Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1892, Part Two, Page 11, Image 11

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The Wholesale Eminoss of Ornnha Coa-
tinues Very Batisfnotory.
Cause * for tlio l.nck of Activity In l.ncnl
Itctnll Clrrlm-llio Mtuilloti
it Apprirn to Unmtner *
cliil Agency.
Tbero Is not much in the way of news to
offer concerning the wholesale irado of
Omiitui. JJttslnoss continue * very eood lu a
general way and fully up to expectations.
Thu conllnucil hot woalhnr 1ms necessarily
llmllod the demand ft'mowhat for winter
goods The retail dcitlers cannot bo oxooctod
to load up very hoiivlly with winter Roods
ns IOIIK its the wo.ilher Is such ns to sttllo all
dcmntid for Huch goods. Accordingly Job
bers In dry goods tmvo uot"d u little Inlllns
off In the movement of goods , owing to this
cause. It is , however , the more postpone
ment of trniio that will como In a rush nt the
llrst nppnariinco of cold weather. Collodions
keep up In n very satisfactory iinnnor , indl
eating that the retail trade of the country Is
In a vurv good condition , notwithstanding
tlid unseasonable weatnor
A Jobber observes that the best feature of
the whole situation is that Nebraska has
tinolbcr corn crop and that It has rnaohoil u
point where thcio is nothing to be feared
from ( rosts.
Tim Hi-luil Tnuli- .
The local retail trade continues rather
dull , duo In | art to the extremely warm
woalber. That , however , can uo togardod
ns only u temporary cause of the Inactivity
which has been u characteristic of the local
letull irauo for the greater part of the vcur.
A prominent business man , who has had n
good doul of cxpcrlcco In those mutters In
different cities , unalv/cs the situation In
Omaha In a uomowtmt different manner than
Is usual. According to tns theory , Omaha Is
undergoing a transition common to cverv
American city that has over attained to any
"Wo Miy that the retail Irauo is quiet In
Omaliu " said the "but It
, speaker , is ijulet
bcmuso the people uru saving niuiioy and not
on account of any scat city of inonoy. I can
remember asjx boy b.icU In Pennsylvania ,
wlien our town wus booming , when" every
body made money and spent uhat they made
with u luUshncss that created an unnatural
activity. A few yours later the hotheads
Dinong us wore old enough to emigrate to the
Most , aud the conservative people who stayed
behind commented living at a loss rapid
puce. They made money Just ns thuv ahv.ivs
ilid , but instead of bpondlng it all for tbo
benefit of otncrs they saved It. I was back
there a short tune ugo and observed quite
closely their methods of living and doing
business and how they had amassed fortunes
bv tin If l and economy. For example
ample , a man now worth $100,000
1 noticed was wearing a peculiar shaped
shoo which I remoniboiod was In style some
( If teen or more \enis aco. 1 as lied him where
ho got tnom and he rumutkcd that they wcro
Eotno utiich ho got " .stuck on" u number of ? ugo. lielng upnblo to sell tl.oin In his
toic , ho wus uoaring them out himself.
Tlitnl ; of that , a merchant worth that amount
of money wearing old block that no one also
\\ould have.
" \ \ hen 1 came west I ho town in which I
flrst settled w s booming and ovcrybonv
spending monev freely. ' 1 hey kept up steam
quite awhile , but tholr enthusiasm gradually
cooled. The uoomur ; , many of them , moved
out to look for ficsh llclds. while the meta
conservative element worked to the front ,
uud with that commenced a noriod of Increas
ing economy and retrenchment. In other
\voids , Iho people seemed to grow tired of
spending money and It became more the fash
ion to bo saving. Then people began to say
'tho town WHS getting dull , wo uro suffering
from thu reaction of the boom , ' etc.
"I rumo to Omaha while the so-called
boom was still on , but it could not lust for-
cVnr tame to an und as everyone Is fnllv
aware. Now we complain that the retail
trade heio is slow , and wo search out all
Boris of explanations to account for It , but 1
believe that curcful Inquiry among a large
number of cltUuns would develop the fact
that the ror.son for their not buying goods
and spending money as freely us they did
during the boom petlod , is not that thov arc
drawing any smaller salaries than
thov did then , but that they have
caught the spirit of retrenchment
A sentiment of uny kind is catching
I have in mj employ u man who Is draw hit
f 1,500 u your. Ho wean his clothes as lotu
ns be can keep them on and wilt not spend i
cent for anything unless compelled to. Hi
imts at least one-half of his salary in thi
bank nverv month. I have other men win
nro doing the same thiiif. The result of tbl
is that Iho bank deposits keep on Incro.isini
while the retail trade U inclined to Urn
"September has boon a highly satlsfaetor
inontn to the J > DUors of Omaha , " romarkoi
Mr.V. . II. Ilobeison , minngor of the met
cuntile agency of It. G. Uun & Co. In thl
"Never before in the history of Oraah
lias the volume of trade been &o largo an
never before was the prospect better for tli
full and winter business. The condition
throughout ttio territory tributary to th . :
mantel are nil that could bo do irod an
Omuhu Jobbers nro certainly to be coi
"Several of the leading Jobbing houses ai
ncluully overburdened with orders. This !
true particularly of boots and shoos and dr
poods. Thu grocery houhos report the trad
for the week und ilia month ahead of expci
unions , with collections not quite up to Hi
nvorago. The liquor inert are more compli
com than usual. Tholr trade has ImproTO
qulle a liltlo ever August , but the browoi
uro still complaining , especially of the Oinuk
demand. Inthodiug line irado Is slight !
tihcad of September , IbOl , and qull'j satisfui ,
tnry. Leather and ihidiugj , lumber , bun
\\i\\o , hats and caps and clothing tell n Mm
lor story. 'Iho volume of trade In near ' !
ovcry line shnus a maikcd growth. Tr
percentage of lnciea U estimated all t !
\\i\y from 10 to f > 0 per cent ns compared wit
lust year , van Ing In different linos.
"Tho mumifitctureis of the cltv nro gone
ally prospering. The good work of the
nssoeiutlon In the lust jear Is now match ]
Itbolf manifest In nn Increased and growir
demand for Nebrnska-tando goods , bcarce !
n homo Industry has fulled to reap II
benotlt of thu patriotism -vlilch the mov
ment has Inculcated In the communities
thu Mate. The annual meeting of tboassi
elation called out homo very happy e
changes of opinion among the members up <
the results nf Ihotuelvo mouths' cameaij ;
and 1'iosldont Page's report , printed lu tl
newspapers , hits added a noir interest to tl
Important question of developing local fa
"Among the banks there Is very Hit
change In the bituatlon. The movement
pram has caused the countrv bunkers
draw upon their balances , hut nearly all tl
banks huvu a plulhora of deposits and a :
living In hope that ouch succeeding week w '
\\ltncss nn improved demand for thiur su
pins fundx. Money Is quite ugood deal mo >
ucttvu In Now York , and within a woou UU
cage banks have oeun miiklnc u larger nuc
tier ot loans. The theory of local bank ol
clals is that the demand will now gro
eveedllv until after election , when It will L
como strong and so maintain Itself tbroug
out the winter.
"Outside of Jobbing lines Omaha Is co
Icssffitly dull and September witnessed
Improvement in the situation. Dealers in t
necessities of Ufa have had fair tvado , b
iiicrchuntK with luxuries to sell have had l
discouraging season. Heal ontato oonllnu
Hal mid speculator * uro In the dumps.
"They may bo Interested In knowing tli
u local company Intimately associated wl I
one of thfl Inigcst real oUuto enterprises u
which If bucking a brldiro und terminal p
left U tilling options upon all the botti
fund ! H can secure for n distuned north
Iho Union 1'ucillo ahop , There Is hopa
I his movement for homo uctlvltv to t
notihtfost und If Uio Rchomo muteriallzes
now soonu piahahlu li U likely the r
P8tut43 inurUct will ho vUluly uffected all o\ \
Iho iltv.
O latm seems hubitually to postpc
building operations until tbo auiun
There nro now faltiy under way a number
uxtonalvo structures , a-uong which may
moutloncd the Na > u building ou llarnoy , I
K UB broiveri lu the * ouiu part of the cl
the now cnskot ( ni'tory on Thirteenth and I
( Jracomul ttioCMllfthan block on Sixteenth
ilreot KxcaVAtion * are In progress upon
the telephone building , the Morso-Coo Shoo
rompiny's factory nnd MctJonl-
Hrady company's warehouso. But
one-half of the oonsons work Is
yet to bo lot , The library building , to cost
* 10JM)0 ( ; the Omnha club house , to cost
* HOOO ; the Swcow building on Fnrnatn ,
bntwccn Sixteenth nnd Sovcntccnth , to cost
$ ( > . " ,000. nnd olhors uro almost certain to bo n
part of the building rosulta for IsOi , but not
n brlcK has been laid In any of them.
