Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1892, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by carrier to any part of III ? city
' Office .
llus'nciui v.
r . No23
K V. J'lumblng Co.
( 'cur.rll Ululls Lumber Co. .
The people' * partv will have n picnic next
Tucudny at II. V. Churchill's ' grove In York
tow tub I p.
Jock Graham , bailer known u "Su -
pcndcr Jack , " was arrested yesterday nf tor-
noon wlule raising a dislurbanco on Hroad-
tloveriior Boles will pa Ihrnuch Council
UlufTs TunsUav afternoon 1115:55 o'clock on
his way to Missouri Valley , wbero uo will
deliver un address.
Marriage licenses wore Issued Toslcrday lo
Otto Helper mid Kay Loomlc , both of Coun
cil Uluir.s , and toJ. C. Vlllnuino aad Addto
McUulrc , both ot Omnha.
Ucuular meiitlriB of St. Albans lodec No.
IT , Knights of I'vthlns , Monday evening at
Castln ball. All vlslllng knlghls weleoruo.
Hy ordur chancellor commander.
The yotitiK Indies of C. G. Sounders' Sun
day school cluss will ijlvc a supper In the
Elictrmn bnllcllne Friday , September ! ) ( ) . for
Uio bunctlt of Broadway Multiodlsl Eplsco-
pal cliurub.
Word has boon received announcing llial
n doliato will tuko place in Ibis city on Iho
evening of October 0 botwcbii A. II. Cum-
mliiBs and W.V. . Wlltner of flos Molncs ,
the republican and democratic candidates for
Mm Laura Baldwin cntcrtntncd the mem
bers of tbu infunl department of the First
1'rosb.vtorlan Sunday school at a "mothers'
too , " In thn parlors of tbe church Friday
afternoon , ICiebty-llvo invitations were Is
sued , and tlio Illllo folks passed a most en
joyable afternoon ,
Tno trlnl ol Iho cac of CrossUnd against
tlio Utnabii it Council Bluffs Bridge company
was commenced In Iho superior court yester
day , and the testimony of tbo several wit-
nOFso was taken. A continuance was tbcn
granted tha defendants until next week In
order to nlvo tncm an opportunity to gut the
testimony of several others who' are out of
tbo city.
August Turk , who lives at Crescent , was
severely injured Friday night while In n run
away. Ills team became unmanageable and
dnsticd up tbo road , colliding with a horse
and throwing Turk to tbo ground. One of
bis IlmlM was broken In two places , and It Is
feared that ho received severe Internal In
Juries. The horse with which the runaway
loam collided was instantly killed. Mr.
Turk Is now being attended to in tbo hos
pital In this city.
LilHt Day ,
Monthly , September 20 , is tbo Inat day
of the ton-tiny dross tfoods sale tit the
Boston Store , Council BlulTa , In. Now
is tbo time to aval I yourself of bargains.
Sco window display.
Window No , 1 Shows a line of out
ings in mixed , checked and plaid novol-
tlus , Nitno goods rotuil at 60c n yard ,
60 in. wide and warranted till wool ; wo
olTor same durinir sale at 'We per yard.
Window No. 2 Shows n hot tor" prude
of goods , representing some of the llnost
European productions , in French , Aus
trian and Gorman manufacture , MB well
as pome exclucivo dress patterns in the
latest woavoM and olTucts , ranging in
price from $0.00 to $15.00 each.
Window No. H Shows an entirely dif
ferent line. It is composed of black
goods and b I nek and wnlto , among which
nro seine bargains. Wo call your atten
tion to our 42-Inch cashmeres at tt'Jc ,
worth 6c. ( ) Perhaps the greatest liar-
gain over offered by us , or any other
merchants , la our 40-inch Austrian hen-
riotta ( all wool ) , regular 75c grade , at
Besides the bargains mentioned wo
have a full range of fancy weaves at
special low prices , such us whip cords ,
poplins , Matelnsso , India twill , Ltins-
downo , glorias , etc. , etc.
Window No. 4. We olTor the choice of
this line while they last at 1'Jo per yard.
Goods are a heavy homespun , illumi
nated in dilToront colors , full 'M inches
wide and well worth 25e.
FoTHKitiNoiiAM , WIHTITA\V & Co. ,
Boston Store ,
Council BlulTti , la.
Mus'cnl ' Union bind of Omaha will
piny at M.imuvii Sunday.
Li. W. Ho fit. hrs cone to Chicago on bus
Miss Mame H lev of Orescent Is the truest
ot Miss Ualln Mikosoll.
Mr. and Mrs. T. II. James returned from
a six weeks' ' trip to Montreal , P. Q.
( Jn.irlos M , Ross of Mobile , Ala. , is vislt-
Ine his rolullvus and friends iu Council
Miss Klltio KO.VOR has been called to Creston -
ton by a telegram unnouncinK the death of u
Miss Nettle Johnson of Chicago , Is vlilt-
Ing tier brother , Walter Johnson , at Ban
croft Terrace.
J. J.Ilumllion and wifu of Vornou.Tox. . are
In Ibu city , the cucsUof tbelrdaugutcr , Mrs.
Ann Bonhuin.
Mr , and Mr * . Archie Oroon of Denver are
In the city for u visit with their parents , Mr.
and Mrs. John ( Jreou ,
Miss Cora \Vooillniry has gene to Hills-
bore , 111 , , to Bpeiul several weolis visiting
bar sister , Mrs , T.'B , Urcculoe.
Mm. Ucoriio D. Cross and son of Colum
bus , O. , are In the city for a visit with tholr
relatives , W. A. Bniloy and S. P. MneCon-
Mrs. H. E. Di-ICny and children , who have
boon vUltlng their relatives hero for several
nock * , left yesterday tor Atlantic la , , where
they will make their Homo.
Mrs. O. H. Lucas loft for Glenn-eon Fri
day , to attend Iho colobrntion of the lovonty-
Iltih birthday anniversary of her mother ,
bho was ncL-omimuiod by Misi licislo Ustop.
Uonorul John V. Stone Intt Friday night
for Biorin L'lUo , wh ro bo was booxcd Tor
an addrusH yi-sterdiiy afternoon. IIu and
Judge Wlllurd will coimnoiico iholr series
hf joint dobutus next Tuesday at Indlanola.
