rt * T11R HAT AIT A TIATF.Y llTClfc Til USD AY. OfTTmiRK .1. lfiO'2 THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS. Jn Provisions'Pnrticnlarly the Bulls Wtra Mrsters Yesterday. PORK MADE SOME GOOD ADVANCES Mont Imtmrtnnt Matter llroneht to the M- tcntliiii or the I'rtivlilon Trade Win the llc-uy IHIIernncM In the Itc- port * of 1'ork Supply. CniCAnn , 111. . Oct. S.-ln provisions partjjj"- Inrlv. tlio bulls wcro innsturs today. Tim Oelobcr ribs mid lard ilunls ronnlns nt tliu old Htiind iiotxvlthst.indliiK tlio oirnrts of a mys- U-rloiisslr.niKcr to lrjn < frr tlioiu to n Jtnllco court , Computed xxIth S itur.lny nwht. Octo ber deliveries thlsovurilns shoxvcd advunoes of 174c ! for pork. l'io for ribs ulid 7V o for l rd. Tlio Ri-uln imirkcts nil closed with ulliflit Kiilns. The most liniiortont matter brought to thonttunt on of tlio provision tr.ula was tlio lieaxy dllTerenco oatwion the slocks of shot t rllHon Oaobur I , us olllcl.ilty roported. mid tlio estimates ni.idoby tlio packers In udvuiico Tho/ amounted to no.irly .ll.OOJ.ooi ) pounds as nciiliiHt pro * Ions oitMldu titlnmtcs of S4.i.UUiM pounds. Tlmt matter was almost as mncli of a purple UN thu Iduntllv of the Individual named Hutch. whoscnkslolmxoWrltthtiimlt'udiiliy urrcstod foi ritniiliiKii corner. It wus culeti- litlci ! by ionio of tbo oxpi rl on the Moor that , taking the tvuclptH and shipments of luv iniMtnfur thti month and tlio receipts and hhlpniiMilH of hogs , the published stocks tdioxxcd moii ! meat In tore bv seine W.OOJ Ibs tliunc.'inbu nmdo of the bo.s slaiiKhlorcd. The slocks reported on Imnd Indicated sin ill r , Mippll.s of inovi potk tbiin isenor.illy ox- jicelcd. whllu Ibo ( immllty of lard xvns nbotlt IIH nnllv u iled. It was oxpocled tint the liirpo stool , of short ribs Bides would e.iiibon bro.ik In the nrirkot. and this en- cuuritpod the nlToiini : of olhur opccuiiillxo iirllrlusniihei ficoly at the opcnlnx. Tom- porarlly prices ruled slightly lower , but It \\nsdontonsti.iicd tli.U u Kood Inquiry pto- vallc.l mid uilcclULdly slroncor Scollne wns doxoopcd. Miorls boiuht moderately and -prliLs iidxiincul on some of thu leinliiii ! nttlctvv. th < iitli | outsUlu iUurcs were not sup ported to tluM'IOM ! . While ihero XMIS n uood deal In the wheat jiiatkutxxl leh xv.isi ( ( fiird.d as bearish , tlieio wens oilier tonsldur itloim which hold tlio market tlrm and a shtiilo hlRltcr , but the tr.ulo was not xny aelixu. The local receipts xvuio \yjy ho.ixy S.SICIUH.horo7aOoirs wcrooitl- inaiid and , tin ) ilollvi-rli-s in the northwest wcio heavy , lining I.Ufll cars at Minneapolis mill Mil oars at Duluth , or l. iu curs In all. In iiddltloii lo this the tradu was nonuriil y InnUiiu foi an Increjiu of I.IUO.OUO bit. In thu xislbiu supply. Hut Ihero was oed local bnvliiR. ComstocU , Mitchell and other Iciufois doing a uood biMliicss. aid tbero wore free DuyliiR orders fiom Now lork. There was alsoduuldcil stronulh In coin and o.its and firmness In the provision pits , all of which set xed to clxo Iho trade moro conll- denco. I.utui. when the returns wore nil In and H xviis found that the visible simply had lu- cioascd less Ih.in 4W\Oitf bu. , and that tlio heavy loc.il receipts wern duo to bundiiy tn- Rucctlon of the prlnclp it rojds. the market iccolvrd additional slrenRlu. 'IhomtrUot turned weaker ilurlns Iho last hour on rcal- JiiK sales , and pilces roliirucd to the opening figures , xxbtch woto ushade aboxo Iho lln.il quotations of Saturday. In corn. Initial tndcs were tlin simo to Vjo under Iho dual Ilirurusuf b.ituidav.but undur an Impioxcd dcm mil , espcolnllv for 1 loco in- lior , the market advanced with but llttlo 10- iicllon , from "iu to Jac. receded Mo later , changed some , nilod steady .u'd closed with u hbailn advani'e. The ) ir en was helped bv tlio llocrliobin llnuros , purporting to show th.it the Kurupc.in supplies in u KIIIIO nnd that Lti- rope will rcnuliu 11,00 > , UUO bu. this month from this side. Thoo.ils trmle. aftora i.ilher easy oponln- . del eloped Koudcoverln. ; by shot Is .mil prl os iidviinced from 5o to , o. but us other Rrnlns \vcakuned.onts symp ithl/ed and the close \\iih out-y with most o [ the decllno lost. Thcru was a lood demand for vessel room nnd r.ncs to Itull.ilo advanced 'io to''Sic for wheat , -"iC for coin mil ' . /iu for Max. l.stlmatcd icceipts for tomorrow : Who it , fl'A curs ; corn , faUJ cats ; oats , < -U cars ; ho s. 18.00) ) head. 'IJio leadln : futures runecd as follows : AltTIOl KM 1IIC1H WHEAT No. j October t 7JH 72M Docouiuur. . . . May soi ; 8i 8IM CO UN No 2 October 44 ! December. . 45 4lkj Alar OAlsNo 1 October 31 itOYcnibur. 31SiJi May SiJi Mrfcs I'OIIK Oclober. 1015 10 OJ 1057k January , . . , , ii m < 4 ] i DO I/AIIII Oclokor B H 8 50 8 10 8 20 Jammry . . . . tfflo U U7' ' 207M BnoiiT Itins Oclobur 10 10 10 IS 10 10 Jiinnnry . b -JT U 25 b2S Cash quotations were tm Column : I'l.iiuute ! HIV iinil unchtinuiid : winter patents , * , l.70'it4.00 ; wlntorstralehtstVJOai W ; KprlnK natentfi , $ lh'O4.00 : spr.nK straUhls , tJ asm 150 : linkers' , II.7WS4 I 0. WIIBAT No. amirliiE , 7JS7i:1ic : : No. 3sm'liiR > . . ,4. OIIHN No. 2 , 4 134ci No J. , 4J'4o OATS No. 2 , 31e ; No 2 xvhlte , 3j > jc ; hlto. 110 ® . ! c KVK-No , 2. M'sC. ' llAnt.BV No 2 , B.'fflfio ! ! No. 8. fi2Gci ) No , 4 , f. o. b. . i. FLAX Shun No. 1 , TIMOTIIV fcKi ii I'rlino , . > . I'OIIK JIoss , pur bill. , 8IU.87'/4II.OOi lard. | iei 100 Ills , 5 8.2 1 : short ribs , sides ( loose ) , ? 7.ti'i ( ; 10.15 ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , t7.10iQ7.2U ; ehort rlear bides ( boxed ) . ST.U' th.OO. WuibKV Distillers' llnlshed Koods , per Kal. ll.1I > t SmiAiifi-Ciit loaf , ri'Jtt.'i'io ' ; Kr.inulutcd,5 , , c Btandurd"A"ftHc. Koiclptc undshlpmi'iits today xvero as fa ) . On the Produce axchiinzo toil iv the butte iiinrkul xvns ijulet : creamery , lMi-4e ! ( ; dairy 1C ® Mo. KiiKs. llrm ; strictly fresh , lUc. St. louU Markets , BT. I.OUIH. Mo , Oct. 3. Fioun Un changed ; iiatcnt.i , \l.'it(2iJ.70 ( ; extra fancy US 4D.I.3U ; fiiucy , , ' .7WiOiUU ; choice , f.Yi'xa. ! 4J family , J..OU40. . 10. WllhAT Uloscd a fraction abovu Hi turdav oiiNh.dOSo ; October , C'Jc ; December , 7107'c May , TSlto. OOIIN UloHcd llrm ; cash hlEhcr , 4nj5o ; Ootr lier , 41 13 ; December , 4Uil'JUc ! ' ; .May. JJ.'jo. UAT.s l'iai'tlon hettui ; ciibli , .iiiu Octobei We ; Noveinlior , lui'iej ' May , UHjffiJIJ.e. HvB Lower ; 5.1''tc. IIAIII.UV r-toadys Nebraska ( I5o. ' lltiAN Steady , ( Xc ) east track. HAY Quiet ; prattle , t7.uui39.00 ; tlmulln I UKiai4 ) 1 0 , l''iAX8iun : I.ouer : JI.Ol. IIUTTMi IJablcr ; cruaii'cry , Mtt'Jlo ; dalr1 IWKIc. l.dds ririu ; Id'io. DOIIN MKAI.