THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , OCTOBER 1 , 1892. Iff SPEG1RL NOTICES , K > U TllKSM COLUMNS AnVKHTISKMBNTH IJ-SO p in. for IhoovonlnK I iirt until 8tO p. tn. for tlie morning or Similar cell- All nrtwrllvmonti In those column * . IM fcnln n nonl for first Innprtlon nml 1 rent f word for i-nch knbfcntient Insertion , or fl.M ) per line per montli , No ndvrrtlnotnont liken for lt tlifin SJVeenK for HIP first Insertion. Tcrnifi cnoh In ndvnnco , Initials flKtirra. symbols , etc. . cnch count in n word. All ilTrrtl > pmcntn must rim consecutively. Ailvcr- liners , by requesting n numbered cliock , cnn lint a tlif ) letters nddroMfrt to n numbered loiter In enro pf Hip. IIKK. Answers no addressed will bodollt- crcil on presentation of tlio check. ' SITUATIONS-WANTED. . HY A "WOMAN OK WKLSH AND Hollnnrt.Diitcli porontngc. a situation to do liounewotk ilnrlng Iho fnll nml winter months ) tniiftt bo Inn Christian homo , Address A. M. Illncs , I'llKnr. Sob. l " ' " " -"WANTKIX SKWINCl IN I'UIVATK KAM1LIKS by noon seamstress ! Rood fltteri price , f 1.00 per 'day. Adiltcss Miss A. , Mill I'nclllonU .MWJ3U' A-WANTKI ) , MY AN KXPKH1KNCKI ) MAN , JVponlllon n * . innnngcr of lumber ynrd ! epcnk ( Icr Jnnn ! references. Address M in. llco. HI 8 * WANTKI ) , POSITION HV YOUN(1 LADY J stenographer Just graduated. Address M 27 , ' Hoc. MI'S ! 1 ' . WANTKI ) , IIV COMI'KTKST. AfrSlTI'ATIO.V clerk. 'l n years practical ejpprl- cnce. Speak licrnmn. Address M M , Hoc 11K-.T1 * SITUATIONWANTKI ) . AS AI1KNTOH nil-Milan , by young timn fnmlllnr wllb drum. Will trnvel. Address Mgi. llco. liMl' WOIIK OF SMALL KIUM ABTKNCHIHAPIIIO nnd work returned tnurnlng or evening. Satisfaction KUarnntecd Ad' drem M 31 llco. 1 121- AN KXPKHIKNt'KI ) 1IAHDWAHK AND IM A plcinent innn wlnbe n position with n retail IIOIIBO. Addre s ItoxS , Ong , Nob. * W ANTED-M A L E Omission to handle tht > new patent chemical InV ( rasing pencil. The greatest milling novelty evei irodticcd , erases Ink thoroughly In two ncronds ; no abrasion of | iappr ; soil to .MM per rent prollti om eent > sale" ninnuntcd two In six day. anothei fji In two hours : wo want onu unergctlo gonnrn nci-nt In each state nml tiirrltnry. Kor Icrnn am l > nrllculiir < addres * Monroe llrnsor Mfg Co. . xllt LnCroj iWls. _ IB" -lWANTKI _ ) . A I'HACTICAL MAN WITH SO.NlT J'rnpltnl to take n water mill. Address boxS'i , Lincoln. Neb. 'K8 _ -WANT"OANVASSIIH. w. , t w. PAHI.OIIS B : , H south Hitii si. MBj'i ' 0:1 : 1R-WANTKI ) MAN TO TAKK OHDKU8 IN CITY J'address mamifncturnr. box ! W7 city 103 O WANTKI > 7 HAILUOAD LAHOHIMIS KOI Wyoming and South Dakota. Wages. fM nm IJ.M day. Steady work. Albright Labor Olllce , t > * n Karnnm per street. XI" > ? 'J l00 _ _ -WANTKI ) , MJOTKAMS AND HL'II-CONTII.UT ors. Kr e transportation on tbo It. I. Lincoln Neb. McCormlck Hros > Co. 371OI - ' , ACiKNTS TO SBI.Ii KINK TKAf 'colters , spices , extracts nnd sundries by sampl to families ; no capital rciulred | : i-xcluslvo terrl lory ; good pay ; get bur liberal trial oiler. Q W. Loverln , t llrownu Co. , Clilcago. M40.VO-H' , * MAN WANTKITO CDLLKCT ANI ) S1CLL II 13 ; country , call nl IMG Douglas. C.VJ ilO ) CANVASSKHS WANTKI ) . SALAHY PAII Jweckly. hlnger oillco. ISli ) Douglas. Kfl .10 -CKNKflAL KMPLOY.MKNT OKKICK. I1U-- B hulp and Bltiiatluns fuml-dicd , 220 X. liith7I2O2I 7I2-O2I * WANTKI ) . COAT MAKKII9. MUi-T IIK KIHS'I B class , llesl prices pnhl and steady work. Lot qulst. Importing tailor , hnvery house , Dus V.nlnps Iowa. Msitt ! -WASTKI > . A K1HST-CLASS HAKKH. Al JJdressor cull , Heil Light Ilakery , Arupahoi Nel -MKN KOH BI'KCIAI.TY ; ItK.ST IN MAHKK'I iiulck seller ; prollts large. Apply at oncu. , Ilrliln & Co. , llox SUM , Now Yolk. MU53 II * I ) LAIIOHKHS KOIl UNION I'ACIKH' It'Y CO. U AJ HOitthern Wyoming. Utah and Idaho ; ficn pan : Kramer .V O'llcarn Labor Agency , oO.I South lit ttruel. -M17I3' : WANTKI ) , ? CAItl'KNTKltS AT oninw/ B Neb. : Address Alnnx UnkcHtrnnr. J1U.11 3 * B WANTKI ) . A MAN TIIAVKLINI ! IN NKH. O Neb. and Kansns , to carry our Hue of suspender In connection with one or two other lines on con mission basis. I'liiunlx Susii. Co. , MilwaukeeWli MUM ! 4 * r > WANTKD-ONK PLUMllKH.ONK STKAM KH JJternnd two holiMTH. NIIIIP but rood workine need apply. J. \Vclshans & Co. . . " ( W S. I'lli Btree MW4-I KIUST CLASS. A I TINNKU WANTKI ) KO shop and furnace work. No others need nppl , , > yi : l.rlu Dlckiiy .VCo. , 1401 llouglnsat. 110 I"T > AN KXPKHIKNCKD MAN KOIl TIIK CAHK O JL > horses. cows , lawnn , lc. ; must understand em of furnace ; ruiereuces rciiuired. Address M 19 , lie WANTKI ) , TWO SALK3MKN , ONK KO Omalm city trade nnd one for country trnil must be r.cqualntcd with grocery business. A itress 143 N. Uth st , , Lincoln , Nub. 12li 4 -WANTKI ) , A ( JOOI ) , K.YPKlliKNCKO CLOT1 Ing salesman at thu Nebraska Cheap Clothli Btore. South Omaha , Neb ; must hnvo good rcfc dices. ill 111 1 * -WANTKI ) , STKNCCHAPHHH AND TYn writer who Is also riuluk nnd correct at figure ten hours'work each day Address lock box 2. ' Mating vngcx , cxporlcncu and reference , Mi' " . ' 1 AN A NO. 1 OllOCKIlY DI'.LIVKIIY MA well posted tn trade and town. A good Hteai job to competent man. tilvu full Informatlo Addrpss , .M 1M Hee. K > l ! - | > _ WA'n'KI > , 8WKDK TO OANVASS KOIl'TJlC J > Kwpdl li book. Experience not necessary , bu references. Salary fS.UO weekly and car fare. A dress M M. lieu. Al I fill 2- WANTKI ) . DIIY GOODS TUAVKLINH SALK men for I Kill ; good Inducements will bo olleri the right men ; plvu territory you hnvo covere also your references. Kemper. Hundley & McDo aid Dry Coed * Co. , St. Joseph , Mo. Mitt ) 2 WANTKI ) . A KllltfT t'LASS HLACKS.M1T for horse Hhoelng nnd plow work , good wng paid , 11. T. Jniisen , Aurora. Nub. Mlitt 2" -WANTKI ) , A ( IOOD S110KMAKKH.OKHM.1 B ; orSwodo preferred. H.Todt , Kalrbury. Neb. Mlll'l 2' ' - SKWKIl MKN. ALSO HHICICLAYKI B-200 . Pay ovury Baturday. Dus Molnus , i McDonald. MIO''O. " . , AHK YOU A CATHOLIC ? AHK YOU UNlT : ployed ? Will you work for 118 per wcekr Write to mo at onco. J. It. Cay , 194 Madison htreet. C rage , III. .M20.f > I' ' -MKN WANTKI ) : SALAHY ANI ) KX Pl'.NsF Permanent place. Ap | > ly at onco. llrown Itri Co , , Nurserymen , Chlcngo. M'20 < 1 1 -SALKS.MKN WANTKI ) TO SKLL ON CO mlsslun. to the rutnllum. u good hhlo line nf c tonadcH , jenns , druss uoudi.dilllH ami low prlc ciifHliuerps for the pprtng Bcason. Addrean b 1311 , Philadelphia. 