THE OMAHA DAILY Bi'Ufc MONDAY. OCTOBER 3 , 1802. PDLS.OF\VESIERS \ PROGRESS Evideaco of Progressive Development in All Bectionr. THE GLACIERS OF IDAHO EXPLORED jBol.l Drll of the Itlnck Mill * Important Jtnl.rmiil 1'roJrcU Sugar Itcrl nni\ \ IrrIuiilInn Siniitniirjrot Nortli- c t Nn s < James \Vendall and LycumlsS&rsnolcl.two 13oMon ii'lohtlsls , have randc a thorough ox- ruination of the Idnho glaciers and glacial lakes rttently discovered in Idaho county. F. 11. Si hcruiorhorn , agent of World's Fnir Commissioner Wells , was the discoverer of the surprising pheiiomoiiH , mid the scientists' report tiBrci.'i with the descriptions Klvon by Bchcrmorborn. Mr. Wcadall says ho and his companion pas ed over miles of territory that tmd never be fore re-cchooa the footsteps of modern man , though the discovery of pecu liar animals' bones led them to believe that nt BOIIIO period prehistoric bands of savages had mudo that unknown land taclr habita tion. Uontmulnp , Mr. Wondull said that the elicnca of the dark gorge * through which thny passed was simply appalling. Anlmuls Were scarce , anil in some instances the deer were so fearless that they would allow the explorers to come within n few fcot ot them. The beauty and crandcur of the scenery is unexcelled"anyxvhcro In the known world. The two men climbed one of the eleven high peaks that uro not marked upon the most carefullv compiled maps , iind as they as cended Its precipitous slouosthoy discovered many ledges of low Kructo gold and silver ores. Tiio cloven peaks wore snow capped , their summits towering ubovo the lluoof nor- petual snow. The glacial Held extended iOUU ! feet below the snow line , In area It tvas nearly as larpo as that of the Alpine gla cial Held , hut not as aocp Tlio ice was very dense , but was generally as clear us crj-Htal. Boueath It could ho scon a series of fifteen clocial lakes. After securing muny Dccltnons of the llora , fossil fuuna and min erals of the ghostly roelou , together with a ack full of the honeycombed human bouos , the naturalists returned to civilization via the town of Shonp. Old ! .cttlors say that the country visited \\eudallaudfanrslioldlias not been previously explored and prospected bccaubo it was the haunt for many yours of murderous Indians. Several minors who Wont out toward tuo snowy penks never re turned. Many woira tales of blood were re lated of the unknown laud during the past yours. Numerous parties huvo attempted to roach the distant mountains , but as thuy were mounted they coulu not penetrate thorough rough country. The ISliirK HUH. "Wo claim wo have the moat enticing In- flucements for the employment of capital to bo lound today in America , " The Dcadivood Pioneer put.s forth this bold doll and proceeds to enumerate incou- tostlhle articles of faith : "Tho resources of the Black Hills of Dakota are numbered nmong the crcatost wonders of the nine teenth cunturv. They are now familiar to the millions of people in Europe ns well as America by the extensive production of the useful metals from tnelr numerous mines. Heretofore the Ideas of them by the poaplo at largo have been extremely VBKUO , classing them as a country tar mway on the outskirts of civilization , made famous only by tbo naventuros of Calamity Jnno nud the Deadwood coach. The days of ebsuurity buvo now passed and an era of prosperity has dawned for them of immense magnitude. Railroads have penetrated them from all directions , capitalists are buy ing mining properties and lands foreseeing the advanced values which a year's develop ment will brine forth. English capitalists are already forestalling tbo loss of the tin trade of America to them , ( amounting to over $20,000,000 a yeari , by investing largely In BlackHilU tin properties , which are believed can supply the worlo. Three of our t-o.'d minus bavo paid their btockboldors In the past flvo years ST.OOO.OH ) in dividends , and they are only fairly started. The re sources are the most diversified of any coun try In the world ; gold , silver , copper , tin. load , iron , coal , petroleum and salt are found la abundance , with line agricultural lands in the valleys , producing food for tbo minors , who alwavs assure the tanners a good home market. With tbeso facts before you , Is it a wonder wo have been Independent and self- supporting from the start ! Amitliur Cil > hi .Mine. \ Prospectors who made an extensive tour Of southern Idaho are lining Spolranoans \vlth lurid stories of the wealth of the sec tions explored. On their return trip they followed the Blue range for nearly 200 miles , covering a country that Is lltllo known and nterlng sorno fields that had never been prospected before , They say lucre is plenty of roonf for prospectors in tuoso regions. In southern luaho there has been lltllo work done since tbo placer mines were abandoned twenty years ago. Tbero are great quanti ties of rich quartz , but the people have n Btrango prejudice uzaiust quartz mlnlnc and it is almost impossible to arouse Interest In it In that country. So careless are they in regard to it that a valuable claim was located by these gentlemen loss tbuu a milo from Cation City this summer. Thuro is sotno romance attached to the Other prospect they located during their tourney. A quarter of n century aico Uyo brothers , frenchmen , were prospecting in the liluo mountains. Trouble arose with the Indians , Ono of tbo brothers was mur dered ; the other managed to crawl to a settlement , where ho soon died from wounds and exposure. Hidden in his tailored cloth ing was over 13,000 in gold dust , the prollts of u few weeks' tvorlc. The excited settler * began the search for the mine , but before it could bo traced a Uro swept over the moun tains , destroying every clow. For nearly thirty years the "Frenchmen's mlno" has boon the eoldcn riddle of that region. A few weeks ago a