II ) f TEE OMAH\ DULY BEE : lUEMUY , OCTOBER K f m r n " r ! COfcTMTl AinrBBTTSKMKSTa ! ' 5 SO n m. f r ttc rr titn and antil s JIB m.iir m * tn"ra i jrSnodar l Uen , - - 'or Uian 3t ernts n adrprwmret -jkra inn for th fln nirrtM n A't adr Tt in > ia nhex * nolnma * 'H ' erata rd * T ant BfMiJon and I cent m word * or f-a a numinrat m ru n. ar * 1 SO > rr UB pur TiiwnIA Trai em * tn adra r . laftaal Brnm. * rohoJ me vaeh potint a word. _ AJl adTCTtli-inptit * mart ma * < pBfint3T < Mf A < tfcr tlwr * . hr r - < rnr t nr aBmlM-i d eSi-et ran BBT I tue h-ru-ra addrm * d w m mmbrrpA Iriaer m ref of Till Brt Aenwt-ia no aar " * < will > e HetlT SITgA-TIOSS WASTED. - _ _ -WASTED. BT A WO.MA.t OP WHMH A3D AWASTED. ] trarretarr. a HtvaMon tn In honM-wir * rtnr-nc lb fail and waw month matt Iw n ( .hr'tnnn awn * . Atm a A. MH3nr . M * _ -W XTK BT * .t KXrr : ir r-x M4T. * .Vno Him maaaerf of Jnnt r yardapeak < * "r- man -eft-ronr * * . Mr M .r. Bee _ IM V fi' ITl 4.THW A-C..BRK , 31 TBA11S AWA ei'-e IT 1 T jruc4 * Boot * end ntt * * . J i tiak BnelHL ' rtamm aad D uuniry Addr , 21 * Bee I - PI * " --tTTATIOl WAXTHT ) 45 Xtnan. i'riMi.ral j i mraiMiMtJiir and e prai inan i' ' ar * eypen e e ti nautili a Of nv fc'ni 4 von 1n' and JOB iiBXm wnfc Bindery ar - fm-ed. \ 3ilrpf.a M . Ben. t -WA V-KP siTrATkiif BY T * > C * J . \ > HT-miTd ana trar-llncmHeeKT nod who an- at > - > tacai minimal i w and credit * sweralir A 3 < .rp M _ Bte HE i' _ < TI ATU'f WiSTKt ) BT COMPKTB.VT ASD x > n'ni' l iunne t man. krtrlnK to rtcal * In i muja jn rr"Unl vt T mll - nontiruunt. thoronrh > t kkporr ad umiontant e"Od prsp- ULI. na.f innun uid onmvntpiit u > ail an * offlrs poll Uon > r t af BIT nt f nr f ttmUBB < t AO ar - i 31 M Bvf. M l ft" . toifwlrin ta b&ndlit tbp new pitftnt ctipmlral Ink rar.lnc pencil. Tbn crunlj-pt KHMne noTCItT ernr prodanml HIUHMI mk Uiuraucblr in two HKWD < ] B : an abrxHlnn of p i > ra tooJO per cent prnflt one twdpii wnunntpd fCO In > lz elar * . anothrr 'wo liaur * we wsnt our pnrrgrtlo ern r l . .n t-Rch state and terntor j Vnr tcnnii and nu Irnlaro nfl < 5rt Mun ro Emwr MTs Co X . La'roiv Wta. W9 T > W * VTED I rnACTICAI. MA > WTTH SOMH -I 'capUai Ui uxp a wat-ur uulL Addreti bur U , - SI AN TO TKH OUDfiKS IS CJTV. B aJilrr nnnEunctill-5r bnz 3BT dtjr WIUO HAlLRrAD LABORERS' FOR > Wromlnc and nnrV Dnk-ota. Wacei. KM and i i r larKBdr wort. A.-br'sst Ljibiir ompe. TtSD Fir-iani Lr * et. _ _ MiTTS QtU W-lMKU ira. Fn n tnuiMionaUon un the R. 1. AI K > TTO SK n. extract * and su * ir tA iam.ilcn an capital required : ajMsluntre terrl torr icood Mr eft our liberal Ulal ntTer 1 } W Lorrji 4 Browne Co. . Cluc.aco. M * i-o 16" HMPUOYMKNT OFtTiTK. BESl elp and ait-uauiinn rumlcned. = 9 N. l h - - MKN FOR SPECIALTY BKST ut MARKET : B quirk w-iler" profit * larsre. Apply at nnre J Ilrtde i < u _ Bui 3B . Sew Tori. M1CS If B WAN BIJ. A MAN TRAVELING l XSU OH Neu. and Kanra * . tocair onrllae at suanendera In ccmnecuun witn one or two other .Ines on rotn- mlarlon aaalfc. Pioalz ian Co , Milwaukee.Wla. MSfiri 4' - -FIBSTCLAS-- 1 TIN-JET \STED FOB i and tarnace work. > o atiiem need apply Wm.T e iJIctcj- < _ o . lid ! IKiBdak st- UC T > W tTKD , TWO SALK > MKX OVB POtl X > Omaha -Sty trade and one for country trade snnht a acquainted with crouerr bualne ft. Ad Orrvi 3 N illttot , , Llnnuln. Neb Kit T > ZO SEWER MEN * J > O BRKTU.AYERS -DwantJ l. Pay CTHTJ JJntaro'ay DPS Molnea. Iii AIcDona.d. M10ZO& * - DUKA3 BA1CKH W VXTED AT SMITH i CO'9 R- Main atonncil BlttSh. Ia. Si 3 DBCG ' 1JJHK WXTKD. MUST = PEAF - PnMtlveJr wnd refert > nnState aci and .o eM - .arr Dr < - B. LltUe , Bloomaeld SHIQI rountru M" ! 4 W AJtTKD A GOOD H-BSE > S MA KEJJ. AH dti H. Fltawoud. swanuin , A'eb. M27T IT TV AN TED. A HA RXES SM A KEB , P1SC3 per et , 3 tn Inch , or weet wart. SSi pe : week. I C. f anipbell , Palmyra , Sen. MSIB b- FlKar CllAaS T1SSKR A ! One Ulat caa fpeitU lr tnnan nreferrHti BooilonUiKtxeandauuldu w < jrK. Addre : I _ P Welch. Oirtnc OUT yen- IS4 4 0 LABORKlta FOll CflON PACinfB'TCa i : -LJ irautiiera Wromlnz. tTtab aad Jonbn. fre pa Krsiuer a C'Hr-ara iJiUur Jcr2rr 30 Sonti llt < MS ! WANTED. FIBST CLAfS fnnuhuiac juoda italetnian. aiunt hur Dent reference * . Applt Eoslon Store. Omabn. S T > -50-nCK , TU.K UATKKS STAT A WAT FHOI -D iTili-aco MTIkenuw anat Henry DlbW e Co'a chop. < niumlttvu. MSJ'- * ' B W * * TK1 > . BRIGHT OFPCE EOT HJIMDKN wltu parent * ae al > u ut 1C. formiLau ! * 3arla compunT Addroim M ti. Bea. Mr4c- < . O MKN WASTED : "ALARTSO KXPiiS-Er -Dnenminpntpltine. Apply at 3ni < 4t Brown Bros Co. . > 'ur eryaien. ruu-aeo. M73 * gTAj < r-c-rt _ u-trvr A T.T ; H t. TT > _ 'I W ATSTZD , GOOD C1CI. FOR SMALJ. I cuiHl "waceiu Call SH ( voorzia are. is. Zta doura north at MuMin. V.WANTKD. . TOCNO GIRL TO CAHH FO V. caild " yuan old and axaUt In ceneral honm re , as : i apllul arenne. KB I ) . A GHU. TO DO GICTBRAL HOC5I . wort. Apply at . . ' .li No nil , &ta atreet. UZ -LADtES A5D GCRLS TO DO OCR SZ1 irarklornaat home : S3 to te per week eaat ! ( made , DO palacnx or canraiieinir. aend ael : I addreai-ed eareiope. Echo laaufauturlnc out ] t LlUttrtr quro , Btiauin.Muki. . 1K7 WASTJiaCOStPETENT GIRL FXJU GEXXRA bouM wurk. Minall family muat understand rial icootlnK- Apply jil tatti at. li i / - VWASTED. . KHIL TO WOBK FOR BOAH 'Vandgo ui H-anoL Apply 5U1 X. ODtb utrr-r Omaaa. MITi WA3TTKD. A SKAT fIRL tn tjk-lnc cars of baby S. our- p GIUL FOR rtHSBIlAL HOUSEWORK. MIL VJ. . It. Oarkw > n. tg a.jatfa. . Tl l * _ -TOC ! GIRL TO TAKit CAHS OF BA31 Mr * . Kddy > K ] < N. 'JOlh. ztt 4- p CUtL WASaEB. UOUGLAJ aT Bit KM - encm rnqutrod. 1HL FUR feEWttRK. 6 S. 23TH i i3S ( * WA.1TZD. < ; iRt FOR GENERAL HOC3I V--wor tn amau tamllr m gUUi at. EG 4- r-v WASTEU GOOD GIRL. GENERAL HBC31 V-work. Mra. A. Lewi * , icar ortiy ZB4 rt-LAUr WASTttD , UdMKDlATELr. BEClIi v > | nni-ucO .u km-ii buuka , Soulb Omaha. J ggjlta.M'ftlCTly Mb. 54 ; , . WatWASTEll. . SEAT GIRL FOR SMALL Wat untie. 231 Poiipleun are. UKST. TXIB W1LLOW13G DES1B.ABL awelllnca at hiw rental a f amam. s mom * . IBB OiU-ncU. Uruuuia. W : rtinUl a.tll , 7 KHUaa. it ( UaU runm * . . . MS Suuui Wla. I ruunia. Inquire % tuerum llall. 