Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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Work of tlio Republican Second Ooagres *
sioiial District Convention.
Tnio ItrptihUrat : ScnllniPiit Kxpromml 1 > J
the Clmlriimti of the tjmivpiitloii
Tim \Vnrk nt tlin Hudy
What the Second district republican con
prcmlonnl convoutlon would do was a matter
tor of uncertainty nnd conjecture when thnt
body was cillod to order by T. 1C. Sudbor
ougb ntU:3t : ) o'clock yesterday afternoon it
Washington hall , where Douglas county' :
bloodless but none the loss bitter battle \vn
waged only twenty-four hnuri boforo.
During the late morning hours and thosi
Immediately preceding the convention then
wns manifested a degree of activity that betokened
tokened the Intense Interest that wns felt it
the possible outcome of iho aftornooi
session. All efforts were llret niroctoi
to effecting n concentration ot th <
nntl-Murcor forces on W. \Vhltmoro o
valley , but that did not seem to promise tin
rcaulsllo degree of success , owing to a luke
warmness for Mr. Whitmoro on the part o
the farmor-t nt somn of the county precincts
nnd the efforts of the loaders wore nox
directed to u cryst.ilizntion of tbo dlvidot
field on A. H. Churchill of this city.
That promised bolter , nnd it was still boln
worked for nil it was worth up to the tlmo o
calling to order bv Mr. Sudboroiigh , win
acted in thu absence of Chairman Henrj
Gotlsch of Harpy county.
The iininu of Colonel L. W. Osborno o
Ulalr xvns the only one presented for torn
pornry chnirmnn , nnd on taking the chair hi
captured the convention with a vary apt am
rapidly delivered speech.
Triiu KrpiiblU-an Sentiment.
Ho said : "With the close of this convon
lion wo shall have fairly entered upon th
campaign of ISO'J. It is a campaign Hint wll
attract llio interest of the people of thl
country to an unusual dcgiee. Tno ropubll
cun party outers upon this campaign prncti
cally united , and backed by n record ol un
parallod nculevomcnts. We ere npproacli
me the close of nn ndnilnLstration to whicl
we can point with pride and satisfaction
There Is nnthtng for which wo must npoto
glzo , and much of which to fool proud. Th (
history of the republican ndminUlralion
from Abraham Lincoln to the present time
is a record of unparalleled consistency. Tlv
republican party ns a party was nover'knowi
to bo vacillating , nnd hns never chaugei
front on nny of the great questions that huv
arisen slnco Its organization. The elovntloi
, of the masse * , the gonernl dispensation o
knowledge , liberal pensions nnd the proioc
tion of homo industries have been among thi
watchwords of Uieso jears.
"Wo have twice ns lanny people and twic
ns much money for ouch person as we hai
when the renubllcnn party took control. A
far as Nebraska Is concerned she hns rlsoi
to a place of lirst importance and has bo com
n ttar of great maftnlturto in the galaxy o
the nation. We have beautiful homos , sut
rounded bv every evidence of wealth am
refinement where twenty-live years ago wi
had a wilderness and poverty nnd dcslltu
tlon. There an cortiln ganttcrnen who ii
the midst of plenty mid prosperity can so
nothing nut want and destitution , but ii
plto of them God will continue to reign am
the government at Washington will stil
' The republican nnrty bus elevated labo
from poverty and dependence to a conditioi
of compnriitIvo independence , and Invojtei
it with u dignity never known before. Mori
than that , before the icpubllcan party as
sumcd control wo saw liiichnnnn beggini
money for the government nt 12J per cent
It has buoyrel UP the credit of thu nntioi
until todnv our securities are iloated at i
premium of 'j'-jj1 undiU per cent.
"Tho position of tno republican party 01
the tariff in no now thing. It Is amoiiL' Ih
fundamental principles of our irovertimont
No mutter what party was in power a certal ;
amount must bo raised for the necossar ;
expenses of a great and growing untlon. Thi
difference between the political parties i :
only the laodo of levying this tariff. The republican
publican party is for tariff for revenue only
It wants to collect no more than cnouah ti
hoar the expenses of thonntlon , ftconoinicnll
administered , but it would take the tnrii
from every nrticln that cannot bo producei
in unlimited quantities in this country am
administer it in such n way as will pit
tect at once our labor nnd our American In
dnstrics. In this campaign success nnd hnj
mony must cro hand in hand. You have n
man In your midst too good to bo your stand
ard bearer in this battle , mil ir is not necessary
sary Torino to advise you In this reaped
nnd I uwnit your further pleasure. "
_ Colone ) Ouiornc was frequently nnd ec
thuslnsltcallv applauded ,
15. Stout of Waterloo and Judge Hnziird c
fciarpy county were elected secretary nn
assistant secretary respectively.
AVfiit to liimliirgg ut Onrit.
The list of delegates as presented was ac
rcptod , after being read by the socrotnri
nnd the toinporary organization was mad
On motion ot .1. \ \ . Carr the convcntlp
proceeded to an informal ballot on u cull o
, wards nnd precincts , nominating spccchu
being-barred , nnd these not delegates wor
ordered excluded from the floor.
The roll call progressed swimmingly untl
i the Ninth ward was reachedand that passed
dosptto a mild protest from various parts o
the houso. The First ward throw its si
votes to Cornish , the Second to Churchill
the Third to Bartlett and iho Fourth , Fift
nnd Seventh to Mnrcer. The Sixth thre\
ilvo to Churchill and ono lo Uurtloit , th
Eiehlh divided its vote evenly bolwoen Mei
cor nnu Churchill and the Ninth gave Mil
ccr three and one each to Kstubrook.uhurct
ill and Burtlott.
South Omaha had been regarded as soli
for Mercer , bulouoof her ten votes struye
awuy to Estubrook. The four dee ! atos-ai
lunro cast three votes for Mercer and pno fo
Estnbrook. Sarpy county gave Uartlott flv
and dropped one to Merctr , and washingto
threw four to Mercer mid slnekud up iho r <
tnalnlng live IP Churchill's column.
Chlfbgo , Clontnrf , Douglas , Rust Omahi
Jeftersou , McArdle , Mlllurd and Union pre
cinots enrolled themselves uiiJlor Mnrcor'
lianncr : Florence and Vulloy wont to Hun
lott , Elkhorr. to Churchill , and Waterloo an
West Omaha divided , the former botwoo
' Mercoraml Churchill , nnd thu latter batwoo
bcott anu Hartlott. West Omaha was th
last precinct ended uud It gave Scott th
only vote that ho received.
As soon as the roll was completed , and be
fore the vote was announced , thy nioa
intense activity was inuulfuatcd in nil par !
ot the convention ball , as factional londei
tartcd on n pot hunt for votes.
Dick Smith espied John T. Clark chargln
up m.d down among the dologalos , and i
once demanded thai ho ho ordered off U
floor as no wns not n dnlogulo. John hnd '
go. though it almost broKu hla heart.
Then came tuo announcement of the bullo
nsfoIiowHt Mercer , f)8 ; Churchill , iJ3 ; Uat
lott , 18 ; Cornish , tlj Ev.abrook , a ; St-ott , 1.
TiiKIni ; thu I'oi-iiuil llnllut.
A formal ballot was ordered , and It dove
oped thu most beautiful procession that cvi
was uocn on iho tloor of a convention , co
grosslonal or otherwise. While it was ha
( toning Mercer sut.over In u corner uc
helped aoyerul ex-cougrossionalsvinputhlzo
Binllo. Judge Scolt , meanwhllo.'sut uud m
ulono down near the cna of the main ulal
and thunu au.1 tuunk with avltor that shoe
Iho building. The other caudtdatoa wt-i
scttUorort around oor Ibo hall , looking i
comfortaiilo as they could and fooling us u
comfortable ns suited their fancy or the sit
ntlon demanded.