Hov. Stephen Phelps was callou to Chicago
yesterday morning by a telegram announc
ing ttiu dnnguraus Illnosn of bis wife's
mother. Mm. I'holps has been in Chicago
for several wcults past. Tliuro will bo no
proachliiK at the Fl t 1'roibytorlun church
today. _
Miss Myrtle Kotelmm. tonchor of elo
cution iu tlio Omaha Conservatory of
Music , will bo In Council 13 In Us Tuesday
evening , September 27 , for the purpose
ot organizing classes in elocution and
Dolmirto physical culture. Tlioso inter-
Critod will tlnd Mien Kctclmm at the
homo of , MInH Mary Damon , 101) ) South
Fourth Bti'out , botwooti the hours of 7
and H.
_ _
Teutury Hun. "
A largo number af the wheelmen of Coun
cil Bluffu and Omaha will start out tula
morning bright , and early and put in tha on.
tire day showing what sort of atult they ara
made of from n bicyclist' * standpoint.
Among tbo Bluff's ' representative * wilt bo
\V. D. Corrothcrs , Kay lllxby and Howard
hattonhnucr , Tbu crowd will register ut
Duxou'd In Oniatm at 6 o'clock a , in , , and run
to Kile City , returning without atop tc
Ouxon's ami reLMbter tlioro a second tune.
They will then rlao to Ulonwood nud return ,
making thu untlro length ot ihotilplOJ
miles. A largo dclouuilou is expected from
MitH Eininti Hulatnnd , fashloimbk
dri'tsnmlu'r. Good IU gutirnntooil ,
I'rlcos lo.iHonnblo , llS ) ) 5th tivonuo.
Musical Union band of Omaha will
play nt Manawii Sunday.
Jutlbon , olvll oujjuiaer. 'J29 Broadway
People's ' Pflrty Tolegntes Run Two Very
Livolj Gonvontions ,
Nomination * Tor County Oftlren
Mndo nml I'ollowi-u by n lied Hot
right un the .Iiiilffotlilp Til-
Ion finally Knocked Out.
The pcoolc's party of I'otlawnttamlo county
nnd the Fifloonlh Judicial district came to
gether yesterday at the court house , und It
the results of the collision nre to bo taken as
a criterion for the future , no ono need ever
bo afraid that tbo people's party will go down
to its doom without making a nolso In the
Tbctowas evidently a misunderstanding
somewhere as to the tlmo and place of hold
ing the convention , for when It , was called to
order there was a very representation
of-tbo devotees of the now party. No ono
knew anything about tbo ofllclnl call , and
the unoOlclal references that hail been made
to the convention by the papers had all had
a different announcement. The convention
was called to order soon after 11 o'clock ,
however , at the court house , and A , J. Me-
Claren was appointed temporary chairman
and W. F. Travis temporary secretary.
Committees on credentials , resolutions and
permanent organization were then chosen ,
live members on each committee , and the con
vention adjourned until 1H : : ) D. m.
When the convention was called to order
In the afternoon the list of delegates was
considerably Increased , nearly every voting
prrclnct being represented. The report of
the committee on credentials shafted
seventy-six delegates present.
Thu rcnoit of the committee on permanent
organization recommended U. S. Alexander
of Hardln township for chairman audV. . F.
Travis ot ICnox for secretary. The report
was adopted.
The committee on resolutions presented
the following report , which was adopted :
Hl'llllOt ItUBOllltlOllA.
Resolved , That we , the peoples party. Indorse
thu platform adopted by thu pooplu's
party convmilloii at Omaha : the mule plat
form adopted at Dos Molnes , also the platform
adopted at Atlunllu by the congressional con
Whereas , News has reached us from Atlanta ,
Ga , , that the fruodom ot speech bus buen
abrlduud and dented to James I ) . Weaver and
Mrs. Mary E. Louse , people's party speakers ,
who have Ucvn assailed by throwing eggs ,
utc. , by a how lug mob led on by corrupt und
uvll doslKiiliii : deimitoxuus. Is prlma facie
uvldoneu of tnulr own political blench , and
rottenness will Inovltanly destroy and con
sume their own lilt by carcasses , thoroforobo It.
KesolvuU , Thai wo. thu people's party of
I'ollawullamlc county , assembled , do huruby
dt-nouiieu all thuso who purtlcated orsympa-
thlrcd and violated the most , saurud prfr.elulo
of American liberty. "Thofreedom of spuoch. "
Wo denounce uli such mulliods of mob vlu-
Imicu In mlppiosslon of facts. Wo Invite hon
est Invest ! ; ; iilon of all men and parties to ox-
atulnu the prlnelplusenuiielatua in the Omaha
Wu denounce the trucltlln ? methods of the
AN OC ! itod 1'ross for withholding tto politi
cal news of our uarty nnd speakers , so that
tbe Kiont masses of the pcopio can judge for
We do appreciate all journals who differ
fiomusiuour political opinions who have
thu honesty and iniinlioud to report our
bponkors and news correctly.
Reso.vsd. Ily this convi'iil'on. ' that the can-
d dates receiving tin * nominations at the
hand of tb s voinuntloa shall endorse tbo
principles us laid dou n In thu Omaha plat
form and stiind llrmly on the platform and
pled 1:0 tholr support to tbu entire tlckot.
Hoio.vo.l , That this convention will In no
way or manner fuse or utllllaio by endorse
ment of nn / ono person 01 persons bclonjln
to any othur political party.
Tbo work of nominating candidates for the
various ofllces was then proceeded with. All
the nominations were made by .acclammu-
tlon , und without much show of excitement.
Eugene Stuofel of Hardln township was
nominated tor county cleric ; for auditor , C.
L. Gillette of Council Bluffs ; A. J. Mc-
Cluron of Council Bluffs , for recorder ; Am
brose Burke of Council Bluffs , county at-
tornov : H. S.VatUms of Neola and J.'A.
Churchill of Council Bluffs , for county
A. M. Hutcblnson was chosen chairman of
the county central committee und the con
vention adjourned.
.Judicial Convention.
The Judicial convention was at once called
to order. Up to Ibis lime things had run
along as quietly us If a funeral was on foot ,
but tno fun all came on witb the Judicial
convention. U. W. Loavlttof Mills county
was appointed chaitimiu nnrt W. F. Travis
was continued as clerk.
