THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , OCTOBER 3 , 1892. 8PEG1RL NOTICES. " " ' * " ' ' f T" I-OH TIIKSK COLUMNS APVKHTIflKMEHTM II 30 f tn for the evening Knd until SM : p. m. for the morning or Sunday rdl- * " A"I dvnrtl rmnt In ihfff columnsJM ; cents a word for first Insertion and I cent * word for each Mib.equent Insertion , or l to per line per tnonlti. No advr-rtlKimpnt taken for loss than toconty Tnr the first Insertion. Terms cash In advance. lnltl l tlKiircn. ymbol . tto.each count as n word All ilvrrtltonirnU must run consecutively. Adver tisers , by requcstlnir a numbi-rcd check , can have ttm le'.lpm addressed to a numbered IMtMln euro of 1 HE HICK Annwers so addressed will be deliv ered on presentation of the cht-ck. SITUATIONS-WANTED. A -WANTKI * . nV A WOMAN OK WKLSII AND .AllnllitniMliitcli pnrvntMtc. situation . hon work durlnp thn full and wlnl.of.nioP1lV1' ! inur.t bn In n Chr'stl ' m bomo. Address A. M " ' ? " ' Bls r 1'IUcr. Nrb. . T"-WANTKI * . 11V AN KXPKHIRSrKO MAN. .A position as manager of lumber yardi peak ( Irr man ) references. Address M 1 . eo. "I A-WANTKI > 7 "i'OMTION V YOUNO LADY .A stenographer Ju.t uradunlod Address M 2 , , llco. -1"3 ' ' A WAVri'.O. 8ITUA FION AS CUCHK. 20 YKAIIS .Aexperleneolndty vomit , boots and shoes , also BwrorlM. hpoaks Knullth. ( ierman and Danish Ko objection to country- Address , M 33 I'00- ' , . , A -PHtNTKH-HlTUATION WANTKI * AH FOHK. A man. Practical Joli compositor and cylinder tirnssman II ) years' opnrlenci' I'sllniMIn * Com llnrd small dally nnd Job olllcc wltli Mndjry | ire ferred Addros * M M , lire MM I * WANTED-MALE HELP. . - . . SAl.KSMKNONSALAHV OK jOM B.-WANTF.D. handle the now patent chemical Ink craslnu pencil. The Hrealest clllHB novelty ever produced erases Ink thnrmiuhly In two soeonda ; 110 abrasion of papers 2i to MX ) per cent prollt ; iinu nirint'ii sales amounted In six days , another 132 In two hours ! we want ono eneruotle cetioral Kent Ini-nch stnto and territory For terms anil p lartlculara address Monroe Krascr Mf Lo. . x.3ti l. .aCrosso , WIs. llll l.T l.I > -WANTKO A PKACTH'AL MAN - -I Ocapllal to take a water mill. Address bov. % . . . .Incoln. Nob. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " " -WA.NT OASVASSIJIW. W. A W. j.'iU South ICth st. M8M Ol } -WANTKD MAN TO TAKK OKDKKS 'address manufacturer , box 2'I7 ' city TJ-WANTKI * . IIA1LUI AI > I.AHOUHUH VOI J > Wyomlng and South Dakota. Wnges , JI.OO nm 11.21 pnr Mny. btendy work. Albrleht Lnlmr Oil Ice liairnrnnin strent. M2J2O0 _ _ l > -\VANTKl.f ) TnAM > AND Hl'll C.STKACT IJors. Kr e trnnsportatl'in on tbo U. 1 Lincoln Meb McCormlek llrosjt Co. ? ' ' 4i- " p-WANim * . AUKSTS TO HULL KINK TKAS. JJeonees. spires , extracts anil sundries by ampin to families ; no capital required , xeln lve terri tory : good pay : get our liberal trial offer Q- W. I.OTcrln A lirowno Co. . Chicago. .M4h.i-o-ll. D-OKNKHAI. KMI'LOY.MIINT OKKICK. IIIIsT JJIiclp and situations furnished , 220 N. llth T > MKN TO It Sl'KriALTY : MKST IN MAHKKT Jj < liilck seller ; profits large Apply nl once. .1 llrldo A Co. , llox 2011 , New York. M'JiJ l > -WANTKD. t rAHPI-.STF.KS AT OIllOWA. iJ.N'eb. Address Atom Hnkentraw. MOil a * il-WANTKI * . A MAN TIlAVKl.tNIJ IN NK1I. Oil lNeb. anil Kansas , locarry ourllnc of suspenders In connection with one or two other lines on com. mission hails , Pluunlt Su l > Cq , Mllwaukee\\ . p--lU | TCLAB > * . A -JINSKII 1 WANTKD FOU .IJshoti und fnrnaco work. No others need apply Wm l.ylo Dlckny A Co. . IIOJ lloiiKlamt. lltl h-WANTKi T\vo SALKS\TKN , ONK FOH .1 lOmahn clly trade and ono for country trade , must ho r.cqiinlnttMl with Krocery business Ad dress 11.1 N 14th st , , Lincoln. Neb. 128 4 n-SOU hf.WKIt MKN. At. O IIHICKLAVKH9 -Dwanted. 1'ay oTory Saturday. Dos Mnlncs , In. McDonald Mlii'J O."j' KKIl WASTIID AT SMITH A. I'O'S , Jjgt Main at. , Council Hluffi..ln. 23. 3 _ " _ T-I > IIIIO CLKHK TvANTlil ) . MUST SPKAIC J'derinan. 1'osltUcly send references. State IIKO nnd lowest salary. Dr. C. II. Little , Hlooiulleld. Sioux county. .Sub. M87I 4 _ 1) WANTKD- C.OOD IIAHNKSS MAKKH. AD- JJ dress 11. Flshwood , Swnnton , Neb. M277-U * T-WANTKD , MAN OH WOMAN IN KVKHY JJcounty to liandlo now article. Kxtraordlnnry laics. Nothlni ! like It. I'artlculars for stamp. llutchlnfon A 1'lalnc , Omaha M2.VJ v tj WANTKI * . A HAHNK3HMAKKH , PIKCK aJwork. 10 per sot. 1 to Inch , or weuk work. * 'J pur week , J. ( Campbell , Palmyra , Neb. M3I8 5 * - . A I'lHSr CLASS T1NNKK AT once. One that can speak Cernmn preferred. Aflist l Kood < m fnsli'e and outslclo work. Address I .P.'Wolch. ' UUIiiKCity. . Noli. M824 4 r > -AN A NO. 1 nilOCKUY DEL1VKKY MAN , J ) ell posted In trade and town. A Rood steady loh to1'competent man. ( Jive full Information. Address. M 22 Hoe. 151 I * O--1.AHOKKUS FOK UNION PACIFIC H'Y CO. IN Jl southern W > omlnK. Utah and Idaho : free pasn. Kramer & O'lloam Labor Agency , 50J bouth llth treat. M329 4' T-HO PKK WKKIC AND K.VPKNSKS TO MALH Jl/and female workom. to net nn resident salesmen fora , company inanufuctitrlnK goods wanted In every hnusuhold , I'ormnnunl. profitable ork. Tonus nnd circulars free. Addrosi Klectro- XyOvulty Co. , 48 Armory street , Iloston Mass MiBO .T WANTED-FEMALE HELP. " ' -W ANTKl , "otl'm l coed wnuiK. Cull ailliuorKlaavu. ( b. 2Jth sl.l. 2 doprs north of Mason. 121 - < , VANTii : > . YOIINR ( JIHL TO CAKK Foil fhlld S years old and u sl t In Koncrul lou ; e- vrork. 202iCnpltol avenue I3U C -WANT ! ? ! ) , A Ts ruTTro DOCKNKKAL HOUSK. wor < ( Apply at I.M1 North IStli hlroel. 137 -LAljTHs" AND ( illTl.S TO 1)0 Ol'H .N'KW work for tin nt home : ( .1 to H per week easily tuadc ; no palntlint or canrnsshiKj send K lt- nddruHscd envelope , Keho Mauiifacturlni ; com- piirjy. 4 Liberty Squiiro. Iloston , Mass. 1ST 4 * Tv-i WAN IKD.COMl'hTKNT ( ilUL FOK ( J KNTTTAL : V iiiiiiiework- small family : must undcmtand plain tooklnn. Apply UJXSJtli ft. 18' . ' 4- * _ C -WANTID : , UIKL TO WOIIK FOH IIOAIID nnd uo to school. Apply Jill N 3Utb tret ) , Omutia. MI75 C WANTKI * , A NIC AT VOUNl ! ( II It I TOASSIhT In I taklUK cartf of baby r > . K. cor 2itb ate. and 223 b -lltL ! FOK (1KNKKAL ( HOIISKWOIIK , M IIS. 1. It. UlnikMin , IUS is 20tli. 224-3- FOR RENT-HOUSES. " -FLATSrDWKl NtiH "coT StllS'lN Tlji parts of city. Kilkenny A Co , , Cuntlneiitai blk. -jvli'oOM HOUSK NI5.VH IllTJTi SCHOOL ; steam licit ; utalile ; modern conveniences. Thus. IT. Hall. IU7 I'lUton block. OTi ! 