Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Delivered by carrier to Iny part of th ? city
ti. W. T1I/TON. . MANAGER.
" " u < "s Office. . . . . .Noll
.wAA rv.
* > ' V. Pnimblnp Lo.
I'cuncll Bluffs Lumber Co. .
U gular moetlng mnollng of the Woman's
Uollof corps nt a o'clock. May Crisp , socro-
tary.Tho Qmaha Juniors of Iho Young Men's
Christian nssochilton will visit the Juniors
of the Council Bluffs association this utter-
A marriage llconso was Issued yesterday
to Henry Anderson and Augusta Meyer ,
both or Yoric township , I'ottawattamio
The Indies of Calanthe assembly , No. 1 ,
1'ythlan Sisterhood , gave an entertainment
lint evening In the Knlu'tits of Pythias ball.
A musical program was followed by dancing.
It WAS well attended.
Frank Hiivos , H patient at St , Bernard's
hnipitat , died yesterday morning. Ho has
ho fnonds , so far as Is liiiown at tha hospital.
A post mortem examination of thu body will
bo made by the coroner.
William Saldon Ualo commenced n suit
jrustorday in the superior court ngainst
Charles W. White nnd John W. Paul to foreclose -
close n $ r > , ( ) OJ mortgage on n lot of territory
tn the nnighborhooJ of Bin lako.
'Jr. Duryot ot Omaha lectnrod haforo th o
Humane society ot Council Bluffi last even
ing at the First I'tosbyterian church. The
auditorium wis : well tilled and the able effort
of the Omuha divine was highly enjoyed.
Uosslo -t-vcar-old daughter ot Mr. and
- Mrs. A. VV. Oilier , uled of malaria yesterday
upon alter an Illness of eight wealth The
funeral will occur Sunday afternoon at 2
fc'cloalt trom the rosldoaca on Corning stroat
William Slcdontopf illcd nn answer In
the superior court yesterdtiv to the petition
Which wits tiled there wccits 1120
n'klng for u judgment for f l"i'jl ) for fcoa In
ciiaos In which Wnro had acted as Siodcn-
lol's attorney. Ho denies owlnir the money ,
nnd furtticrmora do minds judgment for
K''i , the faca value of n note which ho
ttllc'i > e.i that ho signed ns surety for Ware.
And then had to pay.
Hurry Webber was arrcstotl yesterday on
the ctmro | ; of boating n bant d bill at the
boarding house kept by Mrs. H. A. Lyons on
West Broadway , The amount claimed to bo
duo is J7.50 , and or thu amount n portion was
rollectod ny the proiootitlng witness loss
than half an hour after she had Illcd the In-
formotlon. 't'lio raso will bs heard befora
Justice Hammer next Monday , unless a set
tlement Is reached boforothat time.
Charles Welch and Jake Miller were nf-
ro-.lcd at Manawa Sunday evening with n
! ! uO-foot sctnc. They were lined ? 5J npleco
nt their trial on Thursday , but the BCIIIO was
loft lying on Iho deck of one of Iho steamers
over night. It was stolen nnd has not boon
recovered. Otto Brunquost was nrrestod
nnd charged with the then , but as the solno
which ho had In his possession , and which
was supposed to have neon the stolen one ,
proved to bo twice as long as the one which
In reality stolen ho was discharged.
Mrs. fioorco P. San ford roturnd.l iniirn-
i > ir . virui .
day from n visit with relatives ut Sioux
1-Vlls. S. D.
l'P. . Fowler and wife returned joUcrdav
from a Uvo wuoks * visit with relatives In
Mndlsou and other Wisconsin points.
Ilouuni flatlcuhuucr went , to K"d Ouk
yislot-day to tuku pail In a blcjrlu race , and
Eurcccdcd In carrylni ; off the llrjt pmo , a
( IU Kold medal.
News wns racoivrod yesterday that W. L.
Murphy of tni-i city has boon appointed head
bui-ler for thu Thlid rojTiment , which Is now
htivlni ; Its nnnuiildncampuiunt at Sioux City.
U , J. Hlancl.ard , formerly depity slate oil
Inspector , nnd well known thrjutrhout the
Blute , arrived In the city lust evening from
"Central .America and cripuli'd bhusolf
Ehaklnc hands with his friends. Ho Is lo
cated In San Pedro Suln , Honduras , and Is i
full b'.owti colToo merchant nnd planter. Ilo
is brown as the ucnns ho handlcii , but U as
brlizht an.l suniiv us over.
lit.lutt. .
It IB r.n old saying , und eland1) good ,
honesty is thu host of. policy ; wo htivo
alw iys found It ao in dealing with our
The nroof wo have of the nbovo stnto-
inutits Is the qu'clc response to our ad-
Vorlisoinents , and tin complaint.
Wo have jimt coniinoncod a ten-liny
flrcss ( , roodH sale at speolal ) iriccs , anil
call the ntvctuidii of the public to our
show window display.
f Window No. 1 Shows a line of out-
Ingp in mi.xi.'d , clicc-kcd and plaid novel
ties , Fnnio Roods ictail at olio a vard ,
! iI ( in. wide and wairantcd till wool ; wo
rv ofl'ur during s ilu tit ; ! ; io per jaid.
Window No. iJ Slinws a bettor gr.ido
of goods , roprosunling some of the linost ,
European prodiii'tions , in French , Aus
trian and German innnufauturo , as well
ns homo uxcluslvo dress ptitlurns In tlio
latest weaves and elTeoiy , ranging in
jirii'o from : ( ) . ( ! ( ) to $1,5.00 ouch.
Window No. ! ! Slum * an entirely-dif-
/orciit lino. It is conipcsed of blacl ;
goods mill black and whito.ainonir which
are seine bargains. Wo eall your atten
tion to our -IU inch ftuhine'ro at : ! 0c ,
vorlh COc. Perhaps the greatest htir-
gain over olVored by user any other
merchants , is om- l-ineli ( ) Anatilnn hon-
tiotta ( all wool ) , regular Too grade , at
IJtihides the bargains mentioned wo
have a full r.ingo of fancy weaves at
epccial low pMco.n , Buoh as whip cordj ,
poplins. Matoluhbii , India twill , L-.ius-
aowne , gloiiaa , oto. , oto.
Window No. ! WootTor the uhoico of
tills line while they last at lOu per yard.