When the Hag fell twonty-sovou of the H
delegaios wuro still behind the post , but so
eral of them availed themselves of the li
dulgonce of the political btnrlor and can
under Iho Mercer wlroon a keen run , Sun
refused to embrace the opportunity , and m
a motion to make the nomination uniuilmoi
\vlth a lorm of "Hoos , "
The formal aunouncoment cave : Morco
OS ; Churchill , b ; K.ttabrooK , 3.
Another attempt to make It unanimous a
volopod the fact that the opposition was at
on earth and hud no intention of dying , ui
thu chairman had to content himself wil
the nunouHCOinont that D , H , Mercer w
tbo nominee of the convention.
There was an uproarious demand to he. .
from the nominee , and Mr. Mercer took tl
pl Uorn ? to expremi hla appreciation of li
high honor that had boon conferred unot
htm. Ho 130k occasion to defend hla rocore !
in the CushlnR-Llnlngor campaign nnc
claimed Umt ho hnd boon loyal to the ticket
Ho said that ho proposed to mniio the ruuli
of his Ufa in this campaign nnd would bi
elected. Ho wns certain thnt If ho wont ti
Washington he would bo nblei to make Jus
as many combinations nnd could do ] im n
much for Omaha as anybody the voters o
Iho district could send Ihor * .
Adlrc ot byl. ( I. Tntc.
J. O. Tnto wns In the hall nnd the dele
gates InUslcd on hearing from him. I In sail
thnt ho was glad that ho did not belong to i
party thnt wns playing Icnp-froa with his
: ory nnd Jumping clonr from Clovnlnnd ti
i'liomns .loffcrson. Ho referred to Weave
nnd Van Wyck ns disappointed republlcai
nmbltlons. und touched brlelly the records o
Senator Povntor and Kopresenlallvo Shra
dor in tha last legislature. Ilotwcon ihom
Ihoy Inlroduccd thirty bills , but few of then
ever cnmo to a vote before the assembly nm
only oiio of U\om passed ; that wns the on
providing for the payment of contest foes
The speaker said thnt in thirty yours th
democrats had innnngod to develop nn nccl
dent weighing 22.1 pound ! , of prosldcntl.i
raw materlnl , and it wns so raw tbnt th
pcoplo hnd refused to Indorse It. Th
republican party hnd no npolocies to nmkc
nnd the speaker hoped thnt nil republican
would stand by the flag , by the old soldiers
by nn honest dollar nnd the protection o
American Industries.
Hon Dnkor , E. J. Cornish nnd E. M. Hnrl
lott mnUn short speeches in response to call
frot.t the convention , urging the need o
onrnost , united work , nnd promising thol
support throughout the cumpuign ,
Tbo following congressional commlttc
was then solect''d and the convention iu
Journcd :
U. H. Uoblnson , chairman ; Ed Stout
Ooorco Kablno , E. O. Mnyllold , Thomn
Swobe , Douclns ; Perry Scldeil , A. C. .lono'
Washington ; James Hussuti , D. L. Morr
son , Snrpv.
MnlliVurd Itiipiihllrin It'illy.
The Wnlnut Hill Ninth Wnrd Kepublicn
club held a nicotine last night ut their room'
Fortieth nnd Hamilton streets. Owing t
counter attractions the nttondnnco wns nt
so largo ns at former meetings , but report
from commlltdos and from Chairman Ilipbc
showed thnt the club xvns crowing in men
bors daily , nnd that thu interest in the can
palcti xvns steadily Increasing. A commlttc
had been up pointed to confer with Iho Nlnl
Ward olub regarding the advisability o
the Walnut Hill club adopting the sumu mil
form ns the Ninth xvnrdcrs. As none ot th
com.iil'teo were present the mailer xvns enl
discussed for u moment und tbon laid eve
for ono week.
Chairman Hlpbco then introduced 1'htli
Winter , xvho addressed the members of th
club. Ho spoke ospeclrtlly to the young me
nnd conllned his remarks to historical event
nnd retrospective vloxvR of the xvork of th
republican party , thinking , ho snld , tlia
by so doing more good could r.onccomplishoi
than by argument. Several of the speaker
xvho had been announced xvcro unuvoidnbl ,
Slvtli XXiird Krpillillcuns.
The Sixth Waic Hopubliean club xvill hoi
a rousing mectlrg Saturday ovonlug nt th
club rooms at Twenty-sixth nnd Lake , n
which It is expected that Judge Crounso , J
O. Tnto and Iho Second district conpresslouc
nominee \vtll bo present and speak. A general
oral and cordial invitation is extended to al
to bo present und assist in makiug the mod
lug a success.
Mr. Annottu ol Suit l.idto .Mot : i Man \\lt
Onct ) lluil u Draft.
A prominent business man of Salt l ak
and a smooth fuced , wall dressed , hundsom
younp man xvho hails from almost any pinci
xvoro inmates of the city jail last night.
The business mau xvns C. F. Annotlo , man
agerof the Salt Lake Electric Light works
and the younger ono guvo his name ns C
H. Simpson. Mr. Annette had caused Simj
son's arrest for obtaining money under fulg
pretenses ; though tha blotter shoxvod tin
no was merely being hold us - , suspicion
The story as told to Captain Mojtyn is a
folloxvs' : About a year ago S.mpjon she we
up in Salt Lauo and claimed to have an it
vontion In Iho elcetricaUino. Ho xvas intn
duccd to Annotlo by well knoxvnN people \vb
hod known Simpson's relatives back in tb
states , but who hnd never seen the youn
man before. Manager Annette wns xvillln
to put some money Into iho noxv scheme am
had several conversations with Slmpso
about Iho mailer. Ono dny Simpsoi
produced u draft for $150 on n
eastern lirm and asked Annette to idontif
him at the bank. This the manager xvas lot
to do until ho xvns satisliod that the papc
xvas good. So Simpson wont axv.iy , but re
turned shortly xvith a telegram testifying t
Iho genuineness of iho draft , mid Iho youn
man got nls money on Annotlo's endorse
nmnt. 'iho telegram proved to boa forger
and the draft worthless. Detectives xx-or
sent after Simpson , who skipped nftor ho gc
the money , nnd ho was Iraced to Portlan
and doxvn the coast , where ho obtained mor
money xvorklug thu same racket. Finally th
matter xvas dropped.
HoconUy Mr. Aunotlo came to Omaha o
business and lust night happened to ru1
across iho man xvho a year OL'O had plavo
him for n sucker. It only took u moment t
step outside und find Officer Gadola , xvho ai
rested Simpson , hut insisted on taking Annette
notto down and holding him as complainin
xvltncss. Immediately nftor the arrcstfrlonel
of both parties started for Judge Herka1
house to arrange for bonds. Mr. Annolt
was released , but Simpson had to bo looko
up , us Judge Borka refused to release him.
The Suit Luke authorities xvoro notified b
telegraph ot ihc arrest.
Coloiutl Ituiilitun Injiiruil.
Colonel Daniel W. liouhainmot xvith a soi
lous nccidont Monday night noout 8 o'cloc
as ho stopped elf the cable car at the conic
of Twentieth and Caas streets.
Ho got off on the xvron ? stae of Iho car an
did not notice thut another train xvas nf
preaching from Iho opposite direction unll
ho xvns about to alight. Homado an effort I
rognin his place on the foot board of the tral
but the approaching car struck him mi
knocked him down betxvoon Iho tracks. H
barely escnped u horrible death but fortui
ately his injuilos are not considered dangoi
ous. There is n bad looking gash Just ubsv
Ihu eye on Ibo side of his bond and on
shoulder is severely briilscn , bul nsldo froi
this iho Injuries are slight. He xvm remove
to his boarding place ut the Madison nnd
physician called to dross thu xvounds. Th
doctor repot ted the colonel as rosilng oas
loJuy and iho prospects of speedy recover. !
