TTItt nMTATTA DAILY VV MP PMfilf.t \ \ 17 ian > REPUBLICAN CITY PRIMARIES Much Interest Ehown in the Bcstilt of the the Election Hold Yesterday , SCOTT'S STRENGTH DID NOT SHOW UP IndlrntlniiN ArnTlmt the UnlntiPl Jfnr tlio .liiilKO KrrrHod tlin Miiiirt | | llo Looked Itor Sum * U'nrdn Are Still Oil u n till ) ; , The ropubllcnn primary election to select candidates to the county , congressional nnd city conventions win held yesterday - day afternoon nnd wns the warmest of the kind thnt has been held In Oninhn for years. There were oantcut in nearly every ward on ono ticket or another , nnd the re sult wns a very heavy vote with close run- nlna by the contestants , On Urn coiiKro sional tiokot there were several siirprlios. The suppdrtors of "Col- onol" Scott did not mnlorlnllzo ns stroncly ns was expected , nnd Ills friends now admit thnt his chance * for the nomination nro de cidedly shin. Mercer claims the majority of the delegation , but tboio opposed to his nom ination Ilcure tlmt there nro voles enough ngslnsthlui to raalca his aoloctlon Impossible nnd enable the convention to unite upon IJartlott , Estnbrook , Cornish , or some other , available man. The contest for the council was warm in Bovoral wards. In the .Seventh D.J.Collins nnd O. M. NnttltiKer wore supposed to bo the principal candidates but the vote when counted showed Charles Thomas in the lead with votes to spare. In the Sixth WW votes were cnit of which Chrla Snocht received 103 , Nnthnn Stevens 43 nndVillmm Stephens 47. with 2a scnttonng. Following is the list of county nnd con gressional delepatos selected ns far ns the count wns completed last night : KIIIST WAIIP. - Congressional- . Back. J. li. Butler , K. J. Cornish , S. A. Cutler. Jonathan In wards. J. P. Henderson , C. G. Hotzlor , John Matthloson , .lonn Uoslnky. County A. M. Back , \V. F. Bates , Lee S. Kilolle , Louis Foltor , C. F. Goodman , John W. Hoiiza , John i'ierson , II. Vun Duseu , V. L. Vodlca For assessor , John W. Honza. I SKCONII WAUII. Congrcdslonat William Alstadt. H. J. Banker , A. J. Coiner , William A. Gatowood , W. II. Lee , William NlchoU , CJuorgo Keed , August Schroodcr , J. b. Welshnns. Countv 1. C. Bntcholor , W. C. Cloud , Israel Frank , Josepn ICavan. W. C. ICollov , George B. Strykor , T. L. Von Dorn , W. H. Wilson , John Yernk. For Assessor Auirust Schrocder , Congressional -Nat Brown , Seth T. Cole , J. C. Hubharu , Frank Hicock , Tom MoVlt- tlo , Sol 1'rince , George I'nyntcr , Thomnn Swobo , S. n. Smilh. Countv Nat Brown , Seth T Cole , Charles nrove , J. C. Huhbard , Tom MeViltio , W. B. J'nvton. O. Payntcr , Sol Prince , S. B. -Smith. For Assessor .Inmos Casey. FOUKTII WAIII ) . Congrassionnl- . H. Blair , T. A. Creigh , Ed Hanoy , Oeorgo S. Smith , T. K. Sud- horough , W. J. Hroatch , C. K. Turnoy , K. K. Xlniniorman , J. A. Powers. Countv G. W. Ambrose , W. ( . Anderson "W. F. liochcl , T. W. Blackburn , ICIijah Dunn , Charles A. Gins , W. F. Uurloy , C. P. Ilnlllxau , Frank P. ICunnnrd. FIFTH AHI > . Congressional . W. Barmun , AI. Bilby , Ed Brown. II. 1C. Hurkut , Thouiitt Elitim- wood , J. H. KvnorV. . N. NHSOII , E. I ) . VanCourt , A. Varnor. sixrn WAi'.n. Concrosslonal B. It. Bnll , S. O. Bennett , O. O. Ernst , 1' O. Hanson , George H. Jo'in- non , U. G. Llpplncott , John McLcurie , E. D. Pratt , Jr. , W. H. Stephens. Countv Cnrr Ax ford , John Havward , II. T. LflBVltt , Louis Littlofliild , Honrv McCoy , } i. C. Smith , Isaac Sylvester , J. C. Whuiuon. ( .Jeorpo Wilson. For Assessor F. W Mauvillo. SF.VKNTII WAUII. CongroHsionnlIsano Adams , W. H. Alex ander , I. IL Andrews , Louis I5orka , Ewlng Urown , J * V. C.irr. J. W. tiller , George W. bublno , J. H Taylor. County G. S. Ambler , Thomas Carev , A. S. Churohill , II. E. Cochnino. C. M. D.illey. John J. Hullor. .lainos C. Jsh , John iS'orboi'K , John C. Thompson. Assessor LsnvU P. Norhorg. 1-.III1ITII UAllll. Congressional .lames Allan , L. A. Black , II. L. Burket , A. F. Clurif , J. B. Eminon- per , A. G. Knapp. J. JN. Phillips , J. J. Sav- lllo , J. II. Schneider. County John T. Clarke , T. d. CrocUer , H. P. Dolman , T. H. Fii7gorald , Irn Lozlor , AI. O. MacLeod , J. W. Nichols , H. W. Uoy- fields , M. F. blneloton. For Assoisor Chris Biyer. fcdU'lll ( MVIIA. Congresslonnl E P. Savage. J. O. East man. A. C. Powers , E. O. Mnvllold. A. H. Alurdock , Lymnn Carpenter , Phil Brayton , IMnrk Boukal , D. Anderson , D. McGuckln , Howard Movers , A. K. ICullv , H. W , Carey , r. M. Smith. County W. S. Andor on , Bruce McCul- loon. W. M. Wood , K. S. Daniels , Alex Sohlegol , W. S. Konwnrthv , Gtorgo Thomp son , Sum D.ivls , NuN Poturs-m , Thomas .Peterson , N. K. Acker , J. W. Cross. Mll.lUtll. Congressional Henry KoUey. Eggorts 3'cclc , linns I lolling , Five ! Sehou , D.ivid ICal. County William Von Doliren , John LomHo , j F. Wrlbright , George Plumbock and John ArlT. . County II. L Livingstone , ( ; . II IJonKer , .lonas A. Fry , Charles Wltto , H. Holf * . Congressional . A. Nolle , 11. J. Uolf , A. IMackclmnn , John AI. Brunnor. Kobcrl , Douglax. I lllllllHlll-ll ClllllltS. On the i ounty ticket In the Fifth ward the light was a bitter ono. Scratched tickets were the order of the day , causing tne can- "assets an eiulloss amount of troll hie. Four hundred nnd twanty-llvu votes woru cast and ui 'J o'clock this morning iln ; count was but nbout half coii'Ploicd. Thu Indications were that E. Benedict , Henry Bolln , H. K. Bur- kot , C. O. Lobook , Gcorco F. Mnnro mid M. F , Sears , six of the uaiieus delegates , had boon olcetcd hv good working majorities. The boltors rlulm three delegates , W. H. Mallory , Joe Kcdman and C. J. Wostordnhl , they having duloaied W. II. Butler , W. T. Graham und A. A. McClauuhnn , caucus nominees. In tbo Ninth ward at midnight the board Wan still counting on the county and con gressional tickets , Thu regular caucus ticket lor dolevutob to the county convention seemed to have the lead ami all the delegates on that ticket will probably bo elected. I'ur tliii Ciiiuiril. The ro-iult ol tboi-ontost for councilman in thu various warde wis as follows : First Ward-S. A. Cutler. Second Ward A. C. Ilnrte. Third Ward A. D. Whllu. Fourth Wara-l ) . H. Whooler. Fifth Ward -W. A. Snimdors. Slxtu Ward Chrln Spocht , Seventh Wnrd UhurloA L. Thoniiu. Eighth Ward Charles Bruuer , Ninth rt'ard Churlo.i -lohnson. . UIMOC : II.VTIC nisio.\ri\r. : Troulilv Oit-r I'tii'xplulnuil ' roklpiiiiuiiiont ot Ihimocriitlo CuiiKfiiKMlunul CiiiivuiiUuif , Lilfo is a burden for tUo momoura of the democratic congrcsslonnl cnniuilttco and all because they mot yuaturctuy inrriilug and poitpoiitid the coiiKreailoual con vention until after the republlnanti have made their cougronslomil nomination. The tlomocrottc convention wan to have boon hold , today , out the dntu now tlxud is Huturdny , September ' 'I. Three of the four mombori of the committee - too were present at the meeting G. J , SU'nudwff mid F , It , Morrlssoy of Douglas , and Hick * CUrk of Washington , Dare Bogloy ot Sarpy being the abient oouiioltteumati Tlie only reason aiiiKiiad or thocommUtcols thntl.hoobnngoUin the boil Internets of the party , hut It Is the open talk of democrat * on the street thnt the interests of the party hnvo boon Ignored , and that the move Is sololv In thn Interests of Governor lloyd1 ! candldaor. Excited dhclplos of do- mocrney cavorted up nnd down the streets this noon in search of Chairman Storn. ilorT ( ( and when thov found him Impressed him with the belief that something wn * weighing on tholr minds , Ho wns emphatically In formed thnt ho had killed himself politically ( orever , nnd the chairman sorrowfully re marked thnt local democracy couldn't Mt down on him much harder than Ithtul nlroncl v. Ho denied thai the change was made In thn Interest of Governor Boyd or nny other particular candidate , thoiifh bo maintained that the governor was tno strongest man who could bo nominated by the democrats of this district. His sorely troubled brethren , however , refused to bo comforted , nnd continued 'o Insist with mucn omnhnsls and nurorn boronlls language that the nomination of anyone but Judge Danno would moan victory for the republi can nominee , If ths Inttor wns nblo to com mand the support of his party. The delegates to the convention decided nt 3 o'clock to bold the convention tonny , us had been previously Intended , notwith standing the postponement , and sent out notices to the nti.ientrcs to tint effect. Clmlnnnu Stenndorff wns soon In rognrd to the official notlco of postponement. Ho snld : "There can bo no question of the right of our committee to postpone the congrosj slonal convention ono week , nnd the com- inline will stand pat on that point. The faction of dUgrtllitlod don.oor.Us now howl ing nt our notion mnr seek to meet In con vention In pursuance of the llrst call , but I warn them thnt If they do thov will Imvo more trouble on their hands , tor the convention will meet September ! M nnd nomlunto a good forcongrois , nnd ho will be the regular nominee of the parly. If these malcontents want to tight this campaign with two Oomo- cratle nominees for congress In this district , lot them t'o abend. The convention was postponed nftor duo deliberation ns n measure - uro of party policy nnd wo shall not recede. Our authority In the promises cannot bo denied. " .Sdini ) Very I.lvnly Ililstllnir. Dave fiogloy , democratic congressional comnUttooman from Sarpv county , cnmo In ' last ovonlnA und from'daylight until mid night several exceedingly lively sessionJ of the committee wuro held In various parts ot ihoelty , wherever nnd whenever tnombars encountered delogntcs to the convention. The commltieemen