Goods are u linuvy hoiuiSiin | ) , illuinl-
nnted in dilToront rolor ? , full ! 1G inehes
wide and well worth 25u.
FoTlIKUINaitAJI , WltlTIII.AW & Co. ,
IJobton Sto o ,
Coiiimll UlulTs , la.
ItiMiiiiinit Sulii
Of the great bankrupt olioo sale , /)21
Urondwny. Ltidios' kid button shoos 75o ,
worth $1.50 ; ladies'dongolti button $1.12. " ) .
wo. Ill 'i'ifiO ' ' ; ladles' dongoltv button ,
jmtont lotthur tip , $1.1 ! , * , worth 9'J 51) ) ;
Indies1 line don oht button $1.60 , worth
fcl.ti ; ) ; liultua' Fronuh dmijjoliv Idd button
C2.00 , worth $1.00 ; ludlus' host Frunch
donjjola button $ U.f > 0. worth $ " > . ( )0. )
621 D road way.
UlDMI I Wlllk Ik IllklllltkPt ,
The physicians who were in attendance on
the mcotiiiKof the Mudical Assoclallon of Iho
Missouri Valley loft for tholr homo * yojlonlsy
inornlni ; . Tin ) last thins on % :
iviis u banquet nl Iho tirmid hotel. Tlio doc
tors K4th < rod In tlu'diinnuof the trand ! hotel
shortly uftor 11 o'clock ThuraUav nlKht nnd
BUI down to un oh'snnt sproad. Whllo
thov stowed the prnlrlo cntoKcni , lobilur
outlotH , Ice craaui nnd other ilollcaolua oard-
fulU U'.it nf alytit , they holKiitonud Ihu rolUh
with which ihov uiluukud ttiu o.iu In u.ind
bv tjlllnir onoanothor of inulr latuu oou-
nuests with the scalpel tind plll-ox. At thu
close of the bannu'it toiut < were responded
to us follows : "Dormold Oyst. " by Dr. S. A.
M insfoldo of A'liUnd. Nob. ; "Insanity , " by
Dr. V S ThonuiHof Ujunoil HluiT ; "Oolir-
iuiii TrenionV bv Dr. l.'inphoar otlCuu.ii
Cltv : "Insomnia.11 by Dr. O. II. Plnnov of
Counoil Hluffs.
Tlio Ciroonrldgo lols on Coolt iivonuo ,
in Huldur'd null. , tire 6'J to 8 ( | foot'front ,
fiiuu HOUtho.vMt.iunl aru uovorod by line shado. Low and uusy pivinunt
pfiujs to bo obValnud on the pruniWud ,
\Viiiitt-d tu liny.
Improved p-opoVtv. Will pay cash if
price la low. II. G. .MuGob.lO.Nlalniitruot.
for Mapuwa at 11 a. m. , 2 , 3 , 1 ,
0 , 7 , ti unu I ) o'clock p. m.
Judbou , civil onglnoor , 823 Broadway
Approaching Election Briujg Tortli Nuraar-
oiw CautliJatea for Ofiho.
Attorney Orncnil Stimfl ( live * lll VT | < on
Siilijrcls Ititlillni ; tu tlin Svui-m Ho-
imliln-.tii Uminty Convention SpniH5
it Seiiiiitlim Clusnil \ > Itli n lluminct.
Candidates for the varlom ofllaes which
are to bo flllcti at too elostion ihls full uro
coming forward In great plenty , nspoclally
on the democratic sulo of tha hoine. A. C.
U rah a m , however , has the honor of holnc the
Ural uosilblo candidate , so fur as hoar-l from ,
to cotno forward anil say In piam English
that ho does not want oaico at loaat the
ofllco which has boon used In connection
with bu name. Ho hn boon montlonod
frequently as a candidate for ro-oloc.loti to
the Board of Supervisors , \vhloh ho has
niton very ably durlnir several yeniM past ,
uut ho states that ho Is not a candidate ana
does not wish his name to bo nsod.
The prlninriQs Thuraduy night , served to
bring to the surfucn n number of candidates
who huvo boon hurrowluz In tholr holes
undoraround for seine time. H , IX Hnhror
claims to have n majority of nil the dolo-
oales chosen In the ward cuuemoi In this
city and uiioticli volts li. ttio country to in-
Ruro his nomination to the rccordorship.
But lha saino claim , with poi lbly u few
variations hero und there , is uiado by J. H.
Dlutrlch. whllo August tVrls and Clay Keel
nroiilsoln the rnco , with the Ititunllon of
inaUliiK it wurm for the other follows. Four
candidate ! hnvo been heurd frotn for ' .ho
oillco of countv attornov. li. K. Aylqsworth ,
Thomas li. CasailyV. . 11Vnro and John
1Orjinn. . Orpon , however , bus already had
two terms and U consequently not maninc
n very lively c.impalitu for tbo third.
ISporRo M. Wilson , who has served as
deputy auditor tor 1. P. IlomlnckJ , Is u can-
dldnto for the auditotship on his own hook.
SHOUT ix u IH Accotrxrs.
T. It. Itlttloi- Ilin MlhMinltro Ilimil Haiti tu
ll hi u Surlnui Dlllli'iilty.
For about a woeli an Investigation has boon
quiotlv golni ? on at the Milwaukee freight
depot that has at last ro-iultcd in soma dis
closures that nro very ilumnglnir to the repu-
tntloti of T. U. IJutler , bettor known as
"Ted" Hutlor , ttio cashier. The Investiga
tion has boon made by Traveling Auditor
Sloronson , utid has bean conauutcd with
such suereRy that but little was known of it
until yesterday outside of railway circles. A
shoitago was discovered In the younK man's
accounts of between fJ.fiOO and $ JldOO. His
shortages , the oftlulals of the Mihv.iutcoo
claim , ho had kept carefully under his own
hat by moans of a system of false vouchers.
Untler was bonded for JJ.UUO In a well
known tissuriiico society , and u representa
tive of the society was in Council LJlulTs
juncrduy afternoon adding his own uivonl-
irutlons to these ot the rail ivuolllclals. . But-
Ici's father is also in the city and an effort
is bcniK inado to compromise the difli-
ulty so as to avoid a crlininul prosecu
tion. IJutlurv at largo yestordav.
out ne was constantly shadowed Uv _ a
detective who had orders to urro-a him upon
the slightest Indicillon that bo intended tc
leave tbo cltv. Just how thodlMciiliy was
lull could not , bo ascertained last ovotilnir ,
us the conference between Butler , his
11lends , the rallwuv nnicmls and thu oftleml-
ol the assurance oocioty was still in sosnioii
in Om Uin , hut something dollnitu will doutft-
leaj be known 'ouav.
