Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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? OMAHA iiAli.V inn ? . i.AyPinjnAV cjiviMrnpi > i ? icno
IkporU of Frost Damage in the Northwest
CautoJ Much Uneasiness ,
\Vhrnt Opem d StroiiRrr on tlio Itorovery of
tlio 1 ratio fniin tlio Depression
Cumetl 1 humility by Choi-
urn Cnimi'ts.
ClllCAno , Ill.Kopt. 10.-Corn flold soolted
with froit proved more Itil1iiciit'al to lay than
wild-oycd ruportsiiboiitcholorn. Yesterday's
drop Inxhotit WHS ptlnnlpnlly ruuovurod , tlio
prlcoof December BhoxvluK a Rnln oxer tlio
closing prleoof the d ly before of ' , ( : . Corn
nlao mndo a slluhl qnlii In urlco , bnlnir worth
UuDorlm. morn th in It XT .IB twenty-four hours
ato. I'ork adxnneed ate. liirU fiom 40 * to 100
ami ribs from flc to 7'u. ' Outsldo orders uro
Hill small
\Vhcnt \ opened stronger , mainly on the re-
cox cry of tlio trido from tlio digression
cnilsod josterdny by eholor i canards A
good deiil of who it thrown overbo ird then
Tfiis boiiKht buck. Tlicro xxns not much for
nil * , liouovcr , nnd , coin shoxvliiR dueldod
it run Rib. It xvns found nocesary to bid up
BOIIIC In order to pel it buck. As n rnlo It
win dull nnd nairoxv nfter the first orders hud
lcuiiTllled. ltum ov. Milliner .V Co look por-
ImpsMO.lOOlm orWJ/ODtiu , which obsurxers
in the pit Kiicssul for the account of
Leopold lltomn Iliter In the day thu innrl.ut
( jr.xe xvny to a limited uxtcntou rcportfl tli it
cholera h id mniin lt iiinio ir inco In 1'hll.i-
ilclphln and thoriitnorcd f.illuroof n bank In
London , lint u luucllon HOI in and n ftlrly
ittonu fcollmr nrovallid. During the lust tun
minutes It w is ( | iilot. but there xxns a bulu-u
on 'ooil buying by Uounsoliiiau mid H oem
and coxurinn ny thomi who had xvnlted for a
bro il < to 75u xxlileh did not cotnu.
Corn st irlcd stronir ut about Juo ndx-nuuo
.from the eloslni : lUuro ) Thnisili y.
reaction from tlio uniliin soiling produced In
thulaltur pint of the dny. Timlin , : wns a
lltlio niuro liulllsh oxer tlio prlvnto atix lees
from the corn bolt. Not n few houses liu I
tnu-siiKUt sayliu that the xxariner xxpilhoi
Mowed omiblilurulitu spottliu of lljltls bv
frosts. The nrnthni in ip shoxxud no frost last
nlvhl oxeopt In the D.ikotns. 'I bo latest slu-
nal eilnicport from Wnwhlnirtmi Indie itod
coolur xxo.ither and possibly frost tomoirov/
morning In northern portions of Ohio. I mil in.i
nnd Illinois , but xxnrmur xxoitliur for loxx.i ,
Nnbr.isUa and Mlnnesoti. Thu latest I'riinu
bullelln s ild tlio past foiuluen dnxHsot mm
buck Instead of matnrliu It nnd tint the
country isoxorrun with and inneh ot
thu coin Mill bo In dnn or us Into IIH Nov em
ber , 'Ihls UMSS of news added to thu Hun
fool I ii'nnd the former advanced prices The
reeelpl of.I At eats an I the estimate of 410 card
Tor baturJnv chocked the adxunet1. Liter ,
Yihun wheat \\oiil.uiiucl , thu corn xvont b ick
undi-i opcnlni ; prices on realizing Miles , but
firmed up a llltlu again before the close xvlth
Tlio out market was inilet and sto idy to
firm , wlibln n nuriou o. It irllolt-l r.i/lcr
uoushtf ) " ! ) . 00 bu. The slnrts bought a mod-
cr.itoiiiantltv | u.irly In the session , but so.d
oiitLKiiln buforo thu u oso.
Tin ) nrovmlon marUet started flrmur nnd
hlliei and the .idxiinee wns xxell mnlntalneil
( Inrlii-T the si sslon and xx as at Its best as th )
nmtkotxiat coming to n close. WiUhl was
rlxin tliu m-irkel support throiu-h biokers.
Lighter receipts of hois than pi elided and
the fact that corn showed Htrenr'th nlilo 1 the
H.nrUet matorl illy.
1 loltflits xvi 10 hteidy with a moderate < lc-
irmml at'jc ' foi and ' "itfoi corn to
1 tiirnlo.
Intimated rxcclnts for tomorioxv.lir it ,
ft Ji'ais ; nun , 4UJ ears , oats , -u > c.iri ; .vim
lii.WO hd.'s.
' 1 ho ic.ulhu futures r.inKcd as follous-
\Viit xr .so l
" "
Orinlier „ 71 71 Tl ? ll <
lk.i < iinttmp ? .iL.
bepteiiiber 47 11
October . . .
Aln > WliCJt
Octobi r .
J7X ,
Mrt > s I'oitiv-
tttober. . in us 10 1' . IU OVi 10 ISM
Jniiuur ) , . . . n w II 77 11 fcj
1A'N >
Oitoler 7 10 7 40 727M ,
Jiiiuniry . . . 1175 fc 70
t < oitomlit-r | 703 7C3W 7 K ,
Ottobcr. . . . 71.5 7 1C
Jnmnry 1. 1)74 ) 1 ,
Lash iuotatious | xxeruasfolloxxH :
ri.nin---te.-idy. um-lmmied ; xxlnlor iiitont ,
KINVBIUO ; MiiiUhtB.W4tKP.lL70 ; burins ' , . $1.1) ) , ) ®
50 ; spiliiKfiti.iUhlH , H5J&Lli ) .
" " " " No. 2 siirliiR , 7-.c ; No 3 spring
I3c : No . ' to I. 7. " < o
CCoIIUhur : No. 2. 47Se ! ; No. yellow ,
17'iftlt-e : No. : ic ish. 4ii'io '
OATS No. 2 , jj : , e ; No. xxliltc , J3c : No. a
While. .IJCic.
HvB-No. 2.5.51JC.
llAitr.i.v No. 2 , G7c ; No 3 , f . o b , 45aC7c ;
No 4. f. o , b . , l8B.50i .
1'i.AX HEM > No
Tiiimnr SKhD I'rlino , SI.77.
I'OHK-Mcss. per bbl. . 10.I 5@IO.I5 ; hud.
per inolbs , t7.,17 ii7,4n { : short ribs , sldosduosoi ,
l7Oj < S7.iVi : dry saltid shotiliiers ( Dot < il > . ld'J3 '
(1 7.Xi ( ; short eleai sides iboxedl. fMr > 3s.uu.
WHISKY Distillers' llnlshed ( joods , | ioi mil. ,
II 15
hlHJAtts- Cut loaf , 4'.S,5'j' ; Kranulnted , S c :
Btaiiil ird A.'Ti'jc.
Koie.lts | [ .mil shipments lod.iy were as fol-
oxxs :
jutru J
Mnnr. l.urrvli-.L.
\\lic 11 liui.icl |
Coin. liiiKhelH.
Oiitx , InifclivlB
) te. bualioh
lluillej. biihliols
On the I'lo.liico ( ivc'han.-o today thn butter
inaiUct quluti fanoy crciunory , WiilJo ;
line xvi-stern'Joaile ; lluo dallies , 17it-'lo ; or- , idaihc 1.'tn , llrm ; choleu frush
itocK. We
St. l.oulH Xlni-krM.
BT. Louis. Jlo , bout. lli-1'i.ouii-Un-
WMI.AT fash , loixer. CS'to : options ononcd
higher ami eontinuud so , olosliu \a aboxu
justeiday.soptcmborolosod ; atO'i o ; October ,
tUSJo ; i > uiumbi > r.7lif(7'.l ! | < ii ! ; 51 iy , 7le )
C'ons Opened hiKher , full nil" , then Milled
nnd u.osed ' 44ia oiibno jeslurdny. ensh. 1,1'ji ' , ;
Keplombei vlo ud at i t\toi Octobot. 4l' , < 2l4i4e ;
Dun inliui. 44c ; yum. 4 I'jc ' ; May , 47'6e.
OATS Ulosed "no up : eash and soptcmuur ,
* 0.'fL'.0Vlobl1- ! ( u ! My. . - > ' > c.
i : l.imer ; 5.
IlAiiLKt-Stcuily ; northern loxxn. 0.5c ; No-
br ska , nun
HIIAN rirm ; ( MtG ijo.
JlAV Top eruilus llrm : others dull anil oaiix- .
liKliDull ; chuiule il sold atJ.U.i. !
Fl.AXSiubtoady at Jl.uJ.
lIurTut UuchiiiiSL'd ,
KiiH1 * UncliiiiiKud at 12'Je. '
COIIN MKAI.stuady at * . ' . IMS' ; 20.
\ViilsK\-Oiiloi atil.itifor unlliiishnd Roods.
IHddiNii Uneliiiiuud.
DOTIUN TIBK Unchatisod.
I'liovisiONS-rirm but dull , and only n job
tradu done nt uruxlou9iiuotatioiis
KeuEii'iH I'liitir. 7.0JO bills ; wheat , lai.OOT
bu. ; corn. 29.WH ) bu. ; outs. 15.0U3 bu ; ryo.
