Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    .1. 189'A
Delivered by carrier to ant pirt of the city
< t " > itt\VKJ I'm ' nrs Office. Nott
MMplit Editor No a
Ml.MHl 1/U.V110.V.
V. I'lumblnp Co.
t'ouncll I3luff Lumber to. .
A meeting ot iho city council will bo hold
this evening.
Thu Woodmen of the World will give ft
toclnl tomorrow ovunlng utlbo Dancln hnll.
The gvmnaslum classes al the Young
MonN Christian association will commence I
work today.
Th World's Fulr club of Council muffs
will hold n mealing at li o'clock this after.
noon at the Masonic Irmulo.
Hoeulnr convocation of Slur chapter , No.
47 , UojnlArch Masons , thli evening. All
Hoyul Arch Mnsona In Rood standing nre
cordlallv Invited , liv ordur of the M. K.
ti. P.
Henry nnd Uhnrlo' MuAben became in
volved In n quwrrel nt the beer [ { iirilcn on
IJmt Ilroiuhvitv yesterday attiirnuon and
were run In for disturbing the peace. They
puvo bonds for tbnlr appearance this morn-
Thu funeral of the Into Ihnil Kosch took
plnce voslenhiy afternoon nt tun rurally resl
demo on HlRh street , llov. C. W. l.ovlck of
the Uothany BnptHt church onii'lutliifr A
very Inrpo precession of friends followed
the remains to Pulrviuw cemetery , \\horo
thp.v were Interred.
Mrs. Mary Wbltnnn died Friday nluht at II
oMocIc ol quick consumption , ngoil 71 vears.
nltur ai illness of four itav-t. The funeral
will tnltc plnco at II o'clock this mornlnc
from her Into residence In NorfolK township ,
nenr Crescent , Kuv SptlnReronieiatliitf , nnd
the remains will bointcircd In Uownvlllo
cotni'tt ry.
ChnrU's Conlov , drlverof the rescue engine
team , WPS tin own from his scat , on Iho
waL'on Saturday afternoon utilln exercising
the her c" , the latter becoming unnmn *
necublo. Ouo > ( his shoulders vvai somo-
whut wicnolicd by his huid contact with the
pavrmunlonVashlnpton uvontic , but other
wise hoiis uninjured
John Al. Hipglns nnd Miss Unnovlevo
Shearer wcie marrli'd at the residence ot the
tirido'k parents in llardin township , llov. O
I * . Springer oftlclallnK. A larno number of
Invited guests wore present and the happy
ccuinlo wcto liio rctlpionls of numerous
valuable presents. A line dinner was survod
after the ceremony had bcon performed.
A handbook which uns In the pocKet nf
the VUBI whluu was stolen from A S. Bon-
lihin ono dav lust wcok bus turned up In
Otmihn. A Nobrnslcn detcctlvoaslntuo
111 tiffs .vcstcrduy afternoon and stated that It
lind been found' In the pocket of a coat that
was loft.In a house by n burplar who was
rocpclleJ to decnmnsooner lb n hoe.xpeotod
tu and left his clothes behind l.itn.
A blind in mi giving his niuno as Dr. 11. O.
Smith nnd accompanied by his wife and n
number of unmistakable symptoms of olfness
In the upper stoi.\ raised n row r.t the \\ost-
rrn house on upper Hronilwny nnd ilio Cun-
trnl house on lirvnul street last o\enlnj. (
Ho and his wife , who appeared to bo ns
crn/y ns ho was , could not como to an iiKrci1-
mcnl UB t6 where ihoy would stay , nnd the
proprietors or the places convinced that
something was wronp with them refused to
tnUc them In. At lust the man routined up
the police million and was given a place to
stay. Mrs. Smilti follouuu sonn after.
Never before huvo tiio people of
Council Bluffs and Otniihu hud such un
opportunity to buy ncio property suitn-
bic for horao or fruit as is otTorcd by
Day & " Hess.101) ) acres to piuk from.
Only two und : i half miles east of Coun
cil UltitTti poslolllec.
.Gontloman. the finest line of mil fj
iii the city , junt rucuivod. Keller , the
tailor , 310 Broadway.
Boston store closes every overling at 0
p. m. , unless Mondays and Saturduy-5.
I'KItSUX.II. I" lUAUK.ll'ltl.
H. P. Barrett spent Sunday in Lincoln.
Leonard Kverotl hus returned from a trio
through Nebraska.
Y Miss Sntnuuls of Schuvlor , Neb. , is lu Iho
c\v. iho guest of Mrs. U. M. Oiborno on
Fil A avenue.
\V. W. Loomls and Lucius Wells have
crone to St. Louis to tuku in the Veiled
1'ronhots' parade.
C. U. Jones of Iho Snndulch ManufacturIng -
Ing company al Sandwich , III. , was in-Iho
city yesterday on his return from a six
weeks bunting nip In WiomniK. looking
bronzed and rucired nnd onlhusiailically
proclaiming Jolmbou's Hole Iho hunter's
paradise. _
Muster Leon Marx ib n youthful Ou !
Tickets for Bcipor-Dalnly concert ul
the I'icsbytirliin church Wodnobilny
evening aic on sal ) at thodrug stores of
Camp H.'OB. mid M. P. Kills.
Miss ItngsdHlc'biimnml iiiiliimnnl mil
linery display hns been tu runted for
Tucbday and Wednesday afternoons nnd
cvonliifjB. The Indies of Council Bluffs
mid Oinaliii nro coidiully invited. 837
B : oad xvity. _
Oilil r < tllo tt' Cr.-HKt I.nilgr.