1)I'Oll UKST. IN ALL 1 AKT.S OF 'fltr. ' , Tliu O. F D.ivl company , l' > "i 'amain St. 4u | HUNT. FOIMl KOOM < 'OTTAiK , DOIKil ! J/and 29tb , HUM. How < V Hill , UUS Farnam fctrect. MJTii 1 - KKNT. IIIIU'IC TKUHACK , 10 HOOMS. 'ill ; N , 2Uth Btr.'ul. Inqiilrtf at Dr. Van Cami' | " hotuo. HSU ) .1' fVf N K.XCKPTIONAHI.Y DKHIUAIILK IKilISK JJ of 11 rooms near post onion ; modern arrange- tiiont' complete Kmiutra l hlClileaKu 9t tint L. S. klnniir , rental nyunt , lull I'urnam t .MIL' , ToUKNT.U-UOirM HOUSK VD'Hl AND DODOK street * . All modern conveiilouwB. Postesslon Klvcn Immediately. Call or addiex M. L. lloedur , Huoni W , Paxlon block _ _ -MIM T4'IIOO > I FLAT. STF.AM IH.'AT. FIHST-CLASS J-'llefiireiiccs , sltl S. 2ml stieet , room 0. 433 IN-FOIl HKNTriHiOOSt I10USK. ALL MODFIIN J'convaiileneeH , wllh laruu barn. .1XM Puppleton live lnqulruatJl7 S. ISthnt. I.M DlcSlllAIILK IIOMlfTTl-MI HOOMS , Fl/IT' nlrhoilor unturnldied Parties uolnu to Cali fornia. Apply on premlsii , 1112 south'lentli etreet DOM.Y TWO I.HFT OF TIIK I-HO ! M 4'OI < IIIKCI Jutt complpt'id Have bath , hot and cold water nnd modiirn coiuenlenee > , Doslruhlu humus / ir bunlnvus men In tioautlftrl Stanford circle. Fur particular * apply lo Mar loai : and Tru t Co , * Kcnl , 4 , NIIKTork Lift ) blilu fiU D ILISTYOUUPHOPKIITY. liljNTAf. OK BALK trlthlivo. W , P. I'liatoj , 1011 Faruutu , 2iU TFOU HUNT , ONK OK THK MOST COM PfK I'l ! 1/couvunlent and comforlablo nlnu-room houses tn Oiuuhii , with bath room , laundry and all mudorii convenience" ; ulmi iilco yanl at si ; , cor , Jones and 25th MroBli. between bt , Mnry' VB. and Leaven vrorlb lrc t U l 1"\ 10HOOM 1IO1WK , CKN ril.M.LY I.OCATKI * ! * -/f tirnaro ami all Improvements. Tut N , U'lht tU U > 7 _ _ " _ _ _ _ viiiNisiiKD "iTousi ; . HOOMS LAIUII ; -'liuvn , ot , bt , Mary'g avt > . ( I. IV lluttn , ' 'MS 17th t D10IIO01I Illllflv HOIMK WITH MODKK. Imtirovumcnts , on will ulroet near Loavi-nnorlh Innulrn at 6.7 HI. JOili utrout. .M7J. T , NVW MjVilN _ | | COTEuTB 1IKAUT1FUI N K. cor J.'nl and Miami t . M77i , AT , ALL MOIItHS I'tIN /r nloiico < , 2401 Luavvuworth t. M7iU 7 T ) NICK COITAIJK OF 6 ir < ) OMS , W7 sTiurTi . .L/Wlli ttrect Apply on pruuilta * V | | ! TV WH UKST , lO-KOOM IIOUSK , 20li CASS J-/IIO W. He ml A Selby , Hoard of Trado. IV. rFOU ItBNT. lT DT-H ( ) irbTKASIIIKAT"Ki : J/ltatf with bath. Inqulrt ) of Nvthorton Hall. W PU > Uth | j y liT I IIOI.'HK , GOOD J > VACATION , SJI S. 11 T BFl ll ItKNT , HOUSlIs. 0 AND * UOlOlli.'NUAr lilsh irluiol luqulr * 3016 ( . umicl nio. JfOR RENT-HOUSES. Contlntted. D-rnil HKNT. TIIHFOLLOVVINU IKSIHAHLE dwelllniti at low renti : 411 * Farnam , 8 rooms. 1811 thlcato , tl rooms. 512 South VUlh , T rooral. 3IWfiM , II rodms. 2212 t"a , 9 rooms. 3I2J Popnlelon. 9 rooms. 811 South IDth. 3 rooms. Inquire Ncthcrton Hull , Ml South ISth si. 194 3 PL'UNHIIKI * t-OTTAtJK Of 11OOM3 TO I ) pnrtf without children. Inquire 1911 Curlir st. 737 D-KOIt HKST-SIS SOUTH 18th STUKKT , 8 rooms , tJIM. W l.cRTenworth. onlr Ili.OO. The RlxiTO liRVoclty wntcri onlr 10 ralnulcn wnlk from I'niton .1121 KarnRin , 5 rooms (1400. Bit SouthXfilli street , 3 rooins.HOO. 311 south Kill ptroct , 4 rooms. MOO. r.iU DecRtur street , li rooms. 115.00. 113 St. Mnrr's nrenuc , & rnomi , ? ! . * > 00. Hugh U. Unrk , UIS Itarner tf < > ti M317 u - 11KNT.A3-HOOM ANPG-UOuSI COTTAOn D-KOIl ! th nnrt Cnn streets. 11. T. Clnrko. 219 Hoard of Trade , phone 1W. " * "H-TWO IIIIIUK NINIMIOOM HOUiir. * , MODKIIN 1'conveniences , furnncc , electric bulls , awning" , ocrepns , etc s fncn llnnscom park , loss tlmn n bUv-k ( rom motor. I.ViOU , Including cllr wntcr. .1. ( ! . Me- Kelt , 70S N. Y. l.lfo. M l 4" D-S DWItl.tiINU KOOMS , WITH NICT HTOIIK room In front , titled nlthshelvlnirnndcounters , nnd a stable nnd tiiiKgjr ulicd , nil forllSOOpvr month. Co-opcr tUe Land & Lot Co. , 205 N. 1'ilh street. MHI3 1-KWUKNT. A NICKfi-UOOM HOUSK , 921 N. J. 7lli avenue. ril.uJ. 19I I - ' HUNT. I'NKUHNISUKD OU KUU- J-l'Oll S rooms and barn III desirable neighborhood , udjncnnt to llnnscom tmrk. Apply premises , HI ! . ' , rt. 3lsl si. Vii 1 * FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. ? -FUKSISHF.D KOOMS TO IISXT WITH. ALL Jmodernconvf nlenc9S 012 Dounlas slroot. ( Wl ; ? ViilY : L.VIUSK ANDCOMKOItTAIILi : KOOMS. JliuutlcMicn profcrrcd. 1W.I Capitol uvcniio. . n.rilft. HOO.M5. 810 S. 19T11 BT. _ - ' . tAHJi : ASD SMALL SICKLY E-l'I.KASANT furnished rooms on car line. Hi bo. Kith street. tr-KUKSISUKIl HOOM. WITH HATH. $ 'i ' "jtnonth. IIOJ rnrnam. 84S - FUKNISHKD UOOMS. 422 N. 17th Ht. E-N1CKLV MlUloSo' -SL 1TKOP IlANDi-OMV : SOUTH HOOMS , UUN- tralljrlocntudj Hr t clnss table. Address M HI , Jco. IM _ E-LAlUJi : NKWLYrUHNISIIKD MAST t'HOST room. I'rlcn reasonable. 210 N. I'Jth. M278 8 ? k'UUSlSllH.1) KOOMS , liUO. 11.11 N. 18T1I. j M3213 * - > AND UNKI'HNISIIIID UOOMS. down town jountljn. Wright A Lusbury. IDth nnd Hownrd Mreots. M , . ' 9 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. rtruNisiiKi * HOO.MS , vntM1 1 clnns board , ut "Tim" Dolau , 'JOJ anil 211 N. Ibth stieot. M WJ 1 , KUHN1U1I CD KOOMH WITH C.OOD HOAUIH'OK Jl four gentlemen ; BOO < | location nnd all modern conveniences ; no otLur bo-irders. 257ti Iliirnoy Ht. U47 a * 17-Kon HIXT. : xiru niosT KOOM. WITH L bonrd , stcnni heat. Utopia , 17I'J 1721 lu\unport st. 111 : > 7 KOH HUNT. HOOMS. DOUIll.i : I'AHLOHS - with library , furnished or unfurnished , or to null , with llrat elans board , nultible fur n club of gentlemen. .Mrs. 11. A. Churchill , 1GOJ Doimluo bt I7-FIHST CLASS FL'UNISHKD UOOMS. FIHST 1 class location , lint class board , 1310 Chicago M , F-TO (1KXTLKMKK. NICl'.LY I'UUNISIIKD BOtithenst front room , with nlcovo and bay window. All modern conveniences ; bonrd. No. tai ti. 2Sth street. I ? KUKNIHIIKD KAlT KltONT HOOM. WITH OK without board , near cnblo uml motor. I' IO N. 22d street M302-3 * ? KtlixiSlIBI ) HOOMS ASi ) UOAKD. 2013 1 Douglas street. M3I9 15- FOR RENX-STORES AND OFFICES. J FOltllKXT , TUB 4-3TOIIY illllCIv UUII < UlNf- 91tiKnrnum t Tbo btilldlin ; has n tin-proof co , mcnt basement , compluto Btenmboatlng fixtures ; water on ull the floors , gas , etc. Apply at the otlloe olTliu4leu. ' ! * T-STOKK. WITH SHKLVINO AND COONTEKS , Jniiil three rooms for family , and stable and buggy shed ; rent. $1500. Co-operative Land and Lot Co. , 203 North 16th street. M30U 1 T-1IKST I.OCATION IN CITY KOIl CllOCKItY , J-meut luarket , drug store ; fixtures completo. Connected or separate. Hcnt not so much nn object as gooj tenant. R. TUard. 