1'n. M20I 1 1-TO KNTLKMKN , cKLY KUHNlsm JL vouthenst front room , Mltli alcove and b window. All modern convenience ! ; board. No i H. Kith street , .M2IO 3 WANTED-FEMALE HELP. co > ii'KTi/N' " tilin JUJRTM GJc ' cook and laiindrcsi , lUlil k'u. W l strvut. 74 G WANTKI ) , HOOD Hlllli KOIl SMALL TAMIL good wage" . Cull 8.12 cioorgln avu. IS. ' . " . 'th st.l Uporn north of Mason , U WA.NTKD , YOUNO IHUL TO OAHK n child U yonri old and amdit In KOnural hou . . ' . ' > . work. - Capitol avenue. | a ' /-1-\VANTiai : WOMAN TO SCUUH fl.OOll. Tl wl'JU ) nt utoru. Ii7i ; C-WANTKI ) . A tilllL TO DO liKNKHAL lloiTl wor1 ! . Apply at 1 , * > O North ISlh mroel. Ii / LADIKS AND IHHI.H TC ) DO OUH Nl v work ( or usnl homo ; W to ti per c > uk em umihi ; no palming or canviihslngi sund n nildii'pi'i'il onveloiio. Kchu laiiiifautiirlng ci pony , 4 Liberty bqiiaro. lloston , Mas * . 167 < C-WANTKD.COMPIi.TKNT til HI , KOUfiKNlfiT hounoworliiiiinnll family mukt understand rl cooklntt. Apply W N auth it. Ib'.i ( Vf ANTKI ) SATUHDAY , LADY IIKCKIYK Iruftlons keep booki. ( iooil iltuiitlou. I. BniUhSII > lie ly block. SOU3 C-WANTKI ) , ( HIIL TO CvOHK KOIl WVA aiulgo to srhoul. Apply Kill N , SUth mri Omiihn. MI'i C-WA.S'TlCl ) , A KKW i.VIIIK.S TO COMl'l MbU , mlilrms cIri'ularH , ele. , at hoinuj peru ncnt If tumaged. Aildrem. llli stamp. In own Im writing , llou ek < ! v | > cni' Wvfkly , I'lilladulphln. _ | MJU7 ( " Cr\VAN"Tlil ) . A Glllli AI10UT Hi YKAUR 0 IP < | o llgUt liouiuwork. Cull . ' .tW fewunl tn , .M'J'il TOR RUNT-HOUSES. B-KLAT8. DWKLLINCS ClVJTAUKrt IN A parltof city , Kilkenny \ Co. , 1'oiillninilai I ' „ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JJ B-Koii HKNT , a 3-ltOoi HlHJriKS. ( / itrrut , between tli und Wth , H , T. Clarke. Hoard of Trade , I'liono m. 41 I"\-vli.HOOM HOUSK NKAH HKill SC1IOC .i. ' U' m bunt ! > tablu | nmdt'ru runtimlunout. 'J'h Ii. Hull.111 ! I'axton bloyk. 3j " " ' BKou U"K.N"T. muisTis 'IN ALL PA UTS Vltr. Tno O. K Davli coini.auI'M Kuriinm B-Kciu ITK i TVLTiTTNl.lrmJN TnToi IJlbnnd Maioil itreou , ti room uach , water I nav. licatoil by stonui , In gou'l ' roptklr , real IOY ijulioattilTIn tboblnck. John llauillu , uzo it. Mini : T\-KOU UKNT , TWO ' .a-IIOUM IIOUSKd. A ir.oilfruconvouUiico , on lioouU nvu , I bio 1rom tteot railway Apply room Xtl , lieo llulljl J. M. blmtiral. rwetvef. I ! ) --H > K HKNT. I'J ' HOOM HOl'SK. "aj CA | l " cl A tielby. ItuurU ur Trail * . CAy. ItENT-IIOU8E3. lOHKNTIJ-HXMllOiSI'.MTIt ; ANI ) DODOK D utrfctn. All modern convonlonres. Po r < lon elvcn IniinrillMrly. Cnll or ndtlresi M. Si. Itoednr , Hoom 4A l'q ton block D-4-IIOOM KLA1\STKAM HKAT. MUST-CLASS , llefcrerc-cs. Bid S. Mud tired , room 0. m llofj9K. 7l.t7T5oTiKHN with largo barn , ZWJPopplcton nva. Inquire nlJI" B , I.Mb st. 12(1 ( -NICK TKN-HOOM MODKIIN IIOUSK IW ) SO. lithst. and five-room rottnuo 60.1 So. .lllh st Inqttlro 6J4 bo , 17th st. John II. K. Lthtnann. PJ-ONI : OKTIIK KINKST HKS1DKNCK * IN TIIK J-'cltv : 10 rooms ; every tmproveinent uf n first class bouse : furnace. Inquire 1516 South 10th.Sil Sil 01 -A DKSIHAIILK IIOMB OK 0 HOOMS , KUH- nlshcd nrtinturnlxlicd. Pnrtlns going to Cali fornia. Apply on premise * , 1112 South Tenth street - ONLY TWO I.KKT OK T1IK f.-HOO.M COT- tngo Justrompli'led. llavn bath , liot nnd cold water and nioderii conveniences. Desirable homes for business men In beautiful Stanford circle. Kor pnrtlrulnr.i apply to Mnr Loan nml Trust Co. agents , 4 , New York l.lto bldg. 6.VI - LIST YoTlrfpTtOPKHTY , HKNTAL OH SALK ulthliiMi. W. l'.oatos. Hill Knrnam. X ) -.KOIl UKNT , ONK OKTHK MOST COMPLKfK convenient nnd comfortable nine-room homos In Omnhn , with bnth room , laundry and nil modern conveniences } also nlcn yard nt SIC. cor. .loncs and V5th streets , between HI , Mary's arc. nnd Leaven worth street 111 D -in-HOOM IIOUSK. CKNTIIALLY 1.OHTKI ) | fiirnncannd nil Improvement' ! . Tut ! N. tilth St. - IIOUflH. IIOOM" . I.AIU1I ! I ) lawn , oil bt. Mary's avc. ( J. K. Units. 2205 17th st imO20 D-10-1UOM 1IU1CK IIOU K WITH MUtlKUM Imiirovements. on 'Jltli street near I.cavennnrtli Inquire nlM7 Su. ! 0th street. M732 - . MODCUN COTTAOK HUAl/l'IKin D-NK.W lawn anil shade. N. I ! , cor.'nd and Miami xts M77S DO-IIOOM COllNKIl KLAT , ALL MOUKHN CON vrnlenc'C" . 1401 I.pavenworth st. M"iS ! 7 * -rollTtK NT- II room modern hoitre. 1075. 17th. I'l-rootn moili'rnlioino. ! , . ' S. Uth st. r.-rodtii house , Kill S. tilth st. Oronm flat. SlH N. hlth st. Large Hut of cottages. B-ltOOM HlsnKSfK"ToilNKH : 4IT1I ANI P Dodge , exeollcnt condition , " 10 per montli ti nmnll Innilly well recommended. C , A. Btnrr. He biilhllng. MSVfl 2 * -KOIl HKNT , TwTTsTOHKS ANII KLATS IK North niitli nnd Plnkney mreets ( corner ) . K > cellent location for drug store or groceries. In Hiilre or address N. Klury , liUth and Plnkiioy street ; .M a 1 * -U 1II10M llllICIv HKSIDIINCK. ( ill ! C.KHC1. ) avcniip. Kurnnri * . bnth , Ac ; I37. . ' > 0 per montl J. II. Mason , Murker block. MWS V D -STKAM IIKAT , ALL .MODKIIN IMI'llOVf ments , one corner tint , 2'jd nnd Davenport strua I MMJ3 1 * D-KOIl IH.NT , IIIHCK TKUHACK , 10 HOOM ! lil * N. ' 'Otli street. Inquire at I'r. Van Camp' house. MIUU D INICKOTTA SI. OK f > IIOOMS , 837 SOUTI Jsth street Apply on promUcs. HI I 4 * D-AN KXCKPTIONAIlIiY DKSIHAIILH IIOL'S of 14 rooms near po t olUce : modern arrangi incuts complete. Kmpilro IBOii Chicago st. or L. I Skinner , rental 1011 Karnnm nt.M'X.J -KOH 11KNT- D Two.nloe.s bouses near llanscom jiark. all modern Imprcvumunts , Including , bsth. furnace , etc. , splendid neighborhood , high and heal lily locution , with motor line , paved street , etc. , 45 per month. tieorge N. Hicks , S'J5 ? . ' . Y. Llfo. 155 2' ' -IO- 1IOIISK ( JKOIIC.IA AVIS. , 11 AT I ciste rn , f..OT. Innulruaulti Karnnm. 144 SO * D-11-llOOM HOUSK , ALL JIODKHN CONViC : lencciH , S. K. corner Uth and Cans Directs. 141 2 * DKOIl UKNT. KOUIt-ltOOM COTTAOB , DOIM ! and Z9tb , flO.CX ) . llogis A Hill , I40J Knrnn street. M1U 4 KOH UKNT. AN1CK6-UOOM HOUSK , KJ3 I D Kill avenue. Jll.ol ) . l i I * D-KOIl UKNT. Ii AND7-HOOM STKA.M IIKATI ! Hats with bath. Inquire of Nctherton Hall , ; So. 1.1th. 1S4 3 D - UKNT. TIIK KOLI.OWINU UKBIHA11I. dwellings ; at low leuts : 43li > Karnam , 8 rooms. IShl Chicago , I ) rooms. ,112 South V8th , 7 ronnis. 24UH Cats , 11 rnoms. 