Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1892, Part One, Page 7, Image 7

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Mrs. Cornish Charmingly Entertains the
Members of the Swell Circles.
Mr. mill Jlr . John 8. llrnily Colelirntn Tliclr
Tin Woilillng Mnrrlnijes of tlin Wrrk
Coming Kvcnts Movement * nnil
\ \ iKTrnliiiutd of Society 1'cojilo.
The summer girl Is rotnliiK homo.
All brunncd and plump nnd rosy ,
1'rep i red to iniiko the winter scom
Kxlroinplv nice and cosy ,
film's Imllipil , nnd danced , and walked , and
imllcil ,
Ann ruuil n book anil flirted.
Till to the yuuntnnrlrslio Imi loft
'I ho whole world MIOIIIB ilcsurtoit ,
Tlio llnsli of health Is In her checks ,
With fun her uyus nro iinnclnci
Thn Mush of coniiiest | In her honrt
M likes life seem most uiitriincln .
All I soon she'll bo lliu winter clrl ,
And we sliull bow before her.
I or slio wm nindo to bo ndurud ,
And therefore no adore her.
They are coming back to town. The trains
nro crowded with them nnd the union station
tbcso departing September Java looks Hko a
perfect kaleidoscope of color. Sometimes
they looir roiled , sometimes they don't , The
chlldicn npponras If th < .y bud tbo best Umo
in the world ; they nn ) blown of face , clear
of eyes nnd merry of heart , but , ulasl thn
prodlital sons nnd daughters outnumber the
children. They muko you bellovo they hud
a peed Hint1 , but did they I They look Jaded ,
many of them , oven euro worn and instead ot
turning out n sone their summer vacation has
ptovon to bo n sermon. However It won't
bo long before they nro bacK In the harness
of the heavy swells nud then they may ex-
peel to again enjoy life. Do you know life
with some of our society leaders Is likened
unto u glass of nbslntliof It only exhtlurulos
for the limb being and whan tbo lights of thu
fustilonaulo ba'l room are put out and the
world tipeus lor the devotee of social forms
nnd customs , a profound ennui seizes the fol
lowers of Uumo Fashion , and Htto the "fairy
with the grion eyes , " it leaves a Hood of
barren icm'ots behind.
But the streets are becoming morn ani
I mated , familiar frees attain appear at the
4 clubs , In tha shops , so that the attractive
gunner of the city wears much of its normal
aspect. TIICTI ) nro still a good many ab
sentees men oft hunting and llshing. Diana-
like girls tramping In the mountains and
lingering by the seaside aud crowds in the
, . /There has been consldnrnble gaiety during
Itho past xvcok und the social unnd may bo
aii ( lo'havo fairly begun , but In a row moro
WOolts.AVJion tbo October weddings coino
along , in alt eis will be moro interesting.
' < _ , ' " *
The other day , In talking to a well knoun
Hcbool nm'iitn who bad spent the summer on
thofontlncnt about the delights of foreign
travel , she .said ono or tno plcnsnntost expo-
nonces ol her vacation was the vUit she
umdo nt Maila Bashklrstoft's tomb at Pussy
In ma suburbs of Parrs. The conspicuous
position of the tomb immediately adjacent
10 tbo entrance guto and Its uncommon
characteristics at once arrest the nttontiou ,
oven should the sightseer happen to be unacquainted -
acquainted with the life story of tlio talented
Russian girl wbotn it commemorates.
The monument Is composed ofhitc stone
and is moro masslvo than decorative in
effect , it is surmounted with n dome , the
architecture being Byzantine , Ilko many of
Russia's magnificent churches. ludeed , tha
dimensions are rather these ot a small
church than of n modern sepulcher , this un
usual size reminding the traveler of ancient
Rome's receptacles for cinerary urns. ' .I he
nature o ( Iho inscriptions also forcibly re
call memories of tbo old world epitaphs to
bo seen in the Gallerla Laplderia of the
Tno door is glass nnd you look into a
sepulchral chamber , if sepulcliral chamber it
-jjan bo termed , where nothing funereal or
gloomy meets tha gaze , but whero. on the
contrary , n choerfin and oven homelike look
pervades tbo chamber , which is brightly
lighted by three stained glass windows lit
each side. 'Iho contents are eloquent remi
niscences ot the lllfated young genius. Her
portrait is the subject of tlio two middle
suiincd glass windows ; and bor bust , portraying
traying a dclicately-featuied girlish face , oc
cupies a central position at the end furthest
from the door. Russian pictures of saints
are placed upon a table beneath the bust ,
the figures boinc represented In Iho well
known style which ovaaos the command ot
the Urcok church respecting Images , that is ,
the faces and bunds are realistically painted ,
and the draperies are tendered IP wrought
metal work. Candelabra , palms and wreaths
are also grouped aiound the bust. A whlto
dove , tb < r emblem of ouritv , Is attached to
ono of the memorial offerings. Some articles
of modern furniture , however , seem the ob
jects most vividly associated with Marie
BnshkirstelT. There ure pieces of art pot
tery aud draperies In which sbo once delighted -
, lighted ; there uro a palnt-stuiucd , much
worn carpet and some equally worn footstool -
stool * , cushions and chairs. Among thu latter -
tor a Pile-Dlou chair beats tbo initials
"M. H. "
\ ) Oponoil lth n Uuiinun.