"Durine the dull times many mechanics
and laborers luft the city. The city work
nnd those now enterprises have absorbed all
ihoso remaining nnd wigos has advanced
qulto n good deal. Contractort nro plud to
get team * now nt 1 75 per dnv nnd to pay
common laborers $1 73. Up to AUtfiist
1 M.OO for men nnd teams nnd
$1.23 for laborers wo.-o the prevail
ing mtcs of piy. Lathlnir , which cost
2 cents per yard In the onrlv summer , icsts
now n , 3 } and oven 4 cents per vni d. Briuk-
layers wno were hunting Jobs nttha union
scaloof r > 0 cents an hour now rcculvo all the
way from 50 cenls to 70 cents. Material
has noon oxtremelv low n.osl of the oason ,
nnd brick manufacturers very generally
clostd tholr larzor kilns. Ttio Increased de
mand has caused nn advance of $1 per thou
sand , and the brlckmakors ore beginning to
llguro on extensive operations for next year.
"Tho month has baou exceptionally good
for the crops. There his boon suircolv any
frost nnd rorn Is safe. The state U In suporo
condition both financially nnd so far as agri
cultural worn Is concerned There Is no
failure of crops anywhere , and while prices
are low lor various reason ? not Incident lo
ordinary business conditions , farmers nrn
holding their surplus for better prlrcs There
is nothing discouraging In the outljok oilhcr
In Omaha or the stnto nt large.
"Omaha's excellent Jobbing Irado Is at
tracting considerable attention and has In
duced n prominent Massachusetts shoo mm
to enter Into negotiations with ono nt our
oldest firms for nn Interest In their business.
"Tho oyster men are warring otor prices
and September sales nro uuiuually largo In
spile nf the hot weuthor as a consequence.
"Tho month closes ut South Omaha \\llh
moderate receipts. The number of cattle re
ceived was 87,473 lu excass of receipts for
August and loss than ! 100 ever acnr ago.
The showing on hos Is u decrease of 'Jti.MI
from August and an Increase of 8,217 ever
September 1S01. Ncuily 10,000 more sheep
wore received this month than In Soptombjr
18111 , and the Inciease over August oxcneds
12,000. Hoes rat.ecd high In price for tbo
month , whllo cattle huvo hardlv maintained
the nvorugo expected. Tno month closed
with a somewhat disastrous tire nt the vnrds
mid with the now packing house structures
well under way. " UIIIMT.
Mnru ol the Limiting Ci-rc l Itetng SUHII
lit > ebru ki.
The crusade In fuvor of the more general
cultivation of winter wheat lu Nebraska is
meeting with marked sui-cess.
In many parts of the stulo where , hereto
fore , coining but corn has been raised , farm
ers are expirimontlng with winter wheat on
a small scale , while in other sections where
lhat cereal has proved a success tbo acreage
devoted to its culture nas this fall been
doubled , and in a very great numborof cases
lioolcd ,
The estimate thul Nebraska's winter wheat
r-rop will In 1M ) I bo from two and a half to
throe times as largo as ever before is a safe
one.As instancing what has actuallv been done
in connection with Its growth , Tin : ULI : has
compiled for Iho benefit , of Its louders some
information bearing on the subjoot. While
the few examples cited below uro taken us
will bo seen ou psrusul from widely differ
ent p.itts of tbo state , the reoults thny serve
to illustrate ate u unit In demonstrating that
the cultivation ot winter wheat in Nobraslta
is attended by no small measure of prolit.
Fiirnas county : Mr. C. Horton , living in
thu neighborhood ot Gdtson , sowed seventeen
acres by press drill In the fall of Ib'Jl ; his
yiela averaged forty-two busbols per acre :
the approximate ) cost per aero delivered In
the granary was ? 5 82. If Iho wheat sells ut
fifty cents u bushel ( surely u 'ow enough es-
llm'.ite ) the profit per acre Is $15.18 ( $ .21
$ .ri S'J ) .
Wubstcrcounty : Mr. U. W. Francis and
Mr. J. Grcenhalgh each raised about seventy
ucics of winter wheat. Mr. FIUHO' * ' yield
uvoruced twonty-tlvo and Mr. Grconlialch'a
thirty-five bushels an acra.
Shcrninji county : Mr. A. P. Culleys ol
Uotip City says : "Mv winter wheat paid
mo $20 on acre tint on pan of my land and
JI5 on the remainder. This season I intend
pulling lu " > Q acres. Ttiero is no quesllon
as to this ciops being grown hero any season
if put into Iho ground in proper sbupo , unt
, on account of its largo yield it pavs muck
belter than any other ciop wo grow. "
Pliolps county : Mr. O. M. ( Jhristlanson
who lives near Holdroge , rnado the following
statement : Last full I src.lcd almos
cichteon acres to winter wheat , nnd raised J
( ill ) bushels of very line wheat. This u ar
average of about thlrty-tivo mull 'Is lo Itu
aero. Mr. U U. Coulter planted fifty acre ;
with prasb oiill September'JJ , Ib'Jl , and hac
an average jleld of forty-four bushels at
Buffalo countv : Mr. F V. Robertson i
president of the First National Dun It u
Kouriu-y , wiiles. "In relation to wlnte
wheat in this county , 1 buliovo it to DO
grout success. Mr. L-sw DiTtz on twenty r'
llvo acres averaged thirty-oight bushels ai
acre , and his brother thirty-two bushels ai
ncro. Mr. Lowenslino on forty acre !
la averaged Ibirly bushels. Mr. George ICoel
id on % 'J ucios averjeed twenty-seven bushel
10 nn acrn. Mr. H. G. Scott has about -1U )
us acres south of us , which , ho thinks , wll
.IS iivcrugo about thirty buihols an aero. 1
id Iho crop Is properly pul in al Iho ngh
idu season , l . should average twenty-llvo t
forty bushels an ncro.
te Clay county : Mr. John Hoavckn planto
is by press drill sixteen acres , from which h
i-y threshed f > 5J bushels ( average per acr
Jo thirty-four and one-half bushels ) , nn
C- Mr. Anton IC tronka had flflocn acres froi
C10 which he threshed 500 bushels nn uverug
10u of Ihirty-threo and one-third bushel un ucn
Hnmilion county : A. C. Crawford1 '
rs twenly-llve acres averaged llfly bushels i
tia Iho aero.
iy Oioocouniy : A farmer living near Syc ;
iyo utoro , who does not wish bis name to uf
od - pour , had 200 acres of winter wheat thr
il- bioughl him * 1IOO , ! not prolit In 1SQ1 and 21
'Jy acres in 16 ! ) . ! that netted bun f 4.SOO prolH.
ho Franklin county : Mr. G. Hirscli put I
ho twenty uores ot winter wheat by press dril
th Of this , ton acres averaged tbirty-llv
bushels and ton forty-five bushels an ncn
It o ports from Franklin county go to she <
ilr thai Us average yield is thluy-llvo busho
an aero.
Gage county : Mr. Gcorgo Goodl
ily planted fifteen acres and uvoragod thirl ;
bore five bushels James Hnslow's thirty acri
ro yielded an average of thirty two bushels.
roof Howard county : Monill Fisher had tc
10- acres of winter wheat that yielded an ave >
10X - ago of fortv-lwo bushels lo Iho ncro. Mr. t
Xou S , bmiln's sixty acres averaged forl
oun bushels und Mr. J. F. Oodd's tea acri
hu twenty-live bushels to the acre.
DoWltt'sbarsuparllia cioiiues Iho bloat
Increases the appolito and tones uplhosyi
tlo loin. It has banetltol many p'soplo wl :
ImvosulTciod from blood disorders. It wi
to help you.
Till : KKAI'l Y MAUICKr.
'Ill rXBTUUMENTB placed on record Oo .
ir- 1 Ihj. :
tilm - rOO.unuron to J H Pope , n ' , , ' lot 11) ) .
m- . uubdlvnfJ 1 Uedlulc's add . . .t 3,0
mm. . HA Dillon to i : M Ayers , U.'x.lW feel in
ow w 10-15-1 1 . t
tie- Andreas Mlllur to Thoa Miller , w ( j ho
- W-15-11 . | , c
Jacob Dolozol und wife to John Dnloiol ,
lot 4 , li ooU 4 , Olt\olund ) I'luco . . . . .
in- Jumus i ; an and wife to Tranz Werner ,
inuo lot 4 , blocks. Iu ) I'ont I'luco . . . . . 1C
.ho M U Hulley to James Oarroll , lotu 5 and
n. blooU r > , Kouth Unrihu . 3 (
nil J 1' t'arroll und huibund to M U llailoy ,
u U , !
