oct 5 [ Special Telegiam
to Tin Bi p I Hotel nirivals1 Pais.ioi
house Mis Bonnon , Omaha Wellington
A. M. Walbor i.nd mother , Omaha Gioat
Koitnein Phil btininoll , Thomas F. Uod-
fiov , Or. H M. Council uud wlfo , Omaha
Grind Pucliic A. II. Coolov. D. M. Hlco ,
Omaha. Shutmun U * . F. Stokes , Lincoln.
Palmer house J. W. Culfleld , Mrs. 12d Lee ,
Mrs. Lpn Curler , Omaha.
Laughing Hit of the Nineteenth
Century ,
I'rnsiMitoil bjr
I - , HHi )
Ilrlllluiit Computi )
Unml prices
Sunday Eraiing , Oct , 9 , One flight Only ,
Tlio incut complete onranlzillun before tlio MI bile ,
Introducing for llio llrnl llmo tlio nuvr
urind BpectuUo Ural part ,
The Pirates of Penzanoe
' 1 lie moat miiKnlllront prodiirtlon of luodurn ndn-
BlroUy Kvcrytlilnit tntlrely now huw nnd
uorKtiiilni'ceiitrr Now nnd liunutlfiil co
tuuioi New nnil wonderful ptclnltlei
A Grand Companof / Comedians ,
( Teunl prices of ndiul slcjn
Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday , October
W , 11 anil 12.
KngnKeuicntof llieKuilncnt Comt-dlcin ,
1 nro of lilt ( Jreat I'ln > s
Monday Evenlne , October 10 ,
Tuesday and Wodnf fcday , Oct. 11 and 12 ,
11V r.DU'.MII ) li , KIDDKII
Koto Mr Uiui ll brings all lil special nuU com-
pliiui ncvuurx und luxe cUccti und Ihu iiruduclluu
will lie put on tliutnmo BI hi all till CHJ ensure-
Beuts on ale baturUnj , .
Tndopcndonts in Johnson County , Wyoming ,
Very Mnoh Dissntisfiod.
Itnnh iinttrilnul Itolli fnrflrs to tlio
Igmirrtl In tlin ll lrlliutlon lu- !
litihllnui I'rosticrts In the
Slate (1(10(1 ,
\Vyo. . Ool. -Special [ to Tin :
. I The political iwsitlon In Johnson
'onnty becomes more anil ironi ln\olvod and
it seems as If the republican paity has onlj
: o bo united In order to BCCUIO n victory ,
Very strone dlscontont has been evoked by
the action of tbu domorrnlio party In fusing
with the Weaver nnd Hold party. Nor U
the dissatisfaction nt the fusion all on ono
sido. The mombcis of the peonlo's pain
nro disgusted wltn the ucui , some because
the domocruts have sccutcd most of the
county olllccs and others because thov are
deprived of the nomination of their own
stuto ofllcials.
It Is quite manifest thnt Osboino has lost a
good ninny votes ftom the members of his
own party without mn npnroclnbto gain from
the other side The wlie workers who
manipulated ttio deal li wo nil scented noun
tuitions , and these who were Induced li\
mumisc's to nsslst in It me already beginning
to complain ut bulng lolt out In the rold Al
though tbo fuel inuy bu now aenlud , It is
put fcctlv well known thnt the populists In
tended to run Shot ill Angus fin
seine state olllco. But the fusion
upset this plan , und Angut , who
wns till Intel ) , the best mlNottisod mini in
thostnto. is now dnipncd lllio n hot mitulo
.luck Flugc bus srciircd the Humiliation for
countv clerk , by which means ho hopes to
keep bis paper on Its logs , nnd In lotiiin ,
has hauled down the Clo\utuml colois , and
Btibitltutcd these of U'cavui. Ho still
claims to bo a domoorat , but appears to bo
ignoiunt thnt Cleveland , nnd not Weaver , ts
the piosulentlnl numinco of thu domocialla
Mr Moollor , to whom IH nltrlbutod the so-
ducllon of tbo Johnson counn democrats ,
his boon rownided bv tlic nomination for
clorlt of the distiict court. This ban boon
Ills nlm all nlomaid bv n stnmty nttcnlion
to piactlcal details atiJ the unscrupulous
sm rillco ot his dupes ho has succeeded In ob
taining his ends. He is piobibly the only
candldnto on the lionet who , if elected , will
bo nblu lo dlspcn-o w lib the aid of n doput )
The present county tiunsuror Is ngaln a
candtclato for olllco , und tliunks to UIO'.HOI-
\lcesofunotvcrvefllcicnt deputy , paid bv
the conn tv , ho Is ub.o to onjoi a" treed dcul
moio letnxntlon In the wuol hunting nnd
Ilshlt p th in fulls to tno lot of most cimli
dales. The b iliinco of the ticket mo nutmloss
nor.ontitlc 'I'lio impoitnnt olllco of shoulT is
sought bv Chili los ULVOO , ono of tlio piescuit
county commissioners , who has unlforml\
supnoitod Clinlt mnn Ilogerson in his uck
less attempts to binkrupt the countj.
