Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    | s *
* * " jNot Nearly Bo Great as Represented by a
Certain Glass ,
Oniclal Itccordu for tlio Yrnr IndlcntoTliut
rithllticd HtntciiK-ntH on the Sub
ject Are In liirrjr'ny
1'iilno ,
Qr.xr.VA , Nob. , Sept. 21. ( Special to TIIK
53KE. | The calamity bowlers bavo been pub
lishing broadcast tbo stntomont that the
tnortcugo indebtedness ot Vlllmoro county
has Increased 1 100,000 during the past year.
* J.'til5 Is ml.sloadlng and docs lojustlco to tbo
County , which , when' the facts are known ,
"Will bo soon to have made mi enviable record ,
liavlnu actually decreased Its mortgage In-
doltcilio < s for borrowed money by moro
than eiuj.UOO.
Tliu oulclal records for thn year ending
i July ill show that the mortgages Died aggre
gated fl.'UO.UTS. ! } ; ! nnd those roleaiod l.lf-1
C2S.M ! ) . tnnklng an apparent incrcaso of $ S1-
C50.UI , which is but nno-lmU of tbo amount
alleged by the Indopcndcntsbriokors.
Even these figures do not make n fair
kbowlug , hccauso ihoro are several classes of
obligations which do nut represent an In
crease of poverty among Iho people of this
county. For example , mortgages aggregat
ing $ l2.ri'j7.fl3 ! ) wore given to secure part of
the purchase nrlco of property. N. II.Var -
ron it Co. of Chicago gave a mortgage for
f44,0K ( ) on their olovarors in this county ,
\vhlcn hardly counts ns n ( loot chargc-
kblo to the people hern. It Is found tbat
t-lt.OJ : > S were chattel mortgages to secure
loons also represented by real estate mort-
Kngus for the same amount , in other words
there was an apparent Indebtedness of
93,701,111 nnd n real indebtedness of only half
that amount. About $0,200 of mortgages were
( or Imporicd horjos. These i torus makoatotnl
of $164,218.10. If this .sum bo subtracted
from the grand totals of filings it will louvo
1,0VJ,7.17 ! ) as the amount of'monoy actually
borrowed bv Flllmoro's rosldonts. A com
parison of the llgures will show that Unit is
! lU2.V.4. ! l less than tlio stun of tbo mort-
rf Kiipcs tuloascd , wblch mroly makes a line
chewing for the prosperity of this county.
These llguros tire direct from statements
complied in the oflloo or' tbo county clerk.
U'hat olllclul Old not bccin until last'Novom-
ber kouping an uccount of the mortgages
given to sccuro the uurchusu price of real
estate , or the showing would bu better b >
many thousand dollars. It is also known
that ninny mortgages nro not iclcnsodon the
records when paid , nnd wlieu nil thcso facts
nro considered It will bo seen that Fillmore
countv Is milking a steady gain In financial
lability. _
] * lattHinfiutli-i
ir , Nob. , bopt. 21. [ Special to
Tin : lift : . j At a special meeting of the city
council Saturday night the matter of paving
Blxth street with brick ciuno up. Throe dif
ferent llrms had put In bids for the work ,
JvIcMulicn & Son of this city being tbo high
est bidders , John Cnunoy of this city being
pcxt unu Fanning & Co. of Omaha being the
lowest. The council bad nn exciting soanco ,
which was warmly nud earnestly partici
pated in by citizens present , nnd" utter
n heated wrangle the 13ourd of Pub
lic Wonts was directed to con-
tinct with McMnuon & Son. Tbo board re
belled and Intimated tbat n mandamus would
8)0 ) the only way to get them to so net. Thov
bad previously recommended that Fanning
& Co. l > i awarded the contract nnd they
meant to bnvo It HO settled. At the regular
mooting on Monday night the city dnds got
togplhur nnd reconsidered their previous
oc'.ion and gave Fanning & Co. the con
tract. 'ibis seems to have ended the row foi
the llmo being. At the same meeting the
council rescinded its orders to the Waloi
_ coinpuny to extend the water mains and will
rest content with what thcv have for n while ,
Dist riot court convened Monday with Judge
Cnupman on tbo bench. Owing to the po
litical fever In the air a short term will be
The case of Stull ngntnst the Missouri Pa
cific railroad was on trial ull yesterday ant !
today , nnd last night it developed some inter
csting features. Two of the prominent at
lornoys unpaged in the case became over
boated and indulged in an argument more
forcible than polite In tbo presence of ttii
court , and persisted in tbo argument despite
the repented requests of the court to desist
Finally Judge Chapman brought the mal-
tents to terms by iultlctlug a $ . > : < line on uact
of thorn. They both promptly paid up am
Vrout on with tbo trial.
CuinliiK County's I'ulr.
Wr.sT POINT , Noo. , Sopt. 31. | Spocia
Telegram to THE BEC. | Tbo Cuuiiiu
county fair opened here today with a vorj
, largo nttoudanco. Tbo exhibits in tbo agrl
cultural department are immense , the flues' '
over scon at any 'air lu tbls section of No
brnsita. Cu'ning is noted for her agricul
tural products , having taken first promiun
nt Iho Sioux City Corn 1'ulnco exhibits
Tbnro has iiover been a failure o
crops in this county , and this ycnr the con
crop exceeds any year in her history. Tin
display of bloodoa ana blah grade stock li
unuMiully line. The spued department premIses
Isos will. There are between twonty-livi
nnd thirty trotting nnd running horses on tin
ground , among them being Hen Cole , El
wood Union , Medium , Kttllo Vera , Mluiiu
Jviiy , WedKollold , Duchnrlllu , Johnnie Wng
nor , I'opuringnr , Bay Jack and maby other
of note. Tboro are some $3,000 in purses
Thursday. Friday aud Saturday will bo th <
great days ,
Wilkinson's Kxumiimtlim Still On.