2.'I2 Cnss , 'J moms. 3122 I'oppleton , 0 rooms. 84. ) South liilh. 8 rooms. Innulru Nctherton Hall , 303 South 13th st. 184 3 KOIl HUNT , U.NVIJHNISHKD OU KUI D nlsheil housu of S loomsand barn In doslrab neighborhood , adjacent to llanscoin park. App in premises , I'-ilJ S. 31st Bt. "O'l I' - - COTTAHK. CITY ANI ) CISTKH water , large lawn , eabt fronl. 120S 34th st. I lulre.'ll'JS l.'ilh st. 11142' - - HHICK , ALL MODKIIN IMPHOV D-TKN-HOOM ments , two blocks south of court house. App 71TJ South 18th street. M1B7 1' FOB RENT F DRNI SHED BO OM 3. ltN l HKIH6 STo'TtB.\T WrrlI AI. E moderiicouveiilenccs. 012 Douglas utrcot. I7I-IIOOMS WITH OH WITHOUT HOARD. Douglas street. MjI'J 1' ' -VKJl .A lUi AND COM KO IITA lLl HOO5I ( ientlemen preferred , I'.HU Capitol avenue. 472-Olfi' PI.KASANT LAUOK AND HMA1.L N1CKI E furnished rooms on car line , 115 so. 20th strecK I ? PIHINISUKU HOOM , WITH UATU. $ ilaonth. 1W.I Karnam. IT1 SICKLY KUUN1SHKD HOOMS , OPPOSIT IIiMerrlam , 113 South 2 ! > th ; inoilern eonvenlcn M1M.7-2 -NICKLY KUHN1SIIKI ) HOOMD. 422 N. 17th E - HOOMS , 15.00 1133 N. Ittth. E-KUHNISHKD Jl18180 17-KLKC.ANTLY KUHNISHKI ) SU1TK ! AI. I nwo single ; modern ; stationary wunh Htand every room : private family ; on 3 car lines ; re moderate. 20U.r > Hurt street. 915-2 ENIOKLY KUUNISHKI ) HOOMS , M , HAND per month , Kit N. 15th ft. 143 2 I ? -SUITi : OK llANi7soMK SOUTH UOOMS. CIS l.nrnlly located ; llrat class table. Address M Dee. lil.'i : i T\VO KAST KHONT HOOMS , KUHNISHKI ) 1 ; Aulle. slcam heat , uoar High school , Aihln1 M M lieu. I'.ig 8 - ' . HOOM NKAH CAIl LINK , PI vain family , 3123Marcy : struct. l'.KKi KUitNltiHKl ) UOOlts , 611) ) H. 1STII BT. PURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD I/-KLKOANTLY KUHNIHIIKI ) UOOMS , Kill I1 class board , ut "Thu" Uolun , WJ and 'iN. \ \ . I ! street. .M 1 * l.i KUIINIHKI > UOOMS WITH HOOD HOAHDFi J fourgciillciiH'ii ; good lorallon unit all modi conveniences ; no otter boarders. ' 'iTli Harnuy 1)47 ) Z 1J-KOH HKNT , NICK I'llONT HOOM , Wl' 1 board , steam heat. Utopia , ni'J-17'JI Davnnport 141 i _ _ _ I.I-KOII HIINT. TKYKHALNICKLY KUIINI II I rooms Mlth hoard , In private family , on mo 1'nu , stiltable for slnglu guitlemen mill gciitlen ; umlnlfii , Address I. , V. Cook , SOI Omaha Natlu bank building , ] . > ; ) 31 L'-TOII HUNT. iTo7) t "wTFiT HOAHD Vou o" I or two coiiih-mi'M , ijl.'i Iliiwnrd. mi 1 , ' HIIli'ilSllKI ' ) H < > OMM.lU > AUIIjCONVKNIK : - ' Apply 7IM rioiith 18th street , l.i-MU SO. S7 ST. , l-'lIUNIHnKI ) IIOOM A 1. board If preferred , for tno ladles. I'rlv family. lyj- : 1 -KOH UKNT , ItOOMs DOIH1LK I'AHLO JL ulth llhriry , furiiliihed or iinlurnlshed , or suit , vth | flint class buaid , sultablu for u club gentlemen. Mra , H. A , Churchill , JiXrJ IW ! I.i-KIHST ( 'LABS' I'l'IlNISHKI ) HOOMS , Kill i clans locution , ilrct class board , 1810 Chicago JhU _ I.i-SlUTKOK IIOOMM AN1IO.VK SINOLK. WI Jt : or without board. I7U7 DodKU etrt'Ut. MIS' , ' ; FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICI f KOH UKNT , TIIK 4-STOHY HHICK HU1LDI > Join Kuriium si Thu biilhllni ; Inn a Hreprouf niont bim'iui'iit , compleio > teauihcatlng tistur water an all thu lloom , gat , etc. Apply ut the oil ol Thu llco. u I -HIP. UKNT STOIlKS-'xia-J J-T. I4I DOUOI Int. Storu-room. bUiiN. ioib t. II. U. Clark A ( I'iltt llarney si , -KOH HUNT , OCT. I , AN A NO , 1 LOCATION r' < u good giocurj ; present urcupint flulng a biiiluessi am moving Into larger bulldlnt ; . Inut II. . Tuiubrlnk , houlh Omuliu. I3j : r-sToiiK.Krn'EDixiMi'jarrK , WITH SHKI 1 Ing and counters , with dwelling above. In KI tovrn. J'.XJ per month , Co-opcrullvo Land anil Co. , 2iO N. Uth ulrei-t. Oiuahu. 11U FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. I-KOIl LKAKK. NOKTIIWKST COllNKIl OF : I and Mcholan it. , UJx)7U ) frut deep , will li'mo rerhleuco or butluot purpoiui In lots to ult , ft term of ttvu yt'ur . I'arllo wUhlag to move hou on It can comuirncBpaylni'rent April 1,1S-J3. ' . owner. J. U iurtl : . is now In tbu city mid rar uUi1re iul at thu renlduuiv of r'V. . , ell M i M. , or Ui Dearborn t. , t hlcosc , 111. 140 ; WANTKD-TO RENT. WANTKI ) , ItOOMA ANI ) llOAUDI.Nd IN PHI- K vnlo fsmllf for pnrty of tlvs or li. Must be In gnod nclRhborhood nnd convenient to bu lie s part of city , Terms moderate. Address M 12 , Moo Ofllce. > I957 ) TWO KUUNI9HK1) IIOOM8 AND IIOAIll ) KOH family of two nml dnngliter H jearsof ngc-ln tlm foutliwcsl psrt of the city. The qulot comfort" of homn detlrod minor than stylo. Address liar. S. Wright llnllcr. 101 832nilst. 11177 i * -WANTKI ) . ItOO.M A NI > 11OAUI ) , CI.OSK IN. by gentleman nnd wife , for winter , soutli or past front , ground iloor , musl bo llrtit class. Ail * dress I.CT. lleo. Mill t Tf-TllltKH Oil KOUH lNKirilN18IIK ) HOOMS JV still Mile for light homekcpplnu for family of two : nleo loontlon , modern conveniences , within two blocks from car line ; reference ! exchanged. Address Kill Douglas. M2UJ ! l STORAGE. I llltV , CI.KAN A rUH'ATHI.V STOIIKI1 KUll- M ' , 1 )71)ou Uj. OnmhnStoto Ilcpnlr works. mil r-SIOUAUB CIIHAI * . CLKAN , WKLL3 , Illl iKnrnatn slrcot. 'M ' WANTBD-TO J KUIIN1TUUK 1IOIIU11T , 8OI.I ) , STUIIKU. IST Willis , 1111 Knrnntn sU Bid V-WANTKII. WII.I. PAY SPOT CASH IN li ninonnt * ) from ISO.ixiO to JIIB.OOO for stocks of ilry Kooili , boot * . Imnlwnrp. clutlilnu or e.irpotv Must IIHVO Inreo rtlscoiint olt Invoice. | irloo. No nnlilo Ktockacon liloreit. Address In eonlldoucc , box I'.U , Lincoln. .NC-b , 3 < i ' - ! ) TO 1IUV SOM1C 8 1'Kll OK.NT N'-WANT1I , HcuJ .t Solby , 331 llonnt Trmlo. 75'J -WANTKI ) TO 1IUY , A SKCONI ) HANI ) PIANO I Addrens M ) . llec. 1S5 2 * , TO ptmciiAfli : ISTBIIKST IN lire Insurance ngency In Omaha or vicinity. Address l,317 Chamber of Commerce , Chicago. M1702 * FOR SALE-FURNITURE. KOUSALi : , KfllNITL'ltn OK 7-HOOM KLAT. 0 Itoomcrs pay more than rent. Address M ' . ' 4 , Hue. IM 5 * FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETO p'FtiU'UljIVA ' SIXTY-DOLLVII TOP UtflidV -1 for M.VOO. II. K. Cole , Continental block. 2.U | > -FOIl 8AI.K OH TIIAUK. STYLISH MAHK , J phteton. ImrhuB1) , splendid lady's rig. Itoom I. Hee bldg. 201 1 1MOUTlAiiK : SALK. . $7300 I Will buy a line black lady or gentleman's driv ing mnriMi Icatlior top , sldc-bnr , piano box buguy , harness , etc. , llrst onn with thu cash takes It. Omalm Mortgngu Loan Co. , llooin II. Crelghton block. 