21th and Daven port streets. M252-1 * FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. I-FOIl LUASU. NOKTIIWKST COHNHH OK 22D l and Nicholas st. , 1J3XI70 feet deep , will lenic for residence or hii'lnesi purposes In lots to suit , for a term of live years. 1'artles wishing to move IIOIIBCB on It cnn commence pa > Ing rent April 1 , 1&U.1 The owner. J. L. Curtis , Is now In the city and can bo nddresMcd at the residence ot 1" . W Leo , 614 S 2Sth St. , orl..l Dcarboru ft. . ( hlcngo. Ill 140 o * WANTKD-TO RENT. K-THKKi ; OU IOUK UNI UKNISHHI ) ItOOMS sultublii for light houtekeuplMK for fnmlly of tno ; nleu locution , modern conveniences , within two blockB from car line ; references exchanged. Adflrofls ' . ' 013 Douglas M2UI 3 * K 1MYASTii : > . 3 0114 KOOMS WITH IIOAKO IN private family where there am no other board era. for family of 5. Location niuttt bu weut of 20th and south of California. Address M 43 lleo oftlco , MJ11 4 STORAGE. r-DUY , CLKAN A PIIIV'ATKI.Y M'OIIKD FUll- LnHurel."j ; Doiixlat. UnmhaStovo Uupalr works. I > I4 M-.HIOKA(1K ( CIIKAP , CLKAN , WKLLS , Furnaiii stree . WAN TED-TO BUT. N FUKNITIJIli ; 1IOUUI1T , SOLD , STOKKD. Wells , llll ruriiam st. l .i ! VT WANTKD. "wiTj ] F.VY SPOI'SH < ifx 1 > nmoiiiils from { AIUUU to tliM.WJ for stocks of dry KOods. boots. Imrdwaru. clothltiK or carpets. Must havti IIIFKO dlacuuiit oil Invoice price No snide stocks considered. Address In conlldunce , box 2'JI , Lincoln , Neb. ( V. N W A NT KO TO IIUV SOUK 1 PKli"CK.ST llrat niijrti.'auus , Heed A. helby , 3:11 : Hoard Trado. 7.VJ FOK SAtiE-FURNITUHE. 0 FOIIMALK. HiHNITl'HK OF 7-HOOM FLAT. KoumeM pay moro Hum rant. Address M 21 , lleo. . 154 6' 0-roit BALI : , niiNii'i'itK COMPLKTI : FOH 5 room collude Must I'o sold at once. Call buforo 12 or utter Onl 1511 North 21st M.'IJ 4 * FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS ! , ETO P-FOHSALK , A St.VTV-l > OlliVII I'Tl' UUV ( ) ( I forlJJOO. II , K. Cole , block. .M.I I ) MOHTOACKK SAL ) ! . fiiWI I Will Iniyii Him black lady or ucntloman's drlv- lux mare , a leather lop , tide bar , piano bov butKy , harneim , etc. . llrsl emu with tliu cull lakes It. Oniulia Mortuaui , Loan Co. , Koom II , I'relflaon block. 15th and llotiulaa , nuxl to postoltlco. M1XI ) | > FOK SALK OIKAP , "li.vT MA UK , 7 VKAIIH I about llWpouiils , ultablo for family mi H. " 1 > FOK hAliK. U UK V NKAKI.V NIIW. ONLY 1 ( M. worth < 1W Willis M. Yati-s , 3.'d uiid Cull fornla sis , 2U 3 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Q-HACK f7S. PKITCI1AHD , DOUOLAH ' OSJ -FOUI ALK , tilOCKOFULASS HIILJVV COST. 'TUJCuiuluuat. 217 7 * Q-KOK SALK , MK.MCAN YKLLOW IIKAD , AI.S4I African Kray parrot ! k'ood talkers. H'J Nortli ICth , room'.l ) . 2IU 74 MISCELLANEOUS. H -VAN HANT WILL STMtr ANOT11KK CLASS In shorthand and lypuwrlthu Oclubor 1st Thoie who unuld like to beuln tbo prciunl weei can do wo Invtructlon by A iiractlc l reporter , Ho- nulls certain ItoomilS \ . V l.Uo. R -HOUSK HANfiNaiiw-iioHSKs. c/r and catlln t-aruil for the > ear round. U ( ! Hans South Omahii , Ni > b. P li. box 11. MtKii O.7 CLAIRVOYANTS. S-MUS. N.VNNIK V WAHKKN , LMllVOYANT. rellablo builuos > uiodlum , ttftb year at 11J N luth. S-AHlllVAIi UXTIIAOHDINAUYi WO'vilKHFl'I rurclullou. . ( .halleiue thn wurl > L Mrs. Dr. M Locra\ti , daitd traiu-e clairvoyant , nilroloulst. p.ilmlil und Ufa roadan lullt your llfd from tha rradlx to vravai unites thotufarutali ci > iuu mar- rlnk'o with Ilia ona you lovoi tflli wliura you will i-cc > > . i'd and In what butlnc * * bril adapted for ; liai Hie Ci > lil'rntcl KitriHInn bri'aitpUla ( or luck und to li dr tr y bad Intluancuit curei tin , Intomperancu and all prlvattti-oinplalntt "llll maiiauo. b4tbs ami alruhol trentna-iit. tans fJW , luc * of hair , uamu auddaloof blrtU anJ recjvt | < acourkta life cliart. 2 rents la itarapi for circular ; L-VU | Initials of one you lll iiarrri al a photos of sitim. Dtace 4I < M > uth Illh tri < et , flrit dour , hour * , U a.m. to U U.IQ t'o-iio one , CDUID all , aail be couvtnenJ ol lll : < wuu dtrluluriclo. il J/7 IU MA83AOB.PATna.BTO. rp-MASSAOIK THKATMKNT. KLKCTKO-TilKH I trial baths , scalp and hair treatment , manlenre and chiropodist. Mri.Po < tat9. , S IHMYHhnell Mk MI-MADAM STOWIsi MAOXKT1U 1IKALKK 13029 Pratt street. M2&S8 * fP-MAIAMK SMITH 1.154 CAI'ITOti AVKNUK , JHoom S , 8J floor. Alcohol , lulphur And sea liaihs. M2H7 * H1-MMK. LA HUB , MASSAOB , 4lfl POl'TII 16TH L street , third floor , flat 4. M X07 8 * MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. TKACIIKl N with Hosps , N.W.cornor 15th and Harnev. tMi MONEY TO LOAN RE AL ESTATE. i4 LOANS iKsTIIAN i I Including all charces. Charles W Kalncr , Unab.i NA ( . tmnk lildz. M3 \\r-7 PKIl CKN''MOXrn > NKT TO HOHHOXV- ' or on Omaha city proporty. No extra chirito ! of any kind Why piy liluli ratei ? Money Ischeap. You can net full hcupflt of low rates from Ulobo nnd Trust Co . ICth and Dodue. C70 \\r-ANTIIOXVLOA.N AND TKUST CO. . 318 N. Y. " Life , lends at low rales for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property. * > 72 \T C. F. HAUltlSON , 012 N. Y. LIFK. > C7.1 t-lf-CKNTItAL 1XUN AlTllUST CO. , IIKK Ill.mj. > V 074 W - CIIHA1MON14V. . 8ii : { (1.V. . 1' . COATBH , 1C11 rnrnnm. UJ \\r-MIAN8ON IMI'ltOVKI * AND UNIMlMtOVKI * clly property $1,000 and uuwards.1 to'perctnL Nodclays , VT.Knrimm Smith A Co.IJUi nnd llarnoy. _ \ \ r-rmvATi : MONKY , IST AND 71 * MOHTOAHK ' loans , low rntiM. Alet Moore lleo bldz. 073 \\r-0\IAHA yAVlXliS MANIC MAKKS LOANS ' on real estate nt lowest mirkot rntos. Loans mndn In snmll or largo sums for short or lonit timo. No commission IH charged nnd the l < tnns are not sold In ttiuoMt , but cm nl > r.iys bo foun I nt the bank nn tin ) corner of Utli nnd Douglas streets. i70 ! If-MONKY TO LOAN ON 1MPHOVKD CITY v properly , low rate , A. C. Froit. Douglas blk. r I AND2-YHAK LOANS ON CITY AND FAHM tuortvuKcs , Keod A Solby , 331 Hoard of Tritrto. 340 \V-C1TY AND KAHM HKAt. KSTATK LOANS 'T at lowest rntos ; consult us before borrowing. E. C. llnrvln A Co . 'J03 Sheely block. 