MJl'l ' barley. 21)10. )
tJllll-MKNrH 1'lour , 10.000 bbls ; xviient 7(1- (
? , ! cum. I i.iiiilbu.i oats , 17,003 bu ; rye.
ll.OJO bu. ; bnrluy , 1,003 ,
Next \ orh .llnrKutii.
NKXV YOIIK. Sept. 111. 1'touii Itoeclpts
& 2'OU pkiH. ; ; exports , u too hblb. and 7 , uiu
* nul > H : Bte.uly. iiiodornto deiiiand ; ehlelly
liiinio tradu ; sales. UMljU bbls.
COUMMUAI , Dull , Dlnaily ,
\ViihAT-ltocolpls , wWi : bii.i ovports. IGT.'OO
on. i sales. IW'.lloO bu. of fuunes , hn.ou bu
of hpiit , Spots dull. ( Inner : No , 2 led , 7H <
78V-ie In BIDIO and uluvator ; 7d > i7Uo
nllont ; TtMtu f , o. b ; .NO. : t led ,
V.'Mt'lu : iinu'rndcd red , 7.77'40 | No. 1
noithern , MUu ; No. 1 hard. Hd ; viitc ; No
8 iiortherii. HI > 4Vi No 2 Olilc.ixu , 8H , ®
B.UIO ; Na 2 .Milwaukee. 7h'4oi .No. .1
prlii ' , 7U7l'ie. ( Options UHIOtry
dull and Irrlrruuillar. oiiennuat Ull'.e , uif-
YAiici'il on denial of thu report reKardlu.'uho- !
craoii thu HohumlafoDu luuort uiutliu there
woio ubiety-six itasusoii bo irdli deullnud 'Vtt
Ui ) on lower entiles , liberal receipts , tilk of
tliiiiiiulul trouble abroiiil and ftirtnor rupnrts
of ulmicrii In I'M hulelphl i. reuetcii SWiu on
llliiuiil uioaiiinccH ami frost In MliinrauolU
nml Dikota. closing Urn at ' It'.u oxer
yesterday ; No 2 red , fJoptemher , 7n' ' e ! Octo.
uor. 7H IMrQAl Nine , olosliiJ at 'tics Noxmnhor.
) - ! ! ) ! . ' . o'uslnir at hUlc : Deuoinber. Ml ,
- . . closltiu' iit8.'itii March. '
. ; . bU'jUl .May ,
. .
Hvi'Nominal : xvostuin.ui&G'u.
Clllt.S Kuiolpts. IhO.'O ) UU. ; u\port * . 8.003
liu ; saluH , : i.5.ixuhu. | of futures. 41.00 tin. ol
iput. Spots oulet ami tlriuiiri Nix 2. 5Vffi.n D
in elevator ; & < va.Viyo ( allo.t ; uiiiriulcil mixed ,
65fi5ri:0j ( Nix 11.5.5'ie. Options xxeru dull but
M4ii' n hiithur ; Soptemln.r. W , WAVu. elntliiK
nt55'u ; Ootobor , M | C35 lic [ oslnit nt M , ut
Noxt-mliur , MxiC-VI'.c , e mliu ai 'Mio : IIOKUII.
Uui , WwWo , ulonIiiK at S7u ; Jluy , < 57'iG > J\c.
I'lOsllU l t Will ! .
OAfrtItLeelptH. . IM.WX ) bu I exports , 50.000 ;
ales. I'Aivoim. ' ut futurcx. | 4).IH)3 ) ) bu of spot.
bpola f/ilrly / uutlvu nnd llnner ; options mot-
rnitely iictlxu and mojiller , suptuiiibir , u os-
lu.t at1.5'iut Oolobor. IW'.lth'iC. ' ulosliiK ut
JWVli ! : Nevi uibi-r , 1BI > 40 , do-.uiir aj M o. Nix
2 | Ol , while. im'iQ&liu ' : mixed xvculurn , J7 ©
Jimivhltu xvi'bturti , IbOlbo ; Nn , 3
SuiUit llnw , llnner : mixed , fair rcfliilni ; , VStt
Olid cDiitrlfuiciilK , IH ! tent , J'iu : siles. ; , ) ,7V )
Urn * uf Jitvu , W tujt. ul jyjo , S.tOJ Luiiii of vcu-
, Iflloit , nt 1' < o anil niniornl SflOO
bifnof rentrlfugixl-i H-lOo ! reHtied. nctlvu
and firm
lUr-Qultit anil sloadyi qooJ to oliolcc , 60
lloi'i Qu'ot nnd weak ; unto , common to
choice , ISsi.Vot I'nclflocoiHt , 17O ! c
Monism 1'orelu'u , tioinlnali Nuxv Orleans.
ttc idy but quiet.
Kifk Uooil iloninnil and firm.
TAM.OXX Stcnilv ; city ( J.'Uj fur pkcs ) , W&
40inc. .
strained , common to Rood
Ttmi'fNTtNC-Qtilnt but firm
Ilntm Quiet. Uocclpts , r > ,57 pucknco * .
Wootr-l'nlrileiii incl. llrnu uomostlo llocoo ,
Z35U50I pullo I. 20JJ KO ! Total , ! 5Jlo.
1'oitK Dull but Btundv ; cut nicits quiet
hut llrm ; pickled bellies. HiISUo ; middles dull :
Minrt oloar. H .I7 > i. Iml , vorv dull but nrni ;
xvcatom ulosnd at 87.05 ; sales , 550
tier cs at fi.RJlC r.O ) : option siilos. nouo ; bop-
lumber el jsoil HI * r.M5 bid ; Oolobcr. fT.flllilil.
IIUTTCii-yuloti cruiiinery , I5a.3lic : ElRlu. J-i
OIIKKSB Modcritodoirnun ; loss ste idy.
I'm Itiov Qulot but stuady ; American ,
(110)31550 ) ,
Ooi'i'fllWeak ; la ko , II I.OOffi ! 1. 10.
I.r.Aii sto idyl domestic : ) > .
Ti.v Stoiuly : straights. * ; i)2i
Oil ) UnrKots.
Ctrv. Mo. Sout , Id.
Very ilnll and loner : No 2 hart ) , old , .VJj ;
now. dO ® iic ; No. 2 red. illill5e.
Couv Wonk to lower ; No. 2 mixed , 40n'Jo ' ;
No 2 whlln. 4s.iiJI.V.
OVTS hloiirty. fair domixnd ; No 2 mixed ,
20'4'iiJ7Jjc ' : No. 2 white , .IJKjttllo.
lac-No. 2. r.ic.
riaxscrn-LoxTcr nt 03UOI'jc. '
HIH.N hiickoJ , i5lii5IC.
IIAV siuiuly ii-jil uncinnccl ; timothy ,
! 7.5iaoiW : prilrle. f4 Ooar.O ) .
lltTTTKii Steady ; croumury. ri&Vc ; ilairy ,
125 $ H- , .
Lnns-Qtllot. sto ulyj c nulled , IVSc1.
HiCKll'Ts Wlicnt , 13,000 bu ; com. (1,000 ( bil.l
oats , noun
biiii'MKNT-S-Wlioit. 20.030 bu. ; corn. 1,003 :
oats , nouo ,
Iteilext ol the Onttoil Mnrlcet.
Nu\v OttM.'vvs , Ij i. , yept , 10. Secret iry lies-
tui'seottoii e\clmn.estitoncul. ! : Issued uoforo
the uloso of biiilnoss today , shows a still fur
ther fallliu oil In the movement of lottou.
compaiod XT Ih thu p ist txxo vents. Iho
amount brought Into slclit for the xxtuk cnil-
lir , ' his aftei noon Is silted at 11.1470 1) ) lies ,
iu st 174.171 biles 1 ist your and 185,1/JJ b lies
the 'ear liefcro , tills sc. . IH. m's ll.-ui os nhotxl.m
a ileuro isu ot 1.5 pci o iit from last ye ir ami I'J
per cent from the joir before last This
brings the tot il amount for thu sixteen dnvs
of Iho iiexv soisou to li.l.'l ) biles I\K ilust .111-
5s ) and .15'ilin b.ilus last veir The supply to
ilal u Is 7.1 | , .57 bales as ilnst5OJO ! ) bales for thu
saiu J porlod last yuir.
I.Uerpool Mni-kets ,
IiivntrooL , Sept. -WiiKxT-Qnlot : hold
ers nlTei mndoratelv ; No. 1 O illfoinl i , b < 4iK'6
( > s l d per contil. : red xvestoi n sprliu. ds IdCi'Js
I 'ill. No Jieil xx Inter , r.s ll d s ll'id Ko-
celpts of XT he it for thu p ist thiooilajs 2111 U03
cunt its , I nc I ml Inn IG7 , 0 > Ai.ioilcaii.
Cnltvsteady , dumiind fall ; tuKeil west
ern. Is 7'S ' I pjr cent il. ICmulpli Amerlciii
coin pist tliruod.iV ! * , ' ' . "O uoutils
IlAcos IjOiii nut short elu ir. 3.5 11)5 , 10J Gil
purLXXL ; loiu uloir. 451bs . 40s
LAUD I'rlmo western. . ! ls ! Ild pur cxx t.
I nhK-i. Amurleaii II nest , nhitu and colorud.
47s per out.
Omaha rrodiiLii .Xl'irlcet.