JCS J 1' Anduison und wKu to J U UpileiralT ,
lots .1 und 4 , b'ocU .5 , South Umaha . . . " , (
llBl lluinian Kount7U to M F Itoys , jot 11 ,
til block f , Kunnt/u I'lucu , . , . 2,1
ind M T U ii 8 and wlfo to II I , Keys , b imo. 8 , , . '
A L Krdmann und wlfo to II O Con may ,
iro- n 4.'tout lots ' . ' 1 and' ' . ' . bloul. is , sum
om mit add , . , , . . . . a.1
of 1C i : i-e : to Mary K Kliuwalt , iindlv ! i
iln lot 10. block I , Uow A. lllil'rt S , , !
the QUIT CLAIM Dbf.114.
as H S Oiiiiibboll and wife to I V U.iinpbell ,
oal tax lot 11 , In nw se. tax lol 0 , in so nu
vor 1-n-l.l. lot l ( o 4 , b ojU ( J. lota ' - ' und J ,
blouh 7 , Ion I und ' . ' , blojk 11 , I'ratt'a
nn. Total amount of tr.ui fer . . . tM ,
of .
bo UoUi'a barsaparuia oosiroy * suon p
the sous us sorofula , sktn dU-uuoi , oezomi , rhc
Ity , uiutUui. lu tiuioly use aavoi inauy livoj.
Tllh SPhlULAllvh MARlvlilS
Sonsationftl Oliimx in the Big Coal in
Ootob3r Ribs , '
In Wlic- the .Market s a Nnrn > Ono but
the recline U'im Slniiigrr Other \'ri\ *
tiirv * < il tbo Ony In
the Pits.
OlllCAOO , III , Out , 1. fodiy brought a
sons ittonnl rllm iIn Iho blt ) dual lu Ujlobcr
ribs HID swu irli it nut ol warrants for thu ar
rest of the \\liloly known speculators. John
Cudaliv nnd Austin Wrlcht. on o ot
eun.slriicv. | the working of a corner. The
news did not dinelop Inwovur , while the
lloirJ of Trade \\.is lu susslon. and p Ices of
provisions were not alTocled. In the oilier
pits too , the diy rein irk i ily quiet. The
cruln markols wcro llrm durln < thu first two
hours ot the session They then began lo
weaken and Iho prices to decline , so th it nt
the uloio , co nip ired with yesterday's rostlntr
ft euros , wheat showed u decline ot 'i . corn of
So for Octohi-r and U' for M iy , and o-xts'ic
for Oatobor in I ' &o for May.
In whu it thu market wis u narrow one , the
fooling nun stioncor on iooil local purohaies
on Iho iiiiL-iiInt and pneus wore advanced U ®
I4o ubo\o yestnulm's oloslni : , hut Iho iul-
vanee did not hold , prlios deOllnliii ; from ' .o
to 'ft' . Then ) wus nothing to overcome thu
presHiuo of tliu heavy and Incruaslnz slookt.
Much of thu wheat bought o.irly was sold out ,
Parclrlti.'o w m u o idln4 stiort suller.
1'liero IT is a coed doin ind for corn ut the
Btaiti shippersiliiint un bmlneji ,
htteiuth In hn it mil urov Islons bclpoil rorn.
Hut when thuinou ur.iiit ) domain ! wus sills-
lied tr.iilo bae nno dull und prices lower , Iho
market iijaln fullowliu wheat anil provisions
All the rt'porls re olxol wnrocry farib.o
nnd it aeomed to b'l ccnorilly admitted that ,
thu crop us u whole w is sifu from frost A
fair lius'nt-ss ' w is Iransialul In o its
lodiiv Without unv Imuortiint lines bolni ; dis
posed of. I'ho nun Uul opened llrm , but we iK-
one I as tinduy advntu'u.l aud eiosoJ from ' o
to ' | 0 lower.
H was an olT dnv for the provision trade.
Itut for some coed buying of pork our.y by
Mltchoilliluli c uiseil hl-'her prlcoi und
hronuht on iirulty free solllni by the p icliors
H.ihluln , W.u-rc , Van Kirk und other * , the
volume of trade would liaxo lieun uxtiumo.y
llirht. As It was the bn lncss was mostly In
pork , with tlbsulmosl nuelnctod mill lanlilu 1
bill ( Irmly lu-ld. Thuru w is no sninrl o In Iho
thudellMsrlus. Klbs were esllmutot ut .1003.-
100 tol.UO'.OOJlbs It was el ilnied th it most
of the riln from the Uh e iao I'liukliig
company an 1 wont to Cuduliy A , Oa und other
cllijiie houses
rrolchts were stiiudv ul 2'tc ' for wheat and
"e for corn to llnlliilo.
Intimated reicluts for Mond.iv : Whoit.
Si3 onrss corn , 7" > J OHM : o.its. J'iJ curs ; ho s ,
ao.OJD head
The loading futures runecd as follows :
October . . .
Docouibur. . . .
ToilN No i'-1
Oclober . . . .
DeciMidior. . . 4IH
Ottolier . . . . Slid
Mnj J5M
October 10 K ,
Jniimr ) , . .
Octobcr 8 01
Jtimiiiry . . I , | I5
Octubur . 10 Oi
January I , .il
Cash quotation- , were as Uillinvs :
I'l , ) llll Stoxlv : wlntur p.ilunls. J 1.703I 00 ;
wlntrr slralKUls , it IOBI 05 : spnni ? pitcnts.
S.IHV3I.OJ : spr nj straUhts , * i2iftH3- > : bakers' ,
$ I 7 KiH 10.
WHEAT-NO. 2 snrlnz. 7 , .c ; No. II spring.
027.5c : No 2 red. 7i' . ( ? "ac.
U ins No. 2 , 4.'iic ; . \o. .1. , 4lc
OVTi < No. ' . ' , .1 ye : No 2 white , f. o b.IIJa
Hl'ie : No .1 white. .IJ'iai'c. '
HYK-NO. 2. lie.
HAUI.W No 2 , < Uu : No 1 , 5ic : ; No. 4 , 4051c.
ri.Ax.SKBH No. 1. * .07.
TIMOTHY SKLD I'rlme , 11.57.
1'oiiK-Mosi pui bbl. , $ 0 u.53110.70 : lard , poi
1(0 ( Ibs , $8 I ® S.12'J ; shorl ribs , sides ( loose ) ,
J'.OViilO 10 ; dry suited shoulders ( bo\i > d > . J7.IC
© 7.20 : short clniu sides ( biiwyli. $ r'
WIIISKV Dlbtlllurs' llnlshed goods , per sal. ,
SllOAlis Unch m.-cd ; cut loaf. 5JS5 ! > io ;
granulated. 5'Bu : stiind.ird "A. " 5' c.
Hucclpts and shlpmouls today wuro us fol
lows :
! < Jn the I'roduco oXL-hunzo ted iy tbo buttei
KWii.'c. l-ius. llrmei ; htrletly frahli PVfJlO'ic
iiiurkLt was" 11 nuir : c'rcamnrv. iiifflii'ic ; d'alrf
u SI. l.iuiU
s ST. Loins , Mo. Oct. 1. Ti.oun Un
j chunked ; . untunes. . . . . * . ! . > Efi . . . ! .70 , : . extra , . _ f incy . .
l tl f7 > * > i/i * d. i 11i .t
. . ' R „
n $ ) . . ® : i. lit ; fiinoy , * , .7J < 3.'JO ' , choice , * . ' .2iai4J
fumllv. ( . ' .DO.tin
\\iitAT-Oponod film nnd udviinoo I ' c. hu
, then aroppud und closol > 4 < Baia below vesU'r
LtT duy : c isli , rain : October close ) U'J'uffiG'J'ju '
LtU Dccumbur. 7l 477 ! u : May , 78S4i78'/o.
U i O.iltN ro.iowo 1 w hiiat und uloioil l c nndui
' " yestorduycusli , lO aitc ; Octobui , 40'/5c : No
a \uinlicr.40 > 4c bid : D.'cumbci , 4J'8u : yoar.IIJ'ae
an JIfty. 4S'8 ( > .
aS OATS Lower : cusli. 21'tc tldOotoler ) elosoi
S u t 2'iO..034Ci ! ) Noxumbci .Mii > ; May , ai'.e.
It HVB Lower to sell , 5c bid.
Is UuiuQnlut ; sunululots Iowa , CJc : Mln
)0 ni'sotiiO.V : Nebraska 0 c.
II HIIAN Dull , OOc oust truck
ir HAY Dull aim unchitigeil ; llmothy. 11350
ira prulrle. JI150Q900.
a LK\ii--Iullt.SOasUcd. )
HUTTEit DiiuliaiiKol ; creai.'ery , 20@.Mc
id dairy. loa'JIc.
