Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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felTCroa ) by carrier to any part of the city
* Hin'nem Office . . . . . .No43
! Night Editor . No a
.w i A ( Tn M ic.v TI o.v.
K V. Plumbing Co.
Council lUiiffR Lumber Co. .
1 ho Trucbund will giro n ball nt Hughes
tmll on the ovonlt.p ot November 7.
William A. AtUln nnd Lovlna Andcnon ,
both of Omnha , wcro married yesterday by
Justice SwcarltiRcn.
In the dUtrlct court yostordny the caio of
the Ktlpatrlck-Koch Ury Good * company
against BlotehUy Bros , was on trial nil day.
The I ad I ci of the Hpworth Methodist
church will give an oyHtor supper nt
Shubcrl's hall , 23:21 : West 1) roadway , this
.1. D. Warren hai sold nno of hU Fifth
nvenuc Hits through Odtll's real estate ox-
i.'ImiiL'o for * 5.lHk ) . The ptirchaAcr Is a man
llvlni ! In Uccford who bought It as mi Invest
ment ,
Ida Al. Inicbo commenced n suit for n
divorce in the district court yesterday. She
alleges that the dufondant. II. 12. Inscho. has
been ctillly of cruelty nnd Inhuman trunl-
inonl totvurd hor.
11. H. Carder was arrested yesterday on a
charge of belli ) ; n fugitive from Justice. Ho
is wonted to answer to the charpo of lircuK-
niK opo.i some frdRhl cars at u small station
on the liurllncton road.
J. 13. Blxbv , u traveling man for the Sterl
ing Implement company , lost a vallso lust
night by leaving It Rtultiir on thu Udowiilir
on Lincoln avonud whiln ho went Into tbu
bouse for nbout II f teen minuter.
Articles of incorporation worn filed with
the county recorder yoslordn/ thu Enter-
nriso Uiu'llsh livanpolleal Liithuran church.
The olllcurs nro us follows : I'.ntor , Hov. ( ! .
W. SnVller ; older , M , Toft ; do icon , August
Fermilrom ,
M. IS. Nccdlium commenced on attachment
null ycstordiiy iigamst II. A. Worley for
$ StiU , alleging that ho was nbout to Ulsp'iMe of
bl.s property , witn intent to defraud hN
orcdliors. Of the amount claimed } iW is for
a note nnd &KI5 for ho.ird
The yuung people of Urondwav church
nru unducivorltig to arriingo fora scrim of
urllllnnt lecluroH and entertainments duiing
the ciiKtilng season. Thuv hope by present
ing nothing but the vurv bust In these lir.os ,
to meat thu imtioniiRO of the ulll/.ons.
Chaplain McCubc , who opens tlio sciies
tonlcht , is a speaker of grout ability , and
Uieir enterprise- securing him should DO
recoinilzcil by tholr having a largo nudienco.
Patrick O'Conncll , a young man emplovod
nt Sullivan's grocery store- , was delivering
poods yesterday near the corner of Twelfth
Btreet and Sixth avenue when his .torse ,
which ho hod left standing unhitched , took
fright nt a Northwestern train nnditisrled to
run. At that moment O'Connell run out
mm tried to stop the liorsn , but ho refused to
bo stopped. O'Conncll happened to bo in
bis way , so down ho wotit , and both wheels
of the wtiL'on piissod over him. Ho was not
seriously hurt , but will walk with u limp for
a day or two.
Never before have the jiooplo of
Council UlulTH iiml Omiiliii had stiuh an
opportunity to buy aero property mtitn-
} > io for homo or fruit us is offered by
.U.iy & Hess.100 acres to pictt from.
\nly two and n half miles oust of Coun-
lllllufTa poslolllce.
Genuine Round O ik , R-uliiuil Homo.
3P. . Stewart stoves and ranges , sold
exclusively by Cole & Cole , 41 Main.
I'iillltOhA I. l.Hl.Kllt.lI.S. .
A. V. Wolslugcr Is homo from a trip to
Harry James , wbo IIRI boon ill for several
aays , Is able to bo about again.
Judge J. E. F. McUco will go to Car.-.or
today to deliver an address before the Pot
tiuvuttiimio county Vouirans' association.
John Million , who bus been employed Ir
tlio county auditor's ofllco , has resigned ti
tnkoa place with the lirm ot Gronowoe .X
D. A. Parroll , formerly of this city , now ol
Lalio City , Colo. , lias been nominated for tlu
legislature by tlio democrats of Uinsdulo am
San Juan counties.
Mrs. M. M. Slopnhn Is very sick at hoi
homo on I51uT ( street. Her sister , Mrs
Coger of St. Joseph , Mo. , is with her and
will remain a low days.
Miss Kitlio Ductiol , formerly of this citv
is nrlitoving nulto , a reputation for artistii
nliilllv at tier present homo in Lvons. Nub
Atlho fair recently held ntTauamuu she car
ried oIT two llrst pmos , one-fen oil and th
other for water colors.
II. S. Jossi-lvn Is in the city greeting 111
old Council UlulTs friends , of wbom ther
are many. Ilo has hardly cot rested ye
from his duties as secretary of the holi
committee of the triennial conclave at Dun
ver. Ho luiii the nersonal suiicrvision o
placing S7.0UO guests. Mr. Jossoivn is thlnli
ing ot giving up his residence in Denver an
hceking a climatic chance and lower uttitud
on account of thn boullh of himself an
family. _
As the lad I OH of Council Bluffs nni
Omaha now know that our stock ia al
ways complete and of the latest wo wil
liavo no formal opening tilts season , bu
will bo liappy to show all tlio nowcf
things after Wednesday of this weoli
The Louis , Masonic Block.
Gallon Messrs Day & Hess and as !
to bo nil own the Klein tract of 400 acre
IIOJF on sale in 11 vo and ton aero tracU
They will show it frco to all.
Davit- , pure drups , boat palnta.
Tronlilii In tlni I'mully.
C. H. Hewn was arrested on nn Inform ;
lion Issued from Justice Hammer's coui
charging him with forgery. The Interim
lion was the result of a dlsngiv ( tmont bi
tweon the man and his wlfo in regard to tl
purchnso of a wagon Irom the Doore-Wel !
company. Ho gave two notes for $00 In pai
payment for the wagon , and an his wlfo n
Juscd to sign tlio notes ho signed her nan :
to them Himself. As soon as she found ot
what ho had done shu began to malio troub
for him. Ho nald off iho notes and wantc
to call ItHiiuuro , but she refused to settle I
uny such way , The case will bo aired bofoi
.Instlco Hummer on ttio 17th. In tl
uicanllmo ho is out ou bonds.