1'hc Grand Lodge of Iowa , Inilependent
Order of Odd Follows , will hold its annual
bcssion in Council Bluffs commencing Tues
day , October 18 , and elaborate preparations
nro being made by ihe members of mo local
Icdrfos for the entertainment of the guests ,
who will number nt least f > 00 , and piobnhly
many more than ihnl. The llrst day will be
occupied by tno holding of the gruiid on-
c-imprnont and the convention of thu Daugh
ters of Uobokan. During the next two days
will occur the-meeting of the CJraml ledge
.jiropur , r.nd on tbo day followlni ; , Frlduv ,
the i'atrlaielw Militant will hnvn a telobra-
tlon and parade , u largi number of Patrl
arrhs from Omah.t and iho vlcinltr taking
part. _
By far tlio largesl line , the nohhicbt
BtyloH , tlio lowest ii'-icos in Indioa' ,
inlsscs' und children's COATS In ut the
Jloston Sloi'o see sliow windows
Council UltilTt ) , In.
For the newest , nobbiest nnd latest
styles in ladies' , mines' and childrun's
COATS visit tlio Uoslon Store , Council
Ululis , la.
If you don't ' wtiiit to buy hard coal you
had "bettor see Bixby about these oil
burners. They uro adapted for use in
hot nlr furnaces , steam and hot water
boilers , with no or ashes to luuullo.
Hurt lu it Ituniuuiy.
Mr. end Mrs. .1. W , Squlro woio out riding
Saturday evening na Klghth street nour the
liulliin creek brldga when thu carriage
tqnguo dropped to the ground , frightening
the horses. Tliev commenced to run wildly
nnd overturned the carriage , throwing both iyf f
thooccupnnts toiheground. Mrs , Sijuliuhau
Ler right arm biokcn nud sustnlncd several
tovcro cuts about the foic , and it was fenrcd
ul llrtt that tier injuries would result futuliy ,
I'Ulun cxaifiinutlnii prove t Him Iho supposl-
lion uns Incoirect. At uun hour lust
incnlni. thu phtslciun had not roniuloled Ins
rxumlnallun ol Mr , Squirt ) and it could not
U" learned whether or not hU Injuries wcio
Carpet weuvlng , 02S AVOIIUO K
Miss Kininn. Iloistand , fashlonuhlo |
drcfsinala'r. Good lit t'unranloed.
Prices roiiboniiblo. 008 oth uvenue.
Call on Messra Uny & Hess aud usk
to bo shown Iho Klolu traut ofJOO acres
noA'pn isiilo in live and ton ttoro tracts.
They will show it frco to all.
ICOpoopIo iu this city U30 g-.ii btovoj
Iho Otis Co , puu 'em iu ut cost.
Two Persons , Tired of Life , Have Gone
to Suicides' Graves.
.Morphine Clixpcl an KxlMruce Tliat Had
llriumn Ungrateful Oce Ouptun
SccU ItrllrT from Slinine In
tlio Siimn nothing Unit.
There wcro two attempts at aulcldo In I
Council Hluff * Saturday night , and they '
both resulted fuUlly yatlcrauy morning.
Malt i Lyon , whoso nltoinpt was mentioned In
yesterday's ' UEP , died shortly before noon.
'A Investigation of the circumstances loads
to ( the conclusion that bis suicide wai the re-
suit ot dissipation. Ho stated to louie ol the
people at the Western house seine time ago
tnut n girl to whom he was ontagcd ; to bo
married died In Omtha with quick consump
tion. In order to drown his sorrows , ho took
tie drinkltitr. Ho was formerly an omplojo
of U. O. Dun & Co. In Omatta , and
was consliiorcd a f.rst-clats clerk.
It [ was ihro.igh the lullucnco of
W. I'otenon , the number ul Dun's
f'ouncil lllun4 oflko , ibal he was lalcon in nt I
the Western house , PotoMoa piying his
board bill for ovcral weeks. He had been
drinking heavily for days prior to
his death und it is supposed that bis disgust
with life rosultoj from his prolongea spree '
Oco ( iupton , ono of the inm.nei of 117
1'lercu alieut , nlso took an ovcrdoio of itior-
phlno Saturday night with suicidal Intent.
Dr. Bellinger wus called to the house , bul
refused to picscrlbo for nor. sulnir she
would pull througli nil right , It was about
ihrce bouts after she bad tuken llio deadly
drug Ihut lie was there. When stfo became
worse ho was rccnlled , but declined to come.
Or UtiNdnr wus Mien called , but It was ; oo
Into losnve her life.
According to the story told by the relatives
of thu dead girl , xvho live In Snenundoah ,
la , she Itft homo tnu Sundav before Iho Ith
of lust July in company uitli Ed Broun ,
who works ut Meschendort's ' butohor shop ,
lo come lo Council Bluff ? where Brown snid
she could gel a pluio to work in a. hotel. The
girl could not or wilte , so lhat all the
fainilv hpard from hnr cnmo Ihrough Brown.
Tnoy clulm lo have received n letter from
him s'ating ' ihnl she had u piuco In the "Pal-
uco hotel' ' in Council Bluff * . The ilrsl Ihey
knew us to her leal wheicubouts when
Ihoy received a telrgiam yesterday nioinmg
uiinounclne ibal she hud died in u house of
111 reputo.
Tbo assertion thai Brown was responsible
for the gill's downfall U stoutly denied by
the girl with whom she occupied iho bouse
on 1'ieicc street. She claims inut the ( .iup
ton trirl lelt homo with n young man named
Banner , who lived tu Shcnandoah , butaflor-
unriU toll in with \oung man named Miles
Scuolleld , wlio has n place in the lire do
partmcnt. Ac-coming to her storv the sul-
cldo viiis enured bv her being thrown over
board by Hcholield. The girl was commonly
known .is Lucy liuuner.
The fact thut the iwo suicides took nlnco
ul alinusl the same moment , the same drug
being used In both eises , has led to un ctTort
on the part of some to show tbut the Iwo
v.eio connected in some way. So far , however -
ever , nothinir of Ihe Kind has bc < Mi shown ,
und 11 seems lo bo simply n coincidence.
Two ot the sisters of the Cupion gill
arrived in the cilv yesleiituy afternoon , und
will probibly talso the remains ot iheir sis
ter homo with them for Interment. Inquests
in both cases will ba held this morning al II
r.raml Opming.
