Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1892, Image 1

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No Moro Oases of the Oholora Reported in
Ntsw York Oily.
Iliry Tiiltn I'Hisnsiliin T flro Islnnd nnit
Are Nut InlrrfiTcd With Now , lcr-
cy ItrportR a Cnmi N'ote *
ol tlio
Nnw YottK , Sept , IS. Tbo Hoard of Hoallu
Issued n bulletin this nftcrnoon In which It
was stated no cases ot suspected cholera had
nppcarod Mncn iho hut bulletin nud no deaths
trom cholera bad occurred sinus Tuesday ,
It reports that there is no reason to bcllovo
the diagnosis of the nllonding physician In
Iho case ot Peter Callnhan , n suspected case ,
to bo correct , in ihal the death wns duo to
dlarrhujn nnd vomiting.
The rf-port of Iho bcetorlolocjlsts ns to Mary
McCormlcK , a suspected cholera case , Is lo
Iho effect that no spirillum ol cholera tin ;
been discovered.
Mayor Grant , Superintendent Byrnes ,
President Martin of Iho board , nnd Dock
Commissioner J , SorRcnnt Crane wont doxvn
the bay this nftornoon. At unneriiunrntillno
Ihoy were Joined bv Honllh Ofllcor 'Jenkins
nnd the party proceeded to loxvor quarantine
nnd Camp Loxv at Sandy Hook.
At CAAll' I.OX.V.
It In Now Occupied liy tlin ( Jimriintlncd
OAMI- Low , N. J. , Sept. 18. The unfortu
nates who hnvo bo'n detained on ships nnd
ftt HrfTmnu Island during Iho hut two xvcoks
xvrro Inndod here toaay. They are pissoti-
gor.i from thu Hntnbiirii-Amorlcan Packet
company's stonmoM Normannta and Uuijta ,
nnd coma here to undergo detention In quar
antine. The people xvho were landed from
Hoffman island caino In two parties on Iho
stenmer V'llllain Fletcher. Thov prnsonted
u romarknblo noncroentlon of nationaltios ,
hunburned Turks , phlogmatlo Tontons ,
Armcninns crowded In upon rosy ohookod
flirls nnd llttlo children ; Arabians dressed
in their picturesque garb. For a tlmo ono
would hnvo Imnglncd Snndy Hook was the
inevitable site selected for n modern toxver
of Unbylon.
When lln first boat load of pnsscngorscamo
nlongsldo the wharf , General Ilnmillon , at
tended by the medical staff of iho camp ,
walked doxvn the cangxvny , which hnd been
runout. The commandant's old -rly , Chief
UuKlcr Wllcox , of Iho Twenty-second regi
ment , Nnlionni Guards of Iho slate of Ncxv
York , stood at his side , und promptly ntl'Jfi5
p. m. , on giving the order. Camp
Ijow bccntno isolated from the world until tno
strict quarantine ! Is raised.
ItHRHtPrlns : Ilin Immigrants.
As the immigrants landed , they Hied past
the staff of Interpreters , who stood nt n long
table and acted ns entry clerks for the com-
tnnudnnl , Inking iho mime , age , place of
birlb , destination nnd the name of the ship
from which each passenger hnd come.
Just before the passengers lauded the po
lice patrol came down the bay , having
on board Mayor Grnnt , Health Olllcer
.leiiKlnn , Superintendent Byrnes , Quarantine
Commissioner Alton and Immigration Com-
jnlsiionor Samuel Grant. The party landed
nnd were shown through the camp "by Gen-
.oral Hamilton ai > d Urs. Wnslln nnd
Ranch. Mayor Grant said that ho hnd only
heard through conversation of Iho arrange
ments of thn camp , nnd expressed his aston-
ishmanl und unquallllcd satialactlon at the
perfect arrangement made for the comfort of
llio dotnlncd passengers. Ho said it was
the most wonderful plcco of work ho had
over boon , and thnt In his opinion the camp
was in every detail xvoil appointed , partic
ularly tha nospitnl , with which he expressed
himself ns delighted.
Dr. Jenkins was equally well pleased nnd
laid tbnl the sanitary arrangements xvcrc
limply perfect. Ho said ho did not antici
pate mat thu quarantine * would bo main
tained for longerthan a month ,
They Were Hungry.
No noqncr wcro Iho passomrers landed
than General Hamilton , on honrlntr that they
bad nothing to cal to-day , ordered dinner
lerved to thorn. That thu poor immigrants
ivcro hungry wns evidenced by the rush they
mndo for the food , nnd so cagor wcro they
that they helped themselves to the victuals
v with tholr bunds. The woman and children
tvcro looked after by the corps of women at
The pavilions wcro set. asldo for the Amor-
lean citizens und cabin passengers. Tha
Orientals and single men xvill bo boused in
tents along the ujach until the barracks are
Immediately after dinner General Hamil
ton selected llfty able-bodied men * from'
nmong the immigrants nnd put them to wont
upon the structure , under the direction of
the foreman carpenter. They xvill uo paid
lor tholr labor , and the barracks will bo
completed xvlthln txvonty-four hours.
Nearly nil the passengers xvero loud In
their denunciation of i fllclals on the Hani-
burg-American line on account of Iho Iroat-
oienl tboy hnd rocelx'cd.
Poslmnstor Sim O. Wulllngford snld ho
would hnvo como In Ibo llrsl cabin , but
vould not gut a passage. Ho aiiUl the captain
Of iho Normanntn had not Inspected tno
ship's sicerngo during the voyngo und thnt
the ship xvas so crowded that the utincsphcra
at limes xvns felid , He also said Iho water
fauppllod on board was unfit to drink.
Mr. Firestone , who wns n saloon passenger
out to Europe , suld the people under deten
tion at Hnffmin islnnd xvcrn nearly starved.
Ho Ruid nil they trot to eat for breakfast wus
coffee , and bioad which the children could
not oat ; for dinner soup nnu urend and tea
and brand for tamper.
Complain ol Tlitiir Trrntiiiiint. ,
There \voro somn romnrknblo proceedings
corned on during iho dotcnlliin on Hoffman
Island , according to stories told by several of
the passengers , nmong whom xvass. * . Dorn ,
AVoliignrton of Trov , N , Y. , xvho o. ilntned
bitterly of thu treatment received 'by the
women nnd children , She said tbov wcro
nil irentcd with brutality by the Gorman
otticur in chnrgo of the vessel , ex
cept u foxy women with wbom , she
Bald , ho xvus on terms of great
liicndllness. She said lie and his friends
were on good terms with the cooks on the
island und xvnro the onlv people xvho got fed ,
Bho stnteu thai she wns obliged to send her
lilllo daughter to the Ititchon with money
for the cook In order lo obtain food for her
General Hamilton today telegraphed Sec
retary l < osier lormally announcing the open
ing of the camp.
The medical BtafT report "All well , " and the
rnmp tonight ring * with the merrv laughter
of xxomon nnd children'who uro happy to bo
naaln ushoro , niui nro loud In their praises of
tlio comforts they uro now onjiying ,
wisTir.\itt : > JIIHIMJ.
Strainers \VhlHi Have .Salt ml from Kuro.
pcilil I'urU fur America.