15th anil Douglas , nuxl to postonico. MiOl P-KOU8ALK , LAIIGKllOHHK , 8 YEAIIS OLD , i suitable for naddle , buggy or carriageor would make good e.xpicss or delivery If sold to grocer ; nlll take purl trade. 1XM8. ( Mud , aflerO p. m.MSU3 MSU3 2 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. , -IIACK 175. Q 033 - : ADMINISTIIATOH'S SALK Ot household goods at : ! l > i Webster St. , nt 10 n. in. . October 1 , IM'2. ' I will soil at public auction to the highest tddder for cash thu household goods bu longing to the estate of Ihc Into Charles I'antede rented , at the above lime nnd place John Heed admlnlptrulor. isii 30 * /"V I-OH S > ALK , CIIUAP , 1ILACIC MINOUCA Plymouth Itock nnd Hiown Leghorn fowls. 110 ; ioutli Wml street. M2i'J ) 2 * MISCELLANEOUS. WANTKI ) . l.ADIKS WHO VALUK A HKAII K tlful complexion to call nt HOI y. ffltli St. , Omaha Mrs. II. It. Hurnellof t.'nlon Chemical Works , Mln- nenpolli , will be hapiiy to answer any nuestlor ibout LamlHfult skin tonle nnd will treat the face : irtrnch Indies bow to remove pimples , moths , tan lesh worms nnd freckles. Hours between 2 and < i. m. every day ovcept Sunday. 77ti 2 * VANSANT WlLLST\ltl' ANOT11K.II CLASS In shorthand anil typewriting October 1st I'lioso who would like to begin the projonl : wceh can do o. Instruction by a practical reporter. Ho- nils certain' Itoom 513 N. Y. Li. M875 1J HUItSI. HANCH NO. KW HOIISKS , COLT ! IVaiid eattlu cared for thu year round. C. (1 inns Bouth Omalm , Neb. P. o. box 1311. M'.HH O27 A KINK STKKL K.NCillAVING OK (5KNKHA1 R tt. S. Crant sent to any address on receipt o . ' 5 cents. Address Lock llox 49 , lilnlr , Neh M214 2 * CLAIRVOYANTS. 1 SHIS. NANN1H V. WAHHK.NLAlllVOYANT Jrellublo business medium , llflb year lit IIU N Illth 117 S-AHIIIVAL KXTHAOHDINAUY ; WOSHKHKIJI ( jvelatloni. Chullciigos the world. Mrs. Dr. M l.cgravu , dead trance clairvoyant , atrologlst l > Hlmlst and life reader ; lulls your life from tin cradle to grave ; unites the xuparntoil : caiuos mar riage with the ono you love ; tellt where yon wll succeed and In what business beat adapted for ; ha tbo celebrated Kgyptlan bruastplatg for luck andti destroy bad Influence * ; cures tits , lutcmpcranc nnd all private complaints with massage , baths an alcohol treatment , 'und J.OJ. lock of hair , nam and date of birth and roctslvu"1 uccnratrj life cbai't cents In stamps for circular ; glvo Initials of OIK you will marry ; nlno photo ? of saino. Olllco II South lllh street , tlrat Hour ; hour * , .I a.m. to .I p.m. Come one , come all. and bj convinced of this won derf ul oracle. M 407 1 * MASSAGE , BATHS. ETC. rii-MASSAOK TIIKATMKN'T. KLEOTUO-THK imnl baths.scalp and hair treatment , manlcur ami chiropodist , .Mr.i.l'ost.ill'J'ii.S ' Ifith.WIthnell bll ' P-VADAM STOWK , MAGNKT1C HKALK L 2021) ) Pratt street. AI7.M 1 * rr-.MADAMK SMITH 13-4 liAPITOL AV13NUI JItoom 3 , 3d Iloor. Alcohol , uulphur and EC ba.hs. M2127 * rp-MMK. LA HUH , MASSAQK , 410 SOUTH 16T1 L street , third Iloor , Hat 4. M 831 1 * PERSONAL. LADY DKSIHIW ACQUAINTANCK OK Mil U dle-agod musician. Address H. II. , 1 * . O. be 45li. 191-30 * MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. IJ-O. F. ( IKLLKNIIKCIC. 1IAN.IO TKACHKI V with Ilospe , N.W.cornor 15th und Hnrnay. illi MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. \\r MOIlTOAdl ! LOANS I.Kdd THAN 7 Including all charges , Charles W. Hatney , Omaha Nat. bank blrtx. M'J \\r-7 PKH ( ! KNT MONKY-NKT TO HOHUOVl > ors on Omaha city property. No extra charge of any kind. Why pay high rates ? Money Is choa ) You can gut full benullt of low rates from iilob Loan and Trust Co. , llith and Dodifn. U70 " \y IXANd. G. Ii. WALLAOK , 312 HllOWN IILI \V ANTIIOSV LOAN AND THUaT CO. . HI8 N. ' ' Life , lends at low rates for cholco security c Nebraska or Iowa larms or Omaha city propurty.trt'l trt'l \\T-U- V , IIAUUISON , 012 N. Y , LIKK. > > ( ITS \V-OKNTltALLOAN fclTHUST CO. , IIKK I1LIM > 074 \\r-cnIAP : .MONKY. SIK : is. w. P. COATK 'i IUI4 Karnam. til \\r-LOANHON 1MPHOYKD ANI ) UNIMPHOVK ' ' city proporty.M.OOJ and upwards. 0 to 8perccn NodulaysV.Karnam timlth , v Co.lith anil llurini U7U \\r-PlllVATK MONKV , IST ANII 21) MOIITOAO 'I loans , low rates. Alex Moore lloo bhU. 07d W-OMAHA SAVINIJ8 HANK MAKKS WAJ on real estate at lowest mtirket ratu < . Loat mad o In small or largo sums for short or long llm No romml i < tun Is charged and the loam are m sold In thu east , but cnn ulway * * bo founl al It bunk on the cornur of 13th and Douglai stroots. \TT--MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPUOYKI ) OIT propuity , low ratu. A. C , Kroiu Duuglas blk , caa i \y-lAND2-YKAU LOANS ON CITY ANI ) KAH luortgiigus , Heed i. Selby , I'll UourdofTrao W-CITY AND KAUM HKAL KSTATK LOA > utlowtiat rates ; consult u. before borrowlii ; 1C. C. liarvln A Co. , Mi Sheely block , 24U \\7-LOANS. IA\V ) HAT158. Zl'ivriiKllHOWN HI. ' f pGO Ui \\r-SIONKY TO LOAN AT IXUYKST HATK < ' Thu 0. F , Davis company , 1505 Karnam street. 4111 \\r-THK KII > nLlTY THUaT CO. , HKUKNTI 'i removed to y. K. cornur Hou building , is pi pared to close Umus on clly real enlalo piompt anil at lo c l rates. Submit application. 4JI oil \ \ r MONKY TO LOAN"ON IMI'HlTvKli HK 'I estate , lowest ratui ; building loans u six laity , Thomui llreunun & Co. , Karbach block. \V-TIH : "KASTKHN" IIUILDINO AND I.OA a uclatoii | of riyracuBo , N. Y. , being ono of Iv only of foreign aenoclatlonn licensed by the etu of Ncbranka to do tiuilnons In thli itate. Is now pi pared to make loans In Omaha. Parties deslrli HUMiey for hullcling of tiitakonp other loans ci buacvoiumodatudon a liberal basl > , o , II. Hulli unit U ff. Skinner , 1014 Karnam troet. MIUU ; MONEY T U LOAN OHATTELa. VYOU NKKD MONKY ? V Till ! KIDKLITY IXAN CJUAHANTKK Cf Itoom 4. Wliltnell block , cor. 15th and llarney it W1IJ. LEND YOU ANY SUM , KUOM IIOTOllO.t ON TUB DAY YOU ASK KOH IT. \ \ make loam of any Kite , lariftt or small , on lioukohuld goodi , planoi. horses , wagons , vrart'bouio rvcelptu and personal property of 11 klndi , In uny amount , without delay , pub licity or removalof property : cheapeil r te and taik'.t paymgnt * . tilCK V& KIHSl' . MONEY TO LOAy-QIIATTEL3. - , . TO LOAN..1N AMOUNTS X-1100,000.00 from lit ) lit ) nn 1101'SKtlOt.n KUHNITIMIK AND PIANOS , 11OHSKS. WAtlONS AND OAHHIAUK3 , PKHSONAlt rilOPKHTY OK ANY KIND without publicity or r/rnovnl of properly. You can save tlmo nnd.roonpy by railing on OMAHA .MOHT > AtK LOAN CO. , Honmlt , Crl'lt'iton Block. 