TI1H OMAHA DAILY 1EK ? : SUNOAV , OCTOBER 2 , 1S02-TWENTY PAGES. \ , R. DENNETT CO , Wo'vo Made Some E5g for Cnsh. YOU WANT TO READ ABOUT THEM i r Imincnuo On h rnrch-Mo * Include TCIH , Ulotrii .Mlttni" , Crochcry mill llnr Uvnro I'rmh loinU Injiii 1'lrst llnnils mul at Awfully Low I'rlc * * . Owlnrr to the deprosbfd conilltion of trade all over the country we hnvo boon very lucky to procure with roauy wish Croat b.ir'pnlnB In the above lines of all new , fiosh goods direct from Unit hands. find wo nto now prepaied to intiko you Aery low prices. In teas wo hnvo put In nn immense line nnd elegant nssoitmont nt prices lower than"wo hnvo over bought nt be fore , therefore wo can give you extrn value In this depaitmont , commencing nt 15e tier pound. Our teas are nil "llrst picking" goods nnd bought Irom first hands , not job lot or bankrupt sales inndo worthless fiom ngo nnd exposure , but now , fresh , clean nnd will go further than other teas nnd are eoiibcouuntly cheaper in the end. Hvory pound guar anteed to suit in every particular or money refunded. GLOVES AND AHTTKNS. Here's whore we can do you good They nro all now , just lecoived from factory , nnd sill very cheap. Look over this puruhn-jo , it will pay you. CIGAR AND TOBACCO DEFT. Wo have just consolidated this de partment biinglng In overythinir wo handle in this line into ono grand de partment In the center of all our stores Largo addlllonh made in this stock to gether with our iiiiinoiiho sales enables us to sell At lower prices and give bettor satisfaction than has over boon at- Trmpted bv tiny other dealer. Wo be gin with old ttmo prices nnd give you extra values nt Ic , le ! , 3o , 4c aud r > c each. \Vo have the best 5o cigar in the west nlho the best 10o cigar. Wo are nt the top of the heap nnd can do you tlio most good. Large additions made to pur crockery Block. Now troods just arrived. 1'rlcos away down. Ilaidwnro Our coal Ecutllus and lire shovels tire in. Now goods. Prices away down. Stationery department is complete . Largest line of toys and picture books in Omaha. Shakespeare's complete works only COc. COc.Webster's Webster's dictionary 7oc. Toilet paper , roll lie. Toilet paper , roll oc. Not many left ; llrst como first served , ns long as they last. Furniture cheaper thnn the cheapest. All now fresh goods. See our great display of Bennett's pat ents In our drug department , cov ering all the kinds known to the trade , nnd all compounded by thoroughly experienced and careiul registered druggists sold on the basis of Ojc for $1.00 nrllclcs and every bottle war ranted to givoentlio satisfaction , nnd wo are hero in Omaha to refund you your money in capo they do not. You can readily bee why wo can afford to bell them cheaper than other patent medicine vendors for the reason wo pay nothing scarcely for ndvortfbinyr while they expend millions every year , which must come out of the consumer. Tills is n matter for your considora- tion. Got your ptescriptions tilled at our store. Wo will stivo you money. Come in nnd look over our drug depart ment , nnd get prices. Wo hnvo n good safe to sell cheap if you need ono. Come in and lot u- , make you n prico. W. R BENNETT CO. , 1602 , IfiOl , 1500 , 15U8 , 1510 , 1512 Capitol avenue. 1.miles' TrlnuiuMl Hat Sale. Tomorrow This is wonderful. Now , stylish goods. Street , and dress huts. All nt wholesale prices. This is for Monday only. MRS. R II. DAVIES. The J. M. Thurston Zoiuuo Drum cor pa , sixteen dtums and six bugles , do- Blro engagements during the campaign AddroLs all communications to the secretary - rotary , A. S. Billings , jr. , Union Pacific hoailquarlci'6. The latest fads in opera glasses retail nt wholesale prices. Tudor Optical Co . cor. Fiirnnm and 1 Ith. Opening of millinery display Wednes day and Thursday , October 5 nnd 0. F. M. SchndolUt Co. , 15Ui Douglas. TIIiiUit : < lKU-IMINTY-.ltAUX CONUKKT. Y. M. C. A. Hull 'lliurHiliiy Ktrnlni ; , Oot 0. Loon Marx h tlio phenomenal Violin ist. Martin Calm says : "I would hoar him play If tickets were MOO. " Of Tei-een Berger , Jules Levy , the cornet king , said : "She is thu only cornotist to whom I take oft my hat. " Of Laura Dainty every ono s.tys nice things. She is quQon of lenders , mag netic and versatile. The other artists are immense. Tliih will bo tlio most tirtlttio concert of the Benson. Tickets Too and ยง 1,00 , at door or Max Meyer it Co. \Vo nro still selling goods nt our usual low prices ut-Mill and Cuming streets. P. C. JOHNSON. Prop. F. .1 jlCT/.in , , Manger. Allot tun Sail- . Furniture , carpets and drnpcrio' . special bargains In carpets and rtign wirlnr an I bedroom furnltnro , folding beds , chairs , etc , , etc. , Monday morn ing nt 10 o'clock In east store In Hobort Wells , auctioneer. CHARLES SIIIVEIUCK & CO. , Furniture , carpets and draperies , 1'2 < )4 ) , 1200 , liMSjuul 1210 Farnam. The Mini M lu > Don't Know \Vhat the nemo of comfort In travel is nhould git hold of n Burlington routi fold or and inform himself a ? to the ser vice Unit company now oilers to al points east , west and touth. Its trains leave for Chicago nt 0:60 : a. m.5:15 : p. m. am 11:50 : p m , Denver nt 10:10 : a. m , nnd 4:50 : p , m , Ui'iulwood nnd Hot Springs , ut 10:1 : nm , St Louis nt 0 ; 15 | > . m. , Kansas City and St. Joseph at 0:5 : n. in. nnd 0:45 : p. m. UnsurpiiBSL-d equipment of sleeping dining , reclining chair , first class an smoking cars. City ticket olllco. 