! > ii < > - > U I'uy Vim ?
Docs it pay anybody to RIVO more
than HII nrticlo is worth ju t bec-auso
you want lo ] ) lcuso aomobody ? It certainly -
tainly does pay you to glvo twice or
tin co times im inucb for i-ohool shooa
for your children UB wo olTor tboin to
you.Vo can k'ivo you it pretty yood BtronR
pair of children's shoos for 2oe , food
onoiih ( for any boy or girl to wear to
For Hie and -loo wo yivo you u bolter
ip-ndo tlinn you hnvo been nuked SI for.
And for f U < ! to 7. > n wo can jjivo you
footwear the hardest kicking boyer
or ( jirl cannot Icick out durlpg the pres
ent BC'IIUO ! torin.
Fathers and inolhors of Council Biuffs
and vicinity who want their children
neatly and comfortably shod will find it
pnyb to look through our block.
Wo hnvo bchool BhosH onciigrh for
every school clii d in thu city , and wo
want to furnish them at one-ihiid whnt
other doulora are iibkint ; . Saturday and
Monday wo are goiti to m.iko n little
run on school shoes , and at Iho bume
limn wo will bell all othoi4 shoes at cor
responding prices.
521 Broadway.
By furnishing me from ! t > 100.0 ! ) to
$100.00 worth of carpenter work and
building materia'H us part payment I
will fjlvo a nice roiidcnco lot in the
eastern pail of the city , the balance to
bo piiil on lonj ; time and payments to
suit. Address A 1 , Bcu oHlco.
OplMlllIM Oil till ! IMuVtlllll I.MV.
Attorney General .lohn V Stone rendered opinions yesTerdoy with reference to
the new Australian ballot system , which are
of considerable importance to the public in
tronoral in viuw of the recent passage of the
law and the small amount of information
anyone has upon the subjuut. One of the
lot Is the one replying to the question of D.
\V. Sheen , deputy auditor at Anamoiu , as to
the quoillon of whether the clerk of the
election board shall be appointed by the
Board of Supervisors or by the board of
township triutces. lie holds that the Board
of Snporvli-orj has the appointment of the
clerk , that the township clerk is ox-oni.lo
memocr of the election board , and that tbo
board shall bo completed by the supervisors.
As to the question of whether tha judcu of
election must endorse his Initials on tliu
ballotu in elections whore registration is rot
required , tin holds that this must ho done ,
ulihou h Iho law is somowtmt misty on the
subject. If the provision was intended to
prevent fraudulent voltnc , ho thinks the en-
UorsemenUhould be mudo In precincts where
rorflstratlon Is not required , the sumo ns in
tuoio where It Is.
.f , M. Wlllettof G.'ntorvillo w\nt to know
whether the auditor must scad biillots to the
toll'iiii : plnco Lwolvo hours before the openIng -
Ing ot the pott : or a receipt may b3 tukon at
the ofllco of the auditor. The fttwrnoy pen-
crnl holdd that the auditor nco I not dcllvor
the ballots at the potlln ? place , but n receipt
showing that they have been turned over to
the Judaos ot election is all that Is reoulrod
by the lav.
T. J. Uimp , county auditor at Danisan ,
asks whether a fwno work of gas pips * cov
ered with canv&s constituted a voting booth
In the moaning of the statute. Mr. Stone
( lees not answer the question directly , but
sayi that If the booth In auostlou conforms
to the law by affording the voter secrecy
and preventing Intercommunication between
the booths It may be legally used.
Un\o the untrrrn llnril Klin.
Yesterday afternoon and last evening fern
n few hours the city Jail was entirely empty ,
excepting for thoao inmutos which had sur
vived Iho last dose of sulphur snroKO , arid
who wore not confined for any particular
offence. This Is a state of affairs which has
not occurred bolero for several years , and It
Was so unusual that some waggish visitor
tacked un a neat sign "For Ucnl" on the
outer wall of the building , The slcn bad not
boon up long , however , before n new Invoice
of unfortunates was received. An infoitna-
lion had been filed bv Charles McCoy
charging K. Lewis nod William Still with
disturbing thb ponco. During the evening
tbo two. men wore run ncrois oy Ofllcor
Murphy and Chief Scanlan and taken to the
corner of lilghlh street and Broadway ,
whcro the patrol wagon was culled out.
> Whllo the quartet was watting tor the
wagon McCoy cams up. The two prisoner *
nt once nsited Murphy to arrest McCoy on a
chatgo of disturbing the poaco. McCoy
raised n howl and some hard words wcro ex
changed. Suddenly McCoy wheeled about
and ran north on lilghth street toward the
crook. Ho slid under n fence with Murphv
cloio at his hei'K The olllcor pulled his gun
and lot a ball tly through the air not far
from the fugitive's ears. McUoy dropped as
If bo had been shot , and just nt that
instant Murphy struck the cdgo of
the crock bank and rolled bend over heels
down Iho bank Into the water. Ho soon
JUhod himtolf out and ciught McCoy < > s ho
was running along the water's edge. As
soon ns McCoy had been landed In the city
Jail , charged with resisting an ofllccr ,
Murpby had to go honui to change hU
clo lies which had ooon saturated with the
delicately scouted waters of Iho creek.
In tlin IliiniU of the Court.
The arguments of Attorneys \Varo and
Stewart In the school-tax-levy Injunction
CIHO were nude baforo Judto M.icy la the
district court yesterday morning. Ware , who
' appoarcd as plaintiff , claimed that the levy
had not been made during the Urn > spacldcd
by law , and that consequently a levy mads
now would bo Illegal. Stewart , in behalf
of the School board , claimed that
' the levy had boon made In
' strict , compliance with the law , the provi
sions cited by Ware applying , according to
his view of the case , only to subdistricls nnd
I , not to inilepjndont school districts.
| County Attorney Organ w.i In the room
i in the Interim * of the lioar.l of S < porvUors
and was asked bv Juil-'o Miby for his opin
I ion In the case. Ho stilled that In his opin
ion which ho had rendered to the Board of
Supervisors ho hid said that the duties nf
the Board ot Supervisors in a case like
the -present are ministerial , ana that
the board hat no right to Invosligato Iho
loiralitv of the levy , ( tut must go nhoad and
raalw the levy as If the question nf Its legal-
It } had never boon raUud. He thought , however
over , that the levy when made would bo
iound lo Da illegal and non-collectable , If any
one cared to light u in u court , of Inw.