Althougn nomowhat unusual at so early a
data in the full calendar , yet there Is no form
of social entertainment so well designed to
Inaugurate thn season's functions iis a gor-
mun. That was what Mr. Herman Kountzo
thought who , assisted by nlu churmlag
daucutor uud the mala members'of the
Kouni/o family , cave n pretty llower gorman -
man Tuesday eveulup In honor of his senior
sou , Mr. Augustus ICountzc , who loft the
day following for Now York , to become apart
of the gioat tmnUlnir hoiuoof Kountzo Bros.
Forcbt Hill , tbo magnificent homo of Mr.
Herman Kountzo , which has been closed to
the world for two seasons , because of the
death a dear wlfo and mother , was thrown
open on this occasion to tbo friends
of the soon dopartlnir son. The conserva
tory , und tboro is nouu bundsomor in all tha
west , gave up Its plolboru of llowors , nnd
everywhere In the blc , wido. roomy mansion
wore sweet odors from limitless blossoms. In
nooks , embrasures , in door ways ; rosed ,
palms , nnd all manner of hot bouso plants
nestled , bidding a quiet but genuine : welcome
to the guests that tilled only tbo parlor , fet
it wus a Miiiill gormaii und Included only Mr ,
Kounlze's iiitlmcs. Tbora were pratly seats
on the wide verandas , and tlio loudois , who
were. Mr. Augustus Kountzo and Mr. Charles
iCounUe. worn quite considerate and
permitted tbo dancers to use tholr sweet in
clinations us to thu times and length of the
dunce.1. . With this touch of informality
about the function , and us everybody knew
everybody else It was with entire appropri
ateness denominated tbo loading uvent of
the season. Twelve dlieut nnd indirect
figure * uero danced , lloweis In baskets und
bouquets being the favors. The muslo was
delightful , stationed ut one end of the Inug
conservatoire , while a big punch bowl stood
at the other to udd Its quantum of Inspira
tion to the affaire do socioto ,
0Mr. Ilermun ICountzu received his guests ,
assisted by Mr. Au ustus Kouuuo , Miss
Kountxe , Mr. and Mrs , J. N. H. Patrick ,
Mr. und Mrs. J. C , Uowlu , Mr. Davis , Jr.
The costumes worn WBIO exceedingly
pretty , In the most part being now. Misses
Wnltcloy , Uounound Hughes , who were the
bridesmaids at Mlta Touzulin's wcddluir ,
were the * ume gowns as on that very charm
ing occasion , green Crepe , exquisitely
trimmed with laoo ,
HbB Yost , looklucr particularly well after
her summer at Wuklns , were a pretty terra
cotta silk with pule pink crepe flounces ,
which wis very becoming.
MUs Williams , one of tbo pretty girls of
Omaha , woto a pale blue gown very much
suggestive of corduroy , tbo sleeves being
cnut'bt together with jeweled studs ,
Miss KotinUe , tbo gracious daughter of the
bouso , ( inpo.irod In a sweet costume of fawn
colored and white stilpca silk , trimmed with
fnwii colored velvet.
MUs Sherwood were n Simula , but uouo
the loss stylish gown of pink silk ,
Miss Hums , whoso advent It wan into the
ranks of the social leaders , lust graduated
from the .Mount Auburn seminary , ' wan par
ticularly diio lu a coitumo of w til to ( lowered
challla ornamented with lave and flowers.
MUs ICJstmun of Farmlogton , Conn. , the
guest nf Alls * Hurua , wore a palo blue silk ,
simply made.
MUb Btolla Hamilton , ono of I ho belles of the
swell set , and a very mteiestlng girl , were
black lace with rlobons und Joueled trUu-
inlngs to rollovo Its sombrunosx ,
Misti Mary Poppluton were a gown of
blsok and yellow silk trlmmod with yellow
HIw Miss Naih graced n prettv palo blua silk
with henry sold fringe passomonterio , gold
slipper * .
elEC Mis * Llonberger were a blue albatross
gown mudo quite plain but very elTcollve.
MM ! Anderson of Missouri , were a dainty
dark china nllk costume.
Mrs. Will Popploton , green silk and tvillo
olu The men who danced were Messrs. Aucus-
luL , Charles , Herman nnd Luther Kounl7Q ,
Late Davis , Cbarlos Wilson , Not. Hall , Ika
Coles , Frank Hamilton , Kouort Patrick ,
John Patrick , A. L. Hoed , Arthur Smith ,
Will Uoane.
A llpniitlful AltnrniKiu llccpptlon ,
The Cornish rosldonuo corner Tenth ana
Williams was thn scene ot a brilliant recep
tion on Wednesday afternoon , The hostess
graciously received her auosts with her
bright , kindly greeting at the door of the
largo nnd artistic drawing room , which was
beautifully decorated with palms and flow
Ten was served In the library from a sldo
table handsomely decorated with feathery
maldnn hair fern , nn epergne ot roses , and
handsome silver and china. The onyx and
French marble mantel with Its largo mirror
was enhanced In beauty with palms , cut
llowers aid roses nnd tbo chnndollors were
festooned with ferns. Hoses wuro every
where ; In fact ORch gurst was supplied with
thorn , und the fragrnno cof these lovely llow
ers was dollehtful.
Sherbet was served on the largo , cool
The now Omaha club building will occupy
a space of ground at Twentieth and Douglas
streets , 55x30 , with an annex 2Sx34 , mid will
be practically four stories in beicht , thrco
stories and hlcrh bassmont to ba exact. In
style the building will bo Italian ronnais-
sanco , Its no t representatives being found In
Naples , Florence , Venice. Savllle. It is pari
tlcularly graceful In form nnd liRht and airy
In the manner of Its working out. nnd lust
snob a scnool us seems most applicable to an
American club bouse.