2IU ir LOANS. LOW UATKS..ITTLK.HUOWN HLK SIX ) U5 ITMONKY TO LOAN AT LOWKST KATKS. > The O. F. Davis company , 1503 Piirnam street. A\r-THK FIDELITY TKUST CO. . HHCnNTLY ' ' rtMiiovcd to S. K. corner lleo building. Is prepared - pared to close loans on city real estate promptly and at lowest rates. Submit application. 401 OI4 W-MO.ST.Y TO LOAN OS IMlMlOVni ) HKAI , estate , lowest rates ; building loans n spec laity. Thomas Ilroi.tmn A Co , Karbauh block. 7b3o3 \V I | : AI. KSTATK LOAN'S , li TOT 1'KK CUNT ; v noaddltlnnnl charges for commission or attor ney's fees. W. II. Mulkle , First National Hank bldg. 077 MONEY 'J.O LOAN CHATTELS. DO VOU NKKI ) MONKY ? X THK FIDKLITY LOAN OUAHAN'rHK CO. , Koom 4 , Whltnull block , cor. 1Mb and Hartley sts. WILL LKND YOU ANY SUM. FHOM SIU TO $10,000 $ ON TIIKDAY YOU ASIC FOU IT. Wo make loans of any Biro , large or small , on household goods , pianos , horsci , wagous. rfarebouso receipts and personal property of all kinds , In any amount , without ilolay. pub licity or rumovalof property ; cheapest rutos and easiest payments. SKK US I/I US I' . 325 X-IOJXX)00 ( ) TO LOAN IN AMOUNTS from $10 up on IIOL'SKHOLO FUHNlTUKi : AND TIANO3 , IIOII > KSVAOOXS AND CAHHIACKS , WAHKllOUSK KKCKHTS. OH 1'KHSONAL 1'HOl'KHTY OF ANY KIND without publicity or removal of property. You can savn time and money by calling ou OMAHA MOHTIiAUK LOAN CO. , Hoom II , Crulghton Illock. 15th and Douglas , next to 1'oatonlco. INLOHl'OHATUD. mP03 WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OF SK- X curlty ; strictly confldontlaU A. K. Harris , room 1 , Continental block IVii -I'liriCHAHD , SI DOUGLAS ULK , 1C A. DOIX5K. 1J34 X-MONKY LOANKI ) CUUAl1 AT YOUK OWN tlutu. S braska Loau Co. , Ulli Douglas st. 403 _ X-CHATTIL : LOAN& ; ANY AMOUNT : LOW rate. J. K. Van Glider , room 207 , Omaim Na- tloual bank. Mloil-o7 X MONKY TO LOAN ON FUKN1TUHK , IMANOS , horses , wagons and collateral nocurlty. Dust- ness confidential. Fred Terry , room 4J3 Kamgo blk X till ATT KT. LOANS MADK ON FUKNITUHK , plauos. llvo stock , etc. , wltboiit publicity or re moval property at the lowest rate * nnd tliu easiest payments. DutKjreon , rooms 8 A'J Darker block. X-LOANS O.V CHATTKL3. HKASONAULK IS- torest , partial Payments 1 to K months. W. K. Davis. H. 20 Continental block. Klerator 15th st. JIO X MONKY AT LOW KATK3 ON Aft'Y KI.VU OF security. Koystont ) Mtgu. Co. , 203 Shedly blook. . 240 X 120,000 TO IXJAV ON CI1ATTHI. SKCUlltTY ; busluesscontldentlaL 11.551 Hoard Trade. MIKW O.4 X-I.OW HATKS ON FUHNlTt/HH IjIVlf STOCK etc. J , W. Taylor , 1'loneer blk t South Omaha. - BUSINESS CHANCES. r MIAT MAHKKT WOKTH fjoo.oo TO SKLL - for 575.UO. Neb. Loan Co . iSlii Douglas st. Ii03 Y-IIALV IKTKItKaT IN AN 1WTADLISHKD nnd paying dry goods and furnishing business for sale In llvo city of nvcr B.OOO in eastern Ne braska ; splendid chance for right party ; ren-on for selling , other business. Address llox 791 , Omaha. 7UO. Y-FOll SALK. TIIK CON'l IIOLLINC 1NTKHKST III the leading sash and door mill In the north west : doing nil Immense business ; over (10,000.00 worth of new work now In the mill : n great bargain to the right party. Call on or address J , II. Mason , rooms 3i nnd 3.1 , Darker block , Omaha , .Nub.RI4 RI4 O20 V" II1' VOU AHi : SKKKINfJ A HUSINKSS Ol'l'OK- J. tuiiltyrenulrlng small capital. In a certain nnd exceedingly profitable and growing business , anil nlwnys cash , write to tliu undersigned. Inclosing stamp , when full particulars will bo given. (1. K. K. , 142V Lutreot , Lincoln , Neb. U87 Y-FOK SAI.H. AT A VKIIY LOW I'lr.UHi : , TIIK entire slnto Interest In ono of the heaviest p.iy Ing monofKillos now before tilt ) public. It will nnvo 25 oer rent of the coal bills of uveryboily nnd pro duce better results Kvorybodjr wanti It nnd will linvu It wlii'n spun. A I a l jo biKluuss cm bu done at oneii In every county Full particulars by mall. Addie sli. li. 1C , , ll.MLat , Lincoln. Neh. MU7S Y-FlSi : HUntSKsS UII\NCK IF SOLD AT once. For sale , tbo loam' , furniture and fixtures of the Merrlam hotel , ( imuha , containing i < 0 roonii. elegantly furnished , nil rented , eighty permanent guentN. llest piIvntu family hotel In the west. Will sell hecauiu of poor health For tarms ainily nn premlius , 2Jlh and Itoilgu. Mrs , L. M. Tuttlo. Ml l 012 V WII.Ii LOAN MY KMl'LOYKK $ . ' 00 WITIHUJT I IntureHi. Want Indoor work. Olhcu iiruferrml. H Moycr Lincoln , .Neli , IKJ 4 * V A STOCK OF DKY COOIIS I'Olt SALK f'HKAl' . I Addrots Lanlnr , IOJS I' . . Lincoln , M2l'i 3 * VA HNAP FOK A nilV ( iOODS MAN WITH J money About twenty tlvu thiinsaiiil dollars i > urlh of uowilry viiods to hi ) eulil ut about olxly centH on the dollar til a > kuto n of K.OiJO IHHI- plu. ( iood location and cheap rent , Hliiht people cnn do f.M.OUObusliieis until Chrlstnmi. Must bo it man wllh money and know how much stock llioro U by louklui ; It over , in wo hove no tlmu to In voice. Mont reasons for nullliiK. Address P. O. llox U. Keanioy , Nob. M272 5 vr-i-oti SAi.i : , TIIK HAHWAV NKVS iTTT- L porter , buuinth year ; tine > .ubi > crlitloii | list and ndtertUliiK patroiiairo. . One third cash , lull- aueo In ono and tno years'necurcd notes. For In. formation apply or address Dan U , llonlu. IUI5 Dodi u street , Otnulm , Nebraska. M.'ii8 * Vl'OK HAI.K. 20-KOOM IIOTKL. HOOD KKPAIH , lonly hotel In town. Address Frank Itothwoll , MtTlliiB , Neb . M2i > 8 15 \r 3i)0 ) IIKAD OF WKLI , IIUKD hTOTK CATrLl ! 1 nnd l.iiUO acres of chulcu , clear Nebraska land to pxchiitiKi ) for coed , elmin merchamllsu at market vuluo. Address liWIfith ttvunu- ! , Kearney , Neb. .MI.M : u FOR EXCHANGE. iy KJU K.VC1IA.MIK-WK IUVK 0.lXr ) STOCK f-t\n \ mauufacturlnti concern ilolnu need business In Omaha that wo will trad t In whulu or part for k'ood work Uor o . American Fuel Co. 113W r/-CLKAHO\7AHA KUAL KSTATK FOH MDSK ' actual valuation. Money to loan , llox 118 , Oman * _ MM _ /-I OWN 10) FAIIMS IN NKII. AND DAKOTA. /J\MllBulloro chani'o. Hox7t ! , Fraukfoft. jnd. V FOU SALK OU K. VCI1 A. Mi II FOU CLKAU /Jllmiilm real estate , tliu furniture of a 15 room bonrillnkhoime In best location In city , full ot liood imylnf bourdurt Addrcii M 3 , lieu. MIHT 3' _ _ _ V-CIIOICK FAH.M8 IN lIAVKd COU.NTV. NK- / trade fur herms , cattle or trcnoral iud o. Address C , H , iubuii : , Iluyo. Center. Nub. rWANTKD. . ONK ACIIK NK.III CITV LIMITS. fJnetl , In exchanite for clear lot In AJUrliChf * miner. Address. M 20 Hue , in y-KOIt K.