MIPS SIH-UI Ic wishes to announce to the
Indies Hie opening on Tuesday , Wednes
day and Thumlny of fall und winter
As the ladles of Council BlulTs und
Omaha now know thut our stock is al
ways complete and of the latest wo will
have no formal opening this season , hut
will bo hnppy to show all the newest
things after Wednesday of this week.
The Louis , Masonic Block.
Chamber's classes in dancing will
open Monday evening : , Oetobor u , ut
Arcanum hul' . Children al 4. in. ,
adults , 70. : !
Duvi ? , pure drugs , boat piints.
StitiiD AcnliiHt Wlllunl.
John T. Stone , present attorney general
and republican candidate for re-election , and
ills damocralie opponent. Judge Kzru Wil-
lard of Atlantic , held Iho sixth of their ser
ies of Joint debates at tlurlan , in tdjclby
county , in tms diilrlct , Saturday night.
Stone is one of the most popular men on
the lopublican ticket und one of the mosl
persuasive aud eloquent , speakers in Iowa ,
and his opponent is one of the ablest demo-
ciaiie orators. Their joint discussions hnvo
ineitod a great deal Of interest and this one
nt Uuilan was of exceptional interest an
both candidates are residents of tills con-
cressional districl and uell Known. The
deinociullu county convention was held in
llarlan the same ntternuon and the orern
houbo uas crowded with piominent demo
ciats and delegates from alt over the county.
The republicans turned oulm force ns well
and tbo opera hou o was crowded with an
enthusiastic audience , und neither spanker
lucked lor applause.
Judge SVllUird opened with a defenseof
the plank of the democratic platform favor-
lug Ihe repeul of Iho lax on state bnnks of
Issue. Ho hns boon forced Into this position
by the tremendous atlucks Stone has been
mailing on it throughoul Iho discussions.
Judge \Villnrd suld that it did not mean
a wildcat currency , that the leg
Ulalurcs of the different states
would pass safe la\\s on Iho subject. The
remainder of his speech was devolcd to the
tariff question und n diminution ot busts ,
\\nlch uo claimed were duo to Iho protective
Slono answered in nn hour and a naif
speech , ulilcli Is said by those who listened
to it to have boon ono of Iho ablest discus-
hlonb of the issues of the campaign over
made In western loua. He has the faculty
of disarming Ihe prejudices of even his po
litical opponents. Ho Impresses his audi
ence wilh tils candor and fairness nnd at the
same lime Is direct , uncompromising und
forceful. Ho carried his 'vholo uudlenco off
their feet Saturday night , especially when
ho contrasted tbo condition of iho American
farmer and mechanic with iho foreigner and
when he piled up Iho proofs of ihe liucnm
HiiKlund takes in democratic success , read
ing extracts from Kuglish papers showing
thut some of her greatest Industries wore
boinir rulr.ed b.v ihe proicctlvo policy of tht
country , and would , if democratic free trade
were nol substituted , bo transferred over
here , hundreds of democrats in tbo audience
Joined In the applause.
Iiidiess goods our line is complete
witti the latest novelties , botli from
homo and foreign market * . Wo allow
many novelties conllned to out helves.
Boblon Store , Council BlulTs , la.
The Boston Store closoa every evening
ingat II p. in , except .Mondays and
A nna Teresa Barker , the world-faraou
lady cornet virtuoso , who tins been ab
sent from America for over live years
la now nmklui : u tour of tier nativt
country in conjunction with tlio Horror
D.iinty i'um | > .kiiv and w.ll appear in ihiB
city ut" the I'rebby torliin chui oh Wednes
day evening.
The republicans met in ito various wards
Saturday evening und selected the following
delegates tn the couniv convention to DO held
at iho couri houio next Wednesday :
Firu Ward U , IJ. Gardner. B. 0. Dnldy ,
.1. U. Mitchell. 0. ( ! . Saunders. \ \ . O. Suoy ,
Alojc Wood , M. P. Uloss.
Second Wurd U , M. tiould , O. S , Hub-
bard. T. ( juittur. J. H. 1'uco , Ohio Knox ,
W. F. Sspp.V. . M. McUrary , John Pox , u
C. Dale , U G. KuolU.
TUlid Ward-William Arnd , Wllh m H v-
crstock , J. M. Matthews. B. E. llaru 11 W.
< Jo < , II. I' . Wnrren , B. U , Fonua , E. U. Bd-
Kerton , M , H. CnamborlMn.
Fourth W ra-G. ll. Gnblh , Jnrao * 1'alter-
* on. C. K. Ma.Tttf , F , II , Bvahft , J. L. Howe ,
U. A. Hoed , John Limit.
Fifth Wnrd-T. A. Berwick. W. A. High-
Mnllh , Kd Canning , * OV. . Strong. Gcorgo
Gntes , Peter Smith , T. J. Peterson , Ucll
Morgan. C. tlutruinson.
Sixth Wnrd-W. H , IJudloy , G. S. Jacobs ,
A. C. Harding , L. M. Shubert.
Indigestion , diz/incss. Tnke Bcecham'
Pills. '
Judson , civil engineer , S23 Broadway
60 do/nn gents dark colored outing
flannel shirts good vnlue nt o'lc , for this i
vcck while they last for 2oc. Boston
Store , Council Bluffs , la
\\untrcl to Ituy.
Improved property. Will naycishif
price id low. 11 G. NlcOoo. 10Iiiln street.
Another Attrinpt ut Artu n.
The pollco are considerably worried over
the frequent attempts that are blnc made
llc burn dwellings In various pirls of the
city. ! A gang has been at work lor a number
weeks past , and although they have fre
quently suc ooJod In their attempts , they
buvo curried on their work with such secrecy
thai no clew has been left us lo Ihoir Identi
ty. ; The latest attempt was made yesterday
nflcinouu ut the smoknhouso keot by Kan-
zundorfcr , the butcher , on South Mnln
street. ' Tbo smoke bousii is located In an
angle of fie wall between the Crcston house
nnd thn moat market , aud Is so surrounded
by buildings thai If Inn blu/.j had not been
quenched Immodlatelv a eood deal of damaRo
would hove resulted. Max Mohn sawthesmoke
issulne from Iho roof , wtlch was of wood ,
and going to the second story of his building ,
the Crouton house , ho throw down sevotal
pulh of wnlcr , which soon put out the tire.