1223 Farnam st. Vf.Jif VAILL. Agent. BT. I.OIUN OU KANSAS C1TV Anil Itotnrn vln tlia Mlnnurl Purl ( To. From October 1st to 7th inclusive th Missouri Pacific will sell round trl tickets to Kansas City und return nt on faro , also to St. Louis nnd return ftoi October 1st to 8th inclusive , limited fo return to October 10th. Double daily service to Kansas Clt nnd St. Louis Free reclining cha ! cars on nil trains. For further informi tion call nt oily ofllces N. E. corner 131 und Farnam or depot , 15th nnd Wobsto T4IOS , P , GOIJFIIEY , P. & T. A , J , 0. Puir llTJ , A. G. F , & P. A. BOSTON STORE DRESS GOODS Tomorrow Qreatest Dresi Goods Sale That EVJP Took Place in Omaha. FIVt THOUSAND PIECES DRESS GOODS I'roin tlio ( Ircnt Trnilo Siilo or Townsonil & .Monlnnt , New York City , Will Ho . hacrlllcod Tomorrow So Ihint to This Micrlllcc. ALL WOOL FANCY CHEVIOTS. There are nt least 100 pieces of these goods consisting of mlxUuos , chncUa , stripes , camera hair and Illuminated ef fects ; they nro actually worth from-10c to 60e per yard our special bargain price la 211 cents. All wool fnney homespilns. This lot of homespu H n undoubtedly of moro than ordinary value , the styles are very neat and the colorings rival the moro pretentious impoi ted fabrics while the price is but ! t"o. . IMPORTED CHEVIOTS AND CIIEV- ONS. It pleases us to know thnt customers will Hnvo nn opportunity to select n dic = s from such n great variety of fashionable goods as there nro In these two lines. The styles and colorings nro so numerous that n fair description would bo impossible sulllco it to say that Too a yai d wouUl not bo too much to ask wo shall sell them atllc ) a yard. TWO-TONED VELOUMS AND 1'WO- ' TONE1) STORM SURGES. Hero are two loading bargains In very stylish fall novelties. The styles are unquestionably the very latest , tbo colors blending very prettily , the quality usually sold at $1.60 , for Mon day 7lc. ! LADltiS' CLOTH AND BKOAD- CLOTII. 51-inch , all wool ladies' clotlis , in shades of brown , navy , marine , gray , myrtle , tan , garnet , wine and cardinal go at Silo. til-inch broadcloth , in all the rhoio- c a fall and winter shades , fully equal lo any cloth sold ol&owhoio for $1.60 per yard ; our nricu , DSc. SILK AND WOOL PARIS NOVEL- TIES. Some r.iroly pretty things nro shown in Hue novelties , both in silk nnd wool , und all wool , Introducing entirely now weaves , coloring and designs , at OSc and ? l."o per vard. IN OUR SUNLIT BASEMENT. Double fold cheviot dross goods , in neat check" , fall colorings , good value at " 5c ; our price. 7c for Monday. H.uidsomu plntdsand strluo homespun , 12 inches wide , all dark shades for full , at locyntd. 4l-incli ) brlllinntino , the most satis factory dress fabric manufactured , reg ular oUc quality for Monday , Uio yard ; only ono diess'n.ittern to customer. BOSTON STORK , Solo agents for McCall's patterns , N. W. cor. 10th and Dousrlas. I..lilies' TrlininiMl Hat S.ilo. Tomorrow Tills is wonderful. Now , stylihh goods. Street and dtoss hats. All at wholesale prices. This in for Monday only. MRS. R. 11. DAVIES. Now picture frames. A. Hospo. I'rout Her Tearher. The following was received by Mrs. Mover , mother of little IJona Mover , who died at her home on Wednesday morning , tho'JSlh ult. : ' UODUI : SCHOOL Dear Mrs. Mover : The teachers , and children of the Dodge school join with mo In sending our lieurtlelt sym pathy in your recent bereavement , for dear 1)01111 wai known and beloved by all. Al ready wo'vo missed her gentle voice and merry laughter ou the play ground ; her bright aim hapny face in the schoolroom ono vacant Is there. Hut God , who Unoweth bcitaud dooth things well , hath snul : 'Buf fer littlcchlldrcn tocomounlo me , for of such is the kingdom of Heaven. ' And who could Imiirlno a purer nngel than llttlo Donu , over sn mild and ludyllko , never guilty of u cross word or a rude ucllon toward her plavmatcs , lor often have 1 watched her m her play nnd thought how , of o bettor world ho seemed , apart. A" , too good was she for this wide world of ours , so full of sin and sorrow , and so God look her to himself. I rcprotvery much not to be able to look upon her for the last tune , but 1 will always remember her at lust 1 saw her , only last Thursday evening , when she came running to mo In HI. Phllo- ineuns hull and laying her hands In mini * told mo what a nlco time she wus having , I Jest ingly ablvi'd her whether him xvoulu bo tardy in the inoniin ? being out so lalo , she assured me of iho contrary and trotted off with heir companions , i llttlo thought that seven suns would llnd nor a bright nngel. Her devoted teacher , Kosi ! A. Blum. Hoar Dona's cone foro\ur moro. Hrr suliool days quickly p issod ; And , , s 0111 eyes oft w unler o'er The seats of the "A" olnss I'.iln Illlh our heart , tours our eyes ; \\o piiiiM1 HID emply Neat Sud Ihoiiuhts wlihln our bosom rise , Uni school U Incomplete. And p i rents , \ MilloIth yon wo mourn And fei'l nigh btilcMMi down , C'hr itavs , tnuy who the cross , have berne Mnll wo ir a fituriy oroivn. Mothlnks I hour him suv today : ' O , puionl1 ! , cease to NLMP , In Uno I la ! ! this llowei away In Paiadlsuto Kcup. " -H. A. U. Special sale on gultar.s. violins , man dolins and accordooiH. Now goods just received at Wober'b , lli ! N. Iftth sttcet AlK'tllll ! Mill- . Fir'iilturo , carpels and dr-ipoiios ; special bargains in carpets and rugs , parlor and Dcdroom furniture , folding beds , Hmlrrf , etc. , ale , Monday morn ing nt 10 o'clock in east store bv Robert Wells , auctioneer. C11AHLKS SUIVHRK'K & CO. , Furniture , carpets and ilrnperles , 12UI , 120(1 ( , 1LOS and 1 10 Faniam. Wo are still helling goods at our usual low prices at "lib and Cnming btroots , R C JOHNSON , Prop. l'J llmv.i'.K , Manager. Fine Declcoi' Bro. upright piano at i bargain. 11UN. 16th street. ONLY (1.11 AOTUSr. I.OUI5 AND Itir Vlu the \Viit ) inh ICullro.nl , On October 1 to 8 the Wabash wll boll ( ' .xuursloii tickets at auovo rate foi the St. Louis fair and exposition. Ot Tuesday evening. Ootobor I , gram street parade of the Vollou Prophets Remember this is the oily line riiiinlni 0 solid trains without change for at classes of passengers. Connecting li union depot with all lines running eas , and noutli. For tickets , sleeping car ac commodatlons and further infornvitloi call at Wabiihh ollice. 160 Fiirmui Btrout , or write C. N. CLAYTON , N. W. P. Agt. , Omaha , Nob. New scale Kimball pianos at Hospe't - * le Real estate. Bargains only. 10 My word is good. in W. G. Albright. 