D.tKprA CITY , Nob. , Sept , 21. [ Specln
Telegram to TUB Bee. ] Thn sooond duy1
bearing in the preliminary examination o
ox-Treasurer Wilkinson on tbo charge of om
bewlemoiit failed to score a visible point fo
elthorsido , The testimony of the privat
export , Frllzion , wtvs that tboro was eve
$40,000 dlfToruiico in his Hading and the total
as shown by tbo treasurer's books and ha nls
bworo tbat the treasurer's books wor
incomplete. E. B , Wilbur , ono of tbo mill
ndvocutos of the private Investigation , wa
put on thu stand , as was also Chalrmtti
Clark of the Board of Supervisors , to tostif ,
that Wilkinson had admitted in oonvcraatin
With them thai there was a shortage.
Will Iry lliu Surveyor.
UIUXD IstANl ) , Nab , , Sopt. 21. [ Specie
Toll-grain to Tim BEB. ] Complaint bas booi
filed against C , A. Baldwin , county surveyor
for maladministration of olllco. Tbo com
plalniint IsUoorgo Wilcox. The main spec
Illcation is tbat the surveyor , in bis ofllcla
dapuclty , pulled up , removed uud changed
corner stuko put aawn by government But
voyors nd created utiothor corner botwuei
four sections. It U the llrst tlmo that' ai
attempt Ims boon tuudo to impeach mi
. o flic or In this county ,
Until \VlTll 1'llir.l ,
BEI.MVUE , Neb , , Sopt. 21. [ Special toTii
JlKB. 1 War brolto out nt Fort Creole toda ;
between Andy Cox , n subcontractor , nni
Ooorgo MoMlllcu , a grader , ending In a Ugh
lu which Cox got docidcdlv the worst of il
Cox hud McMillan arrested far assault un
battury , Ho pleaded guilty , naluuilno and K
talluted by having Cox arrested for nrovoli
inc the usintilt by the use of vile aud ubuslv
epithets uppltod to the assaulting parly , Co
was found guilty and paid a line.
I'lntitiiir.lull IllitU 1'nll ,
Coi.fMims , Nob. , Sept. 21. ( Special t
TUB net.J Prisoners lu the county jail bet
caiuo nrur escaping last niuht. They awc
oil an Iron bar , that ( Mmblod tboin all to gi
out'of their cells Into tbo corridor , but tbp
( ailed to got out of tbo corridor. They mm
bavo felt pretty certain of escape after uoi
ting out ot the cells , ( or tboy wrote a note I
Deputy SborllT Campbell saying tboy dl
lllit'd tu leava him , but bud concluded I
do so.
OitniuU tlui Conference.
Nr.nitASKA CITV , Nob. , Sopt. 2 ! . [ Sped ;
to TUB BKK.J Ilio thlrty-sncoud aunui
conferunco of tbo Methodist Epltcop
oburrb for the Soutb 1'lutto district Is no
in session In tbis city , bcluc opened la :
by a ieruioa by Uov , U. W. Abuo
of David Ctly. The city U full ot shiny
silk hats ana whlto cboVors. About 250
drlogatrs nro In attendance nnd tboyaroa
Duo looklnct bony of men.
Following was today's proernm : 0 n. m. ,
moriilug prayer raeotlng ; 0 a. m. , opening
session nnd communion by Bl hop Warren ;
2 p. m. , statistical session ; ! l:30 : p.m. , Con *
faronco Historical soclotv ; evening , anni
versary ot Missionary society , Chaplain Mo
di bo.
Trial of Clmnrollor Crrleliton Ilcgnn nt
Ncbritnltii City.
NEnitASK * . OITV , Neb. , Sept. , 21 [ Special
Telegram to 'i'tir. Bhn.j The trial of Chan
cellor Crolgbton commenced this afternoon
nt the Congregational church before n Jury
of fifteen fellow ministers , presided over by
Bishop Warren. The inquiry Is to bo hold
behind closed doors , but TIIK Bun correspondent
pendent has been able to learn n lltllo of
what occurred this attornoon. The prose
cution has thrco attorneys on hand and tbo
chancellor two. The line of detente is to bo
malice and spite work. A number of wit
nesses wore examined this afternoon nnd the
testimony was snld to bo of n damnalng
character to the chancellor , the oxar.l unturo
uf which could not bo learned. Bishop War-
ton is tryinif Iho ease strictly on facts.
Itcntrlro Ne H Note * .
BcATiticc , Nob. , Sopt. 21. ( Special Telegram -
gram to THE Br.n.J A project developed
hero today whoraoy the Beatrice Chau- association will boformod Into n Joint
stock concern with a capital stoclc of $25,000
In shares of * 100 each. .1. S. Grablo , n
former part owner of the concern , Is at Iho
bead of Iho now move , which moots with
popular approval.
The County Hoard of Supervisors , now In
session In IhU city , last evening adopted n
resolution appropriating f400 toward moot
ing the expenses for n proper exhibition of
Ongo county's products nnd resources on ox-
hi bit train No. 2 , shortly to leave Omubn.
Ooorgo O. Hill of Boatrlco will accompany
tbo Uago county evhlblt.
Amonir the most Important matters trans
acted by the board touay was the discussion
of a proposition for bonding the county lu
tbo sum of * 50,000 for a now jail and beauti
fying tbo court house grounds. After n
bard struggle the printing of tbo delinquent
tnxllst for the proiont year was lot to tbo
l xprass Publishing company ,
I'irn ut Ne
Nmoti , Nob. , Sopt. 31. ( Special Tele
gram to Tun BEI : . I This morning ut 3 o'clock
a fire broke out in the Commercial State
bank block , completely gutting C. P. Bayhu's
law ofilco mid McGlntto & Bayhu's
re nl estate rooms. It also did much
damage to other portions of tbo
building , burning through tbo lloor
to the bunk below. Much damage was denote
to the books uud papers in the bank nnd olllce.