031 SouUi ltd it. 1S < 3 niltMaHBD Ct TTAiJC OF I . uartf mtaaut ahlldren. Inquire IHi CorOy at. -K UJtVT-Oli aOCTH Btii dTUKET. nuiiB , IEUitt , = UIL < u > rttflwarth. onlf R O. Tlw ! aara oily waters uulr M mlnnuia wa frum lazt * < n. Sin Varnam. i roam * * U.oa. li olllufill Mrixit. > roum * at South Stii , trt Bl , i ruuna. la Zi : r.rratur ctnwt. < rtMoia. tiiu ITU at. Murr'a arenue. i rouma. liaca G. dux CJb Harney atreet. amrt _ D-W ll UKS.T.A 3-OCKlM A.VOOIX < M OWTAt Bear 3OJ aod tLaaa atnwu , H. r. Uarka. : Board ut Traola , b > ui H. - 4 T -TW < , BHfK tl-NK RtXIM HaCSBR. MODKB - 'cunT nimi , fumaoe tunptne twlla. awolni < TiH > na. o f&n > Unsmmni park , leu ttiaa a Hn i mutuc. tsuu. InoluiUnu * tjr wavut i C. rUfa. . T ) - iU 'M PLAT STKAM UKAT PUttT-CLAi - tMilurejxie. . . rfS S. = nd .trrot. F < Hm . s D-TOH IlKST. luM > M nolJsH. ALL IIODEH caaviuiinnnt * . wita ( area barn. * TBUuialre tHritUOi t. D A OKsHtAHLH HOME Of RtMM nl > liMl ur a > tr UliiMl r-aru smttg to Ca tonua. 1 BJNi.T Two LMrT itf THB KOJll tagr. ) n ixiBartpuift. Hare utta hot and oe ntvrmiul mik4cra murmuwiaM. DvatoaMu Uuru men m : wt < iunil ttofonl oirata. f iura awr uitar L aa aa < Tfaul i , v w I arc -ifti BlOj 2 ; . room i frow. msl wuli .taMroic umlowmt * ' aad buccy uud. * U ( ur HiXO i auiuth. ufxtrat' r ljuut 1 1 yi ca. 3Bi N It D -rot ii XT ics i sorn. S-WH.M uuct aiooern aaar u UL * . batfc. n e not and at a aiuiua > rti * au . . . t i. FOR UST TnCK PnoPKUTT RltNTAi O71 ? ALH 'wUi ' mi W P aatm. W ! Farum. 3B1 -TV-I , . r TTTA a JL/pa : if tr KUkuBBr i ' _ ' Batlenital ik. T ) < . , a < ) T addmt M. U Knodrr. tonm no. Paxton Slort > S b-ROOM am bt. ataMe m a > ra eoarroteBev * F HaJU in Paxvin Mock. T1 D-TOR HK5T HOCHBS Ef AJJ. PAJITS OF dty TaeU. f Darta eotnptar. KOi Faraam 91. rv FOR RXXT POCIUUWM rvrTA K. DOIXIB Uand Sta. IHKB B ce It Hill , 101 Faraam t f i * rtwtmn nf w pmt offlrr mwdrra arraaffw- fni fwromnc BIMIUIIP 1HB < am a > u T I. S. Un fr n sta > ic JU l 1t Faraam t- HBtT OS OF THK VO T nnmfwutblfl ntBK-ranai baanni to Offiaba. wtt imta"tun. . IKaadrr and at < raodfm annrnuentmi aim HH > P rar < a : 3K. uor Jnopn and &tn MJ-WI * ifm m M. MUT > > * . aad L * r-a wartii ( imn UK and ail IraBTQTmDrata. AS 5 * KU M. Uuwa. fi = t- Mary a are. G. nutu. sais It * t flrt < KB _ _ rWROOM HKKTC HCCS'B WITH 5IIMJKR. taaalrr at t : m - Mi'DKll. COTTABS BKACT1FCL D-tKW tnwa and nbad& X E. cor UnJ aad lUaml" ia. MTTS DRO < lM < 'OH. ] Jn SI.AT 4LLMU1)EH-N Pffntencea. 2101 Learenworui U MTC D ( "OR RXJiT IB-HOO" HOCSK. 3HS CASd. 140 OB. HeedA lby Board of Trade. W"l -POK RE T t A D T-ROOM sTEAM HKATBO 9Kt wlUi bath. Inquire at Seth rtan Hull. SIS -o ma. 1S4 ] nolTH E. GOOD CAT1O . SK S. IIST D.t . 218 S- D FOR RKST. HOC EH. 6 tXD 9 ROOMS. X SAR Mch cbtH > L Inquire re 16 i npltul are. * HSST Fgasis o aoo3i3. Ft HSISHKD ROOM TO KENT WITH A1J. fflodrm inreaiencea. 91S Doncla street9V E PUKA A.VT LA11T.H ASDMA1.L SU'E fnraleuHd rotimi on cur ilau. .li a 2Ui Mree 361 X TT1 VBRI LAKGK AJSU CXJMFCMITABLE -L > 'i nUeuien preferred , llBk Canttorarenap E FCtcasnKa HixsMr. sio a. IBTH IIS e IUMJM , W1TU BATlf. ! h : onUi .na Farauoi. Bib E KICKI.T FuitsiaiiSD uooiia. a y. irt * TCITE OK HA.fOtOMlC SWOTH . Lu-allr located. 2rsl diu table. Adflnum M til Bee. isu 3- E-LA r o m. fricn reuonable at ) N. Jith. 11 = 58- E FUHSIhUht ) BOOMS. B.JBL IIBS. . WTH. M V.ND E-Mlown tawa locattjo. Wncnt 4 Labnr < - Ibti and Howard trw < iju MSC 9 - FCnSl5H3D HOOM FOR LADY Ol E-SlCKLr centlesian Kaqnlre at i J unth ta street 887 5 -FOR GE " LmE. SJCE1.T FTJl-MdHEI ronma. modem ponvenlenre ! " . prtraj" fam-'T reftrcnm required. * 14 N ai < t nrcct M. . < : W FTJS2JI3EB2 ELXCA5TI.T FCJlXIiUKD HOOili. FIRS' : E ciu. board. tTJe' Uoiaa , 214 aaa 1 N ihC K "VI. JS Mf 17 Ftr xi--niiD BOOMS wrrn GOOD BOARUF C tourepmleniea. food tom un and all modi-r oanresKmcDB no aU-er buurderaT& Hnraer > 1 M75- -p FOR RHNT SICE FHOST ROOM. VC1TI -L board , sttum heat. Ctupla 171117H Davenpori t UI ' > "P FOR RH > T BIXJMS DOCUl.iS PAR1.OBJ i- with llbrarjr. tnmlnhed or nnraratsbed. or ti ult , with ant clam Duurd unttable for a club o 2Itra. H. A. CiurctiUL , 11OJ Uouclui IK * CLASS FrnSI5HBO ROOMS. PHIS' clam location , ant clans board , ISU ) FintXl = HHD ROOMS AST ) BOARD. Sll Douglas street. MB19 a- _ WASTED , -nvo TOCSG siES TO BOOM AS : board wlUiToununiarrlBd cocple. StricUr 3r- UL So otiierruomcn or buurdera Adnreu ! 57. B > . assr G-FOR. RK5T. THREE rjfFUKSlfcHKD BOOM with all modern conrenli nrp for Jest aonw per niontli and no iraeUune afkiei . llMj uffl ca. 4l > FOR BEXT THREE CTfF OSISHED Rl Oil for icat annkeeplnc. . modera conremenca Cr.J ' jii Bun ttrp.u Uilrd flour Jiu U FO3. H.EiJT-STO3HS A2 . ' ar aairk . - xirEt-'T BUTLDIJ.V ; L-PT.RHENT ' ! Faraam rt Tlie bullalac aa a areproof ci tnent tiaht-mt-ut. oomplei - vUioailieat ii : nxtairei watt-r m a.i tae floors , ctfc. > * tc. Aaplr at tie uffic of Ilia Bee. 31 i T STORE. WITH = HELVTNri - SD COOTKR ! -Land three room * for Jamiir and itable ai : nuccy alied rent. HL-ua Co-operauro Land an Lot -o. JOS > orta 10th street- MSJ T-BEST LOCATION IS C1TT FOU ROl KB' -Lmeat ajorSot , aru utoro. nstaren compiat Connecuid or vepantus. Rent aot ao muca a object u joaa tenant. R. Tlzard. Uth aad Darei port streeti MISJ-4 * SOS Tt R VMTS f gT-T. A Tara-PITS , T-PORI.KASK. NORTHWEST CL/HSER OF r and Mcbolas tUTJ fwt deep , will Ha * fi realdeace jtulneini purauM'-i ji .ou ui suit- for tenn of are f eara. l > arUtwlkhlnc to more bouw on 1t can ooniniencR pufne rant April L IHaa. TI owner J i. fnrtli. u now tn tae aty aad caa t uldreaed at thn retideat * ) a ; F W Lea. fiH - ± M St. . ar tB Deart > orn vu. * hltuiuo. HI. UO 5 * WASTED TO 22HT. K WASTEO. S OR 4 BOOHS WITH BOARD I private famllT waere vbere are no other boar era , * ur fnaiilj' of 5. location lauht be W M of 'Jtn oadaonthof CalUorata. Addreaa M > ! i Bee offlc STOHAGE. \TDRT CLKA- PRIVATKI.T BTORBD FCI Jintture.i UT UouKtaa , Jmaha store Uapalr work -STOBAi.l FITEAP , CT.KAV , irirT.T-- , ict. < -TO BTJT. N FCRMTCHE BOCuUT. iOLO , Well * . ! UI Faraam at. ; tJ V 1VANTJJD. WILL PAT SPOT CASH I - . ' amnunu frum Fil.U-M ui IllliDiO for atucka of di , jO4Mt , uimt * . nardwure. < iliUilUtf ttr carp rta. M a aure laree d. ouunt oC taroliM ) pnue. Mo auii u > cka ounMdertKl. Addreu In otranaunoe , box a Lluuoln.Aeu. OaJ -WASTED TOBCY r-OMB PUR TES - ' flratmonsaeek , B tKli selliy 3M Board TraJ FOB , s Aiis- POU iALB. KCUSITCRK OFROOM Uuotnim pay more tban rant. Addreu M : Bea. 0 TOR SALE , FCRSITIIUZ COMI'LBTB TO ruuia oauikce. Vu t ui Mild ut mice. Ci ttKtant llaraUerU atlil. Sonbaau iiui 1 < SArs-EousTia , WAGOSS , STI T > HJU SALE. A sirrr DOLLAR IOP BCGC i narta.iia. U E. Onle. Contlntmtal bluck. at T > MUHTUAOKK ALK. Kljtia A. WU liny a HUM itinek lady - > r aenUemaa a dri Inc mum. a lOatimr tup Me-u r utanu twr butt narsu * * * tc arat unw wuli ui eaaa taluia it. ooiaiia Uort atfn iuian * "o. U.mm It Onctittm klueK. U/Ui and IXiBciaii , anxx ui uuktttffloe. Mini T > -rX > R ? AI CUUAf BAT iJAKK. 