10 Kilos iJnohanRed ; Kl'Sc.
roiw MEAL Quiet : $ . ' i nfiJ.15.
I'O WniBKV-Htc.idy nt J .10
id I'ltovisiONS-Dnll and only u slUht Jobblni
in Ir idu lone ul previous iinotutlons
ro RECEIPTS riour. 4.0JO bhls ; whoul. 17.2,00
roo. bu : corn. 4.M1JO hi ) ; oils. UT.OJO bu. ; ryu
o.'s U00)buruv. ) ; 1D.COJ bn
bilii'UBNid 1'lour , D.OO ) bbls : wheat , 11J.O ]
10 hu : cum , 20,001 bu ; oats , 22.0JO bu. ; lye , It'.OJ
bu. ; bxrloyJOJ ( ( bn ,
IllllCH Illlll I'L-ltH.
at KollowlnR uro the prices u ild by Oniih
( leulurs for hides und pelt quoted snliuct | t
chaiin'o without nollco : No iKrcoii hides lie
In No I uri'ou sultud hidus 4551'u ; NJ. 2 u'rre
suited hides .liil'tu : No. 1 LTUUII sullod hide1
II. 21 to 40 Ibs. . ® ' : No 2 Kremi suited h dcs. .
II.o. toll Ihs , .iiUii ; No I veil calf , h to 11 Ibs. , 5
o. ocr No. 2 veal u.ilf. to II Ibs , , .li-e ; No , 1 dr
o.v Hint hldos. 7u ; No. 2 ilrv ( lint bides , 'n
lU No. 1 dry salted hides , .idMc. Pa it cure
hides > io pur Ib. liss tlmn fully oiiru
rihoep iinlta ( iroen milled , o ich , incajl.'i !
In uroon halted shoarlliiKS ( short wooln-i earl
Bktns ) each , ; dry Bliuurllnes ( shoi
wooludoirly tUlnsi No 1 , o mli , Yi6Oo : dr
hliourliiiKs ( short won ed ourly skins ) No :
on onoh , 5c : dry Illne K'IUH.IH and Nohamlc
onr butcher wool noils , pur Ib. . < iutn il weUht , M
rA. - 14'tu : dry Hint Kunsisund NubrisUu Muiral
A.ty wool polls , pur Ib , , iicluul woUht , bl.'o , dr
ty Illnl Colorado bntcbur wool pjits , nor II )
C3 iictunl weight. lllJJ2iCi | dry Illnl Ooior.ul
Murrain wool palfx. pur Ib. , iiulu il wuUh
( TilOui dry 11 in an I l > u'fi. lot i il w j | thti , I t.r r
W.h ; Have foul rut off , us It U luoluaa to pa
a. froltnh on thorn.
ill DUI.UTII , Minn , Oct 1 This was u IIIR iln
In futures , especially Ducnmber , which spent
' < u hlt-'hur than yesterday's oloiu and eabud i
> u before noon : May rulud vurv uoilvu In tl
oirly hours , sulllns at 7c ! ) or ' , | 0 lower th ,
yesterday. Thu opening sales of cubli wu
at Iho s imo prices as yealcrda
but they bliimpod ' 4ffiiu ! before mm
Thu afternoon Hussion was net lie , ( JIo
300 wanuiisvut ' < i340 oirifrom yosturduy , Tl
followlnx were cloaln ; prices : No. l hur
BOO cash "a'ie ; Ootolior iJ Ducombor ' 7.1'j
Muy 8l > ic. No. 1 nortlitirn pusn 70'4o ; Octob
OPO 70iio ; lecoinbur7JaiCj ) May TUi > . No. . nortt.ui
tiovio ; October Cl'iu ' ; lloouin or , O7io } : No.
ftOlju ; rejurteil ftxo : on trick ; Mo. I liaid , TJ'i
Na 1 northern 7 Uc.
000 Uc.HI
( HI .Murkut.
coo New YOUK. Oct. l.-lull ) , steady ; crude
hbls . Parker's , 1.41 : orudo In hulK. ! i81i r
500 lined , fliut ut riilluilolphla mil llalllinni
10.05 : rellned , In Inilk , HSi&il.lKl , United elOM .
000 at .Me for Novumbur.
CorroNSKbi ; uii-Iull bill blojdy ; crutl
803 27io ; yullnw. : wc.
,300 TAii.ow-Qdlul ; oltyiUOJ fin pkas MJO.
ROSIN-Qulut nut btuudyj btrulnod , 001
moa to Kood , il.'ili''Jr1 ; .
009 Tuitl'tNTlNU-btoady ut ' . ' " 'tfi k' ,
l .NPON , Out. 1. C'AICUITA l.lNSEKll 29s
,500 per ijuaiter.
Onmliii I'roiluto .MurKnt.
IlUTTin-l'acUlns stock , uaia'io : chol
couiuiy. IMilec.
1'oui.Tiiv Good o'd hens aud chickens S )
i Do : ducts Do.
_ I'oTATOKt 1'or bubh. , 73u ; swecl potutoi
,702 tl,2\ .
lOl- Cottru .Murkut.
3U- NEW VOHK. Oct. I. Optloni 10 to 2) ) poll
up ; closed steady , 10 uud 2J uoluu up ; but
2tViO IIIRO , InMiKllnir * OMnlior.
November , fil Oil llvtctutulf $14.GiUfl5i Jim-
unry , fi4.5'j ' | March , tlMlV < ll. ' > Oi Mny , tl4 , . ifc Spoi Hlo. nomlnnMynlriiii'r | ! M > T , IUVV ) .
Now Vnrk MafKCtn.
Nr.w YOIIK , Oct. I I'lotlii KerolpU. 8V
2iW pkesi exports U. < 0''hb s , sil.Vnc sucksi
very dull nnd weak ! rtfliiJKK : ( ) bbls. low
extras , tiOOiHO i wintftr'patenU , Hl.V34.40j
fair to fiinoy , $ l.oc < T&l muMinnesota clear. M.OJ
( t.L * > o stnluhf. } J.liftl \
( JoiiNMPAt , Dull unit alnuilyt yellow west
ern. ) tooc&.t to. J
WIIKAT Itocolpts , lej.OOITni.t exports , 2J7.000
hn.t sales. MI5.UUJ bu. ot futures , .II.OM on.
of spot , pot dull , loweruml weak : No 2 red ,
77 > i4t"f < c In sloro and clpvatori "SUA'ie
nllinit : iDl4iftiU'io ' f. o. b * , Nt ) ! 1 red , "J'iliTJ c :
nnarmlcd red , oSSiJicti. < o ( northern , Sl'iit
SD4CI No.2.Mllwautoo,7ilKti77'i'e. ' Options \\ero
dull , advance I e irly Uo on lU'bt contr.icl do-
llxurlcs , declined H < 3So on easier cables , for
eign sullllr. ! nnd inalulne , olosrd weak al lin-
chnnfed prices to 'ic deellnci No , 2 tod. OclD-
bi-i. 's'd 'jc. olnslns ul iS'ii ! ! Decumliur ,
81.5-IOs.'ito. closing atSfVc ; May. 87UO'riiC * ,
closln 'at SiSo.
lt > B Oil li western. ( VIRliG'ii * .
11A1II.KStoiidj ; wcstuin , f.23.0.5 ? .
- - jv MAI.T Qululbul sleady : western ,
C'on.s Hccolplu. lliiCOJ bu. : exports. 110.0)1
bit. : alus. 7i0.o o bn. of futures , I.U.P.O tin. ot
snou Spot fairly active for uxportx. lull weak :
No. 2. i"iO'ia'.lt ( , e In olovator. iJiii'JVc ulloit ;
uturiidad mucd. riHti-M'sU. Opt ons opened
nlii dccllnunf aie In October : othi-r months
uncbnnetd to Uo tip : udvaticul 4@'iC , de
clined Stft'iD und o 00 I weik at unoh IIIKUU
prices to ' c down. triiiHtif filr : tJetobor.
oloslnit at 5le : Nox umlior , ® - .
rioslni ; al.ll'iu ; December. ftj'JfiJll'ic , c min , !
Hi I''tC.
Ovis-ltcci'luls. 15 7CO bd ; exports , 2.000
bn i sales , J.IO.DUO hu of futures uiul 4W03 bu
of spot Spots dull , oislcr. Options dull , ; NinnmLur , .IW. li',11 , olosini : at .I7e :
Dc'i'oiiibor. .WjlOlM' , oloslnit nt .is'c : No. 2
spot , white. .ISe ; mixed western. UIQ.ISC : whllo
wistorn.l < ® IOoi state. WSIGu : No J Chic i o.