were besought to nt once rescind the notion taken during the morn inc , but Mr. Morrlssey was obstinate , nnd declared that nothing ot the kind would be done.He mysteriously oxplninod that thu move was made In the best intornsts of tno party , but lurtbor than thnt would not not say , declaring , when pressed for some thing mom definite , tbiit. ho was under conh- dcntlul oullirntions not to reveal just what lnul Influenced the action of the committee. All the members of tbo committee were very roundly nnd Impartially "cussed , " nnd there wuro some broad throats of vigorous discipline. Clark had to leave for homo on a late ovenlcg train , but before ho wonr , ho was roidy to admit that thu committee had iniulo tin impotltu movo. Stornsdorff beg.i n to weaken , and nt midnight hcroio treatment was houiL' atmliod to the ohstroocrous Mor rlssoy. The delegates did not. bank altogether on being aiilu to convince the committee , and circulated a protest among themselves by wlucn they also ugroed to attend the conven tion today and nominate a congressman. Not DUO to whom it was presented refused to sign It , and earlv in the evening it was sot- tied that at least sixty delegates from Doug- Ins county mid two each from Sarpy and Washington , would bo in attendance at the convention. mtli U'anlm-H Uiilly. Tbo Fifth ward republican rally , held last night , was a decided success , and this morn ing the republicans of that ward nro tickling ono another nudar the short ribs when they spcai : of the delightful time that they en joyed while bollliiir over with enthusiasm. The Fiftn Ward Flambeau club mode Its first nppeiiraico : , nnd us tno boys , llfty strong , clad In now red , white and blue zouave uniforms , marched down town to escort the spoakurs to the meeting , they wore cheered und cheered. Owing to gathering of republicans nt , the primaries , the mooting was late In getting started , hut when It once got. wull uudqr way , Urn enthusiasm was overflowing. ' Stirring speeches , abounding with good republican doctrine , were delivered bsr W. S. Summers and J. G. Tnto. after which the ItOt ) republicans who were present went to their homes feeling fully convinced thnt this is u republican yuarull along the line. .v.- Cincinnati I'ulU < iu HID ClianipliiiiH and SIIII'.UH TlKini Haul. BOSTON , Muss , Sept. 10. The game hero today wns a pitchers' battle and was very exciting. Attendance , 1,408. Score : llotton 0 i UliiDlnniii : 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 * 2 Hits : Huston , 15 ; Cincinnati. 4. Krrors : Bin- ton , ! : Clnuinimtl , I. K.unoii runs : Cincin nati.- . H.itluilus : Muliolxaii'J lloiiuut ; Dwyer mil Muriiliy. NK\V YORK , Sopt. HI. Crane's pitching lost today'i game for Now Y'orlf. Attend ance. 1..VJJ. Score : New York . ' ) 0 I ! 0 0 0 1 'J 0 0 Uluvtiliuid 2 0 II . " > 0 0 0 0 * IU lilts : New Voric. U : Cleveland , ! ) . Krrors : New \ ( irl , . li ; Uluvulnnd. S. Kurncd i um , : Now Y rK , I. t'luvuluml , I. ll.itlurlcs : Crano. Fuller nnd Kwlng : Ulurksou nnd X.lriuuor. WAHIIINI.TON , D. C.Sapt. Hi. Washington lost todav to Chicago thrsuph errors ot Judi'- mont. Wiiather clear. Attunduncu l.UC'J. ' Score : Washington 2 2 Chicago 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 II lilts : Washington , fl : ( 'hliriKO , o , Krrors : Waxlilnutim. 1 : L'hluiigu. 1 HaiterluH : Abbey nnd .MuCiilru ; llntuhlnion : mil Kltlrldge. NKW YOIIK , Sopt. 1(1. ( Tno Broonlyns' bad streak was broken bv scoring n victor over the Louisvilles today in Brooklyn. At- tonilanco-bU. Scoio : llrnoklyn ( I 00 4 l.oillsxlllu 2 Hits : llrooklvn. 7 : I.onlsvllln , 7. Krrois : ItroiiUlyn. 1 , Lonlhvillu , 4. llatturlus : Sluln nnd ( Irlllliii .Str.tlton and Mmntl. Pllli.iDKi.i'iiu , Pa.S9pt. 10. The Phillies could not ni-iko a hit today when u hit meant rum. nnd St. Louis won handily. Weather pleiiiiint. Attendance , US5 , Score : St. Louis 4 Philadelphia I Hits : St , l.ouls , 8 : riilladolphln , 0. Krrors : St. l.iiiiN. j riilinilulplilu , 4. II itlorlcs : Ihui- leynnd lluokliiy ; Ivoiifn and UUimuiits- . BvMiMoiir. Aid. , Soot. H ! . Thul'ittsburK- ors hit AIcMahon , but the Orioles played an unusually brilliant gnmu nnd compelled them to earn nil thu rum they scnrud. Woutlier fuir : uttundanco b70. llaltlnioro 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 II fl I'lltsbunr 0 0 0 I 0 0 o 2 2 .1 lilts : llaitlmorc. | ) j Plttsljiirg. 14. Krrnfs : IlalllniDir. 