Tbo basement story will bo built of light
granllo rock face and will give a solid upi
ponrnnco to the building. The first , story
nbove the water table is to bo of the snmo
rrnnltoos the basement , but dross faced , tne
high points polished. The remaining stories
south veranda leadlue from the library ,
through a French window , Iho veranda
being trimmed with grapevines and pots of
The dining room table was draped with an
exquisite tablecloth , hemstitched and deeply 4
emoroidefed in flowers , Icavbi and vines , Its i
beauty enhanced by wax tapers In gold ana .
silver candelabra. In the center was a
handsome floral piece , the sideboard and
chnndollsrs being tastefully trimmed.
The occasion was also distinguished by
the toilets of the swell people present , tbo
ladles wearing superb silks , velvets , laces
and precious ntnnes.
Mrs. Cornish , tall and fine looking , was
becomingly attired lu a costutno of drab
crepe elaborately trimmed with black hand
made passementerie and velvet , entralno
point loco und diamonds. She was assisted
sistod in receiving nnd entertalnlncr her
cucsts bv Mrs. Ir. Plnuov and Mrs. McGee
of Council Bluffs and Mrs Worthlngton ,
Mrs. Wakelev , Mrs. Joseph Barker , Mrs. .
Cnaso , Mrs. Locliwood , Mrs. Doherty , Mrs.
Windsor , Mrs , Motcnlf , tbo Misses Kountzo ,
Kimball , Llonbergor. Barker , Wukoloy and
Audorson of Hannibal Mo.
ftlrs. Motcalf graced a magnincont tollot
made for her while In Pans , a pearl satin
biocadod with gold tbread , the lace front
band-ombroidored with gold bullion and cut
mother of pearl ; diamond ornaments.
Mrs. McUoo was becomingly nttirod in a
white creptf duchesso with a panel of pearl
trimmed lace , white gloveb and shoos nnd
magnificent diamonds.
Mrs. Pinnoy were a blacn gronadlno em
broidered with pink flowers , point lace and
Mrs. Worthiugton were an elegant black
lacoentrame , heliotrope llowers.
Mrs. Wakelov , who pleasantly assisted in
entertaining , were a bundsomo gown of
black satin brocaded in gold with a combina
tion of gold , satin and gold passoraonterlo
front , point laco.
Mrs. Joseph Barker looked regal In n black
brocaded satin , heavily trimmed in Jot and
point lace and diamonds ,
Mis Windsor's costume was a black silk
ontrotno , vary handsome point lace vest und
corsage , bouquet of bollottopo ,
Mrs. Doherty were a blue satin trlmmod
in blacn lareontralnoandahandsomo bouquet
of orchids.
Mrs. Chase were white crepe trlmmod with
flounces of white lace , necklace of gold end
MUs Anderson of Hannibal , Mo. , wore
yellow crepe with shoos and gloves to match ,
pearls and roses.
Mrs. Kockwood , n handsome and vivacious
woman , graced u black Chantlllv lace de
collate , red slipparsrod gloves and American
Miss Kountzo nppnared lu a prettv whlto
taffeta silk with blua satin striuc , white
shoos and gloves.
Miss Emily Wakoloy were a pink surnh
draped with white clotted Swiss plnkgloves ,
silver shoes , Ua Franco roses.
Miss Amy Barker wore a Parisian gown of
lavender crepe duchesso with gloves and
shoes to match.
MUs Iwlonborgcr graced n gown of blue
' .ln trimmed n blue and white crepe , ductl
ess o lace , whlto gloves aud shoos.
Miss Klmbull were pink mln trimmed
with point luce , white glovrs and diamond" .
Among the guosu were noticed Meadamos
Holdicge , Kimball , Council , Tburston ,
Saundcrs , Mercer , Potrloic , Burdetto , Lin-
mger , Hullor. Wcssols , Huwloy , Palmer ,
Pnxton , Morse , Kltuhen , Biorhowor , Boyd ,
Carter , Uenlso , Squires. Wheeler ,
Wheeler , Jr. , Bradford , Muir. Remington ,
McCormlck , Snyder , Cotton , Burn&s , East
man , Gilbert , Ureen. Marsh. Powell , VauNos-
trand , Cuduhy , McNab , ( JralT.
A QuU'tVoilillut ,
Wednesday uftori < oou a very lUiet ) wed
ding occurred at the residence of tbo bride's
parents , Mr. and Mrs. J. D , Urquhart , cor
ner of Pacific aud Forty-fourth streets. The
ceremony was performed by the pastor of
Iho interested parties , Uov. Mr. Shields of
the Southwest Presbyterian church. Mr ,
John Klowlt , the groom , is an Omaha bov at
present employed as a draughtsman at Hot
Springs , ArX Ho Is to bo congratulated on
securing so lovely nnd accomplished u bndo
as MUs Mattla Urquhart , who has many
friends in her native coino.
The huppy couple left during the afternoon
for bt. liouls. wtioro tney will upmid a few
days preparatory to setting up their House
hold goods in Hot Springs for thg wluter.
Ackurmmm mill
tVodncsday afternoon , September 14 , Mr.
