ft THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUN DAS ! SEPTRMHKH 1R lfl02-T\VENTY PAGES. THE OMAHA BEE COUNCIL OFFICE : - NO. 12 PEARL STREET Dcllrcrort by cnrrior lo ntur part of the city II. W , TIIVTON. - MANAOEM. ji i f > u it JI/AWO.V. JV. . 1'lumblng Cc. Coutirll IHuffB Lumber Co. . A mnrrlneo license wa * Issued yeslo inivl to Cbarlny Cook nud Carrlu S.V hlto , botu ' of Omaha' . Thn Dodge Light Guards , who have boon camping at Sioux Cliy for u week , returned homocslorday. " St. Paul's" ' The mc-icbcri of tbo "Guild of am planning nn entertainment , consisting pi tableaux and dancing , to bo given in Masonic hall September 23. The suit commenced by the relatives of Thomas I'arUhlll , who was killed by u Union Piiclflu tram several months ago , has pcen bcin nettled and dlsmltsod , the company payIng - Ing fJ.OOO to the plaintiffs. The first case of contagious disease reported ported In Council HluTs ( for nearly two months came to light yesterday. It was a case of scarlet fnvor at the residence of aeorgo Waller , 010 Soutb Mom street. Articles of Incorporation were filed with tbo county recorder ycstordav by the Avoca Stnto bunk , -vita a ciipltul stock of ? . > U,000. The directors for the llm year nro O.V. . Murnuardt. R H. Hunter , W. L. Shepherd , John Plumernnd n. R Kuiifman. A meeting of tbo township trustees was held Friday night for the purpose of select- IIIB n constable to tano the plnco of ox-Con- stable Evans , whotcsiimcdjrecontly. Charles Wbllo was the only applicant , and ho was elected to the postIon on the llrst ballot. H. P. Uurr has commenced a suit In the United States court to recover t'J.fiOO durrmuou V from the Kansas City mid Hurllngton roads for the killing of three bcail of linn blooded cattle ns the result of the negligence of the companies In caring for them while on the road , The Honrd of Health mot yostcdny after noon , and the committee to which was ro- fened the question of regulating tbo placlnc of receptacles for rofnso In alloys wns asked for u report. They asked for furthur time , and wera given until Monday night to draw up an ordinance. Illicit It 1'ny You ? Does it pay anybody to give moro than nn iirticlo is worth just because you want to please somebody1 ; It cer tainly does pay you to give twice or three times as much for school shoes for your children as wo offer them to you. you.Wo can give you a pretty good strong pair of children's shoos for 25c , good enough for any boy or girl to wear to sclitol. For Hoe and 45c wo give you a bettor grade than you have been aekcd $1 for. And for 5Uc to Too wo can give you footwear that the hardest kicking boyer or girl cannot kick out during the pres ent school lorm. F.ithors and mothers of Council Bluffs and vicinity who want their children neatly and comfortably shod will find it pays to look through our stock. Wo have school shoes enough for every school chi d in tlio oily , and wo want to furnish them at one-third what other dealers are luiking. Saturday and Monday wo aio going to mnko a little Jim on school shoes , and nt the same time will sell all other shoes at cor- rcsp ng prices. Tl. UANKRUPT S1IOB SALE , 021 Broadway. I'ISHbtlX.tl. JM/MfJ/M/ / / * . L. A. Dovlno and family returned ycstor- duy fiiim the east. A. W. Uarlow , it prominent manufacturer of Chicago , Is in the city for a few days. Dr. F. S. Thomas bus gone to Washington to attend the tirund Army encampment. Oliver Bussard , who has been In the city for several days , returned yesterday to Chi cago. cago.H. H. Graves of North Plutto , Neb. , is ox- pocli'd to arrive early this week for a visit with his parents. Mrs. C. S. Squler of Kansas City , Mo. , and son , Knt-eno , are thu guests of E. M. liunkcr on Bluff strccl. Mr. Leo Cloavuneor of Leaven worth , Kan. , was in ibe city during the past weeit to attend the Van Clovo-llluck wedding. Mri > . M. J. O'Neill , wno hai been visiting friends In I ha east for throe months , Is homo auuln. She will preside at tha drgun at St. Frauds' cUbcdral this morning. Secretary Ballov of the Llttlo Hock ( Ark. ) Lumber company Is in the city accompanied oy his wile , the guests of Mr. and Mr < . S. 1' . mnrConiisll. Mr. Bnllov was formcrlv u resident of Council Blulfs. H-sv. Jnscpti Wells of this city 1ms been appointed by Governor Hnlos us oho of thu dclecutcs to ropiosi-nt Iowa In Iho national convention of the Boys mid Girls Homo and Employment ussoclntloi : which meets In DCS Moincs i cxt Wednesday. Howard Initeiihiiiicr ) and A. J. Paul re turned yesiorday morning from Hod Oak , \\ucrnthovuttcmludtlicbicyclo races. As slated yesterday Hattenhuucr came off win ner in ono of the half-mile races , best two out of three boats , but Iho pri/o was n flno f.VJ gold watru unit cnaln Instead of u medal , us at Ili-bt repotted. Ho iron the llrst two beats , muklng them In 1:111 : and 1:20 : respec tively Fh'D other wboclmun entered for tbo race. SiilllniTi anil Corhutt In Council Wou'd ' not bo a inarkor to the great bargains of the remnant sale of the barkrupt shoo snlo , fi'21 Broadway. Gcnlb' line dross hlioos $1.2V worth ff2./ / > ( ) . ff2.Gouts' Gouts' calf dross shoos $1.50 , worth $3.00. Gents' line kangaroo lace shoes , hand made , $ ; ; . ( ) ( ) , worth jJO.OO. ( outs' good work shoos , O'.lc. Gents' embroidered slipporsOOc , worth 'Genuine Round Oak , Radiant