-il | 2.1.\ WlllHKV hlu.idy at (1 , 10 I'linviHin.NK-Stanily. 1'orK , JILO1 } ' } . Liri IT.W'ii'.Mi. ' Dry halt meats , looseshouider ; til.7"i | lon h and libs , il. * > ; shoits , * 7.lH KKfBllTh I'lour. H.UUO bhlb ; wheat , 2)2.0 bu. : coin , 4UUUU bu , ; oals. 7.UUU bu. ; ry i.0.00) : barley. 17.000 bu. biiii'ui'.Ni.s-l'lour , KC03 bids ; wheat , ( U,0 bu.i coin , HU < iu liu. ; O.UK , U.UjU bu. ; rye , 7,0 bu. ; barley , none , Niuv Vork .MarKot * . NKXV VOIIK , Out. 3. riiiuit Hcculpts , : u JOti pl.cs ; exports. U.IOH aaeUs : dull nndea Rules. 5..RK ) bbis. lotv extruu , IJ.Uv4t3.il ; wlni ptitunls , * lI.Vfl.4u , ! fair to fancy , iiiinnesotu clear , ( J-OmUUfiUi fctrulKhts , M4 4.2S. 4.2S.UoiiXMKA ! . Dull and caster ; yellow wus crn.Uuiic.llU. WllUATUucolpts , 21J.UOI bu. ; oxpottb. IB.C bn.l sales , NXV.UX ) bu , of futures , I7uuu u of spot , hpoldnlluna Udhlcr , olosliu lirnie ! i , Od UI iYU. M . , kll iv.tiinuu , i , , v ns : xury dull , opened sto.uly ami ndvaiieuj on fiiroliin DiirliiK , Iliiniir xvust and NIIII liu'lahliipmuniH. uocllned W.uon Inerci , In sloeiis In ntnio iuii : In the v slblo , roaetl " , u on local iHivi'rliiK " ' 'd clo oU tuady at u chau ed inlcos to > , cadvnnco ; No. 2 10.1. Ocl bin , > ' | U ) ' ' * iiC. clo.sliu , ' nt 7i > ao ; Niitoini ? 0 4flMc ) , rtuilntf at 7U'.oDiHHimbor. . m > . 8IUIlo.alunliK at8l .oj May. biSiWi'.c , eh "uv i-D"illl. | steady : xxuslern.liiawsc. Htoeks 4ii ( " ' " ' " ' " bt" ' ° " " " l"1 ! Si. H ? ' ° ,1 It Whuut. Jl.5JiWS bu. ; corn , I.Jfll..U b oatb.la24J17ilu. : : r > ill..l8 ' Du. : buriey. 1 a.iMu. : malt. l5,3bu. . ; pois..4lbu. UAIILKV Dull ) xxostorn. u.VC.C. IIAlil.in MALT-Stotidvt xxosterii. t275o. OoiiN-ltecelptB , l. . t.WJ ) uu. ; oxnorw. A1 , bu , ; hiilus. TJ-UU-Obu. of futuios. O-UkOhu. liot , HiiiitM quiet hut tinner : No. - ' , oiuwsi' In oiovutor- , ii.2 e ullu.t : unsrail inixuds : < g5le. Options udvaneed OSoour ioduluU % o imolloxxlij | ! Iho.xxhud. . . ulos iuauy.640p } ! 4 > r BttturUuy ; ootobsr , ii < ( MV4c. rloslnit ntftlHo : Novrrnhnr. 8IU VWJ o , cioslnff ntni ci Dncomlier. rifi < jmo. . o nslng ntMWuj .May , Mi-jail ? . los.ne t MHO. OATH KrrnlDU. wiwrhit. . ) snlen. 4'.T > .000 tut. of future * undiiocxibii. of spot , Spots fairly nctlvo und firmer. Options nrtnor nnd mod * rrntoly.nellxp : October. s Jfitw. oloslnc at ili'tct NiiTiimliiT. 374W7HI' . Ulosinit nt : t7'ici ' HnrDtntmr. IPJISHc , cloning nt IWUct No. 2 npot. white , .fwtn'je : mixed western. Ill'jc ; white ncstcrn , 3-aioo : No 2 O'lilcngo , 37c , HAT Quiet ! sooa tochnlcn , 7Wrtc. llni'9 I'alriy uctlxa and firm : 1'nclOo const , 1 razie. suoui Uaw , ( julet , firm : nalos , 201 b.igs nui'covndo K ) test at 3a : refined , lower , ( inlet ; off A , 41i-irttl'c : mould A. jIi-lCc ; stnndnnl A. 4 13'tGCtoc : cnnfoat. oners A , 4 ll cut loaf. 5 5-0Mic ! : crimhcd , & S powdered. 4 134iv < > ( . | pranitlntnd , I ciihcg , 4 ] 5-ir < Ciie. Knos yulouxeikl prlino. wchtcrn live ! receipts. fis77lkus. l'MiVl ) < siiv < 1'ork. firm , quiet ; old moss , ll.Wll,75 ; now moss. tl.VJ.vaiZ.fiO. Out mo us. Rpirce. flrmi pickled liulllo * . 8'XO9ct pickled shoulders. rV , : pickled h.-iti.s. lU4BIIHe. Mill- nlcs , dull ; shoit oloar , Oototior. tflol. Liird. dull , firmer ! xxeslern steam closed at JM"i nomlii il ; ODtlon sales , 8"iOO tierces : October , t8 17 , closing ut $ . " , . IlilTTHt-Oulni. xvniUi western dairy. r > ® 19ei iinln : , 2IH5W.C. B ljulct , iibout steady ; pirl skims , .1 . I'm Inns Dull , steady ; American , $13.00 ® r. vi. Cdt'initoidlnr : l-ike , tll.nVftll la I.tAi-8lpiilydomostic.ir058l.u'i : ; ' Tl.N-Stralihts. ? ri' LfiS / llldrs mid l'ell . K' are the prices paid hy Omaha doitlors foi hldos and pell limited subject to chitliKU xxlthoul notice : No 1 itrcen hides 3ci No I ir < < cu salted hides. ® ! ; No. 2 urecn salted hlilos.lii'Uc : No. 1 urcen salted hides. 25 to 40 Ibs. . 4HI'iei No. 2 ( ircen stilled hldcB , 25 to41llisifflllfi No I veal calf. 8 lo 15 Ibs. . Mi ) rcs No. S veal .ilf. 8 to 15 Ibs , , : il4e : No. 1 dry flint hides. 7o : No. 2 drv flint hides. 5c. No. 1 dry salted hides , MAilc. Part cured hides ' , c pel Ib. less than fully cured tjhcop pulls llroeii salted , uich , .1'ieftf l.'i'i. cieen s.iltuil shearlings ( short wooledoirly Bklnsl each , IW/iic , dry shoarllnifs ( short wooledoirly sklns > No 1 , each. 5IOc : drv shr'irllius ( short wooled early sklnsl Nn 2 , each , dc : dry Hint Kainas and Nobnrska biitclior wool polls , per Itictit il xveUht , l ® 14'tc. dry Hint Kans is and Nebraska Murrain x\ool pelts , pi > r ID , actual weight , MuM 'c ; dry flint Colorado butcher xrool polls , per II ) . actual \\elht. ( 10iH2 < 4c : drv flint Colorado Murrain wool polls , per Ib , actual xvuUht , fAIOct dry ii in tin I liicl lutu il wjUhts , 7 ( it'ic. It i\o foetcut olT , as It Is useless to my ( reltci ) on ihoin. lliltlHli Oinlii Tradn Oct. 3 The Murk Line Kxprcss , In Its x\rok y ruvluxx of the llrltlsh irr.iln tr.ide. Hiys : The price of Knsllsh heat live raurs xvondcrfully low The dellxerlcs at the xM'st eonntrj markets are selling in from 21s to 27s PIT qunrli't ; the lowest uvuratjo recorded. The tlircshliiL's of now uheit are dlsip- poliitlii ; ? , the menu iiuallty boln ; nt least Is ( > d below th it of 1MII Korelun wheats are stondy Millers reitilio | tfiiod dry foiel'n to mix ullh Die damp new Kiullsh Oats are 3d higher. II irlovs are In moiu active donmnd. ( Jrliullnr b'irley Is up Cd Oiud American corn Is snlllnK at 21s 3d. At ted ly's market drv Himllsh xvlmats were firm. Damp lot * xveru xerv weak. Porohtn who Us were firm , espec'ally Oiillfornla and Aus tralian Unseed ( Id higher. Colleo 'MiiiUut. Nnw VOIIK. Oct. 3. Options opened firm. 6 to 10 points up ; closed stondy and unchanged lo 10 points up : sales. 42.iOO hags , Incliulliic : October , SI4 flOl4.7 < > : December. $11.00 1475 ; .Innmry. 814 5'i(314 ( dO ; March. $14 " )014 00 ; May , $14,405614.45 ; Auttil't. $11.41. Spot Hlo. llrmer , qtilot ; No , 7. Sn.'i.ai.Sd. ' . . Kio JA.NKMIO , Oct. 3 i'lrst ordinary. l..OOO rels per 10 kilos ; good second , 11,205 rols He- culpts durlim the xxeeK , 10,1110 bags ; puichascs for the ( Tnltrd States , 5(1,003 ( b.ms : shipments to Ihu United fctalcs , 5U.OOU brigs ; stock , 182,000 bass. hASTO . Oct. 1 Good axctncr. 