15th and Dottglnsi'fiiWit ' to Postofllco. A' WILL UAN MONtiV ON ANY KIND OK SK- Aciirllyl Mrlctly confidential. A , K. Harris , room 1 , Contlncntnlblook < > (8.1 ( -I'ltlTCllAIll ) , 61 UOUUIiAS HLK.10 .V DODOK. ri * I f X CHATTKL LOANS MADH ON KIJHNITUHK , pianos , live stock , etc , , without publicity or re- tnovnl properly at the lawest rates ami the payments. Duttlireen , rooms 8 A " llnrkur block. C85 -LOANS ON CHATTKIA HKASONAULK IN tnresi , o.irtlnl Pitymonts t to 0 months. W. II. Davis , U. 20 Continental block. Hlovator 15th si. Ulll X MONKY AT LO\V HATK9 ON ANY KIND OK security. Kuystono Mtgo. Co. , 203 Shooly block. \ I2oou ) TO I/JA.V oNoiiArrKti sKciiurrri builnosscontldontlal. 11. KJ Hoard Tr dV . M 1)03 ) O. > * X V-MONKY IXANKI ) OUKAP AT VOUIl OWN ttmu. Nebraska Loan Co. , 1310 Douglas st. 403 V-CIIATTKIi l.OANhi ANY AMOUNT : Jvrnte. J , K. Van ( lllJor , room 207 , Oinnhn Na- tlonnl bnnk. .MIOJ-O7 \r MONKYTOI.OAK ON t'tlltNlTUltlt , PIANOS , jvhorne * , nnituns nnil eollnternl neenrlty. llnil- ness conllilcntlitl. l''red Turrr , room 1.1:1 llnmso blk . . V--110l' IinUSt : IN LINCOLN KOIt 9AI.H J doltiRn KOOU bU9lno3 . Aililreni 7 , Oiu.ihn lloj Lincoln. Nub. Mill V MKAT MA UKKT WOlTl'll $ SOO.UUTo Sl'.I.L 1 for $73.110. Neb. Loan Co . iSltJ Douulni st. TOJ MALi''iNTiHit : ; < T iN AN HHTA 11 i.i iiii : > mil imylnK ilry cooil.i nnil fnrnlnhliiK liiislni'sr or silo In llvn city of over n.UUU In eautern Nc- irnakn ; nilunillil | rlinncn for rlcbt inirtyj rcnfnn or BOlllHK , other business. Adilrrss llo.i 7W , inalm. VJ03 Y Foil SALK , TIIK CON'lltOl.l.lNH INTKUKST In the leiidlni ; snnh nnu iloor mill In thn northwest - west : ilnliiK nn Immcnso bunlncss ; over { .0,000.00 north ofmnv work now In tlio mill : n front bnrKiiln 0 thorium pnrty. Call on or iulilross.1. 11 , .Miuun , ooinn 'fi imtl 33 , Ilnrkor block , Omnhn , Nob.GUI GUI OM1 Y WANTKH HY MKOllANIC ! PAIIT1HS WITH cnpltiil to Iinprovo strnin boiler , In which Ulna cnk's will not nttiich , Address L. ! > . ' ) , llec.MfM MfM 1 * - AIIKSHIIKINII A IUTSINKSS Ol'POIl- Y-1KVOU ttinlty requiring nranll cniiltiil. In u certain nnil eveeetllnuly jirotltuhlu unit tirowln bu lnesi , nntl nlwnynennh , write to the nmloralKnecl. Incloslnit itun | < . when full ( nirtlciilurs will bo Klvcn. (1. 1C. K. , 14-"J L ntreet , Lincoln. Neb. IS7 -A riKANSTOCc OK HIlOCKltllW AND V\X- tnrcs forxnle : line locution : clckncss reason for lllni ; . No trade. Aditrcss LG.I , llee. MMI-1 * \r-K01l SALK. AT A VBUY LOW FKiUUK , TMK JL entire state Interest In ono of tbo heaviest pay Inn monopolies now before the public. It will t > nvo 2S current of tbo conl bills of cvei'yboily nnil pro- ilnce better lesnlts. Kveryboily wants It and will Imve It when spun. A lartie buslnesH be tlnno nt oncu In every county Full particulars by mall. Aililre-s O. K. If , 1IRI I , at . Lincoln. Neb. S1873 y FOU SALK , OSK IIALK Oil ALL OK A STOCK of hardvvaro ; wooil location : Kood trade. Ail- ilress Lock llox , bJ7 , Lincoln , Neb. .M835 r Y KINK IIUSINKSS CIIANCK IK SOLI ) AT oneu. Kor nnle. the lea o/f urnltnre nnil fixtures of the Morrlnm hotel , ( JUiaha , contalnlnic B ) rooms , elegantly fnrnlsheil. nil rented , elehty prrnmnimt quests. Deal private family hotel In the west. Will we'll because of poor health. Kor terms apply on premises , 2otli anil OodKU. Mrs. L. M. Tnttle. " MfJJI O12 * \7-COAL ANI1 KKHIullO3INKSS KOH SALE , 1 trackage for 10 earn ; Ipasufor turm of jean. If taken at once a bargain. Address L M , Hee. T JI7DI 1 * V WANTKI ) . AN INTHKVIKW WITH 8O.MK Jlnno who will furnish tbo money to patent unit Introduce a valuable nil 1 way appliance. A fortune for the right party. Kxport M 2 , euro Hcu oillco. . , ' I 1U2 * \ \T-ri.ooooo- fj.oou o STOCK OK SHOKS. X clothlnc and notions 'dolnir peed business , for sale. One-half cash , baliinco clear hind , llox ' . ' 3 , Kearney , Nob. MSil 1 * Y WILL LOAN MY KMULOVKIt JMO WITHOUT Interest. Want Indoor work. Olllco preferred. II. .Moyur , Mncoln , Kob. , j . ' 163 I * V ' "Oil 8ALH Oil KXCHAtfGK , 2J-HOOM 1IOTKL 1 localpd In .lulesbnrK , O < ) lo : Kino crdpa' , xplondld opening. Address Y. H. Vlryan. Lincoln , Neb i ' J1IEO 2 * V A STOCK OK DIIY CJQODS KO11SALK ' 'HEAP. I Address Lawler , 1023 ll. Lincoln , : M2I5 3 * FOB KXCHANQE. y-KOIl EXCHANOH WK HAV15 * r.OW STOCK /Jin manufacturing concern dolnx gooil business In Omnba ttiat wo will tradJ In whole X > r part for good work horses. American Kuel Co. M3.VJ - KOIl MUSK Z-CLKAllOMAHAllKALKBTATK actual valuation. Money to loan. lioxSIS , Omalm SI327 rWANTKI ) , GKNKHAL MnHOHANDlSE Thorpes nnrt cattle to trade for land and town l > roperty : will pay somucash. Address box 840 , bt. Paul , Neb. JIb25 1 Z I OWN 100 KAll.MS IN NKI1. AND DAKOTA. Will sell or exchange , llox 7ti , Krankfort. Ind.US US rKOH BALK OU KXCHANOB KOIl CLKAH Omahit real estate , the furnltnro of n 15-rnom boarding hou p In best location In city , full of good paying boarders , ' .duress M3 , lice. MU27 3 * y-ONK KACII N011MAN AND TIIOTTINO /-istalUoim to trade for laml or city property , llox MO , Hienandcah , fa. .MM5 2" y WANTKI ) , 1IOHSH , PHAKTON AND HAH- ness In exclmiiKU for 3'4J nrrcH school land 1 < i- yenr lease. A uood druK stock and tlxturos coin- pleto will sell for II.OUO cuib. J. A. Dodge , 10111 8. Mil Bt. , Omaha. 1273 y J3-IIOO.M I10USK , WITH I'INK IIAHN , NKAU > IIan com Park , for farm land and cnsli. U. K. Ilnrrlson. 1)12 ) N. Y. Life. 122 30 y-CHOICK KAIIM8 IN HAY1W COUNTY. NH- /-JbraskH , to trade for horses , cnttlo or geuoral nidno. Address C. II. ISiibank , lluyea Center. Nob. 15212 y WANTKI ) , ONKAC11K NBAR CITY LIMITS , AJwcst , In uxchaimu fur clear lot lu Albright's annex , Address , M 20 lice. It3 y-LOT IN HANfcCOM PLACB. CLISAll LAND A and Home cash for morcbanillso , clothing or boots or shoes to the vnluo & 1.UOO to tS.WU wanted. C. K. llnrrlaon , 1P13 N. Y. l.lto. 131 HU i'OR SALE-REAL KSTATE. ri'O HOMK HKKKKIIS-1N AVoNDALK I'AHK J you can have an elegant lioniu arranged to null yon , with building limit , trees , walks , Bower , water , and pas , within walking dlHtanen of business , schools nnd cliurrhes , am ! all for about ! llW. ) Cur tain to bo the prettiest Inside residence addition In thoelty. Over Dim-third of It already sold. Keo us for particulars before thu price U raised , Kldel- Ity Trust company , 170Kurmun st. I'M OU HALK.BTH , COTTAfiK H SIK , $2,00000. Heed & Selby , Hoard of Trade. .Ul ITOIl 8ALK : HIX HOOM HOt'SKj POPPLHTON avenue. Modern fonvonlenees ; uiHdel homo ; tt.Wl.W. lloed A , tiolby , Chamber Commerce MI70 I/OUHALK IIYTIIH ! OWNKIl lU.OilO ACIlKri OK -I Nubraska'n flneht fai'intng land nt a grout aacrl * tlce. < ; . 