Knit From ii switch
K. J. Pierce , a brakeman 0(1 ( the Framon
Elkhorn & Missouri Vulloy railroad , wl
lives at SJU South Txvonty-llrst street In th
city , wns severely injured by falling from
switch engine at Fremont Monday ufto
noon. The llesh from ono of his lugs xvi
partially lorn off , He xvas broughl to Omul
on u special oii
Doiiil-itli- ,
Minister 1'orter Is In Washln-'toii. nnd stat
that the ruunrtUmt lie- him rublgnud us mini
Wlitopan } Htl > otroU.Tox..Nhoi and kill !
Slarsh uriiy. ( ray'a only olteiuo was hU eoi
duninutlon of thu whlteuapsi.
Thocoiivciillnii of Amorlemn Bxvltohmcn i
Halliis. Tex. , did nnthlnu vostorduy furtln
thiili ulloctliu tempe > rury ornanUitlun.
Marlon Ili'd osputh , one of the robbers xvl
hold up u TrUce train , xvill bo trie I tor h
crime ut til. C'hurlus , Mo. , on the UJth mat.
At n ineotlns of thu JolToMon D.vvU Man
niunt association at Itluhinund , Vu. . it xvus d
uidud to loiutu the monument m Monroe par
Indications point to J , U. Anderson , ei.v-chl
of pollco of Soniorsot. Ky. , as the pers , (
Eullty of nssisslnatlug Kdltor Huoker of tl
Hoinersot ituportur.
Wilbur \Vnriior , llvlim ut KlrU4uod , Mi
h < it nnd killed u burglar us liu xvas oHeauli
from \ \ jrnur'u IHHIBO. The burglar provuel
bo a resident of the tex > n named John '
An oxocntlun on judcuaont iiDte'S azruan
liiK l.'a.iO ) him boon Usued asalnst William
Wllcoxof tliu Wtlcox I'uper coiupupyot I'll
iulilplili ; : , The liabilities nnd iiHuots of t
embarras > sod compuny could not bo luaruml
Tore I en ,
A toloRram from Homo itntu * ( hat the po
will croite ArchbUlieip Ireland .nul Mi
i'reauu curdlimU nt the next consMor/ .
( Joloai.'l DodilB , | n couinmiib of the I'ron
forces iu Dahomey , reports thai un thu H
lust , he had u dcjpuraiu oiiKnconicnt with t
D.ihumoruiH. lunhu four killed und llftc
wiumdud. Thu unumj'i lews was soyuro.
tfiko Donovnn Thinks lln Pugilhtio Olmm-
plon Has Treated Him Ehamefnlly.
ru\orlto lluvn n Dny nt llotti <
and l.iitonlit-.liick l.uliy ( l tii n DrcM *
Ing Him u Irom St. l.otiln
Otlu-r Spurts.
Nr.xv YOIIK , Sept. 'M. The World says
rnktng up.llm Corbott ns n protege turns ou (
i very unsatisfactory experience for Vutonit
Mike Donovnn , the boxing instructor of thi
Noxv York Athlollc club.Vnon the Call
'orulan mudo his llrst visit lo iho metropoli !
.hroe years nuo , Uonovun look a fnnoy t (
ilin , and through his inlluonco Corbott xvn <
made a guest ot the Noxv York Athletic club
in honor thnt hns iallon lo no other pugilist
1'tiu professor xvas also largely tnstrunionia
n gelling on iho Coroott-MoCnITroy untch
nnd in other wavs rendered valuable service !
to the young stranger.
When Corbott returned to the city nftc
his balilo xvuh Peter Jackson in Snu Fran
cisco , the courtesies of the Now i'orlc Ath
ietlo club xvoro again extended to him. Professor
fossor Donovnn proprnod the challenge ti
Sulllvmi. nnd got Ed ICcnrnov and otho
Noxv Yorlt Athletic club members to put u ]
a lurgo share of Corbelt's SIO.OUO stnlic
Mike took n prominent sham In making tin
big mulch , and slnco that memorable day ha
looked after Corbott'si Intorosls faithfully
ll xvns against the wishes of promtncn
oftloials of iho New York Alhtelic club thu
Donox-nn xvent to Noxv Orluins to act as ud
visor In CorbtUt's corner , and the mallo
may yetrosult unfortunately for him.
Aftcr Corbotl's victory Donovan xvas tin
mosi Jubilant man in the country , for ho fei
that ho xvns nn especially Important factor ti
the nexv chnmplon's ijroiitnoss. Corboll wm
somolhmg like fJ3UOU , nnu as Donovan hni
been in a me.isuro Inslruinenlat in obtainlni
ibat money ho naturally expected n band
some remembrance.
Saturday Mike received n letter from Cor
bolt. Thcro xvns n familiar-looking narrow
slip In the envelope , nnd the professor's fnai
expanded. Hue as ho road iho ilguroson thi
check the smile faded. The piece of papo
called for $ JoO. and xvas so far from Done
van's oxpectniions lhat ho immedlatlv ro
lurncd Iho uhock to Corbett with a few ro
marks. .In reply iho pugilist asked btmxvlm
no thought his services xvoro xvorlh. Then
xvas some surprise at Corbatt's action in llv
matter Even these who boar no good wil
tnxvurd the Now York boxing instructoi
opined that the least Coi belt might have sen
would ho double thei amounl of Iho chuck
and Hint § 1,000 xvoula bo somewhat noure :
the proper caper.
Tlio .Mini Irom Huston.
PltoviPiixcE , U , I. , Sept. 20. A laiX'o nudl
once xvolcomed John L. Sullivan ami his nov
plav entitled , ' 'The ilun from Boston , " her
lasl night.
.luck Ijiiby Tries rilulilnc as a Iteinedy lo
l.uiillng llolinlil thu ItcHlllt.
Cinc'xeio , III. , Sept. 20. After a thro
xveelis" loaf Luby wont in iho box for th
Colts and was invincible , excepting in tn
scwenth , xvhen the Broxvis Jumped onto hit
for four singles uud a ihroo-baggor. The m
Hold xvork on both sides xvas ragged and tb
outlleld Just the reverse , seventeen dlfllcul
flies being captured by the latter. Attend
uncc4DI. Score :
SI. Louis 01000050 l
Hits : at. Ixnilss , 8 : Chicago , 8. Errors : SI
Louis , a ; Cblcuco , 5. Earned runs : St. Loul
4 ; Uhtc IKO , . ' ! llattctlcs : Rleusoii and Buck
ley ; Luby unel Schilvor.
.liiimlis Uct Uno I'roin the Lenders.
Ci.EVKtANM ) , O. , Sept. ! iO. A . passed bnl
by Zunuier in tho.fourthgavoMtllera'chunc
to score from second base in today's pame
giving Pittsuur'p two'lruns. Tnalsoiilod th
game which"xvas sharply played through
out. Attendance,000. . Score :
Hits : Cleveland , 8j I'lttsburp. 0 , Errors
Cleveland , u : i'lttsburg.'J. Earned runs : I'ltts
burp. 1. lotteries : ( Juppy und Xlmmor ; IJald
win nnd Kelly.
IIi-ooltlyiiH , lousy.
PiiiLAPCLPiiii , Pa. , Sept. 20. W'oatho
cool , attendance 915. Score :
Urooklyn *
lilts : I'hlladolnhla. : i ; Ilrunklyn , 4. Errors
Philadelphia'J ; Hiooklyn , 1. Eurned runh
Phlludolphlu. 1. llutterlosi Koefc nnd Olcm
ents ; Stein and Kmsloxv.