1 ; I'lltslnirz , 2. llalturles : Mc.Ma- hon and Kuhln-on ; Turry und Miller , M.Hilling ut tliu Tuaiiii. Mr * . J. W. Munn U vlsltinc friends nt Iionno , In. Mr. mid Mrs. 11.V. . SnyUor Uuvo ROOD to Albany , N. Y. lOx-Hcnator i\nU Mri. Clmrlos Van \Vyclc WITO In the city yoiterdny. Mis Insno KUiorton loft by tlio North- \vtMtorn yosturduy for Hustings. AI. Uticlniiy foil by the Noithwcitorn } estorutty afionioun for Chicago , A. Truynor , H. II. Klrb.v. L. Gullownv. Dr. Stone Ur. I'nul 1) , , . II. Hhodes unit wife , Miss li" sltVedKU und n luojo party ol others will leave by the Norlh\ve tcrn in. nlfht lur Wellington , I ) , 0. Pat O'llnwos , J. n. Siuvhlll , D. L. Thomas. John U. Willis nnd wlfo , James K. Kraticp , Mr . J. JJ. West. Ur. Spiiuldlnp , J. U. Hon- doisou nud L. Phillip * loft by tlio Hurling , ion last night fur Washington , 1) . U. Cmtioii , III , , Sopt. 10. [ Special Tolograiq to TUB Hn : . | I'hb fallowing .S'obratUuns I'epistoivd at tha hotels today : Victoria U. W. Uftrnrtroii. Mr * . C , W. Oiuinlnt' , Mrs. William A. Wlllard , Omaha. Shunuan J. P. Hoyden nnd lady , Lincoln ; O. 11. Kuplhli , Omaha. Pulmur home K U. Johnson and wife , J. W. Tttttle , Omaha. Creat orthoni R M. liiiriiottnud wife , W. Uaudall. J. J. Dnike , John 1) . Uuth , Omaha ; J. M. Monti. Nebraska ; II. O. Miott , Lincoln. l. , aj K , M. Kuoyoii , ARE ON Era AGAIN emu non.l WM Icftrned , however , to show tlmt , If tlio c.iptnln hnd nny doubts about tlin nnturo of the Uisoaio tlio Intelligent pmtcngors hud none. In Ilko. mnnnur nil ilia p.nsotitfors who Mood on the upper iltfcks were driven back from the rail lost they should convoy nny In formation. Immediately nftor the nohaniiac.iUnnc.hnr , thn qimrantlno lug Cryttnl W tor cnma alonca'ao , and qimrantlno regulations were oUnblljIicJ , 1'llot.Iolui Shocks of pilot bout 12 , the America , ono of the boat known pilots , of the buy , brought nor in. llo bonded her onrly yuiterday rnornlr.i { , 200 inllos east of Sandy Hook. Ho sulil ho hail not been off the bridge nil day nnd did not pronoso to RO off. In splto ot tluit , ho will probably bo no- tnlnod for several itnys. The Dohomtn I * of the unlucky Hiunluiru- Amcrlcnn lino. She has been ninny years In the service , nnd slnco the nppcnranco of tlio fnst pasioiiKor aloatnar * slut liml been carry ing emigrants. She hixi ton cnbln passengers. Niiinpft ul tlio Victims. This morning Dr. Bvron tologrnphod thnt ho had visited the Hohemln. Ttioru\tora ( ! . ' ! : i stcorntro pasaoiiROt'J , ten cabin pnssoiifrcrs and n crow of sovonty-soven nbourc ! the vessel - sel , all apparently \voll. Mho condition ot the vessel ns regardi cloanllnuss wns llrsl rnto. The Jead nro ; SANA DISTKIi , ' 'j vents old , illoil Soptum- burfi. I' used ; ) , died Spptumuot fl. KKWKI Wr.33ljIA. uuctl 'J5 , dind Scutum- hcr7. JANKEh KAITKODNIOH. 1 your , dlod Sop- tombpr 7. MAlIANNiitOIUNSICIi { : ) agodS , died Sup- tumlior 7. HUllANCEl'lllEDMAN , nKdJ fs died Sep. lumber c. SS. aged 1 , died Soptem- IIK UASS. nia-d 4. dlod September 12. SI. LIC MI'tUIO.N. iiKt-d I. dlcil Siiptuiiitic-r IS. TAUIl .MKMJin.SsOtlN , need il , ( Hod Sep- te'llllCr 1" > . MKli MHNUKLSSOIIN , nscd r , dloaSoptom- bur 15. _ OITIOIAI. DliOI.AItATlONS. Xow York Miiyor Imitut n I'roclnmiitloii to the I'enplool Tlmt city. Nnw Yoiuc , Sept. ! ( > . After n conference with President Wilson of the Health depart ment nnd I'rusldent Porter of the Depart ment ot Chnritios nnd Corrections on tlio out break of cbolcra In this city , Mayor Grant nave out the following last nlthi : MAVOII'S OKi'K'i : . Sent. IS , Ib9. ' . To ttiu I'uh- llu : 'I'liu druiuh'd cholera has uppu.ired In this olty , iiud thu lloulth ilopiirtniHiit lias so fur slioivn Its ability to nrrest thu dUoaso promptly. The lluiilth department und thu Pop trtmcnt of Chitritlus nnd Corrections mo fully equipped to nrrt'sl und onro for ouch ease uiul stamp it out of tln > Immediate lounllty In ulilL'li It Js dlseovurcd. The proclamation lurthor declares thnt rc- coptlon hospitals , with doctors nnd nurses. nro nil equipped und ready to receive nnd lio- late oacli cnso as it Is discovered ; that Its phystchuis nro wntchinp the thickly popu lated tenement districts ; tbnt tbo federal nnd stuto authorities have established quur- ior ' nose coming iroin uuroau ; that the Chnmbcr of Commcrco Is taking nutlvc measures to lend assistance ; that no energy or needed expenditure will bo wmit- inc and ihnt excessive fear on the nnrt of the public Is not Justltled. Tlio mavor culls tar conlidcnco in nil thcso provisions to euro Ior too public weal. Cholera , the proclama tion ncithciMnfcctlous nor contHglous within tno common meaninc of the words ; nor is it. In thu IniiKiinge ot the onilnotit au thority. ns dangerous as diseases that are constantly HI our midst. The public will Do intelligently advised as to the progress of the disease. The paper closes ? "Host nssured thnt nil will be done by the authorities to meet uvery omurgcncy , nnd with the confidr-nco of the pumlc nnd their aid in enforcing snnitnry regulations , the cholera will bo mastered , health restored and peace , good order and huppiucbs maintained. " iMl True ironi Cholera. [ Coprrlnbtvd Bit. bj .In HUM Cordon