LOXDOX , Hept , IS. The Cunnrd line
cteunior Sorvla , Captain Dutton , from Liver
pool , whlcli sailed fiom Quooiutoxvn for
Ncxv Yorlc today , carried HSU bnlnoji and "M
ceoond cabin passengers. Her steerage was
Tbo Gulon line stoatnor Arizona , Captain
Droolts , from Liverpool , also sailed fi-cm for Noxv York today without
nny travelers in her Moorage , Site hixd 187
n&loon und ' 'Mi becoud cabin passen ors on
fcturd. '
'Ttio ( Jueenstown uulhoritle.nnnouncottiat
hcWeforth , until nil danger nf cholera lufec-
lloj bus censed , a doctor xvill board all the
Aujorlcan llnors arriving nt Queotisioxvii from
por.j In tlio-lJnlted Stales , and thai U any
slotnoss In font d on a htcumer tbo vessul
bo pit.c d In ijuarantlno before any of
th > , pasKpuxers are allowed to disomlmrk.
i tfrwup tlio steamer r ust proceed for Ulv
" ' only i"iumuulcuUuu with yueomtowu
for the purpose of procuring the services of
pilot.When the steamer liphraim from New
castle arrived nt Qjconstown loday it wns
found by the health officials thnt n seaman
on board of the vessel wus suffering from n
cholcrnlo dUnnsc. The doctors who have
oxamlnod the pitlont do not ballovc thn' , tha
dlscnso with which ho has been attacked Is
the Asiatic typo. The steamer was nt once
ordered to uo plnccd In quarantine nnd thor
oughly disinfected nnd fuuilcatod ,
A close watch will bn kept on her and
every effort will bj made to prevent the
spread of iho Infection.
Latent Itcpnrt front I'nst Inlrctoil Vessels
GIMP * nnd Dontli' .
QriiUNTiN'B , Sent. IS. The ilny hns bcon
very quiet nnd mimnrked by nny thing ex
cept the transfer of the Wyoming's passon-
cers on board the Cophcus to Flro island.
It uns stated that , semo of the passangcr.s
cave vent to tholr opinion ol their treatment
In very loud tones.
The steamer La Hrotagnc , which nrrlvcd
from Havre atl:5l ! : this morning , carried 2T
cabin pnisongcrs. She is likely lo bo de
tained for three or four dnys.
The stoiitnor Norgc , from Copenhagen ,
came Into the bay with llfty-nlno cabin nnd
T05 stocrnao passengers. All reported well
on both atcumnrj.
Dr. Byron's report to midnight of iho l ih
wns received from Swluburco Island nl 11
this morning. It reads :
"Ono admitted , ono died In hospital , three
transferred to convalescent ward , ten sick
patients nnd tlilr'y < ono suspects nud con
valescents , "
Ordori have boon given to disinfect Hoff
man islnnd , now that the Wyoming's passen-
L'crs are taken off , so as lo bo in readiness
for now arrivals.
Thu steamers lluRin and Suovln nro now
anchored nlT Stnpleton , Dr. Jenkins having
allowed thorn lo como up. The Uugin will
discharge her cargo Into lighters tomorrow
and .vlllgo buck lo Hamburg. Tha Suovln
probably li ) n dav or two will bo ulloucil to
cotno up , liming no sickness OH bourd.
Dr. Byron in his midnight census report
from Swlnburno islnnd to Dr. Junliins says :
"Dr. Abbott lias Just returned from the
ships. Ho reports all vos'iols O. K. llo
brought from the steamer Bohemia the body
of a child which had died nftor n few
hours illness. No dtncno'Is. Will hold
nn nutonsy nnd rep rt to yon
ns scon "us possible. Our nationts
nrn improving rapidly. Ono now case
of mcaslo In our hospital. Census : Ad-
m tied Dead , thrco ; transferred to Hoff
man , live ; to convalescent " > nrd , ono ; trans
ferred losielc ward. Iwo ; total sick , eleven ;
suspects nnd convalescents , twenty-live.
The names of the dead are : Bmil L'iskow- '
ski , npod ! J years , from steamer Bohemia ;
Topy Undowitsky , ngodayoara , Nils Kelly-
wlch , 1 year , from Wyoming. "
tlninot Cnrr Strlrkonvltli Cliiilnra at Ilia
M.ithor't * IlDinn In ? * t\v ItriiiiHwlok.
Nnw BRUNSWICK , N. J. , Sept. IS. Captain
James Carr , owner of tuo canal boat Henry
Cahill , which is lying nltho foot of Slxtconth
street , Now York , came to his mother's
house , 12 John street , this city , with his wife
nad side child ou Friday evening by the
steamboat Now Brunswickjnt'd wns stricken
with cholera tnls morning , ana this evening
is very low. The case is pronounced Asiatic
cholera by Dr. Baldwin , inspector of the
Board of Health.
The house hns been quarantined and n post
house prepared for the - patient , but It Is
thought ho will die before ho can bo taken
there. The cily Is iu tjood snnitary condi
tion. There is much excitement , but no
' Captain Curr died nt 7:20 this evening.
Ho suffered lltlla durinct iho last few hours.
Dr. Kdjon of New York has been seat for
and will make un examination of iho body
before the interment for the sails faction of
local physicians.
By order of Mayor Vnnclof , the body was
tonight wrapped in nn antiseptic oliulkct
nnd buried in a six-foot grave in the now
Catholic cometory. A gnard has been
placed nl Ibo post house because of tnroats
to burn It. Tomorrow the six Itfmntcs of
the house where Captain Cnrr died will bo
sent lo tha pest bouso and kept isolated.
Dr. Walton , n Now York Health board
inspector , pronounces the case ono of cholera.
Governor 1'limor Will Xot Allow Any In.
- till ' ' ' ,
torlci-piicn by ) Isllp 1'i'oplt'
AI.IUNY , N. Y. , Sopt. 18. Governor Flower
rolurnod here yesterday afternoon. Shortly
niter 7 o'clock ho recelvoJ a message from
Captain Cochrano , commanding the troops ut
Fire island , Informing him of the purnoso of
the authorities of Islip to prevent ino furlhor
landing of pissongers on iho island , * The
povornor replied ns follows :
The town nt Isllp Hoard of Honlth has no
jurisdiction ox-ur Flro Island. Protect Iho
qiinr.tntlnn established by Ir..JonklnH. ) health
olllccr , HKvliHt all trespassers. If you need
moro iiion call (5n Adjutant General 1'ottor ,
No xv York.
The governor also sent the following mcs-
sa- :
Gonoral.Toslnh I'ortor.NowiYorU : I have just
jvlrml Uaptitln Coehranu to protect the ( inar-
Tintino llnui against all trosp.mlu ; , mid It be
needs moro Irnops yon xvill lolnforco him. llo
wires that the Isllp Hoard ot Health has or
dered the blinrllf to tuko possession of l-'lre isl
and. UoswKt.r/ 1 * KI.OXXEII. Governor.
HAMUUIU ; 1'icui'i.u co.\nui\T.