U. A. Ackermann of the II rm of Ackermana
Bros. & Hoiutzo of this city , und MUs Mary
A. Qulgiey , daughter of Mr. John ( jjigloy
of SU Joseph , Mo. , wore married at the resi
dence of tba brlue's parents ,
The wedding wa a quiet homo affair on
account of the Illncsi of Mr * . Quleloy , nnd
only the Immediate members ot tlio family
and relatives worn proiont. The ceremony
took place In Iho cozr parlors of Mr. Quig-
ley's home , which were prettily decorated
with plants and cut flowers , the cotiplo
standing In tbo bav window under
a garland of flowers whllo Rev. FSthor
Newman performed the ceremony , after
which tlio guests and principals sa ( . down to
nn elaborate ana bountiful 0 o'clock dinner.
The brlelf , who alneys merits the hlghosA
compliments on her beauty , looked very
swcot and prolty.
Mr. and Mrs. Ackormnnn loft on the even
ing train for Chleniro , Now York , Boston
nnd other cities and will return to their
luturq homo , 10.21 Blnnoy street , this city ,
early in October.
Mrs. Wool mirth Kntcrtaliu thn Auxiliary *
In order to map out a plan for the season's '
campaign Mrs. ,1 , M. Woolworth , president ot
tlio diocesan branch of the Ladles'Auxiliary ,
Invited the heads of the several branches to
moot with her on Thursday nt 1. Cortlandt
was in gala dross for the occasion , flowers
and palms from the conservatory bolnp
brought into the house to enliven It with
color. Uoon the principle that much more
ts accomplished when the material wants
have been satisfied , Mrs. Woolworth served
a delicious luncheon tmd afterwards the
business which had called thorn together
was transacted.
Among the number of ladies present tbo
following are recalled : Mesdames Cornish ,
Hopkins , Windsor. Doherty , Phillip Potter ,
Jutnos , Wilson , John P. Williams , Tatum ,
tf OTgplSSP
a M'Ift '
will i bo of buff bnck , Ronun shaped , trlmmoJ
in ' llclit verrn cottn. A balustrade will run
around the wuolo building and the roof ,
| vvulcu will bo constructed of vltrlOod tlio
and used as a garden by the members of tbo
Ono of tuo handsome features of the very
pretty i structure will bo the loggia on Iho
third"story i , which Is distinctively Italian In
desipn ( and treatment. The nroado on the
first J story is nlsu nttractlvo aid ) a prnceful
porto \ cooho attached to Iho ladles depart
ment i gives n decided finish to the house.
To breaU the straight lines balconies will bo
thrown i out from each Htory over the front
entrance , on Douglas strooC.wallo the windows
dews ( which are handsomely grouped will
ndd i materially to the beauty of the struc
ture. i
Shuclcloford , Vim Nostrand , John Williams ,
Needham , Mrae. Hopkins , Mrs. XJolo.
Mr. nnd Mr < . James M. Woolworth loft
yosterduy for New York , later Kolnfj to
Baltimore In attendance on the Episcopal
council i While absent "they will moot Miss
Woolworth , who will shorll.v return fr"om
bor 1 summer on the continent. '
I'nplls' Iti-cltul.
Mme. Muentofering and. her pupils , MM.
F. B. Johnson , Mrs. L. L. Thomas and
Mlssoj Clara Hawlojr , Muonchhoff , Morlev ,
Sullirau ami Foster , will Inaugurate tbo
season's musicales and concerts with a
piano recital Friday evening at the Liningor
art trallory. The program is as follows :
MarclieTrloniilialo | Gorla
Mrs. ThoniKS , Miss Slnonclihoff.
a. Clinnt S-ins I'nrolo Tzunulkowskl
0. 1'ollah Danuo , No. 1.1. . . . /aver Scharwoaku
Miss Morloy.
D.uiso Otlcntalo . . .Satter
I 'lrut piano Mrs. .lolinson. Ml s MiionchlioIT.
Heuond pluno M me. Muuntoforlng , Mrs.
Fantalslo 1'aii't Gounod
Mis * bnlllvan , Miss Poster.
Odu an I'rliitunilis UalT
MlsaUlura Hawlev , with second piano nucom-
Slavonic Dancef , Nus.flniul 8 Dvorak
First nluno Mine. Muontoferlnc.Mrti. ThomiiH.
Kopoiid jilivno Mrs. .lolinson , MUs MuencliholT.
u. yon nt.i No. y , op. r ) Schuuert
Tlrst inuvcinont and llnalo.
b. Uondo lirllianto , op. 22. . , Mendelssohn
Mine. Muonteferlne.
At the residence of tuo bride's mother ,
Mrs. S. E. Pratt , 2423 Hamilton street ,
Wednesday , September 21 , a few friends
worn present at 5 p. m. to witness the mar
riage coiemony of Mr. Alfred Paric McUlay
to Miss Grace Minerolta Pratt. The bride
was becomingly attired In rose oiopo and
carried a most beautiful bouquet of brldo
rosebuds , the groom wearing the conven
tional black. Mr. McClay was formerly of
Omaha , out is now a resident of Dubu ] uo ,
In. After returning from a short trip east
Mr. und Mrs. McClay will bo at their now
homo , 1240 Locust street , Uubuquo , la. Mr.
nnd Mrs. Jesse Lowe of Washington , D. C. ,
and Mr. and Mrs. Carter of Chicago were
AVliut I'uoplv .Iro Doing.
Mr. J. II. Mlllard loft for the east on Fri
John L. Webster wont to St. Paul Thurs
day night.
Mra. Clinton N. Powell Is visiting her old
homo at Dixon , III.
Mls Ella Bell ot Glondnio , O. , Is the guoat
of Miss Mao Burns ,
Mr. Will Cowin loft last week for Yale , as
did Mr. Morris Boall.