( Sriind O
Mis-s Sprinlc wishes to announce to tli
Indies UuHiponiiitf oil Tuesday , Wedno
day nnd TJiuixluy of fall and winli
millinery. _
Tlio lioslon Store closes every ovoi
i K at (1 ( | > . in. except Mondays at
Haturdiiyp. _
Judson , civil onj'inoo1 ! , ! W3 Brouhvaj
lidti. w7r.on.
The jury In thocaso of ( Jranvlllo Jnm
ngalust the Union 1'aelliu Hallway compai
can.o In with a verdict yesterday ufturnoi
after being out nearly forty-ulnhi houi
.lames was awarded damages la the sum
? ? , . " > . ) ( ) for thu loss ol u limb , the n.llwi
rumpiiny having neglected to "block" oue
the "frogs. "
The Jury in the case of John Ornnl again
thu Union Pacitlo n-uortcd that tlioy wo
iiiuiblo yi eomo to anv agriumiunt'and wo
discharged by Judge WooUon. The cu
.coins ih'stlncd to huvo a illth trial ,
\Vanli-il to liny.
Improved p-opcrtv. Will pay ( nsh
pricuUlow. II. O. MofioiUO Main stroo
H you don't WMII to buy hard coal y <
Jnul bolter HOO Hixby about these (
biirnors. They > u-o adapted for UBO
hot air furnaces , steam and hot wat
with no coal or ashes to hnndl
No bankrnnl , lire-smoked , dnmairi
ftinilluro at Moyor'n , : IOVH07 Hroauwa
Clean oodi , loss than any pric
Carpet wonvin ' , IH28 Avenue P ,
Mrs. II. 0. Cory Seriously Hurl iu n
Runaway Accident.
Klrkcit In tlio I'rti-o by nn Dnninnnecalile
llornr.InincftVlim IIU Hull Ac l" t
thn Union 1'nclllc Itrin n UHIO
if Sulclilc.
Mrs. II , Cory was the victim of what may
prove to bo n serious accident yesterday
noon while dilvlog with Mrs. J. N. Baldwin
In the lattor's carriage. The horses became
f Tightened at something ar.d started to run.
Mrs. Baldwin's coachman was driving , but
ho was unable to control them. Thov
dashed up First avenue ana finally ran
against the curbstone on Main street , where
they stopped. As soon as the animals com
menced to run Mrs , HiilcUvln Jumped
out , and although they were goIng -
Ing at u high rate of speed , escaped
injury. Mrs. Cory was not so fortu
nate. When the carriage struck the curb-
utone shu cither attempted to jump or was
thrown out. She landed with great force on
the Inucr stdoof the sldowalk , fully twelve
feet from Iho carriage , airalnst a cullar.wm-
dow , which wus broken from its fastenings
but served to break tbo force ot nor fall
somewhat. A largo crowd gathered In a
few seconds and Mrs. Cory was olcked up al
most senseless , many tiilnklng her dead.
She was taken Into a store room at the head
of FirM avenue , whore physicians were called.
She was found to be budly bruised , nnd had bad cuts about the head. She was
kept under the Influence of opiates all yes
terday afternoon , and it cannot yet be told
whutlior Hho sustained internal injuries or
not. It was a most fortunate thing that she
struck the window Instead of the solid briuk
wall ur the iron doorsloi ) , for her suull would
tnuvttaljly have been tr.icturci.
The carriage lost one of its wheels In the
runaway and the horses wcro some what hurt.
Connrll I'liicrrdln s.
The city council bold Its regular monthly
mooting lint nlghi with the mayor and all
tbo nembori prusont excepting Vin Brunt.
I'ho monthly bills were allowed and reports
of city olllcers received. The eity attorney
reported iuvorably on thu plat of Mynstor's
Benton street addition , and iho plat was
The petition of the nnebe-Huuvan furni
ture company for the cancellation of Ib'Jl '
taxes , they having paid taxes In Omaha for
that year , was referred to the Judiciary com
Alderman Smith stated that ho bad seen
the olllchilb of iho Burlington wilu rouard to
putting in a waterway under the tracks 'and
had gotten a uroat many promises , but noth
ing more. Tlio matter was referred to the
citv iiitornov with power to act.
The report of iho conunltloo of the
whole on the extension of North L irst , street ,
putting in culverts en East iiroadwuv and
the extension of Harmony street , as pub
lished in Tin ; IUi : : several days ago , was
An acceptance of the right of way ordi
nance by the Union I.und and Improvement
company was llled.
The ordinance p.'ovidinc for the caving ol
Fourth iivenuo from Eighth to Twellth
street , was amended by .striking out from
Ten'.h to Twelfth street , and was then
Alderman Smith presented an amendmenl
to the rules , whereby the duty of lookinu af
ter the sewers and Indian creek was tit'.ioi :
from the committee on s'reols and alloys anil
given to the committee on polici ! and health ,
It was adopted.
A resolution ordering the clerk to adver
tise for bids for curbing on Sixth street am
several avenues in the southern p.irt of thi
city , the bids to bo in bv next Monday noon
was adopted.
The notice of an injunction suit started b <
Sarali U. Hotircr to prevent the levying o'
taxes for tbo abatement of n nuisance on he
ptoperty in Mill addition was referred to tin
citv attorney with Instructions to defend.
F. Hoborts , having found the duties of hi
ofllcinl position as poundmnstor too onerous
sent in his resignation , wtilch was acceptea
The petition of T. J. Evans asitlng tlm
North Second.strnot be cut out of tbocontrac
for paving and curbing was granted.
The council adjourned after tratisactlni
Eomo business of iiiiiur importanctTuuti
Monday evening.
Mr. E Rosch and f-unily desire to ex
tend their thanks to tlio iniuiy friend
who extended sympathy nnd aided tin
finally dnriiifj their Into borouvumont
ParUuulurly do tlioy desire lo rotun
siiiuore tlmnlcs to t'nu mcmbnrs of th
MucnneiT.hor .souicty and the employe
ot tlio Western Union in this oily.
By fur tlio litrfjosl line , tlio nobbles
styles , tlio lowest iiHroi in Itidioh
mi'-ses' and children' * ro.vrs is : it th
Boiton Store see show windows -
Council Bluffs , In.
Dcjlll I > v Milriilii.