( Irvut Docri'iiHo In tliu Xuinbnr of
, mid lli'iilliH in That Oily.
llAiinuuo , Sept. IS From Iho returns ro-
cowed in regard to the ravage of iho cholera
epidemic In this cily 11 is tear nod Ihal SO
fresh cases and 137 deaths xvoro reported
yesterdny. Those llgures , hoxvover , Include
ninety-six fresh snsos and forly-llvo donlhs
which occurred Iho previous day , Ihus show
ing n > big decrease , both In thu nutnoor of
patients and the mortality from iho pesti
No demands wcro mad a on the nuinoriltos
loday for the transportation of the boaies of
victims to the mortuary until 8 llio this morn
A fact showing the return of confidence on
the part of the tioonls Is tbo usual con
certs were given in the St. Paul beer garden
this afternoon for the llrst tlmo In several
weeks. Other public concerts will bo re
sumed lonlu'tiU
\vii.i. coxir.itvirii TIM : I-KKSIDUNT.
OiiuitloiiH ItolutliiK to tliu Ittut rlellun ul
Immigration \VI11 Hu Uuii lili < r d ,
WAHIIINOTON , D , C. , Sept. 18 , Secretary
John W , foster loft hero last nlghl for
Loon lake lo confer xvith tha president i n
regard to the lollerof Miyor Grant ron/jo st
ing the president to tuko como
restrict Immigration during the cholera
Notwithstanding the opinion of Attorney
General Miller , declaring thu president's
power to take further steps to stop immigra
tion from infected ports und tno promise ot
the bteuniship companies to co-operati' with
the government nnd to carry no moro steer-
ngo passengers , the Treasury department is
noiv considering whotiior Americana abroad
should bo exempted from the restrictions us
to steerage passage. A decision xvlll bo
made , ills cxpoolod some tlmo next week ,
but mere is liltlo dojbl hut American tour-
l ts xvill uol bo prevented from cotiilnc homo
cither In the sioerago or any wuy thev may
Dili MIT
Ullp's ritlions Ollur No ] l utuiica to tlio
l.iiudlni ; of the Wyoming' * rn ncii | ; r .
Fun ; UI.AXII , N. Y. , Sept. 18. Not thg
slightest opposition was offered bv the fhllp
health authorities or baymeii to the landing
of the Wyoming's pusoniror * today , The
belief among the military anu civil oftlcers
In ch&rco Is that the hostile demonstrations
JCO.Vrl.SLtU ON TlllllU
Ho Writes in Reply to Trank P. Poaton ,
Erothor of Colonel King's ' Victim.
tlio l.i'tlrr to tlio Muritrrrr'n Nloci !
Wim WrUU-ii llo I * Not .Sorry Tor
Ills Action- Curl Srliurx Writes
n I'ollttciil Letter.
s. Tcnn. , Sept , IS. After the com
minution by Governor iJiiclmnnn of ilia
soiitcnca ot Colonel II. Clny King , condemned
to death for tlio murder of U.ivla It. Poston ,
tlio brother of King's victim , Frank I * . Pos-
ton , addressed u letter to 0rover Cleveland ,
doprccntlnii tlio letter ho had wrltton ta
ICIng's niece , Mrs. 1C. White.
ftlr. 1'oston's letter , though courteous
throughout , was plain ntid to the point. Ho
Bald Hint Mr. Cleveland's action was ' 'un
warranted and n blow at good government,1'
and woula In nil probaoillty cost him sotna
votes m Tonnossoo. It certainly would
nmong the members of the Poston fatrlly
nad Us connection1 * . To this , Mr. Cleveland
replied ns follows !
dltAVCUm.KS. llllr/AIII > 'sH.tV. Mass. , AllS.
1" , ISlli I'ranlc I' . I'osloii. Ksi-My | Duiir Hlr :
In reply to your lottur of lliu Kith Instant 1
1)0) ) ) ; you to believe Unit I inn in now.aovant -
Inu'ln syniiuthy for your fiunlly unil Mends
of your Inoiliur. nor do I roiget tiint In the
situation there Is pel fool excuse for tlio con
clusions arrived at without a perfectly cool
JiiUKiiiunl : but I address you In tlio liopo Unit
notwithstanding all this you may bo uDlu to
take a tnuio reason iblo vloxv of nsy conduct.
I Irivo boon UIUU7U I liuyontl expression at tlio
tiilslritmprcUtlou of my lotlur , written
to si s. Wlillo. I cannot cnnooivo
\\liat there Is In the niliuU of tlio people
of your locality whli-h loads thoni
to ( ! lvo n incaiiliiK so oiitliuly foreign to my
InH'iulon and so entirely beyond In lust In-
toiiirelutlon. This ib iho llrsi reply which 1
liiivu thoiuht lit to in iku to frequent criti
cisms ot my action In I his mutter. With some
hesitation. 1 bare dulcrniiiioil tovrllo to you.
on account ot tliu slnceritv and courtesy of
your lotlor and your rulatluiis to the tr.i.ody ,
that I am still utioily umibiolu account for the
fi'uilngs which my lotlor IIIIH occasioned ,
Have you nnd othiMs who criticise my action
for u moment rcllcclou on the fact that my
lotlor wns written In lesuonsc lo the pltlih.u
liloa of an apparonlly hoart-iiroUon woman ,
setting forth In a nmnnor most Impressive tliu
reasons why the llfo of her unulu should bo
snirod. llavu you sinil my critics ovorlooUo I
thofiict that I linvu iibsolntely declined to
liltcrforo with the governor Inbohalfof this
intuit Have yon und they forgotten tlio con
sideration which gentlemen In thu north , as
well us In the south , consider dim to the tip-
polls of u wonmi ? Has iio.'cnp oil thuaUun-
tlon that tliu letter w.m dlctitod simply and
solely by the sympathy which every true tiinn
ouuht to fuel for a woman In distress ? I do
not overlook the Tact Unit In the closlni :
paragraphs of tlu letter I did say I foil
thoru miu'lit Ua oxlunuatln clreiiinstniieus.
1'lils was wrltton In connection with tno
plain statoinont or my lottor. absolutely
forcing the moaning on unyono's mind uhu
saw that mv Ido'i concerning o\tuniliillun was
dorhcd ftom tno letter to wliloli I icspomlcd.
1 should not bo trunk with you If 1 did not
nild Unit so far as my niGiintiu and Intent
wore concerned. I do not. nurd my action. In
tosponso toyonr hiucustlun that this net i (
inliio may resuilt In the loss of democratic
votes In the pending cnmp-iUn , you will par
don inc. I hope , if I s.iy ili.a If political ev-
neil onoy forces me to bo discourteous to net Is-
tifssod 1 am urupnrcd to from
polltki. very tiulyyours.
Ho Ucprocntos tlin Una of .Money In Elcc.
tioiirt and I'niltii1 * ! iSrovur Cleveland.
NEW YOIIK , Sept. IS. Hon. Carl Sohurz
has wrltton a lengthy letter addressed to tbc
Cleveland ani Stevenson clubs of Kings
county and Alex E Orr and other citizens
of Brooklyn , Riving his views on the pres
ent national political situation. Mr. Sctnir :
was invited by the clubs and citizens to express >
press his opinion : : in an addrost , butill health
prevented him Irora so doing. AHorabriol
introduction , Mr. Scliurz saya ;
" \Vo are told that tuo tariff is the chief
lisuo of this campaign. 1 certainly do not
undorestinmto the Importance of any of its
aspects , but I regard It only as a part of n
fai more comprclicnsi\e question , which i.i
not merely economic , out political in nature
nnu concerns the general working , in fact ,
the moral vitality of our democratic system
01 government.