Ilcimott. ) AI.TOSA , Sept. 10. [ Now York llorald Uublo Special to THE DEI : . I Ttiis city und Klol have been declared free from cholera by too government. Altoaa yesterday had four cases and three deaths. The collector of the port is issuing clean bills of health to vessels. Sporadic cases continue to appear In country towns near HnmDunt. The stock of the Hamburg-American PaoKet company is down to 103. It was selling at 124 before the epidemic. Most of the general cargos nro now shipped by tbo Wilson line via Hull. Hug HniKun Out ul. Naples. [ Copyrighted IS'.I2 by.lnmua Cordon IIonQett. ] Niri.Es , Sept. 10. ( New York Herald Cable Special to Tin : Um.1Cholorn has made Its appearance here. I have reliable information showing that from eight to ten deaths have occurred dally for the past few days , but the authorities nave suppressed thu facts in hopns that the disease may bo praventud from beccming opldamlc. Ono case of cluMora has occurred at Cnprl. llimlniri'M : Olllciul MiitlntlcH. [ C'opyrlKlited IBM hyJnmoi ( iortlon Iloiinatt. ) II..Miifno , Sept. 10. fNow York Herald Cable Special to Tin : BiiK.l Now cases , 1100 , and deaths , 1S ! ! , weio reported to ttm statistical bureau yesterday. Of thosa oigbty-four cases anil thirty deaths occurred previously. The pi'lico yesterday took lUs cases of cholera to hospitals and buried llttv- three bodlci. This shows a slight increase , which , hoivovor , Is not considered of im portance. M < > xiri > > l y IHnir.iiitlnii Ag.ilnst Us. CITV or MUMCO , Mcx. , Sept. 10. Dis- putrhcs received hero announcing the up- pcuranco of choleivt In Now Yorkclly cre ated a profound sensation on all sides. Thu government has asked for details of thu mat ter and if tlui story is e.mllnnod it. will declare - clare thu utletest quurantlnu acaipsl all ar rivals from tin ) United .Status. What folly I To bu without lieecham's pillb. ll'lthKK Tl.lli.s TIIK 7J A7f.V6'K , I'lji'M lit St. Joe Knorldn .SccoiulH Oft'lt.iro Iti-i'iiriN ulth I.'UM' . ST. Josurii , iMo. , Sept. 10. [ Special Telegram - gram lo i'nt ; lii.J : Still the records go , and the crowdi como to witness the great rncu events of tno groatcat mooting over held in the west. Twonty-livo thousand people were in nttondauco on today's races. Today's events were ol thu most interesting char acter and kept up the exciting Interest in the wook's program. Tbo Hist , race called was tlio l'Jl ! ; tiot , unfinished from ycsturuay. liraco Napoleon , by Louis Nupdleon , had two heats , and uho won thu third heat today oiibll.v in 1\ : \ } \ . . Thu-j'J''piico , the next race , Dandy O and Flowing Tidu , out fnvurltc.s in the pools , but Dan Tucker , a nructicully unknown hnrno , won in straight heats , Dun Tucl'ur was bren bv Kd 1'yloof Humbolut , Nub. , and in win ning his race uddx another brilliant K"m to Kobusith's crown. With a purse of i'J.OOO the aI : class was n corumg rucu and c.rougnt out fuur of tno year's phenomenal performers , Lord Clinton , 2lof : , oy Dcnnlngallon ; IJ llo Vera , aI5 : , by Vatican ; Cnarlestou , Usiri , bv Bourbon Wllkcn , and Jessie ( luinuj , ! Jir : > H/ by Olliu Uvines , with tUo veteran drivers , Dave Haybolcl , Hudd Dohlot M. 10. Moiloniy nnd Hob ICnuoba up. Charleston jiroved too much of ti race hor. o for lili lluU and won after Hvu hotly cantestcd huMr. Lord Clinton trolled the second heat III 'JUS. Hello Vura nmdo a recoui ot v.ll ; ! Mid Charleston goiurccora ol . > : ! ! ) . Thu'JMO class wn n walkover for Ken tucky Union. She wor. in straight heats. Her bust tlmo , iiill ) , won her the tsou r.udi- tloual otTerod Oy thu association for 'Jiltf or butter , Thu sensational meeting of the day vrn tuu friu--for-all pact ) , with < Juy Maniigcr und UoyYllkes as klnrtors , HovVilkes \yor. tbu lint neat lit ' 'IS1 ' ; , Mauogurvon thi next liont iuil)4 ; ) uial estubllthed thu world1 * xtulllon ruci > record for-t-ycur-olun. ( iuy uupturc'd the next heat in 'JMl'Ji-j , Mana ger tuning thn next in:1HV : , und Uuy gettiui ; the llflh \ ' ! ; \ * . The ruce V > IM tlien contluuoil to tomoirow , Murtha Wlllscs , ' . ' : U.H , started agalust her lOvOrd made on ttm Jndopmidencu track and raudo n record of L'iU'JK ' for u regulation lr uk. H wt'.t a ii at mile for the ni ro. ' nicotd from 2iffil , to 2 , in , .Syl Miller , fiRnliut time , lowered his rec9 iromSiv ! . ' ) to a.m. . l-niinty Pit I r. WATN-B , Nob. , * $ flpt. jn.-rj3poclat Tolo- grani to TUB Hia Jj-Tno Wayne county fair has boon n erotto IQCCOSS , fitr oxcolllng the expectations of t'flrf'n' ' oclntlon. The nttor.d- nnco today vns nhtmt 2,500. , Tlircc-inlnnloWV'iJ. trotlln i Vrink II .Ir . . " , ? J ; . . . . . . . , I I ! 4 ( ] haroy Stiles. .j.1.0 , ' . . . . , < . . . . . S : i 1 t I'lmlliiOMt ; . ; ? \ ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4443 runny .Monrou , . . 