621-li-a N. Y. Life bldg. ' Artists' mntorinls nt Hospo'a. fr a- Gas fixtures , olectrie nnd combinitioi aIh ohundoUors. Largest & Ilnoat stock ii IP. city. Prices guarancoud low ns the lowoi Don't full to BOO us before purchasing TUB Hussuv & DAYCa,400-41 IS. I6tb GRAND FALL OPENING Of New Millinery Novelties nt 8. HofF- man'r ' , 1408 Doughs Street. EVERY LADY SHOULD ATTEND Wciliirmlnv < Tliuriiliiy nml I'rlilny Xnxt , October r. , 0 mill 7 , Will tin Otimlin't Three ( Irrut .Mllllnuiy Dust- Do Not forgot. Our store will bo bountifully decor nted , n line band will bo in attendance and everyone will bo presented wllhn lovely bouquet as n souvenir of the event. Thousands of beautifully trimmed hats nnd hundreds of exquisite patterns , iin- noi'ted directly by in from Paris , Lon don nnd Ho i , 11 n , In nil the varied tints and shapes which make the styles more than usually interesting tills season , will bo on exhibition to delight the visitor , besides the lovely designs of our own trimmers , which for practical hats cannot bo excelled west of Now Yorlc. There has never been such a display of evening hats , toques and bonnets shown in Omaha ; S , HolTman never does things by halves , so when wo ad- vet tiso n display of opera hats wo do not mean two or throo. but hundreds. Wo predict thnt every ono will bo nslonishud nt our Immense display , but Iho greatest surprise will bo our prices. Mlliincry has been advertised In Omaha nt wholesnhi prices for so long that the fake has become stnle , and wo will demonstrate to a long sufJforlntr public that wholesale prices are "not in it. " How do these quotations strike youy Crush It-its advertised at wholes-ilo for SOe , our price tje. ! Tourist caps advertised nt wholesale for 4"c , our price UOc. Trimmed hats for children , "oc. Fine trlmmoil hats for children , $1.2-5. Mih cb'and ladles' trimmed sailors advertised at wholesale for 81.50 , our price 7oe. Beautifully trimmed toques , velvet or felt , till color * , in small sillc ribbon , tips or fancy feathers , tit $1 ! 50 ; our wholesale competitors ask $100 to Jfli.OJ. French felt hats , turb.ins , etc. , in silk velvet , line ostrich tipa , ponpons or im ported fancy feathers for the sina'l ' Bum of W.OO. You can not duplicate this hat for IcbS than 57.00 any pluco in the world. All silk velvet hats , bonnets nnd toques , copies of the bust French pat terns , at So. Bo sure and sco these as they arc worth lully 3113. Everybody como out aud enjoy our ar tistic di-play music llowors , atten tion from rolinud and nolito s.ilcs ladies and the most beautiful display of hats ever made in Omnha. Rcmembor Wednesday. Thursday and Friday , October 5 , 0 and 7. Open Wed nesday and Thuisday evenings S. HOFFMAN , 1118 Douglas Stteot. Ladies' Trimmed ll.it Ml to. Tomorrow This is wonderful. Now , stylish goods. Street nnd dro s hats. All at wholesale prices. This is for Monday only. MRS. R. II. DAVIES. Wo are still selling goods nt our usual low prices at Ultu and Cuming streets. F. C. JOHNSON , Pi op. F. J. HIT/IL , Manager. Fine organs , $2500 up , pianos $07.00 up , at Weber's 113 N. 15th street. A r.itu-rn IIiiinr At 1514 Hartley. Ladles patterns cut and guaranteed to lit. Feathers dyed , clo'ined and curled. Ladles felt hats reshaped. Tin : WKSTKUN STHAW Co. Auction .Sillc. Furniture , carpets and draperies ; special bargains in carpets and rugs , parlor and bedroom furnituto , folding beds , drills , etc. , etc. . Monday morn ing at 10 o'clock in east store oy Robert Wells , auctioneer. CHARLES SHIVERICK & CO. , Furniture , c.irpots and draperies , 1204 , 1200 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam. o Samuel Burns will continue "Jar- denier s'llo" another week. 100 to go ut one-half former prices. COLORADO CO I , I ) . Don't Ilu 1'oiir All Viior I.ifc. I want a part nor with $400. Think wo can make 320,000 sure in six months. Perfectly legitimate and requires none of your time. For particulars address Ilanford Stott , Durango , Colo. 0 Wo are still selling goods nt our usual low prices at 21th and Cuining streets. F. C. .ToiiNhOX , Prop. F. J. lIumL , Manrgor. CHEAPER THAN BREAD. OjHters In Oiiitili.i Como at Your Oun The oyster war coes merrily on with no blgn of iibituii , ' ' Slaeo attention was called to this subject a few days ago there lias bcou n sltll further cut in prices. Oyatora nro selling lower tliiui lu any other city In tbo wc'tt , lower oven tliiin In Ulucaso. The Litest published prices at Chicago anil Kansas City compared with Omaha will show tbo extent of ttni cut. The following are tbo wholesale price j per can : Oiimhn. Chlcajro , K 0. Now VoiU Counts . . . : ! 4 4li 41 i\iruSoieiH3 : . .M : u : v Hum liinla . VI 28 21 Moillums . 14 'J. > boupoystors . U ! M Kimsus City ( lees not quote anything below 'J.'ic. Tlio retail price In Otnalm la sunposcd to bo about fie per cnn ubovo the wholesale price , out sotna doulorj are salit tfl have cut clown the margin. In splio of the hot weather the demand for oysters bab been enormous and bouses have been leapt busy tilting orders. Dross patterns nt cost next week. M. McGitATH , 318 Riuiigo block. Wo nro still soiling goods nt our usual low prices nl 21tli and Cuming1 sticots F. C. JoilNhON , Prop. F. J. IIir/.ii < , Manager. N. Y. Board of Health dlalnfoc.tinit "Anti-Germ , " Sherman & McConnell ' Puacock Is the bast soft eo-il. Sold only by Jones , opnujlto postolllco. . Latest sheet music at lloipo'a California Pullman tourist slooplng care" nro rui dally on all Pacific const trains via th Santa Fe route , the shortest line t California. The cars nro furnished with bedding niairoubos , toilet articles , etc. Porter nro in attendance. Second-class ticket me honored on those ears. In addition to tlio daily service th Santa Fo Route runs special oxcursio parties with an agent of the coinuany i charge , using those tourist aloopini care , nnd lonvlnp Knnsns City over Sunday noon. For further information nnd time tnbl of the Santa Fe Route und reserving c sleoplug car berths , address R I. Pnlmer , passenger ufont , 1810 Farnai treot , Omaha , Neb , ED N , BRW'S ' G , 0 , I ) , Soina Startling iEricss on Groceries for Toteorrow , READ PRICES ) ON CANNED GOODS i : rrjtlilnR In ( ) nn Store W III llo Sold at Cost ITiro All IhUVrck to .Muko Itooui Tor New ( liMids. Everything fjooa nt cost anil wnen you rotnotubor Hint most of those oodsoro houpht of the dhofilT ut luilf tltolr Vfthio yon can toaillly sco how low you etui buy thuni. \Vo'vc ( jot to intiko room for now Rooils thut will ttrrifo about October 10. L'ANNIil ) GOODS. Can tointitoca 8u , Ilu , lUc. Can corn "c , Oc. lie , 13o. Can peas Oc1 , ! ) c. lie , Mo. Ctn : atring beans 8u , lie. Cun Limn bonus 0 , 13e. 8-pound can npnlcs Oc. 1-pound can California njirlcots , 1 Ic. ( pound can California egg plums , 1 Ic. ( pound cttn ijenlcd ponciios , 1 Ju. i-pnuiul can Burtlott pears , 10o. 1 gallon plo pouches , 37c. 1 gallon tipples , 2 ( ! . MISCELLANEOUS. 