7 TKAfl J. annul 1.1K ) > jun4a. auitatria fur family C31 ac P-Hiitt nAJ.k. aLattf SEAULTVKW OM KU , w. > rtij iUU. Willu M. Tat f , JM aad i & roraH * > l * as , P-A WOOD TEAM. HAlUl'HSS AKO Wil.O Uare atnadr baullnir : wOl Mill eaeap Mr caata trade adoreu it M. B . xi e Q-UAUt in. KUTCliARU. BOOOLAd BLi > C itk Oiiyy BKU > W i.-US f \ K U SALE. ilEIiCA-t TttLLOWHttAB Ai. ' aa Cray faaitM | taltera. U Sm its 31. AN.ITUKK CLAl ln iliurumnd and Hnwwnuni.uetulwr U ( loom jis M \ ' . .IB. i p iu U K oAN ii L - > V ud noun cared tor tl > * ywar ruiuii . . -ia ouuui IUUM , Sou. 1 * JLi 9k , r Itale nnMam * median artli rear at .7f 1 irto - i world. r * . l > r. M Lccrara. 1e < t tnmf rlatt-ravant. i > trx4osiM. Mntrt and 1f r er H1 * T r If " iiuie ertdle vo ff-nre enltni dm niraMM fttatm mar rtacfl wUi ibe oa < TOO frr § - tpilii w ii r Tfia will uu1" ii a aad * n want * iaHne i bett aaairtwfl fwr aai tfaee-lvlirau'3 Scrotlan armmtvlaM tor im-k anlwi dei triy Tiad iaa en e rar * at * . lirt fnpraao and all pnrste nanptalnti wtlh nai * a. aatna aod aMiobfl ! treatnrat. 'nd 8.M. ion ! or hair aaoxi and 1at of sirin od recHra anrurmtiHCB cbart , Seetrir fnvtampi * r alfvalar stv imtfa af me yea win marry alMi ahatcta 9t amn uffloe M7 ! oot l iltta street. 9nt 9o r hoari. V am. to a aj Cera" one. oome alt and be e nvtaei4 of tit It wnn- derfnl nrartB. M 1C IV M A 5 3 A&Z. B ATS3 , 3TC. _ _ - V A S A K TREATMKTT. ELKCTHO-TH STl TV axal aattu. aralfi and aalr treatmeat. 3iaaimr < and omrapCMttit. Mn P > t. < l < 9 iMB.wukaM. tilt MST T- H09 Pratt Mrrvt. * MlTrt . ! . AITTOI. S. M 3oor A.co&oL LA RIK. MASAuB.orTTl liTH tiird o r lat t M W * * _ XTTJIC. A3.T AJf 13 LAXG-uAgg. r < MLi-xsHMK. OASJO TBACHXR. Y witii H < > M * "r X W oar. litn and HanHy MS HT TO LOAS-aSAJ. ESTAT2. - PSK < T Italner 'nnnhit 5at hank Md . 3W \ \ -T PKR < * KXT MOS-ST-XET TO BURROW ' PT on Omaha eltr nrftperfr Xo ertra charge ? if anr kind. Way pay ntcn rau-a * Munayiion ean T u < : an net fu ! ' uem-flt if low raues frum i4a * Loan and rm t'.i. ' " IMH and Dwlae. 94 \V-AXTHONY LOAS ASM THCST co _ S-.B s T i r Life , lend * at i ratna tar okBtee rarlty 9 n Nebraska ar iuwa farm * or Omana elty urouertT vr -C. F ItARRUiON , 811 3. T LIPS. a : vrW W ' CENTRAL LOAX A TECdTCO. . BEH BLDG ' . 95 - TTT1TKAP MOSBT. SHE G. W P. COATBS M liu Faraam. W ? U > A-S30S IMl'H > TEn AXO CMMPROVKI rtty pmperty Ii..aa and aewarda. * ni " o ro-nt W Faraam imltii i LO..l-lb and Uarapr W PRVTE MOSEY -T ASD7D : l onR. low rat * Aler Meore See bide. VK TV * OMAHA. Z\f\Xd * BASK MAKJb LOAS ! * un real efrUtU * at ! owe t market eaten Loan1 made 'n amail or torsc rama for nnort or iinirtltne s < i oumnitpMon In euanixt and tfee .oun are no old la tin rnM. Bjtean alwaya Be found at till bank on ill * ooraer of UUi and IMiucloo atreela. - MOXHT TO LOA' OS LMPROVgD CITS \ \v property , low rat . A. C FruM , IXioclaa blk. .04 t A.NB3-YKAR UOAVS ON CITV A.NB FAR.V monzacea. Reed -elby. . Z4 Buard ol Trade n : TV * CTTV A.ND FARM REAL ESTATE LOASi * ' atHiweitratea. eoajiult aa before bomwiac 31. C Gamn i Co. . ab 3lieeley block. 105 \ \ LOANS. LOW HATES. Z1TTLE.BROWN BLI JS3 to MUNET Tr > LOA-S AT IXVEST SATEi : e O F DUT'J compaar ' * & Faraain street. 4111 TT--THE FtDaLITT THCrT CO. R I remured to s. K. corner Bee buildlac. 1 pre pared u ) olu&e iuaua aa CUT real M < ai prompt ! ] aad at .owest rate\ . Submit apullcatattfl. UI O14 T" MOXKT TO LOA OS IMPBDVEO REAJ I' e ou - IOWCM ratxa. untldlni ; luang a ipec Lily Tauiaaa Hreunua A Co. . E ruaca bi f REAL Ei-TATK LOA.N'fl TOT PER CENT W no additional obarzBa fnr cotaml * lon jr sttor ner a feet. W R. MelUe. Klrst SaUonii ) Sank bide err VST TO I.OAIT V" wnj. U > AS"MOSET os -TKIND OFa -J curttj atrlcilj conndentlaL A. E. Hama. root L < ontlaenuU bluet. TtiS ' pHrrcHAna. UI > OCGLA = BLK. luiDODGi CHATTEL LOA.N9 MADE ON X pianoH. llro ntKctetc. . . without uublkitr or re moral of property , at the lowest rate * aad fame * ! payment * . Du2 ( reeu , rooma 3 and tt. Barker uii Its OS CHATT1.TU3. RE.VOSABLa IS U--re > U partial payaieat l to moatha. VV I . R : a. Conttaeatol Wot-t. ZlemtfirBtli st. 10 V--310N"fft AT LOW RATES OK A.NT SjyV O ! - Aecurlljr Keystone Mtsa. Co _ SlSsbeeler bloc lUi DO TOD SEED MONET' X THE F1DKLITT LOAN GnARAWrEK CO. Ruoia 4. WhitaeU block , eor. ISta aad Haraer nta WILL iENO TaC AST sCil. FROM S3 TO tlO.'J3 OS THKDA.T TOC A = K FOU rr. W mate loans of any aUe , iarsa or small , oa houiH-hulU isoodK pioaoe. aor * ei. waznns. wantuon * PTe > i lpl * and pTM nal pntperty of all Undo , in aur amount , without delay pnn- UuJty -TaioraJ if properrr cheapest ra - and ckweix paymeat * . srfE C = Fills r. TO LOAM EC X tr'im $1(1 up ua HOCiEHOLO Ft-iJ.MTCHE AS1I PIANOS. HORSES WAG < iSff ASD CABRLiGEb. WARUHOLsE RECEIPTOU PERsGSAI. PROl'KBTT UT A JT KISD without publldtr ur reaioral of property Ton can Hare uaie and money by callai ; on OMAHA MORTG.iUE LllAS CO- Room U. rrnlcbton Block. ! th aad Dtiuclaa. aert to PobUitSce. PobUitSce.mflBI mflBI LOADED CliEAP AT TOITR OW u 40 ! X CHATTEL LOAAh. AST AilOCST. LO1 rata. J. S. Van Glider , room : ur. Omaha X ; MONET TO LOAJt OS FCBNITCBK. P1ASO : X horM-a. watfon * aad oolluterai si rurlty. BUM neaa cunudeutlal. Fred Terry , room 4 2 Ramcebll "V S2UU3 TO LOAN OS CHATTEL S -i-ljuitnuB * oaanduntla . li. K3 Board Trade. MJJa 04 * - RATES OS FUHXITt HH LIVE iTOT X-LuW etc. J. W Taylor Pioneer bit. routh taan JHU USINESS CrT'TTCHS - . tXTKBElT tS AS E"TAHL1SHK Y-HAl.r and paflac dtr zooda and rnrnudiinc bu int frir imle in lire dty of grerMt in eakum . < bnifcka aplendld chance ftir r-clit party , reau tor selUnu , other butlnena. Addreaa Box Ti i ruiLtia. -39 6 - iALK. THE COM ItOLi.ING 1STERK = Y-FOB ta the leading sanh and U or oiiU in oe nurtl we dolne an tintaKnne uuklni ITW fMJU. : w < irtn jf new workaow ji the mill a greiu bar ai to thericatpany Ca > l on or addratu S 3 Masoi rouma 22 and A Barker slock , Omaaa. Aen. Aen.JB4 JB4 OSi * Y-lFTOCAKBsEKKIS A BCSISEOPPOI tunlty mqnlnnc lc .U capital , tn a certain at exceediiuily prodtatile and izrowluff Uunmetia. ar ajwafb can. write U * tne"nnderaluned. . Inoioalt itatnp , when full particular ! will tm TrenG. . . K. 149 L street , Linmiln. Neb. ifcT Y FOR * AIJt , AT A VERT IxOXV Ftr.CRK.TH enttreatati * lotereM in Jnnut the huar1e t pa me laonnpnilei now bt-faire tbh public It will nai wrcentyf Uieonal bllla of areryooUy and pr duce bett * r reaniUi. Everybody wauu