3J3 > n dr T.lno ! 8:50. . . „ „ Two-llnrty oliM , itottlni-t Kitty Vern . , . . ? . \L \ . . . . . . ; DooTlldou. . . : : : . . < s 2 a a A 110 ? ? ; ? ? . ; . . ; . i u a : i Hcsttlmo : sSft"i- : ' - Special trot , llnnnnct colts : Allen ( i . . , i. , . . .v.i. * . It Hum T Koso . , . % < ) . , . . . ; i il llaiiijnol Hey , J 8 - ' l''ri0-foi-all. ' ! ntnnlnKt i , . Wcdculluld , . . „ 1 1 I'lporlluldiolcK. . . . . . . . S 'J Slet-py Tom ' . . . : t : i Sorrel Hill \ . : . , . . 4 4 Hoys' bloyclo nice : .Tohnnln llonnott first. Moyd .tones second , Mat Coylo third. Will Snvldet ! fourth , r I adl > s'biovolo contest'for the most Rraco- Jul rldinit honors < , vnro 'evenly divldcil ne- tttoi'ii Mcidiimps ] < \ Ij. Nooly , Kobort Mlllor and K. I' . OmstocJ. There were twulvo In entries the free-for-all bicycle r.ico , which loiulted us follows ! Qcnran Coylo. . . . \ . . . . . . . . 1 1 Ilort Cook i ! a I'hnrlny Dlltte „ , II 'I Mr. Wiilniiilp k 4 4 Uthors scattorud. The nssoclitlon will bo nble to | iav all premiums nnd expenses hi full nnd fotuln n balnnco In tUo treasury. ' ' ( > | IMO at Syracuse. SXIIACUSE , Nob. , Sent , It ) . Tolo- tram to Tin : IJuu.j four events wont to maltp up thu fourth and last day's racing of the Otoo county Inlr. The wcnUior wui cool nnd conductvo to fast tttno. The track wns very fast , us was sliown uy the attompUs to lower records. In the. tirat race ilvo sturtera came to the polo. It , tooK five heats to asuor- taln the wlnnor , ns the second was judged n dead Finishes were close nnd oxclt- lup , pivinp the crowd n good specimen of trotting. In tuu second event Kltowood wns n strong favorlto nnd-hnd n walkaway nftor the first hoat. The third nnd fourth races were each participated in by only two horses. In the latter Uuoinh lowered tils record of 2:2J : ( ) < f toU:17J : . Dancer , too , boat his pre vious record of 'J:29f : , tuinod the mlle In :3:25J : : . Lndy Bntlor to boat ! 2 : ! > J % wont In 2.1.1 , Summaries : 2:4.i : class , pursa } | U3. Rd Davis , 1 nnrancq Hello . . - % . ; I'linnlo SpraRtio ; 'J U ; i 4 : i Ouor o Dlckson 45434 Oronlti 54 dls : 2:59'i. : 2:31ij. : 2'S : , 2:31 : ? and 2:1)0. : ) Match trot , $100 n side : Alarm Hey 2 1 2 tlplun , 121 Tlmo : 2iUH. : : 2:3lIi,2M2f. : ! Hueclal : ( Inolnh | r Jim Dunn 'J 2 Tlmo : 2:2U. : 2l7'j. ; - , . Iliinlim Cliilins to Itn Glininplon. luufi.Mu , v-ini. , oopi. iii. tiuwarn unman claims to ho champion of America nnd says ho was never bcatou ovofin llvo-milo couwo , which Is the full r.ecognlzed course. He now offers to row O'Conribr over a championship course of live miles , i Kiiocld-d ( rrtt'ln Thrco Itdiincln. RICHMOND , Ind.'Sept. ' 10 , Edward Hen- nott of Canada 'and James Daughorty of Pennsylvania , lightweights , fought to n finish tnis morning. , Dougherty wns knocked out. at the end of the third round. Mothsrs will tliuJ Mrs. Wmslow's Sooth ing Syrun tna oesf remedy fortholrchildron 25 cents a bottle. WHEN CHOLERA WAS l\7 \ OMAHA Tina Oily was Visited by thu Postllenca Twonty-Foiir Yonrs Ago. EXPERIENCE OF THE PHYSICIANS THEN Dr. l/oll'iiinii Tolls of tlin ITiiRross of tlin ringiiii nnd Illi I'orjtiinnl lltpiirloncn \Vltli U llo SticgrstH lltoiMl as n Sjioclllr. Aslntto cholera U not an ontlro str.tngor to Omnhn. Tno m.tlady wns hero in 1SS : ! nnd claimed n score of oooptc for Its own , "Thn cholera was brought to Omaha In ISflS by a clrcni , " salt ) Dr. Coffmnu today when nskcd to rolnto his experience in the trcntmont. of choloni patients. "Thero was one cnso of cholera among the men who followed Iho show which made Us nppnnr- nnce nt Fort Hllcy , Kan , The man dlod nnd nothing moro was noticed of the disease among the show people until they reached Omaha , when another man was taken down with it. Ho wns left hero nnd recovered , but ho scattered the disease through the boarding houses , nnd wo hnd nbout forty cases of cholera mid nbout twenty deaths in n very few days nftcr itho milady begun to get hrlu worit. At that time wo nnd no dis infectants to ; of. About the only thing wo could use for dUln- fuctlng purposes wni turpentine. The patients received the best cnro Uiat wo could provide hero nt thnt time nnd the dlsuaso soon ran Its course and disappeared. " "Aro you Hiiro It was the Asiatic cholera ? " "Certainly it was , but It wns not in epi demic form. Previous to thnt lima I hud treated n large number of cases of cholera In Houston , Tex. , when I was nn army surgeon. In ISlu a company of sol diers arrived nt Galvcston from Governor's island with cholera raging on boatd. The dlgcaiosoon broke oat in Galveston and in Houston and there were over 'JOO cases in those two cities doforo wo cot II wiped out. The cases wo hnd In Omaha were con'llned to u few boarding bouses whore the aUonse got n foothold before the nnturo of the malady was understood. " Can