1-pound package gloss Htarch , Cc. 1-pound package corn starch , Oc. 0-pound box ploss sturch , 37c. 2-uound j > aclcugo Quaker oats , Se. 2-pound package Quail oats , Se. ! ! pound package hominy , So. 2 Ib. package California breakfast flour , ! ) c. 1 Ib jackago ) bird scodIc. . Eagle milk and can , lie. Mustard sardines , 7c. Oil Btirdlncs , 4c. Washing nowders , all kinds , 3c. Sotlit and oyster crackers , 5c , Dusky Diamond tir ! bou * , ) , 3o. Tarlvo tar soap , 3c. A uood Itiundry soap , Jlc. Picnic hums , or Dotnul , 7Jc. Breakfast b.icon , lOc. Cid lisli , 7c. A No. 1 oreain chcoso , Oc. Wliilo clover honey , lound brlelcs , loc. loc.No. No. 8 copper bottom wash boilers , 75c. No. 8 copper bottom lost kettle , -loo. All Hour gocb at cost this week. SO pounds granulated sugar for $1.00 with your older. We have to.is und colTces ut u price that will surprise you , come und bee them. Those goods must bo sold , come early and get > our choice. ED N. BROWls'S C. O. D. , 114 and 110 South 10th street The largesi exclusive grocery house west of Chicago. StonehlU't , old eland , next to the Bos ton stoic. A Card from MSH | Alton lnnnrs. I am now ready to show an entire now line of full millinery , lltivo been in New York for the pabt six weeks und have tliw most complete line of pattern huts over shown in Omaha ut extremely low prices , \\jry respectfully , ALICI : ISAACS , 307 South 10th street. Wo uro still belling goods at our usual low prices ut 21th and Cuining streets. F. C. .lOHNPON , Prop. F.1 J. Ilr.TZiu , , Manager. Grrat bargains in plnnos ftnd orgnno this woolc.Vcbor'b music house , 113 N. 15th. Now china for decorating at llospe's. W. T. Seamanwagons and carriages. Frescoing and interior decorating ; de signs und estimates furnished. Henry Lehman n , 1503 Douglas shoot. JUDGE DOANE'S ERMINE. Ho Will Put It Asiilo to to to ( 'ongrcsa or lipsiiinu Ills l.nv 1'rncttco , Elected to congress or not olcutod to eon- Krosa , it Is now certfilti that Judio Gcorgo \V. Uonno will put astdo the robes of the judiciary and stop down from the position on the bench , wnich he hits occupied for u number of yean. If not elected ho u 111 re sume Ihe praotico of law In this city. Judge Doano did not decide uutll yester day ttint ho would positively luavo the uoiich. Now , however , ho has given hu word thut the dealing out of justice , so fur as ho is conccrnod , will bo turned over to others. When tills will ho tbo judge cannot positively state. It mnr ba about the mm- dlo of the prosoat month and It may not bo until the middle of December. In speaking of the matter yesterday , the judge baid thut his nomination bad nothing to do with his intention to resign. That ho would leave the bench xvnB something that ho decided upon some months nqo , though no had not inado It public. The duties of the court would prevent his rojiRiiutlon btlni ; bunded to tlio governor for some duvs , us bo dhl not proposeto do niiything that would prevent or delay the administration of jus tico. tico.If If be resigned this month ho said that ho mlRht tuko home Interest In nolltlos , but if the leslcimtlon was not banded In until De cember ho would not take uny part In the campaign , as ho did not think that politics and the judiciarv went hand iu hand , Althouuli this information has not been made public until now , II has been known , or rnthor ( juossoJ at by a few parties who have hud an ittoii thut ( hey were on the insluo , and i u quint but lively hustle hus been inatio by the parties wtio uro unxloui ) to stop Into the blioos wnich .ludgo Doino nas worn for years and is now about to throw n-.vuy. That the opnolntoe will bo a democrat pees without saying , and for that reason the hust ling Is nil wltli the members of Iho demo crullo family , So far U. li. B. Kennedy OcorKQV. . Shields. Jonn Schomp und P. A Brogau nro the promlnunt cuutllautes. IMKOC.l UllUl'tl. lmt Itullctlll ofltlin huiisou Inillciitcs il Vciryt ( ( nud Vlulil , Huitov , S. t ) . , Out. 1. Below U bullotlt No. 27 , giving crop conditions In Souti Dakota up to data. No more crop bulletin ; will bo Usuod from 'ho Unlto.l States weather bureau hero the present BQUSOII Throahlng is procrossliiK slowly , prosou indications uelnslthai it will continue Intc Into the full months , \Vhoat is ro ported u : ylolditifc' on ua uvoiufro of twelve to elghtcci bushels per ncro. The fnvorable wuuthci conditions of the past two weeks through out ovorv section oi the state have souuroly sealed Iho condition of tbo corn orop. The ontlro cropuvltn the exception of i small poition planted very lute , is oocuroc uo > end nil nroli.iblo doubt. In the contrn nnd west pot lions of iho state thoio has no boon an Instance of a killing frost thl season. In the custom ana southoastori portions , whore corn la tne furthest ad vaneud , u killing frost occurred , but at thu tlmo most of the corn was In u condition t < bo llltlo harmed by its effect. Reports relative to thu crept of millet am flax continue lluttorlnir. A great ubunclanoc of hay hau been cut aud put la stuck. H.nn i now noodoit budly to place thu soil iu KOO coudltlon for lull plowing. Murrl.iiu I.U'OIKOI , The following marriage HCOMSOS were IE sued by County .Tudgo Eller yesterday ! Niiino und address. A0't Nolun-l Iicoy , Om-ilm . . . A.inc | t < 1'ilriur , Waterloo.WU I Oil a 1 1 us WaBliur. Oinalia Oiiiulm , ] to Anton Choinlc. Omih.i : v AniiiX VatoniOiuulu 1 Joseph Lallor. Omnlu , ' . Miiry Ncetuo. Oinahu. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . V IU i Oliver O. Itoborti , Arlington 1 Laura L. l'llcliVushluutou J LARGE STEAL UNEARIlI.il ) Five Iowa Farmers Endeavor to Divert tbo Mrsjuri's ' Course. LIVES READY TO BE SACRIFICED IF NEEDED llolilitiff Up tlin "lllc Mutld ) " .More I'rollt- ulilolli in lloldini ; Up Uxcrlnni Sc\rnil Onmli.x M n Vttnlly Intcicntcd Iu the Kcsiilt. While the Interest of the publlo was centered - tored on the Invoatigntlon of tuo nllcBod BtualhiRs of city ofllcmls In connection with the building of the city hall , another .H- tempted steal of fur greater m.ignltudovns being une-M'thoil , nnd the aid of the distilct court was Invoked to slop In and' prevent It. It w is nothing moro nor less than tin at tempt on the part of certain Iowa parties to dli ; un Immense ditch acnm the noclt of tlio big bend Just tnis stdo of Hcllovtic , turn the Allssouri river throuith it , cut off 2,800 ticros of Nobrdskn lutid aud throw it over into Iowa. The magnitude of the Bchomo andtho bold ness with which the instigator * of It were going about its accomplishment , together with the fact Unit to successfully carry It out would mean the probable destruction of a score or moro of lived , stamps It as the most diabolical nnd at the sumo tlmo one of the most stupendous undertaking * ) of n crim inal character that was over brought to the attention of the pcoploof Douglas , Sarpy and I'oltawuttarcla counties. IICL-ii At It for .Moulin. Although the plotters had boon at work over blnco last Juno Iu carrying tnolr nefar ious plans into olTect. so secretly had thov cor.c'uclud their piollmimiry operations thai no Intimation of u hot they \\eto about had reached Iho notice of the public , and It was or.lvhon , omboldcnod bv the success that hud thus far attended their effoits , they bo- ctimo mote bruzjn in rushing the work tliroiuh to a termination , that the property owners who were nhout to bo despollud o'f their posso'sblotiH discovered what was Bolnp on , nnd nt once took summary proi-ocdlngt to bring operations to n s'undstlll. At ! I.10 ! o'clock last Thursday afternoon Sheriff Whllnny of S.irny county served Iho restraining - straining order Issued bv Jtidijo Seott that put a stop to the { woik , und now two pieut ditches , ono JOti fcot loui ? and the otlur l.'iO feet lonir , seven feet deep and live loot wide , with great mounds of freshly turned eartti along cither side , are the silent witnesses of Iho stupendous ateal mat live Iowa farmers attempted to perpetrate , hut which will never ho can-led out. The bond at the point , nt which the land thieves have been at work was somownat changed by u freak of Ino erratic Missouri over thirty years ago , when n portion of the original bead was cut off and thrown over into Iowa. The change in Iho river's course , bowevor , tLtow Itasaiust the loun shore at a point farther down stream , and it lias OVIT alnco been cutting Into prohibition soil nt thut place , and during the quarter of u con- lurv that has Intervened smco then lias ( raduallv added hundreds of aerosol Iowa land to the Nebraska shore , as if to make up lor the generous slice thut it had arhltianly coded to Iowa iu a bunch some tlmo before. lliiultc'j' ' I. und Endiingcroil. A few rods from the bend on the Iowa shore Mosquito creek wir.ds its way south ward through tbo Iowa bo'tom towaid an other big bend In the river a couple of miles below. In tins creek the river must soon llnd a new channel if the rapid cutting away of the eastern bank is not prevented , and by taking this cour- several fine farms on the Iowa bottoms would bu ruined and thousands of dollars damages done. To change the channel mid stop further cutting away of the eastern bunk those interested resolved on a oold move which , It successlully carried out , would causa tenfold more damage lo tie Nebraska aide than would bo caused by the river cutting a now channel through Mos quito creek. Tlio fuims on the other aide of the river that are now suffoilng from the encroaen- mcnls of ' .ho muddy stream are these of Abuor Wright and ono Jenkins , and it is for these men that tbo contractor who was cut ting the ditch said that ho was working when interrogated by the sheriff oa that point. nd tnesoaro iho individual whom tbo intctostcd property owncis on this side of the river propose to make sweat before they git through with the case. The ono nan who wa9 instrumental moro than any other m securing the injunction and stopping the work was Charles I * . Benja min , the real estate man of this city. Ho told the whole story of the plot yesterday. His indignation had hardly cooled even in the thirty-six hours that had olnjneil slnco leaving the scene of operation , and ho betran bv characterizing the attempted steal us the most unparalleled piece of gull and rind that hud overcome to his notice. "Uhy , " ho said , "thoy had gone about it with just as much assurance and just as sys tematically as though they owned nil the Und that would bo alToctoJ and beamed us uncoticotnod us though they wore simply making a few unimportant changes in their own dooryard. They had oven had an engineer go over the ground nnd carofullv murk out the route which the Jiggers were to cover. Tlli'yVCTO Working In K.irnoU. "Ob , I toll you the whole scheme had been mapped out , und it was only by the meroit chance that their plan was up ot. If tbo water had been turned Into that ditch there would bo no t > uch thing as undoing the work. Over OUU acres would have boon lifted to the Iowa slda nt the llrst pop and the lay of the land is such that over 2,000 acres more would have followed .suit just as soon as the cbaunol got fulily to work in Its now locution. It would have cut oil land owned by Charles Chllds , Llnlnger & Motcilf , the B. & M. , II. T. Clarke , George Llllv , Win. MtCaguo , tlio Proibylcrlun mission of Bos ton , myself and 1 don't know how many otheis. Thnro would huvo boon -.800 acres of it altogether , which is over OJi ) ocroa morn than was thrown over lo this side bv the big chancre at Kast Omaha in 18TI1 and would have Inlllctod r. damugo thut $1UJ.OOO ( wouldn't bngln to cover. The llrst woik wus done iii Juno und it was thou that the shorter ditch was dug. That wus nocossarv to connect the longer one that was to bo dug later with thu low land between n draw thut thuv intended to utlllzo and the river. They dug tnat mid then stepped work , in oroer to throw everybody