sboephoraer discovered tt and scut nolico to bis brother , who guided tbo Alexanders and u fourth man to the old mine. It is near Desolation creek , and bad only , been opened for un area of 0x10 feet. No tltro was lost In filing claims upon it , and the Idaho partners are preparing to develop their halt at ouca t'filflirutluc n Audi-lit Kvuut. San Diego , perched In the loutbvvest corner of California nnd wrapped in eternal Hummer , ranks close to St. Augustine , Fla. , in early settlement , The city celebrated during the past week the discovery of San Dlepo buy by Cabrlllo , 3.V ) years ago. The ceremonies wcro attr.iciivo and Impressive. San Diego bay is landlocked , and ono of tbo best humors on the 1'acltlc coast , though : thus fiir little has boon done to develop u. On tbo tongue of land that shuts off the bay from the Hotel del Coronado in oreetod ono of tbo finest and largest notals in tlia country. Sun Diego remained a sleepy Mex ican mission town for many years , but in IbOT an attempt was made to establish a now settlement tbero of wealthy people , and , on account ot tba de lightful climate , it was partially successful. . In Ibbft there was another and bigger boon ; when it was made the terminus of the South oru California railroad. Too citv bos since inorniban trebled in population and many > Uttuusomo residences bavo bcou erected espe cially In National City , which adjoins bun Diego , Tbero is still very little business uono but the people are sure that it will come to them , as San lloo Is 483 miles nearer U Now York than Sin Frapctico. The wboh country around ana about San Diego , CO tittle uioro than a desert , is DOW a at ( lower Burden , made so by Irrigation atm one of tnocruAto t reservoirs oa the PucltU OOMU A lllvul California Uullroail. I1ejector * ot the railroad designed to em the monopoly of the Southern and Contra I'acilio in California are not abroad with i brass baud. On the contrary they havi formed a very c.loso corporation for the evi dent purpose ot concealing their plans dm > the enemy. This action leadi many to bo lievt that there is little real bottom to tobe movement. Action u the most reliable lode : to the iQtcatlont of the company. U. U U. Steele of the board of directors laid n fcv days ago in Sao Francisco ; "When w rprao before the publlo it will be u if be roud were built. " Almost the whole tin has been surveyed nntl fear surveying parn tics are now in the field completing ttmt work. The proposed road Is to bo br f nr the short cst line to Sacramento and Oednn. Tracka laying will hcgiti at Sacramento and bo put in operation to Orovlllo whllo the remainder of the line Is under construe- lion. It Is probable that the San Francisco & Atlantic to Los Angeles will bo begun boI Joro the San Francisco A. Great Salt Lake , In that ovcnt there is no reason to doubt that the tracks bctivoon San Francisco and Stockton xvlll bo used In common. The unl- mus of both roads U the same to break the Southern Pacific's inonopolv on California truftlc. The San Francisco & Atlantic will not bo aided by a dollar of California money , Its promoters bolus all Boston and foreign friends of the Atchlson. bait Lake City merchants bavo volunteered to subscribe f r stock , but so far their offer has not boon accepted. It is believed by the promoters that * ufllclcntvill ho subscribed by San Franciscans and their Irlcnds. All persons buying stock pledge themselves to sell to other holders ul nn upset prlco and not to oiler it for sale to the public or to uny ono who could bo induced to soli to tbo Southern Pacific. \Vhj Visit iiilirornlii ? The most pointed nnd sensible answer is because it will do you a world of good. Seek ing after knowledge , xvoalth , health , and the many other rood things of Ufa u the spirit ot ihis ogc , and one of Iho most agreeable mnaus to their attainment Is travel. Hut all good endeavor , UKO charity , if possible should begin nt botnf. It Is not thu host ovldcnco of good purpose to atlcmpt its fultillment in far uwuy places. Sir Lnunfal explored the whole world in search of the Holy Grail , only to return nf- tcr h lifetime of wasted endeavor , broken in body nnd spirit , to HnJ it lying nt his own threshold. We point the moral by asking , Why go to Europe for slgbls und delights and benefits that can be as well had in California , not one whit lacltlng In ( juailty nnd nt less costt Why | { o lo Switzerland for scenery that ts surpassed in Yoseimto and equalled in many olhor portions California ) Why iravel half around Iho world lo climb Iho Alps , Ihon the Slorrns aru Just us muunllicentl Why Indulge in such extrava gant praise of Lucerne nnd Cienovii uithout Knouiug the beauties of Taboo and Clear lakes and tbo xveirdnoss ol Cralor luuel \Vhy spend a fortune aud risk life lanine vour nchcs and Ills to Carlsbad , x'icby , Stacholberg or Welsseiiburc whan so much nearer are Bnrllutt Springs , Unrbln Springs the Geysers , Napa Sodu Springs. Paso Uoblcs Ilot Springs , l ) > ron Hot Springs audascoro moro equally famous for tneir cures ! Why Eirugglu so hard to sealu Mattcrhorn and Hlunc when grand old Shasta lowers equally high ] Why go to Italy for climatu that can bo found qulla as genial in Cali- fornl.ii Why boast so of Euronoan cnrnvnn- sorsies nnd watering places when Del Monte leads iho world in beauty , ulogaticc , dollKht- ful hospllallty and moderate charges { Why oxclHlm In such amazement at tbc engineer ing feats of Pilatus aud St Gotthard when equally dlfllcult have been achieved over tbo Sierras and through tho'SUkiyous by Iho .Southern Pacific company ? These significant questions bavo all been answered in the Iruo patriotic way by iho Southern Pucillccoinpany. KDOW the worth , beauties and wonders of your own country lirst. If you nro in search of pleasure , health , scenery , a pluco to build a home , genial climate , a land rich in the beuilicent gifts of nature , ask any agent of this com pany for information or send to E. Haw- lex- , assistant general trafllo manager , 3J3 ilroadxvav , Now York , N. Y. ; E. E. Currier , Now England agent , HU Washing' ton street , Boston , Mass. ; W. G. Nolmyer , general xvosturn freight and posaoneer agent , J04 Clark street , Chicago , 111. ; li. J. Smith , agent. 