Mrs. William Riggs and Mr , J. W. Minor
wont to Chicagp on Friday.
Miss BertLm Sloan has become [ a pupil at
Miss Grant's school , Chicago.
Mr. Charles Uosevvator loft for Cornell on
Friday to rcsuuo his studios ,
Mr. K. H. Utugwnlt returned Wednesday
from his tlshlng trip to U rosso Ho.
Mrs. T. K. Neal and Master Frank I
Imvo returned trom tboir eastern trip.
Mis. J. E. Preston fans none to Kansas
City to vlblt with frleuas over Sunday ,
Mr. and Mrs. C. 1C. Coutant and Mr. and
Mrs. 15. A , Cuduliy are homo from Europe.
F. H. Koostoi-s has loft on a well earned
vacation to Lexington , Ivy. , und the bouth.
Mrs. J. E , Baum und her son Jack wont to
Chicago Wednesday for u three weeks' stay.
Miss Gertrude Rlnpwilt entered Miss
Daira's school at Nonvalk , Conn , , yesterday.
Dr. William J. ( iulbralth and. party bavo
letiirned ufter a pleasant trip on the Puciilo
coast ,
The NoorasKa Independent rifles will giro
u concert aud ball Tuesday evening at Wash
ington nail.
Mrs , W. J. Ualbraith and son Willie returned -
turned from Saratoga Springs unj Lalto
Gcorgo last weak.
Will Clarke , con of Mr. II. T. Clarke , is
convalescing from typhoid fever and utile to
bo about the houso.g
Mrs. H. U , Kiugwalt und Miss Uortrude
Klngvvali were guests last weak at thu
Sturtovant house , Now York.
Edward Nugent of Buffalo , N. Y. . has ac
cepted a position with the Wolls-Fargo ex
press lu Iho Now York Life.
Mrs. George I'atorsou und family loft
Thursday evening for Now York which will
bo their homo for some Umo to come.
Dr. D. A. Footp bus i amoved his family
rciiaonco from No. SOS NortnTwentv-second
street to No , 401 < ? onb Fortieth street.
Mr. and MM. John Wilbur loft Tuoiday
for thu cast. They will bo the guests of
Llouteuunt aud Mrs. Brooke at Fort Niagara.
1'ho man-luge of Mr. Thomas iiattortou
nnd Mrs. K , Wclmor will bo solemnized at I
Trinity Cathedral at $ o'clock p. n. Octo
ber 18. 3 "f
Mr. and Mrs , K. I j.lfpmax fiaro n box
pnrtv Thurtdfty oVailnc to "A Texas
Steer" for Dr. and MVlrCoffman : nnd Miss
Mrs , Dolan nnd her daughter Lulu hftvo
en no to Chicago to sp < vfl | n few days before
Misi Lulu enters St J ry's academy , South
Bend , Ind. Mj/i /
lr. Victor Coffmano itnd family have removed -
moved from the Mlllnltbhotal to ono of ih&ir
brick rosUlencos , 27ift > VInckson street , torn-
nornrllv , wullst thoirdUiiidiauio now homo Is
building. , ilqtn
Mls Uunlco Stobblns gave n very pretty
high flvo party Fridrry-ovcnliiB at her homo
on 1'ark Wild aver.naT The prlro wlnnorri
were Miss Hello Klmbnll nnd Mr. Victor
Mrs. W. V. Morsennd daughters Mary
nnd Florcnco want east the first of the week ,
thn young ladles to outer Mrs. Platt'3 school
ut Uticn , N. Y , , after which Mra. Morse will
visttln Boston.
Invitations to 'tho wedding of Dr. Burlls
E. Lawton of Buftalo''formorly ' of Omnhn ,
to Miss Marie Josophiun Larln , havu been
received by frlonds here. The wedding Will
take place October 5. '
MUs Surah .lahnku of Chatham , Canada ,
li the puest of Mrs. W. H. Hunter , 2018
Charles stroot. Airs ) jahnke Is returning to
her homo from a summer pleasantly spent
with Denver frlonds.
MUs Gertrude Kountzo loft on Thursday
for school in Connecticut and was nccom-
panled by her sister , Miss Eugenie Kountzo ,
nnd Herman nnd LtUher Kountzo , who also
resume their studies nt Concord.
Blsliop nnd Mrs. Worthlnpton lift for
1'ittsllold , Mais. , on Thursday , where they
will spmid a short time previous to eolng to
Baltimore to attend tnc grand council of the
EpUcopal churiih In North America.
Mrs. C. H. Gardner' and the children ro-
lurnod Tuesday from Bayfleld , where they
have spent a delightful summer. Mrs. Gard
ner owing to the change In climate Is suffer
ing from hay fever since her teturn.
Herbert and Will Rogers were passengers
on the wrecked Fort Wayne train , escaping
unhurt themselves but having all their bag-
KOKf Rinusliod upiucluJltiK their violins ,
music nud the music of tbo Princeton College -
lego Glco club.
Miss Frances Emerson , who has boon in
the employ of the WelU-Fargo Express com
pany for the past four yenrs , entered the
freshmen class this week at Syracuse unl-
voisity , N. Y. She , will bo missed oy a
laro ; circle of younf pcoplo hero.
At a mnetlng of the executive committee
of the Creightcn University Alumni associa
tion last Wednesday ovo.iluc- was decided ,
in honor of the Columbian colouration , to
banquet members and friends at ' J Millard
hotel on the evening of October 1 , ' .
