HIE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 5 , 1892. ' 8PEOIRL NOTICES. DVKIITUKMKNTH Kll ) TIIK8K LOI.rMNB A will bo taken until 17 W p in. for the evenlnit and until 8 JOp ra. for the morning or Sunday cdl tin advertisement lAken for le thanJS ccnls of tlinflr lln efllon. All BdverllKpmontK in tht > sn column * m cents fi TJhrd for flr l Insertion nnd 1 cent a word for earn mlinequent Inncrtlon or II w ) per line l ir month linn * ca h In advance. Inl'l" } tltnre , nymbol * . etc , each pounlnt n word AII advottlKOintnt * mint run consecutively. Adver liner * by requesting a numbered check con hi vn tli lllPt niliiriMCil lo a numbered letter In enro ofTmtlur Answer * co nditro * ed will uo coiiv- crcd on the presentation of the check. B1 IJATION3-W ANTED. - ' ) , IIV A WOMAN OK WKI.SII AND Holland Dutch panntaiip , n Mluntlon to do liouso Turk ( irlnir the full nnd winter month ) A. SI ' i" . nnmt ! > / In n Christian home Addre JMIucr , Nob. P11 ( ! A-WANTKI ) IIV AN UXPI'lllKVCKtl MAN. fipojlllon rn mnimBer of lumber yard ! ipeim.uor manl reference * Aililreia M in ll o HI S - w \M n > snT'Ai iov nv YOUNO MAvrx- AM a Unvoting collector , and who nn tlerMand * commercial law nnd credit * Roncrallf VMIrtro , M ft ! H < 3" 4 "SITUATION WANTBO. iiv COMTHTKNT AND experienced business man delrlnn to locate In Omahn on arcdnnt of family connection * ! n thorough bookkeiMinr and aecuiintantt itnod prne tlcal nlomi\n and oompotent to all any onion posl tlon : best of oily rofcroncui furnished Ad " dreu M 54 llee WA.NTii : ) , IIV KIIIST IJI.AS1 . work nt homo or In fiiinlllus Adilrc's M t lJJ < ; o. WAN1ED-MALC HELP. \\ANfl I ) KU.HSMKN ( IN < Ut.AHOil COM B inlitlon to liHiullo the nnn pitnnt chemical Ink crinlnu i' < ncll lint iirpAti'l milling novullv cvur lirodiitid , orn oi Ink tliomnuhl ) In two seconds nunliriiBloniirpRiipr JMtn&M par innl proni ono OKI ill's HBU'iinniouiitvil JKO In sir dny another f iln two lioum wn wnnt line unnriiollo naiiLrnl nut'til In i nch Mnto nml territory r 'r terms nnd iiintlcularsnitilreiii Mnnrou hrincr Mfc to .X ! 8 TV-WANT hi ) AIMtAniCAI. MAN WITH SOMIC 1'capital to tnko a water mill Addruna box M , Lincoln Nub j " Ti-WANTKI ) MAN TO TA1CI ! DIIDKUS IN PITY J'addreKB manufacturer bov.2p7elty ' " ' Ul1 1 JVvyimilnR and' oiilh' Dakota " \\uKei 00 nml f J Si per day Mcady work Albright Lnlior Otllco , IIM larnniu tnet M W Ol _ TJ-WA.STKD'SOO'IKAMM AND snn'osii ' r l om 1 ri-H trnimpiirtnllnii on tlio II 1 Lincoln , Ijob Mclormlek llron\Co 37IIM . T-WAT > TKI ) AOKMS 10 Sl.l.h UNH I IAM , J5colfce , uplcci oxtrncti anil numlrlei hr ample to f mlll ( . no enpltal required ptiluidvo terrl loryl iiood payet our Illioral trial oner y \V Loverln Jt Browne ( 0 ( Milcaito .MliJ u 115 * UNI' ohnri ; BUST ihdip'nrid iltuBlluiis furnlihed , 2M N loth T ) MKN 1011 SI'itIAI.n : ; lll.SP IN .MAUKIM , Jjqiilck noller , protlta laruo Apply at once J llrldo A Co , lloi Jill I , New \ ork MMi 11 * TJ-HUSTCIA8 A 1 Tfs.VKU WANTKII 1 OH Jj hup nnd Inrinuo work S'o othert ne-ed nuply \ \ m I ylo Dlekiiy \ LO , lIUl loiitla'i ) t I Hi Tj-WANTK.liT nVO HM.IJSMKN , OSK I OU 1'Omahn < Ity trndo and onu fur lonnlry Irndo niuntho rcinialnted with Rroeery huslnem Ad ilre HlN lull st l.lmoln Nub 12iM wa si\\i.Tr : MKN. ALO IIUICICI.AYKUS wit led Pay every Saturday. Dos Molnos , In McDoualil .Mlo3 Of" _ r . -A HOOD IIAUNI "S MAKI'll A I ) dress II Muhwood , bwuuton , Neb M.J77 ' - . ) A IIAUM.aSMAMJH , I'llICK work.tu permit , 5 to Ineh or week work tJ per week J. Campbell , l'alin > rii , Neb S1JI8 6 * - . : 1OII UNMON 1'ACII ICH'YCO IS B-J.AllOliillS : , I'tnli ' nnd Idaho , free pn Kramer & u'lleurn Labor Akcncj , tflJ bon tlillt street SIJM B * -WAN'IKI ) , Hltsr Cl.A'-S h\ri5HIKNCKIl genii furnlshlnii coeds nnlesninn , niu t have best lofercncos Apply lloston fctore , OmahnBJ5 BJ5 5 n-WAMBI ) , A I HIST CLASS CI.OTII1NO Jintoclckeipcr Cull at once UU8 Knrnnm street TJ IFOi ; Alii : bKHvlM. A II1IJH CHADIi Ipo ltlon In any part of thu United Mates write toCflti.rn llunliiLan AKIIICJ , Incloalnu itaiup , JUInnmpolls Jlliin WANI fciTAllOSrr.KII.MlSlUM ] > iilSTANIl : BroomliiB hornet anil mllklnircov , Apply to T C. llrunner , room 1 , Wnru block 8 ( > 3 6 TJ-WANIKI ) . A FIIIST CI.ASS PAN IS MAKKI ! Oand all around man Immediately .M lionet' ' A rioni , Dunlup. Jown lx > J 1 * T > WANTICI ) lIlllAKIAYiiUS : AT 111 II AM : Jj.r co t . btandiird l'a > liiCo | -M3S6 5 TJ-WANTKI ) AT ON K , TKN IIHICKVAUDMKN -D.lCthnnd Fats , ho Oiuahu. Krltcnbrlnk llros l JI331 7 * _ -till 1'Bll WhKK AM ) KM'KNSKS 'IO AI * and femnlo norkura , to act im rculdent sall'sinoi fora compaiir iiinnufacturlim itooda wanted li v ry liousehuld Permanent , prolltnblo work 'I'cruih and circular * free Addru a Klectro- Novelty Co , J Armory Direct , Hoston Mai * MS84 S -WANThI ) AOKN TS. f5 T O Jll ) I'KIl DAY. COI , J'leetliiK imnll iilcturon fur us to copy und enlarge Satisfaction KUarunterd and a tl onttlt frco A Dunne A Co . M Ituudu el , .Suwoik. . MJ8J 5 * T } 1KAM8 WA.M'KD It ) HAUL l.LMUKIl IT -f' ! ' . Cndy Lumber Lo , ! lth mid DouxlaH MJTl 7 WAMTED-PEMAXiE HELP. , . e < Cell &I3 ( teor ln nve ( S. 21'th bt ; doorn north of Mason Ut C-I\VA.NTII : > . AOP.NO nun. TO CAIIIJ Ki child 3 yenr > old nud nnslit In gone-nil hon i work 202 inpltol nvenuo 1JJ / 1 WANTKI ) , A l ! I HI. TO DOIJHNKIIAL I1OU > .K V worV Apply t 1M5 North 18th stniul. UT - ) : ANT ) ( JIUIS 10 DO OUll MCV C-liAIIia work tor us at home M to B per week easll Hindu ; no palntliiK or cnn\n"lni , " : Bend milt Rddrccd envilope Kehu Maiiufactiirliii : eom pniiy , 4 I Ihorty biimro , Itueton , Mass 187 4 * -WANT r.D.COMI'L'l KNT ( .IUL I OU OKM5IIA1 ioii > ework , aiall family ; mutt undumniHl rial COOklUK. Appl ) U. N JUlll at 1S.I 4 * -WAN'IKI ) . (1IIIL TO WOltK KOIl IIOA1II and go to ( Chool. Apply Jill N. 30th ntroel Omaha. MITi / 1 WANTICI ) , A M5AT YO1JN ( ! ( Illll TO ASS IS V ln taklue cam of buby & U. eor 'JOtliiuo nn lodie. JJ81 > -\OUN ( ! ( illll. TO TAKIJ CAHK Ol' HAHY Mrs Kddy. 1311 N gQtli 311 4' c- tOlt HOUMCtt 011K 010 B. 