"There is a school of nosslmints groxving
up among us , who , whenever anything ? oes
wrong , are roudy to dolaro democratic gov
crnmont a failure. If this dismal state of
mind led them to raoro sharply criticise , it
would do no harm , but when ovorv
attempt at improvement is discouraged
as useless , it proves harmful. Uy the sume
methods every hind of government would fall
and uuarctiy would rule. It must bo a gov
ernment cf public opinion , cxproigcd in the
form of laws. Such n government will huvo
mistakes , but as long us tlio growth of pub-
lie opinion in the body is free tuo jjood s > eiibo
ol luo people may co trusted to onng ubout
the correction of existing evils. This is 11
country in whlc'i tilings may go badly in de
tail , but well or the whole. This will bo ,
provided certain things are kept out of poli
ties which pervert the honoii expression of
pjulic opinion. The most obvious of those
evils urn mouey and the machine.
Money Ust-il In lilectloim.
"Thero always has bcoti and always will
bn some money used in elections ( or per
fectly proper ourposes , but turns are spent
In presidential and state campaigns winch
u generation ngo would bavo ui.-on thought
luuulous. The election of some United States
ienutors by BOII.O legislatures occasions
Ilnaneial nrrangoiiionts as lurgo us those of
slurting u blir banlc. In some conqrcajlonul
diatriuls m bomo municipalities the uosi of a
coavuss U onormou * . That much of this
money Is used lor bribery , mat not
u few constituencies , not long nco pure , uro
now thoroughly debauched mm that tue evil
has been growing and spreading irom your
to year cannot bo duiuud. I' ima come that
the rulsiug of olg sums lor use in elections is
olllclally recognized as u high political func
tion , deserving of personal recognition.
Lioolc at the Iranuncss and gravity with
which purty managers discus * thu sutistics
ot purchasiublo volurb and the inothods of
wutchiug and uu.vlni ; Jlouturs , "
Thu .Maclilno in I'lillttc-H.
Heforring to party niochmea , bo said :
" 1'uulto spirited citizens jorm
a party bo.
causu they h4VO suustuntiully tlio saino ob-
Jictof Inioroat in view , i'iioy form com-
milteod , clubs nnd whatever oireolivo organ
izations loqulro. They seek in the Hrst
piuco to tun the party they belong to BO us
to iimko Its victory tholr suoil. u is their
muctilno , nor is that spirit ever different
when thu oillfo-holuinu' lort-e of the national
government U called into political bnr-
vice to promote personal ends. On
the whole tuo development of parlv
organization has of late voara booh
largely In the direction of nidchllie methods.
What will bo the effect on our political life )
Money wrongfully used in elections corrupt !
public opinion. It serves to raico a race of
unprincipled , Belflsb , mercenary politicians
and repel from polit cal life these wno wish
to servo the uuoltu uccoi-dinx to tholr honest
convietloDb. "
In conclusion Mr , Scuurz spoke blghlv of
Grovcr Ulovt-land und salil ho looked upon
ms Humiliation In nito of tuo efforts of the
itmcnlne as u good sign. He does not thuiK
highly of President Jlarrlsou' * udmlnlstru-
tlou ,
J.oiliig Iti Attructl\eni ) < .
OUELL , Nob. , Sept. 18. ISpncial Telegram
to TIIB DEE. ] J. V , Edgorton auu J. V.
Wolf , no in In co e'f tho. populists for state
treasurer , spoke at the opera house h.itur-
day ovonlng. The occasion had been widely
advertised und a largo attendance was ex
pected. l > i this , however , thu management
was doomed to disappointment , as only
about tiftr persons attended , including man ,
women , children , democrats , republicans
nnd Independent. This section has for
merly been n stronghold bnho ludopcrdcnts ,
but so ninny nro rotliVnlnp to the old
parties , ospoclnlly the ropuulicAiis , Umt the
lencicrs nro becoming dtscoarncod.
UNI : KAM.Y in vlr rAii.ii ) .
I'copto'n 1'nrty Sprnkarn Who I'lillpil to Ap-
AilxiTl I IM ! lit .Inunrll.
iD , Nob. , Jsopt. 13. [ Special to Tnc
i ; . I Great propnrations hud been rondo
for a grand rally thra ! yesterday by the pee
ple's pnrty manaRors. Poster * hnd boon out
for some time annoiincitiK that Van \Vyolr ,
atu'ader , Dcch , Jlork nut ! others would
surety bo hero to nddrost the multitude.
Shortly nftor 11 o'.clqck the procession moved
for the grove \vhoro\ho spoaklnir wn to tnU-j
place , and by actual count by several persons
utdlttorcnt Dolnti H was nscortainod that
there were lois than 100 voters In the proces
sion. At no ttmo wcro there more than 400
people nt the grove , including woman , chil
dren , republicans aud democrats , nnd many
of those present sbont the tlmo around the
refreshment Rtimds and dancing , whllo only
a small portion of the crowd listened to the
speeches. The editor of the People's Rights
run one of the stands ,
Neither Van \Vyck nor Shraacr made their
nppoarnnco , nnd ns Wyck was one of the
eblof.nttrautlons hls'supportera ' wcro greatly
Doch , TrovollcU and Uork wore the spoalt-
ors , but they aroused no enthusiasm among
their honrers. As a political rally the mootIng -
Ing was a lalluro.
SlirndrrViis at ( Irutun.
UIICTNA , Nob. , Soptj 18. [ Special to THE
Hii : : . | The republicans had n. mcetlnff ad
vertised for yesterday afternoon , nnd a nuig-
niilccnt Hup polo was ralsod for luo occasion.
Hon. Lee M. Woodruff wus to bo the
speaker. ISitrly In , the day the Indepond-
outs appeared on the scene Candidate
Shrador r.nd boggftd to have the ttmo divided
so us to glvo their pint ) u chunco at the nu-
diouco. Tnls courtesy was accorded
them aiiu the first hour wai no-
ccptcd bv Shrndor. lie claimed that
till the purity In thermion was qpulninou in
the ludepcndont parly , and nrcdictcd that If
the present govnrn'montpotlcv wns pursued
the country would "soon bo rlpo for anarchy
and bloodshed. Ills speech wr.s entirely
aimed at the republican parly , In nil respects
being u Rood democratic speech ,
Mr.Voodruff had but a short tlmo to
speak before train tlmo , but ho madoShradcr
the laughingstock of the audience , and the
meeting adjourned Btnid much republican ou-
thuslasm. The independents ndVortlscd an
other meotinp in the evening to itivo their or
ator uuotuer chance.
Fusion In soufcli I ) . ilc ita.
Sioux OITV , In. , Sopti 18. [ Spaclal Tele
gram toTiiu Bnu. ] .It ljus boon us good as
settled that whoa the committees appointed
bv the democrats and ; populists of South
Dakota moot Soptombor'24 they will form a
fusion on the slatfa qlcctora" ! ticltet , nnd
poasibly on the suitor and congressional
tickets. It Is acknowledged on ill sides thnt
such action \vl 1 . inak'o' "the contest In the
stuto very close audrthoonteomo doubtful.