Homo. P. P. Stewart HtovoK and ranges , sold exclusively by Cole & C'oloII Mnin. Cliui-KVil tfltli Illciiiny. About a month are Mrs. Kllza Brown of thli clly fllrd an information In Justice Hum- inor's court , euurglng her husband , John Brown , with bigamy. She had lost sight of him u long time before , when ho loft his homo In Ccntorvlllo , la. She succoocloJ In trucking htm to Council Bluffs , and found that ho had boon married last March to ono Anna Williams In tins city and that they bad Bono to DCS Molnes to llvo. Eversliico tun flllnc of the Information thti warrant has been lying In the Justice's ofllco waiting for Mr. Brown to turn up. Frldov night. Sheriff Hu/on received n telegram from the Dus Moincs pollen announcing thai Drown bad been urreitod and was being hold subject to orders , lluion Immcdiutely leit for DOS Molnos and will bring Browu back with him today to stand trial. Jtomiiiijit Of the great Bankrupt shoo sale , 621 Broadway. Ladles' kid button shoos 76o , worth 81.60 ; ladles' dongola button $1,25 , worth $2.60 ; Indies' dongola button , patent leather tip , $1.25 , worth $2.61) ) ; Indies' flno dongola button $1.60 , worth $3.00 ; ladles' French dongola kid- button $2.00 , worth $4.00 ; ladles' best French dongola button $2.60 , worth $5.00. BANKRUPT SH013 SALE , 621 Broadway , The ladles of Trinity Methodist church will give a crazy social Soptum- bor 2'J. Something entirely now. Everybody como. Want ril tii liny , Improved property , Will pay cash if price in low. H. O. McGoo.lUMaliititroot. Trains for Mntuiwu at 11 ti. m. , 2 , 3 , 4 , 0 , 7 , h turn 0 o'clock j ) . w. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Ooiincilmcn Remit tin Taxes of the Union Depot Company. YESTERDAY'S ' PROCEEDINGS IN COURT Iilfllculllo * llctivncn the Union Jllovntor Company anil ttio ttnllro.iiM tllvrn nil Alrlni ; Whcro tuVor lilp Toiluy Arrciit of u The city couucll hold a racotlnf ? yo&tordny afternoon at tbo council chamber for the purposn of holding a conference with ropro- sontntlvos of tbo Union Depot company with reference to the unpaid taxes which at that writing woio threatening to send the com pany Into Instantaneous bankruptcy. All o the couucllmon wore there excepting Groves , whllo the depot company was represented by Uoorgo P. WrlRlit , William SlcJontopf , A. T. Fllcklngor , John Churchill and T. J. Evans. Wrlitht was the chief spokesman for the company. Ho told the aldermen what a hard row of stumps the company'was In on account of tbo 1,500 worth of unpaid taxes , and asked that the council rtmlt Its nhoro of tbo amount , both general and special. A Ions discussion ensued , In which Alderman Smith opposed ttio Idea , snyinp that the dopol company had no moro right to n re mission of Its taxes than any other company that had made u bad bargain by buylnir real estate , and that it would be n bad precedent for the council to sot. The other aldermen took the view that the members of the company had not , purchased the tf rounds for a dupot slto as u rial estate speculation , but that the understanding was tnot If the grounds were sold to the railway companies It would not b ? ill an advance over tbo orlclnul purchase price. At the close or tlio discussion it was no dded to grant the request of the representa tives of the company so fur as the general taxes were concerned , but thcro was some douot ox pressed as 10 whether the council hud the legal ri lit to remit the special taxes for grading nud sewerage. A commlttcu was appointed , consist ing of Aldermen Van Brunt , Jennings and TiDbotts , to ascertain the amount of special taxes that were duo and unpaid , and to report nt the mooting tomorrow evening. In the meantime the question of the legality of the proceeding will bo Investigated. The same committee from the depot com pany will appear before the supervisors next Wednesday and make n similar request as to ' the county'taxes. . It will also bo necessary for the supervisors to concur with the coun cil In the remission of the city tuxes. Told the Truth. The truth Btunds best is an old re mark , and novur was it more verified that it had for the past few weeks in Council BlulTs. Ever since the first arrival of fall needs the Boston Store has been advertising1 special' sale in various domirtinents. The wonderful success they have had is u sure guaran tee that they h.ivo told the truth and nothing but tlio truth. Wo always have what is advertised , and you are .sure to 11 nil it just as rep resented. Tlio salofoillio coining week is dross goods , and wo call your atten tion to show window displays , beside u larpo variety of bargains in this de partment. Wi > nro showing now fall novelties all over our storo. Window jNo. 1 Shows a line of out ings in mixed , checked and plaid novel ties , same goods retail at 5lc ) a yard , ! ti ( in. wide and warranted all wool ; wo offer same duringeaio at ! 53o per yard. Window No. " Shows a bettor gr.ido of goods , representing some of the Ilncst European productions , in French , Aus trian aim uerman manuiaciurc , as wen as some exclusive dress patterns in the latest weaves and olTectf , ranging in price from $0.00 to $15.00 each. Window No. 