'JSIU bT. . M 5 * worWANTKI1 , ( II Hii HOIl OKNKIIAL HOUSI1 wor k In tmall latully UI4 ! Illll st. SJii 4 -WAN-HID , ( , ooi ) ( inn , nijJSiniAti iiousi work Mrs A I owls HJ | orby .1,1111' CIiAinAMKI ) , IMMLDIATKLV. UI.C1UV : liiKlructlous keei | books , Month Omahu J 1 fiiiillh.filT . theely blk U4I 4 > TT VS AN'll.l ) . NKATnillLIOIl SMALL KAMIL1 Viit once J.'ll Poppleton uvo MWJ u C -WANTK1) , A 100l > 7lilll7YoH nK.NKlTA houseitork , Inqiilru 'U'i Jones , bgtwcon Liavei \torth and Bt. Mary's ave. a7U o " IOU RENT-HOUSES. D-KOIl IlKNT-SIU bOUl'll 18lh hTHUI.r. rooms , f.'Uil. V.Vl l.eavenvortli nnlr r. ! UO M he above tiavoelty water , only lOmlnutoi mil from 1'uxton 3 5I I amain Sioomi III 00 311 ' ouih.stth Iri'Ot , Irooum , 1300 UH south .IMli utrcot , I room. HOD WU I ocatur > trt ot , it riioiim IIl ou HUM. .Morjr'i uvi'liuo , 4 rouiiii HOW. llnfh U ( .lark , UIS llarnoy street .M. 17 li -Kjll IlKN l'A 3 ItOOM ANDC UOiiM ( OlTAi iuar 2ulli and I'am iiiuuln. II , T. Llurtu , i Hoard of'irade , phone UM .Mi Ti 4 ItOOM I'liAT. hll-AM HKAI1. KlItsI-CI.Ah J-Hlefercnuuii HO S , Sttul nileet , room B 44s 1'O-IIOOM HOlI-iH , ALL MODKll .l.'convonlencej. with Itunu barn , JwJ Poppluto ave Inquire'at JIT M.lith st. \M \ - A OKHWAIILK I10MI5 OF t ) IIOOMH. PUI nlklied oriinlumlshed. Parlies itoliiB to I'nl fornlii Apply on premises , I1K buuth'JeulU itrunWJ WJ MCK lorTAKK OP i HOOMs , 837 POUT .tth > lr ot Apply on praiulsus 1)114 ) * DOM.Y TWO l.KPT OK TIIK 0 HOUM CO tiiue-j justcimiplutfd. Have bath , bet and co vrntrrund niodeni convenlBiiViX IK ) lnibln houu for business men In beautiful "t jnford clreln I. purtkuUrs upplr lo blur Ixian ami 'trust C BLCUU , i , N w Yoik Life bldtr Uj D-Kil ) HKNT. I4W H. S < ri llTsllOOM IIOUS- modernronvenliiKes. bath , w.c , hot and eo volir itat liJWa uiontii to parly who nil ) take JMl'ucar JK T1011 HKNT.ONK OPTIIK MO-.P COMPLKI -/coii < vulunl nd ronifortublu nlno room housi In Ou gha , with bith room liiundry and nil mudvi cpntenleuces.also uleu yard at K. cor , Junes nt Sithslreoti , belwcvu Bt , llury's are. and Looi worth street Uic T10 11OO1I 1IOIWK , CUNTIIALLV i , . . . lr.i J-Sfurnaceanilall luiprovcuiuuu. 7Uii N. IDlh M in -J-'HlthUeo W I' . < o lm.oi \ \ ) . 'a'roaiu ? JJ -iLATi. DWKI.UMiS. LOn-AUKS IN AI parti of cltr.Kllkeour A Co , Continental blWl Wl 'JOllKNT.U UOOM UOUSrTaUHANinVoiMi Jlreul . All Dii > d rucoiivunteuce > 1'osteoli Kit tn limiiodlately. Lallor aldrest M U lloidi It9Qia , va , l' ton block , .a , ton RENT-HOUSES _ * FunHnuftl. D -KOIIKKNT. llOt'MK . n AND 8 UOOMS , NRAIl hlsh ichool Inquire J-jH Capitol ft TO S.W7 * D-IVIIOOM IIOltHK NRAIl 1IH1II SCHOOL ; ntoum lie-it ntnblnt modern conTenlencct Tims F llnll.mi r tnnjhloclt 7 < 1 -KH UKST"IIOI'SKS IN AIt , I'AHT-i OK J ) | cltr IneO K Hurls comptinr. IWS Fnrnnm at. DAN KXrniTIOVAIU.Y lK < < IHAnM ! IIOUSK of II roomn npHr pint ontco. nioilrrn Rrrnnno nicnt cnniplptn Kniiilrn | I'OiChlonKo tl , ort 1 8. klniior. runtnl PKent , lull 1-ntn.iin st MM ) . n nooM * . Dii , or ! St. Mary g nvo 0 K. Dulls 2203 lilh * t , risua ) -IOIIOOM IIUICK IIOUSK WITH MODICIl Improvement * , on 50th n.roel near Lcavcnwiirlh Inquire Bl 877 fro tOlh alreet M7M D -0 ItOOM CflllNKIt HAT , AI.Ij MOHKIIV COX vcnlcncc * SIUI I oarciiirorth * l M7b3 7 * DD D Illll HUNT 10 ItOOM lIOUSi : , 2015 li HeodAbclhy Hoardoflradn fffl i5j itomt iioijMiT mTe l7iuT iiT/rw KKN 'ackson ami U'nvcnnorlh M 10' ROOMS. E KUIISHIIKI ) UOOM 111 IlKST WITH Al.l. modern convenloncoa 912 Douulai troot ' ' 37 E-IM.liASAVT T.AHUlT AND SMAI.TTNICKI.Y furnished rooms on car line , 115 d 2ttli ) r trpo Ml HO E-VKIIV I.AlKir. ANDOOMKOIlTAIll.i : UOONH ( ivntloinun urodrrvil. 11M1 Cuiillul iiTrnuc E -1'UitMSIIKI ) ItOHMS , 810 H IBI'll blMI7J ir-niisHini ) ) UOOM , WITH IIAIU jtoo I Jinonth 1VJ harnam OH E-.SICKLY HIltMHiUKDHOOMS IM N IJth SU MUilo.'il1 -LAI1IIK NKI.IUIISISIIKD I'A < THIOM' room 1'rleu reasonable 210 N IJtli M27S 8- l , fJUO 1HJN IS'III r -i uitsmmi ANII tis'Ftiii.Miitr.n IIODMS , > -'ilo n I n looiilljii Wrlijlil \ , l.uibiirv lilti anil llowiinlIrtuU Mil. 9 E-MCI.l.t HJItSISHKIlHOOM Kill I.AD1 Oil liontlvinan 1 nijulru ntS.M south JStli street , U7 6 -roiT'oK'Jii.rMK.v , SICILY : i uiisisiii'ii rontm inudurii convonli nco < , prlvnto fniully ; references ic < ] ulruj till N Jlit stront * I347 10 * FUKNISHED ROOMS AND BOAUD. l15Ir.OAMLHllS'l3tir.l ) > UOOMS , HUST I class bunnl tl 'Iho Ooluii .1juiiljll N ISUi Btri ut M Mi T ? Kill HUNT Mm 1 IIONT HOOM WITH -L board , > team bint Utopia , 17III 1741 Dm enport "I 141 & T ? HllSl1 CLASH I L'HNISUKO UOOMS , 1 HIST 1. class lucatlon , llrst class bonril , 1810 tbionKO ht. ISM 7-KUIIM91IKI ) 1100M3 ANO llOAItl ) . 201J llouulai street SI 111 IV ij1 WANTKII TWO YOUNO MI5N TO HOOM ASH hoaril with yoiitii ; innrrled cowplo Strlctl ) llrst i lass No ether roouiera or boarilera. Aililrcstt M 67 , lleo M 151 ( ) i ? HANIISOMK ui rifsotn u UOOM mt'.T- X claim tioiird lit ! 1 lilcnKO at MIST . ' _ FOR imNT-UNFUKNfa'HED KOOMSi -ou tiNriiiinK : with nil inoilern LOiucnlrnwt for Ilklit liniiso ptiiK 51J per inontli uml no questions uokiU \ililrosi M M lloaofflio .HU'J HUM' 111111:1 ] U.VM'llNI-iHIMt ItdOME for Unlit lioiisekt cplim inoilern i.oiivenlencUi ! Jail IM& Hurt --ULLI , thlul Hour .III.I [ OR RKNT--bTORiS AND OFJFICKS. I IOHUKNT. TIII3I s-lollY lIltlPK IIUIMXNC 'Jl't I'nrn un * t 'Ibo bullillni ; lii H Hn.proof co .nont b nemciil , ciimpluto stcaiiiliiatlni ; ll.xtiirc-3 , wulcr on all thu lluoru , KII , ntc Auply at tbo onicc f 'I ho lloc UIS STORAGE. M iiiiv , ci.iSAN A. i'iiiA'I r.LY" 8roitii ) i uu iittureUU7 louglaaOuiibu ! ttovo Itopnlr works Vxl M-SrOHA < iK CII15A1' , CLIIAN , WKI.l.i , 111 rnriinm ntrtet ' > WANTKD-TO BUY. luiiMiiiiK nouijiir , boLo , aioitii ) 1 1 \\ells , 1111 liiriinm at ' .IJU AT WAN fKIl WILL PVV SPOP TASU I > 1 > umoiints from S2U OUU to f IW 000 for tocks of ilrj Roods , boots hardiTiire. cluthluit or cnrpots Musi liao larjiu dlHCOtiut O1T tnvolcd prteu No uuliU itook * * considered Address In coutldmice , box Jl Juculn , Neb bbu N WAN PKII TO I1UY SOMK B PKIl CI NI llrst mortgages , Heed Jtbolb > , 314 lluarii Trade 75J FOR SALE-FURNITURE. 0 hOll SALH. 1 UUNIllJUK OF 7 HOOM H.AT lloouiorii pay muro than rant Address M 21 lleo. 154 : FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC > -Kll SALK , A SIV1Y 1)01.1AH 'IOI' 11U < } (11 forftjUO II 1 ! Cole , Continental block - > JJ MOIlinAOKI3 SALK S73UO \Mllbiiyiilluohlickladyor centleuiaira drlv mnre , a leather top , eldo bar , piano box buggy harni'ss.etc tlrht omiwltli the ciisn takes It Omaha Morleaeu I oun I o , lloom 11 CrelKhtiiu bloek. 