The coed worlc of the llro department ,
backed with tin ofllciont waterworks system ,
savoa the building from complete destruc
tion. Over $ y,000 datnago was douo to the
building , covered by insurance.
Itmrliuil Cuimdil 111 Safety.
Coi.v.Miius , Nob. , Sept. 21. [ Special to THE
Bii.1 A. JM. SwnrUondruver , late manager
of the Western Exchange company of tbls
place , who skipped out for parts remote ,
slnco which much evidence has accumulated
to show him to bo a forger and embezzler ,
bas been hoard from. Ho is lu Canada. At
latest accounts it is thought bis peculations
will reach about $3,500. If captured he will
ba extradited und brought hero for trial.
Hull County'H Kecords.
GHVNU ISLAND , Neb. , Sept. 21. Special
Telegram to THE BEE.J At tbo afternoon
session of tta county Board ot Supervisors a
resolution was passed tbat will place before
tbo people of'Hall county at the coming elec
tion the question whether the county records
are to bo examined by an export or not. The
Question has been much agitated for tbo past
few months and many bitter charges have
been made. , _
Sovuro Hull Storm.
PiEiicE , Nob. , Sept. 21. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ] A sovuro hull storm occurred
hero this afternoon about 4 o'clock lasting
twenty minutes. Some of the stones meas
ured over olaht inches arounu.
WKST POINT , Nob. , Sopt. 21. [ Special
Telegram to Tun UEK. ] Between 0 and 7
o'clock this evening hail fell ai largo as
walnuts. Tbcro was uo wind and little dam
age. _
Antelope County's Fnlr.
NELIQH , Nob. , Sopt. 21. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKE. I The Antelope county
fair opened today with a larger attendance
and bettor exhibit than ever boforo.
Impaired digestion repaired by Beocbams
Hoy' , has written many successful plays ,
but none that has brought him the amount of
money and reputation that "A Texas Steer"
has. It Is bis masterpiece anu combines
elements tbat enlist the attention of all
classes of theater-goers. No man or woman
who takes any interest at all in tbo political
life of tbo country can fall to appreciate tbo
lioen satire and brilliant sarcasm of "A
Texis Steer. " Everywhere the pleco has
been played tbls season it has done enormous
business , and during Its Omaha engagement ,
which occurs at Boyd's theater on tbo lust
three ovonlugs of this week , it will still Uooji
up the record.
The essential elements tbat wont to make
the comedy of "NIobo" Iho conspicuous
dramatic nuucess of last season were : first ,
a play of the greatest possibilities ; secondly ,
a stage director lu tbo person of Bon Teal ,
qulcu to discover aud assiduous in develop
ing these possibilities , and third , tbo Intrust
ing of tbo purlsoven the least consequential ,
only to artists of superior ability. Tholt
prollts this season will probably exceed con
siderably tboso ot tbo last , as tbo drawine
quality of the piece bas not boon Impaired.
"Nlobe" under tboso circumstances can
count not only upon new friends and ad
mirers , but retaining all of its old ones.
Tbo engagement , of'"Nlooo" opens ut Boyd's
on Monday night for three nights.
At tbo Fitrnam Street theater commencing
Sunday matinee aud continuing four nights ,
ono of the most successful theatrical enter
prises on tbo road will hold tbo boards , viz ;
A. W. Fremont in his sensational soonlo pro
auction entitled " 7-7-7 , " This company lofl
a favorable Impression hero last season and
doubtless Mr. Fremont's many admirer * wit !
give him a royal welcome on bis return at
the Sunday inatluoo.
Mrs. Wiuslow'a Sootbinp Syrup rcducei
lu nomination while children are tcetbiug 'X
cents a bottle.
Tlii'y Unit Varying Kxpurlonrc * anil Told
.Tuiliru Ilprlcii All AliuUt Them.
There wore half u dozen soldiers in Judge
Borka's assortment yesterday moruliif
gathered In by the minions of clvio authority
for a variety of offenses.
Harry licaloy was ouo of thorn , ID a pro
nouneed cockney accent be explained thatbi
nud a lady friend were waiting for a car or
tbo street corner , when , of course , tbov be-
cama tired , and sat down to rest , uud the ofll
cor came along und took thorn iu ,
"What tlmo was this ! "
"Half past tbreo , "
"Cars don't ruu at 3:30 : in Ibo morning , d <
"Well , I didn't ' luiow , you know , but tbon
might ODO come along , and wo wultoa to son
you know. "
"Ob , yes , I kuow , you know. Two aai !
costs. "
Tim Williams was another , and bo squaroc
himself u p and saluted with a stnllo.
"You are charged wllb being Uruult. "
"Who ! Mel"
"Yes , you. "
"Well , well ! There U some serious mis
take somewhere. I
"Two dollars and costs,11 cut In tbo Judge
again , and Tim saluted and retired.
Private A , II. Havocs has gone daft on th <
subject of religion , aud has marled on u oru
sado. Ou tbo corner of Twelfth aui
Dodge , bo mot a man walking between
two Indies , aud jumping to the conclusloi
that there was somoDou Juuti businessabou' '
it ho proceeded to point out tbo slufulues :
of the man's conduct. Ho was promptly
knooknd down for bit pains. The strange !
was accompanied bv his wife aud daughter
Suggestions for the Proper Observance of
the Occasion ,
All School Children In the Stnto Arc ii- :
lirciml In I'lirtlclpiUo In the
Kxcrclftnn Other IIn.
coin Nowi.