10.000 rols per 10 kilos ; receipts ( turliie the xveok 70.3dO bacs ; puichiises foi the U tn ted Stiles , 2 < ,000 ; ship ments to the United Males. w,000 ; stuck IM.OOO. _ Oil .Xliirket. Nr.xv YOIIK , Oct. a Petroleum market opened quiet , but soon developed weakness and continued so mm' ' the elosu I'onnsylxa- vln oil snot sales none November outlon mles 3.001 bills at Gl'iOlliSc , closing SlHts. Lima oil no sales. COTTONSKHI On , Steady. TAMOXV CJuiet. KOSIN Dull , steady. TuupiSTiMj-Dnll. steady. IV NDON , Oct . ' . OAi.cunA IjiNSEbP 39s per ijti'irtor. Ttnti'KNTiNnPfiiiiTa 21s 3d pcrcwt. l.ix'Hipoot , . Oct. 3 TUIII'I'- TIM : Si-iitirs 21s 3d per cxx t , HtiTTKit blendyi ero.imery. l.'ffi.'Jc : dairy , 12 . Hans rirm at ICc. UKCEIPTS Wheat , j',000 bu.j corn , 7,000 bu. ; on t * . 5,000. SIIIPMLNTS Wheat. 50.000 bu. ; corn. fi.OOO bu. : oats , 4.COO. Oiimlia Prnlt lluilier. OItAI'FS Concords. 25o nor 10-lb. biskot OAMIOHNIA ( Jnii-Ks Per orate , $1 2 > . mus cats. $ I.7" > : Tokays moro plenty. OAMtOHNl \ I'l-ACIIKS Per lll)0. . OAI.IIOIIMA PKAIH JJril'l.tw par box. APPI.M Put bbl. , 34 UO ; fancy , fl.SO ; live bbl. lots , 25o less. Per bntino. . lUerii | > i > t XI irkets. I.iVKiti'OorOit..lWnriAT Stonily , demand poor ; hnldnis oiler moderately : No. 1 Califor nia. Os 4H < iSfis ( fxt per cental : rod xvestern hpi IIIK.L' . 'idciOs2d ( ; No 2rcd xvlnter. 5s lldl&ls ll"il. ( JOHN Sto idy. demand noor : mixed nest- ern , 4s7' d net cental. Oil ) ill l Proihien Market. llurTi'ii I'ickliiR stock , U@iH'c : : choice coiintiy. IWjIhe. I'oTAiOFi I'or bush , 71c : sweet potatoes , I'DUi.Ttix Hens anJ chlel.ens S@84o ! ; roost- ern. 5KOc : diicksUc. Kfios 3111 uau luii ! ( irnlh Market. MII.WAUKPK. WIs. . Oct. a WHEAT Qiilot ; ! Ducumhci , 7lc ; No. 2 stirlni ; . dOc. Ooliv Quiet ; No. 3. 44'j. ' ( OATS-ulot : No. 2 white. 33 > } © llj/o : No. xvhlto , 3lfiH'o. IlAltl.hV-Qulct ; 0 , 4c. Hvu-SSc. Cotton Xlailtet. Nbxv OHI.FANH. La. . Oct. a firm. mldd. Hi ) ? , 7'Jc ; low mlddlltu , 7 1-ltlo : Kood orcll- nary , II 9-lCc ; not receipts. 7,3.5 bales ; cross 4,872 bales ; exports to Urunt llrlliiln , : i.2.v bales ; to ihu continent. uOB bales ; bates , fr.MJi Dales ; stock , 5J.MU b ties. New otk lrj ( iooils illnrket. NF.xvVoitK. Oct , 3. Jliiblness In dry < cood' ' was of Impioxud proportions today. Prints werodull , but Iho m.irUel , lone win strong Thuoutloo'c ' h.iHlniprovi'd and thuro ls a hot' ' tur fcellni ; TruiloiH * lulu. GIIICAIIO. III. , Oct. 3. Cauiiselinan A. Day t < Cockroll Iliox ( 'oinmlss on co > iipnny : Whoa1 opened iiutlvumulitTulitly hU'lier , and. In tin face ot bearish conditions averauod lil hu llinii H.iturday , lint closed with the advnnci lost. The hpeciilatlxo market appeared to In oxeraold. In expeclallon of 4lioi.o.o bu. In ere iso In tint visible supply , and thoiu wn y. considerable local ouyliu for u turn ulien tin olllelul Ilirtires xvero poilotl. Small cle.uanee y.y from Atlantlu ports and a later feolluK tint y , 1.0JiOU ( ) bu. of last week's receipts lad beei hceretcd In private wniehotises in tbo north we te itisoJ tlio heaviness ut iho close nude roallrlni ; liv lar.-t , sualpurs. Corn openoi weak , adxancod * * u nml elosed un d. chaimed from bituidav. Thu coxorlni d."S , of a lart'u Ioc.il short line uan the piobab ! uiiiise of thu lully but tecelpts were too larR KIO and trade too dull lo sustain iho ndvanri KIOo O.ilH xxcro Ilimer and closed hu hluhoi , slum liu consldei iblo Independent hUeiutli on tli 1)3 ) llnlsh of Oclober liquidation und n bolter de UO in.ind for shipment and specill illon owlm ; t coutiiiitod pot r ihreshlnz leturns. Oo.olie perU xv.is fruely bought by Armoiii , ( Jutlali nnd Itynn , ( he Iwu latter supposed lo lie cox urliUMhorth nnd llig foimei liiiynu for Ion Ui ucc'ounl. ' 1 hey all Beeiued to bu helllnu Uier i iUlvalenl | amount of .Iniiu.uy pork Tlier x\eio mi notlee.ililo features In otherproduct WrUht'x hrokiirsKUhtuino.l ( JcioUer r IM un ixeru binding f 1(1,15 ( at thu ulo e , l- hlOUK-i AM ) llMl. XJ ) III. ir : Viilumnnl lUulnm * on tliu "itoi'li i\.h.ui : ( ; 4i * ( Jlllt J Seaiee. n- Nixx : VOIIK. Oct. 3. 1 ho volume of hunlrci ® 6 at thu tlock etchtince xr.is soinowhat laiKo > than ilsiiu and a much firmer tone eharaote ru rue hud the iln illii/s. The short Interest.u all largely ri'spunst'ilo fur thu ch nuu In the cot .SI ) lltlon of the miirkct. Thus NOW iniur : | n Tvltliodt any now doxu opinunts In roxani t inU - thucoiiian | > 's nllalib on any uulliorltatli Uer. ttateinenv nlioul thu allowed dual with II er.M Huadlnr. scorel a further ndvunce of 2J pi M cent. ( ) hleau ; ( Jas ailv need 'J'i ' per rent un ui closed xvllliu , ' , pur cunt of thu hi linst prlci A heavy hhurl intureotusere.itodrecenl ou thu Iniiltullon of a biui for tbo uppoln lior inent of reeelvers for Iho uropoily and U u. ; lar.'d Now Vork holders of the htiiolt rustic Ib.- the prlcu up xxhuu Iho hears nuummed cox i r. While thote. nioxuinnnU xruru In prore tliOKonural list xxu bought fieuly and sui ,003 htocliH * * llurllnitini , V Qtilnuy. huj i Ulan ot Union I'uulllc , Atchlsoi : , LouUt Illo .V Nm- d 40 vllle , Hu Paul. Western Union , .Sorlhern P , lud clllu pro'errt'd und Iteadlni : c'meil with n Kalnsof from 'i to l > , pur cent. Many o ; tl Hiicclulllesvuro di'a i In iiiaru exirn lxe than for onjo tlmu and , with fuw wcrn decidedly higher I'lttshurj fc proforrocl roio IV per cent , Donrer Jt Illo ( Irnndo nrofcrroJ S'i ' per cent. Dourer A Hlo ( IriMido common 2H par cent. Su n < " 1htxnna & Westotn Ih per cent , Snsru61ii | nna A Western proferrort 214 per cent , Kvansrlllo A Terre Hnutnnnd United fetnlcs Express l' < per cent nnd tlcncraf Klectrla 14 percent. Among the Industrials other than Ohlcmo Unit there was considerable activity In Amerlofiii Sugar and Dlntlllors. The former rode 2 percent und the latter 1'i per tent. American TobRcoo common Kold up 4 per cent nnd reacted 2 per cent. The preferred declined IU percent. Government bonds strong. Bute bonds fea tureless. The I'ostsavB ! In the war of innrkct profit * this tiinimer's cinipalcn ot a , few bull opera tors In sugar certificates win a Rront success. There nro some IndlcHtlons thntn similar of- forl Ii to ho nindo with the stock of the distil lery combination. The Indulncnts nITorod to the public nro the tistinl pictures nf successful monopoly but moro particularly the fact thnt the stocks of this kind will respond to manip ulation when standard securities llo motion- Irsi. The Inllor characteristic is Ilkoty to bo oven nioru pronounced n the fiituro than It has been In th past , hcnco thu Interest from thefttaiidpolnt ot general tin mco nttachliiK to every inoxcmonl ot the Industrials. 