Only .Jui-rud , > ut Killed.
CisciNXATi , O. , Sept. 20. The Ueds xvo
out In the ninth by heavy batting. Attontl
nuco 1,500. Score :
lilts : Cincinnati. I'l ; Louisville. U Krior
Cincinnati , li l < oulsvllle. : L Eutncd runs
C nclnnat' ' , fi ; Louisville. 4 , Ualterles : Cham
hurlalnU\vyer and Murphy ; HunUers and Mer
ituHtun'H 1'lck-Up.
BAI.TIMOIII : , Md. , Sept. 20. AVoathor cool
Atlcndunco light. Score :
Boston 0 1
Hits : Baltimore , T ; Boston. 1 < 1. Errors ; Boston , y. Kuniud runs : Baltl
more , 1 ; Boston. 1. It.ittorlcs : Ollbort an
blnson ; tituley und Ilonnotu
Talli'iiciirjRMln. .
WASIII.VOTOX , D. C. , Sept. 20. Darkncs
stopped the game at the end of the eight
inning. Attendance 1,000.
\Viinliliiuton 0 I 0 0 0 o 0 0
New York 000 1 0 0 2 2
lilts : Washington , a : Now York , 9. Errors
Waslilnutop , 1 ; Now York , .1. Earned runs
Washington. 1 ; Now Vorlc , : i.
Klllon and .McUnlru ; Kusluaiitl
btancluiir nt tlio Toil in > .
xv r , r.r.l
Cleveland ; w n n-fii - l'Ulinilolihli | > . . .I3 ? J 49
Itcmtun ! ! S 21 tij 5 Clilcasio V7 1'b 4'i
ritusjitrir X.I-JI 67.-.1 l.uulsvlllu VI ut 41
Ko fork 31 M M.I llnltlmuru 21 Ul 4.
Brooklyn 311 211 M.I ) -t. IAIIIU IU : I7 : ij
Cincinnati Su 20 fi'i 7 WaibliiKtou. . . . ! ! ) a ; M
ut ( lriiHinil. .
GK\VBSINI > Ktcn TIUCIC , N. Y. , Sept. 20.-
Four xvmning favorites placed the nluugci
In good humor und sent them back to th
cities xvoll pleased xvith this afternoon1
racing. Thu xvouther wns pleasant , tli
truck good and the attendance about -1,1100.
Klist race , six furlongs : Itnsi : II (4 ( to li wen
Adulhert (4 ( to 21 second , St. Kolix ( U to I ) thin
Tlmo : lIX :
Socnnd rueo , five 11 nei n half fiirlomts : hai
Wullur ( B to5) ) won , ( Courtship ( HI to A ) Heuoni
Klt/sliiimniiH(50 ( to II third. Time : IjHt'l. '
Third nice ) , mlle und u BlMiiunth : Lor
Motley ( I to 3) ) won , The Ken IU to 1) ) socoiu
AljomarlS to 1) ) tlilrd. Time : 1:31 ' .
1'ourtli rnco , the Noptunu stakes , six fni
loir.-s ; Laura ( Jold , ce > lt , (2 Io5) ) xvon , .Midda
Htiniei ( T to 1) ) sucejnd , 1'roolda ( . ' tei 1) ) thin
Time : lia
I'lfth race , mlle nnd three-klxtuunihf
btratliiiixuth ( I to 2i won , UorroulloiMt ) to
snt-onil , MtiHterloetolH to I ) third. Time : - ' : ' ) . " ,
hlxtli nice , mile nnd a Hlxtnunth : Willie
( II to W won , Nomad O tn 5) ) second , Koquefoi
iiw to I ) third. Time ; 1:40. :
I.Hlunlii'g l.uyiiut.
CINCINNATI , O. , Sept. 20. .The xvontni
was fair and the track fast at Latonln loda ;
About U.500 pocplo xvero prosout. Fuvonti
xvon in thu last four and noufavorltes in tl
llrst two races ;
I'lrst race , nollln ; , seven furlong * ; Il-tll
(5 ( to Dwem Inir.'Ui. MurU 8 ( Ito lnuvund ) , A
plinnMi (7 ( to lthlid. )
t-econd rueo. geillmz , ono mlle : Kildnre (
to l ) xvon In 1:1KlmlnliJ : to Ij second. Luui
Davidson < : i to 1) ) third.
Third' luce , mllu nnd ono-slxtoontli : III
1'ickwluk l.'ito''i won In IMS Hanoritu ( I' ' to
si.uond , b'l It.iyo (7 ( to l ) third.
i'lmith raca. the Klmb.Ul stakes , six fn
IniiKKln : Lee ( I to IU ) xvon In 1:17 : , 'I'l
Houintor (1to 1) ) second , IlannlKun IS to
i'lflli rice , lour furloiiK ; Julia Klntieiy
tn n weni In iVJ , BoneuuU to 1) ) sc-uind , Bull
HUlh r.ico. ono mlle : Cup lloaror Cl to
xvon in 1:43. : l' t Uonluy ( I'J to u souoiiu ,
BUlaiul CJ to 1) third.
lit ( lluuoeater.
N. J. , Sept. , 30Weattii
clear trnclt fust
Klr t race , onn and uno eliihth mllu. . seilln ;
Kin , ' Iillo WDII , Telephone boooud , KbIU thlri
Time : Jii.S'.f. >
bcvoud ruce , uln lUlti ciilha of iv mile. , i l
mat StnrUfctit f/T-fi , Empcrn gecond. I.ndy Iloll
ihttd. Time : ( * A <
't'lilril race , Kiven oUlilsnf n mllo. . oolllnit
PiirpliiHXTon , La t Star noconil , Alan Arehoi
third. Tltnoiiiii : ( .
rourlli rnci < . IIvo nlRhts of n mllo. , neltlng
Crocus xvnii. ( in > lo Loft second , bloriu Noviuni
VII t IIIIIM. Tlni I.U * t *
I'lfth MPf , .UfVloori-imtoontlH nf n mllo.
nllliig : All llliick won , Worth second
Vnciilltethird Tltnm HZl'5.
Sixth rne-o , llx-ROlithtsof n ntllol I.tlllan K
xron , UrnnneUlv soconett Urcpiibay third
Time : t'.uii ,
'I Ips 101' Toiliiy.
Hero nro xxihnititooK like good things fo
1. . - .
2. KciirOtinviHWnrpnlnt ,
It. lleiijiitnln-licd Klin.
4. Hunnlni Bird ejnuen O'Or.
5. Hliono liny.
0. Luttoon Miionstnnn.
1 , Humor Kiln.
Z. I'lirve-niio-MixslorlbilO.
MSoiiliHulit Halndrop
4. Ho ken Dinnnth
r > . KhiRston Qnei-nlo TroxvhrlelRo.
0. 1'rcei Tnrnl-Alcaldc.