\rilA.NRK.M "ACKKr aT-IIOOL LAND f-ineur railroad and depot. Wnnt horto and bunny und ( Ooil piano , AUdruu M Jl lice. 2.MV _ V-FOK KXCIIAM1K , HOKSKS AND IIKOO1J / mares for Krocerlcs or stocks of lien ral iner- rhundlDu PartUn hu aru oblUed to to out of builnvsn will dti well lo | vo Hill atluiitlou , Ait dren A 11 C , AttitorJ , .Neb. ttrn 4' / - V K K FVfN K 8M OOT lTTu.\T . /Jdoi ; , J yearn olJ , fur uu uuatlu or cnililou nitfcly. AdJr i M C , lleo oMco. FOR SALE-REATj ESTATE. Ioil SALBs. t4Tltc < ! A ft ( Hoed A Setby. Hoard of Ttttils. SAll SIX llinltoUftK ; POIMT.KTON JL nvenue. Modern conveniences : model horaei II.Coo.OO. llpptt A. Selby , OHMMlier Commerce ttvil M17 fl'O 1IOMK SKKKKIWtJfH AVOSDALK PAKK -1- you can havoan rle aJi\'Jiotno arranged to suit you. with building limit. HrWf. walks , sewer , water , and pas , within ] .stanco t of business , schools and chnrclfr-s. artd'Afl . for about M.IXH Cer tain to bo thn f reltlest Inslflft residence addition In the cltr. Oven one-thlrdlhfi It already sold. Pea ns for particulars beforn tha price Is raised. Fidel * Hy Trust company , 1703 F afljftinsl. ' ? I OHSALK"HV"TIIK UVT.KKII IO.OM ACHKS OK 1. Nnbraska'a finest fai-nilnu land at a itraat sacri fice , ( i. II. Peterson , 1112 ij.ljiUi st..Omalii. 1M o3 , iK. nKAirnFur.r.w , 40 FKCT FHONP , rjllh St. , South Omaha , near C , tl.OOJ. Apply to owner , Koom II. llmhman blk. Omaha. 4t5 O16 R KAL KSTATK. llaraaln * only. My word Is good. W. ( I. Albright , 1 > 21 2-3 New York Life. M 7 LOTW , TUTTL.K'SSt'l ! S ACUK9 WITH 7-HOOM house , nil Improvement ' , inquire 84)1 lloyd street. M73111' iron SAI.H os M'ONTIII.V I > AYMKNT.I , MIOO.M J-cottiucHn C'nrlhnuo nJilttluii on C'umlnit "Irect. A loir home. W. U tfolbr. Sit Chamber Commerce. iron BAiiK , : ) w AOIIUS NMIWASICA LANH IN L Iho best stock county In Nebraska , Kasy forms Address M 4 , Iteo. MU2I 3 * iron SALK OK KXCIlANir.-2J LOTS IN IIAP1I * JL Olty , Itnk. , for clly nuliurbMi property or Im proved property In siimll town , or land. Lot * 2. x12) nnd beaiilltul two miles from I * . O. 1'rlco IM. lorel Kneli liicumbrniicefWW onch. Will par on Inoiim lirnnranml trndeclenr If thislred. Mnillnr lots In iMistcrn towns nni < > olto itxt tKMOJ Address Mrs. l.llllu M MooreIS/ Davenport Htrect , Omnhn. Neb , MttW 10 AOllKS J UM'SUHDl VIDUD INTO Al'UK LOTS tat special dale for ono week commencing Mon day , Octobers. Thollncit ncropiopurty yet platlfd. On motor line. Prlco of clly lots adjoining from JCiO 00 to fVJO 00. I amollerlnn whole acres nt frora fWO.UO to f.Vd.OO Kasyti'rms. 7 percent Only for ono week Apply at my otllcufor full particulars. .1. A Lovaren. room 607. J. .1 Hrown block. . K. cor. loth and Douglas , uillco open until U o'clock. M.I25 3 IfOH SALII , TWO OU TllllKt : HAIltlAl.NS. 110 1 ncro farm three miles south of Waterloo , llils county , first class , partly under cultivation , foal- ueti liny nud pasture , MOO ] per aoru. It will pay on to look ut this. (0 ucres on Dodito street , nK ulles from poMotlicu , la > s well , will bo sold cheap , Vice collfitfe. full lot , on Dccatur ntro-t , lot and treotttriidedonlyU.50000 , on term Insult. This s it chaltco to not a homu only n short dlitaneo out ItiKh ( I. Clark1213 Hnruuy street. M3II1U B IfJ SNAP. 11KINO IN XKIUJ OF MOSKV , 1 will Mill lOncresof good laud nine miles from hniiha I' . O. for tiM ! ) . Land adjoining IB soiling "or J1UO per nere. Address M ill lleo. MS-'ll r > LOST. r OST-A IILAi-IC COLT , MIXKD WITH UKAY. 2 IJwhltn fore foot , vhlto spot In forehead. Notify Omaha I'ronross. 1417 Furiiaiii streut. MH3I ) JTIIAVKl * . SKIT. 29 , I-'UOM 2021 FAHNAM , HKA Jf\c \ hound bitch , black and white , tan cars nnd hecks , teats rather full ; name FlUlo. Keturn to nbovo address und not reward. MliW 3 r OST-I1AY HIIKS1J , I YliAHS OLD , IS HANDS Uhluh. welKht I.OUO , star In forehead. Keward for eturn lo W. N. Inifo , No. 3 engine house. Ibth nnd Inriiey. M2W 3' OTIIAYHO , A SMALL .1UKSKY COW. FINDIII ! 'please notify S. P. Morse , llll South 32d afreet , or F. Lchmcr , nt olllce of the Morse Dry tloods Co M241 3 OST , I'l't ; HITCH. LUATHllK roLLAH ON Jlieturn to I'.Kll Mason undroeelvo rcnanl. rcnanl.M.128 M.128 3' ' DRESSMAKING. .MiNNici : i U'AVI : JUST HKTUUVKD M from the east nnd will rpopon my dressmaking narlors October 1st. Hoojus W05W Urown block cor. Itlth and Douglas sts. C45 ot : * \VANTKD-THn LADIMS.1H' OMAHA TO KNOW > that they can net WJIS ) cour b of scientific dross cuttluu lesions free nt Prof. DeLiiinorton's academy. oOl N. Y. Life. Ladles , conio and Invcatl- Kato and learn to maku dresses with \vlthout seams. Mm. Abcrly , representative. Agents wanted. MIT'.i a * LADY WOULD LllvK-.TO DO 1111KS3MAK1NO A In family. Cutting nnd UttliiK a gpuclalty and work { guaranteed. M. S. , 1UJ4 Douglas strcot ' M293 3 * DANCINGi SCHOOL. . Mil. A MKS. MOUAND'S Sl'HOOL FOIl DANCING Armory Capital Ave , will ra-opnn for the season on Saturday , Octouir'tst for children , and dayOctober 4th for.allutts. Circulars nt Snow , Lund , V Co.'a drug store. 15th , nnd Farnam. Private lessons can bo tnkou now nt their resl- dcnct ) , 2WM Dodge St. , , 129 07 W ANTKI ) , IIMJOU FOll C itONTUS : OOD Bccurlty. ; Address M : lice. - 230 0' TAKEN UP. rp.VKKN UP , ONK MULK AND ONK DAY HOUSK , -L with whlto face and four wlilto fret. John Mar liam.N K. cor. Deaf and Dumb IiiHtltuto. IfiO 1 * J'omiclmitHtcr'A > otlco. Impounded September33 , ono small brlnJlo cow , about li yuan o'd. It not redeemed , said cow will bo sold nt public auction nt 10 o'clock n. in. Ostobor 10. lhK ! > . at 2115 Leuvenwortli atrcot. JOHN Sromii , . Pouudmastor. Both the method nnd results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; \t ia pleasant and refreshing to the tnsto , nnd acla gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro-s duced , pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its manycxccllcntqualiliea commend it to all and have made it the moat popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75o bottles by nil leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any ono wno wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO , , SAN EBANOISOO , OAIj. : . xv. NBW VOBK. N. f. REM I N C TYPEWRITERS TON For Safe , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLDl MEGEATH STATIONERY CO. , 1II04 Furnnm Street , Omaha. Thn Ituanleil anit He.irilleHM. If ft youth boKitn to shuvo at Iho njo [ of 17 yours and continued to do so until ho was 70 ho would , usaumlnir that Ills hixir maintained the average rtto of urowth , have removed a length of nine yards. But had the hair boon allowed to grow the result would have boon dif ferent to what might bo inferred. The growth from Iho roots would have con tinued , but on reaching a length of be tween eighteen and twenty-four inches , the hair would have become brittle , have split and broken. The greatest length of beard usual in our climate solaom ex ceeds two foot. In hot cliinutos , owing to the moist fituto of the skin , the hair jrows much tnoro rapidly and profusely than in cold or tcmporato climates. In the east flowing boards from throe to four foot in length are not unusual. Goriimu Parliament lUi The gigantic future homo of the Reichstag is still buta forest of scaffold poles , but sorao idea may bo obtained of the appearance it is likely to present when it is inaugurated two years honco. The main entrances arc four in number , ono at each aide , cauh approached by broad ( lights of stops , and each dilTerincr from the other. The actual chamber is under a cupola , something like that of the Pantheon , surmounted by the impe rial crown , which is in the exact center of the whole muss of buildings. The lobby , which is to bo adorned with richly ornamented columns , stretches right across the building from the Spree to the Thiorgarton , its length of about 100 motors being broKen in the center by an octagonal hall and on to it open most of the oflices , the private rooms of ministers , the library nnd the dining room. A similar arrangement is to bo made on the floor above and the lloor below the level of the entrances. At each corner of the building is a sort of loggia , richly ornamented. Confounded liy KxpertH. Adulteration is bad and sanitation Is good , but some of the results shown by vigilant inspectors and clover cbomists in their efforts to show the frightful dangers that surround us and run down olTondors against , sanitary laws are very funny. A wholesale and highly re spectable grocer was tried in a London court a few days ago for soiling tartario acid adulterated with load. The acid was used in making lemonade , and the lead in it got tlioro from the vessels in which it was manufactured. The pros- ocutlon showed that the tnrtaric acid contained .00020 per cent of load. The defense showed that in order to got a twentieth part of a grain of the poison into one's system it would bo. necessary to drink lemonade every day for six months at the rate of " 20 bottles a day. The experts added gravely that before the two'ntioth part of a grain could betaken taken in that manner the experimenter would die of dyspepsia. Tlio charge was dismissed , but to satisfy the sani tary olll'jials the judge agreed to "state a case , " presumably as a warning to other evildoers. TuUliiiniiy. Detroit Free Press : "I was spondlng the night in a country town not long ago"said the drummer at the dinner- table , "and in the evening , ho fora bedtime - time , several of the natives collected at the tavern , and wo sat around on the porch talking. Ono of the residents was tolling mo what a flno country they had about them. " 'Why , ' ho said in all earnestness , ' .Tack Binsy , who has a dairy farm ton miles from town , gets 1.000,000 pounds of butter a week from his cows. ' " 'A.w , come off , ' I said , with a laugh , 'you can't make mo believe any such stump speech as that. ' " 'Hut it's true as pronchin1 , ' ho in sisted. "I demurred again. " 'Ain't it ' " ho asked so , Ilonry'i" appealingly - poalingly to an elderly man sitting next to mo. " 'Woll , I cnn't say as to 1,000,000 pounds , ' was the cautious ruply , 'nor just how much exactly , hut I know Jack has got throe saw mills on his nlitco that ho runs entirely with buttermilk. ' ' ' An old Missouri deed for forty aerosol land is u good illustration of legal verbiage , Jt convoys "all and singular appurtenances , appendages , nilvoiv- sons , , ( jonollts , commons , curtilages , cowhouses , concrihs , dairies , dovecotes , oaboinents , emoluments , freeholds , fea tures , furniture , fixtures , gardens , homo- stalls , improvements , immunities , lime" kllna , meadowo , marches , mines , min- oralfl , orchards , parks , pleasure trrounds , pigeon houses , plgfttyea , quarries , re mainders , reversions , ronis , riehts. ways , water coureos , wliidinillh , together with every other necessary right , Im munity , privilege and advantage ol whatsoever niiino , nature or disorip < tion. " HoWltt's Harsananiia destroys stiorj pol. sona atiftcrofula , skin iltsoasu * , oczauiu , rhou * umliain. llu timely usoniwei tu.iuy live ) . OF INTEREST TO THE FARMER. Wherever it hns boon grown nlfnlfft hns proven Itself by ( ur tlio most vnhi- rvblo fjrnss known to our whole agricul ture. It hits more than solved the nrob loin of bow to koip iv cow to tbo ucro , bccniiso It hna well kept live or thorn to the ncro ( or ti period ot eight months. In view of Its extraordinary anil proven productiveness there should , bo further nnd moru tlollnlto experiments uiixdo to discover If It la not nihiptablo to regions whore It Is not now grown. One frrent Dolnt of mlvnnlngo to farm ers tn tbocultlviitlon of the miinrj { > uot if that they have , in advance of thfilunt- ing of the crop , nn absolute guarantee of market ami prise. This removes - moves many of the elements of uncer tainty which - surround the general operations of the farm. If the cultiva tion of the boot is well understood the grower may reckon with considerable certainty , upon the cash value of the crop from a glv number of ucros. About the only Liknown quantity for which ho must malco nllowatico will bo the state of the weather , and whore Ir rigation Is practiced , us it will bo in many boot-growing districts , this matter also will bo pretty well under control of the farmer. For the fanner who hns other inter ests beside the raising of horses , but yet who desires to add this as a sldo line to his other oucupalions , wo bollovo It is desirable to have the colt foaled In the fall rather than in the spring , lie Is then weaned In the spring , when fresh grass is ready