'I ho moil essential point In rovloxvlnz the condition of the particular combination Is to quote the statement of Us last annual report that the uompiny "xvlll protect Its tnidu at all Iui7ards. " men If I should become neconsiirv for nn Indcllnlte period lo utlt the prices of our product on such low I ) isis as lo earn llltlo or no prollts , " Thus furtlinuuinpiiliy hasstie- cuedcd ailiulrihly in Its last named purpose. This experience , however , Is only Iho wdrkliitt oul of the problem common to every Indus trial monopoly. As for strcitKlh italned throitzh rlxal eslnl ) Ishtnoiils bought up at the ecllur's valuation , the itloomy uroupof lltlllsl , liveslors In American nronorles inleht Inxo some stwitcstlons toolver. The following are the dinting uuotiilloiis for the leadlna stocKs on the Now Vork fctock ex- chitiiKO todavi London Klnanulitl Kuxlotr. ( Coprrlchtcd IB'U by Jninen Cordon Ilonnett 1 LONDON , Oct. n. INoxv York Hoiald Cable bpeelal lo Tins 1IKK.1 Business line been ciulet In the fetocli oxchaimo today. Thomat- kets as a rule presented a faxorablo appeir- inco while there h is been a groxvlnx belief that greater netlx-ltv will provull bofoio long. Consols are 1-llito 't better and rupee piper 'i , roiolizti goxornment souurltlos nro a little irro.'ii ar at Iho close. Homornlln.iys loivo elY so-nowhat dull , estecl.illy southern lines which are Influenced by unfa.vor.iblo tratllo statements and ntibottlcd weather , but the decline prices In no case exceed ' 8 to M- llul ! S. lt.it nsloy Improved 1'8 on jirospcct of more amlc iblo working arrangements with the Northeastern. Uieat Kastetn Is U betlei allhoiuh dealings have been restricted. Amer ican railways show considerable firmness , n much butler lone being reported In Now York uhlle the associated banks' statement Is les- > unfnx orablo than expected. Owlii to the con- Biil settlement , money has been In fairly good demand , the supply of capital being ample. Short loans have been obtained at U to U per cent. Tlio discount maiKct has been uutot. Two and tlueo mouths bills were quoted at h to 1 per cent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ York Money Mm ket. NEXV YOIIK , Oat. 3. MONKV ov OAI.I , Fair domain ! at from 4 to r > per cent ; last loan , 4 per cent ; elosed o tiered at 4 per cent. 1'itiMB MKitOANrir.B I'Ai'Eii I'/SffiG ' per cent. bTBiu.iNO KxciiANQi : Weak at $1.85 for slxtv-duy bills and $4 6 ( ! > 4 for aciiinnd. The closlni ; quotations on bonds : , lIKin.lN , Ool.a The statement of tholm iii IP 1 01 lal bank of German v snows u dccronsu 1 Hpeulu of , * > UT > ' 2UUJ iiiurUs. reid NEXX OIU.UANH , I , a. , Oot. 3 ClnamiKj , S , ' 55 , id : ih. .New \ 01 k oxeliuiuo. cotiimerulul tl UU lit JI.ODJ discount. Hank Mo to pur. cir. LilUlD. .Mo. . Out. : . Ulo.irlnss , Jill ; , 61U ; balhiicuh. hl.i7. ( ; . Money Ui ? per ten llxclniiiuu on New ) ork ! > o dlsiouiit , UoBTiiN , MIIHS. , Oct. : i. Oluiirln.'s , $ I4.3)IC ) < balances , I2.4IT.UI' . Moin'V. l > 'T7 per ten KxoliatiKOOii Now Vork l.25a ( discount. IB Teiin. , Oct. a. New Vork ei IBr r- rn s * * uti RATARRH ti If xu IN CHILDREN hoer For over two years my little girl's life 11a was made miserable by a case of Catarrh. a The discharge from tne nose was large , ly It constant and very offensive. Her eyes noel became inflamed , the lids swollen and very painful. After trying various reme dies , I gave er ( K4KSK | The first bottle tle seemed to KS3cfll aggravate the el disease , but the byinploms soon abated , id and in a short time she was cured. > Ji Du. L. I ) . RITCHEY , Mackey , Ind , lt ! ho Our book , on lllood and Kkln Diseases mailed Xrcc. . BwiiTSi'tcii'Jo Co. , Atlanta , an. chuntro mlltnp t II. fO. Olenrlniti , NKTT YonK. lIZTfClcarlng * . I1 ( ,8159J | bnUncco , IRi 0.10l. HAVANA , Oot , 8tl ) pf\nlsh \ Raid , II.17 ( iJ5.57i ! Rxch oKO , quiet. Sugar , quiet. CINCINNATI. U. , Oat. a Money , -XIO tier cent , Now Vorkoxuhfingo , pnr. Olcixrlnus , M.ttO.SW ) . K t CntrAno , 111. , OiU.flClo . rlnR . Kt.14A.031. New York oxchitnBO COo discount. Money MMporcnnt. Ststllos oxolmnEO dull , sixty- dny uiilillbSHi d mt nd 11.87 , 1.IVI : STOCK MAItKKT.- * , Cuttle 1'nlrly Actltn nnd Rlronj : linen Scarce anil lllchnr. OMAHA. Oct. : i.-itho' . pok opens with the tnual liberal run'of c fit llo nnd the llRht re- colpls of hops and hf > 'op. Ileeolpts Included no cornfcd catllo of nny doiorlptlon.Vo t rrnM monopoltrcit tlio pens Hnd ttio supply Included sotno very choice InitKhes. The innVUut win uotlvo and itronR on nil ilcfilrnbli ) oircrlris. good to eholco l. : u- lh to 1,000-lb. runaerssolIliiK nt from JJ.ni to N.ixx On the uonorfu run of clufT trade xx us a trlllo dull nnd prices rithcr cu y. In Kcneral , howoxor. the trndo was very llttlo If nny dlllorout from th it of ? aturduy. The llbciul olToilnvsuf hutcliors' stoek und c uineis hud a oppressing inlluenee on vulilcs. Prices rilled xxouk to u dime loixer tli.tti Inst xveok and the inox'oiuent xvtu not particularly nctlxo at the decline , Sulea of noor to xcry uood coxxs nnd heifers xvoro nt from tl.no lo J..Mi , the bulk of ti > o fair lo goad KtulT nt troni ? IW | to t..IU. Hulls , oxen nnd sink's were -vliont steady nl from f IV ) to ' . ' . ' . ' > . Uiilxes ruled easier nt. from * I.5J to $ .175. I'ho stocker and feeder trade xvns fnlr , Smooth , xvoli-bred stock of good xvolght sod readily , hut the llsht undersized nnd trashy Hill IT was ndrti'coii the market , llltFSSKt ) IIP.IiK. No. Av I'r. No. Ax1. I'r. No. Av. t'r. so r.'ii } j w COWH. 0 os ; i n 2 .ii i si w > i . nee ii ss 0 , , tm 1 15 21 ! . . 818 I (10 ( II. Wl 1KT. 4 vn i s.1 4 ion.i o o . DTI a 10 1 loi.o i u i i > . hH.t i c"i i. . uo : 'JM 111 78U 1 ri S. 10.13 1 ll'i 11. .1051 S W ) 14 1011 IU ) 14 . RW 1 t,5 IIKIH'.lfJ. n filO 1 HO 3 G10 IM 6. . 550 \ 4' ) u .M i : i5 CM.VCS. 1 101 t A3 2 . 'I70 UH 2,441 27.V 2. 