: i7i- .
llAV Qnli't , easy : court to chnlco , 71 ® > lc.
llors-riim , fair ilem.iml : 1'ucltlu coist , 17
btdAit Uuw , dull , slnadv : fair rcflnln ? , 3c.
centrifugals. 08 to < ll' u ! rullnud , intuit , uasyj
Mnl.\KSi : < Now Orleans , dull und steady ;
common lo f nuy. 25' < DLlc.
KICK Kulr demand and llrm ; domestic , 4'4
Lnns Steady : western prime , 21'li2t" '
poor , per 1'iisu. $1 OJI&10J ; roeuliils. .1,200 pl'.s
llinr.s Kalrdemund und stead v : wet silted
New Orlcins , 4 1 to 53 Ibs , 7o. Tux is sulcelud ,
4 1 to 50 Ibs , he
I'liovisniN Pork , moluratu dom mil and
sic uly ; old moss , © 1.75 : now muss , 'M.V.'l
GirJ.lo. dnl moils ijulut bill llrm ; pickled
bellies , RXifi lo : pluklud shoulders. o ciplcUled luy.lHie. Mlildlus vtioiu- tint dull ;
short ole u.Ooto ! or , JS05. I , irdtcaily bill
dull ; western steam oloso I ut ii.M iisUol :
silos , 25J lli'tces ut IS .10 : ontlon silcs 2iO
tlcrcus : Octobor. ' 8 lOasKod. Novumbur , tt.,0 ,
c oslni : utr7i uskuil ; liinnaiv , 725 bid.
liuTiBii Dull nndwn ik ; wi'stum dairy. 17 ®
l'c ' ) ; western ere unory. ISttJ'iu. western fnu-
loiy. l4Hi3l7'c. ' llliln , 21c.
t'ilii. : > 4B Quiet and wuuk : pirt sKlins. 33Fo.
I'm ImiN-Qiiluti American , tliooau 10.
Coi'i'fcii-Diul ; Inlift. JiOlKiail.Oi.
IJKAH Qnlul und btu uly : domestic , 11 OOJfll.Ol.
Tl.N-Qnlol ; btraUhts. f-'O 4Ja.'J.45.
I.Hi'rpinil Mirltit ) .
LiVBni'noi. . Ocl. -WiiLAT 1 Stoidy. demand
holders oiler moJur.ttuly ; No. 1
Ciillfornlii , us 4'ilii's ( ; 5u pur eentil : red
\\estero sprinc , t.s ' 4J(5 ( 3s2il ; No. 2 red wlnlur.
its lttl@ls il'iii.
COIIN Plrni , duin ind ImnrovliiK ; mixed
wi'stern , 4s7'jd PIT centul.
I'oitK Prime moss western , line , 7s pel
Pi AS Cuniidlan. 5s 5'4rt per cental.
Oiniilia Kriilt-.lhu Kt-t.
OltAl'Fs Concords. 21o per 10-lb I ) nkel.
C MI-OHMA Oini'Ki I'or , mus-
c its. if 1.71 : Tokays moro plenty.
Cu.iFoti.NiA PEAIH J.TiKiJI.0) ) per box.
API-I.K' ' Pur lib ) . , } 1 JU. f luuy , f I 50 ; Iho bbl.
lots , 25o less.
QU1M.CS Per bo\ , ! . ' 00.
Colt > n
OIII.EANha. . , Ocl 1 Stoidv : mld-
dlln. . 77-liic ; low mid Illn. . 7c : Rood ordi
nary , fi'tc ; not receipts. t'4.4W b.ilus : iros3.
4."ill biles ; oxpoils coislwisu , . ' . OS bales , ;
salus , I.70J bales ; spinners. yiS ; stocl > , 77.'Jli. '
TraderM' l.illt.
CinrAno. III. . Out. 1. L'ounsolmnn & . Day to
( , ' ( K-lvi-ell Bros Commlss on L-ompany : Wliunt
riniort' 'iji'iolilKhor ' cnrlv ted iy on buying
inlliiunccd by decrn.isol olToihus in conse-
iinenco of the lirrncr tone of cables , bin bo-
c line heavy on Itradslrool's avail iblu stocks
bliowliM ( i'j.DO..OOU bn.whli'hlllifruiisprinK
wheat uirlvilb and Ihu lur utv I do-
ll\cr e-vbv English farmersuiomiiuu tocheck
any approach lo buoyanoy for wooki to como.
lloue\er. Ihu fuel Unit 18 purtuiilof Ihu crop
h is been .Uro idy imirkelod a0-a list less than
12 percent for thus uno puilo.l u aso Is
caiiMns a bettor dcm end for M ty us a
speunlatl\e Investment. Corn opciud ( Inner
on a full- demand from shippers and
local shorts , bin became dull and ho ivy
on estimates of Incruasud receipts nuxt wouk
which were uniuh mlzcd by free sullliiL' , selling
bv rucul\crs nnd elovntor people who uro be-
irlniilns to talk 45c. The .Mav corn niirket
llnully closed thu simu us yesterday with thu
bhoil Interest 1 ir-ely rodncud , which of Itself
Is a weak fi-iitnro. Outs was depressed by
heavy delays on October con tr lets much of
which w.iH ottered back upon the el at
the opening causing a we ik fcolln ; In thu
neir futures and widening the cirrylus
eh irses to May. The closing was wu lie In an-
tlflpatlon of Inr/o rnoolpts nu\t weok. 1'ro-
\lslonswcru dull but avurauu sllKhtly llrmur
on a L'onerul deslioof shorts lo clusu their
October deals. Puckers wore Iho pr nvlu-il
traders and as a rule they sold later futures
aga list October purch.isus. There Is lltllo
Inddcuinonl lo niaku new VL-ntures in Inls
market unt I the October manipulation Is out
of thu w iy.
CHICAGO. III. . OH I. IConnutt , HopUtns &
Co. lo S. A. McWhortcr : The pntilk-ntlimof thu
fuel that the exports tor the week wore lurvor
than tor the pru\Ions wuok. and ever WM.Oio
bushels lurKcr ill in for thus imu wuuk a yuur
u o. helped tbo pr co ot wheat on Ihu
cut ! ) andvhun It was known
there were no dulltoiles on October contr ict
tliu demand for became qulln active
i'rlees for a tlmu were also hold by I a rue
clearances at Atlant c ports 7S50'H ' in wheat
and Hour , but In spite of ihls.ind
In. rucolpts ul primary markets an
un.icconntiiblu weakness sul In that carried
pi Ices off * § c. Conditions uru IninliiK more
und moiu fa\or.ible 10 holduis , but the
moment , inuy seem to hi\a little In-
llurnco nn the market. Corn und
oils wpro Btioiu ourly nnd appar
ently a coed many shorts coiuruil
nnd tliny > : ot out on Iho bro ik cinsed by sym-
pithy with Ahcat. Itccolpts Ktlll conliniic
Inrrfo allhoiish Iheio nro siitnsof nn Impiov-
1m ; loroUn domanil I'lovlsoiis woio some
what simmer early but eased olT lalur wltli
other iimrkuts.
CIIICAOO. Ill. Oct 1. K. 0IjO nn A Co. ti
Dnnuan. Ilollln-'er tl Co : Tliu who il in irkel
to < lay bus been dull Thu opuiiln price foi
Ill-cumber was 7fic. Ildld hull ul 'i.'ic. anil a !
low as 75'Ju and clo-ed ul 'nl ( (67'l4C : , ' ! hi
feature of Inturcst dnr.n tliusesitoj was tin
solllrik' of lllcioi-j'h lioldliriB und the buy In , ' b\
Cotiislouk , Heci'lpU coiillnno in excess ol
the shipments Estimates of how much the
\lslblo supply will lnero..Huon Monti iy uru pu
ull the way from 4.0J , "OJ in j.uou.OJ
hushes. Cables aiu hlcady and the uonura
tnnu ot tr.idu Is In fa\or of hl-'her piltos , bn
\\lthotlt a more n''the Bhlppln demand unj
ty ndvanco will bu s ow Tliu mosi sol d mui
tlnunulally lollovo Unit us an lineatmoii
sil Issifo Muy corn opunud nl 4''ty.i" ' v
mild ul 47' > u und uioiud -I'n'Kli'ic. ' . Tin
l ! fuHtnro today was thu Ihiuld itlon of tliu loiu
iyrt liuldliiKS by country commission houses Will
rt ho sharp nnd rapid a ih-ellno wu think l
bhiiuld bu piirch iseil on all wn.ik markols
The business dolnz In oatu has htun vur <
hua\y. Tim sol.In , ; huspeuu cunuiai nnd prln
rlpally by honsus doliiR a country hu lnes-
Iny In IIOK product business has houn vury ll < ht
y 'J ho bulk of what was dijncv \ is th ,
. . of October holdings lino' .land try. Ilo , ; re
lo tu'pts for .Monday 1110 KJtlm.i . - ) ( til .IO.OOJ
t. L'hurturs , 117.0JO bu. wlmntj : 'UJ bu. com
11(1.000 ( hU OUlS.