KltrUbKIt Til Kill IHM.ltfl > 8.
loxrit Opcrntiirn on tlio Verge of i
OKIIAH UMMIIS , in. , Sept. 'J9. fSpoola
Tolpgrnm to Tur. HER. | Ttio grlovnnco com
millco of Iho telegraphers of Iho Burlington
Cedar Unpttis & Northern railway prosontce
their ultimatum to otllclals of Hint roud thi'
afternoon. Their ilcmands were promptlx
rolU32d nnet In all probability Grand Chlel
llamsoy of the Order of llnllxvax l'eilupraph
ors will call thu00 operators oniployod bv
thocomp.inv out on ustrlko. Thoscheduli
presented by iho cominlttco places iho mini
mum salary for operators at $ 15 per month
Should u strlko bo declared it xvill probiibl.i
extend to nil ttiorallronuorgnnizallons in tin
Supoilntcnelent Williams considers It H' '
usurping the rights of the company to bin
whom it chooses. Snould the company sign i
contract to pay nil a uniform rale of xvugcs
ho says , it would necessllnlti thu dtschnrgoo
u number of young- men xvho nro lournini
telegraphing und nro not entitled to ful
pay. Ho claims that loose young men nro oen
ployed nl smnll stations xvhoro the xvork n
light , that they take local prldo In their xvori
und when a vacancy occurs they are promoted
meted and Hint their xvork proves moro sal
isfnctory than hiring outside operators. Wil
Hams said the company is willing to pa ;
main line operators und these on ornneiho ;
xvhoro the xvork is heavy a minimum of Mi
per month , but ho Is unwilling to'advanci
the apprentices to full aalnrv.
iiod u l.iixvyrr ,
SIOUA Cm , la , Sept. -Spnclal [ Tele
gram to TinTliomas : ; : | O'Dea , a xvel
known tuxx'yor , xva horsoxvhtppcd nud rot
ton-ogeod today by txvo xvomon on Fourtl
street , in the busiest part of the city , aud litho
the presence ot sex' ral hundred spectators
Some time neo O'Dc.i Instituted proceeding :
against n largo number of prostilutcs ti
drive them from the cliy. Ho claimed lo hi
backed by Pearl street" business men , tlnv
street being iho one to xvhich this class li
conllned. When the cases xvoro called li
court thov xvero dismissed on O'Doa's mo
tion. The defendants and court oniciul
charged him xvfth blackmail. It XTUS allegec
tbut ho xx'ont to the xvomon nnd told then
tbnt If they xvojild employ G. W. Kolloge ti
defend them uy'd jwy his foe in advance , hi
would dismiss th ftcaso. Txvo woman. Florensi
Winters nnd Lorn Wildron , refused. Hi
instituted extra proceedings against them
They' purchaaeH ttxvo raxvhides and drivini
lo O'Dou's ' oiloo ( in the Academy of Mnsli
sent the drivp'r up to call him doxvn to Ihi
atroet. When , he Appeared they commoncoi
to Ihr.ish him. Ills eyes xvcro blackouvi
and his face badlx1. bruised bofora ho couli
pet axvay. Ho'staVtcd ' to run nnd his nssall
ants folloxx'odl hiVn , pelllnc him with hm
eggs until ho- ( lodged into n hallway nm
sought refuse in his ofllce. The xvomon the :
drove nxvay aqd were unmolested.
Senator Iu\ls.
Duni'QL'K , lo.- ; Sept , SO. 'L'ho only matte
of intoroit in th&'Gorman Catholic mcetlni
today xvns the Introduction of 'a resoliuiu
by thoMlnno50tajJ'oIogatluu ' dcm'anding'tlia
Sonutou Davis of that state > rotraut part o
the speedings made lnt the.senate , , ntiackiti ;
Cahcnstdyism. Unlosa.ho eloos the Gcrmai
Uatliollcu of ftiinuessota1 xvill bo called upon I
defeat his re-clccllon. It .was rofcrroa.
Cciinpeto with Minneapolis.
Sioux Crrr , la. , Sept. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to0 TUB Bcu. | A company xvith o pal
up tMpilal of 8100,000 today nrrangod " for
flour mill of 500 barrels capacity. "Ttio cohi
panv proposes lo compelo directly xvith Mln
nenpolls.and got xvhoat from tLosomosourc
on as good rates.
Former Oninlm .Mini Killed.
Ui.BSWooi ) , la. , Sept , SO. ISpecial to Tii
BHK. ] As the result of a runaxvuy ncc.Iden
nt Mlnneola today , A. M. Miller , formerly n :
Omaha builder , XVAS Hilled and Art Walllni
nnd L. B. liutlcr.suffcrcd brolion legs.
\Voiiii > n SulIniglHtH Mori ,
DCS MOIXKS , In. , Sept. 20. The Missis
sippl Valley Women Sugrngo associatio
mot today in annual. session. Many elistln
guishcd xvomon were present , includln
Susan B. Anthony.
I.lttt Tit1us of Wfclcudnrflo Uiitherod nt th
C'untrul Station.
The xvar on tbo J3ust bottoms botxvon th
McKlhatlon , Iho O'Shaugaossy and Ib
Costello families xvill probably cease for
foxv days at least. Yesterday John Costell
sxvoro out a warrant for John McElbatle
and tils xvifo , Susie , for assault xvith in ton
lo do great bodily injury , and the pollco cat
railed the oulllt and look thi ) battle scare
pair axvay from the scenes of their mau
Private A. H. Havens , company C , Soconi
United State's infnnlry , xvasj taken into cus
tody by iho pollco lust iilght for using lou
nna protnno language on thei strcols. Th
man did not appear lo be Intoxicated yet bai
a peculiar look m his eyes which caused Ib
police lo suspect thai no xvas lomporarily in
sntio ,
Moat Inspector liuson yesterday courts
caled nnd dumped into Iho river sixty -clgh
cans nf spoiled goods. Ttio proportv xva
taken from D. Michael's store ) , HU Nortl
Twelfth street.
Phonbo Bliilto , the notorious KnglUh street
xvalkor , struck toxvn last night after n fen
months' absence , nnd immediately fell iut
thcclutchos of Sergeant Slgxvari , xvho loclto
her up at the city jail. Phoebe said , us fill
was marched to her old room , that Hi
'bloouitn' , blasted bobbles had no right t
nrrosi her nnd ibat they wouldn't dare to d
it In Limnon. "
Isaac .Mumleil.-arrtsh peddler , xvus arresle
last night by Sergeant Grutres for diimpln
the contents of u-1 irrol of llsh refuse into u
alloy near ThlrHfi | ih nnd Murthu stroetx
The rofu o has liuelln the alley for seven
clays , and ropumijil complaints have bee
made to tbo Hoi ltvflcpartnient , hut the trai
bago men refused' lo haul nxvav the sluff be
cause Ihoy ulaiuiuti that < Uh heads , etc
were not spccillod 4.u the ordinance as gin
bago , nnd they Ip'ui'od that they could nc
oolluct pay for Untllr * labor. Mandcl donlc
thut ho xvas tho/ffeiidlog party , but ho wa
hold just thu siuho. ,
Last night tlio'iieJJlce orrostod & negro , xvli
gave 11 U nnmo usI I , T. JoiTorson. for nssaul
ing young boya.J"'ijje | ; complaining xvltncs
Is Goorgu F. FoqbdsIt is understood HIE
the pollco have bain looking for Jofforso
for 60IUO tlmo. > i V/
A l > HuUlo iiuUc ) ,
lUi.uieui , N. Q.v.acPt.'l0. ! The 'drouth I
the southeastern n&rt of the ataio has cause
some of Ihu swamps to become almost drj
particularly in Brunswjclc , and the monstc
rattlesnakes pocutiar to that section hav
crawled all tbrough ihqnolchborhood. The
have biiiHii and killed a xvhlto woman an
three negro men and have also killed score
of horses , mules uud cattle os > xvell as grci
numbers of itog * . Thu snakes cruxvl into c
under houses , and cattle are noxv Uopi I
pans to protcol them.
AV. O , T. 17. Convention ,
The Fourth annual convention of tt
Woman's Cnrisllan Temperance union i
Douglas county , Nebraska , convenes ;
Kountzo Memorial church , corner Slxteeni
and Harnoy sircoU , Onmhu. t'rlday , Septet
bor S3 , IM ) . ' , ut V u. m. All member * at
friends are most cordially invited to bo pre
lUi.i ,
froN-mt'F.n ritoxt rum r\nn. |
of Ornncl Armv of the Uonubllo history. In
every way It hnil c.nuiod the cxpoutiUlons
of Its projectors. Moro men wore In line
ihni. nl nny otlior Grand Army p.irndo , An
nsttinnto close on lo iil.lMO man' , would not be
fnr Irani the iimrlt. The crowd which xvlt-
nossed tlio purado xvns vorv lnr ! o nnd the
steadiness of Its attention showed thnt lonp
ns the nmndo xvits , It wns full ol interest. Bv
ixciunl count Inoro were 'J.VI bands. Tnc
xvoiilhor , tliouph at tlmoa cloudy win free
from rnln , ptonsnnt , nnd Just tvarm ennuRli
for comfort in fact , n typlc.\l overcast September -
tombor dny.