Salvation Oil has cured many of rheuma
tism when other remedies failed. Price ! i5c.
For Kentroom ! ) cottage , corner
Broad\v < ! .y und Sixteenth und 7-room i'ot-
tnpo on North Scott street , .f. C. De-
No bankrupt , fire-smoked , dninnirctl
furniture at Afeyor's , H05-y07 Broadway.
Clean goods , loss than any Omaha prices.
swum on.i/i i.
.luil u mill CleiliH ot Kluctluu Ask lor
More I'uy.
The Judges mid i-lcrks who served at the
election held last ' \pril will be hnatd from in
iheshnpoof a communication , which will bo
presented to Ilio council at tonight's meet
ing , 'Iho JudgcB and clerks each ha\o a
grievance and ? i ) apiece will settle it. The
election boards were paid by the city , each
member receiving $0. Now they have
rcnchod the conclusion tout ns three mem
bora of the Jloard of Educntioti were olecled
at tbo same tlmo as ibo city officials Iwo oloc
lions were held and Iho members of the
election board are entitled to double pay.
Tbo communication will bo read ibis ovon-
ig aud n representative of the claimants
vill bo prcsonl and Icll Iho members of Iho
ounch uhv thu additional claims should bo
lloxvcd. The claim Is based upon thu con-
trucllon phiced upon the law by the oftlciils
if Omaha , Tneio nre nine election precincts
n the city and seven members romptisoeaca
oourd , man ng sixty-three men who dasiro
SO more , nr n total expenditure of $ J7o If
hu council relumes to allow these claims
tut will bo brought ngunst iho Board of
uucullon lo compel iho pivmont , the Jutlfoj
nd clerks having orgauizc-d for tLut pur-
Good PrlciM lur City llundt.
The commitlou 0:1 : tinanceof tbo city coun
ell has Just disposed of $ > H.07.i m grading
bonds at a good fiirnro lo John Dale of
Omaha. The bonds nro issued agnirst dis-
liicts No. 0 , J-J.oOO ; No. 13 , $275 ; No. H ,
( l.bOO , and No. 13 , $7 , UO. The bonds mature
.n hvo years nnd boar 7 per cent interest.
They sold at par flat nnd a premium of VJ ,
and all accrued interest is reserved to the
city. The bonds sold for a figure three
times larger pro rutn Ihnn did bonds one
year nco. This fact is encouraging and reas
suring and snows that the paper of South
Omaha is holding Its own in iho financial
and is in big demand.
Curloy lltinctlt Tuesday l venliiff.
AH arrangemenls have been completed for
the or.tcitainmont to bo given Tucsduvcven-
ng at Blum's hall for the benefit of the
widow and orphaned children of the late
Uamcl Curley.
Ilev. Father M. O'Sullivun of Chicago
writes a teller lo a friend in the city express
ing his pleasure uud giatitication at the ac
tion of the patriotic hlshmen of South
Omaha lu co-opcraiinp wilh their fellow
Irishmen in providing o home for iho widow
and orphan children of the late Daniel Cur
ley. Ho ulso compliments the American
people of Nebrabku UDOU Ihelr gciicrobily lo
Ihc cause of Irishmen's freedom.
Morse nun iliiRiry stolen.
A horde aud buggy belonging lo P. Hooves
of Albright was stolen Saturday night. A
friend of bis had borrowed the outfit and
driven into Sarpv counly lo see Iho liodcn-
Monlaguo light , and had loft it near the
pluco. When Ihc light was finished and bo
prepared to return borne ho found the outllt
missini.- , and no iraco has yet been found of
where it wont or who the parlies are thai
look ll.
AntUlty In ilio llvalty Murkut.
Theio Is a eeneral activity in the South
Omaha realty market thai is very eurourac-
Inc. The number of transfers daily made '
are Increasing and trade will bo lively ouring
Iho fall aud winter. The properly Is passing
from the hands of tbo speculators Into these
of the home builders and this fact augurs
well for Iho future prospensy and growth of
Iho city. During September ono real cbtalo
firm alone had transfers of proudly i cach
ing $ < n,000. Lasl week Ihib same linn dis
posed of nearly slxiv pieces of properly at
good prices. A luigo number of purchases
will bo made before spnnpuud cacti piece of
properlv will bo adorned with u rnsUonco
bofora Iho mimmor has waned. The demand
by lonnnis for houses 1 causing u numoer to
invest iheirsuplus In this way. Prospects
are very bright arid Magic City ical estate IB
a very dosirublo and profitable thing to have
In one's possession Just at ibo present time.
NiilHs und I'ui.on.tlH ,
Mrs. Smith of Platlsraoulh is visiting
with Mrs. Alexander Schlogel ,
Miss Edna Matlhows , a student In Iho
Bt-lloviio college , U vislilng Mr * , j , p
Cornish ,
Mrs. P. M. Campbell will rjlurn homo to-
da % from Mulvcrn , la. , whcru sbo bus been
Milton Brouiluoll , who has been vhltinir
wilh hi ? brolbcrs in tbli cltv , leaves t day
or his homo In Plalsubuig , N , V.
1 H. J Holser of ino Cuduhy Packing com
pany , will resume ( us clerical duties \odav \
after a three uiokb' leave of nb.M'nce Ho
has had a buccoibful opsralion performed
upon hU eyes , the sight of which have been
atfeclcd for some time.