15th and DoiiKlns next to postofllco M90I 1IOH bAI.K Oil KM IIASC.H 1 HAVK FWI 1 Hno j iiuuif lacks and want to sell or OYchanui onu forpood lanil or work horses or Kood Imporlei utalllon both of the jiu ks are sure foal gutters nil' ' cinlck performers Address box 01 , llurlan , laJ04S J04S * -A ( IOOI ) TltAM , HAHS'KSS AND WAIO > have stead } htiullim , will bell cheap for cash o trade , address M 60 , | i0o Ait b' FOR SALri-MISCELLANEOUS. Q HACK JT5 I'UUCllAKI ) , DOUGLAS I1I.OC1I US ) Q-POHSALK , hTOCKOl'ULASS IIKLOW CObl ITOJCumlnKat 21 ; 7 * rKOU HAM : , - iwoVKI.UHHII : ) NI.V Vxmontbs' old Kngllsh pointers , yard and KU broke Address J A L , llox Ul , Harvard , Neb Q ion SALK.MIIXIOAN YKLLOWIIKAD , AI * African Kray parrot , good talkers IU Nort icth , room'.O su ; JfllSCEI/LANEOUS. 1J VAN SAN I' NULL 8 ruil' ANOIIIIMI CLAS 'k in ahiirthiind and typnwrltlng Oi tabor 1st Those who noiild like Ui beulu the present wee candoko Instruction by a iiractleul rep jrter Itu miltu turtiiln lluoiii DM N V Lllo MiTi U-HOIISK IUMII NO Ill-llOltSliS , I'OlTT nnd cuttle enrol for thu > enr round ( ! ( I CIIIIH Huuth Oniah i , Neb P ' box IJtj M M Oil ai < AIHVOYANT3. C-MltH NANMi : V WAHItn.V I'LVIUVOVAN" iJrulliiblu business mediumItftu jearatlUN IMI Wl S-AHH1VAI. EVTIIAOIIDINAIIV WONDUIIPU revelations I luillonifcs thu world Mr . Dr. M I eicruvo , dead truiica tlalrvoyint , mtroloiiln palmlit and IIfo roadnr , lolli your life from th eradio to ur.-uo , niilies ihosupuratoI cuitseamar rluuowlth llio ono yon lovet lulls vihoru yon ll ruccie t and In nhat Imilnu * * boit a hipted for , hii thocelnbratcl Hwyptl ui braiiDtplato for luck aiidt destroy bud IniluuiKH. CIITIM tits Inloiuperauo andallirlratocuiuplalnt | < .nlth miusaiio baths an aleohol truatmunton 1 t.'w , lock of hair , nam anddntoof lilrlh uid roe lu aceurato llfocliail Ucents Initninps fur elreutur , Klvo lultlaM of on you will marry : ul u photos of HIMID Olllco 41 r-outh Illh Ire'Ct. lint Moor , houri tl i m to II p n : Comn ono , couiu all , and bo coovlncoj of this woo derful oracle , SI ,127 It , ' MAHSAOE , BATHS , ETC. " T MASSAUK 'rFuA7rMTNT : : , KLBtTUOflf i lual buths , < ialpuiid hair iri'atmunt ' manleu and chiropodist. Mrs Po ti > lIHi3 IMh.Ulilinell blWJ WJ 'I * MADAM Sl'OWK , MAliNKllU IIKALK ratt street. fP MADAM1C bMirit U.l liAPirOL AVK.Mli Aitooui 3 , M Hour. Aleohol. sulphur jud > i bavin. _ MZIJ J * ' -MMK. I . I.A IIUU , MAsSXOK , 411 } bOUl'll 151' i alruul , Ihlrti Moor , tint 4 M , W H' MU3IO , ABT AND I-ANGUAQB. \r a . K. GhM.KMII.CK. 1IAMO TKAtJIB \ 'Itli lluipeorN. W cor. ISth niuTlliirney. 43 MONEY TO iOAN-KEAL ESTATE. W-Mom i. Ai i : LOANS LKlb'THA N 7 PKH"c lucludliiK all Umrtie * . V.ltBlney unulioN'at. bank Mdu VX \\r-I PKIl CKNTTlON7in NUT TO IWItKOI V er'u" Omaha cljy property Nn extra clmrif ofunykludhy pay'liUh rule * ' Money U eh en } oncaufet full l.onutn of luw ratei from lllo Loan mid I rust Co . li tli and Dmlne J ( \\r-ANTHONV I OA N AMI TKU3T CO . 318 N T 1 Life , lends utlow rul i for chuka > uourlty u owa farms or Ouiaha city property , -C.K , llAlllllbON , li Nv LIKtf. \\r CKNTIlAli LOAN A , 'IUUdTCO , 1UCB IILI ) VI \\r- ( IIBAP MONKV , bKlTu. W P , COAT ! i > lull Ikruam. \ \ ' -LQA.N ! ) . ' MONET TO LOAN-REAL ESTATAE. \V UANBu.v iMi'icivKit ANII UMMIMIOVKH f rlty properly ( ICOUnnrt npward 6 to 7nerc nt W. larnnm Smith lo , No delays A .IMhandllnrney _ _ J | IOUO \\T I'illVATB MONBV , 1ST ANDSB MOHTdAIJK 'l loan * lowrnteti Alex Moorp Dee bid it. 10 } \\r-OMAHA 8AVIVI1S HANK MAKI'.rl IAANS ' on rrixlMtntn nt Uiwn l market rMM I.nnns mxloln umiill or Inrsn ! > nni < tor Miort orlonntlme .So roniniH lon l < clmrscil n1 lh lounn nronot old In HID rnst , biilrnn nlwat" bo found at tlio bunk on ths corner of 11th nnd liouRlnsntrccto 103 V MO.NKV TO lAJAX US'IMl'ltOVKIS OITV \v proportr , low r to A C , 1 run , DoiiKlna lilk. 101 \\T-l AMIS VKAHLOAVJONCm AND KAHM t mortRngca Heed A t-elby , J ) Uonrd of Trade. \\r-riTV AND KAUM IlKAI. KSTATK U > AN8 'I nt lowest rates , con'ltll in lioforo borrowing K 0. Onrvln , V Co Jl blioeley block 101 \\T- MONhTO I.OAN AT UlWIiST HATI'.S i TheO V Unvls tompnny , IVXi Karnam slriet 419 \Yr-TtlK KlOr.l.lTV TIUTdT CO. . KKCKNlliY rriiioTprt to M K corner lloo bulldinit , Is pro pnrnl to ilixo loam on clljr ten I t'stMo promiitlr and nt lowr't rates Suliinlt ntmllcattun 4)1 OUr \\r MONiV TO 1X1AS OV IMI'ltOVHI ) IlKAI. ' ' o'tnto , lowpM ratui , bullillns loan * a | > cc- laltr Ibunias llroiiunn , V Co , Kirbach block \\r-llMAI. P.8TATK hO VNM , 6 TO 7 I'l CK.S " ' no ndtlltlnnnl chnrtci for co'nnili.'lon or attor ney's footV II Melkle , Mrst Nntlunul Hunk lildit 1.77 . _ MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Y-WII.I , IO A N -ivciirltT trli.ll ) ronlliluntlal A K Ilnrrls room 1-CotiUm.nfil bl o < k ll > i V-lMtn I HAlU ) , 51 DOLDI.AS HI.K. 10 A , DDIKIK A 107 v i \rini. . i.o \\-T M viK os HIUM rum : , jViiHnoi live utoik etc , wltliout publloltj or ro- * "niovul " ot prnporty at tlio loxfont rnl s nml ( imlust n iiiiioms Hull linen , roe 111 8 anil U , llnrkcr blk. 1 113 YHNS os cimTUi.a IIKA&ONAIIU : IN jvtcrt" t , purtliil puyiiiintii I to (1 ( tumuli. " \ \ II. DmH U .M lonlliit-ntnl block IHovuloi 13tli ft 101) ) AT I.O\V It \ 1 1 OV ANY IClSIt OP Kurttono MtKC Co , 203 ijliLulo > block ID ? V-IK' "U NKKI ) MOSKV ? A. mi : 1111151,1 1MK HUAiiAN rnii ! co , Itoum \\hltnollblock cur ( Mil anil llnrnoy m , \MI.I , IjKSI ) \ < > U A.NiUM. . HIDM fll ) I'O SIO.UOO OS TIIK11AV YOU AbK 1 Oil IT Wo ninko lunni of any site , larKQ or Mnnll , on luiuscholil uuiul ? plnnoj luirsc.i niiitons , n aruhousu ruiulptu nnd pur'oniil pruporiy nf all kinds In unj nmoiuit , nltlionl ilclny , pub licity or romovalof property. chGipo l rntoi Hint vnsk'at pnymunta hiK US HUSI' . -1100,00000 TO LOAN IN AMOUNTS from $10 up on lIOUSKIIOI.il lUllMlUlli : ANII PIANOS , UOllM'.SYAdONS ASI ) CAIIUIAO 153 , \VAUittouan UKruirrs , on I'KllSONAIj IMIOI'KIITV Of ANKIN1I without putillclty or roinoval of property You can ixo time anil nioiii' ) by calling on OMV1IA MOIlld M5I. LOAN CO , Ituoui 11 , Crelclitim Illock. 