Potli.Titv Old foix s and sprliiK clilekom ,
Sc ; rooslors. tie ; eosu and ( lucks s oxv. Thn
glut in Ihu KOOSO in ukot h is huou rolluxud
somexvh it by a slilpmuiit to Now York
Kens Market ( Irminx up on nocoiiut of
light leculpts. Sh'ppcM ' 'ippe n to bo holding
luck 8toeK. hales made at ITffilT'jC , some
t liking Is- '
Itl'Tt ni Packing stosk , IJSlle ; choice
eountrj. K'.IiJ'c '
I'ornor.s 705 1)0. Indlc itlons nro thiit
pot itoes will bu scarce this so isou M my
sect oils xxhli'h usu illv uro hoixy shliipors
ill bo buyers this 3 ear
Oniaim Trull XlnrUet.
GitAri.s Homo irroxvu Coneord iirapus nro
airixlu In liberal iiuiiitltles I'ney are
quoted at IJ'it-0 per I0-lb.-basket , S to U-.b-
Im-lvOts Jifitiic.
CAUIO.INIA. liitxi-fs 1'et ci.ite , Jl 2J1.3' )
muse its : } 75 I'oi. ij s
( 'Ai.ii i ) IMA I'i ' .c il s-l'er box. $1 5)
nu.iHiKMX I'KMIS I ! utletts. sc- tree , i.03 ! ;
other x ukties ,
I'l.KMs I'.ip box , $1.5 fill 75. scarco.
Ai-i'i.h.s rei uoi. . fi uj. i.uicy , j . .jiuo \ uui.
t'otton AliiiUet.
Nr.xx Oin.tN - > , l.n , sopt. IH Slo.iily ; mill
d lius. I ! 15llnloxx mid illn- . l.'Je ' : iood
ordinary , tie ; not icco pis. 1 , 70) bales ; ross ic-
( ( illils , I , ll d bills ; exports to thu continent.
2 Kit baits sits , i.r. ) biles ; hioclr , CK.siiG
bales \\cukly net rtcolpts , 8 , 515 biles : ijroaa
receipts 0 , si. I hales , llxpurts to Ore it llilt.iln ,
10.1JS balus ; to the continent , 1.1.5) balcb : coast
wise , I.U4U bales ; s.tle > . 7.N5I h lies.
Oil X ) irketT
Lovnov , Sept. 10. Toici'KNTiNE Splr ts , 21s
per cwt
1'iM. Hoiis Ss per cxxt ; American strained ,
4s .Id.
NMX YOMK. Sent 1(1 ( 1'KTitoi.bu.xi-Qiiint ;
I' ' n I ted eloso I ut.5.17 > d for Outobui.
CorroM ? ) Li ) on. Quiet , steady ; crude , 23
® 2lo ) ; julloxx , JIc.
Mllxvniikeo .5tnrkets.
M II.XTuiRf. . WIs , bept III WiiKAT-Stu.idy ;
Deeeiuber , 71'nc ; No. -nrliu. . ( , nc.
COIINsteady ; No. .1. lU'j" > .50e
OATS-htouly ; No 2 v.hllu. .l3U'Sc ' ; No 'J
xx bite ,
lAiuix ( stonily ; Septombur , 07o ; sample ,
4lff6iic ; :
KVK Loner ; No. 1. r.Dc.
Oolteo XlnrUet.
Ntxx YOIIK. "cpt. 10. Opt Ions opened slo fly
and iinchnii ud to 10 polntH up and closed
ste id v at 5 to 15 jio.nt.s doxxn ; sales.
15. ! ! > Q li IK * , liieludlue sopluiiibcr , $ H.75't.l.l.Sl ;
Ostobor. * l i i,0ioi l.7o ; Noxemher , ;
Decombur ? ! I < .vl ltd ; January , f I.I 5 ; .Mmcli ,
$ l'l 1 (7i ( 1. 15. spot Klo , o slut and qulc.1 ; No 7 ,
( Mm Innatl xiarlu-ls.
ClM'lNNATf , O. , hepl. 1CVlluT Uti I ; No.
2 red. 7U- .
ODIINjiilut ( ; No 2 mixed. 5ifc. |
OAT-f-Sie.idv ; No 2 mixed , .IJ'ffiJMo.
\VllhK\-l ! 15.
Toledo dr tin M ( fleets.
Tot.l 1)0 , O. Supt. lit -Wilt IT Dull ; No. J
c.ish and September , 75'tC. '
C MIDull. . No 2cish , 4sc.
O \rs-liulot ; cisli. , tl\
Tr.iilns' I am.
CmiMilo , III. sept. 10. Coitnsu'inan ' > V I ) iy
to CoeUrnll Hros Commlbslon Co : Who it
proved t ) hu thu bull e ird today , adinoliu
? 4U In hofaiuof moruuho era mnxs and ulos-
InK * ie hkhur th in yestnid iy. The eliief
Item of news today xv is iho ili-oibohin esti
mate" slioNxliis tlio xvorlil' * 'ioj | to bo only
1HAO.IU ) bu , III uxeu < of leijiiliuinunts , xxhlth
Is a eloso appio ich lo the famine line , an i In
dicates thu illstiliiutlou necessity to
supply thu requirements uf Impelling
couiilrleH mnv eausosharp adxauces frnui thu
present unusually low l.uuo of prices. Com
10 ids In siici-ulallxu Interest boo uiso tu-
cislpts are ( leereusln , ; , shipments ire enlnr.--
liu and with eonllnnatlims of fiost
d imiiirenlro ulv in Illinois. Ion : iml eoutral
Nubraskn , and the season tlneo lo four weeks
Into , the question arises us lo how shot ts will
III ! May uinmicu from a Mift l.iHiO.tOD.OOU bu
ciop at .U'c , xvhuu they fallud lo do so last
so.ison fiom a dry . ' , ! O.OJO.OJO bu crop at75c.
13 its xxoro sloxv and o sy mil H ! th .1. In ij
merit aio ne.-lecled now , but will piob ibly
iibsert thumselxcs lalui on 1'iovlslons xvoio
unchanged In fuiiures , but iidv.uiced and
clmod hUhor all iirouiul In sjn.jutliy . with
the Improxomunts in thu gr.ilu mur ut
CIIIUAIII ) . III. , Supt. IG r. (5. ( iMfAii A Co. to
Duncan , llollliiiur & . Co , : Thu nmr-
uui has huun llrm from the opunliii ; to thu
close , Ducumbui oiiunud ntTiiiu , sold up to
75 > juinl ( closed at 7iJ40. 'Iho c holura suaru
continues to bu thu factor for lower prices. As
xxu haxu already uxpti-ssud our xlus on
future vnltius , xxo uui only ruponl thuiu
nuiiln. Theio does not appear nt tlio momuiit
iiuyililu , ! to buy ivho u on. but the prleu is
loxv and all the uiMHliiKonu us are In favor of
liomu Improxuiiionl , loiei n ndvlces aio
iiioioeneuiiraKliiK. Corn Iris been fulily act
ive. May opuned at 5 ijC. sol I olt to 5)'aO ) and
closed at MV' . 0111 adxlces aru thu
eiop In NubrtsUa and loxva has been seriously
11 im iKcd liy frosts. On all deelues It will pay
tobuj. The suiio remark applies to outs.
Iho business In tIU | | , , lo \ iy hus Dion Ilithtaud
lluulualluiis iiarroix. Mav ulosod at from .I7'iu 'Ihc noai fiituro of luiproiliiels
is stl I Hiistalmil by WrlKht. Ji.iiuiiry . pork
ulOMuil at JU 1.5 ; laid , if Ul ) : libs. W.IU. Tlluclho -
i-r.i has u doprussliu Inlluuniu on poik. lard
ami ribs Cfiarturs ; Whual. 145,033 bu , ; corn .
lilt. IHIbll iOlls. .5.IJ03UU ,
UIIIOAIIO. Ill. Hdpt. lu.-Kimnutt. Hopkins A.
Co. tu ti. A. MuWhortur ! Who it ruioxurud Its
( .eillnu wnon It wns Unoxvn thut thu situation
on the lluhemla wns not as bud us reported
yLbtorday. It U still the fnshlon liiHull on
each frusli oii > u repjrlud and suxor il oppor
tunities were olfuieil todav , but ihusuiiori
did not Had thu business prolltnlnu. About
exetybodv Is thoroughly ilis.-ui.tuil with thu
muriua niiiilo by fuku uexxsinid 'vboru lusltN
niiitu conditions uotiut for notliliu tradln :
Is Miry Inritoly profohslonal ami thoio Is a
hiiratublu for ulMceutli * I'ho enrlv mroiuth
In corn eiiiuo mainly from shorts who
put out a line xe.lerdny on the
cholur.i fcouo.lth this lulurubt Iniuldaled
( lillliu.83 anil a huavy tout ) proxullud
until thu ulosu. Ihuxvuathor buruuii uontin-
uus to pro Hut frost , but llttlo attention Is
paid tu them , Provision ! h ivushurod In thu
Konuril Improxoiuont. Not mu.-li Interest la
t ikuu In them. Looal suilpur'i are douiKiuost
of Ihu irjdliio'.iind waU-lilu.1 Iho bU lonj * .
Heavy I.lqnldiieloii .
.Mitrkuil the UciiUiij ; *
III benuritlt-s Ydnluritay.