A. J. Mr.Clarcn immediately moved to ad
journ without timKliikT any nomination , but a
few seconds later withdrew his motion. A
liomDihull was ihun Uiroivu Into the camp in
thu shape ot a resolution that toad like this :
Rusolvud , That this pup.u's party mass
convention nbiumhli'd tliN-'lth day of Uoptum-
burun iota : thu ii'so.ullon pissed bv tha I'uu-
p u'h I'.irty ( iiub of thu city of Council Illnlls ,
oNcludluK nuumumbcis of said club from
voting In this convention , and rcuounliu hild
ruso.utlon us tun sunsoof HUB muss cunvun-
tlon , and thu ollicers of .s ild c.uu bo rciiicHted |
to fuimsh the memburslilp roll tu thiiuon-
vuntlnn as credentials of propurly accri dltud
The noisiest tlmo that has boon witnessed
ut any political convention In Council Blurt's
within the memory of tbo oldest inhabitant
en.sucd immediately. Just what was said or
who said It cuntiot bo told , for noarlv every
one Inside thu railing ivus trying bis level
best to make himself heard above the dm
that his neighbors wore raising , while a
largo number of men who did not belong to
the people's party stood outside tbo ruillng
and holp-'d on the good worlt of cracking tbo
Colonel llncklnn DistlnijiiUlu'cl lIliiiHolf ,
11. I ) . Huckir.s , a young man from Ham
burg , who occupied a scat with tbo Put > o
county delegations , wasuspcclally noisy , nud
made u number ol speeches at tunes when
tbo con fusion hud subsided so that
ho could bo hoard. Ho said that
ho bud boon amending conven
tions ull of his llfo , but this was the llrst
packed convention that ho bad ever bocu a
member of. Tbo Council Bluffs delegation
bud deliberately sought to pack tbo conven
tion by miiniis of this infamous resolution ,
Which was Intended tu enable 100 mo in bars
of the Council Uluffs club to vote In tbo con
vention In opposition to the on s and twos
thutcumu from outaido counties , Ho waxed
righteously Indignant.
Too members of the Council Bluffs delega
tion Jumped to iboir feut , several of them nt
n lime , when this accusation was moan , and
snld that no such attempt us tbe kind charged
hud entered tbo beads of any of tbcmi. No
such resolution bnd ever buen adopted by
the Council Bluffs club.
Finally tbu question of adopilog tbo reso
lution was nut to the houso. Tbo walls
fairly rosoundud witb ibn roars of these who
wore in favor of Iho adoption , und of those
who were opposed. The motion to adopt was
declared lost.
Thun They Unit Koino Fun.
J , W. Brown of Atlantic was then nnmed
as a candidate for the nomination for Judge
of the district bench , A few minutes later
un oldish gimitoman wilb a Grand Army uul-
foriii on rose and nominated Fremont Honjs-
ralu , Than there was a row. Cries of "Hats,1 *
"Fusion , " and hisses from scores of ludlg-
uunt popullnu runt tbo air.
HuckltiH from Hamburg catno to tbo front
once more , and in a speech that mot with ap
plause and buses about evenly divided , suld :
"Wo'vo no timber suitable for a Judge of the
dlatilul be neb In tbo people' * parly. I move
wo adjourn , "
Someone booondod tbo motion , but when It
camu to a vote the bouso was so evenly di
vided that the chairman decided to adopt anew
now rule of hit own. Instead of culling for
u division of tbe nouso bo lot tbo motion go
by default , and ibo fun commenced again.
"It's notbln' but a d d lot of fusion I11
yolloa ono hoary bunded individual at tno
lop of his voice , "They've been tollln1 us
lor the lust twonty-llvo yean that wo
havmi'l ' got anybody In our party that's tt
for ' nnd that's haven't '
unyibln' , why wo got
nlonir ativ fuster than \vo buvu. "
At lust everyone bad yelled himself bourse
utidlbe confusion died oul of llsclt , Browu's
uomlimtlLii was voied on and carried.
W , F , l.ilton was choiou chairman of Ibe
Judiciary comuiittuo and tbu butlneis of tbo
convention was over.
Churloi Mciklnxlo , candidate for tbe at-
: orncy generalship , made n lengthy speech by
way of dessert to the excellent dinner of preen
lortimmons of which the delegates bad boon
llonjntnin Ilnd n Little t'lnn.
Ono thing In connection with the nomina
tion of Brown whloh U worthy ot more than
passing remark was the ncttvo part that was
inKon by the friends of Fremont Benjamin ,
the democratic candidate for the judgcihlp ,
and , in a quiet way , by Benjamin himself.
Just after dinner ono ot the delegates , who
was carrying a jag several sbes too largo for
Him , mot a well known and strictly truthful
republican on tbo direct near the Grand
lotcl , and supposing him to bo u delegate
mmodialoly opened up n conversation.
"Lot's go up to Br.njuuitn's room again , "
Raid his jaslots sleepily.
"What do you want to go up there for ! "
asked the republican.
"Ob , " was the reply , "I've about come to
the conclusion that wo don't ttaut to put up
tny candidate for judge this afternoon ;
Bcniamin's good enough for mo. "
W. II. Kaephor , who is a well known sup-
oortor of Benjamin , was soon working busllv
In the outskirts of the convention , giving
directions to tno delegates to whom ho bad
previously attached the string , and in spite
) f his politics scorned to bo as thoroughly nt
lomo as If It. were u domocratlu convention.
I'hj plan ottho Bonjamlnltcs evidently was
: o bavo-tho convention endorse Benjamin or
ilso to adjourn without making a nomina
tion , and their failure to bring this about
was owing merely lo a failure to Induce
enough of the delegates to see things in their
lht. Had they succeeded in their attempt
.hero Is hardly room for a doubt that Bon-
amln would have been elected.
The members of the Guild of SU
Paul's will ( jlvo an entertainment In
MiiHonio totnulo on Monday evening ,
29th inst. An interesting ; program , con
sisting of fancy dances by little Florence
Smith , tableaux , etc. , will bo given ,
iftor which the Motta brothers' Italian
orchestra will play for dancing.
If you want a good hair mattress ,
ruarantcod In every respect and will
ast for generations , go to the Council
3 lufT s Carpet company's.
Musical Union band of Omaha will
slay at Munawa Sunday.
Olio ot tlui Uoltghtliil Fcaturug of I. lie In
Council lHuII .
There Is ono resort In Council Bluffs that
does not seek to drum up trade and yet has
plenty ot it. No blood-curdling headlines
appear In the newspapers with reference to
t and , In fact , it is very seldom mentioned
.n tno newspapers at all , but tbe people who
want to 11 nd it know where to look for it
and it never lacks for patrons. This re
sort is the free public library. Probably
one important reason for its quiet , unosten
tatious popularity lies in tbe fact that It is
as free as air to any ono who is willing to
behave himself , refrain from cutting scraps
out of tbo newspapers and magazines , and
treat the librarian with the consideration
justly duo so important a poreotiago. But
However that may bo , not a day passes that
does not nee scores or perhaps hundreds of
men , women and children , of all agus , colors ,
tastes and occupations , wend their way up
the elevator in the Morrlarii block , armed
with the little green cards that are the ' 'open
sesame" to the treasures of literature on the
third floor.