11. 1'utcrson , 11U S.UtU St.Omaha. 188 oU ' TTWISALH , IIKAUTIKULLOT , 40 KKKT KUON I' , 1. 24th t. , South Omaha , near ( ' , 11.003. Apply to owner , Itoom II , Illlalinmublk , Onialia. 4JJ O10 L OT'.l , TUTTU''a HHII WITHMIOOM | ! home , all Improvein Iniiulru IHJIJloyil ttruft. 3 \fOll \ riALK ON MOXTHLY.PAYMKNTS , 7-HOOM Jcottcuoln Cartlmxn luUujlbn ou'Cumliig slruot. A cozy homo , W. U rfelbrt.Jil Chamber Coinuierca , . 7U ) IT'Oll ' H.M.K , ll : 0 ACIIKS NKIIIIASKA LAND IN -1. the bent stock county lit Subraska. 1'asy tornn Address M 4 , Hee. -l.-llL MJI2I it * I OHHALK Oil K.\ClIA ! < iiiJ 2S LOTH IN HAl'll ) J- City , Dak. , Tor city nuiiurbau property or Im proved properly In small lwn. . or land. Lots 25x123 and beautiful two nillui fronl r , o. Prtcu IM. level Kach Incuuihrunco $ 'AI.OOipjqli. ; Will pay oil Incuru- brniiro and trade clear UJJuslrod. Mmllnr lots In eastern towm samunlio rtltrnuuU ) . Addreio Mrs. l.llllu M. Jloore.tbUiJ Dm'fiipCn street , Ouiaha. Nub. N Kllll AHK A KAUM LANDS. Bectlon Dodgu Co. HKMM. ' B20 uc res Nanco county , US per aero , 4s ! ) acres Valley county , flu pur aero. H4U ucivn C.'olfux count. fiS pur acre. tlJ ! acres Htuntun tonnly. IIJ per acre , IM am- * Valley county , t lU per acre , UX ) niTo Kraiiklln county , lla per itcro. C. K. lUrrUoii.DHN. Y. l.lfo. 134 SO _ M'WOCOHNKHLOTd FHO.NTINO ON ASIKS AVK- LIIIIO motor , snuth and pail front , IJ.VI each , IM cu b. bulaueu iltl per month. CO'Oiiuratlvu Land * , Lot Co. , yi : > N. 16th ttroiil. II'J 2 t ANTKD-KAHM IN THAYKU no. > ' Wanted , eectlon Intnl. Dadga Co. Wanted , bcctlon land , ttJ per acre. Wanted , lit or eight hundred acres of land. Wanted , city prupvm for farm and ia b. Wanted , f I.UDO plnru H. or H. W , Wanted , purchaser for ? Per rent mortgage. Wonted , nurcbuicr for 8 percent inorlgngo. Wanted , b per cent loan on tausluujn property , \ \ anted , liouea and lot for clear lot. Wantiid. f 4,000 place for lot nnd ruilu WanltHt , lioute for ca > U and clour loti. Wuiitcil , farmer Uonip near lurk. Waiitvd , acres fur roldenco and caili , ' Wanted , houin for Chicago lot and CBtU. Wauti'U , purchntcr for f IjOuO ti per cent itock. U V , llnnl on..M2 N. Y. Ufe. Ill M 'SMOKED FOR OVER TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. Blackweli's Bull Durham Smoking . 3 Tobacco Has been popular with smokers everywhere for over twenty-live years. It is Just as Good Now as Ever Its FLAVOR , FRAGRANCE and PURITY have contributed largely to the growing popularity which pipe smoking enjoys. Pipe smoking is growing in favor because finer , sweeter and better tobacco can be had in this form and at much less cost than in cigars. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CJ. , \ DURHAM , N. C. I Kvcry MAI ? ho S7KONO anil VIG- OUOUSinallrospccu . _ _ J by using SPANISH N1JHVINK , the ( frent Mimnlnli Uetncily. YOUNG MUN OK Obi ) sullrriiiu fiom N1SH.VOUS D15BILITY , LOST or FAILING MANHOOD iiifihtlyemissionscomulsions , ncrvotu prostration , cmmil by the use of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wakefulness - fulness , depression , loss of natvcr in cither sex , spcrm.itor- AUKK US > K. rhcva caused by self nliusc and over imlulgencn or any personal weak' ncsacan bo rcstorcil to perfect health the NO11LI ! VITALITY OF STKONO AtKK. Weglva a written guarantee wltliO tinxns to rure any case or refund tbn mo-'v , J"i a bo ' 0 boxes Jj FOP Sal3 ta Omaha by Snow , LundCo. . FOIl SALE-REAL ESTATE. O--CLKAII LOTS , MrCOUMlCIC'S. SXD , AND fJ.OOO for bouao and lot. C. f. Hanlson , U12 N. V. l.lfo. IK SO _ 1C KAHIIAIN TKN ACKK8. WITH S.MAI , I , cottage , close to cllri will tnk KOOI ! fnriii as pnit payment , ( ieortto N. Illcka , 'JU5 N. V. l.lfu. 1552 _ _ l OU SAT.U NICK t'OTTAtSK AND tDT. ONI.V .1 four blocks friitu Illiili school ; price. J4,20J.W ; wilt tuko good fnriii or vneaut lot as part payment. tJeorno N. lllckH , 305 N' Y. Life blilir. 155 'J r i > STA ntjACic cor.r. MI.XKII WITH UUAV. 2 JJwhlto fore f.-et , white spot In fnrulioiul. Notify Oinnlui 1'ronrc'ss. 1417 Karniim stroot. SlllJll T OT iiKnniisit sirrrmi IMII * 5H MONTHS JJoM ; nniii.l wblto npot on bruavt : iloc tax 2,207. Uuturii toi3'J ' St. Mury'a nveouo and KCt ruwurd. 15S 3U _ _ _ _ CTItAYKI ) , SKl'T. 29 , KltO.M 'MS KAUNAM , HI'lT > . 'nl < - hound bitch , blnck ulid whlto , tan I'nrs nnd eheekB. teati rnthor full ; iiiimo Kltzlo. Uuturii to above address nnd uct rownril. .MIS33 DRESSMAKING. _ IMS A1INX 1 CIC I 1 1 A V K . ) UST It KT U UN K I ) from the east nnd will reopen my dressmiiklnK ourlorn October 1st. lloomt fiTO-jlU llronn block , cor. Ititb ami PoiiKlas stH. Iit5 o3 * WANTKD-THI ! hADlKS 1) ' OMAHA TO KNOW thnt they cnn get a JI.V ) courno of rcloiHIIIc dross uiittliiK lessons frco nt Prof. DeLamorton's nrnilvmy , .101 N. V. l.lfo. Ladles , come and Imestl- Ktite. and learn to maku ilre sea \Tltb or without seams. .Mm. Aborly , ropresentiitlvc. AKonts wanted. JI17H 3 * DANCINQ SCHOOL. Mil. 4 MUS. MOHANira SCHOOL KOH 1IANCINO Armory Capital Avo. , will ro-opon for the season on Saturday , October 1st for children , and Tuesday.Octoberlth for adults. Circular * at Snow , Lund & CO.'H driw store. 15th and Karnam. 1'rlvato lessons can bu taken now at their resl- donee , 2ll ! > i Doilao St. 129 (11 ( TAKEN UP. X UP , ONE MUhli AND.ONH IIAV 1IOHSK , J- with wblto face nnd four whlto feet. Jobn Mar ham , N K. cor. Deaf nnd Dumb Institute. I'M 1 * THIS niiALTY INSTRUMENTS pluccd on record Sont. 30 , JL J8y. : WAIIIIANTV IIP.KDS. GWT.oomla.incl wlfo to Ktnlljnunil - liattur , lot SO , Oak Hill ISo. 2 . i 267 0 I ) Aspinwull and wife to Harmon 1 Senol1 , o M lota , block IM , Omitliii . 58,000 A lieu Johnson anil husband to M K Diitclior , lot 12 and oD foot lot 11 , bloelc H , Sliliin's''cl ndil . 2.0CO A G Oliarlton nnd wife to G O Wnllacu , lots 10 nnd II. block I ) . Institute 1'lnco. 1,100 A I' I'okorny and wlfo to Anton Novak , lot 1. block ( ill. lot 8 , block 00 , S'uitli OnialMi ; lot - ' . block II , lot ! 