_ Thurn Wan I.It tin Kxeilniiii-iit lu Sncnrltlii
I'd Vi-slitrday nnd No ll Jiironninnt.
i IV There was lltllo left of ibo ovolteinunt o
hu yesterday In ihu atoou > n.irkce | toil ay , un
" „ thniiK'li there was heavy tradlni ; In Nuw Hnu
land , IIiis DIInelp illy directed toward yui
m. tlni ; b.ick sleeks put out on irUn of Iy.
ISO ThU was helped bv till * ' 'Interest taken I
rd , ( Do stojk by u I'hlllidulphla honst
it- ; although many of ilium unluudo
ior slock bonuht ill lower Moires. The demani
rnU. however , win sufllulunl to'ilrlvu the slock l
io ; 4JSj , higher than II rebelled ycslerd iy an
IU nol gain ul 4. > , was IU per cunt , Thu othc
strong point In the list was DUllllers. whlu
was again pushed up by thu ollqno und
In rlosud ill about the h ghusl nolnl to a sain <
re- Hi per cent. No feature of any kludmaiUe '
re , thi ) tradlnuf.
.oil Cioveinnient bonds dull anil steady , Htil
bondsdull bin linn ,
lo. The Posl b lyh ; The greater ty of tli
biinl.n this wi'vk In lundlng tlmu money nt
rollecled today In Iho haul ; htalemenl , whlc
showed the decrease. In loans to buonlvoni
half tlni deereasd In uoiioalu , u rather in
usual result. When it U recalled ho
IUFKU a purconl.iKU of the dopes
withdrawals uru trust onuinuny fundu , whlu
arupromptlv ruloanod In the local murke
ilio Inference mumbu thill ut IUHHI usmuu
Ice money la hnliiK loaned now us wus ouUlum
Inn a wuuk auo. This fanl IH nol wllhonlli
jiortaiicc. Therein a Kraal deal of nonson :
lu the current talk about llghl monuy , uspoi
ica , lully whun II taken the form of piotosi ajuln
thu statement mill In thin p ipur nd ulbi
where , of Ihu standard loaning r.ilotf ,
Nobody will II nd the least dlltiuuity In chov
liu Instancvs of time loauu madu al rati
nts materially higher than thosu ruporicd dull
lux , l ou thin umo. : Tbeto liichur ralej somttluii
innan dlsiTlmtnAtlon nitnilisl unnonulir col
intcrnl , miuh as ImhlMrliil oli.ire < ! sometimes -
times tliwy nro duo lo ttoMonnl ( Its ;
crimination lunlnsl the bornnvrri and
Kiir.ollines Ilipy rollrcl the wish of a few lend-
cMlohodotr for bnltor r.vlus. In nnno of
those cnn the rates luUotl or conceded ho de
scribe I ns the rullna market iinotnt ons. run
\\Nliforhlnhiirratesin celt iln qu irteM. not
only iimoni boar operators , l , t nUo ntnnnft
responsible lonttors. the wish Is so often father
to the IhoilKhl that It l , iinfortnniitolv. upt
to warn Jud.fluent.
The ( o.lowln t arc the closliu nnotiitlons for
the laiillnit stocits on the Now York stock in-
chnnce todavt
1 nmni nil . .VitttN.
OIU.UANS , I < a.i Oct. 1. Ulonriiigs , $1,300-
I'Ains , Ool. I. Three ] ier cent ronlos , 93f
S e for the necounu
HAt.TlMOiiK1. Sid. . Dot 1 Cloiirlnzs , i2,709,0)4 !
b ilunccb. JJ'.ll.'l. ' . " ) . Hutc , C per emit.
MEMPHIS. Tonn , Out. I. Now York ex
change Helling it $ l.f > 0 ( Jlnurlnts , $ .Ut,77Ui
1 iilunccs , SIH.llVi
ST. f.ointJ. JIo. . Oct. 1. Cle irii7s. ! $4.0JO.-
OJ7 : liulMicu- . $7iJ.VJi ) : ole.irln s thla weuk ,
t.l..IUI.2ii. : balunoi- , U'.M,912.
NEW YOUK. OoL 1. Cluirlnss $ IIO,417l'l'l ' ' ;
hiilunues. f , 81.Mil. I'oi Iho week. cluurliUN
JOU,27.K ! ) ; bulances. J 11,111.151
L IMID.V , Oct 1. Amount of bullion goni ;
Into Iho 11 ink of VM lurid on b il inci's toJuy ,
JJl''iOO. ' ' C'.ileutta llnspeil .j'Js ' Od ei qn.irter.
NBW VOIIK. Oct 1. [ Spo'lul ToloRrain to
TUB llrp.l nxuhunso w is quoted us follows :
Uhlunifn. lOailUcoiint ; IlosUm , l.5o illscotin t
I'llII.AIIKI.lMlIA , I'll. , Oct I. Ole Illll'iS , } J-
rri\250j balnncui. JI57 , .57. I'or the wool. . napK
oloirliirsffS,08llo7i ( ! bulunccs JIO,47JttOJ. .Money
4 pprccnt ,
ItDSTON , Mnss , Oct. 1. nloarlnss. $ I8042.W1 !
halnnccs. 8l,7hOV ( ) . Money , 4 < T ? per cent ,
nxchnnu'o on Nun Vork I.c discount Tot
the vrook : CloirliiRs. $ jO,80J.tii : : baluncus
* IO,7' ) | oil I'orsimo : Uloir-
Inus , Jll,7Ji,5 0 ; bilum'cs , $10,00OJ1.
OIUCAOO , in. , Oct. i Oioirinss , $ i'.ins.iii ' ) ; :
for thu week , Jis 7V)9. ( ) ' , and for thu torros-
pnndliu wouU List your , $3Ji17ii5l. ! Now Voili
exuhaiiKesold ut4u discount. .Moni'yllrm ul
fJ pur cunt one ill nnd " . 'i ' © ! pur or
time. I'nroli n oxiiliitn'jo dull ul flhi'J ' foi
sixty-day Dills und JI.87 foi slsht drafts ,
Ciiinparlsnii of Soi'.i | > inliDr'M Huonnl willet
Tliit ill I'ass Vf.u-M.
OMAHA , Oot , 1. The mnnth eloios with .
vpiy rnodur.ito inn , mnUiiK for the week i
\ory cr.'dltubli ) sliouhiK vompured with lii'.i
ncukand u yu.u u o. Thu record Is us fol
low n :
Call o. IIoL's. Hhuup
Uccelpts Ill's ' wo k . . . .21,7-11 ' . " . ' . 'ill ft.,15
Ilfcolpisprevliiuswcok 2051i 20hr4 10,12.
Nimo wcuk lust vour . . 18,0)1 ) lbGli l.dO1
The following tablu Hhows how reculpts havi
run for the y.iHt nine months ns compiici
with tbo same nlnu months lust year :
I- O.illlo Millies have llueluaied wuiiin
y. narrow raiuo the past week. In Ronur :
y.In pi ices liaio been well maintained on thu mot
Ino deslrahlo trades of bout sluurs und row -
whllo us usual , Iho liberal olfurliiKH belli
dd largely mudo up of coniinun and Inferlorstiii
d , the market bus boon rather weak und fri
to inienily decidedly lower on thcsogrudes. II us uil
id ness continues brisk In inoMoukor und fi'udi
line. 'Ihu coiintiy ilirnan I been fi.lrl
or sal Kfuotoiy ull wtuk und the movement froi
uh the yanlsqiiliu nollvo. 1'ridny's fihlpmcnl
It comprliiliiR nourly 100 cum. wus onu of tl l
of largest In thu history of the yards. 1'rlci
L'd hava hold up well on thu coed smoot
Ik-shy unidcH. hill Iho ti unity nndci
to weight stuir hus been bird lo mo >
Dry corn fed cattle urn exceedingly Huarc
ho uiul nro In xoo.l demand , Ihu tow loiulH rt
culvoil today selllni : at utrongor prkus. Tli
"h unn ial inn of cutllo waseommoii , hut fo
"he doslrnblc beef steers on .s.ilo. Thu cow nun
en - Uul was prouy I ) idlv b-iiu-u/ud | un J pricci UK
nnv rnlo vuru from ftu to IDo oil. with iho trad
ill luoru or les- . uneven and dull , A local hou >
Jh i ecu I Mid lovoial loidsof Huutliurn cows , an
ul , this , with n limited duiniuid iithi
ult buviTh. u.iusi-d thu market to bo nrulty nua
Ill- The Uud i In steak outtlo lontlnnos fair
IllI hrlsn and handy ii dcs were nuotably in
SO eh i need , A Ur-u niimbur of lltflit sloe
10- heifers and bnlU are bulnr ottered n ml prlci
IHt oil vuuh are oxtremuly low , Hopresentath
DiiFgsKi ) ncr.i1 ,
w- No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
wes SI llOU JJM U lil > 7 tl 13 < J I''oO ( lt)7 )
iy U OU 73 15 070 I M U. OH ln.1
iyus . . .IJlJ 1 10 II , . b.0 1 U ) IU
Tin. ' week cloiesvlth ucry fur run und n
rnthui u o\un mirkot. I'uokliu hojjs so d
iiliont r > o lower , ultlmnsh nricus Improved
sllfhllv tow.irl Iho Uoso of the mirliut ,
Oho'.cp IIjht nml medium wolsrhts were In f.ilr
deimind. nnd suph olTered sold roucllly nt fmly
hto.idy prices. 'Iho bulk of the ho s sold ut
from SX10 to fl.20. and r.incod from $1.8. on
llRhttn Jl.SHon fhoico butcher weluht. Itci-
resenl itlvo s lies :
mis AMI nnuniL
4. IV 40 4 21
idonblu-dcck lo ids of Mexican
u ethers of full weight and iju ility were
otlcruJ. u pail ot which sold btu.uly. Kali
to uood nathusf I5J © ! , " > 0 : fair to irood wcsl-
iii n s. H'4Vai.lii ; common and block shui'p. t.25
( i.L'45 ; uooil lo cholco 40 to 00-11) . lambh. tl.OO
ft < 75. Kopresunlullvo s iient
No Av. I'r
460 New HOthcis 7i 5150
Iti-ri-ipts anil UUpUKltliin ot StocU.