LINCOI.X , N6b. , Sept. 21. [ Special to TUB
BEE.J Superintendent Goudy Is today send
ing out the preliminary outline ot the official
program for the observance of Columbus day
la this sUto on October 'Jl. The celebration
ot this day is recommended by net ot con *
gross , and by the proclamations of President
Harrison and UovoruorQoyd. It Istbo wish
of the managers of tbo World's fair tbat the
exorcises on tbo day bo ot a uniform nature
and to tbtscnd an ofllclal program bas boon
prepared. This ptogram will bo rendered In
every school In AmorlcRslinultanoously with
the dedicatory exorcises on the exhibition
grounds at Chicago. The preliminary outline -
line boinc scut out to Jay will on nblo teacher *
nnd school ofllcors to commence their
preparations for the event. For obvious
reasons tbo dill tuxt of the program will not
bo sent out until n short tituo prior to the
day Itself. ThoofHclnl program will consist
of 'tho following features :
1. The reailliiR of the president's proclama
tion for the school colouration ot OctoDur Ul >
J. The raisins of the lln , undur the ( II ruc
tion , whoruvur possible , of a dululluf veterans
of tlio wur.
U. The salute to the Hat : , n brief but 1m-
liresslve o.xoiclso nrriiiiKcd for this eolubrn-
llon , the fiMturo of which la the national
" yum , "America. "
4. Acknowledgement of God.
5. The song of Columbus day , to a well
( now n tuno.
0. Thu address ot Columbus day , to bo do-
Muliuecl by the bust speaker among the hoys ,
7. The oilu of Columbus day. to b road or
reel led by a you UK lady. Hero \vlll follow
whatever additional exercises , patriotic reci
tations , historic rcuroaunt.itlons or chorals
uiy ; boucsiiud.
b. Addresses by citizens and national SOUKS
Timely MiKKentlons Oll'crocl.
The following timely suBResttotis are of
ored In connuction with the observance of
, ho day :
"Tho public schools , It is to bo rornom-
bored , are to bo thu sccnos of this morning
coledrntlou. As far as possible , nil the
rooms in each school house under tbo same
rincipal should unlto in having the same
exercises. The parents and friends of the
lupils should bo brought together. Family
ntovostb on Columbus day sbould be madoto
ccntor in the particular school house where
the children attend.
"In the country , the day ouRht to bo made
n real holiday. Farm uud household work
iiilght bo wfrll relinqulsnod ; nud the lam-
ilius of the district como together at the
school house , with their plcnlo lunches , prepared -
pared to make a day of memorable fcstivitv.
The commemoration exercises of the morn
ing being over , tbo afternoon might bo de
voted to gardes , and to sociil reunions of
neighbors , which would malto the any a joy
ous ouo to millions of our hard working pop
Lincoln hi Ilrlcf.
The trial of W. H. Irvine for the murder
of C. E. Montgomery has been postponed
until October 10.
Alexander Mason and William Gllohrist
were each lined $0.20 in police court for
The Jewish Now Year will bo observed
with appropriate services this evening and
tomorrow afternoon.
James Hipgins , a well Known crook , was
this inoruinc sent to the county jail for
thirty days. Ho was captured after a hard
clmso lust night and had to bo clubbed into
submission before ho would co to tbo station.
One of tbo most dastardly outrages over
perpetrated in the city occurred at the resi
dence of J. H. Bain about U o'clock yester
day morning' . An unknown scoundrel ef
fected an entrance to the house , and going to
tbo loom of Mr. Bain's 13-year-old daughter
Mabel , cbloroformoa her and then brutally
outraged her. She finally regained consciousness -
ness sufllclently to call for assistance. Her
parents heard her , but before the father
could reach tbo room tbo licnd haa escaped.
The girl Is prostrated from the effect of her
terrible treatment.
Hon. Cuurch Howe announces an annual
sale of trottmg-bred horses nt the Lincoln
fair grounds October 5. Fifty well bred
horses will bo put up for sale , including gen
tlemen's roadsters , stallions , colts , mares ,
tillies nnd geldings. Mr. Howe's well known
reputation as a breeder of fine stock inukc :
this sale a most interesting one to all stool
Procure IteforoLiOiiviiii ; Homo.
Three years ace , while Ivas visiting rela
tives at Higginsvlllo , Mo. , I was suddenly
tutcen with colic and severe pains in the
stomach. My relatives sent to tbo doctoi
for medicine , and ho soul mo a bottle ol
Chamberlain's ' Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
Hurnody , tolling the bearer that if thut med
icine did not euro mo ho could not proscribe
anything that would. I used It and was im-
.mediately relieved. Hiixitr A. THOFUIUT.
11 oiv it IlnrilworlcliiK Woman \Viis Swindled
by a Graceless Scamp.
"Ooorgo W. Morriraan is hera sporting
Have your chief of police authorize bis ar
rest. May save some of his wife's money
Answer. "
This WPS the wording of a tolograa
received bv tbo manager ot t'uo Jenulng !
hotel tbo other day umi behind It is t
wretched story ot confiding womanhood anc
man's villainy.
Mrs. Gobbart wus a hardworking wldoM
of Ualosburg , 111. , who by saving nnd scrimp
inc and making the most of her opportunities
bad paid for a comfortable homo , wol
furnished and put away for a rainy daj
about $1,200 in cash. She bad three you in
children to support , but was able to supporl
thorn and the world wont wall with hoi
until she mot and married Gcorgo W. Mor
rlmiiu , n young sport who from all account :
was no good to himself or any ono else ,
They were married about six weeks ago
and about three weeks ago bar new husband
persuaded her to close tbo bouse and uccom
pany bim to Omaha , where ho was DersuaUot
tboro was au opening for bis talents , one
tbat they might purobaso a now homo and bi
hapny and prosperous. She drew her mono )
from the bank and came , and the whole
faintly put up at the Jennings hotel , registering
toring us George W. Morrimua fron
The next day the young man told his wife
tbat ho had locatea a situation , and tbat hi
would deposit her money and go back t <
Galcsburp. pack up her furnlturo and clothes
for elm hud only brought ono small truul
with her , and return In a tow days.-
The wlfu handed over her $1,201) ) and bo departed
parted aud has not slnco been beard from
Stio was loft at the hotel with her throe
children uud with $3.75 in cash ,
Tbo telegram above was signed bv tin
chief of police of Galesburg , and from'it , r
Is Inferred that Merrlmau bas sold tbo housi
and furniture and Is living an cnjoyablo lite
leaving Ills wife to shift for borsulf.