At Ilium's hall this evening u oquaro stick
pull win take plaoj ootwocn Henry ICilnmr-
ruyof ihlhcilv and Donny Kane of Iowa
ICilmurray recently pulled with Farmer
Hums and ut the end of three hour *
the match was declared a draw. The contest -
test will bo for the gate receipts ,
Juno Ilraniff , a young girl U voars of ace
was arrostfld by Ofilcor Anderson yusterduv
T "
and U chf rcoJ with vagl-ancy. The girl u
IncorriRllilo and a few wfcffa atro was before
ttie court ns a candidate Tor Iho stnto reform
atory. Upon her pronriRtf to lend R batter
life and tno assurance Af.ihor parents that
thov would turn her Irorwh4r ovll ways , the
Judge discharged her from custodv.
PJII A ma TA'i&r or.i \it.
The Ounorntilp orThnn'i'Aliils ' of Acres Near
1:1 : r o in IjUimlc.
Ou.tsni'iio , III. , Oct. i' . Judge Cessna of
Hastlmts , Neb , , hits beco > spending several
days hero conferring with Mrs. Chftrlcs
Scott , whoso Bramifathf'r'lii ' 1S23 was given
by the Mexican government n grant to a
tract of 130.000 acres of land near El Paso.
It . is represented that this grant was given
on condition tbiil the grantee should settle a
colony ou the tract. That ho did , lived
there for two > cnrs and was then
drivnn out by an armed force. Subsequently
three succeeding grants wore given to olho'r
parlies by Iho Mexican government to one-
butt of IhU tract , while the other half has
remained all of these years unclaimed. Suit
bus been begun by the heirs of thn original
grantee to recover the entire tract , and
MM. Scott has bcon made n pirly to this
suit. The Judge asserlfc that Iho subsequent
grants do not Invalldnlo the first one and
that Iho people now In possession of Iho one-
half have never perfected their titles under
ibis government. The conlltct In the several
grants Issued by the Mexican government
prior to the lima thai Now Mexico was
ceded lo Iho United Stales nnd the posses
sion siaco ot the onc-hnlf , .Indira Cessna
says , raise some very Interesting interna
tional questions. As thn tract is nut n few
miles from El Paso , and is very fertile , it
loprescnts n larce valuo. Thu heirs of the
grantcn nro numerous , most of them living
in Missouri. Judge Cessna does not expect
those living on the ioltlod half to yield with
out a hard fight , and the question of lltle
will probably have to bo sotited by iho
United State's supreme couit The Jadgo
hns Rpcnt fcoino llmo in Mexico on tbo case
and brought with him a cony of the original
grant , which Is on record at S.uitu Fo. The
case will bo tried either ht Santa Fo or
j' riruitu.
Conliucl ltet\tc < m tlio I'nclllo Mull Steam.
lnp Compitii ) anil ( lunliMiinlii.
Wv-niMirov , L ) . C. . Oct. 2. Tbo bureau
of lt0 } American republics is Informed of
tbo closing of u contract b3lwaon the gov
ernment ol Guatemala nnd tht ) PaclHc steam
ship line , in which tbo companv agicos to
send nt leasl ono ship a nionlh from Euiope
to Guatemalan ports ul a reduced rale , and
fumlsh free transportation for of
ficers of Iho covcinmont and also Its
mails to Ibo Central und South Ameri
can countries ; rnano a tcductton of
at lean one-half its rules for bringing
articles for ibo use of tbo government and to
make the same reduction on agricultural
Implements destined for Hie ropnbllc. The
company will bo paid f 1,000 lor each shin
aniving lu Iho ports , no lonnaso.Hghlhouso
or port charges will bo exuded , extra
facilities will bo granlcd for laking and dis
charging carcoos and Iho prlviloca of engag
ing In the cuastwlso service Is extended to
the vessels of Iho line.
. I .VA U ( / - > Ui : .11.N JV > .
The Duff Opera company will bo al Boyd's
theater on Tuesday andi Wednesday evenings
of ibis wcok and will present three most , in
teri'iling works. On Tuesday evening "A
Trip lo Africa" will 08 Iho bill , and for
Wednciday evening a Splendid double bill
has teen arranged , opening wilh Mascagnl's '
powerful one-net opera , "Cavnllorla Husti-
cstni , " 'o be followed wilh Gilbcit and Sulli
van's duuu.iUc cantam. "Trial bv Jury. "
The buff organization this joar is unusually
stiong nnd Is beaded by1 Helen Bortiani , who
is well Known bore. The sale of seals for
both nights will open at the box ofllco of ibo
Bovd Ibis morning.
Chiules Frohman's comedy "Jane" ' begins
a Ibreo uighl's engag o.ent on Thursday
evening. The story briefly is lbis > : A young
Londoner , protendinc to bis trustqs ibal ho
has niarcled , overdraws-his accounts , and
the trustee filially concludes to visit his
protege. The bpcudlbrilt at last , seeing
that bis deception would bo founu out ,
suggests lo his femuio du chambro , Jane ,
lo acl Iho part of wife to him during the
trustee's visit. This atiu consents lo do , al
though she la secretly marl led to the young
master's valet , William. Jane porfonns her
part of the contracl so well ibat William
loses his equilibrium and Ihc deception is ex
posed to the old trusleo.
Next Sunday evening Charles E. Shilling's
mluslrels will give ihe llrst performance of
iiigto mlimrtlsy at the I3oyd ibis season.
Crooked A'nutriir
TOIIOSTO , Oul. , Oct. 'J , The Canndi
association of amateur oarsmen has dis
quuliliod Edward Oilman , charged with wil
fully loMng the senior scull race to Bidley of
Philadelphia at Iho Canadian championship
regalia bora in July ; also John Gulnuau ,
c.iptaln of Iho Sunuysldo Boating club ,
chart-eel with being in colhiflon wilh Durnan.
lln\u NOICH tu 'lake Up.
WASIIIXTTOX , L ) . C. , Oct. 2. There oio be
tween $ S,000 aud $10.000 of notes duo by tbo
National Base Ball league , which will have
lo be paid and Ilia special meeting tomorrow
of ibe'mugnalcs is called lo arrange for iho
payment. President Young is confident that
ttrora will bo little diOlcully In making a
J.UCAl , ItHl
Four minor permits , aggregating Jl,3. ' > 0 ,
woio Issued by the superintendent ot build
ings Saturday.