During the past year the visitors to the
library have numbsred over 40,000 , and the
IJOOKS taken about U. * > , OOJ. There has been a
slight yearly increase In the number of
patrons each year for the past ten years ,
when the present librarian commence ! ' , her
labors. But in spite of the largo number of
books that have been talcen from the library
nid tbe case with which chance visitors
could make off with a book now and then if
they felt so inclined , it is worthy
of remark that Iu all the last ton
years not a book has been lost or stolen.
Books bavo been read and re-road , until the
paper was worn through in spots , the bind
ing fell lo pieces and the whole book little by
little vanished from sight , but aside from the
natural wear aud tear there has not been a
It U Not a Snap ,
But In iiplto of the ho nosty of the average
BlufTite , who would not steal a book if bo
had tno chance , the life of the liorarlan Is by
no means a "soft snap. " Efforts are con
stantly made by different parties lo get
around the rules of the trustees in bomo way
or other. One wants to take home a book
from tbo reference Horary , notwithstanding
u sign forbidding it stares him in tbo fnco
every time be turns around. Ho accordingly
coinos into tbo room with a book ID hii hand
and when he goes out taues another book
witb him. But In everv case where this has
been tried the deception hui beau discovered
in time to prevent tbo scheme from being
carried Into effect ,
The library is continually made use of by
the teachers In tha public schools , who refer
their pupils to books , especially In the refer
ence library , for outside reading in connec
tion with Iho subjects treated of in their
text boons. As n consequence there are a
great many school children numbered among
thu reg lur patrons of th'j library. Many ot
them have taken summary measures to 'pre
vent their rlvuU in the Hchool room from
having access to the books , to which tholr
attention was called , by hiding tbo books.
The most out of the way places were in
variably selected us hiding places , and so
much Yuukeo ingenuity was manifested
that It would Bomotunos bo mouths before
the missing book would be discovered.
'Ihere Ib no indubitable proof , however , that
In BO mo Instances the books were not hidden
in order to furnish u good excuse for their
not being road.
Cnplil Occasionally Coinox.
The caglo eye of the libtarian bus a steady
job in keeping truck of the cnlldron's
manoouvers and In preventing tbo grown-ups
from clipping the papeiM und magazines , out
another Hold In which .she Unas u chance for
constant ombloyinout Is in puttinga noiseless
but no less effective quietus on amateur love
affairs that blossom out under tbo protecting
walls ot the library. It makes u convenient
trysilng place for the masters and misses of
the schools , whouro anxious lo study ancient
and modern lorn out of the books and doubly
anxious to study human nuturo on the
side. Many n love's young dream has played
to good business for a time , but bus boon
squeezed to death In Its inclplcncy by being
sat down uoon by the librarian , who has a
standing request from tbe school teachers to
do what she can to prevent the occurrence of
dreams that mar turn out later to bo full-
blooded nightmares.
In tbo main , however , the library and
reading room mo made use of In the ways
that were Intended by the founders. The
choicest papers and magazines in tao country
are aluays to bo found on the racxs , ami al
though the chuckle of the small boy ,
who has struck one of Hamilton's , Ulllam's
or Oppor's latest in the pictorial papers , may
bo hoard on un average of about 1-OQ time's
a duy , tbo Century , Soribnor's , Public Opin
ion and tbu rest are by no means neglected.
A largo list of periodicals devoted to the
various specialties in sclenco and art f ur-
nlsbob ample opportunity for those who are
interns ted in these special brunches to keep
pace with tbo progress of the ago. Addi
tions are being made continually in the wr.y
of books and periodicals , aud It Is safe to say
tbat Uioro are few cities in the west of tbo
sizeof Council Bluffs that are bottoroqulprca
us to frco literature than this ,
Miss Helen Sprinlc has returned from
thu east accompanied by Miss MuFooloy
who will have charge of tlio trimming
department during the season. Miss
Sprink id making arrangements for a
Jnuuhotno millinery display , the date of
which will bo announced later.
Boston store closes every evening at U
p. m. , unless Mondays and Saturdays.
Musical Union band of Omaha will
play at Munawa Sunday.
W , ( I. A. llmiiMlt.
The Woman's CbrUtlan association has
decided lo engageIn a sale of fancy und use
ful articles the llrst week In November for
the benefit ot the hospital. This effort wo
deslru to bavo patronized by all charitably
Inclined citizens to their fullest extent. Wo
hope by this uiovo to liquidate a debt which
but boon standing over slnco wo raued our
building to grade , and could have thu use ot
city water.
The City Water Works company , with
others , ol that tituo banded UB their bid for
the plumbing , and , /t / .bclnRtho lowest , wo
worded them tbo contrnct. Slnco Uiat
tlmo wo hare never boon questioned ns to
whether wo over itUendcd making-ovon so
much nsa pnjinerttQh the debt , nna now
1m v I n IT gained oomeihlnfr Hko firm footing ,
wo propose to cancel our obligation this
season. i
Dolli Innumernbl4"hnd of every variety
will grace our cotfntcrj. Orders for tbeso
can bo left with Mm. Charles Ofllcer. All
kinds of fancy nndi useful articles from a
kltcbon nnron to thaHnnst nleco of needlework -
work made will bo found nt our salo.
The exact data wlllbo given as soon ns nr-
rnngemonts are complete.
, , W. C. A. LADIES.
The Pomona Lnnd and Trust com
pany through Messrs. Uny & Hess , their
agents , will place on the market Mon
day , Sept. 20 , the land known as the
Kllno tniot , laying 2 } miles oust of the
postoflioo. There Is about 400 acres In
the trnut , partly timber luntl , nil well
adapted for ouburban homes , fruit nnd
garden lands. They have subdivided It
Into 5 and 10 ncro tracts and will sell to
the llrst customers applying tholr choice
nt u low llguro on reasonable terms.
Olllco 39 Pearl street , Council BiutTsIa.
The City Union of Christian Endeavor
societies will entertain a social on Tnor-
day ovonlnir at the residence of F.
Gross , corner North Sixth street and
Washington avenue. A musical pro-
pi am will bo rendered and a pleasant tlmo IB promised to all whoJit-
tond. Refreshments 25 cents.
If you want to see fine lace and
chonuillo curtains and all the newest
and handsomest designs In carpets , go
to the Council Bluffs Carfot company's
Genuine Round Oak , Radiant Homo ,
P. P. Stewart stoves and ranges , sold
exclusively by Cole & Cole , 41 Main.
Davic , pure drups , best paints.
liranil .Iiiry l > Urhnrgc < l.