Vlslto ; ! ClijVrluiKl.
I3rzz MMI'S BAY , Mass. , Sept 18. Mr.
Cleveland , spent the uay quietly nt. Gray
Gables. Dqyd Winchester ot Louisville ,
Ivy. , was u visitor at the Cleveland cottage.
Wi.Ns.Tosf , N. C. , Scqu- . - General Steven-
sou nnd partv arrived , this moraineMr. .
and Mrs. Stovonsou , attondnd the Prcsov-
tcrian churcih in Wlustqn'this rooming aiid
the Moravian churqu of-Salon this evening
Oitu , ' ! Nob. , Sa ; V.lS. [ Special to TUB
BKU. ] Uon O J T'Miooll-ot Grand Island
opened the campaign hero Thursdav ovoning.
Ho gave n clear , interesting and able talk on
the issues of the day and was lis
tened to by u lurgo audience , many of whom
wore independents and democrats.
Mutt ( iurlnc's Cniivans.
PADLUON , Neb. , bopt. 18. [ Special to TUB
Bii ! 1 The democrats had u blowout hero
Thursday night , with Mutt ( Jerinp as
apoakor. Only a small number attended.
Cicriu ? was at Urrtna the next night.
F.I n it.uifK
Ill , Oardnur .HiikuK u ( iiiod K port ol' Mrs.
IliirriHon's Condition.
LooxLucR HOUSE , N. Y , , Sent. 18. The
president and thu members of his household
are more encouraged/today over Iho favor
able rcpnrls made Dr. Gardner ,
in regard lo Iho condliton of Mrs. Harrison.
That genUuman mndo Iho folloxviug siato-
mcnt of the case to u representative of the
Associated Press this afternoon : "Mrs.
Harrison Is improving rapidly. Slnco the
last operation there bus been no reproduction
of fluid In the chest cavity , and BO far ns this
effusion Is concerned ; Mrs. Harrison niny bo
considered out of dapper. Of course , I eun-
not say positively that Iho fluid will not
form again , but I do not tliii.k it xvill. Mrs ,
Harrison is aoxv able to sit , up In bed , and
she has rested quietly in that position nearly
all duy. Shu is now tailing us much nourish
ment as sbo did before the appearance of iho
recent complication aud Is gaining steadily
In strength. "
Arrangements nro being made for the early
removal of MM. Hiurison to Washington ,
and a start will bo mndo us early us Tuesday
morning next , providing tbe p'rosant fuvor-
nblo conditions continue. Mrs. Harrison ap
peals every dny lo the president to tnlio her
lo Washington as the host possible wuy of
restoring her to health. It is tuo oplnlo'n of
tbo family that tbo fallguo of the long Jour
ney will bo moro than overbalanced by the
contentment und poaco'ot ' mind which tbo in
valid will feel m fulillliriont of the desire
now engrossing almost her entire attention.
Tno details of thu proposed trip uro nur-
poscly suppressed.
The president bns been obliged to cancel
his engagement to receive the Grand Army
veterans on Wednesday evening. Ho has
given orders , however , thai the whlto house
bo thrown open to llioin without regard to
hours. „
The president received a telegram tonight
from the secretary ofltho treasury saying
thai the cholor.i crisis practically'past nnd
there appears to ba lib longer any 'dangar of
a spread of the disease. } "
HKitM.i\ '
Tluiy A 3 inllu In 'A Fhiril tionvontloii nt
Dubuii lit , la.
DunuquB , la. , , Sopl "jl8. Tno C thollcj
turned out onmasio toe ay , the dccasion being
' '
the opening | { - annual
convention of iho Gonmin Homan Cntbollo
' ' *
Central socioly'pt Nor'vn America. Spjcral
trains brought thousands of visitors from
' '
Chicago , St. Palil , St'.Louis , Milwaukee and
other polntD. Tbe day's program com
menced with welcoming ceremonies. Hon.
Nicholas GoniH'r , ort1 ' .behalf of llio local bo-
denes , thuukod ibe convention for coming to
Iubufue ] , nud briefly Itrucoi the history of
the chutch , '
Mayor Sounders followed m a speech of
welcome , whluh jivas responded to on behalf
of ttio convention by President Albert We
ber of Kacine , Wli , Deleg&toi. and local bo-
riollos llien Joined iu pontifical high mass ,
celebrated by liihop | C , Schwoback of La
Crosso. \
The orntor of the day was HUhop Marty o
Sioux Falls , S. U. Hts sermon was devoted
almost eiitlrely to the objects which the Ger
man societies ropresanlcd in tbo convention ,
Ho referred I'rlellr to the school question ,
holding that Ihu education of children is at
probcnl conducted on tnu wrong phn.
In thoaftornoon a parade of the Catholic
societies and dolugatos took place. The pro
cession conbiistjrU of cloven Qlvisloun , each
headed by a baud. A'oout BOOJ , men were In
line , -i
Klilll'll uil Old I'viul.
SAN FjiAXciii'o , , 'Sopt. 19. Charles
Stolnfurth Ust nl htshat und Killed Theo
dore Anderson In n Auloon nnd then blew his
own brains out. lloth men were sullor- * and
the tragedy wiu llio out.oma ot uii old foud.
Washington Teaming with the Horoai ol
the Lats Oivil War.
Wnr Tnip ! < i ItciMlIrd , V ( Inscription of the
Alt \V.iililil < ; toii ( llvn the
n \ VlioVora tlio lllno
WASMIXOTOS. D , C. , Spt. 18. Uy tomor
row , when the twenty-sixth ntiumil reunion
.of the Urand Army of the Kepub-
Ho will bo formally opened by
Vice-president McCoolt , this city will
bo thronged , The multitude ts being
hourly augmented by arriving trains , which
empty thousands of persons Into the gates of
the national capital to witness what U pre
dicted will bo the most largely attended mid
most successful mooting the organization tins
ever had. 13y tomorrow tbo city will proba
bly nave ns Its guests a crowd of nearly liOO-
000 people. Unlike the days of inauguration ,
this crowd docs not coma to stay a day or
two , but for a wook. Tonight the city is
docked with bunting and every form of dec
oration that can bo uUlucd to mnko attrac
tive stands und public nnd private buildings ,
DacorntoM bavo been nt work on mtitiy ot
the public buildings during the day nud ns a
result they uro musses of brilliant banners ,
streamers and bunting , in which the national
colors are conspicuous and emblems of
strength , power and prosperity uro to be
soon on every pillar nud corner , where it was
possible to tastefully wind some urlglit hue.
Hugo Hags and b.uinor.i me lloallugatid ship
ping at every point , and every one of the
streets seems Imbued with a fosllng for the
llonutlliit UYatlii'r.
Today opened beautifully. The weather
which has beeu unusually clear for nearly a
wool : , was oven more so today , with just
enough brcezo blowing to keep the Hags
standing proudly out from llioir poles nnd
cause thu aides of the tents to quiver with u
soft , undulating motion. All visitors wcro
on the streets from early morning until oi'on-
lujj. Everyone was bent on seeing all there
was to bo scon nnd tholr walks "aud rides
extended not ouly through the city Itself ,
out to Arlington , and every point of interest
in the vicinity. Many wont down the Potomac
mac river to taku a look oneoagain nt places
that wcro familiar lo thorn during the war.