1. block 4 , /'D's Ilril add ; lol . " > , lilocn 1 , Duor nark ; w ' / lots , blocks. Armstrong's idndd . . . . . . . ? . . 05C Mary Itocho to J ! ' Stroch and J 11 Miirx. n HI fuel lots. 'I and 4. block .VI. Omaha. SO.OOC J 1 * .Mnllondor and wife to auno. ; w 104 ( cot of n " 5 foot lot IB , block 4. Camii- boll'.M add , and lot 1 , Holmes' add to South Omaha . 3.00C Adolalclo Hood nnd husband tn K G 1'oarco , lot 4 , block 4 , Knniitzo I'la-o. . O.OOC l.ouiso Watklns to ItO Whltcraft , n ill ) It Ioc7. block I'M , South Omaha . 75C M .1 Klnir and husband to Simon Harris , lot 13 , block 4 , Conttal park . 2,00 ! Boplila Xulincr and husband to C : K Olson , lot lil In block ! ) , Edwards sub dlv , stihcilv of no avi S-lii-lil . i 501 Ilonno ICunkcl and wlfo to Jacob Iturk- ard , lots 1 , 8 , 0. .VJ to M. block 5 , North- ilold aCd and block 8 , Ilyda park . 7,001 QUIT CLAIM DHKDS. I ) II Johnson and wlfo to Allen Johnson , lota 1 to C. 10 , 11 and 12 , block 2 , block 1 , lots 1 to 5 , block 4 and lot ft , block 3 , Co no & Johnson's. loii : , block ! ! , Ihiuo- doin's add. w ' / of nVi lot 8 , Hascall & UoKurs' Hiibdlv. lots' ' , 3 and 4 , block 10. Wost. AlhrlKlit. lots II and 1' . ' , block " 11 , " Sliinn'.s:2d add . . . . . . Total amount of ti-.insfers . $ ! * .illl REM IN C TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLDl MEGEATH STATIONERY CO. , 1301 1'jmium Street. Omaha. TO HANNAH JAMK8 ; You mo horuhy notlflod tliat tlio under BlKltctl. three dixlnturciitoil frooholilors of the olty of Oiiiuliu. huvo lieon duly nppoliitoil b ) tlio inuyor , with the upprovul of the city coun cil of tmlil city , to as L's-i the ilainiiito to tin owner * ruspectlvcly of the property docliiroi by orillniincB nocossury to bo nnproprliUut for the use of saiil city , fur the purjioio of ux tuiullnu ; I' street from the north line of lllinobuiiKh & I'uttursun's udilltlon tc I.oiivuiiworth titrcut. Van are further notlflpil , liavlni ; ac. roptoil snld appointment mid duly iiunllllot uarcquliod bylaw , wo will , on the Iflth day o Uctnbur. A. I ) , JK'.I2 , nt the hour of in o'clock It tlio forenoon ut the oillco of rihrivor& U'loni- : hou , UOil I'iinuun struct , within Iho corporuli llnntH of said olty , niont for the purpose o conslilorlni ; nnd nmldni ; the ufisossiiiont o ( liuiinKO to thu ownorH rcspuotlvoly of suit property by ruiison of auch laldnu- mid appro jirlntlon thorcof , taklnK Into voiisIdoraXloi Klioelul bonolllu , if any , The properly bolonk'inu' tn you , proposed tc lie appropriated nn aforesaid , and which hai boon dcoinrcd nocossiiry by the council , by or dlnancc , to approprluto to the use of the city bolim sltuutein suld city c > t Oinuhii , In tin county of Douglas und Htuto of Nebraska , 1 dcsorlbHd us follows , to-wll : The east twon ty-llva foct of lot ono , bloul ; thrco , in lllinu bnii h's addition You art ) nntlllcd to bo present at the tltin and pluco ufurosald und inulto any objection to or Btntumonls concornlnj ; nnld propusod up prourlutlon or ussossinciit. of damages HH yoi may consider proper. W. O. SIIIUVIM } , H. W. OIHSON , JAS. BTOOKDAIiR Oninliu , Sept , ' . ' 1th , , H0-d\it rro | > o iilii lur I.llirury lliilldln . Soulcd proposals will bo received by LnwiaB lloed , president of the Hoard of Directors o the Oiuahii pnbllo library , at the Nobnifild National hanlt , In the olty of OmiiliH , until o'clock p. in. Thursday , Oolohor ID , Ibfprth : ) urocllon und completion of u threo-atorv am bntciucnt llro proof library building ut th southeast corner of 10th and ilnrnoy stroota Onialui , In acuordnnco with pinna und spoclll cut'.ons on lilo In the oillco of Walkur ft Kliu bull , architects , room Mil McOuKuo bulldluir. ICach bid muat bu aecoinpunlecl by u cortllloi oliooU for $1,000 , payable to the order of th prcnldcnt of the board of the Omalm publl llhrary. 'J'ne board rosurven the right to reject any u all bids. Uy order of the Hoard ot Dlroctorn or th Oiiiuliupubllollbrary , WII.LUU ii. tJuuriH , i''SulOtruiu Secretary , ARE YOU SUFFERING ? KUO.M Catarrh or Qgi Uliciiiuatssiu , jg Chronic , Nervous or Private Diseases , IP SO , OAT.JL , ON Consultation Free. Acknowledged to bo the most succiMful spocl.illst Ir nil 1'IIIVAIK , 111.001) , NCUVOIM , SKIN AND UlltN- A1IY DlSKASI'.S. nonorrluualn from .1 to Ii days. Syphilis curei without .Mercury. All stage ] for life. hTUICTUIlK permanently cura.l. com plete. without cutting , cxHtlo or illluUllon. t'urj nltectodat luimo by patient with jut a moiU'jnt'J pain or annoyance. PILK.S , K1STULA ANI ) IlKCTAL ULCHI13 euro vilthoutpaln or detention from buslnois. HYDHOCKLl'J AN'J VAUlCOOKLi : psrnnnontlj nnd Buccumtullr cureil. Metlioil new and uufallhu WEAK MEM ( VITALITY WKAK ) , Made so by too closa nppll cation to business or study ; Hovera montil stratr or grluf ; SB.XUAL BXUK8dKS In inlddlo Ufa , 01 Irumthu I'lTuctsof youthful follloi. WHAIi MKN AUK VICT1M3 TO NKHVO03 1)H niLlTYor K.XHAU.STIO.V , WAST1NC. WKAKNKS : INVOLUNTAIIV LUSdlCd with KAIII.Y DKUAY ll YOUNG and MIDDLK AOlil ) ; lack of vim , vlgoi nnd strength , with sexual organs Impaired am wcakoncnod prematurely In approaching old Ml. All yield readllv to our now treatment for loss o vital power * Call on or ad'.lresi with stamp fu circulars , froa book nnd roci'lpts. & ! Dr. Scarles . Noxttn I'ostOnico. Anew anJ Complete Treatniunt. consisting c Suppositories. Olntmunt In ( Upailloi , also In ilo nnd fills ; a Poiltlvo Cure for KiU'rnal. Intorna bllndor Uloodlnz I tolling. CJhronlc , Uucentor llurJll teryPllet. Tnls llomoJy has nuvnr b3on known t fall.tlpurbox. ( iforW sentby mall. Why sutlorfron this torrlblu dl-ioiio wlioii a written gunr.intoa 1 TRYING TO GET TOGETHER Western EaUrontls Sco tlio Noccs'lty of Coming to an Agreement. EFFORTS MAKING IN THAT DIRECTION Clmlrnmn .MIilRlry'ii C'onnnltleoVlllTiilk Mntlern Oynr on Tnc lny View * ) < > fn \Vrll Known Trntlln Mnnncrr liollud it 1'u ) Ini : Sclieme. III. , Sept. ; )0. ) An Inniortar.t nnd dinicult taik confront * tlio conmnltca of vlco prcsUtontfl nnd Ronontl nmnntfcrs of ilia \vostcrn roads , nppolntcd nt Clmtrirmti Mldgloy's special mooting srtmovcous ngo to formutitto nit ngrooiiiont to tnlto tlio plnco1 of that noxv In cxlstonco. The comnuttoo Is to moot next Tttojilty. It It rocommontl nn nRrocinont tlmt nil lines In Interest wUlut , > scrtbo to nnd It lias boon tlomonstrntcd. thnt