( Jump 1'lrrit unel Itniinlnns.
The veterans IniOoutn big piofrrnm tail
ovonttiR , nnil of them when thov ro
tlrod for tlio nlRlit must tuivo boon wonrloe !
enough to camp out In old military ru.Milon ,
Reunions worn the order ol the night nne !
iirouiul the caiup llros comrades told x\m
stories nnel Sana old sonpa with Knowle-dpe
that every ono of thorn xvould to their nuell
tors have n nlch value. The Klovonth nml
Twelfth corps hole ) n reunion in Thomas' '
tout. It wns in the Kluvonth corps thai
Harrison served In iho oarlv tmrt of the
war and thu mootlnc sent him n tolom-rttn ox
presslvoof symp.ithy mid nlso rcgrat nt his
General O O. Howard prosiduit over the
reunion. The speeches were inado bv Oon-
oral Dnlloch of Now Hampshire , General
LoeKinnn of Now Yorlt , Oonornl Hurst ol
Ohio. Marshal Knnsdoll and etiheiM.
"MnrehliiK Through Ooorplu" was the fa
vorllo son ) ; .
The progress of the reunion ot the Pour
luonth urniv corps at tlio Grant tout WHS so
rlously Interfered with by the fnlluro of the
electric light oomwiny lo visit their tent , bul
uftor tin hour's w lt n lanturn nnd n hall
dozen tiillow caudles were procured nnd tin was pioeooelod with. During tin
lolny the Indianapolis ( lloo club sntm n nuni
bor of popular airs which were onttfuslnsttc-
illly npplaudod.
They SaiiR I lin ( Mil Snni ; * .
"A Thousand Years Mv Old Columbia , "
the noi ro melody , "Hero dom Hells , " nnd
"Muroulng Tin-ouch Gjoriila" were sunj
with preat success. Sprmcslon , the dru'n- '
mnr boy of Mission KiJX'O , favored them
with examples of bis skill in playing the
smnll drum.
Guneral Hoaocrnns was nnnouticod , nnd
nftor the cheering that created him had sub
sided hocxprc.sscd his hnopincss nt inootiiiB
nculn the survivors of his old corps , the
Fourteenth. Ho bpolto brlelly , but almost
every sentence that ho uttered was wildly
John M. Palmnr , who succeeded General
Thomas in command of the corps , also ao-
llverad an nddrasv
General J. J. Reynolds , who commanded a
division in the Fourteenth cnrp , followed
brlelly. Amonu other things ho spoke of the
jiroal strueclo nt Chicknmixucn and said
thnt all ttio hrnvo men who fouijht there
were now frlenils.
Governor John J. Chase of Indiuna , who
was a private in mi Indiana regiment in the
Fourteenth corps , nlso spoke. His speech
wjs often interrupted by the enthusiastic ap
plause of a thousand comrades present.
A MiiKiilllui-iit lltiiiiiimition.
Tlio electric Illumination ot the city last
nlcht In houor of the veterans was on a
scale never before attempted in xVashlugton ,
and Pennsylvania avenue from the capitol to
Seventeenth street was ablaze with llshls.
livery available dynamo in the city , public
nnd private , Una been brought into requisi
tion , and numbers had boon shipped here
espeomlly Tor this display. The result ol
these efforts of the committee having the
matter in charge Is exceedingly satisfactory.
One ot the features of the illumination is the
display nlonir both sides of the famous ave
nue of orilllant representations of corps
badfrcs. Seventy or more of these hnd bonn
placed ut convenient distances in three
colors rod , whlto and blue , the respective
colors of t.ho first , second and third divisions.
Each of those is outlined by incandescent
lights of the same color ns the badpc. There
are nho plncod at short intervals portraits m
oil of the loading generals of the war. Just
aoovo each of those ami nbovo the corns
bailees are the names of many of the grout
Dattlos of the war in which representative
corps took an actlvo part. A design ol
special interest has boon erected at the head
of Fifth street at tuo nead of the white
house lot. It is a monster Cue simile of the
Grand Army of thollopublio badge , eighteen
feet in height. It Is made up of incandes
cent lights of the various regulation colors
and produces a grand effect. The duplicate
ot this piece is also shown at the corner ol
Pennsylvania a von no and Seventeenth
street. Over one of the entrances to the
v/hlte'house , spanning the arch of the gate
way , has boon placed a great fan of 1.80C
lamps arranged .so that thev can be turned
on and off , giving the fan the appearance ol
opening nnd shutting. Over the other gate
is"a great shield with an oaplo surmounting
J\ovet Klrctrical IHxplny.
A line display and something entirely noxx
in Washington is shown in the whlto house
grounds in front of the mansion. Hero Innumerable -
numerable lights are half hidden In the
shrubbery , all of them changeable in charac
ter , disappearing and reappearing in Ibe
most bewildering minner. The trees nui
shrubbery seem fairly magnotl/od and tbo
effects are extremely beautiful. Throughout
thu grounds are a number of other cloctrluul
devices , among thorn wheels turning nnd
changing colors witli each revolution. The
Illumination of the treasury building with
colored lights is especially line and notable ,
also are a number of set plncos along the
avenue , probably the most conspicuous being
a great anchor of blazing light placed at the
corner of Tenth street , just hi front of the
Washington Post building. The illumina
tion of the front of tb.a Evening Star build
ing is very handsome. During the display
powerful search lights thrown from the. tons
of high buildings produced a dazzling effect ,
Hud a II I of Tiini ) .
Tbo old vets attested their delight ii :
cauip llros by attending last uiuht to the
number of 2,000 in Judiciary square , whicn
was well llghteu for the occasion by u huge
circle of gas Jots and the rays of an olectrie
search light , and listened to war rominls-
uncos , small talks , music by bunds and t
chorus of colored people Irom St. Aliens-
tlno's church In this city. Thora was an ail
of abandon about the mooting , nnd , ns Gen
orul Henderson of Iowa romarxcd , "Tboj
were to huvo a h 1 of n time. " The crenel
Took nuvantngo of his invitation. When
they got weary of oratory they demanded ,
good-naturedly , music , and muslo tnov wort
given to their hearts' content by two willlnt
bandj. The moating tirmnllv In
nuguiated by General Ellsworth of Noxx
York , who was followed by Gonnnil Hen
derson in n witty si'aech "interrupted fre
quently bv thrusts of bantering by his loqua
fious nudlenco. Muslu nnd bantering continued
tinuod until late in the evening until the
comnulos dispersed , but roidv for nnotheti
tilt tills evening. The camp moolings will
oo held each iilght'durlng the encampment
Uiiiinriil Oi noli' * Mmiumi'iit.
On the shady slopes of Arlington , where
rest HO many thousands nf the nation' . '
brave , there were laid yesterday the founda
tions of an Imposing monument to another ol
the union's famous wnrrior.s , General Goorgi
Crook. His romulii3 still sleep nt Wos' '
Point , whore they worn interred only u fexv
short yean ago , but it has over been ttio am
billon of tbo Armv of West Virginia to laj
their favorite leader In some specially hui
lowed spot , to bo marked by a monument
.commemorating hit fame and deeds. Ac
cordingly momners of the various organlzu
tlons which he utdifforenttimua commanded
together with oOlcers nnd prominent men o
the Society of the Army of West Virginia ,
guttered yesterday ut Arlington Heights t <
hold fitting service * over the newly lain foun
dnttotia for General Crook's monument.