Florcnco May Cox i celebrated her 4th
birthday Tuesday afternoon by inviting
twenty or moro of her young girl" friends to
n lawn party at her father's ' house2013 South
Eighteenth street. There were lots of games
'or the tots and delicious refreshments.
Mr , nnd Mrs. David A. Baum loft on Wod-
osdny for a visit to < New York and Mrs.
Baum's homo nt Newton. N. J. They were
nccompanied by the 'Misses Brown'lo nnd
Sadiu Baum , who Bltbrn short btay In New
York , will enter Miss' . Atiabcl's ' school at
" . 'ulladolphia.
Invitations have betftfrcceivod to the wod-
inir , Wednesday. Octfobfar 5 , of Miss Helen
Ulclmidson Dwlght tid Mr. Charles Clarke
huso the former of Jfcorn , 111. , nnd the lat
ter of Covington. KyonMiss Dwight made
many friends in Omaha as the guest of Miss
Daisy Doano , who ox ten a congratulations.
Curtis Turner , the ftrit of thu Omaha pas-
engers to roturu fjqui Europe on the
Etruria , has reached homo. K. C. Bnrtnn ,
Mrs. H. S. Rollins. Hry and Will Carlan
remain east for a tewdavs longer. Mrs.
Rollins' cousin , Miss fcuukwood of Washing-
'ou , accompanied homnd Mr. Barton across
ho Atlantic ; , di
The marriage of MumMary Virginia Tlm-
mends and > Mr. Franl Waterman Hills will
bo lolcrotiiycd nt jtbtfi hnuie of the bride's
aunt in Portsmouth , < Wednesday , Octo
ber 5 , nt high noon. Mr. and Mrs Hillswill
bo at homo in Jthis olty nt 20lS California
street , after ovoniber , , ! . , Mr. * HUIs is a
sterling youn'e btoslilBss maU thp'osslstant j
auditor of ttib'-'OSlou PiflcfaUl ( nlvorsally'
esteemed. *
A numbo't of frie'tiai'4 nr'prlso'd 'Mr. ' and
Mrs. S. Arnstoin % t"thoTr home. No. 2018
Webster street , Monday evening , September
12 , on the occasion-of their fifth anni
versary. Among tnoso present were Mr.
and Mrs J. Sonncnborp , S. Draifus , S. Prince ,
C. Schlank. L. Ottenbeimer , A.J3rown , H.
Henoch , William N. Bushman. J. Furth ,
ftlerritt ; Mr. C. Inirtb , Mr. L. Kaife , Miss
H. Meyer , Miss H. Droifus , Mrs. R. A. Mey
er , Chicago ; MUs Roscnthal , Mr. J. Rosen-
stein and ladv , Mrs. S. Sonncnborg , jr. , Rev.
Leo. M. Franklin.
I. N. Naudain , jr. , gave a very pleasant
dancing : party at his homo , 2112 Burt street.
Friday evening. The floors were canvassed
for the occasion and An oujoyablo time was
spent by all. Relroshments "wero served at
11 o'clock ' , after which dancing was again ro
sumed. Those In attendance wore : Messrs.
A. Andoraon , V. Paul , C. B. , Patrick , E.
Woodard , B. L. Koraper , U. Gregg , F. Knick
erbocker , F. It. Gosney , A. Knickerbocker.
H. Shrlnor ; Misses Ada Yuhl , Bessie Hun-
gate , J. Coppock. L. Bell , J. Iluntwr , E. An
derson , Bertha Hungate , Nettie Hungato. A '
Hungato , C. Gosnoy , L. Goaney , Clara
Thomas , Jennie Gregg.
Mrs. Francis Moollor entertained tbo mem
bers ot Trinitv cathedral choir nt her rosl-
aonco , 2li04 Farnain , , Tuosdaj- evening , to
moat Mrs. Cotton on her return from Europe.
All rejoiced to welcome their leader homo.
Mrs. Moollor emphasized tbo sentiment of
the occasion by singing a beautiful solo com
posed by Mr. Butler entitled "Friendship , "
which was received with delight and unani
mously pronounced exquisite inits dainty
simplicity. The busy lifu which most of tbo
members of Trinity choir load precludes
much social intercourse which was tboroforo
all the moro enjoyou on this occasion , Thnso
piosent wore ; Mrs , Cotton , Miss Clara
Clarkson , Miss alellona Buttorfleld , Mr. and
Mrs. Merrill , Mrs. Rogers , Miss Coon , Miss
Meldrum , Mrs. Bock , Miss Allan , Mr. and
Mrs. McKwmg , Miss Donne , Mr. end Mrs.
Treat , Mr. Moriarity , Mr. MoCuno , Mr.
Valll. Mr. Butlnr , Mr. Wilkins.lVlr. Flndlay ,
Mr. Bcrosford , Mr. Conrad.
Tbo Utopia Dan ir Is a now fad ; It's very
becoming. Miss Johnston , raaniouro and
hair goods , 211 South lo'th street , at Mme.
Dcutli of Hobert FolU r 33s , tliu Oldiiat
.MuiuDiir of tlmt Degree.
Robert B. Folgor , who died last week In
Now York nt the rlpo age of 90 , Is said to
have been the eldest Scottish Rite Mason In
tbo United States , and perhaps lu tbo world
having received tbo 837rjn Ib'JJ. His mother
was a cousin of fionlauTlii Franklin.