oil the track. That ditch wus out in thu open , whore it could no teen , and they knew thut It wouldn't ' do to iry to dig it lifter the other was done , as that would tip off the whole thing before they would bo able to make connections. Lntor they began work on the big ditch , which runs through the underbrush , and atrords concealment tor these who wore to do the digging. For a time they worked uights and Sundays , but n week ngo yesterday thov bogau working days , and were lushing it u > fast ns they could , wUon we got word Irom lieu Murks on tne other sldo of the rlvor. Ho has u farm down there , that the river doesn't affect now , but If this plan wus carried out it would throw the channel right against his laud , und then ho would have lo stand some heavy washing. \Vhen ho dloiovciod what was up ho of course took stops lo put a stop to It , and telegraphed - graphed thu comtubla nt Papilllon , and that olllter at once noiiiled ns what was going on. Wo hud fcupposod that the wholo.schomo hud been abandoned months ugo , baton receiving thu notlllcutlou realized that something must ha done at oneo und secured the restraining order , having of course to put up u bond before - fore wo could got It. "Whon I wont down there with the olllccr to nerve the order I found the contractor , whoso name u Wright , and twelve men bind at work In the ditch. 1 aked him what ha \\R9dolnu , and he frankly admitted thut he wus turning the cour o of tuo rlvor , I told bun Ibttl ho had IHTVO to sav that ho wus changing Iho channel uf u navigable stroatn , when itmeunttbopuiiltenliarvaboid ( orh.in , and then ho suld tbut he wus only a con tractor ana was working forsomoboJy else , llo said that the names of his 'mi' ployor were Abner Wright and Jenkins , and that they were farmers just across Ihe river. The men uad boon hlicU lu Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluff j , and Imd only been told that thov woio trained tovorl' Iu the ditch at { 1.5U n day. Somu of thorn wcro tramps , aud when asked If the ; did not know that the penitentiary was staring thorn in the face , replied that thoj would then at least cot loiaolhlns to eai every dnv. In a homo no r by they had tnonty-otio loaves of bronrt , two M IM of bacon and n quantity of Hour , bcnns nnd pork. Thov wore ordered to throw down their shovels nnd they readily obeyed the order of the court M voiced through the proper officer. Smcr.U rmnlllpt Kndtngrfrd * "If the water tmd been turned in there It would have drown oil out twrlvo or llftcoa families whoso homos were directlv In Uio path that had been maruod out for the wntor to lane. The people hud just discovered what was bnldg done , nnd were terribly ox- cited. They hnd sent n committee of ono to wait on the contractor nnd liti men , nnd had notified thorn thnt tiniest work was dlscon- Untied the consequences would bo fearful. The contractor responded bv appearing with an additional force that more than doubled the gang , nnd gave it out cold that ha would not bo bluffod. Many of them were armrd , nnd the settlers had llltowho prepared for war , nnd that was the sttuotlon when wo nppcnred on the scone In the afternoon. 1 am llrmlv convinced thnt there would hnvo boon bloodshed if wo hud not interfered , for the settlers were determined to kill thoni unless they quit work. You couldn't blutno thorn it thov aid , for thov would have boon drowned thoniscl\os if the plans of Iho trespassers were carrlcn out. Ills qulto corluin now that nothing furUior will bo done In the way of digging thodltuh , nnd tlio Injunction will como up before JddRO Scott at Piipilllon , Novomocr 10.Vo pronoso to got Iho United States to take n hami In the affair , If Ills true , ns wo behove , that 11 con stitutes n crime to attempt to turn the chan nel of n navigublo stream , In which ihoso people across the river will rue Iho day that they tiled to stoul nearly 'IOOJ acres of No- brnskn land. Their Rehoino would have re sulted In sending tlio waters of the Missouri rushlne along right up ngalnst the voiy roadbed - bed of the B. iV ; M , and wa expect the as sistance of thnt cornorntlon , ns well ns that of every properly owner In that vicinity. With the inception of the Presbyterian mis sion all the Ituid Is owned by Otnnhii partial , nnd you may rest nssurcd that they don't take kindlv to tholdoa of having It transferred to lown. I understand Hint ilvo men oa the other side cnglnccrod the scheme nnd as the dlteh would cost about fl.oOU It Is RUnoosed that they contributed $ 3JJ apiece which would bo cheap enough for gunrnntcolng protection for Ihoir lands and hitching U.bJO acroi alonisldo.Vo propose to got tlio natno of everybody who was mixed up in the dent nnd Iho responsible piutlos will suffer If there Is such n thing as punishment possible The Missouri makes changes enough without having any assist unco from peonlo who nro bant on stealing from their neighbor and wish to charge their thlovingi to God Almighty. " ANOTIIEU SENSATION. AllliluUU rilml lu support of . Motion tii Ki-liPiir Mnllciry Agiilnst I'littoraim. The somowhat. sensational luwsult of Wil liam Mullory ugatnstKlehard C. Patterson Is booked for another round In the district ourt of Douglas county. This case hus iceii tried nnd retried until It has bccomo a lousohold attachment In court circles. As the story goes iu the petition , some j rears ago Patterson represented himself ns a I : ontldoatlal friend of the defendant nnd as | ucti Induced him to buy n lot in Shlnn's seei i i ml addition , on which ho paid the sum of $35 per month until ho had paid S1.4TO oa the purchase price , S-J.OIO. Mallory owned a 'arm which , ho avers , ho was induced to mortgage to Pottoison in order to raise the money to pay off the debt on the house. After thoho deals hnd boon nil completed , Mullory alleges , that Patterson tiled to bent him out of home , farm and all. At the last term of court Mnllorv succeeded in securing a judg ment for $ ! ! l)0 ( ) und costs. Pattono i his now asl'od fora now trial , nnd In support ot his motion hus tiled the nflldavlts of Jutncn Fogurty and Otta It. Stoubcn , In which thov luveur that they hoard Mallory say thut