15th .uid Doiiulni next to I'o > tol1lco I.NCOUI'OUAIKI ) ui'J03 _ _ X -MONKV LO\MI1 fllCU * AT VOUIl OWN Stbraaka Loan Co UIC l inlui t4U3 4U3 y-CHATTKL I.OANh. ANY AMOUNT ! LOW Arnle1 U Van Ulldar , room 'Ml , Ouiaha Na- tlunal bank \11W07 V MON13TO LOAN ON b UKNITIHIK , PIANOS , liurHCs a ons and collateral eucurlty llusl * ness Lonlldcuttat 1 red ' 1 urry , room | ] j ItuniKO blk -LOW iiATHS os ruusniHiELivi : X elc J , U 'Injlor , 1'lonecr blk , bontli Omahn. .i.i X MOMCY-10 , 00 , UO lA\b C1IKAP UATI and eaiy paymcutn on furniture , ptunos ll\e stuck , etc , without delay or publicity ; cash on hand Duff i.ieoii , room 8 , llarker block. .MoS. BUSINESS CHANCES Y-tOll SALK , Till ! CONIKOLLIMI IN IbllUS'I In the leading niish and dour mill tn the nurth- weft ; iliiliiK an liumeiiHO bii lni'is ; over ? 'rOOOJOO worth of new work no\t In tuu.ultl iv KTUTI bargain to the rlsht part ) ( all on or address I 11 Mason , rooms .U and UJ Hurkcr block , Ornahu. Not > til 020" Y \OUAItK bCKKINU A UIJslSHSS OPPOH. tuutty rcitilrlnK small capital In a enrtatu und exceedingly prolltiible and KrowltiK biiHliie j line ] alwuyi cath wrlto lo the undoralKnod Inotoalnt ; Htauip. when full pirtlcnltirs will bu Ivoiif O K Jv , HtJ L strout. Lincoln. Neb W7 Y-1011 SALK , AT A VI311Y LOW Ht.UHH , ontlro state Interest In onu of the heaviest piy ln monopolies now before the public It will Bare tt tier cent of the coal bills of everybody nud pro iluco better results Lvorybody wauls It nnd will huvef It when seou A lame biKlnuas cin bo done nt iinen lu every county hull particular * * by mall Address U. K. K , Ilia Let . Lincoln Neb MS73 Y-UNK 11USINKSS C11AVCIS U' SOLI ) At once tor sale the lease furniture and Hxturei of tlio Morrlam hotel , Omaha , contilnluit l > 0 rooms elegantly furnlslii'il all rcntid , elKhty pcriunnenl KiiuHta. Beit prUatu family hotel In the went Will neil because of poor health For term * apply oc Iiremlscs , ijlh and DoUgu , Mrs L M 1 little .Mlil O12- -I7 W1LLLOAN MY KMPLOYUIl $ . > 00 WIIIIOU1 i- Interest Want Indoor work Ofiico preferred H Meyer Lincoln , Neb 183 4 * A hS'AP I OH A DIIY GOODS MAS Will money About twenty live thou < ind dollar worth of now dry Boods to he Bold at about nlxt : ceutH on thu dollar In a Nebraska town of 8000 pee pie ( .nod locitlon and cheap runt ItlKlit pcopli < an do 15)01X1 ) bimlucsi until l.hrlnlimn Musi bo i man with money and know how much stock then Is b ) looLlui ; Hover ni wo have no time to In voice lle t raaHOns for SHllliiK Addrcst I * II lie EM Kearney , Nub M72 5 Y-1OH SALK , Till ! 11A1LWAY N'ICWri 111 : porter bovunth year , tlno mibserlptlon Hi and advertising patronaite One third cash bal unco In onu and two years ( .ecu rod nulc 1-or In fDrinatlon uppl ) or uddresn Dan It Honln , 131 DoilKU utrout , Om lha Nebraska - IOI18AL13 , 41 HOOM lIOrlCL , l.OOl ) KiPAlll : only hotel In town Aildrosa 1'rallk Uotlivvoll blerllint , Neb MM 15 _ \F 3001U3AI ) Ot WKI.lj IIHKI ) SIOCIv OATI LI -1 and 1 UMacros of choice , clear Nchraskn land ti exchange for Kood. clean merchandise atmarku value Address luxibth avenue , Kearney , Neb M.iil 11 -W1LL bKLL MY UKBTAUHANT Affl Y haki ry or Ir.ido It elf , for property lu lowi country tonn or siuill farm Address. M 51. lleo J41 I ) ' Y-1OH SALi : , OOOI ) PsTAllUSIIKO MKA' market , CumlUH street Inqulro room 410 Pin ton bloek 371 IU * \r 1 K \ OU AltKSKI3IClMi A IIUslNCSd OPPIlt -i tiinlty In any line of Inulnim wrltu for our bu lotln , Inolodiik' Btamp Woiturn lluilnass Axjnt Mlunuupolls , Minn ' DOC I Oil \\AN1S ( IOOI ) IiOCA'llON" AI Y dre'tts , I'uetor , Washlnifton Null JW 8' FOK EXCHANCJE. Z CtiKAII OMAHA UKALl'-irA'lKI OU MDSi : nctualiiluiitlon Money to loan llox MS.Oninlii III ) y-I O\\N 100 KAHMS IN NKII -MVIII null or oxchunvu llux TO , Kraukfort I ml 111 y-CHOICK I'AllMS IN 1IAY1W COUNTY. N ( : /Jhrankn to trndo for horses , cattle or uenorn uidnu AdUruis C II Uubank , Hayes Center Nul 16JIJ " / WAMI3I ) , ON 13 AClli : NBAH CITY LIMPID /J i t In lucliiiimi' for clear lot In Albright' annex , Address , M .M lleo IH rT-VKIIY VlNK SMOOTH ( OAT hi' IIKUNAU1 /Ji\ajl \ , 2 > eam old , for pnoumatlo or eiuhli ) safety. Addrumll (2 , lloooltleo .Mj.iJtl' I/-TOK\CIIANP. ) LOT IN IIAN8COM ITACi /-/and iiinil In Kansas for meiolmndlse. U. K llai rlioii 'JliU , Y. Lite .U3 a / ' 10 K.XCIIANCIC. KAHM MCAIl NKII L'lT f-llor IIOUHH anil lot In Ouiahn and ensli. O I llnrrlson l.U N. \ . Life. 3-l.j 5 _ 7-7oTT KVCHANflK. fJ,000 TO 1 000 OI.KA /Jwcuturu lols.c ( iiy terms ) for personal or ret property In or near Omaha Live trudur aciiualute liuruinn nmkoono lotliroo thouiund dollars t ru lPliiU troda. P. O. box 1151 , city. 31,155 ( , / ' KJII KXCIIA.NQI : WK HAVK MOW BTOOI /Jin munuractiirlntr concern dulnix Kood builnoi In Onmhu that WB will tradi In whole or part fu good work horses , American tuol Co , 1131J 7-10WA KAHM 1-011 SALI3 OU 'IUA11K AI /Jdress M u ) , Hue. MJ7i > 1) ) FOt SALE REAL ESTATE. l0ll HAf.13. H. liril. COJTACiB JlyMB. , I. Uoed.Vhelbj , Hoard of 'Iradu. Wl I OIl BAlZT HlItOOM IHUIriH ; POI'PLUK ) i iivenuu Modern convcnleucus ; model houit IIUUJUO Heed A. siolby , Chamber Conunureo _ , _ ilj7a fl'O IIOMi : bKKKKIM-IN AVONDALB PAH 1 yon can liavo an elexant homo arranged tu u juii , wlthbutldlnit limit , trims , nulks , mwer , wnto unit nan , within wutklnit dtituncu of builnci in ho ( i Is and eliutcbei. and all for about I3ujj Cm lain tu bo the prultlcit Inslda ro lduiioo addition I Ihocllv. Orur one third of It alraady "Old H ( us for particulars before the prlou Is rultml i Mu lly Irmtiompuiiy , 17W t arnnui t. i-W . Nebraska's lined firming IsurTal a uruat ncr iu.1 11. PoC < r.un , HU B latli t..Um hit. 13 } oj I.IOIIHAI.K , IIKAI'TIKU i.ov , ID KKCT movi I'JIth t , houtli Ouiaba , near O , IIIW1 Apply t owner , Itouui II , lluthman bU , Omaha 4u OIU BAL hblATK llautliis only. Mr wont It 1.0 od W ( ! AlbrlflU btl 3-3 Nun I ork I.ltt. Ml 17 FOR aALKItBAI KSTATE. LOT2SI. TUTTI.E'S SVTUH CHF.S WITH 7 UOOM house , all IruproTomotftd Inquire .TOI Hotd street. i/in i M7M ns VOIl SAI.K OS MONTlW.V I'AYMBNTS , T flOOM -1 rn.itKeln Cnrthatn niliiltlpii on Cumins * lrcet. A coiy home. W , U Mclbf , ' Clinmbor Commercs , IJ'OIlSAI.KOIlKMMIAMUIV-iM.OTa I.N IIAI'II ) -L City link. , for elty abttrlmn property or Im proved property In Knialli ) ( n or land.Mlt " ' " anil t.ciiillfiil two inllevfYom P o Prlco f > iJ l vol inch : ln-iimliri > ncof.M.io4 | cU. Wilt imy on Inciun- branco and trade flea * iriloMrol. Mmllar lot In pn tprn towns samoBlJenfistJieU)01 Adilrp Mr I.llllu M Moore.lW Dnvthpurt street , Omaha. Neb i-.l MWJ1 iroil SALK , TWO OU I'TlllKK IIAUIIAIN9 140 I acre farm three nillcn noutli of Watcrlno. lhl < county , HrKt rlnsi , imrtly nndor cultivation , Iml- anio hnjnml pnfture , fWO ) per amt U will par jou to look nt thl 40 ncrp < on Uodita atrcpt six inllrs from po-tolllrc , layi well , will lie "old rhp > p. Nleo roltnui1. full lot. on IhHitur ntroit , lot and street urideit only U/iOOOO , on tpriiKto nlt Thli H a chahcp to Kft a liomo only ft short dlnlnuco nut HiiKlitl Plnrk IJ13 llarno ; street. Mllfifl l t'Ll. LOT ANIHIOtll ( ) COTTACSKS IIUINIIIMI ' WOO tn r ycrr each , room for 2 moro homes PrlooiffelWJ < K llnrtlfou , UU N Y l.lfB 3.T98 "I31O SNAP IIKINO IN NKKI ) OK MONKY , I Uwlll pl | 40 m ro nf Kood Inhd nlno tulips from Omaha P O for fMl ) Lnnd ndlnlnlna Is nelllnit for IllX ) per acre Aildrpss M I'J floe Mail & 1WII A1 K-IMP11OVKI ) STOCK UAM1K , TS i nori'i under cultivation ; H of the land can tin cultlvatpd , Kood toll : for partlcnlars wrlto to M Ii' ' earo lleo Pub Co , , Omaha ( -05 10' \\rAMKl ) . 1IANSCOM PL PUOPIUITV 1 Oil > ' land Wanted lotas land for Omaha bn lnois property Wanted Ouiaha properly nnd rash for land Wnnteil purchaser lor IJ per cent morUaire Wanted pun baser for it npr cent luortRa e Wunle I chnlco G\f \ per cent loin Wanted M ctlon of laud at f2 > per aero Wanted joonereiof land forfmuo ; 1 40 ni re < S-tiiutin county. ? l I per aero Ml ) mi' t'la county JiO per acre 312 acres Otoo enmity f IS per aero UOncrinSnrpy count ) , } li per aero IV ) ucrts nenr Omilhn , S7f > H ) . btO neres DodKo coiintj li't tier .icre luiaerw sarpy co"nly MIMJ tlno linprovomcnts Ml ai res near xotilti Omaha J H ) nn aero C V llnrrl un 1)1 ; N \ Llfo 372 0 8W Atlins \NCK COl'ST(12000 1 40 ai ie Colfax count ) , $ J8 tier ncro Wanted onii half seetlnu tlnu land reasonable , Wanted merchaniUsofor llanscom pi lot Wiuitod nuatler section lhn > er or lelTcrson Co. \ \ uulul lioii-e for clear Into nndca * ) ! \ \ anted choice Imcstiupiit of any kind a K Harrison. UU N' . V Life- 3fll B _ lUr.7i I Ol , LOUNKIl lul'll AND llUUDnTIlt , A Moon C K Harrison. 31R f , D 10OU WANT A MUia HOMKT Slil ! THIS ! Hoiiso oft \ rooms nltli nit inoilorn linproro * inentB , In Mnost ruMdi'iice pnrt of tlio illy 'terms easy anil poRcBRloii ulen nt once torprlco nnil larniB npply to 10.14. South flUth qvu .MS7U a * OST AnAcoMMiMi Uwhltoforo foot whlto spot In forolicul Notify Omnha Procrefs , 1417 tnrnum utrcat M'Hti ' LOb T , LAI1V 3 \ \ A'Kl , ItinWKKN 10TI1 AM ) DoiUn and Titli anil llnrncy , illnmonil In cn o , ihaln with il'tn piece attached llunaril for return turn to Rio oltlcu , ,1 ( > 7 G * ] > \ 11AM1LT HOS'IOSSIOIIK IN ' OUTH 1 Omnlm Wan n prtupnt from thu iload lin biind of owner I'li-ivi niturn to lljtton btore , * > outh ilinnlui atul no ( iiientlonn will bo iiHkiMl other > \l80 other slip' ! will be taken lor 'In ntovory M 178 5" LO r7oN Ifitli Oil CALlrOltSIA Blltii-T. ; A pcnilon voucher No TIO.l'.U I'lcase return to lima Murrl" illh uml I npltol qvo _ M isu t * LOM- -.I'KCrAtLK&.OOl.l ) HIAMK , OS aOt 111 iOtli street J'lcnse iptltrn to U. U. Cole ut I ) M &UeleV ( o's nml rpcclyi' rinnrd MIT'ifi * PAKHN t I'-A HAY JL from Mlllard Neb. On/icr / can hino xaiuo by allliiK ut ( .Inns Sump , Mlllard , Neb , nnd nmltifull expenses 8iUI > * PANCIHQ CHOOL. _ . MOKANIh9i 1IOOI. toll D VNCINO Mlt.AMItb Armory Cnpltnl Ave , will ra open for the r-ii'on on Saturday , October Int for children , nnd ' > ndnyOitOMcr4lli for tulitg | | Circulars at bnow , , und A. Co R driu toro. 15th nnd rarnani 'rlviitu lesions can bo taken now at their resl * duneu , 'JXHj DoiUo Ht. I l \a 07 \7 AN rill ) , $ IMMW l -MONllb ! fiOOD ' se eurltr Adilic's Sl [ Ice _ 2 % C' Artistic . . CHICAGO iNGRAVING at LXJW Prices. i w Stock and Design The Latest and Best. Send us 61.UO and we111 send you 100 cnsraveQ caids from a new copper plate. Send us OO cts. and jojir present pHto ( to be held and registered ) aad we'll send you 100 eo- graved cards We pay express charges. METOALI1 STATIONERY COMPANY , ( lAte Cobb'a LJbi nrj' Co ) 136 Wnbasli Avc. , the tnclhod nnd results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant nnd refreshing to the tnsle , nnd acts ccntly yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver nncl Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectunlly , dispels colds , hcnd- nches nnd fcvtra and cures hnbilunl constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind over proi duccd , pleasing to the taste nnd ac ceptable lo the stomach , prompt in its action nnd truly bcneUuial in its cflects , prepnred only fiom the most healthy and agreeable substances , its manvoxccllcntquuliticscommendit to all and have nnulo it the most popular icincdy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75o "bottles by nil lending dinggists. Any leliablodutggist who may not have it on hand will piocurc it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. , SAN FRANCISCO , CAI * . . KY. MKWYQUK.T DON'T STOUT You Sco Your Stout friends ( Uronlng Tliiniicr l cry Day. The } Are Using Hr. Edison's Obesity 1'ills ntul NO DIIiTINGo PURGING. It.Ima tieon abundantly proved thit the n i * of his lion oln trio hnnili orhli obi'ilt ) pills or both for nent Uw nershlp ThobuniNor pills nro ined sppiratcly , nndmnkoa rapid nnd hoillhy cure Or If u cd touetl cr thny help oaeh other tn action unii obtain botlurrcBUlta Cured His Rheumatism and Obesity. AuiilTOllllIH , IloTU. . Chicago , April SO. 1812 Gentlemen Plewfe send ouu JS-luch obesity hand to Mrs W L. Carroll , 231 ( hcntnut Struct , I'hlla delplila , U. O I ) llko sour ohoalty hand and plllx vury much 'I hey havn re'duecd my Height eighteen pounds In the lust tUo weeks The obcaityplIU huvo driven away all rheumatic trouble Will 1AM II. Din XEL jf llnGet ( flio P.'opcr Moisiircincnt. Mcnsiirpnunt for the band Is the largest part ol thoabdumun 'Iho