The streets were alive with brass bntids es
corting arriving posts to their ciuatteiM and
down in tbcir quarters , und down In
the whlto lot , which will be the field
of attraction during the encampment , thous
ands were gathered lo welcome tno arriving
guests to their quarters.
Doivu the Loautitul nlatoau near the rlvor
front and within the shadow of tlio towering
shnlts ralsod to thu memory of Washington ,
them is a settlement , sprung up ns if bv
magic , which will bo ttio ubodo of lOO.OuO
veterans dm Ing their temporary stay in the
city. Hero they will bo housed , cared for
und all thu attention given to detail with re
gard to comfort. From nn cximinntlon of
tbo camp , the like of which in size or gen
eral arrangement has seldom been ultomptcd
at any previous encampment , il will bo seen
that nothing will bo loll undqno to provide
the soldiers a resting plnoo alhios't approach
ing luxury , to while nway their uvcnlngsnnd
dream of d.iys gene by. Certainly no camp
could be moro perfectly situated from a
standpoint of beauty nnd accessibility to the
city proper. The arrangements , both sani
tary and otherwise , show a cnro whicb could
hardly have been cxcccdod had it been tlio
intention to mnko the camp an nblding place
of lone : duration , instead ot a temporary re-
ireal of ttvo or six days.
In tlio WhltoValluil City.
Just north of this settlement nnd dlrcotly
south of the president's mansion , t ! > cro ts
another space of ground , out this , unlike the
former , while also n place where some 10,000
or ID.OOO old veterans will bo lodged nnd fed.
Is beautiful in nppcaranco. This is the camp
proper , with rows upon rows of lloeoy whlto
army tents , loaned by ilu War department
for the occasion , with hero nnd there n tent
of circus dimension , from which n great flag
flouts , telling that it is the headquarter * of
the post , boanng the name of some of llio Into
war chiettains. A more suitnblc plain , nnd
a moro level nnd uppropnato piece of ground
could not bo found lor a camp site. It is
near tno president's residence and consists
of n circular plateau a milo around , of green
swurd never bi'fora used for any purpose ox-
ccpl the drills of competing"companies of
soldiers. Todny it is dotted from end
to end and siflo to side with hundreds
of tents. From a hugullagstulT In the cantor
Hauls tbo national colors over the grand
fttand below where the dedication exorcises
will bo held , and near by , n reproduction In
every detail , stands the old war ship , ICoar-
sargo , riding peacefully on turra llrma , un
hampered Dy anchor or chain , and dressed
from stem lo stern , rainbow fashion , with
naval exactness.
The camp has boon allva with sightseers
and soldiers nil duy. This reunion tround is
where many corarudos will meet and toll of
past experiences.
Last night nbout 4,000 soldiers were tauen
care of in the camp aud barrack * . The
main dining hall , or mess room , is
, ' ! -UxSO : teot , built with an L extension , HOOxSO
feet. Under this Itmnonio roof there nro
lift } long rows of plank plno tuples , capable
of seating ! l , 101) ) persons , Around the outer
boundaries of the barracks are lunch stands
and places where "soft drill Its" nny bo had ,
so nt nny hour of the day or nlj/lit there is
lilllo cliuuoo of anyone going hungry , *
i\ory : Accommodation nt Hand.
Camp ( Jnrticld , In the southeast oortlon of
the city nnd some distance nwnv from the
houdnuartnrs of activity and bustle , Is
equally well nupplied with barracks , cook-
Inir and eating places aud other arrange
ments for the general welfare of the old
To provide for tno ablutions of this vast
hcrdo of votoraiiB there u another lurizo
building , which U well supplied with all the
necessary conveniences for keeping one's
self cl dn and tidy. Hundreds of bright ,
new tin basins are arranged in rows on a
long double-faced table , down the center of
which runs u water plpo with spigots ut con
venient distances apart. Nearuy u bulldlni ;
Is provided with locKcrs and cloiots , wboro
blankets und clothes may be stored and
checked by u corpi ot atiendnnts , Uaard
wains nro nil around tlio quarters nnd Information
mation uuroaus and watchmen are stationed
ut various points ,
Thssecno at iho camp Ibis morning was
pirtlcularlv enlivening and It would not
have been linrd for one to Imagine himself In
barracks with regular Boldiors , had It not
boon for the age of the veterans , us they
thronged llio porticos imouiiig their pipes
and reading the papers.
The ublqultutis vendor of medals nnd out-
tons and other Urand Army of the Republic
devices wus present every whore and found
ready buyers.
CiindldittcK for Comnmnilcr-ln-Ulilur ,
The question of who will bo the next com-
inundur-ln-chlof of ttio Grand Army is uno
that h Interesting n irroal ntambor o'f Grand
Arnw men hero. Too candidates for thn
honor nro In thp flcl'l. ' They nros Hon.
Charles C , Lincoln of Washington , Colonel
A. U. Wcisurt of Wisconsin , General S.
Hearst of I'onnnylvanla.
When Colonel'Llncoln withdrew hts name
in ttio light last year , wavlntf his uiiibltlons
for IRJ lime , that his candidacy might not
block Washington's chancon for the greater
honor of entertaining the veterans , hi * won
Colonel Wolsert's name was second In the
balloting for comiiuiidor-in-chlcf at Detroit.
His strength was with the western dole ,
gutci lau year aid nil their strength has
bean retainud , It Is claimed.
The lust Qiiiumpmant of the Department
of Ohio endorsed Colunel UearU's uuuio for
commnnder-m-chlof. The full suppl < of
the dopnrtmcnt , howevnr. It Is snldv Srt > t
civon to the poncral unanimously , sov , ? jf
the Ohio contingent now how bo'ing o ( _ d
to him. The attention of the candldl ' s
directed toward the Pennsylvania d . ' v
lion , ' . ' ,
The Knystono douartmcnt stnnds sv l\ \
In the Grand Army of the Kopublld . I
nhvuy * votes ns n unit. The nun-term
gcnornlMilp , wnlch U ono of the palms d * * > .o
orgnnlziitlon , Is what the dcpirtmcnt wants ,
Qunrtcrmnstcr Taylor of Pennsylvania hns
held iho oftlco for ton yours. The position is
appointive nnd tlio depnrtiuotit is snld to
have tin undorstiindltig ot Into yoar. < with
the man for whom IN vote is cast that ho
should rcnppolnt Taylor. Till * has proved n
fnetnrln the light nnd stirred up some dis-
sntlafnctlon. _ _
Tlio I'rrildontVIII Nut Attrnd.
\ V'IIIXOTOS , U. C. . Sept. 18. Vice Presi
dent Morton received the following telegram
this evening !
, I.OON I.AKB Hnusn , N. Y. . Sept. f. IS)2.-To
lion , l.ovl P. .Morion. Washington. I ) . 0. : U N
now quite certain that I wlil not ho ahln to
tiKiiui\ : pirt In the ( irnnd Army exorcises ,
nnd uln iio very ulad If , as the second olllccr
of the povurnniunt. you will take up tbo
duties iKHleniMl to moon the ollli'lnl progrnm ,
that all possible honors limy bo shown to tlio
veterans who nuiy isatlmr this week at the
national capital. HINIAMIN UAUUISON.