Coroner Soybcrt held inquests ycstrrda
morning over the uodios ot Matt Lvon uu
OcoUupton , alias L.UU.V Uannor. Nothin
particularly now or startling was brougl
out in the way of testimony , and at the roi
elusion verdicts wcrn returned stating the
the d.'ceased met their death by morphiu
administered with suicidal intont.
A fact came to light yesterday aftarnoa
which might possibly have some bearing o
the case , but which did not become Itnovv
until after tbo remains of the dead womii
had been removed to the depot on their wn
to her former home in ahonandoah.
young man called at the ofllco of the count
clerk September ! il and took out n nmrriuf
license , elving hit name as James West i
Page county , auu that of the girl as Luc
Banner of Snonandoiih. Nothing has hoc
seen of him since , so far as can been learnei
His father , wbo is a member of the feeler
court Jury , was looking for the hey yosto
day , but could not llnd any traces of him.
Gentlemen , the finostlino of tail fjooii
in the eity , jiint roouivod. lloitor , th
tuilor , 310 Hroiidwiiy.
ito Boston store closes ovary ovoniiif * ut
itd p. in. , imlusB MoiiiiiiyH nnd Sivturdnys.
Crowd Uroiidwny church tonight i
iO hour Ohiiiliiln | McOabo. Adiniysion !
Hurt li.v HIII-KU'H lloofH.
H. J , Voli'ht was out driving wilt h
three children Sunday afternoon near tl
ir corner of Madison nod 1'iorca streets win
the hoi'so took fright at a passing blcyc
and commenced to rear and pluugo Vi
nlc , aged 5 years , was hold by one ( if tl
larger children , and In soiiio way his hoi
got within roacii of the living hoofn. il
face was terribly battered and ho w
knucliru out of the ouggy onto tno puvemcr
Hu was taken to tbo roiidonco of Mar Ho
riclus , where his Injurloi tucetvod attontlo
He was found to have sustained a save
scalp wound , several teeth wcro out and o
of his hands was badlr brulsod. Ilo w
taken to his home on Fifteenth uven
ycstordav morning. It was only a fc
months ago that u fatal accident was iu
rowly vscapod by the children , who wo
driving the same horse without any of the
grown friends along.
Mis8 Kiiuim Hoistnnd , fushioimb
dreesmiikcr. Good lit gunnintoo
Prices rotiboimblo. DOS Ath iivenuu.
For the newest , nobbiest nnd lute
ifL styles in indies' , misses' and cbildrer
L co.vrs visit tlio Boston Store , Count
BliilTa. Iu.
il Trlmhlv i * .til Hlulit ,
ill Borne time ago a paper was fllod In t
Judd-WolU uksicnmont matter vvtiloti ci
o. some icrlous ri'llectlons on tha profcssloi
. Honor of KrunK Trlmuio , the utlornoy for t
" ' assignee , by intimalini ; that ho wan rospo
y.s. . sltilo for the disappearance of eoraoitnporlc
s. pauers. As such u thing would render h
llablo to u term In tbu ponltentlary , A
Trimblo was rather uuxious to aiiow I
Innocence. Ho stated th t ho hurt tent
the papen In question to ] Jud e Doomer
at the latter'i request , nod b wrote to the
Judge for the purpose of ascertaining wher
the tnlssiDg document * had gone. L tt
orcnlntr ho received ft letter from Judeo
Ueemor tUtlng tbnt the papers had been in
bis pCEscsslon ever since they were lent to
him , but that they could not bo found until a
dny or two ago. Than the sensation that
was promised is nipped In the bud and
Trimble's honor Is vindicated.
DeWltl's Sarsjparilla u roil&nle
Chnptnlii McCnbo nt Omnlin T.nut Mny.
The Chaplain told his unique story of
tbo "UrlRbt Sldo of Llfo in Llbby Pris
on" on Monday evening , Mny 0. The
night wns stormy , bill the people were
bravo mill unmo to tbo First Mothodlst
Episcopal church In such crowds thnt ,
Inrgo us it is , BO.US were soon nt ipro -
raium. Man prominent in both church
nnd stnto were generously Interspersed
tbrotigh the nssombly. Ladles well-
known as loaders in philanthropic move
ments were present in lurgo numbors.
As the Chnplnln rose nil eyes were fo- upon him at oncn , nnd from that
moment his listeners were llko clay in
the hands of the putter , and when tbo
marvelous story ended tlio nudienco
awoke us from n splendid dream nnd felt
sorry thnt It hud not continued another
Broadway church tonight. Admission
30 cents. _
llonincratliTotviulilp ( 'nndlilittrt.
The Democrats of ICano toxvnshlp got to
gether al the court house last evening tu
nominate candidates for township oftlcos.
Eight names were mentioned for Justice ot
the peace , as follows : N. SchurA. . T.
Whlttlesoy , Oscar llonsol , W. W. Cones , U.
H. White , L. Swoaringen , C. A. Hammer ,
M. I. Scars. On iho tlrst formal ballot
SchurWhlttlesoy and Hensol were nomi
nated. Wallace McFudden , U. H. White
and M , Callachan were nominated for con
stables. lj. Zurmuchlon was nominated for
Iho township dork , U. 1C. Uodson - . town
ship trustee tor the full term , nnd J , 1" .
Weaver to till the unoxplrcd term of the late
J. .1. Sullivan. _
Nut All < ) | u < iilng.
The nnnouncomont that Miss ll-igs-
dulo was tn huvo her nnnuitl nuttimnal
millinery display thin wock is n mistake *
on the part of the printers. The dis
play took plaeo last wcok and is a past
uvont. Nevertheless tlio ladies always
llnd much of interest and always llnd
something now at Miss ll-igsdalo's n -
lablisliinent for the display is excellent
all tlio time.
In dross goods our line is complete
with the latest novelties , both from
homo and foreign markets. Wo show
many novelties conlincd to out-pelves.
Boston Store , Council BlulTs , Itu
Unison * * Tronlile Cummi'nrrK.
William Benson , the young man who tried
to blow oil Olllcer touch's head last Satur
day night with a miniature cannon , was
given n preliminary hearing in the superior
court yesterday mornmc and was bound
over to the grand Jury lo answer to the charge
of uasuull with intentto commit murder. His
bond was llxed at $1,01)0 ) , and in default of
the amount ho was sent to the county Jail
for keeping.
Mrs. Winsiow's Soothing Syrup Is an un
excelled medicine for childran wcilo tcotb-
ini ; . 12. > cents a oottlo.