there \v" nothing In the suit nnd that'll wus only brouctit for the purpose of getting moaov out of P.iltorson. Yestcraay both Pognrtv pud Steuben mudo uniduvlts that thov had not talked with Patterson - , terson about the matter , and their names , \ t which wcro attached to the aflldavits which ho had Hied , wcro forgeries. I i The nfllduvlt of F. H. Klunlo IB also filed In behalf of Mallory , nnd In it ho swears that Patterson nskod him to sweav thnt Mallory hnd told him the suit was only for the pur pose of extorting money , nnd t\nt there wore no merits In the case. Thin he refused to do , after which Patterson told him Vhat swearIng - Ing to the alllduvlt would not nmount to anv- Ibing , as il was only lo aid him in securing a now trial of the case. Klnnlo also swears that he was present when u man purporting to bo Fogartv signed Patterson's nllldavlt , and that ho heard Patterson tell him that there was t > for him in siening the paper. Fogartv protested that ho did not know any thing about the case , and thnt Patterson said thnt that did not make any difference. Work ( in tlm l'r > tolllcr. The basement story of the now postofllco and federal court , house building will bo about completed by the last of October If the work progresses ns It U at present. The piers that support the Iron gliders are nearly ull In and two-thirds of the iron work on the basement is dono. The last of the water table stone Is now on the way to Omaha and will be in pluco in u couple of wooks. The foundation of the tower is ready for the brick work urd one of the brick blocks for the steps nnd most of the brick work for the main entrance Is already completed. The wet lemon are pushing ahead with the frcib nlr and nsti vaults on the north sldi nnd the areas on the Dodge street und Oapl- lol avenue sides are ready for the roping. Mr. Edbrookosuld , when herotwo weeks ngo , that no would advertise for bids on tlienupor- structure in about three weeks and contrac tors uro therefore anxious to pet a craclt nt the big Job. _ Urpirtinciil nl tlio Plutto Not PS. General Brooke Is expected homo from Washington on Monday. Captain Wordon has patented nn ingenious contrivance for shaiponlng razors and scis sors. The machine will probably take the place of the old fashioned honing machlno nnd will doubtless become n source ot con- sloorablo rnvcnuo to tlio inventor. The following troops from the Department of Iho Platte will tuko pirt In the opening oxurcisos of the World's Columbian exposi tion at Chicago during thu present month : Three troop * of the Ninth cavalry , three troops of the Sixth , one of thorn being an In dlun troop , nccjmpaniod by the band , mid four companies of the Second infuiitry , with the colonel , one field o.licor und the band. iiitid V\t \ i > y r < mti > ul * . J. K Vunols of 1'JU ' Charles street was hold up bv fontpida nt rwantisth and Parlor strcols Frulav night and i fit" poorer. The roobor hnd u revolver , ho had iiono , and hU hand * consequently wont up with easo. Throe inoa wore arrnstod on suspicion but they could not bo Ido-illllod , Itrli'N. A J , Hnrd In the hardware business at Bortrand has sold out. W. II. H oil will riimovi ) his general store from Arapahoj to Holbrook ; The foilura Is aiinounesd of 1C. Horwick , running a gouoral store ut Scrlbnur. OMAHA , Oat. l.-lTo ihu r.rtltor of Tun linn ] I'loa-ogno In your Siind ly'i paper thu cor- rout pronunelutlon of tl.o won ! Xiitleimf flee tlncorl' * < uiilvil / litit , Jtftj wit ; c ich in ! 'iltlonil ' u ; . Un _ cttiU , _ MoYiUIS-fo'Mr. nml Mrs 7 'w. Jlorrls , I7J1 I/ako street , u nnu , pimnU ulrl. WARM WORDS OF SYMPATHY # Members of the Douglas Bar Pay Tributes to a Do.id Jurist. MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR J , R , CLARKSON Itovilutlon * ot the Coiiiniltlro ixpro ilon of tlm Vtrrnw of the .1 Follow Workers mul OITorlug Con- < loli < nco to Ills Itrrnmil 1'amlly. The Judge * of the district court nml the members of the Douglas county bnrmotln tlia largo court room In tbo court house ycstorrtny morning to hoar the report of the commttloo appointed to dintt resolutions to the memory of .Indue Joseph II. Cl.irmon , who wn > drowned in Uotioy Crook , July ! W. Tno gathering of attorneys was the InrgoU that has bent witnessed for years , fully 800 bolni ; present , The committee , composed of lion. J M. Woolwortli , U. 1) Kstnbrook , W. F GUI lev. 1. 1C. Conedon and Lee S. tistoilo , through Mr. Uuubrook , presented the fol lowing resolutions : Trllttito of tlio Attornp.1 * . It coining to the knnnlmUo of this bonor- niitoconrt tb it , on tlio S-ltli of July Init , Joseph I ! 1'iiirkson mot his doiilti by drownlnir , mid II appear MB seemly to tlm i-O'irl Hint n com- niltloo boitppolnlMl to tiiko uiinroprliito no tion In tlio tiromlsesi wo , the coiiiinltloo nn pointed by your honor * , , IBK lliat our reuort lie spro.id upon tbo records of Iho i-ourt us & memorial of Mr. CluiU un'H untimely douth nnd of ( lie ttuntlmont ot tlm Douitl is county Imr tn tluit bubiilf.Vu further asU th.it th clerk bedlroetod to iniiKp un e\omnllllcd cony of tliU report nnd truiismit the same lo tlio widow ot llio deceased. \ \ c , the tiiombcrs of tbo Dim-his I'oimt v bi\r , s'nct'relv rturot tlio death uf .Joseph It ClnrH- son isicclnlly : | do wo ri'irrut tlio tlmo und in.mior uf his tuMni : olT. After u long lite , roundud lo Its oloso , do till miiy oiiuso Borrow but not llltorno4. ) led ! li.ith so nrdnlnod t hut In such CIIHO those who mourn shall be com forted nml rocoiielleit ; Whl si ho who dlci i-lusps bunds with th-isp lie loves on the horl- 7oii of thm life , nnd In their hcmlliu ojos bo- hulils .ui earnest of thnt cro iter line Hut to bo mul by do itb , us wus our brother Ulurkson , nil.lw.iy of ullolle I yi-.irs , hi tlio full runllh of pli\slc.il mid mt'tilal pnucis ; to intieb out pinpty liuiuls to empty hUus , insio id of oyi-n suit used \\llb lo\r , to see only tlio cllilor of llio tourluMi slurs ; Inxte id of tendeioleos , to henr only tlio lorn-tome ulml mom tlio lush Ui i SHI'S und the niounliu sedeo something blither lliun philosophy must Answer tbu pro- t > st ot human tmturn tigulnst a fate liKe