'i Shows an entirely dif ferent lino. It is composed of black goods and black- and white , among which are some bargains. Wo call your atten tion to our -42-inch ctuhmero at 390 , worth oUc. Perhaps tlio greatest bar gain ever olTorcd by us , or any other merchants , is our -10-inch Austrian hon- liotta ( all wool ) , regular "ou grade , at 57R- . 57RHuskies Huskies tUo bargains mentioned wo have a full range of fancy weaves at special low prices , such as whip cords , poplins. Malolasso , India twill , Luns- downe , glorias , etc. , etc. Window No. 4 WoolTor the choice of this line while they last at 1'Jc per yard. Goods are a heavy homespun , illumi nated in dilTorcnt colors , full 30 inches wide and well worth 2Sc. FUTIIKIU.VUIIAM , WlllTKKAW & CO. , Boston Sto o , Council BlulTri , la. The ladies of Trinity M. E. church will have tlioir niinco incut ready for Thanks-giving. Whom to U'orMlilp. Congregational Ilcv. Ilucbcs of Tnbor college will preach at 10 :3U : a. in. n ml 7:30 : p. in. .Sunday school at close of morning ser vices. Christian Knacavor at 0:30 : p. m , First I'rosDytPtiian Uov. Stephen 1'holps , pastor. Preaching by the pastor at lOj.'sOa. m. und : 'M p. m. Sabtnth school at I' ' m. Young people's meeting at GUO : p. in. Second 1'resbyterlon IJariiioiiynsd l egan streets. S. Alexander , pus'nr. Preaching at 100a. : ! ! m. and 7:110 : p. in. Sunday school ut 1" o'clock. Young people's meeting ( JI5 : p. m. First Baptist Kov. Clark , city missionary of Omaha , will preach at , 10iO : ! n. in. Sun day school at i'3 o'clock. Young people's mooting at ( ! : . ' )0. ) Uov. Joseph \Vclin , county Sun ilny school missionary , will preach at 70 : ! ! p. in. Tcinpln Baptist Hoculnr preaching ser vices , 10lUii. : ) in. and 7'tO : p. m , In Hughes , hull. L. A. Hull , pastor. Morning theme , "Condition ! ) of Church Power. " Kvonmg1 "God's Cull to Service. " Sunday school at IS in. Christian , Masonic Temple Preaching at 11 n. in. and 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Dr. Carter's subject for several evenIngs - Ings will bo "Jgnoranco and Prejudice , the Ureat Obstacles to Moral Heform. " A. It Curler. Pastor. Young Men's Christian Association Mun's mooting In the rooms In the Morrlum block at1 o'clock. An address by ( joorgo Mo Mution. Muslu bv the orchestra. Itooms will bo open after , 'i o'clock. ' St. John's English Lutheran S-srvlcos In Young Men's Christian association ohupol at 11 n. in. and 8 p.m. Sunday school at UM5u. in. Hov. ( J. W. Snvdor pastor. Kuv. Stephen Phelpi will preach at ; i p. in. at harvest homo service al the Enterprise Lutheran rhuroh four miles east of the "oily. Mivipah Temple , No. 0 , Pythian Sisters , will give a clothespin social at Knights of Pythian hall Wednesday evening , * " September 21. _ Gontloiuon. the finest line of tall goods in the city , jiiot received. Itoitor , the tailor , H10 Hroadway. Judson , civil onglnoor , ! ! iS ! Broadway Court N'u\v . When the illfllcultles between the railways composing the Union Elevator company were prominently boforu the public several weeks ago a ohurgo was made uy tbo plaint. Iffu , the Hock Island , Uurllngtoa and Mil waukee railways , that Frank H. Pcuvy , the inanagor of the elevator , had an unlawful contract with the Union Pucilla and North western companies by which bo was to huvo urobatoof'J cents on the hundred on nil grain Unit was shipped over the latter roads , und on tbo utrei.gth of this cbargo an order win made by the court ru- quiring Pouvy to brlug his books Into court , logdthur with the rontruot that bud existed Uotwcoii hlmsolf and tha railways , In order that an investigation might bo tna'do Intothu nmttrr. .Ycsterduv Peuvv Ilk-d bis m.kw'r In which ho iif.sci'tn that t'horo Is no coiuruolof the Ulna rofuirc , ! to , und ho imi DO kuowluJgu of any buoUi of account ot tbo kind roforrnd to bv the plaintiffs in their motion. Ha furthermore alleges that the order of the court was Issued without any notlco to him or hi * attorneys that such a motion was to bo mado. Ho asks that the order to set aside. ,1ml eo Mncy heard the evidence In the case of Cora Wilson against James Wilson , in which a dlvorco was noueht bv tbo plaintiff and a crosn-potllion was Hied by the de fendant. When tbo case cumu to trial Mr * . Wilson was not to bo socn , and ns thu de fendant was thcro and testified against his wife ho was granted a dlvorco. A default was taxon In the dlvorco case of Mary L. Uoylc against Harry K. Doyle. IfiOpooplo in this city itso g.ts stoves The Gas Co. puts 'oin in at cost lIMJi : COATS AM"nil.VSS MUTTONS. Abe Lincoln PoU Montli Us Dolrcntlon to National Knctitnpmoiit. About flfty mouibors of Abe Lincoln post gathered at the ball on Pearl street yesterday - day afternoon and marohtd to the Hook Island depot , headed by Wall McFadden and his drum corps. The special train allotted to tbo me moors of the post and their friends who were to go to Washington was standing nt the depot , the work of the decorators hav ing been completed about noon. The roar coach was plcntltully decorated with Hags and streamers and a largo picture of Abe Lincoln appeared on each sldo , surrounded by the national colors. The train consisted of llvo ranches , and a sixth will be added nt Chicago , where the party will bo Joined by the dopartwont commander nr.d his party. Thosa who formed the delegation from the post , were J. J. Hathaway , D. M.Ulby , Chorloa Weeks , E. J. Abbott. S. Welkor , J. H. Clark , I. D. Hull , Dr. Sattorleo , Frank ( Jrass , Lorov Davis , W. ( J. Unthauk , Henry LelTort , Michael Maghor , John B. Baker , Peter Cumpboll , li. S. Ddwson , I. N. Phlpps und others. The size of the representation was some thing of a disappointment all around , but word received Jrom many of the ether towns In western Iowa shows that Council U luffs is not. the only placa wbero these who ex pected to attend the encampment have changed their minds. The smailnoss of the crown is accounted lor uy tno lact 01 tno cholera scare In Now York and tbo reports of the dangerous illness of Mrs. Harrison , the wife of the president. Both ol these things cannot help but have a depressing effect on tbo exercises , and are undoubtedly responsible in a largo tuoasuro for the com paratively Email attendance. Davis , pdro drugs , best paints. - . Cords wore received in this city yesterday announcln tno marriage of N. M. Pusoy and Miss Anna Wright ut Freeport , O. , last Wednesday afternoon. Immediately after the ceremony was performed Mr. nod Mrs. Pusoy left for Wneclmg W. Va. , and after spending a short time there loft for St. Louis. After a visit to Denver they will re turn to Council Bluffs and will bo at homo to their friends In Council Bluffs at tbo Grand hotel after December 1. Cut with a Ilutohvr Knife. Mrs. Luclla Watts , who lives In the west ern part of the rIty : , called ntthcoQlco ot Jus- tied Swcarlngen with a pair of bloody hands and wanted u neigh jor of hew , MM. Charley Necloy , arrested , taho said that she and Mrs. Neeley had been having a llttlo neighborly urcu men t when Mrs. Neoloy flashed a butcher Iciufa und cut her severely on Iho hnnds. The Information charged the defendant with assault and buttery. Mrs. Neotoy was ar- roitod yesterday and pluccrt under bonds tor bur appearance on the -Stb. llullillni ; 1'nrinltf ) . During the past week J. W. Lathntn has ittkon out a permit foi the erection of a two- story brick store room nt 14U Broadway , to cosU3,500. Julius Jensen has taken out a Imiltllnc per mit for n two-story brick dwelling at the cornerof Sixteenth avenue and Eighth street , tn cost § 1OJO. CAPTURE OF JEFF DAVIS. As ToUl l jr the Willow of tint Leader of HID Lost Cuusc. Many falsehoods have boon uttered in regard to the capture of Mr. Davis , which huvo boon exposed in publica tions by portons there present by Secretary - rotary Regan , by the members of my personal stalf , and by the colored coach man , Jim .Tones , which must have boon convincing lo all who desired to know the truth. Wo were , when prisoners , subjected to potty pillage and to annoy ances such as military gentlemen never commit or permit. While the camp was being plundered , which wan done with great celerity , there was a shriek dreadful to hear , ana our servants told us it came from a noor civaturo who , in pi-ying up the lid of a trunk with his loaded musket , shot oil his own hand. Out of this trunk the Hooped skirt was procured , which had novur ooen worn , but which they pur ported to have removed from Mr. Davis' poi-bon. No hooped sicirt could have boon worn on our journey , even by mo , without great inconvenience. and I had none with mo , except the now ono in tlio trunk. I have long since ceased to coinb.u falsehood when it has been uttered and scattered broadcast a much loss distance than this ono has been berne on the wings of halo and vilifica tion , and 1 now rest tlio case , though , could the torture wantonly inlliclod when ho was a helpless" prisoner huvo been averted from my husband by any disguise , I should gladly have tried to porsuudo him to iibsumo it ; and who shall say tlio Htralogom would not have boon legitimate'1 I would have availed myself of a Scotch cap and cloak or any other expedient to avert from him the awful consequences of his capture. When wo had traveled back a day's drive , as wo were about to got into the wagons n man callnpod into camp wav ing over nis ncau a printed sup or p.tpor. Ono of our servants told us it was Mr. Johnson's nroclamation of a reward for Mr. Davis' capture an the accessory to Mr. Lincoln's assassination. I was much shocked , but Mr. Davis was quito nn- concerned , and said : "Tlio migorablo scoundrel who issued that proclamation Unow bettor than those moil that it was false. Of courtio mich an accusation must fail at once ; it may , however , ren der these people willing to assassinate mo hero. " There was a perceptible chnngo in tlio manner of tlio soldiers from this time , and the jibes and insults heaped upon us as they passed by , notwithstanding Col onel 1'rltchnrd'n oll'orts to'suppress tlio oxprohhion of tlioir dotcHlation , were hard to bear. Ultlorost among these was an olllcor named Hudson , lie in formed mo Unit lie intended lo tnko our Door llttlo protogo as his own , and nolle- itudo for the child troubled us moro than Hudson's insults. Within a short distance of Macom wo were halted and the soldiers drawn up in line on either side of tlio road. Our children crept close to tlioir fiitlior , especially llttlo Maggie , who put hoc arms about him and hold him tightly , while from time to time ho comforted hur with tender words from the I'salms of David , which ho repealed as cheer fully as if he were uurroiindud by frlonds. It is needle * * to say that as the mim stood at their ease they expressed In words unlit for women's o.'iru all