50 do/.on gents dark colored outing
llanne ! shirts good value at oJc , for this
voek while they last for lioe. Boston
Store , Council Blulls , la.
IcOpeoplo in this eity 1130 gis stovoi
IhcUtia Co. puts 'eiu in ut cost.
"La Perlcholo , " an opera new to Ibo pros-
enl generation of thoatcr goers , was giver
last evening at tbo Fiiraam Street thcrtor b.v
the Winston Opera company , tbo stellar role ,
Piquillo , in the very competent , nunds ol
Miss Winston. Offenbach was at his ver ;
best when ho wrote this delicious bit of mu
elcal fancy , although the libretto , as it i ;
Englished , gives little idea of its cleverness ,
It abounds in catchy solos , duets and qimr
lets with stirring finales aud is a blussei
relief to the drivel of the modern onuralU
slage which masquerades as light , opera.
PiquiHo , whicn has Di-en illumined by
Iho genius of an AimoL , an CKitos and c
Uolaro , has found no worthier roprescntu
live luuu in Miss Winston. She tins beer
identified with iho character for years am
she brings to it a knowledge of stugo busi
ness I but is always delighltul. Somowbal
Hoftenud in tone since tbedavs "when all tbi
worU wns VOUHR" Miss Winston still give :
the character u freshness and youthtulnesi
that is irresistible , and her singing ot liul
Smith's bright song "Dear Woman" In tin
seiond act showed how wonderfully wel
preset ved her voice was.
Miss .lobnsoa , nretty and piquant , made ,
cl.islilnu' La I'ericholo. Her voice , wblli
light , seemed particulnvly suited to Ibo par
and throughoui she quite-won the uudieiici
by her cleverness.
Harry Ratten bury made a fairly succcssfu
Don Andres , while Charles Ucnwick sani
Uon 1'odro acceptably. Charles Tyrrell aDen
Don Panatellas was unoffending until h
attempted a local verso oil the doings of tb
city council in his topical song , "Did it Eve
Occur to You , " when the audience fell Uk
rising up and reminding the gentleman thu
he was out of his dement. Forvetfulness u
the lines only saved him.
Tbo chorus was in good voice and sang th
concerted masie well The opor.i was vor.
prettily costumed and won praisu from th
house lull of people , mnry tirst nlgbici
being In the audience. Omaha has novc
had u better balanced compur.y nlaving o
popular pnous than the Winston company.
.lililgx MrCollorli Plainly StiiUtH Mix VII'M
to tint Ciirrrnt Topic Clnlt ,
There was a largo attendance at the rcgi
lar n'ootinir of the Current , Tople club la ;
evening. Tbu question for discussion wr
whether in view of iho difliculty of cffeclin
a conviction in gambling cases under tl :
Htulo law. iho city of Omaha was Justlllcd i
treating lias a mUdoniPunor , and lining o
foudors accordingly , .ludgo J. H. McCmloc
was the principal spouuer. and considered tt
nogutlva slue of the question. Ilo rofcrrcd I
the dlffuiciice between the slate and munlc
pal laws on tbo subject. Too statutes troatu
gambling as a felony , punishable by n line (
from ? : ! JO to K > ( )0 , ami imprisonment for IH
more than Iwo years. The compiled ord
niuicoi of Omaha considered i I only u misdi
meaner and brovlded only for a tine not l
' l exceed f-U. The recent gambling ordlnonc
raised the tine lo from $ . * > lo f.'JJ.
'Iho speaker contended thai wlml tli
statutes denominate. ! us a felony was
felony and the city had no moral rirbtto mull
it un.v thing loss. H would bo contended thr
It was diniuult to convict under the stat
law , but the same evidence was requited t
nlToct u conviction , no matter what tu < j crim
was called. Ii was thn duty i
the city ( minorities to prosecute fc
an offence under tbo slate la' '
that was committed in Omaha Just as rlgo
ously as a violation of amuntcinal urdimuic
Let the city council of Omaha nass eucti
resolution as was recently passed by tt
South Omaha council ana Is&uo dlrc-i
orders to the chief of police that U wa l
bo unforced , and people wojld have
lo cuunce lo see what could bo accomullshci
I. W , W. Slabaugh sjioko al soina length c
iho ulnriiiative , and was followed by ottu
inetnbers of the club.
WEEHXO WATEK , Moo. , Oct. 23. ' 90. Di
Moore ; My Dear Sir I have Just bnugt
the third bottle ot your Tree of Ltfo. It
Indeed a "Treo of Life. " Doctor , when ye
so Uindly gave mo that tint bottle my rigt
blJo was so lame and sere and my liver or
lie largod so much thai t could not lie upon in
right sldo nt all. There was a soreness ov <
my kidneys all of thu time , but now thi
trouble U all over. I sloop ] usl as well cone
ono side as on the other , aud my idcop res
tint uuu refreshes me , and I fool tbo boil I've fa
nt in fifteen yearsand I know that it U all du
I m loyourTrooof Llfo. Yours very truly ' ,
' [ ' U. P. ' -
1)9 ) For sale oy all drugglils.
t y.
Gloomy Outlook for Laborers anil Me
chanics In-tho Country ,
Mnfttrri Ot e NotlcQ ol3l' < irther Ucdtictlnns
K \VnKPH-Tlie Clyil 'y _ ( rrat Ship Yards
Almoit Ucscrlcd Iliulncss Sdllor-
Ing from 11 one nil Depression ,
LONDON' , Dot , /rhor'labor outlook In the
largo manufacturing nml htpbulldlni ; con *
tcrs of Ornat Britain fs very threatening. A
crisis lx prooablo In the cotton trade that
promises to have more widespread results
than any of/the previous troubles that have
occurred between the masters nnd opera
tives , nnd In the shipbuilding trade ot the
Clydo only one-third of iho berths nra occu
pied and no now orders in hand. It is said
that Ifl.OOO bunds whowcro employed
In various capacities uboul the yards
are Idle and those who arc still nt work nro
working on short time. To mnUo matters
worse for the omnloycs , the masters have
now decided to make a general reduction in
wages Mill have announced that engineers ,
iron founders and shipbuilder ! will hence
forth receive lOpor cent less money for tholr
laoor than heretofore. This reduction Is to
take olTocton October 1. The Clydo minors
have also been notlllod tnat their wngos will
bo reduced six pence per day on and after
ho 10th ot the current mouth
The St. James Gazette says that several
great drapery llrms uro tottorlnc under the
Bovero general dcnrcsslon which has affected
all ranks of society. This depression was
badlv felt last Christinas time when BOIIIQ of
the largest drapery shops la the West End
did not for da\s receive n single customer ,
Many firms , "In despair , dismantled their
windows and packed their fancy gooits away
with n view to holding them over until the
next December. i'ho betrothal or the
I nko of Ctarcnro nnd Avondale and
Prlneesi Mav created a demand for
a new style of goods , which were no sooner
produced than all demand for them was
blasted by iho death of the tluko , and Iho
lenlors woio loft with , miles of linery on
their hands. The eruater houses found It
necessary to extend the credit of the bettor
dealers In order to prevent them becoming
bankrupt. This was so overdone unless tr.ide
revives bv Christmas n collapse will bo inov-
Thu St. James Gawtto concludes by say
ing it is to be hoped tnat royalty will sot the
ball of prosporty rolling. Ttio announce
ment that the duke of York was about to
marry would have a magical effect on trade.