numbers 1 , . ' . j ou iho bind In dlrate where lueiiuromiiit rhoulil lie tnkcn The bandHcoit $ i 5J cauh foran ) length up to SO Inches tint for one InrKPr thin .111 luclies adit III cent ! extra for caeh uddtttumil Imh 'III in a 41 , Inchioiti M M , and the pills miy bo buunht for tl ! i > u bottle \oucan buy the pills nnd bands direct from our stores , or by mall or express DR. EDISON'S OBESITY FRUIT SALT A FRUIT LAXATIVE. ( onlnttn all thn vnlunhlo Hnllno Con tlluonta o HUM ; I UT IT , Ii effervescent , tustes weot imi pleiiHanl like sodn HKMINDS YOU OP CHAMPAGNE. A dclUhtful siilistllnto for ' -oiln Lemonade , Koo Hcurornny other tuiuiueT hevuniku AND HULL'S YOU TO GROW THIN. Ir IMIson'B rrnltfanlt latlin hmt nnd Mlmplca remcdyfor rck'nlnllni ? the action ot the llvir tha has yet been discovered It la very \nhmlilo nfto nny t'M i-Bi In catlnc or drlnklni ; In warm wcithe Itlowen the temperatiiro of the body and keepn om In a comfortable , houlthy condition In the biimuie iiionthu 1'iuci : ONI : DOLLAR riu : HOTTLU. -SOLD BY ALL DHUGGISTS. \\holcsalo druBulsts of Now York Cily who carrj ourKoods In stock Clmrlos N Orlttcnlon Co , MuKusson .V Hnbtilns , W ll.i-uliletlollii A. Co. , and other IcadlnK lioiuea NOTICE. Ir Edison's Eloclrlo lioltsnnil rintrorUIni uroHold nt onr Mores .Send for special Utcc trie Holt Qlrcultrsculed. LORING & CO. , 42 P West 22nd St , , Now York City 10 F Hamilton Plitco , Boston , Muss 34 P Enst Wnshitipton St. . .Chicago. Ill 5.0B3'S NEIIVH AND IlllAINTHI ! V I MENT.anpocltto for Hyslorli Mulnui. 1 III , NJJ valgla , lleadacha , Nervous Proitratoo causal bi alconoior lobnuoo , Wakofulnoii , Montit Oonroi slop.So tnossof tha Drain ciutliu Intnnltr , rulserj deciy.douth , I'roniitura Old Ak" . Iliirronuii , l ot rt Power In clthur sox , Impotonoy , Luitcurrlioa an. allKamalaVotknessn , Involuntary Louoi , Spjr mntorr him consul by ever uxortlou at tlubnlr belf abuieuvur InduUeueu A month' * trjitunn II,0 for f > , by \Voumrintjj3lt botui to oarj I-arhordti fore ujxoi with t ) will soul wrltlar Ruaranteeto refund If notcurjl Uuaruntao Issuu. only by 'Ihuodure , K Iaws ! ilrngsUi , sola agant outhoast corner llAhand lurnam sts. Oniaba THE SHOHTESr LINE TO CI11CAGI is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y , as representec on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leavi Omaha daily at 7:05 : p.m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 a.m City Ticket Office , 1501 Far- nam St , , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. TON REM IN C TYPEWRITER ? For Safe , Rent ot < Exchange. BEST in the WORLD MEOBATH STATIONERY CO. , 13M li'uruam Street. Oinuba. WITH THE RINDERCARFEN How the Education of Omaha's ' Younger Scholars is Commenced. FROEBEL'S ' IDEA IN ACTUAL OPLRATION \Vlml n llcportcr lie Tnltl tlio .Mrnon bohoot a Cn < unl VUlt Notvil the L'Hll.-ltotitlnc Work ol tlio t-o li > n. In n cheerful , southnast room In the Mason school there Is a merry group of children surrounding four earnest teachers. This school may not resemble , In many respects , the one opened by Vrodorlck I'Voobol moro than halt n century ago In Uernmny , but the results sought by the toachordn this modern kindergarten are the same as these aimed at by tbo eminent ( loriiian educator. The npoartmonls Inhien Proobel began Ids school opened into a g.udon and the school was exclusively for children , bonce ho called it a kindergarten. Ho bollored that the true theory ot education for children was to cultivate the natural and normal nutiludo for play , exorcise , Imitation and construction , using the natural objects about iho school room In lieu of books and other nppuatus. Along this rmrticutnr line bo wrought a revolution In tlio modes of educating voiy voung children. lion tlni tliltilriin U'nrlc. It was almost recess time whoa TUB BRK reporter entoied thn M lion school kinder- gin ton , and the tuichor * were busv with the llttlo ones In the midst of a ball , cube and cylinder oxorciso. Kami teacher had charge of n table surrounded by about llftnon cull- dron ranging In ago from 5 to 7 j oars , i : ich child had n box of mntoilal consisting ot small cubes , balls nnd cjlhulois about half an Inch in diameter , of various colors nnd with holes tunning through the center ot them. The children were also supolled with long strings , shoestring , In fact , upon \\hicnthoyworostringingtho balls , cubes and cvllndors. Tills stringing process \\as not done In a hnpha aid way bv any means. 1 hero was method In the merriment , and w lion a child mauo a mistake ho was obliged o undo the \\orlc and correct It. In counec ton \vltl this vaitcirated balls of yarn ere dso employed , and the child ion apooared to bo completely absorbed in the woik. A few momenta before recess ono of the eachorsont to the piano and touched It rigorously two orthrcu times Iho children all sot their playthiuirs aside In good older and nroao from the table llko n company ol little soldiers. I'hny uushad their llttlo chillis In against the tublo in good order and then as the pianist , begin to plav thov all faced about and began to march around the largo cltclo on the floor , keeping step tc the music. They finally slopped when the iiuslc ceased nnd engaged in some simple games and sports about 'ho inner circle on the lloor under the dlicctton of Miss Smith , \\lio has charge of the school. After ten minutes of play about the citalu the chlldion were s > cut out to ulay duilng leccss with the older puuils. Hontlno oT the -session. "The llrst thing wo have the childten to d ( n tbo morning when school is called at i o'clock , " said Miss Smith to the reporter dur "ng tbo recess , "is to take seats around the ar o circle where jou have just scon ui pla > ing. We sing the opening soar and thet wo have about twenty minutes of conversa tioti , directing tbo thoughts of the llttlo otio- 10 something that will Interest them , nor haps something that has happcnra tlio da\ \ bofoio and about which everybody Is talking always taking cato to wind tbo convorsatiot uiound In such a manner ns to bring out some useful lesson that may Unit a lodtrinc place In the minds of Iho llttlo ones. Tliei we set t'jo ' chairs nsldo and have a few moments of plav about the circle This foniis a part