that mnllcu could suggest. In aboutan hour Coloiud 1'rltcliard returned , and with him came a brigade who testified their bollef in Mr. D.ivU' guilt in the same manner. ' Mon may bo forgiven who , actuated by pi'ujudlcn , exhibit hltteriictju In the first hours of tholr triumph , but what ox- CUHO can bo oll'orod for ono who. In cold blood , dolllioratoty organizes tortured to bo indicted , ana supurintmidH for over a year their application to the ( julvor- Inn form of nri emaciated , exhausted , helpless prisono/nwho , Iho whoto nouth proudly romoiabars , though reduced to death's door , utitu the and neither recanted - canted his faith1 * fawned upon his per. secular , nor plbiidod for morey'r1 There are fifty species of oloctrlc fish. A fish recoil Uyi found at Port Oxford , Ore. , has "logsinnd toes , n long tall , u spiked nose , anti-no scales. " Columbia rlv l1' ' contains trout with largo ro.1 spots. 'Thoy ' have called it the "Dolly Vardoti" trout. As a man was sailing on the bay near Snnknlum , Wash. , a salmon trout fourteen - teen inches long jumped from Iho water and landed in tno boat. Fins for swimmers are said to bo a ro- ccnt invention. The individual lias artificial imitations of fins attached to Ills arms and togs. These contrivances open and shut automatically as the logs are extended and withdrawn. The Uoston Herald would like to have the European custom of soiling fish ullvo in the markets introduced In this country. "Our fashion of soiling fish in tlio market1 it says. ' would fill a Gor man with disgust * In the Gorman cities fish is almost invariably sold alive. " Workmen at Baltimore & Ohio ele vator "C" in Hallitnoro , caw a fight between - twoon a crab and a rnt .tho other day. The rat wont down a stringer to got'a drink when a crab caught him by the head. A fioj.oo tug followed , the rat apparently haying the betler of It for a whllo , as ho could stonay himself by his foothold. The crab used his method of propulsion with energy , and churned the water about him. The rat's power of endurance finally gave way , and ho foil overboard , but ho still did his best to release himself. Ho struggled hard , but the crab held on until the rat was drowned , but was so exhausted by the light that wnon the rat lloateu to tno surface the crab swam away. The Kannobcc Journal describes what it calls the "king of all cols. " lie was taken in Maine , was forty-four inches long and weighed four and one-half pounds. But ho is not the king. A few years ago two cols were taken in a stream atSag Harbor , L. I. , ono of which weighed nine and one-half and the ether moro than eight pounds. Tholr skins were kept for some time nailed against a shed , but the measurements have not boon preserved , A box turtle has boon caught in Rhode Island that is supposed to bo ICO years old , A Doctor's Hxprrlencc. Some time ago an eminent Cincinnati physician said : "When 1 began the practjco of medicine a young man whoso constitution was even moro powerful than my own started in the practice with mo. His pot theory was that a man couldn't have too much fresh air , that ho wanted it to circulate inside and outside of his body , and to that end when the rigors o'f winter came on ho spurned thick clothing , which I insisted on wearing. If wo rode together the heaviest garment ho had on wis an or- d nary sack co it. 1 wo-o : muillors and a greatcoat buttoned up to the chin. My young and ambitious partner has occupied a narrow homo in the ceme tery a great many years , placed there after a long and' painful wrestle witu consumption. lie stuck to h s tliin clothing and became a martyr to his pot theory. I stuck to my heavy clothing when the weather demanded it , and I think the graveyard ij u good many years from me atill. " 'Reno's Joke 0:1 Kiittivcll. St. Louis Post-Dispatch : The removal of Roswell M. Field to Now York sug gests a good story that has been told about him in connection with his famous brother , Eugene. It appeals that Ros well doss not like the allusion , " 'Gone Field's brother , " preferring an individ ualism of his own. In St. Louis 'Gone , who was an inveterate joker , once called in company with his brother upon Why Are they Wanted ? Because they never spoil nice desserts. Because the cakes , puddingr , creams , etc. , are made to please the most refined taste. Because they are extracted by a new method , from the true fruit , so that eacli 1ms its own. natural and distinctive char acter. That is why Dr. Price's Delicious Flavoring Extracts , Lemon , Orange , Vanilla , etc. , are wanted. To the connoisseur the difference between them and the com mon Flavoring Extracts is so great that it cannot be ex pressed in words. A trial will prove their superior excellence. the Itopubllc. Wlnldnff at the city oil- Itor tie wrote out this Item and hamlud it in : "Add Personal Enpcno Flohl , the Rifted Chicago journalist , Is visiting In the city to the gratification of his many atlmlroM nnd friends. Mr. Field IH no- comnanluil by hla llttlo brother , llos- well. " When the paragraph appeared Ros well M. Field was the maddest man In Missouri. His head was just as bald then ns it is now , and his face had as many wrinkles in it. But Kugono laiiRiied all next day over hla joko. lln Coiitulml tlioVlilntv. . Texas Slftlmrs : An aired colotod woman named Amanda SykoF , who owned n. house