\Vii.l. : ON TllKllt , IOUKNi\ .
C.L- nn nnd Austrian Olllreni MaUInc ( iootl
Tlmn In Thuir l.onu liistaiUK ! ItiU'o.
Viisx\OeU : . Of tbo forty-olght mili
tary oflicers who started on Saturday in the
long distance race , nine arrived ttio snmo
v enlnp nt Iglad , Moravia , having completed
kllomotros. Lioutcnunt Colonel Slon-
ioko rode eighty kilometers yesterday and
when half of yesterday's Journey wf.b
completed ho mot the mat the first Gor
man ofllcers bound for Vienna. Ho
pabsed them shortly before ho reached'
Woiswasser , having ttius covered halt iho
distance in thirty-six uours. Of the forty
live olllcors who started Irom bore Sundar ,
eight ot them have reached Iglad. So fiv'r
live others have fallen.out. Among thn/io
who have been foiced to withdraw from the
race is iho landgraf , IJuerst Emoersr. The
weather is wet v ml fog'jv and in some parts
of the roads too riders have Been obliged to
use lanterns while continuing their journey
at night. "
Ttio llrst of tnc German ildcrs is expected
to arrive here totnpirow mornlnir.
Bnni.iK , Oct.a. Lieutenant Mikalos passed
Dautzon at'J o'clocK thik morning , afterild-
ing llfty hours and covering forty-four kilo
metres. It is expected , that ho will reach
licrlln oarlv tomorro\y ; . '
liiiuis. Out. 3-jThb last ot the German
riders started this 'morning. Altogether
there are 109 Gerriiktiirln the raco. Of the
horses taking part in 'the race , ninO are
English thoroughbreds , fourteen English
half breeds , five Hungarian , flvo Kussiau
and the ret Prussian horses. Up to the
present time scanty reports have been re
ceived of * .ho progress mudo by the riderb.
Cold , wet weather and thick foe untie ? the
conditions oad for racing.
Baron Orlangos' horse , which gave out to
day , was lamed and completely incapacitated
because of treading upon a piece ot giuss.
Lieutenant Schllerstadi ii considered to have
the best chance of winning , although his
horse , "NIxo , " has nlreaciy fallen three
times. Lieutenant Muller fell over a bridce ,
Baron von Zandt's tnorouuhbrcd ,
'Schnippo ' , " disd at , Altedobcn. Lieutenant -
ant Siegel , the Austrian olllcer wnc
left Vienna on Saturday , reached
Hunnouurg. Bohemia , uti > : , V > this mornhiL' ,
coasulcrHblv distancing his comrades , lie followed live inlntitos later by Lioutcn
ants Mioklos nnd C/.nvosy , who rude the
whole night , except/ / three hours , when l\io\ \
rested , The leads are in miscr.iblu condi
Uon , nnd rain Is falling heavily. To gree
thi llrat arrivals , a triumphal arch has bucn
erected at on thu loinpol of Held.
VIUN.VA , Oct. 8. Prince Frederick Leo
pold's horse broke aown at 5 p. in. at Iglad
Until then ho hud been loading in the lol\ \
distance race. Now two ethers have pasbct
Tool ; rnsM-Khliiii of Dublin Cantlu.
Dum.ix , Oct. 3. Lord Hougbton , the nov
viceroy of Ireland , mo do his public cutri
into Dublin custlo. The crowd , while undo
monbtrulive , showed a friendly feeling.
FREE 'Tor ' the Lafe"
If "
COOK BOOK Mailed Proo.
Bond name and adilroaa to
I'ortuno has boon calle
fortune is hill 1110 fall I
tl | < > lot of ill housuUuope
who uses that purfuct uttalnmont ,
This bounds lllco "larco sized" talk hut I
does not t ko a itreut 'head ' to IIinro Ii. on
that thu Garland ranufS'jtro the hesu linn
it rod a of Council Illtiff < O > cnplo will attoxt till
f nut nnd the way In which those wondorft
stoves are nellliiK only proves that the bea
IB what m wanted '
Don't , wall until tomorrow , coma tod.iy an
see iho blijstoolt wo have. Wo can uhow Hi
Largest Stock of Tinware aud Stove
you can find In Council IllnlTs and the lowct
prloeti In thu world.
. .
504 Broadway and 10 North Main Sirci
n , otlliiffnlo N. Y. lsded >
Kx-1'rcsldcntCloToland ulient n very o.ul t
dny. little It tiny politics entering Its ruuilno.
dun Arttnan and Aiox Uravol , Mlnnosotiv
fnrmon. nuarrclcd. llravel slabbed Artiiinn ,
kllliiiR him. .
lloixl pstata men ara coturcarxtiniz nt llnf-
falo , N , V. , tlio occa lon lionif ; thn anniinl con *
Kress of Koal Kstnto Dealers ot America.
J. II. MoorohoiKD. of Phlhidolphln , coininIt-
ted nnlolilo In Now York city. Ilo was very
wealthy and a member of a suicide rluti. .