an nprcamoul tbut Uoos not Inoludo nil tntor- ostcd lines cannot bo successful nnd tbon dovlso some mentis of coiiipolllnc nil tnOm- bora to fulilll their obllfntlons ! tt cootl fnltb , It will deserve proal credit. The li-Af- fie oHlclnls of the various ronrU have very decided opinions n.H to what should bo done , nnd It the commlUco should call upon thOm for ntlvluo it Is probable that some prnctiea- bio schcinu may bo tulopiud. v One of tlio best known of these tralllo ofll- cinls stlu : today , In Hpe.ilcu of thu uialtort ' Tlio territory to bo covurod by the now agreement should cittbritoo nil that now ! i covered by the Wcstorn FrolKht it J Trims- missourl nssoclattons , with only olio chair " man. There should bo rate committees" Chicago , St. Louis , bt. 1'iiul , Oinnlui , Kitn- sns City , Ooiivoi' nnd ti.ilt LnUo , to consider nil subjects portnliilnc to tholr , ro- suectlvo ti'rntorles iitul ropori tholr rccoininundatlons to the gotioritl uicoliiiRs. Htntistios should bo icopt of till computlttvo tnifllc. If a IOIIK tlnio nionuy pool cannot bo ngrced upon , then tbo Western Tnilllo ngruo- inont should bo itiadu to embrace lilo terri tory now covered by tlio Trnnsmissourl usso- ' clntiou. The Inlurests of the two are Idon'll- cnl , null one nssouinlloti should snlllco. With some tnodlllcntions the West ern iVroight nssouiatlou could bo made stronger nnd more otllcluuU The Western Trutllc assoclntlon was supposed to bo nn Ideal association , but from a t radio ofilrer's ' standpoint , it was the weakest otor organized. Its membership numbered 11 f- leou nnd it was expected to regulate nil the commerce from Lake Superior to Now Or leans. It IHH been n dismal failure , bc- cnuso It dm not hnvo the necessary inoinbor- Hliii ) . It might liuvo been niatlo u siren ; ; ntrreotnont liad the mouthers withdrawn from nil other associations nnd protected themselves by canculliiiR through rates nnd divisions with lines refusing to become mem bers. As it was , tho.v simply tied their own bands and the outside lines , being free , con trolled the situation. "Tbo momuord of the committee hnvo n great , opportunity baforo tttein. The West ern F'x-ight association Is the only one tliat Is Intact nnd they should begin to build from that. The fralght men want u long-timo monov pool. If that Is not possible then thov want ono association , which shall hi- cludo all necessary linos. " IlecliKMMi the MUragc. A blow is about to bo aonlt dy the 'Clii- capo & Grand Trunk nt the owners of pri vate refrigerator cars. On and after tomor row the company will only allow one-fourth of 1 cent per mile for tlio use of these cars. Tdo rate heretofore has been 1 cent per ' mile. Sovorul of the oastuound linos' tmvo been complaining for some tlmo thnt they wore being Imposed upon by the combination of packers known as the "Uig Four. " These packers own their refriger ator car.s and It appears that they huvo pro vided themselves with many more cars thati nro actually needed for their own .ihltmionts. In order to keep the cars in service It Is clnimod that the "Big Four" uses a portion of the milongo received from the rnil- rends to Intluco the shippers to use their cars. Tlio amount paid to these shippers cut the rate just that extent nod compels the roads to pay mileage on such. shipments that otherwise would bnvo been forwarded in tholr own cars. Thus the packers come Into competition with the rail roads whoso own cars nro lying idle on tnolr tracks. It is for this reason that the Grand Trunk announces n reduction of 75 per cent in the mileage allowed to the owners of private cars. Other roads will probably follow its example. . IS WAl.KIUlVITU US ? Mogul Alleged to lo Courting Untn'OU : ) " rnHxeiiKor OlIlelulH. Is A. r. Walker , chairman of the boara of commissioners of the Western Tradlc asso ciation In town I There nro thosa who ought to know say thnt Mr. Walltor , the chief mogul of the "tliglt Five" association , Is'in the city with a view of patching up a truce with the Union Pacific regarding its con nection with the traftlo association ; but if Mr. Walker is in town ho is traveling incog1. At hendqunrtor of tbo "Overland Houto" n profound ignorance of Mr , Walker's move ments was shown , but later developments may show thnt , if Mr. Walker Is In tbo city today , his coming has boon entirely fruit less. ( Joorgo LI. Cross , northwestern traveling passenger agent of tno Nashvlllo and Louisville - villo , was in the city yesterday. Julian Hnlph , the brilliant member of 1 tur ner's VVociil.v staff , was u visitor nt Union I'aciflo headquarters yesterday. The Salvinl company paid $ -1,800 to the llurllngton to bo tukoit from Omaha to bun Diego , Cul. , and biclc to Dultitu , Tbo company leaves on No. 8 on Sunday. U. II. Duxbury , travolinij passenger nijont of tbo liultimoro & OUlo , has returned from Washington. The IJ. & M. has extended Its mall service .from Waunota to Imperial , thrco now olllcos being created , Knticr.s , Martin nntt Imperial. The now service will go into effect October 15. The regular mooting of the Transmlssoun Frolpti * , association will moot lit Kaunas City Tuesday , October 4 , LKAVKNNMJKTII. Knn. , Juno 15. ' 90 , Mr. J. JJ. Moore : Mv Dear Sir I hnvo been sutjcetto slclc houdnebo nil my life. Over two year * ago I began using "Moore's Tree of Life" for it and never had n cn o of sick haadncho since , except whan the medicine was nt ono end of the road and I at the other. It is worth more than money to mo. I heartily recommend It to nil suffordrs oflieadncho. Very truly yours , W. D. LH.B. PnstorFirst Baptist ( Jhuroh. Tim Flmt .Molliodlm'H Now I'lintor. Itov. Frank Crane Will occupy the pulpit - pit next Sunday morning and ovcniiig at the FlrstMottiodlstKpUccoul church , Twen tieth nnd Davenport stroots. All are cor dially invited to attend and ulvo thU now pastor u royal recaption to our city. DoWltt'sbarsapiirllla cioauscn the blood , increases the uppolito and tonoi uptliueys. torn. It has honolitoil many paoplo wno liavosultprcd from blood disorders , It , will help you. ' THE SUOUTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y , as represented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p.m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a.m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far- , nam St. , Omaha , F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent.