Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1892, Image 1

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Chadron Eepublic.\rs Enga.eo in an En-
taiiaiaatio Damonstration.
ICucnrtcil tn the Opera Iliuiin hy Two
llninlrcil .MomlirM ol thn l.nrnl llo
pnhllciui Oliili lloii. .l ir
Smith nt ArlliiBton.
CiiADitov. Nob. , Oct. il. I Special Telegram
toTiieBKK.-Hon. ] J. L. Caldwell of Lin
coln addrosr.od un audlonuo of about 500 In
ibis city tonight. Ho paid most
of his attention to the McKlnley bill ,
which ho discussed in u very
nblc manner , proving hlmsolf well ponied
und refuting many of the domosrat nnd inde
pendent campaign lies regarding this bill.
Ho was the guest of theChndron Republican
club , the members of which escorted him to
the opera homo with a torchlight narado of
JOO , beaded bv Iho old soldiers aud Jestur's
Seventh Kogimcut band.
linn. , I . | V Smith nl ChleitRO llcllveri n
AHMNOTOS , NOD. , Oct. it. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bin : , jTho j republican club of
this city hel l u rally here tonl5bt , Iho
speaker of Iho evening , Hon. A. Jeff Smith of
Chicago , addressing the meeting on the
soulhnrn democrats and Ihcir methods of
work , Iho force bill and Us affocls on Iho
northern voters and the tariff and Us bearing
on the farmers of America. The effect of
Air. Smith's remarks on llieso questions and
the further eloquent address on the banking
system of good old democratic days nnd
Iho present time with the honest dollar
mid republican government were especially
notiuuablo on the InrROtiumborsof Intelligent
farmers who won ; present. His remarks for
the national republican candidates called
forth routids of uoplauso. A vote of thanks
was tendered Mr. Ssiilh for bis eloquent ,
forcible mid earnest remarks and to Mr. L.
L. Lease. Mr. George II. Jowolt and Mr. L.
A. alpnelder for securing so line nn enter
tainment for our people.
The words of encouragement brought by
the spoukor from Illinois and lown through
tvblcn states ho has traveled causes tV'asb-
inglon county lopublicans much rejoicing.
Air. Louse was chairman and Mr. G. II.
.icuvetl secretary. Tbo meeting was ut-
icndcd by a very largo crowd.
Mr. Smith earnestly advocated tboclcctlon
of Hon. Lorenzo Crounso for governor ,
showing the unfortunate stand taken by
other candidates In the Held. Thu speaker
tcored General Weaver and his inconsl-itont
itand upon all questions of the day , es
pecially that ono of giving the farmers S" > 0
on division of the trca-iury question souio-
tblng for nothing.
Cliniiiiilnii nl tin ; Imli'pondnnts Dill Xut
Mcnt. Iliilnrrrtl l' * lrliury.
FAIHIIUIIV , Nob. , Oot. . ' ! . [ Special Telegram
gram to Tun BI-I : . ] W. 11. Dech failed to
nioterialize today and the Halner-Dech joint
discussion was a fa i Hire. Ilainor was present
und a largo audience waited lu the city for
Jech for forty-fivo minutes , when the corn-
inlltea of the two parties arrived and
urrangcd to havothii time occupied by Hon.
13. M. Correll of Hebron , republican can
didate for state senator , and Captain
W. II. Ashby of Beatrice. Mr. Ilainor was
Introduced to the audience and expressed his
regret nt Mr. Deeh's failure to bo present
und the hope that they might yet meet at
this plucu before the campaign was over.
Mr. Carroll opened the mootlnc with aspcccn
of throe-fourths of an hour , concluding with
reference to the claims of tbo populists re
garding the poverty of Iho county , citing the
valuation of this and Thuyer counties , which
would amount to ever ? : iOt)00,000 ) , tbo greater
part of which was owned by tbe farmers ,
nnd paying an eloquent tribute to the repub
lican party for the consistency with which it
has maintained the people's Interests. Cap
tain Asl'.by followed in a one-hour speech
devoted principally to Rxplulning why" , the
old uarlics having outlived their usefulness ,
the only salvation of the country is the new
o nl or ol things as Inaugurated by the peo-
nlo's party. Carroll then closed the moot-
Inir with a half-hour's scorching of the oupo-
mtion. Doch'.s Iriunds claim to bo unable to
ucuount tor bis absence.
no rn sims : WKKI : r.\m.
XVIillrlii'iiil uml lirni Knli-riuiii
llnxvitril Ouni.v < 'lll/i'n .
ST. PADI. , Nob. , Oct. : ) . [ Siicclal Tolo
grain to Tin : HUB. | Today Jlossrs , Wbito
head and Kem mot St. Paul and How&rt !
county were treated to ono of the nicest ami
fairest debates of tha campaign. The Independents
pendents had advortboil it as n gulln day ,
und did their best to get out u crowd. The
opera house was divided KO AS to give botti
parties an oren and fair show. The tactics
used iu oilier places were known here and
tironorly handled. The thirty-six-foot HIIR
of the Uopublicuu club ( loatcd proudly all
day. Congressman Kern's speech received
rounds of applause.
Mr. White-head were no gloves and gave
1 ho embarrassed young congressman ouo ol
iho worst doses ot argument ho overbad ,
Moro republicans wera present liinn Inde-
liundonts. Mat Douchnrty , Iho chalrmiiu o !
the congressional committee for this district
made many Inonds by bis friondlv way unc
.itarnost wonls fromtlio platform. The meet
ins was decidedly a victory for the republl
ran candidates nnd November 8 will Hhov
that Whliohead'a areuiiioul will ba wortl
more than ( Coin's cxcusos.
All Keil OrunUuilili-iis ill ( lie lii : inr . \ ylnn
.Mint He K.vplalnril ,
* UIKCOI.X , Nob. , Oct. 3.jSpacial Telpgran
to TUB BKH , ] The Board of Public Land
and Buildings ut its regular mooting thl
nftcrnoou dccldod to tnko up the invosllu'ii
tion of the management of the hospital fo
the insane at this eit.\ . This action \va
taiten on account or the charges of ullogoi
mlsmanagcmoiit recontlr made in this clt
nnd at Omaha bv E. ( ' , iiowluk. Thn follow
ing resolution wa : adopted unanimously ;
Itecolvod , That UIQ Hoard of I'libllo f.and
nnd llnlldlni:8 procvud to InvusliKaio th
cliarscs and complalnls u iilnst the manage
incut of Iho hn < , plal | for lliu Insane ut
coin , and thut Dr. Knapp , ex-siipitrlnicndim
und J. l. .aiior. OA-Muward , I. U , llnijOm
nnd K. U. Hexvick bn notillcd to appear hofor
the said board on Wednesday , October A.t > 't
ut II o'clock n. m. nthaidilay ut HID olllco t
the Hoard of 1'uhllo 1 , anils unfl HululliiKs I
In Ihuoapltol liulldlnrut l.lnciiln , .Noli. , t
\\hlchtlnui nnil pluL-u Ihi ) uvldoiu'o com-uri
said chursi's \\lll bit heaiil , and lo iesilf
S < ' \v ; nl' Uniulli ) ; Killy.
BKWAIII > , Neb , , Oct. 3. [ Special Taleirrni
to TUB BIKlion. . W. II. Summers un
Hot. C , A , Atkinson nddrei > BOd thu large !
meeting tonight ever held in the local npsi
liouso , Both gentlemen made rouilir , ' re
publican speeches , ullcltlnu frequent u |
plauso. The Hopubllcnn Flambeau club wi
out In full force , witn many lu iho rani
who voied with the Independents ttvn voai
ligo. Iho mealing was a great tuccoss tin
republicans feel Jubilant.
Tliiinttnu H ! Itmlirii II mv.
1 KOKBNr How , Neb. , Ocl. a. ( Spoclal
Un BKI : . ! LuitSatuidav was nri-d loll
U y forlJroken Bow. HOB. J , M. Thurstt
poke here in the forenoon , The lurtc
crowd that ovvr a st nhlni | In Broken Bo
Mr , Tkuniou wu > fully i
himself and fnvorod his largo audience with
an able and effective speech ,
Not IMranrd with MoKrlKhnn.
EI.SIK. Nob. , Oct. 3 , [ Special Telegram to
Tun Bun. ] McKolshau made speech hero
today to an audience of about 1-5 , mostly re
publicans. Many Independents were dls-
pleased and declared themselves for An
drews. A largo delegation of republicans go
from here tomorrow to Grant to attnnu the
Joint discussion between Andrews and Me-
Kolghau ,
Much Itrpnlillriiii licitItinhnm.
NOIIKOI.K , Nob. . Oct. 3. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BKE. ] Dr. J. M. Aldpn of Plorco
was nominated for state senator by the re
publican * of this district , Tto nomination
was made by acclamation. All ronubllcan
mcotliiRS are hnrmoniods and enthusiastic.
J. Sterling Morton speaks In tha opera
Uousu here this evening.
nonitini.ic IH-.AIII nr i-'titn.
tlinvlri VVIncliriilrr I'ti'iilly Uurnoil tit
Y iiltnn , S. t ) ,
VAXKTON , S. D. , Oct. H. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB UKK. ] Charles Winchester ,
proprietor of u small hotel tn this cltv was
burned to death by nn explosion of case-lino
yesterday afternoon. Ho was sprinkling
gasolluo on the floor of u small bedroom tote
to exterminate bedbugs. The bedroom is
just off the hotel kit.hen and the explosive
vapor generated In the bedroom
porvndod the kitchen , where u gasoline steve
was burning. The atmosphere In the kitchen
llrst took lira nnd the tlatnos rushed to tbo
bed room. The explosion followed aud a few
seconds after Winchester ran from the bed
room into tbo opoa air with every particle of
his cjothlhg burned away , his hair gene and
his Hash actually smouldering. Every
parltcla of his body was burned to a blister
and ho endeavored to ilud rcliot by jumping
Into a tub of s-vill nnd then rolling in Iho
dusl. Ho had Inhaled burning gasoline and
early In the evening died.
Triiiililu ullh Union rrlntoni.
Dininvooii , S. D. , Oct. 3. [ Special Tele
gram to Tiic BKE. I The lirst contest be-
twcot ) the printers union and n Black Hills
newspaper Is now on. The Loud Tribune
today refused lo pay the scale of wages de
manded by tbo union and locked out , the
men. The paper comes out tonight without
any original matter and with its columns
llllcd with plates.
llirXitltliDS ' / . > ! / ' XKtllt ISIC.I.
JIuw the Stuti ! AdicrtlslilK Train U Helng
( iriMitiMl In Illinois.
KCWANEI : , III. , Oct. y , ISpBcial Telegram
to Tun BUK. | Nebraska on Wheels No. U
Sunduyed at Galesburg , leaving curly tbis
morning northward bound. The route was
the sumo as that or the exhibit train last
year. The towns visited weru Ouoida ,
Gnlva and Kowanoo. The intercut man
ifested iu the tram was greater Ihan a year
uao , many farmers declaring , after seeing iho
Iwo exhibils of Iho two past years , they
were satisfied Nebraska was tno coming
stuto. At Oneida , n village of 1,0'JO inhab
itants , the stop was but for two hours.
Twelve hundred people passed through.
Local agents report Unit ever -400 people have
emigrated to Nebraska from this community
in the past years and probably
Ii5 ! would go this year , so great
were ihoy impressed by Iho products
exhibited. At Galvn between ,000 and 4,000
visited the train. At this station
the agent reports selling a ? ' . ) oxcursioti lieu-
ots to Nebraska in tUo pust your. Over one-
half never returned. Ho has sold IT. ) tickets
thus fur this your. At Kowauuo the iram
was open for visitors from It until' ) D. in. ,
passing through at the rate of 1,500 per hour.
Hundreds were turned a\vav , unable to got
In. This is the crowning day of the trip.
.VO. .
She Will Ho Liuinclioil on November 5 ut
Sun Vraiirlsco.
SAN FUANCISCO , Cal. ; Oct. a. Cruiser No.
0 , which is boiug constructed by tbe Union
Iron works , has reached so forward n stale
of progress Ihat the date of her launching
has been llxed for November 5 , and it is In-
londcd by the officials of iho Union Iron
works lo make the event a notable one. Gov
ernor Markham and ctaff will bo Invited as
well as also the prominent military and naval
officials of the coast. The cru'sor will bo
the largest war vessel yet launched by the
Union Iron works , exceeding in size the
Charleston or San Franelico.
The Carnegie works in Pennsylvania have
notillo'l the naval department that they can
not name the time of delivery of the vertical
plates to complete the lurrots of iho vessel
Monterey , owing to continued effects of the
Homestead strike. Nothing is now lacking
for tuo completion ot thai vessel but these
plates. Tbo contractors are anxious to have
the Monterey acceptoil as it is and let the
turrets bo co'mpleted by the govorumeut at
Mare island.
KKSursr ot' . : t iwun.
Chulc llrothon Wujhihl and Shot In
Miilniakii County ,
OMC.U.OOSA , la. , Oct. 3. Ono Helm , neat
Fremont , Mabaska county , waylaid the
Clark brothurs Saturday night and killed
ono nnd fatally wounded Iho second , Tbe
tragedy was Iho result of a feud.
An Kpldcmli ! nt Diphtheria.
CUDAH HtriDS , la. , Oct. 3. Special Telegram -
gram to THE Br.K. ) An epidemic ot diph
theria prevails in this city end there Is great
alarm felt at 1U rapid spread. The little
daughter of Mayor John Henderson died ol
tha dlsonso last night , and others are danger
ously 111. ' A strict quarantine is being en
Notes nt' I hit Clinlcni.
IlAMiifiio , Oot , i ) . Nine thousand clerks
bavu IJOLMI thrown out of employment owlnt ;
to the depressed condition crowing out ol
iho cholara upidomlc.
Hiii.t-i'iifiTii , Oct. ! ! . From noon ycster
day lo noon today twenty-one now cases o
cholera and six doalhs occurred , the victim ;
mostly being of thu poorer classes ,
ST. Pi/iT.HMiriH ! , Oct. 3. Tlioro was a do
crouso of six in the number of now eases
und twenty in deaths from cholera yesterday
compared with Saturday.
Ilrcnvi'i-oil Ili-.ivy Uiuii litM.
Moxitoi : , Mich. , Oot. 8. > Tbo suit of Johi
Conway against thu Lnko Shore it Mlchlgui
Soutlicrn aud iho Flint it Picuru Marauctt
for dnmagus us a result of the collision , be the trains of tlia two companies in
tlinnul near Toledo last Novonibor , bus ro
suited lu a verdict for the nlulntlft In th
sum of SJI.fiS'J. Suits to the amount o
flJOO.OOO nroNpenaing against the companies
Each road claims thai thu other is liable un
that the paint will have to bo settled In cour
boioro the matter Is settled ,
Hunk Wrui'Urr Dunn
Bt'iTAio , N. Y. . Oct.3.-Edward S. Dant
Iho wrecker of the National Savings bant
Is lying at the point of ucath. Ho has bee
unconscious for forty hours. Ho was to hav
gene Into court this morn HI i ; to plead gullt.i
but on account of his condition his attoruu
sooured u postponement for a week , Thor
are various rumors as lu the cause of bis 11
nc , it is learjed that bo Buffering froi
Opium poison. Ho cannot recover.
Another I't'i'k llniuli Cvpi'i'tcil.
New YOIIK , Oot. 3--Au Albauy specia
Kuybi t'otnmlssionor Peck will soon nxnlod
another of Ins bombs In addition to the n
s { port ifCx'utly Usued. It Ua Continuation b ,
* I which he shows tbo increase of wuco * of vi
11 1 riouk brunches of worKlnginen , This tabl
I will bo aoout twice as large us the one a
ready given out.
? tmr YiirK ICirli > ini ; < > 1111111111111111.
NEW YOIIK , Oct , U. ( Special Tolograi
o TIIK U.LExchanso ] was quotoil at fol
lou : CbludL'o , 1)0 i-ents discount ; Boston , :
discount ; St. Louia , fill cen
Great Britain , Germany and Italy Combine
aud Threaten San Domingo.
They Claim Tlutt They Are Kntltlncl to tlio
Jlo l I'uvorcil Nikttoti Trriitincnt
llrlha OIVi'rod the I'rrnlilciit
A Curious Uotnpllcittluiii
New YoitK , Oat. 3. A curious story is clr-
cuiatod to the offcot that Great Britain , Ger
many mid Italy , jealous of the advantages
that Americans are reaping from reciprocity
with San Domingo , had cousplrcd to over
throw It. The action of Great Britain nnd
Italy Is not defined in the story , but It was
said Germany offered Ulysses Hcuroux ,
president of San Uomlngo , an annual brlbo
for llfo of $50OUO If ho would declare the
treaty abrogated ,
The consul from San Domingo hero today
admitted that these countries had made u
demand on San Domingo , In which they
claim that under the clause of
former treaties they nro entitled to
the most favored nation treatment.
Tin : alarmed San Domingo. Tbo attltiido
of Germany is especially dangerous as all
the San Domingo tobacco trade u with Ham
burg. This wui threatened with n duty
which would bo prohibitory , li the demand
is acccdqd to all Dominican sugar would
have to ho sent to London , In which case tlio
United States would roimposo sugar duties.
Accordingly , the consul says , bo was dls-
patched to talk tbo matter over with Secre
tary Foster. He added that Durham , the
American minister to Ilaytl , and the Ger
man minister had both gene to San Domingo
nnd are thcro In consultation with the presi
dent and both keeping their respective gov
ernments informed of the progress of
nccoUallons. Ho expects a satisfactory
solution of the difllci'.lty.
l.nrK < ) OrmriU Attend tlin Nciv York Stnto
Nn\v YOIIK , Oct. a. The convention of the
Now York State Democratic clubs drew u
big crowd to Chlckorine hall at noon today.
Most of iho parsons in attendance , iu addi
tion to the delegates , wore attracted to the
place In the hope of soolns ; and hearing ox-
Prcsulent Cleveland , who did not attend ,
Thu platform adopted was a document of
some length. A ( Irm belief was expressed in
tariff revision ns absolutely necessary to the
continued prosperity of the country. The
cost of vho necessities of Ufa should bo re
The principles embodied In the force bill
were beliovcsd to bo fraught with the great
est danger to the nation. It would have a
degrading tendency. David Martin anil M.
S. Quay with their mothod.s were roundly
denounced. The federal administration of
Benjamin Harrison was also donouncnd ,
whllo contrasted wilh It was tbo record pre
sented bv thosafo undbonorablo administra
tion of Grover Cleveland , David 53. Hill and
Uoswoll P. Flower. Thu candidates of the
Chicago convention were endorsed.
Boyd Thatcher of Albany was unanimously
elected president of tbo league. Then , after
tbo election of vice presidents , secretaries ,
treasurer and executive committee and dolo-
gatcs-at-large. the mooting closed With
cheers lor the democratic nominees.
WON'T itiioM/i ; : IJM.
Ulck Smith Siyi : thn New Kfpuhlli'Hii City
Control Committee Is Irregular.
DICK Smith don't proposa to let go of bis
position as chairman of the republican city
central committee. At iho tnooting'of the
cily convenlinn held September 20 a now
city central commlttoo was appointed , all of
the wards naming members of the committee
except the First ward delegation , who
claimed that the old committee hold ever for
another year. The now commitleq met.
however , and organized by oloclluor Richard
Smith ns chairman and II. M. Waring as
secretary. Notice of the action of tbo com
mittee was lorwarded to Mr. Smith. Ho
has replied as follows :
OMAHA , Nob. , Oct. a. H. M. Wnrlnsr , Ksrj. ,
Secretary .Supposed City Oontral Committee.
Oinuhii : Dear Sir 1 am Informed iliroiizh the
press mid from other sources that you havn
elected me chairman of your .supposed city
central committee. As I do not consider that
yourcommlttco Is regular 1 therefore must Ig-
noru sail ! committee , as i am already chair
man of the ro-'ulnr city central committee
.My reasons for tills action uro as follows :
Thu call was simply for u Jloar.l of Kiinciitlon
convention and no other business. Heretofore
It has ul ways been the custom for the commlt-
lun to hold ever until the regular convention
for all city olllccrs to be put In nomination.
Also , there was not u quorum nresont when
you elected your rominlltccuicn. Another
reason that would inuke thu election of your
committee irregular Is the fact that ladles
participated : is dele iita * In the selection of
this committee. Those nro mv reaMins for IK-
norlnu'your actions and atandlnt ! by the old
committee. Respectfully
IIiciiAiin SMITH ,
Chairman Republican CltyCentral Committed.
DoniDuriitlii I'rlnmricii.
Yesterday iho democratic voters who foil
Inclined wanted up to the polling booth and
planted n\llltlo Australian ballot in ratifica
tion of lha'caucus nominees for delegates * o
the city convention , which moats on Wednes
day. Iu the Third ward Dick BurdUu was
beaten in his attempt to secure a ronoml'ia-
lion , and I'eto Elsassor acrain proved hlmsolf
the democratic Hancy Hanks of the fighting
Second. Tno results of the afternoon nro
partially shown hero :
Charles Brandies wae an easy winner in
the First , polllni ; 313 votes , while Louis
Schroder polled lit1. ) ,
IV to Elstissor showed his slronglh In Iho
Second by drawing oul 407 votes for hlmsolf
against 77 for Mariinovitch nnd 03 for Wil
liam Iluy.
In the Third ward there was n hard licht
between McAridrcwJ und Dick Bnrdish ,
When the voMs were counted Me.Vudrewa
had HI ) and Burdlsb 132.
Thuro WHS a close * llgln In ilia Fourth ivard
between Geoivro ( . ' , Wbitlockanu George H.
Guy , who were rival councllmaiuo candi
dates. Tnero was but ono ticket In the Hold
and the namaj of thy candidates were ap
pended to the ticket with the understanding
thai ilia ono receiving the most votes should
have the support of the delegation. Mr.
Whlllnck won by exactly ono vote. Too
j delegation Is Henry Anderson. W , P. Bren-
f nan , 1 * . II. Carey , M , J , Dowliucr. li. [ JugIo
nian , F , J. Lnnge , Ed Mullen , J. J , Pbilbln
1 and C. F. Tuttlo.
t Tbo Ffth ward delegates are : J , J , Con-
Ion , E. C. Erlllng , J , C. Gullfoll , K. C. How-
lit , Thomas D. Kcnnnv , Mike Loary , John
McGorry , F. W. Solon , W. Von Krugor ,
In tbo Sixth ward there was little or nc
interest takou , Everybody conceded thai
Ed N. Brown had n"walkaway , nnd foi
that reason only twoniy-llvo of the faithful
democrats put in un nppcarunco to cast theii
vote. The caucus delegates were electci
and are solid for Brown ,
Eighth ward delegates ; J. P. Connolly
P. O'Malley , J , B , Sboohan , Joseph Butler
F. M. Koatloy , Thomas Sullivan , J , H
Schmidt , S. B. Leonard.
Ninth ward delegates : Edwin Burke
Dan B. Honiu. Fred Motz , Jr. . M. W. Paine
F. W. Simpson , Adam Stiyuer. D , O. Sut
phou , llobort Taylor , Frank P. Xlnimor ; fo
council man , Churchill Parker.
I'urmrd it . liuclilimCluli. .
The members of the three republican club
e of tbo Sixth" ward have pooled their Issue
and organized a marching club which the ,
claim will oveitop anything that has ye
been seen In thai lino. The men lo tbo nuni
Dor of 'JOO have gicnrd the roll for uniform
and ui-xt week tht-y will purado iho ttreot
under thu iiamo of iho "M reor Guards. "
6 'rmiiUKKUn In llin Silililli * .
Judge Ciuuuau bald yuitcrday that he 1
ready to take the stump flgrtln and will pro
ceed to maKe the date * assigned him bv
the state committed. Tno condition of his
eye Is greatly Improved.
The Crounso-Van Wyck dates are as fol
lows :
York , October , Tdosilay , 2 p. tn.
Kcarnov , October 8 , Saturday , ! ! p. m ,
Broken Bow , October 11. Tuesday , 3 p. in.
Hustlnea , OctoDor 111 , Thursday , 2 p. in ,
Fremont , October (5 , Saturday , 2 p. in.
Chitncril Its Politic * .
DcAtnvooi ) , S. D. , OcU 3. ( Special Tele
gram to Tun BEE. ] A deal was concluded
today by which W , S , Eldur , president of
the Young Men's Democratic club , and as
sociates , secured control ol the Den J wood
Dally Pioneer , the oldest paper published in
the Black Hills , Tbo Ploncor Is ono ot the
most widely circulated of the state journals
and heretofore has boon ono of the most in
fluential Dubllcntlpim in South Dakota.
L. J. .lelTnos , late of the Plrrro
Slanal , has been , Installed as managing
editor and thu paper will Usuo tomorrow
morning for iho llrst time an n democratic
daily. Mr. Elder and his associates nro prepared -
pared to back the paper to tiny extent that
may bo ncudod financially In putting its
news service on a metropolitan basis and
making it the recognized oriran of the party
in the stbtc. Among these lutordstcd Is
Colonel W. It. Steele , the recognized leader
of the part } ' In South D.ikota nnd national
committeeman from the state for the four
years prior to last .ftino.
lloniiinratlVIII Not I'liir.
YANKTOX , S. D ; , Oci. 3. [ Special Tele
gram to THE UCB. ] Secretary O'Brien of
the state democratic central committee sent
to tbo state auditor , today the certificates of
nomination ot tho'democratic ttckot named
at Chamberlain , Mr , O'Brien refuses testate
state whether title , inoans fusion or no Itision
with the Independents , but Ills believed that
the proposition to fuse bus been declared off
nnd thu democrats will go it alono.
Started on the Third.
PmiADEU'lii.i , Ifn. , Oct. U. The inter
national cricket match between the Irish
team and All Phtladolphians was won today
by the homo team by n score ofHi to 103.
As the Irishmen won iho llrst match , n third
nnd deciding match' was started this after
noon with thu visitors at ba > , . When stumps
were drawn the Philudolphlas had capturud
two wlckots for 51 runs.
Walnut Hill Ituptihlicaiin.
The Walnut Hill Ninth Ward Uopuolluan
iluo win meet tomorrow ( Tuesday ) ovomng.
ho candidates have been nominated and it
s the purpose of the club to outlli.o u plan of
ampalgn. Every memoir of the club Is
irged to altond the meeting as business of
mportanco to the club nnd the republicans
f tha ward will DO considered.
IN nil
C. F. Buyhaof NjUgh , Nob. , ono of the
loneors of Nebraska , is in the city on bust-
ess. Mr. Bay ha is , enthusiastic ever the
lolitical situation in' the Third district and
.clares that Molklojohn's election is assured.
Justness is also'booming and the calamity-
las have not , beo'n loft n fool to stand on.
Cloxuliinil Aitbndu to IIli Mail.
NEW YOHK , Qbt. 8. Graver Cleveland
pent the morning iu opening mall and
insworing loiters. He Had no visitors of im-
or.un i-oi.inos.
to Lreservo the 1'e.nro
In liullun Territory.
KVNSAS CITY , Mo Oct. 3.-Tho Times'
Tuskahoma , i. T. , .spoclal says : The as-
ombling of the Clioitutv council.ocoasioucd
great oxciterapnt'lj.era today. Action upon
ho euuernatbrial 'election , during which
light political murders were committed , was
ho lirst subjisct for consideration. Indian
Agonl Dennett , is on tuo ground with a com
puny of United States cuvulry. Orders from
bo'dipjrlment at Washington are to pre-
orvo the peace at all hazards.
Last night -a body of armed men assem
bled near the capital. They were members
of Iho Jackson faction and had como to see
hat their leader got fair play in the canvas
if the voles. Governor Jones sent a com
pany of the Ligut Horse to arrest them , and
; orty-ono of their number were captured
without resistance. Fitly more armed Jack
son men are assembled tonight near the
capitol and they expect reinforcements by
The Jones party has n largo majority In
.he council.and will , doubtless , declare
Jones ro-elocted. Then trouble will follow ,
; ha Jackson party claiming thirty-four ma-
orlty on fair cdurit. The council agreed
; oday that it shall moot tomorrow with
closed doors , no outsiders being admitted ex
cepting olllccrs of Iho Jaw lo preserve ihe
AftSsiu/.rui ) in' nix tutKH\
Hrutal Treatment ofun KnelUliSea Captain
ut Uunliiiu , Cal.