The grand Jury made its final report
yesterday morning and returned several In
dictments , some of n bleb are not yet made
public. Amonc ttioi.o In which the parties
are in custody are three Indictments against
Howard Sparks , who was until a short tlmo
ace , employed as ngcnlforthe Singer yowin ?
Machine company. Ho Is charged In two
Indictments with tittering forced instru
ments ana in the third with laicony.
John Henry Brown , tbo colored man
brought from Dei Molnos recently , was In
dicted for bitramy. Tbo charges ot libel
apulnsiT. D. Tollo and assault with intent
to do prout bodily Injury opalnst W. A ,
Brown are dismissed ,
Au Important part of tbo report Is that with
reference to the condition of tbo city and
county JalU. It Ilnds DO fault witb tbo con
dition of tbo latter , although n.i Improve
ment , la recommended In tbo plumbing. The
city Jull , however , tbo report sovs , is In a horrible
rible condition ana Is not lit for human b-j-
Ings to stay In. It Is put down as anulsanco ,
which should bo abated.
Mrs. Hard mini's kindergarten will re
move to rooms iu the residence of Mitts
Laura Baldwin , 039 Willow avenue ,
Monday , Oct. 3 , arid pupils in atten
dance now and now pupils coming in
will please ropdrtc at that time and
place. , / ;
Wanfcil'to Buy.
Improved p-opcrly. Will pay cash If
price is low. H. G.'M sGee , 10 Alain street.
For Rent A 9-rocjm cottage , cor.
Broadway and 10th , and 7-room cottage
on North Scott street. J. C. DcIIaven.
Gentleman , the finest line of fall goods
in the city , juat received. Roller , the
tailor , 310 Broadwajr.
For first class .np . iolslorlng go to the
Council Bluffs Carpet company's.
loOpoople in this city use ga.s stoves
Iho Gas Co. puts 'em in at cost.
Trains for Manawa at 11 a. ra. , 2 , 3 , 4 ,
5 , 0 , 7 , 8 ana 0 o'clock p. in.
Ono of Sucretnry IUnk'8 Assistants In tlio
Mniclc City.
Watson 1'ickroll of the bureau of animal
Industry of ibo Department of Agriculture
at Washington was In the city yesterday.
Mr. Pirlcroll is one ot Secretary Ilusk's as
sistants in this Orauch ot the work , and
loons after tno branches of the bureau In the
west. His visit to South. Omaha was for tuo
purpose of arrancinfr for the microseopal in
spection of pork nt the G. II. Hammond
company' * packinc plant , which will bo nut "
In operation noout the middle of October , or
snon thereafter.
The bureau H proving n grout success and
Is ono of the bcnaHciul pieces of legislation
enacted bv a republican administration. UM
grout usefulness Is being fully iitlosli'd each
day , und the marvelous increase in the cx-
nort trade of the packers Is the proof , The
Inspection of ull pork for foreign consump
tion has made it possible for the packers in
this country to tlnd a ready market in the
countries of the Old World , whore tuo years
ago all American pork * was suspected of
helm ; infected with trucbtnu" and it admis
sion into these mnruats was denied. Tbo in
spection has wrought about u chaniio In tlio
order of things and the export trade U grow
ing ouch day and Is reaching dimensions of
un extensive nature.
Hun Down by Itrclilrn * DrlvurH.
Tom Murray drove out to South Oman a
last evening to look ut bis landed possessions
and shortly after 0 o'clock ho started on his
return trip homo up Twenty-fourth stroot.
Two vehicles came down that street , the
hordes going ut brcahuoclc speed , aud before
Tom could veer his itoed lo the right or the
lofl they were upon him , upsetting the light
buggy and throwing the millionaire out ,
Tha other follow * did not stop , but kept
pomp , and when Tom had pulled hlmielt to
gether ho found ha was not Injured , barrlnir
a few bruises , ills horio and buggy wera
all right , but the harness , which bad done
unlimited service , \vai badly torn.
Will I'roiecute Saloonkeeper * .
A. H. Miller proposes to prosecute all.
saloonkeepers who have billiard or pool
tables In their places and permit bo ys to
play , Mr. Miller states tint the practice of
boys playing In the saloons of tha city U
almost universal , and that no attempt Is
made to prevent , the saloon men encouraging
tbo youngsters. Last evening Mr. Millar
found a number of youthful bllllitrdUts In a
saloon at Twenty-fourth and L streets playIng -
Ing , una ho promises a prosecution will fol
Notm nnil I'ornounU.
Mlts Mattlo Van Buskirk of Norfolk is
visiting with friends In this city.
Superintendent A. H , Noyos ot the U. H.
Hammond company has returned from his
Denver trip.
The members of tbe Order of the Eastern
Stnt cave a social last evening at tbu bomo
of Mr . Claude Tnlbot , Twenty-third ana I
streets. The attendance was Iaric and a
pleasant time was bad by these present.
The younc son of H. B. Monofeo fell from
a bicycle last evening and fractured his loft
arm below the elbow.
Ex-Mayor Sloane , C. ( I. Jnvcor ana A. P.
Brink left yesterday for Blue Lake , la. ,
where they will spend several days hunting
and fishlne.
The Infant cnlld of Mr. and MM. Prank
Hoblck , who live In Albright , died yesterday
after a protracted illness , Thu funeral will
be hold at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
Miss Alorla Hardln ? has been appointed
as delivery clerk In the uostafllco to succeed
Mr.s. W. II. Kosccranz , who resigned.
B. E.Vllcox , Ponon < fc Berry's confiden
tial clerk , has returned from a two weeks'
visit nt Iowa points.
Building permits have been Issued ns fol
lows : U. II. Wilson , cottage , Seventeenth
and I streets , f.'oO ; H. Bottnor , cottage ,
Thirtieth aud It.van streets , $400.
HUM . i x nx n i in TO tin.
Tliry flunk thn KitllrouUs Arc In u Combine
loClmrgn Kxnrbltnut Itutes nn Exhibits.
Hr.iu.iN , Sent , 2.1.Thn article published in
tbo Vosslscho Zoltung on Monday last ,
charging that American rail ways and express
.companies are conspiring to compel Intend
ing exhibitors at the Chicago Columbian ex
position to pay the exorbitant rate of
t per 100 weight for the trans
portations of their goods from New
Yotk to Chicaco bas caused much excite
ment among Uormins who intended to send
exhibits to tbo fair. Many of them declare
that they are justified by the facts , und that
the express and railroad companies arousing
thp fair for the purpose of exacting heavy
rates. At first there was a strong feeling in
Germany in favor of the fair , nut it must
bo said that a reaction Is now coming ,
owing to these allocations. A representative
of the Associated Press had an Interview
today with Herr Wcrtnuth. imperial German
commissioner to the World's fair , in the
course of which bo said ho had hoard com
plaints similar to that published by the
Vosslscho Ziiilung and that ho was now
tr.viur to ascertain what foundation
there was for the reports. Ho added that no
hoped some arrangements could bo made re
garding transportation , as he thought that
unless rcpsonablo charges should be made
most of the utlractivo and be l exhibits
would not bo sent.