of the pnjslcal training of the children and it also assists Iho children It goltlng ild of solfconsciousnoss. "Wo next tnko up luo table work , usitif omo of the devices } * ou havn soon hoio fet the puiposo of toachlnc form and color , \Vhen recess time comas uo send the chil' dren out to play with tno other pupils Aftot toccss you will see If you s > tay that wo take up taolo work agalti , using noodles anil varn in sowing through disks and wi also string tno balls , cuuos and cylinders impressing upon the children the lo sons ir color , form , and incidentally number. A 11 : .iO o'clock wo dismiss the school for tin noon lecoss. In the afternoon the thlldret are not so fresh and attentive , so wa an obliged to give them a shorter session am to give exercises that do not 10 quire so much mental effort on thi pirt of Ibo llttlo onei. Wo have onli ono ' .soik period in the afternoon aUr whlcl wo play a while uuout the circle and thci dismiss for the dav. This is only thn bogln uitiff , of course. As wo pioceed with th work of thu yearn o introduce moio device1 ! or Rifts , ns they niu called. "All of our mntejal Has not como \ct , bu \\o have the llr/it four gifts on hand. Tb lirst cllt is the dlffnrent colored bulU , tin colors of the ralnoow being teprusonted The bccond is the balls , cuboa and cilindor1 ? the third is two Inch cubes cut into o'gh ' smaller cubes and the fourth conitsU o two-inch cubes cut Into eight buck-shape ulocltH. " Children are allowed to attend the kinder Rartcn ono year and then they are placed i the fiiatgradd ot the regular course. Thnr are two kindergartens nowononed tn Omahi ono at tbo Kolloinschool and the other at th Mason. Sujiool Notes , Mr. Fit7patuckspontSatutdaylo Uncoil Miss Daisy Uood , sixth gi.ido teaclnr ( St. Barnabas school , loft Saturday ovontn for I'nlladolphia , Pa. , where she has ai cepted a position in a boys school Hoi sa nry Is to oe ? l,0l)0 ) for a beginning. Mis Wood loaves many admiring ft lends 1 Omaha who find It hard to tojolco at he good fortune because It lomovos her froi tholr midst. Her plate as a teacher will t Imid to till. A Davenport Uazotto of iccont data make mention of an excellent talk glvnu by iCnl M Bull ot Chicago bofoio a ceiluin snidot Interested in drawing work in public school Miss M Uhznboth Allen , last year eighth guide teacher at I'arlt school , has tn ceptod un excellent position In tbu norm hchool ut Milwaukee. Aliss O'Nlnl has loturnod from an absent caused uv the illness of a tn other , and lit chat go of iho now voom at West Omaha. Intensive preparation ! ate ongrca > > lng tl minds of teachers and pupiU for the ptopi observance of Columbus dav. Miss Sadie Bunker of Kollorn Is in Minn A .Case of Bright's Disease. , "About n year ngo I notlccil Hint my ml Uyaciu miellln , uml n 1011- niHiilloii with Jr.Q..r. ) JliiUnni'.ofTopckii. Kan .ilevelopiiltliiifnctlli.nl . linil llrfnhr o , Ills uiulysln nliouliiK Itiu proM nro of a laru ntnouiit of albumin In my urlnr. I rontlimeel lo trovi I , fecliuK Hint 1 couhl notation ! lOEUouptnyiiodtfon nut hcroiid , 1 kcpl myself under close incillral truil. inonl , lint the Mulling nnd unfiuoniblo Hyiiiplonmliicrenmil m etrmllly llmt 1 ronltl no longer ilo my uorlt. On liilni ; ro rxum- luid the doctor ealil my comlitlon wan critical ami utlvleed mo lo co tn Kxn War hirlnf | . Mo. I orrhid July D , commltte ! with nrculd cnt pliycli Ian , KUII nn nuillclne- . mid Inuoimcd regularly Ihortrro Muiicnn' im and bulpho J-allno walirn nuU Ihu hot halt hulhurllailin | ) dully , fly recouryns raplil nnillnsliail of IKMIIK n uiuk , einacla- Uel , dropelrul wrcik , I om to day n liiurly. rohuet mnn , VCKIIIBS \ \ \ \ tmundi , uml wllli f Iiluiilld uipctltu | nnif illneellon. ftclliiL' bcl- lerllian J liiUdtntcnycurH TlieroremalnB , IHI trucoof Uroinlcul ewclllniidr ulliuinen- urlu. I Ijcllevc thuvitirn uml bath m\eil my life. o II , JOIINKIN Wllh K.T.W Mclcr.\VlioUBju < Juui.w o fill anil ma North lluln MreU , bt. LouU , Mo. l H , IbUl. The uaten art bottliii onlu l j ior bprlnyi U Excelsior Spring * . - . Missour Kicbardsou Drug Co. , Agent ) , Unialia , N npoll * , Minn. ( Improving horlckvo of abionca bT the stuily of physical rulturo. Mr . K. .1. Kolsojr bos been ns lgnod lo the now room nt Bancroft ichool. Mtuon lirnnch of ttuluinR school tins a younp nnn serving ns T Uo liood > nml only Hood's , because Hooil's Snrnpnnlln cttroi. It pos o < isos morlt peculiar lo itself. Try It yourself. \\lll Von ( In Kit < t Thl < rnll ? H so. It will bo to your lntorest to fully ru'qiinlnt voursolf with the excel lent train service now In olToot between Olilenso. UiltTnlo , Now York. Hpston nml Intormcilinto polnU , vln the "Lnlto Shore Hou'to. " Tin ouph trains loa\o Chienijo at 8:00 : nnd 10:30 : n. in. , :10 : , 6:30 : , 7li : mid 11 30 11. m. The 'VhU-nuo uiiil Hoston Spi5oial" ( 10:30 : it. m. ) Is the only complete train tin oujjh from Chicago cage to Now r.nijltuitl It hns illnltif ? o.\r sorxlnc meals the ontlio illstanco , In lUolf an exclusive fo.tttiro. ami the fi ) ul pine nt of the train throughout IH of tun vnry hl luM stiuulnttl. The Ohl- c.tuonnrl Now York Limited (5:30 ( : p m , ) embodies nil thnt Is modern and novel In r.illuav trnn portutton ami has very apjiroprlatoly been called n "tiorfoc * train. " H. P. HtTMi'itur.Y. T. P. A , 7117 Main sttbot. Kansas City. C. 1C. Wu.iu.uV. . l . A' . , OhicnRO. T1IHKE TIMES AND OUT. Atiothor Vrrillrt rortlui lli < lnn < i < in n Ilitll- ity Dimmed t'nuK. Tlirco tlnim Biul out Is the verdict Unit pees with iho luult of llourv C. lnst tlio Mlsscmil t'ncltlo Kullrosd coin- ianv. During flr tiiuo , In the full of 1SS7 , Adolplt CobarR nnd n miinucr of other boj s from thl ounty Oiimo lo town to see the lurijo puiup- ins and KMO utiou Iho nKilcultur.il horio- rot , Whoa they were roidy to go omo tboy concluded to board the i.iln nt iho uorihuist coiner ot tti toundt , insieiil of Koli'R ' ilown to the depot , , . 