SciHMlontil reports to the effect Mint tlio
ITto Indlntis nro nitiiln on the nar p'lth If em
phatically denied by ( lovornor lloutto ot
OtoTolani ) and Stovcnson will address the
delegates to the convention of the association
of national doiimurutle clubs , which will meat
tonight In New York city
A railroad diuplnyos'club hus hcoa fonno.l
at I'flrL Soot U Kan , linvlnn for Its object the
defeat nt the nulls of any candidate nhols
liteducd to ilia reduction of ra Iroul rules by
xlittute. Snowdon , comniivnilliK "fll-
cer of tin ! On ml or I'en n sylvan In ,
dcolnnis th it ho rmpotnllne tor tlio nr-
lest ot the lloniLMtoud advisory hniinl for
treiisnn ,
I'our men undo a wc.ik attempt to rob the
Keystone National biinUot Krlc. I'u. , In broad
davlluht , hut. tiftersll.'hliy InJurliiR thocasli-
Icr , lied. They nur pnrjiiud , and surren
dered to a solitary olllcer.
A lot of vrruokaac nn I the bodlc of slsoa -
mi'iihaxo limited imhnru near Cherry ( iinxo
llshury , botwci'ii l.lttlo Klvor and l.oi-kwoods
I'olly Inlets. Vlrglnln. The head HUS conn
trom one of the hodli-siind a li-g iriim nniithur.
ThtJio Is nothlni tn Ihdicito to what vessel
the men buldniteil to.
As engine compiny No. 'I was ere Miis the
Chicago , llurlltulon \ . ( , 'ulncy ' tracks In t'hl-
ciiKiion Its way to i llrotbo uneinu was run
down by n lo oinotlvo and smashed tu pIccoA ,
Scvurulof the Iliciiionttro hadlv brnlsud
and Driver Henry W.ill ) uiiii icculvcd n frac
tured skull , wlilch will prove fat-il.
The pluntiif thut'ai y-Oidcnuoiniiinv. | man-
uf icluiesof ii.ilnls and v.unlsliei ill No. "M
toSMWi-sl l.litlilcenlli street , Clilcauii. hus
been dustruvud by lire. I'lireo siniill frame
cott mosi'loio to tliu p ilnt factory \\UIUIIMI |
consiinied and a tno-siory lirlel % iinlldlng ail-
jo nine Iho faetoiy was budly < lnmagcd. Thn
total lois will as-sroi ? no Jir,0OiO.
A hand ot hrltands and Hiniiuslors under
the Icutieralilp ot Li'oiuiriU > ( tiiii7.iu ) . recently
inurileied and rdiibed \\o-illhy laiiohnan
named I'alnco Itadrcmiullvliu ni'iir Saline.
Mexico , and drinu olV liiindrud ho id of
cattlo. A dot ichinuiit ( if IJO Moxleixn s
hus luft for the scene of the trouble.
Edwin M. Hovlo , the author of ' 'Friend' , "
chiiiiB to h.ive found a wonder in an 1 mil mi
lad omnloved us a hordur on his mother's
ranch in Utah. The hid is a son ot the old
Ponce Chief of the Hills , and has never seen
the Inside or a theater. Mr. Uoylo got him
to recltn portions of "Othello" one dny , and
was so struck with his elocution ho bus
dceldei to write a p'ay ' for him. Manager
Hart/ will advance the monev nccassary lor
the Utu's education and training for the
I Dislodge Bile ,
| Stir up the Liver ,
[ Cure Sick-Headache ,
| Female Ailments ,
iEemove Disease and
j Promote Good Health , |
| OoYorei with a Tasteless & Soluble Coating , |
Famous the world over. f
> Ask ( or Dcciiiaiu's : md take no olhcrs.
' Ol all druggists. Price 25 cents a box. ?
' New York Depot. 56 ; Canal St >
Are You
Going to Paint ?
Tlio autumn i the tiino to paint , and
one coat brightens and preserves houses
and btiiltliii s and adds much to the
value and buauty of your properly.
WoUld'YoU Like to Biitj
\Vc want to soil you [ runts mill ovct'.y
UiiiiL' itbotl in painting sit wholesale nil 1
less. The Irst boiled oil you boughtyoti
probably paid 70o u K illoti fi1 tt. Wo
will hell you ono gallon or 101 000 gallons
lens of anv brands i.t llle. Now wo huvo
cauirht your attention , read the test of
this Hid eontparo those btraight cash
St. Louis load , 7c per Ib.
Omaha lead , ( JJc per Ib.
Joplin loud , ( ilc per Ib.
Cheap lead Gc per Ib.
Linseed oil , boiled , 41)c ) per
Linseed ol1. inw , Ilic per gul.
Paint oil , 'He per gul.
Barrel jirice , lie per fjal. Icsii.
Berry Bros. , hard oil , . " > gal can ,
$1,00 per jrul.
Berry Bros , hard oil. 1 can , $1.7. ) .
Other hard oils , from $1.00 to Sl.flO
per al.
Mineral paints , dry , from Ho to Jie.
Mineral painta , ground in oil , -lo to ( ! c.
The HcmB Mixed
Paint ,
Wo guarantee tu ho as good as any
mixed paint.Vo will hell you tit Sl.ll'j
per gallon. Hah never been sold for less
than i ? 1.50 pur gallon.
The Excelsior
Mixed Paint.
As good a pulnl an other dualors boll
you for $1.50. Wo will bell you sit 11.00 *
per gallon.
OUr Barn and
Roof Paint.
Wo will soil you nt 7fie per gnllon.
Lowest Prices on all
Ki nds of Glass.
On nil other goods our prices nro
equally low.
Corns and SBB Us and
Bring the Gash ,
. .
1 and 3,4th St. Masonic Temple
For ow 25 Years
BlacKwell's :
lias been rccoRni/cd as the stnrulnrd
of tobacco j crlcction. This is why
\\c have icinaincd , during this long
period , the larpcst manufacturers of
SinoUiiiR Tobatco in the \voilJ. It
has a fragrance and flavor of pecu
liar c.\Cflltiice. : Give it a trial.
Kverj MAN can ho
NUKVINR , UtcJFtenTbiiniiTiiirUeuieilr. YOUNO MJIN
OK 01,11 sutlrrliiir from NU11VOU.4 DKIUMTY , I.OST or
, { * , I'AII.INO MANHOOD nifihll ) i-i.iUsloi.tcnnmUlonu , neivout > ptotlrnnon , rmivil liy Ihciisr o ( npliiin. tobacco nt alcoholwake-
, * ' lnlnc v menu ) irinctslon ! , loss t > [ power in cither sex , fprimator-
liErnoKK ANH AFTFII L'SK ilui'a cautnl hy sclfabnsn aiul over uitlnteener * ur any pi'Monnl wrak *
ness can bo reuarei ! lo pctfrct lipalih tlio NO11IU VITALITY .TJ ? 3TKONG iU8K.