Ilerr Wer.nuih further said that Mr. lid-
wards , tbo American consul general here ,
has promised him his hearty co-oporntlon in
effecting an urrangemont with the com
Movements of Ocuan Stonmern.
At Southampton Arrived Kaiser Wol-
ha'.ra II. , from New York.
At Liverpool Arrived-Bovic , from New
At New York Arrived Germanic , from
Liverpool ; Apollo , from Antwerp : nhaeti
from Hamburg.
XBirt > OF
The Chinese of Sjn Francisco will test tbo
legality ot the exclusion net.
The sovereign era ml loduo of Odd Ko'lows
bus nfllrmed the ji benefit law.
Hoburt Holhserberof Chlc.ico has boon ar-
rcslud fur ttylnz to nelson his mother In order
that bo could Inherit his father's property.
Thu search for the rllles captured from the
t'lnkertoinby . .ho striker ? nt llomesto id. 1'n. .
did not resu t in the recovery of any ot the
Tlio national eitnp Patriotic Sons of Amer
ica by a unanimous voti > 1ms decided to
strike tbu word "white" fioin Hi it purt of Its
constitution relating 10 membership.
The Order of t'oimiicicia ! Tclojiiihors of
the United tt'ttcs and Canada lias huen In
corporated. Hnai a memiiershlp ut JU and
its ! br.uicli ! s In New YnrU city.
President U'oo.lrnll of the Murmon church
denies thn statement of thu t't ill commits.on
tli.itduring Ihe piibt jeur pulyiamlon- - -
ilaucs Imvu taken pluco uinuu the puop.e of
the faith.
Major It T. Morr's , ) ms relieved Cuutaln
Genreo A. Drew us commander at Kurt Ulni-
Kold , TOY. llnth otlluers me of the llilrl
ouviilry. Since. September p-iy day Iho post ,
his : lost ten men by desertion.
.T. II. Wicks , n millionaire of New Yorlt city
nnil president of Wicks Itofrljorator o.mi-
pany , iio'iilijnarlerb ut Rochester. N. V. , fed
out of the second story window cf u house of
ill fame at Detroit , Midi , , und was Instant v
John I'ovvoP. superintendent af thn Vntoran
iiilna nuitr Aspun. Co u , . UHS Instiint'v Killed
und his wife badly InjureI by an e\p oslon of
ponder wnlcn had bean placed no tr the bouao
outside thu sleeping npaitmenl of the couple.
i\'o leason Is Knoun for thu deed ,
J'"orolaii. ;
O , 0. llogue , an American merchant of Mon-
teiey , Me.x. , has been expelled from the re
public ) fur criticising the administration of
President Din/
The shareholders In thn London Joint Stoclc
bank have vntnd power to thu dltuotors to ae-
iiiliu | llio business of any other binlc. It is
understood that It Is Intended to amalgamate
with the Impoilul bunk.
To convince you that we have many
opportunities for investments that will
make y > u money.
Wal 6'up. Investigate. Look around
you. CJ3me to our office and let us show
you that for every dollar you invest now
in Cou'ncil Bluffs realty it will bring you
10O per ? ! cent before the World's Fair
closes.ula "We have property in certain
parts p'fithe ' city where gigantic improye-
ments'are ' being st rted that will jump
values ftp from 1OO to BOO per cent in
the ne t year. Come around and see us
and get in on the ground floor.
If you have anything to buy or sell
come to us. If you want to rent a house
or have a house to rent come to us.
Come to us anyohw and we will tell you and show
you things that will surprise you , and if you will let
us we will make you money.
621 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Catarrh of the Stomach , or Djspspsia , a
D.'sttcssing Ditoiso.
An Shown lirtlin Cnno ol Mrs. Klin Ohmincl ,
M In. Toll * i St.ry Unit Will Inlrrrot
mill Concern Mniiy I'oitplr ,
Al Thirty-fourth mill Paolllo streets
there lives , with her ftunlly , MrH. Hlla
Cluinnol , who mmlo the following
pruphlo stitoinont : In n rccont Inter
view :
" 1 WAS In turh mltcrjr I tllit nol know vthut nllcrt
IMP , I linnKiiuMl I limit-very illianso In thnwholo lint
of hiiinnn Ht After n rnrofal rtnrnlnikllon llr .
Uopclnnil and Slioimnt tolil mo 1 windoctci ] by cat -
t rrtmlilsoi ( j fiml tlmt ItnyciHiM euro mo Their
went tluhl nt It nn 1 tinvn entirely tiilllllo.t tholr
promlfo. 1 nlwn/4 pnln nml dl lrri i In the
Btunmrli with mintut blon'ln * Ofto i t lint ( Mat
> | > ells mid experienced u tecllni ! of "itonencm " My
MRS KTt.A ncucd nevoroly nml 1 hod pnlniln my Mdea ftnd
BhouMcrn. For day * nt n llmo I could ont notnlnK
nnd on inking food I foil n If I Imd n utono In my
Btanmch. Often my licnrt illstro/eoil mo hv p.ilpl-
Utlon. it felt us If u was tumbling around In
ruy chest. 1 could scnrccly rcnttit nil iilKhtn , nnd
ns'n rule could not get nny sli'i-p until S or 3 o'clock
In the morning nlthoutih 1 retired enrly. All thmo
troubles made ho tlreil , inlsernhlo nnd wonk nnd
Krcntly wu-iVcncd my nervei. Under the trentnicnt
of Dra. CopeliuidnndMicpnrd I hnvo heon entirely
restored nnd urn free from nil my dlBlreinInu
symptom * . 1 itnlnoil nix pounds In tno necks.
They have completely cured me , n thliiK 1 uellcrcd
no phyilclnna could do , for 1 had nought rollof be
fore hut fnllo.1 to Ilud It. "
Itev. II. A. Crane.
Rev. II. A. Crane , for three years
past the popular pastor of the Sowaid
Street Methodist church , departed on
Wednesday , Sept 7th , with his family ,
for Now York city , wnero they will-take
ship for India. Rov. Crane will take
charge of the Methodist mission in tlio
city of Bombay. After testing the ca-
ttirrh treatment of Drs. Copolatul and
Shepard ho was so highly pleased with
it that lie took with him a supply of
medicines for use in his distant home.