At the conclusion of the artrumenU the
case wa * taken under advisement by Judio
Macy , who stutos that ho will render a de
cision next Monday morning , in order that ,
both the School board aud the supervisors
may have an opportunity to take any ston
that may bo found necessary In tbo light of
his decision.
Hprln-liu ; 11 SomUltm.
A motion has boon llloj by the attorneys
for several of the creditor * of the Judd-
Wells Investment company asking that the
order of tbo district court , lssuo.1 a couple
of weeks ago , awarding Frank Trimble $393
for his fees as attorney for the assignee , be
set asido. They claim that the amount duo
them should he ptid out of the assets botoro
any piovislon is made for the attornov ' , ana
that they had no notlca of the fact tbat'Trim-
bio % vns to ask for any fc3s. A motion
Is already pending before Judge Deemer ,
and has been taken under udvisomoat by
him , suiting that Iho creditor * ' claims b ? paid
at on co out or iny funds that might bo in the
bands of tno assignee. In the merion just
tiled the complainants nlloso that certain
papers whlcu nro ossoutial to the decision
of the motion now in the bands of Judge
Doemcr have disappeared and are now In
thu possession of Attorney Trimolo , or that
liu knows whuro they are. With reference
to this chnrgrt Trimble states that ho sent
the papers to Judge Deumar about two
months ago , and that the attorney * who
made the motion a-.o well aware of the fact.
Siillltnn mill Citrlintt In Council 1 Hun's
Would not bo u marker to the tjrcat
bargains of the remnant sale of the
bankrupt shoo bale , f > 21 Broadway.
Gents' line dress shpos $1,25 , worth
Si .50.
Gunta' calf dress shoes 81 GO. worth
* : ! .oo.
Gents' ( Ino icangaroo lace shoes , hand
made , $3 00 , worth $0.00.
Gents' ao& work shoos , OOc.
Gents' embroidered slippers GOc , worth
Mizpah Tompjo , No. 0 , Pythian Sisters ,
will Ivo n clothespin social at Knights
of Pythfas hall Wednesday evening ,
September 21.
Gentlemen , the finest line of fall poods
in the city , juat received. Italtor , the
tailor , 310 Broadway.
I'.Opooplp in this cuy use is stovoa
'Die Gas Co. puts 'om in ut cost.
JCrpnlillfiin County Convention.
The republicans of Pottawattauilo county
nro to moot In their va'ious wards and town-
hlps on Saturday evening , September 'J4 , at
8 o'clock , to select delegates to the county
convention which u to bi held at the court
house in this cltv 0:1 : the ljth ! at llu. m. It
Is at this convention that candl'latos ere to
bo put In nomination for thu ofllccs ot clerk
Do You WisSi the -
Finest Bread and Cake ?
It is conceded that the Royal Baking Powder is the
purest and strongest of all the baking powders.
The purest baking powder makes the finest , sweetest ,
most delicious food.
The strongest baking powder makes the lightest food.
That baking powder which is both purest and strong
est makes the most 'digestible and wholesome food.
Why should not every housekeeper avail herself of
the baking powder which will give her the best food
with the least trouble ?
Dr. Haines , of Rush Medical College , Consulting
Chemist of the Chicago Board of Health , says ; "Royal
is not only the purest , but the strongest baking powder
with which I am acquainted. "
of the district court , county attornor , county
rocordnr , county auditor , ' nnd member of the
Board of Supervisor * . The ratio of repre
sentation Is to bo ono doloehte for each town
ship and ward in Co.nicll UlufM , nnd ono
dclce.uo additional for every forty votes and
frncllon of flttaen or over can lor II. C.
Whcolor at the election Jon November.
on * for Wiiiliincton ,
At 2:45 : o'clock thU afternoon the spactnl
train will le.ivo tbo Hock Inland depot with
the oldunldiort on board who are to attend
the national Grand Army cncumpmont nt
Wnihincton , The train will bo nudn tip
cany this morning , and'it great deal of work
U yet lo bo dona in the way of OucorV.lnif it
preparatory to Iho doparturo. 1. . . A. Uaspcr
has been outraged to superintend the docor.i-
tlons and ho Is to DO milnod by a commit
tee , the members of which are to mw t him
at the depot this morning nt SDO : o'clock ,
Tbo train Is to bo decorated with
Hags nnd bunting streamers , while a
network ot corn slalks , Iho lurcoit that can
bo found , wovun on the outstdo of the car.
which is to bo occupied by the members of
the post Is to show the people of the stntci
throuch which the train pastes that It comes
from the banner corn state of the union ,
At 1:30 o'clocK tbo tnombrr ot Abe Lin
coln post are to moot at tbo Urand At my
ball , to escort those who RO to Washington
to the aopot. U Is the desire of the
leaders that the post bo fully rnprrsQiilcd , so
HI to make as good an appearance as pos
Not tn HP found.
Deputy Sheriff O'Drlon returned yesterday -
day mornlns from tiU trip In search of the
runaway , C. H. Dinsmoro , and his family.
Ho wont as for souih as St. Jotoph , stopping
off at , several stations on the way , and when
ho ro. chuii St. Joseph he teen u rig nnd
Bcoured the country for twenty miles around ,
lie found no trace ot the fugitives.
Is superior to alf ether preparations
claiming to ho blood-purifiers. First
of all , because the principal ingredi
ent used in it is the extract of gen
uine Honduras sarsaparilla root , the
variety richest in medicinal proper-
ties AIso bc"
< >
i/ures Patarr-h . ] C.U1SC tlll , ycl.
low dock , being raised expressly for
the Company , is always fresh and
of the very best kind. With equal
discrimination and care , each of the
other ingredients uro selected and
compounded. It is
because it is always the same in ap
pearance , flavor , and effect , and , lie-
ing highly concentrated , only small
ilosus arc needed. It is , therefore ,
the most economical blood-tmrifier
r in 'existence. It
UulcS makes food nonr-
ishing , work pious.