We ens a wrillcn Ruiir ntrp with 6 boxes So cine any case or refiiml tlir nmnrt Si a lioi'O hoics f j
FotS.lJ In Orriahi bySnaw , lund & Co.
Mnchlnont nlO-Tona-n-Dny Prlco.
The Nniith\vli U llullni : 1'ron * Is n'Miorao , lull-clrclo tnuchhio.
lllia * lliu InrerM
mi ]
Doiililo-siruke 1'iess In
tlio World.
Cntmulty ; rointi-ucllon ; Dnralilllty-nll tliQ llisT
SANDWICH W3AWUFACTURING CO.01"11 | { 1"r ! < > Io"1
In starting one press recently we baled nine
tons in five hours with new hands.
. I. PMGLE , M. D.
Th Goo-J Samaritan. 20 Years' Eiptricncc.
1VO3I15N. ritOPUIBTOIl OF Till !
I treat the following Diseases :
Catarrh of the Head , Throat , and Lungs ; Dlf-
casesof the Kjeond t-Jir.Fitsaud ApoplexyHeart
D'seuse ' , I.Ivor Coniplaint. Kidney Complulnt ,
Nervous Dobiltty , Mental Depres
sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal
Weakness. Diabetes Bright s Dl'casc , St.Vltus1
Dance , luicnmalism , Paralysis , White Swelling ,
Bcrofnla , Fever Sores , Cancers , Tumors
and Fistula in ano removed without
the knife or dravyine a drop of
blood Womtm with her delicate orcr.ns re
stored to health. Droiey cured without tapping.
Special Attention s\vcn \ to private
and Venereal Diseases of all kinds.
S5O to SHOO forfeit for any Venereal Dis
ease I cannot cure without mercury.
Tape Worms removed in two or three hours , or no
pay. Hi morrnoMs or 1'lles cured.
Wllleave llfuand hundreds of dollars by calling
on 01 u ing
The only IMiyHlcInn wlio can toll ivlinl allo
: i IMTSIIIItilliouL asltiiiK a cjucstloii.
AllrorrcyiKjndeiiceslrlctlvcontlilentlal , Mcdlcmo
cent l > y express. Address all IctU-ra to
SSS Broadway.
Council Blu. ffs , Iowa
Omaha lldifial anl Snrjca
$ a < "T' > FOJ < . Ti-ioi
UeBtfacllKliK , iiip.iratii | nii'l ' ra'nolini turn DiiiiT
no itini'iitiH nvcry Jonn ot ill-ono rmialt-
liu nii'illLMl urniir luul Iru.idiiDiit.
filllicilsforiialluiit * . linirl mi I utlu i Imu. lion u )
C-OlllllllllllOlld III till ) Htm.
\\tlio riirclieuliir uu ilof.innlilin uml hnicui , Inn
n..lull ( lout , iMirvntuiuiiirxuliiu , iilloi , tuiniifj , can
ivr , cntirrli. brunc'illli , liilinlatlun , olooirlclty , pur-
lr l . uplU-iwy , khlnuy , lihi'ldur , uyu , eur , nim mi I
lilnutl mill uu HiiruUnl npurutltrM.
Women MilK : , rt'n huvo Imply nil Iu | u lyltu-ln do
imrliui'iit ( or wniiiini ilurliiu1 coiitlnumunt , trltl/
iinvule. Unl ) Itulliiblu .Mulloil luit.tiitu luiiiiu u
trvclalt ) ot
All Illooil Dlnu nt'H Bnco 4fnlljr iru-itii 1 , Hyptillltls
1'dlsuui.remiivo 1 Iriim tliu nyatuiu witlioul murj iry.
HUH ltu t > ir.ilivu Troitiroiit fur lm or VITAIi
I'OWKII. I'ersiirHiuriiiio Iu vlsll. luiuiy bo truUul
Bt lionio by ciirruniiiiiili'iicn. All cu'iiiimnloilloiM
coiilMontlHl lluliiu iiriii < trii nuiittiunt h/in ill ur
cxir.'i * , * t ciiroly puuku I , no murk * in Inllcitu ui *
U'liltor kunilur. Uiiu | iuri4 < i'ifil liittirfiu proturrdl
rail Hiid I'uiiKiill iu ur Huail tilitory ut yuur casij , u 11
wo will uiU In plain U'Mpiiar , our
Rnnif TO MEN 'WKKi ' 0 | > on ' ' po
DUUn IU mc.11 ,
cM 0 , NBrroiI , DIBIMI
liiipoti-ncy , syphilis , CiloeLuiil Vnrlojsolo , win quui
, Appll-ineoi for Hufonnltioi mil Trunoi
only iiiHiiuriittory In llio wcituf
ItlU JIATl'hIUIW AMI lir.l/1'd.
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
26th and Broadway , Ojunoil Bluffi
Toil mliitunn rlila from cantor ot'a l oa
an I txjunll llluilJ uluulrlo uu r Uu j.
Funeral Director , Eminlmer
114 Main Street ,
Couiloil HlullB.
The vrunliuIvortNumoiiM appu.irlir. ; In it ,
nowspnpor aio oflon tliti most intoruslln ;
part of Its fotilunts. Tlioy u\irL" | s the urgent
needs , thu dully \ \ lslieof tlio people who
Wiinttoniotiiliig unil "ho nro willing to do
Ll > lllOthlll .
" \\rANTii ; > . cooil clrl lor general lionsowork
if iil41IOIun nviMinii. .
FARM mid i-lty lonm. Jl ni > y lotnud on
stoelc and sr.iln. K < ; il u lute for sativ
Uwollliruil : liiislnuss icntuK. Money lo.nicKl
for lee il Invoslors. IAMIKUU &TowIoriH'o.irl :
stieot. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Foil SAM' llor.-jo , lumtv anil Irirnoss an
blp s luilllco : Kcol ( intllt ; ui > od w llbrel
ro.ul lid Musi sell. U. 11. l.uwls , U I'o.irl
Hi I CUl.
I7IOU SAliK Duslr.ilila roslilunuo proparty
-Lon 1'iulciu'o. All modern IniDruvoiiiuiits.
14 mums , DUO block fiom motor ; u li'ir iilii It
t.iKon al OIH-O ; easy p.iytnunsor ( trade Ii. II.