Nuxv YoitK , Bout , 18. The utook market
toUiiy wu still subject to uuary llijuluatlou
xtlileh w s inpplatin'itoJ Inrn nml there by
tin effortof liio botr . Them xvi no n -
tcrlnl dccllni ) In thd g-nor.U list. The t xcon-
tlon of stop onion Mr tlio Inst twodavshis
been the prlnclpil dour oof XTciikuos In the
market and It Is hoped thit they uro n oxv
prottr " "II cleaned up. I ho professlonil ulo *
. incnt , liowoxer , is still cullstol on the boar
slilo. pr'nclp illy bociiiitu of the u nfaxor.iblo
iriluro of the surfiru ejti.lltloin. Inclinllns
thn cliolorn. the contlnnod scllltiK for forol n
Account , the probiblllty of further coin ex-
portw. us xxcll as dearer money , unil nl-xi lio-
c.iuso of the npithy of thu investment | i nolle.
Today the llquld-itlon In Suttnr xxas t-ontln-
nod ilurliip the forenoon , and thn apparent
attitude of the manipulator * of this stock
Raxo much oncouraisiiiiiuiit to the short suiters
In Iho railroad list , nut only liuailliut xxas thu
Mihjoctof any uirtluular orussutn. At the
opening there xxa n rather uncut ilcmiind
from the snorts , which xvas , stlinulatoil by
htiihcr Ilistires from London ami buying orders
bv the furelitn houses In suvurnl of their fn-
voiltus. With the inception of some xvc ik-
nesslo the Northern 1'iclllo proforreil , and
some xvldo Uml rap d lluctitiittons In Manlint-
tnn , there xvas llttlo of Intoiojt In the mariiot
and ll boRtin to t iko on Its old of
dullness ant1 st iKniitlon , which uxou thu rnhl
on HtMidliiK fallod totihcck. Thocholora nuxxs
xvas on thuTholo nithernncdiir.iKlnz. anil into
In tlic tiny thu shorts again coxorort fruoly.
Tlio nrirkct closed qu ut , but llrm to f > trout ; ,
xvlth most -itouki nt the best prices of the il iv
und with all nt butter ll nros ill tu yesterday.
Tlio Post says ; Tharo xvurosomo slum in
to lay's markets th it W.ill stroct's lit of
elillillalinoss oxer the uholoru had about
run Its course. There xxas uo scare
ted iy , ami Indeed If tlio xxord Is
understood as ration il people usually ind It , thorn has nox or been any. No-
bed v In or out of Wall street , bus at any t mo
experienced a Kunulnu alarm over this ptos-
pcetsoftt Now York epidemic. The xvholo
hcaro of this \xuel < had onoof thosu silly uUht-
mares Into which Wall ntruot
lexis to plunge. Iho nlKhlm ire qilltu truu to
real life , boliu nioroor less droadfiil In pio-
portlou as the p.tticnt nail previously Ktatl-
lluil his npiiotlte for lndl ustablu speculative.
The following are the elosln ? ouotntlons for
the lo itllnn stucics on the Now \orksiuol. cx-
ch.inuo ted iv : -
bid t linked tevdlv
The tofil silos of storks toilnv xxcre n > 0'UI
shires Inelndln : Atelilson , ' .mi ; t'hle i o
t ; is. ! ' . -00 : i'.itis , 7 , Hi ; Luhu Hlicne. .VOO ;
I.oiiUvlllo A , N.ishxllle .1.70) ) : M inlmttan.
.1.03 ii N'ortlivcstorn. 5'oo : Noxv Voile LVtitrtl ,
2.S03 , Nonhetii 1'ic.lllo piofenod. lli , 100 ; Noxx-
Piulnnil. S ( > 0i ; Ho.ullniHl.lldil ; tt , Paul.
L'i.Tui : st I'.inl i. .I.7UO , Union I'.iellle ,
8,5 \Veitoui ; Unloii 5.7CO.
London Koxlnxi.
[ Cop ) righted If-iiJ b } liuiK3 ( .ordon llonnctl 1
L IMION. sent 15 i oxx YoiK llt'r.ild C iblc
spui-l.ii to 1'iih Ils.n.1 Theio bei-n little
In proxoinont In the x < i nine of spi-eul.itlxo
tl iiibiu'tions on the btooK u\cliaii4e. Thn
Aineiieuii r.illwajs price" of xvhluhero UK iln
nppit.ei ilH ) lowoi ut the oiiniiliif ; In response
to the dei-IIno retuirtLtl from tlio other
side , linpioxrd anxlccj hixo been re-
i o veil this nfteinoon. ho\xoxer. There his
been .1 leeoxei v from the xxorst. In otliui direction
rection- he tone xxas fairly iioad nnd u few
inoxomeiits hive hhoixn mostly hi.her tiio- |
t.illons , consuls llrm v ni.iliitiiiiiliu' ycstur-
( ln > 's IniproxeiiiDiit. In Homo r.ilhxiiys busi
ness XX.M almost a u standstill , but thoie xr is
llttlo lnitilry | fordoforied stocks o ( tinitliern
lines .it the opening. UrUliton defuried , how-
ex cr , iolnp > ed on Htiotber ilecr.nsu In the
dally tr.illlo u-uort , .inrl lldliiod falloil Vi
pet cent. 1'orcUn cox-ercmcnt oeiultles
li.ixo been quiet .mil exhibit Illtlo iiltei.illon
: ip ut from i further nso of from 2 to 2'i per
ctnt In U-co ! < lion Is. but the toiulencv
Is ftxoi.iblu Amer.e.ins shoxvod 11 10-
loxurv In some cases nnd the ucl-
ruiti- for the nay in irkeit Pntniis up ss.
Iteaillnss ' . I/oulsvllltis ' , MlhxnuKoes \
doxxn. liaUe hhoio2 nnd Now Vorlc Centril I.
TrnnUs uro xxe.i\ without miieii chuiiKe. lint
Mexle in nioste.idv nnd ' * perei-nt hUlini foi
first prof01 erne. A hiirdei toridcuev Isnotlee-
nblo In tlio lilvoiini into miiinet the last dnv
or txxo , but U about all tli it e in bo s.iul.
There Is Illtlo nlteiatlon In the r.ito fet
xxhlch iliroo monlli * biiul > ers' .iceoitances |
be no.'otliitod. quiit itlons hi'Innliout 'j per
eeui. No disposition Issliouu to xxork bnloxv
thntlUuie Shoit nionev Is supei ihundunt
: ind id.idlly outlined at ' ,3 percent.
> im Voile Money .Market.
Nl.xx' Voiuc , Sept 1C Movcv ON 0\ri ,
H is.v ut .Wi per Lent , I ist loan nt .1 per cent ;
closed oll'i'u.l at I per cent.
I'ltiMb 5n. trxvni.K I' i-Eit I'JSI per cont.
iMKiiMMl KM HANOI Qulot and xvo ik at
! l Hii foi sl.Uy-duy bills and il.S ? ' , foi Ue-
m mil.
' 1 he closing quotations on bonds ;
11 is t& coup
T S li s rui
I'liclllt is of Hi
l.oulsl iniiHtaia il I
'leim now NJt i *
Jenn new net 5j
llunn njn net h
Can uln s0 2n li IJI'fiSt ' I'.uil Consols 1271
Central I'.u IIIJ th ts lmdt I' . , 0 .1. 1' . i t ll'.l
Ilon A It li Ul
Den A. II I ! 4s
Trio 'njs
M Iv. & I' lien 13
.M K & 'J' lien 5s
bid t nskeiir
Nnxx York 5liulnir OnotiitIons ,
NKXV YOIIK , Sopt. 10 The following are tbo
- mliiliu quot itlons :
hi. ( . ( nils MIIIIIIU'itocli * .
' r. I.outs , Mo , feupt. 10 Mlnlup stock quota
tions :
J iiuineiiii .votes ,
ICA.N3ASCir\ , Sopt. 10. CleuilnsaJl.CSV
Nh'.V YOII' < Sopt. IG.-CloilInjs , * lll.57,530 ;
balances , * I.3V(115. (
I'AIIH. hupl. Ill -Tin eo percent luntus , 03f
7.'c ex Intuiust for tlm account.
lUl.livtoii" , Mil. . Supt. 111. Cluarluis JJ.Gi.O , .
7JibiliiiieiH. : ; fl.'l,2) . ' . K ito 0 nor ount.
I'lilt.DI.I , run , Pa. . Sopt. Ill Ulo-ulir.'s ,
ll.HIir. ( , bal.uico ) , . ' , OII,77I. Monov , t pur
O. . Popt , IO.-MOIIOV. 4Tt1 per
eeuu .Now Yorit oxuhaiKv , par Io5 o discount.
Olearln-rs. f ' .di..KV.
MhMi'lllH. TOIIII , Sept. Ift. Noxv York ex-
ehiin.-u N'jllliu ; at f,50. | Uluarln.s , IflS'i , 07 ;
NKXV OIII.PA.NH. l.n. , Sept. in.-Oloarlncs ,
fl,2S5i02 : Now York oxoh UIBO eommniLlul ,
tl.uj | bank , ,50u at iiir pui Jl.'Jji ' dlsciinnt.
llOHiii.v , MIIBH , Kepi , 111. Olu irlins , $ ul,5G | -
4I.I ; baliiiieif. * l,4 UhTI. Money , WOlpcr cont.
Kxuhaii.-u on Now Yoi I , , 2Jfii > e discount ,
tiT. I.oi'is , MO. , Kept. 10. Ole irlius , ( .1,7.10 , .