.t ieep ri.rrC8h.
ing , and life enjoyable. Jt searclics
out all impurities in the system and
expels them hannlSssly by the natu
ral channels. AYEU'S Sarsaparilhi
gives elasticity to 'the step , and im
parts to" Die agcil and infirm , re
newed heallli' trengtli , and vitality.
Prepared by Dr. J.C. Aver Sc To. , I.owcll , Mnsa.
BoldbyallDriiRgUu ; l'rlcel ; BS ! bottler , $5.
Cures others , will cure you
Im Yoor Evesisiil
Hvi-stostol free t > y an EXPE IT OI'l'tOIVN
I'crfi'Ct iidji'stmunt. buperior lease . Norv-
ot.sho.i lai'ho enroll liy usln ; our SnuJtiolei
und nyu lab-oj 1'rlcoj low for llrjl elasi
114S. lothSt..Crulshtai B.os'c.
We sell Hats , Extra Special '
and sell them Bargains '
hat stores.
Goods ,
All the leadIng - e se// to .
Ing makes.
We re selling $9,00 , $12,00 and $15,00 suits at
a Suit
Latest shades in mixtures and plain checks.
They are genuine bargains. You'll say
so when you see them.
PO Cor. 13th and Rirnam Streets.
Our fo always the
children's lowest for
the most
worth more
complete in Omaha. than the price.
PJ7RH A PQ fare wlint tort of a itovo ; ou
i iI\IljMlQ Imva or liow ranch cull It
coniumo I'erliup * 7011 nrt >
YUU - DON - T" " 1U" ° I111" P r IHi fur
Iliu coal camlilno. If you nro
don't rend what folloun. It ilooin't Inluri'St ) ou.
'Iliu expeclcncu of th .an vilio linto used
Garland liB.aters
la conclui-lvclj * Ilia t llipy nro F1HST In economy of
fuel , coiivttnit-Mict' in iiiniillililatlun nnil dtiratilllty
'lln-y nre built on honor nnil do not fall to work
ealHfnctorllv It co ts > ou 111 tlilnu to look nt tlipiu
anil If you will call no nil ) lull jrou nliout hundred *
of our best peopt' ; lie by tliu ( iiirlniul licnt
or anil r-inxua.
Also ARCiit Tor Cnlninbla Illryrli" ) .
504 Broadway ami 10 North Main Street
Of Cuillicit UlutTj.
Capital stock $ inD,019
Surplus nnil IV o Ills 80,000
Net capital anil siirplm $2,01)3 ; $ ( ) )
DirectorsIt. ! . lMii.mljo-1 , II. I , . Slnirirt , K I )
Olui-on. K. K. Hurl , I. A Mlllur. I , V. Illnoiiiik )
ittul Charles It. llunntn. 'I'rikniiJct Ki'ncril biin'c.
liitf bii < lnus . LurKUHt ciiplliil am hiirpliii ol un/
bunk In bouthMTcslcrn lov
Wnier Wor s Company , a corpoiut.on of
New Jersey.
The uiu.cislcnod was apunlnted receiver of
said ( .orporatlon by thu court of chancery of
Now .ieisuy on July "u , 18) ) . ' .
lly : in order nf nald court , mudo on the dny
of thu date of this n illse. you nn > roqulrod to
prove vnur cliilms nnd daman 's before mo lo
my sat Kf net kmltliln four nrjntlm flora thu
date huroof or bo excluded from tliu licnt'lltof
such dlv dunds us nui.y iliereuflcr he niiiiloot
the procccJs of the effects ut hald curnoru-
t inn.
Claims should hu Item zu-J mid swum In ,
and iiiuv lie forwurdud liy iiuill to Collins &
Corbln , sollellors of thu n-eoivor. " 4.1 Wiislilns-
ton htrnot , JuKuy Uliy N. .1. They will bo
prompt tyacUnowlcituud.
i : IIVDK UUST.Hfoolvor. .
.Mi : WnMiliiKlon btri-ot , Jerswy C.ty. N. . ! .
Dated Scinoiubor < > . I J.
fcl'-il-Ol 8-13-2'-S9-Nov3
| Every MAII can lie
S'/RONO and VIO-
5 URDUS in nil re pi > nis
_ _ _ Jby usitiK SrAttlSZX
„ - „ -
- „
NUKVINQtlicgreat bpnnuh Remedy. YOUKO HUM
Oil OI.D sullrriiiit from NKKVOUS UKUIWTY , I.O8T or
FAILING HANlIuOD.nltlitlyciiiiisioi.s.ciinvuUlons , nervuiis
i pronralion.cnuscil by thensn of opium , tobacco or alcohol , n.die-
x.Mv.ijAfulness , iiii-iital Oeiression | , loss of power in iiilicr ei , spermaici-
x vu irji x.Mv.ijA--
v wenlc1
DFpnoHK ANII * l-rEK use , rlioja ranted b > self abuse nnd o\cr iiiilulRcnccnr an > personal '
, .
. be reitcrrd lo perfect licaltli nnd Iliu NOHIIJ VITALITY OF STRONG AIIJJ
ncssc.m rotund ilin money , fi d bo 0 boxei $5
cane oc
We Eiva a written Kiurantfovuli 6 boxes tn euro any
FOP Sal * In Oitiaha by Snow , Luni & Co.
Twin Gity Steam Dye Works
Omaha Ollleo , 1521 Furnrvm St. ; Telephone 1C21. Council Uluirs Ollico and Works
Cor. Avo. A and 2dlh St. ; Tulophono HID. Send for circulars und prlco hut.
(9.Tnnc.a.riav Machine at nIO-Tons-n-Dny Price.
A ( . .
H l IUIU > aUay | lur Wurrauly ( iut. with llncli MaUilne.
TlioNoiilliivlrk Itullni : 1'rcm li a2-uor > o , full-circle tuaculno ,
It IOH UlO IliruCBt K'Cll OlHiftlHS Of
liny C < > iilliiuiUlaUm ! { ,
Juiillu-&iruku J'ICBS
the World.
Uulcitl nut | draft light. _
Cui > uclty | Cunttructlont Kni-aT > lllly-all ( ho III'.HT. i jj ,
In starting one press recantly we baled nine
tons in five hours with new hands.