3U5 11)1) ) ) ! ! . . 2"il ) 821 a. , i'10 a50 11. . UIJ 2 00 1. 240 2 4J nur.t.s. 1 .13v ! ) I ! IS 1 .1510 t 7. % 1 1011 200 1. HIM 175 1..I14J I UO 1.1100 200 1 I''IO 1 7.i STAGS 1 900 2 00 3 14IJ 200 OXEN. 1 1 HO 1 2r SrOCKMIS AM ) I KBUUns. 1 . r.co i ro is sia 2-10 u .1100 2M 2 . f > 07 201 7. . UJI 2 41 24.100) j 7J i ( I Ml 200 4 ' . ! . " > 2.11 1 .II7J JUU 1 41) ) 310 ! l 010 2 M 2 11.11 .110 7 M7 22.1 1 7I1J 2.11 f > 11 JO U ID 21) ) 819 2,10 1 . UU 200 5 1J4U d 10 Mll.KF.ltj AND SrKINm.lli. IsprltiKcr. 210) Isprlnner. to Ui ) Isprlmter. 3000 1 eoxv nnd calf 22 Oil 1 cow nnd calf -101 1 cow and cnlf 31 OJ 1 cow and c.ilf : U 00 1 coxv und calf ill 01 1 COW and oillf 35 UO WK3TiilN : CATTLE. No. Ax1'r. . No. Av. I'r. 70strayu . . . U9I 245 17 steers. 1110 : i (10 ( WYOMING CATTLE. 12cows 11SJ 211 lO.stccrs. 12 > 9 32.1 UbuIIs 1,100 200 Iflcows . . . SWi 115 7eowj 107J 150 ai cows . . . .1041 250 2 coxxs 1041 200 2co s . .1081 200 ficows . . . . OSD 231 1coxv. IK > 0 2IIJ 1 cow 970 2110 leoiv. . .1100 200 SOcows 1017 2i5 : 1 cow . .1090 250 33cows . .1011 105 3 feeders 112.1 241 3 feelers . U'40 221 01 feeders. 1077 281 GJ feeders. 1117281 l.'lcoxxs . . . IMS 101 I cow. . . UvO 121ISBteers 1281 J 85 2J feeders. . 1104 255 , SUoxxb. . . OS7 1 UO 81 coxxs . . . .10IJ 22.1' 7ICOXXS. . . faS8 125 .11 coxxs . . .611 1 J5 . 2.1 eoxxs. . . . 1174 2 Ii ) 2Jc.ilxes . . 12J710J 27 feodeis. 017 2 bl 72 co s . . ST.131 \ 51 feeders Oil 21,0 1 feeder. HID 2 25 31 steers 1270 3 10 4 steers * . 111,0 22.1 2 steers * UV'J 221 40stoers 11G5 275 2 steers.IOJO 200 1 steer * . . . .1110 L1 00 ' 'steers * 1211 200 Sstoors * . . . 1220 ,1 75" 1 fcedei .1220 271 1 slcor * . . .UIJ 200 72uo\vs . . .673 135 1 slcor * Ib70 9 00 v 0 ( Mixes. 15J 350 1 feeder .I.ViO 'J 75 SOsleors .1255 300 45 cons . . . fluO 1 G5 28 cows . . . . 007 I UJ 9 feeders . 721 250 1 calf . . . 201 300 1 Blcor * 14W 200 Scows. 1000 185 1 Dull U.-0 140 40 feeders 1249 2 U5 12 feeders.1101 205 , 25coxv . . . . 1KG ) 150 2 bulls BOO 1 75 Ilealxes. . . 393 25) Jbillls 1450 i 5J 1.1 feeders. 1124 203 ilcows llOti ISI Slieowa. . . . 791 1 bO loulf . . , . 240 1 BO Slo.ilves. , 3W 2 BO 39 feeders. . . 8l ( 240 4calves. . 197 401 Icalf 170-411) Ostoors..lOJJ 325 2Tcows 8U ) 135 5stecrs..l441 3 ! K ) 23 cows 05J 225 11 steels. . . 1175 3 1)3 IScnlvcs. . . . 315 2(15 2steers..1185 225 0 feeders . lOUJ 2 5J 1 bull. . . .1510 200 2feuucrs . 1140 2 M 1 steer . . .14,0 300 10 feeders . .1UIM 2 50 T.illlngs. COLOtlADO CATTLE Hens The supply xvas llcht and thoriualltx In Kcnural only fair. With so few hojs hen the shippers and speculators xvoro not In I and frusli meat men and packers had tin intrkot to tliemso\os. ! Kastern markets wen butter and as the local demand was uood tradi xvns qulto brisk and the market stroiiL' t < from 5c to ! 0u higher than Saturday. Tin Kood llxht and butcher weight lie s sold no iniiLh dllTerent from Baturday at S."i 20 am $ > 25whllo tlio common , heavy and mlxo < packers xtoro unevenly stronger ulfrom tVl to Jo'J" > . KverylbliiB sold and In coed to ison the bulk at from $ \20 to $5.2" > , agilnstfruii $ MO to 15.20 Saturday. 'Iho Ronoral uvuiaRi of prices paid xvas 15.2IW aualnst 15 liyi Hiitui dnv nnd JJ.lU'i ' last Monday , llcurcsontattx s lies ; TRUTH STIliNGEK'THAK FICTION. A True Hlory from North Carollnu. Bomo ono has said that" the true nnd the falsa speak tbo Bomo language. " I3ut there cnn bo no doubt that this speaks with the true ling to Ifc.- Jotter fiom Mrs. J. M , llollenmn , proprietress of "Hotel Holleinnn. ' Apex , N. U. "Myebn Hunoy Inul scrofulo from tbo tlmo luwvas'Uiroo years old until he was seven. U'ojjmilj thu best doctoi-H thai the country nirorcyot ] } | Lo xxas given up tc die , several titiie . 'bomo ono roconiinendoc Dr. 1'ierco's Oolilcn Medieal Discovery , After tnking flvo bottles ho xxns xvcll onotigl to get alxiut , audl bos mended so fast that hi Is noxv enjoying go < l liealtli , " Find a remedy loj- scrofula koinethlrif that nurijlca the blood , ns xvoll na claimi to. That , if IVff taken in time , ivill cun Consuinptton. which ja only liing-scroftiliu Dr. Pieico Iins fptmrt it. It's his "Uoldet llwlicul Discovery. " , As n strength restorer blood-clounser , nnd flesh-builder , nothing Ilk , it la knoxvn to nw-dleaj scionco. For Scrofula Bronchia ] , Thro ti mid Lung affections , Weal Lungs , Severe Cojjgha , undKindrod ailments it's the only remedy. BO tmro that it con U guarantted , Ift | doesn't Ixmelit or cure Iu ovcry coso , you flavo your money buck. NEBRASKA National Bank. U , S. DEFOSITOSY - . OMAHA , NE Cnpltiil $100,00 Surplus , $05,0(1 ( Offlcennnd nircctori-Ilearr W , Yutni. prailde K. C. Cmulnif , Tloa preildcnl , C H. Mnurloa W. Her e , Jolini. Colllm J. N , IL Patrick , l nl > . llucd. cuiliUr. Ti-lB IRON BANK. TB . SM 1JO I7' { , , , . ? I6 40 r.55 71. . , , . E i o ft si rt\ . . , , , , v i ir. ) rtr < * Kit mi 70. . , , . . 7 IM 5 K ) .87 6S5 AMP notion. 1 . see - 300 The only thcep on sain wore K loud of common mixed nixtlxro. They xvero not very dcsi ruble mid donlcri could not conm to terms on the price. There In n good domnncl for dcilrnblo nuittonn nt Rood firm pr cos , nomlnnlly nlioul us folldXTs : I'dlr to Rood tin- tlvtss H Xt4 50 ! fnlr to good westerns , J.t.S.vj 4.ISI common Kiul stock nheop , ! .Sj jn.SA | Rood to choice 40 to lU-lb. lambs Itprnlpt * Mill lMpn ltlon nf Stock OfllclM receipts nnd deposition ot stock ns fihotrn by the books of thu 1'nlon Stock Y nrds company for the forty-olKbt hour * eiullnit ut So'clookp. m. , OctoborU. ! ? ! I1KIUM It M'1.5 Cart i Head jCnr . i Hi-nil Curn I llcail ' ' 7i ioii ; 4 | " "m HIM mi. Onmlm PnrkliiK Co Then II. Unininonil Co Mnlft.Uo 'I lie t'lidnlijr I'ncklng Co Andrew Unas Morrln . . . It HocU-r A I ) Spool r , idip'r > and feed Leftover . Total. . . 