Ofllcliil locolpts and disposition of sto-'n
show u by I ho hooks of thu IJiiInn Sli"k Yarns
uompiny foi thn t enty-fnnr lionis ending at
l.lvi ) hloiilc 5Iarkct *
CIIICAOO , III , , Oct. 1. - lSu | lal Ti'loKrum ti
YIIK HUK ] ToJuv's roculptu of cuttlo WUH
lllllo moro than : iooo hoid , and ihu bulk o
Ihoso were Infurlorgr.idnsof natlvoamlTexa
block , fcl.lppcis und oxporlurs found iiotmni
Niillt-d to their noels , and the fuw salri
of co union to fulr steers to drosspi
hoif concuins WITH ul Hiondy prlcc-s
Cows and mixed stuck were cleared by loon
biitciiuis ul fion $1.25 to * .Ml i. Thu iiallvi
division w IH Hwupluluun of everything usufn
Ul at an early hour. N'utlvu steorn are iiuolahli
ru at from"i lo tl.71 'or Inferior Krasscr
> , lo fanuy heavy oxboitera. bulk of lati
it hiilea showing an luorax'oof from } IOU to 11.75
if.u . Trade In thu TUXIIH division dingjud weald ;
u- al former prices , und at a lute hour half tin
ilur limited Hlojk was still nnso d. l.'itu H-iles o
ur Tuxas cattle rniuu at from il.dO lo fo
Iym cown und ul from tl.SO to 1 .75 foi poor I
m cholco sieorH.
is , Cholioirradosof shlpplni ; ) IO H sold reudll ;
nealn today , nnd In CHBU of oxtr.i prlmo qiiul
es Ity an aiUancu of from ' < a lo 100 was BU
thr 1'i.rua. Thuro wus sill a vury hour
rc - Uh fculing umiiiu puckers , und sulua
c , men found It dllllunll to obt-ili
co more than steady prices for anythlnx tha
elie did nol meet Ihu ruiinliumunls of the ship
lie puu , Huculpts woio nnirly 2,000 head ms
iw than on thu uloaln. { day of Ins
ra wuult , und , ulllioiigh thu movement o
a the lower cr.idos wus slow , thu pans uui
lu cleared ul an curly hour. Toduv'H mile
su win u on a biiHlsof from tl.'iJ to fl 01 foi cholui
id to prlmo bhlppliu urudes. )5.5 | toil. 1.1 for nee
urn gtudo pacUliu. (141 tollC'J for bint llghl am
ury inedluin hiirlu and from tl Htofuu foi In
y furlorlluhr und rouzh hoiixy nncklng lots.
nok I.cssthan IWJbheep arrived for thu maiku
ok today an 1 Ihu trade , IIM usuiil on Huinrdiiy
wan dull und featurolusn. A fuw uxtr
iiultvu Tuxas and fed western unit
tons ' hold al from ( l'"i lo JIW
iindbonio scnttorlng lot * of culls nnd feedui
wuie cloiuoil al from * . ' 71 to U.7V. Tin ) lam
market was nominally iluudy with notlilni : c
duilruhle quality ou milo. Thin tolulr fecdln
luiubiiuruijuoUblo ut from tl,75 to 4.iJ , fc
.W ) nnd oholco tnpnmo
al fititn * Vt ) lo V7X
llffcclpti t attlo , 3.NOO ) | IOR , 10,000) ) shoop.
I , oi .
I'ho Pvcnlnt loutii'i1 romirtu
OATTI.I : Itoi'ulpls , i\w ! ioul : | sh'pmenH. '
S.100 licnil ) market stc-ulyj ohoico to prlnio
nnllU's. tVU. > ii.V75l uthoM , IIIV .1 Wl tcpdoM.
IJ.'VjlHH ) ; Mookors , ft 75a..3it wcstorns , W.2A
4HW ; Toxiins. Jl.85tt2l.ij cinvn } | . m..vj ,
lions Kccolptft , 0.5JO linnitt shlpmonts ,
uOOJ heiul : market steady to uliide otronRor :
much und common , iMMft.i.uui paoklii ; nnU
siilnphiK , iviix < llii : : prime honvr nnd butrh-
ctvnlithts. . J,1.1)4tl.7oiltilit , J\tMl.M.
8 IKRIitucolnts , 2OJ9heilt iniirkot dniily :
natlvin. SlmxaiDJ : mlxi'd. * l2i4f4iiO ! prlmo
yc.-irllnKs. tl.T.iAVUli fi-d PCX in . ( lvi4tl.M ) :
westerns. Jl.7.1IJlil : ! lambs. l50JM.7i ,
s | . l.oillii ll\o stock Market ,
ST l.otri" . Mo , Oct I , Cmi.r Itrcolpls.
2.IOJ head ! shlpmopti 2.400 he ul : market
sti'idy : fair looboloo n itlvo stcurs. M.o 401 UO :
tilrtocood Texas and slocrs , U.I04&
; i.iO : cows , JI.2iMW.Sl.
lliKH-Uec-o.bts. ROJ beidi shlpmenls , 2,000
liiJid ; mniket quint : hoavr , $ i,2lKii.V.U | pick-
In ! . .1W5D\40 ( lluht , MlHidJV
MlKhi' Uosulpls , 700 head : shipment * . OOO
hi'ii.l : iniirkol llmicri coed nitivu muttons ,
r iiigi' , J1 5 < i { | 0' : To x aim $ l.)05Jl ) 00.
Ailli-l Irnll l.lvp Ciilllr.
lnkllll : ihuoilul , 5'jd ' pur pound.
People's L'tiureh , on r.lRhtoonlh slreot , bo-
twocn California nnd Wnbstor Kov. Utmrlom
\V. Havldji ( < , pastor. Services ul 1UU : ! ) u.
in. nud 7'M p. in. Subjeel In the morning ,
"Tno Spculnl Aiiotntlni ; . " Subjoet In the
ovcnlnir , "Pulling Thorn Out of Iho Flro. "
lli school nt 3. 0 p in Straot proaclt-
iiK ou Ninth anil ( Japltol avonuu ut tliilJ p.
u. All uro welcome ,
( Jruco Kvnngolleil Taitheran Churcn.
i' ontv-sixtli street between I'onplolon untl
Uo\ . Luther M. ICuhni ,
hu pastor , will uonduul divine services at.
I u. m. nnd 7HO p. in , ami will pi each on
The Urosslnit 01' the .Ionian , " and "Iho 13x-
liutlon of Sin bv Ills Death. "
St. Mark's l-jvnuifollcal Lutheran church ,
lornerof Tivenly llrUnnil Hurdotto streols ,
tuv J. b. Ualwollor , U.D , pislor. Chtirob.
ei\lccs nt 10:30 : n ui.and 7U : ! n. m. ; Sunday
.chool . nl noon. Young people' * prayer mout-
nirutOjllJ p.m.
Imtuuiuic ! Hiipllst Church Norlh Twenty-
'ourth und IJInnoy slivots , ICountra 1'laco
{ uv. Frank W Foster , pastor. KoRtilnr
101 vices nl 10i)0 : ) a. in , nnd 7I1J : p. m.