Dan Young and Ed Danlnls were arrested
yoiterduy for being fuglllvos from Jusllco.
They uro nanlcd al Logan , la. , for burglary.
irK.I i n Kii F
It Will He Pnlrvltli u Slight Chaiio ul
Tcinperutiuo Todny.
WSSIIISOTOX , D. C. , Oct. 2 Forecast for
Monday ; For Nebraska and the Dakolus
Generally fair ; variable winds ; slight
changes in temperature.
For Iowa Fair ; southwest winds ,
lineal iteuord.
Oct 2. Omaha record of lomocraiuro and
mlnfull co nparea wiin corresponding dav of
pasi four years ;
l Ti IB'll. ' 1R9) . 1889.
Mitnuim leriineratiire. . . "is 74 = 71 ° .0 =
llliiliiiilin loiiiporatiire , . . , (11 ( = 51 ° 4S = 4U =
A\oni8i < loniporalilre . . . . 74 = > dl3 Ol3 U
1'reclpltat oil 00 OU = 00 OU
Statement showing the condition of torn
poratura and precipitation at O.uann tor the
dav and since March iJ'lS'Ji ' , us compared
with the penoral avorugy
Normal totiiooruttirc , . , . . , . , , ( ) =
Kxecii for tlio iliiy. . . . . , „ ' 1. ' ) =
Dulluleiiey HIIICO March i ! ; . . , , SIH =
formal preulplfition. ( U U Ineli
Dellclunuy for the duy. .w. 10 Inch
Dellcloncy slnco March 1 I 7llnuh )
G. E. J AWroN , Observer
A 'lent. *
Life : Mabel Uo is fiuoh n uolightfu
follow , but the trouble la , wo don't know
whether ho is marriotl or single.
Her Cousin Tom Igj o very attentive
willing to como or&o anxious to obey
your lightest wish ? ,
Mabel Yes , tie is. < '
Her Cousin Tom Courageous in toll
intr you how lovely /oil are , and what an
inlluenco BUt-h u woman would have ovet
a maii'b lifo ? Heady.hi , fact , to prostrate
himself at your footV
Mabel Thut just expresses it.
Her Cousin Then , lie's mrrriod.
Highest of all in Leavening Power , Latest U. S. Gov't Report
thank me for calling
your attention to il. "
InttiinttvHtons Iho most oxi'riicliitlint iiilnsj never f ills to l\o o iso to thosu forur ; u few
applluuthms act UKOIIIII IC. cumins thu pila to iiop.
If only tnl < en In clo esof fro thirty tosl\ty ilrom In It lit .1 UiinhlBr < tf w if > r will iMiro-n
a few iiilnntns Cr itnin , > n vims , . our Stomach. Collo. rialuluni'n. lloirlbnni. ljtii'iinr. t
ivunusi. CIIOLBRA MOI113U3 . DIARRHOEA , BYSKNTERY , t > lck llo.i liii'ho. Nnim011-
, Nervousness Mi > uiloi | nt > < . M ilurl i , nml all Intern it n tins arisliiK front chm o of
F oulhororolhorcuisu. 60 CENTS A BOTTLb' . SOLD BY DRUGGISTS.
Are Quickly Married Try it on your nsxt
Twin City Steam Dye Works
Omaha Onieo , Jo21 Rirnain St. ; Telopliono 1521. C'ouneil I31ulls Ollieo and Work
Cor. Ave. A and "lith St. ; Telopliono 310. Send for circulars nml price hat.
To convince you that -we have many
opportunities for investments that will
make you money.
Wake up. Investigate. Look around
you. Come to our office and let us show
you that for every dollar you invest now
in Council Bluffs realty it will bring you
1OO per cent before the World's Fair
closes. We have property in certain
parts of the city where gigantic im prove-
ments are being started that will jump
values up from 1OO to SOO per cent in
the next year. Come around and see us
and get in on the ground floor.
If you have anything to buy or sell
come to us. If you want to rent a house
or have a house to rent come to us.
Come to us anyohw and we will tell you anl show
you things that will surprise you , and if you will let
us we will make you money.
621 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
All kin 1sof DvniiiKnnl Oloiuiln - done in tin ttylo ( if the uru I'.ideJ imJ slilnut
fabrics nut lo in lo ) ' < nt cooil us IIU.T
Wurli promptly donu urnl ilul.vuiul la all
parts of ilio co .111 try tenti for urlcu list.
O. A. MAO. I AS. - - I'KW'iUCl'Olt
IU Hroailw iy , Near Nort'i vaitjra
: . limm. lo ri.
Funeral Director , Embalmsr
114 Main Street ,
Coudtill HlulTe.
1 T Ar I/ you " > ' " > t'"it ' uh'k'iuu line of itorvi at
ll V > III ic | ) | { voi/nf 1 ( not , mnke U a
point to oil uroun 1 nml tea Ibo moat cumilvta | Una
oIHovi'n In
If you coDleiuplBlu the puixliiua of u luw , rlnn'l
fall lo Inipcct our uliick you u nnot li\lp ) hut Und
onioihliu lu our Unit Hi t will > uppl/ your w.inti ,
ItuiucuiUcr , w i ImtMlIu thu
A t'irii tint ll not eiuinlul for KCONOMV
DUHAIIII.ITV und IIKAIM'V I'lili l not only our
n ortlon hut of hundre'lt ' of our cuntomcra
wlio uro U < | MK iliumVu o in tell you u
Heaters from $1 f30 to $8O.
Cook Stoves from $0 to $ BO ,
. .
504 Broadway anil 10 North Main Sired
COl'.NCIl. HM'IT3.