It ana w ] hare tt w > jen aeeu. A larce buaine H Ran bt * dur at tni-a at dvr miunty Fa : : particular * tif aia ! A > ldra > iiK.lt .R9 L a LlncHln. Sell. J1S71. FISH HL > lSK-a CHAXru IF M > LD A anon. For sale , tlie J i > , furniture and nxtar of tha Merrtaia holel. umaha , ouaialuinc W roum eleirauUy furnlaued , all rpnutd. vicnty permanei irneaui. rienpnn.ua fnmllr hotel in the wuat. Wl oil ImrauMi of poor heaitn. For teraia apply a premises. th and Dodca , Mrs. L. M. Tattle. Mlil 01 T WILL U > AS SIT EMPLOTKU tsa W1THOC InUfrevt. Want Indoor work. Othoa prefarre UMorer. . Llnooin. .Sen. im _ Y A SSAP FOR A DRT GOOUa MA.V WIT montMT Atmut twenty-are thouaand della wortn at new dry etxtda to be aold at au int wtr oenta ( in Uie dollar tn a s uraaka Uiwa ofOjO p pin. \ . > CMI mcuton and oil nap rent. Iticat peup nan do cxuuil unatneu antll I'hrlbOaiaa. Mail b man with mune ) and knuw how muca atock the m by ttwclnc u urer a * we hare DO time lu i TdlcE. Bent nuuKiua for Mtlllnc AddrBM 1 * J B < ! . Kearney. Suu. ilm i -FOH SALE. THB BAJUVAY NKAV-I panvr Srreatn year nna obMritiUun II anil adrrrttfelnir patronajra une-tliird c * U. > i anne la use ana two yaan imciirxd nutea. Fur 2 turmmlun auplr ur uJunUna B. Hontn. n - FOll 3 A UJ aJ-ECKta HOTEL. UOOU Rk ] > Ar only houu inliixn. Addre Frank UuthwviU Of WKLL BUKO 3T4K K. CATTI J. and i.uW acre * jf ehulce. eluar Sefiraaca laad ergnantfe fur tfuuil. olean nusrcbaadtae at niarx Talnu. Addmst HiM sth aT nue. Kearney Seb. M8SS11 _ _ _ Y-WILL sKCL SaT REaTACBAST Ai Laxarr or trade tt on. for property In lu < aauntrrMiw3urmall Sarao , Andrea * . M U. Bee MS V _ V AMBIT1O < : : ! S TOITJG MAS WASTED Wl J. baa omrtiHi eui * tn auuhnr aaauaeaa ; aut naall a ttal RiqalnMl 10 lace au intannt In ton u ( l.iri UitiaUJLaBla , uut oo rm ui uo lne i Bant a well qati | < Ki aiarket. aotMnc w.nu W il v or rem ar ke la a uarcucr un aurouat u > a acu. II iu. Omn > utiiaba Ben. MiUe t' ' y (1.KAU OMAHA HE LKeTATKr-OU MDf IS Z-i jWS 1UH KA11543 JX 5KB. AJVO UA OT VV' ; ' acll or ekciiaai . Bui * u. If ra aklon. iad. iad.U roa - r > H1WC A - * -W * OCMTK KMt STOCK Zr H mauirfm uirtaa . trade fw hf > n K7 l > ttl or atw-rat A4dmm r B. Bahatvt. Uat-x Ctmrr Irti. r ' t Z -WAXTW ) . rttK M'HK X AR OTT UMITi wr < t. ra pxt&amrp fnr ei ai > A > > t la AlbrtEfct'i B pr. \ trewi. M a Bee , , _ 145 Z-r"K KjirBAXiK , ae AGIHBC OCMOOI. UA.'CO near rMlrna * ajrt itocmu v ra t bww aad baccr and * plane. A * * iJMi4 Bpn. Z FOR KI'TIAKSK. rfVtt t" AMI BHttW taarm f r smrrriia or M Mui f g a ral n r- Rhamn p. rartlp wa are wlxijrf * * ta mow of < win < n > wf i M xtn Urtfk atHnttofl Ad- ABC ApfalT-l. T ai. - . MS 4' -VKRT ntic duer n < a.d tnr vnnimane or emtiloa A < Mrr > ! H tt. gpoaiti M . L T LX HA.NpXXlM PI < CE < ! in Xanoaa for mrrr-a nd c. F Bar- Z-1H XX < 4MiV FARM "THMt XKB 'TTT fnr hnatip and ui : n Omaha and < * * - C F Harrtswn tu X T Lif Km i /-I * R KJ'nt.N'.lt. BKUM 7 li'MB CLBAIt i nt * fnur M"-mw n ir omr i mahn Ll " TMi manB < - toarp ne a tnnlr P - ) A < > T WM. rttr FOH S AX.E HZ A-L ZSXATg. ' THI TTI. iribr Board of Traan. 1.X MOOM H r-t l "lM".KTt X - mTaa . Mctdc-Ti ntinrrnlrmw modr ) home : IUUJ.J1 itct d * aeibr. taiamtx-r Cotnmcree HOME * HKKKHIS \TO' UAi.R l * ! v TO TOU ran hmrp an Blpcast hntiw ar-aainHl to unit rnu. "fib On mine Imtttrtrj , walki. > WPT wsl-r and can wtUiln wsltlnc Ulnumnca of banlnets. cj ( il * anrt canrrln-s. * m ! all lor ittnnt R U Cer tain ui be viie prttilpot Iniklc ru Hhnrnddltlnn In IfcrettT < > r inp tn ) of n alr-ndr " " ' < ! * * a SB for particulars tief orts the prlefl .A raived. FWH- UrTruntoompiLnr C3S KaraatD su < cys R ALK BT T1IK OWTSUH HUIH ACRES OF 1. trfira ta' flap-it tmlat land at a cr t sarrl- flra. G. H. Fou-nun , Hi : S.l t > nt-.Omuba. IV at FOR5AI.K. BttAimKCI. LOT W FEttT FHOX T. Z th < iu. lutli umaba. near C. IUIM. Apply W nwnrr Room It. BurtTnan blK. Omabn. t4 OIE REAL KSTATJt. Barcalnr onlf Mr ira i looil. W < ? A.brlcSt. Ma i-l t Tort Ufa M 7 ' - -en. & ACHE ? -WITH T.BPOM biuall ImaroTements. Inqnlm 1H. < I Bard MTJC. tr CX > R 3AI.K ON MOXTHLT PATMSNTa. 7 BOOM Iroutcp in CurUmre MldtUou ia Comma Mr et- AoorrnumR.V u selbr. 3M OmmbwCommerce. 7M FOH-Al.K-'BHXCH\5lt-- LOrS IV RAi-lD QIT I > ht. for CUT puhartun pmpenr , ir Im pr i il prtwnv tn mnll uiwn or tunrt Uii SrISJ and h"aallfal tun tnilfj rtxim ! < % Price tia lrr H nitinincF sja.L oucti. Will par aiT Incuts * hrnnw infl trade < - mu dmitreillajiior Urui In 1ern wirnn name Mts cnn 11M 03 Addrptit M rs. MiKir- C Darenpun Lr-cl. amiklw. Veb. CXH 34I.E. T\V ) OH JHHKK BArtGAHfa HO C acrr farni tlir e - nilcMiujh of Watirkw liiln c antr Srst clan. pur4T aartrr culttrsUan. li l- anro iiuraad pasture. SHUI3 per acre It will par r au > "oou at tau l nerca on Oodcp stru nil mllp" fmm pofciafflcJITS wri ! will tie sola cntp. . S II-B cuUacB. Sill lou an I > : ntor xtreeu lut nud iitr ft snuJpO-only liaua-tO. on uran u > nullThu is acfiaticrUj Eft a bomeanljra tliun. dUtanc ? aot. UnciiG OttrtL 1Mb Homer ttrt-et. Mnr. 6 Ctn-i. I.OT ASn : * xo COTTAGES A tua pt-r r tr fuch. room fur J mare . I lce tt-Jl ) r ? Har-l on. MS S T Ufa 3S5 S Bll ? . SNAP BKIS ES VHKO OF MOVHT J rill ( * 11 iO a4'x of io * d axut. ainH mll * O-nnha P o for JtMiX Land uifio nine In OT fita per Bern. JddnHti U BI-B. MSI Fru. LOT cnnrtE-a urrir i JSLOM e F EarrtKin LOST. LOST A BLA.'K COLT. MIXKD WTTH GHAT " hite 'ore Jeeu n-nite spot in foreiieAd. iuu : roir < i n. ,417 Kamsm-Hwet. MSU6 Di J LO-T THUBH IXM.UAS HjnVAHD- lJT-er coluir-il epuniei. tieaTy tiullt. wltli lone low bnrtr whit * orenn. one enrtr earn tie ap : bli tall oC. hud an muuU collnr with piuUoLl ; . lirtni to j Jib Donc'.nB sirert. MUST . ) T FUUM I.EA.rEXW < ) RTIIT - are. 5t. Burnurd pup. wtu 5e-Uier culiur ari-a B KaJconer. Wboarer ins found tii oDIlca br earwig word i Cia siore. LMii aai LO-T lrOi.D BRACKtET COSTAIXWC Man HI piuirliu appalmi sod to tsooni ir-m n. t EL\TE JCST * i * Jrom tap pan. ana will renppn aif dr 9iim&icn : pariors Jcrotxer sx. Houms U > s > lU Browa Plort cor Ibla and Doutlan sti. 44i ol * SCHOOI- R. i MIth. MOH-UfJ-fe SCHOOL FDR DAJfCJSl Arajorr Capital 4ra _ will ro ipcn far thi B < -UK > n jn taoraaT October at for ctuldmn am Tuesdav.ijpiolitir Ua fur adu.ia. ailur * ainow Lund Ac Co. H drns star& tii and Farmun - iesBnnn can aa tai us 30 nr ai taelr res ! < K Dodce t. I2ii j F'-R ? j MI VTHS M J * B e- REM IN C TYPEWHlTi TON For Safe , Rent ar Exchange. BEST in the WORLD ! M3G-3ATE STATION3E.T CO. , IX * Faraoai Street. Otnoh.1. Tttii T2 placed on raoort Oct. ! ItiSlS : wAitnAyrr DEED4 J N Cora to J P Bo rail. iat 2s. block 1 Bedford l-lace . . . J 1.M James Bonnur and wife to L L Thomas and Hie , lot 23. block -hml'sil mill S.33 D L Thomas ana wlfa to llurun L.irsen. lut ± l. bioi-U 2. W t sld ufi ICrclirener aaa 'if to M C Moore. part lota E and I3S. Millarc ! CTi , tL90 C ACUT and wife to Peter Von L.