40 South Third street , Philadelphia , Pa. : W. C. Watson , general passenger agent , Nexv Orleans , La. , or T. H. Goodman , general oral passenger agent , San Francisco , Cal. , for California literature , guides , maps , etc , answering nil questions. The three routes of the Southern Pocilio companv xx-ill taue yon to any desired local ily , the "Sunset , " by xvay of Noxv Orleans tbrougn Texas , New Mexico , Arizona am into tliosoulbern portion of California ; tin "Ogdoii , " oy xvay of Oftden. through Utah Nevada ana over the Sierra Nevada mount ains ; and the "Shasta , " oy xvny of Port laud , through Oregon und the Sisklyou mountains into the northern part of Califor nia. Tneso routes afford splendid ooportu- ntlles of vloxving tbo countries through xvhlch they pass , and tne visitor trill never ragret having taken the trio. JtclHillfliiij ? Slitter's Tort. California argonauts and their descend ants watch with keen inlerest the work of restoring to its original proportions the iamous Sutler's fort nt Sacramento. Con tracts bnvo boon let for the reconstruotion of Iho xvalls. bastlans and a number of build- ings. Already xvork is processing rapidly upon Iho xvalls , uno ono of iho baslions , that on the southeast corner , Is about completed. Sutler's fort xvus the haven of explorers and travelers in tbe Sacramento valley xvhilo California xvus yet a province of Mexico. i Here the stars and stripes wera promptly floated at a signal from General Fremont. It was the rallying point of the forces which overthrow Mexican power. Added to these patriotic associations are memories equally sacrod. Score * of famished men and women and children who had braved the bard- ships and privations of travel in the Sierra Nevadas were warmed back to life by the generous Captain Suitor. To his prompt as- slslanco Is duo iho rescue of the famished rumnaut of the ill-fated Dormer party , and hundreds of other pioneers ewe his memory a debt of gratitude. It is iho privilege and duty of Californiaos to restore tbo famous fort and preserve it as a monument to the memory of a generous , hospitable and patnollc pioneer. JMount Kitnli-r * n i'ark. The recent explorations of Mount Kanior , known locally as Mount Tacoma , have stimulated a general dcslro to reserve It as a national park. Tne Commercial club of Tacoma proposes to push tbo movement to a successful conclusion. Lieutenant Frederick Schwatka , the explorer , is 10 be sent , us a preliminary , to malco a scientific exploration of the region of the great peak. The na tional government is to be nsKcd to make the approaches easy for the tourist , and the plan includes the laying out of parks in the foot- bills. Of course congress would be asked to appropriate tbo funds requislto , on the plea that Mount Tacoma can bo converted into ono of the most attractive spots In the coun try. The movement certainly moots with great favor. Ono object of tbo expedition mentioned is to map tbo roads and trails in tbo vicinity of iho mountain ana estimate the cost of improving them for the passage of horses aud vehicles. A South Dnkiiiu Cnvc. Within a few ralloa of Sturgls , Meade county , a cavern said to be ono of the most wonderful known to man has been discov ered. It has been explored for miles without any end appearing. Chambers to the right , to the loft , in front and below , for no man knows how fur. You lower yourself by ropes down narrow shafts and find Immense rooms on all sides of you , lined with pink and whllo crystals , which glisten as the light from your torch strikes upon them. Hern is a beautiful Idko of clear walor , thcro a pyramid of what appear * to bo solid silver , - A shout in some localities Is re-echoca till it scorns us if 100 demons resented the intru . sion bv mortals upon their retreat , Tbo en - terprising citizens of SturgU will at once make such Improvements as arc necessary to make tbo passageways more safe to life and Irrlf illnic Sugar Ileoli. George Austin , who has charge of tbo beel crop for the great boct sugar factory at Lehi U. T. , has made a careful analysis of tbc growing beets at different times during the season , suys the Irrigation Ago. Alinojl every sample Indicated thai tha farmers uset too much water. The company Issued a clr cular letter toino time ago instructing al those growing beets for the factory to oeasi Irrigating. Auothor mailer about tbo grow log ot > K > ets that the people seatn not to un der tand Is Ibat they must buve the aunltgb in the crowns. Most of thu beou bavo beet hlllod too nigh and in consequence wen - stunted in ttieir growth. Beets mutt navi accharino matter in them aud this u I : claimed cannot be made if the growing croi - U over irrigated. The Moimtuli ) Wu i > . . Miners who have built cabins on mouotan 0 aides know what a post the small browi wood spider proves to be. They throw the ! webs over our best clothes , cookiu ntonsll * , in every corner tvhcro you can got | them in your ores and mouth Not only that , but they xvlll drop Into the frying pan , xvater burkct or upon the tibi where joa are catlnr. but , the Great Divide says , nnturo has furnished n remedv nnd n friend when she K VO the spider hnwk. fhe name is elvcn by miners to n small stccl-bluo xvasp nlmoit tbroc-fourtbs of an inch In length. Ho I can easily bo recognUcd be tha quick , nervous strokes of his xvings. 