BR.NICIA , Cal. , Oct. 3. Captain Adams , of
the British ship Arthur Stone , was seri
ously Injured this morning by a numuer of
the crow who camo'ciS board the vessel after
carousing on shore all night , and then began
fighting among tbejnsolvos. Captain Adams
nnd the llrst mate endeavored to separate
thorn and were aitnoked. The forinor was
fatally kicked and boaiou. Tbo mate's Injur
ies nro slight. There had boon moro or loss
trouble on the shlplfor months as the crow
disliked the captain , who had refuted to lot
them leave the ship or pay them off.
The Ooith Hull.
LTONS , la. , Oct. & . Louis F. Dean , ngod
49 , died of paralysis today. Ho served as
city clerk and was'editor of the weekly Mir
ror a number of years. Ho was a bugler
throughout the war In the First Iowa cav
SANTA Fi : , N. M. , Oct. 3. Dr. B. M.
Thomas , territorial secretary under appoint
ment by President Harrison , died last night
after a short illness of neuralgia of the stem
ach. Deceased was a native of Williams-
port , Ind. , 4'J yoars-of ago and had resided
bore for twenty years. At tbo time of his
death ho was acting governor lu the absence
of Governor Prlnuo.
UlaluiH Against Armuas 1'iiss ,
SAN ANTONIO , Tex. , Oct. U. Today was ,
the last day for the iijing of claims against *
the San Antonio , & Arnnsas Pass railroad
incurred prior to the reorganization. The
claims paid thus far by .Master In Chancery
Fleming aggregate. $ $00,000 , nnd there being
$400,000 yet outitapdlfli : , the ihasU < r in chun-
ccay will asu for extension of the period
during which thosn claims can be presented ,
Tbo linul report of.tlia receiver will , there
fore , DO deferred ' , providing this extension Is
granted by'tho court ,
Is Not " ( ; oonuy tlia Fox , "
CHICAGO , 111. , Oct. 3. George Geoghan ,
alias Coleman , tbosuspected Cronln convict
m the Oregon penitentiary at Salem Is not
"Cooney the fox'but a brother of the
notorious Pete Gqngban , now so&ving n term
In the penitentiary .ut Jollot. This \t \ the
statement ot DuthcUves Collins and lichan ,
both of wboin know > ' 'tho fox. "
Ton Toilfirll lor Tlu'dlcird.
TiiEDronii , Neb , , Oct. 8. [ Special Telo.
gram to Tun BEE. 1-rEdward Thompson , n
notorious crook who broke jal ( hero last Ma ;
while being held to answer to a charge ol
assault and who was recently captured a !
Alblou , Idaho , and returned hero , broke Jal
agalu last night aud U ugalu at larb o.
HurrUon'n Coiidltlnii tlrows M'orte ,
IUNOTOX , IJ , O. , Oct. 2. Hrs. Harri
son has'not had a very comfortable day , am
is not quite as welUonU-ht as she has boei
for a week- pan.llpr condition , however , ii
not such as to excite alarm. 4
r'orrnt I'IITH HuruTlieinielVK * Out.
WOODIIISB , N. J , , Oct. a. The forest Brc
between hero auu Belle PUlno Uavu buruci
thuaiselvej uuU
Scores Mndo in the Army Shoot nt Fort
Sheridan Yesterday.
SOME SPLENDID INDIVIDUAL RECORDS Itniiso Work with It I Mr uml Cnrhtno
Thut Snrp IMPS the Cxprrli'iici ; of 1'nst
Years l < Vatiir > H of n 1'crlcct
Day on Iho Knngr. * * *
CHICAGO , 111. , Oct. 3. A largo crowd of
spectator ? WIIH present today at the Oral reg
ular practice In the army rlllo and carblno
shoot at Forl Sheridan. Wind and wouthor
were both propitious.
At the iiuJ yard range , Sergeant Hugh
Griffith of iroop D , Eighth cavalry , made u
score of 44 points out of a possible M ) ,
whllo PrlvatoViltou of Company F ,
Twenty-third infantry , made the some rec
ord. At this range the cavalry and Infantry
At the 1500 yard ranees some excellent
scores were made by the cavalry competi
tion. Sergeant Grinith , troop D , Klehth
cavalry , made a score of 43 points out ol a
possible M and Sergeant Stolner Hod his
scoro. lu the infantry competition Sirgeint
Hay of company A , Tenth Infantry , made nn
excellent score of 4U points , whllo Sergeant
O'Hourko of company G , Fifteenth infantry ,
also scored 43 polnls.
Splendid work was done nt the uOO-yard
raiiRO. In the Infantry clasi Sergeant
Chap'n , company A. Twenty-second infantry ,
nitide n score of 4(5 ( points , Sergeant Boyhuii ,
company A , Fifteenth infantry , and Sor-
gesnt Weight , company G , Eleventh In
fantry , bolh made score uf 44 points ,
fu the cavalry company competition
Sergeant Andrew , troop B , Third cavalry ,
made n score of 41) ) points , while
Lieutenant Scott , First cavalry , und Sorgeaut
Price of troon K , Ninth cavalry , scored 4'J
points. Private F. Finny of the ITifth iu-
lanlry won honors in the oPO-yard shoot , securing -
curing a record of 45 iu Iho distinguished
marksmen's competition at this raugo. Tno
best scor was made by First Sergeant Hon-
ser of the second cavalry.
I'ViituiTH ' nl tlio Day.
A now feature was Introduced in the prac-
lice , lual of shooting nl moving targets.
During the afternoon tbe camp was
honored by n visit from Major General Her
bert of the English army anil staff. A salute
of thirteen guns was llred from the fort In
his honor.
The Armstrong full dress belt prize to the
ofllcer making the highest scoru ntSOO , ) t ) ,
fiOO and 000 yards was won bv Captain S. II.
Alkon of the Illinois Notional guard with a
score of 17J points.
The Armstrong uhouMer knot prize to the
ofllcer milking the highest sing'lo skirmish
run at the moving lurgut was won by Lieu
tenant S. H. II. i'orupklns , Seventh cavalry ,
with the splendid score of 84 points.
The Spauldinir gold medal to the officer
inaklnji the greatest score at 500 yards was
won by Captain 11 , H. Tikor of the Illinois
National guard , with a Eooro of 47 points.
Tbo Colts patent prize to the onicormnkinir
ho greatest number of bulls eyes ut aoo. 1100
ind f > 00 yards , was also won by Captain S.
'A. Aileu of the Illinois National-guard , he
laving made a total of fifteen bulls oyes. . .
Tha Hamburger cash prize to the'enlisted
competitor of- cavalry making'thR greatest
score at a single skirmish run at iho mtivlng
.arcet was won by Corporal P. J. lllako ,
troop F , Fourth cavalry , with a score of 91
The Anhouflor-Busch cash prize to the
unlisted competitor of tha Infantry making
ho greatest score at a single skirmish run at
.ho moving target was won by Prlvato V. P.