and some cash , lost her husband , and Hov. Whangdoodlo I3tx- : tor wont to tlio widow In order lo console - solo her. Ho said : "Hit's mlplity tuft dat you lese yor husband , Mnndy , but you must try and b'ar up under hit. You hai sustained a heaby loss , but you must brace up wid do co'nsolnanuns ob lldircon. You knows dar am ono who Btlck8"closor dan a brud- * dor. Ho am a berry present hnlp in litno ob trubulo. Ho will nobor loab yor nor forsake yor. " "Dot's a file' , parson , " replied Amanda , drying her oycs. "Ho called tor see mo las' night and staid obor so long , nn' ho am gwlntor take mo out ridin1 in a btipgy tormorror. " "What's yor ttilkin' about , you fool nlpgahV" "I'so tnlkin' 'bout Parson Aminldnb niodso , the culled pasture ob do now Temple ob Zlon ; ho has boon pnyin' mo tonsliiuiB obor sonco do obsquious. " Not tha Sumo Old Story. The man was standing at his fitoro tloor on JolTorson nvenuo talking to a stranger , says the Detroit Free Press. "Soo that lady across the strool ? " ho said. said."Yes "Yes , " was the brief reply. "Isn't very handsome , is shoV" "Hor beauty won't kill her , I guass. " "Well , it's queer how things go in this world , " said the man , retro spectively. "I'woiity years ago she wns ono of the prettiest g'irls in Detroit , and Ijivas otio of a dozen follows who ] tried to marry hor. " "Same old story , " observed the stronger , "somo other fellow not half the man you are got hor'r" "No ho didn't , either. " "Nor" "No. I married her myself , nnd she is coming over here now for $ 2 ) to get anew now fall hat with , " and the man srnllod ns if ho were glad of it. } WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. " ; ; ( Tasteless Effectual. ) roil ALL : BILIOUS and NERVOUS DISORDERS , Such as Sick Headache , Weak Stomach , Impaired Digestion , Constipation , Liver Complaint , ami Female Ailments. CoTtrsd with a Tasteless & Soluble Coating. Of all druggists. Price SB cents a box. New York Depot , ifo Canal St. D JD II A Pd t'nro wbnt Hurt of n stuvo you 1 ljlltlrVl O Imro nr how much ciml It TrrT rkrk T.nloim iiiuia I'erliapi run nn > YOU DON T " "loin to pll "I' wi-iilth for Iho cool cuuililiip. Ifjoiinro don't rend wlmt follonn. U ilouin't IntiTL'Ht ) c > n ' 1 ho cAiiorlunco of tlio ulio Imvo usuil Barlani Heaters ii'lvi'lf that Ilioy nro KIHSTIn economy of fui'l. conTOiiieiipo In iiiinl | > ulHllon nnil rtlirnhlllly 'llii'jr are Ijiillton honor unit ilo not full to n'oik putlifHctorlly. It roiitn you nutlilni : to look at Ilium unit If you nlll cull wo nlll loll you nliiiul Iium1r" < ti of our liust iiL-oiilu Uo nertr hy tliu inrlnml hi > nt or unit VOL , AlH ( > Affont Tor Ciilnnlhlu Illi'i < ! . 504 Broadway anil 10 North Main Street COUNt'IIi lll.l'l'KA is a good'iways , ' ; ; off. So are ths prices on the real estate ( bargains we offer this week. You can buy now at one-fifth of what is asked' for property bp further from the center of Omaha , ol Snap at these snaps , for there's big money to be madi ; . It won't cost a cent to investigate , and if we can't prove that we can make money for you , you're nothing out. ds , LEADING REAL ESTATE AGENTS , 621. Broadway , Council Bluffs , la. BRONCHIAL CATARRH , A Oomraon Disonsa That Often Precedes and Causes Pulmonary Oonsumption , CATARRH OF THE LUNGS WITH ASTHMA Voriniiiirntljr Cured lit the Cn o of .Mr. C. W. Io < lnr , ( linVt'll KnoiruScxlou ot I'ulr- \lo\v Cotnntcry , ( ; < iuucll Illtiini. "Vos. they told mo I Imd coiimiinptlon , RIH ! that Is what I boiiin to bcllovo. I failed so stutidl y and ovurytlilng I tried scuiuuil so tiiiwiirlfHi to hulp me thut I was fotciu to bo- lloyo Hi it Imd uoiiMimptlon. " Iho spoal < or wa-i Mr U.V. \ . I'ostcr. the well- known sexton of Kulrvlow cumutor.v , Untinull "Five yciiM upo I did not ic nrd my trouble JIB very serious , when It llrst be.mii with my hosd and nose sfopplni up. dull , ho.ivy Iionf- nchospvcrlbouyesaiiJ tliroiijth the U-miilos. but later when ulKht ncatsu.imuon I Loxan , . TO IMK KI.KSII , ( litlo l l""u roa"ru-1 ' " > ' serious con- "Mli.enwjhcii \ vcrj tcverc.fti bail lint I miiM iii/f tleci MjMf , ninl / HI HIM ifivt to net tiji nnd iw o " ( on uiu jxiicli fiirf , t li , itr. "ihorowuita tcrrlblo sorunom In tlio lowur purl of ny lungs , sharp , bhootn- Mil. I'OSTr.U. thrnimli my chest , so sovcre at times as to ut most tulo my breath. "Thoru wim a constant ronmiR and buzzlii ! ; nolsu In my oars ; my eyes becumoery weak , nnd 1 thought 1 was L'OUIK in M E iv smiiT. " .My appetite wa Irroculnr , nothina I nto seemed to u reu with mu. I would be dis tressed nt thu stomach after online. "My sleep was restless nnd broken nnd did mono -ooil. \uuild Rot up In the morning moro Hied than when I went to bod. "Thn dlscasn had completely undermined my whole system , and Ivtis I the physical wreck a man w thotit hope "In this condition I called on Urn. Copeland nnd Hii'pard : thov did not promise much , und I did not expect to bo cured. "Well , wlmt has been the result ? "A COMPLETE CUIIK. " "I Improved steadily from the first nnd nil the symptoms of tbo disease have gradually left mo. "My head and noio nro clear , Rood nppotltc. no more nluhlsweiits. and my luiiit trouble Is entirely relieved , mid I have no further fear of consumption "I can l.suv too much In praNoof D's. t opo- Innil and Shcpard , for they have Miioly s.ived my life. " I.iiHtlnc ; Iti'jultfi. The above positive nnd strong statp- tnont of facts was pi von to the jniblic last Docotnbor. Mr. Foster , wlion asked a few days ago in roforonco'to his pres ent condition , btiid : "S-nco my tieatnient. nnnriy ono year no with lrCopolftiKl and hopard I h no been In perfect health. 