Tlio want n IvorllsoinoiiH KppPHrlni ; In
nownpipcr uru often thu iini t lutornilnj
pnrt of ll oontcnK They cxpnxs the urgent
hppilti , the tlillly wlsho * ot the people who
wiint on ethlni ? nnil who nrewlliln ; to do
toinnthln ; .
V\7ANTED , eood ulrl for general ho.i'oworU , .
iiHlJ ( Hen avenue , ' 'I
i MSTlUAOK ) for lior anil iMttlnt flrTt \ \
clus * , ! fl.vj it month. In.iulrc x\ \ Oil llrotd-
_ _ _
FARM nnd city loins. Money Imne.l on
stock and Er.iln , Uo tl isl'ito for sain.
Dnclllninnd Inulnoss rental * . Money Inanot
for lee il Inventors. l < ougco .VTowle.-M ) I'o.trl
street ,
_ _ _ _ _
iroit SAM- * Horse , bnittv nn I h II-IIMI ur
JU lilt sierllleo : gen I oiitlH : aoo I well lire I
reid horse. Must sell , ll , II. l.onts , U I'o trl
ITtOK HAM' Detlruhln roililnnca proportv
-L on I'urk live. All modern Improvements ,
U rooms , ono block from motor : a b-irsMn If
Inker al oneo ; easy p lymunls or trade t' II ,
Miciifo. Olydesdalo coll.
K t-'j ll l < nt M tin sU
IT OHS \ | -frnamcry | o itnu cnmprl lii } JJ-
Jli p linl or. 10-b p. nnflna - ' Do li'ivplle
Rep inilurs'-'ercam vain. IKlg.illons each !' ia'Ions' power nutter worker. In
e.-ilrs niiluht am. w dor link and ntbur
II\tures. Will soil ehoap for u.ish or Iruda
for I in t. K. II. Mm i To.
TTHmlMtADK-l.inds In ( JnolT"niinliTiina
-L < usiei eiMinly. Null. , for ito-l > of Jewelry ,
orcans fiirnltiuo or hiKlness properly In
Council lllitirs. U M.HIioiff.
Iroit s A liK Choicest furm in I'oitawatli-
iii o t'o. 11,1 uore-i , \\o\\ \ \ lee itt-d ant Im-
proie , ! 1'rlie IM un aero. U II Hto.xfc.
JrVDt ) have inylhln ? for sile or trido son
K II , S'\j ifa. HrnIw iy an t M u-i stront.
| jHU AIK-On7m rp-iyiMonH. fruU and.
JL garden lun I notr Council lllulTs 12. 11.
bho.tfc. Itroidw iy an I Main stieot.
ITMJIt SAIili Oluun stucu Ti ir hv.iru , \ > nll es-
JU libllshol trrlo , Involcoibiiut tl.nn. ( loit
euson forj ol Im I'ornu e isli li II. Sheaf o.
irofM\t'TlrMll3-Ilol : l and
1 located at i-liuberl , Not ) . , an I Hi lots In
Denver , Cole ) "III oxelmiuo for clear No-
hr.iHk.i land 11 H Khe.tfe.
ACUIj firm wilh linprovonumts , llvo
nlles north of Ctimii-ll Illnirs , $1.1 un aero :
u nnp b ir Aln lilt Hlieife
\\rAN riD : No1 rasla Inn I In cMMi UIRO for
' jroodoik lior-lud. IX II Slu > ifo.
UAI.H Olt KXUIIANur. tm-.icrn r.uiun In
OWheoloi voiiniy. Mull. Will I lUi ) muruhnn-
(1 lsu. _ Ji11. Slio.Ue.
irum y\ln-Hotel nltli fnrnlluro .uiil II\-
JL'lures : ' . ' " rooms , him , et . I'rloe. : iSJX
l.oc'iteil In ' uclns eiHiiilv. I ) illy receipts ,
tlinostlgalu \ iitonca K. II. Shc.tfo.
Ci AKHACl : rcinovnil. eespotiK vaults und
eliliiiim > soin ineil. l t. llnrl.e. Oily Illdt ; . .
\\r \VOODiVUi ) . have soinu of tbo Illicit
' < farniH In nouthtvuslerii low.i for sale.
O.iM niul BCO im fCM Mnln stretit.
\\7ANPKI ) A thnroiuhlv co'npolont Rlrls
' ' must ho u 1:001 ! cook. Inquire ot Mrs. W.
A. Mnnrcr. Sll Soconil \eiino. .
AHAltOiMN , U-ncro fruit anil garden tract
" < ' , miles from , " '
poslolllee 'i : ieres in rivpoi ,
'i ncio In hluukiierrUis. i. " > J iinplo trees. 7J
plum trees ttehorry treui , iluii HUB. ntahle ,
ul' . I'rlcoJ'.OO'.OO. ' ' Notr.nlu. P. II. Mioafo. 1'Fflt MONTH rents a zoad fl-room
Pdwolllni : on AVUIIUB O ncur Sfith stiuet. II
II i-huafo.
IjU > U ' AIiK riiriillnrc. tlxturcs nnil loasoof
-L Ihc ai osl .1111 llnusl hotul In houthern
Nobrus.ii. All modern Improvements , elo- ' fiirnltuio. Net profit * fluoj.uo pur un-
iinm ; liu.lulnu nenly hu ll : no compjllllon ,
I't re f , roi.t ) , li.uf c.ibh. II II Shuafu. Conuoll
Illi ftla
\ \ ' ANTI"I-Co ) npetont u tl for general
' hoimi'unrU. IK ! > ontli * * e\unlli streot.
\\TANTRl ) L.idy cooK for re-.urnr.inl. 103
' ' . * -onlli Main .
slieel. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
iroACKR improvol firm in Ml Is county ,
11.1. . $ " > . ( ) D PIT MI re : aNn lil .it f ' . ' . 'i ; S. > urrm
iniio\eti. | in I'oltauallimiu county at J.'O.OD.
batiks .lolinslon \ , V'in I'nilun.