1 hey build n nest up among the rafters of your cabin of wood pulp or furze from the outer coating of old dead trees. Then they nro ready for business. Every fexv minutes you can see your hawk climb up the n\fior * xvilh a spider. somcUmci carrying ono four or five times his own weight. Sometimes they got u spider so heavy that they xvlll fall ninny times before they succeed in reaching tholr nest. They never glvo up but keep on tryIng - Ing until they succeed. Four bridges nro being built north of Wakefield. Hut to has voted (15,000 to build a new schoolbouao. Uutto , Hoyd county , now hat n dally paper , the Free Lance. A Mutual Lecture association has been formed nt Hastings. The preachers of Otoo county have formed a ministerial association. There are seventeen criminal cases on the Sahno county court docket. Fairmont expects to h vo her water works in working order before snow tiles. Harvard will vote on n proposition to issue bonds to build system of water works. Mrs. Edna Kowan of Defiance , O. , died at Xclson , where sbo wus visiting her uncle , J. A. Dovuro. Lightning struck and sot Hrt > to n stack of small grain near PlatUmouth nnd 000 bushels were burned. Charles Gate is In Jail at Plaluviow await ing a hearing on the charge of being tbo father of a stray child. The Grafton Loader outfit was sold by the sheriff lust week , but the paper will bo res urrected by It. C , Price. Nelson Jean of Plattsmouth has secured a verdict of $1.000 against Dr. A. C. Subln of Beatrice for malpractice. A car on n Union Pacific trrin , loaded with hides , caught fire near Portal and was consumed with Its contents. There was enough money in the treasury of the Hurt County Agricultural society lo pay all the fair premiums In full. .Jesse L. Morton of Table Hock Jumped from a wagon because the horse was run ning away and had his log broken. Keith Nuckolls , an old man living tat Ne braska City , was attacked and severely bit ten by n bull dog. Ho will recover. Edgar Howard , editor of the PnpllUon Times , has nskod the democrats of Sarpy county to nominate him fur representative. An Incendiary set nro to the bouso of Dr. Schioldknccbt of PlattsruouMi in broad day light , hut the flames were discovered before much damage was done. In a light in a saloon at WakoDcld Sam Gordon , the bartender , had a log broken nnd William Stewart , a bridge builder , was knocked down three times. W. J. Fisher , a farmer living north of Hastings , attempted to burn thu carcass of a horse which died of old ago. The llamcs were communicated to a number of grain stacks a'ld several hundred bushels of wheat were destroyed. The Fairmont Signal savs : When the excursion train from the east stopped hero Wednesday C.H. Kotridsco distriouted about fifty small sacks of red winter wheat among the excursionists , with a note in each sacK explaining the fact that this wheat was taken from this year's crop , raised near Fairmont , Neb. , that yielded fortv bushels per acre. Miss Sarah E. Ford the teacher of the school at Brlckton , near Hastings , chastised a scholar named Pooro the other day. The boy went homo nnd told his mother. Mrs. Pooro armed herself with a pitchfork handle , and going to the schoolbouso she attacked the teacher , healing and abusing her in a frightful manner. Later she and her son were arrested and were bound over for as sault in bonds of $200. The other evening there arrived fn Ne braska City from Paul two lovers tent on matrimony. Ono was Potar Ike , a farmer , und the ottjor Matilda Louman , aged IT. Her would-bo husband not long slnco made a visit to his brother's home , a short dlsUnco west of Omaha , whore ho purchased a farm with the bright hope of making there n happy homo. With that end in vmw ho induced tha young girl to steal away from her homo. They succeeded in reaching Nebraska City on their way to Omaha where they hoped to wed. At the request of the girl's uncle , whoso ward she was , the hard hearted police brought the wbolo thing to an abrupt close nnd Mr. Iko and Miss Louman are no locgor on the verge of matrimony. South Dakota. Fire in Ihe town of Howard destroyed six- leen bouses and caused Ihe loss of txv'o lives. Two elopers from Oakes , N. D. , were cor ralled at Aberdeen. The would-bo bride U a farmer's wife who skipped with Iho hired man. The political output is of far creator inter est in the Hills than the mineral clean up , measured by tbo newspaper space devoted to each. The Homestako Mining company has de clared Its regular monthly dividend of 10 cents a share , aggregating * 12,500. making $112,500 paid this year and $1,905,730 paid to dato. dato.Uapld Uapld Cily bachelors nro chlppinc in for an emblematic window in the Halo World's fair building. The suggeslod design is a heroic liguro inserting a nail xvhero a gnllus button ou/jut lo be. Railroad building is active in the south- xvostorn portion of the stale. Tbo Sioux Falls Western company has dacided lo rnako n now survey Jrom that city to Yanklon xvilh a view to immediate xvortt on the lino. The government geological survevors nro at work In the country soulh of tbe'flarnev range. They report it the xvildest ana most broken country they have visilod in u num ber of rears and state lhat it would bo almost impossible for a man to find hU way out of it if ho did not blaze the trees going in. So far but few people have visited this wild section. Wyoming. Cheyenne Is talking up a city hall. A feud nt Newcastle provoked an artillery discharge and precipitated n funeral. Increased attendance at Laramlo schools necessitates the creciion of a now building. An Irrigation syndicate boasting millions of money on paper threatens to throw Its tentacles around the nrla empire and souse ll. All quiet on Crow Creek. It is proposed to send out an expedition to discover the fossil remains of the democracy rocoutlv absorbed by tbo Col. S. \ \ ' . Downey is now engineering a deal by x bicblU.OOO acres of coal land in the neighborhood