Scarcely 'to Aioltluil. "The disease is propagated Uv contact ana carelessness , " the dostor continued. "Thero Is absolutely no use lor people to bocotno alarmed about , cholera. The fact of the matter Is I believe wo have n few cases of sporadic cholera In Oumhii almost overv year. And I believe that there are numerous cases of cholera in Now York every year. But the dlseaso does not assuino nn opldoinlo form and It does not spread. When these great epidemics como there is nothing that human tunt will cope with thoju. They circle the earth despilo the olTorts of man to mtorfcro witli tholr progress. Wo can place ourselves in shape to escape with the minimum amount of inta'ity. ' but wo cannot escape ontirelv from the passage of a general epidemic when we Imppcu to llo in its path. If the cholera should appear in O.naha in sporadic or iso lated form thure would bo no cause for alarm. Tlio discasn could bo kept In check , but if It comes as an epidemic tnen wo snail have to look out. I believe thnt if cholera germs cot into tbo stomach of n perfectly healthy man they will pivo him verv surious trouble. This talk nbout a heal thy stomach being nblo to kill the L'orm1 : is all a mistake. The only absolute safety Is to keep the pjsky things out of tbostomuch. Thostomucti and bowcN nro the natural habitat of thosa deadly germ * , nnd when they once pot In there they will oronto mischief In short order. I would say that the wisest course to pursue Is to observe the strictest cleanliness- about the homo nnd the person. All forms of garbage should bo burned or hniilcd nwny , ami only suoh food iii may bo known to bu pure nnd wholesome should bo tnken Into tt\o mouth , All drinking wntor should bo hoilod , nnd ovorv Kind of alcoholic nnd intoxicating liquors should' bo absolutely avoided. If pconlo must tiso liquors let thorn use some of tno light clnrolv but by nil menus nvoid nlco- hello stimulants. There Is no necessity for eschewing the use of good , wholesome trulls. The best way Is to move right along in the ordinary course of lite , hut to observe torn- perato and clonnly hnbits with the most ex- nctlng regularity. That Is the way to tortlty ngaliiit an itttnok of cholera. " "What treatment would you suggost-for n cholera pntlontl" > o fultli In llnnuiiiu'ft Virus. "The best thing thnt n cholera p.ulint can possibly tnko , 1 tnlnit , ta pure , blood. Cows' blood , any kind of pure blood , will kill cholorn germs us SUM as thsy come In contact with It. Yon cnn't glvo it patient the cholcrn by Injecting tlio germs Into his volns. That Is sure death to the germs nud thnt U thu reason that I have in ) faith In the Inoculation theory advanced bv IMstodr. The scrum of the blood when ncp- nraled frnra the flbron li the food tbnt chol era germi tlirlvo upon , but so long ns tlio blood Is li'ialtiiv the germs cannot exist In It. 1 found Una .strong coffee produced good remits when given to cholura patlont-t. Blood , eotToo and saltv drinks nro nbout tbu best remedies thnt I know of for the relief of u cholera patient. Alcohullo stimulants nnd opiates must be scrupulously avoided or your patient will soon bo n corpse. I have nlso used calomel to good nnvnntagu in cholera cases , bat nt 1 paid before blood Is the best thing you can give. " With regard to disinfectant * ) Dr. Coffmnu snld : "Sulphato of Iron nnd zinc nro thu best nUlnlectnnts for clothing thnt can bo used with perfect freedom und there will bane no deleterious results. I don't believe that you can employ nny disinfectant that will kill the germs of chotora while human bointr.s occupy the sumo apartments. Thu only way to do the work thoroughly in to close the room and then usu u disinfectant that will kill ( ivor.v nnlmal in it. In the IHO of sulphur candles great care .should tie taken to avoid thu deleterious effects upon ttio lungs. " I.oiik Out lor Next bummer. In conclusion the doctor said : "If wo Imvo n hot. and moist summer next ycarwu shall hnvo to look'out. Cbolurn must have huat nnd moisture t'o thrive. It is Just ubout twuuty-llvo years slnco the last opi- demlu ot cholorn nud It would not surprise mo to see it brnnk out In this country next su minor nnd give us a great deal of trouble , but there Is no dangur this full , I think , of the disease gain Ing u foothold In this country. If freezing would kill the germs wo would bo compar atively safe , but there is the diflicn'ltv. Cholera germs may lay dormant , ihrough several winters and with thq first favorable condition break out In .soniofilthy community wheru n suitable soil lias been provided for the propagation of the disease. " Tlio convention uf loi'oiuotlvo firemen Isstlll In si'-slon In Cincinnati , O. The bo lies nt tlio people who wont , down on the oti'ii nor Western Iti'iorvu l wuek or niiiru n eon li'iko M enl.'au li ivu linen recovered