1'iicltrrs' I'lirclmncHVorli. . Omnlin. , llainniu Snlfl. . . , Cuilahjr. Others. , Total' ' 1'iH'kors' l'ni < : lin < c < Soplcnilicr t.lxc Mix'lt Mitrkot. CHICAGO , III. , Oct , -ISpcolal Ti-lo.tr.iiii to Tin : llRK.1 Uittlu sold nioio re.idllv and at from lee to IVj advaiico. bales of Tox-ins rauKu at fiom $1 no toil si for onus mid from filw to } . ' . " > for toors NVo-ttern oit- tlo sold chlolh- from JI.T ( > to J..r.i for cows mill from $ J 71 to } l 10 for sli-ors Itcst llnlshed n ttlxo calt'o ' are iiint | i- blo at from $ \ > n tot > 7M tsilr to ijooii ur.ules at f i inn $1 J'i t > * i ? "i ; coiiiinon t i fair KI S iiu- tlxeiat from JiT.i toif I7" > . anil con sand inlvod uulchon' stocU lit from 7"i" to.7. . " > . llo s woroacllxo and stioiiK at a full lOo ad- vniiL'i ; on the va ues of lasl 1 i id ay. Choice lo prime he ivy shipulni : ho s vere sil- able at from K > " > 5 to V > . ? U Host assorto I llcht up to i'lGi. Rood to c-holco mlYcd and iiicklui ; at fnin J'l.J'i In $ . " > M nnd Inferior llilit and rou n p.ickliiK lots at from M.UTi to J'l.'JJ The pens were < | iilcKly clo iri-d. There xvas also a fair dcniund for feeders and iinythlnj ; thrifty and strong found reidy tniyors at Him prices. 1'rlces for lambs contlnuu to Improvo. S.ik s vrereon a bisis of from $ J7. > to $ .140 foroiills and thin feeders , fair feeders from 1.I5U to SI.H ) . Oood to eholco To\ans and western muttons from tl. 10 lo $1.4 i. and choice lo prime natives at from f4 r > l to t' < 00. Lambs solil chlully ut fcom $4.50 lo $5 . " > J , with bout around J375. J375.Kocolpts : Cattle , 1S,0"0 ; hors , 21,000 ; uhoot ) , 7.0UO. CIIICAOO , 111. , Oct. 3. The r.Ncnln Journal reports : OATTI.K Rocolpts , 17,000 head ; shlpmonts , 4,000 head ; marKet fairly actlxu , steady lo stronger ; best natlxc ! > . fj ViQ'iGO : coed , $1 60 ® 5 03 ! others. J.I O05il ' . ' 0 ; Tev ins. jfl.l)5S'.8Ji westerns , $ i7054ifin ; cows. ? I. iU@ . > .CU. lloas Itecelpts , V..OOO head ; shipments. P.OOO head : market ccnerilly sttongor ; roiiRh and common , Jl.b.VIi. ) ID ; pucKIn ; and inlxeil. $ . " > lOtta IB ; prime ho.ivr and biilchorV. $ o.4VS .r > .70 ; assorted lulit , r > .l.Vit3 W ; sUlps and pigs , J4 2.4S4 HI. SllBBl' Hecolpts , 8.030 head ; shipment" , 1,200 ; marliet slroiiK ; n.itlvos. JI'Jjl K" > ; westerns. * fto' < J4.45 ; Tcxans , ttCJ V.'i ; lambs , gj.75 Ncn Vnrk J.Uo btocK Market. NEXV YOIIK. Oct. .1 HrT.vjs-KeeolntR. 0. . . head , Including lOficftrs for sale : market dull and lOc lower ; native steers , JJ. 15@1.10 : Oolo- rados , 5..7.VB4.I5 . ; bulls and coxvs. S1.50J(0 ( ; dressed beef , dull at TSS'ie. Shipments to morrow , 4-\S beeves and l..MO qurutcixof hoef. OAI.VKS Itccelpts. 18)0 head ; market % cry dull and Uc per Ib. loxver ; vnil : . tfft&Ji KTU S- ors , it-.00 ( < C.'f \\otitorn ; calx os , l.l.OOJtJ.50 , blir.Ei * AND IjAxtns KccelDls , 'JOMJ ) bond ; sheorj sieady at $ UO1.)0 ( : lambs xcry dull and lic lower nt $5.0Uitt ( > 37i ! ; dressed million , steady ut 7QOo poi Ib. ; dressed lambx , loner at Hi ! < itlOe. lloos Itcceipt" . 9,200 head , Irtc'udlni ; txxo oars fur bale ; marketbloady at J13001) 00. Kansas City Ii\o ntoclc Market. KANSAS OITV , Mo , Oct. 3. OATTI.K Re ceipts , B.OJI ) : shipments. C.700 ; Rood e.atlo generally lOo higher : Hhlpplnt ; steers $175 ® 415 ; 'levas und Indian - < : ei8 , } l.2. > i5..UJ ; stocKera and feeders , Sl oltill. llods Koceipts , v.7iO : Hh/pmontn , 1,603 ; opened lUOITio higher and lo > 5e of the gain : all sr.ides , } 502'i13.1 ' ; bulJ ; , JH.S085&U. SilKEP Keeelpts. C.'JO . ; shipments. .WO : actlxe : 10 to2'o hlirher ; the anpiily wai too smiill for demand ; muttons JJ.OU4 J5 ; lambs. 15'jJt. 5 : io. St. l.oilln I.IMI MneK Market. Sr Lout < < . Mo , Oct 3. OATTI.E Hecolpts. ; ! . ( ) ) held : shlpiuei'tM. 2.100 he.id : m.iiUct aetlxe , lilKher : n.itlxus. $ J2.V < fil.JOi ! Texas anil Indian , t-'a .l.li ) . lions Kccolnts , ' . ' .OOO ho id ; sblmnenU. j/uo head. in.irkat5e to lOc hotter : heavy , $3.20315J ; p ickllic. * 5 1UIC'.41 ; lUht. J5 , ' 05 4(1. ( SiiKi'.i' Kectiits. ] l'UUIieul : shlpiiiente. CO ) head : market llrm ; rood native muttons , JJ5.Q4.01 ; Texans , Jl.fOI.OO. To come to tlio point , it is hard to define just wlioio sickness begins and health ends. Small things denote some times great disasters. A little sick headache - ache ; you did not sleep well last night j inaybo you aie nervous , out of temper ; you are a little dyspeptic ; food does not set well. Remove the cause to-day. You can do it absolutely if you will take Johann Holt's Malt Extract with your meals. You can got it at any di ug-stoi o , but you will have to bo careful and not have imitations palmed oil on you. Iho cenuino have the siRnattiro of " Johann HofT" on the neck of the bottle , fcisner & MendclBon Co. , N. Y , , Solo Agents. SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA , llest cattle , bo ? and Hboep ma ; ket In the west COMMISSION HOUSES. CEO. BURKE & FRAZIER L1VJ5 fc > TOOIC COMMISSION. TIM : LiAiuub : : , fiMA IIA Prim to this house for 0 cor- U. MIA IIA | , , ct JBnrltet Reports. Wood Brothers , routh Omaha Tolupliono 1117 , ( JhloHKo JOHN l > . DADISMAN. I . . WAI.TICII K. WOOD f MBimgeri Market reports by mall anJ xvlrechuerfully furnished upon application. THE Campbell Commission Co. Chlcazo , HastKU Louis , Kansas Olty , f-outli Umaliu , tiloux Ullv , I'oi-t Worth. A. D. Boyer & Company , M and W Kxohaneo llulldln { .South Oin.Uri. Correiponitenceiullcltoit nnil nroaiptlr nnawerit. tpeclal atloiilloii to urderi fomtuckuri It fuuderj. IB K t lllllicd , 1681. . . . IncurporaloJ , HJI Cttpltal fullr paid , I3UW ( ) Waggoner Birney Company Write or wire ut for prompt Hud rulUblo mirk'jl rrporu. Brothers & Company mtV. Perry , V.A . Llvo titook CommlHSlon. A , lloom 51 Kxchunxo Ilnlldlnic , boutU Oinalia Telephone 1707. OMAJHA. } 1) ) n1 anil J ici Inn ill ( til II 1C Jircrs AWN1N03 AND TKNTd. Omaha Itnl 4 A oing Co Wolf Bros. 4 Cb. TontK , i\wnlnjt , tnrpitn Fl e , tiKmmnrlK. ollixml lint , coTtir * of nil klmK riitiborcluthlnir. Poti 1 MKIIII , tmnnnri , etc. Si > n t forcifirae. Ill I Karnnm forcntnlmiiieTtfl * inih HAGS AND T\VINI . HcinisOmalhiB Co Impottprt ni. incki , burli\n | tnlno HICYCLUS. BOOTS AND SHOKS. Morsc-Coc Shoe Co. urd strorl fuclorr comer IHhnii.l . loiwln < lrool \\oi\romiklnucloto | irlP8lo cnhbifcrA. > nt nrj iBlllmrnilnsiof uooili whlc'i U Tory niloi'iia "Itli mcrclmiils Kirkcnihll Jones & Co.Ainep.llamlSc\vcilSliofC | \ ] liirnor-'t CLOTHING. . Hlotcky & Cohen Clothlni ; , notion rurnl 'i- IID ; ' ( llviui n Irltl Hnmplot pri'ptld br ox ] irrs , III ! It trncy COAL , COIU3 , | COUNMCK. OmaliaCoal.Coke.Uuic Co Ivijlc Mfru k-nlviuilifil iron Hard rind oftcon' II cor. ICtll nnd UouKila cornlci1 ' , window CIPH nn'liilln KkylU'hU do strcod , I11U. 1112 DiidKu.M DRY' OOODS M. E. Smith i Co , Kilpalrick Kocli Dry Rootlfl , notions f ur- DrydooiliCo Notion nlBhlni ; Rood * Corner KOnts' ( iirnlslilnt