for him to food upon. Kept in tno stable through the winter , ho can bo trained r.nd handled as ho should bo from the very first. The oolt thatcomusin the spring , when the busy season is just commencing , does not have excessive cure lavished upon him , and by the titno fall comes and his owner hits the opportunity to handle him ho has grown so largo as to maKe the beginning n. matter of dllllculty. Wo have known some farmers who wore well posted unon the different qualities of artificial manures , yet who see mod to think that all farm manures wore alike , without regard to how they were produced or handled ; but tlioro is in fact just as much variation in them as in commercial fertilizers. The quality depends primarily unon the feeding stulTs from which they are produced , then upon the material us > oil for bedding and absorbing , then upon the amount of the liquids that are procured , and , finally upon the care that is exorcised to avoid wastn. By sheltering to avoid loss by washing out and by turning fre quently to avoid the oscap'o ot the volatile tile elements , its entire original value may bo convoyed to the soil. Observa tion will show , howovor. that few farmers ors manage so as to got this full value , oven though they may be buying com/ moi'cial manures to nmko good the do llcioncy. Ono objection urged against winter dairying is that it is so much trouble to raise the calves when they can not bo turned out on pasture. This dillioulty is not a serious ono if you have a good , warm barn , clover buy and ensilage. Without these you should not attempt to run a winter dairy. A calf that is dropped in the fall , started on whole milk , gradually dropped to skim milk with a little linseed meal , tnon to wheat middlings , clover and ensilage , can bo ready to put out on the pasture in the spring in good shapo. It it has boon fed liberally and judiciously ut a year old it will bo but little , if any , behind calves of the same ago dropped in the spring , nnd it will have cost.lcss than the year old calf that is pastured its first half year and barnfod the second. A thrifty calf will begin to pick at hay at six weeks of ago , and at three months will oat and digest a considerable quantity of It. In brooding live stock of any sort there should bo a delinito object , which should always bo kept in view and worked toward steadily. Before you breed know what you want to produce , nnd mate your animals distinctly for that. If you wish to form a dairy herd to procure a largo yield of milk for a cheuso factory or for sale by the quarter or gallon , nso a pure broil Ilolatoin- Frisian or Ayrshire hull ot good milk ing family. Ifyouuso native cows to start with , and always employ a pure bred bull of the breed with which you begin , you will soon begin to BOO a direct result in the improvement of your herd. If you are after butter or especially rich milk , use Jersey or Guernsey bulls , and stick to thorn. Do not mix up your breeding1. Apply the same rule in breeding your horses , hogs and slioop. Find out first what you want , and then strive persistently to at tain it. Every time you vary from the direct line , or permit the use of a grade sire , you arc taking a stop backward. A matter of principal Importance which will engage the attention of the fanners through a largo portion of the country now within a few weeks will bo the proparallon of the ground for the seodlii" of wheat. Although it is some time before the crop will bo put in , it is not too early to give serious thought to how it shall bo done. Upon the maniu'r in which the seed hod is made depends very largely the success or failure of the crop. Our present low average of whout production is duo to the fact that wo are too oaroloss In this initial stop. Instead of getting the average crop of twelve bushels to the acre , wo now have many farmers who are getting regularly close to thirty bushels , and wo know person ally of ono who has inuroaHod his crop from below this average by regular stop , until last year ho harvested forty- two bushels of wheat to the ncro. That this gain has boon made by improving thn seed bed is evident , because very little can bo done for the crop uftor it is started , The most that wo can do in the way of cultivation is to harrow the ground lightly once or twice as long as wo BOW in such close drills as wo do now. Our best wheat growor.s now plow their land as long as possible before the time to put in the eood four , six or oven eight weeks ahead , it it can bo done. Then , by successive deep narrow ing and rolling , the land is lino.y pul- vorl/od for HOIUO inches below the sur face , and compacted. This gives a fine , Hnn bed for the rccuption of the seed , while vho soil below Is stilllclontly loose to permit the penetration of tho'roots. . Such u bud will retain moisture wall , and will enable the plants to become set so firmly that they will not easily bo thrown out of the ground by freezing and thawing. If to hiich preparation Is added the careful selection of bcod and the thorough enriching of the ground by such moans as may seem bcs > t and moht economical , the resultant crop will bo such as to ulTord a profit oven in the most depressed condition of agriculture. Fine manure is moro valuable than coarse , because It becomes more roudily Incorporated with the boil , Corn fodder that is fed whole and long straw used for budding make manure that is conrso nnd dllllcult to handle. Iy running all such matoilal through u. cutting box ltn value will bo enhanced nnd much labor saved in the long run. The cut etruw lb also a bettor absorbent than long straw , nnd will rot sooner , nnd so bo moro quickly available for manure. I.lvo Stock. If the calf is never permitted to run with the cow at all much loss trouble Will bo experienced in teaching it to drink. Fcod all now milk ut the start aid feed often four limes n day nt least and then never lot. it overload its stomach , After a week change to warm skim milk , with the addition of ix little cooked oil meal or sifted oat meal , Calves that are raised by hand nro almost ahvays bottorolTIf koptlnacloau and comfortable stall than when turned out of doors. After a month old nut hay within their roach and they will soon learn to nibble Hv proper care and management the calf that is raised by hand will dovelon just as rapidly as if It had run