Ux-Prfl.sidont Kulhorford H , Hayes , was
chairman an this occasion and oponcil the ex-
erclscs with a brief account of iho work o
the society nna n description of the monument
ment they proposed to rnlso. Ito nlso rend n
telegram from Governor McKlnloy at Ohio ,
who was to have been ono of the speakers ,
expressing regret thni on Account ot the
dentil of his brother Uitvld ho would bo tin-
able lo bo present.
General Uultorwortti of Olilo , ono ol
OOOK'S comrades , Cnptnln McKee of the
Flr t West Virginia regiment , William II.
Gllson of Ohio anil C'liplnln John Tom ot
the Thirty-sixth regiment Ohio volunteer in
fantry , miulo nddrcsjoj suitable lo the occa
sion. The monument to bo orcctod hns not
yotnrrlvod In the citv.
AT Nr.lWASKA'S lli\l : > l UAIITiit1. :
Soiito ot tlio lYuturiM ot Iliu I'nritilij In That
WASIIIXOTOX , D. C. , Sept. 80. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : HKI : . ) Senator 1'nildocli
xvns nt the Nebraska hoadeiuarlors nt l :
o'clock this morning nnd full In with the
boys when the line xvns formed for the
parade , lie was given n prominent position
between iho platoons In thu center , carrying
n line. In this xvny Nebraska mnrched .up
the nvonuo , receiving many cheers nnd ova-
lions. The sonnlor , xvho xvns often recog
nized , wm heartily cheered , xvhllo hn
gracefully ncknoivltdgod the compli
ment by xvnvlng his colors. On
the corner of Thirteenth street nnd
the avotiuo. Sountor I'addock xvas Joined by
Soiihtor Maneiorson , Hon. ( .5. W. IS. Uorsoy ,
nnd Sorgoant-ni-Aiins Valentino. At ttie
president's stand , xvhero Iho p.irlv were lln-
mcellnlely rrcognl/od , Iho NotirasK'uis xvete
xvnrmlv ohcoicd. The Nebraska rolunin llrst
marched from the llolvieioro , corner Third
street nnd Pennsylvania avenue , one mllu
cast to Cnpltol street , xvhero n xvatl of three
hours occurred. Here they xvoro Joined by
the lown veterans. The loxvn immedi
ately serenaded their Nebraska neighbors ,
which wns warmly noprcolaiod.
Senator I'adilocK le.ivca tomorroxv via Now
Yorli nnd lioston for home , rcnchlnc Ne
braska next week.
The famous loxvn. Stnto baud , xvhleh hns
won many Inurcla here today , scronitdod Tin :
Ur.i ! bureau tonight. The bn.vs sot tlio
unbltues of noxvspaporelom nlmost wild xvitli
cnthustnm. When they produced ' -The
Darkies' Dream. " nnd xvhon iho tuba urtist
proauced Iho skirt dunce on the slilowullt , n
sooro of bystanders joined the frolic , rind
for axvhlloihe loxm bund xvas the nttrautlon
for a xvhulo bloclc. ComiuundurStcadmnn wn ;
with Iho boys , wearing the inagnllluonl and
valuable heavy golel badge1 , heavily studded
xvith diamonds , which xvas presented to him
by his staff today. It Is one of Ihu hand
somest tributes pnld lo the popular depart
ment commanders nero by their nelmlring
Among the Nebraska callers nt TUB One
bureau today xvoro : Muor ] William S.
Worth , Lieutenant .1. A. Doprrtv , Unptuin
Churlos P. Humphrey , Captain M. 13.
Hugbus , Cnptaln Douglon M. bcott , Ucneral
C. II. Ficderlck , United Stales army ; Keil
lor C ! . A. Rogers of Iho Lincoln Call nnd U.
L. Williams of Council Hluft's. The laltcr
leavoi for homo tomorrow.
Special snlo on Itnutis nt Il-iyelon Bros ,
N'nlimska uiuii ut ttin I"ill- : .
In compliance with the request of the
board of lady managers of the Columbian
Exposition , 1 have the honor to present the
appended circular.
If the women of Nebraska wish to bo meri
toriously represented , it is absolutely nec
essary that this matter receive immediate
attention , ns all data must be in the hands ot
the committee by December 1 , Ib'Ji.
Full reports of the Woman's Christian
Temperance Union , Woman's * Itollof Corps ,
missionary societies , have boon received.
Replies to tue following questions , or any
information giving names of societies o'r
ofllcers to whom direct appeal may bo ttiodo ,
iihould bo uddrossod to
Mils. M. Ai.tiAV BOCK ,
President Woman's Auxiliary Hoard Ne
braska Columbian Exposition.
t-'JOS Hurt street.
four organization will greatly oblige the
board of lady managers of the Columbian ex
position , If you will answer the following
questions , and give any adetitional dntn that
you deem of value In order to fully explain
the aims , practical workings or results of
your association. This information Is to bo
inserted in a catalogue of the organizations
conducted by woman , for the promotion of
charitable , philanthropic , intellectual , sani
tary , hvglenlc , industrial , or social nnd moral
reform movements.
The board of ludv managers wishes-to
make this encyclopedia the most complete
record of woman's worn over givjm to the
public , and desires to impress every woman
that no bund of women is too largo or too
small to Hnd a place in this historic record.
If you will all help use shall succeed in
matting this work n book of reference foe
years to conic , nnd shall bo able to show the
most wonderful advancement of womou
along all philanthropic and charitablu lines ,
with their industrial and conditional advan
tages. In view of thisinny wo nsk a prompt
and full reply ?
Name , date of organization , namci of
olllcers , address of headquarter * and corresponding
spending secretary , number of charter mem
bers , present membership , what are the aims
of your society ? have you any educational
features ) if so , what are they ! source of In
come , annual expenditures , bow nearly self-
supporting (
\Vo8toru Art AFMH-litlion Sutlnllnil with thu
liic-oi-piir.itluti St'limni ; .
The Western Art association gave evidence
last evening of a good dent of vitality , nnd
the way the members present grasped the
situation showed how dooplv they were impressed -
pressed with the possibilities of Buch an ac
tion. President Lininger road the proposed
nrilcloi of iiiforporntioii nnrt they were nc-
cepted. The nrtlcles provide for u capital
Ktncl ; ol 'r .00 ( ) , divided Into 1,000 shares of
ffX each. They sot for the purposui
of the association the buying of urt works ,
curios , bric-a-brac , receiving donations of
HUch works to bo held In trust , and perform
such other duties consonunt with the pur
poses of the assocrHlon. That the associa
tion shall have an existence for nlnoty-nlno
voars and commence business when fTi.OOl )
lins been subcubori , After the adoption
of tlio articles the subscription books
wore opened nnd the mcmbor.s present
signed for upwards of 'JOU shares , Mr. Lin-
iiuer heading the list with twenty-one
A circular letter wns nlso agreed upon setting
ting forth thu plan of Incorporation end the
inducements Hold out. to members nf the
nssoclatirm to take steak In the now organi
From thu expressions of those present It
wps thought it would not bo found dltllcult
to rnipo the amount for whinh the associa
tion Is to be incorporated , and as u is neces
sary to give the art nchool o.irnmt support
tho' members hope to report n largo proportion
tion of the stock taken by the next mooting ,
which will bo hold next Tuesday evening.
Had u hiniMiili Stiluniifl. -
J. (5. ( Finlt nr d u man named Harris were
arrested yesterday morning by Detectives
Savage and Oiimpsoy on complaint of the
Carpenter Paper company.