Swotnhart , company H , Twenty-second in
fantry , with the remarkable "scoro of D3
The following scores were made at 200 ,
100 , 500 nnd 000 yards , out of a possible 50
at each range :
Si-rgpnnt Inoylinm. . Co. A. Ifith Infantry. . ICO
"ercount Wllkt-s. Co. 1" S4th lufanlry iKi
Jorporal David WIlkoH. Co. ! , 24 Infantry. , 1U3
Corporal Davidson. Co. O , 10th Infantry. . . . 1(11 (
Distinguished marksmen , rllle competition : 1'owoll , Co. D , 14th Infantry mi
Sergeant Hay , Co. A , 10th Infiinirv I.V.I
i-orgoiinl .Murwln. Co. B , l.'itli Infantry 138
? crgoant Henry , troop A , 2d cavalry 102
i-or.'oiint Orllllth , iroop I ) . Slli i-avimy.
Surgennt Toy , troop O , 7th cavalry Lib
iJlsitlnaiilhhed iimrKsineii , carbine corps
Sorjieant Hensur , troop U. : M unvulry. . . .
I'rlvuiu Toboy , troop ( J , 1M cavalry j51
Captain Gerrni-lOtli cavalfy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14' . '
rou.M ) ( sfii/rv.
l.iiiUteimntH in tins Itt-KUlur Army runUIicd
fur OIl'diKi's Against Dlhclplliic.
CiuaAoo , 111. , Oct. 3. General Miles this
aftorEoon made known the Jiiullngs of the
court martial In the case of Second Lioutou-
nnt Marcus Muxwoll of the Flfteonth in fan-
try , Fort Sheridan , and First Lieutenant
Bridge Terry of the Niiiotoonth Infantry ,
Fort Washington , Mich. Lieutenant Max
well was charged with disobedience of
orders In not reporting to hifj superior oftl-
cers when ordered , and Lieutenant 'J'nrry
was charged with disrespect for his superior
Lieutenant Maxwell was found not guilty
of disobedience of orders , but guilty of con-
duet contrary to the coed order and discip
line of the army. Ho was sentenced to con
finement within the limits of the post ut
Fort Sheridan for six months and to bo rep
rimanded by Oenorul Miles.
Lieutenant Terry was found guilty on all
the charges but one , nud sentenced to con-
tlnomont within the limits of thq past for
three months and to bo reprimanded by Gen
eral Miles. In reprimanding Lieutenant
Terry , General Miles bald ho had been too
free In his comments on the actions of hU
sunorior olllcors , which was somewhat uuuo-
countable in view of the tact of tm long service -
vice In the army.
JOWA'S .NATIONAL ( il'Altl ) .
I.lcntmmiit Sliiiri | KoporU to tlin War lli -
parlllli'lit on JlH Conilltini ] ,
WASHINGTON , I > . 0. , Oct. 3 , Lieutenant
A. U. Sharp , United States infantry , in n rn-
port to the War department on the national
guard of Iowa , states that the ducipllno of
the summer oamp was generally good , but
thatthoro was much disorder yelling , sing
ing and aboutlng uftor taps by the troops ,
resulting , ho thought , from u spirit of hilar
ity and iguoranca of regulations. Lieu
tenant Sharp found too much familiarity
existing between the'ofllcers and the
men and a general disposition to noglucl sn-
luting. Little attention was paid to reveille -
voillo , and some companies had no formation
at all and no reports wore received by the
adjutant. A naloon was In lull blast , the
lieutenant states , on the opposlto bank ol
the river from thu camp , but ho saw nc
drunkenness nniong the mn and no very se-
rlous broach of discipline of order , Llcuteiv
ant Sharp foynd much to commend in the
discipline and particularly the rifle practice
of the militia , but the appearance of unlf&rn
and equipment were only latr and needed
improvement. _
ofiiiKitii : > TO TUIITM ; .MIH..VIAI.V.
Sent to Alii tli UommUnloner * li
Their neiillni ; * tvllli Ilin liiilliinii ,
WAsin.saTO.N , I ) . O. , Oct. --The War department
partmont bus received Instructions from tin
president to send u detachment of troops ti
the Turtle Mountain Indian reservation li
North Dakota to mulit thn povernmont com
mission now there to carry out tb lr Instruc
lions. It U said tnat , the Canadian mlxei
bloods , who weroHtrickeu from the re Us be
cause they are foreigners , now mauo opoi
throaU ttiat they will nrevont any course o
action that doet not includu them In the lie
llboratious , Thu troops arc directed to ro
main ns long as miiy bo necessary to keep
the. po.-ico , check Improper Interference ,
allow free oxprci ! > lon of opinion and facili
tate business. _
rito.M itiAi : > ot'Aitnit , : .
Order * IH III-I ! hy tlinV r
U. ! ! . , Oct. ! ) . ( Special Tolo-
grain to Tuu Ur.r. ] . LImuonant Colonel
Marshall B. Ludlngton , deputy qunr-
tcrmastor t.C"Cral , will proceed to
Helena and Fort Asstnabolnc , Mont. , ami
to such other points ns Uo may bo directed
by the quartermaster general on oUlcml
Captain William Hoffman , Eleventh In
fantry , having neon found by mi army retir
ing board tnc.iuautl'ited for active service ,
will nroceod to lib Homo.
The following transfers In the Tenth In
fantry uro made : First , Lieutenant Stoplum
( . Soy burn , from company 0 torompany 1C ;
Firn Lieutenant Kobort L. Dullard , from
company 1to company (4. (
First Lieutenant .lohn T. Nance , Sixth
cavalry , is relieved from duty ut the LHtlo
Hock Commorclal college , Ark. , mid ho
will report In person to the governor of
Arkansas lor temporary duly In connection
with the militia ot thai state.
First Lieutenant Harry L. BaMuy ,
Twontv-lli-st infantry , dotnliod as rocordcr
of the army retiring board convened at
Columbus Iturraciiii , O. , is hereby relieved ,
Major Tulllus I. . Tuppor , Sixth cavalry ,
will repoit In person to Colonel Simon
Suvder , Nineteenth Infantry , president of
thu army rotlrlnu board at Columbus Liar-
racks , O. , for examination by the board.
Leave of absence for three months Is
granted Major Henry H , Frcoman , Sixteenth.
The lotivo of absence granted First Lieutenant -
tenant George S. Young , Seventh Infantry ,
Alicust 10 , Dopartmunt of the Platte , Is ex
tended onu mouth.
J'lrst Lieutenant Knlon A. iJdwardn ,
Twenty-fifth Infantry , will report to the
commanding officer nt Columbus UarracUs ,
O. , for duty at that dopot.
The following changes In the stations of
officers of the mudtcal department nro
ordered : Lioutomiut Colonel Francis L.
Town , doputv surgeon general , Is. relieved
from duty nt Kurt Walla Walln , Wash. , and
will rcpo.t to the commanding ofllcor nt
Wlllots Point , N. Y. , for duty nl that
station , relieving Major Clarence Hwen , iiur-
neon. Major liwen , on b-Mng relieved , will
report in person to thu commanding oflieer at
Fort \Valla Walla , Wash. , for duty at thai
station. Captain Alonzn H. Chupiu , assist
ant surgeon , is relieved from dutv at Fort
Yates , N. D. , und will report to trto com-
maiinlns oftlcor , l ort Hancock , TPX. , for
duty at thut stntion. CaptHin Kugonu L.