Tbos. E. Craig , editor and publisher of ttii
New linvou ( Mo. ) Notes , says : "I navi
use1) Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera am
Dlarrbcua Homedy with great satlsfaotloi
for tbo ailments of my children. For sail
by druggists , _
Ilulldlni ; 1'ormlU.
The following permits were issued by tbi
superintendent of buildings yesterday ;
Druid Hill Uulldlnz association , buo-
story frame cottagn , Druid HIM. . . . t 1,50
Druid 11111 llulldlug association , one-
story frame cottage. Druid Hill . 1,50 mid iJutnti Institute , two-story
brick hospital bulldlue , I'orty-lIJIU
fctroot uncl lloulovurd . . 1,50
Prank Kundolu , one-story friimo cot-
tnk-o. Fourteenth and Williams. . 2,00
Six uilnor permits . . . till
Total . , . , 7,10
DeWitt'a rouaolo.
Htarltnl it New Churolt htructure.
Yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock tb
corner stone of tbo new St. Phlliu'a Kplscc
pal cburcb , Twenty Ural aud Paul street !
on i
win Inlil with the usunlcpTomotiles. TUshop
\Vorthlnpton ofllclated .infd laid ana blessed
the stone nnd Mructtiwl' Ttio usual tin box
was Dloccd In tbo tona > , U contained photo-
grand * of Ulshop and Mr. } , WovthlnRton nnd
thn pastor , Her. Jona A. William * , also
church records ana Uoplos of tbo Oinabn
nowsnnpors. . „ ,
The clergymen who nsMstod In the cerorao.
nlos were Doan OnWlhor , Canon Whit-
marsb , Uov. Dr. Doherty , Hov. Lloyd , Hovt
Alexander Mncuab , Hov , I'aut Matbows and
Archdeacon Spntllnp.
Donn Gardner delivered n short address
after the stone had beou placed In position
nnd nttor n sons by tho.aoy ctiolr the bishop
pronouucod the benediction.
"I take pleasure in recommending Cham
berlain's Colic , Cholera and Uinrrhuua Horn-
cdy , " ays Goo. C. Bnnkston ot Mill Creek ,
III. "It is the best moiliolno I bavo over
used for dlnrrhrca. Ono do o will euro any
ordinary case. " For snlo bv druggists.
NKW YEAR , C063.
Commencement ot Another Twelve Month
In tlio llnhrow Calonilnr.
Last evening nt sunset the Hebrew Now
year commenced. The year U 5053. Festivi
ties were commenced last night In every
Jewish community throughout the world.
At tbo Hebrew temple , Twenty-fourth nnd
Hnruoy streets , services were begun nt sun
set aud will bo continued today. In honor of
the celebration the pretty cdillco had been
tastefully decorated with llowcrs , ferns nnd
palms , besides several silken banners , wblch
were suspended back of the altar. Kov. Mr.
Franklin officiated , aud during the evening
preached n sermon lilting the occasion. An
excellent choir was In attendance nnd ren
dered seine splendid muslo.
Many prominent Jewish people from out of
own were present. Today's services will
begin nt V ) :3U : o'clock and continue until noon.
The llrst day ot the Jowlsb seventh month
s called Tishrl. Tbo tenth day of the seventh
: nontb Is Yoni Klppur. Tni Is the day of
atonement and consists of continued religious
porvlcos at the synagogues from sundown ot
the ninth day to sundown ot the tenth day.
In common computation Now's day
begins at sundown this evening and ends at
sundown tomorrow. The day of atonement
begins Fridav at smiOowu and lasts twotit.v-
four hours. Tbo tbrco festivals are conimom-
orntlvo of certain periods In Hebrew history ,
being the Fonstof the Passover , wblch Isslm
liar to the Fourtbof July ; celebrating tbo day
of Jewish redemption from Egyptian bond-
ngo.and the Feast of Pentecost , or Shoboutb ,
commemorating the giving of the Tun Com
mandments on Mount Hlnai to the redeemed
Hebrews. There nro three feasts , tbo Feast
of Tabernacles , or Succalb , commemorates
tbo wnndorlng of the Hebrews forty years
in tbo wilderness , after icdemption'from
Egypt , prior to reaching thoirpromlsod land.
The former and latter holidays last eight
days , and the first and last days synasoeuo
services are hold. Tbo second festival is the
sixth day of tbo third Hebrew month , culled
Sevan. The Feast of the Passover cole-
brutes the llrst Jewish month of the thir
teenth day of Nissan. The third festival Is
celebrated the fourteenth day of the seventh
month nud Is called Tishl.
DoWltt'sSarsaparllla cleanses the blooil.
JHitrrliiRu 1.icoii os.
The following morringo licenses were is
sued by Judge Ellcr yesterday :
Name and address. i ARC.
I Ollnton A. Williams , Olty Z
} Muttlo Liicliiuan , Elli I'lty 1 !
( Charles Ashbnrn , bnnthOmaha 31
1 Hello Howard , I'aelllu Junction , la 2.
J Mathew Sherman , Loif'villo 8-
( Hose ElckhofT , l.imlvlllo i |
j Moses Miles , Ornilni. ; , . _ 31
c Angollno Scott , Oinuhu Bt
I John Klowlt , Omaha ' . . ' 2.
I Mnttlo Urquhart. Omaha 2 ,
Knttcct of flvi lines or felt witltr this heMt.Jlftu
cents ; each ailflltlmial llrfrf , tin cents.
TUilKljE-A daughter' to Mr. aud Mrs A. J
Turklu. tt
OKOW A son to Mr. , and Mrs. Joseph Crow.