gdoli lllli runt llownrtl st Cur. llth 01 1 llotrtrl PUUNITUUI3. Omalia Upholstering Co , liecbo 4 KunyaQ pliolstiire 1 furalturo , I'urnltiirnCo. , O rues an 11UJ 11UI Slcliiiliii slroat UtlmtrocU \VhoIcs.ilo ouly I DRUGS , Kl"C. D.M.Stcele&Co. ake , Drucc & Co 1201-lSO'i Jonp itreat , 10th and Hiinny sir Omahn Omuba 'O ' ALL OWNIMJ 01' LOT-s OR I'AKT * OP lots on Jith slreot from Ames avenue lo Koxvler tixonuc. You are heronv notiflol that the unilor- Icned. thruu disinterested freeholders of : hu Ityof Oinah.i , ha\o Deen duly appointnil by he mayor , xxlth the .ipprov.il of thocltv coun- 11 of s x d cllv , to ases the d inline to the jxxners respectively of the iiropi'ity iilleei'iil > y tliechniiKe of ciadoot .Mh street , declared { iccesa iry by orJln nice No. llil. p is cn t-op- I ombei bill , ib'J. ' . unproved t-eptemher'Kli , iMi ' You are fiuthor notllluil.th.it lux Ins-ic- ' septed sild appointment , and du y qualified is required hj luxv. xvo will , on thu litti dav of Jolohor , A , I ) . 1SJ. , at the hour of 3 o'clock In ho afternoon , at the olllco of Oco , J. I'aul. Id 11 A'arn.im street , xxlthln the coiporato limits of said cllv. moot for the purpose of considering mil making the assessment of dam me to the oxvners rospecllvolv of said proportv nlTactoJ ) V sild Krallnif. taking into consideration siieclalbonellts , If , my. You .ire notified to ho present at the tlmo anil place aforesaid and m.iko any otijoetlon toorstitoincntscpiiccrnliii s ild assessment of damaecs as you m.iv consider proper. ( iKO. J. I A UL. JAMHS STOUKDALH. \V. O. sllKIViU , Committee of Appralsors. Omaha , Senlembci 21th , : ) J. s.'ildl rropoiiiU lor Dlsnlrl Gi.iilini ; KoinN. Belled bld . marked I'roposils for district Kr.idtne builds , will borccoixol it the olllco of the Oily l'io suioi , ( malm , Neb. , up to U n'cIooU noon , of the 10th day of October. IS'l.1. ' for the purcha-e of JJ4.0JO 0) District Uiadliu Honds of the city of Onrih.i , Neb. s ild bonds are dated boplembei 1st. ! S9i , and are payable In from one to nlno yearn aftoi the date thereof , In denominations of { l.ujUUJ and t'litli-Uoai'li , xxlth Inlerrst at thorite of ii per cent per annum P tynblo suml-iinnii illy Principal and Intotcst p iyabn at hounUo Hios. Nuxv York iT.JJll.DO of District NA .17. $ 'i UUO.il ) of DUlrlcl No 4T. Jl..OOn.OO of Ji ) trlct No. JO. Kich bid must st ito price and amount boneht for nnd Include accrued interest to date of delivery nt Omnhii. Neb , The rUht Is reserved to reject anv nnd all bids Issued under charier poxvur of olilus of the molropol- Itiui class and ordinance No. .1- , ' . ' . Approved August24th , 1SUJ. llcMty Itoi.t.N. H.KIlTt. Oily Treasurer. I'roiioiiiilB lor District .Street Improtrmrnt lloiuU. Scaled bids marked "proposals for district strootlmproTcment bonds" xvlll bo recolxod : it thoofllcuof ihoclly liuasitror , Omiihi. Nob. ill ) to o'clock noon of 1'lh ' d ly of OctoDiir. IbjJ ; for tiiB puichase of * ai.UOU ) district street Improvement bonds of thu cliy of " ' ' be dated October 1st. 1802. and shall bo payable In f nun onu lo nlnoyu us after thu dale ihori-of. xvllh Imprest at thu rate of , "i per cent pci annum payable annual- yi'rlnclpal and Interest payable tit Kount/o Said'bonds'shall be of the denomination of 9l.iwo.uu. ) ( ) i.uu mid tluo.uu each ftach bid mubt state price and airount soiiKht foi and Include accrued Interest to datoof dollxcry atOmalui. Nop. The rlKht Is reserved to reject any and all Issued under charter poxxer of cltlesof thu oiotropn llan class and ordlnaiico No. .l.'ul , up- proved " . ! hj. jOIjjNi | | Olty I'roasurer. I'ropoHaU tor Dlstrlrt tlradinir llonils. Polled bids marked "proposnU for district Kiad UK ho > idh" xvlll bo rocu.xed nt thonltv tieiisuriT'holllccDniaha , Nob. , upto lUo'eloek noon of thu loth day of Outobur. lii'JS. ' for the purchase of $ w.XJ ( ' ( tw district irr idlnjr bonds of thuclly of Onuliii , Nub. bald bonds shall bo ilntod October 1st , 181. . ami sh ill bo payable In from onu to nliiu yuarH lifter tlio date thoioof xvllh inlorust at thu rate of 5 per cent per annum pay.iblu iin- " " ' and Interest payable at Kount/o Hros. Now York , tiild Do.iiN hull lju ifthu denomination of li.UJUUO. I.UUUJ and iMUiuj " 'ix'ch ' ' ' and amount Did must stito pr'ce BO pit ! for and include. " ; rued Interest to datuof dolixorv nt Oman i. No I lie r'-l ' t Is rcsiirvod to rojcot any and all bids. Ibiuod inmiircliurtcr power of oltios of tliu m lrcol- | Iliiii el "hVand Oidlnanco No J . appiovuU Iblli , WJS fcuptembcr , | iSKy | MJIjNi , B.'IdlTt Olty Troisurur. NOTICE TO PKOPKUTY OWNKHS , AGKNTS AN LliSSUKS. In pursuance of ordlnaiico No. . ' . ( | ulr- In Bower loniiPbtloni Co "o made toanu wllh- In t luourbllnuson certain hlruuls In Htreet linpiovumeiit districts No * 4UV. 48' . niid 481. in iho city of Oiiiah i , you uru huroby notlllud to make all nucestary connections with nowi-1 m Inb or .littorals . and to coniplulo BIK.II work on or buforu Outobur 12th , 1HC' , ustt Is thu purpobijt" pavu thoHtrioUlu the Hald dibtiiciHand moro particularly duscr.bud us follous. lo xvju No 4U"i Jackson blrcet , fiom'th btruet to * 1Nok4 ( > . ' : street , from the webt line of 2Uh street to the east line of 2olh btruuU No. 4hl. Dax onport street , froi.i Viutl slroet Vun'iiro huroby ordered to make Iho nuces- Bury sowerloniiwtuw * on 01 bufuiu thu auto ueultloil luthlH notlcn. or ihn bamu will bu miidubythu city authorltlcb. and ino cost Ihernof as e sod a alnst me pruporly opp < > - iltu thu samu an I Hpoclully benullttoil thoroby. Dated at Oinuhu , Nuu. , thiH 2SHI day of Peptiimbur. IUA , , . w. mluulAlIHEH. Cbulrinun of Iho llourJ of I'ubilu Works. b b-2V-JJ-l-J4. HAIU\VAUR. Hector & Wilhelmj Co. kbcck & Lino. Corner 10th ami Jnctson UpAlor In linMtmra nnd trect mpdmnlfM' tool * . HOI Datuliti lr ol. LUMHKU. Chas. II. John A. HnrrtnooiHiimlicr wood ImpnrlPl , Vmi > rlrnn Port * ci > r | < etsnnl pirqurt Ian Iroinciil Mllw i\kJ ttoorlni ; livitraullc onion t nnl fill Hint l ) < mnln ] gulnry wliltr ll-no LIQUORS. Krick & llcrbcrL IUUI I'nniam U MILLINKUV. J. Oberlcliler & Co. ' Imiiorloriinii.ljiilihnriof mltllnory nuthms Mill oiilorn | > riniiil | .IH-r.'i-outli mil t PAPKIJ. OILs. Ciirpcnlcr Paper CoT Standard Oil Co. " Cnrry n full .tuck of lirlnllnc nr | iilnif | ami ami Inbrlcatlni wrltliiK | iipi > r. OrtrJ tut olh , n\latri : > ia. elo