-icUum. n itt lot 1U. Axford's a.id 5.3J 5 E Eucars and v'.to to J 11 iVrlsiit. n lotL blocklfc. * EBogar-iaild 15(1 J J u'lLourke and x.fe to Anilrav Hut- tan. < ut 7. tiiocu 1. Burr P' ce. . . W QC1T CI iI14 DECUn. C W Balier ana wifu to Walnut Bill Marines nna ln < ait.ment company , lut , Dlocu 5 , Walnut luu Total amount of transfers . IIH.M Salicrt ttf Jive Unnartrt. unduhi * head , 3ft , cent * ; each aaaitional Hue. ttn ornte. HAl.L A dmirliuir. to Mr. and Mrs. iialL BRAULEY-A < laaaliuavta Ur. and Mrs. A. I lilKD. J < ira uf fiiw Uficr ur icn < under I/u * Aea < 2. ornr . aacJi iida.tl.inal Uju , ten raiu. HCstSELL AuiUbta , Uct ttr i ItaC aged years. _ j llr. Jonn Francis In taikuu ; of Nebruk. . crapi saicj "Wa ara noc ottinff a sqtmr deal Iromtha DepartraeatarAsriciilcara t thn extent of oar crap * . T Cv. Dod e , tbesu taat'cianjnut year cava as JEwyttical otlitnal of rhe earn crop ir 0.iK)0l > ajIJusuala , but At : Robert Parana save ax IS'actuate 21aW 'l , iUXI busnels , aai ereaceof teirJHtXKJ ouanei : Kow it may be the polU ! > ; u afan ( coTernmea to j&vo a oonHervuuva er&nilfe bat from m standpoint Neoraaiia does-TqSgel the cred ] sue deien'ei and I wouifi'JtcJ to reaedy , j I nosld , tne niMileadinir rsmim sent oc about ua by toe AsTJcn.rSra cpartEient. "Thin year we sDould rfra an esuaia : from taa denartaiBtit oi SpOjiJOJ otik.be ! out ! don't tmaciaa wtrJl j stlt. Th crsDs lironcaont tie tait < f pfl smj iicer and X brasUa tiak never b&jr in &a praapei aas a condition. We wilf nava about i0.iKK ) ( Km buabelii of winter wheat to dispose c aod a rery larseir incrsiiea acrcs e will t planted Uiis jeur Now tritu anu ar tw more cereals ta diversify the crops we wi ce in a position to command tte respect ( tn a world. " Good Cuukiue Is one af tba chief men.ujss of every nomi Co always unuro snod cuatarda , pnddtnp sfcuoBj , OWL. us Gail Boraon "EisUi" Bean Condesattd Miiit. Ulrectiocs on tba lube Sola by your grocer auid ortiggist. . all of tba resrstnus appnlntoa i serre prior to tbe coming'election nare qua idea and wui be on hand to perform the daces when rnilnd upon. IT tture are ar Tacaaaen they will ba tided ween taa cau : cil hcuds Us reg-uinr meeting uiughK- HOGAN WAS XOT DROWSED Peculiar COM f a Lhmb iSlm vTb Bhep- peered Twn Atro. HIS IKS08ANCE POUCY WAS PAID Afl r > lnr Tear * He U Lcroaleit in Trr Mow U U Annona to Return to Ilia brmtika Home Capl- UUOltJMiMilp Neb. . O . H.-HSc'-Btrt * Tan i A aarrj tbat aas BOBBIN the p < - pte f XJ e t tar lie past toyear. * was been cleared witfcie tea east tew Oars. It tn- * we J * O. H c n. * vb w a of us Capitol diy abt alarm ? e rs aa. A sfewt time after he cam to Mis dtr tae married a stdMhracbter of Joba Morrison. His wife refumd to solera htm dead * ottt several mcntas afterward * , tfce t > ody of an trotcttovrn Tmn was Iwra geaUn ? tc the Missouri at Omaha. Tters Kts aotb- ras on tie boay tjjwbrdi tt eouia M Meon- n i and it waa in seen an idrnneeattasra at deserapomaou taat the fcnturss wera an- n'rairnteable. It was belierefl u > ae the body of Hocsn and the wife anally accepted tfce fact as true. At tbti Urae of hu dlsapoear- acce Hogan earned life Insurance ta tbe amount of tXflfXI. Bis wife ap oiled to tbe Insurance company Tor tbe money , famish ing sucn proof aa stau could. Alter canMd- eraole ai slinc ine Insurance cotnpan ? paid her tl.TUO In settlement of the daia. For ninn v ars Hoean has been counted among tbe innabitants of the other world. Tie otter day a rsponcr on tae Erentair News m this city accidental ! ? ran acrOMi s nian named John Flood , whom he linento tw an old inend of rlopia in t p laurr's afe urn 11. Flood made Uie bouieivbat stsruintr suitamtHitUiat Uauan was aot deml untl that Ae is at present alive aad well soraewtMsra in the st.ite of Tesas. He was wjsn ftf Mr. Flood at Graen River , WTO. . i ro years ago and at Tnuida4. Colo. , tw montns turn. At thw ooint UIQ story of Hocan s disap pearance aiSers from tneconvptiuon.ti i nocti Arden ramaacn. He nas not retunKHl and found bis vrife * ce bapnv beipinpet of an- otner. On the contrary , a is stated tnat at the time ar his disappearance au bud anotimr wife at STrattane Falls and that it -a tea fear of discotrr tnat nrampted * iitn to .cure. Since tiat timp he has secured a divorce from his western wife and is anxious to re turn ta ais Lincoln vrife. The storr promise * a Sappy denouement for alioamescancernea but tbe life insurance company that pain out JLTOO of its hnrd earned savmcs for tba death of an uoiaown Uoater found In the 15 Muddy at Omaax Tbe f W r - the Lnclty Uladerv The Board of Parcbasa and Supplies met us forenoon to jet lie contracts for applies far : e vanous slnte mst.tuupns for the ea- suins quarter The following is a list of sue- cessful bidders Hospital for tie Insane at Hastiacs Meats , HuiJbard Bros. , clothtns , Falk i Bloom , drr ; oodsValbaca & Brachi sro- cenes. Charies Kinp ; coal. Haotincs fuel comDanT ; drues , Hurat i Co. Hospital for tse Insane at Lincoln Meats. Haboard Bros. , raceraes. Hayaicnd Bros , i Co..buKer C. A. Hohnian ! dru = s. McAr- thur & sonb ; paints and oil" . J. H. liarlny , coat , Wnuebreast Coal company ; dour , E. L. Scitn & lie . boots and shoes. V.VbMsr i Racers. clotais ? . Mayer Bras. . dry iroods. Haspiuil for tiie Insane at Norfolk Gra- conei , McClary & Co. . meat , H. F Guise- man ; drv cxiod'v Jackson Ury ( k > ods com pany , dni s , A. K. Lajonara. floi r , Eicnard Bndjre i. Co. ; coul. E. T. Suaanou Soidiers and bailers Home at Gravd IsJand Coal B. i It. coal yard , butler Aid gro ceries , Boesser i ; Co. ; dry ffooda aad ricth- inc. S. rf. Wolaach , Grass and mL-dicmc- , H. D. Boydcn. dour. Lefuvich Jc Frederick , conl oil , A. C. L dennun. Girts Industrial School at Genera Dry ) ods , Mohmen & Arends , grscenes , Carson Jc ShickJey cnal. E. T. Shannon ; dour , Geneva Roller Mill company Institute for the Deaf anu Durnrj at Ooiaha Coal , Coutant i Squires , paints and oils , Kennard Uiass company ; dru s , J. A. Fuilei Jc Ox. bread. Ovta VTapaer. meat , F. E. Latlcr ; rocenes , M. Fleminu & Co. Home for tne Feeble Minded at Beatrice Gr&cenes. Erail Lanr , coal , M. T. Cum- minis , orsad , EreaJier Bras. ; meat , C. F. lasucata for tae Blind at Xebnsea City Bread , Theodoi-e Weberini ; meat. & . W aaaciers. cool , D P Ralfs i Co , ( > M > ip at tlietAl liauMi. Biscciver < ioodell of the aeranct bank o ; EUomun i Arnold alett his eleventh mnntnlj repon with tie clem of lie Mipreme cour jday. sbo-n-iny tnat duna the month hi naa cnliectea KT7IX ) and cifiour ea sr > < i 10 tie had nothiae turia r to report in the cas of the Farmers and Merchants ban * ai Aa&eltpo. Aracies of locorooration of tie Fairourj Siinncs ban i wars 31eUwith tae secratan of state this moraine. The banu has : capital cf $53.00(1 ( sad tie tacorporators an E. E Gooanch , G. J. Caroenttrr. H. Y ilcClosSy , Joseph sarnaca , H. P. Showaller. \ \ . Brainard ana L. W Gooanch. Asienaea articles of incorporation of th < Bank of Hay Spnnss trere Sled &t tne ofllcf of tie secretary of s'asa tocav The capita STUCK IB mcreasea from Sl.tKM ) to i.