17lllSAI ( < n Croiiiiiury ontllt , comprising UO-
JL' h p. hoi or , lU-h. p. onzlne. U Do Lavollo
Rep irator-i , 'J uroam v.its. itoilgallons ouch ; ash
churn.IIOJ itii'lnns ' ; novvor butter worker , beam
scales \Milcht 0:111 : , water t.inlc and othur
llxliiroo. Will soil i-lioap for cash or trudb
forl'inl. K. H.Mie-lfo.
T71OU TKAIJR Iands In Orroly county and
XCnster county. Null. , for slnik of Jewelry.
orKiins fiiinltiirn or liu lnuss pronorty In
Uouiu-Il Illullh. i : . ll.Shmfo.
I OIt SAM : Uhoicost farm In I'mtawaita-
in oC'o. till uuiusoll loc.itud and Im
proved. Price tli ) tin aero. 10.11 Shciifo.
[ V YOU have auvtlilu ? for silo or Irado sss
L 1C. II. She ifu , Ilio nlway and Al nn stroot.
Tj'OIi SA1.IOn hi-iail payiiionls. frill I ana
J- ' garden Ian I nuir L'liiinull ItlnrtK , H ,
blieafc. Hroadwiy ami Main struot.
1fUU S\LK Clean sloeic h ir.lwiuo , well o-i-
1 l iblisliuil trr.lo , Invdleo about J,0)J. ) ( iooU
eaMinrorsoUI _ _ iu. Turnn oisli. K. II. Slioato.
FOR KXC'IIANUnlintel nnd
louateil al Shubcrt. MoU , and III lots Iu
Dunvor , C'olo.lll ; uxebiiiiiu for clear Ne-
bnibl.a l.unl K. U hoifu. ;
ACIti : fiirin with Ininriivonionls , ( Ivo
inlli > s north of Council llluir-j $ rmn aero ;
a snap uln R II. ijliiufo ,
\\7ANTii-No' : ) raskii Inn 1 In OM-IIHIIKO for
IT peed work luirioi. R II Slinafo ,
UALi : OU KXt' . -w-.ieri ) r.iiiun In
k-JWhuoloreoiiiuy , ot ) . Will inl > < ) inerohan-
disc. R U. Shoato.
I7IOR SAIPllnlol wltli fnrnttnro and II x-
-L1 tines ; 'i"i rooms , burn , elc1. I'rloi * , l.'l.W.
Lociitod In Douglas county. I ) , illy ruoclpts ,
' : . Investigate alom-o. JR. 11. jjlinqfo.
t AHIIAtii : reimmul , cesspools , vaults nil
l ! liliiin ynultmni.'d. H. I ) , llnrku. ( Jlly Hlilg.
WA.OUI ) & CD. have home of the Ilium
t farms In Bnnthwoatoin Iowa for Hale.
Call and m.'ii IIH Ml * Main Htruub
WANTED A tlioioii lilv eonipolcnl Klrls
iniiHt he a Kood eook , Inqnlru ot Mrs. VY.
A. Manrur. K.I1 Souonii uvcniio.
AIIAHOAIN. nero fruit and Kanloit triiet
-Si miles from postollluu.'Jit acres in KriipuH.
! i airci : In UluoKlHirrlus , 'JV ) iinnlo noon , V.i
plum trois. IITiuhi'iry trues , dudlllin ; , ulublu ,
iite. I"ileoJ , naoii. No Ir.nlu. K. II. Hlioafo.
$5.00 PKII MONTH routs u irooil D-room
ilwulllii''on Avuiiuo O near Llith strcoi. K.
II , Mioafo.
FOR SAM' 1'iiriiltiiri : , ( Ixtuios nnd loiiHoof
Iho largest tiiiu llniisl hotul In nonttiora
NoliriiH' < n. All nioilurii InipiovoimmlB , olo-
Kunt fnniltiiri ) . iNot , piollu $1 uuu.oo pur 1111-
iiiini ; liullnliiK nouly tiiilH : no uoiuiidlltlon ,
I'ricn $ , ! ) 1.0. ' . linlf cush. I. . II. Hhuiifo. Uaiinoll
' "I'ft-i. la.
W slil for
honsuworlc. lU'.Sinnli Hnvonlli strot.
VVANTnjJ-t.iiily cook for luataiirant. 108
So u ill Mn I n Htriuil.
Vim iinpiuvoil fiirin In Mills comity , la.
itir IILTUS a I BO | ( U ) at ti'i ; Kiuuroa tin-
lirovod ( n i'littiiwntt'ainiu'coiiiit'y. . WJT Hririiis.
Johnston & Van I'attun.
IT VOU want to buy u lot sou Urounslileldj ,
NluhonUon > t Co ,
Jl'you want to liny a nouso sue L5ruoimlilolln ( ,
NichoUon \ . ( 'o ,
IK you hiivn u hoimo to runtnuu ( liooimhlolils ,
. Nk'liDltiDii & Uo.
II' " von want to runt alionsusuudicuiiHliloldi ,
Mi'liolMiti ft Co.
II'1 vim want to huy land sou UrouiiHhluldg ,
Nli'liolHiui ft ( Jo.
DOVT liny niopuity till you have scuu
( irruiialiliil.lii. NluholHon k Uo.
. co. real
and rontul iiKunts. U.'I llway , , 0.
LIST your pronoity with mm whn ruxt'o lo
Kill It. Hun ( iruenslilolds. NluhoUon A ; On.
Mviiyn havoHiiapson hand i'or conborvatlvn
II' VOU want to lioiirsomuthlnu no'r rozard-
liiK ruul estate see ( Jreonsliuldu , Nlehulbon
A. Co.
_ _ _ _ _ _
luadini ; roil euiatu doilur * of Coiinvll
lllnjf . _ Ki'uthiini when yon wanliiiiythinir.
unTNHii : [ > : MH ) , NICHOLSON & co. nuvo
many liir-mlim In improved aii'l v.iuunt
properly wluuli thuy Muuld ho ploastr.l to
show you ,
the lurgubl Hblot projiurly of any Una In
the city _
GitiiNHiiiicin.s : : , NIOHUISON , v io ; , am
always rnudv and uvor vvllllni ; to uhow
piopurty ; rlu'u always on liiind. Uo and HUU
thoni _
DON'T force * . Unit nruciKliloldn & Nlchol-
ton art'lU'l'l in the inlilillu of the rliiR ;
luruobtlUt of jirujiurty ot any duulcr in tlio
take ono of OroonnhlulilH , Nloliol-
mid IIIKO u rlUuovur thu city ; ik
vet * you uotliluK. '