1(1) ( ) acre improved f.inn In Mills conniy. la ,
f.- . " > i per uere ; IIHO | luO ulJi'i ; s"iieres ln > -
pioxcd In I'oltawaltamlo cuiinly. i- ; sna.a.
JohiihloiiiV Vim 1'iillun.
S TIE AY I'ONI OiiiMlnii colored 1 ony. wilh
Dlael ; innno and t.ill ; htruyrd from him
Irtwiird asvlnin loud Thursday iii | < ht Inxt. I
will imj llnilcrto ictiiin him to mo. J , W.
IT YOU ant to Luy a lot - > eo Giconshlulds ,
Mt'honlson \ . Co.
II' you want to buy u liousc sue tirconbhlolds ,
Nu bolfcon & . Co.
II' you have a house to rent tee ( Jrocnsblcldg ,
Ir"\on want lo ronl n house sue ( ireensblolilg ,
Mcliolson , t Co.
II' von want to buy laud bee. Urecnshlolds ,
Nleliolson A. Co.
DON'T liny nriiporty till yon lm\o hocn
( Irt' Nicholson & Co.
pKKFAS'Um.DS. NIOH01.S-ON A. CO. real
vJe"t..ito nnd rental agents , ol llwny. , O.
Illu IK
LlbP vour property with iiipn who rust'o to
5ell it HJO ( ireensblekls. McholKon A , Co ,
/ iunRN.suir.i.ny. MCIOI : > ON A. co. ai-
VI w ys hnxu biiapsou li.ind i'or lonsorv.tllvo
Investors ,
Jl1' YOr want to lio.irsomnllilniMio'v rosard-
UK real oatalo hee ( Jieeiitbolds , Nicholson
A Co.
GltnnN8lir.Mi-i , MOIIOI.iON.tCO. i.relho
leuihnu ro il estate du.ilcri of Connull
HIiillB. h-eu thum w hen yon want any thlup.
/S IllfliNS 1 1 lTuTsiNIJIIOI.fcOMr ( * & CO. liuvo
vJiiimiy b ir.'alni In Improved und v.iuant
propui ivlich Ihoy would ho pleased to
show > ou ,
niNsiiiRMS : : ) , MCIIOI.SON & . co.
VjTtho lur esl llsl of piupurty of uny linn In
the city
G uiiNMiiiu : : > i % NIUIIOI.BON & co. are
alwiys reiuly unil ever willing to chow
property ; rlKH itiWHj s on hand. Uo und sue
DON'T foriio * . that KieciiihUililK & NIcliol-
son are il i't in iho mlddlo of iho rjnit ;
lament ll l of pioperty of any dealer In the
GO Ml ; nnd tnlie one. of Clioenshlclds. Nlchol-
son'b rl and tuiio a rldo over the city ; It
coils you nothing.
You me heruhy notllled that Ilia undcr-
sl nud. tin en uisliilL'rested fiaoholdorN of thu
oltj of Omuhn. have been duly appointed by
the mayor , with thn ipproval of the city coun
cil of suit ) oily , to iibsoHt thu daiim.'o to tlio
owneiH respeetUely of thu pmpoity declared
liy ordlnanto nocuHs.irv to hu nnproprluled
for I bo IIHU of bit u oily , for the purpoiii of ox-
tendlnii I'lfty-flrht slreol from thu north Una
of illmuliuiiKli & I'aiterbon'b uddltlnn to
I.uiitunworth Mieot.
Yon urn further not fled that , IIUVIIIK ac-
toplod Nald appointment and duly iinallllud
iiRri'iiulied by law , wo will , on Iho Hull d iy ot
Oclohor , A I > . 1K'C > , ut tlio hour of 10 o'clock In
the forenoon itl Iho olllcuof nlirivui , tu'loia- :
huii , 110.1 rarnani sticct. within the corporate. .
llnnUof said clly , meet for the purpose of
i-onalderlir , ' and ninklni ; Iho UKbusMiient of
( Innmxo to the owners respouthi'ly of said
properly by reason of mich InKliiK nnd nppro-
prlatlon thereof , taking Into fonildcrajou
Kpoulul benollls , If uny ,
Thopropiirty holonxlns to you , proposed to
ho uppioprlalisd IIH .ifon-sald , and wliluh tun
been dco urcd necessary by tlio eunnell , by or-
illnanee , to upproprlutu lo ihc nbu of the city ,
holiiK Hltnnte In .said oily ot Omaliii , In ilia
county of UoiisliiH and httitu of .NobruhUa , U
de-iorlbed as follinH , to-wlu The oust twou-
l > -lhn fuel of lolono , hlo.'U three , In Illmo-
biuiub'H addition
You ui u notllled to ho present ut the llmo
nnd place ufoipsald und niiiko any objections
to or blHlumenls coni-rrnlnir mill propoiud up-
proprliitlon or usso inont of diuniiui-s IIH you
may consider proper. W. ti. HIKI Vl < II.
K. W. lilll.-ON.
JA1 ; . bTOUKDAI.r.
Oiiinlm , 1 ' , M''i , H.U-il.tit
ItiiK roiinilKi'i'pcr'ii Notlito ,
Thu following doss huvo been Inilioiiiidedt
| V bull doKH ,
II Niiwfoundlundn ,
ll Irltdi sellers ,
uulerspaiilula ,
1 female liniinil ,
4 blucU and tins ,
-'rroleb terriers ,
1 ( lordon tetter ,
1 fem ile hound ,
If not riideomud within t tliev vtlll b
drowned. JOHN b'l'UKilu Dog I'oundkeepcr.
I'oiiiiilinaitcr'H Notlno
Impounded on 'hu ' . ' 1th of Uupto'iibur , ono
h.iy iiiHro , with vhort iniilii und lull und unu
wb tohlnd foot , t l2hlnir about'00 pounds. K
not reileeiued , said homo will be mild nt publlo
uuetlon on Ihoftth duy of October , Wi. ul 19
o'clock a , iu. nt ' . ' 11.1 louv nworth street.
UJdUl JOUM 1'OLiu. , 1'ouudmimter. ,