\JUO The Board of Puolic Lands and Building is hoidiaciti rej aiar montair sesiioa today Ceraflc ? a is muae by Chairman Cady anc Secretary Bailer , boti of the recent rep can suila convention , taat a republican ticket was. duly and mirfuily aomia The certificate of tan noraiaation of lie deia ocrauc ana miiepeadeut tickets tas not ye been filed with the secretary of state although eleven dars vet remain in wiuci tier can bo filed. It is reported taat severa candidate * on encn of the delinquent ticket ; will withdraw from the race. Lincoln 3Uutter * 3 ! > > rt. Tae aaaoal meeting or the Lincoln Minis tenal association was held tr.is foreuoou tieru being a food auenaauce. A paper ira read by Sov. Dr. flantininon oa "The iie sponsibilnv of Chnrcb-Mcmbers for the Son attendance of Xon-Clrcrca Members ' j memoniu uooa the death of Rax1 Caarle LJUeL , who dies since tae iast luuetia ? of tni as&ocia&on , was read and ajoni d. It vra voted to bold services gratuitously at the in sane asylum at this city every Sunday after noon dunnir tae ensuing year. These sen ? ices will consist of njusjc and au address Jn oa some practical topic , iliu eJectiou of ofli cers for the coming year resulted as follows Presment , Eev , D.V C. Huntjnirtan ; vice preslauut , Hav. Lharies Eraut. secretar' and treaiurer , Eev , L. P. Ludden , Mailn a Jiiuni tit Cru * iiic. Tae Hock Island poopls teen advantage o tie darkness between Saturday nijjlit aai Sucday morauiK to cut the rails of tae Mie &auri Paanc track near .Nineteenth aad "i streets ana by meaas of tract , " aifecusd : crasunp. Tha Mistoun Pacific aiunu n this rat ? ctauB thut tta Hack Island aai affTfted not to make the crotung antil a ceri nite aaTcoajent bad been made Between tii two companies. The action of Saturdn' night is dacoucced as a breaca of ? oud' ftuU bv tbe Mibbaun f atanc odcjas. The Roc : Iblaud odcers now in tie oity prolw , * j ra fouoa ij iaraace of tie icteiiUon of tie eec tractors to muse a surrapuuaus croh inffau noon af them will aJiait t at tony ara err that the crofcun ? has ooen atfaoted. Meitue nul lisy say taat the crotsiutr will ae tar cut. Tbt > crassin ? aavr enaotas tie Kac liiuaa ta so ahead witn th work of bndg &g tie Aateiopeaad the bi ; pun driver ou aireaay Dtea &et up and is ere Uus umo a work. Haa a Grnac Tluif. A mnri wno refused ta < nre hut name at ti palica nuiuon had u rery eooiaOla um i Linooln ve terauy moratatf. H tmaUw - Satnrdav with a piatoonc call of ( Mils to ni poclcei&ook atd whan ttia siiades af aiua were fuUins he Kjcured tba Mtmces of snide and at oooe taned out to &ocrh fa tie eleanant in bis nauv juopia acraui ta r = -lroiul tracks. Dunotf uie umnt , whicb c spent with serenu aouvu * . ba uos nobbed c * SS. ba oompiotnea ta Uiu poiioB and Uu suraic ? TJIUIB Moore. William Mooje , Die ana basie Jonnton , i-um Mix , Clara Tfaaioii aadVmnio Johnson wfaro ned up in froc of Pcucu Juafa Waters < a aaswur to s of rODain ? tie stranger Thuy ate to tau jua JB n taa strictest can : flrnco tAat tier T - * not c titv T ietr eas < wss coBtlntiad ant.I tt s erwittn Tram th Pnltff r tiirr- Ecvktai ScfioVM , a SasvUa etfi Is 9ndeivnrt u M irs < Mini IH > IT W f AO tca dTi.iiition , was tfeis noraivc M.30 for pmieira wttkovt a Iweflnr. Graorza CrarrtMr a mita trM i M to en ta kamr ftetiec. waa lm < 4 K tor TiolaUag tae nvwtoos of t e aealtH or- dtnnncp. Allmd N wfrerT. the rewiQ frwn vho uJsre&MtaWe S < rjury Jive by < kMf of poitor tva toir seat M reiaMre MtoMd C.tr. Mo . wtoerean will httre i BB trso tram e otaminaUmr sarraawflBES. Wateri setvd u t * rsH at o aee- fumiir ) ar between Mri On d o r ba tt wl. Hitcfeavdc has Sees tn tfee aaMt at atrnmw : an wif , xrta ta a rather rood ltwkai : : rating nnmaa irtth a qtitm. BOOest aennmer L-t xmMt * bud ataa armtlrd on THa rtarjre af anraait ana a tras hrouckt faee to tt > e with justice tats mrainr. He pxmaml triti. Its wi.'v not w aoeoar aninst aim and fin all r be ralento * . He promtwd Her to u arber end uer F coma n < f r her catn and trsn. awar ttaitfv A etwtce aa arun tit of dninc 1 va nmta and dinordwlteivro ran t.hroucn UM miU oi JUMKS- ana all r-aavwl ta racuiattoB floe Hunl HI tlir I'nnrt K HIH. A p dai aanca of .mrrnraa BM Men ira- BirnifO fur next xmk in jrdf-rhat tAe Irrloe tntu ui r praitress atufaetoniv T e Dale-btractaB bmacb of prsaiiM and setracUoQ ca&e. irbteo irak Uie st > o atMnat teut are af tae Ijun term of ooun. ts ou for Br-.al acKin tais w * . la tse former trial Doit ! was aniared to par i e tiur JefendUBt dsmairrs ui tee sum of f.a.Uft , bet as this amount was coa itared { exeessiva the court T3VC him another ! n L Arthur Yount ; commenced luit today far divarsfl from his vrife , wlioci bo cnnrves mtn anfaith.'u.ness ana craelty. The name of the eaieMMHideaiis not given in ihu ornuon. Tbu Hock Inland uiis afieraoon nietd an answer m tau district court otieetinc ) to tie iaterv ucn uf Henry E. Lewis in toe in- fuBe'.ion proceeilicc ? insulated by taa Lin- coin Street Railway company ta restrain St fmtp eroasicif O street at sr-ijeu Tht-y al- le q mat he has no .merest in the matter : that bis neutiim states ao irrmina for inter vention , and that hi * has ao public .merest. aiarr E. Kouae itrrcuoua.v oojrcts to tee rourl Iv.ac cer ausauna a divorce ai eroi tnat ac dnkertcMl a r anil taut fervent vent s ven moulds io aas beard tram a.m. She is anxious to content the proce ntnm ana rsqaesla tae court to order Her husband 10 cur aer atioucn money to se cure an attorney. Frame ICennadv. tae pnsonar who cliMan- ifuistert buni'Mf daao ? the summer by t King - ing Uie smallpox , wus tbit. arternoou eon- rscted of ourelorv. He