with the cow , and it Is very certain that it will cost much loss. Uenerallyspoaklng , the prolllln kooiv Ing an animal decreases or wholly dls- ppe ars shortly after the prime of life Is assed. It kept long after this point Is cached the profit that has accrued from ceding through the earllor stages may bo oat-Hv lost. Farmers nro not usually much given to sentiment In this matter , and do not retain animals after the pe riod of profitable use Is passed from any especial afi'cetion , but simply bocatihO they do not.rocognizo the fact that they are on the down grade. Go Into the ba-im and fields of men who are thor oughly successful stockralsors and you will find many young animals , vury aroly any that are much past their rime. On the other hand , look over he stock of men who think that live lock does not nay , and you will often oo the reason plainly written in the too great age to which the animals are kept. The best lime to boll an old or aging nlmal Is direct from good pasture. If t'ou cannot got it in good shape for mar- iot on grass , you cannot do so with profit In any other way. To put it up md food grain would cost you more ban you would gain , and very often an ininial can bo made inodoiatoly fat on grass that could hardly be fed up at all : m grain and hay , because of the Im paired condition of both Its tooth and llgestlvo apparatus. Save your winter 'cod and winter care for young and hrtfty stock that can a good ro- urn , even if some of the old stand-bys lave to bo sold ( or cannors'stook in the 'all ' for a little less than you think it ia oally worth. Keep nothing on hand rom now until next April that does not show some good earning power. If you think you must feed grain to old animals in order to lit them for mar cel , it would bo well to have it coarse round , or elbe cooked so that it may bo moro easily masticated. Fall pigs , in order to bo carried through the winter with much profit , should bo liltorod by the 1st of October. Then there is a chance to got them well started before they are put Into winter quarters and on grain rations. Thcso early fall pigs , if well fed , may bo made : 'oady for sale at anywhere from live months to ton months old : Use as succulent food as possible while they are young. 13ran slop nnd cooked lotatoos make a good ration. The slop should bo fed ewoot , or nearly so. There 's no harm in a little fermentation , but sour slop should bo carefully avoided. The safest way is to mix it as fed. for in , varm wcathor a little neglect will make it as sour as vinegar. Tolmrco Outturn In iMibrusku , To investigate the tobacco fields of Schuylor Messrs. Hy A. Kcouig , Ad Blunek and Harm Abraham the other day wont to Schuyler , says the Grand Island Independent , and Mr. Abraham the tobucco and cigar manufacturer of Grand Island , has kindly furnished us the following report : In 1890 the culture of tobacco , was commenced at Schuylor nnd has just ono successfully through its third sea son without mooting more obstacles ( hail , wind storms , drouth or tobacco worms ) than in tiny otlior country. Thirty acres in all were raised. < The first planting wan done about the middle of Juno and the last about July 1. the first cutting about August-15 ahd the last about September 8 , taking in all about sixty days. Tills demonstrates , that tobacco ripens much earlier in this cliirato than in any other' cigar ibnf growing districts , and that no injury from frost is to bo feared. The variety of seed used this season was of a Cdn- nccticut Havana , which seems hotter adapted to this country than any other variety. The crop of this year Is far above that of any previous year. The first your demonstrated only that a good quality of tobacco could bo raised in the Plaito valley , the second that tobacco could bo raised afsutllciont commercial value to induce growing it , and this year proves that probably tobacco can bo raised hero which rivals any raised in Con necticut. The loaf is not far enough advanced to give this as a final opinion , yet one can compare tobacco from oilier din- Iriclf , when at this atngo , nnd must con clude there is none finer. Messrs. Wells and Nicman have built an improved tobacco shed , with all the modern appliances , nnd wo oxamlnud their earliest culling , which washousud about August 1(1. ( The loaf is all color ing line and showing do'icato ' glof.vy colors , the veins are an line nn threads , and wo have not discovered anything which would mdicato whltp veins. If this tobacco will turn out as well us It has so far developed , the I'lntto valley will gain n reputation. / To illustrate the value of last year's crop , it is to bo mentioned thai McHsrs. Wolla and Nicman are oll'ored In Iho average orago Ifi cunts per pound , the yiod ) boingostlmalod at 1,300 pounds per aero , which moans Slii. ! per aero. And they have twelve acres of this crop. J r. IColm , who has charge of Ibis farm , says il .has cosl thorn ahoul $70 per acre. Tempting us this irmy look wo woujd not ndviso any farmer to try raining tobacco without having learned the business thoroughly. An experiment without the management of a skilled overseer of long oxporiunco would re sult in loss and discouragement. Im proved sheds muntalsobe oicctod. Hut by careful management Nebraska can bo made a tobacco growing 3Into. Honor is duo to Messrs. Wells & Nio- man for enterprise and perseverance without hounds shown by tlium , and our slate will have to thank thom for the starting of a great agricultural induslry , which will oulshlno all thn other crops that have made Nebraska famous. II. AlJUAHAM. lilllMII. Glass , as far as rosoaroh has boon nblo to determine , wan in use 2,000 years before the birth of Christ , nnd wasovon then not in its infancy. In Iho Klato collodion nt the JirlliHh museum tnoro IB Iho head of a lion melded in glass bearing Iho nnino of an Ugypllan king of tliu olovontli dynasty , DoV/iU'aSiirsuparllla CKMIHOI thn blood , lucroasou tbo nppotitu ami loam up tUusyi- loin. It tiui liunulltoj nunv poopln who Iwvu suttoruJ rioni blood ilUm-dord. Il will hulpyou. A Straight Tip to all suffering from gouty riiotitnatlsm , too much udi- poao tissue , unhealthy llosh , consllpa- lion , indigestion , and all diseases of the the Btomach , to use genuine Carlshald Sprudol Haiti * . They have novorfnilpd. Klsnor A Mindolbtn Co. , Afenta , N. Y