I.uiulon Al.iriiUMl lij tlin Itpcont Ilinik I'lill-
HITSIViitiir < > H ot tlio Alurkct.
LiONMiov , Sopt. 18. Discount was un
changed during the past week. A slight
rise would probably have occurred It the
prlco hnd not been a lilllo stiffened by the
weakness of German exchange , threatening
u withdrawal ot gold to Gornuny. The
plethoric condition of the money market Is
nmply shown by the lact Hint iho run on the
Dirubeck lunic , nmountliii ; to 1,500,000. nnd
Iho unoomforttiblo fooling unking from
thn failures of building societies ,
have not nITcctcd the rnto to the
extant ot Is ; td. The tnnrkpt , however.
npucars to bo thoroughly nlarmoj in
rcc.ird toother similar institutions , nnd ninny
building soeiollos nro having n bad time , de
posits being steadily wlttidnuvn. luaellvily
continues on the Stock exchange. The settle
ment showed lower uncos gcnenilly , for which
the cholera and waul of business uro largely
rcsoonslble. Good iiivestmonl sucnrltios are
still most favored , and British nnd colonial
funds nro much stronger. India slorllug
loans closed three-font Ihs higher. Foioign
securities lluctuntcd during the week , closing
with llttlo nlterailon from previous prices
Italian socuritlcsvero ono point higher.
Mexicans wcro one-half lower on the rumor
ot the raising of n now loan. Ura-
/.Illnns were two points hlehur
on the recovery of c\uhnmo on
Ura/il. Kngllsh railway securities wcro
generally lower , but there was llttlo
recorded movemont. American railroads
wore very much depressed , owing to unfa
vorable crop reports and anxiety ns to the
effect which an outhronlc of cholera In Amer
ica which is considered nowise impossible
would have on railroad tralllcs. purhaps oven
lending to the postponement of the World's
fair for n couple of yours. The troubles of
Ivvo or three brokcis connected with the
American market stimulated the downward
movement and prices declined stcad-
ilv until Wednesday , when Now
York purchases caused n recovery.
This , in turn , wus succcodco ov
further weakness en Thursday , but on Ifri-
dny there occurred n partial recovery , which
was sustained on Saturday. Variations for
Iho week In American railway securities In-
cludn iho following docrenios : Northern
Paeilic preferred , : t % ; Lake Shore , ! ) ; Nor
folk & Western ordinary , 2 % ; Atch.lson
mortgage and Wabnsh mortgage , 14 cncb ;
Atehison shares , Denver-it Ulo Grindo pro-
fori-ed ifrict'Now York , Pennsylviinln & Ohio
first mortgage , 1 each ; Louisville & Nash
ville and Missouri , ICansns & Texas , % each ;
Central Pacific shares and Wnbnsh brdnmr.v.
onch ; St. Paul coiiiinicn , . ' ! , ' < ; Now York
Central , 1'4 ; Illinois Central , 'J ; Ponusyl-
vnnln , \ \ ftUcudini \ ; , % .
Oanadiiin stool's partook of the depression
that provmled in the American department ;
Grand Trunk first declined 'J'.f ' for the week ;
Ginnd Trunk uuurantoea bljok , 2 ; Grand
Trunk third preferred 1 , nnd Grand Trunk
second preferred } . The securities of the
Mexican railway remained still In bad favor ,
and firsts declined a > j lor the week , seconds
I/ , mid ordinary 1.
Argentines were in better demand.
Buenos Ayres nnd llosano gained 4
points. _
On tlin 1'aiit ikmimr.
PAIIIS , Sept. IS. On tf.c oourso durltiR the
the past wcolc business was restricted. In
ternational stocks wcro woau , nnd there
were fractional declines. Bank of Franco
shares were largely offered nnd fell 1)3 ) frano .
Bank of Paris declined 1'JJjJ francs. Kail-
way securities were strong and there was a
poncral rise of trom a to 5 franca. Suez
canul shares , which are still adversely
affected , closed llj.j' lower. Kio Tintos fell
4 francs.
( In tliti Hui'lln llonrso.
BEUI.IN , Sopt. 18. Business on the bourse
ourlnir thoptst week win fairly stsudy.
International stocks were slightly lowor.
The II n ul quotations include : Hungurmn
cold routes. ' .Ci. it ) ; DaulHcho bank , 10J.10 ;
liochumor. Ill ; short exchnnge on London ,
long oxchongi : on London , 'M.'i\ \ % ,
On tlio Pranklort lloni-su.
foiiT , Sept. IS. On the bourse dur
ing the past week prices were firm , but llttlo
business was transacted. Hungarian gold
rentes closed at ( Tj.M ) , Austrian credit nt
" 60 nnd short exuhnngo on Ljndon ut 'JO.U7 ,
< 3itou.\t > j-'uit A
Clunenil Torrrnpn DnuutL'S thu CltyiifClii-
UIKH a Trucit ot 'rui nty Acri *
CniAnao , III. , Sept , 18. General Joseph L.
Torronooof thlscav offered to donuto twenty
ncroi of land upon which to erect four hos-
pltnls one each for cholera , smallpox , diph-
therlu and jcarlot fovcr. The proposition
was mndo to Mayor U'nshbtinio and
Dr. Ksllly of the State Uoard of Ilualth und
was at once accepted , and It was decided
to rnlso $7.,000 to erect the nocessnry build-
IIIRB , It Is Gonernl Torreiice's Ideatohavo
ttiQ sanitary station used the year round ns a
clearing bouso for all the Immigrants coming
to Chicago , Tlio land ho will dnnato lies In
an Isolated spot nbout ono milo from aria of
iho boll lines , Just south of the city llinitp.
A railroad Hwitoh will connect the sanitary
motion with the belt lino. Therefore , in
stead of the city health Inspector : ) running
out u fovv miles to Inspect Incoming immi
grant trains , nil trains carrying Immigrant ! !
can bo run Into the sanitary station and u
norps of physicians thorn will perform the
inspection. No Immigrants will como into
the city , but they will bo dUlrlbutml lo their
trains for the west from the sanitary nation.
Murdimiil liy llur l.orer.
MOUNT Hoi.uv , N. ,1. , Sept , 18 , Iuilo ;
Peak , ogod 23 years , was murdered here tnU
morning by Hosier Wnnior , with whom ho
bud bcon Hying In Brooklyn for three years.
The couple had been attending the fair here ,
wuoro the girl's prrouts reside , I.i//.to
was in town and was returning homo , in
coin pan v wllli Her slhtcr nnd Ibroo young
men , when \Varior sprang from n hedge by
Iho rondtido und slaubod her ' .vltli u knllc ho
had lukon from her father's table , Ullllng lior
instantly , Warner wus arrostud nnd Is in
jail , Ttio murdered girl wiu n sister of
llareluy Peak , now iu state prison for MillIng -
Ing ICutio Anderson ,
Iron llul | Aliulri ,
ST , Louis , Mo. , Sopt. 18 , Local momber.s
of the Iron Hull are upllt upon the question
of new supreme oillcors. The dllforonl fac
tions nold sopafiUo incotlngi lust night ,
tliojo who still favor the Somerby adnilnU.
travlon selecting liolegute * to the Ilnlunicro
convention , The faction thut onposoi rcoi-
ganlilng with any ot iho old oillcors of thu
supreme sitting' refuted to iolciit any dele
gates to the Buitimoro convention. Both
faction * nro ngrood upon th proposal to
maintain tlie order ,
' '
The Wnshington-Bnmul Nebraska Spoolnl
Wrecked in a Collision at Kent , 0.