I OVSTIJUS. King & S'lieal Mfrsof K \ S1 iianti fancy olilrta Mil luvernllMtc. luih stn-el nil IS South lllh.t tuli'paoiio "II I'KODUOi : COMMISSION. HlMllClufCo. " Whitney & Co. . I'roilui-e frnlt of nil Iluller , and poultry klmU nistors li litliit Jas A. CLirli & Co7 Iluttor. ohono OKI luitillrr nndgatns 317 Sontli Ulli it arovK UIUPAIUS. Omaha Slo\cltppairW'ks \ btovcrcpnlri nnd wutcr atlntlimnntn for nur klnil of steve nindo 1207 SASH TOYS. M. A. Disbrow &Co. II. Hardy & Co. Mnnnfncturori of To ) M ( Us nl liumt , do or 5 blind ; ) nnl f.ino > tiimiefnr- mmildlngK llrnnch of oilt thll- llco , 12tli Mid Itnrd iti dn n * n rrlism Kl'l I iiriuini i-l WOOIJCN SIDHWALK UHSOLU 1'ION --OONSTHUCTION. Cot'M'it. till \MIIIII : OXIAIINeb. . , teplomhei 2ilb. ) I1- ' ! . ' . Ho It resohc I by the City Council of the Olty of Gin , ill i , tlio M tyoi eoiuMii FIIIK : ' 1 h.tt uonlen soounlUs bo construetod in Hie ClU of Om ilia as desimi ito I below , with in live d ij" . after the pub I ntlon of lliln r o- luilon , or ihu personal sorvlru ihtrpof. ashy ordln in e Is authorl/ed and requliod , such slKinvalliH to be laid to tlie radoon Iho streets specllled horuln , and to he constructed of plnf- Iilaiin of such \\ldth and thickness and bo laid upon John of such dimensions nnd In auc'h manner as Is prescribed in the siioollluatlons on Illo In Hie ofllc'u of Iho HoirJ of I'ubllo Works and miller Its supervision , lo-wlt : bouth sldoof Dixenpiirl street , lots 1 and 20 , block 5 , Ivllby I'uice , permanent i , ' ratio , U feet wide. South side of P.ivmiport Rtrnot , lots 21 and 40 , block r > , Kllliv Place , permanent grade. C feet \\Me. boulh sldo of Divenport street , lots 1 and 20 , block tl , Kllliy 1'i.ice , permanent grade , 0 feet wide. South sldo of Davenport street , lots land 20. Iock7 , Kilby IMiice , pcrniauent grade , tt fcotxxlde. * otithsldo of Divenpnrt sttrrt , lot 1 , block 8 , ICIlbi I'l ice. | iirmanenl ! radi' , U feet wide. South s durf Diixonpotl stieut , lots 1 to 10 Ineliuhe. block I , Urines' I'lneo , permanent Kr ule. G feet xvlde Noilh sldo of Chicago sticoU lots 11 to JO In- cIuslM > . block IT , I'oppleton I'aik , pormancut , Kr idc , d fret \\ldo Hast slilo of 'Jntn street , nnilli l.S feet oi block 0 , Slnnii'b Addition , present r.ide , s feet whlc. H isl bilk ) of .Mlh sli not , lolI I , ! and 4 , blotb 4 , 1'ied Dullono's Addlli n , | iiuseiil KrilUe , * , feet wide. K lalstdnuf 2Hh bti.il. lots I. ,1 , 4 and 3 , block : i. 1'ied DiMlonc's Aililllliin , piesent Kr.i'lu , 4 fti-t ido. South side of l/u ixiMiuoith si i Let , tax lot II section It ) . r > and 1 1 , pcnn iiieut i-T.ule. 4 fact wide. bouth side of C ill foi n 1 1 sliei'l. lots U. Hand 11. nlOLk 4 , I'aru 1'lncu. Die-out Krido , 0 feet xx Ide. South sidoof California stroot. lots I toMn- cluslxe , block ' . ' , llreiinan I' ace , piesenl Kr.ulo , 0 feet wide. Notlhsldoof Chlea.'ost lout , lots II to IU in clusive , btowart Placi ) , present gr.idu , U feet xsidc. > KastsldiMif 4Sth street , i.illioul lUlit of way adjoining the Missouri I'nclllc or licit IJno , sucllon . 'Drl.l , temporary cradu , 0 feet wulo I'.ast a de of Iflili slieet , ncirtli half of lot 10 , block 2. Hoi I ) icli'rt Second Addition , present Rridu. Ofcot xxlilo. South hldn of Uitstullnr street , lots 1 and 21 , block B , u. i : Koxeis' Addition , nicsont grade , Of out wide. South ' Idiof Maitlui stieel. lilt 1 anil east 44 feet ot lot 'J , lilo ' ! < U' . liupioxcmoiit Asso- clitlon Aildlllop , pri'ti'iit u'l.ule , ( I feet. wldn. North sldo of C.ihs sliLtit , lots I In IT Ineln- hlvc , bloi-kU. Hill ildo Addition No I , perma nent isrulo , l > fcnt xvlde North sldo uf Divenport Htrrut. lols 10 to 25 IncliiHlxi1. I rcston AiinopirmuiiiMit Kradr , U foot Hide. And , bn It further resolve I : TliatthK bond of public uoiUs bo , and In hereby author /ud lind illieeleil to eauie u copy of this ii-sii titlim to bo published In the nlllelal pipin of thu eltv foi nun ueek , or bo nerved on tlio owners of H ild lots , and un less DiiLli owners nh ill within Iho davh nflur the publication 01 service of such i'opv ron HtructHald sldonallo as huioln reiiuliud , that tliu hoirlof puiillc wor > H c.iiibi < iho b.inio to bo done , tlio cost of i-onstrui'tln , ' mill Hlilo- walUhicsiicotlxc.y to bo iissimiid lUHliiMt Urn rinilestite. lot 01 pirtof lot In front of and alinttlii'-'Biicli shlowulKs IMsbcd Seplember''Oth , ISi. ' . U I' DAVIS I'les'delll ' C Ix Council AttP , , , .lun.NMtuv- , ; . , , Appioved : OKU. I' . HKMlN TJ coNsruiJoT To the im HITS nf the luis.puls of lots nnd real LSI no Described Iu thu abuxo iiisolu- You'and n u'li of jou aio liorobv notlllod to ronstliut woncli'ii hliluwulliH iih ii'illied ( | bv ainsiil'itlunof the idly cmuiDll ami mayorof thu ulty of Umaha.of iiIrM 1 1 ; nhox ls a top v 1 * XV III IE IX II X IJHLu , Uhiilrmiin llo ml of I'tilillo Works Omaha , Net ) , si'tlumhor. 'Dili , IWi h''Cd7t A8 < > kNiiii < iit of DiiniiiKi-s lor < ini ( ; Inc. wiiiiiinf nil lo H , pirts of Ionart4 | ni.ilestatoon M iplu hlruul , from I HtHtieel tik tilth aveiiuoi ,1'ml an 1 I rd tun ets from Mapld Btr ello'orby hlretil. . . . . , . , . You urn hiTiihy notllhid that the iliidor- Klunud , tlncii dlslnteiesloil free holJcrs of thu eiiy of Omal-.i , haxii ocun duly appointed by * tin mayor , with the appiovil of the city councilor s ild city , lit imesH Ihu damuKo In tlioonnefs rciilitctlxuly of Iho property uN fui'ted by KrnlliU 'f "nld HtreelH. ileeliiled niifusbiiry liy oidlnuiicii.Nii Il-'ij , l' ' ; sed Sept. Dili , IKH , nnl upproiul Si-pi Uih , IsJ.1. Yoiinro fnrthwi niillllul. til it hiivliia iio- cupu-d h il-l npii'ilntmc'iii ' and ilulv qualllleil IIH luqiiiroil by Ian , ivu will , on tliufith day of Ooloi'i't. A. D B'l. ' . at , ihii hour of U o'ulourf In th fori'iioon , at llmolllco of Hhrlvor ( V O'Dmiiihuu , ll 1 amain Ntnint , within Iho Kifi ) i il < > limits nft ud oily , incut. for thu purpoiu < > ( Lonsidi'tln : and ma tin ; tlio iis-u'isimiiil of diim i o In thu owner * ro- Hpcutixe v nf mid pioourty. nlluctud hy said Kradnu til.lia liil'i innu iteration IBJIO- clal iH-nellu. If my YOIIIIIU notilliid to be pn mint at tlio tlmu and plncu ifiut ald , mid imiko any oulcctloiM in ornt iti'iiionti ' ( ineoiiiln. ilU iisHu of ( Jannues , n yo m iv mini Icr proper. .1. I' Ml I , , .lAMKn h TOOK DA L 6-J2-d-IOt. Coiuinltluu of Aojiruli