was m-cus 3 of stealingra tvartfa of je veirv from the reiiceace of Mrs. W. J. MarsnalL K "rr Tr-tluuinl.il In oehalf of Hood's S rsnpariUa is true and wnl bear tneitnctest investiiration. So matter where it may b from , it is as ra- llnoie ami worthy your confidence as If it came from your most respected aeichbor. Have vou evar tried tiia ercellent ineili- ciaaf Far a ceneral famllv cathartic TVB coaa- deaUy recaiamead Hooa's Plils. They should S = ia every hone medicine cbest. Jotlc * Brka' Morning Visftori. ASout as tourt a lootriaar raration as fever appeared ia police court assembled b - fora Jad e Berka yesteraay aioraics , aaj his honor oolisbed them a ? with a dispatch only acquired by lone practice. Tflera wera over farty of them aad all wees attended ta within an hoar. GeorsQ Gariick , a i > od looUinz , wail dressed yauac fellow wa accused of beinc a racrant anda aanceran of tia burat dis trict. Ea Trai aiscaarzed wtti tae admont- Unn to ; et to warK. Fred Smith is a simflar character several notches further dowa tie social scale , tie was mixed up in tie burriary and hooting airav at Thirtieth ana Faraam some years a o for waic.1 ais partaer , Wooilmac- see , went to the penitentiary and died there. Snath has been lately toaflnsj about a toaija saloon , ts -explained , "ta pass away tae tune. " Jadca Berka thought tint 'about fifteen davs ia tie weeds would prova a pleasaat recreation. John Tucker had beea a sailor aa.1 snowsd aa ann tatooed witb all sons of biras , beasts and rentiles in crnof taeronf. EK has oeen in bad company aad when arresv l aad a -oilly" la his pocket. Hs was fined $18 and casts. _ Cholrra \Chen properiy treated as soon as the first symptoms appear cholera can neoriv always be cured. The patient should co imjnaiiiataiy to bwi and reoum as quiet as nussiuie. Send for a pnvsican , uu > wbue awaitmc his arrival uut Cham uenain's Colic. Cholera and DuurraiBS Ratncaj in double doses after eaca operauon of the bowels aiore tnnn catnrail if ihera is severe pain or cramps take it in double doses every alteen njmutes unlj rsuerea. This remeay has u en used wta uraat. success in seven epidemics of dysentery tbat wera aliacst sa severe aad danirerauh as cholera , ana if used .it : direuted a curs is almost certain. rery family should have a 5U-cant oattla at hand ready for in stant use. After the disease ia under control castor oil must t > e raicen to deausg the sj-stem. So other physic or snSMatutrf wjli do ia place of ctstnr oil. For sale oy CULOO.VUO COLD. Dou't B" Poor .VJl Tour Llfp. I want a partner with J4 < tO. Think we can mn te i2l,000 ! aure in sis months. Perfectir lejitiauite aad rsqutrea nocu of your Ucue. For particulars address Eonford stoct , Du.-ang , Colo. FZUM 'ltUT.\Ii .LHUCT Ts. The Fairuarv Gazette is tiventv-Uire years old ana nas canstaally unproved wita A runawav horiu oaasea tae deatii of Mr. Zaaner , of Sparirs. and his wife sustained a bruken arm. Tbo Baotu > t associations of tha Loup aaa Elkharn nave bfeii in se&sion at teuintoc witi sevent delepites m auenaance. The house ot James RQSS , near Clams. wita its contents , was oeitxoyed by fire , causing a loss ot i UOJ , with i ilO insurance. The bcbool bouse at Neoawkn. one of tht old landmarks , has been destroyed by are will ae replaced triti a slmcturs to cast Waila eicavatiBf ; at a oncir yara in How ar3 county , oontracuirs anoorered sevet skeletons. It is bplievoa the bonus ira lhos < of a prehistoric raca F.re in a Sctldins in the cenrral part o : tie business portion of Cedar Eapids cami near wipioar out tie town , but a bucket nrizndc hold the dames in check. Frank Renfrew , a 12-rear-old Liberty OOP , fell from tnu separator of a thrssbintf mu ehinu aad was ran over , his shouuer anc chest being- terribly crashed. His mjmu ; will probably prove fata L Dura Erana , a hardened Tount ; woman o Aasloy , hua bfaen arrested on taa coarse a : burnmc two barai the otcer niznt. It i ! supposed the fire < vas startad out of reveagi because sh3 had been ordered out of u u u. William Graham , wtou carries the mail be twetm Booestetil , S D. . aud Bail * . 3oyt county , won bald an by William Powell anc a duaoie-barrollod abet uu a fair weeks baai but escaped. Su e Ibaa Craaam b s U ( ai "iaj-iop" lor Bill fontui uud Fcuiuf fount hin in the innmi ; ball of tia ftovd bouse z. BatUi una bocan flnng. Patrol ! Jr w a six sbooler and rMurnatl tie or * . Sanute ar Uii Preu Liuca rusnud ui one MOiM l uae Uoth , separatuig"ta4Mn and uirouic tneia a - , to tee sorsuai. > Ju * eriuus A Cliul ra xi. r . A reported automak of etwiBra at Hel matta , S J. , creaMd mucfi axeitemtmt U UiatvicMiUT Inv-iQidUoo teow d mat Ui auwtose wus set cctMara bst a vtolont a tery , wnkia u almost , as aevera a&u daatrtrr ous aa < sGM4rx Mr. Waiter Wtliara , 2 prominent maratuiat af JarmarOirs. tw. miliw from HaJmaun. ur Chaauteiiaia'i < one Cboiera ana Otarmou Beraiidr given pr ul sutacfaotioa in Uta m * t v ji oa.be of drMMttary It U < wruuaiy one a the bet IAMI S v r made. Per saU ta' ' Mr. Brunnraua lit * Owlluitnee. Ctra&cUman Brwimr cailud at TUB BB I oflicB awl arplainad nw acuoc will , ndursnw ta um aioetrtetan ardwasoa a-fcao ax.il ref j&ms ui Midcui. Ui auier air nuen tna cammicuse. Mr Br.aur a.dJ JH i ito lr b causs ba Braner did m B ( w pWf ! ' at TBiit Unm a-d Uiat Sw altrwin < ir-rd t Smi Pr-t.o * ta it te bias. Mr Sramir &r a r i i irdtaaaoe v t nnr for i c latp r .on of MMRmeaaars af t o ronnnnm * ate to aeoK. Dr. Bali's dwell Symp tfco Ofin 'is 9krk C A M * ia aoiUn otwvtaoo J jU f t s exeeMmre. Trr it. TAiJC , JC3T ? I AJ3f TALK. Bnom for din Roartl of Rttnratlnn in Utn The sefcpaa odraacnl oy certain number * > f te Board < SdatnUm witb retersace U > intnai ; wit * t uorarr ba < tra sad swrumnf warn far tto Board of Bdacutttm oOces .n Mie B W Mbrar- t lee tr U. m att pr- ba a r r d r too < i U r s { tre two . vfiwaur. M notre a oontrrial ana a OftM t Ua-arr a r < trui rarr liaejy ta ao * saca aa arraas ? a8B even it tbm Board ( KJuoatMm atKMM c t tia aioaoy oack that b a toma ior t * m > aa aew CUT aall , nod mat t racy waprooaoia. S Mnkiait ef M laaUar ye -rdav Mr. Wwlrtia WailuM ! , u BMW bur of M M rary board.HUU -I nar sot had this maM r mrniuooed ta me br lay f tae saawtwers f t Board af & .tueaticm and snow notaiai ; abnut the in- trnuonK of Uj ( yjaraM..T ra T i ein lie aeirsnuosrv My id K of tfte pnioer 'hititf for tae Board ot EtaiMUon offices wouid ba. hon-erer , tn bare uiem in Tka Central school banding Xin Beopie < wv of everr ten wtu ea atwit te tfce Biira school build BC vvhea UIKV want to % it the supenn- tenricnt f schools , unless Uiey aHprx-n to ilnoiv tsnt the otilua ! ) am tcateii down Uivva fas central school , a cra to me. u tha place fat use B < iarl of ducauon oOcas > > ut of eour.se that is tha traninr af tha board. aot mine : W itfc reirhrd to buildiae rooms for tin boara in thu librtrr buijamc I will simply av tiat 1 taink wo have BO autiontv us tattfr tola any * ach an arrangement Tha butldin ? has tw-n dntl aud ior a vary d.S r- entpurpows. ' * Mr. Luwni Heeo , another member of tha liorary ooara , was al o uan. out rsfsned to say oarthmc fur pu aiic Uon on tie subject. Aaotner m nioer if me attrarv board w telrvieiv i4 and aidril frernv ao < ut the mnt tr. tmt would not autttonze the pualication Ol bts. name in ccnutn.