tliln. Hut Hod Is good nml bis w Uilurii , uvuu through sorrow's collpse , wo may turtlnlly discern , llo bum Imposed u test of uburiiolor nnd ttuubl us its Import and Us value. In llio iiioinorvoC u llfoxn in inly upright bri\o und pure whliparcrs lire slion' ' : mi-must and clr- ciiiubtiinco buxo no Improsdlvouo-is. Nulilr , HoiMnl , Itojul ( iiMillt-miin. Jooph H. Olurksun linil \\ldoiiciinntntnnca lu tills com in un I Iv , but the rudlu * of his Inllu- en o wus not mo.isurcd by Ills ui-iiiilnluiite. | ! lie wus u mini u contletii.ut , nitli nil the vir U < oti.illtlcs , tliitt the won ! Implies , l.oonlna In Klronulh and courage , hutnllh the qulok BUiipnlhlosof \\oniati ; dlunlllcd but not distant : frulornlz nx but not familiar ; self- reliant but not sulf-uHsoitho , hr > uas n noble , ioyul , honest Kentlom.in. As a citizen ho wii nutivo burn , of n line of nncustors uho helped in .Ko . our coyoruiiicnt und Klvo the word "illI/en" Itsslstillioinuo nnd lory. Ilishourt Know but ono iilloiliini.-o. Ills country was bis world. Ho w is n lawyer who bunoied bU piofcsslonntid wus honored by It. As to tbo meiisuio of that honor und Iho lilKh oslcom lu wh uh his brothers hold lilin , let these preseull testify. The short period ( limn. which ho presided o\ei a eo-ordlnuto diMslon of ilils eonrb punod him the pent of uny jndizo who Inn , from Its Irlbuniil , sn.iyud Ihe dostlr.len ot bli fellow iiiiin. llo ruillzed to the iltinobt llio s icioJ functions of tbo otlleo niicl the gravity of its responsibilities. Un llio bench ho know nor f i lend nor foe Utlznnts to him were uustruotlons , lawyers us Impersonnl us tbo books they rend from. lie was patient In ho trim ? , but prompt In .Imluinont. From the bur bo oxuctod a rigorous courtesy nli'.uh ho WIIH careful to ex tend , and If ho hud a f il In ; It .was , perhnps , to. ) creut suvorlly In ili'fonso of judicial pre- nuullve ; lint this wus on the bench OlT Ilia bcimh ho resumed llio olil-llmo rel illonshlp , nnd nota vcillyjo ot the justlolai remiilned , Thus wo camolo know thut behind the ( rona of the lud'40 there bu.tmed tlios-nllo of frlona- sh Di that w thill the bre.-valof the luaelHrato tlicio throhlioil 11 tender , loxlnx liiiniau heart. As u mini , ns n citizen , UK : i lawyer , ns a ma.'lsli.ue. IIH a friend , wu know und honored him. Hut ono only w.is permitted to know him In nil the moods un I tenses of his Indl * \Idiulltv , in the Intlnio vltu ; of domestic. In tercourse. Who Is llicre would lift 111 * \ellofthesnnotuary of home , tlm shilnooi person ility ? This o know. Hint between husband and wlfolheio w.is a boon compnii- lon.shlp , u commuiiily of Interest , us excep tion il us It , WIIB most boaul fill. Tn hur who , inoio than nil otheis. Is Loroftbyour brotbor'l ilLMth , wo olTcr sympniliy und conilolcnco , uhlcli , bowover formally expressed , uro non Iho less slncuro and genuine. jAMhS \VoOM\OltTII , WILLIAM K. UUIILCV , I.M ! I'hTKI.I.E , ISAAO E. UONonow , lli.Mtr 1) . KSTAIIIIOOIC. Committee. Mr. Estabrook stnted lhat ho owed the bar an npolcsy for seomliiK to have usurped the duty of tbo chairman of the committee , but Hint Mr. Woolworth hud boon vorv busy and llio woilc of pieparlnj ; tbo resolutions bad fallen upon him. "This , " ho suld , "concludes Iho report of your committee , and wo aslc that it bo received and bo vnudo a matter of record. " .liiuco Hopowoll assured tbo gentleman aud the other members cf tno cummittoo thai the report would bo spread upon the court records. iIiulKo Woolwnrtli'a Kulocy. Mr. Wcolworlh said tbut a careful study bud enabled him wspo.ik of Judco Clurkson. Il wus bis pleasure , bo stud , some years ago , to have Judge Clnrksou and other young mcinbars of the bar cull at bis bomo nnd there the younn Juribt ItnprosBCd linn most favorably. Ho bad seen him In tbo oxorcUo of hU duties and bad become convinced that Iho judjio bud a biit-Ill , future uofoio him. It was with nxtromo disappointment that ho had learned that the JiiUtfa had retired from the bench of the district. " * * " \Vben be sat upon the bench , " continued Mr. Woolworth , "bis acls led mo to tblnk that the dny would come when be would bo inestimable to tbo court , iho bnr and tlio Htnte. In apeuldnp of his private character It Is one that may bo followed with useful- nubs and pro III. llo bail a sunny nututo , ttioiiKh ho mot tbo euros of life with thoughtfulness - fulness , but bo never allowed the in to wolKh him down , bat accepted thorn with a buoy- ma spirit. Tills IB EOimHtilng to bo ouvicd. for how ninny arolboioof us who can loll year after year , continually letting tbo light of tbo sun sblno upon our noturul Tins Is largely a matter of hiiblt and I beir of those who have watched Judga Clarkson bear up under tbo cnroi which wnro upon him lo live as bo lived and walk as bo walked. Alloftboso cures which came to him were not onougb to inuko him fonrot the dlschurpo of Ins duties to himself and to his frlondb. This lesson I hope tbo young uiom. bers of tlm bnr will luke to their hearts and roim-iiiber all Uicir lives. "Tnero are two kinds of honesty honesty of the head und honesty of tbo heurt. It It of thu head thut u man may think bonontly and I'orruclly ; It Is of thn boon tbnt bo may act honestly uud cotroctly , Uotb of ihoso Judge Clarkson posi.ossed. It never occurred lo tils mind to inquire Into motlvoii ; It bfoincd tbat when no wont upon the baoclt thut ho became clear , truiibparont mid roso- lulo Tlioso were llio great oloniPiils of his ctmr'actur which 1 Haw cxorcUrd moro than otico when I heard him usk , 'Wbut Is tbo totitnversyl Wbut Is the Juttlco botwoau Uioau partlCBl1 " \Vo , all cf ns , wbon death comes to ono of our associates , put aside what ought not to bo suld and oliorUh what is good , Tbat nlousos tbo heart , but out of all of this lotu di.iw illusion tbuv will toacli us lo bo ( rood njVuilK < ' Hopowoll said that on bohnlf of hlrnsL-lf and for tils associates tbo resolution * met with hearty approval. Ho spoke In high terms of tbo character of Judge Clurkson and out of respect tn hl memory tno court adjourned for tbo day. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standar