of Carbon will pass into the ownership of an eastern syndicate. A "peeping Tom" collided with a double- front-action boot in his peregrinations 3I through Piety Hill , Laramlo , and was forci I- bly propelled out of the notghborhood. His Ii i feelings nro in full sympathy with the amateur rider of a ruwbonod horse. jMniiluil.l. If the prlco of beef holds up Montana ex- pools to diiplicato lam year's shipments , when they footed tin --JjO.OOO head. Thcro nr. < largo herds of prime catlio in the state. Wolves nro dolnrf c'c'risiderablo damn go to stock on northern . , Kicctrlo power Is rnrnlng into general nso In the mines ot the stpio * The tntnl assessed- valuation of personal properly In the state "ih J50,1GOC09. A creamery and a Hotir mill nro the latest additions to Great Fulls ! manufactures. Tno nnnnnl mectlnp-of- Wool Growers nssoclatlan was hold U Billings last Friday. The Grnnlto Mountain mine has paid stock holders iho magnifleohl sum of S1'J,010OOJ to dale. / The annual report of tiio Anaconda Mining company , filed wltlii the county recorder. states that the capital 'slock Is J-r > ,000UOO , all paid in. The amount of existing debt is f4.000.000. Uutto's big companies have fllod annual statements of business wl'.h the county re corder. These nro samples : Boston and Montana Consolidated Copper nnd Silver Mining company's canltal stock is * 3 , 12. i.003 , all paid lnfJ,500OOOin properly nnd'OW.OOD in cash. Existing Indebtedness , $ T > J3.42o.7S . The Butio and Boston Mining company re- portsa capital stock of f.\000OJO , all actually paid in in property. Tbo existing Indebted ness is7G'Jf > S7.S9. Along tlid CimM. The postonico nt Meisor , Nov. . was cleaned nut of cush and stamps by robbers. IJurglars nro making the life of Carson , Nov. , householders decidedly uncomfortable. Salmon are said to bo so plenty in Grays harbor waters that they obstruct naviga tion. tion.Four Four of the fourteen Indicted minors nt Couor d'Aleno were convicted. The others were acquitted. A Portland Chinaman soaked his queue in coal oil. A match did the rest , Chinatown rallied to the funeral. A carrot twontv-ono inches In clrcumfer- ouco mid two feel lone is one of the wonders of n Washington farm. Dandy , the mule which baa boon working for t'vonty ono years under ground in the Comstock mines , died last wook. Astoria is full of Italian railroad laborers who buvo been discharged from work on the grade of Iho Astoria & Portland railroad , Too much watermelon klllol a nogvo boy in Los Angeles. A postmortem examination was held to prove that such a thing was possible. Of the G2J.OOO acres of land granted to Washington upon admission to statehood , tbo lund commission has thus far selected 2)7OU2.07. ) A Spokane 8-ycnr-old was sent to the re form school because ho had become an in veterate tobacco chcwcr and general tough. Ho began chewing the weed at 4. When the chief of police in SncramonVo reprimanded a patrolman , Iho latter gave him n thrashing nnd then went about his accus tomed duty of preserving the peace. There's nothing petty about the Pettijohn family of Walla Walla county , Washington. There nro Ion members of Iho family who average 244 pounds in weight und are six und one-half feet tall. Great excitement was created InVhat - cnm. Wash. , over the report that a vein of coal fifteen feet thick had been discovered within tbo city limits. Tno vein was struck at a depth of 400 feet , and the specimens shown are of excellent quality. Hobbers ot Ellensburg , Wash. , secured $10,000 from the bank , cracked iho cashier's head , and mounting hors s rodonnuv. The met is noted that it is considered impossible for the robbers to escape. Strange to say they are yet enjoying liberty and the boodle. Two and a half acres of seedless Sullana grapes on the small vineyard of J. P John son , near Fresno , CaU , have yielded 100 tons. When converted Into raisins they will bring $4,000. This is the ctmlhpion yield in Fresno county , and Is n fair indication of the enor mous 'fertility ot Ihe soil. A sheep owner in Umalilla county , Ore. . owns 21,000 bead of' 'sheep , tbo value of which isestlmalod at $01,000 , besides 11,000 acres of land. Ho came lo that country twnntv years ago a poor man. This is ono of many instances of what has already been done in the inland empire , which is yet in its infancy. ) j \so Placer mines that promise well have been found ut the bead of El Dorado canyon about twenty miles southwest of Dayton , Nov. They pan out good prospects in coarse gold. Nuggets ranging from $12 to $ JO each have been found. The locators of the mines are figuring to got water to the ground. They say that with a good sluice head of wate'r they can work out ? 100 a day. la.April , 4,13'Jl. Dr. J. B. Moore Dear Sir : Have been troubled with catarrn in my head and face for three years at times A as unable to hoar had a constant ringing in my oars and lor two years wis almost deaf. Have tried sev eral so-called remedies and boon treated by regular physicians and noted specialists , but failed to gel any relief. I tried ono botllo of Moora's Tree of Life Catarrh Cure. It gave immediate relief and effected a permanent cure. I heartily recommend it to all suffer ers of this disease and will cheerfully give any further In formation on being addressed at my homo , No. 2.J3 Sweeney aye. , Burling- OD , la. For sale by all druggists. Respect fulllv , U. L. UEID. For sale by all druggists. Severe Simplicity Mark * the Opening feer vices nt the Institution. CiHCJkoo. I1L , Oct. 2. The great now uni versity of Chicago quietly set about its edit catlonal xvoru yeslerday xvllhout n forma opening or ceremony ol any kind. Extreme simplicity marked thjo first xvorft of the institution and iho occasion will bo recordei os unique in Ibo history of colleges. At S:3 : the 500 students met Ibc ill ( To rout professors