1 have Imd no return of my distressing' Asthma and coii''h , and tlio re markable results of their medicines have Loeu \\llli mo 01 ery day. 1 not tnlic'tcrltniltlitlinn 1 /cjiv/j CH fur trn btar * . It Is piittlnK It pretty strong to say that these physicans saved my life , but such Is thu plain truth , and 1 want tilt iiitliltc to know It. " Mr. Foster can bo found every day at Fail-view Cemetery , Council UliilTs , whore ho is in charge as box ion , nnd ho will gladly verify his printed state ment. MAIL Comes from the Bust. West , North and South. bo irlns testimony of the succos ful treal- mentof Drs. Oopoland and ShcpirJby mall' .S/mtoHi | / ( Ulan/i / Kent fo .l $5 A MONTH. CATAUUIl TIlKATii : ) ATTHi : UNMKOI5M UATi : ( ) K t'i A MONTII-MEDIOINR-J KUK- N1SIIB > I'uKi : . roil AI,1 < OTIIKIt IS- EASI TUB UATKHWIM , Hi : LOW AND UNIKOKMAM ) In I'HOI'OHTION TO TIIK ACTUAI CoVrOF MKDlOINi : KEQUIKEI ) . Copeland Mcdicil Institute uooMsuinndir7. : : xr.wvouic MK ING. OMAHA , MH. : \ \ \ 11. c'CPKLANU. > r. n. C' . S. SIIKHAHU , M. ! > bl'j.- . : ni. Asl liiiui. Ilrnnulil- Itls Norvniis I ) sujsus. HlooJ DNoasos Itlieti- iimllsin. CoiisiiiiiDtlon. iuil : ill uli riiiili ) iilluc- tlons of the Thioal , LIIIIXS , htomuoli. I.Ivor ' ' ' " : Otoll . . . - 2 to 5 p. m. , 7 to n. in. i-uiulay. luii. in. lol'Jiii. _ _ I'rdiins.ilH fur Ciriifiitnr Work. .Scaled propiisnlH will bo rnuolvod hy the i-ciot ' iry of Hi" lieu < l of ixliuMtlon iintll I - ni. Moiuliiy. Sept. llitli. 1 = 1forii'l work in ilor ciirpifiitor bi > oclllo tliiis for tlio CVntr.il H.-liool imlldliu. In , acconliiiici ! wlih iilnup nnil ' Hiuuilliitli : ! > iis on III" l thu i > t1 CD or .loliii . nrchllcet. Kooin W. llLicliunts SKllal1l | lIl ? ± S.llLidi'i ! ' , , , , p.lcUy . . , , H cortl- the rls.it . to rojeoi uiy , rsJit Secretary. iletlid and Siyji ISTSTITUTE. Ml live 4 for INFIRMARY FOli. TREATMENT OF ALL lloul furllllloi , KDp'ir.iliM ninl ru'iintlni for irjimiif n IioitMH'iil in uvi ry fiirm nf ill-unu ro' ' ( Hir ing mutllcul or nurulcal Irn u uuat , a lipilforputlunl . Iwurl un I iitloiliuij. llott ni „ | iiIIIUllHtloil < llltllllWUt. Wrltnfirclitiilur > uu ilufunnllla.i und hrucoi. Inn- ( . cluli lucl , oirv tiiro * f "iihiii , pilot , luiiion , tun- IIT , rat irrh , brnrio llll" , lalmlntlnii , iiluolrlcllr. | i > iilytli" , ! | ii y , kl'hiuy. lilaclilur , ofo , uar , iikni unl ijiodil u ml it II Har KHl i > | inrallori DISEASES OF WOM U SUAi.Ti , ; ; Wniiu'ii IHICK. . vVnlwvolutMly ml lola lyliu-la ilo- i.iirtiiit'iit for Wiiiiiiiu durliiL' i-nnnnoinonl , utrlciljr nr > nlo. I'ul ) ItulUbloMoJIcul lrnt.lutu int < lu u J'HIVATK IJISICAHICS All lli ( id llM-iueHi'iuca ) < ifiilly Iroalul. I'olKiiiH rumovu I from Uiu nyntuni wlthoul niiiri ) iry , Ncnv Uu tnriillvu Truutiuoat lor l.oi of VII'AI , roWHII. rur < iiii iianblo lo vlull in limy liu truilu I ut IIIHIIU liy forroiiKiaildiii'o. All ciiiniiiiiiiloiito.n loiiiMoutliu , MullcbiumrbMtra nonttsoaili/ i-xiir , MigMiuunilimokuj , nu iiurki to liullc.iUi COT or liirnn or M'liilur. uo imrooial lulorvloir pruturrui. I nllniul ( unmil u ur nuii'lhU'ory uf yourcmo. ui.l wo wilUjinl In plum Wniijior , uur , „ , . Norroi , linpolciicy , i > ypliill , ( iluut ua I Varloooule , wltu uuui lioniut. llrncvn , APl'llaiico ' * for Deforniltlei an I Truiiol Only iimiiutuctory In I'm not of DKKOIOHTV , AI'I'LIANCK : " , TIIUrtdK.S , ICM5311 , 1110 IIATl'KltliS AND lll'.l.Td. Omaha Mcilidil and institute 26th nnd Broadway , Ounoll t Tun minium rUu from uiiutur nf O.iuhi on mrJ cuuiill liiunt vlvvtrla uiulor llu j. The Grail $51 $ THIS BUVS A CORD OP u jf FROM H. A. COX , i TELKHIIONK-IS. 10 MAIN ST. OITIZSNS STATE BANK Ut Council Ilium. Capital stock . ! ? 1-IIOJ ! ) hurplus and Profit. ) . SI , OIll ) Not cnpltnl nnil surpltn $2ilO , . . Illrector-J. I ) I INTlStlK&T ON TIMi : SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFFS. The want advertisements appearing tn a noxvsp.ipor nro often thu most Interesting part of its contents. They express the invent needs , the dally wlshoi or tlio ponplo who want something and who are willing to do ! > umuthlti . „ for horse ? and e.itt nj first cliiss : JI..VJ a mouth. Inmnro at ( li Ilro.id. way. TO A KM and city ioin > , Money .o.t oii J- stock and cralo. Hnal estate for a'o. OwcHlm and business rentals. Money h ned for lou il Investors. I.OIIKCO .tTowIe,1.1 : ! earl II OK SAliE Horse , buij v aiu hiraessat blKS.ierillco : HCO I outlH ; n od Well bull road horse. .Must sell. U. il. Lewis , i i L. . . street. SS.iOOstoo'cof ' morcliandlso In western Iowa , ucll looatofl. doliift KooJ business , for sale orlr.ide. K O. H.irtlett. 721 Hroadway. f > J hoiid of youiiR liorsos for trulo ; Imiiroved - property or land. K. G. ll.irliult , T4I llroad- way , Connull lllulf.s. UJI.imo worth of dry foods mid notions . I'chaimo. K. G. Dartlett , 741 Hroadway. fpOK SAI.K-Croiimcry. Hell located In NoL - -L br.i5.Kn. ( Join. : wood Imslnusi. Will t.iko ikrtn i > r or bull unllro buslnoas at a b.ir uln 1C. U. Shenfo. FOR SAI.n Inipioved 40'-iero : stoet ! farm In western low.i , IJ ! ; H-uiio ; farm , $ JJ ; U'l- iicrut ) . f .U Johnstun & Van I'.ittun. * S A IjK Choicest ' JjOl fiirin In I'ottiwatt i- ni e Co. . 