'lio croudvunt out utid stood idong the rack , waiting for thotr.iln. Wlillo the bo.ri \nltcd n fiolght cnmo booming idong , nvd to how thnt hont smart JOUUR Kouarg tnrtcd to cioss the track nhenit of th nidtiu. Ho cio ' -cd the track , but wav .tslatcd by the uuglno , wldoh nlclced him tip nil tluow htm sovuial rods Into an mljoliilim ot , bruakniK his liono.i and lulllctluK soitoua njutlcs. Adolph Kohaiir suoil this company , nllcfcing : , uolos3iioss upon ttio ptrt of Ihu employes Abe were In charge of the train. The case nt to trial and n jnngmont for the defend * lint \\iis rotutned. A few months lutor iVdolnh dlod anil Ins falhorIIonry O. ICobarg , is heir ut law and next of litn , brought a " ) , OOU suit. This was tiloil nnU iipaln a mlijincMHis lotuincd for Iho dolonuuiit , Tlio fnthor tliou wont into the prob-Uo court , ivhoro ho was appointed ndmlnlstr.itor of his BOII'S estate. Tills being dona .uiolhor $3,000 suit was brought ncninst the lulltoad Com- nnuy. This was disposed of today by .Tudgo Ce\sor InsttticlluR the Jury to return a judg ment for the dotondaut , on thoshowitig uiudo ! iy the plaintiff. Ono iiiun bus sklupoil the town and two ; non 1110 soi ry Vliov wont on that ono man's ball bouil. Tno ciso of the stale against Ilonry , alias Altaic , May was cillcd In crimi nal com t today , but on account of the de fendant failing to npponr bis bond In the sum of $800 w.is doclutcd forfeited. May was the younc man who \viu In the employ of llnuicn Bros , and was charged with hav- n p stolen a Inrco ( Hiiintity of dry goods which ho shipped out of the stato. Ho wa captured diirinir Iho afternoon at Council n route to Chicago. Dorsoy McUnnlol anJVlnllold Sco'thavo sued Cynib Gicolc In tbo district court to recover the sum of1,0(10. ( . In their petition boy allugo that during the .tear li'Jl they. were m the bard \vato brfslnoss In South Omahi and ivoio cnnsiduiably ombjiinssod on account of the debts which they owed : hat tn ordei to Minno themselves they turned ho store and stock ever lo Uroelc , witu th understanding that the goods were to bo sold and the procoids delivered to John T. fathers of this titv. They now allege that hu stock was sold , but they further allege that the defendant appropriated the money to his own use. Toi.Kiu ) . Imvi , April 0,1331. Dr. J. B. Moore , Doir Sir : My wlfo ha used about six bottles of your Tree of Life. mil thinks th u she tm rocoivoJ groalor bon- olit fiom it than any modiclno she has ever taken. Youis truly , L II. Bucictv. Oon'l Aeont and Troai West Colloga. Siitco receiving the above tosllnionlal , 1 am nrecnlot or a letter and chock from tha Ror . UH Dufktnof Totolo , lowi , April 2' ) . to sund Hov. . .f.V. . ICoi worthy , Crestline , ICan- as , six bottles of Moaro's Tree of Llfj. i-'or sale by all druggists. SANG "QUEEN iMntni ; tiiindltloii i > f tlio C.int.itn by tlio MoinliiK Slur MliHioti * < > nlrty. Tlio rendition of the cantata "Quoou Hsthor" at the Youmt Mon's Christian asso ciation hall last night was giouteJ by an audlPiico which was scat col v pi opoi tinned to thomoiltof tno ontertulnmont. Tbo can tata was given by the Morning Star mis sion of the Sow.it a Stro t Mciho.llst church under the direction of ljiof. M. 1'arsona , and the pioceoils mo to bo applied towards fur nishing a loom ut thuMothodnit hospital. The cantata is an entertaining bit ot mu sical tragedy. The story upon which It is built is familiar , and the music contains a mi tn tier of very pretty melodies. Its pro duction last ovoninR was far above the ama teur porformanco. The leading paits wnro well taken , and tno chotus gave evldenoa ot thorough lohearsal. Mr. J. F. Barton sus tained tlio role of King Ahusuorus in n manner thnt loft uo room for criticism. Mrs. F. M. Congdon was an Ideal Queen Hather nnd her ptito soprano voluo was ills- plated to good advantage. 1'iof. Parsons as Hainan , Mr. L/ . Wesley Stuut us Mor- ducal and Mis. KrUo Oluhl Parsons ns Mor- ducal's slstoriopresenlcd the more Important chaiactots. Tttr minor patts uoro equally well rcndeiod. T'ie onteitnlnincnt will bo repeated lonluht when It Is hoped It will ru- celvo a moio liberal fora disuidcicd liver tty Hoecuain's 1M1U * Iliillillni ; I'liniiltH. The following pornnts were IsauoJ by tba supciintondcnt of building * yonurday : \V. A. 1'uxlon , foiu-slory br uk ware- liouso , Tcntli unJ JonoBHtioots . . . .JI8.C03 M. U I'arrotto , tuo-Kloiy fraino ihvoll- iiu , ' 1 wunty-blMli anil Hunioy htiuots. D.OCO C.V , llaiiillluiii reualru on dwelling at ' 1 wenty-llrst and I.eavenworth atruetx 1,000 Tlirco minor pormtto . r > uo Totil . . . . . . . . . . , T.M,506 I UK ItKAI.lV . rNSrHUMKNJS plaecil on rucurel Oct. 4 , 1 JbJJ : WAIIIIAMV IIKPIIS. I'lilollty TrufitciiiiiDany toGnttli-lb Ilotl- nur , lot 88. liioek . ' . Avuiulnlo 1'uiU ) 1.330 B.imt ) to It ( i I'onri'u , lot U , block 3 , West , I'wl . . . . Ub&0 Qionru WnlKor nml wlfo to W T Ura hum , lot. ) , blooli .1 , KodloU I'urk 1,800 J ( J I'ortnlyon nml wlfo lo W r Vnlll , lut 4 , ( JriMLuntl'ark . 7,350 A J Ulmrnu uml wlfo 10 Alnxlnioa Ulmron , n 40 foot of H Ml ) fuel uml H i't le'i i ul M U'i foul of lot U. Jluiliur'tt AI- lotiuont , J I < MC < * .IKIIU nnil wlfo to O H lloimvru , undlv ' , ( lot 4 , bloolc IU , H V Hinltli'a , , , 4,503 , J 1) ) IlLiinnll null wlfu tu J J Sullivan , w Wl fuit luta'Jnnil 10 , lilnok lit , tfoiilh Onmliu ; . . . . J.OOO Tliuouilrl to AiiiinM l'i-M IIIHHV , no nw unit n H 01 ncriMiif HII inv i-il-l.l ( . S.800 WiiHtcril liivustniunt ( oniiiiiiy to i ; I' NollU. lol 10 , iJlooli 4 , ivurttu ; I'lituo , . . MO HiiM > I'ruelil null wlfu toHamo , lei 1 leI I , I'riiyn'hiiilHllv in Hlilnn'n mid , , 8,000 South Unuiliii l.iind company to Ulnrii 'I lioiiipion lot U mid ! , lol 1 | , locl < IJ7. ! fcoiitli Oinnliii . 71S 0 lillnrt ( it nl lo I" H llrownleu , lot 17 , leeK ! 7. KillI'luuu ; IOIH IU to' lblock II. Ciol liton llelulits , untl uiiillv ) i of w 'i no nol > - rl.t , 2,000 bjiinuu ! hlintton nnil wlfo lo A 11 untl A Doudv , iota i , a und a , block 13 , linns * com rinuu . , . . , . . . . . . . 40,000 K J lloylu nndlfo to 0V Urlin in , / ' of w 110 fent , lotf ) , WiniUor I'lweo. . , , , 4,000 QUIT CLAIM IIILDH. A J hlicuurd nnd wlfo. to O J Hhepiird , lots I. u , 10. 10. block I , low Hunall nnd undlv lj of IOIB 10 unit 11 , block i , nil lots 4 , 0'J i und HO. block J , loU I , S , 6. ID. u jml 12. blooU 4,1'rtiyn iiurU . . J ( i Tlplon ii rid wlfo lo li O Hiiinsuy , tlustor.uiKllvH loU I nml'.blooK UAr- inour I'ltiLti , nnil lot'Jo , HucKuyo 1'lueu. 600 Total amount ot tr utfur * . 176,847