By virtue of tno right. Invested In him by
the grand inspeotor general of the ! 1M and
last degree Ancient aud Accepted Scottish
Rite for the SouthonFjurlsdloiionVilIlora
Clnburne raised Thpraas 1C Sudborougb ,
John J , Mercer audQJeorge B , Francis to
; = las' Saturday .ovonlng. Assisting
Brolnor Cloburno wo'ro tbo following 33s ,
Henry C , Akin , Charles Huntlngton , Duke
Webster of Hastings ) flewell of Lincoln , W.
R. Uowon. After tbo Initiatory services ,
which were of a highly interesting charautor
to tbo postulants , u banquet was served in
the bluu lodge room and until a lain hour
the moil who have attained tbo heights In
Masonry tojkcd of the .beauties of the work
and the great truths at the foundation of tbo
decree , i
A scene was presented in tbo Masonlo
loilco room last evening , says the Norfolk
News , that was porbups never before wit
nessed in any lodge tirnhe country , that of
havine three generations present , the grand
father In the chnir and the grandson n caic
didato for advancement , Tbo gentlemen re
ferred to are S. W. Hayes , bis son-In-lnw J.
b. McClary , and his grandson Wurren.
Upon Warren was conferred the Master
Mason's degree , his grandfather ofllciatlng
as master wnllo bis 'father assisted In tha
work. Thus were the beautiful ceremonies
of this degree most Impressively stamped
upon tbo minds of tha tUr.oo most intorestcd ,
as well as all members of the frutqrmty
Too Much of u Klsk.
It is not unusual for colds contracted In tbo
fall to hang ou all winter. In sueti cases
catarrh or chronic bronchltlo arc almost sure
to result. A tlfly-cent bottle of Chamoor-
lam's Cough Remedy , wlll cure any cold
Can you afford to HSK so much for so sinal
an amount ! This remedy U Intended es
pecially for bad colds ana croup and cat
always be depended upon. For solo oy drug
BOYD'S ' NEW JNo Mntincc. I
THEATRE I Regular Prices. |
1UESDAY MONDAY WEDNESDAY , , W , 26,27 id 28
The Biggest
Comedy Success
Since the Year I.
A tough Every Second ,
A Hoar Eury Mi
Box sheets now open. No ad
vance in prices
Thursday , Friday and Snl.urelay ,
and Sabttrday Mal.lncno
Sept. 29th , SOth , and Oct. 1st.
Accoinpanlecl by
and his company uf players under the direction of What htrnnpu fnntnstio
AIR. W. M. fellow h iM' wqliuro. "
In elaborate anil realistic scenic revivals of the popular lomancoof D'Hiinuiy nnd
Entirely new scenery bv Albert Grover and Burr'.dKe of Chleago. Costumes by Blimchlnl
of Paris ana Van Horne of I'hlUdolnlila. Armor by Kloli ird Gutpurlo of Purls.
Matinee Tonight
at 2:3O : at 8 P. M.
Presenting his great sensational , scenic production , entitled
A Carload ot New Special
Scenery and Mechanical Effects
Tlic Louisiana Plantation ,
Baton Rouge by Moonlight ,
Tlic La Rosa Club Room
New Songs , Dnnces , and Higl
Classed Specialties.
The Oldest , Largest , and Most Popular Private
Normal in the West.
Courses : Common School , Commorchil , including nctunl business , Normal ,
Scientific , PodiiKogiciil , Classical , Shorthand and Typewriting. Music , Instru
mental and Vocal , Art , etc. Kntcr any-tiny. Address
W. H. CLEMMONS , President ; or J. M. HUSSEY , Associate ,
Hu Iloubeil n lmi ! While Hie Iiiiiiutei
Wore I.ooklni ; at Him.
A burglar visited tbo residence of Urabain
Park , the plumber , At U2J1 Loayenworth
street sliortly nftor 1 o'clock yostorclay
mornlni ; and ransacked tbo Uouso ,
tU worth of plunder lu the sbupo of
aud a little cash ,
He effected un entrance by prymx open n
rear window and making ills wny to ibo bedroom -
room wbero Mr , Park and bit wife were
slcenlnc , suatcbed n suit or clothes hanging
by tbo bodst'Io.
Mr , Paric nwoko as the man was leaving
the room and sprang out ot lied. Outsldo
tbo wiuaow the burglar dropped overytlilntf
except a pair ot pants caiitalulnp a little
loose chunta In the pockets , ,
UoWltt'sSaraaparilla cleanses the blooa ,
Increases the appatlto and tones up the sys
tem. It has ban ell ted many people who
hiwo suffered from blood disorders , It will
No religion can do you a bit of good that
does not make you try to dogooa to others.
1 fell 1)1 ) no Hip other Onr , .tolin nml n frlcnil ml-
vl pcl n p In en tn tliu "U'nn Icrlnnit iiljou Tlionlnr "
IinitKh' well , 1 'luiiilil sny 1 illili II * llin Krcnlont
com forbliKM I knoir of Jutt tlilnk hAt jotirMi
fop for JOconK a
Corner 15lh Slrcct and Capiiol Avenue.
Commencing Monday ,
Sept26th. .
Our populnr Mock rnnip inv will i > ro ont tin" lilnliljr
srnxnlkmnli oiiHMlJ ilmun ,
Till * oxrcllcnt ilriiniii l full uf tuetllliKlnbli'ntiir ,
orlglnnl nnil liinclmhlo ImMiio * * nnd hm nn i'xri'11-
iMil morn ) It In ( mm nlwli'vimt ) pin ) ili'hlctlnif
Inn llfo-llki1 nnil nntiirnt niniiiii-r tlui mrniiitUMi'do *
Iwi-iMi llii'liiiinnii | i ; Myn nnil linmiiii vlrtn < j
II will bu llliialrntiMl ivllli piclnl MH-iH'ry mill nil
nccL'sinrk'i mid thu follunlnvvuil on hanulurs.