770 ; balaili'i's , MlIrml. ) .Money quiet at l/(67
PUI cent Kxchan u onoxv York par to23u
dlb ( Hint.
CiuriAno , Ilk , Sopt. -Olnirlims. . < | 5 | i.rni ; |
Nuw York ux < IIIIIIKO too illmount. Hlurllnc
exdiHimo dull , IIM1'4 ' for sixty-day | | | ;
ll.S'h fur ilniuaiid. .Money llrm ute pur cunt
foi time lo ins ; 5 per cent on uall ,
1. 1 vi : .STUCK . .xi.itici : r > i.
1'rlces Continiiii to linproru hloxxly Under
liillnnneii ol I.lRht HeielplH.
Ovi MA , feupt. -Ilueclpts COiltlliuo Ilk-ht.
Supp Ics for the past Mxu days compared with
thKHiimo llvudaya last wuuk tdi-jw a dueru IKO
of nearly f.'Wd ' eiiltlo und an luuretiso of 5.0jO
hnvs anil how bliuop
The uatt o markui xvan autlvo and stroiu-er
on all iincunt olTcr.ius Thuiu were no corn-
fad cnttlo of any ilu orlptloii hero and thu
xxeaturnsolTcred xxuru not as u rulu
Ihu most Uuvlrablu kllleu. mill there wuro
KOIIIU hero KOOI ! enough to brtui ; nnd
HID bulk of thn mlim were at
to M.45. Tradliu was qulto brisk.
although almost entirely loeal , and It did not
tuliu over tlirco hours to uxbuutl thusupuly.
Prlcoion lliOKoticrrtt im of Iio5f slocrs xvoro
15-t tu Jlo better tlnifi'U'wntlU nga.
Hotelier stock ( iml ifiinors soli ) freely nt
Rood Rtundy to sieving price9 , thn demand
liulna brisk -ind Ihu ( luopiy very moduriito.
Poor to IOIHCO\XS unili helfefs solil nl from
$ l.(0 ( to.50 , with thi-iili : hulk of the fair to
good mil IT nt from Jl M to .0 > . HilIK oxen
and 8tau'3 xrcro llrrtl at from fl t5 tot..Id.
Calves unclnnued ut front ! I.V5 to Jl 00 for
common yonrllnss tocholca vu ils.
So fur this xveok thnip bis boon n very srat-
IfrltiK Improxeincnt In the stoskcr nnd feeder
trnilc. A very fair xolnmo of buslnos has
been transacted nun prices us n ruin h ivo
boon on the upturn ; Doninrs nrn quntlni thu
nilviinco ' on f ilr to gnoit stnlT this xvcok at
iiny'ivhnro from I5o to t f , Sales ted iy xxcro
largely at from S ! O to'fJ. 0 and the extreme
r.'inno from jl.53 to MOO , Iteprescntiitlxo
s iles ;
M11KFII * AM )
1 milker $17 0) 1 cow and calf $ il 03
1 springer is OJ 1 cow and calf.5 01
1 Mutineer ' 'o oo 1 cow und cult. . 'M 00
1 cow and calf . 2J uo
ISO steers .
2J stcurs . .
2 * tuets
1 * bteer .
1 'steer .
.11 slouis
I uo\x
23 coxxs. .
1,5 feeders
p 'steers
Stf coxvs . .
27 sleois ,
8J coxxs
07 eoxvs . .
i'l feeders
0(1 ( steers
1 feeders
12 feodeis
II feeders
II sleer * ,
1 'sleer
f > ( eeiiei.s
3 steeis
' cows.
1) ) cows. .
t illlns" .
lions I'hpra xxeio only thlrty-tno birs on
s ilu and the KCIIOI il iju.illty of the olferhus
xvas Indllluient. 'Ihu m nKot seoied another
Bo ndxiiiei1 uiidoi thulnllueneu of the h-'ht
s. a fair shlpuln.r , speculative and lee il
ilum mil. nnd fuxorib w ndx Ices fiom eastern
markets. Huslnoss btlwc from start to
lit. .il. i. , , , ! tl > , i ttnnu ii , tr > llf > ilv fMi.iri > rl
by U o'ulouk. I'streiAef sales of poor iUlil nnd
n , \ed to olwltoborted h'lixlus ; xxuro at from
$5.i 5 to J5SKH , xxlth Ihu bU bulk of Iho fall to
RI oil lio.'Rof all xxeUhfs at fiom J5 10 to * > 15. ,
niMlnsit 'Ji.iij to S5 11 Thurs.l iy. the Kenor il
iM-r mo of pi lees paid uuliu 15.12'j ' , njjalnst
T > t-7 I liursday ami jl7J.i last Trlday. Hep-
lusctitatlxo sales :
Av Mi. I'r. ' i ' 'No. Av ( Sli. I'r.
21(1 ( 200 Jl HO 05 . . .VfM 80 55 10
25) 5 1)0 ) Ii7 . . . .27(1 ( 100 r , IJ' '
5 OJ CD . . 'M B I.4
40 SOU 74 2'.5 JOO o l."i
28J 505 BO ' . . . .210 fl 12 5
40 505 J . . .245 S3 fi l.'li
UO 5 05 01 2j7 10) fl I.5
200 505 55 267 fil. > , '
2J5 SO 5 07SS 25.1 81 315
214 120 5 10 . . 'I1) ) W ) 3 15
200 5 10 . IfiS hO 015
fl 10 Ul . . . .M7 l.'O 515
123 fl 10 60 fl5 !
UO fl 10 fil UO fl 15
" n 1120 fl 10 W ) 120 5 15
.2 ID .03 5 10 li.5 . . . 2.51 2U3 fl 17'i
2-11 81 .5 10 55 . 10' 80 52U
2tiJ 2M ) fl 10 4G . . . 2i'5 ' 40 fl 2J
248 .IJO 0 51 . . . .2s4 80 fi22"t
' Receipts xxoro lather liberal , but
four double decks xxero consigned direct to
'rwlft and not oflurid 01. tie miirket. Desh-
able muttons continue In aetxo ilum mil at
fullv htrou , ' prices i'alr tepee I n itlxes , f.175
414.40 ; fulr to oed xxentorns $ i5wgil,20 ; com-
moii and stock sheep , J.03.1150 ' : coed to choke
4) ) toUj-lb. lambs , H.W.53' . lEeprc uiilativo
s iles :
.No. Av I'r.
' 'HI western wolhors Ill $100
210 xxubteiu xvetliurs . . . Ill 4 00
Itucelpts and lUpislllnil : ot StoeK.
Onielal reeolplsand dlspisitlon of sloj' ' < as
ihoxvu by the books of the Union Meek \ aids
eomniny for thu munty-foiii hours ciidliu at
5 o'clock p m. , fccptiuu jor 10 , Is' ' ) , ' : -
nt'x HIM
Oai.ilui I'iickliiK toiiiiui | )
'I lie li II Hammond to 101 210
anlfl \ . lo JI7 II.I KW
1 ln > I'niliili ) I'luklnx Co . b.4 IS- , 210
J I * Stpilri ! , lloslun Ze.
KlncMn ,11 o tin
MmrlH .V II b.
\\liliu I' \ I ) 171
It lluckei A I )
.N. Morris
spce , siirN | | | | and lenJm Sbl.
TotU. 2.113 I.U7 l.JIO
ClueiKu 1.1 vn tout XIarliet.
( JiUCAan. III. , Sept. H-lSpuclnl Tulosram to
Tin : Iti.u 1 Thuiu n fully stuady market
today foi all grades of utttle. Ihu raut Unit
thu frehh aulvils xturo horl of thu axurii'-o
for n 1'ild iv led holdots to mal.o u push for
hi he i prices , hub the piluolpil bujeis had
alrouly souiied about all thu stouk
they ii'iiulio for thU xvuek , nod
the competition , theioforo , wns not
shuiiunoiili | | lo uniblo sellers to ud I uuy-
tliuiK to xalues. Nulxes xvein salable at
fiom tl Ul to ill ) ) for poor to extra cous , at
fiom * l..r to HTilfoi bulls , from il.05 tut I.5
for stockur < ami fenders and from t73 to f5 05
for vury common to extra slilppliiK steois.
'Micro xxas a stioiiK nuirUot for .western
riuuers at fiom * 1 .X ) to ( Ii50 and for Texans
at from $1,25 In
The marl'Difur ho s xvns stronsor today.
Thuio xxas a KroalorUrop In thu lueulpts than
anybody line countejl on ( only about 2 , uou
head irrlxliu us nralnht nearly : io,03) for
Thiusday and ovur , 5003 for tlio day before )
and xvlth shippers and loeal paekurs both
huiitlu. for IKI-sullQrs easily seemed nu nil-
vaiieu of from 5u ti ( I0o. 'lliu hUhur prices
did not oliuck liuvlnu and by at lu o'ulouk all
tlio decent lotsxxuio out of s ilosmon's hanils
TniilliiK win at frm'M ) ll ) to { 5.55 for poor to
extra iiKkotluil hiavy.ind a' fiom * 1 W to J3.8U
foi llJbt wekhlH.