Swift , nsslstant , surgeon , is iclioved from
duly at Fort Grunt , Ariz. , and will report to
the commanding oflicer , Fort Vutc , X. U. ,
for duty at that station.
The ordinary leave of nbionco nnd oxtcn-
tlon grnnted Colonel Matthew M. Ulunt ,
Sixteenth In Fun try , is furlher oxtatuiud ono
month , nnd liu is authorized by tha acting
socrotury of war to jjo beyond sea on sur
geon's cortilicatc.
First , Lieutenant George Hell , Jr. , Third
infantry , is detailed as professor ot military
bcioncc and tactics at Cornell university ,
Ithaca , N. Y. , and Will report in person to
thwprosidont thereof , relieving Captain Her
bert 13. Tuthcrly. First cavalry , who will
proceed to Join his proper station.
The following transfers and assignment
in the Twenty-lifthflifuntry nro made : Cap
tain Henry P. Hitzcus from company F to
company I ; Captain George Andrews from
company i to company F ; First Lieutenant
Harry A. Lcouhausoi' , unussigned , is as-
"igned to company F.
Captain Charles II. Ileyl , .Twenty-third
.nfnntry , will proceed to Chicago , 111. , nnd
'apart in person for instructions to .Major
Jlotton , commUary ordnance aruartii.ont ,
member of the board of control nnd man-
gamont of the government oxhtult. to rep-
esont the War department exhibition ut
ho World's Columbian exposition.
Leave of absence for ono month to take of
'ect upon his relief from recruiting duly Is
granted First Lieutenant \Villiam H. Al-
alro , Twenty-third infantry.
DiTJili'il nil nipiirtilil : Cntr.
Svx FiiAKcisL'ti , Cal. , Oct. I ) . Tha Califor
ula supreme court this afternoon tianded
down a decision in the matter of an applica
.ion for a writ of mandamus to call n bpoclul
election for state tonator in the Sixth senu-
orial district. The court decided thut no
election is necessary. The sluto was re
cently rcdistricted nnd n question of much
importance to the different political parties
was raised us to whether or not the elections
should bo held in nil the oven numbered tlis-
tricls. The court decided that the senators
cnosen in lsK ! ) hold their ofllto until January ,
Ih'J. ) , nnd there can be no election ot senators
"n oven numbered districts in ISM. The ro-
mbllcans had a largo majority in the
nt the last session.
HU Honor Not Oiii > stiuiir < l ,
orisviu.K , Ky , , Oct. : i. Colonel J. Cuth-
bert Bullit , collector of the port of Now
Oilenns under Lincoln , was marrlod ut noon
lo Mrs. Mary Stirovo-Goodloe Itausom Arch ,
widow. Since his engagement the colonel
lias uoon astounded bv n claim of the gov-
eminent for Jl.OOO. The colonel could not ,
understand it , baying ho had never hoard of
any dellcit In his oftlco. Hois a gontlomun
of the old school and will pay the full
amount. The district attorney says the do-
ficlt was doubtless caused by a clerical mil-
lake and no imputation i * mada by tbo gov-
I'.rtnnont on Colonel Uulllt's honor.
( rent Sympathy for IrtliiP.
SALT LAKT , O. T. , Oct. H. fSnocinl
Telegram to Tim Hun. ] At , a mooting
ol the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce today - ,
day , resolutions were passed of conlldoiico In
nnd sympathy for W. II. Irvine , now uiiunr
arrest at Lincoln , Nob. , for the murder ot
Itankcr MontRomory , The chamber es
pecially commends Irvlno as "H pure , manly ,
pnacuful and upright man , and one \vlio in
our bulinf is utterly inuapnblu of committing
an unla.vful act unless tindar an uncontrollable -
able impulse produced bv some great and
overmastering excitement , "
MnvpiiiiuitH of Orruii Sli'mnrrn ,
At Lizard : Passed Kbinclund , from Now
At Ilromer Unvcn : Arrived 13ms , from
Now Vorit.
At Philadelphia. ; Arrived at Hroakwatcr
Lord Clyde , from Liverpool.
At Now York : Arrived Narronlca , from
At Hlo Janeiro : The htonmnr Marie
sailed for New York via Hlo do Janeiro Sop-
tombor'J' ) . Enchantress balled from Victoria
for Now York October 'J.
ir/J.l / IlKll IfUliK
ItV1I1 III ) I'M 11anil V.irlnliln U'lniU Will
Illmr Toilny In .Si'lirn liii.
WASHINGTON , n. C. , Oct. il Forecast for
Tuesday : For Nebraska Fair , variable
winds ; warmer In northwait pjrUon ,
For Iowa - Fair , variable- winds ; warner :
lu northern noi'liou. *
OrrifB oi- - runVKTIIUII 111111:4u : , OMUH ,
Oct. ! i , Omaha record of teiiipcraturn mid
rainfall compared witn corresponding day of
past four years !
IhOi i8'i. ) jfini iScn ,
Maximum temperature. . . . 'S * 47 = fi > = 70 =
Minimum lomnur.itiiro ij ! = 4J = G' ) = * 4u =
Avorust'tonipoiaturo 00 = 44s U'0 111 =
rroclpttat.on W ° 2.75 T Oil1
Statement showing the condition of torn-
poraluruand precipitation ai Omaha tor tuo
day nnd since March I , 1S13J. at compared
with mo p.enoral avoraijo :
Normal toniucratiire. . . ' , ' , S =
Kxceis for tliu nuy. , llc
Dt'llolcnuy HIIICU Muren I , I'.VF
-Ndnnal preelpltalloii 10 Inul
Deficiency for tlin duy , . . , . , , . . .lulnol
Dvtlcliuiuy kluuu Mari'h 1 1.s7lncl
( J. li , LAW TON , Ohsurvor
For South Unkolii Fair , warmer , wlndi
slilltini : to soutliorlv.
For Nonh Dakota -Fair. outtiwestcrlj
winds , warmer lu uorihutut purlttia.
Citizens of Ilitclicjck Oounty Muoh Exoltarl '
Over the Situation ,
Iti ) IIKNU Tluit lln U 1'rcpircd tn Suppri > ti
Any l.nuliiHiiiMsVitliiur ; DllUeully
\Vlti > rn tlin SliorirTi *
S.ilil toSlnnil.
Lixcoi.x , Nob. , Oct. ! ! . [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB UKK. ] Private Secretary Mor-
rlssoy received the following dUpnloh from
Culberlson tonight :
"TuoMisJ. Mjoiis , Acting Governor : The
sheriff has taken sides with Trenton. The
citizens of Culbortsoi : are protecting the
town. Send us some mon at once , "
The message was slcnod by C. O. Fother-
gltl , coroner ; W. W. Brown , K. Bank * , W.