Fink la comioetou with a Job printing
establishment under the Metropolitan hotel
mid ( lurru hns neon working over tlmo us u
ruler for tuo paper company. It 1s said that
ItarrU has itunt Fink supplied with bill
ntiudii , blank eards'and the like for some
lime past.
The Rev. IS , E. Phillipps-Trebv , rector of
Forrabury and Minster , England , Is u very
HUccossful pbousunt fanner. Hu bought u
few birds two years ugn , "without any
thought of breeding , " but they Increased
and thrived sn well that , havlni ; n handy
man with u Keeper's Instincts , tin last your
begun to export cgs and blrdu and ho is
now doing a flourishing business.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
ifh ifn
is id
They Objjct to the flooont Anti-Ohljcsa
Law Pflsscd by Congress.
- ,
Their 'Mi-inl.rrs Ailvlsenl Xot to ( ! < iiiipty
xtltli the's lli < iiilr | < Miiiint < An Ap-
l > n l I * At in In to tlio Kmpnror ot
Iliei l-'limory KliiKiloiii ,
SAX Fn\xei co , Cnl. , Sept , 20. A second
proclamation has boon Issued by the Chlncsn
Six Companies , warning nil Chinese residing
In this country against complying xvlih the
Hoary registration Inxv. An appeal to iho
emncror of China 1ms also been
mndo. The proclamation snys that
ttm Henry Inxv degrades Chlnuso , nnd if
obeyed xvlll put them loxvor than the meanest
of people ) . "Wo do not xvnnt Chinese to obey
It , " says the proclamation. "In making this
laxv , the people of the United Slates have
treated sworn treaties mnduxvtlli our country
and our omporer , xvith contempt. They hnvo
disregarded our riuhu and paid nn ultoiillon
to their promises nnd mndo n laxv to suit
themselves , no matter hoxv unjust to
us. If nny of our pconlet think thov
nro xvlsor than xvo are and xvould obey th'is
laxv , If nnv xvould obey it for the saiie of
making money , lot them stop. le > notdoit.
You will repent if you do. Many jii\\yurt
say this Inxv is not right nnd those who obeiv
It 1110 not , \vlse , but Ignornnl nnd loollsh.
Lot us sUnel together. Wo hope all xvill
xvoik xvith us nnil then xvo can break this
Infamous laxv. Keillowlng is iho laws
( Thru follows the full text ejf theCionrv bill. )
"Again xvo xvarn you not to obey tnls laxv ,
The appeal to Iho cmporor la couched In
Iho folloxvlng laiipuage :
TIIJN-TIK t.oid i > f our gnviirninonl nnd sun
of heax-un for thousands of yuais : tlulluvlni :
emr u'ovornmcnt Is igmir uit e > f the manner In
xxlileh our treaties \\lth thu 1'nltud States
me being xlolntcel anel ImllKiiltle's being
lumped upon emr peeiplu by the eovuriiiiiont etf
thei I nltueldtiitos. the s x compaiilus etf the
Unltiid Slutrt do noxv appeal to you for thet
ro h'f of your children Iu this comitrv. Adeluil
to the hardships he-reimroru lull e-toil upon our
people ) by ihei I'nltud Slates , Us rulers now
piopusu to fnreu iipein us anolhor laxxto degrade
gradeus. . This Is n e-rnol t.nel unjust measure )
and xvu piny for lelluf fieitn Its ex
actions. Wo iiunsmlt the Inxv us It
ceimen to us. Wu uiu told'xvu must iibevltnr
sulfur luHsnf properly and cuioltlus and bet
frjieed to leave thelutmni xvu h.ivo tolled 10
inakei In this country.o nsl. for heilp. We
aslt for justices \Ve < ask that our govoniinont
protect Us chllelren. \ \ o send you the luxv.
The npprat Is signed by oncli of the prcsl-
dcuts of Iho Six companies.
Iti'piM-lml tn Ilitvn Slilitpml.
Theodore \\oodriclt , a market gardener
xvho has buon living near Florence , was ar
rested Monday on complaint of Mnri.t
Spltznagl charged xvuh busturdx- . lie xx-as
taken beloro Judge nr.indns and released on
his own iTcognlznnco. Just buforo his nr-
rest ho hnd sold his pln o for $3,000 , nnd It Is
noxv reported thnt ho has gone to some moro
congenial clime.
r.u ;
Juan Boyle of Ivearnoy is nl Iho Pax ton.
C L. Chest of Fremont is at Iho Murray.
J. V. Elwood of Chicago is nt Iho Mercer.
A. D. Scars of Grand Island Is at Iho Mur
.1. O. West of Grand Island is at the Mil-
L. C. Wash burn of Norfolk is at tbo Ar
P. W. Foeuoy of Lincoln is at the Del-
F. L. Hall of Harwell is a guest at thu
H. H. Robinson ot IClinbull is a guest at
the Paxton. \
Joseph McDonald of Geneva is a guest ut
the Unlloi'u.
W. Morton Smith of Lincoln is registered
at tbo Mlllurd.
F. M. Penney of Wood Hirur xvns at the
Arcade yoslordny-
F. W. Bonnlngor of Dos Monies , la. , Is ix
guosl at tlio Murray.
P. Li. Hayxvorth and family of Ord are
guests at the Arcade.
John M. Urolt of Wood Ilivor is among
the guests ut the Dollono.
tl. O. Watson and O. .1. Scott of Kearney
xvero registered at the I'.ixton yaslorduv.
CmoAeio , III. . Sept. 20. | Spoclul Tele
gram lo Tin : BIK. ] The followinc Nobrus-
kuns are registered hero today : Grand i'u-
cltle-C. M. Hoynton , Mrs. J. M. Uurris ,
Misses Burris , ll. C. Gushing , Omnhn.
Grant Northern Clark Gapon , G. J. O'Don-
ohoo , W. G. Sloano. xvifo and daughter , O.
F. Moxvor and wife , Omaha. Palmer House
Mrs. M. H. Blnokmoro , O. G. Luugiry.
Iti'Hi-iu-tl Irom a Cat.
At FiirmhiKton , MO. , tlio other day u
out captured ono of n Hock of martini
which luul their nests inn little house
provided by the oxvnor of tlio feline , unel
XVIIB iniilciiifj oir with tlio dainty moi-uol.
Atlnictod by the jiitoous cries of the
hiril its inntos ciuno to the rescues ,
alighted upon pussy's buck and nocUod ,
scrutchod nnd suroumod so furiously
tlinl she xx'iis boon { jlud to drop her prey
nnd OHCIIDO indoors. Then tlio purjila
iniirtliiB hold n jrroat rojoiciiifr , noisily
( ihnttoring over tlio siilviiHon of thol'r
Mrs. William
Of Frccpott , III. , began to fall rapidly , lost nn
iipjictlto nnd got Into n scilons coiiillllon from
ni/er\e r\eia Bllu coul11 Illt cat VCK"-
/ \ \
L/yt > [ JUJJt > ia Mi\os \ or meat , nnd even
toast distressed her. Had to give up house-
xsuik. In u xxeoK alter taking
Hood's SarsapariHa
filiufeltn , llttlo lictter , Could Keep moio fnod
on her stomach and groxv ationgcr. Klio took
! l hottlus , has n good nppcllto , Kiilm-il 'Ji ! lln , ,
docs her work easily , is noxv In perfect health ,
HOOD'S PILLS are the but aftortllimoT
* I'llli. 1'liuy aisUt dlgujllou ami euro hoadacUa ,
Parched Rolled Oats ,
'Unequalled in flavor. V
Corn Gritz ,
Sold only In i2 | pound pauka oi
Velvet Meal ,
for iiuillliu and 1/01111.
Soldi ) ; all I'lnt'ClHs ( Jrocerj ,