Mim Klrlijr , Umli's fntliiT. .lieoriiP I >
AnJ Hurry llailon in u party l > r tin ) unmoor
* - > noial | Tlio I.nnrn.lilro in i , liy 11 .t Mjniu.
Nimr KprnlolizlijVuunin' llalu : riimli'lali rnini
Womnn's Lovo--'llm stulvn l.ullvr , llobort iluil'
DontliAciii'id of Mnnlori I criikMuh l"nrin lll-
fi-il Clcrku Uni'xiipcteil Hi'lurn ! tliu liKk-up-'lii-
\otUni--K ! < uii > o-MI.iT | | ) Illrk , AUitrnlli"tliuliilU ! )
( llulrlliiillnii-llio Hitlipr Home , iitul trim *
ln'.iiU > < ! 1. inua lilru Imia.
A Perfect Production.
Matvclous Success of the Con
tinuous Performance.
Tlirc-olioiir1'ncrfiirmiinto lor our pillion * wlion-
ovnr limy UIIIKI lloini > of UONDKHI.AMI uiii , > ii
ilallynl 12 it p. m. , iinililnti'ut It p. m I'orriiriniiiun
( iinMniiP at nil tlini. llmri ! nrti nonnltx , MI Hint
whcnot tr you nttciiil you * U1 Hiul thu tMitoiliiliiiiirnt
In | iriijru"- (
This \A eek Wo Present as an At
tractive Appendage the
Thu nVMNAVi'ir K.XIM3UT1 nnil INTUKI'lb
AliIh'l f , wlioMstiirtlliiK purforiiiMicos
on lliu Hrliu : 'Jr iio/u liunlcr
un thu Mimi'lout * .
Miss Julia Kezeler ,
A wlneomo child nrtlnt In wonderful fonts uf
The Carlton Children ,
I'retttQit of Jiucnl'ulVrforincMS In cute bmiss
anil Halites.
Miss' Fraukie Damon ,
A vucallit of ureiit merit wlio altiKs tliu Illicit
Clark and Haynes ,
Xtvro Cotuoilliui1 * .
Henry Dunbar.
The World's Kro.iie t Dancer , lute ol Dotkslmlor'l
The Boluskie Brothers ,
Comic UyinnnsCfl.
Curio Halls arc Filled with Marvelous
Wonders Uolh Animate and Inanimate.
Tlio Curio Ilnllnnii ) IMIIMI altir the tlicntrlcal nud
Hpcelnlt ) iiurfuniiniict ) ! ! iL'nnlniitc
WONIMCIU.ANI ) coiitlnoiiK shown ilally frum 13.0 : !
to 11 I1 .M.
We are crowded to the dooi'3
every night. Ladies and child
ren are earnestly requssted to
attend the afternoon perform
ance , thus avoiding the rush at
Wonderland Continuous Shows
12:3O : P. M. to 11 P. M.
General Admission 20c.
IXVK TOHS Inuc 11 royul iliuiKo In Join u romimnr
w llh .XA lo IMM iiiiKiiints , foriiuiitf to huy Hiid Mrork
rupiuiy nilvniirliiK rriilltlcH In a now risuourculul ro-
L'lini yliililliiKralnisl Iniomuim ainullconi. fur par-
Iliulnn wrllo IIOM'IU l.AM ) A. I.UMIH'.II CO , 8
( ; ibr llcr llldi ; . , K inn it Cll > , M
Tlirilling Spectacle !
KOK ON'i : WKiiC : CiiiiiiiiunaliiR Mnn-
iluv. Sent.M. . wo will null bOIll > ( IO1J )
si > iurAui : < iBoiiiYr. : uijAKiKb AT $ .t
A I' A lit. 1 Inoriiiid liuavlnr fr.iniostl mill
. .
TACT.1W OU I.VICUJ.ASbKS ONI.V f I. ililiullr
retiillcil nt K ; llnur frniuov I1..V ) . I'.VI.HV
whllo cryslnl IIINBOS. NO K.XTUA ctlAIlim
uxrpiit fompufliil JeiiHCBttruiini ! to lui-nmiro ,
NOT1UK-- > ou will cut tlili nilvorllti'iuuiil
out anil prosunt It to us wo will allow n Illn-
count of JO per cent from abovu oxlfonio low
| irltiUII ONUfKKK O.N1.V.
hilunlltloiiiiil rnutlciU Ojitti IHIU.
Kurn.un unil blilui'iilh Hlrocts , oniiilin.
I ling to mill thu the attention of the public !
to the iiljovu uopulHi brand of pine lye whin-
key iinil lusiioctfiilly uhk u uoinjiarlsoii with
miy olhiT brand of pnru rye ollurti'l ' In Ililn
inurkiit. U U far i > uperlur to nnv othur wlna- mill I xiiaraiilcti IUubsiliilii\eellonro ( ) In
II.iMjr as null tin Its purity uml Itn wholesome
ii tree Is , Thu publlu Is Invited to call nud
try It
01ON. 16th Street ,
Family Wine and Uquor House.
Esmond Hotel Block.
Cotton Mops ,
Iiineii Nops ,
Floor Brooms ,
Sponges ,
Chamois Skins ,
Etc. , Etc ,
Jas. Morton & Son Go ,
1811 Dodge Street.