D. Wlldman , S. E. Solomon , A. D. King , A.
L. King , B. Conway , T. P. Follows , U.
Knowles , Ucor oJ. Elsenbur , G. W. Danlola ,
F. E. Gnrrott , II. Beam. vV. / . Taylor , Mc-
Hoynolds nnd D. Stevens ,
The following reply was sent :
LINCOLN , Oot , 3. S u. m. C. O. Kc athcrRlll.
Coronor. Onlbcrtson : Have telegraphed
sheriff to summon IIDSJO and prosorvu ordor.
If bo falls lo ilMchsirjro his ilutv us an ofllour.
wire mo. Tclo riph oxtu-t sltnntlon. Has
there boon any riot or bloodshed ? Troops
cannot ho ordered until civil authorities full
to protect llfo or property. 1 huvo troops and
Railing gun In reiidlni'si If oinorgunoy do-
inaniU. Answer this promptly.
T. J. M UOHS , Ac this' Governor.
lly KIIANIC It. MOHHISSRV , I'rlvnto Secretary.
No reply lias boon received to the last. Ad
jutant Vlfqumn has been out iu Fillmore -
moro county but kept hlmsolf Informed of af
fairs. When ho learned that tbo nltuatlou
was growing moro serious ho telegraphed
tbiU ho would co at 01120 to Cnlbortson nnd
would bo tnoro in readiness to receive ordors.
All preparations have boon completed by
General Vifqiiain for tno Immcdlato trans
portation of troops when the orders como
nnd ho can have 12. ) men beside a Galling
gun and the men to servo It un ttio scone.
within six hours uftor the order to marcb Is
m\Ki > of TII ic I'tNs.
Ti'li'Krains Uimvi-yni } ; th Jsows to the
AutliiK t.ovi-nuir.
Lixi'oi.N'.Nob.Oct. ! i. [ .Special Telegram to
Tin : Bin : . | The following telegrams were
received at the executiveofllco losCovcnltiK
and this forenoon :
Cui.nmiTsn.v. Nob. , Oct. i. liovernor lloyfl :
Wu uro huvlng a oonntv suat war. tihots were
oxcliaiiKcd tills ovonlng. Kxpect troiihlu to-
nlilitor lonmrro v. Slmrlir is powuriusj. The
injunction of thu suprjmu uourl Is dolled.
Set ul militia. 11. A DANNIS ,
A. I ) . KINH ,
W.I ) . WII.T.MAN.
Ciii.iiKUT ox , Nob. , Oot. I ! . In a county heat
war shots weru oxeliaiized-iuJay. Moro trou
ble Is antleipateil. The shcrirr IH powurlos : .
Send nillttlii.
4 . , , . PI A. Koiiicitoit , ! , Coroner.
'Governor Boyd is absent from the stalo.
Ills private secretary ut once sent a raossago
to Lieutenant Governor ftlajors , requesting
him to como at once. Adjutant General Vlf-
Utialn has notillcd Company G At Geneva ,
Company D at Lincoln and Company A nt
Kearney to bo reidy to march nt onoo. and It
Acting Governor Majors Issues the necessary
orders the three companies will reach the
HCUUU of the disturbance within six hours.
Nothing can be done until Acting Governor
Majors arrives ut the capital.
iVt2UOthis : afternoon Private Socrolary
Morrissey received n tolngra'u ' from Acting
.lovernor Majors as follow * :
Kvcry civil inothod should be exhausted bo-
'oro lesorUiiB to militia. Consult attorney
general nnd Nsuo such orders in my name in
ivlll moot the oincritency. Will bo In Lincoln
at Iho earliest possible moment.
In accordance with tbo ubova Instructions
Private Socrntnry Morrissey telegraphed
Sheriff Dannls at Culbartson us follows :
Have yon cillcd for PIHSO ? Tf not , do RO at
> nee. Siiinnion 'M > If necessary and uxbaiiBt
very pusslbln moans lo preserve pnbllit
irdcr. Militia cannot bo ordeioil until other
inuiins have failed , Tolograpli olllulally oxuot
itnallon. _
Onialni ( iimrils ICxpria tn llu Ordered to tliu
hri-iii" .
Lieutenant Colonel Mulford received
orders from Adjutant General Vlfijualu
ycstoiday afternoon to hold the Galling sec
tion of the Omaha Guards in readiness to
proceed at a moment' * notlco to Cutbcrtson.
After receipt of the telegram word WOH
Bout to Ciptuln Batnford , commander of the
guards , nnd ho lurried ut once to
the armory , where several ot the
guardsmen were already at work clean
ing nnd ollinutha beautiful p'.ooc ol
mcobanlsm , which II res 1'JOO shots a minute.
The boytt turned to with n will and worked
hard for n counle of hours to put their equip
ments in the best possible shape.
General Vifijunlnvus on n train onrouto
from one of the fur western counties
In the blato , and was traveling
toward Culburlson its fast as wheels
could turn. Cap'.nln Hnmford was ordered
to provide himself with plenty of ammuni
tion and Lieuleiinnt Wilson went down lo
tha gun stores to put a mortgage on all thn
Gatling cartridges in town. Colonel Mulford
was also ordered to muilu-rtuo. Gutting sec
tion into the Htato service before it left for
the scene of the trouble.
About 8 o'clocic last night a tologrnin from
General Viffjualn nl Exeter to the captnlu of
the Gunrdk ordered tbo command to sleep
under their gun nnd bo ready to leave Immn-
dlntuly upon receipt of orders. A fapocial
train will bo provided for the unillng sec-
Ion and tuo gun crew will consist of about
on men. _
Until Had .Vnllcc ,
CIII.IIUHTSON , Nob. , Oct. a , [ To the Editor
of Tun lJi'.n , I A rumor has reached us Uia
County Treunuror G , W. lionjumin denies
that ho received any notlco from the supreme
premo court on Friday. September ! 10 , of Its
actions. Wo , the undersigned , will mul/o
nllldavltthat wo saw the dispatch fruin the
clerk of the uupromj court to the treasurer
mid hoard It road in the presence of the
treasurer on Friday by thu deputy clerk uml
treasurer. Both had notice before they took
any books. W. W. Bwnv.v.
K B. HI MV : ,
G. 1C. BANK * .
J , C ,
.Slrcplni ; on Tliolr Arum ,
KBIIINUV , Nob. , Oct. it. ISpuclalTelerram
to'J'in ; BiuCaptain | Olson , commandlne
company A , Second regiment , received 01
iiers this afternoon from Adjutant General
Ylfijuain to have his company in rcadlncs.u
to movu to Culbortson , thosccnoof tlio Hitch
cock county soul war , nt n momont's no.
lice. Tilt ; numibers rosnondod forty atronir
and nroslRopIng on their arm * tonight with
oxpoctutlons o ( movlnz nboiit 11 o'clock ,
I'oinpiny I ! Itrudy.
BKATIIICK , Nob. , Oct. . ' ! , ( Special Telegram
toTiii.i : > KK. ] Cuptuin Palmer , commandiiiK
co m puny C , First regiment , Nebraska Na
tional fiiiauU of'lulw city , today received or-
dcri to hold hs ! company in rcadlnesu lo
proi'fcd to Culbortson , Hitchcock county , lo
usm In prcMirvtiUj order In the county &cut
conn si r.ow pi-ovJillng lUuro.