The \viint udvcrllsiitnonls appoar.ii ) ; In a
nontp iper iiio oflon the most * Intorojtln
part of Its uontunts. They osprcsstho urgent
iieedn , the dully wlslim of tlio people who
; int 10. 1,0 tiling unil who are willing 10 do
GENTS WANTKU-Ti ; sjll the DiMt dotlbo |
roastlnz ; ui 1 Ink n ? p tu In tlu > intikot.
Stc.idv work. C\iii prove to Irivo ntfnnl * who
ma'io ovur i'\ \ u.vuuk rooihirly. At'ilro t
Ch.irlus bchiilthclss , Couno 1 Pi ilTs.
' room or rooms for lout ut " 03
l'Jl-illJ. _ _ . _
> \SI'UIAO1' for horsus nnd ( . ittln : first
ISI'UIAO1' month. In. pi Ifo : it Oil Itro id-
w.iy. _
; ind i-lty loin1 * Monuy loinud on
FARM uml ur.kln. Itotl tst.ilo for silu. :
Dncllln : : ind hnslnu > .s runi-iN. .Miinoy In.iiuid
for Investor , l.onncu , V Tnulo , .1) I'o.irl
htrcut. _
TjtOlt SAM' lloise , buaiv an I h irni-s-i ai
L blf sipriticn ; yea I outfit : jo ) I well brcil
prut hoiiu. Must sell. U. 11. Iowls , li I'u n-1
si rout.
. " > . OUstiio ot mi' Slsc Incslotii lowi ,
$ XM'll lou.itiMl , d iln K''I ' 11 IHIni'si. . for s.ik
01 tr du. li G llartlutt. T-.M llroidwuy.
'J > heid of yotuu ! hors'is for trade ; Improve I
ipronorlv or 1-in I. II O , llarliult , " 41 llroaJ-
w.iy , Conn"IJ Illiiirs :
UM.i'lO ' wortli of dry -.roods HHII notions for uv
'Pchaiiuo. i : . C5. llartlftt. Til llroadway.
b.VLK Uruiiniory , i\rll located In No'
FOK . doln ; uoou liuilnoss. Will talu
artn or or sull entire business at ti b.itvuli
R.1I. Hhi-afe.
T710K SALK Iinpiovud ini-iuri > stoo'i f.irn
X In western low.i , til ; ISJ-acro farm , $ JJ ; IJJ
acres , lil .lolinstoii .V Van 1'uttun.
FOnSAl.H Ilar.lwaru stojlt In control Neb
\Vllllnvolco J1.VJJ , JJJJ aiiuafo.
J/OK SAMChoRo.t : rariu In I'ottawattk
J-1 in eCo. . 4it : acrcivoll locatud nn > l Im
uro\ed. I'rtc'o JIJ an ai-ro. IC II. 'lioafe.
r YOU liavo anything for s lie or trade ser <
i r II. She ife , lire i tway and Mam slrcnt.
"if Oil Kl\T lwelllus In all pms of UK
A- oily I II. bhoafe. IliMidwty and M > ln
C.VI.l' On im-ul p-iymonu. fruit nn
FOK Ian I iioir Council lIliilTs 12. It. .
t-liuafu. ItroadjwjyjiuJ .Miiln slruat.
"ir.OK bAMv APiToTi Kolior TTillls on lloon.
1river. . Nob.j Iliuist w iterpiwor In the stito
developing li" liorbO power w iter onllro ye iri
dally opacity , IUO burcls ; ma"h ncrtr iiini
: il-pnrtviijnci'3 complete I novory d't ill. (5 ( I
frainorcslJiMico ; S ai-rusof Ian I. title nurfo .
price , J 5.IU' ' ; will t.ikn mil npiovu I eastern
NubrnsUa Iiuill. U II. jjhn ife.
"I71OH \hK C'U'aii stoj.c h irlwaro , wol ! v *
X ; i ibiHIic.l trr.lo , ln\otu ! tlionl * llll. ; Coo
bun formal In * . Turnu CMJII. 1C. II. Hhoafo
lOlty.VM' OK HBs'T U-m'tl coal yaid will
scaleote. . _ tiuunshli'lils. ! Sli'liolstin & O )
Tj OK i\"CllA.Nii : ( : Hotel nnd
TjL. located at abnbert. Nub. , an 1 Hi lots li
Denver. Colo. : will c\i.-liun u for clear No
br.'bKa Inn 1 K. H. Sheufo.
PAljK Ilnrdw ire blosu. will Imolci
. . 'U ' ; lou itoJ In nn uulivo Nebraska towi
ot I..VK ) piinulutlon ; bniliiebs old put ib Ishou
will bear CM ) < i * liivj tlgalion. lijl. riho ife.
lfli iiiipTo'votiiciitR "ih-i
AClTl-J f.irin ,
nllcs north of C'iiiini-11 IliulV$13 ; an aore
| > 11 T. 11. Him ifo.
' - r.iska land In o\uli.niKe fo
good work lior-n . n. II. Slicafu.
VWHjljl'Dii liulld a HoTneVu TIIIVD a Ilin
> res duiiL-o lut whluti wn sell for t'i 0 1
ta > cn mion. _ ( IrcuiHliluliU. NlyliolHori fi On.
_ AI.Fsection of unlnQtimborod hind In No
JI tiMbUa to trade for city property ,
slilu ( Is , NlclioSon iV Co.
IIV snndt htor.1 ; lo trido for low i land
D Ijif0ii hlolil9 , Nlehnlhon A. ( Jo. _
\\fi ; hnvo a nnmhor of uood ten. nils win
i ' wnnl iu to KCt dc.slr iblo IHIIIHOS for thu n
Do yon mint , to tout your HonsoV Hreou
Bhlutda. Xluholm > ii _ &jJo. _
G.'l Ilioudwuy. Oreenshlolila. Nicholson A. Co
real ustiilt1.