Mr. Crane handed Drs. Conolnnd and
Shepard the following letter just before
his departure :
OMAHA , Neb. , Sept. Mil , I.r3.
Ir > . Copelnml ancl SUeparJ
( icntlomvn :
H nlTor.ln mo p'cnsnre to say that I tmvo been
plcusodvlth the tro.itment for catarrh which I Imvo
buon taking for u brief time from von. My removal
from the city nocaiiUntci my illicontliiuln.- part
the treatment before a complete euro U crfectolln
my case , whlc i In one of I me stamllnu. Hut I huvu
rocclveJ. already , con < lacr.iblo benefit , unit urn to
well mulBtloil wlt'i the ncluntlno mctlnd which you
employ , Hint I Mmll tnku MHIIO ot jour rimioillos wltli
me to upe apait from the oftlcj treatment.
Yours very truly ,
Conies from the East. West , North and SoutK
lioirnr- testimony of the successful
ntcntof Drs. Oopelund and Shop irJ by niiill *
i Ulaiik Sail to AHA
' A'N ' !
Copelaiiil Medical Iiditiiie
\ \ ' . JI. COl'KbAND , M. IX
C. S. SIIKI'AUL ) , M. O.
! > l'IWJ.4I.TIi : ! > : Cnt-irrh. Asthma , Hronchl-
ItlS Nervous Dlso.isos , Illood Discuses , Itliou-
iiiiitlsni. Coiieiimptlon , an I ull tliroiilu : iuuc- *
tlons of the , Lun , ; ! ) , htoimuh , Liver
nnd Kidneys
Ollleo IIOIIM : 9 to II it in. . to . " > p. m. , 7 to
p.m. Suiuliiy. U u. in. tol-m.
Improv3d Safety Ehvators ,
Cor , Bth htiuot and lllh Ave , Oouncll llluffa
Union I'iK-lllo SyHtniii. Ann ion.
The following Hilda mud li.i.-uno will bu
sold ut piinllo iiucllon at H Wulln' Auction
lloiuo , Ull Knriiiini struct , Om ihi : , Nobcoin-
inenelnd ut" : ' * ) l > . m. . Wolnosduy , October A.
iw. ' . null contliuilni'nl the HIIIIO hour each
succeeding day until i-ol" ! :
/.Inu rmiiUii. mar 'od N. J. Mill , Lonsmniit ;
Qiilur Ludford , Oblldross : Jiimes O'ifeilly.
Kllonsbura ; W. J. Konody. LHI H.iKliimv :
OeorJoWiilKeV.J. W. Nuunll , rjcuttlo : W. J.
Doyle , I'orlliind : I'lill llolinus l-red J. Iliih-
coi-U. O. A. Stoiul. / II. llazlijif , Hourv Shor-
liiiin , W. K. Kcniiiiin , B 1' . Ailitim. T. IJ. Uir-
pontur , I'riuiU n. liurniun , Ortou Tliuyor , A.
W. foiuinut , W. 1 * . Wells , John Uiitineson ,
' ' '
i'luUo't Truiiu's-Iil.i Ilni yey. Oeorso K Ilnr-
rls , Charles Kunimll. M | > H W. 1 unniKon.
llotiib U. O AiiU'i ( > ou. Halt L ilu.
Luiitht'r ' TrunKs - I'eioynrriln , E. W.
Iliuclc Vallsei , I' M. Earll. Jenso 8 ,
Iluu'dlo-Mlsa Laur.i sliorlaml.
AlsohW iM'ci-a of inUi'DlliiiiDoui articles con-
filhtini : of KHIIK. bundles , llaiil < ct , valises ,
trunks , boifs.clicsts , etc , nat marku.l.
A unt.
I'nipiKulH fur School llnlhlliiir.
goa'od ' prupoials will bo received by the
rctury of thu bo.ird of education unlil 4 o'olouk
p m. .Monday , KuptHinhorilth , IM. . tor thu
consirunllimof n two-story elvlit-ioum hrlok
bnlliliii-on thu Windsor I'lace hchool situ , In
! kcci < riliinoo with plau * und lipeclllcatloiH on
Illo In thu ( itlleo of John Lutunsor.nri-liltui.-t ,
llooni u > J Muruhant'ii Nallontil Hunk jluildlni ; ,
t-uiiaiatu bids will hu rucolvcd for IIIIIHOII
work Inu udiiiK oxL-.ivat n . concrutliiK and
1'iithioni ! uork , and fort-nrp 'liter work wbl-h
InvliidcB all woik under carpenter bpecllloi-
AUo , lildi for the building vomploto wll uo
Each bid mtibt bo aouompun'od by a cortl-
lled chuck forml.
The hoard resi'rvon thu rljhl to lujuuliiny
oral ! blda.
Jly eider of the Itourd of Education.
tuiAHLi.s : io.Mviit : ,
lOdTt. bucrulary.
Tie Great" $5.00 $
1-1 AVI ? rotl * ct > n tl'Rt ' olcgnnt line of utovea nl
J 1 JV > Vj i- . c lK vol.'SJ If not. nukn It i
point tu oil I nrouml ntul sou the moot complete lluu
of st4 > Tea In
If you contompUto the piirclmnc of a Move , don't
fnll to Inspect our Mock , you cnnuot ln-lp tint tlnd
KimctlilniMn our line tint will supply your wi\ut ,
Ucmetnhor , ire Immlle tlio
A Mo e Hint In tint equaled for KCONOMY
r.UUAllll.lTr nnd HKAUI'V 'llilslinol onlyour
nsnertlon. but ttmt of hundreds of our customers
who itro ustnu thorn. foil ) on u
Heaters from $1,8O to $5O.
Cook Stoves from $6 to $ BO.
504 Broadway and 10 North Main Sircct
Tlio want ndvortlsunients iippearliiK In n
nowspiper are often thu most Intorosilnjr
part of Its content . They express the invent
needs , the dully wishes of the people who
wunt something iiiul who are willing tu do
LOinethln ; .
100 ACRES In : U-U-4 , llntlor county. N'o-
l l > riski : , price JOO per aero ; i OJ cash , bnlancu
4 nnniiiil pnyincnts , ( I per uent. 010 acres in
lluir.ilo count v at n D ircnln. Johnson & Van
1'atton. Council HluITs. In.
W ANTED , Rooil inlllliifrj' prop.ircr nt onoo.
The Louis. _ iMusonic bloolt.
WANTED , irood elrl for general hontowork
nt 4111 Glen uvctiuc * .