in their class rooms nnd the xvork of the term xvas outlined , Studies xvoroassigned and the lectures begun. The object of Presiden Harper xvas to launch the craft of learning as though it bad boon sailing upon the tldoo education for Ibo last txventy years , and noth ing bat Iho newness of Iho surroundings in dlcaled that It xvas not so. Two hunared ' orinorox'isitors xvere preson at tbo chapel exercises at noon , and all ex po..tcd to hear an opening address , or a least some reference to the new xvorlf , bu they board only the regular dovouotis. In the mind of iho faculty the opening wa most fitting , "H xvas my desire that theri. should bo no ceremony today. " said Presi dent Harper , xvben questioned this evening "and I am moro than snllstlod with th start xvo have mnde. I bellovn in doing , not talking , and have observed that tbo results are bettor. " It is expected that l.OQO students will bo in attendance within a f tjilght. Mrs. L. 11. Patlon , UocKford , in , , writes ; 1 From personal experience I can rocommoaj DoWltt's Sarsapurilla. a cure for impure blood and genera ; debility " NiimliuiKMlTor Con grim * . . MNI > , O. , Qct. 1. Congressman Tom L. Johnson xvas nominated * by the democrats for ro-electum in the Twonty-lir < t district. „ _ , MM. Winsiow's Soqthing Syrup Is an un excelled mcdlclnn foriphlldran xvbile teotb- Ine. 25 cenis a bottlov You Wonder , why Mrs. is so enthusiastic about Washing Compounds ? You wouldn't , if you knew the facts. You'll find that she ! is using Pearline , instead of the poor and perhaps dangerous imitation of it that you are trying to wash with. You mustn't think that all Washing Com pounds are alike. Pearline is the orig inal one , and the best. Millions of women know it. So does every peddler and prize-giver , though to sell you his stuff he has to tell you that it's the "same as" n Pearline , or "just as good.1' It is not n Ir be honest , send it back. IrS Beware of imitations. Tesallnc is manufactured only by 813 JAMES PYLE. N. V. A Friend f Wishes to speak through the beneficial results he lias received from ft regular use of Ayor's IMHs , He sai , s : "I was feeling sick nnrt tired nml my stomach seemed nil out of order. I tried n number of remedies hut none seemed to giro me relief until \\asin- - iluccd to try the oUl reliable Aycr's Pills. I have taken only one box , hut I feel tike a nuw man. 1 think they arc the most pleasant and easy to take of Anything 1 ever used , being so tlncly sugar-coated that even a child \vlll take them. I urge upon all who are In Need of n Inxntiro to try Ayor's Pills. " Boothlmy ( Me. ) . Hegtstcr. "Uetwccn the njjcs of live and fifteen , I wus trouhlcd with n kind of salt * rheum , or eruption , ehftlly confined to the legs , and especially to the bend of the knee above the calf. Here , running sores formed which would scab over , but would break immediately on mov ing the leg. My mother tried every thing she could think of , but all was without avail. Although a child , I read in the papers about the bcnvflclal effects of Aycr's I'ills , and persuaded my moth er to let mo try them , With no great faith in the resiUt , she procured nnd I began to use them , mid soon noticed an Improvement. Knconriigcd by this , I kept on till 1 took two boxes , when the sores disappeared nnd have never troubled me since. " ll.Cliipman , Heal Estate ARent , Hoanolie , Vu. "I suffered for years from stomach and kidney troubles , causinp very severe pains in various parts of the body. None of the remedies 1 tried nfforded mo nny rslief until I began taking Ayor's I'ills , nnd was cured. " Win. Goddard , Xotary Public , Five Lakes , Mich. Prepared by Dr. , T. C. AjreriM'o. , Lowell , Masi. Bo'd by Druggists Ever ) where. Every Dose Effective STon onn reduce yonr weiKlit from ten to twenty pounds a month , at homo , with out starving , at reasonable cost by the use Of Dr. Clarke's Home Treatment , perfected In many years practice , causes no NioUm-ss or injury to the lieiiltli. Is highly Indorsed. Send for proofs and testimonials. DR. F. B. CLARKE , P. O. Drawer iut. Chicago , 111. AGEXTS 1VAXTCD. Keep cool ! The. plague can't reach you If you do .liu rlpht thing ttt the rlulit tluio , , OOK AT THE SECRETIONS 1 Sec thnt tlior are lieulthy nml perfect. Put the liver to natural work. Tills ensures digestion und nutrition. Avoid unrlpo frulvs nnd umvhulusomo rnentn. Cook everything , even urator. Clean OB tha membranes ol stomach and bcmjls at 01133 , wllti Dr. Sclisnck's ' Mandrake Pills , They carry awar nil illsenie cermi nnd all poison ous matter. They assure perfectly healthy and natural secretions They turn the liver to the ac count of illgf llon nnd nutrition , quickly , safely , .horuughly. Keep head cool , feetwnriu , skin cluau SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. mvo bean tested ID ainny a Cholera epidemic. They do for the. STOMACH , LIVER AND BOWELS do what sanitary science says ihould bo donowltu pains , closets , rooms and the outer person. They clean and uurlfy-thc Inner house and put the nll- uentary rhlanneli In perfect order. Avoid stimulants. Clear their effects out of the system at once with the Mandrake 1'ltlp. Put the alimentary channels In order imp hid dcUanco to cholera. In cholera epidemics , And all others Involving the lUer , btomach and bowels , uioro cases of preven tion and cum iitand to the credit of Dr. Schonek'H Mandrake Pills than any other ueency or remedy 3 TAKE API LL Hobb'sAra the Best on Earth. Act gently yet prompt' HOBB'SAct on tbo UVKK , KID' DR , HOBB'S NK1S anil I10HELS , dis pelling Headaches , Fov- cis and Colds , thorough LITTLE ly cleansing the system of disease , and cures Vegetable habitual constipation They are sugar coated , do not Rrlpe , very small- easy to talte , and purely TegeUble. pills In c.icti PILLS vial. Perfect digestion