AOOUI ) il\-roiu : honso for silo on you
own lurms. Olio ipsr than plying runt
CiriHinslili'lila. Nlohiilhuii it Co. _
Ni\V ; savuii-rooin liousu. elosu to llontni
utrcut. Will tnilu for v.uuut loll or land
GriionshitihU. Nleluil.scn .V C'o. _
( m'KXaUA.NUK-JliO'ricre rinun li
SALE I'oiiniy , Nob. Will tiiUo mercliun
illvy K , II. Hliaatc. _
171UK SAIiIliitol : with fiirnlturo und II x
A- tin us. 'J.'i roiiins , linn , ut' . I'i'lue , ,1'iil
Iouiti.'il : tn Dougins uouniv. I ) illy receipts
W3. liive * 1 1 guto at oncu. H. II. Sluiiifo. _
limit SAM : Uriuinury ) ontllt. comprising -
Jli p. liol or , I'J'h , p. onzlne. " Do l/'ivcllc
Bupir.ttor ? , - eraain i. iwo allom uach : as )
( hiirn.iWi Ka'lons ; uowur hiittur van nor. bean
scales , lutluht HIM. witur tuilc and utlie
llxtiiro * . Will Koll chuai ) for L'.isli or tr.idi
\i\L \ \ It S ALL Small hotul In tfimH tow.i town
Jllnlidlir. . ' mil fimillnro eoinplotoi ut i
bnrKalii. li 11. Hhuiifu.
U MAU-mul llo pony fur sau | chu p , n.v \
klJllL'Usilll. _
\\rANTKD A youni ! tn in for Kuimrnl house
' 2 urlc. Trt'inont hoiisu , _
lltl. WANTIII ) Two In riunlly ! sooi
_ 1W I'oiirlli Htroct. _
IO.VT 1,0111011 nnd wlnto pointer do * , om
Jinn a half yuiim old ; had on strnp eolmr
owl of tall mini. Itolnrn toUlT Sixth uvonui
nd uol lowiml _
LOBT Near lT i donot. imlr of tu.o rapl
. ) ojo ullnilmri. Return to lli'Q. _
JOST Slundur old chiiln , hmirl ornuitent
-Junamulod forcut-inu-iiut * Kutiirn to lie
oniuf. _
IOST-An onvolouo contiln nt llvu letters
Jl.eavu at lion ollk-u and itct rowiir.l. _
If OH KIIS'T House atrl bitrn , to/nllior o
* sop ir.Uuly , uorn < ir 7th 8t. and 7th nvo
C'urputH ' unit all K nd of hon&fhiild cooils fo
"Mo ; alio , con I Id funilly Imnto und pluuton
Iiuiiiiro ii uiHiinlio < i or at W , A Wood , _
Itiom and lio.ird In urlvat
family liy u youni ; Ittdy. Kufuioncu 1
reiiulrud. A-Jdiois V i : > , llouollloo.
lady ileairm u pluco to work fo
bur bourd iilithu mm morning. Addles
A. lj. , lluu oflluo
WANTHD A young niun to work. Appl
ut ollluu of l.ooiurd l.vurutt.
\\MNTIll-An oxpurh'iiuad dlnlnu roor
i' ulrl ; treed nuxuci pnrmunvnt iiUuatloi
Apply ul on u. Hotel Gordon. _
\\7ASTKD Good Klrl tor gonoriit houw
Ti worU , ut ilJUlou uvouuo ,
To Din pioperty owners of nil lots , part of lota
nnil real estate , alone Seward slrcot from
! Wi h st i rot to aist slrect :
\ou are hurotiy not Ili'd that the under-
blsnuil. Uircn disinterested friMiholdors of tno
! city uf Uniiilia , li wo been duly ikppolnted by
thutiinvor. with ihu uptirovnl of the elty
council of said cltv , to as oss the damage to
the on MOM respectively of tlin propo'ir af-
f"eted by elinii u of sru lu ot toward street
from ; Wth to UUt streets , declared nei'os > sarv
hvordinance lW ! , paused Anoint Oth , approved
Air--ust nth.
You are further notllk-il. th'it bavins no-
coptud said appointment ! and dulv quallllod
ns lequlrod by law , wo will , on tlio 2ltti day of
Sciitninbcr. A. I ) . 18.1) . ut thn hour of 1)
o'clock In the forenoon , at thq olllce of John
P. rtactj. riin 511. Olunibor of Uomiuurco ,
within tbocoiporatu limits ot s ilii uliy , muct
for the ptirposu of cotisldi'rln t and mu > lir ;
the assusMiieiit of dimiKii to thn owners re
spectively of Bald property , nlloetod hy said
cliangu ot iirado taking Into cons deration
spnci il bt > n oil is. If-my.
Youaio uotllled to bo | iri'sont , at Iho lima
and place nforpsaid. anil miiUo any o'jjontloni
to orst itcrnonls concernlnz s ihl assessment
of iluinnsvv as you in iv consliler piouor.
Omaha , September 7 , l .i' .
P--2-d-tat ( ! vlll it ) J
_ _
In ii 11111 inco of ordina1 ! ' " ) No .rc ) ) , riqtilr-
In i owur . o incotloiis to liu made tu ana with -
In t iu iMirli UIIUH onc.Tliln strci'ts In street
InilKovt'iiitMit dlsliliits Nm. 4M. 47T , 17 . 47J
and 4S.I. In the ulty of Om.ih i. yon are hereby
luilllh'd to tniiku all no.'i"-- < arj' comit'otumi
with sow rm Ins or i.ntoruU and to uomploto
sin. h wol Icon or before Oclobt'r 1st , IKVJ , ns It
Is Iho piirpusoto pave thust-i'ots In the s.ild
districts , und moru u.irllcul.trly doser bud us
follows , to win
No 47fi--Tlii ) street lyln ? p istof tin west M
fool or lot T , block -ID. ollr. from > aelllj street
to iho alley south ot I'ni'llh ; Direct.
No. 477 Twonty-fiist struct from Wlrt
stii-ut In Sjioncer struct.
No. 47S Donxlis stro it , fro'n the west line
of tlith street lo thocast Un < ( ifMth sTuot.
No. J7'l bo piitconth stroi't from tin north
line of I'nrnam strecl lo tno south line of
Do Kostrtoi.
No. Jbll ( street fron , , the west line of
thu Omalia Holt railway's rlirlildf way to the
I'astllno of , Su I'.inl. Mlnnoiipo-
lls .t Omahurnllwiiy'B light of w.iy.
You are hereby orduicd to iiial.u the neeofl-
sary so or ooiinoctUiiid on or before the dulo
smoltloil | In this notloo. or tlin \ > lll Du
inudu by thu ulty untliorltlon. and tno cost
tlioioof iissuisod aKiilnsl fie pronurty oppii-
sltu thu SIIIIIB und spncl'illv honelltlud thcroby.