ASTUHAQE for horses nncl c-ittle : tlrit
elnss : 81.5'Ja ' mouth ,
FARM nnd city loans. Money loauoJ on
stock and crulii. Uonl estate for sale.
Dwcllltv ; nnrt business rentals. Money loans.
for lee il Investors. LoiiKoe & Towle , i31 1'earl
FOR SALE Horse , biie-tv an 1 lumesint
blf sacrlllco : Rroloiitdt : Koo'j well lire 1
road horse. Must sell. ( . ! . II. Lopls , 12 1'oirl
$ . " > . ' 00 stoo'fot inorchin Ilso In western Iowa.
well looatod. duliiK ion I business , for sale
ortr.ulo. E. O. Ilurtlutt , T2t llroulw.iy.
' 1 ho nl of yoiiii ? horses for trade ; Ininrova I
J ronorty or I. R U. Itartiott , 711 IlrouJ-
wny. Coun"ll HIiiiN.
Ij'.OH TKADK- Two ilwolllnes centrally lo-
-L cntcd In Council I ! I nil's In cxchanso for
inercliiindlsQ or Nebr.ifiiii Inud. A Knap bar-
Kiiln for live days. E. U. Shoafc ,
IIlCUSAIjE Small hotel In Rood Iowa town
- * - Itnihllnv rn.l fciriilturj uo.iiploto : at a
E. II. Slicnfe. *
FOKTRADE-KatidsIn Oroolv county : unl
Custer L'oiinty. Jsob. , for stok of Junolry.
organs , furniture or business propurty In
Conncll ItlulK 1C. II. She ife.
W AN I'ED Teams to Haul coal. Apulv Iu
11. A. Cox. iu Main street.
[ floIt SALE Di'slr.iblo rosldimco property
-L'on 1'urk ave. All modern Improvements ,
14 roonib , ono block from motor ; a bargain It
t a l n' at once ; easy piyincuts or trade Iv. II.
HALK-Ruulstered A. .1. C. O. .loisoy
.1 cow , Unvelca No. 10ilC : : asulcndUl family
cows wits fresh Au ust ! ! l. W. M , Sheparl ,
Itonm 'Ml , Morrlam block. Coiiuoll llluffa.
"IjUJUHALE-Creiiinory ontflt , uomprNlnic.'O-
Jh p. hoi ur. 10-h. p. enclno. - ' DoLivcllo
sop irators , Scream vats , : iiUallons ( each ! iish
churniJJ : ( gallons ; UOWIT butter woilior , haam
scales , wnlcht w.itor t'liik and otlmr
lUturcs. Will eoll cheap for uash or trade
for In n I. K. II. Hheafo.
\\7ANTE11-Housekeeper , middle iiRed lady
iireforrcd. Address or call on It. K. Rain ,
& " . > Eust I'liTco stroot. Council Illuirs.
$1.1)00 ) worth of dry uonils nnil notions for ux-
chniiL-u. E. G , llartlutt. 741 Itioadway.
"I71OR SALE-Oruamury , won located In No-
JbrasUa. . doln KOOI ! business. Will Uko
artn or or sull entire hiislneis at a
K , II. Sboafo. _ _ _
"iron HALK ChoinoBt farm In I'ottawiitt.i-
-L in o Co. , IIU acres , welt loc.itod anJ Im-
proved. I'rlue IIP an ai'rn. R 11 Sho.ifu.
11'YOl ) have iinythln ? for sxlo ur trade sos
_ K. II. Sim ifo , Hn > i Iwav anil M tin Htr-iot.
HAtili Oil sin-id payinonm. fruit nnil
Riirdon Ian I noir Council HIiitN E. JI.
Bliuafo. llroadw.iy an I Main street ,
FOR ! -ALE-Alhlon Roller mills on Uoono
rher. Nub. ; tlno-it w itorpjwor ID the utato
dovuloplnx 1' ' horse powur water ontlrn yo ir ;
dally oipaclty , lou birrols ; mauh ncrt anil
nppiirtciriiicoa coiuplotoln every dn.ill.O ) o I
frnnioro4lduncuM ; uorosof lairl. tltlo uorfoit ,
iirlco , $ n'Jj ) ; will t.iko mil nprovn I o.ntor.i
Nubiasl < a land. Ii 11 , Hhuife.
Foil SALE Olnan stosic Irir.lwaro , well os-
libllshoil trrdo , Invuluu iiboul II.UJ ) . ( Jooil
uiihon for soiling. Torini u lab , K. H. Hhoiifo.
EXCHANrJE-Hotul and losUiir.uit.
locatoil utluibort , , Nob. , and in lots In
Denver , Colo. : will nxehauio for clour No-
br iilta land. V. II. Shoafn.
IT OIl HALE Hiinlwiru stoou , will Invnlca
-L Jl,05u ; loc Uu 1 Iu an autivu Nobran'ui town
of l.fiUO popiilutloii ; builnuss old est ih'.lHhun ;
QA AORE f.irm with liniirovunuinN. llvn
OV/mllc4 north of Coiin'-ll ' IlluirH ! tnau ucruj
annnp bartfiiln R H , Ulunfo. _ _ i
WANTKD-No'nihkaliunl InotuliniiKO ( or
peed work her < oj. E. II. Sho.ifu. * <
k 'Wlicolur count v , Neb , Will takii mtirclmn-
rllsiE. . II. Hhoutu. _ _ _
Ij OIt HALU-Hotul wltn fiirnlturo and IU-
-L tilled ; 'i't rouniH , bun , ut" . 1'rloo , ( U.5JJ.
Located In DnimlaH county. I ) illy receipt * ,
f.Iljivustltfiilo at oiicii. E. 11. Khoafo. _
LOST Smilmnbor. aj Indy'K told watch nnil
ohiiln , biilwiion Illuir Hireet and D. and D ,
liiDlltutu. Klnili-r uluuMo Iu .vo ut lieu ollk-u
and KOI reward ,
OHT A pocKelliook I'oiiliilnlnx biinK bnuk.
u in lluu nllU-ii. '
Ot Ci IlIu.U
Cniltil | ; Modi rI5l,0 ? ! ; ) [ )
Surplus ami IVulll i 8lOIU , )
Nttt rnpltiil nml Mirpl'.i * $ ! ll :
Illnu'lur * .1.1) . IMimiilfiii. K. I , , bliu/vrt , ! ' I )
( lluuxui , II. K. iliiu , | . A Mlllur , I , V. lllnaUiik'i
juil llliurlui u. lluiiiriii , Triitul Kunurkl lank.
liu tiiuliun * . ( jirtiui. am urpliu ut