follows their uso. They absolutely cure hick head * ache , ana nrerprommenJ- cl by Imam ; ph nirltns. For r.alo by leading drurulsts orhcntliyuia. : ; 25 cU. BTlal. AddrfB'J ' KOBE'S UEDICIHE CO. , Props , Sin Franco rr , I'OIS SALE IK OMAHA. SED. . DV f uhn & Co. , Co.r 15th & Doucl" 6t * . J .A Fuller it Co , Cnr. 14th A Douela'J SU. Jr Li Foster & Co. . Council liluOi. ia DU.K.C , WKd'3 NKIIVB AND UllAlNTllBir MENT.aspojldo for Hyslorlv DUilnan , fill , Nai ruliila , ll udache. Nervous Primraloa causeJ br Icohoior touarco , Walcofulneis. Meatil UoDrui- ilonSo tnenof lUo llrjlii.ciuiluInitially , misery tieeiy.doatb. Premature Old Axe , Harrenoii , Ixm of Power In either ox , Impotency , Louoorruua and all Female Woilcnesot. Involuntary lx oi , Spur niatorrheacaiiiteJ uy over-uiortlon or tb3 unln bolf-abusaorar-lndulaenca A month' * triatuunt 11,0 furfi , by \Yeicuarinteaslx bo tat to our ; Kacborda fort ! ujiei , with II will i4 nrlttan iruaranteeto refund If notoural. Guarantee Issuel only hy Theodore. K. I eirU druggist , solo agent , touibuait corner ItSthand t'arnam sts , Omaha ] pl ] UE- CURB AUDIT anl complota Treatment , conilstlnz ot Suppositories. Ointment In < ! apiuloi , alia la llur and Pills : a Poilllvo Cure fur Uitrrnul , Internal bllndor Uleddhultonlnir ( Juronla , llooentor llerdll- tarylllei , Tnls llomeJy hat never len knowa to fall. Sllicr bui U for * } ; smithy m'lll. U'liy sutler from thisturrlblii dlsetia whan u wrlltaa icairantss U DOsltlrelyiil'on wlihli boteiur refund luernonoylt notcurudAenl stamp for free barnplo. ( iuurantoa UsueJ byKuhn &Co. , DruiiijIiU. bolo AyonUoora r lilt * and Uuuaiat ttruett ura.-aa. Neb. TABULES mruut i uiiuw.blivrruad INIHCU. purl * , the UuKl.trr rate luidtirt-ttual ; ! \ua \ > lx ) > t llrlneknn iifurUIIouf ! " " dy < muU. suul / ? constipation , * ' rt lb , hes.daU.c , luutlmrn , luu of Aypetltc. uitDt l deirubdon. pelofult dlJBfttltin. plirpiM. sallow r < im > lex < * loa.andeTiT/aideAsereiulUiiffirorn * rft failure by tiie stomach. lUer or Inf orm toelr proper f unrtlous. i'erou * ciTrn to OTC rt1nir are benefited hy UklDor one af Ur J z ea li nierj. Pi1. hy inall. I vrou , 121 aaruitlc , l&r. ? 2 IIU'AI S CHKMfCAl. CO. . 10Sprucebt..hew Vork J . . . . . . . J - + f r < " 0. - - - - - lroin ul > fur Library llullilkne. Sealed proposals will be received hv Lewis S. Heed , nrusldunt ot the Hoard of Directors of thu Uiunlm publlo library , t the Nobnibka National bank , in thu city of Oraahn , until t o'clock p. rn. Thursday , Outober U fort lit eruullou and comulutloti of a three-storr und basement llro proof library biilldlns ut tiie 8outlioi6t ; o-jrner of lUtli and llnrney strculs , Uinaha , In iiccordanco with plmis HIU ! bpuelti- cations oil lllo In thoollleoof Walker Si Kliu- biill , iirohltccts. room 5UU McCa uo bulldlnz. Kiifh bid in list bo ucoouipnulnd by u certified chock for t .0X1 , pay able to the orJor of the president of the board of the Oniuhu publlo llbrnrv. The board reserves tliu right to reject any or all bid * . Ily orderof the Hoard of Director ? of the Oiuuliiipubllollbrary. WILLIAM B. Cuims , Socrutury. rn Time of Peace ( Summer ) % D repare for War ( Winter. ) Appropos of this mild weather , there certainly will be war on prices of Overcoats , Just as soon as the weather permits. So we wish to give our patrons the tip , "Buy now , before the chilly blasts of winter" and have your pick out of a new , clean stock , at prices that challenge competition. A few of our Storm Ulsters and Overcoats are displayed in our window , all the conceivable styles in the market , Suits , We are in the swim , with the best and latest styles of goods , made up in double breasted , single breasted , square cut , round cut , cuta way , Prince Alberts , for dress , etc. Prices ranging from $6.26 , $7.5O , $8.75 , $1O , $12.8O. These prices are of superior workmanship and style. They are the highest grade of goods and are equal to the merchant tailor's work in style of make , but notice the differ ence in price. That's What Talks. Pants , We have them in all sizes and colors at $1.BO , up to $12. Successors to M. Hellmari & Co. Corner 13th and Farnam Streets. THE SHORTEST LINK TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y , as represented j on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p.m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a.m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far- , nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. QUAIL BRAND HEALTH POODS Parched Rolled Oats , Unequalled in Flavor. Corn Gritz , Sold only In 2J pound pacUugoi. Velvet Meal , For mulllna and 15 Soldbr nil b'irU-Clna Thrilling Spectacle ! A TMKIhliOK I'hEASlHtn TO OUK CUSTOM KKS. KOIl ONE WKKK Commencing Mon- ( lav. Hopt. i. wo will neil bUIJI ) fiOU ) Sl'EOTAUhEBOKKYEaijASSKS AT t3 A I'M It. Kliioriirul Imavlcir framo-iU and 1. ffnrlh tt to till i'IM38TKii < SI'i:0 : TAC'i.nsOll KYKWMSSKSONIA'II , usually retailed at f' ' ; liner frames. II.W ) . KVHKr PA1H mTKDhyourOPTlCIANwIlliKlNKHT hllo crystal lon o .NO K.XTUA CHAIIKK except for special lenies iiniund tn measure. NOTJL'U If you will cut Dili advertisement out and protein U to ut wo will allow a dis count of 10 percent troin abovu extreme low prices 1XIK ONI ! WKKK O.NM * MAX MEYEH & BUO. COMPANY , EidfntlUcand Practical Optklain. Karnaiu nnd blxtcenth Streets , Omaha , An tnycntJonliat { ladies-Appreciate Thousand ! itf tkej will w r No Other Shoo. Wear this Shoe during the Summer Months. DO NOT SUFFER WITH TIRED or TENDER FEET. Tiitl Shoe EXPANDS with KVEKY MOTION of the Foot. AlMtvi retain * Iti | KTI-C | ( ] [ > . Tbe AlUUbfAUU : Ir.turc niikn 11 | H. | | > U > tu wiar a carrowrr t o . THE PERFECTION CoiU no more , looks bolter , wean longer , aud giret 100 tlmea more oomfort I that ) ayy ullicr make. Frlcei , S3.OO , $2.CO , P3.0O $3.60 , CONSOLIDATED SHOE CO. , MTn , L > nnHnt Korualout tliolloitou gtoru.mih und Doujla PSYCHOMETRY ! DR. EMMA HAZEN , Tbe I'lienomfDal I'lirilclin , Tuacher and Author- e . will toacli | ; clioinetr7toili7ilclaninud olliern to enable them tu dlaunuilt Ulif&tei and vlve thu curatlvu nuont ultliout aikliiK queilloni. Ctimu or tend n luck of Uftlr wltli II.W and hate tbUdoiuon- trated. Till : llit : I.Til OI'I'ICl ! , 418 N , I7tb afreet , Omubo. Ur , Juliu Bliulb1'ret. . EDUCATIONAL Dr. Sargent's Normal School. Of I'lijrairul Trutnllif lor XX lilnrii. at C1U1111I1 > OE. iIH . . will oj.eii Ita TireUtli He > - lon on October 'Allu toiteaa of Noroiuber 1 , al liarctutot * . PERMANENT SIDEWALK RESOLU TION. COUNCII , CIIAMIIKU. UMAHA , Neb. , soplotuber : oth. is'jj. Ho It. rusolroil by the City Council of the city of OniHliii. tliu innynr conuiirrhiK : Tlint Durnmnuiitsldrwiilks bo constructed In ho city of Omaha nsdcRlgniitcd liulow , w.thln Ivo : iftor tliu piiblfuutlon of tins resulu- tlon , or the persoiml servlco tjicre f , us hy ordinance Is nutliorl/ed nnd required , such siiUiwiilkt , to bo laid tot lie i.ornir.ncnt urado in citabllsbcd on the p.ivud streets specified icroln nml to bo constructed of sum , urtlU- clul hlonc , brick or tlllnt : . nt'cordlng to sped- leal Ions on lilo In the otllco of the Hoard nt 'ubllc Works , und undur its siijicrvlslon , to- Wlt ! North side of Kurt Btroct , lots " > nnd 0 , block 11(1 ( , city , permanent griicle , U feet wide , North side of ( Jliiciiui ) btreot , lot. 7 , block 48 , clt v. poriiiiinent rndu. G feet wide. \Vcstsidoof l.'ltli Btrout , north half of lot B. otk40 , city , permanent Krudu , I'J fcot wide. Eiht : side of lltli street. Iot4 , block V. , city , permanent Kr.ule. 8 fcot wldo. West sldo of lltli street. Join 1 and 8 , block 01 , city , pcrnmiient Krndo. 8 feet wide. Nortli side of Capitol uventie , lota T iiml 8 , iloc'lt TO. citv. pcriiiunont grade , 6 foot ; \lde. Kastsldoof lUthblreut , south h ilf cf lot 7 , block 70 , city , permanent , crude. IB feet wldo. South Hide of < Jihs : btreel. lots 1 and 2 , b.ock 40 , city , permanent grade , B fcot wide. And b It further resolved : That tliu Hoard of 1'ubllo Works bo nnd Is hereby authorl7ed und directed toouiisoa copy of this r solution to bo published In the oltlclal paper of the city for one week , or tie served on the owners of said lots und unless such owners shall within live days after the publication or service of such copy construct said slduwulUh UK herein required , that tha Hoard of I'ubllo Works cause the same to bo done , the cost of constructing said sidewalks respectively to bo assessed against tiio roul oitiitu. lotor part of lot In front of and iibut- llne such Hlduwalks. 1'aased DoptcinliorL'Otli , 1801 Ii I' . DA VIP. I'rPBldent of thu Council. Attest : JOHN GllOVES. CJIty Clerk. Approved : OUOHQE I' . 11I2MIS , Jliiyor. NOT10B TO COXSTHUCT SlOBWAhKS. To the nwnora of the lots , parti of lots and real estitn described In tlie ahovo resolution : You and each of you aru hereby notified to eons 11 net perm anen I sldowa Iks as required by a resolution of the city council itnd mayor of tno oily of Omaha , of which tiio ubovo la a copy. I' . W. IJI1JKIIAIISEU. Ohalrmnn Hoard of I'ulillo Works. Omaha , Nebraska , September 23th , IHOi bISdit. NOTICE TO PIIOPEUTV OWNERS , AGENTS AND LESSEES. In pursuance of ordinance ? no. 'Wili , reaulr- liiK' waturand BUS cornectlons to bo mane to and within the curb lines on certain htrooU in Htreot Improvcmont Districts Nos. 40. * ) , 4X1 and 41:4 , In the city of Uiuiihn , you are hereby notified lo make nil necessary connec tions H Itli watur and ias mnlns , or lattoralH , and to complelo Hiicli work on or before Uu- nlicr 1-tli , 1KI. ! . as It Is thu purpose to utivo hoHtroots In the said districts , and moropar- Icularly ilunurlbed as follows , to-wlt : No. 4G > . Jue.tson street , from''Till street to ' 'sill street , No Jif'i llrsklne ulrcuU from the west line of-lth s tree I to the east line of 2'ilb ulrcet. No. 484. Uavuniioit stroeU from . " -Jud ulroot to"4tli strwt , in thu city of Omaha. Dated ut Umaliu , Nob. , thU sstlt day of Bop- Icinbcr , 1HW. . 1' . W. IIIKKIIAUBnU. Chairman IlourU of I'ubllo Works. NOTICE TO PnOPEHTY OWNERS. You are lioroby nollllod that lots 1 , y , .s. i. ft , 0 , 1'J , II , 1'J and U in block I , Kounlzo's Kourlh Addition , huvo been duclarail by ordinance NIL .T.l lo bo it niiiBiinvo by rodion of belnit below the crado of tbo adjacent bt reels and alleys anu ihoruby allowlnz water and olTen- she rnbblsb nnd material to ncouniuluto thereon , Von uro hereby diieotod to abuto mid uul- Baiii-o by IHIInK up f > ul < l lols with earth to tbo estahllMied uruue nt the streets und ulluyi adjacent thereto on or before Iho Cllh day of Optobor. Iblr. ' , or said nnUiuico will bo abated by the oily authorities uad the expense tlu < ro of levied " H u special tax uRalnst the prop erty on which suld nuisance oxlsu. Dated thls Jlh day of heptember. Wi I1 W. JIIKKUAUriKK. CUalrmau of the Hoard of I'ubllo Works , NOTICE TO PIOPERTV { OWNERS. Von urn hereby notified thnt the bink of earth on the south 61 feet , of lots , block 0 , sub division of .1 , 1. Ifedlck's Audition , froullus onUJtli street bus been deolurcu by ordlnanco No. U.-74 to bo u nuisance You are hereby nollllod to nbato bald mil- snnuu by Krudlnv or Hluplni ; said bunk aloiiK tbo wt ) t line of s.ild lot BO that Iho iiartli tlioiefrom will not fall npo'i or Ixt curried by rains upon thu sidewalk or street , pu or before tho' lru duy of October. JHJJ , or said iiuUiuioti will be abated by thu city nutliorillus and Ihu ejpcuso thereof levied usaspttulttl tax auaiuit thu properly on which sulu nuln.inco vnUls. Dated this 3uth ( lay of Buploinber. Ihlf. . 1' . W. IIIUKIIAUBKK , Ohalnuau of the llourd of I'ubllo Works.