S und ay sehool nt 13 in The day will bens
ns "Carey Conloiinry Mission Day. "
'Hie pastor will have lor hlsniotnini ; Ihomol
'One Hundred Yours of Uapllsi Mlsidons. "
n thoovonlnK the Woman's Mission noeloty
ivlll rondei n very interesting proemm. Al
ho close of the morning aormon the hand ot
ullowshlp ull | bo given to new members and
no Lord's Suppir will bo observed. In iao
iilternoon iho Sunday school will gather
nl Iho cuurch al 2i0 ? lo RO lo Ihu Flr t Rap-
list church , lotnko parl in Iho tally of IIap-
llsl Sunday schools.
Pirsl Methodist Uplscopnl Church , Twen
tieth and Davenport sirouts Services
biinday school at V-M , sermon bv the now
pistor , Kov. Frank Crnno , nt li n. in. and
.iO p. m. All nro cordially Invltod ,
ICountzo MomorlAl Eniillsh Luthornn
Church , corner blxlcouth and Harnov
Kov. A..l.'lurltlo , pastor. Services at 10 :30 :
u. m. nna 8 p. m. Preaching both morniup
ind ovonlnif uy the pastor. Siib'ost ' In tbo
inornlni , ' , "Doing u Christian in the Affairs
of Lifo. " Evening , "Belling and Uum-
bllnir. " Sunday school ut noon. Young
People's Soclaiv of Christian 10ridcnvor at
p. in. All nro invited to thuso sorvlccs.
Southwest I'rostiytuiiun ( JhiirchTwcntlolh
nnd Leiivonworth ilav. .1. U , Shields , U.D. ,
pastor. Services as usuul-morning , 10:45 ;
pveninqiri. . Sundar school , li in. ana
Younir People's Socluiy ot Christian En-
dea\or ut lir ! : > . . All ara cordially Invited to
iiltciid those sorvlccs.
The Chinese Sunday school , Woman's
Christian Temperance union , moeta al ! ) p.
m. in Firsl Prosiiylorlati church , corner of
Seventeenth and IJodco streets. Prayer
moctiiif ; nl lid. : : A cordial invitation ex
tended io ull Interested In mission work.
Cynlblu Canstlun Church , 431S Nicholas
slrcet .losoph Shields , paslor. Pleaching
al ] UIiU : and at7'IO. : Young People's So-
duly of Ctuislmn Kndoavor al 0:15 : p. ID.
Sunday school at 13 m. Mornlnir subject ,
' i'he Crowning Acl of Hununily is to Save
the Lost. " Rvenlne subject , "Whal Is Man
That Tnou Art Mindful of Him ? and the
Son of Man That Thou Vlsitosl Him } " All
seals frco.
All Saints' Church Corner Twenty-sixth
and Howard streets ( lake Farnatn street
cars ) . T. J. Mackay , reclor. Morning ser
vices nl 8 and 11 o'clock. Evening service at
7iiO o'clock. Sermon topic , morning , "A
Divided Allegiance. " Sermon topic , evening ,
"Huppy JJodd , " nlulk wilb chrlsllun workers.
Sunday school al 0i0 : ! a.m. lllolc class and
service Wednesday at 7 : ! ! ) p.m. Young men
und slranceis always welcome. '
Clifton Hill Baplisl Mission , Forty-fourlU
and Oranl streets Preaching service at
I00n. : : ! m. Sabbath school ut close of survloo.
Prayer meolin * Tuesday evening al 8 p. m. i
Strangers welcome. Como. I
First Unlvorsalist Church , corner Nlno-
tceiiln and Lolhrop streets ( ICounlza
pluco ) . W. Franklin Smilh , paslor. Sor- l
vlu-s ! ut 11 a. in. nnd 7-15 : p. m. Sunday I
school nt 13 in. Young People's Christian
Union at 7 p. in. bouts free. All are wel
flontrnl United Pioibyterlnn Church 113
North Koventuunlb strool , between Cupllo }
avenue und Dodga slrcels , Hov. John Will *
iumson , D.D. , pastor. Sorvlccs at 10:110 : a.
in.und 7UO : p. m. Subbaih school at 13 in
Young people's mooting al UiO : : p. m ,
Subject of inurning sermon , "A Deslrabla
PIULO , " und of oviming , "A Desirable Ao
ciunmlance. " Slrungorsuiu welcome.
Paik Aveuuo United Presbylerlan The
pastor , John A. Henderson , will preach nt
10:110 : a. m. nnd 8 p. in. The Junior Young
People's Christian union will meet nt-1 p. m ,
nnd the Senior Young People's Chrlslint
union al 7:15 : p.m. Suubiuh jchool at 12 ID *
'I'ho suVJeot of Iho morning sermon will bv
"Gospel Symbolism. " In Iho evening Iho
pislor will leciuro on iho "First lioolc ot
Kings.1 A cordial welcome Is extended 14
Sewurd Htroot Mothodlst Kplsconal Church ,
comer So ward aim Twenty-second Directs
Morning lliomo , "Moses * Sonif of Uollvcr-
' " evening "Chrlsl Our Sure
uni'o ; , Foundo/
lion. L ) . 1C. Tinilull. Pti. D. , D.D. , pastor.
til. Philip's Church ( Episcopal ) Twenty- ,
first , between Nicholas and Paul Htroetn ,
Hov. .luo A. Williams , pastor. Slxtcontk
Sunday nflQr Trinity ; holy coininunlon , 7 a.
m ; matins and , Sunday school , 10 a. m , t
holy cnminunlon und sermon , 11 a , in , ;
choral ovouiong with sermon , 9'IO : p. in.t
harvosi homu sorvlccs In lhaevening. Maiiuc
dully nl U a. in. Evensong daily ai 5 p. m.
Firsl Congio/iiiionul Jhurch Corner of
Ninoiecnlh nnd Davenport streets , Kov.
Joseph T. Diiryon , ! ) . ! ) , , pastor. Preaching-
bv the pastor at 10 DO a. m. and 7:45 : p. in.
Subuulli school al noon. Prayer mooting-
Wednesday nt 7M6 Din. All welcome.
SI. John's ' Church ( Episcopal ) Corner
Twenty-sixth and Franklin slrools. Services
Sunday , 8 and H u. ID , and 7:45 : p. m. Sun
day school al 'Jlr : a. in. Daily services at 5
p. in. , excepl Wednesday , ul 745 ; p. m ,
Si. Andiuw's Church ( Episcopul ) Corner
Folly-second and Nicholas , Walnul Hill.
Services Sunday nt 70 ; ! ! and 11 a. m und 7:13 :
p. in. Sunday Hchool ut 10 n. m. Dally ser
vices nt" a. in. and Friday at 7 ; 15 p. m ,
( Jr.ico Mission ( Episcopal ) Twotiiy-nlnth
and SpauldliiK streets. Sunday tchool alU
p. in. Service 4 p. m.
Church of iho ( icon Shanherd ( Episcopal ) ,
corner of Ohio und Twonileih btreuts J , I' ,
D , Llwyd , reolor. Holy cnmiiiunioii , 8 o. m.
nnd 11 a. in. Sundnv Rchool , 0:15 : n. in.
Morning Korvico , U a m. , with sermon on
"Waslo and Repair , " Evening service , 7ao ;
n in. Young People's league al 8 p. in.
Boats free for all.
Si.Mary'8 Aveniio Congroirallonal Church
Al lOiUO a. m. reception of mem
ber * ; Hurmon by the pastor , XJev. S.
Wright llutlor , lople , ' 'Modnin Martyrdom , "
followed by communion of the Lord's ' sup
per , Sunday Bclool at It ! in. Christian Kn-
dea\or meeting al Gl ; ! ) p. m. Pi-oauhlng by
the pastor at 7:110. : On Fridav uvuntng the
ladlos1 soclely will glvo n sunnsr in thu par
lors aiO o'clock , ana ul 8 o'clock the annual
renting of the no INS will occur.
Clifton Hill Sund.iv Hchool-corner
Clifton etrool and Military road. Classes
moot at ! l p. in. , including senior und junior
blblu classes. Tno voung people earnestly
urged lo take advantage of thcju blblo
clatucs ,
Clifton Hill Presbyterian Church Corner
ot Clifton street und Military road.
Services at 4 p. m. , to bo conducted oa
Hjbbaih llrsl bv Ur. Shields of IhuSouiti-
woi > l PrcBuylerlan church.
Trinity calbodral , lOlghteonlh and Capitol
avunuo. The Vury Kov. C. H. Uaidner ,
dean. Holy communion , 8 u , m , Sunday-
school nt D45 ; a. ra. Annual harvest homo
torvlccs uud aucoud colubi'Atlon of holy com.
munion. 11 a. in. livening prayur aud sor-
LQOD ut 7:45 : p. m.