Dutuil at Omaha , Noij , th s l.'itli day ot
i-uptciiibur. 18U.1.
I1. W. ItlKKIIAUSr.U ,
Cliali man of the llourd of 1'nb lo Works.
J purls of lots , oii2Jnd stieet , from Nteholtis
struut to Ularu sireot.
Yd , i aru li'iioliy uut lied that tlio nnlor-
sljiol. tlnoe ilU.ntoiu-toil frnu holuuis of tba
clt.v of Omaha , have buen duly aio.iitcd | ] ) by
thu mivor , with the upptoviil ot the oily
comic 1 of s < 1 1 cltv. lo assusi the duma'o to
thuounuis rc-snectlvoly ot the properly uf-
fcoli'd by eriullni of Mild atreot , deoUrod
ncoc'--ary by ordinance No. o'.I ! . p'tiitied
An .iibtil'tl. ' , IS'.i ; , a ppruvort August IJUt , Ib'J. .
You 1110 further nullllud , that liavln. ac-
copied said appointment , and duly nuallUoJ
as tuipilred by law. MO ulll. on tbo ; 4tii day ot
SLMituiiihor. A I ) 1 ! ) . ' , al tlin hour of S o'clock
In the nflormion at tliu ollleo of Uoorgo . ) ,
I'liul. 10 ' , > 1'aruai'i otioot , wl bin the oorpur-
utu limits of H\I : | | city , meol for the purpose ol
coiisldurlnv nnd limit n" the iiMossmont ol
damax to thu ownon ruspuetlvuly of aald
propiMly , all'oolod -salil u-radin ; , ' , taking Into
I'OiishlffatliinanuclHl benollls If any.
Yon are not 111 ml I o br prusuiit nt Iho limo
and plucu nfoius ilil , and nriUu any objections
toorstntcmctils coiR'crnliiK ald af ss
of damages as you may oonshu-r propur.
( i 1:0110 nJ I'Atit , ,
\V.\i. ( i ,
Omiiln , Snp ember laih.lSIi'J SKirtUK
.SOtKT rrilMIN.llH | ,
Seuleil proposals will ho roculvcd by tlio un-
di'islRm'd until IMO o'olliek p. in. .September
. litli , JWJ , for Iliu const motion of sewers In
houordUtrlots NIH. 10. . Kllaiul lli. > . In Iliu city
of OiiuJin , us pur ordinances Nos. .tin , ll'.lfl
and : iM' > , ruspRotlvely. aucordlir to plnns nnd
bpoflflcutlims on ( lie In thu olllcu of the llniird
of I'ubllo Works. Kuuli ptoposal to bo made
on printed blanks f urnlshu.l hy tlio ho ml. ami
arid to bo accompanied by a coitlllnd chuck In
thuHiim of Dm , pi v.i lilu to thu city ot Omulm
IIH I'vlouncii of Rood fallli.
'l ho lioar I rosorvcs Lho ilzhl to rojeot any
or all bids , and to wim u dufouiH.
I' . W. IIIUKIlAUSrjl ,
Cliulrmnn of the Hoard ot I'ubllo Works
Omaha , Nou. , Suptun , uerlUlh , lbi. ' .
. hlti-17-rj-SI.
_ j _ _
Huuled. proposals will bo incolvod liy the
iliiluiBi ( nod until lllflo'oUijl ; p. in , r-uplumhur
2lrd. 18 . forpr.ulliiK M.irlhn sticut from'JJlh
strout , to 21th street In the cllv of Om ilia , in
uecordancn with plariH and spui'lflualtons on
Iliu In thu ofllco of tnu boar.l of public works.
IlldH will bo made on printed blanks fur-
n'shud by Iho boird , > ind to bo acoompanlui ]
byacortllludchook In ihesiim of ivjj. uityublo
to the elty of Omuha as an orldum.'o of good
fallli. ,
Tha boinl reserves the rlulit to rojuot any
or all bids und to wnliu cltifoi-u
Cliiilriii'in Hoard of 1'nbllu Works.
Om.ilia , Nub. . Kupt. Illli. Ih'J. ' , s'J-iO-lli-17.
f. Wulor Works Company , u coipuratlon ot
Now .lursoy ,
Tliu iiniluinlKiiod was iippolnlod receiver ot
mild coioration by the conn of clnincory o (
Now Jersey on July 20 , I6U2.
Hylun oidur of Kald com t , made on the day
of thu Hutu of this nutlco , you aru iciiuliod to
inovo your clulmn and ilomiindH I uforo mo to
my Mi.lixfaullon , within four months Irom the
daty hiircof , or Do oxuliidoil fiom the hunollt
of Niiuli dlvidunilii as may tlioro iftor bo mudo
of thu procuods ct thu ullccts of mild corpora
CUIms Hhould ho Iloml/ud mid sworn to ,
and may bo forwarded hy mall to CoilltmA :
Corhln , solicitors of the luccilvor. 21'J WughliiK-
ton slroul , Jersey City , N. J. Tlioy will bo
Droin pity uoknowFuiliruii.
K liYDiitlHT : ) , Kucolvor ,
\Vanliliigton : Htrnut , Jumuy Clly , N. J ,
Dutuil suptombur 1. , IH.L' .
' . . ' *
!'ji-jii5 |
I'ropoHiil for tlin Mile ul l.nxl Ity Ito.itoii of
Vuc tliiK lilltli Htritul , Uutvniii .lohn I ,
Iti'dUtk' * HuliillvUlon mill fiimum htrimt.
Hcalml proposals will Im loculvnd i.t the city
enmptroliur'n ollleo , oily of i , to 4 p. in ,
Kuplumhor27 , Ihll. . for IhoHuIti ot thu foilow-
puriMils of land : Two ploces of bJxiu : foot ,
liul un 1 'a mam and ll.iriioy mruuti and ono
ploiMi of 8Jxi7ui ! feet , botwuun llarnuy uml
llulf Howard , Illiln will bo luuulvud on oauli
or nil plucuM IIH may bu doalrml. Knob blddur
tolnploso cortlllud uhook of tJW. Thu n ht U
reserved lo rujuot any or nil bid * . IMul unU
dciurlptlon of thu luinl on II lo In thu ollli o.
THCOUOUU OIHi.N : , Commrollur ,