.Mrs. non-en1 * llnnds MniiRlrd nnd
Cut (111 Xn Oun Killed , nnd llio Trnln
Sent on \ViinhliiKtoii
Other C
Kns-T , O. , Sapu IS.-Spocml [ TologMtn
to Tun DICK , I A end collision of th
first section ot the Noornski train tin
Indiana iraln enrouto for Washington Cltj
oecurrod here on the Potinsylvnnln & West ,
orn division of the Baltimore .t Ohio thn
morning. About n do/.on people were tn >
Jurod. The oxctirslnnlsU proceeded onsl
nftor n fourhour delay. Several Nebraska
people were nmong these nltghtly lnurod ] ,
The list is :
Hn.viiv J. KN-OIT , Elijln , 111. , cut nbout
Mits. .Tut.u M. Hiionnp of Now Mexico ,
Injured In hack nnd Internally.
UNKNOWN WOMIN , nrm broken nnd Injured
internally ; unconscious when taken from
thuiMck. .
Mils' . I-4VHBL FUI.I.EII , P.uvneo City , Nob. ,
tram plod on.
Mm. BOWKN , Lincoln , Nob. , three llngon
cut olT und hands nmilijd ,
P. .1. HAM , Memphis , Neb , badly bruised
nnd Injured Infernally.
J. 1C. ICitwiN , Filmoro county , Nobrnskn ,
head cut.
.fKBsi : D. SCOTT , La Foutnlno , Ind. , nos
broken and nrm Injurod.
All the Injured were tnken nbonrd tin
train nnd carried through to Washington.
1'ho blame for the collision has not beau
L'n to iifiin Ovordiin Niirlli Atliiutlc Stenmoi
Cainrs Spi-oiiliitliin.
BOSTONMass. . , Sapt. IS. | Special Tolo-
jrnm to TUB BIK. : ] The steamer Carroll ,
running between thl port and Halifax , Cap-
lain Brown , Is believed to uavo gone to tha
liottom with 100 passengers und a crow ol
forty moil.
Slio loft Halifax Wednesday morning nnd
ivfts last heard of when thlrty < miles wont ol
iho dangerous Sambro Llsjht roofs off Nova
Scotia , whore she was signaled by the Brit-
tunic of the same line iho North Atinntia
steamship lino. No word has boon received
at the Carroll putting In nt nny point nlons
Lho coast nnd she Is now seventy-two hours
CmiUI Not Sco tlio Signal.
TOLEDO' , O. , Sopt. 18. A wreck occurred
nt LOdl , O. , on the Wheeling & Lauo JSrio
road al 3 o'clock Ihls mornlbp , n pnssnngor
train running Into the rear end of n freight.
The ncoidont was caused by n fos obscuring
Hipiml lights. The passengers were roughly
shaken up. but thu oMy si > rlous Injury was to
Engineer Mills of the pnssongcr train , who
broke his log by Jumping from his engine.
ut iv.iti .y
i' Now * from Aririitliiii Kn'eota ol
( jiiitriiiitliiu ut Colon ,
fCoprrlxlitoil 1 J by Jiimos Oordon nonnott.l
V \M-AKAISO , Chili , ( vln Qalvoston , Tox. ) ,
Sapt. 18. [ By Mexican c.iblo to the Now
York Herald Spaclal to TUB But : . | The
Herald correspondent at B ' < nos Ayres says
the guards nt the VUU Mercedes prison
have revolted , creating alarm among thg
populacu. The nutborltios have endeavored
to stop the revolt by paying back salaries.
Humors are current ot oxtonslvo propara-
ticns In the interior provinces for a rovolu-
llonnry movement. Congress will soon past
a low providing for a census.
La Naclon of Buono ) Avros prints an ar
ticle relative to thi upnolntmont by Chill of
L'iru as minister to Brazil. Il anys Lara Is
known ns a bitter onoiny of Argdntina , nn.d
goes to with tuo ovldont purpose of
seeking nn alllanco dolrlmontullo Araontma.
Brazilllan nuthorltlos cnnlond that tholr
action in tiring on tlio Chaucer nnd Marxburg
was entirely Justified , owing to the fnlluro of
these vessels to observe the port sanitary
Business hos boon suspended in Chill unlll
Wednesday owing to Iho celebration of lac
national holidays.
Kcniijt of Colon' *
PANAMA ( via ( Jnlvostoii , Tox. ) , Sopt. 18.
| By Mexican Cable lo New York Herald
Special loTm : Bui ! , ] A small boat was
yesterday abiorvod coming from the nlroo-
lion of tbo quarantined Paciflo Mall llnoi
Nowporl in llio bay al Colon. The uuaranilno
protect with u scjuad of soldiers uwaiUd tin
lauding of the boal on Iho bench. On board
were Mr. Ashby the American consul nt Colon
and a Mr. Voplmm. The project asked 11
they had bo < m on board the New
port nnd they assured him on tholr
words of honor that they had
not boon within fifty yards of the ship. Mr.
Ashby was publlnly reprimanded by the
prefect for trying to violate the quarantine
nnd showing dlarojpuct to the authorities.
ills conduct would not , ho was assured , bo
reported to the govnrnor. Mr. Vophnm was
put in jail , but within a few hours was re-
leased. In consequence ot the quarantine of
the Newport , the California stoumor was
forced to loavj without the mails. The pas
sengers on the Kronen steamer LnBrador ,
duo til Colon today , will bo ordered out.
The bVonoh consul demiindi tbo auimttnuca
of the bhlp and liar i-aiKongors on tlio same
renditions as have b.'on accorded lo Ibo
Many laborers in tno employ of tint PacHo
Mull company and the Peruvian Uatlroud
company hnvo bnen laid off , bccauso on ao-
count of the qunruntlno there Is no work for
them. Only ono passnnnor train has boon
run from Colon to Panama slnco Tuesday ,
Foreign shipping Is thu solo llfo of Colon
and trade Is dead there now , Tbo merchant !
und stiopkoeporA of Colon aud Panama seeIng -
Ing no way to Immediately roploiilih tholr
btocK of goods have advanced prices from 75
to 100 par cant. The military nnd police
f orco al Colon has boon increased In order to
preserve iho pouco In case of any Iroublo ,
The condition of Iho tslhmu Is growing seri
ous us n result of tbo cholera scare , and un
less there 1s a cbuugo much misery will
ensue ,
MviV rr Drournod.
CHIC oo , III. , Ktpt 18. Joseph Heeler ,
ISmil KtMiike , P ul Stranke , the 2-yonr-old
son of linill , and n unknown man worn
drowned In Lake Mtchltfiin off the Slitetmth
ircot pier this afternoon. The klff in
whlrh they were rldlus u'n cupslted by ihi
"I a PUSSIIIK teamor , Noao o'f thi
hnvo bcuu r uovmcu.