-uon ivlti wjst ha said. He beul that tJio pntxiseu joinini of thp i- tereau of tba U iriry ooara and tie Board ; f Eaucation wan id 01 * ar v ojt ot tbe IJJBS- tion for the r , ton -nat tue liararv and mu- Mjmvoum occupy aU be room in 'ia new Ou.rlmif and ail ttiut could tie farasnnd on tie mis beionsinir to tha .iflrary buiJiai { sita. H timjtrb : t/aat tbe idea of nanusr tia B Hrd ot Educauou offices in tan ' nrary buildtnij jras a vry rt d one &ut the qae > - jon ol raom wouJd era < -Lc .ly disouse of it. The raolutaon paiHl ay tbo Board of Sd- ucataon. calling upon tiu citr council for thn refunding of the SW.iKW tiat tha Board at Education paid toward tie new aty hall is now in tie bands of the council committee on puolic oroperlr and buudinir * . Tae present apatay of thu Board of EjacaUon occasioned by the fact that ave members of tiat oody wilt soon rstira from afflca makes it rather imprao.ible that anvhini * will be done In tne mutser of moviair ( iio tie city haij or takirc any deficit * action with reirara to new quartans before th" nrst of tie year- Messrs. Mar m , Pippletan. Points , Spald- inc aadVehr r irn auT of office in December aad tone ot them aspect to be candidates at tae coounr elecuon. Tais will bnar inta thp uoara ave aew members , nna as otnv a few of the ai mner ; who ho4d over hava agitated the scheme of ] mnlnir with the li brary boara. it is aot likely ta receive much attention fnr some am" , ao matter what tha action af tne council committee snouicl be , "Late to boa ana eany ai nse will 9hortaa Uio road ta your huice ia taa stoes. Bat early ta bed aaa "Little Eanir Bis = r.Uie pill tiat aiAirai iua loa ar iad a uar aai wises. -i-YJYO r 1 CE31E ftS. The nrst operaUc engaremeat of the sea son at the Boyd will open this evening witi the litnous Uuff Opera.coiapanT. The open ing opera wiJ SB "A Tripto Africa , " and it wili be pr > wntei witi ail the wealth of scenic effects waiiii thu praperstauin of tha opera demands. The company is large , able aad well balanced , and w aended with that income irable aruste. Miss Helen Bertram ; The caurus comprises aft > ' voices Oa Wednesday c\enins adojfale nul will be pro- seated , opeuins with the peaatUm oncra whicn hus mode sucn a sensation wherever seen , "Cavaliena Eusacana , " folloived by Gilbert and buiuvaa s "Tnat by Jury " * Tha will ae the first time tidt either of lie a operas has ouen seen in Oinahj. Charies Frohicaa's ' oiaaan" wili play a three atzit * ' tmsacemsat au lloyd's liaiter pr sontinc UIB comnuy sJccesR. "Jane. ' A matinee wiU be . "jane" civ > ; n on s uarany. Had a ran of over 1UU nipais in New York. The story tells of uie adventures of a younjr aacneior of prodigal ways , who securus aioney from tne trustee of an estate by rep- resunung hiiuseif to ae parsed.Vhen tha trustee in qut-stioc sudduoiy appears upon scene tiu younjr ciau. farced to oravido a wife for tae occasion , ma < > es u business ar- ramrement witi his Souseiaaiu , Jane , and from tnis plot of the oioraipg. a hou emaid becomes tie wife of her mostur at noon and hns to account for two children , their aft spr.nz. in tne eveainsr The household aod neirtibori are all turned to base liars and ae- ceivers far < mrdd mil and I'aiu plory aii in a moraing ; noon anu eve-nine. Fine houies preeted "Dad's Girl" at the Hijou tieauir peyerdav afternoan and even- inc. muuturanne in uii probanmty another hiijhiy jcoeasiul week at tae ooDUiar resort. Toe play has been much .mi.nved since last se u oere , wuilo new si jpnss and new seen- BIT mau-iiaiiv add -o 'a attractiveness. Miss Jennie Qmley the d mmutire pnma douno , dttliimed everv ont , waile tbe dancmirof > etu Montaeuc is a ravelatjon. Dick Gor man. tie trick doe dancer is u wonder aad Wood and Lane unequalled on the bur. DeWstt's arsaparuiu aestrays suan poi sons as suraCaiu , saa disiiiisui , aczoina , matisni. its timely use savj many Moda D. Peursen. Christ Andursun Bacic , Sels Peterson and S. Haeliind warn ar rested Sunday for tearing up tia pave- aieat of Lauvenworth atraet witinat a p r- oitt from the Boara of Public Works and tarfen to the stauon in tha patrol wagoa. Tae men bad ae-n in thu empiav af CJty Atiorney Coanell and wera parry ni ? out bis orteri waen irtestad Caaries Fanntnc ; manairer foi Htiirh Murnny , wna u rapainng taestreot , anu Jamus Umdsey , the loromun , caused the arrest. It in claimed tiat tne owners ofaouttlas property ivera nvcn varbal oermibsiou Ui UUa up tie pavement in .front ol tie pavers nr the oa irinuu of too Buard of P'jlia Wonts and thai Mr. fonneij was acUcoon tbat panmnMon. The oraiuanoo in tie case rsqutras that too permission sna.1 an jn wnuu < and oa this ground they hope ta win. cieanxa * tbt > htoou , increases Uia appoattf and um i n theavs- tatn. It ban oenedutd many p apl wio have * atfrred from blow * duwrdvrs. i ' . tv l help you. Now Afc | > fi-i4r Vumpanr. Tbe Aaxtnean AphaitaiHapanc of Uraana has lUed ua articHw at inoorp&rauon m tn < oOiae of Use ouuoty chirk. The capital t.jri at Uie compuar i * piadwi at $ B 0itiU. T-.a jacoryunaujr. ana Vf. H. Wii vtck. Tracil J Kafc4ar. .iwurd AiflMKiw and D i Uresory. Th ia la be oi-a' Hi Omaha , and l * to Be earn itj i * tnu auiuttlacniru ana layisif ; of a JWWUUBOt. The death aiM.li.Vk illUics af Laauri.ia it rsBrUKt , Mr. WUlLuus had rerv .ar a sukiuei * muiresta , e paoiaUy ta OJinbtr Jaaic & E ner * , ic tea banatvara bunlnusa in Tohuoiah , ha MO beau uouanoaq Oy o A. Jack. Tham m a bad b auk ua fcoe.water main on * Caruian'a * BU u aetr B rdouo ttrtet.V. . . thouun tbu puwusuuit la Buooml and u author ; tm. w rs aotiftMd M V U days a"n ttumi ca b < K no at nnrtun paul to lia break ; Mrs u. 11. Patiua , Jiucxtord , Li. from oersoa.il axpenaoca I < mW alar ap nlia. a uur farua.pur kO , i wkl I