4tt : iiuro-i , uoil lou.ili.Ml an I lin- provod. I'rlcutlJun ai-iu. II II , ' houfo. 1PYOU Imvo nnythliu for stlo or tr.ido sen K. II. She ifo. Itro 11 way an I .Main stn-nt. "Ij'OU .UALR On snvnl | > : iyiiiunts. fruit iintl J-1 Kiirdon Inn I noir Council Illnn'J U II. ! ; hoife. : Hrondw ty an I Miln : stroot. ! -AIn-Alllon Kolior mills on lloonn i. river. Mob. ; llnust witorpowor In the statu dovololiiR | lil horse power w itor ontlro yo ir : dully cipaulty , 1UU hirrels : : niai'lunury fin ; ! appiirtennncei coniploto In every due ill. Ooa I fruino riisliloneo : 8 acres of lun I , title norfo't. iirlrc. J.J.UJJ ; will tuki ) mil nprovoJ o.i-itoni Xebrubka land. II II. bhu ifo. T71OK SA ItK Clean Kloei ! Irir.lwuro , neil os- Jtubllsheil trrdc , Invuluo iiliont J.i.UJJ. ( ioo.t cason for ' olllni : . Turin ) u.'isli. K. II , Hhoafc , POK SAM5 OK KENT -Good coiil ynrd with scales , ate. GruunslilnliK. Nlchoihon > V ( Jo. TJ1OK KXOIlANGK-Ilotnl und rost'iunmt -L located nt , .Slnihort , Nob. , und II ! lots In Denver. Colo. ; will exehuiuo for olcur Nu- brahUu liind. 1111. Shoufo. FOK SAKE IliirdWiiro stoou. will Involco J.IOJU : Inc'.itcil In mi uctivo ISotirasku town of 1.MO pomliitloii | : Innlncss old rat ibllsbcii ; will Ijourciojo InvusllKutlon. K. U. .Slin.ifo. OA AOIU : fnrni with liupruvunioiits , llvo OV-'inllcs north of Co'ili"ll IlluirJI5.ui ; ucru : itnii ; | Irir iiln I' . H. dim ifu. UTANTKD No' rasUii laii'l In i < i > liineo : for canil work honm. 10. II. Shoafu. \\TIII/ you IjuIUI homoU'n have a flno irs dun lut whlu'i n soil for fit ) if tlinonM _ > on. ( irceiislilaltN , Mi'liolMiii .1 Co. { .I ALPhUUtlon of iiiilnoiitiihiiruil liinil In Ne- I IJIMSKII to Irailo for oity piopurty. Oreun- xlilolds , Nlcliolson & t'o. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D ItV m Kids stonk to tndu for low i liurl. ( irt't'iishlolds , iNloliiihuii . . Oo. _ AAT'K hiivu a niiiiilitr of oul ti'iiantn who ' ' want uii to cot Uc slr.ihlo IKHISLM fur thoin , Do you want lo idnt your liouso ? tiieLMi- b 1 1 1 c Ms. Nicholson k Co. il Hroadway , Grounslilt'lilB. Nicholson Co. . teal u tutu. AJOOI ) llvo-roiiui Iionso for sno on your own terms. ( Jhoapur than liayniK rent. OlUL'IIShlOlllli. NlcllOlhllll fi Cl ) . _ " \ TK\V Euvpii-room house , uloso to Ilnnton -i. stroot. Will tiu'lu for v.iuant lots or lunil. b , Nicholson & C'o. .U.K Oil KXUIIAXCI. 4hO > .icrn r.inun III Wht'olorcounty , Noli. Will tiiko niuic'han- ( INc. i : . II. Hhoafo. friOH HAI.K-llotol vrftli furiilliiro anil H\- -l ? tiiiL-s a."i rooms , b.un. ' ' - : . of. I'rlci ? . : i,51X I.DOiilrd 111 Doiitflns ( . oiiiilv. I ) illy rt'CL-ljita , I.11. InvosilKato iitonci ! . _ II II. sluiafi ) . ITIOIISAI.K C'rnaiuorv otitllt , coniprliliiK''J- X' h p. liol'or , I0-li , | i. uiiirlno. U Ilo l.avollo Hi'piiratur.s - croiuii vats. .IJUKallons oiich : ash chinH.3UJ uii'lons ; uowur Intttor ooilior. lumni scaleswoltrht aim. w tier link mill other II.vt u res. Will soil cheap for uahh or truilu for I'm I. II II. Slip. fn. IJICKsAliIi Small hotel In seed town teL wn -L llullillni ; I'nil fiirnlturo uoinplotu ; at a bargain. R II. Shoafo. OMAI.,1 , ancl'lle pony for nulu cheap. 13.V \ fill , WANTllTT- Two In 'family ! coon wages. IK ! Fourth street. LO.-T-1oiiidii anil white pointer do ; , ' , ono and a half youisold : had on strap collar ; end of lull soro. Kulurii lo UI7 Sixth avenuu and ot ruwaril. LOST Near K. I. depot , pair of tooruph ! imli ) ollmhurH. lietui-ii lo lice. LOST Blonder cold chain , huarlornun.ont , enumoled forjset-mo-notH Hut urn to llc > i olllce. II1 OK I ! I-.N'T ; 11 on so nnd burn , to.'iither or supintoly. cornur 7th st , and 7th ava. Oarputs and all Kinds of household coo.la for sale ; also , gentle family horse and ph ictoii. Iiiiilroon | _ prumlsej orof W A Wood. VVI 1 ANTED Kooni and boaid In prlvato VI > family by a younif lady. Kuferencu If leijulibd , Address V I A , lieu olllce. AVOUNO ludy des.res H place to work for her hoard iiluhtH and morning. Addresit , A. ! „ , lleo olllco. vv ANTKD A yoiini ; iniin to work , Apply ut olllco of Leonard Kuuutt. WANTED An oxpiirlunudd dlnliiK loom Klrl ; Kood WIICUH ; puriuiiimnt bliuutlon , Apply ot unco , Hotel ( jordon. W "ANTKD Oooti Klrl for cunural worlc , aHIIKilou uvoiiue. T7\OK \ TKAIE-l-ands ) In JOrroly county and J3 Under county. Nch. , for jloek of Jewelry , or aiih. fiiinlturo or hindnem piopurty In Council llluffH. 1C. . ( ! ( _ : TyTOlC KAI.i : Duslrablu icnliliiiiuo property Nt JJ on 1'nrk nvd. AH modern Improvement . k 14 rooms one block from motor : a insuln If X takoiat once ; easy | uyiiiunts or trudo K. II , \ . Kheiifu , VV ANTIIO VOIIIIR Mini for olllcn work | l V unlit lie oed penman and uceurHtu In tit- lire * . Addruau lloxwi. Uouiicll Illjullj IJIOK 8AI < K-1wo lood youiin horses , Will -L1 tnkv carpcntur work In payment for mine , I.oiiiiard Kturctt. B.U.l-KimUtufuil A , V. JeiH y -I. cinv , I'nvoldu No. 111.If : : it Mili'mlld funillj' cowi wns froxh Au.'iut ' 'I. W. M. Bhcpiru , IloomlW , Mcrrlum bloiik , Cniiuull IHiiirH , \\MNil Toanib lo haul uoul. Aptly lo li. A. Cot , IU Muln utruuu