A daughter io M'r. and Mrs , Arthur
Kotlces nf five lltits or I'.n tender Hits ficcul , fifty
cent * ; each additional lint , ten cents.
1'OPl'EU 1'rnnlc ; Soplombor2I , ago 7 months.
CAHUOLL Jolin , So'pfombor20 , ao 45 yours.
S01INKIDEK Francis , Spptombor 23 , ago 01
Within the
Reach of All
By the labor and ingenuity of
Dr. Price , we have now before
us the sweetest , freshest and
most natural flavors. His
Delicious Vanilla Extract sur
passes in delicate flavor any
other flavoring extract , while
his Extracts of Lemon and
Orange are really as fresh and
agreeable in their flavor as
the true fruits from which
they are made. Any house
keeper who has once used
in her cakes , puddings , or
creams , will never return to
the use of any other.
It Is a remedy , n tonlo nml not a beverage.
tt stimulates the clrculnton , tones up thn
.tfe , purities the blood. Rives brightness nml
honlth to women , strength to men , nnd Is
bplng ondorsnd by physicians and mcro
ndvaroJd thtiiknrs. It It the best remedy
for VNRUMONIA. Ueiar in mind that
Drff/'sPurB Mnlt hns grown In Popnlniity
tor yoirs , that it Is aclmowlodcod ns the
only nnrfl remedy of itTlctml on the m\rkot : ,
thnt it contains no fusel oil , nnd that It In
variably bonolltsnll who intoillcontly uss It.
Get it fem yonr druggist or grooar. Eond
for phnmphlot to
RochuBtor , N. Y.
For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics.
Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns ,
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. "
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard
MENT.a spoolrto for Hystjrls. IHtilngij , Kill , Ni ) l
rnlRln , lleuductio , Xurvoiu 1'roslrnton ciusoJ b/
ulcohoior tobaoca , Wukufillnoja , Man HI IJauroi-
Blon.aoftaosHot the Drain. CJuUn/iiu.inltr , lulsorr
ducay.iluatli , I'ramatura Old Axe , llarrjtiuii , iiais
of i'ovrcr In cltlior aoz , Impotcnoy , Ijoucorrtioa anil
all Kemala Wuikticascs , Involuntary LOSSUJ , Spar *
matorrlioa cainaJ by over-exortlou or tu ! brain
fcoir-ttbusooror-lnilulKCiico. A montli's trjitiiDnt
f 1,0 for mill , WoguaraiilcoDlx boxuj to CUD
Kacb orde for t ! boxoi. with $ > will aaait wrltlaa
cniRrantceto rofuniltf not cur jd. Qunrantoe Usual
only by Theodore. F. honrlB druggist , solo HKOQI ,
eoutboast corner liithnnd 1'arnam ttn . Umaha
Anon anl complota Trenttnont , conslstlnj ot
Buppojltorles , Olntmont la Oiipsuloi , ulio In Box
nnal'HU ; a I'OJlllvo Cure for Kxti'rnal. Internal
bllndor Ulooillniiltolilnif. Uaronlc , Itocontor Horu.ll-
Uiry IMIuj. Tnls Homoily has notor baon known to
fall , flper oor. ( j for3 ; auntby mnll.Vliy suitor from
thla torrlblo cltaoaiio wlmu u written tf uar ntoa Is
' Dosltlvclyulvou with 0 uoioi or retail 1 thomun9yl (
not cured.Sond stamp for frao Biunplo. tiu.irantoa
IssuodbyKulin A Co. , UrufgUti , Solo Avcn'.s , corner
Iitl > and UOUKJKI utrootj o . .hu. Nob.
\Vo will lend you the murrelnui
Krrnch Preparation CALTHOS
frro. and a legal guarantee that
ItALTllUS will llmtorc ; rour
Ileulili , Mrruictli uud Vigor.
Use it and f > ay if satisfied.
Sole America * IcvoU , llaclnnaU. Ohio.
Or. Bailey , $ ;
Tlio Lmlia
Third floor , I'.ixton Illo : ) c.
Telephone 108 . KHliiin IFaraamSU.
A full set of tcctli on rubber for IV Perfect t
Teeth without platen or ramovablu hrlditu work
just tlio thlntf for binders or publla ajioakuri , novar
drop cloiMi.
Oold fllllnz at ro.ison-iblo nitas. All work
wurruuted. Cut this out for u guldo.
On Fair Grounds , Lincoln , Neb. ,
Wednesday , October 5th , 1892 ,
T AT 10 A. M.
We will , hold our First Annual Sale of
Stallions , Colts.r-'Mares ' , Fillies and Geldings , of fashionable
breeding , descendants of such sires as Onward , Alcantara , Al-
mont , Thorndale , Dictator , Belmont , Mambrino King , Brown
Wilkes , Tom Hal , McMahon , .and other noted ones.
Yearling" and Two Year Old Colts by
Several Fine Gentlemen's Roadsters.
Ono year's tlmo given if desired. Send for Catalogue. !
Walnut Grove Stock Farm , Howe , Nebraska.
F. M. WOODS , Auctioneer.
200 More
Owing to the demands for
those 1000 suits we have been
selling for the past few days we
have been compelled to a'dd
200 More
People bought them on sight. They are un
questionably the best bargain ever offered in
this city , both as to style aiicl quality , at such a
price. The real worth of the suits as $9 ,
and $15.
Corner 13th and Farnam Streets.
An ord nance croatlni : street improvement
district No. 470 In the city of Omaha
for the Improving of the streat In suld dis
trict by paving and curbing nnd allowing
thirty days to the piopurty owners in said
district In which to dctrimino ami tlcslKliuto
the malarial dpslrcd to bo iibcd for the curb-
lir ' and p ivln ' ot the H.IIIIC :
Holturdainou by the city council of the city
of Omaha :
Section 1. That Strool Impiovemont Dis
trict JSo. J ? ( ! for the Improving of the street In
said district Is liuruby created In thu city of
Section 2 , That street Improvoniontdlstrict
No. 4TU shall comprise tbo streotlvliigoust of
the west L'O foot of lot 7. block -it : , from I'-iclllo
street to tbo alley south of I'.iolHo street , In
tbo city of Omaha , : uid shall include ull lots
and real estate on liotli sides of nald street
buck a distance of 7 ! ) feet from the lines
thereof , and It Is liorebv declared ncccss.iry to
Improve thu tmmo by curbing and paving.