Pileos for slieof | xrcro llrm anil advauulii.
oiirly In thu xxouk , Imt thu markut bus axur-
: i ed loxvor bliu-o Tniuday. Ii xxas fa ilv
steady today at Jrum f-l U3 lo { 5.25 for sheen
and from ff50 KiJUU , Cor lambs. Westerns
are quoted nt from HbO to f I.4U und Texans ut
Hecclpts. Cattlu , 10,0 0j ho b. 20,003 ; slieop ,
4dO t. ,
Thu Kxunlii ; Journal repoi is ;
OATTi.u-lteculpts , J.NJJ huail ; shipments ,
lUHWliuad : ntnady : prime to oxtiabteers. i"iia (
( i651'3uood : touholce. ? lh.5iA'i3 ; othuis. tlUM
4.23 ; Texans , J..Mii-1 BU ; inii.'ois. , ) ( . ( .tit.
Ilium ltoculpti.21,000 ; thlpiuuiits. IU.033
bead : market luu liUhut ; roiiKh packers , tl.OI
Is thn beet llUidd Medicine , bocaiieo
Itu'sUtHiiatiiru tothroxvcitf thu 1m-
purities of the blood , and at t hu nainu
time tunes up the entlru oranbm. ( 'Ihls is jutt
contrary to the ctrct tiif the \arlous potasl er-
oury , sarisaparllla inlxtnrcH , wlilth bottle up tlio
hni'itrltiiM in thn njhtcm , thus producini ; tuucli
ultluiLoa and fculfurlin ; . 'JJicrufore , 'or a
j oil cannot do better than taku H. H. H.
"As u phjulclan , 1 haxo jircicrllieil nnU uscil
H.h.H. in my practlie as a tonic , and for blood
troubles , and haxo ln-i in cry ucu8 ful. 1 iiexer
iiwdu remedy xx lilUi traxodiith gvnural uatibfao-
tion lomyiitlf and patli'iits.
" l. . ll. Ilticjiv , M. 1) . , JIackcy , 1ml. "
ill oa c mailedfrco.
co. , Atiauu , uu.
ami prlmo p cVor < .
prlinu heax r nml hoteliers' weight" , t5 J.I4JS.M ;
ll ht. ft.50' .
S inr.11 llecclpts 4.0X ) head ; slilpmenl ,
1,0)0 ) head ; niHrkot stc .ily and ilnchnnRuii ;
natlvc-s Jl.1iai.4D ! xvostorus and Toxiins , Jl 2J
O4.25 ; liilubn. M.5 Q0.03.
Ncu lurk Ilie StoeK .AlurUet.
NBW YOIIK. Sept IG-UpRVKS-llueplpl" . 7.10.5
hoad. IncludliiB 40 cirs for silo , market dull ,
in JI3oiicMWI lb . loxvcr. Shipments tomor-
rou. M.3 booxes and : t.t)00 ) quarters ot beef.
Dres od bocf steady nt7 < a'o per pound.
OAiMs-ltuc lptR. 46G head ; market ilull ;
von Is , * 5 0X37.50 per lee | iouniis ; nTnsseis. I2..5U
® .525 ; xxostorn c ilxes. $ u\5 ,
SlIKI.P AND IMMIHUcCUlUtS , 4.477 llOlllll
shpop steady : Inmbs shiulo msolr ; niieep ,
UOi4,7i ( per 131 Ibs ; l-itnbs. $1 Soatl Vii
ilrcssud mutton , at 7ii'o ' per pound ; ill eased
lambs xvmik at ivjlln'ie.
Hoes Itueeipli. I,45)hoai1 ) , cnnstBiied illrectl
nominally stead nt $ .5 4oa i ? n per 100 Ibs.
KIIIK in Cllj ll\o Meek .Xlnrkct.
KANSB OITV. Mo. Sept. ia OATTi.c-Ho-
colpts. S.9 ii ; shipments. 4,100 ; the market
xxas stonily ; dressed hoof ami shipping steers.
f.UIYB4.0)j ) cows mid heifers. $ l.434li5) ; Toxns
mid Indian atonr * . } l.0 : , Gi ; coxvs , tl.lKVJJ
I.K5 ; slnc-mirsand feeders. tl.4517'l.5X
llom Hocuipts , .5,1(0 : slilpmenu. l.OGOi mar
ket stronir and U'o liltfh-r : cxtreino raiueof
pilecs. ft VQtMn ; btllkof sites nt 5.IiaSA'5
HiirRi'-Heeolpts. 1.200 ; shipment" , l.OJO ;
markei dull ami steady at lutii declines ; mut
tons , JI.25 ; lambs , $ .5 4 ' .
M , Iouli I.Ixo 'sloe't .Xlurliet.
Sr I.OUM. Mo. Sept. 10 OATTI.E Kocolpts.
U.(10J ( hold : shipments , 7Ml head ; market
ntroiit but no iintixcs on silo ; fair to xood
Tex is mill hull in steeis sold nt tl 2.5fJH'lo.
lliXM lleco Ills , 1,70.1 lie id ; shipments. 2.510
head ; market tile hl.'her : hc-ix-v , $ .5103.)5 ) ;
paeklii' ' . $50Vlo ! ; lUht , $ \P-.2l.
Slli'Kl1 Uocolpts , 1.MO head ! Hhlpmonte , 1.500
ho id nmrkotst rontrer ; fa'r ' to bust muttons ,
W SOI15.00 , ' ' 1 oxans , $1IO ( < 31 f,0.
"Lato to boa miu cany to mo will shot-tor ,
the road to your homo tn the skies. Out
early to boil nnd "Llttlo Eirlv f.tlsttr."tn e
pill that male Ute loaj.nni1 bjttor mil
( Iriiml Army Men Tnixellnir to Itexlvo thu
Itoxlexx of IHIIIl.
Tlio iticomtng trains from Iho xvest Inst
evening xvoro loitlod with vutornns on their
xxny to pirtlciuato in tlio national uncamti-
mcnt of the Qr.ind Army of the Hepubllc nt
Wnsulticton. They nil xxora tlm uniform
ntul buUccs of the orzru.izatiim mill the mill-
taiy blue nud gold xvas in sttiking contrast
to the RIay hulr nnd boards of nmnv of tlio
cxcutsloimis. Some of the cars xvura fttilly
dccoi atuJ , the most notlco.ible bclnt ; the SDC-
cial cur of lluntor post of Ohtoxvn , Isob. ,
\vhicli\vnsntlnctiod to the DiliIiiiRtoii train
that arrix'cd nt T.iiQ. The interior of the
ear xvas dressed hi red , xvlillo and
blue mid the outMdo xvas oinnmcntiJd
\vltU tastofullv nrratiKed bhcafs of Nebraska
torn nnd grain. A Intgc denotation on the
sldo ot the cir bora tlio nnmo ami number of
the post and the legend "Kcfid TUB UKK. "
The Ohioxvu delegation numbotcd txxcntv
votoraiis under the command of Colonel J M.
Another special fir xvas noarlv covciod by
an Immense stio.imur atiuouaclng that U xvas
the headquarters of thu Nebraska doloffjtlon.
The cir xvus occapiod bv Silas A. Strickland
post No. in of Hustings ; Slronc , No ill of
Minden , and Oarlleld , No Si ) of Uca Cioutl.
A largo number of the soldiers xvcro nccotn-
panlod by tncir wives nnd children and xx-ero
in lively spirits , anticipating any amount of
pleasure fiom the trip nnd tbo incident re
union xvitu old comrades of their lighting
.The Omahn po ts xxlll bo ropiesonted at
Washington bv n doiepatlon of thirty. Thov
are divided on the Journor , but will pot to-
collier on their nirlxnl Ttiellist continccnl
left o\cr the Kock Island at f < p. m. , nnotuer
party on tlio Nortuxvoitorn : it TJ5 : and the
remainder joined the other Nebraska veter
ans on the liinliu ton , \\lilch pulled outsoon
after S o'clock.
DoWltt'sSariapirill i uloansm the blooa.
Incruasos the appetite and tones up thu sys
tem. It li.ii beno'ltoil ininy people xvtio
havosuilotud ftom blood disorders. It will
help j-ou.
IJr. I'ooto'n I.CCM ! Victory.
Dr. D. A. Footo of this ulty fools happy
over the outcome of uJJO.ODO Inxvsult. Up In
Madison county ho had ooen sued in com
pany with a local physlciau , the plaintiff
allceing malpractice. Tuo ease onmo on bc-
foro.Iudgo Allen ot the Ninth judicial dis
trict this wuok. Tup prosoculion presented
its side of the c.iso nnd rested. The ilofonso
moved foi n dismissal , \\hieh ' .vns giaiited.
In passing upon the motion the court stated
that the prosecution had Introduced no evi
dence to show malpinclico and had failed to
show a lack of medli-nl skill.
The "No. 0" Wneelcr & Wilson is the only
lock-stitch machine mailo that xvill maintain
an oven and perfcut .stitchm different speeds ,
Sold by Ueo. Lancaster & Co , 514 S. 10th st.
llulldnic ; I'urinlts ,
The folloxvmg parmits xvoro issue ! by the
supcrlntcmlcnlof ouildings yesterday :
Prank A. I'hllluo. txxn-ttory frune man-
uf.ic tin In est ibilshmont. 'l'lilrtsjc -
oml and Ie ixuixxoilh streets } 1,000
Ihruoiiiluoi permits 1.5)
Total. $ lGj3
Why go to Uuropo for chninpngno xvhen
tht ro is a hotter .uticlo nt homci Ui > Cook's
Kxtra Dry Imucrml Champagne.
Stick to /
Sometimes you
may have toixnit.
The tioublcs that
lm\o been jcais
in gatheiing inn't
nlxxays bo denied
nxxay In n ilay.
Tor nil the ihs-
c.i&cs mid ihs-
01 dtra nei'iiliai-
xxommihood , Pr.
' ' '
I'lcieo's J'a\orito
Prescription is the surest and speedix-t i em-
cdy. You can depend upon that- but if your
cn-so is obstinate , jixo it leiiMiuaWo timo.
It's nn in\igoiatitKi ) icbtointlvp tonic , n
soothing nnd strengthening net vine , nml n
I > ositlx-o specidi ; for female xxenltnciscs nnd
ailments. All functional disturbances , pain
ful ii legibilities nnd dciniiRcmciits mocor-
rcclcd nnd cuifd by it. All uiUiatuinl dis
charges , Ix.'niiiiK-doxxn fciwitions , xxc.ik ljck.
iiccoiiii.itilod | xxith faint hjiolls and kindicil
symptoins , mo coriected. In ex-cry cnso for
which it'i. rocomniendivl , " FuvoriUi I'icbcrip-
tion , " Is uuiiiuntceil lo gixo fJitisfnction , or
the money is lefunded. No other incdicinu
for xxoiicn is sold on Mich terms. Tlmt
proves tl'.nt nothing else offered by the dealer
can bo " Just as goou. "
Union Stock Yards Company
Ilest cnttlo. hoi ; and sheep ui.irKot In the xvest
Till : LEAOKItd.
mo ID thU ho in for cor-
| ri3t ( Mirltit
Wood Brothers ,
touth Oiiiah l Telephone II i7. - Clilono
UAI.TKH I ! WOUI ) fM ni.-or
Murkal reports by mall anI wlro cheerfully
fiirnUlied application.
upon _ _ _ _ . _ _ _
Campbell Commission Co.
OhlcuL-o , r.istBt. I.ouls , Kansas Olty. South
urn ilu. tiloux Uilv , I'urtorth
A. D. Boycr & Company ,
.5) r.vuli mid llulldln t.Koiith Oai th i.
Corro iKiuloiiio ollcltiKl anJ urjiiintly niuwjril
fcpeilul uttumlumuoMii lur tuit fiAfotiljfi. )
Uitabililad. m\ \ . Incorpumtja , Wl
Lopltal fully imlil , I.UW )
Waggoner Birney Company
\Vrltuurwlrauiforpruaitit anil relUUlo uiarot
roportu , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Perry Brothers & Company ,
Llvo titoorf Uiimmlmlon.
Uoora 61 KxchiuiKo llulldlni ; , Bo u 111 0 in ah a.
Telephone 1707 ,
In IHir.-n nn o of ordltmneo No .JU.1 ) , r 'n.ulr-
liuxv.itxr.inil RIIS corneetlons to bo in i it * to
mil xvlthln tlio curb lines on ceitilu streets
In btieot Impioxeiiicnr Districts Xos. 47 ( > , 177.
47N IT'i and 4-1 , In the cltv of Om ill i , yon are
hereby notified to in iko all nut-ossirv lonnee-
tlons xtlth xv.uer and irns iniilns , or latter ils.
anil tocompleto htieh xxorkonoi ll ) > foIo l > p-
tenibei'lib. . lsn. . as It Is the purpose lo pixo
the streets in the s ild disti lets , ami more p ir-
tlcul irlx'diiscrlbcd as follnxxs , to-wlt :
o 47ii The street lylnc custof tlipxxost2l
feet of lot 7 , block 2.H1. eltx' . from I'aelllc stieot
to the ullox' south of I'.iellle street.
No. 477 Tixenty llrst street from Wlrt street
to | ) cm er htreut.
rso 478 DoiiKlas street from the west line
of Ilith street to the o ist line of 211 li street.
No 4711-f-oxentcunlh Htreol fiom the north
line of rarnam slieol to south line of Dod o
No 4-l-Cnc'O street from tlio xxoU llnoof
tboOm h i Holt Uillxxux/'B n ht-of-xxay totho
oistllnu of the ChleiKo.t. . I'liul. Minn j ipol s
& Om ib i railway's rlcrhl of-xxay. In the city
of Uinahi.
Dated at Omalii. Neb , this 15th day of Sep
tember , 1M- )
r.v. . uiRKiiAtisnit.
Chiilnnan Hoard of I'ubllo Uorlcs.
sl5-ld I7-1'-20-1 ' )
pttopois rou i.ttnorioN or s
-L buildings U. S Indian f-orx ice , Om ih i
mi I Wliinoli 11:0 Aieuey , .Nob , Wiiinoh 1 0
I htirslon County , Noli , August 2) ) , IST.
Se iled inoposils andorsecl "I'ropoiils for
Kroettoii ofcliool lliilldin 's , " .cud addn'ssod
lo the un.lersl.ned nt WiiinobuKo. ihnrsion
Count } . Nob.xlil ho ruci'lxod at this n any
until one o' lock p. in. of .sopto nhor'Ith , i.s'i. ,
foi the fniiilsh Mi of all nuossuy lal ot mil
materials and treutin. no r the \Vlnmib i'o
A eney. Nob. , threod ) txx..sto.-y br elc s-hool
buildings , ns per Iho iilnns ind spoellhitliins
tth'eh ' inav bo einilim 1-it the olll-o of tbo
"Ileo" of O n ilia , Neb , the M'Miiii il1 of
Sioux f tv. low i. and at this i seno > . Ilhl-
dors are required to follow the form of uro-
posil , " aceompin > liu ( ho spei.llle.itlons us
elosclv as their hldi " 111 pcinnt. Itlds
Hlioilld sfito tlio uropuso I iir eo of D n-li build-
liu tind for llio ro ip of hiiildlu s. Ihoi.Rht
Is ii-sei xc.d to 10 let any ot all bids or any
p irt of any bid If cloeinon for the hou U.itui-
estof Iho sei x'ico. Curtllluil cheeks I. icli
bid tiinst boiii-eomp.ii < lo I by iifoitlllol cue k
or di.ift up in some United Slates denoillory
orsolxont n itlon il bink In the vie-Inly of
tlie residence of the bidder , niailo piyiblo to
the older of the C'o iimKsloner of In Vf-
f i Irs , for it lo ist lix o pel cent of tlio amount
of the proposil which ohoiilc or drift will bo
forfollml to tlio United States In ci.Houny
blddiM or hlddiirs ru olv rm nn nxxirl sliali
full lo pio-nptiv evoente a eontriet with to , , I
and Mitlleleul niiretU-K. olhunviso to ho ro-
tnrnuil to the bidder. Illds iiccomii inlod bye
o ihh In ilon of .1 collided cho k will not bo
lonsldeied I or any furlhnr liiforniatlon , is
to binlillnr she. me ins of tiansporlatlon , etc ,
inmly to KOIIKKL'II. Ability. U. h. Inillan
A ent. Slclilt ,
TO Tiino\vNius \ : or AMi.orsoit I AUIS
of lots on IJlh street fiom tiiand iivenuo to
Amis incline.
Von uro hereby notilliil tint the iindnr-
si.-ntd. tluee dlsliitiiiustod freeholders of the
cltxr of Om .liu. h ivo liuen duly appointed by
the in i > or xxlih the iippioxal of the i-lty eonn-
uilofsild city , to assess the daina o to tlio
owni-rs resjn , tlxoly of the pr.ipjrty all'oJtea
by err id In.-of sild htroot nil I 110 erost stiojts
dculuied noL'iissirv Uv Oidliianco No , IJII.
pissed An-list JOlh , Ib'Ji ' , iipprovutl Auxtut
It at I ( if ) *
Von iiio further notllloJ , that liavlii r nn-
ciiplolNild niipoliitniont , and dulv ( jnn llh'il
i.s required by luxv. xvo will , on I ho ixvimly-
fourtli ilay of t-optomoor , A 1) P-'J. , at tin
hour of thiouo'u eel < In Iho afternoon , ut the
ollk-o of too ) .1 I'.iul , It'll i riiriiini stroui.
within thu orpor.itn limits of n ild elty moot
for thu purposi ) of eonslderln. and IHIIK IU
the iis-o-iijiiumt of d imii-'O lo tlimixviiori ro-
MIO t.xnyof said propoi ty. airoolnd by s ild
L-rallnz l ikliU I" " ' lonsldorat on spjclnl
Vml'u'n'/notl'lied ' ' to ho present tt , the tlriio
and iiluco.iforo'iald. and in Uo iiy objoellona
tour htme ' unts eoiiueiiiin sil I u-suss nent
of dumu es u you m ly . ciiMldi-r pninjir.
' ' ' '
J'HIIN'II 'iiin'i.nit ,
ui.o ii I-AVM : .
OniRlin.Ropt I2th , I8W. Hlldl't '
TO TIM : OWMKS : OK AM * w > ra AND
purls of loin nnd real ust no uloiu Maple
Htitot axiinuu to 'list street , an I
liil > ) ri > iic-tliu slioetH. on account of a pro
posed Lhaiuoof k'liule.
you nru hereby notllluit thut thu under-
blim > J. ttirou dUmtoro-iluiI freoholduiaof tliu
ulty of Oiimh i , have b'eu duly iipp ilntod by
the in lyor. with the approval of the city
coupon of bind tlty. to ns-iuss the dam i-c-i to
the owner * , runpeetiviily , of thu piopurtv
iilleuli-d by ci dint the abovu mo itionod
vtioet and Intnrteulln. : ttr ots , iluel irud no <
ussuyhy Oidiiiiiioi ) .No ID ) , p HIO I August
Klrd. IHKI. apiiroxul AuitustJIth , li'.l , ' .