The supreme olhVorsof thu Ordurof Iron Hall li ivo uppuale.l to Iho mo uber-i to st mil hv thorn In tho.r efforts to again get control ofw \ \ funds of Iho < ir I en T. Ivuor. li".id bookkeeper for tlio Jarvli C'onUlln tlort ,120 cirnp my uf ICins : is City. Is suld to IJ ) u defaulter to the uxttmt of f-M.W ) . Whun I ist hoarI from he was In Kiu'laii'l. The Louisiana l.ntlury company wil 1 In all probability riimiuonco to do hiHlirMt In Ihu llauallan Islands. In oonsl ler.ition of thu annual payment of fil'.OJl ' It l-t s iM a charter In do dullness will Do granted the comn my hy thu n illvn legl lutnro HUHtfi /IM ( Inf r IM MM Itr tlilf lit 11 , nitu tnttifirhitiiitinniltlintent'iit * PAUMii.KI-A : dniuhtorto Mr ! i nd Mrs. i : U wnrd A. I'armelee. KNUWI.KS-A daughter to Mr. nnd MM. Knowlc . KK'llNlitd.ttiahter ; In Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilnr- vnv Ixi'Ohnor. MI'NHO-A eon to Mr. and Mrs. I' . U Mnnro. U\IU.Niit-A : son to Alt. mil Mi st. Samuel Oaiilncr. Discn o never .Mtccosituiiv ntt cki thosvs- loin with pure blood. DoWltt's SaMiipulllj pure new blood and uiirlchus bloj.l. A'ol/cf.1 / 11//Iin llii'jiiir.lcsnc utSi-lhM tiMilflftu trnt > l < w/i / ii I iflt-iini' ' llu , ! ' ttnti. liAI < SO. > Mary R , Heptombor I.INK1 , ago I llf'VM' " > N Albert , Seiitumbur l.\ ! > . ' , nwo I months. 1YA..Mary ! Septdinbur 15 , IMtt. HRIJ M y en ts. Mi" . Riibri't Ilr. An K\empt I'lromnu of Jnekson I'nKlno Co. , Long I , lind Clly , N. Y. , says ( hat at Clulstmas , 1800 , ho could only lake n smell of dinner , ns hens In .ifeaifulrondltionfuim l > ) > -p < 'i ii > - Thn nc\t snimner hoont to Huiope for his health , hut eainn homo iincuivd. in the fall hit decided nponn tlioiouyli tilalof 's And by Cliilstmas had n lienity riiipelllo , healthy dlcestloii , and was perfectly wi-lf , Ills onrewai dtusvlmllyto Hood's H.irsapaill'a. ' HOOD'S PILLS euro ll > cr UN , loiutlpatloii , bl ' ' . 'i-nl U'l.licaUnilie. Trytlicm. HI Extract of Bsef , Do you ticup ul IJoof Tea ? See tlmt it is niiulo from llio Gor. " " l" " " " ' . k thu best. ljtiro , ptihv table , ref. solnils t'loiirly- the B'lron LotSJ biir's aliinnnro L sS A , n bhiu on oaoh S , , ? iibjl , thin. - * I > Uliln lor ItonitH. The vlllaso of ( inrdoii will receive snnlcd III is for JI..IT.'i worth ( if watur bonds. Tlio himtli are tlsli.M u.u h , it yiuiri. with jirlrilcgn of paylns nftcr 5 yuan. Thu bonds lire 7 pur cent. Cull Infoiinailon oan bo obtnlnu.l hy addicsslm ; tin. * village elerK. K. II. MOItlMsON. SLttItt\I f ! or. 1/i it Stutt'lil in l * fi Vutt FALL OVERCOATS , Something to Think About. .Money Saving Prices for Saturday. Lowest prices ever quoted in Omaha for honest clothing. Great'-special sale of Fall Overcoats on Saturday. We mean business and we do just what we promise. Over 150 styles of light weight Overcoats to select from. /Y CT On Saturday we will offer 150 Oxford Melton coats , absolutely all wool , ( J/C 7C . / J'silk faced , tailor made coat , at $6.75 , in all sizes , 33 to 44 ; a regular $12.00 * fU. ) / * . / coat for $6.75 , Meltons and cheviots in tans and mixtures at $10 and $12 , $9.50 Men's Suit Department. $9.50 On Saturday we will offer 150 nobby brown mixed Auburn cheviot at $9.50. This beats anything ever shown in this city. Just for a pusher on Saturday at $9.75. You can sec the samples in our show windows , $12.75 Fancy Worsted Suits , Sacks and Frocks $1S.75 We will sell on Saturday 50 suits each of fancy worsted suits in sacks and frocks at $12.75. These goods retail every day for $18 and $20 and the cloth costs as much per yard as any incur stock. Elegantly made and trimmed. . ? . . BOYS' CLOTHING. , . * * * * * * * * You just want to head right for the Continental on Saturday for Boys' Clothing. We will make it v&ry interesting for close buyers. $3.00 and $3.50 is the price for new , nobby cheviot and cassrifipre suits , ages 6 to 14 , which you cannot buy in any other store for less than $5.00. ' $7.5of | : ' Big-Boys'Long Pant Suits. ' $7.50 ' f < The Largest Stock in Omaha to Select From. Singi'cjsbreasted , fancy cassimcre suits , guaranteed all wool and worth $12.00. We will just show one l these in our window on Saturday to give you some idea of what we arc doing. Don't buvriantil you have seen this suit. , $2.2 § , BOYS'-SUITS , $2.2S. . * r50Boys' * Plaid Cassimcre Suits , ages < \ to 12 , just the thin for school \vtar : , at $2.-5 Saturday. ' -'HATS FOR THE BOYS , 2e and soc. We are "headquarters for boys' head wear. Over ono hundred styles to select from. ( Jn Saturday we will sell 75 \ dozen * Boys' ClothHats at 250 and 500. You can get almost the bust thai is made. \ * - ft . . MKNEE PANTS , § O CENTS. . ' - - - - - A'nother ' f crowded counter. We will pui on : .omc jj'ood thii.i | ; S.Uurd.iy at 500. * * * Continental Clothing House.