Dovoo wns u well intentloned , but weak
minded democrat , the nominal 'uwnoi ot i
line ranch south of Hun ilo , und is supnosod
to bo much In thn hnnds of Uobeit Footu ,
who now seeks the plni-o of stuto scuntoi ,
not \ot vacnteu bv John N Tlsilnlr
The nresonl count > atimncy , who loft the
icpublicun ninUs to Join thu pomilists , is
again a candidate lor olllro Ilu wus up-
pointed to Uis present Dositlon on the lesig
nation of his picdecus'ior , about u \ < ; ur
ngo , unu has no othoi chum to thn alllco
save tbat of occupancy. The oilier candi
dates call for no particular mention.
S A. Meicoi of Cheyenne paid n visit to
Buffalo lately aud ! > poke in he-halt of fusion.
His speech , which was mostly a icsumo of
his personal giiovancos and thu iniquities -
iquities of mo Chovenno ling , created
liltlo interest , but the statement in Fltigg's '
paper thnt Mr. Moicer provnd the latti
mid by stockmen to htivo had its ougin in
the arid land bill of tionalor Wtnion
causml f good deal of amusement , Hon. J.
M. London , nnd Mr ( Jib nn Claik , candidate
for the supreme bench , huvu likewise made
addresses , but us the ptini iples of populism
and dcmociacy have little to do wiin the
local questions that Interest the electors al
ptesont. It i unliUoly that they have much
affected the voting sttongth of the county.
Compelled In UcNlKii.
SE' Wjo. . Oct fi ( Special Tolo-
Kram to Tun BIT J C. L Hinkle , who
wus ; yeslerday nominated for thu leglsluluro
on thu republic-ill ticket , and who is a
telegrapher in the employ of the Union
Pacillc , today received a telogiam from
Superlntendoi.t Koity compelling him to
resign his candidacy. H is expected Unit
L. H. Woodmnnseo , aKo nominated for leg-
ifilnture , will bo compelled to resign , ns ho i
a Union Paciflc conductor.
KilWllllS > OllllllHl < ( I.
SMT LVM , U. T. , Oct. 5 - 1 Suoclal Tolo-
giam to Tin. Bri .J Joseph Hiwlins of ibis
cltv wns todav nomlnulcd foi dolcgnlo to
congiess uy llio domociallc convenlion at
lilsliop linrldi Inti'i li > n H ,
CIIIIINNI , Wvo , Oct. fl. [ Sooclal Toln-
grnm lo Tun Bur. | - Lvons , whoso nttompt
to lecture on the 'Jr > tn ult. caused such n not
now ad vet Uses ho will deliver Icctutes
Thuisdny , Kridny und Salurdav nights at
the Orcru | house. It is expected that ho will
not bo molested as Bishop Burke hns ad
vised his congregation to abstain from vie
lence. Citizens generally uphold Lyons In
his demand for n hcaimtr.
Farnam Street Theater
Popular Prices. No Advance.
A Great Success.
Crowded to the Doors.
Tlinrnilnr MRlit. . . . I II \ III \ \ AM
1'rlfl.iyMBht. . . . IMH'CACrU )
Siitiinhi ) Mullmm .110111. MlN ulUI ,
FARNAM SF. TllliUBH l'oimlar ' I'ucts. '
Ono Wi'ek , Sunday Mntlnno. Oct. Dili
Hut \ , < ix tile ( ' ( Miiedllin ,
Will present bv | iL'rinl(4 ( < on ofol t-initli Itns-
boll , thu hiiit und fiinnlUHl or all
Ills blKl'eSII H
N6WEdgBWogd FQks. [
'Til I'ut u lllrdlc'lloiiiu ) About the Kirth. '
Locke HiicharclBon.
In bliukoHioaio'h | ( ( inicdy of
"As You Like It. "
Tlio Llmutrm' Art ( Jiillory ,
Friday Evcnine ; , October 7th.
TleKoU f > 0c , at Ch.iBO .t Kddy'ii , _
ftow Olio of Hncclaltlos.
Backus' Dacl's Girl Co.
Klr'MiJo 1 AEiULtta rirfUU' .
tlitf ttoiiiiu hmir aitu bowel * , imri *
fr tbe bUod. * t wtfe nad tdfttunlta
/uciB , con 0jjt1t > p , dyij 'iJ. 7uulJ
/IIJM iitV , lut-uui Ucj n w iuu , i iuf u 14
T F" jlUodtloa , plir lti. Mtow c uijlei r
I Jmiire t lood.or B fullur. by IU ktuuiai li , liter ur In
UmlliiM to prrforiu tuelr proKr fuoctlop. 1 HWOM
lilrecl tonic wUluu rfb nthU < ) ljjUklUf | onoilter J
i".luni J 1'rlwliT mall. I b'riiw. l Miullf.l Z
1 11 IP Ah 8 CIIKUfUAI. ( } o7lOprucefit .1 Verk I
t > < - > * < > ? * * 'y