Von nru fuit'ior ' notllled. tint Imvliu no-
eopio I suld upon ntiuunt , mid du'v ' ( ill illllu I
as roi | u led by law. wo will , on the IDlli day of
Hupli/iiibor. A. D. in r , at tliu hour of tun
o'ulouk In the forenoon , nt the odlo of U. W
UllMon 2.U , N V. Mfo
, lluiidliiK , ithlii Iho uor-
Iioratu Hunts of Hull olty , niiiut for thu pur-
pouo of ronalderlrin anil makliu thu : IS.SIHS-
iiientof d innuo to llui owners rospuutlvuly of
said property. iilTuplnd by sild Krudlnir. t iH-
In/ lulu i u miller itlon upeulul bonulltit. If any.
\oiiiiruiiotlllodto bo pruiunt at the t nu-
nml placu uforea ild. anil make any ohjoutloni
tour stiiiuiieiits con-urn nrf hnld uusiiioiit
of duiDiuun an you may consider uropur.
i\v : ;
Omaha , Nob. , Hept. 7th , 16'ji ' ' iBcllOt
Ho II resolved by the Cltv Counell of the city
ofOiuahn. the mayor eoncurrlii :
That w node.n sldexv.ill , * ho lotislriictod In
the city of Om ih i us designated liulnw. xr thin
llxod ixs xfter the pulilli-ntlon of this lesolu-
t on. or the person il heixlcn theri-of. ashy
onllniincc Is luiihorl/ec ! mid iciiulrod. niun
.doxxalks to bo laid to the iriilooii tli streets
Npeclllcd hero n an I to ho i ( instructed of plot ]
piiiiiK of such width and thlcUne * ! . and lie | di |
upon joints of Biioh dimeiihlons nud In such
inniiiicr IIM Is prescribed oy the luucifl-itliini
on lilo In the ofllco of the Hoard of I'ubllo
\\dilisnnd under Its supervision , to-xxlf
Kistslilo of Tith stri'i't. ols 7 to ll lucliislxe ,
Mullir & Itlninlo's add to Olcihoma , perm.i-
nent 'rnde , four feet xxlde.
! ast side of 15th sireet , lots 7 to IJ Inclusive.
Usolo's sub , ticrinaiicnt urnde , four foot xvldu.
Cust sldoof 15th htrcot. lotsS to It muluslxe ,
I.owls'bill ) , porinanuiit kTiide , four foot xvldo
\\ostnldoof 15th st not. lots ( l to Ifl Inclusive.
Miillor.V lllumlc's add , permanent rado , six
feet xvlde.
Westoldoof ISthstreot.lotsl'l to 18 Incltislxo ,
l.lsolu'ssub. permanent snide , sit feotxxldo.
West hide of 15th street , lots 1 to U Inclusive ,
blook 1) ) , Deer park , permanent grade , six
font xvldo.
West sliht ot 15th street , lots 1 to 12 Inclusive ,
bloclc 8. Deer purlc , perm tnont Kr.iJe , six
feet wide.
West sldoof 15th stioet , Hub lot I in section
ni-15-l I , ndjdlnliu block b of Duel p irk on the
noi th sldn. permanent vriule , sl\ fuel wide.
Wust sldo of 15th street , adjoining block 7 ,
S i : Ifosors' . ponn.inont Kr.ulu. siv feet xvido.
West sldo of 1.5th si net , lots 41. 45 , 4(1 ( nnd 47.
K } ' . Ko/er.i' plat of Oicahom.i , pi'iiu inunt
Kinile , six fuot wl le.
\\cslslioofljtli stiuot. lots 1. 2 , ' 1.111(14 ,
Motlei'ssilbof lot 48 of O.inhomii , purm.ini.nt
Krnde. six feet wide.
North sldo of UoJar htreot , lots " > to B In-
eliKlxe , blook 07 , Uiudlt I'onulur add , pieaunt
Ki.ule. six feet xxldo.
\\esl sldo of MUi axonno , lot l.'l. block 'I.
Hillside add No. 2 , uatabllshud irado , sU fuul
I > st-lcinof 28th Httuut. noith I2S fent of
blocit Uililnn's Jd add , cstiiblishcd grade , six
feet xxldo
South sldo of Clrirks stiuot. west ISO fuel of
block ( J , hhinn's Jd u.ld , cst ibllshod Kruno ,
slv feet wlda
West sldo of 28th i treat , south l.'H foul ot
bloclc / , yhliin'd , U adJ , picbunt untdo , blx
fc.el xxldo.
\VostslJoof28tli8trBet north 11 feet of lot
12 Uecd's 2nd add. present Krade , font ftet
KastHtdoof "Oth stient , IOIK I , 2 and .1 ColIIin
I'lncu , ostnbilshcd KT ide. font foulxsldo
Kast Hid oof 27th htreul. lot lid. Nelson's add ,
OHl.ibllshu I Kr.ule , four foot wldo
South side of I , iko stK'nt , lot 1' ' , block II ,
1'u.lilek'sudd presunt isimk1 , sit fcctuhlo
And Lin It further iebo'xo.1 :
Th it , the Iloiird nf I'libilo Works bo anil
horohy Is uutlior ? ed and d ruelid toeaimti.i
couv of this r solution lo bo pulillshed In the
olllclal paper of tlm city foi 0110 wuulc , or lie
beritidoii thooxvnursof said lots and unless
biich oxxnurs Miall within llvo d lys after tbo
publication or dorvicoof Hiieh copy construct
said hluowalks as heroin iciilroiJ ( | , that the
llour.l of I'uMlo Works eiiusii the simoloho
( tlio cost of ciinstnictliix t-ild sidewalks
respictlvoly to bu assessed iiuiilnst the
nUatc , jot or pnrt of lot In fiom of an J abut-
tliicsueli l Inwalks
1'iusel August 21 , toploinbor2 ) and Hcptom-
horl ) , Ib'Ji < I' C'llAthhR ,
Acting ( 'resident of thu Uoiinull ,
Attest : JonJiiDX'M. . I'ity Ulerk.
Apiuovod ; OKOIIIIK 1' . HhxiiD , Muyor.
To thu owners of the lots , paits of lots nnd
real eslito ilescrlbod In thu iibovo resolution :
You and ouch of xotiaro hereby nolillod to
conilriiut woollen slduxvalks as iciiulroil by a
resolution of tbo ulty couiiull iiiui mayor of
tlio ulty of Omaha , of uhl h thonbovo Is a
cojiy , I * W llliiKiiAiiHru ,
( 'hntriimn Iloirl of I'ubllo Work *
Omnhu. Nub , HupU 15. IHfJ.
bcpt n-IO.7-IO-20-2l-3 |
Uniloriiiiil by xlrtuo of an order iniidn br
the Ilon U. II. Kcott , ( inn of Iho Juil4us < if llm
dlstrli-tcciirt within and for DuiMl. H LOUIIIV ,
Nohr.ibka. In the following iiullon p-uuliu In
said court , towlt ; The Htnndaril Htmupliu
compiuv vii lnvl ( i liot/ol and I'raiiU J.
llet/iloukuttiNo ( ( ) ) : ; , 7iuiI ! ) ) ( to mo ill eutul. L
will on HID Int dny ot hiiptuiubur. A'K' ' .
IOIIIIIIUIK.IIIV nt 10 o'clock In the foioiioon of
nlil dny. ntO.'J North II. th hlrnetlo the ulty of
Oiiialin , DuiiKliiH coiinlv. iNo'jiiiskii ' , soir at
iiiib'lu ' auction to thu hi best und host bidders
for oiiHh ( or on thruo mouths urtiillt xvlth up-
proxedsuuiirltr ) tliu followuf.'tfi'o IK aniluhut-
lels heretofore lovluil upon by mo by vlrtuo
of nn ordnr of iitt lehmuiil luiiiud In the above
I'nlltleil action , towlt : 'A Moeu of st iplo und
fancy crocorles. Hour unil oilier iiiorehiindlio. "
The uiidursUno I rosorxos the rUht to soil
this pioiiuity ii9 u xvliohor In supinito 1111-
I'l'ls , iisln hit lud.-iiiunt slull bu fiirtliobtst
luluiutt of all pi.rtles concernud
. . . ,
Him riff of Daiulan County , Nehraajii.
Ily JOHN J.KXXIK , Duiuty \
Omahu , fxubrasku , uptulllbur IU. 1SJ. .
HlJd lit m o
I'nipinulu fur Uriiiln Milk , N. l.niulinr , I'.tc.
huuluil propovilu xvlll ho ri'coli'ed at thoof-
llcuof thu Ulty ( y'oiiiptrollur , Oinuhn , .Nub. , up
to 4 o'uiook p in hoplumhoi 20th ,
iw. ' , for the fiirnlshliu of Krado ulakus ,
lumber , nulls , fc.ind ( uid urjvol
for Iho ulty uf Oinaliii , for thu re-
miiliidur of thoyu'ir ' , llhls may ho mailo for
nil ihuurtlulis mentioned , or for umh Item
norp.iiatu , 'I bo rl ht U rtsuixuil lo reject uny
or all bids , l.aeh biddur Is ruitulrud to cm-
uloso acurtllluU uliuok of M. btiuoltloatloui
on lllii at thu uouptrollui'u ulllco.
H1W5U TiiKa , Comptroller.