Section U. That street imimivomont dis
trict No. 470 In the oltyof Omaha be and thu
same Is hereby ordered Improved byuniblng
and paving.
Soetlon4. That thirty days next , after the
pussugo and approval of this ordinance bound
thoaaiiio Is borobv allowed to the owners of
all lots nnd real eat.ito In said street Im
provement district , to determine and desig
nate the material doslrud to bo used foi'tlio
Improving of tlio same , an.l notify the city
council thereof. It having boon nnd being
Imrobv dotormlncd by the mayor and city
council of sitld nltv , for masons which appcur
rlxht and propcr.tbat all the real estuto In said
street Improvement district , shall bo charged
nnd assessed with the cost of Improving there
in , to bo tborealtcr diitormlnort anu ustuh-
lisliiid aocordlii1 to the buncflts to the
property In said slrcot Impiovmuntdistrict,1
niicl tlio Hoard of I'uhllo Works Is hereby Ul-
roctod to Klvo notice to the owners of lands
and lots subject to local assessment , for thu
cost of said Improvements , to determine and
designate the material to bu used for such Im
proving , by publication In tboolllolil paper
of thu elty for three consooiitlvo days , i-t
least fifteen days prior to tbo lapse of said
llility dav.s.
i-oRtlon ! > . That this ordinance Rhall tiino
olfcct and bo in torco from und after Its pass-
I'uasod September nth. IB'J. .
JOHN artovns ,
City Olerk
Actlnu 1'rusldent Olty Uouiicll
Approved Septemberiith , 1S32.
Mayor ,
An ordinance croatlntr sewer alstrlct No. 102.
( lollnlni ; Its limits , slzo of sowuis and orova-
tlons , and dlructliiK the board ot nubile
works to talni the iiDcossary stops to cause
the construction of the newer In nuld dis
Ito itordalnod by tlio city council of the city
of Omuliu :
boellon l , Bower district No. 103 U hereby
created In thooltvof Omaha.
Hoctioir. . Thatbowcr district No. 163 shall
comprise the following lotH and tracts of rual
estate : Lots 4. G , 0 and the cast half lots 8.0.
10 , 11. 12 , 13. , 15. 1U , 17 and the wouthultof
lota IB. 11) ) . SO , 'Jl. 22. 2J , 24 , B5 , 2(1 ( and all of lot 27 ,
Knuntza2ml nddltlnn ; the onBt 150 feet of N
1U ft tax lot T sou 27 T n It III ; tlio nest 14.1 ft
of N I'ft ; tax lot 0 see -IT ( 111 H J'J ; all in tbo
oltyof Omaha.
bootlnn a. That sewer district Nn , IQ'i ahall
bo constructed ua follows : Itoxlnnlnu at a
mnnliolo In tbo conlor of 10th and IflcUory
HI roots at an elevation of foot , thence
along tlio center of lllcxory street with H 12
Inch plposowor ton manliolo lu the center of
Utli Htieotat an olnvntlon ot Ih3 feet ! thence
alontlio center of Utli stri'iit with u 1U Inch
nlpo howur to a manliolo MO tcpt south nt
llicUory Htri'ot at an elevation of HU foot ,
tbenco nluni ; tlio center of Otb .stieot wllb un
8 Inch nlposuwiir to a Hush t-ink2."i feet north
of Dorcas street nt nn olavatlon of Ifa'J feet ,
All tlio aforiisalu oluval Ions to bo at tiie How
llnnsof suld Huwerw at the points niimod ,
The alignment arid urndes of said nuwors to
bo BtralBht lines between manholes and other
points Kpeellled , as far UK practicable , und uu-
cordlnK tci plans and Hpecllluatlous Hied with
tbo board of public works.
Hlx Inch junction plecns shall bo plucod In
the Hewer everyf cot , or usdlroutcd Inwrll-
IDK by tbo city onglnuur ,
bower InletH shall bo cnnstrnctod In mid
sewer dlstilct ut uuuh | > oliitu n-s thu city en
gineer may direct ,
HoetlonJ. That the board of public works Is
iioruby limtruutod to take the necens.iry Htups
tncmiho the cnnntriictlon ot thu Bower In said
Hootlonr . That this nrllnanoa Khtill tnUo
effect and bo In force from and uttur Its pass-
ace ,
AotliiK rroslilent Olty Council.
Approved Soutombsr Utli. IBUJ.
QEai' , HEMI8.
Xparts of lots , on 2Jnd street , from Nicholas
struct to Ulark utrauU
Vou are hereby notified that the under
signed , thrco dlslnleroHlcd free holders of the
city of Omaha , Imvo boon duly appointed by
the mayor , with the approval of tbo city
council of sultl city , to ussess the dumuuu to
thuownurs rouuootlvuly of tbo property af
fected by KniUlnrf of bald utrout , declared
necessary by ordinance No. IllTl. passed
Auustitli : ) , Ib'J ' ! , approved AugustDlst , 1S9J.
You are further notllied , that bavinae -
coptnd H ild nppnlutinoiit , and duly ijuallllod
as required by law. wo will , on the vJtli day of
September , A I ) 1S9at llui hour of 2 o'clock
In the afternoon ut tno olllce of George ,1.
I'nitl , 1015 struct , wl'liln thu coipor-
ate limits ot s.ilil city , meet for the purpose of
eonsldi'rln'4 and making the assessment of
( liimaKo to tbu nwnors respectively of nalu
propci ty , nlTi-nled h/biild eraillnit. taking Into
consideration Miieclal benellts if any.
Vou uru nntillod to bo present , nt the tiinn
and place afoios ild. and nrilce any objeenom
tonrhtTatumentH conecrftlnK Raid assessment
of damages a you may consider proper.
( ittniUlU.I. I'AUI , ,
WM. ( J Smtmit : ,
JAMI : < Srouiciut n ,
Oinalii , boplombor 12lh. 1602. SllldlOt.
To the property owners of all lots , part of lots
and real estate , alnntt Suw.rd street from
Il'lth ' street to 31st street :
Vou are hereby notllied that tbo under
signed , tli roe disinterested freeholders of t'.ie
city ufUmalm , hive been duly appnlntod by
the mavor , with the of the ulty
council of said city , tu-asioss the darniiv , ' " to
tbo owners respectively of the propo'tv af-
rctod by ebiinxe of u'r.nle of Soward'struut
from IlOtb to 'list streets , declared necessary
by ordinance 188 , paused August Oth , approved
Aim-list nth.
You are further not I fled , that having ac
cepted said appointmonU and duly qualified
as requited by law , wo will , ou thu 2Uh day ot
September. A. 1) . IH'Ji , at the hour ot 10
o'clock In the forenoon , at the olllco of John
K. Kluok , room 5'ii , Chamber ot Uomtucrco ,
within the corimrato limits of salu city , meet
for the purpose of conslilorliii anil inn < lii' ;
the asiossmoiit of dumiiKO to thn owners re
spectively of said property , allocled by said
elianjjo of grade , taking Into consideration
special benoIlls. Ifmy. .
You are notllied to be piesont at the tlmo
and place afoiesa d , and maUo any objections
In or statements concurnlne Hiild assessment
of damages us you may consider proper.
Omaha , cjcptoniber 7 , ! ' . > '
JOHN l > \ lrAOIC.
S-12-d-lOt OKOHOK J. I'AUI *
lotHon ilJnd stieet from Hamilton street to
l''riinklln ' Hlieel.
You are heiuUy nollllod that the under-
Hlgncd , tluoe dlslnlordstud freeholders of the
oily of Omiiha , have been duly appointed by
Iho mayor , with the approval of the city
couiu'll of said city , to assess the damages to
the owners , respectively , ot the pioperty
affected , by griding of Hald street , declared
nouossniy liy Ordliiiinua No. U'MO , n ihsed Hop-
teniUer'Jnd , 1 'J3. ' approved tiuptumbor Oth , IH'.IJ. '
Vou are further n < xlllod. tbat having ac
cepted said appolnlmont , and duly qunlllled
as required by law , wo will , on the iUth day of
September. A. 1) ) . 189. , at the hour of three
o'clock In the afternoon , at the olllco nfJcn.
J. I'aul , HlO.'i Farnam street , within the cor
porate limits of snld olty , moot for the pur
pose ot considering and making thu assess
ment of damage to the owners respectively of
said property , all'eetod bv said grading , talc-
Inn Into coimlderatlon special bonoflti. If any.
You are notllied to bu present ut the time
and plauo aforusnld , und make any objections
U > or statements concerning mild iis esa
of dunmKcs as you may consider proper.
UKO. J. I'AUh ,
.1. M. KOBIll.N'H ,
Oinaba , Nob. , Sept. I'Jlh ' , IHDi o.'Odli )
lots on IWth struot from Amos uvuiiuu to
Kowlor n venue.
You are hoioby notldod tbat the iinilor-
sluned , three illshiterested freeholders uf the
olty of Omahii , bavu been duly appointed by
the mayor , with thu appiov.U of tlio ulty uoiiu-
cll ot said cltv , to iissois the damage tu thu
owners rospcijtlvoly of thu property iilVuotod
by eluding of said struot und UIIISHstreets , de
clared by ordinance No. l l. passed
SeplemberUth , IH'JJ , uppruvcd HcptumUerUlh
Iblii You are fnithor notlflud , that having nu-
cepti.d sild uppulntmont , und duly ( juallllud
iih required by law. we will , un thu 3rd dav o
October , A , I ) . Ih'J. ' , ut the hour of II o'clock In
the uf lei noon , ut tbu olllco ot Uoo. J , 1'aiil. IW'S
I'arnum struct , within the corporate limits ut
mild cltv. moot for tbu purpose of considering
nnd milkier ; Urn iixscssinenl of diiiu.iuo to tbu
owners respectively of Hiild property ulfeulod
by said graJInir. taking lulu consideration
special bonulllH. If itiiy ,
You , ire nollllod to ho present nt tbo tlmo
und place aforesaid and make any oiijocllon
to or btaluiiKintHconcernliiK Hiild ussessnicnt
of damuu'ca us you may consider proper.
( II'.O , J.I'AHU
W. (3. rillKlVUU.
Omaha , September 10th , 18U2. Bi.dlUt
I'ropiMUl fur tlui Siile of I , mill lir ItniKon of
Viiuutlni ; "lull Ntroot , Hroou iloliit I.
Iti'dlok'x hiilidlvlhlon nml I'urniiiii htrert.
Bualnd proposals will bo rocolvud lit thu city
comptroller's ollleo , city of Onmli i , to i p. in ,
September 27 , IWW , for the s'llu ot thu follow- l
In/ parcels ot land : Two plecca of KJxIU ! ftsut ,
belwoen Kuriiam und llainey Btrimli and ouo
piece of KUX170H feet , botwrun llnriiey und
Half Howard , lllds will bu rufdlvud on uucli
or ull plucea ns may bu iluslrod. IJich bidder
tolnolosu cortllled ohuck of tlM. Tliorihtln
rehorved to reject uny or ull bids. I'lat uml
desorlytlon of thn land on Illo In thu olllco ,
' ' Ol.SKN , C'umptrolt r ,